#sat at my desk thinking about champagne s*x
nico-di-genova · 11 months
At any given moment I am thinking about the champagne scene in chapter 11 of “you and me, we got big reputations”. It changed something within me, I will never be the same.
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markdelonge · 2 years
“ i'm in love ”
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not my gif !
note: i am so sorry !!!!!!!!! that this took forever!!!!!!!!!!!! i wanted to take some time to learn about billie before writing about him bc i didn't know anything other than him being in green day so i spent a week listening to their music and watching interviews AND i was originally gonna do a "dating billie" type thingy but i gave up half way thru bc i was running out of headcannon thingys but its in my drafts so if u want it just lmk
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request?: yes
pairing: billie joe armstrong x female!reader
contains: bad writing, age gap
keys: Y/F/N = your friend's name. Y/F/F = your favorite food
You walked into a fancy restaurant that you had never heard the name of before, fiddling with the hem of your knee-length skirt as you walked up to the waitress standing behind a desk.
"Hi, Just one?" She asked as she picked up a menu.
"Um, No, I-I'm supposed to be meeting someone here. By the name of 'Billie' You started, chewing on your lip from your anxiety.
"Billie Armstrong, I think" You finished
You watched as she looked down at a chart she had as she ran her finger down the paper.
"Y/N?" She asked as she smiled back up to you.
"Yes, that's me" You smiled back, a little bit of your anxiety going away.
"Right this way" She said after she walked from behind the desk and started leading you to the table that an unfamiliar face sat at.
Your anxiety immediately came back as you watched him stand up and he smiled at you.
"There will be someone to come ask for your orders soon" The woman smiled once more before turning to continue her job.
You looked back at the man who was standing in front of you, your friend was not lying when she said that he was attractive. He was shorter than you imagined, though. Taller than less than 5 inches, you didn't really care that much about it.
"Hello. Y/N, right? He asked before sticking his hand out.
You took his hand in your and lightly shook it
"Yes, and you're Billie?" You smiled, mentally cringing.
All he did was nod before breaking the handshake and sitting back down which you followed his actions and looked down at your lap and fiddled with your thumbs.
You looked back up to him to see him already looking at you with an adorable smile plastered on his face.
"So, do you know what you're gonna get yet?" You asked before biting the inside of your cheek and lifting the fancy restaurant's fancy menu.
"No not yet, I haven't even ordered a drink yet"
You looked up at him and your eyes took a second to study the table, noticing that nothing but the menus, salt, pepper and a bouquet of fake flowers were on the table
"How long were you waiting?" You asked, your stomach flipping, hoping that it wasn't long.
"Not that long, maybe like 10 minutes."
"Thank God" You thought to yourself
"So, Y/N, tell me a little about yourself" He stated with a charming smile which was enough to make you smile back
"Well, my full name is Y/F/N, I just recently turned 31"
You continued to talk about yourself, answering the questions he had for you and trying to leave out anything that made you seem lame.
After about 3 minutes of talking about yourself and laughing, the waiter had finally walked up to the table
"Hello, what can I get you two for drinks?" She asked, pulling out a pen from her apron.
Billie looked over to you as if he was waiting for you to answer. You looked down at the menu for a couple seconds before making up your mind.
You lightly cleared your throat before speaking
"I'll have sweet tea"
The lady wrote down what you had said before looking over to Billie
"And what about you, Sir?"
"A pepsi would be cool"
She raised her eyebrow before writing down what he had said then closed her notebook pad and put her pen away.
"I'll be back with your drinks shortly" She smiled and walked away
"Did you see the way she looked at me?" Billie leaned closer over the table and whispered so she wouldn't be able to hear him which made you laugh
"She's probably confused on why we didn't order champagne or something" You whispered before looking around you
"This is a very nice restaurant" You finished.
Your friend, who was also your roommate, had completely set up the date. She was in charge of the day, the time, where it was and she refused to tell either of you what the name of the restaurant was all she did was give you guys each other's names and the address to the restaurant.
"Yeah, I feel underdressed right now" He said in a more normal voice and sitting up straight.
"Me too, I wish Y/F/N would've warned me that this restaurant was gonna be so fancy, I'm used to dates at Applebee's" You joked and silently praised yourself when you saw the smile that showed up on Billie's face
"So, you go on a lot of dates?" He joked back
"Oh, all the time" You replied sarcastically, dragging out "all" to put more emphasis on it.
"I just got back from a date before I came here" You fake bragged, having no idea where you got the confidence to joke with him the way you were.
"Oh, yeah?" He raised an eyebrow
You hummed and nodded your head.
"Where'd you go?" He asked
"Uhh, Applebee's" You said in a "duh" voice.
Your response made him laugh loudly which caught the attention of some people around you. The two of you both looked at the people who were most-likely silently judging you before looking back at each other and laughing more.
The waitress soon came back with your drinks and took your orders. He had ordered Chicken Alfredo while you ordered Y/F/F, that being your go-to food whenver you went out (which wasn’t a lot).
“Okay, Billie, you know almost everything about me, tell me about you” You said before taking a sip of your drink.
You learned lots about him, like his middle name being “Joe”, how he’s in a band called “Green Day”, which you were suprised to hear, given the fact that you knew a couple of their songs, maybe like 2 or 3, you never took the time to see who was in the band though. You also found out that he was 9 years older than you, making him 40. That took you aback given the fact that he looked very close to your age but you brused it off, deciding to give him a chance since it had been so long since anyone had shown any interest in you.
“Wait, so if you play in a rock band you must like rock music, right?” Your face lit up with excitment, you had finally found someone who liked the same music as you. 
“Yeah, I love it” He said after he took a sip of his pepsi
“Do you have a favorite band?” You asked, curious on what his answer was gonna be
“Uhh, I don’t really have a favorite at this moment, but I used to really like Operation Ivy, if you know who they ar-” 
You had cut him off with a gasp once you had registered what he said
“No. Way.” You said a little dramatic.
“I loved them all throughout high school! I used to be so bummed that I couldn’t see them live because when I had started listening, they were already broken up” You pouted, remembering the teenage version of you complaining to your parents about how sad you were about that.
“ What’s your favorite song by them?” He asked 
“Oh, that’s a hard one” You paused, your brain flipping through all the Operation Ivy songs you know, trying to pick just one.
“Um, I’m gonna have to go with “Knowledge”.” You replied and his jaw dropped. 
“That’s my favorite, too!” 
“Nu-uh” You said in complete disbelief 
“Yeah” His voice grew a little louder due to excitment which caused the couple next to us to give us dirty looks once again.
“That’s truly insane, I’ve never met anyone who had even heard of them, I thought I was the only one” You said while stirring the ice around in your cup with the straw.
“Well, now you’ve got me” 
You looked up at him through your lashes, his response making you blush
“I’m glad about that” You smiled before finding a new topic to talk about.
After what felt like forever, the food had finally came, and the two of you spent the next almost 2 hours learning more about each other, laughing, and eating.
Soon, the sound of a chair scooting across the floor had caught your attention and you watched as the couple (who was dressed way fancier than the both of you) put on their jackets to go. The woman who was there looked over at you and the two of you made eye contact. Instead of breaking it, you smiled and waved at her, all she did was look at you like you were trash and rolled her eyes which caused you to gasp.
“What?” Billie asked, looking in the same direction as you were, making it very obvious that the both of you were looking at them. You lightly tapped his hand so his attention would turn to you.
“I smiled at her and she rolled her eyes” You laughed at it, finding it more funny than offensive.
“Oh, shit, for real?” He whispered before turning back over to them and watched as they made their way to the exit. 
You saw as the man talked to the lady who had led you to the table earlier and pointed over to us while saying something that you couldn’t make out.
“Oh, shit” You whispered, sinking into your seat a little when you saw that the lady was coming towards your table. 
“Are you enjoying your dinners?” She asked
“Yeah” You both said at the same time, then smiling at each other.
“Well, I just got a complaint from a couple that was next to you two and they were saying how you guys were being too loud and it made them uncomfortable. So, if you could keep it down, that would be highly appreciated.” She smiled
Both you and Billie smiled at each other before he spoke up.
“I’m sorry about that. I guess we got too deep in conversation to notice” He smiled at the woman
“It’s okay, just remember that they’re others trying to eat here” She smiled back and left.
Not very long after she turned around, the both of you started laughing once again, this time is was quieter so you wouldn’t get a complaint again.
“You wanna get outta here?” He asked after the laughter died down and you nodded.
Billie looked around to see if he could spot the waitress, thankfully she wasn’t far, only a couple tables down. So the two of you talked until she walked by and she asked if everything was going alright.
“Yeah, everything is great. Can we get the bill?” He asked, she nodded and left.
Once she turned with the bill, she took the plates and bid us “goodnight”
You grabbed the bill before he could and your eyes widened as you looked at the price.
“How much is it?” He whispered for unknown reasons
“Oh, that’s not that bad” He said while reaching in his back pocket and pulling out a wallet
“Yeah, but we didn’t even get anything that fancy. I bet if we would’ve went to Applebee’s and got everything we got here, it would be like $60″ 
He laughed at what you said before speaking
“That’s what happens when you go to fancy resturants, babe, shit’s expensive”
Your heart stopped for a split second due to the pet name he had thrown in ever so casually.
You are cool with me calling you that, right?” He made sure you didn’t feel uncomfortable which you thought it was the cutest thing ever.
You nodded in agreement before clearing your throat 
“Yeah, t-that’s cool with me” You smiled which he mirrored.
Only a few seconds later, Billie stood up and walked over to where you were sitting
“Shall we?” He asked, extending his arm out in front of you.
“We shall” You giggled as you took his hand and stood up.
The two of you started walking towards the front of the resturant and you smiled to yourself, happy that this date had gone very well.
The two of you talked about random things until you got to your car.
“This is me” You stopped walking and stood in front of the car.
“Well, actually I was wondering if you wanted to come back with me” He said but it sounded more like a question
“Sorry, Billie, I don’t do hook ups on the first date.” You frowned
“But if you give me your number, I’d be more than happy to go on a second date  with you” You smiled
“Wait, really? I didn’t completely  fuck this date up?” 
“What? No, what makes you think you fucked up”
“We almost got kicked out of a top notch resturant”
“But we didn’t, plus that wasn’t just your fault, I was being loud, too, y’know” You reminded him and he nodded.
You pulled out your phone, unlocked it, went to contacts, and handed him the phone.
“Here, put your number in and we can plan another date later” 
You blushed as his hand brushed over yours when he took your phone
“I really had fun tonight” You after a few seconds of silence.
He looked at you but his head was still down
“Me too” He smiled at you which made your heart melt
“How ‘bout next time we go to Applebee’s since you love it so much” He joked before giving you your phone back. 
Without looking, you put it back in your purse that was on top of your car.
“Believe it or not, I’m actually not a huge fan of going out” You said
“No?” You could hear the sarcasm in his voice which caused you to laugh a little.
“Mhm” You hummed in response. 
“So, then what do you have in mind?” 
“I have this old stereo with a bunch of old cassette tapes that are all the rock albums I used to listen to. So I was thinking, y’know, me, you, a stereo, and maybe chinese food or something?” You chewed on your lip, hoping the plan didn’t sound dumb.
“I got Operation Ivy” You said, your voice filled with hope.
“Text me the time and your address and I’m there, baby” He winked
God, he was gonna drive you insane. You stood there for a few seconds, the both of you just looking at each other before you cleared your throat.
“I should probably get going before Y/F/N starts to worry, I’m never out this late.”
He smiled at you before looking down at his watch
“It’s only 10:30″
“I told you already, I dont go out a lot” You remarked
"Well, I'll see you soon?" He asked
"Of course" You said in an obvious tone.
"Okay, have a good night, Y/N. Text me when you get home?"
You nodded in response.
"You too, Billie"
"Well, you don't have to text me when you get home because you won't have my number until I text you so even if you wanted to text me, you wouldn't be able to a-"
You were cut off by Billie kissing you, it shocked you at first, but you couldn't help but kiss back. The kiss was soft and passionate and only lasted a couple seconds before Billie pulled back.
"I'm sorry, you were ranting"
"No, don't apologize, I liked it" You bit your lip, trying not to smile too big.
All he did was laugh, before he put his hands in his front pocket.
"Goodnight, Y/N." He smiled at you before turning around to walk away.
"Goodnight, Billie"
He turned back, smiled, and waved before turning back to walk to his car.
You silently freaked out right then and there, Your first date in almost 3 years went amazing. You calmed yourself down by taking a deep breath before grabbing your purse and walking to your car door. You were looking through your purse for your keys when your phone went off. Opening it, the first thing you saw was the new contact that had been recently added and was titled "Billie <3".
You smiled before whispering to yourself
"I think I'm in love"
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Drabblecember 31: Happy New Year
pairing(s): Melt Me (Meryl Lynn Wyllt x Jack 'Ace' Kings), Biting You Hard On The Arm (Atom Beiti-Wyndford & Jack 'Ace' Kings), A Clock Doesn't Have A Winning Hand (Arthur Pendragon Wyllt & Jack 'Ace' Kings), Aces & Kings (Pearson Wyndford x Jack 'Ace' Kings), Nice Acid Pool, Man (Salem Liu x Jack 'Ace' Kings)
wc: 941
context: it me birthday so i write as long as i want
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Ace looked up at the sky, arms crossed. It was close to midnight. It should’ve been dark, but of course, it was New Year’s, so they wore their veiled hat. They’d been invited out, and they didn’t want to say no. They currently lurked in a more secluded spot in the town circle, recreationally holding a flute of champagne.
They looked down as they heard someone approaching, and their shoulders relaxed when they saw it was someone they knew. Meryl offered a kind smile as she approached, then fell back to a content neutrality as she settled in next to them.
“Are you alright?” “Yes, I’m fine. Don’t worry.” “You know I’m going to worry anyways.” “I do.” They looked up again. “I wish you wouldn’t. I worry about myself enough for me, you, and Pearson.” Meryl laughed quietly, then shook her head. “I’m still going to worry anyways, because I love you.”
Ace looked down at her again, and she raised a brow as she smiled. They sighed softly, then leaned down and nudged their mask against her cheek. She winced a bit, and they jerked back as they realised the veil was in the way.
“I- whoops.” She laughed again. It made them feel fuzzy.
They heard more approaching footsteps, and turned just in time to get an armful of Atom. They sighed amicably, squeezing them for a moment before letting go. “Happy new year, kid.” “Happy new year!” They moved on to Meryl next.
Ace looked up as Pearson and Arthur walked up, arm in arm. Ace waved amicably at the two of them, and Arthur scoffed before pulling them into a too-tight hug. Ace squirmed a bit, and Pearson laughed.
“Happy new year then, love!” He lifted the veil while they were trapped in her arms, then pecked the side of the mask. “Arthur’s already got residence over my midnight kiss, sorry.” “Oh, no worries.” They decided to exit his arms via his shadow, popping up on the other side as Arthur grasped at air. “I don’t think I’m gonna stick around for the fireworks, anyway.”
“So, what’s your new years’ resolution, Ace?” Atom looked up at them curiously. Ace tilted their head to the side. “Do I have to have one?” “No…wanting to be a better person? Learn a new skill?” “I’m fine just being me and seeing where that takes me, kid.” They patted the top of Atom’s tophat.
Suddenly, everyone burst into raucous cheering and counting. Ace flinched, looking around in fear for a moment. Pearson gestured to the closest shadow, and Ace tipped the hat that held their veil before dashing into it to escape the fireworks.
They exited the shadows, slumping into Salem’s desk chair with a sigh. Salem glanced over at them from the window, then looked back outside.
“Still not a fan of fireworks?” “Never have been. Never will be.” They stretched, then took off the hat and tossed it into the shadows. “Any new years’ resolutions?” “Protect and serve Ringford. As always.” Salem’s brow furrowed slightly in annoyance. “You ask me this every year.” “Just to check if you’re the same old Salem every year.” They sat up, drumming their fingers on the desk. Then, they finally took notice of the purple box on the desk, wrapped with gold ribbon. “Who’s the box for?” “For you.” He folded his arms behind his back. “I noticed you never informed me of a birth date, so I looked through the census.” “...Like you care about my birthday.” “I don’t,” He claimed, despite the evidence to the contrary sitting in Ace’s hands. “Just open it.”
They untied the bow, then freed the container from its lid. They set it down for a moment, to take off their mask, then looked inside properly.
“...Is this custom?” They gingerly picked up the revolver sitting in the box, turning it over in their hands slowly. Salem looked over at them again, to gauge their reaction of the gift. “Yes. I had the best gunsmith I could find in a timely manner create it.” They seemed pleased, and so he was pleased with himself. “This is a practical gift. You need something better than a letter opener if you’re to protect this country and yourself.”
Ace gently opened the chamber, inspecting everything thoroughly. It all seemed to be in order, and made lovingly to boot. The grip even matched their outfit and theme. They closed it again, then noticed the holster.
“...Where’s the holster meant to rest?” “On the small of your back.” “Would you mind helping me with it?”
Salem sighed begrudgingly, then made his way over to the desk. Ace stood, then leaned over it, bracing themself like they always did. He took the holster from the box, then pulled up their coat a bit. They tried not to shift as he undid their belt, instead focusing on the gun. It was clean, at least. Hopefully it fired straight. As he put their belt back into its loops, they could feel the extra weight of the holster on their back, then the extra weight of him as he leaned forward to try and find the buckle better. After it was done up again, he removed himself from them entirely. They slid the gun into the holster, then straightened back up. They turned around, leaning back on one elbow as they reached into where their face should be to pull it out. He simply observed as they put it in place, testing their jaw a bit before looking at him with a bit of a smile.
“Happy new year, then, Salem.” “Happy new year, Ace.”
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mediocre-writerr · 3 years
the 1 [shelby goodkind]
folklore challenge: day 1
shelby goodkind x reader
summary: shelby and y/n had this connection that no one really understood, but themselves, but even the best connections end up as what if’s
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*not my gif*
You were walking the small streets of Texas headed to the place you dreaded most. High school. You were always an outsider even now though. You’ve been saying ‘yes’ to the things you would never say yes too. I guess that’s what happens when you’re going through a heartbreak. 
You stopped at the bus stop, but not before freezing in your place. The beautiful blonde hair, the beautiful blonde color of the girl you were once in love with. 
It was only when one of your peers bumped into you when you realized she actually wasn’t there. You rubbed your eyes desperate to see if she was actually there, but she wasn’t. 
You sunk into the desk of your English class. Your unenthusiastic teacher caught the classes attentions, “Okay, as a reward for reading The Great Gatsby we’re going to be watching the movie, so yeah,” 
Your heart stopped at the title of the movie. Your mind drifting back to the girl you love the most in this world.
The masquerade ball was in full swing in New York. You snuck away from your church mission and to the event you wanted to go to the most. The theme was the Roaring 20′s in the heart of NYU. 
You always heard about the infamous NYU New Year’s parties, this one just so happened to be a ball. You could be anyone you wanted to be. No one scolding you for loving who you want. That’s why you were here. 
You were just people watching, as you sipped on your cheap champagne. Then there was someone who cleared their throat. They had the picture perfect blonde hair dressed in a flapper outfit. Their mask giving them an extra sense of mysteriousness. 
All the mysterious stranger did was extend their hand out. You just raised your eyebrows up intrigued, “You decided to make your way out?” you said in more of a question.
“I couldn’t let my girl dance alone especially on New Year’s Eve,” the familiar voice whispered. 
“Did I corrupt THE Shelby Goodkind?” you asked, finally taking your girlfriend’s hand. 
She shook her head, “You didn’t, but my love for you did,” 
A big smile broke out onto your face as you hold her close. She pressed her forehead onto yours as the two of you swayed to the music together. 
School came and gone as it usually did. You were at your locker grabbing all the books you needed to take home. Your eyes drifted over towards the locker down the hall from you. 
The locker the two of you would make secret eye contact in. Where eye contact spoke much louder than words. But she wasn’t there. 
She was in Kona, Hawaii, on a retreat to find herself. I guess it’s true what they say, if you never bleed, you’re never gonna grow. 
You could just imagine her out there, just learning how to surf, going on adventures. Yet your find imagination turns dark really quick when you think of her finding someone new on the trip. She’ll take her home to overcome the prejudices against her.
You wanted it to be you.
Your relationship was kept secret for the longest time. No one knew, not even your shared best friend Becca. She was always scared to come out, you both were.
In the town that you lived in, the ideals that were brain washed into your head, it was easy to fear for your life.
But you always wished for something greater. Not just for you, but for the two of you.
The two of you spent most of the night dancing it away. Then you finally found a quiet area of NYU, you sat next to one another on the edge of the fountain.
You reached into your pantsuit pocket and pulled out two pennies, “I think it’s only fair if we make a wish, that’s kind of what fountains are made for,”
“I mean if it’s the rules,” she said with a smile, taking her penny, but intertwining your fingers together.
“On three?” you asked, squeezing her hand lightly.
“1, 2, 3.” she counted.
You closed your eyes throwing the penny into the water, “What did you wish for?” she asked.
“Now if I tell you it wouldn’t come true, now would it?” you tease her.
She scoffed, “You’re no fun,”
You leaned in closer to her, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. Once your lips touched, fireworks bursted through the air. The echoes of ‘Happy New Years’ ringing throughout the air.
“Happy New Year, my sweet girl,” you whispered as you pulled away.
“Here’s to many more years with the person I love the most,”
Well that didn’t last long.
That’s when May became your least favorite month. The time of hopefulness and love turned into hatred and broken hearts.
“Shelby? Why have you been avoiding me? What did I do?” you whispered to her as you finally tracked her down in the hallways.
She finally let out a sigh, looking around to see if anyone was looking before pulling you into the nearest empty classroom. You could tell her thoughts were screaming at her.
“Shelb, talk to me, please. It’s been three days,” you whispered, her heart breaking at how upset you sounded.
“We can’t be together anymore,” she whispered, “It’s not right, the love between us. When people find out, we’re gonna be all alone! No family! No friends! No one!”
“But we’ll have each other, isn’t that enough?” you asked, not wanting to raise her voice like she did, “Why are you bringing this up? That was our plan wasn’t it, to get through the next year and go to NYU where we could just be us,”
“My dad found out about us. He saw us kissing in your car before you dropped me off a couple blocks down my house. I can’t lose my family, I’m not going to risk being alone and having everyone hate me,” she confessed.
There were beats of silence, you sat there unsure of what to say, “It’s just not enough,” she whispered, before leaving the classroom. She didn’t even turn around to give you one last look goodbye, she just kept walking.
She walked right out of your life.
“Teenagers referred to as the Unsinkable 8 was just saved from an island off the coast of California. These eight girls were a part of an unethical experiment. They thought that they were on their way to an all girls retreat in Kona, Hawaii,” the news broadcasters said getting your attention off the homework and onto the screen.
You dropped your pencil as you turned up the volume on your TV, “Instead of a relaxing vacation they were met with an experiment where they believed that they were on a stranded island in the middle of nowhere. Once they thought they were saved they were brought into an interrogation as a second phase of the experiment by the woman who ran the experiment. But officials say the girls planned an escape and went to get help,”
“The Unsinkable 8 consists of Toni Shalifoe, Martha Blackburn, Leah Rilke, Fatin Jadmani, Nora Reid, Rachel Reid, Dot Campbell, and Shelby Goodkind,” your heart stopped at the sound of her name, “Families have been notified and they’re en route to pick up their girls from the holding station in Los Angeles, California. All families and friends will be able to see their loved ones at 11am pacific standard time,”
This was a crazy idea, but you opened a new tab searching for cheap flights. It wasn’t cheap, but it was worth it. You needed to see her. You needed to make sure she was okay.
