darksushimoon-moved · 7 years
Uncaring | Thomas Sanders
A present for @scaredysanders for the @fander-secret-santa !!!
words: 4020
AU: Human, high school, soulmate
Relationship: (Pre-slash) Prinxiety
Characters: Virgil, Roman, and Joan! Brief mentions to other characters.
Summary: Work sucks.
TW: drug abuse mention, death mention, vomiting, sensory overload! There may be more, and if you need it tagged just asked me.
Virgil was used to the greys, blacks, whites, and reds. Virgil couldn’t imagine the world in more than monochrome- would that be the term for it? Virgil didn’t care. His parents tried their best to explain it, before his father died. After his dad died, his mom didn’t feel much like talking about it. Or doing anything much at all, besides sleeping and taking painkillers. Some days, when she was feeling well enough, she would sit and talk to him, even talk to him about his father. She was born with colored sight, but with how much she loved him, she could have sworn they were soulmates. But, whatever Creator there was, said they may not have an eternal bond, but they had one during this life. They were only bodymates. They were not soulbound, either. There was a clear difference between being soulmates and bodymates. The difference was was that a soulmate was the soul inside your body had come across another, and fell in love. This happens a certain amount of times over different lives. When this number was reached, the souls couldn’t bare to be separated longer. The soul would then only allow the color of the other soul accentuate the current body’s vision. There is also a distinct difference between being soulbound versus not being soulbound.   If one was soulbound- that is, having a soulmate, they would be born color blind, to all but the color of the specific soul. Color would only come to the soulbound if they touched their soulmate. Virgil’s mother was not soulbound, and thus was born with colored vision. She may have not had a soulmate, but she had a bodymate. This means the body- in essence, you- had fallen in love with someone. You may spend your life with them, but there was no confirmation that you would meet in the next life. That’s what everyone and his mom, anyway. Virgil huffed. He didn’t need color. He didn’t need another person, in a romantic sense. It’s already hard to take care of one person, who did little else than sleep. Virgil had a hard time juggling two hardly above minimum wage jobs and his senior year of high school. The teen was able to work it out with his schedule, thankfully. This, of course, didn’t mean he had good grades. But he was passing. Virgil couldn’t ask for more. Well, actually, he could. Virgil could ask for a little more sleep. Virgil refused caffeine, even if he was more than exhausted. He knew it would enhance his anxiety, and wouldn’t wake up his mind anyway. He knew he usually could sleep during first period. No reason to complain. Speaking of first period, Virgil was awoken by a loud slam on the desk next to his head. Virgil shot up and fell out of the desk. He was terrified of loud noises, and hated them more than anything- well, not anything. Now they were all laughing. Great. Just great. Internalize and force yourself to be emotionless, like you always do, Virgil. “Mr. Virgil, did you have a nice nap?” The teacher spoke, and Virgil grumbled. “Yeah, great ‘til you woke me.” He mumbled. “Don’t back talk me, young man!” The laughter had died down into snickers. “Sir, I didn’t-“ Virgil was interrupted by the bell. The teacher had seemingly completely forgotten about Virgil. “Have a great day class! Don’t forget to study for our test tomorrow.” Virgil clenched one hand, and shoved his stupid binder into his stupid bookbag, slung it over his stupid shoulders, and stomped out the stupid door like a child. He didn’t care. He was one of the last ones out anyway. Virgil shoved his hands into his pockets, and tried to let out his anger by taking deep breaths. Today was going to be a long day.
Virgil wanted to go home, lay down, and curl up in a ball and die. He was completely exhausted. He hated school with a burning passion. He hated all the homework, the teachers, and the misunderstanding students. But the only thing that was worse than school, was work. And he headed there right after school. And his luck, it was after school now. After barely escaping two accidents, he found his way to the Walmart parking lot. He parked in the designated worker parking. This wasn’t actually designated, rather implied but whatever. He grabbed his work clothes, and got changed in the back of his car. He hit his head and hands more than once, but it was better than changing in those dirty stalls. The stalls had people crowding around him or some creeps trying to talk to him. Even worse, he had the feeling of the camera watching him. Here, at the expense of physical comfort, he could at least feel a little more mentally at ease. Whatever, he didn’t have to explain it. Virgil finally placed his name tag on reading Walmart at the top, and his name towards the bottom. He sighed.  He grabbed his keys and wallet and his phone. He checked the time. He still had a good ten minutes, but he wasn’t going to risk it. He walked through the automatic doors into the loud environment. He was already getting a headache. Unlocking the door with his key, he walked to the employee workroom, and he signed in. He sighed, and walked back out, and locked the door back. The teen walked towards his station, and turned on the light. Immediately, a crowd came rushing towards him, giving him a rush of anxiety. He withheld a groan and schooled his face into one of indifference. He finally got through several rushes of people, and it was several hours later. Virgil felt like he could curl up and fall asleep in front of his station. To tell the truth, he would, but his state mandated fifteen break was rapidly approaching. Might wake him up, he didn’t know. Virgil rubbed his hands together, trying to satiate his anxiety of talking to so many people. He checked the time on his watch- it finally read 6. It was time for his break. Virgil lifted his feet, which were almost glued to the place he was standing, and rubbed his eyes. He stretched, turned off the light to his lane, and started to walk off. “Sir!” Someone called. It had to be someone else. He was on his break. Virgil didn’t care. “You! You’re not allowed to leave your station so abruptly!” Virgil groaned and turned around, to see a man standing in the lane with a buggy. Virgil groaned. “I’m going on break, idiot. Go to some other lane!” Virgil complained, and the kid- dressed in all white with a bright red sash, who does that?- pouted. “I am not leaving this lane! I can get you fired!” Virgil almost hissed. He was done with stupid people for today. But, Virgil did need his job, and that threat did its job made him nervous. Virgil grumbled. “Fine, whatever. Don’t let anyone else in the lane behind you. I want to go get something to eat, mind you.” The white skinned boy grinned, and began to unload his shopping cart. Virgil didn’t pay attention as he checked each thing out. “Why were you so insistent on coming into my lane?” Virgil mumbled to the customer, though not expecting a response. “Because, I was already here.” The kid with grey hair said haughtily. “You should check your aisle more carefully.” He chuckled. Virgil furrowed his brows and frowned. He hated customers like this, who didn’t understand how hard it is to work as a cashier for minimum wage. The kid- well more teen, he looked about his age- inserted a card into the chip reader. “Debit or credit?” Virgil mumbled, and the customer proudly said, “Credit.” Virgil rolled his eyes. The bags were in his buggy, which made Virgil happy. This kid seems like the type to force others to bag his cart. This isn’t some fricking Kroger, or something, this is Walmart for a reason. “Have a nice day,” Virgil spoke out of impulse, then tugged the receipt out of the printer. “Here’s your receipt.