#scheduled this last October
lilacxquartz · 1 day
just about finished the kinktober write ups :)
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
It's very satisfying to me when the number of Inklings Challenge participants divides perfectly into equal teams. Any new members had better sign up in groups of three.
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I was hoping they were waiting to say something bc they were trying to reschedule but i guess not
Given how tightly scheduled this tour is, not to mention that since the show was cancelled just before start time, the budget for this date was already spent (press and advertisement for the show, flights, hotels, meals, transportation and security for the band and their crew, transportation for the stage and equipment, labor for the stage that was already built, etc), I would imagine that cancellation rather than postponement was the most practical solution.
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natreads · 1 month
back from gdansk and greece. I work this weekend and then I only have a week until I'm going back to uni?? help
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bunn-iiii · 2 months
so many things happening in my life in the next couple months and it feels like my life is turning around compared to how I felt this time last year which was complete and utter dread and burn out in every sense of the word
#ME WHEN I GIVE MYSELF MORE SPACE AND TIME TO HEAL AND BE OKAY AFTER A SCHOOL YEAR#there are several factors as to why i don't feel like the human-ish equivalent of the swamp monster#mostly though it's because I'm going into homeschooling so the overwhelming fear of the next school year and all the expectations and#running around and will i get a good teacher and do i have to change my schedule and oh god am i gonna be able to get my 504 in check and#are my teachers even going to follow it and all of that isn't present#I'm gonna meet my teacher here soon and i she's a special ed teacher and i won't have to run between classes#or worry about my principal suddenly making a rule that we can't go to the bathrooms during class hours#and everything else that comes with going to school i did#and also the reason i don't feel like shit is i haven't done much this summer!!! literally everything was fighting for my time and attention#last summer and i felt like i barely had a moment to breathe#one moment I'm in Tennessee with my aunt and the next I'm back in Oklahoma running a convention#and then less than a week later I'm at counselor in training camp for two weeks (would've been three but i got sick due to overworking#myself while at the camp)#and then as soon as all of that was done i had only about a week before school started again#this year i only went to one convention instead of working at one and I'm going to two camps#one was at the start which was a day camp that i work at#and the second one is like next weekend (not this one but the next) and it's an overnight but again only a weekend instead of two weeks#and I'm a camper at that second camp since it's meant for lgbtq+ teens :3#and that's it!!!!#then i have school and in October i have the dan and phil terrible influence tour in Colorado#which means i get to visit my aunt and uncle and my cousin#and i have my nurse gerard costume for halloween#and then at the end of January i have my first furry convention which I'm making a fursuit for currently!!!!!
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ellies-enrichment · 1 year
ok going to bed with that unusual creativity that hits when my head hits a pillow and what if i tried to write more in october?
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mitamicah · 4 months
#I have thoughts about the new tour yet I am not sure if I should share (given why I do so in tags)#I am not surprised to see denmark is absent#I am a bit surprised to see no scandinavian country AT ALL#not surprised to see germany and the uk have most dates (that's sadly something I've seen a lot from bands/artists I like)#a little befundled with the route he has scheduled for both germany and the uk dates#glad to see other countries like switzerland france and the netherlands get their debut#not surprised it is in october since that seems to be around the same time for his europe antics last year as well#all this said I am a bit conflicted what to do myself#I'd like to go to gigs on this tour#yet I've already run out of the country four times these past upcoming five months (three times to finland)#since it is quite expensive and maybe not something I will have time for given I hopefully get an internship in august#with that in mind I feel like I should probably go for only a few dates#and yet last time I felt very much like I was missing out and overlooked because I didn't go to “more than two shows”#and here is where I feel like my thoughts are probably not great#i was thinking about maybe going for hamburg as first priority since it is the closest (4 hours in train)#then have frankfurt and munich as second priorities making it a little mini tour#I am not sure if I'd physically and mentally be able to do more than three gigs in a row#yet if I am I sort of want to go to zurich too because I've never been there#two days to decide is not very long#I feel very stressed tbh#and I hope noone will take this in any wrong way#please I really dont want to feel shit again#I know my last concert related take was on the fence#(even though as it turned out the venue did worse than me in that regard)#but this one is really just me thinking about what would be the smartest plan#other possible options would be to go for zurich since it is in a weekend (sunday) and then - depending on whether or not I have work#either go home or follow jere to amsterdam (then maybe paris and brussels)#another option is berlin then hamburg and then to home from there (so two shows)#or london and bristol since its the weekend (maybe manchester as well if it is not far - so up to three shows)#the latter I am a bit concerned about since being trans in the uk is not great atm
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wokeuplaughing · 1 year
going to be without testosterone for a dose if I have my period again so help me god I will kill someone in a way so foul that a youtuber will make a video about it while doing her makeup in a years time
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pollenallergie · 1 year
this is what they’re asking me to leave behind… this is what they want me to simply leave at home all by himself while i go to class… it’s cruel, truly cruel, what they ask of me on this day.
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loveloveguilty · 9 months
Finally got to go to a doctor's appointment that got cancelled and rescheduled like 5 times (due to forces outside of my control) today
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dodgebolts · 2 years
gm :(
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uhode · 2 years
went through the whole spectrum of human emotion from the moment i woke up to right now
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eternalcyclicality · 2 years
okay, so I just hit the randomize queue about a dozen times, once again, and scrolled maybe a third or halfway through it (there are hundreds of reblogs in there right now) and the oldest add-to-queue timestamps that I saw were added to the queue on December 26th. And... there were a lot of such posts.
Which makes sense, my queue ran out due to neglect and that day I went through everyone I follow and then some, and queued up things. So, thats like queue day 1. Or, perhaps Q-day.
In theory, if I keep randomizing my queue as I add things to it, some of those posts from Q-day may end up being in there for months. Maybe longer? It all depends on my ability to keep it from running empty again.
I estimate I have about 11-13 days worth of posts in there, if I never added another post to it. It'll be fun to see how long I can indirectly keep those Q-day posts in there.
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llycaons · 2 years
I Have Given Up
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sanchoyo · 3 months
reread Ekleipsis bc I got some very nice comments on it and wanted to revisit it 2 years later and u know what?? I think it still holds up p well! There are slight typos and parts I wish I could’ve lengthened, foreshadowed more, or gotten Deep into the lore/characters abt, but considering I was busting out a chapter a day and had it done in a dang month I do think it’s pretty good as a lil story!! Would love to do more art for it or revisit the world in some way some day. Babies first real Big Original work 🥺 in my mind it’s still kind of the first draft version, but I’m still proud regardless… ❣️
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mihotose · 4 months
in universe i think its the first midterm exams of the year so its why the girls arent streaming but its also why they scheduled hasu 2nd for this week lol
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