You were on the first flight there. Someway, somehow you made your way to the holding station. You looked around to see girls reuniting with their family’s. But you couldn’t see the Goodkind’s, but your eyes rested on the familiar figure. Her hair no longer there, but she still looked absolutely gorgeous.
“Shelby,” you whispered.
She turned around her eyes going wide as she met yours. The blonde looked down to her hands and you saw her hand intertwined with someone else’s. You followed the hand to the figure, a beautiful brunette girl. 
“Y/N?” she whispered back.
Your smile was about to falter, but you kept the smile on your face. At least for her sake, “I heard on the news what happened, I took the first flight to make sure you were okay,”
“Is she a part of your family?” the brunette who’s fingers were intertwined with hers asked.
Shelby shook her head, “No, this is my friend Y/N Y/L/N,”
The brunette stuck her hand out, “Toni Shalifoe,”
“It’s nice to meet you,” you whispered, “Your parents aren’t here yet?”
“No,” Shelby said, but she didn’t seem to fear for her life. She was confident as her hand was still tightly intertwined with Toni’s.
“You’re going to tell them about the two of you?” you asked.
“Is there a problem with that?” Toni asked, a protectiveness side coming out of her. You noticed Shelby squeeze her hand to reassure her or to calm her nerves.
“Yes I am. When you think you’re dying, the truth really comes out. I’m not afraid to hide who I am anymore. Being able to love who I want is worth it,” she said, looking at her with loving eyes...the way she used to look at you.
You swallowed back your tears, “Yeah, loving who you want without repercussions is worth it. I’m glad you found someone who’s enough,” you told her and her smile faltered, as her eyes softened.
“Now I gotta go, I know your parents aren’t the biggest fans of me, I’ll uh see you back home,” you tell her, immediately turning around and walking away.
“Y/N!” her voice called out, but you didn’t turn around you just kept walking.
A week later back in Texas, there was a soft knock on your bedroom floor. You were lying on the floor with your favorite record playing, just staring up at the ceiling.
The door creaked open, you didn’t bother looking up, assuming it was your mom calling you down for dinner, “I’m not hungry,”
“Are you sure? She made your favorite,” Shelby’s voice rang out and you tensed up.
She laid on the floor next to you. Your shoulders were touching as you let out a sigh, “I’m sorry,” she whispered.
“You have nothing to apologize for,” you told her and there were a few beats of silence, “If I did one thing different, would everything be different today?”
“I don’t know,” she confessed, “I love you Y/N, more than I’ve loved anyone in my entire life. But I also care deeply for Toni and I can’t-I need to see where this goes. The right way. Being able to hold her hand in public and not hide her,” her voice cracked, knowing she was breaking the heart of someone who has always been there for her.
You put your hand on hers, squeezing it ever so lightly. You didn’t even look at her, you couldn’t look the girl who was once yours in her eyes. 
“I know I shouldn’t be digging up the grave, but remember in New York when we made the wish on New Year’s Eve?” you whispered to her. You could feel her nod from next to you, “All I ever wished for you was to love unconditionally with no boundaries. No more hiding. No more running away from who you really are. I wanted you to be you,”
You finally looked at her beautiful green eyes to see tears glistening in them, “Even if it’s not with me,” you whispered.
Shelby let out a cry as you uttered those five words. The tears that glistened into her eyes fell onto her cheeks. You hesitantly reached out and wiped away her tears. 
“It would’ve been sweet, it could’ve been with me, but you-” your voice cracked, “I am so proud of you and I will always love you,” 
“And I will always love you,” she whispered, standing up and walking out of the room, but this time she looked back sending you a sad smile. 
I guess it would’ve been fun, if she could’ve been the one. 
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beth-yeet365 · 4 years
“We’re not finished” - bws
Pairing: Bradley Simpson x reader
Summary: you’re Tristan’s cousin and you’re as close as brother and sister. When he says that he has an extra room in his flat that he shares with his bandmate, Brad, you decide to move in... What’s the worst that could happen?
Word count: 2.1k+ 
Warnings: some alcohol consumption, Brad being forward which ight cause ome awkward situations, like one or two curse words and mention of boner ;)
Disclaimer: I don’t know if any of this is true either way it’s an imagine so don’t expect anything that’s super true... also you play drums like Tris but that is because that’s the only instrument I can play lmao and you’re 2 years younger than Tris so that makes you 3 three years younger than Brad
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It all started with a facetime call with your favourite and only cousin, the one and only Tristan Evans. 
You’re moving into his flat that he also shares with his bandmate Brad. They had extra room and you have been complaining about how expensive rent is in London to live on your own and you don’t want a creepy roommate so Tris saved your ass and offered the room.
Moving in wasn’t as hard is you’d expected. Mostly because you had the other vamps helping you carry stuff to the flat. 
You of course carried some of your stuff up but not being the strongest person in the world made it pretty difficult.
You especially needed help with carrying your electric drum kit cause that shit’s heavy.
“Right, Y/N, I think you’re pretty settled in.“ Tristan said, carrying the last box into your new room. 
“Yeah, but I still need a bed to sleep in.“ You said.
“You can sleep on the sofa tonight and we’ll go to IKEA tomorrow.”
“Yeah from what we’ve witnessed from the times you’ve visited us on tour you can sleep pretty much anywhere,“ Connor started. “And definitely not as tall as Tris so you’ll fit anywhere.“ He then added, laughing as the other boys laughed at his comment.
“Ha ha, go on mock my height when you don’t have an awful lot yourself.“ You fired back, patting his shoulder. 
“She’s got you there, Con.“ Brad said to him chuckling to himself.
“Oh, you can’t talk either, Bradley.“ you told him.
“You wound me, darling.“ He acted offended and put his hand over his chest in mock hurt. 
“Hey! Don’t be flirtin’ with my baby cousin!“ Tris exclaimed jokingly.
We all laughed and decided to drink some well deserved beers after carrying all the boxes up. 
Soon enough James and Connor left to go home to their own places.
You started to unpack the boxes with your clothes and putting the closet and dresser that were already in the room. 
While unpacking your clothes you came across a small cardboard box you keep all your printed out pictures of you visiting the boys while they were on tour. You were like a sister to all of them. 
You took the pictures out of the box and looked at all of them while sat on the ground. They were all a mixture of selfies with all the boys, pictures of the places you’ve been and pictures have taken of you playing drums. All of the good memories. 
You smiled at all of them and moved to collect them and put them back in the box when a voice spoke. 
“You always look so concentrate and content.“
You looked up to see Brad leaning on the doorframe of your room, arms crossed in front of his chest.
He looked good. He always does though. 
To be honest, you’ve had a huge crush on him ever since you stepped onto the tour bus when you were 19 and he was 22. 
“Sorry, what?“ You asked in confusion. 
“When you play drums you just look concentrated but also content and happy.“ He said while pointing to the pictures of you playing, then moving to sit across from you on the floor. 
“Well playing drums is such a reliever, you know? It’s just you and the sound of the drums.“ You explained to him. 
“Yeah I get that.“ He said nodding. “It’s the same when I start singing or start playing guitar or piano.“
“It’s one of the reasons why I brought the drum kit with me just in case I get tired of you two.“ You said with a joking smile.
“Very funny, Y/N,“ He said. “Well I’m happy you brought it.“
“Why?“ You asked the curly haired boy in front of you, while you absentmindedly sifted through the pictures. 
“Because it’s hot.”
You snapped your head up to find his brown orbs staring right back into yours. 
You could feel the blood rushing to your face. 
Clearing your throat just to do anything to relive the now awkward tension in the room. 
“Where’s Tris?“ You diverted the conversation from the awkward situation from before. 
“He popped over to the shop to get something I didn’t quite catch.“ He answered and moved to stand up. 
“Oh.“ Was the only thing you could say, mentally hitting yourself. 
he was now standing up, looking down at you and offered a hand to help you stand up from the ground. You gladly took it and he practically heaves up. 
“I’m back!“ Tristan hollers from the entrance of the flat. “Where are you guys?“
“Coming!“ You shout back at him.
Dammit, Tris.
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Sleeping on the sofa wasn’t as comfortable as you’d hoped. 
It was weird not being able to move freely because of the backrest on it but at least you had Jesse to cuddle you while you were on your phone. 
Jesse is Brad’s golden retriever and a national treasure to be preserved. 
She proved to be very cuddly at 1 a.m. 
You then noticed you were thirsty so you decided to get up and make some tea in the hopes that would make you sleepy enough for you to sleep after. 
You never noticed how noisy turning on a kettle was until you had to turn it on in the middle of the night where everything seems noisier. 
When the kettle boiled you found a random mug and some classic English breakfast tea in one of the cabinets. 
“You awake, too?“ A voice startled you. 
You jump in fright and turn around only to find Tris. 
“Jeez, could’ve announced your presence without scaring me.“ You tell him, putting the tea bag into your cuppa. “But yeah I’m awake how else would I be making tea?”
“Don’t get smart on me,“ he playfully scolds you. “Why you awake, though?“
“Simply couldn’t sleep.“ 
“Sucks, but now you have me to keep you up as well.“ He smiles at you and walks to the kettle making himself a cuppa. 
“Oh gee, am I supposed to be happy?“ You ask him making him roll his eyes at your questions. 
You both moved to the sofa and sat down to talk.
Late night talks with Tris were always the best especially since you were so close and therefore could talk about everything from playing drums and nerdeing about that to mental health. 
“Okay, Y/N, I have a question for you.“ He tells you making you furrow your eyebrows. He doesn’t really announce that he has a question unless it’s something or serious.
“Do you like Brad?“
Now that was a question you didn’t expect. Like never.
It caught you off guard, making it difficult for you to answer his question.
“What would you say if I told you I did?“ You ask him back.
“I would tell you to fess up ‘cause you both like each other.“ He responded.
“Is it really that noticeable that I like him?“ Your eyes widened with your ask.
“Umm, if it wasn’t you guys’ obvious flirtin’ it would be you completely snappin’ out of it and getting distracted when he walks into the room.” He explains making you put your head in your. 
“Oh my God does he know?“ Your question comes out muffled because of your hands. You also avoided his amused gaze in embarrassment. 
“No no, he’s just as oblivious to your feelings as you are to his.” He informs you, making you relax. You also decided to ignore Tris’ confirmation of Brad’s mutual feelings for you. 
“I’ll tell you what,“ Tris starts again. “James, Con and I all agree you’re good for each other but I’ll go back to bed so you can sleep ‘cause you look like you’re tired now,“ he continues and moves to collect your mugs. “and say goodnight to you.“ he finishes when he put the mugs in the dishwasher.
“Goodnight, sleep well Tris.“ You tell him and he kisses your cheek.
“Sleep well, Y/N, we’ll try to keep it down when we wake up later on.“ He tells you and he proceeds towards the hallway
You lay down on the sofa again with Jesse coming to lay at your feet and you were out like a light.
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You were aching.
You had been assembling a bed, a desk and a chair from IKEA with Tris, Brad, Con and James since you came home.
IKEA manuals were gonna be the death of you.
Tris, Con and James had gone out to the shop to get some champagne to celebrate you officially moving in since you also got your own copy of the key to the flat from the landlord.
Brad had stayed behind mumbling out some excuse for not going. 
You had stayed behind because you still had to move things into your room and make your bed and all that fun stuff. 
“Need help?“ Brad’s voice interrupted your movements in making your bed.
“Um, not right now but thanks.“ You answered politely.
You felt awkward as you remembered what Tris had told you during the night. Even though you had ignored them you still acknowledged them.
He’s just as oblivious to your feelings as you are to his.
You finished making your bed with Brad’s burning gaze on you.
A phone pinged and both of you reached to check your phones.
“Tris says that they’re gonna be late ‘cause traffic’s bad.“ Bard said.
You could only nod in acknowledgment as you read the same text but on your own phone.
“Well what do you wanna do?“ He asked, desperately trying to break the awkward tension.
“I’m quite tired, actually,“ you confessed. “Assembling really drains the energy outta ya, ya know?“
“Yeah yeah, I get that.“ He answered and looked around your room. “Should we see if we made the bed as good as the one in the shop?“ He suggested.
“Smooth, Bradley,“ you laughed out. “But yeah, let*s.“
You both jumped onto the bed. 
“This is almost better than the one in the shop.“ He says, wiggling around.
“Yeah it is.“ You hold your hand up for a high five which he high fives and let’s his hand stay there, moving to thread your fingers.
You smiled at his actions and reciprocated. 
He released his hand and moved it to your face to brush some hair out of your face, making your face heat up.
You decided to make a bold move and move your face just mere centimeters away from his face.
You were both breathing hard in anticipation, trying to figure out who would kiss who first. 
Fuck it, you thought and kissed him.
He immediately caught on and moved on top of you, his arms caging your head.
It felt amazing.
Lips moving together, teeth clashing, tongues exploring your mouths.
You threaded your hands in his hair and tugged at it eliciting a moan out of him.
On of his hands started moving from its position at your head down to your waist making you giggle cause you were ticklish. 
He moved away from your face agonizingly slow.
“That was-“ he started saying but looked at loss for words. “Wow, just wow.“
“Yeah,“ you agreed. 
You couldn’t think straight as his now swollen lips moved down to kiss your jaw and neck, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
He would suck, then lick your skin to soothe it.
To say the boy was talented was an understatement.
You could feel him smile against the skin on your collarbone when he found that spot that would’ve made you fall if you were standing up.
“We’re home again!“ Tris’ holler interrupted your little session, making Brad groan and fall on top of you. 
“We brought the champagne!“ James then hollers.
You both moved away from each other and sat up.
“Coming!“ Brad yells back at them which you were grateful for because you didn’t trust you own voice.
“You go ahead,“ Brad tells you. “I have to just sort something out.“ 
You snicker at him.
“We’re not finished,“ you tell him before walking out the door, smiling like an idiot ‘cause you couldn’t contain your happiness and the feeling of bliss.
One thing you forgot before greeting them was checking yourself in a mirror before greeting the guys.
“Hey guys!“ You greet.
“Uh, hey Y/N,“ James greets you back, holding back a chuckle.
Connor turned away to try and calm his laughter.
“Brad! Why does Y/N have hickeys down her neck!?“ Tris shouts while walking to your bedroom.
The smile fell off your face as James and Con couldn’t contain their laughter anymore.
Oh shit.
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cacoetheswriting · 4 years
champagne problems, ch.11
Spencer is in love with you, but you’re engaged to someone else.
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Chapter Eleven: I Know It’s Over: Things get a little more clearer as you deal with the pain Spencer caused. A/N: chapter is titled after this song if you want to listen while reading. Word Count: 1.4k Warnings: swearing, heartbreak, unrequited / unreciprocated love, jealousy, talk of breakup/s, mentions of alcohol consumption / intoxication, serious serious angst, this whole series is a real slow burn.
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A/N: everyone go thank @ellesgreenaway​ for getting me out of my writing rut just in time to get this chapter done! and as always, i wanted to reiterate how fucking grateful i am that y'all are reading, and liking, this little story! it means the world to me! also, i didn't reread this so there may some mistakes ill fix later, sorry!!
People love weekends. They’re like a mini holiday. A break from the tedious and repetitive cycle that is Monday to Friday. Weekends are time spent away from the office, your profession and whatever that entails. They are time spent away from completing menial tasks. A break.
Saturdays and Sundays help regain all of the lost energy. When people get caught up in everyday life, weekends remind them to enjoy the simple things. They gives the opportunity to try new things, visit family and friends, or allow to simply spend some time alone. People love weekends.
Your weekend however, was an utter blur.
Aiding a killer hangover on Saturday, you opted to spend the day in bed. A plastic bucket within your reach and a bottle of water on the side table. You slept a lot. Partially to ease the headache, but mainly to ease the pain you were experiencing in your chest. The heartache.
The only thing you could remember from the night before was Spencer completely shattering your hopes and dreams, and the first six shots of tequila you took after at a nearby bar. You weren't entirely sure how you got home; the next morning Ethan clarified he picked you up after the bartender rang him using your phone. Not one of your proudest moments.
Your lack of motivation carried onto Sunday. The grief you were experiencing was not unfamiliar, after all Spencer’s broken up with you before. Although this time the agony that accompanied it felt a lot more intense. You couldn't move, or eat, or even shower. You were frozen. Stuck to the bed as if it was your only lifeline.
Thankfully Ethan was working both days. In your eyes, he was too preoccupied to notice something was wrong. Unbeknown to you however, he knew exactly the reason behind your melancholy.
The weekend soon ended, almost as soon as it began. Monday morning rolled around and with it the encouragement to get out of bed. Not like you wanted to. If you had it your way, you would never leave the comfort and safety of your duvet again. You knew however, you couldn't stay home without at least some of your colleagues questioning your absence, asking what was wrong. No. It was time to face reality.
Time to face Spencer.
The brunette doctor was sat at his desk. He arrived to work today earlier than usual, about four hours early to be exact. He made his usual cup of coffee and since then he hasn't moved an inch, just staring silently at his phone.
It wasn't something he done often, honestly he only carried the thing around for work purposes. But something happened that he couldn't quite get over.
On Saturday morning, Spencer woke up to a message left on his voicemail. A message from you.
At first it was hard to decipher what you were saying, or rather what you were mumbling. Between the drunken hiccups, slurred speech, and obnoxious background noise, Spencer initially thought it was a butt dial. It must have been, right? He was after breaking your heart for a second time, why would you leave him a voicemail?
However, hearing your melodic tone just saying his name, prompted Spencer to listen to the message again. It was then he really heard the distorted words coming out of your mouth.
“Spencerrrrrr, I uh I don't believe yo-ou. I know-w in uh my hearrrt-t you d-didn't mean it.” Hiccup. “P...p-please let’ssss forgetuh abo-ut it.” Hiccup. “I-I love youh-uh anddd I kno-ow you love meeee. I jussst kno-w.” Hiccup. “I-I me-an you uh couldn't-t even look me-e in the eye when you sss-said it.... please-e S-Spencer-”
The message cuts off and he’s left dumbfounded.
Blood drained from his face. The voicemail registered in his brain and he suddenly felt dizzy. Nauseous even. His hands began to tremble in his lap, and he swore if he wasn't sitting down he would have fainted.
By Monday, Spencer had listened to the voicemail a painstakingly two-hundred and eleven times. He had it memorised, and yet he kept playing it over and over again just to hear your voice.
As he sat at his desk, waiting for his colleagues to arrive, he wondered whether you remembered sending it. Truthfully, he hoped you didn't. It would be easier to move on that way - as if moving on from you was an option.
The glass door opened and he heard a faint sound of footsteps walk across the bullpen. Footsteps Spencer would honestly recognise anywhere. Taking in a deep breath, he glanced up from his phone and slightly turned his head, his gaze landing on you.
The air caught in Spencer’s throat, the voicemail instantly replaying in his head.
He wondered what you were thinking. Simply by looking at you he could tell you were in pain. Pain he caused, and he hated himself for it. Having spent countless hours over Saturday and Sunday rethinking the situation, he knew he made a mistake. He should have never given into Ethan’s smug demands. And even if, he should have told you what happened. Leave the choice up to you, as it was in the first place.
It was too late now to fix this, Spencer knew even if you remembered sending the voicemail you wouldn't listen to what he had to say anyway. Selfishly, he wanted you to look at him. He wanted to gaze into your eyes as the drunken message replayed in his mind yet again.
And although you could feel his eyes on you, you couldn't bring yourself to meet his stare. No. The heartache would only intensify. This was a mistake. You should have stayed home. With a blank expression, you placed your bag on your desk and hurried in the direction of the office kitchenette.
Spencer on the other hand followed you with his gaze. Every fibre of his being screamed to follow you, to talk to you. But he was completely frozen and remained glued to his own chair. Once again, a true display of cowardliness.
By lunch time, the whole team picked up on the odd dynamic between you and the handsome doctor. Two people that spent every waking moment together were no longer speaking to one another.  It didn't take a profiler to see something was wrong.
You hid in Penelope’s lair with the bubbly blonde and Tara. Enjoying a couple minutes of peace away from the prying eyes of everyone you worked with, most importantly however, away from Spencer.
“So chicken, are you going to tell us what’s wrong?” Garcia enquired, taking a mouthful of her lunch. “Because a blindman could see something is off, and don't you dare telling me I’m delusional or something.”
“Penelope is right, Y/N. Last time you were this silent and upset was when Spencer was in prison.”
You let out a deep sigh at the sound of his name. It was no use hiding your feelings from them, they would figure it out eventually. Plus these were the people you trusted more than anything in the world. If you couldn't tell them, then who could you tell what was going on?
“It’s something similar.” You mumbled, avoiding their gaze. “Just much much worse this time...”
“Well whatever it is, you can tell us. We’re here for you.” Penelope chimed, and reached out her hand to grab yours. She gave it a gentle squeeze and shot you a reassuring smile.
“Yes, exactly. We will support you through anything, you know that.” Tara added nodding along.
You sniffled. What were becoming all too familiar tears formed in the corners of your eyes, and you knew you would break down at any given second. Taking in a long breath, you began to tell the two girls everything that’s happened since your engagement. They listened attentively, never turning their attention away from you. As they listened, they both held your hands and took turns whispering ‘it’s okay’ or ‘take your time’.
“I’m going to kill our resident genius. He won't know what’s coming.” Penelope murmured after you finished in an attempt to lighten the mood. The corners of your lips twitched ever so slightly upwards as you wiped the tears away from your face.
“What are you going to do?” Tara asked after a congenial moment of silence.
“Ehm...” You cleared your throat. “S-Spencer wants nothing to do with me, but uhm... I after everything I c-can’t, I just can't be with Ethan. I can’t-t.”
The girls both nodded their heads, and even though they understood exactly what you meant by what you were saying, you still felt like you had to say the words aloud. For your own sake.
“So, uhm, I-I’m going to break up with Ethan. I-I’m going to end the engagement.” You stated, and even though your heart still ached, you felt as if a weight was lifted off of your shoulders. You felt free.
And I know it's over - still I cling I don't know where else I can go 
A/N: as always i’d love to hear your feedback! if you would like to be added to a taglist, please let me know. thank you for your continuous support. with love, mal. x
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story taglist: @girloncorneliastreet, @haylaansmi, @rexorangecouny, @l0ve-0f-my-life, @obsssedwithjustaboutanything, @aperrywilliams, @sassy-hades, @rainsong01, @reverdevivre, @dracomikaelson, @softieekayy, @lunaofcrows, @andrewhoezierbyrne​, @blameitonthenight21, @lyl-26, @do-yr-research, @nazifa94, @stepsofthefbi, @chatterbug2-0, @calm-and-doctor, @halseysunset
spencer reid taglist: @no-honey-no​, @calm-and-doctor​, @idroppedmygourd​​, @averyhotchner, @wowitsel, @elldell1204, @hey-there-angels, @reidabookforonce, @ellesgreenaway
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0celesteisthebest0 · 3 years
Take A Chance On Me
Word count: 4,069
Pairing: Jack “Whiskey” Daniels x Fem! Reader(no y/n)
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Warnings: Explicit language
Authors notes: Again I want to thank everyone who read the first chapter it really means a lot to me for you guys to read this. Please message if you want to be included on the taglist so you don’t miss out future chapters. Also this chapter deals a lot with plot, when I said this fic was slow burn I mean it so don’t be surprised when it takes a while but it’s totally worth it. Chapter two was somewhat difficult to write for me but I’m glad with how it turned out. (Side note, I’ll be releasing the next chapter a day early as a birthday gift from me to you. So instead of Saturday it releases Friday at 8) OK ENOUGH OF MY RAMBLINGS ENJOY🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 2 : Unnecessary tension
You did your best to ignore the pit of anxiety that was eating at your stomach since last night. You felt like a dick but they did come to your apartment without permission. You didn’t even tell them where you lived; they had to find that out through the information you gave to the Statesman in case of emergencies. It just made you feel worse because they had to find out through information that you thought would stay private. All you could do to deal with these emotions is to push them down and work on things for the Statesman. You busied yourself throughout the day working with new agents to improve their skills, give finished reports to other agents, and work in your office. You sat at your office to see what more you can do. You grabbed a pen and began tapping it on your oak desk. You could go to the lab to see what new weapons Ginger was working on but you felt it was going to be an awkward interaction if you went to go see her. You sighed and thought that you still had that lead to inform Champ about. It wasn’t much of a lead but it’s something so you grabbed your notepad where it had your notes and your laptop and hurried out of your office.
