#im just happy that nothing on my shelf
microwave-core · 11 months
what if you wanted to write but ended up falling flat on your face and it was bad enough to where, for a brief moment while laying in semi-shock on the ground, you thought you broke your glasses and now your head hurts but you don't want to take anything because you have to chew ibuprofen man that would be fucked up
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ja3yun · 3 months
how about sunghoon as your bf? pls pls pls im on a sunghoon lockdown :((
okay let me crack my knuckles and delve into the delusional world and imagine what park sunghoon would be like as your boyfriend! there will be mentions of some smut so mdni
jake vers. | heeseung vers. | jay vers.
okay at the talking stages, i think he will keep his cards close to his chest regarding what his feelings are towards you. he wouldn't fall in love with you at a fast rate but he also won't run away if the connection isn't immediate! he will take you on dates and really get to know you. his heart is big but it's guarded, so relationships are long lasting and never fleeting, meaning he needs to know you're going to click in values and that your heart is in it for the long haul.
sunghoon, once he determines his own feelings, would want to be exclusive/bf&gf almost immediately. he values being loyal in every aspect of the word and that includes the early stages. he will be a little jarring in the beginning because of this but it's only because he's so scared of getting hurt (more on that later)
he would fall hard and become completely obsessed with you, not in a clingy way but he will always make sure his presence is known. texts to ask how your day was, random updates with schedules, notorious for sending you pictures of random objects just for an excuse to speak with you. sunghoon isn't a texter to anyone else but you, he just wants to talk to you all the time; i think this will die down once his heart settles into yours and first flutters settle.
his love language is quality time!! he loves to sit and do everything and nothing with you. he will take extra steps to make sure he sees you as many times as his schedule allows him. sometimes, he will ask for early shoots so he can meet you after work and take you for dinner or just walk you back home. i don't think he is one for being extravagant outside so he won't take you to high end restaurants or show you off because that's not quality time to him.
more under cut
speaking of relationship vs work, he is going to keep you hidden and would prefer it if you did the same. he is in no way embarrassed by you! it's just that he knows as soon as everyone knows your business and that you're dating, it's no longer your relationship. whether outside interference from fans or the company, he would much rather it be a very private love.
when you are in private, what he lacks in PDA outside, he will surely make up for when you're at home. he strikes me as the domestic type so doing the dishes while you cook, drying your hair for you after a shower, running you a bath, bringing gaeul over for you two to bond, that's his type of love service.
joking and teasing are sure ways to show you his affection. since he is quite tall, i can imagine him putting things up too high on the shelf so you need to ask him to bring it down, but in some instances, he will pick you up to grab it and tickle your sides as he does so, causing both of you to go into fits and giggles of laughter. with the serious moments, there will be nothing but happiness because sunghoon is the funniest man alive, even when he isn't trying to be.
LOVES to feel loved. he will adore it when you give him quick kisses for no reason, hug him so tight he can't breathe, and tell him random reasons why you love him. he will laugh it off and act chill about it but inside his heart would be leaping for joy. with this, he also sees trust and honesty as an integral part of love, so when you open up to him or explain your worries no matter how big or small, he will feel wanted and honoured that you're allowing him to know these parts of you.
as i said earlier, he worries about his heart being broken so he might need more reassurance than some of the other boys. he keeps his emotions to himself and can run hot and cold with no explanation, which can cause a lot of arguments between you. in these scenarios, he would value your assurance and emotional depth; in turn, this can come off as selfish because why should you be understanding when he is the one causing an issue? sunghoon knows it's wrong to ask you of so much when sometimes he gives so little, it's the benefit of him being emotionally intelligent. it is something you can both work on in the relationship and communication here is so so important!
jealousy and possessiveness run in his blood but not in that toxic, dark romance way, rather he his protective. he trusts you with his entire being but others outside are his number one enemy. if you do go out and dress up, i think these are the times he will be a little bit more affectionate towards you outside. he wants to let everyone know that you are his and he is yours and no one could hold a candle to your love. it can be overbearing but as the years go on i think he will be more secure in the relationship, thus, easing off on the whole "no one should look at you but me" front.
i want to add that being in a relationship with sunghoon would be the most rewarding. it's give and take, never boring, always passionate, he is a spontaneous lover with so much soul to give you that every day will be different. if he thinks it's getting a little slow on the tracks, he will do something to quicken your hearts for one another again. he works incredibly hard to be the best boyfriend he can, and he would expect his efforts to be matched and appreciated.
kissing: loves to kiss you. kisses are always on the table even when he is angry or mad, one kiss from you and all his worries are melting away. his lips find yours in the simplest of places - laying on the couch with him, saying goodbye in the mornings, shopping (he will sneak a cheeky one when no one is looking), etc. these would all be lingering pecks, ones he never wants to pull away from. but when you're at home and he needs you, the boy is slow and teasing, his tongue running against the seam of your lips as a warning to what's to come. i don't think he would kiss for a long time but i think 8/10 make out sessions would end up with your clothes off. he would get really into it and can't control himself, and honestly, you wouldn't want him to.
bowchikawowow: quickies are not on his agenda, he wants to fuck you properly each and every time. i think he has sex in two ways: soft and sensual, taking his time with you, teasing you, giving gentle kisses all over your body, fingers memorising the feel of your skin, soft whispers of "so pretty" and "i love you so much". he wants sex to convey his love in the way his words sometimes don't. the other way i see it would be passionate and fiery. he can dick you down hard and fast if you want to, that athletic stamina he built up over the years needs to be put to more than just choreographies. he would go down on you until you cried out for mercy, he would pound into you so good, marking and biting you all over (never on exposed skin but rather only places he is allowed to touch, he doesn't want men to think about you in any position like that).
always aftercare, never anything less. he would grab you water (and possibly painkillers depending on how rough he got), shower with you, massage your tensed muscles, he would be the type of boyfriend that is so in love with you, affection like this would come easily to him, like breathing and tying his shoe laces. he will tell you how much he worships you and after sex is when you see his vulnerability. you will spend a few hours talking about your feelings (it doesn't happen every time but when it does, it only brings you both closer than ever before).
again, these are just my opinions and observations so if you don't agree that's okay <3 (i also love to hear others' thoughts so!!)
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babygirl-riley · 1 year
Daddy’s Gonna Buy You a Mockingbird
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When coming home Simon hears his daughter start to fuss.
Warnings: angst, mentions of childhood trauma, fluff, swearing, Dad!Simon
simon x reader guide
simon x reader family edition
Simon was fucking tired, the mission was long and difficult. It took them 4 months to plan the fucker just for the target to know their every move. He lost lots of men and women those nights, they had to camp somewhere in the middle of the desert cause transportation got fucked.
He unlocked the door of his home and walked in. Immediately he heard the whimpering. Simon heard you trying to lullaby both of your toddler. Simon was told that she has been sick for almost 4 days. It was teething that led to two ear infections. His poor angel was getting her ass jumped left and right with them infections.
He took his mask and boots off leaving them on the shelf near the door. He locked the door as he made his way through the hallway. When getting closer he heard you sniffling. “I don’t know what to do baby girl,” The toddler cried harder as you cried with her. “I am sorry. What do you need baby?”
Simon tapped the door making you jump. At first you thought you were going to fight but then relief came through. “Simon,” You started to sob. “Just take a shower and I will be there in minute.”
“I can take her.” He said walking fully in.
“No,” You wiped your tears quickly before shaking your head. “It’s fine you just got home. Please just take a shower love.”
Simon nodded, he didn’t want to but he could tell if he didn’t you would burst. He saw the dark circles under your eyes, how red your eyes were. You haven’t gotten any sleep. That tugged at his best strings, you have been dealing with this all by yourself so he wants to be able to help you.
Simon quickly got into the shower, washing all the paint, blood, sweat, and dirt from him. He waited for a moment before turning the faucet off and get out. He heard your sobs once more as he wrapped the towel around himself. Opening the door that showed you laying on your side curled up. Simon walked up to you and sat next to your body. He placed a hand on your hip rubbing circles.
“Not the best welcome home,” You sighed turning to face him. “Im sorry.”
“For what love? Taking care of our child? Don’t ever apologize for that.” He reassured, basically whispering.
“Just me crying and Im so fucking tried. She doesn’t sleep nothing longer than maybe 5 minutes before she is screaming. And I wanted to give you a warmer welcome and instead buzzed you off and…”
“Thats enough sweethear’ it has been a long week for you,” He got up to grab sweatpants and went around to his side to pull the blankets up and over him. You watched as he laid and scooted closer to you wrapping his arm around you. “Come ‘ere, get some sleep my dove.”
He doesn’t remember when you fell asleep or even him. Simon heard the soft whimpers start, you didn’t move and he was glad that you didn’t. He was also very happy that you moved out of his grasp while in your sleep. Simon carefully and quietly headed out of the room. Rubbing his tired eyes as he made it to his daughter’s room.
When he approached the room there she was. Standing up in her crib crying, once her eyes landed on his she cried harder. “Daddy.” She called a couple of times.
“Alright princess, you’re alright daddy’s here.” He said picking her up.
It took him a back of how hot she is, sweat gripping her pjs. Her crying increasing as she gripped onto his shoulder. “Shhh I know,” He said bouncing up and down. “I know baby.”
He felt her diaper and walked to the changing table, which to her was a sin. When he placed her down she screamed a bit, immediately he gently placed a palm on her chest. Putting small pressure. She stopped screaming as she still cried. His daughter loved when he did that when she wanted to be cuddled yet when he had to do certain things like this.
Because of how many times he has done this with her, he one handed did the diaper. He left her only in her diaper, get some air to her skin due to sweating and her being hot. As she still cried, he picked her up and lead out of the room walking to the kitchen. “Let’s try a warm bottle and me a tea yeah?” He said quietly, holding her close as she still cried.
While working on the bottle he rocked back and forth waiting for the teapot to heat up. He wrapped both of his arms around her holding her more close. “I’m ‘orry my birdie, teeth are arseholes. I know.”