“ Virgil shoved it into his hands, but Virgil then stumbled backwards. He got an immense headache, and stumbled backwards, screwing his eyes shut. The headache subsided faster than it attacked him, and he opened his eyes. As soon as he opened his eyes, Virgil was overloaded, with the new colors. Colors that were even brighter than white, and colors that looked close to black. He saw cool colors, warm colors, all these colors he didn’t know the name of. He felt like he could feel his heart beating, and he could definitely hear it. He could hear everything. He could hear a kid wailing from the cards section, and a lady bickering with someone in the clothing aisle. He could hear a receipt checker telling everyone to have a good day. It was so bright, and his clothing rubbed him the wrong way. He could smell the Subway from halfway across the store, and everything was so much. Virgil scrambled out of the lane, and began to scramble to the bathroom. Not now, not now, not now! His head was pounding, and he was about to puke. He was going to puke. He ran into the nearest stall, and the awful smell of puke filled the air. Virgil was crying, with snot everywhere. It was too much. He pulled off his work shirt. It rubbed him the wrong way, and its material was too grainy. It was too restraining. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to ground himself. He couldn’t think. Over all the ruckus, he heard a “Hello?” and he groaned. He slumped backwards, and he felt the cool, and grainy sort of warm grey tile of the ground. He was exhausted, and couldn’t breathe at all. His vision was going dark. And, as fast as lightning, everything cut out. —- Virgil first noticed the absence of the echos of the awful, dirty bathroom. Virgil then noticed the coolness of a rag on his head. Finally, Virgil noticed someone sitting beside him. Virgil felt the need to run, but his muscles were locked up, and he couldn’t move. “It’s me, uh, I don’t think I introduced myself.” It was the kid he checked out in line. Virgil’s body began to release tension, and he twitched a finger. “I’m Roman.” Virgil looked over to the other teen. Virgil found the white color was not actually quite white, but- a warmer color? How could he describe it? And his hair was in fact, not grey, it was a sort of- god, he didn’t know how to explain it, what kind of- color?- is that? And his skin was even more confusing. And the walls behind him were a cool, something he now saw, made him think of ice, color. Hold on, color? “Do you see it too?” Roman spoke in a loud tone, and Virgil’s head pulsed. “Don’t,” Virgil rasped, more quiet than a mouse, “Don’t talk. Or at least lower your voice.” Roman didn’t respond- or he nodded, Virgil didn’t know, his eyes were closed. It was silent for a moment, then Virgil spoke again. “What do you mean, it,” Virgil mumbled. “Co-“ Virgil winced at his loud tone, then Roman corrected his mistake. “I believe, the weirdness we’re witnessing is, er, color. Or at least I. Are you seeing color as well?” Virgil paused, then gave a gentle nod. “Is that why you freaked out?” Roman pushed. “I think,” Virgil didn’t know, “so, I, um,” Virgil couldn’t string together the words. “So you weren’t looking for a person to… Well, you know. I understand,” Roman’s tone turned cold. Virgil frantically shook his head, causing him immense pain. “Not that. I, uh, get, overloaded? A lot? Like uh, it, gets too bright, and all the uh, outside, um, stuff is too much.” Virgil rubbed his head, and forced himself to sit up. He immediately got dizzy and lightheaded from the pain. “Do you want some painkillers? Like, tyl-“ Roman asked, and Virgil cut him off. “No. I don’t, I’m fine.” Virgil bit. “If you’re sure.” Roman shrugged. They lapsed into a semi-awkward silence, and then Virgil stopped. “Where… am I?” He panicked. “Where’s my stuff? Where’s my car? Where’s-“ “Calm down there, panic-at-the-everywhere.” Roman cut him off, and Virgil huffed, his heart still beating out of his chest. “Where. Is. it?” Virgil took a deep breath. “I’ll start from the beginning, since it’s a lot.” Roman started. Virgil shrunk back. “So, like, I got an immense headache, then I opened my eyes, and saw a bunch of colors? And I was like, ‘What?’. I was confused, and stood there for a moment. Then I grabbed my bags, and chased you into the bathroom. I saw you run in there from the corner of my eye, and when I got in there, I heard retching. I didn’t get it? I called in there, like, ‘Hello?’ Then I heard a loud thud. I was like-“ Virgil cut Roman off. “If you say like one more time, I’m gonna… be mad.” Virgil couldn’t find a convincing threat, and instead went the wimpy way out. Roman snickered. In response, Virgil snapped, “Just continue.” “Anyway, where was I? Oh no, I’m going to have to start over since you cut me off!” Roman exaggerated his emotions. Virgil frowned. “You found me in the bathroom after I passed out.” Virgil rolled his eyes. “Oh, right.” Roman smirked. — Roman wandered towards the noise, and the putrid smell. I mean, it’s always gross in the bathrooms of any public place, but it smelt truly putrid. And the body- or at least the hand- poked out from underneath the stall. Did he just… up and die? Roman didn’t want to deal with this, he had too bad of a headache for this. But, with the revelation of this guy being his… possible soulmate, he couldn’t leave him there. Roman had stronger- well, he didn’t know how to explain it. He could see the auras of the souls in the bodies’, plainly put- that is, if they were purple. He could see purple everything, which was a strange color to always see. Yes, he can see the purpleness of a grape. But he couldn’t make out the color of an apple or a blueberry, which are reportedly the colors that mix into purple. What the heck? He tugged on the guy’s arm, and he gave off a pitiful groan. He felt a little bad for the guy, he sounded like he was truly suffering. At least he knew his soulmate- possible soulmate was alive. Roman tugged on his possible soulmate’s arm after readjusting him. After that, he tugged, and pulled him out from under the stall. Roman frowned a little. Now what? Well, he definitely isn’t going to be working for the rest of today, with whatever happened a moment ago. Roman cringed at the puke down the front of his chest. He didn’t want to touch that disgusting mess. Roman spotted his shirt by the toilet, and Roman cringed. Roman decided his first order of business was to clean his chest. He tore a few towels and wet them, and looked away as he rubbed away the bile. “Ew, ew ew ew,” Roman whined, and then when the guy’s chest was clean, he ran to the trash can and tossed out the towel. The employee had run into the first stall, so he had to go into another nasty stall to grab the shirt. Roman whined again. He hated feeling obligated to do things. He opened the stall door next to the stall where the cashier had been. Without touching anything to the best of his ability, he used his foot