🔔 Wanderer & Ganyu 🔔 Genshin Impact ♡ Photo Edit ♡
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leelajun · 5 months
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3rd prompt for the SVSSS Gotcha for Gaza donated by @biancaboop
Little Palace Mistress and Qin Wanyue should kith ʕ ⁎❛ั ुꈊ͒ੁ❛ั ु)
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piojooojo · 8 months
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Hola!! Estoy muy feliz de poder anunciar que tuve el gran honor de poder ilustrar la portada de La General Y La Princesa de PDL para la editorial @/MonoNovels!!! Muchas gracias!!
Hello!! I'm very happy to be able to announce that I have had the opportunity to illustrate the cover of FGEP for @/MonoNovels!!! Thank you!!
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rabarbarzcukrem · 11 months
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It's not a lot but it's weird that it happened thrice
Art credit: @teardew, @ash-and-starlight
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unorilisa · 10 months
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tossawary · 5 months
do you know if theres like, a scum villain wife list or something. Of all the wives mentioned in canon. I cannot find one and I need it for a thing I'm writing :(
Someone may have made a comprehensive blog post on absolutely everything to do with Luo Binghe's harem somewhere, but I haven't personally seen one. This is the wiki's list of his known wives:
(I keep thinking to myself that it might be worth looking into a wiki contribution week or something so that SV fans can have these things for reference in full detail. The wiki in its current state is still very much under construction and also the particular company here "Fandom" suck generally. But I've never contributed to a wiki before, so I wouldn't know where to start.)
Part of the difficulty with naming all of Luo Binghe's wives in PIDW is that there are only rough estimates for how many he had exactly and it's unclear what statuses they actually had in the harem. And I believe that he also had love interests he never actually officially married in any way.
I'm going to list off wife / love-interest characters off the top of my head here in vague summary. I'm going to request that people add on or correct me here if I'm missing anyone or straight-up wrong about anything (relevant direct quotations are always welcome). I have digital editions of the novels now, so I may control+F for "wife", "wives", and "harem" after work, then copy-paste the relevant quotations into a big document, because I'm curious now and I want to see what results that I get from that. If someone has made and posted a comprehensive canonical list regarding the harem already, I'd appreciate the link.
Ning Yingying: wife and childhood sweetheart.
Liu Mingyan: wife.
Sha Hualing: wife.
Qin Wanrong and Qin Wanyue: I think that they were wives, twins, Luo Binghe's first threesome, and also were bullied by Sha Hualing a lot.
Little Palace Mistress: wife and I also vaguely remember some commentary from Shen Yuan about her being the "leader" of the harem in some way.
Qiu Haitang: wife.
The Three Taoist Nuns: wives, they had something to do with taming the Xin Mo sword in PIDW, and are Liu Mingyan's RPF buddies in SVSSS.
Madam Meiyin: it's stated in the succubus extras that she and Luo Binghe had an affair. I don't think that she ever married him, though.
Aaaaand that's everyone I remember. The known, named canonical list isn't actually very long, which is generally why everyone ends up inventing original characters. There are also unnamed canonical love interests, like the one afflicted by the Without A Cure poison in PIDW, but I really do not remember them all.
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ladylucitor · 6 months
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Yuexian art from 2021
(someone corrected me 3 years ago that I wrote one of the characters wrong... Very sorry!!)
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Day 11 : Crossover
SIX(hundred Wives)
Ok so I think I’m done being ambitious for the rest of this month 🫠 This was the first idea I had in the whole prompt list & I said it was gonna get less detailed the farther back I went…but that was a lie.
Finding any info for some of these wives were difficult & I 100% yoinked the Tian Triplets names & appearance from Mayvn’s fic Another Time, Another Place.
Prompt List by Jamiedraws__ on Instagram
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SV Sha Hualing is tragic AF
There is something so tragic about SV Sha Hualing's hatred for the other "harem wives". OG SHL may have actively hated on them in PIDW but it was mostly out of jealousy for LBH's attention.
SV SHL hates the other women because they all have a freedom and comfort that she doesn't seem to have. She, who is from a noble background with the earthdefying fearlessness to infiltrate a major sect as a tween ...has now fallen so far as to become a whimpering slave who's "soul almost flees her body" everytime Luo Binghe speaks. LBH has SV SHL under his complete control and she feels like she cannot escape from this horrible fate.
