#save Jason Grace
shuutingstar · 4 months
what if someone made a sitcom with Camp Half Blood and the whole premise is literally just showing the backgrounds characters while the main characters go save the world or smth.
[camera pans on Drew’s face]
Drew: [looking at her nails indifferently] yeah someone let all the pagasai out of their stables and it’s a chore to fix.
[explosions in the background]
Drew: [unfazed] I’m not saying that I’m helping, by the way. I’ve broken a nail and I’m still in pain.
[Percy is seen battling a cyclops while Annabeth slashes at its feet with her dagger before running off frame]
Drew: I know you must be wondering why I don’t just go to the infirmary, but they’ve been full ever since the stampede — and Connor promised he’d steal me some cute bandaids with pictures on them so I decided to wait it out.
[screams and more explosions and property damage]
Drew: [rolls her eyes] but now Connor’s busy doing something else so I have to wait even longer. maybe I should just go to the infirmary… [walks away from camera]
[camera zooms in on the carnage near the stables where the seven can be seen herding the frightened winged horses back to their stables, while a beat-up cyclops lay unconscious with only its feet in frame]
EDIT : made smth kinda similar here if anyone wants to check it out :P
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xixovart · 6 days
something about thalia being saved by jason’s fleece
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demigod-shenanigans · 3 months
Feeling some type of way about Leo deciding Jason is the one who needs saving when Jason’s been the one saving people all his life.
The thing is, once they realize what the prophecy means, Jason decides if it’s him or Leo, it has to be him. He outright states this in his narration twice:
As much as Jason loved his life, he couldn’t let his friend die for his sake. He could never live with the guilt. ~ House of Hades
He knew the risks. But he wanted to take those risks himself, not put them on Leo. ~ Blood of Olympus
And the thing is, Leo knows this. Jason never tells him, but Leo still knows it. He doesn’t tell Jason and Piper his plan because he knows they’d never allow it. Because he knows Jason, stubborn hero leader that he was raised to be, would never let it be him.
Leo knows Jason would die for him and he will not allow it.
Thinking about how one of the first things Leo says when he manages to string words together after learning what happened to Jason in The Burning Maze is “He did what Jason always did. He saved the day.”
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all-was-not-well · 8 months
There's something about the fragments of backstory we get in The Lost Hero.....
When she finds a goddess putting her son at the center of a divine fire, Esperanza Valdez burns her hands pulling him out of it, and screams for the goddess to leave them alone.
When the same goddess tells Beryl Grace to sacrifice her son to save her own life, she does so without question.
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anotherpjofan · 1 year
remember the scene where Percy almost let’s himself die during the whole polyblotes fight under water cause he feels guilty about akhyls and opens up to Jason and Jason’s just like yeah i get it :( So what if Percy genuinely thought this was an issue and that Jason needed help? So he hunts down Piper first and is like
Percy: You need to look out for you bf
Piper: Wait why what happened?
Percy (trying to respect Jason’s privacy): He said some pretty concerning things
Then it slowly becomes a whole thing until they all decide to stage an intervention so when Jason wakes up late and sees all their solemn looks (and the fact that he’s not the earliest to be awake for once) he’s just like
Jason: Who died
No one speaks and Jason gets more frantic until-
Percy: We’re here to help you
Piper: We all love you and want you to be here
Jason: wtf is going on
And then everyone turns to Percy in confusion who’s trying to avoid talking about his whole breakdown in the first place so he’s like um.. well…
That’s how Percy finds out Jason is a drama queen who exaggerates
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Jason Graces first quest was when he was 6. He went with two, much older demigods.
They made his life hell, angry that this kid, this weird, still sorta feral kid who so desperately wanted their approval was with them, hindering them. Jason still wasn’t perfect, wasn’t polished enough and people expected more from a son of Jupiter, even if he was the age of your average 1st grader. But they also hated how Jason got a quest only 2 years after showing up at Camp, most people never got that lucky. He’d probably get many more. They sneered at him, guessed he was lapping up the attention . What kid wouldn’t want to be given such special treatment?