to pull the shirt and vest over to his feet. Roman then picked it up with his finger tips. He then left, and shook the shirt out of any disgusting bacteria on it. He placed it over the worker’s clammy unconscious body. He had to get this kid out of here. But, what did he have to do to get him out? He can’t exactly pull him out and have everyone think he murdered a man in a Walmart bathroom. He winced. That would not be good on his reputation. Well, he supposed he had to get him to sign out first. He didn’t know how these minimum wage workers signed in, or where they even went to sign in. Roman groaned. How could he ever do this? “ What the hell is going on here?” Someone behind him exclaimed, and Roman whipped around. It was an employee with a- beanie on? Is that within dress code? Roman didn’t care. “Uh, dude, I can explain, don’t call the cops please.” Roman pleaded, and the teen held onto their mop and water. The beanie-d person put the ‘Closed bathroom’ sign up. “You got three minutes, explain.” The teen said, crossing their arms. Roman launched into the quickest explanation he could muster. The person huffed, but looked like they understood. “Yeah, I guess I understand. Virgil can uh, well.” The person looked around. “I guess I’ll sign him out, or something. Please don’t hurt him, he has to cover my shift on Friday.” The kid bit his lip. “Just follow me into the workroom, and there’s an employee exit. Or rather, the fire exit, but it doesn’t work. I’ll clear you.” “Oh, thank you so much, Mr…?” Roman prompted their name. “Mx,” The kid spoke, and before Roman could spill out an extravagant apology, he continued, “and it’s Joan. Don’t worry about it. Just call yourself lucky Patton didn’t find you. Or my boss,” Joan snorted. Roman let out a nervous laugh. “Yeah,” Roman said shortly, “and sorry.” Joan waved it off, and began leaving. “Do you need help or something?” Roman heaved him up to make him look like he was standing, and was surprised at how light- what was it, Virgil?- he was. “No, he’s really light.” Virgil groaned in protest. Joan laughed under his breath, and removed the closed bathroom sign. “You may also want to put his shirt back on him before leaving.” Roman blushed, and nodded. “Right.” Roman had some trouble picking up the shirt. He had even more trouble putting it on the worker. His unconscious body refused to cooperate. But with some time and patience, he did it, and saw Joan waiting at the mouth of the bathrooms for him. He also somehow grabbed his groceries, pulling Virgil’s body beside him, and ran after them. The workroom was right next door, which he sort of thanked whatever higher being there was for. Joan began to type in the computer, and then nodded for a moment. “He’s signed out. Virgil’s car’s a Prius and it’s in the employee parking on the front right side. He has his keys in his pocket I think, he usually does. Have a good night now, don’t kill him, or anything-“ “How do you know this kid so well?” Roman cut him off before they could leave. Joan shrugged. “Friend of a friend, and he does a lot for me. That’s all. Not like it matters.” Roman paused then gave a single nod, and bid them farewell. Joan then left, then dug in Virgil’s pockets, with much difficulty, searching for his keys. God, this was such an odd situation. He almost regretted everything he ever did up to this moment. He finally found them, and grabbed the keys faster than the speed of light. Roman then hauled Virgil’s body out into the parking lot. Roman readjusted him, and approached the employee parking spaces. He hit the panic button, and watched the car light up. Virgil cried out, which Roman responded to by turning off the car’s alarm system. He approached the car, unlocking the doors. He then opened the back, and laid him in the back seat. The back seat which was covered with candy wrappers, clothing, and other junk. Roman didn’t bother to buckle him in, it wasn’t against the law or anything. Roman then hopped in the front seat, and shut the doors. He placed his bought goods in the front seat beside what he figured was Virgil’s backpack. Roman then hit a roadblock. He had no idea where the kid’s house was. Roman huffed. He guessed he had to just drive the kid to his house until he woke up. He didn’t even know how he was going to get his car. His house was a fair distance away from here. Roman groaned, slamming his head against the wheel. He would state it again, and again, and again. He hated being obligated to help others. He pressed the ignition button, and put the car in reverse. — “Then I brought you back here, and I did everything I could to make you comfortable. I thought you would be grateful I pretty much saved your butt, but no, my deed is thankless.” Roman finished, and Virgil crossed his arms. He glanced around the room, everywhere but Roman. Finally, he met his eye. “I… Uh… Yeah, that sounds like something Joan would do. They hadn’t even asked me to take their shift Friday yet,” Virgil decided on saying, grumbling towards the end. Roman didn’t respond, and they lapsed into an uncomfortable silence. “I uh-“ “I should-“ They spoke at the same time. “Sorry-“ They said in unison, and then both went quiet. Virgil gestured for Roman to go first. Roman gave a slow nod. “If you see color- I suppose you couldn’t see it before- and I see color, then what does that make us?” Roman enunciated. Virgil picked at the off white couch. “I don’t know, soulmates?” “So does that mean we’re like, dating, or something?” Roman spoke. He had always romanticized- no pun intended- romance. Virgil’s eyes widened. “No, no no no,” He spoke fast, and Virgil regretted looking at Roman, who now looked heart broken. “I just met you. I just… Want to become closer first, before we rush into… a uh… relationship, or anything.” Virgil finished. “Not that I don’t want to be with my soulmate. I want to, erm, know you before I date you. I hope that makes sense.” Roman was silent for a moment. Then, the melodramatic teen smiled with the beam of a million suns. “Yes, of course that makes sense! No one will ever be able to resist my charm!” Roman cheered. Virgil hissed. “We’ll see about that.” Virgil bit, without malice. Roman smirked. “Can we at least exchange numbers? So we can talk, y'know.” Roman offered. Virgil rolled his eyes. “Sure, whatever.” They exchanged numbers without a kink in the process. “I think I should be, uh, going. Want me to drive you to get your car?” Virgil finally said, and Roman nodded. “Yes, I would appreciate that, my love.” Virgil glared. “Call me that again, and you’re getting your own car.” Roman huffed. “Fine,” Roman whined, and it was Virgil’s turn to smirk. “Now hurry up. I have to get home to do my homework and stuff.” Virgil stole his keys from the coffee table, and twirled them. Virgil looked around the multi-colored room again. It was weird seeing new colors, and he’d definitely have to research each one. Virgil’s head pounded as he stood up, and he groaned. Aaaafter his headache went away. But seeing all this color, being finally being able to see it, he believes he can ignore the pain that comes with it. He was with someone who he had to spend his whole life with. A person who would most likely never leave. Even though that person was loud and obnoxious. Virgil supposed he could ignore the immense discomfort for now. He might not. Virgil didn’t know. Virgil didn’t care about everything going on right now, or how awful today was. For once, he was looking forward to the future.