SV SHL hates Qin Wanyue
for "failing to seduce the lord many times, yet [she] shamelessly refuses to leave.” SHL stopped trying to throw herself at LBH because she has seen the way LBH reacts to women and moreover, the corpse that he keeps in his pavillion, so she tries to help LBH in her own way by forging a SQQ.....only to have her cave demolished and survived with her tail between her legs. SHL is clearly thinking that QWY is operating on negative brain cells for either trying the same useless seduction tactic or for not taking the chance to escape from LBH.
She also hates QWY for not being able to "even keep a proper eye on a single person" when QWY couldn't stop The Little Palace Mistress from gatecrashing. SHL is projecting and self-loathing here because it is she, who couldn't keep an eye on a single cultivator that night when they all escaped.
SV SHL hates The Little Palace Mistress
for not being a real prisoner - "other than the occasional house arrest, [LPM] suffered no real mistreatment" yet LPM is still screaming and complaining about it. Then LPM tries to insult SHL for being a "vixen seductress" when the real slut QWY is STANDING RIGHT THERE and ALL SHL has been trying to do this whole time is to not die from LBH's explosive anger.
And when LPM complains once again about LBH imprisoning her "like a kept pig", SHL gets triggered to say "What else can she do other than eat and sleep like the animal she brought up?" This is the only time that we hear her insulting LBH out loud. SHL hates the LPM for having the opportunity to have changed LBH but now it's too late. She is having another self-loathing moment because she probably wished too that she killed LBH when she was in a better position of power than now. SHL is definitely the type to lash out when she's feeling physically and well...emotionally attacked.
The thing is, she cannot afford the luxury of running away. As the successor of her line of demon line and probably lots of demon territory treaty, our previously almighty demon saintess is stuck as LBH severely underplayed employee. The two other women listed above have no power but they don’t share the same political pressure as she does.
SV SHL hates Liu Mingyan
Interestingly, it is said that OG SHL hated LMY for having better looks and being the "main wife" in the harem. SV SHL hates LMY because of her growth from being a weakling, someone who lost to herself at the Qiong Ding Invasion, to becoming someone who is so grounded that she is "eyes closed, impervious to outside matters" even in a dire situation of life and death. Emotionally, LMY represents everything SHL wants to be (calm, tenacious, unperturbed just to name a few) so that's why she was so triggered.
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When SHL removed LMY's veil, a small part of it was to probably see if LMY was prettier than her but I think a larger part was to get some reaction out of her. SHL is so deprived of commanding power that it physically hurts her to see how her current self having so little effect on humans to this point where they barely lifted their eyelids to look at her. She wanted to break this calm facade of LMY only to discover upon seeing LMY's face that it wasn't a facade at all, her face was really expressing genuine fortitude. Which is why I think she got so annoyed she wanted to slash that annoying face with her nails.
(yes I know the fandom prefers the interpretation that when the gay feelings hit SHL, she doesn't know what to do but attack LMY's face. It's canonically how demons show love) Another theory is that she saw the resemblance of LMY's face with Liu Qingge's face, the one who single-handedly 180ed her invasion into Qiong Ding Peak all those years ago and killed most of her demon underlings. Whether it's automatic reflex on her part because it's years of buried hatred and grief exploding all at once or if she just wanted to harm anyone who was related to LQG, I get it SHL, I honestly get it.
AND THEN LMY also got rescued and freed by some random who infiltrated her home and that random also freed her entire harvest of the month! SHL is so freaking pitiful like 😭😭😭
All in all, it’s just really tragic that OG SHL was fighting for LBH’s attention just like his other wives but SV SHL was not blessed with this ignorance and recognises that shes in an incredibly abusive relationship (not even a romantic one) that she’s trapped in and she WISHES for the love of god that LBH will just leave her and her demon underlings alone.