You walked briskly through the hallway to the conference room that was also Champagnes office. You looked at the large wooden doors and knocked and waited for someone to respond. You didn’t like to barge in, even if it was for a potential lead.
“Come in,” you heard Champs muffled voice come through the door. You took a deep breath and opened the door.
“Sorry to bother you but I think I might have something for the Golden Apple case.” You walked in making your way in front of Champ. You didn’t realize that Tequila was also in the room with Champ sitting on one of the chairs drinking what looked like to be a vodka soda. His demeanor seemed tense as you made eye contact.
“Agent Brandy what did you find.” Champ asked in a serious tone. You looked up at him and set down your laptop which was open to the Instagram page of McKayla Murphy. You cleared your throat and began to talk again.
“I ran the image we had of the potential leader through Ginger's face recognition system. A lot of the images that were “similar” to the photo we had were questionable. The only one that caught my attention was this one.” You stated quickly and moved your laptop to show Champ the photo of McKayla and the man who could’ve been the leader.
“No disrespect to you Brandy, but this is a whole lot of nothing. It just looks like a normal couple.” Champ commented while looking at the Instagram photo.
“I’m not focused on the couple, look at the case of her phone.” You responded while zooming in on her case.
“Well I’ll be damned,” he muttered while scratching at his chin.
“I understand that it’s not much but this is the best we got and well… I was wondering if we can scan facial recognition on the girl to see if there is anything identifying the mystery man who could be behind the terrorist group.” You explained to Champ as you ignored the look that Tequila was giving you. Champ stood there silently as he continued to scratch at his chin.
“You should do it, it’s all we got right now so you should go to Ginger and ask her to help you with the face recognition. Good work Brandy” Champ instructed as he went to grab a drink. You nodded, grabbed your laptop, and headed out of the room. You still felt Tequilas stare on your back as you left the room. You refused to think about Tequila right now especially since you might finally have something. You continued walking down the hallway to elevators to get to the basement where the labs are located. You pressed the button of the elevator and waited for it to open up. When it finally did you walked in with two agents already in the elevator. You nodded at them and pressed the button for the basement. You stood there silently and the elevator opened after some time and let one of the agents go out. You continued to wait and you felt yourself get antsy. Why is this taking so long, you should’ve just used the stairs, you subconsciously grumbled to yourself. The elevator stopped once more on level one, god you were so close to the lab why did everything have to be so slow today. The final agent left the elevator and another person walked in.
“Brandy, hey how’s it going,” the infuriating voice of Agent Vodka spoke and you wanted to just disappear there and not deal with him today but sadly you weren’t so lucky. You just nodded at him and hoped the elevator would go faster so you could avoid talking to this idiot.
“I forget that you aren’t much of a talker like you remember when we had that mission together in Florida and I kept trying to ask you if you ever been to Disneyland and you kept telling me to focus and..” the elevator beeped and the door opened and you quickly walked out of the elevator leaving Vodka to ramble on in the elevator. You sighed and continued to walk to the lab area where Ginger was working diligently on new weapons the agents could wear on the field.
You cleared your throat and got Gingers attention. She gave you a small smile.
“Hey Ginger, I need your help with something,” you asked as you walked closer into her lab. You saw Ginger nod and go to her desk where you followed her.
“I need help with using the facial recognition software, I need you to run McKayla Murphy’s face through the system.” You stated calmly as you stood across from her desk.
“Ok… what’s so important about her,” said as she used one of her Instagram photos to put into the system.
“She’s dating the possible leader of the Golden Apple group,” you answered while looking at her and she continued to look through the information that the facial recognition system is giving her. She hummed at your answer.
“So, I’m assuming you want to know where she is to get the other guy.” She muttered as she continued to look at the flurry of information the device gave her.
“Basically, the plan is to use your device to see if there is footage of her with this guy so we can scan his face at a better angle and get his information.” You commented while motioning your hands to the screen pointing out the mystery man.
“I’ll limit the photos that I get with just her in it and focus on the photos of her with other people. I’ll also specify to focus on the men around her.” She responded while setting those directions on the device in front of her.
“Do you think that you can send me the photos or security camera footage to my laptop?” You questioned her while absently tapping your fingers together and tapping them against your laptop that you left on her desk.
“Yeah, I got you,” Ginger responded, continuing to look only at the screen. You know how focused she could get with her work so you decided to start leaving to not bother her.
“Wait, Brandy, don't leave just yet I wanted to show you some new weapons that I created for you.” She stated as she swiftly got from her desk to go to her workplace which displayed an assortment of weapons and dismantled technologies. She picked up a couple of items and asked you to follow her to the practice room where she gets to test the weapons she’s designed and see if they are acceptable for missions.
“Ok so this is a charm bracelet that can hack into anything with a microchip,” she handed me the silver bracelet that looked like one you had at home but this one had a little charm with an S.
“I thought you would want something that wasn’t a watch, the S is detectable and you can put it on anything with a microchip and it will hack into it," she explained as you put on the bracelet on your left wrist.
She grabbed a small orb that was only slightly bigger than a marble. “This is an explosive that I’m working on, these tiny things can take out groups of more than fifty people. I wouldn’t use these frequently, even though they can take out armies, they’re very difficult to make.” She placed the orb in your palm and you looked back at her nervously. “It won’t detonate, it’ll only go off if you pinch it then throw it at an object,” she smiled and set the orb down on the table.
“This is one that is currently a work in progress and the one that I’m most proud of,” she exclaimed and she picked up a gold bracelet. It was thicker than the charm bracelet you were currently wearing. She handed it to you and continued talking about the function it has.
“I know that you like to use handguns when you are out on the field but sometimes you can’t carry them twenty four seven depending on what you are doing in the field. So the function of the bracelet is this..” she said as you slipped on the bracelet on your right wrist. Once it was on she grabbed your hand and held it palm up. She clicked a button that was located on the gold bracelet and it caused the bracelet to expand towards your hand forming what looked like a gauntlet.
“Armored hand?” You questioned Ginger and she gave you a look that meant to be patient.
“I said it was a work in progress,” she grabbed your hand and made your arm extend forward.
“What I want you to do is to aim your hand at a target and make your hand like a finger gun and shoot,” she said as you aimed at the target with your fingers you then bent your thumb pretending to shoot a real gun. What you weren’t expecting was to feel your hand vibrate and the loud bang you heard when the bullet hit your target.
“Ginger, holy shit!!” You blurted out as you made eye contact with her. Anything Ginger showed you always surprised you.
“I still have to fix a lot of things with it but I’m glad you like it, I’m also trying to make another one for your left wrist so hopefully I get to finish that soon..” Ginger rambled on while you looked at her with unfiltered amazement.
“Stop looking at me like that you dork,” she playfully shoved you and you began to giggle. You took off the bracelet and gave it back to her.
“Hey it’s not my fault that you’re so amazing,” you said in earnest as you looked at her. She gives you a smile that quickly fades away. You quirk your eyebrow at her quick change in facial movements.
“Everything alright Ginger,” you worried and tried to make eye contact with Ginger but she stared at the floor.
“It’s- I…” she stammered and took a deep breath. You stood there patiently for her response.
“Are we truly friends Brandy?” She murmured as she continued to look at the floor. You froze and thought what did you do? Why is she asking you this?
“Of course we are,” you said as you put your hand on her shoulder. She tensed when you did that and removed your hand. You hated yourself for making Ginger uncomfortable. That’s the last thing you wanted to do at the moment. Ginger sighed deeply and finally looked up at you.
“Brandy, Tequila did make a point last night, I don’t know much about you… and it’s ok to not want to involve work with your personal life but… I don’t even know your favorite color or well…” Ginger stuttered out while maintaining eye contact. The anxiety in your stomach started gnawing at you. Why couldn’t you just let people in your life rather than push them away.
You stayed quiet and let her finish the rest of her statement. You felt awkward just standing there so you shoved your hands into the pantsuits pockets.
“I want to believe we’re friends but I just feel like you're pushing us away anytime we get close.” Ginger muttered. You sigh and rub your neck. The tension of your neck was shooting up pain to your head.
“I don’t try to push you guys away it’s just that I’m…” you struggled with your words trying to figure out what to say. I’m not a good person to be friends with, I’m boring, I’m flawed. What, why can’t you just speak your mind.
“I’m not good at this” you whispered and her eyebrows frowned at the comment. You sighed and started to walk out the practice room.
“Can we not talk about this here,” you muttered as you entered her office. She followed you there and said nothing other than nod solemnly at you. For a moment in time you felt that time stopped and work didn’t exist but sadly life continued to pass by. You still had work to do so that meant your emotions had to take a backseat. You looked at the device which continued to pump out information about McKayla Murphy. You saw that there was a man who was constantly there for a lot of the footage. But this time his face was not covered, it showed his full face.
“Hey Ginger, do you think you think you can scan this guy's face?” You pointed at the tall lanky man with dark hair who appeared next to McKayla for half of this footage.
“Yeah I got it,” she said monotonically. You waited for her to give you a name so you can search up any criminal records in your office away from all of this.
“His name is Ian Montgomery. I sent you the information of McKayla and Ian to your laptop,” she reported as she continued to look at her screen. You grabbed the things that you left on Ginger’s desk and started to walk out of the lab.
“Thank you Ginger, I really owe you one, ” you confessed as you left the room.
“What we know from Ian Montgomery is that he has a criminal record with two cases of assault and battery. We also know that he has been off the grid for a while but sadly he didn’t do a very good job in hiding himself.” You explained to Champ as you pointed at the photos you received from Ginger’s software.
“What I think we should do is to make contact with McKayla, she’s not a hundred percent in the clear even if her criminal record is clean she could still be hiding something. I’m not entirely sure if she’s a part of the Golden Apple stuff but the safe bet is to monitor her just in case.” You continued to report what you thought might be best in the situation. You’ve been in your office getting as much information as possible to report back to Champ. You felt accomplished, because finally you were getting somewhere with this Golden Apple case.
“The problem is where are we going to make contact with Murphy? New York is a big city and relying on face recognition isn’t going to help this in this situation.” Champ responded to the information you just gave him.
“I’ve been looking through her social media and on her Instagram she posts about this one bar named The Allure Absolute. I have a feeling that she’s going there tomorrow.” You replied as you looked at Champs face scrunch up.
“I don’t know about this Brandy, I feel like we’re just grasping at straws at this point. You don’t even know when she’s going to be at the bar or if she’s going to that bar.” Champ muttered as he slowly closed your laptop. Champ was right you were grasping at straws but this might be something important.
“We have to take this chance, Champ, it’s risky but it’s all we got. If it turns out to be nothing then all we did is chase nothing. But if it isn’t it could be big.” You exclaimed as you looked at Champ's concerned face. He sighed and went to grab a drink from a counter in the conference room filled with different drinks.
“Look Champ, we could get Ginger to monitor the camera outside to see when she is in the building then go in after her. Then talk to her to get information and place a tracking device on her. If it turns out to be nothing then we can turn off the device and say it was a failure.” You explained as you looked at Champ filling up his cup with whiskey. He turned around and nodded at you.
“Ok, you’ve made quite a few points Brandy. I’m sending you to New York but you aren’t going to make contact alone. I’ll notify Whiskey about the mission since he’s in New York right now. I’m also going to put Ginger as your tech expert and your eyes and ears of everything going on outside of the operation. Take the Statesman jet to get there tomorrow, understood.” Champ declared and took a sip of the whiskey. You stood straight and tried not to smile.
“Thank you Champ, I promise you that you won’t regret it,” you responded eagerly and he lifted his eyebrows at your comment. He hummed at your response and took another swig of whiskey.
“If you do make me regret it next mission you have you’ll be paired up with Vodka,” Champ grinned and your face fell and you nodded. He chuckled as you left his conference. You felt accomplished like the world was finally paying you off for all the hard work you were doing.
You continued to walk to your office feeling better than you did that morning. You were also excited to go home and the work day was close to being over. You arrived at your office and opened your door. You were surprised to see both Tequila and Ginger in your office.Tequila was sitting in your chair with his boots propped on top of your desk. Ginger is standing next to him with her arms crossed. You closed the door behind you and crossed your arms copying Ginger’s position. It was a long silence before anyone said anything. You just kept staring at both of them until Ginger finally spoke.
“We need to talk,” she said calmly and you moved your hands to your hips.
“Let’s talk about this outside of my office,” you replied back to Ginger’s statement.
“Brandy, stop trying to avoid this,” Tequila insisted while taking his feet off your desk. That was the first he’s said to you since yesterday. You sighed and rubbed your hand over your face.
“I’m not trying to avoid anything… just trust me guys.” You said as you motioned to the door. Tequila continued to stare at you and chuckled.
“We’re talking here Brandy, this is work business,” he stated bluntly. You laughed bitterly as you sat down on the chair that sat across your desk.
“This is not what I consider as work business...” you muttered as you continued staring at Tequila’s serious expression.
“Well I thought we were just work acquaintances Brandy, it was very clear yesterday that we are just friends when we’re at work.” Tequila remarked and Ginger continued to stand there silently.
“That’s not true. I see you guys as close friends,” you confessed and looked down to your lap. You knew a lot about the pair, everything from their heartbreaks to childhood stories. You truly saw them as someone you could rely on but… you never did.
“Then why were you so pissed when you showed up at your apartment,” Tequila argued back and you sighed.
“Oh come on Tequila, you guys showed up at my place without any permission and I didn’t even tell you where I lived. You had to find that out through Statesmen info,” you scolded him and looked at him as his hazel eyes looked back. He looked regretful when you said that.
“Look Brandy, I’m sorry but…” you quickly interrupted.
“Tequila, I don’t know where you live and I would never show up to your place without permission. You say that you can’t trust me because I don’t share much about myself but how can I trust you after this,” you fumed. He was the only one who didn’t apologize and now that he is he was going to put a but statement. You hated when people did that because it wasn’t an apology.
“Brandy, you're right I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that and I shouldn’t have let the others get involved,” he muttered out. The air in the office was suffocating and it felt like you were being strangled by your own words.
“I’m frustrated because I… ughhhh,” you groaned this situation was really ridiculous. It felt like something that you dealt with in high school and not something in adult life.
“I want to accept your apology but also dude what the fuck. I understand you guys were worried about me but you guys could’ve texted me. And another thing I’m sorry that I made it hard to get to know me but you don’t have to know every single part of me to trust me. We dealt with a lot together so I thought you know we were friends,” you blabbered out.
“Brandy, look I shouldn’t of said all that in your apartment yesterday. I’m still hungover from yesterday if I’m being honest with you,” he joked. The tension of the room was no longer eating at you. You looked up at Ginger who was still nervous you were about to say something when Ginger looked at you with an emotional stare.
“I’m sorry for saying that in the lab. I shouldn’t have marked our friendship in what your favorite color is. That was stupid and dumb and I shouldnt’ve thought about that.” Ginger blurted out and you started laughing.
“I’m sorry Ginger but god I feel like a school kid right now. We really need to set some boundaries, I know you guys were worried but please just text next time.” You motioned at the three of them and got up from your chair.
The two of them laughed at the description you gave to the situation. Maybe this was bigger than it had to be because of all the shit that was going on at work. You stood up from the chair and continued to talk.
“This was a much needed conversation but me and Ginger have a mission tomorrow,” you said and Tequila got up from your chair and quirked his eyebrow at you.
“You found a lead to the Golden Apple case.” He said walking out of your office with you and Ginger.
“It’s a potential lead ,” Ginger corrected Tequila as your little trio walked off to the elevator.
“Yup, we’re grasping at straws but hopefully they’ll lead somewhere,” you replied.
“Is it just going to be you in the field and Ginger as your ears then.” Tequila responded as you three arrived at the elevator.
“No, Whiskey is going to help with getting info from the target and putting a tracker on her,” you explained. You didn’t see the smug face on Tequila but you could sense the smugness radiating off of him.
“Well have fun with that. You two always make a great team,” Tequila stated as the elevator opened. Ginger gave him a side eye as he said that. You just gave him a confused stare. He always teased you when it had something to do with Whiskey and you don’t understand why.
“Right, well we are a great team,” you repeated his statement and walked into the elevator.
Taglist @imnotinlove-thisisnotyoursong​
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mxpseudonym · 4 years
Just Good Business
Pairing: Tommy x Reader 
Reader Gender Expression: She/Her pronouns, feminine clothing descriptions
Summary: You are forced to marry Tommy Shelby, but that doesn’t mean you have to make things easy for him. 
Length: 1671 words (allegedly)
Warnings: Mentions of forced marriage. Otherwise Bad bitch, chaotic energy and some justified (non violent) rage. 
A/N: This was very fun to write! 
Also there’s going to be a NSFW part II because the tension? The sheer sexual tension?? Yeah, it needs to happen. 
Part II
Being a bit impossible to pin down is what you're known for, and you liked that. It was your grandmother who taught you how to be difficult. 
When they try to smooth your edges, rip the sandpaper. 
You didn't have a natural place in polite society, your family knew this. But your father wasn't going to let you into the family business, either. So he took your brother, your imbecile of a brother, and let him lead instead. Two years later, you're sitting at a dinner table in a fancy restaurant with your parents, your brother who can't look you in the eye, and two gangsters from Birmingham. You could tell they were gangsters because they smelled like new money, and had guns under their blazers. One was an older woman Polly Shelby, and the other was her nephew, Thomas Shelby. 
You thought it was any other business meeting, but your brother was fidgeting the way he did when you were younger, and he stole your necklace and broke it but didn't want to tell you. He was hiding something big. Luckily for him and unluckily for you, it quickly became abundantly clear. 
"Let's get right to it, we'll settle the debt, put in an accountant who will manage to unfuck you, and take 45% of the resulting profit," Tommy Shelby laid the cards on the table. Your face contorted in confusion. What debt? 
"Alright, it's done," your father said, a quiver in his voice along with relief. 
"What? That's a terrible bargain," you scoffed. The way your mother turned away, her eyes tearing up, and your brother practically quivering beside you. You met the eyes of Polly Shelby, and something about them told you to brace yourself. 
"Is your daughter still upholding the marriage to our dear Thomas?" Polly asked. For a moment, you thought you blacked out. For a moment, you thought you'd forgotten you had a sister. For a moment, you assumed it wasn't the 1920's but the 17-fucking-40's where you may have come with some livestock as well. 
"So this is it, huh? This is why you let me go to Paris with my friends last week, Mum? And why Dad said he'd buy me a car? And why Graham won't stop fucking fidgeting?" You asked, looking to your brother who just grimaced at you. There was no out, and you knew it. 
"Don't make a scene, y/n," your father told you, tired already as if he'd put up some great fight. 
"Well? Are we on?" Polly got us back on track. "I'll need to hear it from her." You looked down at your handbag until you saw the emerald color and not a blinding red.
"You'll take 10% of the resulting profits," you finally said. If you were getting given away, it was going to be at least a good deal. 
"40," the deep, Brummie voice of Thomas Shelby came to the party. Your eyes flicked up to meet his icy blue ones. 
"33%, and you can go to Paris as much as you'd like," he said his final offer with a smirk. If you weren't so fueled by anger, you'd appreciate it.
"18%, I go to Paris as much as I want, and I won't make your life a living hell. Maybe I'll even kiss you goodbye in the morning, my love," you said in the most charming voice you could muster, which wasn't very. He'd never tell you that's when he knew he liked you, but he didn't have to. You landed on an even 25%. You could go to Paris, he'd get his morning goodbye kiss and some peace from time to time, and you'd get a car that was better than anything your father had planned. You shook on it yourself. 
"Welcome to the Shelby's," Polly said when she grasped your hand. You grabbed your bag and turned to Tommy.
"If the car's not a Hispano-Suiza, 2% of that profit comes directly to me," you warned him before walking away.
You should've fucking known that it would be at least partially an adventure. At first, you were mad. You allowed yourself to be easily swayed in the wedding planning, saying yes to the most frivolous things.
"500 bloody pounds for a dress you'll wear once?!" Tommy all but shouted and threw down the receipt on the desk of his office. You sat unnerved in the seat in front of him.
"Once, on the most important day of my life," you said, giving a brief pout and nothing else. Tommy rubbed his chin as he went to refill his glass of whiskey.
"Stubborn, reckless, outlandish even. Sure, you're all of those things. But spoiled? That's a surprise," he said, almost disappointed. You rolled your eyes at his little act. 
"Come off it, Shelby. I have very little in this world, least of all a family I can trust. Everything I do have is about to belong to you because I'm a woman with nothing but familial debt. So don't stand there and lecture me about the rights and wrongs of acting out, Thomas. You and my father only listen to money." You stood and were halfway to the door when Tommy blocked your way. 
"You've threatened to run away if you had to live with your parents, so we've put you in a grand apartment in London. You have your parties there with all your friends. You spend all the money you'd like and more. When will it end?" He asked. You wondered if he actually cared about the stability of your coping mechanisms, or about you. His hand came up to brush your waist. It was all you needed to come back to your senses.  You took a breath and looked up at him.
"Until I'm satisfied," You decided. 
Polly was something between annoyed and amused at you. You were loud, as subtle as a cannon, and possibly more stubborn than her nephew. There wasn't a week that went by where Tommy wasn't talking about something you'd done. 
"Tommy, have you tried going along with something she says?" Polly suggested one day when you'd called not finding a proper wedding venue an "emergency." Tommy leaned back in thought, then picked up the phone. Perhaps his aunt was right... like usual.
"If this is kidnap, it's very ironic," you said as you stumbled along the gravel. Your ridiculous fiancé had taken you to an undisclosed location. Now, the only thing guiding you was Tommy, whose hand was over your eyes. 
"It's not a kidnapping. On the contrary, I've come to take you home," Tommy said before his hand lifted. You blinked the blur away to see a large house. Well, let's call a spade a spade. It was a mansion if you'd ever seen one. 
"Holy hell," you breathed.
"This is Arrow House, Ms. y/l/n. It's got everything you could need and hopefully what you want. Here's a map." He pulled a thick piece of paper from his coat pocket. "Let me know if I've missed anything."
Crying wasn't in your repertoire. Even the events of the past few months hadn't done you in. But, you made an exception and allowed a few to leak while you looked around. You could feel your betrothed’s eyes watching you take it all in, but it didn't matter when the home was breathtaking. When you came back to the foyer, you couldn't help but tweak an eyebrow at Tommy. 
"Have you got a crush on me, Shelby?" You asked, or accused rather. He just chuckled and grabbed your hand, leading you towards the door.
"Let's go see the stables."
The wedding was grander than was even sensible. Tommy didn't know how you forged the guest list or who most of these people were, but you told him if he helped you hang drapes, you'd explain your itemized list. Now that was a sight to see. You could only stand it for a bit and did what you usually did at parties. You found quiet place on a balcony overlooking the wedding reception turned memorable party that spilled into the large venue's gardens. 
"Well, we've done it, Mrs. Shelby," Tommy said, walking up from behind you with two champagne glasses. You took one with a broad smile. 
"Thank you, Mr. Shelby. I'd have to agree."