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krtrs · 4 years
tagged by: @pelicanplaguemask
answer 21 questions, tag 21 people
name: karter
nickname: k
gender: non-binary
star sign: aquarius
current time: 11:50am
song stuck in my head: saints by echos
last movie watched: turner & hooch
last thing googled: best way to eat the rich
other blogs: @aziraffales (gomens), @milkierways (sw, dead), @scaredysanders (ts:ss, dead af), and a porn blog that i won't tag
do i get asks: occasionally
reason for your url: it's my name w/o the vowels
following: 475
followers: 705
average sleep: uh, four hours? five?
lucky number: 8
dream job: author or editor
dream trip: could be fun to go to the beach ig
favourite food: vegitarian lasagna
instruments: piano, guitar, and i used to play cello
favourite song: modern love by david bowie
i will tag: anyone who wants to do this
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random-snippets · 7 years
CuddleVerse Fic (1)
Tumblr media
[[ @scaredysanders​, hope you don’t mind...this post was too cute, I had to. ]]
“Hold the fuck up.” 
Roman paused, startled, and turned from where he’d been about to ascend the staircase. He blinked, squinting into the darkness. “What?” 
The living room was dark, but he thought he could see a sad huddled lump on one end of the couch. 
He turned around and walked into the room, setting the glass of milk that had been the object of his midnight venture on the end table. He squinted, willing his eyes to adjust, then said: “Virgil?” 
A pair of eyes glittered in the darkness, as the anxious side looked up at him from the corner of the couch. 
“Did you say, ‘hold the fuck up’?” Roman asked. 
Virgil nodded. 
“What does that even--?”
“It’s me. I’m the fuck up. Please hold me?” 
Roman blinked, then chuckled. “Oh, dear. Did you read that on Tumblr?” 
“Yeah.” Virgil’s voice was soft and he smirked up at Roman in the darkness, but when he spoke again he sounded a little bit sad. “Figured it was worth a try.” 
Roman’s heart melted. “Hmm,” he said thoughtfully, moving to sit on the couch next to Virgil. “I suppose as far as requests for affection go, it isn’t the worst I’ve ever heard.” 
Virgil looked up at him and offered a half-smile, sliding into Roman’s arms when Roman opened them in invitation. He laid his head on Roman’s shoulder and sighed softly, closing his eyes. “What was the worst?” he murmured. “Dare I ask?” 
Roman chuckled again, resting his cheek against the crown of Virgil’s head and running his hand lightly over his back. “If I told you you had a great body, would you hold it against me?” 
Virgil groaned. “That one’s older than dirt,” he mumbled. “At least I’m being inventive.” 
“Hmm. Very well. Points for originality.” 
“Thanks. And...um. Roman?” 
Roman closed his eyes and smiled, kissing Virgil’s hair. “You’re welcome.” 
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pantton-sandacers · 7 years
Valentine’s Application (Ch 3/4)
<-- First Chapter ~ <- Previous Chapter
Summary: Logan finds a “Valentine’s Date Application” and decides to fill it out and apply to be Patton’s Valentine. A/N: Okay so I tried to focus on self-love this valentine’s but I saw an ‘apply to be my valentine’ thing and I couldn’t help myself. I’m going to be posting a chapter a day leading up to Valentine’s day! Special thanks to @stillebesat for helping me edit this fic and giving me some ideas on it! Read it on AO3 Ship(s): Logicality Rating: G Warnings: Brief food mention Word Count: 248 Tag List: @artisticlnsomniac  @fandom-trash-5ever  @insert-epic-blogger-name-here @juni-raptor @mythicalquill  @scaredysanders  @screamingoutinrage @virgilmood
Chapter 3: Requited Feelings
Logan had been reading to take his mind off the application when a paper slipped under his door accompanied by a light knocking sound. No one was to be seen on the other side of the door when Logan checked it, so he picked up the paper instead and read it. It was written in crayon and had a message on it surrounded by several hearts, smiles, dogs, and other little drawings.
It read, “Dear Logan, thank you for filling out an application to be my valentine! Your application has been approved and you have been invited to accompany one Patton Sanders on a date this February 14th. The proposed time and location is 7:00 pm and in the backyard for stargazing! Please bring a blanket that you wouldn’t mind getting dirty, I’ll take care of the dinner. Thank you for applying!!! <3”
A sigh of relief broke the silence in Logan’s room as he let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding. Patton liked him back. The idea didn’t backfire! Oh no, he had a date. With Patton. He knew nothing about romance! How was he supposed to do this?!
Taking a breath to steady himself, he reminded himself that it was Patton, and he liked him back, so he didn’t have to worry about that. Thoughts raced through his mind as he sat and processed the note, reading it over and over again before decided to do more research on dates and romantic outings.
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some logince angst with logan not feeling good enough pls?
Prompt: (above) 
Paring(s): Logince, kinda sorta not really platonic loicality 
Warning(s): self-deprecating thoughts, hurt/comfort, LOTA ANGST
Author notes: Edit 1: Lol, I have other prompts to work on, but I’m in that mood™ so angst it isEdit 2: Wow. Writing this made me feel a thousand times better. Thank you so much for this prompt.
It’s not good enough. It’s never good enough.
