beafties · 1 year
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shatinn · 10 months
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Sims 4 game play - Welcome little snowshoe hare
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littleguysdaily · 2 years
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Jesus, Sbub, tone it down...
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rogercheetoofficial · 2 months
SBUB 100 DAY 14/30 || blowing my fucking head off for money and fame
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spamtons · 2 years
Go to suuususuus... .. suuus . ssus. sbub. sbubwayaayeay. go to suus. and ask for the ask for the ask for the "BOOBS". They'll doo doo
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rafr · 1 year
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nekumiho · 5 months
anyway since i havent been on this blog in ages, heres some unfinished sbub sketches (mostly emmet, of course mostly emmet) that i havent posted here. if any contexts confuse u its probably related to my rp shit </3 sorry
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davekat-sucks · 1 year
I dare you or the next anon to defend Rosemary. It's not bad, but it's way overrated. I've got few points to bring up here to respond to.
-Kanaya lost her personality for its sake: she was relevant and had a few notable connections to characters mainly those who died and Karkat, but after the reunion on the meteor, she suddenly stopped caring about anything; nothing about her son/little brother Karkat, nor the loss of all her friends and her driving motivation to murder Gamzee sponteanously vanished. Just being Rose's "good" girlfriend. (tbh, it could actually be beneficial for the story if Kanaya didn't deus ex machina'd herself into life)
-No boundries: no conflict of interests is passable, but Kanaya basically allows Rose to become alcoholic and do whatever she wants instead of taking a stand for Rose to better herself. This basically made neither of characters have any character development from that point onward or at least none with each other.
-It cancelled possible character development for Kanaya: Kanaya already idolized and were in love with another girl - Vriska, who backstabbed her badly founded feelings in front of her eyes, so what does she do the second that's resolved, falls for another girl without caution, idolizing her bad behaviour (alcohol + the whole grimdark Rose stuff). It really wasn't the best thing.
-They fill the same archetype: for both teams, they're the cold calculating girls who care for friends and engage in sarcasm and acts of gruesome brutality. Such resemblance is almost always bad for a ship dynamic, but for good ships it's balanced by ideological differences like what's justice, is murder fine under correct circumstances, etc. but here they agree on everything, no conflict or anything, they're basically a unit
-Kanaya's role in the story is greatly diminished: as one of the "main" trolls, Kanaya had a couple of things: wizarding with Eridan, being one to talk with Karkat calmly, guiding Rose through Medium, crush on Vriska, friendly relationship with Tavros, having Doc Scratch as First Guardian, getting the Matiorb and at the end also being pissed at Gamzee's murdering. Some of these obviously couldn't have follow up, but besides Rose, only the matriorb stuff had follow up and it was given half-way to Roxy. I'd not exaggerate saying her role in the story after meeting Rose was as notable as that of alpha sprites if not lesser
And that's it if you disagree, please tell me why and if not pass it onto anons. It's not a terrible ship, but if it wins the list above is why I'll be pissed
I actually do have some annoyance with Rosemary. For the ship past Act 6 and the harm it did for Kanaya as a character. Kanaya in Act 6 is just basically enabling Rose's behavior because she wanted that from Vriska. A bad girl who does her own thing and she lets her do that. I sort of miss the girls being playfully sarcastic with each other. That's what had made them interesting in the beginning. And the fact that Kanaya read Rose's guide on Sbub/Sgrub and that's how the trolls were able to make it through before the whole Bec Noir bullshit. She probably should not have been revived because of rainbow drinker. But if Kanaya had to live, then she should have gone through the clown hunting and attempted to kill Gamzee. Fuck Karkat's orders, she has been hurt and killed for trusting someone, she ain't taking chances with another highblood bastard. That would have been a better conflict than letting her human girlfriend get drunk off her ass. I would also say that despite Rose's calculating side, she was also shown to be somewhat mischievous or playful. As she likes to tease John, reference jokes from Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff, showing that she is not your typical cool goth girl. She is actually silly deep down, just acts smart in front of others. It would have been funny to see Kanaya's reactions seeing that side of Rose and accepting that side of her. A much more healthy connection than expecting Rose to do harm on herself or others.