She held around his neck placing her head down on his shoulder. Simon kept holding on until the smallest noise came from the pot. He didn’t want to wake you, he was even surprised you haven’t woke up yet. His daughter became more whimpering than crying.
He poured his mug first so the water could cool down just a bit more. Then poured water into her bottle. He made his tea before finish making her bottle. Afterward he walked to the living room and placed the tv on. Miss Rachel was her favorite to watch lately, that’s what you mentioned.
He placed her forward towards the tv as he placed his mug on the side table. Simon held her close to him as she drank her bottle. Rubbing her belly as he watched the show with her. He hated this woman, just found her annoying, you mentioned to him that it was her job to do that fake high pitch thing. To him it just made him want to mute it and never see it again.
His daughter leaned closer to him as he sipped his tea. She sniffled and hiccuped due to crying the whole time. He smoothed her thick blonde hair back, making her eyes roll. Another thing she gets from him. People massaging his scalp or play with his hair he would pass out from.
After three videos both Simon and her were laying on the couch. He had her on his chest with a blanket on both of them. “Shh I know,” He said as she started to whimper again. “Daddy is here, don’t worry. He will stay. I would do anythin’ for you not to be in this pain.”
She sucked on her binki her eyes rolling fighting sleep. Yet another thing she got from him. Fighting sleep. Simon remembered when you told him you were pregnant with her. He was terrified. Scared that he wouldn’t be good to her, that he would turn into his own father.
Simon actually left for hours from the house making you think that it was a bad idea to tell him. Until he came back in tears, first time you seen him break down. Telling you his fears and worries. You would comfort him and hold him that he has never been an ounce of his father. Never be like him.
Simon remembered when he asked for his dad to hold him. His dad told him to stop being a child, to grow up. Or even watch him cry in pain and laugh at the fact he was crying. He even remember Tommy being hit for even mentioning that his throat hurt. Telling him that is something to be crying about when he was hurt.
Because of those memories he was going on for months in his mind that he didn’t believed that, didn’t believe that he would be a good father, it wasn’t until she was born. When he held her in his big hands. He knew that this was the opportunity to not be his low life father. And yet here he was being not that, his father would have never been comforting him when he was sick. Holding him. Loving him. He was grateful to be able to be here for her. For you. To show the love and care that he wanted to.
Simon sighed as he felt her breathing slow down, falling into deep sleep. He settled more down into the couch as he closed his eyes, holding on to his princess.
You woke up with the sun beaming into the room. You groaned as you placed a hand to where Simon would have been. It was cold. You opened your eyes and frowned. Was a dream that he was home? You sighed getting up and heading to your daughter’s room. For it to be empty too.
You walked around the house figuring out where the hell was your daughter. Which when you heard Miss Rachel on the tv and two figures on the couch. It made your heart swell. You walked to around to face both your daughter clinging onto her father. Simon softly snoring and his daughter as well. You forget how similar they look.
The soft features of when they slept. Their hair. Their nose. You also noticed that she was just in her diaper and didn’t look sweaty. You inhaled deeply feeling a bit of relief. Hopefully that means that her temperature went down and back to normal.
You smiled thinking about the time where you were almost about to pop. Simon holding your tummy telling your daughter that he will protect her with every ounce of his being. Not matter where or what she is doing, he will be there. You would play with his hair as he rubbed your tummy, feeling her move every time he would place a hand on your tummy.
You grabbed both bottle and mug, walking back to the kitchen. “Definitely going to be a daddy’s girl.” You whispered, starting to make breakfast for your perfect family.
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ladybyakuya · 19 days
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+cw. — fem!reader, established relationship, ( domestic ) fluff, love & comfort, slight angst, mature language, atsumu being atsumu, mention of hinata and bokuto. beta-read by my beloved ray.
+wc. — 1.2k 
+syn.—  Sakusa has gotten used to you pretty quick ever since he started living with you but now that he has known the bliss, he does not want to go back to living alone.
+notes. — this is for flufftober ‘fond moments’ collab event for a prompt: quality time hosted by @spookuna. mdni cuz im eighteen plus blog.| redirect to blog navigation. & tagging @tetzoro for poking my pineal glad with a question that became a inspo for this <3
For almost a month, Kiyoomi has had an odd extension of routine that starts after his matches. It starts with going straight home ( to you ), and eating the dishes you made for him which was suggested by a dietitian of course! and then wait at least one hour before hitting the shower, and that too, a cold one since right after he is done drying himself he jumps into bed just to hold you amongst his chest like a hot bag; this . . .this particular moment is what he has been looking forward to for months and now it has finally become a part of his life, and if things do not go south then it might just last for the rest of his life. Just barely thinking of it gets him wide awake. If life was a sleepless dream, then he would not mind sleeping forever at the end of it with you.
Today, however, everything turned upside down. He came home a little late, just a little; ate silently without talking much. Generally, he turns into a yapper right when he sees you. He has so much to talk about yet even with all that bubbling enthusiasm he still does not forget to ask, “Babe, how was your day?”, “Aw, babe that’s amazing. I’m so proud of you.”, “What? Need me to scare the manager? Because I can.” he says while flexing his muscles wearing nothing but a towel around his torso but you know he won’t do that since he has the confidence that you can handle anything all by yourself. After all, you scared the shit out of Miya when you first met him and he will not accept but, indeed, Miya is not easily scared, especially by girls. However, this evening his responses were full of— “umm.” and “umhm” — nods and sneaking glances. The Kiyoomi that is reserved for the world has come home to you today. 
And that one-hour gap, between his dinner and shower, which is generally filled with listening to you as you roam around the house and work and he follows you like a puppy is filled with frequent calls, messages, and screen time today. It sure makes you worry if not disappointed or angry. It has been a month since you two started living together, so this one hour has always been filled with making this small apartment a place that you both could call “home.” Things were slowly falling into place, turning this place into a home. You were happy, and Kiyoomi? He was the happiest man in the world. 
However, crest-fallen.
Sakusa came out of the bathroom freshly showered when you were folding his clothes. Now that he can see your back properly without any thoughts lingering in his mind you look tired, sad, and perhaps. . . a little annoyed. Maybe it is not a good time to tell you the news after all but what else he can do, he does not have much time left either. He tip-toes his way towards you, slowly.
“C’mon out with it, omi. What’s up?” You say and turn towards him with a bunch of his clothes in your hand only to face a half-naked Sakusa, a pink towel wrapped around his torso, his hands in the air branching out in a form of embrace. You chuckle as you walk off to his closet but his stance remains intact just his head following you; 
his jaw drops as he enquires with utmost curiosity, “How do you always know?” which earns him just an endearing glance from you. You keep the stack of his clothes on the shelf, one by one as he finally says what has been bothering him. “I have to move out. . .to Osaka.” You had to pause before keeping the last t-shirt on the stack of clothes. Your hand is still on the edge of the closet wooden frame since you know the moment you close it— is the moment you have to face such a warped reality where you would be alone in this newly bought apartment, with no omi to wait for, cook for, or take care of. . . 
As if he could read your thoughts he mumbles sharply. “Babe, turn around.” He must be still in that pink towel. The air conditioner is on but it seems that he does not mind the cold today. You slowly turn around closing the cupboard with your hands at the back biting your lower lip in anticipation thinking if Kiyoomi had to tell you about moving out to you, then he must have tried all the possibilities of either staying here with you or taking you with him yet none of them must have worked because if it had, you two would not be standing so apart like two curtains drawn apart. 
“Oh dear God,” Kiyoomi groans as he clutches your wrist pulling you into himself. He makes you sit on the edge of the bed while he sits on the floor, legs folded keeping his head on your lap as he draws lazy patterns on the side of your thighs with both hands, simultaneously. “I never thought I’d fall in love even though I’ve planned it in my notebook ever since I was a kid.” He turns his head up, “Now that my love is here I want to keep it, safe, forever.” The water from his hair has left spots on your long tee. You run your nails through his scalp and he lets out a low even groan saying, “So, I took a week off to spend time with you and of course to get the packing done.” He has to rake his eyes open since the exhaustion blended with being sleepy along with your tender touch is too tempting not to give in.
“What?” You ask, surprised. “You did it for me?”
“Yeah. ‘course. Why wouldn’t I?”
A black pup tip-toes its way into the room and both of you watch it walk till it halts right at your feet wagging its tail, tongue hanging out of its mouth. Both of you look at each other, and then a familiar voice turns up, “We’re here love birds.” Sakusa rolls his eyes before turning around and grabbing your bathrobe to wrap himself up probably because now his senses are back enough to let him know how chill the temperature of the room is. You put your palms over your cheeks, it has become warm again, as you look at the pup. 
Just when you crouched down to pat the pup, Atsumu, Hinata, and Bokuto followed into your shared bedroom. 
“So, what’re you gonna name him?” Miya asks with a big grin plastering on his face.
“Heyyyyy.” Naturally, Sakusa protests. Bokuto and Hinata share a look holding back their laughter. 
“Well, I call you Omi when I need something from you, or when I’m angry with you and I call you Mr. sakusa when we—you struggle to put your thoughts out in words so Atsumu interjects. 
“ —fuck.” He is still grinning. What’s he so happy about?
“Yeah. that.” you point at him while keeping your eyes still on Kiyoomi. “So, I don’t see a problem calling him Kiyo.”
