#scaramouche x ganyu
❤ Scaramouche & Ganyu ❤ Scarameow & Ganyu ❤ Genshin Impact ♡ Photo Edit ♡
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avocad1s · 1 year
Note: This has been in my drafts for a while, so while I’m finishing Part Seven, I’ll post this.
Character Included: Zhongli, Venti, Ei, Tsaritsa, Xiao, Ganyu, Diluc, Ningguang, Childe, Scaramouche, Dottore
This is long so everyone else is utc! :>
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As the Creator, suitors will seek to win your attention. Your inherent beauty is unparalleled, many could only imagine to be graced with your physical or verbal affections. So when word gets out that you want to be with someone romantically, everyone will jump at the opportunity.
If you pick one of the ARCHONS, no one in Teyvat would be surprised. It was obvious you valued them the most out of everyone in Teyvat, they had the strongest connection to you.
If you pick is Zhongli, that is when his identity as the former Geo Archon is officially revealed. Many were surprised to see that their Archon never died, and others questioned why he wanted to take a mortal form in the first place. However none of those things mattered when he was the one you held dear.
Liyue as a whole held a ton of pride it was their Archon you wanted to be with. That means you’ll want to stay in their nation permanently, no? For Zhongli, this is a moment he has waited millennia’s for. He always knew he was your most devoted, everything he’s done was for the betterment of Teyvat and you. When it comes to your relationship, He will do anything to make you happy. If it’s as small as getting you your own Serenitea Pot? Consider it done. If it’s something as major as becoming the Geo Archon again? He’ll do it in a heartbeat.
As much as he cares for you, Zhongli knows that you still have matters to attend to in the other nations. He would be glad to go with you if you wanted but he also has no problem staying in Liyue until you return. He’s waited this long and now that he has you, being apart for a little bit won’t hurt (at least that’s what he tells himself after you’re gone for two weeks).
Considered to be the weakest of the seven, Venti is ecstatic that he is the one you want to be with. He has a carefree and playful nature that bleeds into his nation naturally, but even if he doesn’t show his devotion as strongly as Zhongli, it’s still present.
He enjoys doing any activity with you, do you enjoy wine? Well let him take you to Diluc’s Tavern for the best wine you can drink. Naturally he always offers to pay, but unknown to you he’ll just put it on his never ending tab. (not that anyone would ever charge you for anything, you’re their God!). Do you enjoy his singing? He’s absolutely flattered! Let him sing you all the songs he knows, and eventually you’ll two will be able to perform duets of the songs you enjoy the most.
Just like in Liyue, Venti’s true identity will be revealed once your relationship is announced. Mondstadt will be overjoyed, not only has Lord Barbatos returned but he has secured the love of the Creator themselves. You should do expect lots of songs made about you two. You both will be a symbol of love in the nation of Freedom. Not only that, Mondstadt will plan many festivals throughout the year dedicated to the two of you. (Perhaps even a marriage?)
Just like his nation, Venti values freedom above all else. He would never want to hold you back from doing anything you love, so if you wish to visit other nations he has no problem with it. Of course there will be times he’d want to go with you, especially if the nation you’re going to is having some event in your name but Mondstadt is his home and that’s where he likes to stay. Don’t worry though, he will always be waiting for your return and he will have more songs to sing and stories to recite while you both relax in Windrise.
This could go one of two ways with Ei.
If you choose her during the vision hunt decree, it would solidify in her head that what she’s doing is right and that even her Creator supports it. She would be way more harsh in pursuing her view of eternity, the fight with the rebellious army would end quickly once the Shogun joins the battlefield. Now they aren’t just disrespecting her, they are disrespecting you. She will not allow that.
The citizens of Teyvat would be conflicted. Should they get rid of their visions? Do you not like them? Maybe you’ll show them they same value if they didn’t have them anymore. It would certainly be a mess for you to clean.
Also in this scenario leaving Inazuma would be… difficult. Ei doesn’t understand why you want to leave, what can those nations offer you that she can’t. She’s doing this all for you and her sister, can’t you see that?
Now if you choose her after the Traveler’s involvement in Inazuma, she would be different. Now she’s trying to find another way to pursue eternity and having you there to support and help her definitely makes her feel better about the situation. She wants to have a better relationship with her nation but she doesn’t know how to go about that, but everyone adores you so being with you should help! At least she hopes.
On the rare occasion she decides to walk around Inazuma city she would be happy if you go with her. She can be a bit awkward at times since she doesn’t believe she should indulge herself but if you tell her she can have all the dango and dango milk she desires she’ll come around to the idea. Especially if you’re indulging with her.
“Oh… You’re picking the Tsaritsa? Oh no! There’s no problem with that, you can pick whoever you like Your Grace.”
That is a line you’d hear all the time after announcing your affections for the ice queen. Not many people can think of Snezhnaya without thinking of the Fatui and all of the… things they’ve done in each nation.
Although to the rest of the world, the groups motives are unknown it must be something you support if you harbor affection for the founder of the Fatui, right?
No matter, even if people would have their objections to the union, no one would dare say anything. The Fatui’s power would only grow stronger, many would believe that going against them now means that they go against you. (They might even use that to their advantage)
The Tsaritsa cares deeply for you. As if you are a flame, her cold persona melts immediately when she’s in the presence of you. She’d do absolutely anything for you, and I mean anything. She’s already forsaken her relationships with her fellow Archons so if you make any requests about your distaste of other nations she will waste no time taking care of it.
Unlike the other Archons, she’s is open to killing for you, even if she doesn’t do it herself, she has a lot of powerful people who can take care of it for her.
When it comes to you leaving the nation, she’ll be reluctant. Snezhnaya has everything you need, why would you want to go anywhere else? Are you cold? She can easily get you some warmer clothes or warm you up herself. She’ll come up with any excuse to keep you to here. Don’t get it wrong though, she still has lots of respect for you and your word is still law. If you stay stubborn about leaving the snowy nation, she’ll give up and let you leave. But she will always have an eye on you so don’t worry :)
If you pick one of the ADEPTI Liyue feels honored, you may not have feelings for their Archon but the Adepti are the next best thing, right? The rest of Teyvat are a bit confused, what’s so special about these illuminated beasts that caught your attention?
The tactful Ganyu is conflicted if she can only pick one of her two lives. Humanity or the Adepti. Is she capable of doing both? She’ll try her hardest, her contract with Rex Lapis and her position as the secretary to the Liyue Qixing makes her schedule impossibly full. However she will always make time for you.
You mean everything to her, when she fought in the Archon War by Rex Lapis’ side it was for you. Being with you is a dream come true, it was something she always fantasized about. Although she never thought she’d actually catch your eye.
Anytime you’re in Liyue she’ll attach herself to your side catering to your every need. For once she doesn’t mind putting off her work if it means she can spend more time with you. She’ll take you to best places to eat in Liyue, bring you to drink tea with the rest of the Adepti, and if you wish to watch her spar with the Conquerors Of Demons. Well don’t blame her is she shows off a bit.
Once your stay in Liyue comes to an end, Ganyu will drown herself in her work. She has so much catching up to do and even though she regrets it now, she knows she’ll do it again once you come back to her.
Oh Xiao… he believes he doesn’t deserves the value you give him. As much as he cares and loves you, he came to terms that he’d only watch you from afar. He will protect Liyue for you so you can enjoy the greatest things this world has to offer. So why? He wants to ask. All of the blood he has shed over the centuries, how can you feel this way about him?
It’s obvious that Xiao has a good amount of self- depreciation, he feels as if he has to push everyone he cares about away. All of his fellow Yaksha has fallen and Xiao doesn’t want to drag anyone down with him.