Logan let out a shaky sigh, taking off his glasses, frustratingly rubbing his eyes. He couldn’t solve this problem he’d been painstakingly working on for days. Logan briefly glanced at the plate of uneaten food set on his desk. It was Patton, mostly, who came and brought him meals, but occasionally Roman would come. Instead of silently switching the old plate of food with a new plate, Roman would attempt conversation. 
It was one-sided conversation until Logan passive-aggressively told him to leave, or until he finished his story and left. Logan hated to admit, listening to Roman talk was the only thing calming his nerves these past few days. 
He only pities you. You’re not smart enough.You’re not working hard enough.
Logan rubbed his face with his hands, running his fingers through his hair. He needed a break. Illogical thoughts were plaguing him. Logan stood from his desk, picking up his glasses and placing them back on his face. He walked out of his room, mindlessly walking. He wasn’t sure where he was walking to, he didn’t really care either.
That is, until he found himself facing Roman’s room. 
You’re wasting time. Yours and his. You’ll become dead weight if you don’t study more. You’re already falling behind.
Logan shoved the thoughts down, further, further, and further until nothing was left. Before he could stop himself, he was knocking on the prince’s door, and before he could turn away and return to his studies, the creative side had opened the door, smiling wide at him. “Hey Logan! How’s your studying going?” the grin plastered across his face, a grin that said ‘I’m glad your here’, made Logan’s face burn. “Good, I suppose,” Logan replied, surprising himself with his completely emotionless voice.
Roman’s grin quickly faded to a frown, and Logan was now mentally kicking himself. Coming here was illogical, and he had only bothered the prince. “Everything alright?” Roman’s eyes were filled with worry, which made the logical side want to punch something. “Yes, just…A tad frustrated,” Logan pushed his glasses up, only to avoid more eye contact with the prince. 
Silence fell upon them, Logan considered turning away, running to his room and forgetting this encounter by shoving himself back into his studies. “Come in,” Roman had said finally. Logan looked up at him, puzzled, by stepped inside anyway. The room was blank, at first, and then suddenly they were on a hill, with a lovely tree, and a night sky plastered above them.
“Tell me about the constellations,” Roman said, sitting down near the tree. “If you wish me to,” Logan joined the spot beside him. As Logan described the constellations from memory, each appeared in the sky. When they did, Roman asked if that was correct. Logan would either smile, and nod, or tell him the details he missed. 
Logan forgot about his studies. He forgot about the worrying thoughts. He forgot about his struggle to be good enough. All that mattered now, was Roman. And the stars above them. Logan hadn’t realized he was staring at Roman until the prince locked eyes with him, and gave him a true, genuine smile. Logan’s face heated up. He cleared his throat, and looked back to the stars, trying to suppress the image of Roman smiling up at the stars. 
“Am I good enough?”  
Logan wanted to apologize for saying that, and cursed himself for opening his mouth. Roman stared at him for a moment, gathering the words to say. The prince turned his head to the stars, as if he was relived he found all the pieces to a puzzle. “Is this what this is all about? Some silly standard you’re trying to fulfill? You’re amazing, Lo, you always have been, and you always will be. We all run into obstacles we have to defeat, you shouldn’t judge your worth based on one hurdle you can’t jump. Just because you aren’t the highest jumper, doesn’t mean you aren’t good enough. You’ll always be number one in my book” Roman flashed Logan a smile. A smile of understanding, a smile of love, a smile with so many meanings, even Logan couldn’t count them all.
“Thank you…Thank you so much for that, Roman” 
“Anytime, Lo”
Roman scooted closer to the logical side, wrapping an arm around him. Logan’s face flushed, and he looked up at the prince, who was fixated to a constellation. The logical smiled, a real smile he thought he had lost, and leaned into Roman. Logan savored the warmth of Roman, closing his eyes, letting the sounds of crickets fill the air.
Tag list: @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @scaredysanders @queer-ax (I decided to tag the people I remember being on the list, if you want to be removed or added, let me know!)
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parkersanders · 7 years
yo im not even popular enough for anon hate. that’s a milestone right there, if i do say so myself. congrats, my dude. -scaredysanders
@scaredysanders I was surprised myself!! I’m happy to know I can achieve something, though~
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depressed-alone · 7 years
Dear Evan Hansen
So I posted this fic on wattpad and ppl liked it a lot (for some reason) so Im posting it here as well. 
tagging people who wanted to be tagged in my other fic (that i still havent started) if you want to be added or removed feel free to message me.
@screamingoutinrage @scaredysanders @evilmuffin @galacticallynonbinary @mythicalquill @pattons-potato
sorry for any mistakes but im on phone and i have no idea what im doing.
Summary: typical soulmate Au where the first words that you hear from your soulmate is tattooed on you since birth etc.. The idea came from tumblr but i dont know who wrote it actually so i cant credit them sorrry Warnings: death mention (dont worry its not mayor), DEAR EVAN HANSEN SPOILERS! Pairings: I think poly i mean idk i never wrote poly/lamp before but i mean enjoy lol Human! Au It was on his arm for so long. And he still didn’t know what it meant. I can’t believe Connor Murphy died. Who is Connor Murphy? Why is he dead? Why is this the first sentence he will hear from his soulmate? Why? Questions were building up in Virgil’s head. He spent the past 19 years of his life asking the same questions over and over again. He surely won’t find his soulmate after 19 long years. But his best, and only friend Patton still pushed him, still believed in him. He didn’t tell anyone, not even Patton what his tattoo said. Patton didn’t find his soulmate either and he was 20. But he never gave up. He went outside as much as he could, in hopes that someone will pass by and say these five words: This doesn’t make any sense. He also had no idea what his tattoo meant, what made sense but he was hopeful. And that is why they were sitting in Patton’s car to go the theathre. Virgil didn’t want to go, of course he didn’t he wasn’t the going outside type but Patton said he feels something is different. He couldn’t explain it but he said this night will change their life. And boy was he right. “C'mon Verge it’s going to be fun! I promise.” Patton beamed with a comforting smile. He loved going outside. Virgil didn’t. “Whatever. I still don’t like this idea. What are we even watching? I hope it’s something not that boring. But who am I kidding theathre is just boring..” Virgil said with a bored tone in his voice. He didn’t like theathre. It was dark, loud and they were sometimes singing. He didn’t like that kind of singing. He was more of the sad emo type. “It’s called Dear Evan Hansen! If I remember right it’s about two boys who go to high school. One of them is Evan Hansen and the other is… What’s his name? Verge check that little prospectus please. I think it’s on the backseat.” Patton said not getting his eyes off of the road. Virgil didn’t say anything just nodded and climbed to the backseat. It was not the easiest to find the little paper in the mess that was in Patton’s car but he succesfully pulled it out from between the two seats. “I found it” He said as he sat back in the front seat. “Check who’s the other boy in the play please. I can’t remember his name and you know I hate forggetting things.” Patton said. He didn’t hate a lot of things but his forgetfulness was one of them.