"Are you having a good time?"
"Sure, are you? This is your wedding gift," you said, motioning to the crowds.
"And how is that?" He looked over the railing with you. You started pointing people out.
"Over there is the Commissioner and his wife's sister. London police chief over there with his mistress. Lady Catherine Wilcox, one of the most influential socialites in the country, is by the fountain. She's been eyeing Arthur all night too. And so on." You nodded triumphantly. "At those parties I was having in London, I only said good things about you, which is annoying to admit but here we are. Thomas Shelby, your wedding is your introduction to the upper echelon society." He turned and leaned against the railing, and you followed his lead. 
"I guess I owe you a thank you," he said. 
"I’d say so. You’re on several guest lists and incredibly important customer lists now.” You cupped your ear and leaned closer. “Let's hear it.”
"Thank you, y/n." He rolled his eyes, then looked at you with a sigh. "Are you happy, then?" He asked.
"Better, I'm satisfied."
With a clink of your glasses, your relationship could begin. And when Tommy leaned in to kiss you, you didn't pull away. 
"This seems like a crush," were your first words when you parted.
"You're the one who made us late to the ceremony," he pointed out.
"No one even noticed."
"I think they did," he begged to differ. 
"You weren't supposed to come to find me before the wedding. It's bad luck," you tsked Tommy, taking another sip of the bubbling drink, which did nothing to help the heat creeping up your neck. 
"Just had to make sure you didn't run off." He shrugged but moved closer to whisper in your ear. "And I believe, Mrs. Shelby, the dress wasn't even on yet."
"Don't get your hopes up, it meant nothing." You waved it away, not convinced or convincing. Tommy nodded then kissed you again. 
"Right, right. It's just good business." 
Tommy Tag List: @soleil-dor
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reddrobins · 4 years
Older! Damian Wayne x Reader
Request(s): Can you do two (sorry if it's too much, you can do only one tho) for Damian Wayne? Sassy: "Hmm. So you 'do' have feelings. " Fluff and romance: "I've loved you for years." Thanks so much! + Hi! Can i request a damian x reader where he denies his feelings towards the reader, which annoys jon 24/7. So jon convinces the reader to fake date him to see for themselves that damian’s hiding his feelings, and it ends up working, as his mood completely changes when he sees jon and the reader together.
(Decided to combine the two because I had a brilliant fic idea)
Summary: After years of denying his feelings for the reader, Damian finally confesses after (Y/N) and Jon ‘date’. 
If there was anything in the entire world that annoyed Jon Kent, it would be Damian's feelings towards you. Or rather his persistent lack thereof. 
The three of you were now seniors in high school and though you may not be in the same school district, let alone city - the trio was closer than ever. Some members even too close, at least to Damians liking. 
It had started about a week ago. Jon had approached you during one of your study hall periods, yes - you lived in Metropolis - with a request unlike any other. 
“Fake date me.” He said bluntly and then quickly blushed at the forwardness of his actions, “I mean only if you want to. But I promise it’s for good reason.”
“Good reason huh? Shoot.” You quirked an eyebrow at him, intrigued. 
Jon sat backwards in the chair in front of you and gave a toothy grin, “So you know how Damian likes you but won’t admit it?” 
You choked at his words, “No Jon, I don’t know. Because he doesn’t. Stop trying to make me feel bad about my crush.” 
The Kent boy groaned and tapped your desk with his finger when you looked down at it. “Nuh uh, you don’t get to do this to yourself. No wallowing on my watch missy. Now listen-“
At those words, Jon then went on to explain his master plan. By getting the two of you to fake date it would make Damian jealous and then bam! (his exact words) you two will fall in love. 
Rolling your eyes at the teen you shook your head. “It’s not going to happen Kent. He obviously doesn’t like me that way.”
Jon groaned in frustration, how come both of you were so dense!
“Just try it (N/N). And hey if it doesn’t work out then you get to say I told you so, yeah?”
You contemplated for a moment. I mean what did you really have to lose? “Fine.” You spat out. “But there’s boundaries.”
The young teen nodded egarly, happy that you finally agreed, “Oh of course. It’ll all be on your terms, but we have to make it look real. We can just hold hands and stuff, you know? We have to make him jealous jealous.”
With a handshake the two of you sealed the deal and you accepted your fate as Jon’s fake girlfriend. 
A few days had passed and the weekend hit. This was the big day, the day you and Jon would be going to Gotham. The first time you’d see Damian as a ‘couple’. 
The two of you clambered up the Wayne manor steps and Jon knocked on the door, making sure to hold your hand (not very subtly) as he did so. 
You heard Damian yell from inside and then the large oak doors opened revealing your tall crush - no, friend. 
“Jon. (Y/N).” He greeted in his ever so formal fashion. “Thank you for coming over, I - Kent, are you holding (N/N)’s hand?”
You cursed internally, god why did you agree to this?
Jon gave a small chuckle, “Of course, why wouldn’t I be holding her hand, that's what lovers do right?”
You stared at Jon deadpanned, could he possibly be any less subtle? 
Damian on the other hand had the adverse reaction, his eyes flared, his chest rose, his hands clenched and then just like that, he was back to his normal self. “I’m sorry?” He said.
Jon gave your hand a squeeze, signaling that it was your turn to talk. You cleared your throat, “Yup, yes, that's what we are… lovers.” you cringed at your wording, now not so judgemental of Jon but yourself.
“I see.” said the young Wayne, “So, when did this pairing begin?”
Before either of you answered, Damian shook his head, “How rude of me, please come in - you know where to go.”
The three of you raced up the grand staircase up to Damian's bedroom. He opened the door for the two of you as you followed in, both sitting on the edge of his bed.
Damian stood in front of the two of you and crossed his arms, “So, when’d you get the balls to ask her out Kent?” he said rather sharply.
Your mouth dropped open, what the hell had gotten into Damian, he'd never say anything like that, ever.
Turning to Jon, you saw he had the same reaction and you squeezed his hand to edge him to answer. “Um, well I just realized that I’d always had a crush on her and so finally my dad convinced me to ask (N/N) out and I did!” 
Damian squinted his eyes at his super friend and sneered, “Always had a crush on her, huh?”  Jon, like a lovesick puppy, nodded in response.
There had been two things in Jon's sentence that set him off, first, never telling Damian about his secret crush and secondly, him using your nickname. Only Damian got to say (N/N).
“Well then, I am glad you are both happy with this partnership.” he forced out, faking a smile all the while his heart ached on the inside. But he’d never let them know.
A week had passed and yet again the weekend was there, however this wasn't just any weekend, no this was the weekend of August ninth, or more specifically, the weekend of Damians 18th birthday.
The Waynes had planned a large gala to celebrate the occasion and of course, both you and Jon were invited.
The two of you stepped into the large ballroom, your gown shimmering behind you (Lois had helped you pick it out). You felt like a princess, and though you weren't with the prince you wanted to be with, you were happy to be here with Jon.
“Damian is so going to freak when he sees you, I’d be surprised if he doesn't just kiss you on the spot” He whispered to you. In response you slapped his arm lightly, hissing out his name.
However friendly the gesture may have been, it came off as an intimate moment from one watcher in the crowd.
Damian was standing off to the side, a flute of champagne in his hand. When he saw what he assumed to be a moment between two lovers he squeezed the glass so tightly, it cracked. He cursed, wiping the dripping champagne off his hands as he continued to watch the two of you hold hands in the ballroom.
When Jon once more leaned into your ear to whisper something, Damian finally decided enough was enough. Waltzing over to the two of you he put on a forced smile, “(Y/N)... Kent. Nice to see you both.”
You let go of Jons hand and tackled Damian into a hug, “Happy Birthday Dami!”
The teen blushed furiously, but successfully hid it in your hair, hugging you back. Damian pulled away, “Thank you, it has gotten so much better now that you’re here.” He whispered.
You froze in spot, had you imagined that or...
Damian, soon realizing what he had said, cleared his throat, “I meant to say now that you’re both here. I’m glad to see you all arrived to save me from the socialites.”
Jon chuckled at that and gave Damian a hug as well, “Of course!” He said, “Me and my sweet couldn’t leave our best bro all alone on his b-day!”
The Wayne teen outwardly cringed at Jon’s sentiment, god could he be any more annoying, he thought to himself.
Jon caught on to Damians disgusted glare and saw this as an ample opportunity to let the two of you ’hash out your feels’.
Just as Damian went to speak, Jon swiftly interrupted, “I think I am going to head over to get some punch for me and (N/N).” He turned to you, “Be right back my love.”
And he kissed you.
As your face flushed and Damians flashed in anger, Jon smiled and walked away towards the bar.
The two teens stood in silence for a few minutes, you unsure how to react and Damian trying to calm himself down.
“So”, you stated. “Did you get anything exciting today? Like, birthday present wise...” You laughed awkwardly, trailing off.
Damians jaw unclenched as he looked at you once again, god you looked otherworldly. What he wouldn’t do to be in Jons position.
You caught his starring and waved a hand in front of his face, “Hey Dami, you still here?”
He nodded and then swallowed, still shocked by Jons actions. “Tell me (N/N), how are you and Kent doing?”
You furrowed your brows, it was his birthday, surely he had other things to talk about... why this?
Shrugging you responded, “We’re doing well, great even, I mean it’s nice, we’re nice.” You stumbled over your words, doing your best to give seemingly sincere response.
Damian just nodded, unhappy with your answer. Though him and Jon were the best of friends, he just wished that the Kent teen was an awful boyfriend, that way it would be easier for Damian to make you his.
“I’m so happy for you.” He struggled out, but you were oblivious to his obvious distaste.
“Hmm, so you do have feelings?” You joked.
Damian rolled his eyes, glad you didn’t question his emotions, “Yeah, yeah, whatever (L/N).”
Silence once again took over the conversation and you began to wonder where the hell Jon went. You craned your neck to look over Damians shoulder, trying to catch a glimpse of the bar.
You frowned when Jon was nowhere to be seen. Confusion grew within you until your phone dinged.
Taking it out of your pure, you saw you had one new message from the super-boyscout, it read:
‘Hey (Y/N), I left the party to give you and D some alone time, please don’t be mad at me and especially DONT BE A COWARD AND KISS THE FOOL. Luv u’
“Everything alright?” Damian questioned, catching your frustrated glare at your cellphone.
Shoving it back into your bag, you smiled, “Yeah, all good, just Jon.”
Damian clenched his fists, “Oh?” He questioned, mocking sincerity, “Is everything okay though?”
You waved your hand in dismissal, “Yeah he just had a family emergency back in Metropolis so he had to leave early, he wishes you a super birthday though!” You wiggled your eyebrows at the last sentence, making sure to add emphasis on super.
Damian rolled his eyes again, this time in amusement, “Wonderful. Though I feel like his birthday tends to be more super.”
You laughed, god you loved talking to Damian, you could do this for ages.
“Would you maybe like to go somewhere more private to talk? Galas have never been my scene.” Damian suggested.
“Are you sure?” You asked, “I’d hate to take the birthday boy away from his own party.”
Damian smirked, “I’m sure they could last a few hours without me. Plus, they’re more here for my father than I, business deals and all.”
You shrugged and followed Damian into his fathers study, where unlike the ballroom, it was nice and quiet.
The two of you sat down onto the sofa and you immediately took of your heels, throwing them to the floor.
Damian laughed at your pained expression, “Not a fan huh?”
You chucked, “God no, those things are the worst.”
“You know, you could’ve just worn flats. Hell, you could have worn pajamas and you’d still be the most gorgeous person in there.”
You blushed at his words, not expecting them to be so flirtatious. Maybe Jon was right? you thought, Maybe I should make a move.
You were just about to thank him for his kind words when your phone buzzed again, another message from Jon,
I’m serious (Y/N), you better ask him out or I will honestly explode. I can’t handle the tension anymore.
This time, you groaned whilst reading the message and shoved your phone back into the handbag. “I literally cannot believe him.” You grumbled.
“Jon again?” Damian sneered, looking way from you and down to his shoes.
“Yeah. He just keeps bugging me to do this thing, it’s driving me crazy.” you sighed.
Against his better judgement, Damian blurted out, “Maybe you should breakup.”
Your eyes widened at his suggestion, “What?”
The Wayne teen all but shrugged, “If hes bothering you that much, maybe you aren’t meant to be. Surely there are millions of other suitors out there perfect for you.” Other suitors like him.
“Damian, where is this coming from?” You questioned.
Damian sighed and then finally, he broke. “I can’t do this anymore (N/N). I can not stand to watch you and Kent flirt back and forth when it should be me doing that with you. I’ve hid and denied my feelings for far too long, but (Y/N) (L/N), I’ve loved you for years. And I know I shouldn’t, it is unjust for me to be in love with my best friends lover but I can not help it. I love you.”
Through his monologue, Damian gripped both of your hands, lightly squeezing them, rubbing his thumbs over the back of your palm.
“You love me?”
Damian just nodded, not willing to look you in the eyes.
You bit your lip, Jons words ringing through your ears, There’s no time like the present, I guess, you said to yourself.
So without any further thought, you lightly placed your hands on Damians face and kissed him.
He instantly wrapped his arms around you waist, savoring this moment, but swiftly pulled back, eyes wide.
“B-But Jon...” He stuttered out.
You leaned your forehead against his, “It was faked, he thought you’d finally confess your feelings if you saw us together and I have to hand it to him, he was right.”
“So.” Damian began smiling, “Does that mean I can ask you to be mine?”
You  pecked his lips and then leaned into his chest, “Of course.”
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revalise · 4 years
After the Sun [M] | 01
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Pairing: Chrollo Lucilfer x Fem. OC
Genre: Romance and eventual smut
Rating: M
Words: 2500+
Notes: Huge thanks to Sky @pixiewombat for beta reading this chapter! 
All characters are humans unless otherwise stated in their description. Hence, Zazan is human in the story.
Masterlist | Prologue | 02
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Chrollo Lucilfer gets everything he wants, when he wants-even if it means undergoing extreme measures. Nothing bothered him, until an aphrodite, Astra Gerber, appeared one night and stole from the infamous thief. In return that Chrollo doesn’t report her, he strikes a deal. But it could be more than what Astra bargained for. 
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“What do you mean your necklace was stolen?” Pakunoda eyed Chrollo carefully as he sat behind his desk at his penthouse, looking over the magnificent, illuminating lights of Yorknew City, while she stood in front of him.
“It just was stolen,” he deadpanned.
Pakunoda clicked her tongue. There was no way someone could steal from Chrollo—a bandit himself, and a good one at that.
She thought to herself for a moment. ‘Is he planning to steal the poor girl’s hatsu?’
Once, he had charmed the pants off of a girl who could write fortunes and stole her ability. Despite his obvious antics, he wasn’t found out, thanks to the girl’s inexperience. But when he managed to get a hold of how it should be done, he started doing it again and again. 
Pakunoda didn’t complain. Chrollo’s Bandit’s Secret was a trump card, not only for him, but for the rest of the group. When Chrollo noticed the drastic advantage the ‘strategy’ gave him, he started using it more often. To him, it felt like a shortcut.
And who would expect someone so sophisticated and pretty-boy looking?
She sighed and put the folder down on his desk.
Chrollo had asked Pakunoda to find the girl who had stolen his necklace. He remained vague about it, but knowing Chrollo, it might be something extremely important. 
He looked over the files, silently reading their contents, taking them in just as he consumed  knowledge from his ancient books. His fingers traced the letters of the name written in bold on one of the pages.
Pakunoda gazed at him with suspicion. Meddling with this girl could endanger the nature of the group. She was nowhere near a simple girl, alright. The girl spelled trouble.
She was the illegitimate child of an acknowledged former lawyer, Martin Gerber, before he took over the Gerber family dynasty.  
This information wasn’t exactly kept a secret. It was silent gossip within the small circle of socialites and elites. Illegitimate children weren’t news to the circle. Three out of five families in the circle had a case of their own. But it so happened that the Gerber family was known to be conservative—faithful to their betrothed, or as painted by the media.
Nevertheless, it only took that mistake to have the head of the family, Rod Gerber,  wavering in his trust in Martin. To his dismay, this almost cost him the whole dynasty. Fortunately, Rod was a good man, unlike his son. To secure his position in becoming the next successor as the eldest, Martin had to keep the child and take her as his own.
It shamed Martin to do so, keeping an illegitimate of his own accord. Though his wife was noticeably against it, she had to agree if she wanted to be the wife of the very powerful man. Cleverly, she argued that it would bring discomfort to her family if the child were to live in the same house as them. Rod then agreed that Martin would just have to sustain the needs of the child in the mother’s care.
Chrollo took all of the information  in, almost feeling bad for the girl, if  it weren’t for his own experiences.  
The same thought as Pakunoda had crossed his mind. Her father had connections in law. If Chrollo, say for example, met the girl’s father and he decided to look deeper into Chrollo and his background, it wouldn’t really be a problem. The group knew how to cut their ties. They eliminated those who had seen them. But if worse came to worst, this could have blown the group’s cover. 
The Phantom Troupe weren’t regular thieves. They were thieves with intellect that calculated their every movement. Before they acted on anything, Chrollo, who had a personal philosophy of theological dualism - the balance between good and evil - that influenced his decisions, would first weigh his options. His actions were always calculated.
It was not that they feared the law or the man himself, but the Phantom Troupe managed to blend in with the crowd, no one knew of who they were. And the group loved being free despite the criminality they commit.
From the moment he first laid his eyes on her, he knew she was trouble.
But none of the information stopped him.
Zazan promised Astra dinner. But it was way past dinner, and the staff of the three-star Michelin restaurant she had booked kept going back and forth, assisting and asking for her order, which she refused to give until her aunt arrived.
Her aunt, Zazan, was her father, Martin’s, little sister. For all her life, she was her mother figure. Zazan always had her back whenever her father didn’t. Her aunt loved designer and luxury items, and was a designer herself. Hence, her love for luxury and designer.
To state it simply, Astra was given to her aunt after she lived with her dad for two years when her mother died. She was only six then.
She remembers how much scorn she received from Martin’s legitimate family, and how she was treated as less than a freeloader, being an illegitimate child. Not once did her father defend her from them.
After all, she was a nobody, aside from the Gerber blood running through her veins.
Astra, at four, never spoke with anyone, not even the maids that served the family in their mansion. She remained quiet, hiding inside her room, but doing everything she was told—even standing for hours, with no food and water, beside the silver knight decorations in the hallway of their house because her older half-sister told her to. She ignored the numbing sensation in her knees until a helper saw her.
That was, until Zazan returned to the city and took interest in the meek, little girl she once was. And for the first time in two years, she spoke and her voice sounded hoarse. Her words were: “Can I come with you?”
From then on, Zazan took her as her own. Martin had no objections, nor did his family. In fact, the situation was in their favor. In his father’s eyes, as long as Astra wasn’t disobedient or brought problems—more than she already had, being an illegitimate—upon the family, it’d be fine.  
However, it seemed Astra grew up to be a spitting image of Zazan’s personality. Astra grew bolder, braver, and stronger, all because she had Zazan to look up to. But Astra wasn’t nice on a daily basis. She was nowhere near a saint.
“May I take your order, miss?” a smiling boy, who looked a few years younger than Astra, came to assist her. But a girl, wearing the same uniform as him, came to them, gripping his arm.
“Sorry, miss.” The staff leaned in closer to the boy’s ear to whisper, “I’ve been trying to take her order. She’s waiting for someone, but I think she got stood up.”
“Oh...” the boy muttered “Too bad, she actually looks pretty.”
He turned his attention to Astra, about to apologize, when she interrupted him.
Astra laced her fingers together, her elbows on the table, and rested her head on her hands. With a sarcastic tone, she said, “If you’re going to talk shit about me, consider doing it somewhere else where I can’t hear you.”
“S-sorry, miss…” the staff muttered, afraid. All of their customers had power, because only the rich could afford the place. They feared they could lose their jobs. Most of all, they knew who Astra was. They knew of her influence.
“But thanks for complimenting my looks.” Astra flashed a grin that didn’t reach her eyes. “Get me some champagne.”
They scurried to give her what she wanted, too obvious in wanting to leave her sight.
Astra leaned on her chair, her arms crossed over her chest. She clicked her tongue in impatience. For once, she regretted asking for champagne. She felt the urge to leave. To elites like her, hunger didn’t come, anyway; she’d still have a lot of food at home. She could leave before they gave her champagne, and leave cash three times the bill, but her pride made her stay.
And she hated to admit it, but she really needed to see her aunt. She needed someone.
She needed someone to hold her at times she felt like slipping away.
As Astra waited impatiently, a man sat at the opposite end of the table. It happened so quickly, she didn’t have the time to process it. The man looked studly in his crisp suit. He wore a white shirt underneath, topped with a dark blazer and slacks.
“I’m sorry. Did I keep you waiting?” He asked in his most polite tone while he pulled at the opening of his blazer.
Her eyebrows shot up and she clicked her tongue, but she tried to maintain her composure. After all, it was a restaurant for the high-class. Manners above all.
“Sorry, you must have the wrong table.”
The man chuckled. “Oh, have you forgotten about me, miss? Allow me to reintroduce myself,” he grinned, “I’m the man you stole from a few nights ago.”
For a moment, perplexity was etched on her face, ‘Bitch, which one?’ 
Yes, the man looked a little familiar, but with the amount of people she was acquainted with, it was hard to keep track of the long list. 
“Oh, I see,” she said plainly. “I must’ve stolen from you when I was drunk.” 
Astra leaned forward and put her elbows on the table. She whispered, “You see, I have a habit of doing those when I’m drunk.” She flashed her sultry smile. 
Her hands reached for her fuchsia devotion bag made of python skin. It featured an exclusive bejeweled personalized heart closure, inspired by the techniques of fine jewelry, which etched her initials in it.
Astra clicked her tongue when her eyes met her initials on her bag. She laughed inwardly at how she sent it back to Italy when her initials weren’t in bold.
“How much was it? I could pay for it right now.”
The way the man grinned at her assured her that it’s done for. Game over. She wins. Whatever she did, she got away with it. Not because of her pull and connections, but because of her charm. And she knew it. She grinned at this. 
“Actually,” the man began, “I have other things in mind.”
“Oh,” Astra had a knowing smirk. She knew of what the man could possibly ask. It was no different. He was no different from all the other men she’d met before. ‘A night, perhaps?’
“Let’s hear it,” she said sultrily. 
It was the man’s turn to lean closer and rest his elbows on the table. He laced his hands together and flashed a smile. “I was thinking of jail time.”
Her hypocritical smile dropped. She was rendered shaken. Just as quick as the change in her mood, the sourness and bitterness of being embarrassed in front of the mysterious man in front of her, she showed her true colors. 
‘Where the fuck is my champagne?’ she thought.
Her back rested on her chair and she crossed her arms. “Name?” her tone was as rude as it could get. 
“Now we’re talking,” the man chuckled, and he rested his back on his chair as well. “Chrollo Lucilfer. I believe I already told you that. I’m hurt you forgot about me so easily.”
Astra didn’t reciprocate the demeanor Chrollo was showing. While Chrollo looked composed and polite, Astra, on the other hand, was irking in anger. 
“What do you want?” she spat, so rudely you wouldn’t think that it was the same woman who had been flashing sultry and inviting smiles.
“Nothing much, actually,” he grinned but it didn’t reach his eyes. “If you’ll come with me, I’ll discuss the matter, and I promise you it’d be done with.”
If it were only a few minutes ago, she would have gone with him at that very moment. She would’ve taken him to some backroom and let them do their business. But it was different now. 
To her, it seemed like the man didn’t want any physical relationships. He was danger, nothing else. 
“And if I refuse?” 