Kanaya should not have been that accepting of Vriska stopping Rose's alcoholism when Post Retcon hit. It was shown that she was still pissed at Vriska for kissing Tavros. It made her worse just forgiving her offscreen. Do we know if Kanaya goes to try to get Vriska again since she is alive in that timeline? Or does she still accept Rose but watches Vriska on the side whenever she wants that bad girl once again? I don't know why Roxy would have to make the Matriorb besides being threatened by The Condesce. In her Roxy's position, trolls, or the Condesce herself, were the cause of her timeline to get fucked. She had to be in hiding and protect herself from the drones. Why would she need to make the Matriob for Kanaya? Because her sister/mom has a crush on her? I doubt that would be enough to sway that there would be decent trolls. If Roxy heard that Kanaya let Rose be drunk because of the guilt of not realizing Mom Lalonde really loved Rose, Roxy would not let Kanaya near Rose. It's funny hearing too that WhatPumpkin writers like Aysha actually hate Rosemary. So guess what they did? They decided to fuck Kanaya over in Epilogues and Homestuck^2 by making Rose cheat on her with Jade, having a secret baby. And they play it off as a polygamy relationship that Kanaya totally is fine with. When we all know she is secretly hating that someone else is fucking her wife. And in the other timeline, Rose LEAVES her for someone else. Dirk Strider. Her fucking brother. To make a new universe without her in it. Rosebot would fuck with Dirk and pitch flirt with Terezi. So Kanaya not only lost her lover to a dog dick girl, but a gay bastard who reached Ultimate God Tier and the other troll friend she barely gave a glance back on the meteor besides maybe speaking with her in one or two Alterniabound sections. If Homestuck^2 would have continued, chances are that the narrative would screw Kanaya over. She would either be killed off, have Rose officially tell Kanaya they are over with and she is left alone again (but it is played as Kanaya trying to be strong and independent without her lover, despite all that happened), or the less likely chance, she goes full on yandere on realizing what happens to herself in both Candy and Meat timelines to kill everyone just to be with Rose forever. WhatPumpkin says they have finished the story for Homestuck^2, but never released it. I hope it never does. Because I don't want to hear what shit they did for Kanaya. So TL;DR, I do agree with you in those points. It had its good moments early on. But by the time Act 6, the dynamic between these two changed and both girls' character developments get fucked over. With Kanaya get the worst out of it when Andrew Hussie and WhatPumpkin decided to make shitty sequels to say "FUCK YOU" towards fans.
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boyduroy · 1 year
Things I will call my car instead of its actual brand
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sbub-session-314 · 7 years
On the 5th day of SBub, a recap came to meee
Gold: sHit, im iNvolved iN a romaNtic subplot.
Hello, everyone, and welcome to today's recap! We had the most bullshit filled day I swear to gog
I can't remember what happened in order, so yea...
For today's gods, Gold,  Bronze, Fuchsia, and Rust went god tier!
Rust went grimdark because reasons, I don't know why
And we had several battles with a robot!
About the bot, Bronze created a robot to help us, who I'll call Tin. Tin grew feelings and decided to murder us all. He made a mistake and hurt our poor Jade, a Page of Rage, so she blew up and bit him. Somehow that worked, and they kicked him into the Dream Bubbles.
We created a Sprite^2 today, of Gold and Bronze's sprites. It's a monstrosity but I love it.
The Forge has been lit aswell! Gold and Bronze confronted the Black Queen to get the ring, and Bronze said 'fuck this' and sliced her arm off. We all loved it.
That's it for today's recap! I can't wait for tomorrow!
(We've moved the recaps from @insert-homestuck-reference.)
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beafties · 3 months
food....water......wakfu au where nox is snapped out of the eliacube's control and joins the main crew and gets to heal/have a family again.........
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anisyasmin · 3 years
Sistem Kesukuan
·    Sarawak: Iban( Tuai Rumah), Bidayuh( Tua Kapung), Kenyah( Peran Lepo), Kayan (Kelunan Maren), Melanau (Menteri), menyelesaikan pertelingkahan penduduk, memastikan keharmonian, dilantik mengikut kebolehan peribadi.
·    **Sabah: **Orang Tua(Ketua Kampung), diamalkan oleh Kadazandusun, Murut, Bajau( matto’a sebagai pelindung adat, kepentingan anak buah). Majlis Kampung(membantu Orang Tua mengurus adat dan kehidupan seharian), Tukang-tukang Adat( memastikan upacara dilakukan betul bagi mengelakkan bencana).
