queseraone · 8 months
What storylines (I won't gove you a number, you choose!) that have been dropped would you like to see resolved?
Oh man, there are honestly so many. But I think there's a difference between the little sort of throwaway lines (for example, "hot pants") that are never really meant to be resolved, and the actual plotlines that just... vanished.
Truly the only example I can think of that I'd like to see resolved at this point is:
The status of Lucy's relationship with her parents, her mother in particular. This is a big one, because it's been touched on several times over the seasons, so I'm invested. Last we saw (4x21), Lucy was freezing her mom out after finding out the truth about her biological father. I just want to see some kind of closure on this (for Lucy, and as a viewer). If that means she needs to tell her mother off, put her in her place, so be it. But if Lucy's looking to make amends and rebuild that relationship, I hope she gets it (on her terms).
It's also worth noting there are several that have been dropped that I wish we'd have seen resolved, but due to circumstances we never will:
What happened to Fiona Ryan? I wasn't particularly invested in her character, but she just vanished into thin air after season 3...
Tim's dad dying. We all know he's dead (hospice is generally a pretty short term stay), and I understand that Tim got his closure and totally moved on, and I'm glad for that. But there's a vindictive part of me that just wants to know for absolute certain that that bastard is in the ground. Sue me.
Lucy's trial prep and Chris singing the song in 4x17 is a big one. This storyline seems to exist in a vacuum - it happened completely out of the blue, and then had absolutely no follow through. It always felt like something was missing, like it was building up to something else, and then changed course and pretended it didn't happen.
Secret relationship > relationship reveal. This just always bugged me that they went to the trouble of having Tim and Lucy keep their relationship a secret, but didn't follow through and have some kind of reveal. Especially after the conversations between Tim and Angela, I was expecting to see something come out of that.
Again, I'm sure I'm forgetting some, my brain is mush!
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timandlucy · 8 months
Loved your take on Lucy and UC! In your opinion, what should Lucy's next career path be? I know she's preparing for the detective exam, but is there any speciality in the LAPD you feel she would be suited for?
Thank you!! I'm glad I'm not alone in my take.
I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I actually think she would make an excellent supervisor. Remember that time Tim and Grey were in the hospital and Lucy held it all together instead of Smitty who was actually supposed to be in charge? And how in 3x14 when she returned from the UC she says she "kind of missed it" (obviously that was you know, her missing Tim, but I do think she meant it for the job as well).
I think she commands respect from her fellow officers already as seen in that episode when Tim and Grey were out. And I think she'd make a great patrol seargent (listen I can't spell sargeant I've accepted this I'm sorry tho, I've spelled it two different ways and both are incorrect so I give up). I don't know what the procedure is for that, I'd be totally fine with her being a TO in the mean time, but I think Lucy is meant to be on patrol and she's meant to be a boss.
What do you think? I'd love to hear your opinion as well!
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sgtbradfords · 8 months
1, 3, 11
🦈 Tell us the name of your/one of your WIP(s)
dirty deeds (done dirty cheap)
3. 🌍 What tags or warnings will your / one of your wip(s) need if you intend to share it?
#spec fic
11. 🛠 Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
I am hoping to work through my issue in just a few. Wish me luck!
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rookieoneil · 8 months
New Chenford X Hospital fanfic
Bonus -> Dadford Content -> besties Tim and Angela
Request via @sarcasticbella0809 ☺️ thank you for the inspiration !
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A story by SarcasticBella0809
Rated: M
Summary: Tim and Lucy's unexpected journey to parenthood.
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Swiftie mutuals- I have a question for you.
I just read @sarcasticbella0809 ‘s cruel summer fic, (which was spectacular by the way, if you haven’t read it you should) but I was confused about Lucy being a Taylor fan since 13- which is more likely because I see Lucy as a year younger than myself- but we can argue what Lucy’s age is so 13 would work if you see her as younger. The thing I’m confused most about is I don’t have context on when Taylor got popular or well known because when I learned about her she was just the other kid at my orthodontist’s office that liked to write music.
So my question is- did Taylor actually become well know with her first album? Like I know she was known in the country music sphere when her first album released- but how fast was that? Was it really 2006?
Just tagging some known swifties under the cut.
@another-mikaelson @chenfordspiral @ellickalways @hellokaelyn (if you are still here)
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queseraone · 8 months
Your best idea on how Lucy got the nickname "hot pants"?
It's probably something as simple as Lucy wearing hot pants for a training assignment and Noah teasing her for it. Or maybe his way of telling her she looked hot (facts) and then playing it off and taking it to a platonic place.
I'd love to know the real reason, but sadly, I think that's going to be one of those little in the moment jokes that's never referenced again (I'm looking at you, Tim's LA CLEAR answers...)
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queseraone · 8 months
Okay, a 3 part question for you.
1.) Do you think Tim and Lucy would have gone all the way if Chris hadn't been bleeding out on the couch?
2.) If they had, do you think it would have changed how they got together?
3.) Would they have told their partners what happened?
Oh god. Scary. Okay, buckle up, because this is going to be a long and convoluted (non-)answer.
So part of me wants to say yes, they totally would have hooked up... I'm not entirely sure that's true?
It's clear they both wanted it - Lucy invited him in, and he followed her through the door - and I think something would have happened between them. But given the situation (fresh off an op, Rosalind on the loose, their general dynamic with Tim as her superior, the knowledge that they're in relationships...), I think someone would have hit the brakes before they went all the way. Whether that's because the reality of what they're doing dawns and one of them pulls away, or just because someone (my head says Tim, specifically due to power dynamics and the way he is) checks in and that ends up being the reality check that stops them... I don't know.