One thing, SV SHL is still kind of innately good??? She says she doesn’t care about other people’s lives unless it’s related to her own survival but the moment she arrived on scene and noticed that LBH was in a rage post Liu Qingge taking away SQQ's body, "She rushed to the front, but Luo Binghe sent her flying the moment she arrived, and she coughed up three liters of blood." SHL could have chosen to cower behind the Huan Hua disciples or even use them as body-shields but she instinctively rushed forward to calm LBH down, indirectly protecting the disciples who would have stood no chance against LBH's rage. I mean...she didn't either but it's cute that she thought she would!
My heart aches for SV SHL, I hope she enjoys a stress-free life in fics with LMY <3
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mengyueart · 3 months
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Pretty wives
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leelajun · 13 hours
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"As they say, the ugly wife is a treasure at home." - Bao Pike about (?)
Surprise🎉 random artwork of some minor (but beloved) characters from the Moshang fic I've been writing for like a year!
Will I ever publish it? Who knows... (posting this so yall can bully me into finishing it lol)
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joys-of-everyday · 1 year
SVSSS’s women and MXTX’s commentary on sexism
Every time someone starts with ‘MXTX is great but her women…’, I feel conflicted. I think the way she writes women is secretly brilliant, but that was a conclusion I came to after a long hard think about SVSSS (which was the third series I got into). I absolutely went through the 'MXTX is great but her women...' phase.
So thoughts for my fellow travelers on this journey of enlightenment or whatever. I’m focusing on SVSSS here, because otherwise the post would be more than three times as long. I'm also not... idk how to phrase it... 'starting at the basics' since I think there's plenty already out there on MXTX's strong/not strong presence of female characters. (There’s this for advertisement. Then a somewhat more involved post on Su Xiyan which is brilliant btw. defo recommend.) This is more like... side notes, of things I have yet to see discussed. (maybe someone has discussed them and I've yet to find it.)
1. Ning Yingying, Institutionalised Sexism, and Growth
There were also some incredible female cultivators, but on the whole, these girls’ strength and mental fortitude was lacking, and they often required help… they spent their time playing around instead of actually working. Basically they looked quite hopeless.
What I really have to appreciate about SVSSS is that it slaps you around the face with a giant cucumber so you really can't miss it. This was the passage that made me put down the book and think. Why is this here? What is the point? Idk it just stuck out to me.
So there's a lot to say here about SY's stunning narration, what that says about his internalised beliefs, as well as the portrayal of women in certain genres and how frustrating it can be as a reader/viewer (looking at you, shonen), but I wanted to divest for a second to mention implicit sexism (for no other reason than I happen to care).
In SVSSS, there isn’t much explicit sexism aimed at female characters in world. By this, I mean there is no point at which a character in the world of SVSSS says sexist things to a female character, nor are there moments were female characters are specifically barred from doing anything because of their gender. Of course, it could in part be due to SQQ’s blindness to such issues, but there’s also another facet to this – the abundance of implicit sexism.
The Little Palace Mistress was the Old Palace Master’s beloved daughter. Her martial skills were the product of his hands-on teaching… Meanwhile, Ning Yingying was the beloved youngest shimei who was pampered by the entirety of Qing Jing Peak; she very rarely encountered danger and had virtually no real battle experience.
Ning Yingying is never pushed. She’s loved and cared for, but not expected to excel. The thing with implicit/institutionalised anything is that it’s hard to point to any specific case and go ‘that’s sexist’ or whatever. The effect is only clear when taken over a larger group. Returning to the Immortal Alliance Conference, what do our female participants look like? We have LMY doing her thing, ofc. But QWY? QWR? Their immediate reaction to danger is to cling to the nearest strong person and rely on them for protection. It feels like they’ve never learnt to stand for themselves.
MXTX’s later works often get the ‘there aren’t enough female characters in positions of power’ or ‘all the female characters die’ kind of remarks, but I think there’s something deeper to be said about the kind of commentary it's making on society. Anyway, I won't go deeper here, but the subversion of NYY’s stereotypical role (and so arguably the whole point of her character thematically) is that she doesn’t continue to be the loli icon with IQ 40. When NYY is forced to fend for herself and given the space to grow, she does grow. And isn’t that a nice message?
2. LMY, the Daoist Nuns, and Sex Positivity
Because her face was excessively beautiful, capable of stealing souls, she had to hide it behind a veil all year round, rendering her like unto a flower on a high cliff, unattainable and out of reach.
