#school for good and evil movie thoughts
filmmarvel · 2 years
My (Extensive) Thoughts on the School for Good and Evil Movie
Prefaces: First of all, I wasn’t a fan (like at all) so if you don’t want to hear my complaints just keep scrolling. Secondly, This was my favorite series when I was younger, but I’ve kind of forgotten parts of it and haven’t read it in a while. Finally, I consider myself someone who respects the necessary and sometimes creative changes when it comes to book to movie adaptations- in other words, I have no issues with changes when it’s a logical decision that benefits the movie. However, I don’t believe the departures from the source material were beneficial (logically or creatively) in this case, so please don’t attack my criticisms of this movie by saying i’m just annoyed that they changed the book.
Characters and Acting
I don’t like the changes made to Lady Lesso and Professor Dovey. In the books I remember them as being revered in their own ways. In the movie however, they were both kind of ridiculous. To viewers, Dovey isn’t much of an authority figure, and Lesso isn’t actually intimidating. This feels weird to say, but the way Lesso behaves in the movie felt like she was being overdramatic and trying too hard, as opposed to the respect and fear she inspired in the books. Plus, I didn’t like the whole thing with her being in love with Rafal, it was unnecessary and confusing (and touched on so briefly that it made no sense and didn’t at all justify being an addition to the story). And Dovey? She was just annoying. She wasn’t funny or anything, just weird.
In this movie, both Sophie and Agatha were distinctly nicer than they were in the books, and I hate to say it, but it made them a lot more boring, and is just one way in which the movie was distinctly less remarkable than the book. Agatha’s difference from the other Evers was pretty huge in the books, I remember her actually behaving like a Never most of the time (weird and morbid in a good way), whereas in the movie she was literally just an introvert who preferred boots (gasp)! She also seemed to adapt to the Ever lifestyle (and clothing) super quickly. Sophie on the other hand was just annoying. Sophie was always annoying, just in an entertaining, sort of charming way. But in this movie? Just annoying. Not funny, or enjoyable, just overdramatic. I also saw someone point out that in the beginning of the movie, Sophie is made to be a very sympathetic character, whereas in the book it’s clear that she’s a narcissistic person from the beginning (this made the whole school mix up idea seem a lot more sound in the movie, and makes her rather hasty decent into evil a lot more confusing).
Some of the other characters were notably less distinctive as well, including characters like Anadil, who was super unique and interesting in the books, but not really all that compelling in the movie.
To be honest, it just felt like all the development (both character development and romantic progression) happened kind of prematurely.
As for the acting, I didn’t love either of the main actresses. In particular, I don’t think Sofia Wylie was a good choice for the character of Agatha. She just wasn’t a good fit for Agatha’s grumpy persona. Honestly, it was just mediocre acting all around (except for the A-listers, who’s talents were severely wasted) even the side characters were’t good, especially Hester, Anadil, and Hort. It was unbelievably cringy and I felt like I was watching Disney Channel or the CW.
I really disliked the choice to change the Trial by Tale. It’s a great part in the books, lots of fun and very exciting, but in the movie it was just all about Tedros and Sophie, which just didn’t make a lot of sense to me. It would’ve been so much better to keep it as a school-wide competition.
(shocker) I also wasn’t a fan of the whole schoolmaster plot, I didn’t like that they progressed that storyline so much. I also just generally wasn’t a fan of that situation. If i remember the books correctly, the schoolmaster was a mysterious figure and no one knew which brother had made it out. If you ask me that’s much more intriguing than what actually happened in the movie. Plus I’m just tired of the whole old guy manipulating teenage girl storyline.
I didn’t like the blood magic thing either, it just felt like an unnecessary step too far in an attempt to make the movie a little more exciting. Speaking of magic in general the movie didn’t really show anything to do with academics (another misstep if you ask me), so we don’t actually know how much about magic in this universe. The movie just makes it seem like once your finger glow is unlocked you can do any magic, but I don’t think that’s the case (and seems a little lazy).
