#saw filer
cherryjuicegf · 2 years
diversity win!! the white rich famous singer-who-became-actor due to his fame that they cast to play a gay cop is allegedly not straight according to fans studying him for a decade!!
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welderjobssalary · 2 years
Most Common Gis Forester Jobs Salary
A geographic information device is a technology used in wood processing in forests, where geographic information about the forest is recorded in a laptop database. A GIS Forester is therefore responsible for managing all geostatistical systems, organizing and evaluating data stored in databases, and supporting land management and other forest-related business activities. As a result, you will enjoy working with data and want to learn more to understand what a GIS Forester Jobs Salary is.
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Get help from experts. Forestry is a concept for all sectors. Also, are you looking for a company that offers decent welding jobs and wages? You can find excellent positions in the forestry industry. What do welders do? If you're a welder for a forest products company, you work in a fast-paced workplace. When repairing malfunctioning equipment, it may be necessary to intervene quickly to control the crisis. Call the Forest Service immediately. They provide vital process search aids and provide all relevant statistics.
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hotchgirlsummer · 2 years
There’s barley people on this app that make good bimbo reader! You are amazing!! Could u do one where she goes to his office for lunch and after they eat she gets sleepy so he lays her on his couch to nap and she’s like “so sleepy”
summary ⤷ There's nothing more one looks forward after lunch than napping with the love of their life.
pairing ⤷ aaron hotchner x fem!bimbo!reader
warnings ⤷ nothing but fluff! maybe some heart to heart talk?
word count ⤷ 1.6k words
a/n ⤷ no cause you are so sweet 🥺🥺🥺🥺 this took a long while to get done as february was a busy month for me. hopefully you like it!also!! to get back in the habit of writing, drabble requests are open! ☺️
"Your food delivery's here!" Y/N giggled cheerfully as she opened Aaron's office door but her cheery expression was halted when she noticed that Dave and Emily were also in the room as they were previously discussing important; she looked at the other two agents and shot them a sympathetic look, "I'm sorry I didn't get you guys anything, can I make it up next time? Did you guys like the chocolate mousse or the cupcakes that I brought last time?"
"i liked both, I do have a craving for your chocolate mousse," Came Emily's immediate and well-thought of reply, which earned her smirking looks from the two men, "What? Y/N's a great baker and I love all of her treats."
"Aw, you're too sweet to me, Em," Cooed the younger woman and hurriedly hugged the noirette tight, "I'll bring some next time I visit here, kay?"
"As much as Emily and I would love to chat more with you, I believe there's a certain commander of ours who'll get grumpy if he doesn't ear his lunch," Rossi remarked as he took note of the rather tight-lipped expression that Hotch was wearing; Emily smirked as well once she broke off the hug and took a good look at their unit chief, "You're right, Rossi. It seems like they might even need to be put down for a nap."
Y/N waited until the two were out of the room before placing the lunch bag on his desk, making way to where Aaron was and sat comfortably on his lap, lacing her arms around his neck as she wondered, "Did you guys get a new team member?"
"What makes you say that, sweetheart?" Aaron questioned back as he busied himself with stroking her cheek as he kissed her nose before landing a sweet kiss on her lips.
"Dave was talking about a commander, do you have an army teammate?" Her cute head tilt made it hard for the unit chief to explain what Rossi really meant. Instead, he went along with her understanding by agreeing, "No, sweetheart. But wanna know a secret?"
Her cute gasp as she nodded excitedly, prompted him to reveal, "Sometime I don't really understand what Dave says. We all just go with what he says and make him think he's making sense."
Smacking his shoulder slightly, she reprimanded him, "That's mean, Aar. You be nice to Dave! Or else he won't make me anymore of his delicious lasagna." Leaning forward to press a kiss on her glossed up pout and chuckles at her, "Well don't worry, I will cook all the meals you will ever crave for."
"You are a great cook," She pondered for a bit before her eyes drifted over to the lunch bag she had carried with her, perking up in excitement as she remembers, "Oh! I brought you lunch! I made a it all healthy like you want, with produce, filer, and gains!"
As she was opening the covers of the tupperware, Hotch nodded to himself as he understood better what she was trying to convey, "Protein, fibre, and grains," He listed as he saw the chicken, eggs, banana, grapes, and some nuts. "You didn't have to go through all this trouble, sweetheart," He said, with a voice full of love as he placed a chaste kiss on her cheek.
Shaking her head as if what he said was absurd and lifting the forkful of food by his mouth, cupping her free hand underneath the fork in case some food fell off, "But I really wanted to see you, and I knew you didn't pack any lunch with you. Plus, you always cook for me and I wanted to return the favor, you know?"
Taking the bite she had prepared for him, he hummed appreciatingly as he smiled up at her, "I'll forever be grateful for this, sweetheart. It's been a while since I had a pretty girl bring and feed me lunch."
Giggling as she scooped some of the eggs and brought it to her mouth, "Just say the word and I can make this an everyday arrangement! Oh, would you need a personal assistant, Aar?"
"And no, I don't think I need one. Besides, I'd love it more if you busied yourself with your designs, sweet."
"Oh! Speaking of my designs, I worked on more today! I came up with this dress that comes down mid thigh and it has this Venus cut on the shoulders. Though for a while I struggled because I wasn't sure if I wanted the design to be simple sparkles to look like stars or have like embroidered flowers on it," It was apparent on her satisfied smile as she fed him more chicken that she was immensely proud of the result, "Can't wait to show you what it looks like once I've made it!"
"I can't wait to see it either. Maybe you can give me a fashion show hm?" Rubbing her back to settle her pent up excitement.