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princessbrunette · 11 months
Foaming at the mouth for jealous controlling “Where do you think you’re going dressed like that” Rafe but something about “Wear whatever you want I can fight (and im strapped)” Rafe… 🥵
ok esp for girly reader who lives and breathes mini skirts and tiny tops (def not self serving… not at all…)
because you really expect rafe to be the first type. and to a degree, he is— if you’re going out alone that is. usually, you bow your head to it, because really — you tell yourself — he’s just concerned about your safety. there are some real creeps out there, and going out alone in a mini skirt is a sure recipe for disaster, right?
he’s bringing you to a party on the beach. you didn’t usually go partying with rafe, and he liked it that way — because that’s where he did the most business, cashing out on rich coke heads. you knew he wouldn’t be selling at a beach party, purely because anyone stupid enough to try and snort anything would end up ingesting a fuck-tonne of sand, and it’s just not the kinda complaint he’s in the mood to hear. you actually just get to hang out with him and his friends, and this excites you.
you test the waters, stepping out of your room when he waits in the living room leant against the shelf scrolling on his phone. you know it’s likely he’ll turn you right back around and send you changing due to the little pink co-ord clinging to your every curve. it’s cupping your tits and hugging your waist and leaving all but nothing to the imagination, but it’s been a while since you’ve worn something fun like that — so you try your luck anyway.
“m’ready!” you grin, sticking your arms out by your side all cute. he looks up from his phone, eyes all wide and vacant for a second, lips pouted in thought and briefly drops his eyes up and down your body.
“yeah, looks good kid.” he drawls, flipping his phone deftly between his fingers and stuffing it into his pocket. his eyes linger around your tits again before meeting your eye, walking towards you with a happy and simple smile, one that says ‘can we go now?’
your brows raise and you look down at yourself in surprise. “i’m surprised. you’re letting me wear this out?” you gaze up at him, lips twitching up. you think he’s making an active decision to be less controlling for a moment. he shrugs lazily, eyes flickering around the room as if to say ‘so?’ and with that he lifts the end of his button-up, revealing a glock tucked into his waistband.
“yeah i don’t think anyone’s gonna have the nerve to step out of line, a’ight? ‘look after my girl.” he steps closer to you, hand coming up to scratch affectionately behind your ears like you’re a dog. you don’t mind.
you stare up at him, all doe eyed and shocked. he thinks it’s adorable honestly, all scared over a little pistol. hell, you’d probably never even seen one in real life before, let alone this close.
“rafe…” you start unsurely, breathily, but he cuts you off, hand caressing your cheek, tilting his head down and raising his eyebrows.
“hey. you wear what you want with me, yeah? m’protected. strapped. it’s okay.” he enunciates, and well— you’re not really in the place to argue. you nod, still wide eyed and he gives your cheek an affectionate tap, squinting his eyes with a satisfied smile.
as imagined, rafes temper rears it’s ugly head one beer down, catching a poor boy a year or two his junior, eyes fixated on the way your ass was moving when you walked along the sand, unbeknownst to wandering eyes. of course, the boy ended up backed up against the pier with the cool end of the gun pressed into his jaw, terrified whimpers ripped from his throat.
“wanna look at my girl, huh? think i’m gonna let that shit run?” rafe is gripping the smaller boy by the collar, teeth grit, animalistic. your breath hitches, you think he may actually shoot this kid.
“rafe…” you call out urgently, not wanting to get too close.
“no! i—” the boy tries to argue, and you really feel for him, because rafe only presses the gun harder against his chin.
“no? better keep your eyes to yourself or i’m gonna be the last thing you fuckin’ see is that understood? is that understood asshole?” he grits out, eyes wet and watery from adrenaline.
“rafe! stop!” you call out, brows furrowed and tears brimming. he sighs, finally hearing you and steps back, not taking his eyes off the mortified boy infront of him. he stares until the kid grows the balls to run off, tripping and kicking up sand as he disappears to the other side of the pier where the rest of the party goers were. it’s only then he looks back at you.
“shit.” he sighs out, shaking his head, shaking himself off completely as he stares out at the moons reflection on the ocean.
you hug yourself, watching him mellow out a little. he tucks the glock back into his waistband, yanking his shirt out again to cover it.
“you’re not bringing that thing out again.” you accuse, pointing to his gun shape tucked into his pants. he blows you off, lifting a hand and walking the other way before turning back suddenly.
“i have to protect you, you understand? if i can’t bring this out with me you— you can’t bring that.” he lifts an arm, gesturing to your lower body. you stare at him in confusion before looking down. your… ass? was he talking about your ass?
“how am i supposed to leave my ass at home, rafe?” you argue, and as soon as the words leave your mouth— you can’t help but let out a giggle. you’re mad at him, yes — but the demand was funny, you couldn’t deny.
you think he’s gonna get mad, maybe wipe the smile off your face, but his sigh turns into a giggle too, looking away from you. the irritation from his face melts into something more boyish and young, his tongue sticking out between his teeth as he lets out a low chuckle. this only makes you chortle more, and he shakes his head, trying to hide his amusement as he waddles toward you on the uneven sand, holding out his arm and reaching you, bringing you beneath it into his side.
“alright, come on trouble.” he smirks, leading you back to the party. “y’still in a partying mood?”
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januaryembrs · 3 months
hi em!! im so late but happy 3k, it’s so deserved you’re an amazing writer! anyway, could i order a tea? i saw this picture: https://pin.it/mv0D4zZ9s and i thought it would be fun if bushy and spencer went to the beach and he was hating it cos of germs and all that, but then he had to wear his sunglasses over his normal glasses and bugsy’s just teasing him—have fun!
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description: Bugsy and Spencer have a little downtime at the beach after hiding their relationship for all of one week
length: 1.1k
warning: nothing really, talk of spider mating rituals lol. Picture nonnie was talking about included above!
part of the trouble almost all my life universe
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She leaned into his embrace, her back pressing against his warm chest, his skin sticky with a meld of sweat and suncream as they watched the waves rolling into shore.
“I love them all so much,” She sighed, Spencer’s arms wrapping around her waist to lean a book on the soft of her stomach, creasing where she’d pulled on one of his shirts over her bikini, “But I miss things being just us sometimes,”
“Bug, we live together,” Spencer smirked, and she groaned, flicking a glance up at him where he was squinting behind the lenses of his prescription glasses, trying to read his novel whilst looking over her shoulder. 
“You know what I meant,” She grumbled, feeling stupid for saying it, only for him to chuckle, the sound vibrating through his chest and into the nooks of her spine. She smiled at the feeling, the grin widening when he kissed the side of her head sweetly.
“I know what you meant,” He agreed, giving her a few more pecks for good measure because as much as he loved teasing her until she was unnaturally shy, he loved the affectionate side of her more. “It’s getting hard hiding it from them,”
“And yet we’re so good at it,” She quipped, the two of them sharing a towel instead of a sunlounger, Spencer’s head being propped up by their bags and jackets, his girlfriend nestled between his legs like they were a single cell amoeba, “We could be like spies, all this undercover work. Seven whole days hiding a relationship from five of the best profiler’s in America, that’s got to be some kind of record.”
He smiled, and lay his book down flat on her stomach, sacrificing his now free hands to wrap all the way around her and squeeze her to him tightly. Because she was right. He loved the every day routine they’d slipped into at home, the natural kisses before bed and before they left the comfort of their four walls, the only space where they could be so openly themselves without prying eyes. He wished he could hold her like this every day, or atleast didn’t have to watch over his shoulder for any of the team watching just a little too closely when they would exchange loving looks. 
He loved being able to hold her so unapologetically, loved that she preened and nuzzled into his touch like it was all she’d ever wanted as well. Spencer never had to question himself a single moment he was with her. He knew every shred of love he’d ever felt for her was reciprocated, and the thought of it alone made him warm inside, where they lay comfortably on the sunny beach, only a handful of other patrons enjoying the Friday morning waves. 
He felt a headache brewing however from the light glaring in his eyes, and he cursed not listening to her when she reminded him to get his contact lenses ordered, deciding almost immediately that she would always know better than him no matter how high his IQ was or how many doctorates he polished on his shelf. Because she always knew everything when it came to him. 
“Too bright?” She asked, as if she’d wormed her way into his head, though it wasn’t difficult to guess from his squinting, the way his nose scrunched in pain as he nodded. And with no more explanation needed, she drew the sunglasses off her own nose to slide over the top of his specs. Pushing them up gently with the tip of her finger, she giggled as she saw his shaded hues looking down at her through four separate windows, and he raised his eyebrows at her. “Better?” 
“Oh, yeah, much better. I love looking like some kind of weird Spider man with an insanely hot girlfriend,” He said flatly, and she sniggered, her face upside down when she looked up at him, the crown of her head pressing against his chest. 
“I always had a thing for Spider-man,” She said, blinking up at him and Spencer wondered what he ever did to get a girl so pretty she was attractive even upside down and smeared with oily sunscreen, “Don’t know if you’d know this but I have a thing for the tall, genius guys with kind eyes.”
“I didn’t know that,” He said with a wry smile and an adoring gaze, and he couldn’t help but steal a small peck to her lips, knowing he looked a little dumb with his second pair of glasses slipping down his nose. She didn’t seem to care as she kissed him back. She settled back into his chest, picking his book up to flick through what he’d been reading, and she felt him bury his nose into her hair, his hands slipping under her shirt to paw at the free skin of her belly, running his fingertips over it lovingly. 
“Technically if you were some sort of Spider/Man hybrid, you’d need to do a mating dance to woo me away from other suitors,” She said mindlessly, and he chuckled, his headache ebbing away with the sun’s rays deflecting off his face. 
“Yes, and then you’d more than likely eat me afterwards,” He replied, and she moved a hand away from the book to trace an invisible drawing over his forearm, following the grooves of his veins and nerves where they pulsed against his humid skin, her eyes never leaving the pages of the book. 
“Good thing we haven’t mated yet then. I kind of like having you around,” She quipped and she felt him freeze, flicking him a smile so he’d know she was teasing him. Because they hadn’t gone any further than long kisses and soft touches just above the waistline. Hell, seeing her in a bikini was the closest they’d gotten to being naked, and even then she’d covered up with a shirt mere moments after. That little word ‘Yet’ dangled over them, and Spencer found himself smiling back at her, knowing they could take all the time they needed because for now it was just between them. No nosy questions from Garcia and Morgan, no intrigued if not worried glances from Hotch, no knowing smiles from Rossi and Blake. They could just be them. Just Bugsy and Spencer, the way they’d always wanted it to be. 