Virgil’s eyes scanned the paper for a few seconds when he spotted a name on the page. His breath caught up and he felt like he couldn’t breathe. “So what is it kiddo?” Patton asked. After a few minutes of silence he turned to look at Virgil who was just staring at the prospectus in front of him. “Connor Murphy” Virgil whispered and let out a shaky breath. “Is everything alright Verge? Do you want me to pull over?” Patton asked worriedly as he looked back at the road. He felt awful. He wanted to support his friend but he was in the middle of driving. Virgil stayed silent for the rest of the ride. He only shook his head when Patton asked if he wants him to pull over for the second time. “We are here Verge. Are you sure you don’t want to go home? You know it’s okay, I didn’t actually wanted to watch this that much, it doesn’t sound that interesting, so we can totally go home, it would be fine.” Patton rambled as an attempt to calm his friend down. Virgil just shook his head and started to walk towards the theathre pulling Patton with him. Virgil didn’t want to admit but he was actually kind of excited to see this musical. From what he knew it sounded interesting, but of course, it had to be ruined by some random person. “Will you tell me why are you so silent?” Patton asked as he was walking next to Virgil. The boy let Patton go when he was sure that he is following him. “No” Was all that Virgil said but it was enough for Patton to know not to push it. They will just enjoy this together and everything will be alright. They sat down in their seats at the front and waited for other people to fill up the theathre. Beacuse of Patton if they ever went somewhere together they were always super early beacuse Patton didn’t want to miss anything. The play didn’t start for another 15 minutes so Virgil decided to listen to music. As he reached in his pockets to grab his headphones he had to realize that they are in fact missing. “Are you searching for your headphones? Sorry kiddo but maybe today is the big day you can’t miss it out just beacuse you were listening to music.” Patton said with an apologetic smile. Roman’s Pov “Logan we have to go! It’s Dear Evan Hansen!” “I am aware Roman. But is it really that important? There’s no reason for me to go.” Logan asserted. “Yes there is silly. You might find your soulmate! But most importantly I might find my own soulmate. My princess. I’m sure she is beautiful and we will be a perfect match.” Roman exagerrated. “You shouldn’t assume Roman. You might be disappointed. What if it’s not even a girl? It can be a boy. Or a non-binary person. And what if you will be polar opposites. You set your bar too high, and that will cause disappointment.” The other boy stated. “You don’t understand Lo. I can feel it. We will be perfect. I can feel it.” The dramatic one said. “That makes no logical sense. And you can’t know for sure that you will meet them tonight. Also if you really want to see the play, we should go now or we will be late.” Logan pointed out. “Oh gosh you are right we need to go right now. C'mon Logan you don’t wanna miss the play do you?” Roman said and hurried out the door. Logan only sighed and went after the other boy. He was stuck with this drama queen till he finds his soulmate so he, secretly of course, also wants Roman to find his soulmate. And he would never admit it, not even to himself but deep down he too wanted to know who his “other half” is. It was stupid and illogical but he had to know. The theathre wasn’t that far away, it was maybe a ten minute walk and with Roman’s fast walking they arrived in less than five minutes. They went in and sat in the front row. Not that far away two boys sat around the same age. The only reason Logan noticed them is beacuse they looked like they are perfect opposites of each other. One of them wore a dark hoodie with purple paches and the other wore a blue t-shirt. The dark boy’s hair was in his face and his eyeshadow seemed to be under his eyes rather than on his eyelids. They looked odd but Logan didn’t think about them for too long. Everyone fell silent as the play started. Time skippity bc im lazyyy and also dont have any fucking time lol The first act has finished and there was a 15 minute break. Almost everyone stood up to go to the bathrooms or to call someone etc.. They passed in front of the two boys when Logan heard it. “I can’t believe it kiddo.” The sentence was followed with a sob which meant the person was crying. Logan grabbed Roman’s arm and pulled the royal boy with him. “Jesus nerd calm down you look like you just saw a ghost or something. What’s up with you? Why do you look so frightened?” Roman bombed the other boy with questions. “I saw him. My soulmate. I saw him. I heard the sentence.” Logan breathed out. “Why are you so weird? I thought you didn’t care. I mean I’m happy for you but you said you don’t care.” “I thought that too.” Was all Logan said before they heard the theathre guy tell them that they have to go back. Logan hurriedly went back to his row not even waiting for Roman. He kept muttering this doesn’t make any sense. Apparently he was too loud as he heard a squeal from next to him. Of course he was standning right im front of the odd boy with the other weird guy. “Virgil, Virgil, Virgil.” The boy shaked the dark one next to him. Logan just stood there looking at what the two were doing. “What happened Patt? Are you hurt? Why do you look so… happy?” The other boy, Virgil as he just learned his name asked. “Look!” He pulled up his cardigan’s sleeves and revealed that his tattoo was fading. Then Virgil noticed Logan standing there. “Oh. Cool. So you are the guy. That’s cool.” Virgil said as he put his headphones on. At least there was an attempt to put them back, when he heard it. “I can’t believe Connor Murphy died.” It was a boy who wore an outfit close to a Prince’s. There was no way that guy was his soulmate. “You! You are the one!” He shouted suddenly. The royal boy froze in his place and the two boys next to him looked in his direction as well. “Roman?” Logan asked. “Wait you know this guy? I don’t even know you. What’s your name anyways?” Virgil asked as he turned to Logan. “Oh apologise. My name is Logan and that right there is my roommate. His name is Roman. And it seems like you said the words that are on his back.” Logan stated. “Well Roman you spoiled the whole fucking play you know that right? You could have said literally anything else that didn’t contain these words but you, you had to say this. Thanks for spoiling this play. It was really great living my life in fear beacuse the word dead was on my arm. So really thank you.” Virgil scuffed. After a few minutes Patton broke the silence. “Verge calm down, it’s not Roman’s fault. It’s no one’s fault in fact.” The fatherly figure tried to calm both of the boys down. “You… you are a boy. And-and you wear all black and you literally just look like an emo nightmare. I’ve waited 20 years for this?” Roman asked as he pointed towards the dark boy. “Woah there. You don’t have to be mean. You don’t even know Virgil. You just critize him by his appearance. And that is not a good thing to do.” Patton said with a serious voice. “Very much so. Roman I told you. If you set your expectation too high you will probably be disappointed. Your soulmate doesn’t have to be a girl that is just plain stupid. Gender shouldn’t matter. Nor appearance. Personality is the one thing that matters.”