This one’s a little more trivial, but I didn’t like how they swapped the Snow Ball with the general Ever Ball, which had less character. Plus the whole plot hole situation where Agatha was able to attend but without a date, despite the previous statement that you’ll be failed if you can’t find a date.
The CGI was bad and some of the visuals felt uninspired. This is another region where the book was simply miles more creative. While the visuals weren’t horrible or anything, there were just some missed opportunities there (EX: making the blue forest actually blue, having the snow ball instead of the general ever ball, etc).
I hated the music choices- Toxic, You Should See Me in a Crown, etc. I don’t like the inclusion of contemporary music in fantasy movies, it just kind of ruins it and takes the viewer out of the world they’re trying to create.
Some of the costumes were cool but others were super tacky. Especially the Ever’s dresses, but this applies to some others too. There were certain ones that they absolutely nailed but most looked cheap and bad.
Another change from the books was the lack of uniforms, which has less of an impact so this is more of a personal opinion, when I say I didn’t love that. I recall that contributing a lot to Sophie’s plotline and rebellion, so in the movie that whole thing came off as a lot more trivial, because she literally just put on a different outfit.
It honestly just felt kind of soulless and derivative. And sure, parts of the book were a little derivative too, but lots of children’s fiction is, and there were plenty of unique elements to make it stand out and give it a different feel. The movie on the other hand felt like it just threw all the interesting parts of the book out the window and just adapted the derivative stuff. Honestly the whole vibe and tone of the movie was very different from the book, which I find to be fairly common in adaptations, and I don’t see it as a bad thing. However, I remember the vibe of the book being a big part of what made it fun and interesting, whereas there was just… basically no vibe in the movie?? It was just long and kinda boring. The book was funny, as well as thrilling and magical. I didn’t really find the movie to be any of those things.
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brother-genitivi · 2 years
Things I liked about the new SGE movie (more under the cut):
1. Tedros’s love confession. Such a terrible time to confess. That’s SO Tedros of him. And his bit about how family is important. I saw those parental issues, Tedros.
2. Some of their OSTs are actual bangers. Like the scene where Tedros promises to take Sophie to the ball, and it causes a skirmish? The soundtrack that plays there is sublime (it’s an instrumental of Who Do You Think You Are? by  Kiana Ledé and Cautious Clay).
3. The costumes were BEAUTIFUL. Sophie’s outfits were amazing.
4. The scene where Hester’s demon gets attacked by wasps definitely grew on me. Her sobbing afterwards, Anadil and Dot rushing to comfort her? Love to see it.
5. That little scene during the Never’s Ball where Anadil and Hester touch glowing fingertips. Let’s go lesbians!
6. “My heart belongs to another.” Oh, Hort.
7. A cameo from Soman himself!
8. Agatha punching Tedros after the Gregor incident. Tbh, Gregor as a whole. He was a good way to show the consequences of three failures, but I’m sad that’s all his character amounted to - to make a point. He was sweet and kind, and he deserves his grocery store </3
9. Some things were taken from the book directly. “Can I touch your hair?” Hester spitting and it creating sparks.
Reasons why I have a bone to pick with the new SGE movie:
1. Sophie is too nice. In the books, this girl MURDERED someone for cutting her hair. She pushed Agatha into a wave of churning water/sludge, tried to kill her multiple times, even befriended her for the sole purpose of fulfilling a ‘good deed’ so she’d get into the School for Good. She’s selfish, flawed, and the film makes it out to be Rafal manipulating her, making her do terrible things. Like, no, she WANTS to do awful things. She likes it. She’s extremely flawed and it’s why she’s so interesting!
2. Rafal. Why does everyone know about him...? We didn’t even know his name until book 3. Why is he going around with his face in full view?? Like, this is the School Master here. THE GUY WHO WEARS A MASK TO HIDE HIS IDENTITY?