“Not to mention the fact you’d have to give birth to about two-hundred babies that would eat you alive,” He murmured, and she giggled, squeezing his hand in her own. 
“God, you know just how to talk dirty to me,” She said, and he chuckled, tugging the cap off his head to slide onto her own because he could feel the heat beating down on her face from here, and knew she would forget to re-apply if he didn’t step in. 
Yeah, Spencer was more than happy to have things stay like this for a little while.
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masarrysversion · 1 year
summary: love story of sir lewis hamilton x singer-songwriter!reader
inspiration: madame taylor swift’s discography. her new songs “you’re losing me” // her old songs
author’s note: this is my very first social media au ♡ must admit that I’m not satisfied with it and the end was rushed :/ taylor swift released a new song “you’re losing me” and I’ve seen many parallels with her old songs so I wanted to make an AU but with a different timeline than TS’s real timeline
face claim: chloe bailey 
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Liked by zendaya and 5 345 851 others
yourusername Surprise!!
Out NOW the new version of my album called Midnights (The Til Dawn Edition) 💙
This edition has a never before heard track called “You’re Losing Me” and it is the official third single from Midnights!!! (Link in bio)
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loveyn if you have ever been in a relationship that slowly died in front of you while you tried everything to save it but they acted like nothing was wrong, don’t listen to “you’re losing me” you’ll be agonising
midnightslover “I wouldn’t marry me either” anyone would be lucky to marry you, Y/N 😢
user1 you deserve someone who considers you and praises you for existing
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Liked by elliegoulding, lewishamilton and 3 465 834 others
yourusername THANK YOU SO MUCH, @brits 💖 I can’t believe ‘You’re Losing Me’ won International Song. This song means SO much to me!! The brit is already safe and warm on a shelf at home. What a magical night and what an honour to have been presented this award by two people I highly respect and admire, @elliegoulding & @lewishamilton 🙏
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lewishamilton 💜😍
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lewis44ham well... it sure is a normal way to answer an artist you’ve just met... ��
LHmercfan @lewis44ham Lewis has always been nice like that with everyone lol. It doesn’t mean anything!
ynlover u deserve it so much!!
user47 you transforming your heartbreak into art and getting recognition for it just makes me happy
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45 295 likes
enews DATING RUMORS ALERT 🚨 Sir Lewis Hamilton and Y/N were spotted entering a building in Manhattan's Greenwich Village.
It seems like Y/N has made Cornelia Street her temporary abode for a few weeks now as her Tribeca property is undergoing a renovation. 
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lavendrshaze NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY
lewissnation They’re not just rumors imo. They have been interacting so much on social media lately!
formulamilton true lmao. and no wonder lewis has posted so many thrist traps since september 🤔
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Liked by lewishamilton and 8 416 478 others
yourusername Hi loves, my brand new album ‘wholeheartedly’ will be out this friday. Hope you’ll like it as much as I loved creating it ♡
Comments on this post have been limited.
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Liked by yourusername and 23 456 120 others
lewishamilton Y/N Hamilton, I would marry you endlessly.
You’re way better than a dream. 🤤
I always knew I was a lucky man but when I met you, I understood that I was the luckiest man ever. Fighting and hardwork have always be in my DNA and yet, fighting for your love and happiness everyday is like no other fights I experienced. It still is my best fight to this day. I will never stop working hard to be worthy of your love and consideration. I thought I had everything until you swept me off my feet at the Brits and finally made me complete that night. 
I love you. Thank you for making me and Roscoe your family, @username 😍❤️
Ps: I never thought I would have love songs written about me. In complete awe of your talent 😳
View all 364 924 comments
yourusername You and Roscoe are the loves of my life. I’m the one who is thankful for you, for having found the perfect human being. I have so much love, respect and admiration for you that it is unimaginable. I love you with all of my heart 💜
189 989 likes
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bitchb0ybunny · 9 months
How TF141 would react to you crying when they pick you up..
Cant sleep, have a doctors appointment real early in the morning, and can't get this out of my head as a plus-sized person. Please enjoy this, I'm so tired :3
-Ghost would probably be one of the only ones of the group to actually understand why you started crying.. He's seen you stare at yourself in the mirror, he's watched you change clothes a million times because you didn't like how your stomach was showing, or how the open back of a top showed off your back rolls, or how your thighs refused to be contained by the leggings you squeezed yourself into over the course of fifteen or so minutes. He knew you didn't like your body, and that because of your size and weight you hadn't been picked up in a long time. Nobody had even attempted it since you were young.
So when he randomly picked you up at the grocery store and held you up so you could reach something on the back of the top shelf, holding you up as if you weighed nothing because he most certainly has had to carry and/or hold a lot heavier things, he knew why you started crying almost immediately. When he you eventually grab what you couldn't reach beforehand, he sets you down and holds you tightly, letting you cry and mumble for a few minutes before you two kept shopping. "Shh... shh... it's alright, sweetheart.. No, no, you're not to heavy for me, not even close... Let it out, your alright.."
-Soap would be confused.. Why are you crying? He just picked you up and moved you to a different couch cushion so he could sit with you. Did he hurt you? Why are tears streaming down those adorable little round cheeks? Did he grab you too hard, move you too suddenly and scare you? You had looked half asleep, so maybe? Had he made you uncomfortable, overwhelmed you maybe? He was confused and worried, he thought he did something wrong.. Doesn't really know what to do, but will comfort you as best as he can once he finds out why you started crying. "Bonnie, I dinnae mean to hurt ya-... Ya didn't expect me ta move ya? 'Too heavy'? Sure, yer a bit of a challenge, but I'm a strong lad. I've carried 'lot heavier."
-Price Probably a mix of confusion and understanding.. At first, he was like Soap. He thought he hurt you, he's been a Soldier for 20+ years so sometimes he forgets his own strength, but would immediately understand after asking a few questions..
"Did I hurt you, love? You a'right?.. Awh, don't give me that, sweetheart. Just cause I got a bit of a tummy don't mean I can't pick you up, I'm still a Soldier y'know." Would definitely laugh a little at his own comments or jokes.. He's got that 'I dont care, Im old and tired' kinda view on it. "'m old, tired, and scarred. Just happy someone as gorgeous as yourself finds the time to love me, I don't care if you have stretch marks or rolls or somethin... Hell, I got 'em too."
-Gaz would probably be confused as all hell, but still try and comfort you.. He had just picked you up cause he wanted a quick snuggle, after all. "Hey, hey, what're those tears about, beauty? Don't cry, y'got nothin to cry about right now, I gotcha.." Would definitely hold you a bit tighter, rubbing his hands along your sides even if you have rolls that make it a little bit difficult. He loves your rolls & your chub, loves to trace along your stretch marks when you cuddle at night.. He figures it out a little while later, but doesn't say anything to you. He doesn't want to make you embarrassed.. But you do notice that he's picking you up more often, often picking you up while giving you a big 'ole bear hug.. He loves you, after all, so why not use his extra muscles from work to show that?
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scarlett-or-wtv · 2 months
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Stupid Letters, Stupid Flowers.
A Chris Sturniolo X Reader Fanfiction
In which: Chris broke up with y/n over something stupid. Months later, she’s cleaning out her closet to move when she finds a shoebox filled with things he had given her over the years. Stupid Letters, Stupid Flowers.
Warnings: angst, crying
A/N: I asked you guys if I should write this on a poll and you said yes so here it is, Stupid Letters, Stupid Flowers.
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I was honestly glad about moving. New state, new start. Thats what I told myself.
My floor was riddled with random items, boxes stacked in the corner as I packed my room. I was gonna miss my room, it was my comfort place after all.
I picked through the last items in my closet, my clothes already packed away into various suitcases and boxes.
My eyes landed on a shoebox in the back corner. I looked at it confused for a second before getting onto my tippy toes to grab it. I slid it off the shelf and and almost fell trying to catch it. The box fell to the floor, the lid sliding partially off.
My heart sank as I saw what was under the lid. Of course. I had forgotten all about that. I hesitantly picked up the box before carrying it over to my bed. I sat down and took the lid completely off. I sifted through the contents, nothing but Stupid Letters and Stupid Flowers. Full of broken promises.
A tear fell from my cheek, landing on one of said letters, the words at the bottom of the paper caught my eye. “Ill love you, always and forever.” A lie, of course. Because Chris had broken up with me for the stupidest of reasons.
Rain poured over me as I knocked on his door, when he finally answered, he didn’t look happy to see me.
“Im sorry. Im so sorry. My car broke down on the way and my phone died and I couldn’t text you. Please let me make it up to you.” I rambled desperately.
“Its our 3 year anniversary and you didn’t even show up.” He said angrily. His tone made me shiver more then the cold rain.
“I had to walk all the way here. Im sorry I really tried to be here on time.” I apologized again.
“Just go home. Its done, we’re done.” He muttered. My heart sank.
“Don’t say that. I really am sorry, okay? Just let me fix it.” I begged as a tear on my cheek mixed with the rain.
“No. Just go home y/n.” He repeated.
“Please don’t do this. I love you.” I sobbed out my words as I pleaded with him.
“Go.” He said before shutting the door in my face.
It wasn’t until later that I found out the real reason he had broken up with me, someone new. He was just looking for any excuse to break up with me so he could be with her, what was her name again? Oh right, Hannah.
If she wasn’t absolutely gorgeous I would say it was his loss, unfortunately, she’s much prettier than me. Her long straight brown hair and her perfect body, perfect teeth, she was simply, perfect. In a way I could never be.
He wanted her, I should accept that. But then again, if he really loved me those 3 years, he wouldn’t have replaced me.
I walked over to my desk again and pulled out the drawer. I picked up the small velvet box that rested in the very back. My promise ring, yet another lie. I opened up the box and watched as the ring sparkled in the faint light that crept through the blinds of my window.