They pushed him around, left him as monster bait, and anytime he did something good (which was often) they laughed about how they were going to take the credit. Any failure was blamed on him.
Jason felt weird about it. They were his superior, and talking against them was breaking the rules. The wolf house and camp Jupiter both agreed that rules were essential and Jason had to follow them. But this felt so, so unfair. He was used to unfair though, used to older kids using him as a punching bag. It happened all the time, for 2 years. He didn’t know if the wolf house was any better. But this was what happened to sons of Jupiter, right? He was meant to be strong.
But it was hard… so hard. He wasn’t going to nope, or cry, Lupa lurked in his brain and snarled and bit whenever he tried. Lupa lived in his head and kept him in line, that’s what it felt like. The memory of the wolf house acting like a guard.
The quest was successful, and all three of them were heroes. Jason was told that many more quests were to come. This is how you make a hero. A hero of Olympus and a worthy son. A worthy champion.
You can’t make a hero child without rebuilding. This rebuilding requires breakage.
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pipnchips202 · 8 months
slightly dark/unhinged jason grace au where he keeps suffocating monsters by either keeping air from getting into their lungs or filling them with dirty air and every time they collapse with a wheeze before turning to dust leo is eerily reminded of his mother inhaling the smoke of their burning shed
maybe one day jason even does this with an empousa and as she falls to her knees clutching her throat her brown hair and eyes look a little too much like esperanza valdez to leo and he hates it, but is it fair to tell jason to stop using his powers when he’s doing it all to save them?
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demigods-posts · 24 days
sometimes it's the grief that keeps you awake at night. that guides you out of your cabin and toward the docks. that places you careful on the edge and allows the water to rise just above your ankles. sometimes it's the helplessness that reminds you of how fragile life can be. of what a miracle it is that you're alive at all. of every time you wished you weren't. sometimes it's the gratitude that pulls you deep into the memory of when he saved you from that irreversible decision. of that late-night conversation about how you deserved to live a good life. of how he'd do anything to make sure you got that chance. sometimes it's the guilt that replays that phone call in your head. that reminds you of when you failed to return the favor. that eats you alive when you know he'd never hold it against you to save yourself every once in a while. that he'd be proud of you. sometimes it's the regret that rips you apart. that reminds of you that every breathe you take is one he won't get to. that let's the tears fall silent and slow. oh, what percy would do to spend one more day with jason.
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pizzaplexbonnie · 7 months
Jason trying to reason with Zeus about Apollos punishment, feels like an abusive dad over punishing the scapegoat child, and a youngest sibling first trying to have a voice and learning for the first time the way your parents parent isn’t safe. If this had happened to pre-Greek arc Jason, he would’ve crumbled. He’s have become the perfect Roman golden boy like everyone expected. He would’ve become a shell of himself and completely blamed himself for Zeus being a dick. No one could’ve gotten through to him. He would’ve backstabbed the Greeks the first chance he got. He’d follow every rule, but he wouldn’t be as good of a leader. He’d be cold and calculated. And that’s it. No sense of self beyond his duty and perceived failures. I’m so proud of him for unpacking his trauma! He’s so good <3
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lesbiantrish · 6 months
i just fucking realized that before leo says “wheres jason” he scans the crowd looking for him because seeing jason again is his top priority.