“Your scandalous actions will not only be known by your father, Martin Gerber, but your little circle as well,” he replied.
“I’m impressed. You’ve done your research about me,” she scoffed. 
One of the staff who assisted her earlier appeared with champagne in her hands. She kept her head down, but kept a shy smile and gave continuous glances toward Chrollo as she poured the liquid into their respective glass.
“Thanks, miss,” Chrollo flashed the girl a sweet smile. 
Astra could have sworn she saw the girl almost curtsy at that. She rolled her eyes. 
When the girl left, Astra arched her brow. Chrollo on the other hand, ignored her demeanor. “Shall I order you some real food?” 
He was about to call the staff again, but Astra stopped him. “I’m not hungry.”
For a moment, Astra almost regretted her actions because Chrollo might be hungry. But if it’d be the same staff who keep annoying her with how they tried to get the man’s attention, forget it. 
‘What is with this restaurant anyway? Why are they always the same people?’
Once the foam settled on her champagne, she drank it quickly, picked up her bag, and stood up. When she looked over at Chrollo, who still sat on his seat gazing at her, she scoffed. “I’m coming with you. Wait for me outside in a moment.”
“You’ve said that before,” he replied, reminiscing to when she said the exact thing when they met the other night, and then she was gone with his St. Peter’s cross necklace.
“You seriously have something on me. Do you think I’ll run away from you?” Astra argued. “Besides, you’ve done your research on me. So I expect you to appear wherever I am.”
“I don’t believe you,” Chrollo stood up. “Wherever you’re going, I’ll come with you.”
Astra rolled her eyes. If she didn’t have something, it would obviously be his trust. And she had to get it no matter what, if she wanted to get out of the situation quickly.
She turned on her heel and Chrollo followed closely behind her. Suddenly, something rang from Chrollo’s pocket when they stepped out of the restaurant and into the lobby of the luxury hotel. Astra turned her attention to it and then to his eyes looking back at hers. 
“Go,” she nodded at him in a dismissive manner. “I promise I won’t leave.”
Chrollo eyed her carefully, weighing the sincerity of her words, to which she responded with widening her eyes at him. There was a faint smile in Chrollo’s face before he finally took his phone out and turned his back on her. 
Astra lightly shook her head. She didn’t notice, but there was a small smile on her face as well. And just as if the timing couldn’t be more perfect, someone she knew all too well appeared in front of her, looking down at her, mocking her.
“Dad…” she whispered.  
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sero-sphere · 5 years
Suprise Valentines Day Confession (Tamaki Amajiki x reader)
Summary: 3k; You and Suneater are out of town on a mission, and get stuck there...it just so happens to be Valentine’s Day. 
sorry this is long...once i started writing it, i just couldn’t stop. i’m probabally going to write a part 2 of this for White Day, in march!
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Warnings: Floof, mention of porn. Underage drinking...mention of Tamakis big dick going uwu
“Uhm, I guess, but how should I break the news to Amajiki-senpai? I don’t think he’s going to take it well.” You huffed into the phone, you were trying to be as quiet as possible, so the shy hero sitting to your right wouldn’t guess what was about to happen. The booming voice on the other line begged to differ though.
“Ha, maybe it will give him the chance to open up more Y/N! You’re a sweet girl! I’ll be awaiting your return, Tamaki’s as well… just as soon as it’s safe of course. Talk to you soon!” You hung up the phone and peered out the window of the car. You hoped, if anything, Tamaki didn’t quite hear the conversation in its entirety.  The two of you were partnered up for a mission that was out of town. The damage from the fight was pretty well contained, for the most part. The only inconvenience was that it knocked out the major railways, in or out, for the time being.  You guys were pretty much stuck until further notice.
“That was Fat Gum, right? What did he say about it?” He glanced over at you awaiting an answer.
“Well, he said that your agency was able to get us a hotel, not too far from here…until the train is up and running again! We’ll just have to stay there until then.”
“Oh…” He turned away from you to stare out of his window, blushing a bit.
“Look on the bright side, he also said that room service was on him! That’s a plus!”
After what seemed like hours, of sitting in traffic, your driver finally arrived at the hotel.  You knew how exhausted, and sore you were, and you were sure Tamaki was probably feeling the same, if not worse. You decided to suck it up, and talk to the receptionist yourself, saving Tamaki the trouble of interacting with this complete stranger.
“Tamaki, can you get our bags from the car? I’ll meet you in the lobby, I’ll go ahead and check in for us!”
“Thanks Y/N. I’ll be right in.”
You went inside and made your way over to the blonde at the front desk. “Hi, I’m here to check in. The reservation should be under the Fat Gum agency?”
“Ah yes, I see! Let’s get the two of you settled in!”
“Uhm, before we do that…can I ask if you have any roll away beds available?” You peered over your shoulder to make sure Tamaki was still outside. Fat Gum had mentioned during your last call to him, that the ‘suite’ they had managed to book for the night only had one bed.
The blonde turned to her computer, and started typing away, assumingly to check. Just when Tamaki was walking up with your bags, she answered. “Hm…it seems we don’t…is that ok?”
“I guess it will have to be! Thank you so much, just the room keys is ok, I’m sure we will find our way just fine!”
You walked over to Tamaki and handed him his room key. The two of you started walking down the long hallway that branched from the lobby, passing door after door. You were almost to your room before you spoke up.
“So, I guess we’re a little late to the party.”
Tamaki looked at you questioningly.
“We’re not the only ones stuck here for the time being, it seems that all the hotels in the area are pretty much booked….. In fact, we actually got the last room here…” You glanced down, focusing on the steps you were taking. You could hear as Tamaki’s footsteps came to an abrupt stop behind you.
“You mean r-rooms…r-right?” Still looking down, you turned to face him.
“No…..I mean room. It will be ok though, I promise! I won’t make anything anymore awkward for you!” He didn’t respond. Just stood there paralyzed, face becoming redder by the minute.
“Well, let’s go check it out I guess! I think this is it right here.” You tapped him on the shoulder and motioned for him to open the door. That seemed to break him from his trance. Tamaki opened the door and stepped inside. You watched as his jaw dropped, and he walked over to face the wall….immediately starting to tremble.
You gasped as you made your way into the room. There was a big round bed, with red heart shaped pillows in the back corner. A red sheer material hung from the ceiling and cascaded down around it.  Off to the right, overlooking the bed, was a gigantic bathtub, and off to the side of that, a shower. No doors, separating anything at all. There was a small desk and chair over by where Tamaki was standing, and another door past the shower, but that was about it. One of the walls were just straight up mirrors and you couldn’t see a T.V, or couch at all.
“Oh my… I didn’t think it would be this kind of suite!!! I’ll call the front desk right away and ask if they can switch us…or something. I’m sure there’s bound to be some people who would love a little unexpected upgrade…am I right?” Your face was just about as red as Tamaki’s was. You were ok sharing a room with him, but even you thought this had to be a little much. Were you supposed to shower right in front of him? You threw your bag to the ground and ran over to the phone that was sitting on the desk.
Tamaki clung to the wall and refused to take in any more of his surroundings, hoping somehow the room would change before he turned around. He heard you pick up the phone, and dial the lobby. There was absolutely no way tonight was going to be relaxing for him. Just the thought of sharing a room with you, made his heard jump, and now that he’s seen the room…oh boy. There was only one bed! Should he sleep on the floor, or in the tub? The tub was bound to be comfier then the floor right? You were both still dirty from the fight earlier in the day, and from what little he saw, there was no magical curtain that would descend to give each other privacy…this room was meant for the exact opposite. Your sigh of disapproval finally broke him from his train of thought.
“I guess I was wrong. Who says hotels can’t just switch some rooms up this late.” He heard your footsteps walk closer towards him.
“Tamaki, you have to at least make yourself comfortable here…I don’t think standing there facing the wall all night would be very comfortable for you at all.” You were right he supposed. It seems the two of you were stuck in this situation, with no way out.
Before he turned around, he asked, “Is it as b-bad as I think it is?”
“Well…” Your hands gently went up to rest on his shoulders, slowly shifting his body to face the room. He glanced around and trembled when his eyes found the wall of mirrors, perfectly positioned so you could see the bed.
“We, can always just start off with some room service. Fat said the restaurant here is really good! Plus I’m starving, I’m sure you are too, I haven’t seen you eat much today.”
Tamaki agreed and joined you on the bed to look at the menu. After placing the order, you glanced over at Tamaki, and noticed he didn’t seem to be as nervous anymore. Maybe he just needed some time to get used to the idea of you two sharing a room. Your heart fluttered, as you watched him, staring up at the ceiling. He looked so cute. He shifted a bit and looked at you.
“Y/N…we kinda still need to take showers…” His blush returned, but his eyes never left yours. That was a first.
“Uhm, yeah… I can go first I guess. We’ll just take turns under the blankets so that way we don’t see each other...or we can go down to hang at the lobby? ”
There was no way Tamaki was going to let you go first. His heart just couldn’t take it. His anxiety was already through the roof. If he let you shower first there was no way his body would let him move for the rest of the night. There was no T.V, nothing to occupy his brain, and he was afraid of what he’d be thinking about. He didn’t want to kick you out to the lobby either. He knew how tired you were.
“No that’s ok! I’ll go first too…uhh...you’re going to hide under the blankets…r-right?” Going first was still extremely nerve wracking, but at least he’d be clean, so he can cower under the covers for the rest of the night if he really wanted too.
“Of course! No peeking, I promise” You looked back at Tamaki who was slowly turning bright red again.
“It’s a joke!”
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Tamaki starting filling up the bath, as he started his shower. He was almost done, looking over at you in the bed every few minutes to make sure you indeed weren’t peeking at him. He wondered what you were thinking about. All of a sudden there was a loud knock at the door.
“Room service.” Tamaki was sure he was going to faint.
“Oh shit! I forgot about the food! Tamaki, get in the bath quickly…” You shouted from under all the covers.
“Wh-Whaatt?!!” He squeaked in return.
“I have to get the food! Let me know when it’s safe to come out!”
You heard the shower turn off, a patter of wet footsteps, then a sloshing sound.
You threw the covers over your head just in time to see Tamakis head sticking out of the bubbles from the tub. You couldn’t help but giggle he looked so cute. You walked over to the door and hesitantly opened it for the room service attendant.
“Oh sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt you two…Here is your food! This weekend the restaurant is having a bit of a couples course, so the bottle of champagne is on the house, a bit of a gift for you guys!”
“Oh, no it’s ok, we can’t actually…ahh…..” You were abruptly cut off when they shoved the tray of food and bottle of champagne into your hands.
“Nonsense! Enjoy you two! Thank you so much for everything you did for our city today!” And with that, they were off. You turned around to put the food down on the desk and glanced back over at the tub. Tamaki nowhere to be found. You looked around, and walked over to the door by the shower.
Slowly opening it, you thought to yourself, “Oh, here’s the toilet!” still no Tamaki in sight.
You heard more sloshing and went over to the bubble filled tub. You sat down on the edge when all of a sudden Tamakis face appeared inches in front of your own, still all covered in bubbles. He was so shy, the poor thing hid under the water while you talked to the hotel employee.
“Oh my gosh, you look so cute!” It was at this moment, Tamaki was grateful he listened to you earlier when you suggested a bubble bath. There was no way he wanted you to see what was happening underneath. Stunned at how close you were, he couldn’t even utter a single word. Instead he just glared at you, too afraid to move, he didn’t want the bubbles to shift.
“By the way, I think they screwed up, because they brought us a bottle of champagne. I don’t think they know we aren’t of age, we kind of forgot about drinks anyway…. Do you want any?”
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You sat by the edge of the tub, and ate with him. It was the first time Tamaki had ever had champagne, he had to admit it wasn’t bad. The food was amazing too, no wonder why Fat Gum picked this place for the two of you.
“I hope this isn’t too weird for you. I would have let you get out and get changed you know?” You leaned down closer towards Tamaki, and booped his nose. While his face, was red, it seemed he wasn’t as flustered as usual.
“I know, I don’t mind. I trust you and these jets actually feel amazing.”
“You know you were amazing out there today. I know you don’t think people are being sincere when they tell you how great you are, but I really mean it, they do too. You really are an amazing hero Tamaki.” The praise went straight to his head, the one covered by bubbles, if you know what I mean.
After chatting for a while, and finishing up all the food, he decided to get out. He wrapped himself in a towel and headed into the toilet area to dry and get changed.  By the time he came out, you were already done with your shower and settled in the bath nicely.
Tamaki made his way over to get comfortable on the bed, in the process he found a remote. Curiosity got the best of him, and he clicked the on button. All of a sudden loud moaning sounded throughout the room. He looked up to see, there was a T.V in the mirror wall, and it was now playing porn…very loudly.
“I uhh…omg…” He turned it back off and threw the remote on the other side of the bed. You were busting out laughing at this point.
“At least there’s a T.V” You giggled, and watched as Tamaki covered his face with a pillow. While his face was still covered, you got out of the bath and wrapped yourself in a towel. You grabbed your bag, which was by the bed, and headed into the toilet area to change.
“Look what I found!” Tamaki finally peered out from under the pillow to see you wearing a pink fuzzy robe. You looked adorable. He immediately threw the pillow back over him. You jumped up on the bed, and grabbed the pillow. He looked up at you shocked.
“What, Tama, you don’t think I look cute?” You gave him your best puppy dog eyes, and sported a pout.
“You always look cute.” This time there was no pillow for him to hide under.
He laid his head back and closed his eyes. His face was still beat red, but at least he was sporting a slight grin. Maybe the champagne wasn’t such a bad thing after all. You were still wearing the fuzzy pink robe, as you laid back on the bed to get comfy too.
“Goodnight Tamaki.”
“Goodnight Y/N”
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The two of you fell asleep on opposite sides of the bed, as far away from each other as possible.
In the middle of the night, Tamaki felt your hand wrap around him. He started to wake up and realized the two of you were full on spooning…him being the little spoon. He jumped up and went for the light switch by the bed. It was too dark and he hit the first switch he felt. Instead of a light going on, the bed just started to shake…violently. At first you both thought it was an earthquake. Until he heard your burst of laughter.
“Oh my god, this is hilarious…did you know the bed did this?”
“It’s supposed to do this? I was trying to turn on the light!”
You continued laughing as Tamaki only got more embarrassed.
“Oh come on Tama, this whole night has actually been pretty funny, no need to feel embarrassed. I know it was an accident!”
The rest of the night, as hard as he tried, Tamaki could not sleep one wink. He was replaying the day over and over, and he couldn’t stop remembering what he said to you. He finally had the courage to say that you were cute.  
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The next morning Tamaki got a text from Fat Gum saying the trains had been restored and it was safe to come home. You both got ready and headed down to the lobby to check out. While Tamaki waited outside, you decided to head to the gift shop on the way out to get some drinks and snacks for trip. While you were getting the drinks, you spotted a big box of Valentine ’s Day chocolates. You had completely forgot that today was Valentine ’s Day. While they weren’t homemade like you originally wanted, you figured they would still be fine. You grabbed them and headed out.
“Here Tama, I got you some drinks and stuff….” He thanked you, and took them from you.
“Today’s Valentine’s day you know? I got you these too. I originally wanted to make you some, but my plans kinda got ruined, when we couldn’t go back home…. Actually I wouldn’t consider them ruined. I had a really great night with you. I know everything seemed kinda embarrassing and overwhelming at first, but it’s actually really funny looking back on it. I’m glad you were able to open up with me a bit. You really are an amazing person. I’m glad I got to share this experience with you.”
Tamaki thought he was hearing things. YOU got HIM, Valentine’s Day chocolates? He could have died right then and there, and still have been happy. “Y-you mean it? I-I was…”
Before he could finish you cut him off. “No Tama you were fine, I wouldn’t expect you to act any differently. I like you for you, and that shyness is part of who you are… it makes you cute-….r .” You booped his nose as you said the last part.
“Like m-me? C-cute?” He was barely spitting out his words at this point.
“Uhm, yeah…is that ok?”
He just nodded and brought you in for a tight hug. “I a-actually really like y-you too, which is why last night was so h-hard for me. I’m really glad t-though...” There was a long pause. 
“You make me feel the same way as when I see butterflies.” This time, there was no alcohol in his system to help him out. He kept his arms wrapped around you tight, that way you couldn’t back away and see how nervous he was.
“Tama….You love butterflies…”
“Mhmmm,  I-I think I love you, too”
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captainmarvels · 5 years
wicked games [22]
Summary: Nothing can ruin all the fun you and Tom have been having lately - right?
Pairing: CEO!Tom Holland x fem!reader
Warnings: SMUT - fingering, vaginal penetration, dirty talk, dom/sub vibes | 18+ ONLY |
Word Count: 4547
A/N: We’re back! I hope y’all enjoy this chapter, @thorsxodinson and I have poured our heart, soul, blood, sweat and tears into this fic and we can’t wait for y’all to see what we have coming!! 
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The autumn season breezed by, barely giving you time to adjust to your new(ish) life.
The hustle and bustle of the office as the end of the year approached may have had you running around with no end in sight, but you knew that at the end of the day, you would be able to recuperate at home.
Every morning you awoke to a fresh cup of tea on your nightstand, a note always sitting just to the right of it.
Good morning bug. Stop making that face, you know you secretly love it.
I’m making smoothies to go in the kitchen, so you better get in here fast before I take all the strawberries! xx Tom
While eating breakfast together had been somewhat of a rarity before, you now always found Tom sitting at the table with a book in one hand, and a fork full of bacon in the other - and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
As November came to an end, and the first few days of December promised cold winds and a desire for hot chocolate by the fire, you couldn’t help but reminisce about the past year.
Tom was sitting at his desk in his home office, scrolling through some documents on his laptop when he heard a knock at the door.
“Its open,” He said, glancing up just in time to see you slip in. “Hello, darling,”
“Hello, bug,” You answered wistfully, laughing when you saw him raise an eyebrow.
“I’ve got some hot chocolate for you,” You set the mug down in front of him, the artfully crafted whipped cream bobbing against the rim. 
“And to what do I owe such a wonderful treat?” Tom pushed his chair back from the desk, gently patting the top of his thigh before grabbing the mug. You got the hint, and sat on his lap as the two of you took a much needed sip. 
“Do you need a reason to drink some delicious hot chocolate?” You asked, a soft gasp escaping as you felt Tom’s grip on your waist.
“No better reason than the season, my love.”
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For the first time in what felt like forever, you planned a relaxing night in with Tom and Harrison, full of face masks and comedy films. You, Harrison, and Tom were in the kitchen, attempting not to burn a batch of homemade cookies, when you heard the elevator bell ring.
“Harrison, stop opening the oven!” You said, causing him to blush as he quickly shut the door. Tom was preparing a second tray of cookies when the kitchen door swung open, revealing an out of breath Mary, with what appeared to be velvet envelopes in hand.
“WE’RE GOING TO A GALA, BITCHES!” She shouted at the top of her lungs, the widest smile appearing on her face as she slammed the envelopes onto the counter.
“Whose gala?” Harrison asked, wiping his hands on the front of his borrowed apron.
“I have a doorbell for A REASON, you know! I had it checked, and it is not broken!” Tom clamored as he glanced down at the counter.
“Mary?” You walked up to her and rested a hand on her shoulder, locking eyes with her as she met your questioning gaze.
Gathering whatever oxygen she could, she said, “Tom… Motherfuckin’... Hiddleston.” 
You felt your jaw drop, and you couldn’t hold back the scream building up in the back of your throat.
“I can’t believe it… we’re gonna meet the Tom Hiddleston?” You could feel your face growing warmer with just the thought of being in the same room as him.
“The supreme Tom, of course,” Mary said, ignoring Tom’s pointed look as she continued. “And we are all going, I don’t care if you have the same name, Stanley!”
“We’ve definitely lost her, she’s gone fully cracked,” Tom pinched the bridge of his nose in apparent frustration. 
Harrison looked amongst you all before chiming in, “Do you think we ought to warn his security team?”
“Tom, do not try and prevent me from enjoying this glorious moment!” You met his gaze, raising your eyebrows as he opened his mouth to say something. 
“Does this mean I’m your date, Mary?” Haz asked, his cheeks a rosy blush hue as he looked at her.
“Fuck a date; I’m going single!”
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Hiddleston’s charity gala was in two weeks, in London, of all places. Tom and Harrison were delighted to finally have a chance to return home, even if they were dreading attending the event. 
You walked into your bedroom, and found Tom studying two different suits he had laid out on the bed.
“It’s just a gala, Tom,” You said, tilting your head to the side as you leaned against the wall opposite him.
“It’s Tom Hiddleston’s gala, darling. I can’t just show up to one of his galas, I need to-”
“Make an entrance, yadda yadda yadda, we get it, Stanley! You’re afraid the superior Thomas will steal us away and you’ll be all alone, blah blah blah. Anywho, I need to borrow your darling for some dress shopping!” Mary cut him off, rolling her eyes as he glared at her. She was leaning against the doorframe of his room.
Taking hold of your hand, you flashed Tom a weak smile before walking out the door with her.
Mary brought you to her favorite boutique in Manhattan, and pulled out two photos of gowns from her purse as you walked into the shop. Before you could glance at them, Mary handed them to one of the stylists you recognized from the last time you were here.
“Just these, Ms. Robinson?” 
“Yes, thank you, Liza. I’ll let you know if Clara needs to make any alterations. And you,” She took your hand in yours and lead you towards the dressing rooms in the back of the salon. “...are coming with me! Let’s get this party started, ladies!”
Downing the last of the champagne, you studied the gown in front of you. 
“Are you ready to put it on, miss?” Liza was standing behind the podium, her glasses on the tip of her nose.
You nodded and stepped up, shrugging off your white robe as she undid the buttons on the back of the gown. 
Once everything was buttoned up and pinned, you looked yourself up and down in the mirror. 
The silk gown itself was a caramel nude shade, adorned with an intricate pattern comprised of different blue and silver jewels that sparkled under the light. The thigh high slit on your left leg allowed the silver stilettos you were wearing to shine through. 
What really caught you off guard about the dress was the extravagant blue silk sash that was draped across your midsection and shoulders, falling over the front of your figure like a cathedral length veil.
“What do you think?” Liza asked, a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth as she met your gaze in the mirror.
“I think I’m still processing this, to be honest.” A knock at the door interrupted your flow of thought.
“Get out here and let me see!” 
Making sure you wouldn’t step on the sash, you moved into the middle of the dressing area, where Mary was already studying herself in the mirror.
It was the epitome of Mary, and you were truly taken aback by how beautiful it was. 
The pitch black gown draped over the podium, leading your eyes up to find intricate lace and jewel detailing on the sleeves. As she turned, you noticed the top of the gown appeared to be like a sash; draping itself over Mary’s left shoulder, and hitting the floor at the same length as the hem of the gown. Mary’s dress also had a thigh high slit, but hers was adorned with a partial jeweled pattern coming down the edge. 
“Holy shit!” Mary exclaimed, brushing her gown to the side as she stepped down to meet you at eye-level. “I know I have excellent taste but Jesus, I’ve really knocked it out of the park with this one, haven’t I? You look hot!” 
You laughed, shaking your head as you ran a finger over the detailing. “I don’t think I ever thought I’d see myself in a dress like this, so thank you,”
“No need to thank me, babe. I will be expecting a massive thank you gift basket from your white boy after he sees you in this because fuck, he’s gonna go insane over this.”
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Your flight landed at Heathrow at 8pm, a mere 24 hours before the gala. As you waited for the private limousine in the hangar, you listened to Tom and Haz discuss their ideas for the weekend.
“If we don’t go to the London Eye, I will riot, mate,”
“Why’re you being such a tourist, Holland? You’re acting like it’s your first time in the UK,” Harrison raised his eyebrows as he peered over Tom’s shoulder at you.
