#scarred mentally
microwave-core · 11 months
what if you wanted to write but ended up falling flat on your face and it was bad enough to where, for a brief moment while laying in semi-shock on the ground, you thought you broke your glasses and now your head hurts but you don't want to take anything because you have to chew ibuprofen man that would be fucked up
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courtmartialme · 4 months
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you ruin everything you touch
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tapeworrmart · 2 months
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Reopening old wounds 🩸
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archive-rat · 9 months
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The Falling Star
(congrats on the win, Scar!)
Scar is, to me, reminiscent of a falling star. Once among his fellow stars in the night sky, he is now all alone, pulled down by a gravity he cannot resist and taken on a destructive course, against his will. And then, right before impact, maybe he’ll no longer be alone. For those fleeting seconds, the falling star will once again have company, right before he crashes into it and leaves only death and old memories in his wake.
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o-cinnamonstickz · 1 year
A while back @naffeclipse answered a question from @boxofcreampuffs’s asking: “what would the boys do if they lost their vessel?” (This post)
@pure-plum came up with the adorable idea of the hunter sewing up a rag doll for the boys to settle in while they searched for a more suitable vessel for both the boys and their little hunter to enjoy.
Needless to say I fell in love with the concept and jumped to draw it immediately XD
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funtergeist · 22 days
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dodle 🤗 more dumb shiet under cut
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thenewgirl76 · 2 months
Why Can't We Be Friends?
Before John can spend his rare downtime bonding with his childhood friend Angela Foley's son for the next two weeks, he first has to find someone to babysit the... weird looking creature that's apparently his nephew in all but blood's best friend. Not an easy feat given how clingy to the point of being attached to the hip the ferret shaped thing is.
Tucker has to bribe his pet(?) with hanging with the Green Lanterns along with the rest of the Justice League up in the Watchtower(they'll definitely be discussing that later) just to convince him to not try and tagalong. And that's how Hal finds himself dealing with the major headache that is Phantom.
No, he's not exaggerating. That's exactly what the measly gremlin is with his constant demands for food, affection, or playtime from anyone who's present and insistence on getting into whatever he can, one never-ending headache. What makes it even more taxing is how everyone else, even Batman is so wrapped up in how "cute and lovable" the little bugger is they see nothing wrong with his annoying antics.
And as if it couldn't get any worse, the tiny menace seems to have taken a liking to him the most out of all the League and won't quit following him around. It's like dealing with an abnormally needy and scarily intelligent cat, and Hal absolutely abhors cats.
That said, he does find himself feeling just a smidge of regret when he allows his stress over a grueling patrol to get the best of him and yells at the little creep for drinking his coffee. If it'll get everyone off his back and stop Phantom from making those hurt puppy dog eyes at him he'll make it up to the diminutive devil later somehow. Right after he sneaks a nap in while he's stuck on monitor duty.
But of course Phantom won't even allow him that, as he's now pestering him rather persistently with that aggravating chirping and trilling. Since napping is no longer an option he'll just see what Phantom wants and hopefully get rid of him for at least a few minutes afterwards. So Hal slowly drags himself into consciousness, and is met with a large oddly colored hunk of swiss cheese?
Waking up a bit more he starts hearing the swiss cheese begging him for death. Okay, clearly something's wrong with this picture. Wiping the last of the sleep from his eyes Hal looks again, and is instantly screaming in horror upon realizing what he had mistook for swiss cheese in his sleepy haze is actually Sinestro, looking very much like he'd fought a school of piranhas and the piranhas won. With all the blood and all the chunks of missing flesh and skin Hal can see why his former mentor was pleading with him to end him.
And throughout all this that little monster Phantom is staring up at him, perched on the barely alive korugaran, covered in his blood and looking far too pleased with himself. If it weren't for Hal's training and fortitude he'd either be running scared or having a nervous breakdown. That doesn't stop him from being immensely relieved over no longer having to be on guard around Phantom once John finally comes to get the miniscule hellion off the Watchtower.