I walked back over to the shoebox and stuck it inside, letting out a sigh as I lifted the it up and carried it downstairs and out to my car.
I got into the driver seat and placed it in the seat next to me before starting the engine. I pulled out my phone and clicked on his contact, each dial tone made me more nervous. Then he picked it up.
“Hello?” He questioned, his words falling through the speaker of the phone in my hand.
“I uh… have some of your stuff. My plane leaves tomorrow, can I bring it by your house?” I asked nervously.
I heard him sigh through the phone. “Yeah sure.” He said sounding a little annoyed.
“Okay, sorry I just wanted to ask first. I know you don’t wanna see me.” The last part came out as a whisper.
“Just come over y/n.” He said.
“Be there in 10. Bye.” I said before hanging up. Why do I feel like crying right now? We talked for 30 seconds and I wanna cry. Pathetic.
After a while I pulled up to his house, parking across the street. I slowly and hesitantly stepped onto his porch. My hand shook as I pressed the doorbell with my free hand.
After what felt like eternity the door opened, it was Matt. He gave me a confused look.
“Chris said I could come drop of the last of his things.” I explained looking at the box then back at him.
“Okay.” He said stepping aside and letting me walk in. He closed the door behind us and I walked down the stairs. I stood outside of his room for a moment before clenching my eyes shut and knocking, as if the simple action was deadly.
“Come in.” He said from inside, i slowly turned the handle, stepping inside. I nervously met his eyes, my mouth suddenly going dry.
“Here.” I said, my hands shaking as I extended the box to him. He picked it up with a questioning look before setting it down on the bed and opening it. I watched as his expression dropped, his eyes raking over the contents of the box. Then his gaze landed on the small velvet box under a few letters.
He picked it up, opening it with an expression as if he hoped it wasn’t what he thought.
“You don’t wanna keep it?” He asked quietly, his gaze turning to me.
“Why would I?” I whispered with a shrug. “Give it to Hannah, im sure she’d love it.” I said with a sad smile.
“Y/n. I broke up with Hannah weeks ago.” He whispered.
“Oh, im sorry I didn’t know.” I muttered looking at my feet. I really didn’t know, if I did, honestly, I would have celebrated.
“Its okay. You didn’t know. Thanks for the stuff.” He said looking back down and sifting through the letters. “Maybe Ill send you a new letter when you get settled in at your new house.” He said with a sad smile.
“Maybe.” I whispered, my expression matching his. He suddenly stepped toward me, his movements cautious. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me into a hug.
“Ill miss you. Even if you think I wont.” He muttered into my hair. I found myself melting into his touch, no matter how hard I tried to resist it.
“I think I should go.” I say pulling away from him. “I have to finish packing.” I explained, not meeting his gaze.
“Okay.” He nodded understandingly. “Bye y/n.”
“Bye Chris.”
So I left. The next day I would be on a plane, and I those letters and flowers would all be a distant memory of what used to be, and it wouldn’t be till I was going through airport security that I would find that Chris had slipped the ring into my purse during that hug. Of course.
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A/N: Do yall fw this? Idk i lowk rushed it and wrote it in like 30 minutes? Lmk!!
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divinesolas · 1 year
hii🤝 can i request an ethan landry ex’s to lovers fic where the reader and ethan broke up cause of ethans jealousy so they’re just kinda mean and sarcastic to each other they’re basically just still mad at each other while being broken up and so there’s a lot of tension between them like but no smut i suck at making requests i’m sorry🙏🙏
Second Chances
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Warnings | best friend anika, ex's to lovers, very bad insults (im not good at insults), implied attempted sa, asshole when drunk ethan, slight angst but with happy ending !! not proofread
wc | 2.4k
a/n: hiiii i really appreciate the request i hope you like it !! sorry if its not exactly what you wanted !!
“Clean up in isle four a bunch of fucking garbage spilled all over the floor.” You turn to your coworker next you who rolled her eyes and walked away mumbling something about the back.
Ethan and the others had found their way to your work establishment. Ethan turned his head towards you and rolled his eyes, “Don't you have a job to do?” “I am working asshole see” you gesture to your work uniform and pick one of the items off the shelf just to put it back on. He shakes his head and makes a step towards you so youre almost face to face, “you're so stupid.” You mock him, “How dare you?” “There's nothing wrong with pointing out the truth.”
“Just make out already Jesus christ.” Tara, tired of the two of you, leads the others out of the isle, Ethan scoffs and turns away from you, giving you one last look to which you flip him off before he walks out of the isle.
Watching him leave sucks, you hate to admit it but you miss him. So much. The night two weeks ago is still burning in the back of your memory.
you were just at a party only maybe thirty minutes ago, you had walked away from him and the rest of the group for a quick second to grab a refill only to get stopped by a guy. He grabs your arm and smiles at you. You think his name is mark? You recognize him from your English class.
“You wanna be my beer pong partner?” You shake your head and smile at him, “No sorry i just need to grab a drink.” he sighs, “can i atleast get your number gorgeous?” You shake your head, “I got a boyfriend.” “I'm sorry.” He nods and walks back over to the beer pong table.
You make your way over to the drink table, “what was that?” As you pour a drink you see your boyfriend, Ethan, standing behind you with an unreadable look on his face. you smile at him before turning back to the table, “you know that guy mark from english? he asked if i wanted to play beer pong with him.” you laugh and fill up your cup.
However, you turn back to see Ethan have an upset look. “is everything okay-” “why was he holding your arm?” Your expression turns grim due to his tone, “um… he asked for my number, i told him no obviously.” His face didn't let up, “Ethan, I promise nothing happened.”
He scoffs and turns away from you, “you looked a little too happy to have said no.” You look at him in disbelief, “are you kidding ethan?'' He doesn't look at you. “I can't believe this, you can't even trust me?” he turns back to you, “why should i?” you open and close your mouth in shock, “because i'm your girlfriend? You know what, no I'm not. you're unbelievable i'm so done with you.”
He follows after you, you can see a stumble in his step, is he drunk? “Baby please-” You huff, “Leave me alone, seriously. Dont text or call me.”
He had left you a large array of messages and tried to call you many many times but all of them went ignored.
Whenever he would try to approach you in person you shut down any sort of advances with an ache in your chest.
You feel a hand tap your shoulder and you turn to see anika there with a sad expression, “you still haven't talked to him?” why should you? he was disrespectful and mean, despite how much you may miss him you will never let someone treat you like he did.
“y/n please just talk to him, you two are miserable.” You sigh and shake your head, “I don't feel miserable, I feel great.” you let out a halfhearted laugh before playing with the already perfectly arranged shelf, “sorry but i have to get back to work.” You see in the corner of your eye her frowning but before she can say anymore you hear Mindy calling for her to join them as they leave.
She walks away and you feel regret at the sad look on her face, you'll have to text her an apology letter.
One of your bigger regrets from your breakup is that you cut contact with the whole group, it's not like they wanted to but you didn't want them to have to choose. you watch out of the corner of your eye as they walk out the front door and you take a breath of relief. This sucks.
When anika invites you to go shopping at the mall, you are shocked to see her standing around with the rest of the group. Ethan standing further back in the group in a seemingly heated discussion with mindy. God this sucks.
Praying she hasn't seen you yet you try to rush away, maybe text her that you aren't feeling well but of course, “y/n!! over here!!” you sigh and turn back with a forced smile.
you slowly walk over and seeing her genuinely cheerful smile puts a real one on your face, “anika hey, hi guys….” you look at the rest of the group who all greet you except one. He looks to the floor as anika begins to drag you along talking about what clothes she wants to get today.
Soon enough sam, tara and chad split off from the group leaving just you anika mindy and of course, ethan. You are now walking side by side with Ethan as Mindy and anika hold hands in front of you.
You look over to him and see him already looking at you and you scoff despite the fact your heart races, “it's rude to stare you know” he rolls his eyes, “it's hard not to when you have something in your hair.” your hands immediately fly to your hair picking and pulling at it.
He stops you with a sigh, “it's here.” He turns you head towards him and your face heads as he pulls something from your hair and flicks it from his hand. You two stare at each other, his doe eyes softening seeing your face. You look down at his lips, remembering how they felt, wishing you could just grab his neck and pull him against you.
You snap out of it hearing mindy laugh, “god they're so stupid.” You see anika smile at you as you two pull away from each other. You scoff as you move in front of the group, “don't do that again.” You begin to walk away not bothering to look if they're following you, “not even a thank you?” you don't turn back to look at him, not trusting yourself to.
“Your outfit looks bad.” “is that the worst you have?” His outfit doesn't look bad. Hes wearing a fucking suit of course he doesn't look bad. It was Sam's birthday so you were all going to some really nice restaurant. you turn your body fully away from him as you all wait in the lobby for the table.
“the worst thing here just so happens to be your hair.” you hear him scoff, “you love my hair.” You turn back to him with an angry look, why would he say that, it's true of course but he has no right. “i don't like your hair just as much as i don't like your face.” he shakes his head and looks away from you with an unreadable look.
“your insults are really bad today. did you wake up on the right side of the bed this morning?” he finally looks back at you and stares at your face, you think he's looking at your eyes but his eyes are turned down slightly, your lips.
Before you can say anymore the table is ready while walking there his hand brushes against yours and you immediately pull your hand away. He looks at you with a frown before he shakes his head and sits far away from you. Good, you think no it wasn't good. It sucked.
You're at a party anika dragged you to, you hadn't gone to one since Ethan and you split. Anika decided it was time to get you out of the house so here you were. She ignored you anytime you asked if ethan would be there which leads you to believe he is which sucks.
You stare at the empty cup in your hand and sigh as you stand up to go fill it again despite the fact you are probably way too drunk and shouldn't be drinking anymore. You finally stumble your way towards the table, you pour yourself another drink and chug it down attempting to ignore your pounding head.