3. Leonora Lesso. They spliced her with Evelyn Sader. They made her dramatic and shouty. She’s cold, calculated, and calm. And definitely not in love with Rafal... she’s definitely in love with Dovey imo, but they struggle to hug in the movie. Dovey, whom Leonora describes as ‘her Agatha’? You’d have no idea. If they ever make a second film, I have no clue how they’ll involve Evelyn and Aric.
4. Where is The Beast? His whole being murdered by Sophie never happens because he just doesn’t exist. And the whole reason for Sophie ending up in the groom room (for talking to an Everboy) is... interesting LMAO
5. F is for... fucking nothing? No love spell to show how far Sophie was willing to go + her shallowness, no F for failure. I DO like her outfits that they did as a replacement for the ‘F is for’ outfits, however.
6. Lunchtime lectures. I’m glad we got to see one at least, but why were the 3 witches so delighted to be involved?
7. Speaking of the coven, damn they were sidelined. WHERE WERE ANADIL’S RATS? Her rats which she loves more than anything in the world, her loyal henchmen, the rats she’s known for?? They showed Dot turning something to chocolate ONCE. I was also expecting Dot to be played by a plus sized actress (no shade at all to her actress!), the book specifically describes Dot to be fat.
8. Fingerglow colours...? Where is Sophie’s iconic hot pink? Tedros’s gold. Agatha’s blazing orange that eventually matches Tedros’s?
9. Trial by Tale. Why did they make it out to be something specifically for proving Tedros and Sophie’s love? It happens literally yearly... and the top students at school take part in it, not just two students.
10. I wanted to see Agatha as a cockroach :(
11. August Sader... who? You know, the man whom Agatha describes as being like a father to her? Evelyn Sader’s brother, the man who foresaw events up to the last book. The man who sacrifices himself to defeat the School Master, who helped Agatha the entire time he was alive (and dead).
12. Totally missed the opportunity to show Tedros picking Agatha ‘by accident’ multiple times in their forest classes. The cockroach on the pumpkin, the princesses in the caskets. He picked HER. That shit is delicious.
13. Agatha and Tedros were waaaaaaay too chummy. He throws his rose at her and she is beyond disgusted. She bumps into him and scoffs at him with, you guessed it, disgust. It’s that one act that gets perfect, polished Tedros to have thoughts of self doubt. He kicks around this doll he made to specifically look like Agatha, then shoots it full of arrows while she watches. They HATE each other. They truly do not like each other, which is why it’s so special when they do like, and eventually come to love each other! There was no animosity (except for when he got punched), no tension other than romantic.
14. I think the relationships in this were way too fast. Idk, it might be me + my demisexuality clouding my judgement but I appreciate slow relationships. I do like that they hugged, and that shot of her taking his hands made me giggle and kick my legs like a lovesick schoolboy. But I didn’t have faith in his love confession. Yes, his confession was painfully Tedros-like, but I just didn’t see it... maybe if they had more time to develop their relationship?
15. Same point as before, but with Sophie + Tedros. Him attending her lunchtime lectures, their conversation as foxes, all those extra moments of them together would’ve made their supposed instant connection more believable.
16. Grimm + nemesis dreams. The movie reveals Agatha as Sophie’s nemesis in one line, when the book takes it a lot deeper than that. Sophie has dreams about her, tastes blood, grows warts, has symptoms. Grimm only reinforces how Agatha is Sophie’s nemesis. Nope, we had none of that.
17. No thorns scene. Idk how mental everyone else goes at that scene, but the fact that Tedros comes after Agatha, and she FAINTS in his arms? It’s all about the vulnerability, and the fact that she vehemently denies fainting ever dfjfkdksk it’s a scene that always stuck out to me in the books, and just another moment that adds to Tedros and Agatha’s slowly developing relationship
18. The Evergirls were so... mean. So, so mean. Why, why, why weren’t Kiko and Agatha friends?? Why was Tristan the only other Everboy mentioned..? Like, where’s Chaddick, best friend/brother to Tedros? Nicholas, my beloved. And the other Nevers, like Arachne and Ravan. I’m sure they were there, just not mentioned by name.