“You put him up to this?” 
You held up your hands. “I haven’t been to London like… ever? So I don’t know what to do - this is all him!” 
“Osterfield, let me live, alright! We’re also going to the Shard, so”
“Jesus, you’re really pulling out all the stops,” Harrison said under his breath as he sat on top of his suitcase.
“Wouldn’t you, if you were here with someone you loved?” Harrison sighed and nodded.
“You have a point, I suppose,” He acknowledged as he looked up and met Tom’s jet-lagged gaze. “That doesn’t mean I have to agree with the fact you want to go to all the overpacked, touristy spots!”
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When the limos pulled up to the curb of the Hotel Café Royal, you couldn’t help your jaw dropping as you took in the intrinsic architecture of the building.
“Thomas, this better be the penthouse!” Mary shouted over the cars driving by as she grabbed her bag. 
“Which room, sir?” The bellboy asked as he grabbed the suitcases from the limo driver. Taking your hand in his, Tom turned and answered. “The Dome Suite, thank you.”
The elevator ride was short and sweet, giving you no time to prepare for the overwhelming grandness of the suite before you as you all stepped out onto the pristine marble floors.
The residence was under a copper-domed rotunda, and - according to the bellboy - spanned 3,132 square feet of space. Tom led you into the curved living room, where you noticed one of the terraces that looked over all of London. 
“Your rooms are down to the left here; ours is through these doors here,” Tom gestured to his right as he milled about the massive room. 
Mary flashed you a peace sign before following Harrison down the hall, the sounds of doors closing echoing behind them.
“Shall we, my love?” Tom walked with you into the master suite, where you were greeted by a massive green wall; massive sofas, a dining table, and wet bar on one side, and what appeared to be a bathroom on the other. Tom continue moving, leading you around the wall in the back of the room, where the bedroom was.
Nothing too fancy about the bed, but you were thankful for its softness as you sunk into the comforter.
“Already tired, sweetheart?” Tom cooed as he placed his suitcase on the bench at the foot of the bed.
“Ask me again in 12 hours, yeah?”
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The next day, Mary kicked Tom out of the master suite at 4:30pm, making sure he had everything he needed before locking the door.
“I can’t have him seeing my wondrous beauty ahead of everyone else, am I right?” 
Mary helped you put your gown on, before she sat you down in front of her makeshift vanity to get you red carpet ready. 
Once she’d worked her magic, you couldn’t stop staring at yourself in the mirror as you waited for Mary to finish her makeup.
A rap at the door brought you back down to Earth; Mary shouted over her blasting music: “Not YET, idiots!” 
Fifteen minutes later, Mary poked her head around the corner, flashing you a toothy grin.
“Ready, babe?”
“As ready as I can be.”
“Time to find Tom Hiddleston!”
Seeing the cameras flashing from the corners of your eye only elevated your already racing heartbeat as the limousine came to a slow stop outside Christ Church’s The Nave; you could see dozens of guests climbing up the steps to the entrance, dazzling gowns beaming under the flashing lights.
“You okay, love?” Tom placed his hand over yours as you met his worried gaze.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this,” You whispered, squeezing his hand gently as he nodded.
“Just remember, I’m here.”
The loud crowd consumed your thoughts as the limo door opened, but you focused on Tom as he helped you out of the car. Walking up to the bottom of the stairs, you posed for a few photos. 
Tom had his hand on your waist and held you close to his side; you smiled wide, stealing a few glances at him before he helped you up the steps. 
Once inside, you marveled at the oak panelling across the grand room, and the Tuscan columns that led the eye all the way to the ceiling of flowers. 
“One hell of a party, am I right!” Mary appeared from the crowd, Harrison close behind, drinks already in hand. 
“I know I could do better,” Tom scoffed, his eyes taking in the venue space.
“Sure you could, Stanley! Hey, do I get some sort of thank you for how fucking amazing she looks?” Mary pointed at your gown, and Tom rolled his eyes, even when you could see how flushed he’d gotten. 
“I’ll be sure to pay a commission for picking out the dress, Mary!” 
A crowd of people towards the back of the space cheered loudly, and Mary’s attention was piqued - “Got to go, boys! A Mr. Hiddleston awaits us!” 
Before Tom could protest, Mary took your hand and led you through the throngs of people, until you happened upon the cheering crowd.
And sure enough, the gracious host himself, Tom Hiddleston, was standing at the heart of the group, a glass of champagne in hand as he talked with them.
He glanced up and caught a glimpse of you and Mary, and a spark of recognition seemed to cross his features.
“Excuse me just a moment,” He said, flashing everyone a smile as he moved through the group towards you. 
Mary pinched you hard in the arm as she tried to maintain her composure; Tom approached you two and smiled, lifting his glass slightly as if to say hello.
“I thought I recognized you, darling. Ms. Robinson, from New York? You run that phenomenal activism site! I heard about your gala, and I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to come,” As he continued chatting Mary up, you could tell she was in a daze; after all, she was talking with the man she’d been obsessing over for the past few weeks.
You squeezed her hand as a goodbye before you began to search for the original British men you’d come with.
A few rounds of circling the highboys around the room finally led you to Tom and Harrison, who were nursing drinks at a table against the wall. 
“Why the long faces, boys?” You walked over to Tom and gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek. He wrapped an arm around your waist as he dropped his head on your shoulder, sighing exasperatedly. 
“Tommy is just upset he can’t throw as lavish a gala as Hiddleston can,” Harrison said, laughing when Tom flipped him off.
“I think I’m going to lose my mind if I’m here for any longer, my love,” He whispered in your ear.
As he pulled away, the DJ put on a playlist that begged for dancing, so you took Tom’s hand in yours and led him towards the dance floor at the heart of the room.
“He’s got two left feet, you know!” Harrison yelled over the blasting music.
Tom shook his head and flipped off his best friend once more, before turning to find you waving your free arm around maniacally.
Pulling you into his side, Tom leaned in impossibly close: “Have I told you how fucking amazing you look tonight, princess?” 
The pet name made your heart want to burst, but you ignored the rushing adrenaline as you turned your back to him and pushed yourself up against him.
Tom grunted deep in his throat at your movements, tugging at the knot of his tie with one hand while the other wrapped itself around your waist.
Resting your head back against his chest, you swayed your hips left and right, brushing up against Tom in the most torturous way possible.
He could see the game you were playing from a mile away, and he was surprised, but insanely excited to see where you were going with this.
Following your lead, Tom leaned in and left a hot, open mouth kiss on your neck. You could feel his lips trailing up to your jaw, and for a moment, you lost yourself in the pleasure.
Tom pulled you back with firm squeeze of your ass, making you gasp as he chuckled darkly.
Turning to face him, you pulled him in close, resting your hands on his chest as he settled his own on your waist.
“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing, baby,” He said over the loud music. The smug smirk on his face told you what he was thinking, and there was no way in hell you were letting him get away that easy. 
Grabbing his hand, you guided him through the pool of sweaty bodies dancing to a secluded hallway. Tom soon realized where you’d brought him - the bathroom.
Opening the door with your hip, you dragged him inside, locking it behind you.
Before he could come up with a smug remark, you pushed Tom against the door, and pulled him close with a tug of his tie.
“Did you really think you’d won, that easily?” 
“You could say that,” Tom offered as he watched you crouch down to look under the stalls. All of them were empty. As you straighten back up, he added, “Are you going to prove me otherwise?”
You silenced him with a rough, bruising kiss. It's meant to put Tom in his place instead of arousing him, but it does both, actually; his neck is flushed and his heavy-lidded eyes are trained on your lips when you finally pull back.
"If you think you can get away with beating me at my own game, you’re quite mistaken," Tom pushed himself off the door, and backed you towards the sinks.
You watched him undress with wide eyes. "If you insist." Hoisting yourself up onto the counter, you pulled the hem of your dress over your thigh.
"Music to my ears, baby," Tom quipped cheekily. He crowded in on you and pushed your knees apart. The fabric of your dress bunched up around your waist, leaving your pussy exposed. Running his hands up your thigh, he teased you with his index finger, running it up and down your slit several times, reveling in how warm you felt.
With his free hand, Tom grabbed your neck, kissing you roughly. The other excruciatingly drew circles over your folds, ever so slowly. Bringing you back to him, Tom pressed his lips against yours to quiet your keening from his touch, distracting you just enough with his tongue in your mouth, dancing sinfully with yours.
Breaking the kiss, Tom pressed his forehead against yours and grinned at you. “I’ve truly missed this, darling.”
With your chest heaving, you reached down, fumbling to unbuckle his belt. Sliding down from the counter, you pushed your dress back to fall to your knees, but Tom stopped you before you had the chance.
“Did I say you could do that, princess?”
The look in his eyes was different than before; like he’d finally decided what he wanted to do with you. Like he was going to tease you until you were nothing but a writhing mess for thinking you could do this to him, free of consequences.
Rising up from the floor, you looked at one another for what felt like an eternity, until Tom couldn’t take it anymore.
It’s now or never.
Pressing you flush against the counter, he pushed back the hem of your dress and began toying with your pussy once again. His mouth found yours, his lips soft yet rough against your own as he swallowed every moan that fell from them.
Moving from your lips to your jaw, Tom spoke between every kiss. "God, you're already dripping wet and we've barely started."
You let out another moan in response and tilted your head back until it bumped the mirror behind you. Tom reigned in his smug smile and continued to touch you until his hands were coated in your desperation. Only then did he unzip his trousers and pulled out his cock.
He was hard and leaking from the tip, but that was hardly a surprise, considering you were at his mercy. Better yet, you were eager to continue. Tom could feel your eyes on him as he gingerly stroked himself, spreading the pre-come over the head with his thumb.
“Would you please just fuck me already?" With a little maneuvering you managed to lean back on the sink's countertop, revealing glistening, dewy flesh for his gaze. You spread yourself open with your middle finger and glanced up at him.
The sight you were presenting was admittedly very tempting. Tom could easily set aside his plan and give in to what you wanted. What you both wanted, really. He was already picturing it - just his cock slipping in and out of you, your body writhing underneath him. 
But he didn’t want that. Oh, no. He wanted to push you to the edge only to deny you. He wanted your climax to rip through you; drown you in pleasure. And yet...
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Tom grunted. He leaned in, aligning your bodies together. "To get what you so desperately want?”
You nodded enthusiastically, gripping the countertop in anticipation. Rocking his hips forward, Tom rubbed the length of his cock along your slick opening. You couldn’t help but gasp at the tantalizing friction, tilting your pelvis so that he could easily slip inside.
It was a subtle, clever move on your part but Tom saw right through it.
"Too bad," he murmured, taking his cock in hand again. You whimpered at the sudden loss of his body brushing against yours, but he paid no mind to your desperate pleas. "This is far more fun, don't you think?" Not waiting for a reply, he took the tip of his cock in hand and rubbed it lightly against the hood of your clit.
Your whimpering cries spurred him to keep on teasing you until your eyes were clenched tight, your chest heaving from shallow breaths.
"You like that, princess?" Tom questioned. He continued the rhythmic slide of his skin against yours.
"Yes! Yes, fuck. God, please." Your hands rove over his back, pawing at his velvet suit jacket.
"Jump off and turn around; your back facing me."
You stumbled over your heels in a haste to obey. Pulling your gown up to your waist, you flung the extra fabric into the sink next to you. 
"Bend over," he ordered.
You complied, pressing yourself against the cold counter, your back arched and your cunt aching in anticipation. Tom stepped back and took a moment to appreciate the glistening juices slipping down your thighs. Fuck, I missed this view. 
"Tom!" You squealed as his hand landed a resounding slap on your ass. He spanked the other cheek for good measure and this time you moaned at the contact.
"You missed this." He made it a statement, not a question, because it's obvious from your wet, dripping cunt that you were enjoying every. Fucking. Moment. 
"Maybe." You couldn’t help yourself, and glanced over your shoulder at him, biting your lip. "Don’t stop now, daddy,"
Tom’s breath fell short as he heard that all-too familiar word roll off your tongue. You were the only one who could utter it and get him to fall to his knees. But not this time.
"Spread your legs for me," he commanded, his cock aching with pleasure as he watched you teeter in your high heels, trying to regain control of your shaky legs. Once you had adjusted, your back a beautiful straight line and your ass pressed against his hard cock, Tom grabbed hold of your hair and lightly pulled until he was certain you could see yourself in the mirror.
"Look at that, baby," he murmured, wrapping your hair around his hand.
"What?" you gasped.
"How beautiful you are, waiting for my cock." Wasting no time, Tom gripped his erection by the base and nudged the tip between your soaking folds. The damp heat of your skin welcomed him and he shuddered from the amount of self-control it took to pause for a moment and make sure you were still looking at your reflection.
Your eyes were trained on the mirror image, and the amount of pure, unadulterated desire that was plainly etched across your face – desire for him – was enough to soften the blows from his anxiety over the past few weeks. You still wanted him.
Right now, you had this, and as Tom finally sank into the blissfully tight, velvety heat of your pussy, he vowed to make every minute worth its while. For you.
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As the end of the year approached faster than a bullet, Tom was spending longer hours at the office and less time with you.
There were only a few days left before the new year would ring in, and he had to make the most of his time at work; home would always be waiting for him.
Or so he thought.
Just as he finished wrapping up yet another expense report for the board, Tom heard a loud knock at his office door.
“Come in, it’s open,” Tom didn’t bother to see who crossed the threshold until he heard a painstakingly familiar voice across the way.
“Glad to see you’ve got some consideration for your company, Thomas.”
His father walked with confidence as Tom met him halfway, his hands fidgeting with his cufflinks as he took in his father’s gaze.
“What’re you doing here?” 
“That’s no way to speak to your father, boy. Besides… I come bearing bloody brilliant news.” Dom glanced back at the empty wet bar in the back of the room, and rolled his eyes. “We can celebrate later, I suppose.”
“What’s the news?” Tom asked, brows furrowed together as he crossed his arms in annoyance.
Clearing his throat, Dom flashed his son a wicked smile as he handed him a yellow manila folder, two tickets clipped to the front.
“I want you to kick off the new year spearheading the brand-new company headquarters out of Toyko. Should only take a year, if all goes well.”
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dccomicsimagines · 5 years
Stuck Together - Damian Wayne x Reader - Part Two
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Part One
Requested by Anon -  Would it be possible to ask for a part two to Stuck Together with Damian please???
Requested by Anon -  I loved stuck together!!! If it would be ok, could you do a NSFW second part where they're at the hotel?
Author’s Note - I didn’t make it NSFW. Sorry. No smut here, just lots of sexual tension.
“So you’re Martin Antar and I’m Jesse Antar. We’re both on our honeymoon,” you whispered to Damian. The two of you were in the back of a town car that was zooming you toward the hotel. 
“Grayson,” Damian hissed in anger. “He planned this.” 
You pursed your lips to keep from laughing. “I know, but let’s not think about that right now. We have to pretend we’re a recently married couple.” Damian’s hand rested on your knee. You jumped slightly before relaxing. His hand was so warm you could feel it through your pants. 
“TT.” Damian glanced out the window. He squeezed your knee. The blood rushed to your face. Nerves tingled in your stomach. Funny how a long flight could change everything. “I don’t know how we’re suppose to complete the mission with this distraction.” 
“We’ll make it work.” You laid your hand over his. Damian’s eyes snapped to you. A sparkle of desire shone in them. You swallowed hard, dropping your gaze onto your lap. Damian cleared his throat and turned to look out the window. However, his hand stayed on your knee with yours on top of his.
“Here is your room, Mr. and Mrs. Antar,” the bellhop said as he opened the door for you and Damian. Damian had his arm around you. You leaned into him, pressing a kiss to his cheek when the bellhop turned to pick up the bags. Damian blushed, clearing his throat.
“Oh honey, this room is beautiful,” you gasped once you stepped into the room. You pulled away from Damian to look out the window. You might have been acting, but your awe of the room was real. It was gorgeous. 
You heard Damian tip the bellhop. “Thank you, sir,” the bellhop said happily before leaving the room. Once the door was shut, you relaxed and turned back to stare at the king sized bed. 
Damian followed your gaze. “I’ll sleep on the couch,” he said quickly. He grabbed his bag and pulled out his toothbrush and toothpaste. 
“No, it’s okay. We can share the bed.” You looked away before he could meet your eyes. 
“Are you certain?” Damian swallowed nervously. He picked up his bag and moved to set it on the bed. You didn’t look at him, wandering over to look at the champagne bottle chilling on the table. Two champagne glasses sat beside it. 
“Yeah, we can share the bed without it being weird.” You picked up the bottle, reading the label. 
Damian watched you. He frowned slightly when you opened the bottle. “(Y/N), now is not the time to drink.” 
You finally turned to look at him, biting your lip. “Well, I figured we might as well drink it. It will be strange if we don’t. I mean we’re supposed to be on our honeymoon.” You poured some into each glass and carried both over to Damian. He took one when you offered, taking a tiny sip. You drank yours, watching him carefully.
“What are you thinking?” Damian whispered after a long moment of studying you. He stared at your lips, wondering what they would feel like on his own. 
“I was just thinking about how good this champagne is,” you mumbled. You ached to touch him, hold his hand or more. Swallowing hard, you pushed that thought aside and moved away from Damian. You finished your drink in one gulp and grabbed your bag. “I’m going to change into fresh clothes.” You claimed the bathroom, locking the door behind you. 
Damian sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed. He ran a hand through his hair, finishing off his champagne. It burned in his mouth. He only had a little while to figure out how he was going to sleep next to you without starting something that couldn’t be stopped. 
About an hour later, both you and Damian were in bed with the curtains shut and the lights off. The two of you were supposed to sleep to get ready for the mission tonight, but both of you were wide wake, even though each of you didn’t know that about the other.
Damian had his back to you. He worked to keep his breathing even and deep, so you would think he was asleep. His thoughts kept him wanting to tense. Your presence pressing onto his back. You weren’t touching him, but he knew you were there and that was enough to keep him wide wake.
His side began to ache, but he didn’t dare roll over. What if you were facing him? How could he resist your lips when they would be only inches away? Damian swallowed hard. 
He tensed when you took a deep breath. The bed shifted. You rolled over. Damian’s stomach flipped when your arm touched his back. You quickly pulled it away. Biting his lip, Damian finally turned onto his back.
“Are you awake?” you whispered, lying on your back as well. Damian glanced over at you. Your lips caught his eye. He swallowed hard, blushing.
“Yes.” His voice cracked, making him blush even more. 
“Maybe I should take the couch?” You sat up. Damian kept watching you. You bit your lip and Damian lost his breath. “I’m not used to sleeping in the same bed with someone.”
Damian blinked. “TT. It’s not that, is it?” Your eyes snapped to him in surprise. He looked back at you and got lost in your eyes for a moment. His hand moved to take yours without him thinking about it. Your hand was limp, too shocked to respond. “It’s the sexual tension between us. That’s why Grayson and Gordon made this plan. They wanted us to act upon it.” 
“So they wanted us to have sex?” You pulled your hand away from him quickly as if he burned you. “No, no, no. I mean we just started talking to each other like normal people. We can’t just jump into sex.” 
“True.” Damian frowned when you scooted farther away from him. “I won’t attack you, (Y/N).”
“I know, but I just...well...like you said there’s sexual tension between us and it’s kinda hard to sleep when I know you’re right there.” You gestured to him like he was a piece of meat. 
Damian’s eyes widened in surprise. It wasn’t just him feeling this way. Oddly, he found himself turned on by that fact. “TT.” He watched you get up, frowning slightly. He reached out to grab your hand again. 
“Damian, what are you doing?” You watched him with wide eyes. He tugged you back to sit on the bed. 
“Stay.” Damian cleared his throat. “We won’t do anything.” You studied him before climbing under the covers again.
“Even if we don’t do anything, we’re not going to get to sleep,” you whispered, laying back down. 
Damian sighed. “Yes, we will. Count sheep or whatever you do. Forget I’m here and I’ll forget you’re here.” He rolled back onto his side, facing away from you. His mind hated how the two of you were back where you started, and sleep still couldn’t find him.
You hacked your way into the cameras. The footage popped up on your screen moments later. Robin and Batgirl were in position. “Cameras are covered. You’re good to go,” you reported into the com.
“Right, (Y/S/N).” Damian’s voice sounded in your ear and your thoughts instantly went to the fact he slept in the same bed as you. You swallowed hard, pushing it out of your mind. The fact you slept at all with Damian next to you still had you wondering how you did it.
“So did anything happen at the hotel?” Dick asked as he plopped down in the chair beside you. He was supposed to be helping you with the computer, but he mostly was just messing around. 
You turned off the coms, so Damian wouldn’t overhear. “No, but we know your plan and we’re not impressed.” You glared at him only to find him smiling at you.
“We? I didn’t expect you two to get along so soon. You’re already a we,” Dick laughed, satisfied. 
“Shut up.” You got up from your chair, bumping Dick away from you. The two of you were in Dick and Barbara’s hotel room while Damian and Barbara went on the mission. You picked up the drink you got from the vending machine and opened it. 
Dick laughed. “So I guess you didn’t do the do? Darn it, that means Jason’s winning the bet.” 
You spun around to face him, almost spitting out your drink. “I can’t believe it! You’re betting on whether Damian and I...” You cut yourself off. Your face burning in embarrassment. “That’s sick. He’s your brother.” 
“My brother who I thought would never be interested in anyone.” Dick got to his feet and placed his hands on your shoulders. He looked you in the eye. It was so intense, you could see why Damian had a hard time saying no to him. “He doesn’t do relationships well and since you two have so much tension between you, we all knew we needed to give you a push.” 
You raised an eyebrow. “A little push?” You pulled away from him. A sour feeling grew in your stomach. “I don’t like to be manipulated.” 
“But you like Damian,” Dick said, raising an eyebrow. You turned away so he couldn’t see the blood rushing to your face. “And that what’s matters.” 
The computer beeped. You ran over to the computer only to find Damian sending you the info you were looking for. Dick eyed you with a smirk. He knew by the end of this trip, you and Damian would be a couple.
Damian’s arm was heavy on your shoulders as he pressed you into his side. He led you through the lobby. You smiled, pretending you were madly in love for the people around. It wasn’t as hard as you thought it would be. Your entire body tingled when Damian kissed your temple.
“Mr. and Mrs. Antar, I have your dinner waiting in your room,” the clerk said, coming around the desk when he saw you.
“Dinner?” Damian raised an eyebrow. He glanced at you, but you were just as confused as he was.
“Yes, the dinner you ordered.” The clerk studied the two of you. “It’s in your room.” 
You smiled. “Yes, thank you,” you said brightly. Damian squeezed your shoulder. He gave the clerk a nod before leading you away to the elevator.
“Grayson must have done this,” he whispered into your ear. You shivered at his breath on your skin.
“At least it’s food.” Damian’s eyes lingered on your lips when you licked them. “I’m starving.” 
“TT.” Damian blushed, looking away once you both entered the elevator. His arm stayed around you, even once the doors closed.
You finished your glass of champagne, giggling madly. “I think this is going to my head.” 
Damian watched you from across the table. He swallowed hard. You looked so beautiful when you laughed. The sketch of you laughing that he drew on the flight was nothing in comparison. “Perhaps you had enough to drink?” 
You nodded, still giggling as you stole a bite of Damian’s Portobello. “Yeah, probably.” Damian’s gaze followed the fork to your mouth. He shivered at the sight.
“So our mission here will be over soon. Father was pleased with our work.” Damian cleared his throat, downing his own glass of champagne. If he didn’t know better, he would have suspected the champagne was drugged.
“Oh, that’s too bad.” The champagne went straight to your head. Words were coming out of your mouth before you could stop them. “We didn’t even sleep together yet.” 
