#scared the crap outta me
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I thought I lost my mind when I saw this...
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Your dog glitched
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silvercaptain24 · 8 months
Nothing like getting a call from work asking if you’re coming in for your shift when you know you asked for today off
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I was fighting the Saarath the other day and, uh...
Something happened to Blackwall.
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wtfuckevenknows · 10 months
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Snuggle bug 💕
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confessedlyfannish · 8 months
DP x DC Prompt #4
When they all convene at the cave, Alfred is silently wrapping Dick's knuckles. Damian hovers beside him. Tim and Barbara are hunched over the batcomputer, not even sparing Bruce a glance as he strides over.
"Report," Batman grunts. No one reacts.
"Hood pushed his panic button at 2:34 AM," Barbara says shortly, straightening.
The button had been a joke, mostly because Jason would never use it and everyone knew it.
"I patched into his comm at 2:35. This is what I heard initially." At her nod, Tim presses play. What occurs next is a garble. There is the sound of high winds, as if Hood is rushing through the air, even though the comms are designed to filter out any ambiance otherwise the Bats would never hear each other. Interspersed is a mixture of static punctuated by high, inhuman screeches of metal and something else unknown.
"This goes on," Barbara says after thirty long seconds, switching it off. "Red Hood failed to respond to any attempts at contact. I dispatched Nightwing to Hood's location at 2:36 AM. He was approximately two miles away." She pulls up a GPS map of their respective locations, their beacons blinking.
"At 2:41 AM, Red Hood's comm goes off, as does his GPS," Barbara says, swallowing softly as the red beacon indicating Jason disappears. "Nightwing arrives at 2:42 AM."
Dick doesn't say anything, head hanging low as he grips the metal table he sits on. Damian glances between the two of them, expression flat but fists clenched.
"Nightwing, report."
"Scene was empty, B," Tim speaks up. "No trace of Hood, no sign of a struggle. No cameras in the alley. We've been checking the ones nearby but so far there's no sign of anyone but Hood heading in that direction...and no one, Hood included, caught in the cams heading out, not within that time frame."
"So he's still in the area," Batman concludes. "The local buildings?"
"All the entrances have cameras, which showed no evidence of Hood nor any evidence of being tampered with," Barbara says. "Nightwing, Red Robin and Robin canvased within a half mile radius to check for any signs of disturbances in any of the windows or rooftops but found no evidence to support Hood being taken. A scan confirmed several serial offenders, but when interviewed and searched there was no sign of Hood. Several in the area reported an unusual quiet for Crime Alley."
Batman forces the next question out. "Did you check the dumpsters?"
"Yes," Nightwing grits out. "Empty."
Barbara clears her throat. "I have attempted to reconnect to Jason's GPS and comm as well as restart both remotely but there's no signal at all. The thing is, when there's a disruption like that it usually leaves some sort of sign" she pulls up the audio waves, pointing at the end where the spikes conform into a straight line that makes everyone deeply uncomfortable. Upon playing, the noise from before plays before going abruptly silent. "But there is no large spike, this is clean. It just ends. His GPS is much the same. It's not off, it's just gone."
"I know you don't like to hypothesize this early on, B, but we think this involves a meta," Tim says, rewinding the audio. "We've been running the audio from Jason's comm through different filters, playing with the levels and isolating what we can and, well, take a listen--"
The screeching drops to a sort of muffle and in the background, distantly, they can hear bits of Jason's voice.
"No, I'm not---"
"--don't need--"
"get AWAY from--"
a particularly desperate yell that makes Tim flinch, "I am NOT--!"
and almost a whimper that makes Batman's blood run cold, "please..."
And then, unfairly clear even through the faint garble, Jason says "I don't have a choice, do I."
And a minute later, quietly: "Ok."
The audio cuts off.
The defeat in Jason's last words is palpable, and fundamentally wrong. Jason has never sounded defeated a day in his life, and no one knows how to process Red Hood all but giving his hands over for the cuffs. Nightwing pushes himself off the table.
"I'm going back out there," he growls. No one tries to stop him as he stalks out the cave, not even Alfred.
"I will accompany Nightwing, make sure he does not punch any more walls." Damian says, nodding tightly.
"B?" Barbara asks.
"Keep working on it. See if you can identify what could be making those noises if Hood was standing still in an alley," Batman says, walking towards the zeta tube. "I'm going to make a few calls."