19. Werewolves and fairies. Agatha discovers their true origins in that they were once failed students from opposite schools, but they’re just... there in the movie. Speaking of, BANE. Bane the fairy, once a boy of Gavaldon, who saves Agatha’s life and dies doing so.
20. The gargoyle in Merlin’s Menagerie. Agatha yelling at Tedros “he was a boy! A little boy!” and punching him in the face. I know that scene was Gregor’s, but I did miss this scene. And the fact that many people turned animals caused a stampede because they wanted to be freed by her.
21. Why is Honora an evil stepmother? She isn’t even married to Stefan until book 2.
22. Agatha can grant wishes. SHE CAN GRANT WISHES. And that was shown... where?
23. The antisemitism behind Sophie’s witch design. Evil = having a hooked, large nose?? Not to mention how Tedros becoming evil meant having... facial scars?? Literally w h a t
24. Why don’t Sophie and Agatha know about the SGE...? Like, they’ve had kids taken from Gavaldon every four years. The SGE swan emblem is on every single storybook.
25. Swan pins on their uniform? Nope.
26. They separated Good and Evil in their forest classes? That, or Evil just didn’t... have any. Weird.
27. “Good with Good, Evil with Evil. Back to your tower before there’s upheaval.” Or not, seeing as the reflections on the half-way bridge never existed.
28. Agatha mentions ONCE how other people called her ugly growing up. Book Agatha is truly convinced of her ugliness, and how that makes her Evil and unworthy of being loved. She avoids looking in mirrors because she hates her reflection. She thinks it’s about how you look, not what you do. Then Dovey reveals herself as Cinderella’s fairy godmother, they have that wonderful mirror scene and Agatha finds herself smiling, and crying when she realises she was beautiful all along. I would’ve given anything to see that in live action.
29. Agatha’s Cinderella-esque dress was serving. She looked stunning. But I wanted her iconic midnight blue gown with gold leaves, and blue orchid crown. </3
30. No circus of talents. The scene where Tedros asks, “Agatha of Woods Beyond. Will you be my princess for the ball?” Him asking her to choose him, because he had already chosen her long ago. LIKE- not to mention how Agatha’s talent is shown once again, and that bit where the wolves shield Hester from punishment? Just wished we had seen it :’)
This is no shade at all to the actors, they did wonderfully with what they were given. I love that Tedros has brown hair (blond men with blue eyes scare me xoxo). But, as someone who’s had this series with me since I was 11, I was pretty disappointed. I think as a standalone film, it’s not that bad! Some... interesting music choices. Beautiful costume and creature design - I loved the stymphs, they were perfect. But as a book to film adaptation? Just... yikes. Not a fan.
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mazojo · 2 years
When Hort said “I’ve been waiting to do this all semester” after physically fighting Tedros I felt that, me too king I’ll drink to that fuck Tedros rights
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plushpinkfox · 2 years
thoughts on the movie, pt. 2
spoilers ahead (for real this time)
going to make a bullet point list of all the things i noted about the movie
i got up to watch this at 3am est and i have a full day of school today so idk. wish me luck i guess
i think it's a cop-out to make honora mean, actually, because it kind of defeats the point of the whole honora/vanessa and sophie/agatha thing. i know it's easier to exemplify sophie's Evil in the books because we can hear her inner monologue, but she wasn't even that Evil in the movie before they dropped her in the school
like she was kinda bitchy sometimes, sure, but all the "Evil" and "violent" things she did were in defense of agatha so i don't know if that really counts
some lines of dialogue made me cringe too hard. i like the bit with eric or whatever his name was in the beginning but the "god i hate this town" had me foreseeing the reviews
some of the cgi looked fine and then some of it just. looked bad. i think it was really funny how they tried so hard to do primarily practical effects, and you could see it in things like the Trial by Tale, but i feel like it was kind of counteracted by the blood magic storyline? it doesn't matter if your whole Trial is practical effects if half your movie is full of ugly cgi pools of blood and nondescript magical energy blasts
speaking of nondescript magical energy blasts and bad cgi, rafal was so fucking stupid. like what
that fight at the beginning with the kit young duplicates? guys. guys come on. when he said "blood magic" i was like No.