"Well maybe not right away, I have these shoes in mind that I wanna buy that will tie up the whole look."
As he was fed another bite, Aaron felt around for his wallet before speaking, "Why don't you take my card when you buy it?" Scoffing in mock offense, she shook her head and feed him another spoonful as if to silence him from making more silly suggestions, "Well excuse me for wanting to use my hard-earned money. You can't be the only one who will do all the spoiling of me. Or for me," She pouts as she looked up at him, "You do know what I mean, right?"
"I always do, sweetheart," He reassures which brings out a bright, toothy smile from her.
From there on out, Hotch filled her up on what the latest happenings within the team are — he of course left out the gruesome details of the cases are, but instead what the latest life updates of team members. And in return, she shared memorable interactions with her customers.
While he was recalling how Spencer pulled a prank on Derek with the help of Blake, Hotch's keen eye noticed that Y/N was scooping eggs but instead of feeding it to him, she fed it to herself.
"Hey! I thought those eggs were for me?" He jokingly scolded her when the bite of eggs went to her; as if to make up for it she gave him a big serving of the eggs before answering his question, "Well it's because I had such a busy day, Aar! I cleaned the apartment, cooked food, and I worked on some more designs!" She laid her head on his shoulder as she passed the fork to him — which allowed the unit chief to this time feed for himself as he noticed that the exhaustion of her day's activities was catching up on Y/N. "So ready for a nap, Aar."
"Yeah? Your tummy's all full so you're ready for a nap now?" While his voice was teasing her , Y/N did not register it as such and instead took it as concern for her well-being. Snuggling further into his neck while her hand busied itself by rubbing his chest lovingly, spreading warmth on his entire being.
"Can I go lay on your chest? Wanna stay with you while I nap," She was a hundred percent sure that he would give in but Hotch knew that if she did let him lay on him like this that one, work that needed to be done that day would not get accomplished which means more time not spent with Y/N and Jack. And second, it would be likely that a team member will barge in and poke at him for letting his guard down.
Against his will, he shook his head as he lifted her body in his strong arms — he smiled to himself upon feeling her snuggle close — and laid her on his office couch, he draped her with the soft, faux fur blanket her purchased after her first visit into his office and she made some comment about what will keep him warm while he works and she was not there to snuggle him.
"I won't take more than two hours and then we're out of here, okay?"
"Mmkay, I'm just gonna nap here, Aarbear. Wake me up when it's time for us to go, okay?" She immediately nuzzled herself into the blanket, leaning against his soft lips when he pecked her cheek softly.
"Sleep well, sweetheart," He muttered softly before promptly returning back to his desk; now motivated more than ever to brisk through this mountain of paperwork if he had any desire of spending his time with her and Jack for the evening like they had originally planned.
It wasn't until twenty minutes in when he had the expected visitor that took place in the form of Derek Morgan. Polite knocks followed by him entering the office, the Chicago native smirked as he spotted the sleeping form of his boss' girlfriend. "I see you got yourself a sleeping beauty," He remarked as he placed the files on the desk.
"Don't worry, I'll wake her up with a kiss before we leave," Hotch joked as he thanked him for the files he got accomplished. Taken aback with how he cracked a joke on his own, Derek replicated his chuckle and said, "Honestly though, Hotch, she's really good for you."
Putting the pen down as he took in his words and stared lovingly at her, "Not only that, but I she is the one for me, Morgan."
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witchofhimring · 1 month
Disloyalty (Loyalty sequel) preview
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After being killed by Alys Rivers in her first life, Y/n Tyrell is taken to the night Aemond Targaryen married another. In her first life she was a pawn first for Joan Tyrell. Now with a heart full of hate Y/n will strive to be the opposite of what she once was, loyal. She will take revenge for her slain son, and the girl she once was.
Aemond Targaryen x Tyrell Reader
Aemond Targaryen x Ellyn Baratheon
Alys x Aemond Targaryen
Jaecerion Targaryen (OC) x Reader
Warnings: Angst, heartbreak, trauma, mentions of child morality emotional turmoil, death, unrequited love?, humiliation by Ellyn Baratheon, marital abuse,marital consummation, misogamy(internalized as well as external), brief depictions of smut, morally ambiguous reader, ptsd
Extra long spoiler as a treat😘
'Y/n, Princess Ellyn has summoned you.' Pulled out of your thoughts, you saw one of Ellyn's handmaidens standing by the door. Oh, right. You were in Ellyn's service at this time. In all honesty it was a bit funny. Once she had terrorized you so, now the hatred had melted that fear. Besides, there were those you now hated more. Despite that you remembered the interaction clearly. Being imprisoned for months on end gave one time to reminisce. You had poured over every detail and thought of ways you could avenge yourself. And to your savage delight you could. She would dismiss Cerilla and have you alone tend to her. And on a table near by were nails filers. Sharp pieces of metal to style nails, or slice through skin.
In that moment a thought occurred to you. Had the handmaiden, who had now departed, seen the smile that curled upon your face she might have thought twice. G etting up you decided that yes, you would be more than happy to help. Slowly you made the walk to Ellyn's chambers. Last time you had walked slowly out of nerves. Now you did so in order for the time to be right. Your hands shook with excitement. Oh, she would regret summoning you. Whatever accusation she hurled would pale in comparison to what was about to happen. She wanted to ruin your reputation, you would destroy hers.