Yet staying away from you is hard for him, when all you want is to be with him how can he refuse a request from his God? He fears that getting to close to you would makes his worst nightmare come true, but eating Almond Tofu with you won’t hurt anything… and maybe looking at the stars on top of Wangshuu Inn?
You are a double edged sword for Xiao, being with you makes him fear you may get hurt. However when you two are apart, he feels his karmic debt downing him.
But if you don’t show affections for him until after his time in the Chasm with Yelan and the others, he would be drastically different. He now realizes that his life, like everyone else’s, has meaning. He doesn’t have to push the ones he cares for away and he doesn’t have to constantly sacrifice himself for others.
In this instance Xiao would try way harder when it comes to being with you, he doesn’t know much about relationships or any type of customs that comes with it, but he will try for you. He doesn’t want to disappoint.
So it’s not the Archons nor the Adepti you desire? Well that’s completely fine! There are many other influential people that live in Teyvat. Some might even call them the LEADERS of the nation they reside in. Or maybe they are just very dependable and have gained everyone’s trust and respect.
Oh so it’s Master Diluc that you desire? Well no one in Mondstadt can blame you. He is the most desired bachelor in the nation of freedom after all. Although many are disappointed that they won’t have a chance with the tavern owner anymore, they also can’t help but feel a bit relieved that it’s you he’s with.
And my oh my, Diluc is just as surprised that you want him too, but it’s a welcome surprise. After his father died and his relationship with his brother became… strained you were all he had left. He would pray to you daily about his wine business, his tavern, or even his secret identity as the Darknight Hero.
Once you descend, his devotion to you becomes stronger.
He doesn’t trust the Knights with your safety, we all know he believes they are incompetent so once you step into Mondstadt, expect Diluc to basically be glued to your side. You want anything from the shops? Let him buy it! He has more than enough Mora to buy anything you desire. Do you want some wine? Please allow him to escort you to Dawn Winery for the finest wine he has.
Speaking of Dawn Winery, Diluc would prefer if you’d stay there. The Fatui bought out the nicest inn Mondstadt has to offer, and even though they explicitly stated they had no problem with their Crestor staying there, Diluc doesn’t want you to. He has a big issue with the Fatui and as long as you are in Mondstadt, they have no chance getting near you.
Diluc doesn’t mind when you depart Mondstadt, he knows how busy you are and he has important work to get done himself. Unless you are leaving for Snezhnaya, he will try to convince you to go somewhere else. If that doesn’t work, he will worry constantly worry about your safety in the claws of the Fatui. His prayers to you would increase until you’re back in his arms again.
There is no such thing as a secret in Liyue, so when you show affections Ningguang. Everyone in Liyue will find out fast. Not much is known about Ningguang and all of the things she does for Liyue, people will scramble to catch even a spec of knowledge that falls from the Jade Chamber.
But one thing everyone knows about the woman is how much she loves you. Before you descended, her daily routine would consist of praying to you as soon as she wakes, working, and praying again before she lays to rest. When Liyue throws celebrations in your name, she would give you the most lavish offerings. Not one person in Teyvat would be able to match anything she gives you.
Anytime you’re in Liyue she will force insist that you stay in her home. Have you seen a better place in Teyvat? She doubts it! Don’t forget about the amazing view she has up there too. Ningguang will also handle all of the expenses for anything you desire, she’s arguably the richest woman in Teyvat there is not one thing you’d want that would be out of her budget. If her God wants it, you will have it
She’d treat you to the most luxurious meals you will ever have, making sure everything is adjusted to your tastes. Even if the spices you like don’t originate from Liyue, she will send people to go get whatever you need. All that matters to her is to see you happy.
Erm, Your Grace? The one you desire is a FATUI HARBINGER? You should stay away from the likes of them. They have no good intentions, all they do is exploit innocent people and gain power over the other nations. The Fatui has no respect for…
There are only four things Childe cares for, his family, the Tsaritsa, fighting, and you. As he grew up, his family told him how amazing you were and all he dreamed about was meeting you face to face, and when he became a Fatui Harbinger he knew that would be possible.
However he got more than he would’ve ever imagined. He got to call you his.
Childe has no issue killing anyone for you, if anyone goes against you, he will take care of it.
Unlike anyone before, Childe will want to go everywhere with you, he’s already a Harbinger so he’s used to traveling to all of the nations and not only that, he has the money to go anywhere too (thank Pantalone for that smh)
He will rub this in the faces of his comrades, he’s the youngest Harbinger, the lowest ranked but he still managed to snag your attention? Yeah, they’re not living this down.
When it’s just the two of you though he’s soft, he’d love for you to meet his family. They mean so much to him just like you do, to have you all in the same room would make him so happy.
Where should I start with the Balladeer? He‘s a puppet and doesn’t have a heart, but these feeling he has for you is strong.
At first he tries to push you away, his… mother cares so much for you and as he tries to distance himself from her, he thought that meant he had to hate you. But he couldn’t…
As he tried to find meaning within himself, everyone kept telling him to turn to you. Even his own friend that tragically died had told him that your divine light would guide him in the right direction. He didn’t want to listen.
Once he had joined the Fatui he figured he wouldn’t hear about you again, but oh boy was he wrong. He hadn’t met anyone more devoted to you than this group, everything they do is for you. All of the killing, exploiting, experimenting, and lying was done in your name and honor.
Scaramouche needed something to latch on to, his mother thought he was useless, and unbeknownst to him at the time, his attachment to the Fatui was a complete lie.
He will try to be useful in any way he can. The Fatui wouldn’t matter to him anymore, getting his hands on the Electro Gnosis doesn’t matter, all that matters is what you want.
With you around, he finally has something to fill his heart with, he will do anything and everything not to upset you. The last thing he wants is for you to throw him away like everyone else.
So it’s the Doctor that you want? Can’t say that I blame you…
On the surface, it would seem that Dottore doesn’t worship you. He won’t deny your existence if asked but if he’s asked if he worships you, he’s closed off about it.
Even in his days in the Akademiya he would always pray to you for luck before his studies or exams (not that he needed it). When he was interested in ancient machines and wanted to know more, he would pray to you for a breakthrough to prove to the Akademiya scholars and sages that this is what they should be studying. However he was chased out before that could happen.
He didn’t blame you for it, in fact, leaving Sumeru had given him a better opportunity, the Fatui. They actually funded any experiment he desired, whether it was about the ancient machines, the Archons, or the secrets of Teyvat, he would know it all.
However once you arrived, you took all his attention.
It’s not that he wanted to experiment on your per say, it’s just… he wanted to know more about you! You’re the God of Gods, you have power people on Teyvat could only imagine having. Being able to take a closer look at you would mean everything.
Once the two of you become close, Sumeru are the first to regret it, the one you favor is someone they had thrown out of their nation not just once, but twice. They feel absolutely foolish.
Since you’re a God, Dottore definitely believes your have greater intelligence than the God of Wisdom herself and he would love to “poke at your brain” if you allow him, he would ask you questions about wherever you were before coming to Teyvat and how Teyvat was many centuries ago.
If this is before his time in Sumeru and creating his own God, he would still have his Segments from previous times in his life. Yeah… they’re all devoted to you too. So if you like Dottore, that means them too right?
I think it’s clear that he and his Segments do not get along, they’d all be fighting for your attention lmao (obviously he wins all the time) but if Dottore is too busy with his Harbinger duties he doesn’t mind if you want to spend time with them. It’s better than you running to someone else for attention.