idk i guess it just didn't really coalesce for me
i thought i would be able to contend with kerry washington's dovey performance in this movie but i really generally couldn't, especially after they basically decimated the "agatha's been beautiful all along" storyline
she was a little too manic for my taste. i liked her at some points and at other points she was kind of pissing me off
that anemone backstory made me laugh. you go girl
OK A CHANGE I LIKED: i thought gregor charming was corny. i thought opening a grocery store was corny. i thought his whole deal was a bit stupid. BUT HAVING TEDROS KILL HIM?? MY JAW DROPPED THAT WAS SO MUCH WORSE THAN THE BOOK
like having ted kill a random child is bad, obviously, but having him kill a recently mogrified established character was like WHAT
the modern music really fucked it up for me. i think this movie would have been just fine with the score and the special song they recorded for the credits. i think it made it way cornier than it needed to be and i really couldn't forgive it by the end
like you HAD to have a verse of brutal in there? this is not do revenge i thought i was hallucinating
sophie makeover scene demolished (which is sad but whatever) but what really got to me more was the fact that there was no nuance to any of the supporting cast at all? like how are you going to tell me that hester spits sparks in her face one day and then within the week is bowing down to her.
i feel nitpicky but it really is just the basics of a character. tell me why anadil and dot were literally indistinguishable in their character. portrayed exactly the same. sort of hester too.
the soman cameo actually did make me jump. like i already made a joke about this but i did a double take
i think tagatha was cute and i liked how they actually talked more before this but i think this could have been executed similarly while still keeping the whole "agatha is a witch" thing. case in point: they become friends early on, agatha tries to protect gregor-stymph, tedros kills gregor-stymph and gets confused why she's protecting a stymph and comes to the conclusion that "she must be a witch", sophie takes advantage of it to get with tedros, etc. tension. (i might be insane for this so if i am let me know)
i don't think it would have taken much to establish it as the snow ball and the no ball and i think sophie's point would have been more effective if they did
cate blanchett has a nice voice but i didn't vibe with the inconsistent storian narration; it sort of just felt like she was interjecting to explain things to us that the audience at the test screening had a dubious understanding of. like in the tower it was fine but throughout the rest of the movie it was sort of irritating that the movie assumed we couldn't infer what was going on and very rarely did what was going on ACTUALLY require background narration, even if you hadn't read the books
sophie had a very inconsistent characterization in the movie. agatha was consistent but sophie basically switched from good to evil overnight. i understand the point was she felt betrayed and was swayed to evil, but i think the movie made her stupider than she was known to be in the books and underestimated her intelligence, which makes me sad
i felt like the movie utilized a lot of tools to try and explain what was going on to the audience (rafal's monologues, storian narration, dovey and lesso) instead of just trusting that we could understand it on our own so it came off as very exposition heavy but not in like. an understandable way
very frustrated with the consistent erasure of queer characters. hester and anadil confirmed for like a split second in a scene where they dance together at the no ball, but they aren't established enough for the general audience to know that they're queer and it definitely could just come off as best friends
dovesso for a single goddamn second at the end where they look like they're about to kiss and then just go for the most awkward hug in the entire world which just??? really got to me. the whole lady lesso thing was fine, i guess, but i was really hoping that dovey and lesso's enlarged presence in the movie would lead to some depth to their book-based friendship. i know that's my fault for expecting that, but like. i didn't expect "blood magic" either so whatever
part of the problem with the queer character erasure too though is that they were never really that defined in the books (thanks soman) so a lot of it is just really suspicious and doesn't end up REALLY panning out, so they had an excuse to ignore it in the movie
noticed how they made the agaphie kiss at the end very chaste, so that and vanessa being mixed definitely is foreshadowing some sisterhood there
also the line where agatha says "she's like my sister" had me laughing my ass off. they know
i definitely liked sofia wylie the most in this film, but i think sophia anne caruso did the best with what she was given. i think both of them did their best with a rather shallow script.