You enter Ellyn's bathing chambers one had to walk through her bedroom. Six ladies sat sewing or talking in low voices. Good. They would hear the scream. A few looked up and you, one or two gave greetings. No one seemed to notice you looked unnaturally gleeful. A maid opened the door and you stepped into the moist, heavily perfumed room. It was like stepping back in time, because you were. Everything was just as it was last time. Ellyn in a bath, Cerilla fussing over her hair and a maid. Cerilla gave you a nasty look. She was standing right over the water and you imagined giving Cerilla a shove, holding her underneath the waves as she struggled for breath. You would deal with Cerilla later. 'You. Get the herbs.' It was strange to see Ellyn so healthy. Jaecerion had not gotten to her yet. 'You never should have been so cruel to me.' You thought.
Nothing was said as you placed the herbs in warm water. You could feel Ellyn's cold blue eyes on you. Luxuriously she stretched out and eyed you imperiously. She had no idea what was about to happen. 'I think this suits you.' You wanted to say something. Ellyn no longer scared you as she once had. But for your plan to work everything had to go as it did last time. 'The Princess is speaking to you.' Yipped Cerilla the little lap dog. 'If the Princess whishes me to answer she may say so herself.' You heard the water splash as Ellyn got up and in a moment was out of the tub. Her nails dug into your skin just as they had last time. Back then it had hurt, but since then you had faced far worse. There were no tears in your eyes. Because you were no longer that little girl. You had always been prideful, but back then had buckled under Ellyn.
'I am the Princess, you are my lady in waiting! You are nothing compared to me.' When her grip tightened you cried out. Louder than last time so they would all heart. 'I will keep you by my side if only to further vex you. Every night I will have you wait as my husband loves me. And when I have his son you may be here to assist. Then maybe I'll send you to the Silent Sister to release you from your torment.' Cerilla and the maid left, the door slamming shut. This was so easy you wanted to laugh. Last time she had laughed, you remembered. Not this time.
'How do you know it will be a boy.' You had leaned in very closely. The whisper could only be heard by you two. A hot ugly flush crept up her cheeks. 'No laughter?' You thought. Suddenly you were thrown back against the table. Behind you could hear the clattering of nail files. 'I am simply curious, no brothers...I mean. And I have heard some men put away...deficient wives. Perhaps you, not I, will be sent to the Silent Sisters.' Ellyn's hands closed about your throat. Her thin nails scratched at the skin. 'You bitch! I will have you flayed alive!' She hissed. Suddenly Ellyn jerked back, because in your hand was the nail file. It sparkled n the sunlight. Pale, unmoving, Ellyn stood here frozen. Then she sneered. 'I am a princess. You can not harm me.' 'Oh, your right. You seized her by the arm. An insidious smile curled on your lips, shocking the princess. And then in front of Ellyn you cried out 'Please don't hurt me!' all the while smiling. You forced the nail file between thin fingers, the sharp edge pointed right towards you. 'But you can harm me'. That was when Ellyn, with horror, realized what you were about to do. But it was too late. Pointing the razor towards flesh, you stabbed.
Note: I decided you provide you guys with an extra juicy piece today! I am so so so excited and have already started on book 2. The first chapter will be up in a few months because I really want to take my time with part 2. The problem I found were continuity errors that I will need to go back and fix. The first six chapters will be written and edited before released so that I will not be rushing through. Any major edits I do will be explained. In the mean time feel free to ask any questions. You guys have honestly been amazing and made writing a true joy. Words can not describe how thankful I am. I know when you guys comment I write thing like "glad you like it" and sorry if that comes off as repetitive. It is a bit difficult to respond because I get kind of flustered with all the lovely comments you guys give me💕. I want you guys to know that I am actually very grateful.
From now to when the first chapter of book 2 comes out I will be working on editing other stories and putting out one shots. See you guys soon!
If you want to join the taglist please let me known!
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newkatzkafe2023 · 25 days
Okay just saw friends, family and enemies, meeting Queen Kong, now they HAVE to meet female Godzilla and Godzilla Jr. XD
(emojis don't work for this platform.)
#Scary wife Privileges😈
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(Lmk Wukong) Ohhhhhhhhhh man everyone in megaspolis can see you the Legendary godzilla. Your husband begged for months for you and godji jr to meet his friends and we finally agreed. After all godzilla jr kids Needs friends his age, so later you got to pigsy's restaurant. And everybody was either amazed or terrified, Tang was the first to notice and well...😨
Tang: P-Pigsy I-I t-think godzilla is outside your r-restaurant😨😨😨😨
Pigsy: Very funny Tang😒😒😒
Sandy:(Upon seeing you) Oh dear....😥
Wukong: Hey, you guys I want you meet my wife Y/n or goddesszilla and my son JR!!!!🥰🥰
Then the others showed up, Mk was spazzing out in a good way as he ran around you in extreme excitement. Then Mei was over here, taking selfies with goji Jr and playing with the filers with him. And Redson called his parents about the possible danger. As he hid under a table in Pigsy's restaurant.
With their Enemies 🐂🕷🌬☠️🦁🐘🕊
the spider gang did not want any of that radiation smoke🕷🕷🕷
and neither did DBK and PIF🐂🌬
Jin and Yin were fanboying all over the place🩶🤎
The Mayor knew what was good for him and stayed back and far away along with Lady bone demon☠️💀
Nezha Wasn't sure if he should report this to heaven or not
And Lastly Azure and Peng were outraged because what else has Wukong hid from them. Meanwhile Yellowtusk Did everything in his power were not to piss us off.
As for Macaque he's muttering his Prayers as he literally digs his own grave😈🤣😰
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(MR Wukong) Terror Pure unadulterated Terror, your husband finally decided to tell his master about you and Jr, Any well it really could have gone better. The ground shook the camp as they see Wukong and Fruity come back with a big body and soon an even bigger body. The pilgrims were pale as snow when they saw you and Jr.