Though it would be nice if; Superman stopped trying to guilt trip him. *He swears on everything holy he's gonna find the biggest piece of kryptonite and shove it where the sun don't shine if he has to listen to how Phantom never would have did what he did if Hal hadn't been so harsh one more time.*
Wonder Woman ceased with her badgering about how he should have shown more appreciation towards Phantom and the gift he had bestowed upon him.*He'd love to see just how appreciative she'd be if it was Cheetah getting dumped in front of her all chewed... oh wait.*
Flash quit laughing at him. *Shut the hell up Allen. He did NOT scream like a little girl.*
And most of all, John and all the other GL dropped it about how they were so jealous he was the one Phantom gifted instead of them. *Seriously guys? With all that little miser put him through, that's what you're taking from it?*
Missing Scene
*When Sinestro was confronted by Little Baby Man*
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*What Little Baby Man did to him before hauling him off to present to Hal*
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honehonn3honey · 10 months
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enii · 2 months
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trash-baggins · 4 months
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If he is not in a fight, Zoro does NOT know left from right.
It’s a truth in my heart, lol.
(He’s so confused he didn’t even rise to Sanji’s taunt)
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tsukinoshinjiu · 10 months
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"...They're unsightly." "Not at all. They're part of you."
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tapeworrmart · 7 months
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Hole in the head 🕳️🧠
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outivv · 3 months
Scar x masc reader!!
“So like… do you like men?” That stupid idiot of a man asks you from behind bars, tied up cause he’s a dangerous criminal who’s a threat to Jinzhou… but- he’s kinda hot. “Sure.” Is all you say, looking at the book you have to keep you company, or so you thought- but this… Scar fellow seems to be plenty entertaining, or at least he’s trying to be. “So… does that mean a handsome man like yourself would be able to be bribed with some kisses to let me out of here?” Scar says, clearly trying to bargain his ass out of jail… but you just look at him, and roll your eyes. “No.” You can just see the pout forming on his face, and you nearly feel bad for your boyfriend who’s locked up. “Oh- but why! I thought you loved me, my darling.” Jesus Christ, the way he calls you his darling nearly has a shiver running up your spine, and he sure as hell notices it- making a smirk spread across his face.
Are you maybe… a part of the Fractsidus, and just posing as an officer in Jinzhou? Yes. Why? To break your boyfriend out of jail. However, you think he needs to learn his lesson first. “Cause, you were too careless and got yourself thrown into jail.” You say, reaching between the metal bars and flicking his forehead while he’s all tied up. “In my defense, it’s all a part of my master plan, darling.” You just want to wipe that sorry smirk off of his stupid, handsome face! You roll your eyes at him again, and scar stands up with his hands tied behind his back, and he gets closer to the metal bars of his cell. “Just one kiss? You don’t even have to let me out.” He says, almost teasing you- and you know he is. But, how can you resist.
“Fine.” You say, against your better judgement of course, before you gently kiss him between the bars of his cell, and melt into the kiss too… until you hear the jangle of your keys, and his cell door swings open. “Oh, darling- didn’t I ever tell you to never let your enemies get too close?” He teases, hands reaching out to grab your hips- before he kisses you again, and again. “You’re not an enemy, so it doesn’t count.” Your playful whispering between kisses has Scar smirking against your lips, before groaning as he feels your fingers tug through his hair. “Mm- pretty boy… I think we got some time to spare before we gotta kick my master plan into action…” scar says, breaking the kisses just for a second, before playfully rubbing his nose against yours, and trailing his lips over your jaw, and down your neck. Course, this is all just a part of his plan… so how can you say no?
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valictini · 11 months
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Most devastated “gf” ever typed in chat
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theoldkyokodied · 2 years
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(American Psycho Business Card Scene Voice) Let’s see Herbert West’s Top Surgery Scars
DISCLAIMER: Before you decide to watch Re-Animator, make sure to check for content warnings, there is a scene that a lot of  people choose to skip!
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tinukis · 3 months
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im rereading one piece (i'll watch certain arcs too as i get into OP again)
and man i forget how much i loved the baratie arc especially seeing how luffy and sanji first interact... "i refuse your refusal!" is so good and while bickering like an old married couple, they both yell at gin simultaneously i love them so much
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