Damian almost choked on his drink. “What?” He coughed hard as you looked at him with big innocent eyes.
“Yeah, I know you want to, and I want to. Even Dick wants us to,” you said, hiccuping. You smiled innocently at him, even though part of you knew you shouldn’t be telling him this.
Damian’s eyes darkened with desire. “You want to sleep with me?” Through the champagne buzz, you realized what you did. Damian got to his feet suddenly as if his chair just zapped him. 
You nodded, giggling. “Yep.” You got to your feet. The champagne took away any inhibitions you had. Damian backed away from you as you came toward him. “I’m not scary, Damian.” You pouted.
Damian eyed your pouting lips, wanting to kiss them. “You are drunk.”
“Only buzzed.” You hiccuped with a lazy smile. “I can give consent.” 
“No, you can’t.” He danced away from you when you reached out to grab his shirt. “You sober up, then we’ll discuss whether we’ll sleep together.” 
Stumbling away from him, you fell hard onto the couch. “Bummer.” You pouted for a bit before you dozed off. Damian covered you with a blanket. He grabbed his sketchpad from his bag and sat down in a chair near you. With a careful hand, he drew you sleeping. It distracted him from the ache caused by the knowledge you wanted him. Of course, he knew that before, but to hear it coming out of your mouth made it real.
You woke to a pounding headache and the bright sun in your face. A gasp escaped you as you covered your eyes. “I’m dying.”
The light disappeared and you relaxed enough to open one eye. “No, you just drank too much last night,” Damian replied. He was shirtless. Through your pain, you admired him. He handed you a bottle of water. “Drink. Breakfast will be here shortly.” 
You sat up to drink, realizing you were on the couch. “I can’t believe I just passed out right here.” Your eyes widened when the rest of the memories from last night came back. “Oh crap.” Your face burned as you glanced over at Damian. Damian stayed expressionless. “I can’t believe I just came onto you like that.” 
“TT.” Damian pursed his lips. “It was not unwanted. You are welcome to come onto me when you are not drunk.” 
Your jaw dropped. You had to clear your throat several times before you could speak. “Oh, okay.” The headache throbbed, taking away any joy you had from his words. “Maybe when my head is not exploding.” 
Damian forced some pills in your hand, which you swallowed quickly. He sat down beside you. His thigh brushing against yours. “I was thinking we should take our time. Everyone might want us to rush into sex, but I believe it will be best if we did the courtship part first.” 
You froze, staring at him in surprise. “Really?” He nodded, blushing. It was his turn to be surprised when you sighed in relief. “Good, I’d like that. At least if we wait, Dick loses his bet with Jason.” 
“What? They’re betting on us?” Damian snapped, getting to his feet. “Those animals.”
You laughed, wincing when it hurt your head. “Don’t worry about it.” You grabbed his hand to pull him back down next to you and kissed his cheek. “We’ll get back at them someday.”
“TT.” Damian’s arm wrapped around your shoulders as your head rested on his shoulder. The two of you enjoying each other’s company without any pressure of what was to come.
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fortheloveoffanfic · 5 years
Keanu Reeves x Reader (Chapter Summary- Two months later and one person is still being affected by a decision they made and another’s apparent rejection bothers them more than they’d prefer to admit.) (Warning- slight NSFW)
Chapter1     Chapter2
Chapter 3
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A breathy sigh escaped her parted, plump lips. The silkiness of her legs rubbed against his thighs and her breasts felt firm and warm, just enough to fit in his palm with room for him to knead appreciatively. The slick heaven between her parted legs was so tight, cocooning Keanu’s member perfectly as he slid in and out of her in controlled thrusts. Her little gasps bounce of the walls, joining his low throaty grunts. Oh the sounds she makes. Y/n’s hair haloed around her on the white cotton pillow, messy and wild. She looked so divine in the most corrupted way. She’s so young, beautiful, oozing with youthful appeal.  And she’s all his.
Except, she’s not. Not really.
With startle, Keanu awoke, sitting up in his bed, drenched in sweat......and something else. “Fuck,” he breathed, scrubbing his hands harshly over his face, proceeding to rub sleep out of his eyes. It was just minutes away from five in the morning and the sun hadn’t even risen yet, but Keanu knew that there was no chance of him falling back asleep.
It had become almost routine by then, his slumber being interrupted by dreams of Y/n, naked in his bed, or other parts of his house. The location never mattered, but for two months, it had been her. His mind had taken it upon itself to conjure up a slew of different sexual fantasies, ideas never seemed to be in shortage, much like his body’s gullibility when it came to believing them.
With a disgruntled sigh, Keanu shook the covers off and took a minute to offer his deflating crotch an annoyed stare. There was a stain at the front and those would be yet another pair of sleep pants that he’d have to hold back of the laundry hamper and deal with himself, lest Linda find out that she was actually working for a thirteen year old boy just discovering the mechanics of his body and not a grown man with the ability to not nut in his pants. 
“The fuck is wrong with me?” He asked himself as he striped lazily, heading for the shower. As he got in, Keanu turned on the hot water, looking up as the water rained down from the entire ceiling of the sizeable cubicle. The shower in the master bath was one of the many things he loved about his house. It mimicked rainfall and could be easily controlled by the sleek silver knobs on the dark tiled wall. 
As Keanu washed himself, his hands rough hands passing over his body, his mind flashed to the night from not too long ago, when he had gotten off the mere memories of a dream of Y/n. Since then, he had refrained from masturbation, at  least to her image. It felt wrong, like he was violating her somehow. Y/n had probably forgotten their encounter by then, returning to....whatever women her age did. Shopping, dating men who weren’t fifty-something- learning how to run multi-million dollar empires. 
He had refrained, yes. And Keanu liked to think that he was normally a man of great, strong restraint, but that morning, as he stood in the shower, hot water washing over him, his fingers brushed his member and thoughts of Y/n took a racy turn. He closed his eyes and started imagining that she was there, her hands touching him, settling to circle his growing erection, pumping slowly as her lips pressed to his, and she mumbled against him, “This what you want, huh? Let me make you feel good baby.”
Throwing his head back, Keanu groaned, his imagination running wild, his vison going white. 
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Men. They were all the same, weren’t they? Y/n was starting to believe the archaic stereotype. They had to be, else, she wouldn’t be in the position she was in. Sitting in a boardroom, eyes blank and teeth clenched as she listened to rantings of an ancient CFO, who apparently didn’t understand the concept of seasonal changes. As he spoke, Y/n found it hard to stay in the moment.....until he called her out on it, “You know, Miss Warren, if you don’t want to stay, the door’s right there. I’m sure kids your age want nothing more than to run wild all, boozed up.”
At his comment, Y/n sucked in a deep breath, closing her eyes as she tried not to snap. After a minute, she plastered on a wide smile, “Run wild?” She quoted, malice edging her tone, “I can assure Mr. Priestly, I’m not bored, just in awe of you’re.......stupidity. I’m not sure if it’s ignorance or if you’ve never watched the news, but the reason we aren’t making in the tropics is because of the hurricane season. You know, hurricanes; big scary storms; lots of wind and rain, really dangerous and we’ve had to close three braches so far because of them,” her words drew down, her tone grew whiney and mocking and an episode of quiet laughter ran across the table as other board members snickered.  
The older man’s face grew hot pink with either embarrassment or anger, and from a mile away anyone could see that his jaw was clenched. The stocky, sausage fingers of his wrinkled hands clenched into his fist before he stuffed them into his pockets, fuming, “Michael, maybe teach your daughter a little respect,” Priestly glared at her father who sat at the head of the sleek glass table, combating his own proud smile.
Michael cleared his throat, leaning back further into his impressive leather chair, folding his arms and nodding, “Yes. Of course. Good observation Y/n,” he tried to look serious, clearing his throat and nodding stiffly, “But perhaps there are better ways to correct our colleagues,” before Priestly could grumble a remark about Y/n not actually being his colleagues, Y/n’s father continued, “But Roger, maybe next time, read the brief first,” he tapped his tablet screen knowingly.
The rest of the meeting went by mostly uneventfully, save for a few snide remarks traded back and forth between Roger and Y/n. At the end of it, everyone gathered their things, dispersing; heading back to their respective offices. After a quick word with her father about the rest of her tasks for the day, Y/n did the same. Usually, they’d ride the elevator together, but he’d promised her mother a lunch date, and Y/n had opted to stay back at the office.
As she stalked past the receptionists’ desk, one of the young girls, just about Y/n’s age or a little younger; Emily, called her back, “Oh! Miss Warren-”
“Emily, we’ve been over this, you can call me Y/n, we went to middle school together,” Y/n chuckled, rounding back to the large shared desk.  
“Y/n,” Emily smiled politely, “You’re cousin is here, she’s waiting in your office.”
“Great! Thanks,” after pleasant good byes, Y/n went straight to her office, pulling open one side of the mahogany doors, the long silver handle cool in her palm, “Jill I-”
“Surprise!” A cluster of voices yelled in cheery unison. 
Taken a back, Y/n jumped, stumbling back into the already closed door. It took barely a minute for her expression of pure shock, with just a bit of fright mixed it, before her face took on a more excited expression. There in her office, was almost everyone she had called a friend over the past ten years; a few girls her age from the country club her parents frequented, a couple people from college and just some others she’d met at parties and other snazzy events, “Oh my god! What are you guys doing here?”
“We’re here for you, obviously. Jill told us that you’ve committed yourself to these four walls,” a guy, someone who Y/n had met on her very first day of college, Mathew, broke from the small crowd, pulling her into a sideways hug, “And we’re here to tell you, that we won’t stand for that.”
“Matt,” Y/n yelped, hugging him back, “It’s been forever. How is the world of venture capitalism?” She laughed lightly.
“About as fun as it sounds,” he grinned, finally pulling away, going to a cooler that they had somehow managed into her office, and getting out a couple beers, “I’m serious though. We’re taking you on a vacation.”
“In May?” Y/n’s brows furrowed in confusion, “We can’t just-”
“Nuh uh,” Catharine, a young woman her age, who Y/n had known since she was sixteen cut her off, “Relax Y/n/n, it’s a week, not a month. You need to unwind and relax. And you’ve missed at least two birthdays, so you have to make up for those too.”
Y/n sighed, a little excited for the activities in the near horizon, but also a little worried about what her father would think if she just stole away from her work for an entire week. Seeing her tormented expression, Jillian stepped in, placing her hands on Y/n’s shoulders, “I already asked Uncle Michael; he’s okay with it and Aunt Heather thinks that this could be good for you,” Jillian's hands rubbed up and down the silk sleeves of Y/n’s blouse and her eyes pleaded with hers, “Come on cuz, all you’d have to do is pack a bag and grab your passport.”
Y/n worried on her bottom lip, thinking that it might be nice to get away for a week, to wear something other than high heels and skirt suits. Sighing, she rolled her eyes, pretending to be annoyed, her friends seemed to be holding their breaths in anticipation of her answer and a smile tugged at the corner of Y/n’s lips as she spoke, “Well, where are we going?”
Excited cheers erupted and someone popped a bottle of champagne, quickly handing her a glass. Jillian was the one to propose her toast, and answer Y/’s question, “To beautiful, sexy people, old friends, and yachts in Greece!”
At that, glasses clinked, and everyone drank.
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“Hey, whatever happened between you and you sexy movie star friend?” Y/n along with Jillian, Catharine and a couple other ladies were gathered in her closet, helping her pack while everyone else made last minute preparations.
“What sexy movie star?” Amanda, another one of Y/n’s college friends, who had taken her business expertise to Silicon Valley after they graduated asked, “We talked on the phone last week and you didn’t tell me about a movie star. Who was he?”
“He’s hot right?” Catharine interjected, holding up a deep green sundress with happy colorful flowers on it. Briefly, she examined it, then, satisfied, she tossed it into a suitcase.
Another friend, Tracy, the lone doctor of their group giggled at their questions, before asking a couple of her own, “I think the real question is; which one of Hollywood’s silver foxes is Y/n hiding from us. Tell me his last name, an I’ll tell you if I’ve seen his dick.”
Y/n, who had taken a quick shower when they got back to her place, stood in her bathrobe, surveying her selection of bathing suits, “Why would you have seen his dick?”
Tracy scoffed, “You’d be surprised, I make a lot of money on penis enlargements. I’ve seen some pretty famous cocks.”
At that, the girls laughed and Jillian shook her head, “I too have seen famous cocks,” she laughed, “But don’t you have some kind of doctor-patient confidentiality?”
Tracy shrugged and it was Catharine who spoke up again, “I think we’re losing focus here; Y/n slept with a movie star and didn’t tell us. And she won’t even tell us who he was.”
“Or if she’s seen him again,” Amanda inserted.
When Y/n turned to face her friends, holding a bathing suit in each hand, one with a colorful pattern from a season ago and the other a timeless, black, designer bikini, all eyes were on her, expectant and awaiting an answer. Even Jillian, who knew exactly who he was and that Y/n had in fact not slept with him, look amused. “Well, I didn’t tell you because it didn’t happen. We almost had sex. Almost as in someone,” she shot an accusing eye at Jillian, “Interrupted us. And he was Keanu Reeves.”
“Excuse me?” Tracy laughed loudly, dropping the pair of denim shorts she had been holding, “As in Johnny Utah, Jack Traven, and my newest favorite; John Wick. Wow,”  she paused breathlessly, “I’ve actually never seen his dick.”
“Oh” Catharine, an eternal romantic exclaimed, clapping her hands together, “He’s in my favorite movie-”
Before she could even finish, everyone was saying, “Sweet November,” then a little more disconnected, “We know.”
“You should call him,” Amanda suggested matter-of-factly, “That’s a once in a life time opportunity right there.”
“Yeah, okay,” Y/n began sarcastically, “I’ll just pick up my phone and call him, with a number that I don’t have, and ask him to come fuck me on the way to the airport. Hope seven isn’t too much of a crowd,” she ended with a chuckle.
“Like Y/n Warren who has everything at her fingertips can’t get his phone number,” Amanda argued lightly, “You could have anything you want. Any phone number, any address, anything. And that’s what’s stopping you?”
“Yeah,” Y/n gasped, not believing that she was actually being pressured about something like that, “What do you think it is?”
“Fear. He’s nice guy, at least according to everyone who’s ever met him. What if it doesn’t live up to whatever you imagined. You know what they say about nice guys,” Amanda winked and Y/n could have sworn that Tracy whispered something about over achievers.
Jillian was the one who spoke up next, “Well let’s not breath down her back, while we take a minute to consider that this might not be all her fault. Why don’t you tell them what you did.”
Y/n’s cheeks took on a bright pink tint, heat rushing to her ears, “How do you know that?”
“I heard, I was standing like, a foot away.”
Scoffing Y/n shook her head, zipping her suitcase closed and pulling it to the floor, “I.....invited him over. And he never came. There,” she finalized, moving on to finding something to wear to the airport, “He essentially rejected me and that’s it, it was two months ago and I don’t wanna talk about it anymore.
Before anyone in the room could propose otherwise, Mathew was poking his head into the doorway, “I swear I’m not looking,” he put a hand over his eyes, “But we need to get going, the car’s downstairs and the jet’s ready to go.”
Hurriedly, they finished packing and Y/n quickly got dressed in a pair of faded jeans and a grey cable knit sweater, hustling down the stairs, hoping to put the lingering disappointment from Keanu not showing up in the rearview. 
Tagging- @baphometwolf666   @a-really-bi-girl​  @paanchu786​
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darth-el · 4 years
You’re So Damn Hypnotised
Pairing: Billy x Reader Warnings: Oh boy where do I start? Drugs (weed and cocaine), alcohol, descriptions of (really bad) sex, underage drinking and just general debauchery because. I’m going to say angst as well and there will most likely be smut in part 2 if you want. Probably going to do a little 18+ warning here as well Song Request: You’ll be Fine - Palaye Royale A/N: This is 5472 words. My longest one to date and I’m nowhere near done so part 2 is heading your way. The song to me felt like it had a seedy undertone to it so this is just pure sleaze on a road trip. I also took another bit of inspiration with the record label stuff from a program called Vinyl as I thought it would work well with this. I hope you enjoy and feedback is always welcomed. I am also English so I have no idea how long it takes to get from one place to another by road in the USA.
Part 2
Your life in London was fast and energetic. You were the daughter of punks who hung around SEX. After school you always went there and met your parents who would have been smoking joints with the people who turned out to be the punk icons. Your first joint was given to you by Sid Vicious when you were about ten. No one believed that when you told them. Your father started working for a large record label when you were five and transferred to New York when you were fourteen with a seventeen year old. You had never forgiven him for that, your mother blamed you for the end of their relationship which left your relationship with her strained. After your dad left she decided to study science and become a scientist, her logic was “I was good with drugs.” It became even more strained when she announced that you were moving to America as well. You hoped she meant to New York so you could be near your dad. This was not the case at all. She showed you your worst nightmare. It was called Hawkins. This was the America you had seen in films, it tried to be wholesome and patriotic. Within the first night of being there you had already found yourself driving to Indianapolis, but you were stopped when the cops pulled you over saying that the car, (your dad had bought you as a way to say “Welcome to America, I'll be father of the year from a distance”) was stolen. You still hadn't forgiven her for that.
Your first month at school was a whirlwind. Within that month your dad rang you to let you know that he wanted you to drive to LA with a friend, stop over Las Vegas, just because he knew you would like it and see a band he thought was called “Red Peppers” at a club on New Years Eve because he wanted to potentially sign them. It was going to be all expense paid and he was going to send you the money for gas, motels, and anything else you needed. The only problem was you didn't have any friends to go with. That was until one night you got really drunk at Tina's Christmas party. You were always spontaneous. You went to Barcelona with people you met two days before and spent the summer on a house boat with people you had met two hours into arriving in Barcelona. When you came back your mother fell through the floor which you thought was a bit unfair because you left her note. Her argument was that you were sixteen and they were in their twenties. Feeling spontaneous and drunk you ended up finding yourself locked in a bathroom with Billy, you laying in the bath with a joint and a bottle of whiskey you bought yourself, him sitting on the counter next to the sink also with a joint you had rolled for him planning the road trip to LA.
He dropped you off and you pulled him into your house and into your room, which was decorated with photos that gave him a glimpse of your past life. There were a couple that really caught his eye. One of you laying in bed with a lace bra on, red lips, cigarette hanging out of your mouth. Love bites covering your exposed skin as you stared down the lens of the camera. “16th Birthday” There was a little heart next to it which acted like your signature. The other one of you  was you sitting on Tommy Lee's lap legs up in the air as you're leaning back laughing holding a bottle of champagne. “Motley Crue – 27/03/83” it read with the little heart on it. He didn't really think much of you at school as you kept your head down and when he did think of you he thought you were an uptight bitch who wasn't interested in him. You made that clear the first day when you were like stone when he hit on you. There was more to you that met the eye. He wasn't sure if it was the alcohol but he was intrigued.
The December air was crisp outside. You were hoping LA was going to be warm, you craved the winter sun. You wrapped yourself up in a couple of blankets and made your way downstairs with your suitcases, with Billy's help. You were both drunkenly laughing trying to be quiet and also not trying to fall down the stairs due to the blankets that were wrapped around you. The moon illuminated the street as you walked to Billy's car you were dancing under the light the moon with your blankets still wrapped around you swaying with your movements. For the first time since moving to Hawkins you felt free and alive.
You both started to sober up, by that point it was too late to turn back. You were way into Illinois. Your feet were resting up on the dash you were sunk into your seat with arms resting and hanging over the back of your seat. Billy had a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. There was a spark in the air. You looked at Billy whose eyes were stuck on the road. A month ago you were indifferent to him. He thought he was king of the school, he was egotistical. He was charming. He was like every guy you had dated. That's exactly why in your drunken state you chose him for this road trip. There was a comfort in the familiarity. He thought you were unlike anyone he ever met. It was like you were leading this double life. You were hard working at school, and quiet. He didn't realise you had an edge and that edge was sharp and a secret party animal who partied with the best it seemed. He realised when he was sitting in Tina's bathroom you gave him a way to escape from his family, even if it was for just over a week. This was the first time since he was a child that he felt carefree.
After a few hours you both realised you were getting tired and hadn't slept for almost a day. You found an old motel, you didn't know where you were. You didn't even know if you were heading in the right direction but to be honest you didn't care. You could have ended up in Mexico and you would have been happy. If you ended up in Canada you would have be slightly less happy. As you walked to the desk to check in you could tell this was motel was for truckers and affairs. It was musty and looked like it hadn't been decorated since the 1960's and hadn't been cleaned since the 1970's. You didn't care though, you felt an affinity to places like this.
“Room for two?” The girl didn't look up as she was chewing gum and filing her nails.
“You got it doll.” Billy leaned on the desk putting on his award winning charm which made the girl look up at him and as she handed him the key you noticed their hands touched, most likely by design on Billy's part causing her to blush. You rolled your eyes at this as you snatched the key from him as you were getting tired and wanted to sleep and made your way to the room. You opened the door and it was smokey. The walls were a dirty pink, with yellow smoke stains and god knows what else. The bathroom light when you switched it on was buzzing and flickering. Everything in the bathroom was avocado green and also stained with hard water. You were quite shocked there was no mould. You dumped yourself on the bed that you claimed and laid down on it as Billy walked through the door with his luggage and dumping it down next what was going to be his bed for the night. He looked at the TV in the corner which looked like it was from the 1960's and had seen better days. He sat on the edge of his bed and lit up a cigarette and turned on the TV. You walked into the bathroom to get out of your dress from the party and ready to go to sleep as tiredness had washed over you and you wanted to sleep through a potential hangover. You walked out the bathroom wearing nothing but a white loose fitting t-shirt and black panties that were nothing special, but they were comfortable. Billy snapped his eyes off the old black and white television and looked like he was eating you up with his eyes. You sat on you bed and grabbed another cigarette. Before you could even light it yourself Billy had stretched over to you with his lighter aflame ready to light it for you. You smiled at him softly and he matched your smile. You laid back on your bed resting on the headboard watching what was happening on the screen but not really taking it in.
“How long do you think until we get to Vegas?” You asked flicking the ash into the ash tray which was on the table which separated your bed.
“If we're going in the right direction, two days max,” Billy shrugged making himself more comfortable on his bed. When the cigarette had reached the end and you stubbed it out climbed under the blankets. “Do you want me to turn it off?” Billy asked as he went to the grab the control in preparation for the “yes.”
“I like the background noise while I sleep.” You said gently as you yawned and sinking further into the bed. Billy shrugged at this answer and made himself even more comfortable.
You woke up a few hours later with your hangover looming over you. Billy was asleep still as you quietly crept outside hoping there was a convenient store nearby as you had a craving for candy and a slurpee. You asked the girl at the reception if there was a 7/11 nearby, after not getting much of an answer out of her you decide to walk along the empty road in hopes of something that could help with your sugar craving. You gave up after about ten minutes as it was too cold for your liking and you weren't prepared to freeze to death for a slurpee. You walked back to your room to find Billy was in the shower. You plonked yourself down on the bed and deciding to watch the frazzled television. Billy came out of the bathroom not expecting you to be there as he was wrapped in nothing but in a towel. His wet hair clung to his wet skin. You couldn't help but notice the how the water droplets rolled down his chest.
“Bathroom is free if you want it.” He mumbled looking at you, as you looked at him biting you lip. You weren't sure if reality was going to hit you and make you both realise that this was not a good idea or if this would go in a completely direction.