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Note: I am also working on a masterlist atm so that should be out once part seven comes out! 🫡
© avocad1s please do not plagiarize or post to any other website
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tangyangie · 1 year
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𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠
desc. how genshin characters sleep next to you!
notes. i love these ppl sm sobs
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they're so quiet. the only thing you can hear is their soft breath, maintaining a constant rhythm. they generally prefer to bury their head in your shoulder, but they're content just laying next to you. they're so easy to sleep next to. they probably completely shut off while they're asleep?? you will not feel a single thing. no water necessary. no bathroom breaks. they save feeling sick until the morning. in addition, a kiss on the forehead is the last thing you see before you fall asleep and the first when you wake up in the morning. all in all, they're super sweet—maybe, in a way, pretty old-fashioned. i give a 100/10.
lynette, tighnari, shenhe, XIAO, aether, ALBEDO, jean, EI, baizhu, KOKOMI, diluc, layla, ayato, ganyu
SO touchy. literally can't go more than ten seconds not being next to you. probably have a quiet, whispered conversation with you before bed—about anything at all. it's mostly to distract from the fact that they're feeling you up, but they still listen to every word you say. they mumble replies with a teasing voice as their fingers dance up your back, resting at your shoulder. nuzzling their head in your neck while lightly kissing you there. (maybe biting if they're into that...) if you want to get up to get water, they probably make you stay where you are so you stay comfy. they'll do everything for you. you want a massage at 3 in the morning? go ahead, ask. they won't refuse.
KAZUHA, zhongli, cyno, yae miko, BEIDOU, xinyan, lumine, LISA, keqing, candace, THOMA, kaeya
LOUD. that's all you really need to know—but you can barely sleep. it's like they don't need it. they'll stay up for hours on their phones, talking about the videos they're watching, what they did—anything at all that they can think of. you'd believe they'll eventually get tired and toss in the towel, but they could pull 10 all-nighters in a row if it meant you'd listen the whole time. other than that, they're usually pretty cuddly. They'll grab onto your arms and scrunch into a ball position, their knees nearly at their chest. They'll probably talk to you like that until they realized you've dozed off. Once they do, they kiss you on the nose and cuddle against you, letting out an unbelievably loud sigh. almost comically so. (it might wake you up and you'd have to fall asleep all over again...)
CHILDE, yoimiya, ITTO, heizou, yanfei, VENTI, hu tao, gorou, kirara
sarcastic and mean. can you even get more mean than these guys?? they (lovingly) insult and tease you before dragging you into the bed, tightly holding you against them. they'll most likely hold the back of your head by tangling their fingers in your hair, keeping you steady against their chest. to hear their breathing. they might give you a kiss on the forehead if you get lucky. if you decide to tease them by refusing this kiss, they'll probably spread their limbs across the bed to make sure you've got no room, and that you'll have to climb on top of them to be able to lay down comfortably. that's better than a kiss, in their opinion. you're wide open for sarcasm, teasing, and letting them be the meanies they are.
yelan, kaveh, SCARA, kuki shinobu, FARUZAN, dehya, KUJOU SARA, alhaitham, mona, ningguang
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notes. i hate school so much actually 🤗🤗 anyways GUTS WORLD TOUR IM SO EXCITED
mwah mwah i heart you guys 💋
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 6 months
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Of All Things, I Became...
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You always imagined that if you woke up in the world of Genshin, the possibilities of being a Visionless wielder of elements and a slew of romantic shenanigans would lie in your wake. But when you instead find yourself in the body of a Genshin mob with romance likely out of the question, your only conclusion is that the gods of reincarnation isekai hate your guts.
cw. you lost the isekai 50/50 and became a genshin mob
pairing. genshin x reader
notes. i read [of all things, i became a crow] and decided to run with it. i apologize for nothing. i might add more species from genshin depending on my mood lol. this was originally only going to be about an aranara!reader but... i got inspired
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Of All Things, I Became...
... an Aranara
... an Oceanid
... a Geovishap
... a Thunder Manifestation
... an Anemo Slime
So you died and woke up as a Genshin mob. At least you got some cool powers out of it, I guess. Results may vary in trying to get a travel companion out of it though. Not all non-human races in Genshin are created equally, you come to learn.
My Body is Mine Once More
Aranara Edition
Oceanid Edition
Geovishap Edition
Thunder Manifestation Edition
Anemo Slime Edition
After ingesting an elemental crystal, you manage to get your body back! More or less. Not everything about you has returned to normal and if you ever get too emotional, you turn back into your mob form. At the very least, you still are able to use your sick ass powers, so that's a bonus!
Traveler Specific
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fairykazu · 5 months
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this event is to celebrate my blog, fairykazu, hitting 500+ followers! as it is spring, it's themed after flowers! this event includes genshin / hsr characters (which will be listed under from sender), prompts are listed below flowers and the bouquets (fics) will be sent.
HOW DO I ORDER A BOUQUET ??⋆。˚ send an ask to order! as for an example, "can i have a bouquet with prompt and character ?" feel feel to add more to your request so i can write it better. bouquets are closed
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒PICK YOUR FLOWER ⋆。˚ daisy - collecting flowers on their way home carnation - walking in the park iris - new beginnings daffodil- picnic dates red rose - falling head over heels in love aster - weekend trips tulips - making flower crowns magnolia - riding the bike to the bakery in the morning lily of the valley - dancing in the rain in bright sunshine liliac - a gift of fresh flowers every week rosebud - spending their days outside petunia - realising their feelings blossoms - enjoying spring in the countryside poppy - risking something in order to achieve something jasmine - tea parties in the garden snapdragons - the park becoming their second home
𓍢ִ໋🌿FROM DESIRED PERSON ⋆。˚ this is likely going to be a genshin-centric event but i might write for other hoyo characters if i can. (i might write new characters that i haven't yet & please note that it might be written out of character.)
genshin: scaramouche, albedo, xiao, kaeya, kazuha, childe, heizou, lyney, itto, yelan, ayaka, yoimiya, ganyu hsr: dan heng, stelle, gepard, aventurine, topaz, seele
𓍢ִ໋💐༘ BOUQUETS ARE SENT ⋆。˚ located in tevyat: liliacs from kazuha lily of valley from scaramouche red roses and petunias from kaeya
out of this world: petunias from dan heng multi flowers from aventurine
THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING THIS SERVICE !! vidia's note: thank you so much for 500 followers, i didn't even know i'd make it this far! it feels like yesterday that i had only 50 followers. i might take a long time on writing these fics so keep that in mind!
