#sari x reader
sometimes-you-write · 4 months
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[ Transformers Animated, human!reader ]
Reader: Bye Optimus! Bye Ratchet! Bye Bulkhead! Bye Bumblebee! Bye Prowl! Bye Optimus!
Sari: You said "bye Optimus" twice.
Reader: I like Optimus.
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in1-nutshell · 10 months
How would the tfa bots and cons react to a bot who is starscream twin brother base on his shattering glass counterpart
Since there isn't too much information on TFA Starscream's personality I mixed it a bit with IDW's Shattered Glass Starscream. Buddy the loyal Decepticon and Starscream the backstabber, who would have thought them being twins?
Hope you enjoy!
Autobots and Decepticons reaction to Starscreams Twin brother with the same personality as SG! Starscream
SFW, familial, platonic, slight mention of injury but nothing graphic or detailed, Cybertronian/ Bot reader
No one knows how this happened. It is one of the greatest mysteries unknown to Cybertron. How can the most loyal member of the Decepticon ranks, almost at par with Lugnut levels of loyalty, be related (much less twin) to the most backstabbing and whiny Second in command of its army? How could this soldier of the greatest armies in the galaxy be so found of science and organics?
Optimus Prime
When they first met, Prime thought that Buddy might have been another Starscream clone right off the bat. But it isn’t until he sees some kibble differences and overall different aura, that he realizes that that mech is no clone.
“You’re not Starscream! Who are you?”--Optimus
“Wow! First, that axe is very strong. What type of alloy is it made of? Getting off topic, my name is Buddy. A proud Decepticon under Megatron’s alligence.”--Buddy
“Are you some sort of clone like the others?”--Optimus
“Nope. Completely original. I get that I look like Starscream a lot actually. But there’s so many differences!”--Buddy
“oh, well—”--Optimus
“Not to mention being his Spark twin can really work up your circuits you know?”--Buddy
Prime literally stops fighting for a good couple of seconds after hearing this. Buddy takes this opportunity and flies away. Optimus remembers reading on some Decepticon files back at the academy and through his ‘history videos’.
Buddy lets the Prime go to go see off.
Prime is even more confused the next time he sees Buddy actively fighting alongside Megatron and making a good team?
He has never seen Starscream fight alongside him like that, and he is second in command. Optimus almost admires Buddy’s loyalty and admiration to Megatron whenever some bot talks ill of the Warlord.
When the Prime and Buddy have the next fight one-on-one He does give an effort to try and persuade Buddy to join the Autobots side.
“You know it’s a shame that you fight for the Decepticons, Buddy.”--Optimus
“Oh, is it little Prime?”--Buddy
“Yes, --WOW!— Which is why I’m offering you a spot with the Autobots!”--Optimus
“Well now this is weird then.”--Buddy
“Why is—Watch it!—Weird?”--Optimus
“Because I was going to offer you a spot in our ranks too!”--Buddy
“Oh boy, Hey Autobots! I think I broke your leader!”--Buddy
Oh, they have met before.
It was a few missions before the Lockdown incident back in the final days of the war.
He had been helping a wounded bot when he was suddenly face to face with a blaster. It would have gone off if Buddy had not interfered.
“Die Autobot scum!”—Random Decepticon
“Commander Buddy?!”—Random Decepticon
“Do you see this mech? This is a medic! We do not shoot medics with the wounded!”--Buddy
“But sir he is an Auto—”—Random Decepticon
“I do not care which side he is on! No one shoots the medics! Do you understand me!”--Buddy
“Yes sir!”—Random Decepticon
“Good. I will deal with this. Get back to base for regroup.”--Buddy
“Yes Comander.”—Random Decepticon
“I know you don’t trust me. But trust this one thing. Run.”--Buddy
Ratchet hadn’t seen or heard of that Decepticon since that day. When they meet again it was almost as if history repeated itself. Lugnut was about to detonate his bomb when Buddy held his arm back.
“Lugnut! Megatron needs—”--Buddy
“We have to stop meeting like this doctor.”--Buddy
“What made you stop him this time?”—Ratchet
Straight to the point I see.”--Buddy
“You could have killed me and the kid. Why didn’t you do it?”--Ratchet
“…The organic child you have… are they all right?”--Buddy
…Yes, she’s fine.”--Ratchet
Ratchet has conflicted feelings now whenever he is on the battlefield with him. At least he knows now that Buddy has a soft spot for organic life forms.
Oh, he does not care.
Like Optimus he first thinks that he is some Starscream clone.
Doesn’t really care that they aren’t.
He does stop when he is told that they are Starscreams twin brother.
But he quickly continues fighting.
If he is related to Starscream then he has to be just as bad as him, right?
“He is just some slimly Con like the rest of them! Maybe just as bad as Screamer.”--Bumblebee
“Oh, I don’t know about that.”--Ratchet
“What do you mean. If anything, you should be agreeing with me!”—Bumblebee
“He has saved my life before. Twice actually.”--Ratchet
“Excuse me what?”—Bumblebee
Bumblebee does feel a bit conflicted on hearing Ratchets stories on Buddy. He is a Decepticon… but they also saved Ratchets life twice!
He will still shoot at him but this time more for injury than anything else.
She has a mini vendetta against cons since they took her dad from her.
Jokes around with Bee calling them Lugnut 2.0.
But where are the conflicting feelings?
Here they are.
Takes time after Sari finds out she is a techno organic.
Sari had been caught in the crosshairs of Lugnuts servo and crashed on to the ground under a billboard. What she didn’t know was that the billboard had been damaged and was no falling. Her jetpack as damaged and she just froze in place.
“SARI!”—Optimus, Bumblebee, Bulkhead
She could hear the shouts of her friends but the only thing she was focusing on was the falling billboard and debris that was coming closer and closer.
Buddy who had seen the damage shrieked and flew over to the girl and used his body to shield her from the billboard and debris effectively covering them both. Sari remembered hearing a shriek and a couple of servos pulling her to the bot’s chassis all she could do was close her eyes. When she opened them again, she was face to face with Buddy.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt?”--Buddy
“What? Yeah, I’m okay I think.”--Sari
“Oh, that’s a relief.”--Buddy
“Why did you do that?”--Sari
“You have no part in our war. I refuse to have anyone civilian deaths that are not necessary.”--Buddy
“But you’re a Decepticon?”--Sari
“Just because I’m a Decepticon does not mean I hate organic life like my twin or companions.”--Buddy
“Oh, yeah Starscream’s your twin, right?”--Sari
“Exactly young one.”--Buddy
“Oh, I think that our rescuers.”--Buddy
A dozen servos suddenly shout out pulling and yanking the debris from off Buddy. Sari was still in his grasp protectively shielding her from any harm. When Buddy came out, he was almost knocked down by Starscream’s hug.
“Screamy, hold on—”--Buddy
“Prime! Catch!”--Buddy
Buddy tossed Sari to Optimus as he was literally picked up and flown away for repairs. The team crowded around Sari trying to see if any damage was done. Not a single scratch was on her head.
Buddy was the one who took the damage.
She now thinks very differently of the Con.
Bulkhead’s interaction with Buddy was under peculiar circumstances.
Bulkhead was battling it out with Scrapper, Mixmaster, and Dirt Boss when Buddy had arrived. Buddy looked like he was out for blood. Bulkhead thought it was for him and got ready to clobber the new Decepticons.
“Dirt Boss! Mix Master! Scrapper! Where are you?!”--Buddy
“Umm… hi?”--Bulkhead
“Oh, an Autobot. Don’t worry I’m not here for you.”--Buddy
To his surprise, Buddy went after the Constructicon’s instead.
As it turned out, Dirt Boss had Mix Master and Scrapper mess with Starscream’s wings because ‘he was too loud’.
“You, Autobot. What’s your designation?”--Buddy
“My name is Bulkhead.”--Bulkhead
“Good. Now Bulkhead, would you care to help me pound these dirty Con’s to the ground?”--Buddy
“But aren’t they on your same team?”--Bulkhead
“Oh, they were. But that changed the moment they decided to mess and hurt Starscream’s wings. So, you in or out?”—Buddy
“We are just roughing them up a bit.”--Buddy
“I’m in!”—Bulkhead
Together the two of them punted the Con’s into Lake Erie.
“Wow. You really have the strength for this Bulkhead.”--Buddy
“Oh, thanks—”--Bulkhead
“I’m also sensing some untapped potential. That’s some potential that the Decepticons could use. What do you say Bulkhead?”--Buddy
“No thanks! I’m good being an Autobot.”--Bulkhead
“Well at least you’re polite. Until we meet again Bulkhead.”--Buddy
Buddy then transformed and flew into the night. Now Bulkhead really doesn’t want to hit him.
Attacks Buddy straight on.
He is one of the smallest members on the team, besides Bumblebee. He sees something coming at him he is going to strike at it. Buddy actually had gotten a tip about Prowl over a conversation he heard from Swindle and Lockdown.
Buddy sees an opportunity. Having a bot with such incredible talents would certainly give the Decepticon’s an edge in this war.
“Hello there—Woah!”--Buddy
“That was a warning.”--Prowl
“I just came here to offer—”--Buddy
“The next one goes through your servo.”--Prowl
“Fine. I’ll come another day.”--Buddy
Prowl is dodging all these requests like the Draft.
Except this time, he is making sure he doesn’t get caught.
Ah, yes, his favorite soldier.
“I have the equipment necessary for the next phase of the plan.”--Buddy
“Excellent. At least some bots here are doing their work. You are dismissed.”--Megatron
“Yes, sir.”—Buddy
Don’t tell Lugnut.
Not only does Buddy offer him just loyalty, but because he also treats him as a mech, not some deity. He tries not to hurt Starscream too much whenever he is around.
They don’t make loyal soldiers like they used to.
Is willing to overlook some of Buddy’s softer behaviors on the battlefield because he always brings in good results back.
He loves his spark twin.
It might not seem like it at first. Afterall their personalities contradict themselves. But if you have been around them long enough you can see the undying loyalty between these two brothers.
“I hate you and your organic meddling. How can you even stand them?”--Starscream
“Love you too Screamy. And they are called humans. Only some of them are dirty, not all brother.”--Buddy
Starscream and Buddy are very protective of each other.
Which is one of the reasons why Starscreams punishments have gone down with Buddy being around. Buddy is just and fair, starscream is not. That’s why sometimes Buddy will not interfere with Megatrons punishements, because Starscream deserved it. But that doesn’t mean he is heartless.
He always patches up his brother after every punch shot or anything.
“You know, if you’d stop trying to over thrown our leader maybe then I wouldn’t have to pound out all the dents in your wings.”--Buddy
“You’ll be thanking me when I do become leader.”--Starscream
“Sure, Screamy keep telling yourself that.”--Buddy
His personalities clash whenever he is around.
Icy prefers Buddy’s presence a lot more than Hothead. It’s one of the only other intelligent being he can talk to.
“Did you recalibrate you blasters yet?”--Icy
“Not yet. Which circuits did you use to hotwire Lugnuts?”--Buddy
“The red one.”—Icy
Hothead can’t stand him on some days claiming him to be going soft. Other times he will get mad at Buddy for getting hurt over meaningless things.
“If you hadn’t thought about going after that organic, I wouldn’t have to help haul you off to the Med bay!”--Hothead
“Is that right?”--Buddy
“I could be scouting outside right now. But no! You had to get hit by a billboard!”--Hothead
Random likes to play games with Buddy and make random sounds. He has a whole record on weird noises to play with Buddy.
Sesame Street theme song starts playing.
“IT’S BEEN 3 HOURS! TURN IT OFF!”--Starscream
Distant giggles
Buddy always vouches for him whenever someone makes a comment on his different personalities.
All three of them like that
If he is going anywhere were Blitzwing isn’t Buddy is his next pick.
He knows that buddy can be trusted with sensitive things concerning the all glorious leader Megatron.
“Buddy. I have an important message for Lord Megatron.”--Lugnut
“If it’s another poem about his greatness, I suggest you not take it to him today. He is having a bad day today.”--Buddy
“… Give me the data pad.”--Buddy
He very much apprentice Buddy sticking up for him whenever someone’s comments make an unnecessary jab to his ‘obsession’.
Buddy has a lot of brownie points on Lugnut’s book.
Honestly one of her only friends in the ranks is Buddy.
Since she came to the Decepticon side later not many were found of her and her organic mold. Buddy was the first besides Megatron to greet her with open arms.
Not even Lugnut got there fast.