The alternative would absolutely have changed how they got together... if they got together.
If they had sex then, I think it would be a very one step forward, two steps back situation. It's really hard for me to imagine them cheating on their partners (which, yes, technically they did, at least emotionally) and feeling okay enough about that to jump into a relationship.
Instead, I think we'd see more tension between them than ever before.
Telling their partners, hmmm. I want to say Lucy would tell Chris - she's been cheated on, she knows it hurts. But Lucy seemed way less invested in her relationship with Chris than Tim was in his with Ashley, and she may honestly view it as a reason to end the relationship easily (and thus not want to hurt him any further by telling him). I think Tim would feel the guilt harder than Lucy (after all, this is a man who seemingly honoured his wedding vows to Isabel long after she'd left), so perhaps it would eat away at him enough to confess to Ashley.
This is a very long way of saying... I truly don't know. But clearly I've thought a bunch about it.
I'll end this mess by saying... I'm glad they didn't hook up in 5x01. I think it would have cast a dark cloud over their relationship that would be pretty hard to escape.
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queseraone · 8 months
Tacking onto the guest star question, if you could choose one actor/actress to have a guest role, who would it be, and what role would they play?
Oh man, this is actually super hard! I feel like I could pick an actor or actress, but without context I wouldn't have a clue who they could play. So I'm trying to think of characters I'd like to see... which is... hmmm, also incredibly hard! So I apologize that I'm probably not going to answer this properly!
Have there even been characters mentioned that we've never seen? I'm drawing a blank! The only one that comes to mind is Nolan's father, and he's dead, so that's irrelevant.
Oh, but that reminds me! I'd love to see where Nyla comes from. She's the only character whose family (I'm talking beyond her husband and children) has never been seen nor mentioned, and she's such a great character that I can't help but be curious. Does she have siblings or was she an only child? What was her upbringing like? I want to know everything about her! So it would be cool to see someone from her family pop up at some point. I'm blanking on actors at the moment though. Help a girl out!
What do you think???
Ask me questions! I love a distraction!
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queseraone · 8 months
Alright, positive, silly, happy fluff incoming...
-Pick a song you think would be Chenford's wedding song
-Assuming The Rookie is on the same timeline, how does Tim Bradford feel about Taylor Swift being at Football games?
-Where would Tim and Lucy go for their honeymoon?
-Knowing we were robbed of getting everyone's reactions to the secret dating era, who do you think would have had the best reaction? My money is on Angela, but you may have a different opinion.
-Do you think Tim picks out a ring for Lucy by himself, or enlists help?
-Do you think Lucy will move into Tim's place, or will they get a new place of their own?
-In the future, Lucy goes into labor with their first child. Who is Tim's first call to?
-We know Lucy has called Tim 'babe' a few times. What do you think Tim's pet name for Lucy would be?
-And, lastly...the most important question here!! Does Tim go with Lucy to see Barbie, or do the boys go see Oppenheimer and the girls see Barbie?
Sorry, this got way longer than I expected it to😅
Whoa um, okay, was not expecting this! These are so random and fun hahahaha
I'm terrible with songs, especially on the fly. Can I be corny and say my wedding song? Because, frankly, it fits and it's wonderful and classic ("Ain't No Mountain High Enough" by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell). Oh! Maybe "You Are the Best Thing" by Ray LaMontagne? Such a gorgeous song, I'm obsessed. Yes, that. (But truthfully I picture them having a super small simple wedding - like for them it's about the marriage and making it official more than a wedding. So may not even have things like a first dance or anything. Just a "let's get married" moment at lunchtime on a Thursday.)
I feel like Tim probably doesn't know who Taylor Swift is? 😂
I see them doing a fairly low-key honeymoon. Something cozy, like a cabin in the woods, and/or something with an element of adventure.
Oh man, Angela knew (jk, everybody knew, those fools were terrible at hiding it). Hers is certainly the reaction I wanted most because I love her relationship with Tim, and, again, a bookend to their early conversations would have been so nice. I think there's a great element of playfulness to their friendship, so she'd probably tease him a little, but they're alike in a lot of ways. When they feel, they feel BIG and they care deeply for their people. I also think Nolan would have been hilarious, because he seemed entirely oblivious to the entire thing.
By himself. After all, he knows her so well. Plus I don't think he'd tell anyone - the only exception would be if Angela somehow guessed and forced his hand.
In terms of logistics, I won't be surprised if he moves into her place, even though it makes no sense in reality - why squeeze into an apartment when you have a whole ass house, plus KOJO. Tim's house and Lucy's apartment have such different vibes, so I think if we actually see them moving in together, it would have to be a new place - they'd need a legit set!
Genny so she can let Kojo out? I've honestly never thought about this one!
Maybe "baby," but that's tricky because we heard him call Isabel that, so idk. I'd say either that or "babe"? (I want him to call her "Luce" but I wholeheartedly refuse to use that in a fic until it's canon)
Barbenheimer for the win! (Also Tim would go anywhere with Lucy)
These were cute 😊
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sgtbradfords · 9 months
Media ask game, 3,4,15
3. favourite song/album
Favorite songs routinely vary, though a favorite will always be Warm With You by Hayden Calnin. There's just something about it... Favorite albums would have to be Mitchell Tenpenny's Naughty List, 5SOS Youngblood.
4. song/album im listening to rn
Song: Go Get Her by Restless Road
15. tv show/movie i wish had more of a fandom
Ooooh ok. I think I'm going to go with Will Trent. Truly a great series that doesn't seem very popular.
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I've been wanting to change my username for forever now, but all the good ones were taken😒 I'm still not completely happy with it, but I'll adjust.
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