Wukong: I wanted to tell you, that I'm married now and this is my wife Y/n and my other son godzilla Jr🤗
We stared down at the pilgrims, as the monk wasted no time passing out because the monkey king is Married to GODDESSZILLA!!! pigsy pissed himself and sandy actively ran away screaming. Meanwhile fruity and goji Jr because the fastest best friends😊🥰
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(NR Wukong) Ohhhhhhhhhh man this is gonna be lit🤩🤩🤩🤩. Everyone was so stoked to meet godzilla, and Wukong Sorta found himself bragging about you and his Jr. Li was at a serious lost about what to do with this information, but Jr was quick to win him over with his surprisingly social nature.
Li:(getting Lick by Jr) haha awww your so cute🥰😊
Godzilla Jr:(purrs)
Su and the others had many questions for you which you Took the time to patiently answer to the best of your while Wukong cuddle and purred into you.
Ao bing: Dad is that goddesszilla???😯😲🫨
Ao Guang: Whatever you do do not make eye contact😨😰😱
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(HIB Wukong) Luier and Silly girl already loved you when you made their father happy. They also became fast friends and Siblings with Godzilla Jr. Goji Jr was quick to become very protective over his younger smaller brother and Sister. But overall the 3 were loving play mates, and Silly girl had started calling you mama at the end of the visit as Luier would sit by you asking questions. Which put another painful blush on his face as he watched the whole interaction. You also Might be wondering why pigsy didn't bother to flirt with you......????
Because both of you can definitely kill him😬
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(Netflix Wukong) the dragon king Screamed like a little girl when he saw you at Lin's house. While Lin herself, she could even begin to comprehend what's going on here. Wukong had bought you and Goji Jr to meet his friends and so far Goji Jr loved Lin as he went and licked her face. Making Lin laugh at the tickles, meanwhile dragon king was down for the count as you stared down at him with a glare. Dragon king remained on his best behavior while you were there Because his life literally depended on it.
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cosmicladyy · 1 year
"OW, that’s too rough!"
"I wouldn't have to be if you'd just stay still!"
"You're gonna rip my finger off," your husband yowled and snatched his claws away from your grasp, giving you a nasty look as if you were intentionally trying to cause him pain.
you're aware of bowser's objections to having his nails trimmed, you could hear his complaining echo throughout the whole castle whenever he was forced into it by kamek; complaints flying out about it being the worst pain he's ever had to endure.
(you asked Junior if it was true, to which he denied and said he never felt anything when he had to get his claws cut. he just told you that his dad was a crybaby when it came to this sort of thing.)
you were happy to let him grow out his claws to his heart's content, if he didn't leave you completely covered in scratches from doing the littlest things. outside of the usual reasons you'd be left that disheveled, he didn't have the best handle on them now that they were so long. he somehow managed to destroy your favorite shirt just from giving you a hug.
he was scheduled for a filing a few days ago. conveniently, he was too busy training some new recruits; then, every day after that, he has somehow been able to evade you. for such a large and easy-to-spot guy, Bowser proved to be hard to pin down.
"sorry honey, it's getting late and i'm ready to hit the sack." it was 7:30 in the evening.
"I- uh- have to run some drills with the kids!" they were out of the castle that day.
"whining isn't going to make me go quicker," so, you took on the burden of filing down his claws.
you managed to catch him off guard when he snuck out of bed for a midnight snack. clad in just your pj's and whatever slippers were available, you cornered him, a metal nail filer gripped tightly in your hand.
the 'fight', if you could even call it that, might've alarmed a few guards with the pots and pans you brought down with you as you pinned down the stubborn turtle. it took some convincing that there was no real threat and that you were doing it for his own good; their king ordering them to help him from the floor didn't help your case.
where you got the nerve to defy him, he'll never know.
It's silent after that. the only sounds filling the room are dramatic hissing and the back-and-forth sawing of the filer.
If he wasn't mourning the loss of his long minion shredders, Bowser would've been over the moon at the domestic gesture. you, tending to his nails to ensure they were in perfect shape, and him getting to soak in your warmth as you make yourself comfortable in his lap.
why did he even have to cut his nails down anyway? it's not like he has to. they're perfectly fine and just add to his cool, jagged persona. So unfa-
"I'd really appreciate it if you didn't breath on my neck so much."
your only answer is an even heavier puff of warm air that's closer and had more power behind it, "it's not like they were buggin' anybody."
"i have a giant scratch on my back that says otherwise." his arm that you weren't holding wraps around your middle almost apologetically.
he grumbles behind you as you softly blow at the newly shortened, still sharp claw, "see, doesn't that look better?"
briefly examining the hand you raised up to his face, he chuffs and looks off to the side stubbornly, not wanting to give you the satisfaction of him admitting that he liked them way better than before.
"if you really loved me, you woulda left them the way they were." he barely argues.
rolling your eyes, you peel yourself out of his hold, "it's not exactly ideal to be a living pincushion, y'know."
he remains silent, refusing to even make eye contact.
"want me to make you a sandwich?" you softly bargained, holding his rough cheeks in your hands and running your thumbs over his scales in a way you know he likes.
there's a pause, then he huffs, "with extra spicy mustard and chili flakes sprinkled on top?"
"anything for you, my king," you land a wet kiss between his bushy brows with an obnoxiously cute 'mwah!' and began moving around the kitchen in search of said ingredients.
with your back turned to him, the flustered koopa takes a peek down at his newly primped claws, flipping his hands over to fully admire your work.
a jagged, lovesick grin bumpily spreads out on his muzzle; he could get used to this.