“Welcome Blackarchnia, to the Decepticons.”--Buddy
“I know it may be a lot to take in, so I will be here to help to make sure you understand the ropes around here.”--Buddy
“…Thank you…”--Blackarachnia
She does spill her secret about being Elita-One, one night in a secluded area. She thought that Buddy would shoot her right them and there. But Buddy instead held her as she started sobbing.
Now that doesn’t mean that Buddy is okay with how she is treating this whole situation with Sentinel and Optimus, Buddy being the scientist he is has tried to help Blackarchnia with her situation. But no matter how much he has tried to explain toher that this would kill her, he tries to be as supportive as he can about her organic half.
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aztecbrujeria · 3 months
@nkogneatho thinking about Toji pulling you closer by your Sari and tracing the curve of your hips and waist. So mesmerized by the colors against your melanin and the way the fabric is pleated and drapes around your shoulder. He gets so hard the way it countours your figure and he’s enchanted by the way you have henna upon your fingers….
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cinnamonroll-anon · 7 months
Hello! Can you do a request, Platonic or Friendship of Transformers (Prime, RID 2015, Animated, and others) Autobot kids, of your choice, w/ Reader as a Bot (or Animatronic) who's based on Daycare attendant (Sun/Moon/Eclipse) from Fnaf?
(if its okay add a reactions of the Autobots on Platonic relationship or Friendship between Autobots' kids and Daycare attendant! Reader?)
(Thank you and Hope you doing well!)
A/n: I'm having a wonderful day anon and i hope you do as well! Decided to add everyone's reaction so it's a big post! (I literally love sun and moon, the silly jester's)
Warnings: Fluff, Platonic Care, Friendship/ Guardian Care, Angst
He was more amazed by your design, how gracefully you moved compared to the other bots
You often would invite him to join you into some activities but he'd brush it off saying that he was too old for that kinda stuff (but you did make it look fun)
Then there was your moon form, the switch from you bubbly and exciting personality to a more docile yet protective one was quite baffling to him (also talk about a makeover)
Poor him if you hear about a messed up sleep schedule from being a teenager. Even his mom hasn't been able to get him to bed (he was obviously grumpy about it, but deep down was moved by your care for him.)
When he meets eclipse when he's in danger he feels so shocked but safe. What happened to you?
Has seen and understood the protection protocols you have and just how much you care about their safety.
Definitely still rebellious. If you think she called people her parents as an insult you definitely fit the parental role in her life.
She was at first very outspoken about not wanting you watching over them. (Babysitting her)
And when she tried to show you heavy metal by playing it, you happily supported her by playing a tiny xylophone. (You were trying your best but being excessively loud wasn't your deal)
You'd try to give her the space she needed but you obviously cared about her.
She did think your moon form was awesome. (Especially when she heard about you protection protocols)
You were unsuccessful to get her to sleep at reasonable hours but she ended up growing fond of you. You actually cared and supported her while her parents wanted her to be perfect. And you liked her the way she was.
Would more often than not join the activities you had planned out for them, learning that you were actually loads of fun behind your safety protocols (and human care files)
When she meets eclipse she thinks you're so cool! Yeah kick the cons ass! Definitely tells you that you're like a weapon which makes you feel bad, you worked so hard making sure that would never happen again. She clarifies that she just thinks that you being able to fight makes you awesome in her eyes.
Beyond delighted to meet you! Most bots are busy and don't often have time to chat but you're more than happy to talk to your hearts content with him
He allows your personality to shine, letting you both make fun activities and just hanging out with you
Definitely sees you as a Guardian because his family often overlooks him/ pressures him. But you can give him your undivided attention and compassion. He is still a growing boy
Is practically beaming when he sees your Moon form! "How did you do that!?"
Sometimes he overworks himself on what he's doing and you can always persuade him to rest
You can tell him stories and even play from your built in music box. You definitely help him feel safe and rest easy.
Definitely shows you morning cartoons and you sit happily with him and watch him. He also teaches you about videogames.
When he meets eclipse he's honestly worried about you but also sees that you're not some defenseless bot and you're willing to risk spark and limb to keep them all safe
He knew a bit about your past and he trusts you with the kids. He has no problem believing that you excel at entertaining and protecting them
He knows about your protective protocols and about eclipse and how that came to be
You were a caregiver on cybertron, watching over new bots and keeping them happy and healthy. You took absolute happiness in caring and playing with them, until the war. He knows how you tragically lost all of those under your care, seeing them all perish without being able to stop anything
He knows how that affected you eventually causing a split in your personality. Eclipse was more or less who you were, sun and moon were what you were left with after all the heartbreak.
He's seen how despite not wanting to be on the battlefield, you can definitely kick ass. Seeing you attack ferociously almost in a rampage when he first met you on cybertron
He treats you with much respect and feels easy around you. With how serious the war has been having you around is like a breath of fresh air
Man is a doctor, not a babysitter and he appreciates you
Hes always on edge and his patience is thin so he could never properly take care of the kids, even if he's grown on them (with some favoritism to raf)
At first he didn't really think you had it in you to be an Autobot or watching over the kids but you've shown him just how much you're capable of your work
You can work with the kids, having so much patience and just care for them. He realizes your strength and grows to truly appreciate the care you put into them
He definitely notices when you sometimes grow anxious around the kids but you prioritize them.
He doesn't know why until he asks optimus. His view on you definitely changes, he wonders if you see pieces of the young bots under your care in the kids
Definitely didn't believe in your capabilities in fighting until there came a moment when the kids were in danger. You turned into eclipse, swiftly taking care of the problem before frantically checking over the kids
She finds it funny when Jack comes and complains about your caring nature to her. She cares about him and also nags him, so she bonds with you over that care
Asks more about eclipse while all you can do is politely decline answering her questions. Its a sore spot for you and eclipse is strange to you
She also asks about your past and relates to you. She also had to deal with grief over the war, and she sympathizes with you. She stops pushing for answers and understands what you do and who you are better
Definitely happy to have you stay in base watching over the kids if an emergency happens. She trusts you and is grateful for you.
She finds your music box relaxing.
He loves your personality, he's always happy to see you. But he's even happier to participate in your activities.
He also has fun watching over the kids but you do a stellar job!
He thinks it's cute how you take care of the kids, you just radiate lively energy
Then he sees your moon form and he's pleasantly surprised by the shift. Especially if the kids are staying over for the night. The way you carry yourself with serenity and care is so different but wonderful.
You often ask for them to keep quiet if the kids are sleeping.
He's heard about eclipse but hasn't met them yet.
He's just happy that someone more careful with their feet are taking care of the kids
Hes a big guy with great strength. He tries to be gentle but he can fail, so having you watch over the kids is like taking a sigh if relief.
He may find your switching from sun to moon a bit uncanny but he just doesn't know how to interact with you. (He's nervous and doesn't truly understand how it works)
Sees you try to take care of miko and sometimes apologies for her, even when you told him that this reaction is natural in growing kids
He often overlooks your activities because he doesn't want to accidentally break anything you've set up.
Learns about your past and can't help but feel bad for you. The war has harmed alot of people but how could it rip such a vibrant bot like you.
Happy to have someone that knows what they're doing taking care of the kids.
She enjoys your company when she's more younger. She's always wanted to hangout with the bots more but sometimes she has to sit out certain missions. Luckily you're there to watch over her.
She definitely is happy that you actually know how to take care of humans and understand them. (You downloaded your information)
She was happy to count on you when her father was missing. You definitely made it easier for her and she appreciates you.
When she turns into a teenager that's where some changes happen. She thinks you might watch over her as babysitting and she can take care of herself!
She also puts a bit of a front with your moon form. She's not a little kid and she can stay up longer. (In her opinion, she tends to knockout early thanks to you)
She adores how your personality changes like the sun and the moon.
They day she saw you turn into eclipse she was shocked. "YOU KEPT A SECRET THIS BIG FROM ME???"
She'd love to see eclipse more often but usually gets told to not push it.
Doesn't fully understand humans or taking care of younger ones. He does end up learning by asking Sari and you. He picks up some stuff pretty quickly
He doesn't understand why you were added onto their team from the beginning. They were maintenance bots and you were??? Well, not that.
Your long limbs did prove to be helpful on more than one occasion and you were quite flexible.
He met eclipse when you had saved Sari from getting taken by the Cons. You singlehandedly scared them off and he was frozen in place. You were so quick and fierce getting her back and away from them, yet so gentle at handling her and looking her over for any injuries. He couldn't quite process it for a minute.
He asked you about eclipse and you nervously told him that it was something of mindset that combined both your personalities and it only ever appeared on cybertron. He respected your boundaries and made sure to remember them.
He feels relaxed around your moon form, but your footsteps are so light he forgets that you can still be walking around. (Has to listen closely to pick up on your bells)
At first he was deeply annoyed by you. Especially when you were Sun. He thought he had gotten another energetic and unruly young bot that he'd have to watch over like bumblebee.
Then when you all arrived on earth he saw just how patient you are. You would answer Saris questions, keep her entertained and safe.
He was also caught off guard by your moon form. He's grown more used to your Sun form and gets a bit spooked out at first. He ends up liking how you remind them to rest and just how calm you are. What freaks him out more is when you play your music box.
When he saw eclipse he was more cautious and even a bit frightened at what had just happened. He knew that your personalities weren't a common occurrence, not even on Cybertron, especially when it appeared in a time of high stress.
He became more fascinated in wether eclipse was some way you coped with emergencies or as a fight or flight response. He definitely thought it was a fight response on how you maneuvered yourself against the cons to get Sari back.
He was worried about leaving Sari in your care after that, scared that you could potentially hurt her.
He did some digging through the ship and learned about your past. You were tasked to look after young bots, not necessarily a teacher. He learned that you've been around from before the war and how you were sent to evacuate the young ones to an area away from the fighting only for the Cons to lay siege on the area, thinking it was an Autobot hideout.
He saw that you were basically rehabilitated after being eclipse for so long, but you couldn't go back to your original job because of it.
He saw that you truly cared about Sari and you would protect her and he trusted you again. He just hoped that reverting to eclipse didn't cause any psychological episodes on you. It's hard to read you when you always act like everything is okay.
He didn't think much of you like Ratchet. Already having a taste of another energetic personality (bumblebee) he wasn't exactly excited to work with you.
When you had arrived on earth, much like him, you were curious and open about this planet to the point of downloading just about any information you could find.
Then he saw you watching over Sari and learned that you were also observant and clever. You were sometimes able to get Sari to do things that she would refuse to do (like sleeping early)
He sometimes talks to you about his observations, seeing how you light up and are interested in mundane things like nature with him.
Then he sees your moon from and he greatly enjoys your company. You're much more relaxed and quiet, you seem more docile. Some night he enjoys quietly talking to you.
And then theres eclipse. He didn't even know you could fight. Despite his initial shock his gut feeling tells him to trust you. Especially when you held Sari and were practically all over her asking if she was scared and if she was hurt.
He did want to talk more about eclipse, he knew you would get a bit uncomfortable, but he reasoned that getting better control of eclipse could prove more helpful for you. Eventually he'd get eclipse to come out again, making sure to help you grow accustomed to them.
He learned that Eclipse was more silent and more alert, almost on guard. He'd end up talking to you getting told small bits of your past but he was okay with it. He's more happy that you don't pose a threat to yourself and others
He got along with you! You were so much fun and so active! You weren't reckless like he was but he still enjoyed time with you.
And going to earth didn't change much, except he thinks you became a bit of a buzz kill. It was mostly because he always let Sari tag along and you didn't want her to get hurt.
He knows it comes from a good place at heart but he feels like you nag him a bit.
He wasn't too fond of your moon form. You were quite and usually wanted to talk in a hushed tone (because you had already put Sari to sleep)
He gets to learn more about humans when you and Sari are talking or making a fun activity together. He often joins in on the fun (usually to escape s boring task)
When he met your eclipse form he was bewildered and awkward honestly. "So we're not going to talk about your crazy orange side?"
More blunt about the subject, he wanted answers! But luckily ratchet just told him that when you were ready you'd explain it.
He definitely gets along really well with you. You tend to keep things safe and fun, and he appreciates it
He has grown used to seeing you watch over Sari but he also gets his time to spend with her
You have both actually bonded over art! He makes paintings while you tend to draw adorable stick figures, that you sometimes deck out with glitter glue. Everytime you show him your work he's always positive about it.
As well as bumblebee he's liked you before landing on earth.
At first your moon form caught him off guard, especially when you'd walk around ay night, but he's used to it now.