Sistem Pentadbiran Tempatan
·   ** ****SARAWAK: **3 bentuk iaitu Sungai Kerajaan, Sungai Tulin, Sungai Kuripan,Kawasan pedalaman ditadbir oleh Orang Kaya, Berdasarkan sistem penguasaan tanah. Sistem kedatuan: Kerajaan Sawaku ditadbir oleh Datu Merpati Jepang. Keturunannya bergelar Datu Patinggi, Datu Bendahara, Datu Temenggung menjadi wakil Sultan Brunei mentadbir dan membangunkan Sarawak tanpa campur tangan Sultan Brunei.
·   ** ****SABAH: **barat dikuasai Kesultanan Brunei, Timur dikuasai Kesultanan Sulu. Brunei berdasarkan sistem penguasaan tanah oleh pembesar tempatan sebagai wakil sultan. Sistem Datu mewakili Sultan Sulu. Kuasa golongan Datu berdasarkan milikan bilangan hamba dan kemampuan menghantar ufti tetap.Sistem Ketua Bebas: sikap berani dan keperwiraan tokoh mencabar kewibawaan Sultan, berkait dengan keluarga Sultan Brunei atau Sulu, Mempunyai undang-undang sendiri dan tidak diiktiraf kuasa lain, menjalankan pentadbiran di kawasan masing-masing.
Sarawak ketika Kehadiran James Brooke
·    Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin II, Sultan Brunei: 1827 berhasrat mengawal kegiatan perdagangan Sarawak. Pengiran Indera Mahkota mendirikan pusat penradbiran di Kuching mengenakan cukai tinggi dan kerahan tenaga.
·    Pengiran Raja Muda Hashim: dihantar untuk menyelesaikan masalh di Sarawak. Bapa saudara Sultan , memujuk Datu Patinggi Ali dean pembesar Melayu tetapi gagal, Meminta bantuan James Brooke.
·    **Datu Patinggi Ali: **pembesar tempatan Sarawak, penentangan untuk membebaskan Sarawak daripada cengkaman Pengiran Indera Mahkota. Berunding dengan James Brooke dan menamatkan penentanagan.
·    James Brooke: menjalankan pengembaraan antara Sarawak dan Singapura dengan kapalnya Royalist. Sokongan angkatan tentera laut British.
James Brooke mendapatkan kuasa pemerintahan
·   ** ****Rundingan:** dengan Pengiran Muda Hashim apabila diminta menyelesaikan pertelingkahan Sarawak, menawarkan Sarawak kepada James Brooke 2 kali.
·   ** ****Ugutan: **1. Pengiran Raja Muda Hasim berdolak-dalik dan tidak bersetuju menyerahkan Sarawak, James mengugut sedia menyerang kedudukannya di Kuching.2. terhadap Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin apabila James Brooke hadir ke Brunei diiringi angkatan tentera laut British untuk mengesahkan penyerahan.
·    Perjanjian 1841: James Brooke dengan Pengiran Raja Muda Hashim, James memerintah Sarawak,  menguasai hasilnya,  menghormati, memelihara undang-undang adat Melayu. Perjanjian 1842: James Brooke dengan Sultan Brunei, menyerahkan Sarawak dari Tanjung Datu ke Sungai Samaraahan, James memberi ufti tahunan 2500 Dolar Sepanyol, tidak campur tangan dalam hal adat dan agama, tidak pindah milik tanpa izin Sultan Brunei. Mengiktiraf James sebagai Raja Putih Sarawak.
·    **Ketenteraan: **sokongan kapal HMS Dido yang dimiliki angkatan tentera laut British. Memerangi ancaman lanun yang mengganggu perdagangan dan ketenteraman Sarawak.
Pengukuhan kuasa James Brooke
·   ** ****Kekuatan Tentera:** kapal perang HMS Dido menghancurkan kubu kuat orang Iban di Sungai Saribas dan Sungai Skrang.
·   ** ****Menentang Kebangkitan Orang Tempatan: **sebagai lanun, menjadi alasan meluaskan kuasa di kawasan orang Iban sebagai tindakan yang sah dan mendapat sokongan British.
·    **Memperoleh sokongan sebahagian masyarakat tempatan: **Orang Melayu, Iban.