“Something wrong, gorgeous?” You turn and see Mark, the same guy from a few weeks ago, You shake your head unable to answer him and wave him off. “Are you sure? you nod again, putting a hand on your head.
“c'mon i'll help you to a room upstairs.” you feel in grab you and begin to lead you towards the stairs you try to push him away but he keeps a tight firm grip.
at the bottom of the stairs you grab the railing to stop him from pulling you up when you hear a voice, “uh what's going on here?” ethan. Thank god. He has a confused look on his face as he looks between the two of you.
“Hey man, I'm just taking her upstairs to rest her head.” you shake your head and look at ethan with a desperate look and he immediately steps into action. “I'm friends with her roommate, I'll just take her back to her dorm.” Ethan moves towards you to grab you but Mark gets defensive and pulls you towards him, “she asked me to take her don't worry man.”
Ethans face hardens, “let her go.” The rest of the group had made there way over to you guys and chad stepped next to ethan. “I don't see the big deal man-” Ethan ripped you from his arms and grabbed onto you as Ethan slammed his hands into the guy's chest. “dont fucking call me man again, leave my girlfriend the fuck alone.”
“are you alright?'' You nod at Chad and watch as Ethan gets in the guy's face and says a couple more things you can't hear before he rushes back towards you and holds you in his arms.
“are you alright? god i'm sorry baby, cmon lets go.” He lifts you into his arms and carries you out, not before he and Chad exchange a few words with a nod from Chad Ethan leaves with you in his arms.
It feels nice, for a moment you forget everything that's happened between you two the last couple weeks and lay your head on his neck. you feel his grip tighten as he pulls you closer, “i got you baby dont worry.”
You close your eyes and breathe in his scent feeling relaxed you almost fall asleep. He cursed to himself and you opened your eyes again.
You notice you aren't on the way to your dorm, “where are we-” “my dorm, sorry i didn't grab the keys from anika.”
You look up at his face and he looks down at you, he's so beautiful. you notice his face turns red and his pace quickens. Had you said that outloud?
You arrive at his dorm, “I'm gonna put you down for a sec, okay?” he only moves to put you down once you nod, he places you on your feet your body leaning against his and he opens the door.
He lifts you back into his arms and walks you inside, closing the door behind him. you feel his warmth leave you when he places you on his bed.
You watch him leave, wanting to ask where's he's going but he comes back quickly with a glass of water, “drink it please” you chug down the water, not realizing how parched you actually were he takes the glass away from you still don't making eye contact, “you can sleep on the bed, i'll call anika to let her know-” you watch him try to move away from you and you whine and grabbing his arm.
“don't leave me.” you don't want him to leave, all the nights you've spent alone since breaking up with ethan flood back into your mind and your eyes water why did being drunk have to make you so emotional. “please.”
His eyes widen before he sits down into the bed, taking off his shoes and yours before lifting up the comforter and squeezing in next to you. A smile grows on your face as he finally faces you, you run a hand along his face and trace his features. “I've missed you, I'm sorry, for everything.” his eyes close at the feeling of your hands.
you keep running a hand along his cheek, “what in particular?” you want to make sure he knows what he's apologizing for, now is not the time you know that but you need to ask. “That whole night, the words I said and what I insinuated, I was drunk. That's not an excuse I know but I want you to know I didn't mean it baby I promise.”
You nod your head, feeling sleep overtake you. “If you really mean it, tell me in the morning.” you mumble as you wiggle into his arms, knowing you already forgive him. He wraps his arms around you, “of course baby I love you.”
You wake up the next morning with a pounding headache. You groan and put a hand on your head, you should never drink like that again. You run your hands along the face before realizing you're not in your bed, oh right. last night.
you turn over and see ethan already looking at you, now sober you feel awkward “um good morning.” he smiles at you, “good morning.” you two sit in silence for awhile with him admiring you while you try to avoid eye contact, why was this so awkward?
“So do I need to go through the whole speech again or do you remember?” he looks at you hopefully to which you nod. “never talk to me like that again.” he shakes his head, “never.” you laugh, giving into your true desires and wrapping your arms around him.
“Does this mean I'm your boyfriend again?” You pull back slightly and kiss him, “does that answer your question?”
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house-of-slayterr · 7 months
beloved 🥺
im normally not the one to come knocking, asking for comfort, but i truly had the worst day at work today (plus, it was a late shift). may i ask for a lil comfort with hannibal or halsin? 🥺🌻
if you wanna hug me, you gotta scrape me off the floor first /j slkfjskdfj
thank you so much for just reading this. absolutely no pressure!!
i love you and i hope your day was/will be good!!
Noooo wifey, who hurt you?! I’ll eat them! I’m sorry you had a bad day at work. Sending every hug in the world, I’ll get a nice new shovel to scrape you off the floor.
Of course you can have some Halsin and Hannibal comfort 🥰
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You come back to camp after a long stressful day hard at work. Nothing seemed to go right, and the more the day went on you just wanted to curl up into a ball and hide yourself away. The hours ticked on until the sun started to set and it was finally time to rest for the evening. Hang up your aching bones on the shelf and just become a sleepy pile of mush.
At least, that was your plan, until something, or more aptly, someone caught your attention.
“Pretty flower come look” his voice calls as he spots you.
It’s something he’s taken to calling you, your beauty reminding him of the flowers from back home. And the minute he saw that smile on your face, and the blush in your checks the first time he called you it, he knew it would stick. You were his pretty flower, and he was your handsome bear. Something so simply it seemed everyone in the world understood besides the two of you.
You saunter over to him, and he’s yet to notice your sour demeanour.
“My pretty flower, look, I’ve found the most beautiful little duckling. He’s got spots”
Halsin holds out his hand to let you see the small creature, looking even smaller in his arms.
“Very cute” you reply half hearted.
He frowns, setting the duckling on his shoulder and cups your face in his hands.
“My precious petal, what’s wrong?”
“Hard day” you shrug.
Halsins frown deepens and he bends down to kiss your forehead.
“I’m sorry things are hard sometimes, but you’re the strongest person I’ve ever met. If anyone can handle a bad day with grace, it’s you. But would you like to know something else?”
“What’s that?” You look up at him.
“Even the strongest warriors are better together than alone. Consider my evening yours. Whatever makes you happy we shall do.”
“Halsin you don’t have to-“
“Nonsense my dear. You deserve the world on a platter, anything less I simply won’t allow. Let me spoil you rotten, with praise, and affection and a sense of adventure. Allow me to make you feel much better.”
“That’s very kind of you Hal”
You warp your arms around his torso and give him a tight squish. A deep chuckle rumbles in his chest as he hugs you back, before scooping you into his arms.
“Tonight I’ll treat you like a princess, and if you’ll allow me, I’d make you my queen forever.”
He presses a gentle kiss to your lips when he see no protest in your eyes or body language. And he pulls away smiling.
“You are my heart, pretty flower, let me fill yours with love. No more thinking tonight. You just relax while I take care of you.”
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Hannibal heard the sound of the door open before you even had your coat off. He takes off his reading glasses and sets them on his desk, getting up to come greet you.
“Evening my love” he says when he sees you, but his face instantly drops reading your body language. “What happened?”
“Just work stuff, it’s stupid” you try to brush off.
“Now dove” he gently grabs your chin making you look at him, “you know better than to lie to me. Tell me what’s going on in that pretty head of yours darling.”
You give a heavy sigh, it almost impossible to say no to the charming man before you. He takes your hand bringing you to come sit on the couch, his hand comfortingly stoke your thigh as he listens to you rant about your day.
You can see his jaw tense occasionally in distaste about the travesties of your day.
“I think you’re too good for that place” he admits with no shame or guilt.
Why would he, he thinks you’re one of the best people he’s ever met. Never even once has he thought about tasting you in a way other than a gentle kiss, or more passionate endeavours. But you were his sacred lamb, the one who made him better, made him want to be better. If anyone made you sad they were sure to be added to the menu. Not that he’d ever force you to eat it, but he’ll surely enjoy his meal.
“That’s sounds quite unfortunate little lamb. I’m terrible sorry you’ve suffered so today. Let me make it up to you. Dinner and a nice glass of wine, then after a massage and I’ll draw you a warm bath. How does that sound?”
“Amazing” you admit, looking at him softly. “You’re absolutely amazing”
You give him a quick peck on the cheek, earning you a rare laugh from the stoic dr.
“It is you who is amazing my love. You bring joy and meaning to so many lives around you. And if they don’t notice your hard work, I certainly do. The world will see your value as I do someday my darling. But until then I will offer you the praise they so thoughtlessly lack”
He kisses you back gently, a proper kiss this time. One that can show you his feelings. One that leaves you feeling worshiped.
“Let me pamper you my little lamb. Maybe perhaps I’ll even watch one of those shows you enjoy, if you behave for me and don’t lift a finger to help with dinner or the washing up. Deal?”
He smiles at you, whisking you away to be pampered for the night. Figuring his work can wait until later. He cooks you a magnificent feast of all your favourites. Even if he wouldn’t typically approve of them in his diet. He whispers sweet nothings and small praise to you as he gives the massage, making sure you understand just how important and loved you are.
Him joining you in the bath is up to you, he wouldn’t mind either way, just pleased that you needed him for comfort and happy to take care of your burdens. You end up falling asleep one his chest with your comfort show on as he plays with your hair. Hoping your dreams will drive away any stress left in your body so you’re up to spirits in the morning.
An: ahhh sorry if this is bad beloved, I was making dinner and writing at the same time and just wanted to get it to you quick, so it’s not proof read at all 😅 but I hope you like it, I really tried. Still getting back into writing so I’m not as confident about it right now.
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chrissidepiece · 3 months
Best freinds
Paring - Reader and bsf!Matt
fluff 💕 Matt Y/n
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Me and Matt have been close we flirt a lot all the time but I think I’m staring to catch feeling for him
Suddenly matt bursts through the door yelling my name
Y/n! Oh, can I see?