When he saw Eclipse he was taken aback and frightened. It looked like you but it wasn't quite you. You were defensive and just worried about Sari.
He kept a close eye on the two of you for a while, trying to ease his own nerves.
He confronts you about it, bringing it up gently and you tell him that it's complicated but you didn't intend on scaring anyone. He doesn't judge you and is just happy to have you back.
RID 2015:
He was at first trying to be distant from you. To be fair he saw you like a babysitter and he was trying to act more mature.
He at first would be dismissive at first at your attempts to befriend him but he'd eventually give in with some pressure from his dad.
Eventually he'd find the activities you set up to be actually fun, heck, even his dad would take part in them with him and they'd have a great bonding experience
He'd find your sun colors to be bright but not too oversaturated. You reminded him of a carnival.
When he met your moon form one of the Decepticons managed to break free from his pod at night. Russell was taking a walk with his father and they were about to be trampled until you practically flung the Decepticon away.
And that's when he looked up and saw you. You were so different like this, you changed color and personality, at first he called out to you nervously not sure if you were alright. Luckily after dealing with the Decepticon you leaned down and comforted the two (his dad practically froze on instinct)
Then after getting used to your moon form, being more quiet and peaceful he met your eclipse from. This was probably his favorite form of yours because you were still fun but you were more relaxed
He enjoyed introducing you to new things on earth and answering your questions, you were just so wholesome and excited about it.
Overall he enjoys the time he spends with you, well except when they leave him out of missions and leave him in your care (he's just salty he doesn't get included)
Was concerned when you had also traveled the space bridge with them. Him and strongarm were at least police, sideswipe got dragged along, but you weren't exactly what he'd call cut out for the job.
He struggled to understand where you fit in, sure you had juvenile tendencies but you weren't a handful to deal with like sideswipe. You also tended to follow along but not all to the book like strongarm. You were like your own middle space. When you first arrived on earth you were definitely spending more time looking around and learning about the planet.
He grew fond of your personality, you were optimistic and energetic, which is why it surprised him to see your moon form. Sure you saved Russell from getting stomped but you also took down a whole con. Alone.
He was curious about your moon form, noticing how quieter you were, especially your footsteps, it was harder to hear where you were if it weren't from the bells decorating you.
He overall tried talking to you about it, in which you assured him that this was just how you were, but you didn't think you'd change while on earth. Speaking of changes when you turned into eclipse he thought you broke or something.
It was a high stress situation and you weren't taking it too well but he was walking you through it (to the best of his ability) until he saw you change. In this form you were more grounded and put together and you ended up helping alot like this.
He enjoys watching you interact with Russel and the others, reminds him of when he didn't have the responsibility of a leader. That and too often humored him more than the others. He knows he doesn't have to worry too much about you (especially seeing how capable you were at handling yourself) but sometimes worries when you change between forms. He wonders if it's painful for you.
She was definitely more harsh on you when you first met. As far as she was concerned you were just a civilian that got dragged into this mess, but she didn't dislike you as much as she did with sideswipe.
She thought you were gullible and slowing them down until she realized how crafty you were. She often watched how you partook in "arts and crafts" while watching over Russel but didn't bother to think how clever you were (at least in the situations you were actually in)
She grew more fond of you, especially after you got lost in the forest trying to find her and sideswipe after they had another disagreement. After they both cooled down and returned to base they realized that you've still been gone and it was already nightfall.
Eventually she went out to look for you but was shocked when she found you. You looked different, she almost confused you for a con in the dark. She noticed the change in your body language and voice, you sounded more quiet. You told her to keep your little change a secret and she did.
She honestly prefers your sun to your moon form. You were always cheerful and lively that seeing you so docile and quiet made her nervous. That and when she saw the way you had practically flipped a con like it was nothing.
When she met your eclipse form she approached you with more curiosity, asking if you were feeling well. You explained that you were okay but your heightened stress would often have you revert back to this.
She's understanding of your personalities and has enjoyed having you as her friend, especially when you talk to her about something new from earth.
Oh boy where to begin. He didn't mind your presence but didn't seem interested to get to know you. He was all about action but he knew you weren't a total buzzkill.
After a while you ended up becoming his voice of reason, like a friend that was watching out over him and Russel if they were getting into more dangerous activities.
He enjoyed hanging out with you a ton, finding himself participating in any activities you were doing with Russel and Denny. He warmed up to you easily with your enthusiasm yet caring personality.
His jaw practically hit the floor when he saw your moon from, the way you threw that Decepticon like they were nothing had him flabbergasted. "Since when can you do that!?"
He was freaked out at first but then was practically beaming at how awesome you were. He found your moon form more calming to be around especially at night. He was more than happy to give your form a chance but he also wanted you to take down more cons (he wanted to see you go berserk again)
Then he saw your eclipse form and he couldn't decide how he was feeling about you, on one hand, this was another one of your surprises but on the other you were more sure of yourself and also helping out more in this form.
He's happy to call you his friend, especially when he convinces you to do something reckless with him. bumblebee always scolds him for being a bad influence, but in his opinion a little fun never hurt anyone.
When he first saw you he thought you were funny looking, in a good way! He loved the way your personality reflected the way you looked. You were like a little sun!
He was definitely 100% on board with anything you wanted to do. You always made up new ways to have fun. He did feel bad about arts and crafts though, he wasn't too careful and he'd more often than that break his creation, but you always comforted him and encouraged him forward.
The night the con had escaped its pod he practically had a heart attack as he saw you charge at the con, before sighing in relief when you successfully knocked them out. He was cheering loudly for you as you were attacking the con, telling you to go all out.
Other than that he liked your moon form, not only were you great at fighting but you became more caring and calm. He was actually the one that discovered your music box and at night would often ask for you to play it. (It helps him relax a lot, especially because it's also with you)
This man was so shocked seeing your eclipse form. He would often joke around with you about how you kept it a secret. You were amazing in your eclipse form, you kept your knowledge and strength in fighting but you were also a great teammate, he'd love to go on missions more with you.
He's honestly a sweetheart with you and gets along well with any form you're in.
He was more amazed at your appearance. He wasn't used to seeing many bots but you were so different and stylized.
You were more understanding with his glitching, more often than not laughing to yourself at his mix up. You also were happy to befriend him more than the others. He believed it was because you didn't have much experience seeing a minicon.
Then he saw your moon from and was practically gushing at you. He had never seen another bot do whatever you just did! The personality changes gave it away that you were different from any regular bot.
He ended up trying to do some research, it's not that you were a different bot entirely. His conclusions led him to believe that something in your past caused this spilt in your personality.
He felt more safe around you whenever you stayed behind to look after the base when bumblebee had left for a mission, trusting that your moon side could protect them.
When he saw eclipse he was practically speechless. It made him ask all sorts of questions on why you were like this. You ended up being a bit vulnerable and explaining that you weren't sure why you were made like this and that you were sorry if this all made him upset.
He reassured you that he didn't think any less of you because of it, he actually compared it to his glitching. It wasn't regular but it made you both unique.
He's very warm and friendly towards you, he likes having you around, especially when you include him in whatever you're working on. He always ends up having a blast and he feels lucky to have a friend like you!
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rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
Ahem, yes it is I! So an idea literally bashed me in the face and I couldn't help but think 'Oh this is an interesting idea!' What if different versions Transformers have this crossover (Bayverse, T.F.P., T.F.A., GEN 1, Knightverse which is one of my favourites because of Charlie and Bumblebee or any other universes you're familiar with it) where T.F.P.'s groundbridge malfunctioned (probably Wheeljack and Bulkhead) The reader works in the T.F.P. universe Ratchet's assistant and they're his guardian on top of that. Of course, instead of sending them to a desired location the groundbridge ended up locating them in a different dimension... it was Bayverse's while the other dimensions were already there and T.F.P. just lands there last. Just complete and utter silence until Miko says something. You can tell how shit went downhill from there, but let's pretend no one dies for the sake of it all. My dearest reader and T.F.P. O.P. are dating but also not dating; they're just orbiting one another while being friends and T.F.P.'s O.P. is just content and not necessarily talkative but just sweet with the reader. Always carrying them around and so on. Of course, the other universes notice that. Jazz from Gen 1 is just smirking in that damn corner and all versions of Prowl wondering why is their lives are like this. It doesn't help that T.F.P.'s Ratchet has been tired of seeing these two idiots being in love and not doing shit about it. Obviously, the other O.P. versions caught on and the reactions... varied. Surprise, to utter.. confusion and curiosity to completely just wondering if there is a reader on their Earth. You can always add in anything you wish; I really love bantering amongst the others too! AND IRONHIDE'S REACTIONS TOO-
Multiverse to Bayverse  (Transformers Multiverse/ TMV)
Will probably edit it later for typos lol
(Bayverse, Animated, Prime, Earthspark, Gen 1)
Various! Optimus Primes X Reader
Ratchet noticed something was wrong with the groundbridge when it started growing a weird yellowish color. Before anyone could say anything, a wave covered all of them in golden light.
June, who walked in with popcorn, looked around the room in question. “Uh, guys?”
You all landed on the harsh ground, and heard a voice. Before you could hit the ground, Optimus caught you in his servos. 
We all looked up to see a large group of around twenty Cybertronians. There was complete silence in the room as everyone looked at eachother, when Miko chimes in. “Uh, why are there like five Optimus Primes? Raise of hands if you’re secretly another Optimus.”
Everyone gave her a deadpan look when you realized quickly that you were not in your Optimus’ servos. You looked up to see an almost cartoonish looking bot, smiling sheepishly down at you. 
“Uh, hi. I’m Optimus Prime, nice to meet you.” 
You squinted at him, and looked around the room. “Okay so I assume that this has to do with the groundbridge explosion- or I’m in a weird dream.”
The four Optimus Primes that were new to you looked at you in confusion. “Groundbridge?” Two chime in.
“Uh… yeah. A scaled down version of the space bridge. Ratchet engineered it to transport everyone anywhere on Earth- we couldn’t have anything as high-scale as a space bridge because we lack the energon for it.”
“Well why don’t you just use oil?” A voice sounds. 
You all look over to a green bot. “Bulkhead?” Arcee asked.
“Uh, yeah- how do you know my name?” 
Your Bulkhead made his way forward to inspect the other one. At the same time both Bulkheads showed their wrecking ball hand. “Woah! Twins!” Both of them said at the same time.
“Bulk, please never do that again,” Miko looked at them in joking fear. “You remind me of the twins from that one horror movie.”
“Aww come on Miko! It’s not everyday you meet, well, yourself!” Bulkhead grumbled. 
“Can we focus on the situation, please?” A gray mech asked. They looked strikingly like Megatron. The next second, almost everyone in the room had their guns trained on him.
He quickly backed up with his hands above his heads. One Optimus stood in front of him, hands up. “Woah, this Megatron is an autobot now! He’s alright.”
Everyone squinted or glared at him. Generation One’s Optimus didn’t back down. “I can’t speak for anyone else, but I know for certain that I’m not cool with Megatron being here.”
You turned to him, gaping. “Did you just say ‘cool’? What?” 
Jazz laughed aloud. “Yeah, that’s Op for ya! He just started learning Earth slang from Spike!”
“Alright, enough!” All of the Ratchets shouted at once. Everyone looked at them. A good eighty percent of the room burst into giggles or tried their best to stop that urge.
“Looks like no matter what dimension you go to, Ratchet’s always the same.” Wheeljack said. A chorus of varied agreements sounded through the room, making the renowned grouches grumble.
Soon enough, you all began figuring out how you were all there. It was pretty much the same for everyone- one way or another, a yellow light ran over them.
You all started constructing various groundbridges in hopes that it could somehow send you home. 
You often hung out with your Prime, making everyone else curious about your relationship. You could almost always be seen on his shoulder or in his servo. You almost never walked anywhere.
It was pretty obvious to everyone- except a few of the younger bots like animated Bumblebee and Knightverse Bumblebee.
Bayverse Prime (with his never ending confidence) was the first to approach you. “Hello, (Y/N). Would you like to go on a walk with me?” He held his hand out. You stepped onto his hand and sat down. 
As he made his way out of base, everyone watched you two. Primeverse Optimus couldn’t help but feel a pang in his chest as you both walked out. He knew that he didn’t have a right to feel that way- you two weren’t even together. Not yet, at least. 
Everyone noticed the look on his face even though he himself didn’t.
All of the Ratchets had the same thought: ‘Primes (Derogatory)’. 