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arielluva · 2 days
actually maybe i'll make a whole post about it on here too in case it's helpful to anyone
as you may know, fantasy life does not store its data on the cartridge, it saves to the sd card. specifically in the extdata folder. this can make it difficult to retrieve your data for whatever reason (switching to a new console, exporting it to use in a save editor, whatever reason you might have)
so!!! here's how to switch your save data!! when i got my 3ds xl, i really wanted to have my main save on that console instead of my smaller 3ds, so this is what i (eventually) figured out how to do
edit: its come to my attention that checkpoint can in fact access extdata which makes this process simpler, but maybe this more involved process will still be helpful to somebody!! its what i did and it worked for me (since i didnt realize checkpoint could access extdata)
important: both 3ds consoles will need to be modded as you will need modded software in order to do this. you can learn how to mod your 3ds on 3ds.hacks.guide!! it's very easy to do and the guides are very comprehensive! i've done this multiple times and have had no issues!!
you will also need access to a computer with an sd card slot since this requires going into the files. (though if you've modded your console yourself i assume you have one)
i should also say that you should have a fantasy life save on both consoles! you're gonna need access to the save folder for fl on both consoles, so make sure you have a save on both!! (though you do NOT need a save in the slot you intend to save to. i was transferring my save from the 2nd slot, and my 3ds xl did not have a save in the 2nd slot. it still worked!! you only need one save in any slot)
for this you're going to need to download SAVeFL on both consoles. this software allows you to access the files on your sd card and then export them so that you can view them on your computer.
from here on i am going to refer to the two different consoles as A and B. A refers to the console you are taking the save data off of, and B refers to the console you want to transfer your save data to.
on A, go to the "ext" tab on SAVeFL, and then look for the file ending in "1132" that's where fantasy life is stored. press the y button to export the save to your sd card. do this on B as well.
place the sd card for A in your computer, and navigate to filer > ExtData, and then the folder inside of there. the folder will probably start with today's date, since mine starts with "20230324"
go into the folder "00001132" where you'll find some files. they'll be labeled from "fl_ext0" up to "fl_ext2" these correlate to the save slots in fantasy life, so make sure to copy the right files!! if you want the save in the 1st slot, go for ext0. 2nd slot is ext1, and 3rd slot is ext2. copy the correct files to your desktop. (i have 6 files in mine though i don't know if that's how many you'll have. in any case, copy all the files that have the same title, just to be safe.)
navigate to the same folder from above on B's sd card, and swap the files. if you copied fl_ext0, then replace the fl_ext0 files on B with the ones from A. put this sd card back in your 3ds.
go back into SAVeFL and go to the "SD" tab. the contents of the tab should match the folder you saw on your computer. for example, mine says "ext: 20230324222934: 00001132". press the x button to import your save data
and you're done! your save should now be on a different console!
hope this is helpful to anyone out there, i wanted to spare people from having to go down reddit rabbit holes like i had to
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anamericangirl · 1 year
So I saw your thing on anarchists the other day and thought "well, the ones I follow don't seem to do that/aren't that bad" but then they got into a fight w/ conservatives over fed gov. having control over school boards vs. local gov. having control (which they see as being the same thing somehow) and all they did was insult everyone trying to reasonably argue and said that conservatives are... Leftist socialists? I'm not even sure what that means. What do you mean by that, tax filer?
but like. baby girl. I'm a conservative and I follow various anarchists because I tend to agree w/ them a lot but then they go and act like this? I Do Not Comprehend. Like does being an anarchist mean you just hate EVERYONE, (my Mum's an anarchist so that checks out actually) or do you just not want rules to apply to you when it's convenient or something.
(To be clear, I'm just kinda thinking outloud in your ask box, I'm not asking you personally to answer for them lol. I'm just so confused and they don't seem up for a rational conversation w/ me but we'll see I guess. Also why do you keep anon on? I appreciate it because I have some anxiety but you get so many insane asks)
I follow a few anarchists because there are actually lots of things we agree on but you're not wrong. If you try to debate them on anarchy or even ask questions, disagree, or present a criticism get ready to be dogpiled with ad hominem attacks and relentlessly name called. There's no room for discussion there, unfortunately, because they can't really defend anarchy. They know State Bad but they can't tell you why anarchy is good and because they can't do it they immediately resort to attack mode.
And one of their biggest problems is if you think any form of government is necessary then they pretend you support any and all forms of government and every single thing a government does, which is an incredibly dumb thing to think but they've convinced themselves that it's true. None of them understand conservatism at all and it's obvious every time they make a cringey post about it but they think they are experts on it lol.
You can't really have a rational discussion with them because just like leftists, they decide what you believe and if you correct them on their ignorant errors they just call you names. And the names don't even make any sense lol. It just makes them feel better about their inability to debate you. It's sad, really.
So yeah they're fine for the most part until you have a criticism of anarchy and then they argue exactly like the pathetic leftists they mock all the time.
And I do get a lot of crazy asks, that's for sure and I've tried dealing with it a couple different ways. I've turned anon off a few times before but people just started making throw away accounts to keep sending insane messages and I didn't want to turn of messaging completely because I like talking to people so I just delete messages and/or block people who get too ridiculous and that seems to be working out ok.
Thanks! :)
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Water is wet.
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mercyillustrator · 2 months
Why do some of your oc's have male disguises? (Not trying to be mean, sorry if my question already has been answered😅)
When I had a backstory of my AU Nonsurat which I added she/her (not cannon) I wasn’t sure how I would put into a story on that til my mind where she was join into Fighting Group when I heard about girls disguises as male I wasn’t quite sure and wasn’t interested til my mind anyways according to my OC Nebula backstory when she was done rehearsing her show at the old theater during the play and her being a dancer til she heard the alert of NME coming and where he takes female puffballs because he saw them as weak that girls can’t do anything like male puffballs that wanted to be treated fairly not special treatment.