ANOTHER THING I LIKED: i had my criticism of the no ball scene and i think the ending was rather convoluted and uhhhhh not great in general but i did honestly like the whole "good attacks" thing. i wasn't sure if they were actually going to follow through on the whole good becoming evil and evil becoming good thing but i think they did that well, and sophie's transformation into grand high witch ultimate at the end after her haphazard side-switching was actually okay imo
now did it lead into a stupid-ass castle-crumbling rafal fight? yes. but at least agatha got to fucking STAB HIM WITH EXCALIBUR??? i was hyped. also i thought it was good that rafal explained how he corrupted good and made them vain, that was nice
would have been funny if they did the original book ending but i understand why that wasn't really feasible
overall: mid. that is my review. mid.
i had a good time watching it! i really did! and i read some reviews, and they're about what i expected (which is sort of disappointing but i'll live), but i had a good time and i think that's what really matters here
i'm glad that it wasn't boring and that i'm able to write so much about it and i'll be able to talk about it for a while and follow through on the production of THE SEQUEL THEY MIGHT MAKE LMFAOOOO
hit my limit
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ghoul--doodle · 7 months
I hate watching horror content and gore in almost all its forms but I have successfully made at least a horror and/or apocalypse au for every single one of my dumbass little ocverses
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giantkillerjack · 2 years
In all my years, I've never seen a movie use non-christian pre-colonial religious imagery as a force of good against evil.
And the fact that in Wendall & Wild - a movie that takes place in a Catholic school, this type of imagery is portrayed as SO much more beautiful and powerful than the drab dreary Catholic imagery of the film... it was fuckin' rad as hell.
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ladyelainehilfur · 10 days
Man...people need to hype up Charlize Theron the way they hype up Margot Robbie because miss ma'am was SO fine as Lesso in "The School for Good and Evil".
Outfits impeccably tailored, waist incredibly snatched, face card impossible to decline, like...are you kidding me???
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rebel--hearts · 2 years
i think im in a minority here but - i actually quite liked the way the movie dealt with sophie's evilness. it makes a lot of sense, with the way agatha throughout the movie keeps insisting that good and evil aren't as clear-cut as everybody seems to think they are.
this is *supposed* to be a major theme in the books but imo it falls flat a little, esp in later books, which ive talked about a couple times before - so it's really nice to see the movie taking that theme and making it more prominent
ive seen a few people saying "oh sophie wasn't a victim in book canon, she was evil and ruthless" but the thing is she definitely Was a victim (yet another thing which imo is underexplored in canon) in her relationship with rafal. and i think it's difficult to untangle how much of her evilness is inherent, and how much of it has to do with her being manipulated by rafal.
so having the movie lean hard into the "she's not evil she's human" angle (direct quote from agatha there!!) is, imo, better than the way the books treat the issue. because as ive said before, i think sophie is difficult to characterise because soman never really made his mind up about whether she was really evil or just misunderstood or smth, so making it clear that although she's made some bad decisions, she still has the capability to change and be better is... possibly one of my fav parts about the movie?
because it seems to me like it's really going for "evil and good are more or less arbitrary", particularly from agatha's pov, because for her, the school for good literally straight-up murdered a kid for failing classes, while sophie who's allegedly evil is her honest genuine friend who would do anything to defend her!!
so yeah. i think making sophie less evil and more obviously a victim of intense manipulation was actually a great choice!!
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sere-rine · 2 years
A/N: This List will be updated from time to time. My fanfics are still not that much but I promise to add a lot of stories frequently, so I hope for your patience. My Requests are open so leave if you want guys!
Also I decided to bring back my wattpad’s style of writing which is the first person’s pov. Which means some of my stories here are in Y/N’s POV. I just feel like saying this because here in tumblr, I don’t see that much writing style. So if it bothers you, i’m really sorry, but in this style is where i’m really comfortable.