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sh1-n0bu · 2 years
𝕿𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖔𝖚𝖙𝖘 𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖒 𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖓 𝕴𝖒𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖙:
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✿ SFW recipes:
Unexpected - vampire!scaramouche x nb!reader
Accidentally in love - scaramouche x nb!reader
Safe in your arms - heizou x nb!reader
Dummy, ditzy love - tighnari x fem!reader
This is home - scaramouche x nb!reader
You, my greatest treasure - beidou x nb!reader
Adventure? Adventure! - multi x nb!reader
Chu<3 - xiao x nb!reader
Experiment!modern!rubedo and scaramouche brainrot
Fairytale au brainrot
Archon!scaramouche x wandering ronin!reader brainrot
Venti - venti x nb!reader
Misunderstandings - scaramouche, childe, diluc x nb!reader
I want your bite - scaramouche x nb!vampire!reader
Home sweet home - scaramouche x nb!reader
Yours, not hers - scaramouche x nb!reader
Scaramouche and Wanderer x assisstant!reader brainrot
The wonderful tiring life of a cat parent - cat!6reeze x nb!reader
Mornings spent together - scaramouche x nb!reader
Okay maybe I am clingy... - scaramouche x nb!reader
Accidents - 6reeze x nb!reader
Recovering - kaeya, diluc and thoma x nb!reader
Oh hey, that’s my idiot - bosacius x male!reader
Karma - xiao x nb!reader
It’s not like I like you! - modern!scaramouche x nb!reader
♡︎ NSFW recipes:
Darling boy - sub!scaramouche x nb!dom!reader
Sweet dreams - sub!xiao x nb!dom!reader
I do adore you - sub!scaramouche x nb!dom!reader
Cutest popsicle - sub!xiao x nb!dom!reader
You, my greatest treasure - beidou x nb!switch!reader
Stay quiet - sub!xiao x nb!dom!reader
A little bit jelly - sub!scaramouche x nb!dom!reader
Harder! - sub!scaramouche x nb!dom!reader
My first love - AFAB!sub!scaramouche x nb!dom!reader
I can fix him❌ sub!character brainrot
Eating Ganyu out brainrot
Christmas gift - sub!xiao x nb!dom!reader
Windborn bard! - sub!venti x nb!dom!reader
Good kitty - sub!xiao x nb!dom!reader
The way of the househusband! - sub!thoma x male!dom!reader
Not done yet - sub!scaramouche x nb!dom!reader
Work for it - sub!scaramouche x nb!dom!reader
More please? - sub!pantalone x nb!dom!reader
Focus - sub!albedo x nb!dom!reader
Oh sweet captain! - sub!kaeya x nb!dom!reader
Sweet like sugar - AFAB!sub!scaramouche x nb!dom!reader
I'm trying! - sub!xiao x nb!dom!reader
Pretty when you beg - sub!scaramouche x male!dom!reader
Behind the bank’s doors - sub!fatui agent x nb!dom!reader
Detective’s work - sub!heizou x nb!dom!reader
Squidward nose - sub!6reeze x nb!dom!reader
The Anemo God’s devotion - sub!venti x nb!dom!reader
You, my heart - sub!scaramouche x dom!AMAB!reader
Heizou brainrots
My only God - sub!AFAB!scaramouche x nb!dom!reader
nobu’s kinktober list of 2023!
knock me up! - sub!big men x nb!dom!reader
Study of a dragon anatomy - sub!dragons x nb!dom!reader
Study of a dragon anatomy pt2 - sub!dragons x gn!dom!reader
Study of a dragon anatomy - an amazing fanart by the lovely@c00kieguy !!
Sub monsterfucker character brainrot
Happy yandere husband! - sub!yandere!AFAB!character x dom!gn!reader
Study of a dragon anatomy pt3 - sub!dragons x dom!gn!reader
Bird bf brainrot
Shy monsterfucker sub with a vampire reader
☆ Self aware AU recipes:
Yun Jin hangout brainrot
Replacement - an accident with diluc
My only God - sub!AFAB!scaramouche x nb!dom!reader
⇨ psst!! the divider is from @rookthornesartistry
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lume-nosity · 2 years
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when you sleep on the same bed as them
ft: xiao, scaramouche, ganyu, yoimiya
style: fluff
notes: gn!reader, not proofread, use of you/your, minor dialogue is only on scaramouche’s part, can be perceived as modern or canon genshin verse, i forgor how to grammar
reblogs are appreciated!
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adeptus xiao
while you’re sleeping, xiao was still up. he was thinking about a lot of things, but hearing your snores snapped him out of his thoughts.
he looked over his shoulder and saw you sleeping peacefully. the sight made him muster up the tiniest smile known to man.
he was admiring your resting state… for a little too long.
when he realized what he’s doing he instantly looked away and his cheeks tinted pink. he covered half of his face with the shared blanket as he was trying his best to calm down.
(he doesn’t, his heart is conflicted)
he started to close his eyes in an attempt to escape to the realm of dreams as a way to have him relax.
well, that was cut short real quick. because you decided to shuffle a bit and move your hand to touch xiao’s arm.
if there’s a deeper red color then that’s the color of xiao’s cheeks.
surprisingly, despite his disliking to physical contact, he stayed still.
he didn’t want to wake you or anything, so he lets you do as you wish despite the intense blush on his face.
for your sake and comfort, he (slowly) moved his hand to grab your hand and gently squeezed it.
this made you smile in your sleep and xiao lets out a huff of relief as his eyes were still closed.
maybe this isn’t so bad after all..
hearing you snore, he just gave you a soft kick to the leg. but that just made you snore a little louder. 
he sighed in annoyance as he moved to face you. he propped his elbow on his pillow and rested his head against his hand. he shook his head lightly. 
‘what am i going to do with you?’ he whispered.
but he has to admit, at first, he thought it was a waste of time to be acquainted with someone who would most likely leave him in the end much like the others.
but you didn’t. (because you aren’t like other people) you’re sleeping on the same bed as him.
and you’d need a reasonable amount of trust for something like this to happen.
when that thought came to mind, it did make him feel a little warm inside.
his eyes moved away from your sleeping figure to his free hand. he was observing it for a bit before he closed it.
he chuckled softly before choosing to lay down on his pillow and shuffled a bit to get comfortable. but he’s still facing you. he didn’t turn his back on you, because you didn’t turn your back on him. (this sounded cheesy i’m sorry)
with a low and quiet voice, he whispered:
‘sweet dreams.’
unlike the other two, she’s actually sleeping with you.
she’s smiling in her sleep, because she finally gets to rest. (she deserves it)
until… you hugged her in your sleep.
ganyu’s eyes shot open as she turned her head to see you having a rather firm grip around her body.
her cheeks gradually grew red as she shifted a little to have you feel more comfortable in holding her. she didn’t seem to mind the touch somehow.
but this action made you snuggle closer to ganyu, your face coming into contact with ganyu’s soft and fluffy blue hair.
a squeak left ganyu’s mouth but she quickly covered her mouth with her free hand. she sighed in her hand before choosing to shut her eyes.
she thought it may be best for you to be as comfortable as you can whilst the both of you are sleeping on the same bed.
if you were to touch her horns, not only would she be more flustered than she is now, she’ll most likely cease to exist.
but you should consider yourself lucky for being well acquainted with her, because she will let you touch her horns. doesn’t matter if you’re sleeping or not.
she’s that comfortable with you. despite her bashfulness.
yoimiya is the only one where you and her are up just chilling on the same bed.
playing with plushies, building pillow forts, watching movies together, stuff like that.
she’s your go-to person when it comes to who you’re staying up with.
but when you start to become a little drowsy, she’ll open her arms and let you rest in her embrace. and vice versa.
she’s also the only one who’s confident with physical contact on this list. giving or receiving. (preferably giving)
and she will also sing lullabies to you as you rest in her arms. maybe rocking you back and forth as well.
a smile even crept on her face as she cooed at your sleeping face.
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an: guys i wasn’t lying when i said i was blushing over my wip.. i was hiding my mouth in my hand as i was giggling like a little child. (idk if reading that made you give off the same reaction but whatever) i’m starting to have fun writing mini scenarios like this, because it’s cute and simple. i’ll likely write scenarios similar to these often <3
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tabbiwritesgenshin · 2 years
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failing light | various
synopsis: how would they act when you die
genre: angst
word count: 1,119
a/n: I don't have anything interesting to say but can I add how baffling it is the support my previous post got? like damn, i went from 20 notes to 253. tysm y'all omg
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Collei wanted to scream, she wanted to cry, to yell, her whole world had crumbled in only a few glances, yet she couldn’t. She was struck with both fear and shock, you were her most beloved person in the entirety of Teyvat, you were the only person who had shown her any love in a long while and now..you were just..dead. She could only stare at your body for what felt like hours until she eventually lost consciousness.