·    Mengambil kesempatan daripada pertelingkahan yang wujud dalam masyarakat tempatan: Di Mukah, menyokong Pengiran Matusin yang berkonflik dengan Pengiran Ersat dan anaknya yang lebih dihormati. Membolehkannya memecahkan kekuatan masyarakat tempatan di Mukah.
·    **Memperkukuh pertahanan Sarawak: **Benteng dan kubu dilengkapi dengan meriam. 1862, Renjer Sarawak ditubuhkan untuk mengawasi keamanan dan pertahanan.
·   ** ****Sokongan kewangan: **pemodal Eropah terutama Baroness Angela Burdett-Counts.
Kemakmuran Sabah menarik Pemodal Asing
·    **Kedudukan strategic: **laluan perdagangan antara China dan Singapura, berhampiran Pulau Palawan yang merupakan laluan maritime kapal dagang ke China dan Jepun, penting dalam aktiviti perdagangan kepulauan Sulu hingga Papua New Guinea. Pelabuhan membolehkan kapal berlabur dengan selamat.
·    **Kekayaan Ekonomi: **sarang burung mendapat pasaran di China. Sagu, rotan, getah perca, gamat, sirip ikan yu. Indigo dan kapas membolehkan pertanian komersial dijalan giat.
Sabah sebelum Penguasaan SBUB
·    **Pulau Balambangan: **1763, Alexander Dalryample membuat perjanjian dengan Kesultanan Sulu, menghadapi masalah serangan lanun. Meninggalkan pulau pada November 1805.
·  **  ****Pulau Labuan: **Sultan Brunei menyerahkan Labuan kepada British melalui perjanjian 18 Disember 1846, British bertanggungjawab menumpaskan lanun seta melindungi perdagangan. James Brooke Gabenor pertama.
Pertapakan SBUB
Sultan Brunei→Charles Lee Moses menyewa selama 10 tahun pada 1865→Menjual kepada J.W.Torrey dan T.B.Harris dan menjadikan Kimanis pusat perdagangan→Alfred, Edward Dent memajak pantai timur Sabah daripada Sultan Sulu 1878→Baron Gustavus von Overbeck berkerjasama dengan Alfred dan Edward memajukan Sabah→Torrey menjual kepada Baron→Julai 1881, Alfred Dent dan adiknya menubuhkan British North Borneo Provisional Association Ltd. Dan mendapat status piagam pada 1 November 1881→1888, Borneo Utara menjadi hegeri haungan British. SBUB memerintah Borneo Utara hingga tahun 1942.
Peluasan Kuasa SBUB
·   ** ****Syarat piagam diraja:**** ** Menerima Penasihat British, melantik Pegawai Tadbir daripada pegawai diakui British, tidak dibenarkan diserahkan kepada pihak lain tanpa izin British. Memelihara adat resam, agama, undang-undang penduduk, adail, saksama.
·  **  ****Matlamat: **pembangunan ekonomi malalui eksploitasi sumber dan melindungi, mempertahankan hak masyarakat tempatan.
·    Sir Rutherford Alcock menjadi presiden pertama, Alfred Dent sebagai pengarah urusan, William Hood Treacher sebagai Gabenor pertama.
·    Kuasa sebenar di London. Sistem birokrasi digunakan.
1. Pembahagian wilayah
·   ** ****Sarawak: **Zaman Raja Brooke, 3 bahagian. Charles Brooke menambahkan 2 bahagian pada 1885 dan 1890. Bahagian pertama: Sg. Sarawak,Sadong. Bahagian kedua: Batang Lupar, Saribas, Kalaka, Simanggang. Bahagian ketiga: Sg Rajang, Oya, Mukah, Bintulu, Matu. Bahagian keempat: Sg. Baram. Bahagian kelima: Limbang, Trusan, Lawas.
·    Sabah: Pada tahap awal, 2 residensi iaitu Residensi Pantai Timur berpusat di Sandakan, Residensi Pantai Barat berpusat di Jesselton. 1922, 5 residensi iaitu Kudat, Pantai Barat, Pedalaman, Pantai Timur dan Tawau berjumlah 17 daerah. Residen(Residensi), Pegawai Daerah, Penolong Pegawai Daerah berbangsa Inggeris atau Eropah.