Optimus from the Animated universe was confused. He was normally pretty in tune with his emotions, and he doesn’t see why Prime Optimus doesn’t just ask you out. He’d been trying to subtly hint at that, but Prime Optimus was somehow oblivious. Animated Optimus also wondered if you existed in his universe- you were very charming and, he’s embarrassed to say, cute.
G1 Optimus teased your Optimus on the subject. He always mentioned how back in his day he was a spark breaker. Earthspark Optimus always tried to scold G1 Optimus for his behaviors, but then G1 Jazz would join in on the teasing so he’d have to chase both of them around.
Earthspark Optimus would comfort him, trying to encourage him gently to follow his spark. While he’ll never understand the attraction to a human, he believes that it’s not really his business. Even Earthspark Megatron gave fairly good advice to the other bot. 
Bayverse Ironhide sort of agreed with their advice- but also warned the Prime. “If you wait too long, they’ll find another. Make something of yourself, Prime!”
You both stopped at a pond and he sat down on the ground. He placed you gently next to him as he threw seeds into the water. You both watched as fish swam to the surface and bobbed up and down to try and snag a treat.
“Are you and my counterpart… together?” 
A flushed look covered your face as you snapped your head towards him. “Wh-n- I-” You covered your face with your hands. “No, we aren’t together.”
“Ah. I see.” Bayverse Optimus had a lot more experience with this sort of thing. “So you have feelings for him, then?”
Your face got impossibly warmer and simply nodded. “We haven’t been dating so to say… but we’re really close. I would just never have the guts to… you know.” 
Bayverse Optimus merely nodded at you and left you at the pond by yourself. When he got back into the base he and Ironhide grabbed the Prime by his arms and began dragging him off. The other Primes and Ratchets knew exactly what was going on and followed.
When they got into a more secluded room of the base, they set him down and pushed him into a chair. Primeverse Optimus was confused and a little anxious as the many bots surrounded him.
“When are you going to ask them out?” G1 Optimus teased. 
Primverse merely shook his head. “I don’t think that is a good idea at the moment. There’s a war go-”
“Oh stop being a fragging boltbrain!” Bayverse Ratchet yelled. 
“They have been waiting for you to ask them out for months now!” Primeverse Ratchet yelled. 
His eyes widened at that knowledge. “I don’t know.”
“Fine, I guess I’ll go ask the lil’ lady on a date then.” Jazz began to strut out of the room when Optimus shouted for him to stop.
“What should I say?” Primeverse Optimus questioned. 
“Alright, so here’s what you say.”
While you were at the pond,  a gathering of girls and femme bots surrounded you.
“So he still hasn’t asked you out yet?!” The Arcees were shocked.
“Yeah, you’d think he would have by now, right?” Their counterpart from Primeverse shook her head. “I think he’s just worried about the war.”
Miko threw her hands over her head. “So?! He needs to get the girl!” 
Your hands were holding your face yet again. Prowl gently laid a hand on your shoulder. “Don’t worry, (Y/N). Good things come in time- and some bots,” he glared at everyone else, “Shouldn’t rush it.”
You smiled up at the ninjabot. “Thanks, Prowl.” 
He smiled back, though irritated at the situation. Some bots were so nosy and loud. They always had to get into everything and couldn’t leave well enough alone. 
Suddenly you were swept up by Jazz, who yelled out “Sorry, I’m borrowing the lil’ lady!” Prowl facepalmed as the girls cheered.
You and Optimus were shoved into a room together. The large bot offered a hand to you which you stepped onto. He raised you up to eye level.
“I” He paused to get his words together. “I have had feelings for you for a while. I know that we’ve been friends for a while, and just friends. I have no clue if you share the sa-”
“If you’re asking me out, the answer is yes.” You planted a shy kiss on his faceplate. The Prime’s cheeks grew a flushed blue. Suddenly confetti streamers fell on the two of you. You both looked up to see Miko, Animated Bee, and Sari in the rafters. A bucket fell on Optimus’ head which made the rafter bound group wince.
“Uh.. congrats?” Bumblebee quickly grabbed the other two kids and bolted. 
You and Optimus chuckled as he brought you up to his faceplate for another kiss.
You and Optimus were shoved into a room together. The large bot offered a hand to you which you stepped onto. He raised you up to eye level. “I-” he paused to get his words together. “Well, my name is Optimus Prime, yo! The other primes are my friends, yo! Uh-huh, they told me everything.”
You looked up at Optimus in confusion, about to say something when he continued. 
“And I like you a lot, yo!” 
Outside the door, everyone looked at Jazz with glares. He just shrugged as a grin pulled at his face. "What? I’m sure it will work.”
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pittie-cratch · 2 years
Ok I wanna ask this because I love the way you drew bumblebee, can you please draw Y/N and TFA Optimus, Ratchet, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Prowl, and Sari group hug please ((they are my comfort characters/comfort group) please. Also your art is amazing
I'm bad at draw interactions, but here we go:>
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I loved the idea and decided make full art
*cough,cough* by the way, if someone wanna support me, you can, maybe, buy me a coffee *cough*
Thank you, and I hope u like it^^
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thicctails · 5 months
A Merformers x Reader Fanfiction
Chapter 2 ° Coastguard
Blessed be Randy the coffee machine, your holy god of caffeine. May His hazel liquid flow eternally into graceous Bartholomew, vessel of Randy's divine lifeblood; discount noname brand coffee that had expired last week.
Taking another sip of your beloved breakfast drink, you forced yourself to walk towards the greeting area of your clinic, praying to any deity that was listening that you looked at least passably presentable. You'd taken far longer to pull yourself away from the tender embrace of your nearly flat air mattress than you should have, and both your nerves and back were paying for it.
The head researcher of A.E.R.O. was meeting with you today to discuss your collaboration effort with them, and finally tell you exactly what species you'd be getting to work with. You hoped it would be something exciting, like sharks, dolphins, whales, or nudibranchs.
Taking a shaky breath, you shoved your anxiety down into the pit of your gut where it could, hopefully, only be noticed by you as your hand grasped the handle of the door. You pulled, ready to take the first proper step towards your new life.
Ah. It was a push door.
Willing the colour that had suddenly flooded your cheeks to kindly fuck off, you meekly pushed the door open.
A man was standing in the main entrance room, leaning against Desk the desk and scrolling through something on his phone. He was dressed fairly casual for someone in his position, sporting tan cargo shorts, a forest green t-shirt, and a black lab coat, his company's acronym emblazoned in crisp vinyl across his breast pocket. He had tousled light brown hair and deep brown eyes that were framed by square glasses. At the sound of your approach, he lifted his gaze from his cellphone and gave you a warm smile, pocketing the device and turning his body towards you.
"Doctor L/N! It's nice to finally meet you!" he greeted, extending his hand to you. "My name is Dr. Burns, but please, just call me Graham."
Though it had been difficult to tell sometimes, you had not actually been raised by a pack of rabid wolves, so you returned the gesture, gripping the man's hand and giving it a shake.
"It's a pleasure to acquatence your make."
Oh, Jesus Christ.
Hey, God? Could you do a little smiting? Yeah, right here please.
"I- I'm so sorry, I swear I didn't mean to say that." You managed to get out, almost shocked that you hadn't fucked that sentence up as well.
Breaking News! Local PhD holder flubbs basic greeting! Becomes World Champion speedrunner for ruining first impressions and instantly loses any chance of being considered for further employment and any shred of respect this man had for them!
"It's fine. Honestly, I was just as nervous as you when I first started." Graham laughed, startling you out of your own mental spiral, "I was so preoccupied with my own worries that I tripped and fell face first into a pool on my first day."
You stared at Graham for a moment, stunned that he was still talking to by choice and not out of obligation, before a small, strangled chuckle left your throat, sounding more like the dying squak of a strangled seabird than a laugh.
"Come on, the rest of the team is waiting for us in town." the brunette said, gesturing for you to follow him.
You arched a brow but obediently followed after him, trailing after the researcher like a duckling waddling after a pair of boots.
"Oh? I was under the impression this meeting was to discuss my contract." you replied, trying to scrape together a professional-ish sentence while simultaneously praying that you weren't coming off as rude.
"It is, but once everyone got wind that we would be working with someone new, they got a little," he paused, hand waving about as he searched for the right word, "excited. It's been a while since anyone besides Marissa worked close enough for us to talk to them on a semi-regular basis."
"Can't wait to meet them!" you said cheerfully, lying through your teeth.
The idea of having to interact with another human being today had been draining enough, but to have to converse with several? When their opinions of you could impact your career?
Your hands twitched around Bartholomew's smooth, ceramic body, wishing you'd added a few ounces of pure caffeine to your coffee. Maybe you'd get lucky and get struck by a bus.
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Unfortunately, God wasn't known for being kind to you, so you arrived at a small diner completely unharmed.
The worn bell above the door dinged as you and Graham stepped inside, the smell of greasy fries and cheap burgers wafting all around you as he led you over to one of the booths, the cracked red leather seats occupied by three other people in various states of dress.
There was a younger woman with russet skin and shockingly red hair that was pulled back in a loose ponytail, a few hairclips keeping her bangs out of her bright blue eyes. She was dressed in a cream and light orange dress, matching knee-high boots complementing her outfit. She was scrolling on her phone, but put the device down when she noticed your approach.
Ah, the mortifying feeling of being known. It never failed to make you uncomfortable.
The other two, who were seemingly in the middle of seeing who could chug a milkshake faster, were men, light skinned and with almost identically brown hair. It was easy to pick them apart, though, seeing as one was built like a brick shithouse and looked as though he was cosplaying some strange cross between a soldier and a Ghostbuster, and the other was a twink that also happened to be absolutely rocking some sun-bleached overalls and a set of the most obnoxiously yellow rubber boots you'd ever seen in your entire life.
"Hey, dingbats!" the woman hissed, nudging her closest colleague, who happened to be the rubber boots guy, "The new vet is here!"
While the two guys attempted to swallow their drinks without getting a brain freeze, Graham gave you a somewhat sheepish smile. "Dr. L/N, I'd like to introduce you to Doctor Sari Sumdac, Doctor Spike Witwicky, and Doctor Blaine L. Parker."
"Mainframe." Blaine said, slamming his cup down with a satisfied sigh, "Call me Mainframe. Only my Mama calls me Blaine."
"I'm still good with Spike." the other man chimed in, extending his hand to you as you and Graham slid into the opposite booth seat. You shook it, quickly repeating the action with Sari and Mainframe.
"So, you're the new guy, eh?" Mainframe asked, "We've been waitn' for Marissa to finally pick someone. She's too picky, if you ask me."
"Not picky enough if she hired you." Sari shot back, and for a moment you stiffened, afraid you were about to have front row seats for a fight, but Mainframe's laughter and Sari's teasing expression quickly calmed your nerves. She looked back at you, her face taking on a more genuine look, "He's not wrong about us waiting, though. A.E.R.O. has been around for a few years now, but you're the first vet we've gotten assigned to work with us."
Your eyebrows shot up, mouth opening slightly in surprise before you remembered to shut it, "Really? Why?"
The gathered marine biologists looked at each other for a moment, before Spike leaned in closer to you. You matched his action, wondering what exactly he had to say.
"Did Marissa fill you in on what exactly A.E.R.O. means?" he asked in a low whisper.
You thought for a moment, then shook your head. Actually, your employer had told you very little, just enough to get you to sign a contract with her. You didn't regret your decision; anything would be better than the place you'd come from, but this secrecy did make you wonder what exactly you'd gotten yourself into.
"A.E.R.O.," Spike continued, "stands for Aquatic Extraterrestrial Research Outpost."
You blinked, leaning back as you turned over what Spike had just told you. Had you heard him correctly? No, surely not. Clearly you hadn't had enough coffee yet.
"I'm sorry," you apologized, chuckling a little "I must still be a bit groggy, because I thought you said extraterrestrial for a moment there."
The four shared another look, then once again focused their attention back on you.
"You heard correctly, Dr. L/N." Graham said, producing an envelope from the interior of his jacket. He quickly glanced around the diner, before sliding the envelope over to you. He continued speaking as you picked it up, hands shaking slightly.
"Five years ago, several objects from deep space suddenly entered our atmosphere and crashed into the Atlantic Ocean. It was presumed that they were abnormal meteors of some kind, but a government owned dive team discovered that they were actually pods of some kind, made of materials not found on Earth.