Nebula parents I would say they were firm, worried about their kids being in danger, supportive and loving but unfortunately nebula didn’t find her parents and I’m not saying they’re dead but absent ever since the chaos happen. :0
even though GSA let female puffballs and any species to be in GSA but there are some criticism some parents that won’t support female puffballs. Some of them their old roots like my AU Nonsurat as they have the old roots of "boys are strong and girls are weak" that kind of thing :0
For Nebula when she felt being defeated by NME and monster attack her she thought she was worthless and not good enough to be strong warrior but then she has to disguise herself as a male to save everyone and honor her little sister Starla who died from NME plus had to give up her dreams.
When she works on the disguise none of the monsters and NME can tell they are secretly female in disguise if they were exposed to be female then NME would capture and corrupt them like how Knuckle Joe Father aka Jecra were. But the fighting group can show their hair if they want but being careful with disguise coming off.
And so Nebula would have filers to join fighting group and no she is not against GSA nor Arthur. Let’s say that couple of female puffballs are in GSA and no one can tell by it gender and their voice changer being male whether it’s deep, low, husky, high pitch boy, and masculine appearance. Nebula would support anyone and no matter what age if they were kids, teenagers, young adult, adults, and elder .
Fighting group has to be better safe then sorry to save themselves from NME. Nebula is the leader of the group and has the right handed warrior whose name Sir Solar aka Solaria who helps her as a general of course they treated each other like family. They use their initials as Sir or they changed their name but not pressure by Nebula though she respect their boundaries and ways.
In the future of my comic it will be shown how they got corrupt and how it started without any bad but keep it as friendly and how would the stories goes.
(It’s ok no worries you’re all good and that’s a good question to ask. When I was little I learn it from OG Powerpuff girls, books, KND, and Mulan mostly Mulan where she talks about reflection and how female warrior wanted to be strong like men’s) if you have anymore I’m free to ask :) and correct me if I make sense with words also Thank you Anon ^^
- 💠🎨Mercy🎨💠
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welderjobssalary · 2 years
Find Most Heavy Welder Job Salary
A welder is somebody who uses welding equipment, whether professionally or for recreational purposes, and possibly, especially someone who does so frequently. A welder job is a tradesperson who focuses on connecting materials in a broader sense. Welder refers to the user, whereas welding power supply refers to the tool. Plastics or polymers, metals (such as steel, aluminum, brass, stainless steel, etc.), or both can be used to mix the materials. Welders typically need to have good manual dexterity, focus on detail, technical knowledge of the materials being joined, and familiarity with industry best practices.
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Since welding is a profession that demands accuracy and consistency, the best welders take great pride in the quality of their work. If you want to attract top talent to your company, a well-written, targeted heavy equipment mechanic compensation description with salary range data is the best place to start. Whether it's a post for a mobile welder or another related profession, this template can help you create an engaging job description. While modifying it to reflect the particular responsibilities and job requirements of your open position, keep the template's format and organization in mind. Visit our website for additional details. 
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°• Reminisce •°
kageyama tobio x reader
wordcount: 872
content warnings: none
summary: idk what to tell you its fluff, maybe a bit angsty but in the same way mayo is spicy u get me; a lot of nail cutting action; pianist!reader; post time-skip; gender neutral reader
ao3 :>>>
My nails are getting long, you thought as you stretched out your hands before you. They actually aren't that long- over a millimeter above your hyponychium. However, as a pianist, the smallest difference can mean vastly different results.
You noticed as much in your practice that day. Despite this, you managed to bear through the slight discomfort in how your fingers curved and the annoying tiny clack of your nails. But it was still irritating. 
After stretching your arms over you for one last time, you closed the lid of your piano and returned your sheet music to the shelf amongst the other pieces and the trophies you have accumulated over the years.
You went to your bedroom and began to bring out an assortment of items from a drawer: nail clippers, nippers, pusher, and- 
"Oi Tobio, have you seen my filer?" you shouted from across your apartment.
"Ah, sorry I'm using it."
You entered the living room to see your boyfriend on the couch diligently filing his nails. His nail kit was displayed messily before him on the coffee table; both of your professions (well in his case it's more of a preference) require proper finger care so each of you usually carry your own.
He didn't look up at you as you sat in front of him on the couch but did when you held out your hand. He placed the filer in your palm then you took his hand in yours and worked on his freshly cut nails.
"Didn't you just buy a new one? You lost the file already?" you asked. Kageyama of all people isn't one to just lose something.
"Korai-senpai borrowed it." He huffed in annoyance, a small frown denting his forhead. "It's already been three days."
"Three days... You counted? You're that upset?"
He glanced off to the side for a moment and mumbled, "But I just bought it."
You raised an eyebrow at his irritation, your mouth threatening to break into an amused smirk.
You don’t remember when all this started to come so naturally. The easy back and forth—very different from the first few months of dating Kageyama. It was sweet but also incredibly awkward. Sure, it was funny seeing a grown-ass, six-foot-tall (not to mention famous) adult squirm while holding your hand. But it also felt like there was a gap that you didn't know how to close. A wall that seemed too tedious to unbuild. Every time you tried to get closer, he distanced himself further in a blushing mess.
When he snapped at you for the first time, it was almost six months into your relationship. You were sprawled on the carpeted floor of Kageyama's studio at the time as he sat on his bed trimming his nails. With nothing better to do, you had offered to do it for him. A kind, domestic gesture. Things went downhill from there.
"Wait, Y/N, sto- OI! You idiot that's not how you do it!"