I closed my journal giving Matt a stare he looked at me and pouted
in the front of my head I thought something’s wrong with my best freind but in the deepest corner of my mind I thought about how cute he looked.
Hello? Earth to y/n? What are you dreaming about how handsome I am he said sarcasticly and I looked at him and sighed before sitting next to him and putting my journal on the top shelf above my bed.
What do you want you big baby I said chuckling to myself he looked at me as if he was flustered, I hope he’d had knew I was joking I mean some part of me wanted to call him baby without having to say “I’m just joking!”
Matt stared at me as if I was an alien kid what’s wrong with you? He opened his mouth and said awh im your baby? He said as if he was happy of course I knew he was joking but I wish he wasn’t.
Matt what do you want dude I was busy writing.
So rude but I wanted to ask if you wanted to watch me play some fort with chris I looked and him and said why not? He grabbed my hand as he led me to his room,
he held my hand? Wait what.. maybe it was just a friendly gesture me and matt sat down next to each other he was still holding my hand I let go even though I really didn’t want to.
What’s wrong you been acting weird since I saw you writing in your journal. I looked at my phone it buzzed, it was a text from nick
Did you tell Matt abt how u feel?
I hope Matt didn’t see what his brother had texted me he looked at my face, who texted you? Oh it’s nothing
Oh okay he blew a kiss and I caught it before sitting next to him watching him play fort with his brother we took turns it’s been about 5 hours and I got bored
I decided I should text nick back
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You almost blew my cover!
Not my fault you won’t man up and tell him how u feel.
I’ll tell him today
Okay girl he’s your best freind he won’t leave you
Okay love you
Love you too girl
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Matt I’m tired can we go to sleep? He looked at me and nodded his head yes he told his brothers he was tired and was gonna log off I turned my head toward him wanna go to my room? I suggest since we spent basically all day in his room yeah I’m tired too I want to watch a new movie with you
I layed on my bed and looked at Matt in his grey sweats I looked at him and stumbled on my words cause of how those sweat makes him look so.. never mind.. Matt can you turn around so I can change?
Why can’t I see a pretty girl get dressed? I scoffed rolled my eyes and walked up to him, you’ll get to see this pretty girl some other time.
Is this a promise? Yes now turn around! I say slightly yelling at him I took my shirt off and felt the breeze hit my chest I rummaged around my wardrobe in hopes to find something comfortable and I didn’t in result I turned around and faced Matt’s back.
Matt take off your shirt I said in a clear voice he turned around looked at me up and down and with no hesitation and said yes ma’am I took his shirt and put it on, I keep my promises I said with a almost snarky remark he looked at me and said can you make another promise then? I looked at him and pushed his forehead softly you’ve seen enough for one night.
Fine he says in a tone
I looked at Matt on in his grey sweats and I could swear I saw a bulge in his sweats I mean it wasn’t that hard to miss I decided to tease him
I see someone’s excited about seeing pretty ol me?
He looked down and covered his boner he walked out the room and a fuck you could be heard outside of my door, I rolled my eyes before laying down drifting to sleep
He walked back through the door without a Boner and jumped on my bed causing my journal to fall and open on a page
January 1 2024
I think I’m Inlove with Matt, I mean he’s my best freind he cute and well he’s just the sweetest person ever, I don’t want to tell him because well maybe he’ll think I’m a weirdo because I like him and the flirting that happens between us is really not helping my thoughts.
He scanned through the journal and slammed it shut acting as if he didn’t read my journal I knew I was fucked but instead he handed me my journal and layed down next me and gave me a kiss on the forehead
I don’t think your weird for liking me cause I flirt with you on purpose. I smiled at him talking about me so nicely I rubbed my thumb on his cheek and gave him a soft kiss on his plump and soft lips
Yes? A few moments passed before he looked at me and said I think I’m Inlove with you too.. will you be my pretty girl? I looked at him and kissed him before letting go of his soft lips and saying yes I’ll be your pretty girl I love you
Can we go to sleep I’m tired. He opened his arms and I crawled on him before I heard a low I love you come from his mouth I kissed his chest and said I love you too.
THE ENDDDD HOW DID I DO? Also here any master list :) masterlist
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first-edition · 2 years
“I didn’t have any plans.”
Spencer x reader
Cw-Fluff, angst, library kisses.
Semi admitting feelings for you
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“I didn’t have any plans.” Spencer says sitting cross cross in his chair.
“Good you can come with me to the library!” You say ruffling his hair.
“Ooh yes in need to find a new boook.” He says
“A book that pretty boy hasn’t read is gonna be a challenge.” Morgan says as you grab your bag. And spencer get up getting his.
“Night!” Emily says waving. You smile and wave back
You two walk into the library and you immediately walk to the romance section.
Scanning the shelf up and down taking out books reviewing them and then putting them back when you’ve found nothing.
“Y/n..” he says quietly not to disturb anyone nearby.
“Hmm?” You ask scanning the books.
“Can I ask you something.” He says
“Go for it.” You say
“This might seem out of the blue but with sam…how did you know he wasn’t good for you.” He says
“Oh um…hmm? I don’t know how to nessisarly explain that with out exposing myself. Hmm well for one im a profiler i guess and i don’t want someone who i can look at and know everything about, i like puzzles and sam was too easy. That sound rude but i just…that girl you were talking about a few months ago you still t-talking to her?” You ask .
“Yeah we talk everyday actually” he says rubbing his neck and talking a random book off the shelf.
“Okay then how do you know that she’s the one.. i mean its been long enough you should just tell tell her..” you say slightly hurt to tell him to go off with another woman even though you haven’t told him how you feel.
“Well.. she’s kind for one, after work shell tell me about her highs and her lows, when she’s not busy she gets me coffee with extra creamer, she’s selfless and smart, she’s friends with everyone around her and does the most when solving the cases.” He rambles but cuts himself off.
“She’s an agent.” You say blankly “sh-shit..yes.” He huffs you nod he shakes his hand and flips through the book he’s holding but quickly puts it back when realizing its fifty shades of grey.
“I um….I didn’t know you liked anyone at work.” You say turning to the book shelf focusing on the books.
“I shouldn’t have told you that..” he says “tell me more.” You say turning back to him.
“Sh-she does little things to make everyone happy. She goes shopping with Penelope, bring Morgan game ticket…” he moves closer to you “…takes extra time so notch can spend time with his family, brings family games for jj and her son, makes sure Rossi gets enough sleep…” he moves closer to you you’re back hitting the shelf blocking you from moving.
“…she spends nights with Emily watching movies…and when Elle was still around…helped her through the hospital.” He says his face moving closer to yours.
Now realizing he’s talking about you. “A-and what does she do for you?”
“Invites me to book stores, goes to cafes to watch the rain, straightens my ties, organizes my desk,…exists…and….made me fall in love with her.” He says his golden brown eyes looking into yours. “The shes in love with you too.”
You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him he kisses you back his hands gripping your waist. The kiss deepens as his hands move under your shirt his cold hands feeling your waist and lower back.
“S-Spence.” You gasp
“Can i ask you something.” You say he nods eagerly at you.
“When you said you didn’t have any plans tonight did you mean it?” You ask.
“Yes.” He replies.
“Good….you do now.” You say grabbing his hand and walking out of the library.
I’m taking requests now so if you’d like something written pls let me know!!!
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skubean · 2 years
May i request a short reader hc with any of the holotempus boys?
thanks for the request <3 ! i really liked this idea bcs im sort of short as well (5'2) *sobs* anyways, i decided to go with altare, axel, bettel and hakka since i'm not confident in writing for all of them yet (sorry!!) but i hope you liked this!
holotempus boys with a short! gn reader
characters: regis altare, axel syrios, gavis bettel, banzoin hakka
warnings: gender neutral reader, ooc, mentions of pet names (baby, babe, love), mild cursing, mentions of insecurity, nothing else just mostly teasing and fluff! (i did not proofread this (my bad) but lmk in case of errors.
regis altare
let's be real. the guy definitely feels a sense of pride knowing that there's someone shorter than him sksksks (since he's the shortest in hq)
he is the definition of a devil in disguise (affectionate) bcs mans will mess with you at any moment he gets despite having that soft smile on his face
he loves knowing that you rely on him esp if there's stuff you can't reach.
"what're you doing, babe? can't reach?". towers over you from behind to get whatever you're tryna reach.
if you're insecure with your height, altare would probably not mess with you as much bcs he wants you to be happy! for him, height doesn't really matter as long as the both of you are happy.
if you're just a little gremlin, expect having small silly banters with him that ends up becoming happy cuddles at the end of the day. let's just say teasing each other is your love language.
jokes aside, i think altare is the best person to be around with, mainly bcs he's attentive and focuses on your wellbeing most of the time.
imagine being in a crowd and separated from him, he would still be able to find you, ofc he would, he's just that good.
overall, altare's just being silly but definitely thinks you're cute to tease, and he uses that to his advantage.
axel syrios
menace. absolute menace.
he likes the feeling of being reliable, so he'd definitely purposely with full on intention place stuff on the highest spot so that you would have to come to him for help.
imagine his smug face when you come to him asking to get the plates placed on the highest shelf and as soon as you turn around, he silently fistbumps as a sign of victory. (he's goofy i just know it)
definitely extra protective of you, thinks you're really precious and he's like a bodyguard for some reason.
the type to always have his hand around your waist ueueueue.
if you're a little self conscious with your height, i expect axel to be really good with reassurance. he's playful, yeah, but he definitely cares more about you.