"They were empty by the time they were found, but not long after they were discovered and retrieved, strange signals began to be picked up by sonar sensors, and sailors around this area began to report seeing bizzare creatures swimming beneath their boats, some of them claiming that their vessels were attacked, which was corroborated by several documented cases of boats coming in with scratch marks on their hulls."
You opened the envelope and reached inside, withdrawing several polaroid photographs. Each one was of a different boat, ranging from dinky little sailboats to bulky fishing trawlers. However, they all shared one unique feature; a set of deep gouges that tore through wood and metal, left behind by something that had to be absolutely huge.
Well shit, slap a tinfoil hat on your head and call you a believer, because there wasn't much in the ocean that had claws to begin with, and certainly nothing with claws large enough to do that kind of damage.
As you began to tuck the photos back into the envelope, you noticed that one of them was drastically different. It was blurry, taken on the coast during what looked like a storm, but not even those hindrances could mask the appearance of the... thing that had been captured on camera.
It was big. Like, really big.
The closest thing you could compare it to would be some kind of whale, but it looked so wholly unlike any species you knew of that you immediately tossed that idea out the window. It had a long, silvery body, covered in large, armour-like scales that almost gave the appearance of it being segmented. Thick, spiny fins jutted out along most of its tail, purple webbing torn and ragged. It's upper half was obscured, as the creature was diving back down beneath the surface, but the very beginnings of its torso hadn't quite been submerged when the photo was taken, and you could see a long row of crimson gills that glowed in the moonless dark.
"What the fuck." you breathed out, shoving the photos back into the envelope before tossing it away from you like you were playing the world's strangest game of Hot Potato.
"Yeah, that was pretty much our reaction too." Sari said, picking up the envelope. "We've been calling that one 'The Meg', since you could almost mistake it for an overgrown shark, if you only caught a glimpse of it.
You pinched the bridge of your nose and groaned softly as you considered everything you'd just been told.
"Let me get this straight," you started slowly, dragging your hand down your face before resting it on your chin, "You and Marissa want me to find a way to study and treat a highly aggressive, barely studied, extremely dangerous alien, let me repeat that for you, alien species with no prior experience and, since you four work at a separate facility, no team?"
A pregnant silence met your question for a moment, before being broken by a very timid, very nervous "Yes?" from Graham, who was rubbing the back of his head.
You looked at him, looked at the rest of his team, looked at the exit of the diner, and considered your options; accept this batshit insane, borderline suicidal offer and risk getting torn limb from limb by sea monsters from beyond the stars, or move back in with your parents.
"Well Christ on a bike, sign me up." you replied, before snagging the nearby coffee pot and, after checking that it wouldn't give you third degree burns, chugged the whole damn thing, determined to get enough caffeine in your body to drown out that little voice in your head that alway nagged that you should have been a lawyer.
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Tfa auto bots and sari reacting to y/n coming out as gender-fluid please, 🩷🤍💜🖤💙
Transformers Animated
Fix crews x Gender fluid! Reader (Platonic )
Sorry I am busy with my Hazbin Hotel redesigns and busy at college since it make me stop posting for a while.
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She would be happy that your genderfluid and changing your pronouns when you feel like using a different pronouns when she asked you questions how you feel about your gender and pronouns. She would love to paint your nails or make up when you feel like a girl or go shopping with you buying new clothes. She would call you brother,sister or sibling when you change your gender and pronouns.
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"What is Genderfluid?"
Doesn’t know what it means but knows that cybertronians are genderless but goes with the pronouns. He would be happy that you are genderfluid he would uses your preferred pronouns but you correct him as he stammered his words and changed the pronouns for you every time when you feel like a boy,girl or non binary.
“Excuse Me!She-I mean he asked for no pickles.”
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“A Gender-what?”
Confused what you mean that you’re genderfluid as you explain what it is as he put his thumbs up understanding you. If you feel like a boy he change your pronouns a lot would hang out with you like racing,skateboarding with him or playing video games with him.If you feel like a girl he would go out driving to different ramps and road bumps for fun if you feel like play with him.
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Bulkhead would be confused like Bumblebee what you meant by genderfluid as you explain to him he would happy to support you when you feel like changing your gender whenever you feel like it. He would paint the genderfluid flag for you when you came out to him.
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“.....Are you made out of water?”
He’s curious what you mean as you explain he nodded in understanding what you said as he changed your pronouns every time and he would meditate or go out nature walks with you. He will let you ride on him when he is in his motorcycle form.
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“Your gender fluid?Are you made out of liquid or something?”
Ratchet is confused and old doesn’t know what you mean genderfluid thinking you would melt as he got scared that your body will turn liquid as he hurries trying to find the medicine you stopped him as you explain and came out to him he would pat your back as he is still confused old man I mean bot but he’s trying. “Congrats kiddo.” He would change your pronouns but calls you kiddo every time whatever he wants to.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 9 months
Can I ask, if you know Transformers, and if you do if it's okay to request?
An RoR and Transformers crossover
Reader as Sari Sumdac, from TFA (Transformers Animated). With her Personality and abilities
You can also include some scenes, such as the fighting, and/or interactions w/ some characters from RoR and Transformers
-The day a car and a young child appeared in Valhalla, it was a day of screaming and confusion, confusion from those in Valhalla, wondering where you came from, and screaming from you and Bumblebee, panicking on where you were.
-When you hopped out of the yellow car, nobody was prepared to see it transform, turning into a bipedal mechanical being who could talk and had feelings just like any of them.
-You were quick to scramble up Bumblebee’s frame, up to his shoulders where he held you, not wanting you to get hurt as you talked down to Zeus, “Who are you and where are we?”
-Zeus explained where you were and Bumblebee was confused, “Valhalla- isn’t that a place where dead humans go and where gods live?”
-You immediately panicked, thinking you were dead, you didn’t want to be dead- you were too young to be dead!! However, Odin was able to calm you, “I can tell that you are still alive, human, but there is something odd about you. You’re not completely human, are you?”
-You beamed, immediately hopping down and your arms opened like you were like Bumblebee, except that you were more human looking, “Sort of- I’m half human… I think.” You were a bountiful source of information.
-The two of you explained, and Bumblebee showed video footage that he recorded, of a strange bright blue light that had been reported in a tunnel, and the two of you had been tasked with investigating it.
-When you found the ball of light, just floating there, not being hostile in any way as Bumblebee recorded it, “It’s an unknown source of energy.” But Odin and Beelzebub were able to deduce that it was a type of magic, but of unknown origin.
-When you had touched it, that’s when you both wound up here, after being flash-banged.
-Nikola had all but collapsed, seeing Bumblebee, and seeing your own robotics, his eyes were huge and sparkly, “Please let me research you!!”
-He was rather over enthusiastic, he had freaked the both of you out, at first, until you realized who he was, and you agreed, with some limitations.
-Other warriors and gods were curious about the two of you as well, you showed off your robotics, being able to transform as well, but still human sized, and you showed off your fighting skills which you used in minor combat, as you weren’t really a warrior, unlike Bumblebee, who has had more combat training and experience than you have had.
-Bumblebee was very popular, showing off his weapons and his skills, being able to skate around easily on his wheels, showing that he was fast and versatile.
-Jack was curious about Bumblebee, looking up at him, “How curious- you’re not a human or a god, but I can see that you have a soul, just like we do.”
-You offered an explanation, telling them all about Sparks, which are not only the energy source for Transformers, but it is also like their heart and soul, it’s what gave Transformers their personalities, which none of them had ever heard about before.
-It was an experience for everyone, with you and Bumblebee being in Valhalla, as they were able to see technology unknown to the gods, and you and Bumblebee were able to learn about things that you didn’t know about, like magic, which turned the both of you into giant kids with huge sparkly eyes.
-You assisted Odin, Beelzebub, and Nikola with trying to figure out a way to get you and Bumblebee home, and while no results had been made so far, it was fun to try as other discoveries had been made.
-You just hoped it was a matter of time before you all found some real results, but for now, you were enjoying this fun new experience.
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spikezonebby · 10 months
Okay, okay I wanna see what you come up with for this song. “Sew My Name” by Josh Pike (the live version at the Sydney Opera House is the best version in my opinion).
GN!Reader x TFA!Ratchet with a dash (or more than a dash) of cathartic angst.
Sew My Name - TFA!Ratchet/GN!Human!Reader
Word count: 1,667
You liked to leave your mark wherever you went.
For as long as Ratchet had known you, you loved to leave something of yourself behind. You thought it important that the universe knew you existed in some capacity. You carried a knife around in your back pocket so you could carve your name into tree bark. One evening, you had asked him to show you how to sew. You wanted to know, so you could sew things into the collars of your clothes.
Ratchet always thought clothes were kind of a strange human invention. What good was armor that didn’t protect anything? Winter clothes, that was a different story. Humans had less-than-stellar temperature regulation so it made sense that you needed that.
Didn’t stop you from shoving your hands into the warm mesh just under his chassis whenever you got chilly, though.
If Ratchet had had any idea how much he’d miss the little things you did, he would have savored it longer. Been a bit more hesitant to pluck you off of him, or tried to close the distance between you a little more. 
Bumblebee was lucky, the little scrap. He was lucky because his favorite organic was actually a techno-organic and would live a long, long life alongside him. For Ratchet, it seemed like with every visit back to Earth from Cybertron, there was less of you to go around. 
Then one day, there wasn’t any of you left.
You passed away on a seemingly innocuous Tuesday evening and he didn’t even hear about it until the next time he came to Earth to check up on Sari. She broke the news to him, and he wasn’t even sure if he felt sad or not. Perhaps he’d been mourning all this time in preparation for the news, knowing how short organic lives were. He knew what he did feel though.
He was angry. Angry, raging, pissed off beyond belief that you could put so much of yourself into the universe, only for it to not even blink or grimace in your absence. He wanted to drag Primus himself down by his audials and give him what for.
“Doc-bot, I didn’t even think you were that close with them.” Sari said, setting a hand– or were they servos now? He still wasn’t sure with her unique anatomy— on the back of his calf.
“Why wouldn’t I be? I was their primary doctor! Not only that but they were a part of the team, weren’t they?”
Sari didn’t really have an answer for him, she wasn’t really looking at him even when he turns to face her. After the battle with Megatron and his copies of Omega Supreme, things changed. It was largely for the better, with Team Prime being accepted as heroes. Prowl’s death, though noble, shocked all of them to their cores. It’s been decades since then and Sari had gone from a teen to an upstanding young femme, struggling with her father’s own slowly decaying mind. Ratchet hated to say it but he always figured Issac would go before you, not out live you.
It wasn’t right, it wasn’t fair. 
“What happened? I thought humans could live to be over a hundred years old.”
“I don’t know.” Sari admits, “I wasn’t really close with them. It just… got hard to talk to them, ya know?”
Ratchet hadn’t thought about that before. Sari, with her unique nature, may very well be the only person capable of understanding both the human and the Cybertronian angle of time. It made sense that Sari would slowly become unable to relate to you, a fully organic human being, the older you got…
It made him wish he’d spent more time talking with you. 
“They did want me to give you something though, Ratchet.” Sari speaks up after a tense moment. 
Sari had always been a girl that packed light, but Ratchet had entirely overlooked the bag she’d been holding. It was just a plastic bag but the real mystery was the parcel held within. Something small and light, bound up with a red ribbon. Sari sets it in his open servo and immediately he’s drawn to the softness of it. 
It’s fabric, whatever it is. You were known to be a purveyor of various hobbies, it isn’t strange to think you might have gotten into fashion before your passing. Last he’d heard, you had taken to raising these insects called ladybugs. And before that, you had had an infatuation with sailing and the early history of your planet’s nautical culture. 
He should have seen the signs of you slowing down way, way before this.
He unwraps the gift, revealing the folded fabric. A long strip of soft and silky material carefully hand embroidered with delicate gold. It reminded him of a thin scarf. On the very end, he finds his name stitched into it by hand. There’s the taste of something bittersweet on his glossa then, knowing he taught you how to do this. You kept up with it all these years later.
“Oh! I know what that is!” Sari chirps, and in an instant, her jet pack pops free from her back and boosts her up onto the medic’s shoulders. On her way up she snags the fabric from his grip, and with practiced ease, balances herself just behind his helm. She wasn’t as small as she used to be but still small enough. 
“What on Cybertron are you doing?” 
“Gimme a sec here!”
And a second is all she needs, because she loops the fabric around his neck cables and starts folding and twisting. Then, turns it around on him so the delicate puff of fabric is on the front of his chassis, hanging down and standing out as a stark, bright shock of color against his white paint. Like an ascot or a necktie or some other name for the vast many types of cravats there were on Earth.