You saw the regret line his feature the second the words left his mouth but you didn't have time to process it. The shock from his sudden and unexpected anger had you yelling back.
"Ha? Idiot? I'm doing you a favor and you call me an idiot?"
At this point, there was no going back.
"I didn't ask for your help!"
"Well shit, sorry for offering–"
It went on for a ridiculous few minutes and the fight had ended with you storming out. A good five seconds of reflection had you coming right back in, however, because 'this is so stupid'. You closed the door sheepishly behind you and shuffled toward Kageyama who stood right where you left him, expression oddly unreadable. Maybe because you had never seen him like this.
Before you could blurt out an apology, Kageyama had grabbed your wrist and pulled you into an embrace. It was incredibly stiff but he was determined to not let go. You felt more than heard a muffled 'I'm sorry' vibrate into the crook of your neck.
Six months of dating and it was the first time he hugged you first.
But oh boy, was this not the last of it. Although less eventful, the two of you used to always bicker when doing each other's nails. But you kept doing it anyway.  Even if he was just as, if not more, meticulous about it as you were since both of you liked it in a certain way. It was annoying but somehow also weirdly endearing.
How that settled into the calm and familiarness of the now was something you couldn't even be bothered to recount. 
You filed the somewhat sharp edge of the last nail—the one on his calloused pinky—and brushed off some of the flakes.
He slid his hand from your grasp and then examined your work.
"Thanks," he said, grazing the pad of his thumb over his nails before leaning over to grab the nail cutter.
You leaned your head on the couch as Kageyama started working on your nails, the afternoon sun framing his face. A sudden burst of fondness swelled in your chest in the aftermath of your reminiscing. You didn't even realize the smile creeping into your face.
Kageyama swept a glance at you before looking back at your fingers.
"Why are you smiling?" he said, trying to stop the corners of his mouth from mirroring yours.
You break into a full-blown grin. "'cuz of you."
He rolled his eyes. "Gross."
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heroofshield · 9 months
Whumpcember Day 15- Hallucinating (Mass Effect, Shakarian)
The container exploded and the red gas burst out, spreading everywhere.
Looking back on it, Shepard realized that they should have followed protocol, especially since they knew that Minagen X3 was highly toxic, and used their hazmat helmets. But in the moment things were happening to quickly; if they didn't track down the Eclipse mercenaries in a timely manner then Samara would refuse to join the crew. And from what Shepard saw, they could use the Asari Justicar and the firepower she brought.
Exchanging fire with the mercenaries, Shepard tried not to breathe in the gas as it crept nearer but accidentally did so. Coughing as it made its way through the filers in her helmet, she pushed forwards to drive the mercenaries back.
"What the hell is that made of?" she asked herself, feeling her heart beat faster and starting to feel like she could do anything.
"You good Shepard?" Garrus asked, narrowing his eyes while looking at the Commander. EDI had told him that her vitals were starting to spike and there was a mysterious compound in her blood.
"Accidentally got a bit of the Minagen X3 in my system. I'll be good through." Shepard replied as they took advantage of the empty space for a brief rest before pressing on.
"If you're sure." Garrus said, his sub-harmonics relaying the doubt he felt.
"Yeah." Shepard slipped on her helmet again, making sure that it engaged the seals and was on tight. Friendly slapping Garrus on the shoulder she continued, "Thanks though."
Another container burst open next to Shepard and she couldn't move out of the way in time-the red gas enveloping her. Shepard rolled out of cover and dashed over towards a new spot that was Minagen X3 free, she focused on taking out the rest of the mercenaries. Halfway through. she felt the familiar rush but this time it was more intense.
"Shit." she thought, powering up her biotics and enjoying the feeling of how easily they responded and did more damage when she threw a nova and the group went flying. "Maybe I could try to Reave though."
"Shepard!" Garrus snapped, putting his sniper rifle away now that the mercenaries had been taken care of and standing up. "You good?"
"Hell yeah, lets go. Gotta keep them running." Shepard said quickly, scanning for any more Eclipse mercenaries that might suddenly appear.
"Shepard...they're gone, we took care of them all."
"No they're still there, don't you see them?"
"Well...shit." Garrus thought, realizing that Shepard must have gotten another dose of Minagen and it was affecting her more than the last time.
"EDI, get the shuttle ready and tell Chakwas that Shepard needs a detox. She must have gotten a heavier does of that Minagen." he said while striding over to where Shepard was and after some difficulty, got her into what the humans called a bear hug; wrapping both his arms around her so that she couldn't escape.
Straightening up, he was glad for the height difference between him and Shepard; that way it wouldn't be so difficult carrying her back to the shuttle and to the med-bay.
Shepard opened her eyes and squinted against the bright light. "Where am I?" she groaned, wishing the pounding in her head would go away.
"The Medbay. How are you?" Garrus said, glancing over the top of his datapad.
"Like I partied all night." Shepard buried her face in the pillow and just wanted to sleep the hangover away. "What happened?"
"The short story is that you got a face full of Minagen and started hallucinating. Had to carry out of there and onto the shuttle so Chakwas could start the detox."
As Garrus talked, Shepard realized that she hazily remembered the feeling like she could do anything with her biotics. "That could have ended badly." she thought, shifting so she could crack open an eye and look at Garrus.
"Guess I owe you one then."
"I'll put it on your tab."
"Sounds fair." Shepard licked her dry lips, wondering if the fluttering feeling in her stomach was Minagen related or if it was something else. "Thanks."
Garrus gave a short nod, "You're welcome."