 Virgil’s eyes were scanning between the three boys in front of him. They were defending… him. Of course Patton always stood up for him, since he started high school the bubbly boy was always with him. But this new guy. He didn’t even know him. Why can’t the smart and kind boy be his soulmate? As he was thinking about this he felt something burning on his upper arm. It seemed like the three other boy experienced this too so they looked at each other then at their arms. He pulled up his sleeves and saw that the question What? was on his arm. But that’s not all. He also had I don’t understand and This makes no sense all tattooed on both his arms.
 "What?“ Patton suddenly asked. He was as confused as the others but everyone gasped as the word What started to fade from all of their arms. "I don’t understand.” Was the next sentence that started to fade from the boys’ arms. It was Roman who said this in complete confusion. “This makes no sense” Logan stated. The last sentence faded from Virgil’s arm. The other three looked at him. They all had the same sentence on their arm and Virgil said it immideatly. “I’m gonna faint.” He said and he fell to the ground. Or he would have fell if Roman didn’t jump behind him to catch him.
 okay so im ending this here beacuse im shit at endings sorry.
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Prompt: Okay, I stole this from another hc I read once so I'm sorry, I don't claim originality or anything: Logan can pole dance..... and he's really good. I just think it would be so adorable if, like, one of the other sides walked in on him just doing these amazing moves and Logan is all sweaty and he's totally ripped and the other sides are just in shock and awe. No ship necessary, but I think some Analogical or Logince would just be the cherry on top. XD
This is quite the drabble prompt! But I hope I can do it justice for you, anon!
@scaredysanders​ wanted to be tagged in this!
Wiping the sweat from his brow, Logan raised his arms in triumph after perfecting a move on the pole that he had been struggling with for days now. His legs wrapped tightly around the bar, holding himself up purely with core strength, his thighs were burning but he didn’t want to lose the euphoria just yet.
Stripped down to nothing but comfortable short shorts, music playing softly in the background, he hadn’t noticed that there was a knock on the door.
“Nerd! You’re playing my favorite song without me? I-” Roman paused, standing in the doorway, staring at the scene before him. He had never seen Logan without his shirt and tie- and definitely not wearing bootie shorts! It was both hilarious and strange at the same time. And, for once in his life, he was speechless.
When Logan finally caught sight of the other side, he lowered himself down from the pole, clearly embarrassed. He hadn’t told anyone about this past time of his- and Princey, of all people, would probably announce it to the world.
“I can explain.” He finally said, adjusting his glasses.
“No need,” Roman replied quickly, sitting down and making himself comfortable on the floor, “...I want to see what else you can do.”
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I was tagged by @scaredysanders and @insert-epic-blogger-name-here
Goal: Tag 9 people to get to know them better
Relationship status: Single
Favourite colour: most darks or pastels really
Lipstick or Chapstick: chapstick's better for ya lips lads. But I use lipstick way more tbh
Last song: Epic part ii from Hadestown
Last movie: 9
Top 3 shows: Steven Universe, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Kim Possible
Top 3 ships: phan, LAMP, me w/most people I mean wut
Tagging: @themostfuniveverhad @philscurls @parkersanders @ornithologicallyprone @parsnipit @pantton-sandacers @bitterlyjitteryannotveryglittery @cefmua56 @randomslasher You don't have to do this if you don't want
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pirate-patton · 7 years
1ST RULE: tag 9 people you want to get to know better
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true
I was tagged by @icecoldparadise (and this one is different! let’s see how this goes!!)
I am [5'7"] or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces //(just end me i hate them)
I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well //(but like, really really well) I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it //(oopsie poopsie and wowie)
I can sing well I can play an instrument I can do over 30 push-ups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch
//(this is sad lmaoooo)
I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing FANDOMS ARE MY #1 PASSION  I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship  I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend
//(when i get crushes it usually hits HARD for like 3 months and then slowly devolves, but there have been instances where the crush lingers longer and I suffer bc anxiety...and last time that happened the guy was 25 :/)
I have at least one person I consider a best friend //(2!) I live close to my school //(online college ayyye)  My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail //(and boy oh boy is it a tale) I have eaten a waffle today //(well now i want one) I know what I want to do with my life //(eh i mean kinda. mostly) I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year //(several!!)
alrighty who to tag...as always, you’re in no way required to do this! me, trying to not just tag the same people every time, me, does, it anyway
@winnie-the-patton @i-love-word-association-games @very-virgil @actuallylogansanders @undertakershairline @heartofromangold @romananalogicality @scaredysanders @pattons-prince
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random-snippets · 7 years
oml i just binge read all of the anti-anxiety series and now i neeeeed tagged!! you're writing is so amazing!!! -@scaredysanders
Got you added!
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pantton-sandacers · 7 years
Summary: Roman didn't understand why Virgil didn't want to wear a Halloween costume, but he had a plan... A/N: On my computer, the document with this fic is titled "A NEW FIC I AM STARTING BECAUSE I AM A WEAKLING" and if you know how busy I currently am, you'll know how accurate that statement is. (I'm in the middle of rehearsals for 3 productions atm and I'm Stressed) Read it on AO3 Ship(s): Gen, but could be read as poly or prinxiety Warnings: Anxiety has a lack of self-confidence but the others comfort him, don’t worry. Word Count: 608 Tag List: @artisticlnsomniac @fandom-trash-5ever @insert-epic-blogger-name-here @mythicalquill @scaredysanders @screamingoutinrage
None of them understood why Virgil didn’t want to wear a Halloween costume. Surprisingly, Virgil was honest with his answer, feeling comfortable enough around the other sides to tell them the truth.