Eula clutched your body with all she had, she had to make sure your last moments were ones of peace. She tried her best to contain herself, to ignore her tears, to do everything she could to look strong for you, yet, she couldn’t. She was left as a crying mess as the concept of losing the only person who loved her dawned on her mind. 
Again she had lost, again Ei had weeped, again was someone else taken from her, again, she felt hopeless, like she had lost everything she held dear. She wanted to move on, she wished to maintain strong, that’s what you desired, that’s what she promised to you..yet she couldn’t. The pain was too much, the grief overtook her. Again would she retire to her Plane of Euthymia, again would she abandon everyone, again would she despise herself.
Ganyu was afraid, she was scared, terrified of the idea of losing you. She tried everything she could yet nothing worked. The half-Qilin tried every bit of knowledge she had on medicine to try to save you, even those used only by the Adepti, if she could, she’d even give out her life for you. Perhaps it was due to the panic of losing someone again, but during her numerous attempts to extend your life, she hadn’t accepted the fact that you were truly gone.
Kujou Sara was unfortunately experienced in the concept of loss and death so when you approached her with heavy battle wounds, she knew better than to panic. Her pain and grief were incomparable to whatever suffering she had seen before in her life, yet, she kept strong. She didn’t want you to pass in fear or sadness. The moment you died it shattered whatever facade was left in her. She collapsed onto the floor, still clutching your cold body. The mighty Tengu general of the Shogunate was lost..truly destroyed.
The skies were split and thunder roared as The Raiden Shogun weeped to your lifeless body. All semblance of hope..all happiness which she had ever felt in her life vanished as her eyes gazed at the ones which had given her so much with so little in return. No longer would the Shogun hold back against humanity, she would make all who dared harm her beloved pay, none shall be spared. All will suffer for the sake of eternity so no one she held dear would fear again.
Rosaria always acted like she didn’t care, Rosaria always acted like nothing mattered to her, even when she had someone to love, someone who loved her, she still acted with this cold exterior, yet, when she was faced with the news that the most significant person in her life had died every facade she had, every coldness in her heart, they were crushed as a sense of hopelessness would crush her like a boulder. Never again would that be a facade, after you had died, after she was left alone once more, that coldness overtook her heart and no amount of warmth could heat it ever again.
The Anemo Archon Venti would hold you on his lap as you slowly passed away, even in your last moments, his love was there to comfort you. Even after you were gone, he would not leave this position, even when you were buried, even when everyone thought you had died alone, even when everyone thought you two hadn’t even spoken to eachother, he would always be present in the place of your passing. Every night, every month, every year, he would sit there for hours at a time, drinking away as he talked to himself in only praises of yourself.
The Wanderer felt different, he was the creation of a god, mortals were below him, none were equal to him, he was above every single one of those worms, yet, there was one of those so called “worms” that for a single moment, for a brief second, could make him believe he was only a human, that he could feel happy, he could feel everything those he called below him could feel. There was only one person who could make him happy, only one person who could help him forget about his betrayals yet even them suffered, even them were hunted down due to his past, even them suffered because of him. Some would say, that the Wanderer, after so long, would return to who he was, even for a single minute, would enjoy murder once more.
He knew it would happen, a karmic debt was placed on Xiao a long time ago, he knew it, he knew that those around him would suffer because of it, but even then, the mighty conqueror of demons could also fall prey to the enticing and intoxicating love he used to think he was undeserving of. His more rational side was prepared for such an occurrence, of losing his most loved one yet deep down, he knew he wasn’t, he knew the moment you were at the brink of death, he would sacrifice his own to keep you safe..but he was too late, you were dead before he could heal you, before he could save you. Never before had the Yaksha felt such deep hatred, such unfeeling rage, so much was it that when he was done with his vengeance, when he had bathed in blood in the name of love, he felt nothing but a consuming sense of hollowness.
Zhongli grasped your hand with all the softness and grace he could have. He had a rather long talk with you, reminiscing about the fond times you two had, the love you shared, the pain and the happiness you had shared. He knew it would come to this, he knew that this would happen eventually. You were a mortal, a mere human, he was an archon, a god. Once you were gone, once time finally caught up with you, he couldn’t help but to shed a tear. Once again, none who would share his memories, once again, another loved one had been hit with time. Some could say that from that day, the enigmatic consultant of the Wangsheng funeral parlor seemed more distant, more cold, even.
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monicahar · 2 years
“one thing you want for christmas?”
in which you inquire about their wish for the long-awaited day.
—includes all my faves; kazuha, xiao, candace, cyno, scaramouche/wanderer, heizou, shenhe, hu tao, ayato, kaveh, yelan (bonus: alhaitham, ei, tighnari, nilou, yae miko, ganyu, keqing, ayaka, thoma)
—gender neutral reader, fluff, established relationships, rather sus with yelan's. p.s. let's just pretend all of teyvat celebrates xmas lol
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“for you to stay by my side.”
# xiao has seen it all. from the monsters he had slain, to the cries of desperate mortals, to the quietude of his solitude, to the grief of the aftermath of it all, to the hushed whispers of his last bits of sanity, all leading up to the gentle sways of the breeze passing the inn, enveloping you both in a rather serene atmosphere as you stare at each other's gaze, yours one of anticipation for his answer, and his of silent contemplation. when honest words akin to a silent plea for you to never leave him leave his lips—his sharp eyes immediately soften at the reddening of your cheeks in response.
# kazuha is nothing but a humble man. he does not seek wealth, nor fame, nor anything trivial that concerns his title as the lone descendant of a noble clan, or as the inspiring individual who directly went against the narukami ogosho's blade of lighting. he only wants two things—peace and tranquillity. luckily for him, those abstracts are found in you, being the embodiment of his real home no matter where you travel. kazuha firmly believes that he belongs by your side, and he hopes that you think the same should you agree to take him up on his wish.
# candace was more than ready to answer your question, which pleasantly surprised you. with how firm she is with her beliefs of being a descendant of the renowned scarlet king with the protection of aaru village, you would've thought she'd wish for the safety of her fellow people or something...she agrees with this sentiment with a chuckle of her own. “you're right. but me ensuring the healthy being of my village is a given. i simply wished that you staying as my partner...would also be a given too.”
# cyno, the general mahamantra outright admits this within a beat of his heart. he's sure this wish of his would have drawbacks on your part—considering his frightening reputation, but he knows, and is certain that you're willing to take it on for his sake. he trusts you with his whole being that you were ready to commit yourself to him just as much as he is to you. his resilience doesn't waver a bit when you come off surprised by his sudden cheesy advance, it only strengthens his resolve to remain with you for the rest of his life...or in other words...“since it's christmas...[name], will you merry me?” (💀)
# wanderer thinks this whole thing is silly. christmas is silly. merely wishing is silly. your question is silly. and his answer is also silly—but it held absolute truth, no matter how much he denied. it was rather stupid to ask for something that was already his, but he couldn't help it when the words erupted from his throat before he could even think about it. truthfully, there's nothing he wants in this world more than you. you are his heart. you are his human. you are his lover. you are his everything. he embarrassingly sputters for an insult when you suddenly laugh at his immediate response to your innocent question, your hearty giggles filling the silence of the room you've both resided in. something inside his chest flutters when you say 'likewise' so sweetly. he doesn't regret saying it that much now.
# shenhe was never this certain before. back then she'd always have doubts when it comes to making her own decisions, no matter how miniscule, or important it may be. is she supposed to be with humans? or with the adepti? this deer is looking at her quite weirdly, should she kill it? this person did terrible things unintentionally, should she hold them accountable? is she even in a position to decide such a thing? why are you making her feel weird things, should she confront you? all these random questions make up her past self, so now, in this present, can you be hers, faithfully and truthfully? forevermore, even? you have the power to grant this wish of hers, what will you do with it?