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harkermylee · 22 days
For that one anon struggling to visualize what Lee Harker flirting would look like, I present:
(can you post images in a reply to an ask? Not sure)
I LITERALLY LAUGHED OUT LOUD WHEN I SAW THE IMAGE😭😭. very true and very accurate i can totally see this happening! how adorable!
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imtouchestarved · 11 months
Chapter seven
The days flew by like petals being carried around by the wind unwillingly.
(Y/n)'s disturbing feeling never stopped. It was harder to sleep and focus because everytime she wasn't distracted, her mind constantly tried to discover the source of the feeling.
She thought maybe something happened while she wasn't home, so she sent a letter. But as her parent's response arrived, they said nothing had happened, and she should focus on her work.
Odd.. that's odd..
Also, in her and Rengoku's exchanging letters, he described that he's nothing but eagar to see her again. So he's alright, too.
She placed her finger on her chin, lost in thoughts. Well, there was a meeting a few days ago, but it was nothing she should he worried about.
They were summoned by the master about a little boy named Tanjiro kamado who traveled with his demon little sister, although he was a demon slayer. The case was solved, though. That kamado kid lasted a good impression in her, too.
'Wait.' She then stopped walking, her eyes winded as she recalled those last moments of the meeting.
"Are you heading into battle, Rengoku-san?" Shinobu's asked the flame hashira.
(Y/n) stood next to her as she questioned, the three had a nice little chat before parting ways once again.
"Indeed! We just got some new information about a demon, and the corps members who went to confront it were taken out. We're losing rank and filers, too, now. We can't just stand by and do nothing!" He explained as he belted his sword around his waist.
"Could it be a twelve Kazuki?" (Y/n) asked as Shinobu hummed at the question, waiting for an answer as well.
"Most likely ,yes! It might even be an upper rank." The man crossed his arms. Shinobu covered her mouth with the tip of her fingers, "Oh my,it's sounds like a difficult mission, but as long as you're going, Rengoku-san, there's nothing to worry about."
She breathed heavily. What is this feeling? It was as if her guts were screaming at her. Could this be it? Could that be the source of that feeling? Even if it wasn't, she felt her instincts begging her to go..
"I need.." she started saying, "i need to talk with the master."
"Would you like some tea ,(Y/n)?" He was laying in his bed like usual and looked more frail from the last time she saw him. She shook her head, "There's no need, I won't be staying long." She replied.
The master nodded as he cleared his throat. "Well then, you wished to talk to me. Is there something wrong?" He asked, and (Y/n) started to stutter nervously as she explained. "W-well, you must know that Rengoku-san went on a mission not long ago.."
As Rengoku's name fell on her lips, the master smiled tenderly, "Yes, kyojuro went on a mission along with Inosuke, Zenitsu, Nezuko and Tanjiro," he tilted his head softly as he asked, "you wish to join them, don't you?"
As expected, he saw right through her. She wasn't surprised, of course. It was the master she was talking to. She pressed her head to the floor as a bow as she begged, "Yes..that's my only request. My instincts are screaming at me that something is not right. And I've learned that I mustn't ignore them from mistakes that happened in the past." She was sweating anxiously. What if the master will refuse? She would never go against his word, so she would have no choice but to do nothing.
"Lift your head up, (Y/n)." He requested, and she did as he said. "If your heart and body tell you something is wrong, you should never ignore it. I understand your position, and I will allow it. Thus," he lifted a finger up and continued, "only under one condition." He placed his hand down to his lap again.
(Y/n) nodded as she asked, relieved, "Yes, yes, I'll do anything. What is it?" She stared at him expectantly, waiting for him to complete his sentence. "After you'll return, I must ask you to rest. Take no more missions until I ask you to. I've noticed the amount of missions you take on yourself. It's inhumane. You do twice, no, three times more work than any other pillar. No wonder you're so exhausted, I must ask you to stop. Not permanently, of course. Just for a week or two."
'a week or two?!?!' She dared to think. That's too much.. but she had no other choice.
The girl pressed her head to the floor once again, "I will do as you say, master." She promised. He nodded and smiled, "Good, now go. And please return safely."
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trivialbob · 1 year
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Half day of work this morning. Then Sheila and I went to get our taxes done. Normally I never wait until the last minute. I’m more of an early March tax filer. But the woman who does our returns had a pretty full schedule this year.
On the way home we stopped at a bar and grill we’d never been to before. The place was full of regulars. As we walked in a guy, who looked like he’d enjoy a good knife fight with some motorcycle outlaws, came out for a smoke. He nearly bumped into Sheila, who I’m sure has never been in knife fight. The guy beamed a huge smile and sincerely apologized. Can’t judge that book by its cover.
The waitress was busy, but oh man, she did a great job.There were one or two unopened bottles of beer on her tray as she made the rounds. That (a) saved her from going back to the bar for some common orders and (b) was excellent suggestive advertising.
Server: “Would you like another Mich Light?”
Customer: [silently] Mmm, it’s right there in front of me. Oooh, look at that light layer of condensation on the cold bottle. My oh my, I am getting thirsty again. “Heck yes, I’ll have another!”
I would have ordered a Utepils Happy Dog Lager just for the name and also because it’s locally brewed. But I didn’t feel like beer for lunch so I ordered a boring Diet Coke. Coke and Pepsi should come up with some beer-style fun names.
A bar burger, served in a plastic basket lined with checkerboard pattern wax paper, is always a treat. This one didn’t disappoint. When I first saw the modest stack of fries I thought the cook had been a bit stingy.
Then I remembered I always get too full when I eat all (or nearly all!) of the fries (clean plate club forever) most restaurants pile onto plates with sandwiches. Today’s serving of fries was actually perfect, leaving me perfectly satiated.
I still went home and took a nap.
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