“Guess they didn’t think you looked spiffy enough, Doc.”
The established base had tons of reflective surfaces, so one of them, a monitor, made a good enough mirror for Ratchet to adjust his new tie a bit. It was pretty, like Sari said, spitty, on him. He appraises himself, turning this way and that.
“Huh, not something I woulda gotten myself.”
“Pfft. That’s probably why they got it for you.”
“I didn’t think I was gone from Earth for that long for them just to… vanish like that.”
Sari shifts so she’s resting her arms and chin atop Ratchet’s head, legs throne over either of his shoulders and hoping her weight and her presence are soothing to the old medic. She squishes her cheek into the top of his helm.
“I don’t think anyone actually has a schedule for when they plan to kick the bucket. It just… happens. They probably wanted to give it to you in person but just ran out of time.”
Ratchet could picture it. You, old and greyed and still insisting they ride around on his shoulder while he talks about all of the numbskulls back at headquarters. Then they poke his cheek and tell him to stop being so grumpy, and give him their gift.
“Hey, you don’t have to answer this if you don’t wanna but…” Sari’s big blue eyes find his face in the monitor’s reflection, scrutinizing his expression for any minute detail. “Did you like them?”
“Of course I liked them. Why else would I put up with them? I like you, don’t I?”
“Awww, you do?” She flicks the unbroken point of his chevron, “Cute but that’s not what I meant. I meant like-like.”
“Oh, you mean like you and Bumblebee?”
Sari sputters and gives him a quick bop on the helm, “Yeah, yeah sure! If you need an example.”
“Honestly, Sari?” Ratchet begins, rubbing the golden seam of the tie between his fingers, “I…I don’t know. Cybertronians live so much longer than any organic life. It stands to reason that we fall in love slower too.”
“But that isn’t a ‘no.’”
“You’re right, it’s not. It’s not a ‘yes’ either. I guess, maybe, I could have if there was just more time.”
Sari doesn’t respond to that, not verbally anyways. She drums her fingers atop his helm, then he feels her squeeze him a bit tighter.
“I’m sorry.”
“And I’m Ratchet.”
That gets a snicker out of Sari. She pats the top of his helm and then he can see her in the monitor as she jerks her thumb back behind her.
“Bee wants to go grab some highgrade if you wanna join us.”
“Who’s ‘us?’”
“Me, Bee, Bulk, Jazz, and hopefully you. Optimus is still busy– Because when is he not– but he promised to call us all tonight.”
“What’s the occasion?”
“Does there have to be? All my old friends are finally together so, why wouldn’t I wanna hang out with them all? Don’t have to have a reason besides just saying you miss someone.”
Sari always was the glue of the team. Her and Bee, friends against all odds. Young bots that just loved one another and loved all of the people around them, even if they could be a little annoying.
“Yeah, I don’t gotta head back to Cybertron for a while yet. Might as well show off their gift, right? And hope Bulkhead doesn’t spill highgrade on me.”
“Aw yeah! That’s the spirit!” Sari pumps her fists, then bounces on his shoulders, “Giddy up, let’s goooo!”
That gets a laugh out of Ratchet. Yeah, it was probably better that he spent some time with friends anyways. You would have wanted to if everyone was in the city at the same time. Even if he didn’t like to have a drink himself, he’d drink to you. To your memory.
So that the universe knew that you really had your name stitched onto his very spark. That there was some piece of you that couldn’t be erased. He wouldn’t let it be erased.
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candywife333 · 10 months
Light A Candle for Me (Part 2)
Second part of the Diwali special fic
(may have a smutty additional part, but I am not sure about that yet)
ugly duckling/late bloomer chubby reader x rich idol Jungkook
Triggers: non-con picture taking (Y/N is still clothed) , eventual smut (rough)
Disclaimer: The Jungkook written in this fic is not an accurate representation of the real life Jungkook's thoughts or actions. Keep in mind that this is fiction. has minimal to no proofreading.
I showed up at the party a little late. People flooded the premises. My mom came up to it, draped in a gorgeous orange sari shimmering with gold threads, popping a jalebi (syrupy orange sweet) into my mouth. I chewed on it lackadaisically, rather fatigued due to the busy day at work. Bang- PD had messed up his keyboard by eating and working on it at the same time and he would have to get it replaced unless I found a way to fix it. Thank god I could do that in time for the party.
I had gotten looks all day at HYBE from so many people, especially men that would have never looked my way otherwise. I was uncomfortable with all the attention, and frankly that was the exact reason that I did not dress up at work. On my off days I wore the most flamboyant vintage outfits with pearls and ornate jewelry. Yet, I just couldn't shake the anxiety with being noticed for looks in professional settings.
I had invited my co-workers--mainly people in my department and kind people I had met in other departments of HYBE-- to this Diwali party that my family was hosting. What I didn't expect was not only the people I invited, but gatecrashers that should not be here. Either I was hallucinating, or I could see Jungkook-ssi right in front of my glittering gold house gate entering the premises.
I frowned, why the hell was he here? When I didn't invite him? I barely spoke to the dude.
Jungkook POV
I entered the Bowser's house, due to a few of her co workers who I was close with, inviting me to tag along. They promised that she always had great food at her annual parties, and since they knew I wouldn't miss good food for anything, I showed up. As I entered, I noticed a glowing lady wrapped in fabric that showed of her curvaceous hips and bountiful behind. She was reaching over, back facing me, trying to string up a set of lights onto a miniature palm tree that was still taller than her.
Why was she so familiar? I walked over to her and saw the front of her outfit, realizing who she was. She was the girl from the picture in the morning. As I caught sight of her face, I froze in my tracks. It was Bowser, it was y/N. The sexy girl in the photo from the morning was Y/N and I didn't know how to feel.
That sari was doing things to me that I could not explain in polite company. I came here to eat, but now I had set my sights on devouring something entirely different. My eyes slid up her body wrapped in gold embroidered patterns. As I watched her in a daze, I noticed the ladder she was on slipping. I moved quickly, grabbing her by her waist. But, I didn't realize the propulsion of gravity and her body weight forced me onto the ground with her on top of me.
I could feel the lush softness of her lips massaging mine. We were kissing. And I didn't want to stop.
Her eyebrows furrowed, staring me down as she willed me remove my arms from around her waist, holding her to me. I didn't stop. I pushed my tongue into her mouth and she resisted, initially stiffening up. But something must've happened to change her mind, because she gave in and kissed me back, letting her tongue entangle mine. I could feel the rush. It was as though there were some type of magic in her. The sweet and tart taste of her mouth was addicting.
Just as quickly as she fell into the spell, she seemed to snap out of it as she struggled to get off of me. I reluctantly let her get up, off of me. I missed her body on top of mine already.
I felt ashamed, letting him kiss me. A literal stranger. I knew his reputation and I was nowhere near him. A person like him did not belong with a person like me. I ran away upstairs, trying to catch my breath in my room. I would stay up here in the guise of working on the flower and candle arrangements.
Before I could shut my door behind me, a strong large hand blocked me from closing the door. I barked out seeing who it was, "Get the hell out of my room. Otherwise I am going to scream".
He smirked, his dark eyes flashing in the dim light only brightened by a few candles, "I will make you scream for a different reason sweetheart. Now why don't you tell me how you hid your beauty from me for so long?"
I scoffed, sitting away from him on my bed, "You never looked. People can't find things that they don't look for".
Before I could even notice, he was right next to me on the bed, warm large hand gripping mine, a slight smile on his face, eyes twinkling, "What if I'm looking now? I may be late to the party, but I can see you now. And you are driving me crazy. I can't stop thinking about you and your body".
I muttered back sharply, "I'm not interested in a casual relationship in a fling. You will have to find someone else for that". He squeezed my waist, making me startled, as he stared at my breasts, the shape of them apparent through the translucent fabric, "Who said it would be casual"?
"I am very serious about you", he jibed back, a disconcerting sparkle in his eyes as he stared at me. I laughed, "You may be serious, but no way will you be able to take this sari off of me to find out". His eyes glittered dangerously, as he drawled out in a gravelly tone, "Is that a bet darling"?
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sometimes-you-write · 24 days
[ Look at my DNI before interacting with my blog, please ]
[ Transformers Animated ]
[ Optimus Prime x human reader ]
Sari: Hey, can I ask a question?
Reader: Of course.
Sari: Are you free on friday? Like around eight?
Reader: Yeah.
Bumblebee: What about you, Optimus? Are you also free on friday around eight?
Optimus: Yes?
*Sari and Bumblebee look at each other with smirks on their faces*
Bumblebee: Great! Because we don't!
*Bumblebee grabs Sari and transforms into his alt mode*
Bumblebee: You two go without us!
Sari: Enjoy your date!
Optimus and Reader: Wait! Our what?!
*Bumblebee and Sari leave at top speed*
Reader: …
Optimus: …
Reader: Did they just-
Optimus: Tricked us into going on a date together? Yes.
Reader: Oh.
Optimus and Reader: …
Optimus and Reader: *at the same time* Would you like to-
Reader: Sorry, you first!
Optimus: No, no, it's okay! You can go first!
Reader: No, no, I insist! You go first!
*Optimus and Reader look at each other for a few seconds, neither of them daring to break the silence*
Reader: Optimus?
Optimus: Yes?
Reader: *nervous and stuttering* Would you… would you like to… to-
Optimus: *also nervous and speaking fast* Would you like to go on a date with me?
Reader: I-
Optimus: I'm so sorry!
Reader: No, no, please don't apologize!
Optimus: No, I should have waited for you to finish!
Reader: It doesn't matter! My answer is yes!
Optimus: Eh?
Reader: Yes, Optimus! I would like to go on a date with you!
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in1-nutshell · 10 months
Can the tfa bots and elite guard react to a female bot who has the personality and appearance of fluttershy from my little pony who was bring to life by an allspark fragment
Okay, its been a hot second since I've seen My Little Pony, but worth it! Buddy is here with their animal friends ready to meet Team Prime and the Elite Guard.
Hope you enjoy!
Team Prime and the Elite guard reacting to a Fluttershy Bot Buddy that was brought to life by a fragment of the Allspark
SFW, platonic, Cybertronain/ Bot reader
Buddy’s alt-mode is golf cart. It was Team Prime who found Buddy. Well, more like Prowl and Sari who found them. Buddy was talking to the geese in the lake. Prowl was the first to make his and Sari’s presence known. Buddy shyly introduced themselves and asked if the two of them knew anything about the geese. Later the rest of Team Prime comes in to meet the new bot. It takes a few days to gain the bots friendship, but they seem happy to make such nice friends. Then the Elite Guard comes in…
Optimus Prime
“You’re a good friend Optimus. I’m glad I met you, my friend.”--Buddy
“Thank you, Buddy.”--Optimus
“Are you okay?”--Buddy
Voice crack “I’m fine.”--Optimus
Optimus needs good friends in his life.
Not like Sentinel or Elita-One/ Blackarachnia. They lost their rights to be Prime’s friends.
He has a good friendship with Buddy. Optimus has respect for Buddy as they treat everyone with equality and the same level of kindness. Something that not many people or bots have now a days.
Where was Buddy his entire life?
The only thing that does get on Optimus’s nerves with Buddy is that they want to adopt every animal they see without an owner. He has lost count of how many stray cats and squirrels he has found in their room.
He has no problem standing up for Buddy when they need it. He knows better than to fight others battles. But if Buddy needs the help, Optimus has their back. He does have talks with them about setting their own boundaries and being able to say ‘no’.
Will not hesitate to go out on someone if they make Buddy feel like they aren’t a true Cybertronian. He offers a confidence booster to Buddy if they feel like this, while also plotting against the attacker. Optimus does not care if the attacker is a Bot or human, they are going down.
“Hello there Doctor Ratchet. I cleaned some of your medical tools for you last night and organized them all just the way you like them!”--Ratchet
Need to adopt intensifies.
Oh, he is really considering it,
Ratchet has a soft spot for the younger bots on the team. Buddy is no exception to this.
Buddy’s quiet nature goes along well with Ratchet own quiet nature. Its just introverts being introverts. After his experience with Wreck-Gar, he defiantly has a bit more patience with Buddy.
Ratchet will not hesitate to hurt anyone who hurts Buddy. Whether it be physical or emotional, he has his throwing wrenches ready.
He doesn’t lecture Buddy as much as the rest of the team, but he does take time to talk to them about setting boundaries and saying ‘no’. Ratchet does get worried that one day Buddy isn’t going to say ‘no’ to something that would end up hurting them.