# kaveh is brutally honest when it comes to you. with how he's snuggling up to you like you're a sole lit torch within a raging blizzard upon uttering that one, three lettered word, now isn't an exception it seems. “i want you. only [name].” his voice is muffled onto your chest with a content sigh, resulting into a smile creeping up on your face at his display of affection. caressing his blonde locks, you mutter that you're already his, and remain that way forevermore. though the peaceful moment doesn't last long when you hear alhaitham on the other side of the house puking his insides out.
“a kiss, perhaps.”
# hu tao is a cheeky one. knowing her, she would very much rather die than passing up an opportunity to tease you. which is probably why she's now making kissy faces towards you in public, making loud bilabial clicks to further emphasize on her want for that kiss she requested of you. she's living for your blushing state right now. how cute you are! just makes her wanna pinch your cheeks and bite them! but right now, she has one goal. a raging conquest—to feel your lips against her own!
# ayato is also very cheeky when it comes to his dearest. that annoying knowing smirk of his plastered onto his face as you slowly process his response. he has no need for extravagant gifts when he has nearly every trinket or item at his fingertips as a wealthy noble clan head and his position as one of the tri-commissioners, so he'll use this to his advantage and pick up your lips in the process. he's been rather depraved of your attention lately with how busy he was with the preparation of christmas arriving in inazuma, but now that everything is set in motion, he wants to spend this small vacation with you and your lips in the meantime.
# yelan is incredibly flirtatious when she's alone with you. lingering touches that rile you up in silence, hushed whispers against your reddened ears, hot breaths mingling together from the close proximity she initiated...mhm, she's merciless. she'd have to hold herself back from full-on making out with you when you become shy from her intense gaze, averting your eyes as an attempt to calm your nerves. (she would ask for more than a kiss honestly, but we gotta keep it pg here so a long, long smooch it is.)
# heizou, yet another cheeky punk. you're really considering on giving his head a light hit for him to finally stop this little game of his. “ten kisses! that's all.” and after you're done pecking and littering his face with kisses, he'll just smile innocently and say “alright, ten more!” and he repeats it again, and again, and again, and again until you finally snap as you purposely bite his cheek under the pretense of giving another kiss. he just yelps and rubs the spot, pouting towards you afterwards as an attempt to charm you out of your irritated stance. “oh, come on, just another 10 more! it's the last, i promise!“ he then proceeds to say he'll return the kisses tenfold...whatever that means.
BONUS ! ! ! — “oh, how about a [insert random object]?”
# alhaitham would ask for some random nerdy book that he hadn't enough time in his schedule to buy. boooo no romance at all🙄
# ei would ask for dango. or a kiss. it's sweet either way, she says.
# tighnari would ask you to shut up. honestly, i have no idea. I wanted to put him in the “stay by my side” but he's too snarky for such cheesy stuff so maybeeee he'd ask for a type of essential oil for his tail or sumn.
# nilou would ask for a dance with you—under the moonlight amidst lotus flowers and flowing waters, right when the clock strikes twelve and christmas day warmly welcomes you both.
# yae miko had the potential to go into the kiss section, but she would definitely take advantage of this question of yours to make you do even more silly things. she can get your kisses anytime and anywhere anyways.
# ganyu would ask for a date! she got some time off granted by the qixing themselves, and she wants to spend it eating qingxins with you. (bear the bitterness, will you?)
# keqing would ask for a morax plushie. she didn't indulge you in her secret of being a huge fangirl for nothing. 😾
# thoma is the type of guy to let you decide your gift for him instead. not too expensive though! he dislikes you spending too much money for him. he'd gift you a knitted scarf as well. :') such a lovely man.
# ayaka would not ask for a gift. she would gift you instead with a fan that matches hers!
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@muchendrafts i have included your beloved ei, thoma and ayato. enjoy your gift, along with many other readers! i also have an ayato oneshot in the works, but i couldn't finish it in time so i hope you'll fare with this, for now atleast!
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bloodymiso · 4 months
★ part 1: ma chérie — genshin impact x gn reader
the first part of a little series im making; “them as malice mizer songs”. i was originally gonna just put it all im one post but i made the first one a little too long..oopsies.
warnings: none ^_^
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ma chérie ( translation from here! )
“ forced against my will, because of these stiff shoes. in the show window, that doll cannot move “
life was..confusing to say the least. strings they called “their path” tied them to faith, tied them to their destiny. “it is what it is” as what they would say. at the start, all they really knew was to conform to society’s..unique standards, to be what they “needed” to be. 
“ i might even try to be colored by these people around me “
what happened to them? well, they weren’t so sure. it was as if the universe sent them their own supernova, as if faith played around with the strings of the harp, perhaps they messed up a note? either way, something changed. you, maybe? who knows. 
“ let’s wait for a starry night and make a wish “ 
silence was what they considered “comfort”. though life will never be truly silent, as will the mind. calming nights with you, gazing at the stars, that was their true silence. the crickets in the background were nothing but white noise to their ears, to them, the silence was like music. 
“ ma chérie, are you missing me? “ 
days without you felt like years. they missed the sweet nothings you whispered as you held each other tight. perhaps a tear or two fell down their face as they let their problems spill out of their throat, not that you were one to take notice. 
“ lovers don’t have reasons, nor do they have motives “
i don’t need to explain this one, really. despite being “detached”, they had a pretty well understanding of what love was—to them, at least. they were in love with your soul, not just your body. every word that made it’s way up their throat would always come from the heart(not just their vocal chords).
“ look, the happiness spilling from that window. “ 
they kept intimate moments well, intimate. sure, pinkies intertwined here and there, an arm sometimes found its way around your body, but those simple actions could never come close to how they really showed their love. cuddles were shared, legs were tangled together so much so that if a toddler saw the scene, they would assume your two figures were one. 
“ the people all around me generously overlook me. “  
they didn’t like being the center of attention, you knew that. the days they could comfortably hold your hand in a crowd were ones they cherished. they love whenever you sit in the corner of a restaurant, just for them, or when you make sure conversations with your relatives are quick and straight to the point, so they don’t get caught in an auntie blackhole.
“ yesterday at noon i dreamt a bit more “
you set them into a trance, really. with the absense of your presence, they found themselves longing for the next page of the book. longing for the next time you’d nestle right into their lives.
“ these words i repeat are words of a prayer “
the millions of times the three words “i love you” have left their mouth will never, ever be enough. but perhaps the little actions they made, the little ways they showed they cared would help.
gi. SCARAMOUCHE. WANDERER (theyre considered seperate characters, right?). zhongli. XIAO. alhaitham. neuvillette(ish). ganyu. shenhe.
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🔔 Wanderer & Ganyu 🔔 Genshin Impact ♡ Photo Edit ♡
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ioveaether · 5 months
𝙔𝙊𝙐 𝘽𝙀𝙇𝙊𝙉𝙂 𝙒𝙄𝙏𝙃 𝙈𝙀 | social media au
𝙖𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙭 𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙚!𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 (not started yet)
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𝙎𝙮𝙣𝙤𝙥𝙨𝙞𝙨: you and aether have been best friends for years now. in the beginning of your first year in teyvat academy he got in a relationship with a girl named keqing. you were really happy for them, until keqing started talking bad about you behind aether's back. with time you also realized that you have developed feelings for your best friend. will you tell him the truth or not?
𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚: social media au, modern au, uni/college au, best friends to lovers (with slow burn), angst(?)
𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙥𝙨: aether x keqing, aether x reader, hu tao x lumine, scara x heizou, kazuha x xiao, venti x albedo, ayaka x yoimiya
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: slow updates, lots of cursing, gay jokes, kys/kms jokes, mentions of alcohol, suggestive, sideships, scara and mona are cousins, xiao, hu tao and ganyu are siblings, male reader (he/they pronouns)
𝙉𝙤𝙩𝙚: another taylor swift inspired smau? yes.
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dumbasses | smartasses + childe
Act I - "Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you?"
Act II - "Been here all along, so why can't you see?"
Act III - "You belong with me"
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𝙏𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 (closed)
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tangyangie · 1 year
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— 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐩𝐭 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 ⊹
characters. albedo, budo masuta, ganyu, kusuo saiki, neito monoma, raibaru fumetsu, teruko tawaki, + wanderer/scaramouche
desc. how some of my favorite characters would react to you wiping away their kiss for a prank!!!
notes. i love this idea so much and i want to try it out (if i actually had a life)
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we already know that albedo is a little bit of a tease. although he may not show it in his face.
he'd probably catch on as soon as you try anything. which is why you need to do this when he's tired. after he's done a lengthy experiment is the perfect time to try this out.
he comes back home to you, waiting for see your face. that's all he really cares about right now. you peek from your room, seeing his face down the hallway. you smile and speed towards him, throwing yourself onto him while giving him a big hug.
"hi, 'bedo. how was your day?" you ask, seemingly innocent.
"it was alright," he sighed, quickly pressing a small kiss on your temple as he walked to put his things down. he looks up in the mirror to see you wiping his kiss away.
he definitely was not expecting that, especially after you almost tackled him from running so quickly down the hallway. there's a few possibilities he'd think might be the reason for this.
— you're mad at him because he did something.
— you're mad because someone else did something and you're taking it out on his kisses.
— no one directly did anything, so you're mad at everyone.
— this is a prank.
and, from the way you turned to look at him and immediately snapped your head back when you made eye contact (don't think that he didn't see your smile), he figured it was the last one.
but he was definitely feeling a little scared at first. he thought he did something wrong and couldn't tell. he just looked at your with his signature blank expression with a slight smirk.
"what are you doing?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.
"hmm?" you slowly turn around, doing your best to hide your smile. although you're doing it quite well, albedo notices everything.
you barely notice as he grabs your hands quickly, before placing a kiss in the exact same spot as earlier. he holds your hands firmly, not allowing you to move them.
you decide to take it a step further. you nuzzle into his neck as if you're giving him a hug, and wipe the kiss yet again, using albedo instead of your hand. he doesn't know how much more obvious you could make it that this is a prank.
as soon as you look back up again, you are attacked by a kiss. with absolutely no warning. he gives you no time to react, therefore leaving you with no time and no way to remove the kiss.
"it was a nice try," albedo says. "maybe, next time—you don't make it so easy for me to understand."
you glance at the teasing look he has on his face. it's amazing what little variety his facial expressions have, yet you can still tell what they are.
"that's not fair, 'bedo." you sigh.
he chuckles lightly before kissing you once again.
he's the sweetest boy. there's no need to do this to him.
oh, but how you love to torture him. he puts up with it, so there's no harm. he understands it's all playful.
he loves giving you kisses. just passing by you in the halls, meeting up in his clubroom for lunch, seeing each other after school... none of them are complete without at least a quick smoochie.
so, of course, you try and prank him.
you're walking around the school after your last period, and you're calmly walking when you get the idea. he's already got an arm around you, so it's inevitable that he'll lean in to try and land a kiss on your cheek.
you know him so well. he does the exact action mere seconds later. you don't even spare him a glance as you wipe it away, but you give him a quick giggle.
he stops dead in his tracks. "did—did you just..?"
"did i just what?" you say, turning around, with a confused expression plastered onto your face.
he's just thinking what he possibly did wrong.
'is it because i didn't give them any of my lunch??'
'or, maybe i said something and didn't notice!!'
he's lost in his own thoughts. his hand is on his chin, and he's looking down to the ground, going through the entire day in his head.
you kind of just stand there... waiting to see if he'll realize. but, he's completely out. he can't hear you whisper his name to get him out of the trance.
you wave your hands, but not even motion is getting him out.
you give in, officially throwing in the towel in terms of carrying out the prank.
you throw your arms around him and press a long, sweet kiss to his lips.
"sorry, budo. i was only playing." you smile, placing another one directly on his forehead.
he blinks a couple times before sighing in relief, taking your face in his hands before kissing you again.
"don't do that, y/n. i thought i was going to drop dead right there." he sighs before laughing, his hand on his forehead.
"i'll drop dead before i actually wipe your kisses." you grin, reassuring him with a big hug.
she will definitely react the most out of them all.
she's already nervous about everything, no need to make her self-conscious about her kisses!!
yet, somehow, you thought that pranking her would be a good idea.
you're both sitting on one of the cliffs in liyue. you're smelling the clouds through your nose, as you lay your head on ganyu's shoulder.
she's already partially asleep, but she wakes herself up enough to give you a kiss to your temple. you, with a sly smirk, then brush the kiss away.
she doesn't believe her eyes, at first. after that, she goes into full panic mode.
her eyes are wide open as she stares off into space. she is going insane in her head.
'nooo. no. did i do something?? do they hate me?? am i a failure???'
her hands move to rest on her cheeks on the sides of her face. hee face is slightly turning pink at how much she's embarrassed.
'is it my breath?? should i have eaten sweet flowers instead of qingxins this morning?? i knew they were too bitter..'
you can literally see the steam coming out of her ears. putting her through any more of this would literally be a form of torture.
you gently turn to grab her hands. you hold them in yours and bring them down, encouraging ganyu to look you in the eyes. you whisper an apology as you press a kiss to her nose.
she honestly looks relieved just to see that you don't hate her.
"i was pranking you, ganyu. 'm sorry.." you sigh, bringing her in closer for another kiss.
she nods and strokes your hair, smiling at you. "that's alright, y/n."
you slightly back up and motion to your lap. you gently pull her down so that her head is laying in your lap, soothing her mind as you place another kiss on the top of her head.
he's wearing his germanium ring. it's time to strike.
you couldn't help but notice saiki seeming a little more at peace than normal. if you could consider his normal at peace.
of course, it's all due to the thought-cancelling ring. so, you took the opportunity to finally be able to do something without him catching on.
you crept up next to him, snuggling your head into his neck. he'd never been one for physical affection, but this was the only way to coerce him into giving you a kiss without explicitly saying it. and he was smart enough to figure out what you if you would've told him.
he opened an eye to see you, and then lightly pecked you on the cheek before returning to his activity... whatever it was.
you casually wiped the kiss off, slightly turning your head to make sure saiki saw. he definitely did.
his eyes intensify as he stares at you with an extremely surprised expression.
"hello. i go out of my way to kiss you, something you're always begging me to do, and you wipe it off?"
you raise your eyebrows at his immediate reaction.
"what are you talking about?" you ask, trying your best to appear clueless.
his face looks a little gloomier now. he sighs and turns away.
you smile at the reaction, but feel a little bad. so, you crawl over to him and give him a small kiss on the lips.
"sorry, i thought it would be funny." you whisper, smiling softly. he grumbled something under his breath and pulled you in for another kiss.
"it wasn't. if you do it again, i'm sending you to point nemo."
you were finally settling down after a long day of training. stretching your back and reaching your arms until you felt relief, you twirled into your bed, directly into neito's arms.
"hm? did someone miss me?" he smiles, beaming at you. "of course you'd love me. i'm much better than everyone in that stupid class 1-a. i'm sure you were dying to see me."
"and just when i thought i could get some peace..." you groan dramatically, turning towards his chest.