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avid-idiot · 2 years
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scarycrowsblog · 8 days
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vastpotato · 11 months
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Drew myself as an avatar of the vast cause it’s my bday and I really just wanna enjoy sky blue
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doumachi · 7 months
prince yeonjun who is so smitten and shy around the pretty daughter of his family’s chef. it started when you were first hired along with your mother and father and the royal family came to welcome you guys to the castle. it was live at first sight for yeonjun. when you smiled at him he felt his face burning up and managed to pull a small smile before looking down at the sleek floors of the castle. you thought he was cute too, but of course you never tried anything.
yeonjun couldn’t help thinking about you and how he wanted to get closer to you. so like the lovesick puppy he is he would lurk around the kitchen before dinner. you noticed this and decided to make a little snack just for him :) when the coast was clear you approached him from behind while he was standing behind a pillar.
“your majesty,” you said announcing your presence causing him to turn around startled, “i’m sorry for startling you..but i wanted to ask if you wanted a special treat before dinner,” you smiled at him holding out a tiny bowl with heart shaped pieces of watermelon and pieces of mango shaped into a cute pouty chick, he could feel his heart melt to say the least
“oh-um i appreciate the sentiment very much, truly, but my mother wouldn’t want me to,” he smiled apologetically (even though his heart was screaming for him to take it anyway). “oh..but I made it just for you,” you replied giving him subtle puppy eyes. you knew you were playing with fire talking to him, but you had spotted him looking at you for a couple weeks now and wanted to speak to him more, other than the occasional formal greeting whenever you saw him around the castle.
in yeonjuns mind, however, he could already hear the bells of the wedding chapel the second you said those words to him.
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tristansarchive · 10 months
Come inside of my heart If you're looking for answers Look at the stars, go a little bit faster Date In The Woods Special (Come Inside of my Heart)
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wordfather · 1 year
saw a tiktok today that started with "i brought my baby to the most dangerous beach in iceland!" and then they just talked about how cool the beach was. excuse me. are we just gonna gloss over that. why did you do that
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mykindascary · 1 year
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hatchet-boy · 24 days
sometime in the next few years, probably sooner rather than later, a movie is going to come out that has been made entirely by AI. And from then on, I am going to stop watching anything, any movie any tv show any short film any 'film' media made after that. Because not long after tech workers proudly announce to the world the first ai movie, theres going to be another movie. One that responded to the public backlash that would surely come from AI movie number one. This second movie will claim to be human made, maybe only AI assisted, but a few months after its release, it will be revealed that it was in fact, nearly wholly AI made. That the producers and advertisers that typed the prompt /lied/ to the public about their movie; and no one could tell until it was revealed. And from then on will come a hurricane of AI scandals not just in film and tv, but in every workplace around the world. Because AI is getting 'good' enough to do that. 'smart' enough to do that. to make itself present in a way from which we cannot tell the difference between it and human made products (apart from, of course, AIs complete lack of soul, and inability to come up with any idea that humans have not already made in our thousands of years on this earth.) not yet, but soon.
and from then on having every show every movie every book every piece of art for us to consume consume consume be made by AI will start to become normal to the populous. it will become widespread, common, the assumed norm. For something new to be fully human made will be a small and unappreciated marvel. The world will forget what it means to create.
This is not something I can stop, but I can refuse to participate. So as soon as that first AI made movie comes out, i'm cutting myself off from any new shows. Theres more than a century of film and tv available to me from there, and a whole life to live outside of it. I will not get bored. I just hope that there will still be people, real people, to talk about it with.
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retr0scum · 3 months
When you were into Baldi back when it was popular who was your favorite character (or just who is your favorite character if it’s the same)?
it's kinda popular again methinks
also based on the amount of art I made back then, it was Baldi, 1st Prize and Gotta Sweep (but I still had a shit ton of Bully and Playtime art)
But now it's It's a Bully, Baldi and Gotta Sweep (in that order)
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civetcider · 1 year
modern horror game monsters be like 
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funni shape guy with teeth 
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micrathene-w · 4 months
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Will sure seems ready to explore the next part of his life, as he launches himself out of said bassinet.
I scoop him up after - by some miracle - he manages to land without hurting himself. "Sweetheart, don't scare Mommy like that!"
My baby boy gives me a sweet smile that melts my heart, then snuggles against me. He gets his hair color from me, but now that they've settled from the bland blue-gray of most newborns? Those eyes are one hundred percent his daddy's.
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