The women of SVSSS are all about subversions of troupes, and the subversion of LMY’s troupe is twofold. At first, she is introduced as the ‘pure’ one, in contrast to SHL’s ‘sexy’ (commentary on the ‘two types of women: frigid and slut’ narrative). Then she’s the ‘not like other girls’. She’s beautiful but doesn’t care for her looks. She doesn’t care for men but they fall at her feet. She’s stoic and competent, the ideal of a ‘strong independent woman’. And then, right at the end, we learn that she writes very kinky gay porn.
I think there's a lot of disappointment around for LMY's potential not being fulfilled, and while I agree SVSSS on the whole wrapped things up very quickly, honestly? I think this is the funniest twist ever.
LMY a fanfic writer, a shipper, a BL enthusiast. The kind of woman whose literature has always been regarded with something between confusion, denial, and disgust: from the rise of shonen ai and Yaoi of the 60s-80s, or slash fiction in 70s, to the popularity of danmei in China. The CP fan, in all its bravery and ugliness. She's not a hero, she doesn't particularly do anything, other than pursue her hobbies. She's neither ‘pure’ nor ‘strong’, but touchingly realistic.
And even better, she’s not alone. There’s the Daoist nuns, who (hilariously) are nuns who in an apparently life-or-death situations suggest dual cultivation??? (Now celibacy was necessary in some Daoist schools but not all, but since Shen Jiu mentions specifically that there’s nothing strictly wrong with him sleeping with prostitutes because they’re not a Daoist sect, it feels like there’s a subversion lurking there.) (idk they have Catholic girl school vibes.)
ngl, I just love LMY. She's very sexy.
3. LPM, QWY, and Breaking Down the Mean Girl
If LMY is ‘not like other girls’ then the LPM is the ‘mean girl’. Also, the ‘girl who tries to break up the MLs’ of a BL. The two troupes are in the same ballpark. Rich, pretty, privileged. Also petty, stupid, and unnecessarily cruel. More generally, the Huan Hua trio - LPM, QWY, QWR all take different elements of the 'unlikable girl'.
I don’t have many deep thoughts about this, other than their abject failure to make a dent on LBH’s devotion to SQQ being really funny (and an excellent post on QWY which breaks down her character and her relationship to og!LBH), but something that snagged with me is the comparison between these extracts.
Why did he act like one of those bitter courtyard complex concubines with too much time on their hands?
This is about Shen Jiu. Ya know, Shen abuses children Jiu.
He very much did not enjoy the sight of a sixty-year-old coot and a young girl in her teens cooing at each other right in front of him.
This is one of two (?) times that svsss mentions a young girl being married to an old coot (the second being SJ's mysterious jiejie). If you didn't know, the situation of women in much of Chinese history is... not great.
The Little Palace Mistress: Bitter, locked-up woman. She herself says that Luo Binghe treats her like a kept pig.
Also, the existence of Wang Lingjiao in MDZS, servant turned lover, who everyone hates (she’s the one stuck to Wen Chao if you’re like me and forgot her name most the time).
There’s condemnation there (none of these characters are portrayed in a sympathetic light) but there’s a hint of pity there too. LPM has lost a father. QWY a sister. And in MDZS, WLJ is plagued by the anxiety of an unfaithful lover who she relies on entirely for her power.
(Someone (irl!) mentioned Beauvoir to me in a (not svsss!) conversation (lol the brain rot is real but not 100% yet) and now I feel like maybe I should go back to the Second Sex for svsss reasons (so maybe the brain rot is real 🤔). Beauvoir writes a lot about 'bad women'.)
Anyway, this is not particularly organised and doesn't really have a point. I might expand some more on something at some point, but that requires me having coherent thoughts, which probably requires me having actual conversations to get a few things straight, so no guarantees. Whatever. Have a great day :)
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shiqingxuanz · 8 months
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another little wip art dump
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yunmaobao · 5 months
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fgep is getting a physical book!! wahoo!!!
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modelsof-color · 2 years
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Wendy Wanyu by Natasha Killeen for Lofficiel Baltic Magazine December 2022
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