"it's your fault for being in class 1-a, you should ask for a transfer to class 1-b!! you'd fit in a lot better than with those losers!!" he laughs, tapping you on the nose.
"neito..." you say, with a warning tone to your voice.
"sorry, sorry," he smiles, pressing a soft and sweet kiss to your lips. poor boy, he had no idea what you were planning. he'd fallen right into your trap.
with a seemingly straight face, you wipe the kiss with the back of your hand, dragging it out as long as possible without making it obvious that you were playing with him.
"excuse me??" he gasps, raising his eyebrows and lowering his jaw. the look on his face was comical. "what was that?"
"what was what?" you say, still able to keep your smile contained. "i didn't do anything."
"did... did you really care that much about what i said about your classmates??" he had a whiny look on his face.
you let out a small laugh, but it sounded like more of a 'pfft' than a 'HAHAH'. you bit your lip in hopes of preventing the rest of it from escaping, but you'd already failed.
"ha ha ha, you're so funny. keep my kisses." he says with a squint, applying several more kisses to your face, moving at a quick enough pace that you were unable to block him.
"ahh!!! neito!!!" you squeal, fanning your hands at his face in an attempt of getting him to relieve your face.
he'd already gotten you immobile as he plastered dozens more of kisses onto your face. your face felt breezy by the time he was done, letting you know that no part of your face had been left unkissed.
she notices everything. if she can sense someone 5 feet away with a knife, she will definitely notice your little trick.
but that fact doesn't stop you from trying.
you're sitting at the school fountain with her, eating lunch. she feeds you a dumpling as you thank her with a mumble, covering your mouth.
she chuckles and kisses your cheek, and that's the moment of action. you dramatically drag your hand across the side of your face, causing her to turn her head towards you.
her eyes are open wide, but she doesn't look sad. simply surprised. "y/n? what'd you do that for? did you not like the dumpling?" she asks, looking towards her food.
you shake your head and shrug. "the dumpling was really good... what are you talking about?" she notices the trace of a smile on your lips, and then her face returns to normal.
she sighs with a laughing smile on her face. "y/n, was that really just a prank??"
"what? was what a prank? i don't know what you're referring to." you look away, kicking your legs as a distraction.
"hello? the kiss!" she giggles, setting her lunch beside her. "why'd you wipe it away?"
"i don't know what you're talking about, rai." you sigh, straightening your posture. you're just totally telling the truth.
she doesn't think you're this clueless. she quickly leans in and sticks another kiss on your cheek. you reach to get rid of it once more, but she catches your hand.
you're doing your best to keep down your laugh. you reach with the other hand—almost nonchalantly. before you know it, she grabs that one too.
she smiles and simply looks at you, waiting to see what you're going to do next.
you can't hold it in anymore. you start laughing so hard, you fall forward and knock raibaru off the bench. which, in turn, only causes you both to laugh more.
so, passerby can look to the fountain to see two students laughing in shambles.
after being with you, she realized that kisses are actually one of her favorite activities. you can lure her out of her room with a promise of a kiss.
and she will hold you until you melt. you can literally just be sitting there, and she will pepper your face all over. so... of course, you decided to mess with her a bit.
you were doing your own separate activities on the couch. you were reading, and she was simply resting. suddenly, you heard the couch creak and felt teruko's body turn.
you expected what was coming next. you felt her lips rushing to your cheek, leaving a small spot. you knew she hadn't closed her eyes yet, so you seized the moment.
you wiped the kiss away with your wrist, returning to your book as if nothing happened.
and she. is just. flabbergasted??
you.. huh?
she slowly orbits her head towards your face, giving you the worst glare of the 21st century. you can literally see the shadow falling onto her face.
"y/n." she says, still holding onto you, pressing slightly harder as a caution. "i'm going to need you to explain."
she's already got trust issues. what is she supposed to do in this situation?? she can't really take your kisses hostage.
you sigh, discouraged that you were already discovered. "aww, you caught me." you put a fake pout on your face, finally looking into teruko's eyes. they're very scary.
"that's not what i asked." she says, lowering her voice further, turning you to look up at her. she's hovering over you, very obviously expecting an explanation.
"well... it was only a prank." you smile. you can't help but let a giggle escape at how passionate she was about a simple peck.
"uh huh. show me." she snaps, furrowing her eyebrows as she lowers herself closer to your face.
you smirk and press her face closer, finally giving her the kiss she wanted. "you don't see me wiping away your kisses," she grumbled, pulling away and leaning back into the couch.
she had a satisfied look on her face, though, and she hugged you tighter. but, if you ever do that again, don't expect her to be so patient with you. she will pounce.
"you're exhausting..." you heard from behind you, the bells on scaramouche's hat jingling softly.
"i'm just trying to be healthy, explore nature. it'd be good for you to touch some grass sometime, ya know?" you tease, a giggle escaping your mouth.
"you—never mind..." he grumbled, getting closer to you and putting his arms around you.
"someone's awfully clingy today." you slip, giving him a playful glance.
"would you really prefer it if i wasn't?" he asks sweetly, pressing a kiss to your temple. he's almost being too cute to mess with right now.
but, you had priorities. with a huff, you brush your hands where he kissed you, wiping it away. you didn't look directly at him so that it'd be natural, but in your peripheral vision, you saw the most devastated look ever.
his jaw was on the ground. "you did not just do that." he growls.
"do what?" you smile. then get tackled by an angry scaramouche. "—hey!!" you yelp.
he traps you in his arms, holding you close and tight. he kisses you with no warning, straight on the lips, going for the gold. you could've sworn that he was more passionate than some normal kisses.
"you," he says in between each long kiss. "are not allowed," he grumbles. "to get rid of my kisses." he says firmly, looking you in the eyes.
you giggle at how easily he gave in, getting so angry at the prank.
"it was a joke, dummy." you tease.
"this definitely isn't." he smirks, leaning in close as he amorously kisses you one last time.
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notes. guys keep in mind i'm only like one episode into season 6 of my hero so monoma may potentially be a little ooc (as well as others)... but i'm catching up as fast as i can i'm so sorry 🤧🤧
anyways... guys what do i do if i get the same req in different fonts (not literal fonts) 🫡
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vampyier · 2 months
2. hangover
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fuck u tumble wtf do u mean i can only post 10 pictures on mobile.
tag list : @scarasbaby @sarah-saystuff @meigalaxy @xoyumiqls @riabriyn @kristenwell @beriiov
sorry to the people who read this and asked to be tagged last year LMAO
ignore how i’m currently rewriting the entire thing thx 😂😂🤣
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starless-nightz · 5 months
In need of requests pookie :[
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fairykazu · 10 months
what kind of dates they would bring you ft. gi chrs ୧ ‧₊˚
mlist ⋆ playlists for each character will be linked on my spotify!
a movie night - at their house. sharing a blanket together, huddled together and listening to their familiar heartbeat, because it is something that the both of you have done more times than you can count.
mona, lisa, layla & kaveh
a fair - hearing your lovers laugh will never fail to light up your entire night. holding their hand on rides, sharing strange food, and riding on a ferris wheel will always hold a special place in your memories.
kaeya, yoimiya, yelan & hu tao
an aquarium - taking many photos, seeing and learning things that you never knew before. silently watching in awe alongside your partner as the jellyfish mindlessly float behind the glass.
kokomi, scaramouche, xiao & sara
an art museum - studying the meaning behind paintings, bouncing back and forth theories, and leaving together filled with inspiration and love for humanity.
albedo, ganyu, kazuha & keqing
ice skating - falling down with your partner and showing them your vulnerability. they smile and pick you off the floor, holding you steady as they guide you on the ice.
childe, ayaka & amber
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