He is going to rain down a whole army on the sorry bot or human who calls Buddy a ‘fake Cybertronian’. Buddy is just as much of a Cybertronain than its inhabitants. Ratchet gives them a mini pep talk about it not mattering whether being a ‘fake’ or not, they are Buddy, one of the best Bots he has had the pleasure of knowing in his life.
“Hey Buddy! Help me put these boosters on my back!”--Bumblebee
“Umm… that seems a little bit dangerous…”--Buddy
“C’mon please!”--Bumblebee
“… I guess if you use them responsibly…”—Buddy
Oh, he was definitely taking advantage of Buddy’s inability to say ‘no’ at first.
All Bumblebee had to do was sic the puppy dog eyes and a couple of ‘pleases’ and it was done. It isn’t until he gets a reality check from his team that he realizes that what he is doing is a bit messed up.
So, he does try to make up for it.
Mainly in the form of inviting them out to do more outings with him and Sari. But he soon gets the hint that Buddy doesn’t like big, crowded places, he offers Buddy to play video games as an alternative.
With time Bumblebee does try and get Buddy out of their shell. He makes sure they are fine with it first; he doesn’t want to overwhelm them too much. Just taking baby steps first.
He is willing to stand up against anyone who makes Buddy feel uncomfortable and fight them. He does try and help them in saying ‘no’.
He is ready to fight anyone if he hears that Buddy feels bad about being a ‘fake Cybertronian’. He is giving the weirdest pep talk that strangely works and helps Buddy’s self-esteem. Afterwards Bee and Sari are planning on how to make the human or Bots week miserable.
“Hello there Sari.”--Buddy
“Hey Buddy! You ready for Bird Time?”--Sari
“I thought you’d never ask.”—Buddy
Sari like Bee, definitely used the puppy dog eyes trick but not as much. Mainly to get out of little troubles here and there.
She does get a talk about it like bee though. But unlike Bee she gets a whole new idea.
Sari becomes Big Sister.
She is protective of the Big Little sibling. She feels like she has a special bond with Buddy. Anyways she always wanted to be a sister.
She instated a tradition between the two called Bird Time. Every week or so the two of them would go back to the pond and feed the geese while talking about their weeks. Sari loves Buddy’s empathetic nature and supportiveness. This was especially important when she learned about her not being human.
Like Bee, Sari is willing to fight someone who makes Buddy uncomfortable. Does not matter who it is, no one is coming near her little big sibling. She does have a habit of answering ‘no’ for Buddy when the situation seems fishy.
Sari honestly sympathizes with Buddy when they get called a ‘false Cybertronian’. Being a techno organic she understands that there are a lot of people and bots that will look at them differently. But that does not mean she will be plotting murder behind Buddy’s back. She teams up with Bee to make the person or Bots week miserable.
“Good morning Bulkhead.”--Buddy
“Oh, hey Buddy…”--Bulkhead
“What’s wrong?”--Buddy
“Well… what do you think of my latest art piece? It’s probably dumb—what are you doing?”--Bulkhead
“I’m going to put this piece of art in my room.”—Buddy
This is Bulkhead’s best friend.
They are practically twins.
Many have mistaken their nature for twins. Which is something that both deep down find endearing and wish it were true.
Buddy never makes Bulkhead feel useless brute that’s only good for smashing things. Buddy does their best to support the things Bulkhead is passionate about.
Bulkhead in return does his best to stand up against anyone who is mean or makes Buddy feel uncomfortable.
Like Buddy he has a tough time saying no to certain things, but is much more honest in saying it and tries to help Buddy when they need it.
He is ready to pound anyone to the ground if he ever finds out Buddy doesn’t feel like a ‘true’ Cybertronian because someone says so. He does a lot of paintings of Buddy and tells them that they are as true Cybertronian as he is and that anyone who says otherwise is dumb. Bulkhead will have a grudge on any bot or human who says anything mean about Buddy.
“Hello Prowl.”--Buddy
“… I brought them in…”--Buddy
“Let me see.”--Prowl
Little meows
Nature friends.
Prowl loves nature and Buddy loves animals.
The two of them like to walk around the park or go to Dinobot island to escape the city and enjoy nature. Buddy has made friends with all the Dinobots which makes Prowl happy.
The two of them have their own version of Bird Time. Except it involves staying still and seeing how many birds can land on them as much as possible. Buddy so far holds the record with 27 birds.
But there is a little snag in their friendship.
It involves training.
Buddy hates the idea of hurting anyone in any way shape or form. Prowl does it for self-defense or when it’s needed. He often tries to get Buddy to train with him, but it usually ends up with Buddy bringing animals into his room and watching him train.
Prowl still tries to get Buddy to at least know something, but that mission is still on going.
Does not hesitate a nanosecond if someone is making Buddy feel uncomfortable and will verbally destroy them if they even think about being mean to Buddy. Does talk to Buddy about the importance of saying no and setting boundaries.
Prowl is ready to throw shuriken’s as soon as he hears about someone making Buddy feel bad about their origins. He talks to Buddy about it no mattering how they got made, what matters is who they are. They are his friend, they are their own bot and that’s all that matters. May or may not have slashed someone/ somebots tires.
“So, how long have you’ve been here?”--Jazz
“I was born last month.”--Buddy
“… You want to take a drive around?”—Jazz
Oh, he loves Buddy’s vibe.
They are a breath of fresh air compared to being 5 minutes around Sentinel. He sees someone who has so much kindness and empathy that he knows it is a gift. He doesn’t know too many bots that have that anymore since the war.
Jazz gets to know about Buddy from their hang outs and from talking to Prowl. He likes asking Prowl about Buddy’s favorite places to visit so he knows where the two of them could hang out when he has time. When Jazz can he likes walking with Buddy about anything under the sun. From the latest gossip in the Elite Guard, to his hobbies, music tastes, etc.
Jazz stands up to anyone who is being mean or making Buddy feel uncomfortable. Most times though he would take Buddy physically out of the company of the offender. No one has time to deal with rude people. He does try and talk to Buddy about the power of saying no while still being the kind bot they are and how important boundaries are.
Jazz would be speechless if he ever heard Buddy talk about someone calling them ‘inferior’ for not being a ‘true’ Cybertronian. He’ll take Buddy out on a walk while talking to Buddy about how people being mean because they don’t have anything better to do than cause misery to people who are living life by their rules. Definitely shares with Buddy a comfort playlist before leaving. Teams up with Prowl to find the bot or person who made Buddy feel bad.
Jetfire and Jetstorm
“Buddy! Buddy! Buddy!”—Jetfire and Jetstorm
“Hello there—whoa!”--Buddy
“We missed you!”—Jetfire and Jetstorm
The twins love spending time with Buddy.
Not only does it mean that they get to skip some of their chores, but they get to have fun too. Buddy offers some of the best places to fly and great places to observe some of Earth’s great nature phenomena. The twins sometimes like to combine into Safeguard to give Buddy a ride above the ground to look at earth.
They do use the puppy dog eyes sometimes, but they don’t abuse it too much. Only on harmless things like staying up a little bit more to continue playing video games with Bumblebee.
They don’t hesitate to get Buddy out of a harmful situation. Maybe flare up their powers a bit as a warning. They act like Buddy’s bodyguards when things get hairy.
They get angry when Buddy mentions that someone told them that they were a ‘real’ Cybertronian. They want names immediately. They do try to distract Buddy from feeling down by cracking jokes to make them forget about that feeling again.
Sentinel Prime
“So, this thing has a fragment of the Allspark?”--Sentinel
“They’re name is Buddy.”--Optimus
“Well just hold them down so we can extract—”--Sentinel
Yeah, that’s right he wanted to crack Buddy open just to get the Allspark fragment and call it a day. No one is letting Sentinel anywhere near Buddy after what he said. He has tried pulling the Prime card, but that means nothing here.
Buddy, since they did not hear this, does try to make friends with him. They just want everyone to get along, where’s the damage in that? They are a bit confused in why so many of their friends are so against them even being a couple feet from Sentinel.
The rare times that he does get with Buddy are filled with him undermining them and proud fully boasting about his achievements. Yes, he is defiantly one of the Bots who calls Buddy a ‘fake’ Cybertronian. But these are short times since Buddy’s friends are never too far when Sentinel is around.
All the talking does do a number on Buddy’s confidence and self-esteem thinking they aren’t a true Cybertronian
Sentinel better run and hide because the second that Buddy lets loose that they think that way about themselves and it was caused by Sentinel.
Nothing on this planet or Cybertron is going to stop the war path buddy’s friends are going to be on.
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crying-fantasies · 1 year
Terraformer AU: Basic 1
When I think of the techno-organic sparklings in my AU, one that takes places after the end of Lost Light were everyone gets their happy ending, I think about Sari from tfa in some way, when she first appeared in the show as what she really was it was so incredible that I, as a child, couldn't stop myself from thinking how cool was that, same with the Terrans from tfes.
She didn't need energon in all her life, she grows up just like a human and could look human while also looking like a cybertronian, Sari is, in some way, a part of evolution of her whole race, just like the Maltos, since they don't really need energon, they just drink water to keep going and that is also a form of adaptation to their surrounding.
With the sparklings in my AU since they are a mix, a protoform that scanned human DNA and cybertronian CNA, it gets to look more like the latter, but so still have some particularities of the organic/human side.
They need less energon to live on but they also have something similar to human taste buds, and so energon sometimes can be described as bland in flavor and they prefer flavored options, they like human food but they can also consume living matter, (quite upsetting for some cybertronians since what they are eating was once ALIVE), they don't excrete since their bodies consume to the last atom of organic matter, worst case escenario they will throw up what can't be digested (and also learn not to eat it again, kind of get an stomachache)
Funny thing, they also produce oxygen and nitrogen to some degree (Perceptor noticed when Sunset catched fire in outer space) having something similar to a little atmosphere around them but they don't rust when exposed to water or oxygen, Brainstorm had the brilliant idea of calling them Terraformers, since, well, they could terraform the original environment around them (Mariah stayed in a planet with an atmosphere rich in methane and where she stayed the most started to have more oxygen, living and organic matter expanding around) with the given oxygen and the radiation of their sparks (the degree is optimal to the development of microorganisms) they are quite well looked and welcomed back in Earth.
It's good, but not for the organics with bodies that react aggressively bad to this components (there are planets or sectors that the kids can't go without being taken as biochemical weapon or an intent of colonization), since many species are afraid of cybertronian mechs the news of these hybrids are quite an alarm.
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No Time This Time 7
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon and other elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You prize order and practicality but your past, and newest client, throw your life into chaos. (older [~50s] reader)
Character: Tony Stark
Notes: Here ya be.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you like Tony loves his own voice. Take care. 💖
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“Mom, you need to call the building manager,” you sigh as you close the metal door, covering the rows of circuits. “That thing keeps breaking. I can only do so much.”
“It’s fine,” she insists, “I’m sure you’ve figured it out.”
You pass her and go back to the sink, opening the cupboard beneath as you bend to peer below. You feel around and flip the switch for the garbage disposal, restarting the unit before standing straight. You close the cupboard and shake your head.
“It’s going to keep shorting. It must be the wiring. I can’t fix that.”
“Hmph, I don’t like the manager, he’s… strange.”
“It’s your choice, broken disposal or strange man,” you sigh.
You pull down the sleeves of your dress and check your watch. You have an early morning and a very important day. Of course, telling your mother that did nothing to affect her nagging. You don’t understand why your father’s will insures her a condo with good service only for her to call you over and over.
“I should go–”
“Already?” She gripes, “I’ve hardly seen you.”
“I’ve been working. It's a pretty important case. Besides, Samia–”
“Trust me, I know you’ve been avoiding your sister. You’d think you would have outgrown that sort of behaviour.”
“Not avoiding her, maybe I just have convenient timing,” you tilt your head at her.
“Uh huh, and this Tony Stark, you’re spending a lot of time with him, aren’t you?”
“He has been preparing for his deposition, yes. Which now you mention it, starts tomorrow.”
“He’s a very rich man. Must be about your age too.”
“Doesn’t act like it, trust me,” you surpass your mother and scoop up your purse, “all I have to do is get through it. Then I might take a vacation.”
“A vacation? But your sister–”
“She’s planning, I won’t miss anything if I leave for a week,” you cross your arms.
“She needs your help,” your mother whines.
“How so?”
“Well, she did want me to ask you for a tiny favour,” she clutches a fold in her shirt, putting on her best act of deference.