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artiepoison · 17 days
Your friendly reminder that just because Percy is the strongest demigod that does not make every other character weak and helpless :)
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thaliasthunder · 1 year
no bc nico was just lucky it never occured to piper to charmspeak when he was around in the argo ii bc while all the rest of the boys were hypnotized mf would've just stood there so stiff like 🧍🏻‍♂️💀
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ineffablejaymee · 9 months
oof im rereading the titans curse and
i forgot how happy, and excited and 10 years old Nico was
he was just a boy, a child, and he lost everything
he felt so alone and abandoned he turnet to monsters for guidance, no wonder he was so easily manipulated
everywhere he went he was treated as an outcast, even percy and annabeth acted shifty around him
tbh noone besides hazel treates him like a normal person until jason
oh and if that wasnt enough on this c h i l d s plate, he was struggiling hlwith his sexuality after he was ripped from time for decades, and was raised in 1930' Italy
edit: i forgot abiut that funny moment where all of the 7 was discussing whether it was worth saving him from certain death
great work you guys i love the effort
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demigod-shenanigans · 1 month
Not having many coherent thoughts about this but anyway vague Valgrace in a storm on water scenario (maybe during Argo II travels, maybe a different quest, maybe just trying to have a chill beach day, who knows)
Anyway Jason feels some mild discomfort towards the sea for the same reason Percy usually refuses to get on a plane but obviously Leo doesn’t really have any reason to be afraid of the water and is just like “eh it’s hot I’ll cool myself off a bit”
He does slightly underestimate the tide and briefly gets pulled under and Jason freaks because this is the sea as Thalia described it—dangerous and unrelenting and able to rip someone off their feet and pull them away from the shore in an instant
So without thinking Jason goes in after Leo with this stupid idea that he has to save him
Leo is a decent swimmer and since he’s a son of Hephaestus he’s fine but Jason is not fine due to the fact that his dad and Poseidon have beef, so Leo ends up being the one who has to do the saving. He’s cursing the whole time because it would have been fine if Jason had just waited a moment longer for his head to come back up, he’s not usually this impulsive, Jason is supposed to be the thinks things through guy, what is wrong with him
Jason is coughing and spitting water but then he’s gripping Leo’s wrist mumbling “couldn’t lose you again” and Leo absolutely cannot stay mad at Jason when he looks at him like that
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overheard-on-base · 23 days
Rank Deathstroke, Scarecrow and AK from best to worst.
Best at the top, worst at the bottom, and I will give my reasons just in case the individual at the bottom happens to find this post.
AK - literally the best boss I've ever worked for. I'm captivated by the drama that is his life. He also genuinely cares - though he acts like he doesn't. 10/10 Boss if you're reading this go to sleep, lord knows you need it. Also it was Hassel who broke the sink in bathroom 2B, thought you should know. And also Deathstroke might come yelling at you for what I have to say about him, I promise to do all the maintenance for a year in advance.
Scarecrow - I honestly don't have many qualms with him, I'm not one of the lot who work closer with him, I'm just a foot soldier. He's just kind of there, like a spider - sometimes he comes out of nowhere and you feel the need to keep an eye on him, sometimes he disappears and you can only hope to wonder where he's gone and how he moved that fast. The current theory among the Militia is he's somehow figured out the power of teleportation.
Deathstroke - now where do I start with Deathstroke? How about the time he threatened to brutally kill us all because he got a packet of googly eyes for Christmas? In graphic detail, might I add. Never got an apology when it came out the Boss did it. And with the Boss, if you were to give him some fake fingers off a Halloween prop or something, he will bluetack them to his nubs, I know this because someone did it. Deathstroke is actually trying to hospitalise us whenever he gets the chance and I think the only reason he hasn't is because the Boss would do to him twofold what he did to us (and he's secretly very fond of the Boss). He's also just purposefully a dick, you can't have one good day around this asshole. I'm sure you've heard the Boss' inner circle share a gif of a cyclops whenever he rolls up to the base, well we all do that, we have a groupchat he's not invited to and whenever he shows up it gets spammed with different gifs and photos of cyclopses. One particularly brave merc put in the lyrics from Epic's "Polyphemus". I don't care if you read this Deathstroke you're a bitch and only the Boss likes you
Look look I'll even redo the rank with Batman involved, it looks like this:
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rueisblue · 5 months
Tragedy because it didn’t have to end like this: Jeyna
Tragedy because it always had to end like this: ValGrace
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