2. Pengekalan pembesar tempatan
·    Sarawak: Kalangan Datu dikekalkan, jawatan baharu Datu Imam, Datu Hakim. Zaman Charles Vyner Brooke, Datu Menteri, Datu Pahlawan, Datu Bentara, Datu Amar. Semua undang-undang, adat tidak bercanggah dengan sistem Barat dikekalkan. Pembesar tidak memungut cukai, diberi gaji, membantu pentadbiran.
·   ** ****Sabah:** SBUB membahagikan Ketua Anak Negeri diakui diserap ke dalam sistem pentadbiran dan diberi gaji, Ketua Anak Negeri tidak diakui tidak dibayar gaji. Ketua bergaji memelihara keamanan, mengutip cukai kepala, mentadbir keadilan, hakim di Mahkamah Anak Negeri. Juga digelar Orang Kaya(O.K.) membantu Pegawai Daerah menjalankan pentadbiran daerah. Institusi Ketua Anak Negeri, Ketua Kampung (Orang Tua), Mahkamah Anak Negeri.
3.Pentadbiran berhierarki
·    Sarawak: Raja→Majlis tertinggi/Majlis Negeri→Residen(Bahagian)→Pegawai Daerah→Penghulu
·    Sabah: Lembah Pengarah(Pemegang Saham)→Gabenor(Majlis Penasihat menasihati dalam hal ehwal pentadbiran)→Setiausaha→Ketua Jabatan/ Residen→Pegawai Daerah→Ketua Anak Negeri→Ketua Kampung
4. Pentadbiran berasaskan Kaum
·   ** ****Sarawak: **sistem pecah dan pemerintah, Melayu(pentadbiran),Cina(ekonomi, sitem Kapitan, Kangcu), Iban(keselamatan,ketenteraan, Temenggung).
·  **  ****Sabah:** berasaskan peribumi, Penolong Pegawai Daerah(pentadbir), ketua etnik berperanan dan dipilih berdasarkan personaliti dan kepakaran.
5. Perundangan
·   ** ****Sarawak: **Undang-undang lapan perkara(Januari 1842), Mahkamah diadili raja, dibantu ketua Majistret, Mahkamah Residen( Residen sebagai Majistret), Mahkamah Adat( mengadili kesalahan masyarakat tempatan), Mahkamah Cina di Kuching(kes masyarakat Cina).
·   ** ****Sabah:** undang-undang barat dan tempatan, Mahkamah Majistret(undang-undang Barat ,diadili Pegawai Daerah), Mahkamah Anak Negeri( diadili Ketua Anak Negeri).
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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buddyup1 · 3 years
sbubby, sbub, subby, s'hubby, ice papa, subtitle zero, ice bastard <3, snow miser. need i say more :)
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rogercheetoofficial · 2 months
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klonoadreams · 4 years
Do you think that any of them would contemplate if someone made their old universe via SBUB? Because let's be honest here, they're making a new universe, so why shouldn't they're previous universe have been the result of SBURB? Also, didn't Meahna kill everyone before the Scratch to get them to the Dream Bubbles? She existed before Feferi played the Game, so the Dream Bubbles might exist. Also, Lilia is feeling all the guilt for actually giving the Game out to all of them and causing this mess.
It certainly is something worth thinking about, and definitely something Jade, as the Mage of Light, will want to find out. He’s a curious boy, thirsting for knowledge.
Also for the dream bubbles, Feferi talked to Horrorterrors...ACTUALLY, this could work with Yuu (ewe), since she has Grim, who’s Grimdark.
Anyways, for Meenah to get her gang in there...it’s time shenanigans. Those happen a lot, most definitely.
Anyways, Lilia definitely feels guilty, though he should know he wasn’t the one who started it all. It was bound to happen, what he managed to do was keep everyone he knew from dying once the meteors started falling down.
Yuu (ewe) was the one who HAD to convince the others, “KEEP PLAYING. JUST KEEP PLAYING.”
Life player has to keep everyone alive. And through her, from Riddle and Trey, Che’nya learned about it and just RUSHED.
If there are any more life players, they’re likely with the RSA gang, just saying.
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pop-punklouis · 4 years
That's why i have no faith in the Grammys. The weeked sbub.., fiona, even Zayn. It's clear they don't give them to artists that actually deserves them so i'm scared of hoping for a win for Harry. Do you think he has a good chance of getting one?
honestly, i see him possibly winning for music video but the other two are steep in my own personal opinion.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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