“Of course,” you nod and gesture with two fingers; what is it?
“She was… we were looking around at places for her engagement party and she just, she really is enamored with the look of Stark Tower.”
“What? I don’t think you can–”
“No, well, we did look into it and it’s not really open to the public, but you know Mr. Stark.”
“No, it’s a conflict of interest, I can’t.”
“This is New York, there are hundreds of places she could choose. Not there.” You retort.
Your mother doesn’t reply. Not right away. She presses her lips together and her brows curve dangerously. She frowns and her mouth pops open loudly as she goes to argue.
“Why are you so mean to your sister?” She accuses.
“What?” You hiss.
“She’s having a hard enough time with all these plans and she wants one favour–”
“I’ve already agreed to go along with this wedding, I’ve done my favour.”
“Oh, it is such a hard task to be there for your own family,” your mother spits.
Where was Samia the last three years when your mother was all alone? When it was you coming by to make sure she had a full pantry and hadn’t hurt herself? Where was Samia as you worked late nights so you didn’t have to cry about your father? Better yet, where was she when you were picking out his casket?
“Like you said, it’s not open to the public and I cannot ask a client for personal favours,” you say tersely, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry to me. Be sorry to Samia. You can tell her what you won’t do for her. Your own baby sister,” your mother scowls.
“Gladly,” you say, “I have to go. I have a long day ahead of me.”
“And I have a long lonely night,” your mother’s voice creaks as she puts on her act, “off you go then, get your precious sleep.”
You hesitate. It takes every ounce of restraint not to full out glare at her. If only she knew the hours you spent laying awake in an empty bed. Thinking of things better off forgotten. Of people you wish you’d never met. She threatens to add herself to that list.
“Good night, mother,” you give her a one armed hug as she stands rigidly, fuming silently. “I will let Samia know to spare you the tantrum.”
As you come down the steps of your building, a loud honk blares in your ear. Like any weathered New Yorker, you ignore it and keep on. Another comes as you approach the curb and draws your attention to the dark car parked there. It’s not unusual but the back window rolls down to confirm it is less than a coincidence.
“Hey, headed to the courthouse?” Tony looks out at you over the tinted glass, “need a ride.”
You stare at him. A litany of dry rejections runs through your mind. ‘Not with you’, ‘I’d rather walk barefoot through hell’, and the like.
“Carpooling is good for the environment,” he smirks, “so, how about it?”
Your answer is a swift march over the curb. He pushes open the door as you near and he shimmies to the other side of the seat. You get in and snap the door shut. You buckle the seatbelt and hook one leg over the other, staring straight ahead as you place your briefcase between yourself and Tony.
“Have a good night? Get lots of beauty sleep?” He teases.
“I slept,” you answer curtly, “I am prepared for the deposition.”
“Ah, it’ll be a stroll in the park,” he stretches his arm over the back of the seat, his hand just above your shoulder, “speaking of, do you often go for walks in Hell’s Kitchen?”
You let your lashes flick but give no other reaction. You keep your hand on your bag and roll your foot impatiently. 
“I have other clients. They take me all over the city.”
“Is that who the blind dude is? A client? Suing for damages?”
“I also am acquainted with other lawyers. So is the nature of the profession.”
“That makes me wonder, the husband, what was he? A lawyer too? He doesn’t have the look.”
“Hmph,” you can’t help the scoff, “no, not a lawyer.”
“Definitely not your type,” Tony brushes a finger over his trimmed goatee, “more your sister’s, I’d say.”
“Mr. Stark,” you warn.
“I’m just, look, it’s a compliment. You’re the kinda gal who seems pretty content on her own. And when it comes to men, I suspect you’re the love em and leave em type. I admit, I got a bit of that myself,” he touches your shoulder and you stiffen, “guy wasn’t strong enough, is what I’m saying. You probably walked all over him. He couldn’t handle it so he went for someone… submissive. And I see the benefit in that as well, I just tend to go for a challenge.”
“Ahem, Mr. Stark, have you reviewed the brief. You must be very aware of the rules of deposition when we walk in–”
“It’s always business with you. What was the wedding night like, huh? You sign the contract then straight to consummation or was there like, dancing?” He chuckles.
“Must you be so crass?” You rebuff.
“I gotta get a little something out of ya,” he trails his hand down your sleeve, “I mean, I had something in you and still didn’t get much. You're the iciest queen I’ve ever met.”
“I am your lawyer. Full stop. That is where this acquaintance ends. Got it? You get your settlement and I get my fee. We part ways, happier than when we met.”
“Oh ho ho, wow, whew,” he blows out with a shiver, “cold.”
“And I would prefer, Mr. Stark, that you not continue to surveil me. What I do in the time not paid for by you, is my own business. Who I speak with, what I do, is not your concern,” you face forward, fighting not to let your lip tremble.
How much more you could say to him. You could imagine the look on his face if you even spoke a single word of what you think of him. He probably doesn’t even see what he’s done for what it is. He’s just another man with his needs.
How fortunate he is that the judicial system rarely charges rapists, especially wealthy ones. Even for those with merit, the process is tiring and tedious, hardly worth it to relive the trauma over and over. Besides, he is not important enough to traumatize you. You’re not even affected by Tony Stark. The thought of the smug look he’d wear were he to think so is enough to assuage any consequence of that forgettable scene in the elevator.
“Miss Potts,” you address the other party, minding her insistence not to be called by her husband’s name, “where are you currently employed?”
She pushes back a strand of her strawberry hair as a line forms in her cheek. She has a manner about her. A way of putting on a stringent look each time she feels challenged. That air of combativeness has followed her throughout the deposition, though there has been little reason for it. 
“At Potts and Co,” she states, “it is a company I began two years ago. We create lifestyle products and experiences.”
You nod and grip your pen firmly, “and how are you compensated, Miss Potts?” 
The questions are all very standard. You go through each, one by one, but this is where you’re looking for some give.
“Well, after taxes and costs, my employees are also paid, so I do have my own salary there,” she explains.
“Mhmm, and do you have any other avenues of income?”
“No, only that company. I’ve built it from the ground and invested all I have in it. It may be no Stark Industries, but it is mine.”
“Thank you, Miss Potts,” you look down and give a thoughtful look to your open folder. You already know the next course of action, “very interesting. May I ask however, about this investment in this company. The funds that you used to start this business, do you have record of their origin?”
“Of course I do,” she nods at her attorney.
You wait and accept the paperwork. You look it over. Some bank statements from the time of opening and a list of bonds maturing. You shuffle through your folder and compare what you have.
“These stocks that you cashed out, they were part of your employment contract with Stark Industries during your time there?” You prompt.
“As an employee, not his wife,” Pepper affirms.
“Mhmm, right, as every employee is allowed to invest and have their contributions matched by the company. It is a very generous contract,” you say coolly, “I have here a record of the company’s contribution. And your own. You were a rather consistent investor.”
You turn the papers towards them, “there is however this matter. Around the time of your marriage, you changed the payor on these bonds. Now, I understand shortly after you and Mr. Stark were wed, that you terminated employment and cashed out on these to begin your business. But as you see, money talks. Mr. Stark invested as much as you invested in five years in five months.”
“What?” Her slender brows draw together and a line forms between them, “no–”
“You will also see that the stocks were legally a part of your marital income. They are not listed in your prenuptial agreement.”
“Tony,” she croaks, “you promised–”
“Miss,” you redirect her, “please, I want you to have a look and confirm to me that what I say is correct.”
She sighs and looks at her lawyer. She finally pulls the papers closer and her face pales. Her attorney clears his throat. They whisper as Tony sits back and crosses his arms. You want to elbow him and tell him not to be so obnoxious. You don’t agree with the shady tactic but he is your client.
“We’re proposing a dismissal for the day,” the opposing attorney says, “and we can reconvene tomorrow. As we’ve already been here for five hours, we think it would benefit both parties to take recess at this point.”
“Accepted,” Tony exclaims and you wave him off.
“Right, we will take recess,” you look at the court reporter, “we understand it has been a strenuous session.”
Miss Potts is the first to stand. She is less than happy as she stomps out without waiting for her lawyer. You calmly gather up your things and load it into your briefcase. Tony chuckles and bites his thumb as the court reporter adjourns themself.
“You are a killer shark,” Tony praises as he stands up, “I didn’t think you had it in you. I mean, the way you look at me could slit my goddamn throat but damn, that was hard shit.”
“Mr. Stark, I am merely stating facts and doing my job.”
“There it is. The ice. Do you think, if you were like a hero or a villain, I’d say more like the later, that you’d have like ice powers? I think you would. Or maybe laser eyes.” He grins and you squint at him, “like that. You are a lawyer after all, morally ambiguous at best.”
“Yes, well, given your line of work, you should be thankful that I am a mere mortal,” you sniff.
He chortles and claps his hand, “oh my god, was that a joke? From you?”
You blink at him dully as you grip the thick leather handles of your bag. His laughter peters out as he tucks his hand in his pocket.
“You’re funny. I mean, it’s that dry kind of humour, real British, but you are a fucking comedian. I like it.”
“Mr. Stark, I think we both deserve a respite after today,” you look at your watch, “have a good night.”
“It’s early,” he follows you to the door, “how about dinner. We’ll celebrate.”
“It’s not over yet,” you say as you come out into the hall.
“Well, sure, but we’re getting there,” he walks at your side. “Or we can hit that whiskey room by your mother’s–”
“Tomorrow will be another early morning.”
“Alright, fine, I’ll wait until it’s said and done, but you agree, we’ll celebrate?”
“I never agreed,” you march forward. “If we get the settlement you desire, I will gladly send you off with a bottle of whiskey. For your very own.”
“Ah, no fun.”
“Divorce isn’t fun,” you chide as you near the elevator. 
You hesitate, nearly tripping. You peek at him from the corner of your eye then back to the silver doors. You should take the stairs.
“Excuse me, I need the facilities before I leave.”
You quickly step away and dip into the bathroom before you can surpass it. You only hear a surprised sputter before the door shuts. You quickly lock yourself in a stall and lean on the metal wall. Stop it. You have no reason to be shaking like a little girl.
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Tfa bumblebee meets a techno organic reader and falls in love crushing hard
I must say that this was a little on the tough side because I am still getting used to this format on phone (Computers out of commission), and the fact that Cyberpunk Edgerunners would’ve made me a pro at writing about Technohumans (I couldn’t finish it), but I’m glad this was a first request!!
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You were an (F/C) technohuman, and new to this Autobot business. Technology was built into you, yet you had obtained only mere knowledge about Cybertron and Autobots. You were found by the Autobots one day and they had decided to take you in.
There was a lot of rules and things you learned that day, and a bunch of new friends you made too. Bulkhead reminded you of a Big Brotherbot, while Ratchet was like a fussy grandpa with how old he was. Prowl was also like a brotherbot to you, calm and quiet. One autobot however, caught your cyberoptics, and it seemed like you caught his as well.
Bumblebee wasn’t really into human organic clichés, especially the infamous “Love at first sight” mumbo jumbo Sari had showed him on the TV, but when he was introduced to you through Prime he was HOOKED. He never thought Technohumans existed, or looked so pretty before!! He was what Prowl called a walking puddle of fried circuitry.
He almost followed you everywhere; whether you were on a mission with Bulkhead and Prowl, or alone with Sari at the Base, he was there, right by your side. Talking to him was always full of surprises, for he talked so much your technology files in your brain were overflowing!
Whenever you were listening to him or acknowledging his presence, his spark would thrum happily in his chassis. You were so calm and kind to him, unlike the others who picked on him and made fun of him, you sympathized with him and was on his side.
He was helm-over-pedes in love with you, and it seemed that you were the only one who didn’t know. Sari was teasing him to get over it and confess, but he didn’t want to rush in too fast. He saw how your demeanor was a calm and neutral pace, so he wanted the confession to be the same.
When the day finally arrived for him to confess, he was a nervous wreck. The poor yellow midgetbot was too excited and too nervous at the same time. When he finally asked you to meet up with him at a secluded park area that was deserted, you decided to go along, hoping to see the world from another view.
Bumblebee finally managed to score a nice area of the park, and taking your binary-coded hands he confessed his little spark out, surprising himself more than you. After a few sparkstopping minutes you confessed your feelings were mutual, and you both were happier than ever. The drive back to Base was fun, for you both had joked and shared interests along the way
Hope this was a good write! I’m testing this as the first request and I tad but struggled but I made it!! Hope you enjoyed!!
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