Virgil explained he didn’t feel confident enough to make a costume himself, asking the other sides not to make a costume for him, he told them he was worried he’d be called immature and made fun of for dressing up and trick or treating.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how it went, Roman had a plan. Of course he did, being the creative one after all. Patton was immediately on board when Roman asked, and obviously Logan was dragged into their scheme as well.
They worked on their surprise for weeks, and though it was exhausting, it would all be worth it, just to see Virgil’s face when they showed him what they planned.
Finally, the day arrived, and they stood excitedly in the commons, awaiting Virgil.
“Verge! C’mon, it’s time to go trick or treating!” Patton called up the stairs, giggling.
“Be right there,” Virgil mumbled, he had no idea why he let the others talk him in to trick or treating. They didn’t force him to wear a costume, though Virgil found this the slightest bit suspicious, he chose not to question it, and grateful they didn’t push him.
He shuffled down the stairs, shoving his phone in his pocket, “Alright, let’s g-“ he stopped mid-sentence when he caught sight of the others.
Roman was grinning from ear to ear, wearing black eyeshadow under his eyes, a white hoodie with red, plaid patches sewn on with golden shoelaces, mirroring Virgil’s jacket.
Patton was standing- well, bouncing next to Roman. He looked the same, though his hoodie was the grey tint of his cardigan, his patches the light blue shade of his t-shirt, his eyeshadow the same black as Roman’s.
Logan smiled gently beside Patton, predictably, his hoodie and eyeshadow were black and his patches were the dark blue of his tie.
Virgil blinked for a moment, taking in their appearances. After a moment he replied, “Wh... what?”
“We’re all dressed up as you!” Roman exclaimed.
“Do you like it?” Patton asked, still bouncing with excitement.
Virgil a small smile tugged at the corners of Virgil’s lips, “yeah, it’s pretty cool,” he admitted. Knowing that the others cared enough to make him feel included made him feel better about going trick or treating.
“I am glad you find our-” Logan fumbled for his vocabulary cards, “‘cosplay...’ to be satisfactory Virgil,” Logan smiled at himself, proud of his correct use of a contemporary slang term.
“Nice, Logan,” Virgil smirked, chuckling.
“Well, are you ready to go on an adventure?” Roman asked.
“And get some candy?” Patton added.
“And activate our autonomic nervous systems?” Logan commented.
An honest smile appeared on Virgil’s face, “Sure, let’s get going.”
“Oh wait!” Roman exclaimed, pulling his phone out, “Let’s get a picture first!”
They all bunched up together, Patton beamed, his arms wrapping around Logan and Roman’s shoulders. Logan half smiled happily at the embrace of the other as Roman grinned widely, using his arm not holding his phone to hug Virgil into the frame by his waist. Virgil chuckled, resting his elbow on Roman’s shoulder, leaning his head in slightly, a small, but real smile grazing his face.
When the picture had been taken and posted to Instagram, as per Roman’s request, Patton linked arms with Roman and Logan, leaving Roman to hold out his unlinked arm towards Virgil expectantly.
Virgil rolled his eyes fondly, linking his arm with the other as they set off to begin their adventure.
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Spring Love
Description: Virgil came to Roman's room to relax, and ends up falling asleep in the creative side's park scene made for him.
Paring(s): Prinxiety(Princey x Anxiety/Roman x Virgil)
Warnings: Implied panic attack
Notes: This has probably been done before, but we need some fluff in this fandom tbh. I hope you like it!! Also, please tell me if you want to be added to the tag list!
Virgil had startled Roman when he came barging into his room, but it didn’t take the prince long to figure out why. He quickly whipped up a calming, relaxing area for the anxious side. Soft grass to lay in, a big tree for shade, and many softly tweeting birds. Roman made sure to focus on the small details, for when Virgil is in this state, any detail out of place can easily over simulate him. 
 Virgil had sat under the tree by himself, which surprised Roman a bit, since usually he needed a bit of help walking around. Virgil adjusted himself, getting in a comfortable position. Roman sat next to the anxious side, and kept a close eye on him. Roman watched him close his eyes, and slowly drift off to sleep.
Roman decided it would be best to let him snooze, since the anxious side hardly got any sleep. The prince smiled softly, admiring how peaceful he had become. Roman drank up the sight as much as he could, taking every detail into account. He knew this moment wouldn’t last long,and he wouldn’t get to witness this anytime soon. 
Virgil started sliding down from his position, landing right on the prince’s lap. He felt his cheeks heat up, and could do nothing but stare at the beautiful sleeping man on his lap. Eventually, the prince relaxed, and carefully ran his fingers through the anxious side’s hair. 
Virgil smiled slightly in his sleep, curling up slightly to get closer to the prince. Roman sighed happily, and wished this moment would never end. 
Tag list: @logically-asexual @scaredysanders @queer-ax
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parkersanders · 7 years
Oml I was scrolling though @scaredysanders blog and I saw they reblogged your Karter Sanders fusion art. Were you aware that Karter was their name too?? If so, that’s really cool.
Haha I did! I was already thinking about using the name “Carter” for the fusion, and then I remembered about @scaredysanders and decided to use the less conventional spelling of “Karter” instead! :)
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future-watcher · 7 years
Tag Game thing idk
Cool cool another one of these yeet. @ssides tagged me (go check her out. hurry. you only have eternity to be impressed by her works).
Doo doo I think I have to tag nine people. @septic-phan-twenty-one , @swiggtyswag19 , @scaredysanders , @3-has-charm , @bitterlyjitteryannotveryglittery , @leesacrakon , and i think thats nine yea
bold means true
APPEARANCE I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces PERSONALITY I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it There is something I would change about my personality ABILITY: I can sing well I can play an instrument I can do over 30 push ups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch HOBBIES I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing Fandoms are my #1 passion I do or have done martial arts EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling
I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone RANDOM SHIT: I have break danced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
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a-plasticine-dream · 7 years
Karter! @scaredysanders
@scaredysandersK- Kiss Me from Sweeney ToddA- Aaron Burr, Sir from HamiltonR- Requiem from Dear Evan Hansen T- The Break from Next To NormalE- Everything I Know from In the HeightsR- Rest and Recreation from Hunchback of Notre DameSorry (but also not really sorry) they're all songs from musicals.
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