“Thanks,” You slightly shook your head as if to snap yourself out of thought. “By the way it is cold out there.” You looked at him over your shoulder smiling before closing the door behind you. The light was making your headache worse. You turned on the shower and there wasn't much hot water so you had to make do. The lukewarm water was definitely not what you needed after venturing outside. The water started to chuck out cold making you yelp from the shock of it. You heard Billy knock on the door. “Are you okay in there?” He sounded mildly concerned. Partially because if you had slipped over and injured yourself he didn't want to walk in on you naked and potentially covered in blood.
“The water is cold!” You answered back as you tried to manoeuvrer yourself so you could wash your hair without getting too much cold water on you. You finally bit the bullet and plunged yourself fully into the cold water, making you curse like a sailor loudly.
You got out the shower and wrapped the towel around you and made your way into the room where Billy was sitting in his jeans and a white vest smoking a cigarette. You went into your suitcase and pulled out some clothes for the day. You could feel Billy's eyes on you. As you walked back into the bathroom you took Billy's cigarette out from between his lips and started smoking it yourself winking at him before closing bathroom door to get changed. You both decided to check out and make your way to Las Vegas which would probably take another day or so.
You managed to reach Colorado and the scenery was snowy and beautiful. You were once again relaxed in the passenger seat with your Polaroid camera in your lap. You were looking at Billy who was smoking, you never realised how much of a heavy smoker he was.
“Do you want play a game?” You asked breaking the silence.
“What game?” He looked at you like you were interrogating him.
“20 questions,” You sat up so you were kneeling on the seat facing him and you lit up a cigarette and smiled.
“You go first,” His eyes went back to the road sounding unsure about this. You pursed your lips in thought and took a drag of your cigarette.
“First kiss?” You blurted out. He looked at you a bit shocked at how quickly you asked the question, as he shifted in his seat.
“I was 10,” He said nonchalantly hoping that would be it, but he caught you out the corner of his eyes looking at him like you wanted more information. “Her name was Sammy and she was a neighbour who I had crush on.” He confessed quietly.
“I can't imagine you as a child,” You laughed as you exhaled creating smoke rings. This garnered his interest for some reason. “Were you as cocky then as you are now?” You teased making him laugh slightly.
“I was worse, especially after that kiss,” he sighed. You could see that he was slowly becoming more relaxed around you. “What about yours?” He looked at you with a raised eyebrow.
“I was nine or ten,” You sat up slightly to roll the window so you could throw butt of the cigarette out. “We were playing kiss chase. It was so bad. It was literally all teeth.” You laughed at this memory and you could feel the clanking of teeth again which made you cringe in your seat.
“First time?” He asked with a slightly cocky smile on his face.
“It was so bad,” You giggled. “Okay, I was sixteen as was he. I was his first girlfriend and we decided to take the plunge...because his parents were out,” You start laughing even more. “It was awkward, it was painful, and foreplay was not part of his vocabulary. I literally timed him and he lasted for 90 seconds. After that, hearing 'you're so tight' makes me cringe,” You laughed hard and adjusted your position in the seat. “Yours?” You were still laughing as was he.
“Better than yours,” he was laughing at the thought of some fourteen year old boy thinking he was a sex god when in reality the girl was timing him because she wanted it over and done with. “I was sixteen. I was at a party, and I ended up talking to this smoking hot girl,”
“How hot?” You asked curiously.
“Think Brooke Shields, but hotter,” You raised your eyebrows in response partially because you wouldn't have clocked him as a Brooke Shields fan. “She was more experienced, knew what she liked and wasn't afraid to tell me. Turned out all the guys wanted to sleep with her, when they found I did...” His smile was still cocky as he took a drag on his cigarette.
“In came King Billy,” You giggled and he pointed at you with his cigarette and nodded. “Staying on the subjects of firsts, first memory?” You beamed a cheesy smile up at him, not that he was looking.
“I'm not sure how old I was, but I vaguely remember my mom carrying me and we're in our kitchen and she's dancing to Janis Joplin,” He sighed, taking another drag and throwing it out the window. “You?”
“I think it was my parents arguing in the next room over, I always knew when they argued because there were more holes in the wall,” You lit up a cigarette as you sank back into your seat. He stared at you blankly. The way you presented yourself gave him the impression your life was far removed from that. “Eyes on the road Hargrove!” You scolded him with no malicious intent as you thought you were going to crash as you couldn't see properly over the dash.
“The road is empty,” He laughed at your overreaction which made you roll your eyes. He wasn't exactly the safest driver at the best of times. “Worst sex you've had?” He tried to subtly look at you so he wouldn't going to get in trouble again.
“Before I moved here,” You had a think and tapped your chin with your fingers rhythmically. You stared off into the distance and you could see mountains line the horizon. “I slept with a yuppie, like I often did. He was coked up. Like they often were. We get back to his and he is obviously addicted as he can't get it up,” You bit your lips as you were telling this story because you couldn't believe you were telling Billy it.
“Jesus,” Billy laughed loudly.
“There's more,” You matched Billy's laugh somehow.
“More?” Billy sounded shocked at how much worse it could get.
“He goes to the bathroom, and comes back completely naked with a hard on, he does what he needs to do. Until I realise I am fucking numb down there,” Billy's eyes were as wide as dinner plates hearing this.
“Did he-” Billy could barely get his words out.
“Coke on the dick,” You nodded stifling your laugh. “I now need to hear yours to make me feel better.” You teased slightly as you went to take a photo of Billy who was lighting another cigarette.
“Also before I moved to that shithole,” Billy's eyes were glued to the road so he could avoid eye contact. “I met this woman on the beach who was very impressed with my surfing,” He smiled and you looked at him curiously. “She's trying every move in the book to get me back to her place,”
“Something you must have experience in,” You teased and a cigarette packet hit you in the face.
“It worked,” Billy laughed wondering how it worked in hindsight.
“Of course,” You threw the cigarette packet back at him and you felt pleased when it hit him in the face.
“We go back to hers, she's not enthused or anything. It's radio silent. Next thing she is shouting the name 'Will' loudly and the bedroom door opens and it's her boyfriend who chases me out of the house.” You burst out laughing at this which made you feel better about your own bad experience. You pull a pen out of your jacket pocket and scribbled “20 Questions – 23/12/84” and put your signature heart on it. He watched you curiously.
The rest of the journey involved you and him talking about childhood memories. Both the good and bad, funny sex stories, and comparing arrests. It shocked him that you had been arrested more than him. He started to realise you were not who he expected. You were mysterious, you were spontaneous, and he was actually enjoying your company. He wanted to know everything about you. You were sitting way down in your seat with your legs now hanging out of the window when the car started to overheat making Billy pull over so it could cool down. You were sitting on the opposite side of the empty road to him watching him as he smoked a cigarette with his sunglasses on and leaning against the car with foot resting on it. He was in his leather jacket and a white shirt. The sun was beating down on him. He almost looked like James Dean, if James Dean had a mullet or was an 80's icon. You took a photo of him without him realising. His mind elsewhere. You walked over to him smiling with the photo that was slowly developing and you leaned on the roof of the car and grabbed a pen out of your jacket pocket. “Somewhere in the Nevada Desert – 24/12/84” it read with the heart next to it. Billy looked at you and held out his hand as if he was asking for the camera. You handed it to him feeling slightly confused. “Hood,” He stated not making the confusion go away as he pulled it closed so you could sit on it. “Any damage, you're paying for it,” He helped you climb on which was difficult as your dress didn't allow any room for any serious movement. The moment he put the camera to his face your inner model came out. “Stay there.” He instructed as he went to the car to get more film. When he came back he started to take more photos of you while you more natural. You slid off the hood and walked over to him and rested your chin on his shoulder as you watched the photos develop. It was the natural ones that caught your eye more than anything.
“Not bad Hargrove.” You smiled up at him. Your favourite one was of you laughing and moving your hair out of your face, that was the one you decided you had to keep. Billy kept one of you looking seductive which did not surprise you in the least.
Once you were back in the car and driving you still had your legs hanging out the window. You took a photo of your legs which once the photo had developed you saw that there was cactus in the background as well which made happy. You titled it “Hawkins to LA – 24/12/84”. You looked up at Billy who was focused on the road. “How much longer?” You asked watching him, he looked down at you now focusing on your intently smiling.
“Between 20 minutes and three hours.” He laughed as you took a photo of him. You decided to title it “Between 20 minutes and 3 hours – 24/12/84”.
WELCOME TO LAS VEGAS population 530,000 the sign read as you drove past it. The sun had set and the lights and noise overstimulated the senses. You hung out of the car window taking a photo of the road ahead. You ducked back into the car and named the photo “population 530,000  - 24/12/84” Everything was garish and tacky. You instantly knew why it was called Sin City. You both found a cheap hotel which was just off the strip. The hotel looked like it was the place CEOs took their mistresses when they wanted to hide their affairs.  Your room only had a double bed much to your annoyance. The air smelt of the pheromones left behind by the last people. Billy was fearful of what he was going to find in this room and in the bathroom. You felt at ease here. You were getting slightly worried about why you felt so at home in these crappy motels. You dumped your bags down and made your way to the bathroom so you could brush your teeth before you hopped in the shower.
“You ever been to a strip club?” You smiled at Billy leaning against the door frame as you brushed your teeth.
“Why do you ask?” He sounded somewhat defensive. He felt somewhat embarrassed because one thing this road trip had taught him so far was that you were two steps above him when it came to sex and anything debauched. No one had given him a run for his money like you had. As you walked into the bathroom to spit the toothpaste out he followed you and leaned against the door frame himself. He was deep in thought and was also transfixed on your ass.
“Great, neither have I,” You said as you noticed Billy in the mirror staring at your ass. “Oi Hargrove!” You shouted trying to get his attention. “Are you listening or ya too busy staring at my arse.” You realised how much your London accent came out then and it snapped Billy out of his train of thought and made him decide to stand next to you by the sink. He was towering above you and you could smell the cigarettes on him and his lingering cologne. Your breath hitched slightly when you realised how close he was to you.
“It's just too distracting.” He had his charming smile on his face making you push him away playfully.
“Well I'm going for a shower.” You looked up him trying to show that you were not amused, but you felt a smile creep along your face. He took that as his cue to leave.  
The shower was hot, this was the first hot shower you had since you had been on this road trip. Midway through shampooing your hair you realised the towels were on the bed. “Fuck,” You muttered to yourself leaning your forehead against the tiled wall which was covered in mildew, immediately washed your face as you remembered how vile the wall was. You could hear the television on in room. “Billy!” You called waiting for an answer. No answer. You decided to finish up quickly. You opened the door which got Billy's attention. “I need a towel.” You sighed poking your head around the door.
“Want it?” Billy smirked at you. “You'll have to come and get it,” He teased. You felt yourself becoming annoyed by this.
“Unless you want me to kill you in your sleep pass me the towel,” You said holding your arm out and as he passed you the towel.
“You wouldn't dare.” He winked at you which made you hit him with the towel.
“Watch me.” You grinned at him as you wrapped yourself up and continued to get ready.
He thought you looked like an angel amongst sinners in your white dress as you danced up the street on the way to the bar. You spun around a lamppost as he took a photo of you and put it in his jeans pocket. You pulled him down a side road to the bar your dad told you about when you spoke to him, he had also given you a strip club recommendation as well which made you laugh. The bar inside was filled with purple neon lights and “fire pits”. You walked over to the bar and looked at the cocktail menu which made Billy laugh because he didn't peg you as cocktail drinker. “What can I get you darling?” The barmaid smiled at Billy who instantly turned on the charm with her.
“What would you recommend doll?” He leaned on the bar smirking. You could feel something brewing in your stomach.
“I am personally a vodka drinker.” The barmaid giggled touching his arm.
“Then I'll have a vodka,” Billy smiled at her before turning back to you who was still looking at the menu.
“I'll have a screaming orgasm.” You said smiling at the barmaid trying to hide your irritation due to Billy's antics.
“If you wanted one of those all you had to do was ask princess.” Billy teased which made you hit him with the menu. You both got up and made your way to a booth with a fire pit waiting for the waitress to bring the drinks over to you. You admired your surroundings, it was just as garish inside as it is outside.
The night went on and you ended up with a tab of $40 worth of drinks at that bar. You grabbed Billy's hand as you left the bar and led him to the strip club. You awere both fuelled with alcohol and as you led him to the club you felt the ground under your feet become no more as he picked you up over his shoulder making you laugh loudly. You were also kicking him to get free as you wanted to be back on solid ground and not facing it.
The strip club was pink and fluffy with a stage in the middle of it with the bar surrounding it. There was a dancer all in leather dancing around a pole and booths against the wall, some with tables and poles coming out of them so the dancers could dance on them. Apart from the dancers you were the only girl there. The rest were men in suits leering at the dancers throwing their money in balls so it could reach the stage. You remembered you were going to give Billy half the money you bought out that night like you agreed, courtesy of your dad and handed it to him before you both ordered your drinks and made yourself comfortable in some seats next to each other. Almost instantly a blonde dancer came over to him and asked if he wanted a lap dance. He accepted and he looked like he was enjoying himself. You enjoyed the show in front of you until a black haired dancer walked over and asked if you wanted one. You nodded. She was beautiful, you weren't sure if you wanted to be her or be on her. After she had finished you offered to buy her a drink which she happily accepted. You found out her name was Sapphire and she had been dancing for six months at this club. You also found out she was studying psychology in California.
“Is that guy your boyfriend?” Sapphire asked sipping her drink nodding her head to Billy who was standing behind you talking to the blonde dancer.
“No,” you smiled as you took a sip from your drink. “We're just friends.”
“The way he's staring at you says otherwise,” Sapphire giggled as she looked like she had an idea come over. She asked the barmaid if she had a pen and grabbed your hand and wrote something on it.
“I finish at two.” She smiled as she finished the last of her drink and you looked behind you as she walked off and she started whispering something to the dancer who was talking to Billy and they both walked off. You looked at what she wrote on your hand and it was an address of a bar and the time “2:30am”. Billy walked over to you looking pretty pleased with himself. You finished your drinks and to find your way to the next bar.
The morning after you woke up trying to recall the events of the night before. You felt stirring next to you and you find Sapphire who's name was actually Jessica, the dancer who you found out was called Ana cuddling Sapphire and Billy asleep next to Ana. All of you were still wearing the clothes from the night before. You saw Polaroids scattered on the floor next to your bed and there was one of you in the bathroom of the bar making out with Jessica as you sat on the sink. You realise it was Ana who took this photo. You reached over everyone and grabbed a cigarette packet which were on Billy's side of the bed and lit up a cigarette. You saw another one of you dancing on a table in your lingerie which you don't remember. There was also one of you talking to Ana next to a fire which was at a rooftop bar titled“Feeling At Home and Limitless – 24/12/84” with a small “B” next to it. You let out a small chuckle at this. You felt a stir coming from Billy's side of the bed as he sat up and lit up a cigarette himself.
“Merry Christmas.” You giggled quietly so you didn't wake up the other girls.
“Merry Christmas.” He sighed as he exhaled the smoke smiling at you.
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impala666 · 5 years
It’s For Protection Lex Luthor x reader
I just started watching Smallville for the first time and I love Lex, even though I think I figured out what happens between Lex and Clark. But in this fic the reader is Clark’s adoptive sister and is in a secret relationship with her brother’s best friend, Lex Luther. 
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Your dad had asked you to take a delivery of produce and flowers to the Luthor mansion because Clark was busy, so you said yes like the good daughter that you were and took the pick-up truck to the mansion. The other reason you had said that you would do this favor for your dad was because it had been a few days since you had seen Lex, he had been pretty busy with trying to start up his own company as well as keep it out of his father’s sticky hands. When you drove up to the front door and knocked, no one answered so you had no choice but to use the key that Lex gave you and let yourself in. You had walked the mansion’s halls numerous times, and every time you were amazed by the fancy walls and the many elaborate paintings that were hung on them. Without thinking to knock you grabbed the handles of the double doors to Lex’s office and strolled right in and the sight you saw was Lex Luthor, sitting behind his desk, with his feet on the desk, and phone to his ear. When he saw you he flashed you a quick, bright smile before he finished with who ever he was speaking to. “Of course, thank you. I look forward to talking to you soon.” Lex smiled at you again as he hung up the call. “Well if it isn’t Ms. Kent. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“What? Am I not allowed to visit you?” You scoffed as you placed your bag down and walked behind the desk to him.
“Of course you are, it’s just it’s been a while since I’ve seen you.”
“It’s only been a few days,” You gently placed your hands on his shoulders. Your words sounded muffled when you placed your lips to the top of Lex’s shiny, bald head.
“Which is way too long,” Lex closed his eyes in bliss and relaxation as you continued your hands down his chest and you lips to his neck and ear. He could feel the warmth and care of your hands through his dress shirt, as well as the warmth and softness of your lips against his skin which was driving him crazy.
“It’s not my fault we both have lives,” you bit his ear lobe one last time before you decided that you still needed to bring in the produce and flowers before this man turned the logic side of your brain to mush.
“Where do you think you’re going? I didn’t say we were done,” Lex sat up straight as he watched you walk back to the other side of the desk.
“And I don’t want to be, but before this goes any further I need to get your delivery from the truck.” You were about to turn toward the door, but him continuing to speak made you stop and turn to face him again.
“Don’t, I can just have someone else get it,” Lex shrugged it off.
“But I want to,” you rose your eyebrows at him. When you were at the mansion Lex never made you lift a finger or a toe which you always loved, but it still felt nice to do something and be needed once in a while.
“You are so stubborn, just like your brother and your father,” Lex threw his head back in exasperation and stood up from his seat behind the desk. “If you’re so animated to do all this heavy lifting I may as well help you.” Before you could say another word you turned around and walked out the door while he followed you.
“You know I like to do things and feel useful. Besides, I would prefer to get all of the heavy lifting done first instead of you distracting me and it not getting done at all. Do I need to remind you of last time?” You asked Lex as you opened the bed to the truck.
“Of course I do,” Lex chuckled at the memory. “You got halfway back home and remembered that you left everything in the back of the truck, and you panicked so you just dumped in the dam.” The more he continued with the story the longer and louder his laughter got.
“But at least you got a good night of it,” you chuckled in response. You took one box of the produce and turned around to walk back in the mansion while Lex grabbed the flowers and followed you back into his home.
“That I did, but I didn’t have fruit or vegetables for a week.” Lex defended.
“Wow for a genius and millionaire that can beat his father at his own game, I think that was your thinnest argument.” You glanced back at him when you heard Lex laugh again.
“Just put them down here,” Lex instructed once you reached the doorway to his office and he placed the flowers down just a little inside of the room like the many times he’s had Clark and you do in the past. After you placed the box down and stood back up, you felt arms wrap around your waist. “Now that that’s out of the way, what do you want to do?” Lex pecked a kiss to the side of your head and rested his head against your own.
“I don’t know,” you mused with a shrug. “What did you have in mind?” You turned your head slightly to look at him.
“Well before I knew you were coming here I was going to take a nice, hot bubble bath when I was done with my phone call.” He whispered in your ear and kissed just under your jaw the way that you liked.
“Hmmm, that sounds good,” you slurred in agreement while you got lost in Lex’s actions and smell.
“I’ll go draw the bath then,” you thought Lex was going to walk away from you when he started to walk away and take your hand. But he lightly tugged your hand to get you to follow him up the stairs. “There’s a bottle of champagne in the liquor cabinet that I have up here if you want to get it.”
“I think I will,” you told without a second thought. Even though you were under 21, Lex let you drink when you were with him, but only the smallest bit since you usually had to drive back home.
“I’ll meet you in the bathroom, then,” Lex let go of your hand and winked at you before walking away towards the bathroom.
“Okay,” you smiled like you were having the greatest dream of your life come true as you watched him walk away.
After you found the bottle of champagne for the two of you and found two classes, you made your to the bathroom. There he was, Alexander Luthor in all his glory, wearing absolutely nothing but a smirk. When he saw you walking in he held his hand out toward you. You took the hand and he brought you into him, when you were close enough Lex leaned down and wrapped his arms around your waist as he pressed his lips lovingly to yours. While he had you preoccupied, Lex ran his hands down to the button on your jeans and started undressing you. “I forgot something, go on ahead and get in.” Lex told you rubbing up and down your arms, and he reluctantly turned away to get whatever it was he needed. When you put just a toe in the water you could feel the heat and smell the chamomile salts he put in the water, the bubbles enveloped your foot as you entered the tub. As you sat back against the expensive porcelain you let out a long overdue relaxed sigh; you wished you had more time to take bubble baths but living in a house with 3 other people and having farming as a chore and school, you rarely had time. It had been a couple of minutes until you heard Lex’s footsteps walk back into the bathroom.
“What did you forget?” You opened an eye to watch him as you ran a hand through your hair. When you heard something being placed into another one you opened your other eye.
“I forgot the ice bucket,” he replied as he popped the cork and placed the bottle in the cold bucket next to the tub after he poured each of you a glass. He gestured for you to sit forward and he slid into the tub behind you.
“Thank you,” you smiled as Lex handed one of the glasses and then you took a sip. Lex was totally spoiling you; you weren’t even 21 and you were probably drinking the most expensive champagne. You didn’t actually know how much it costed, but if Lex Luthor had it, it must be super pricey. You reached to set the glass down and leaned back so that your head was against Lex’s chest and your forehead was against his neck. It was very quiet for quite some time, the water even got a little cold, but whenever that would happen Lex would just fill it up again with hot water. You were almost asleep when Lex started talking.
“You really needed this didn’t you?”
“I really did,” you answered him as your eyes fluttered open. “Before I came here Clark and I were moving bales of hay and bags of feed for two hours. My muscles are so sore.”
“Ohh, poor baby,” Lex soothed as he kissed your bare shoulder. “By the way, where is your brother?”
“Apparently he was busy,” you shrugged not thinking anything of it.
“So I got you instead of Clark? I might just prefer it that way.” Lex thought out loud to himself. Which made you chuckle because you knew that he was joking.
“Me too,” you agreed.
“Do you have to get back anytime soon?” He asked and you shook your head.
“I just have to be back by dinner, but no. Why?” You looked back at him.
“I just don’t want you to get in trouble or make us look suspicious.” You looked away in slight disappointment; you hated with everything in you that the two of you had to hide your relationship. You couldn’t take it anymore, you gathered yourself slightly and got up and out of the tub. “Y/N,” Lex tried to get you back into the tub and enjoy the time you had together right now. But you were already out of the tub and wrapping a towel around your body. Lex hated himself for opening his mouth as he watched you make your way out of the bathroom and to somewhere else in the mansion.
After you walked out of the bathroom, you found yourself laying on the leather couch in front of the fire place in Lex’s office still wearing your towel around your body. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” Lex sighed with relief once he found you in his office. “Are you okay?” That made you snap your head at him and the look you gave him was telling him that he should have known better, and you were right, he should have. Lex knew that you were having a hard time with keeping the relationship you had a secret from everyone that you loved and cared about deeply. “What are you thinking?” Lex asked, trying to get into your mind a little.
“Nothing,” you shrugged not turning to look at him.
“I know this is hard on you, hiding this is hard for me too.” Lex went to wrap his arms around your shoulders, but when you felt them getting closer you shook him off. Making Lex feel guilty, but also a little frustrated. “You know we can’t tell anyone yet. Clark’s my best friend and your brother, your dad still hates me, plus if my father ever found out I don’t even want to imagine how that would go…” Lex listed the reasons. He knew that if your dad found out that you were dating him, your dad probably wouldn’t look at you the same way.
“I just hate this, why can’t we be a real couple.” You were trying really hard not to get upset, but your voice wavered and your voice cracked while your eyes watered.
“I know, I know, I know,” Lex tried to soothe you even though on the inside he knew he wasn’t good at it. This time you let Lex wrap his arms around you and take you into his chest. “We just gotta keep it a secret a little while longer, be able to protect ourselves.”
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