"no, baby! i think you're absolutely adorable and perfect the way you are!!", he would say this while cupping both your cheeks so you'd look him straight in the eye.
he's a hugger, so expect cuddle sessions almost 25/8.
he could be gaming and would suddenly ask you to sit on his lap or something bcs he just likes the warmth.
again, height isn't an issue for him, in fact, he finds it endearing with the height difference.
as long as you love him and he loves you, he would protect you at all costs (with a lot of teasing).
gavis bettel
pretty similar to axel, bettel definitely is big on teasing.
but his teasing are quick to follow with affection afterwards. definitely the type who jokes and then says sorry afterwards.
one time, he saw you sitting on his gaming chair while he went to grab some water and he noticed how your legs dangle slightly from how high he had his chair on. never told you this but that image of you is always on his mind, and he may or may not have snapped a picture, saved it in his phone, probably under an album filled with other pictures of you.
phantom reminds him so much of you bcs of how small he is, in a good way ofc. definitely pesters phantom abt it too.
if you're the type who would react to his antics (like get mad at him (jokingly) when he messes around), bettel sees that as an encouragement for him to mess around more.
rests-arm-on-your head typa beat
big spoon in bed for sure. the type that intertwines his legs with yours under the cover so that you're pretty much trapped under his larger build.
i headcannon that bettel is shy with pda but does stuff that indicates he wants touches!
for example: you're both sitting on the couch, and he would scooch closer to you when he sees you hella focused on whatever show is on the tv and if he thinks you noticed, he would stop. but then, he'd do it again and again until you get the hint and just lay your head on his shoulder. (mission accomplished, he thinks)
he probably doesn't realise this, but he's considerate of you. the type who would bend slightly when he kisses you without thinking bcs it's just something that happens.
definitely adorable.
banzoin hakka
hakka is a sweetheart. i just know so. in fact, i'm sure of it.
probably the opposite of the other three. jokes around but doesn't really do it much.
the type who would place stuff at a level that's reachable for you. (and for him lmfao)
probably doesn't mind about height because he's short too (his words, not mine).
still likes being the bigger spoon. one time, he was the small spoon and it was too much for him, he couldn't handle it. (weak to receiving affection).
definitely a giver. gives plenty of affection to you throughout the day that when you reward him with a little peck on the cheek, he gets all flustered and stumbles on his words (nerd.)
he's your protector. the type that would cover your head when you bend down to grab something, or would walk on the side of the road.
hakka heard you complaining abt your height one time and went full on nagging mode skksksks. doesn't like hearing you fret about your height because he thinks you're perfect!
"love, height shouldn't even be an issue because it's just height. i'd rather have you as you are bcs you're my y/n". he's so cute i can't.
lowkey feels like he would pat your butt sometimes, idk why this just popped up in my head but he does it whenever you start mumbling abt being short.
overall, he's very sweet. never lets height become an issue bcs fuck being tall!!! short is the new trend!! /j
a/n: sorry, this didn't come out as good as i was hoping bcs i ran out of ideas T.T i actually initially was planning on writing it longer but my brain is poof :( anyways, i hope this is fine huhuhu i'll try my best in the future! SORRY I SUCK i've been on tumblr for years but have never actually wrote anything so i'm a little stupid sksksksk. ok that's all, thank you !! -beanz
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kit-williams · 8 months
Note: Barn Anon. I'm very new to this whole thing but it's gotten me all tangled up in a mess about it. This has been running through my head while I was at work. Im also stupid shy. I can't remember anything regarding life-spans but a part of me likes to imagine they're the equivalent of your dad finding an abandoned a tortoise as a kid that has since outlived him and is now going to outlive you too.
He's been around long before you were born. He had suddenly appeared with no hint of where he could've come from. Your great-grand parents had a heart attack when their daughter didn't come home at the usual time, only to find her playing with the lumbering giant metal-armoured being. your grandmother had named the giant Castle for his size. If he had a proper name, he never gave it.
There are pictures, black and white ones, of your grandmother growing up. in most of them, Castle was always somewhere in the background or even right beside her. then soon it would have less images of your grandmother with Castle and instead have your father and his siblings with Castle. then black and white pictures would change to coloured ones featuring you and your cousins, all with Castle.
It is odd. You flip through the old photo albums, nothing how Castle has gained scrapes on his armour over the years. yet apart from those cosmetic changes, he seems otherwise unchanged. Your father too had spoken of how Castle's strength and stamina never weakened over the years.
You had learned, when you left the small town and entered the big city, that Castle is a Space Marine. Though you are a little confused, most seem to state that Space Marines are typically social beings and prefer to be in groups. Why is Castle alone? Why seek out an ordinary human family for company instead of his own kind? Or maybe it was because he was alone that he decided to latch onto your grandmother all those years ago?
You hear the loud heavy footsteps on wooden floor and put the photo album back on the shelf. You had taken time off work to return to your small quiet hometown to tidy up your grandmother's house. Your grandmother had passed on a few weeks ago and according to her neighbours, Castle had been the one by her side till the end. You look out the window to see Castle. He is just as you remembered him all those years ago. Tall, mighty, silent and ever vigilant. He has been rather withdrawn ever since your grandmother passed, but as you watch your own daughter run up to the gentle giant, you feel the flicker of warmth and hope when he couches down to her level.
He comes and goes as he wishes, for days, weeks and once even months. However he always came back and maybe, just maybe, if you moved into your grandmother's house with your gaggle of kids... maybe he'll decide to stay. Noone in your family truly understands him, but he has always been a part of your family.
Fuckin hell Barn anon hardly anything I can add onto this
"Dinner!" You shout out into the gloom watching and looking around before you finally whistle out in the way your grandmother had taught you to call Castle. He could speak but Grandmother said that it took him awhile to learn English as what he spoke was like church Latin but nothing sounded like words you knew. She and Castle had made a language out of whistles and their own words. You soon hear your gaggle of kids as they are carried by Castle trudging out of the tree line at the edge of the property.
You remember the day you sat down with Castle and told him how you were going to move in. Out of all of her grandchildren it seems you were the only one Castle tolerated and well you were close enough to him always happy to see him. You told him that you were moving back into grandmother's home as it was left to your father and he in turn gave it to you.
He was allowed to come and go however he pleased as you knew he was always your grandmothers.
"Say Castle kids!" You say pulling out the polaroid camera as you went to go meet them in the summer evening air. Those days that feel like they are always endless where day slowly bleeds into night like a wound slowly losing blood.
"Castle!" The small chorus cries with big smiles on their faces as you take the picture and shake it.
You can't help but smile as you see the normally stoic Castle with one of his trademark contented smiles... a smile that reaches his eyes. A smile where he knows he is wanted and loved.
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shrimp-dumpling · 1 month
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Made something stupid after remembering Eksval (my commandant oc) is still human and therefore cant live forever with the Gray Ravens lol
Item context:
He'll eventually die, he's still just a human. Eventually, some time later, the Gray Raven's won't have him as their commandant anymore.
He doesn't know if they think about it, he prefers they don't. He doesn't like them worrying about the inevitable, especially if its about him.
Of course, the Gray Ravens had never thought about it. Life without their commandant, someone they've bonded so closely with.
Its been a while. Tides and fights are getting desperate and busy enough to distract them from forming such thoughts.
During his rare amounts of spare time, bit by bit, he made a little toy. 3 gray ravens on a raised platform. When you touch their heads, they bob, and then go back up.
It also served as a camera of sorts, to record moments and preserve them.
It was a simple device, really. Eksval had also decided to color the gray ravens' eyes to match the Gray Raven members' main colors.
He goes to the debriefing room and attaches it on a shelf, making sure no one will steal it. He taps the head of the one with blue eyes, and as expected, it bowed.
Smiling in satisfaction that it was working properly, he leaves the room and goes off to tend to his business.
The ravens' eyes glowed in the dark. For now, there was nothing to record.
But one day, those records will be the only thing left of the commandant, a reminder of his existence to the Gray Ravens.
Item description:
A recording device made by a certain commandant. On a small, raised platform, stood three gray ravens. The ravens seems to represent the members of the Gray Ravens, though it was only evident due to the eye colors.
There was not a fourth raven though, signifying that the certain commandant who made it did not last. Or atleast, not permanently.
Engraved on the raised platform were the words "Gray Raven", as if it wasn't obvious enough that it belonged to them.
SLIGHTLY modified (as in i changed the numbers) song cuz i suddenly thought about it while making this (no eksval does not die it was all just a nightmare totally haha):
4 birds on a wire— (the gray ravens stood next to each other, contented and happy)
3 tried to fly, away, and the other�� (missions took place, battles were inevitable. Due to this, the contructs had to leave and fight)
watches them close from that wire.. (the commandant watched over them, making sure nothing went wrong. It was his job to make sure they come back together.)
He says he wants to as well- (the commandant eventually joins their mission on the surface, even if it was dangerous. He tells them to not worry and that he'll be fine by their side,)
But he is a liar. (but it's not like he was the most honest man either.)
I'll believe it all— (even if the Gray Ravens were skeptical, especially Lee, they still choose to believe their commandant on his words)
There's nothing I won't understand (afterall, why would their commandant need to lie? Surely theres a reason for everything. The Gray Ravens trust their commandant.)
I'll believe it all (they trust his judgement, they believe in him.)
I won't let go of your hand (they wont let go of him, and he won't let go of them too. He'll continue guiding them, the sweet ducklings he has raised)
4 birds on a wire... (and once more, they were back together)
3 say 'come on', and the 4th said 'im tired..' (they had a mission coming up. They waited for their commandant but he didn't appear. Celia informs them that due to complications, the commandant couldn't go with them.)
The sky's overcast, (The sky hasn't been blue, not for a while now. Though they do wonder why it was cloudy, it was a little rare for it to be cloudy.)
And im sorry. (Celia couldn't tell them. No one could tell them what happened. They're so sorry.)
4 birds of a feather, say that they're always gonna stay together (it was a promise made. An empty one that Eksval felt sorry for.)
But one's never going to let go of that wire. (he was only human. As much as he was a great commandant, he was only human. He will always just be human.)
He says that he will, (promises are made, promises are broken. Eksval was never the most honest man afterall.)
But he's just a liar. (and yet, it still hurt when he broke that promise.)
("Tell me, was it such a crime to love you?")
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