Charlize Theron (And her Characters)
One Shots
~Gentle~ (Lady Lesso) :Fluff Summary: No one knows but Lesso really does have a soft spot and it isa reserved only for you, and it shows always but most specially when you are on your period. ... ~You’re One and Only Protector~ (Lady Lesso) :Fluff and Possessiveness Summary: Lesso didn't like the idea of you being able to save yourself in times of danger. ... ~The Latter One~  (Lady Lesso) :Angst. Summary: Lesso knew she fucked up when she found out Y/n heard her say hurtful words about their hidden relationship. ... ~Dumb~ (Lady Lesso) :Fluff Summary: Because of your illegal idiotic experiment on Lady Lesso's room, you managed to destroy Lesso's closet with one explosion. So you give her a new outfit from your closet and it given your body a not so innocent heat all through out the day. ... ~The Greatest Never Of All Time~ (part 1) (Lady Lesso) :Angst. Summary: Love for the certain Dean of Evilis what you always feel. So when you thought she chooses someone over you, it feels like dying is much better option than seeing her love someone else. ... ~My Mistress~  (Lady Lesso) // (MINORS DNI) :Smut. (My first ever one) Summary: Y/n was always taught and helped by Lady Lesso but when Lady Lesso is swarmed by a lot of papers she was busy, and so Y/n asked for Professor Dovey's assistant and Lady Lesso didn't like that one bit. ... ~My Magnet~ (Lorraine Broughton) :Angst, Fluff, and Possessiveness Summary: Lorraine came back to Y/n after leaving her suddenly to do some work in Berlin ... ~"I Prefer You"~ (Charlize Theron) : Angst and Fluff Summary: After your year hiatus that was spent hidden with your girlfriend Charlize, you are back in the limelight. And on a certain interview where Charlize was asked a question you are not comfortable with, you get insecure about her typical type.
Short Drabbles
~Yin-yang Princess~ (Lady Lesso) ~Mommy Issues~ (Lady Lesso) ~Petty Fight~  (Lady Lesso)
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Elizabeth Olsen (And her Characters)
One Shots
^F.T.a.J.K.M.^ (Elizabeth Olsen) :Angst (with happy ending). SUMMARY: You thought that being a well known singer will take a toll on your relationships but with Lizzie that's not the case. While singing live the song that you made specifically for her you can't help but reminisce wishing something that could never happen.
Short Drabbles
^Not Choosing You^ (Wanda Maximoff) ^Choosing You^ (Wanda Maximoff) ^Stuffs^ (Wanda Maximoff)
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Scarlett Johansson (And her Characters)
One Shots
>Memories&lt; (Scarlett Johansson) :Angst (Major Death) and Fluff Summary: It's your and Scarlett's daughter's wedding so Scarlett can't help but get a little nostalgic.
Short Drabbles
>Babysitter&lt; (Natasha Romanoff) >“Flat”< (Natasha Romanoff) >Mommy< (Natasha Romanoff)
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STEAMY THOUGHTS (Random characters)
: #1 : #2
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A/N: Hi guuuys hope you enjoy those stories. Don't worry in thr future we will add more. Interact with me guys here and on Instagram. My link is added here. Have fun ya'll!!!
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azural83 · 2 years
My favorite thing about the book was the moment it was revealed that students who failed would become guardians for the opposite schools,the reason why the wolves and fairies hated the students
Too bad this was never brought up
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dovessoiscanon · 2 years
hey i haven't died yet
but my stupid fucking iron-deficient anemic ass keeps fainting all over the place and my local GP is just so done with me refusing in every way possible to rest up because i'M aCtUaLLy fEeLiNg a BiT bEtTeR.
Like bitch no u aint 😂
anyways how are y'all feeling about a Lesso revival from the death AKA major character undeath? Bcuz I'm feeling fluff for my fic ending.
Lol idk what this is i'm a bit of a light headed mess atm but will that stop me from getting on Tumblr for a full on rant? NO!
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parrlyn-4life · 2 years
In the books, idk if it is specified that Lady Lesso was a reader or not a reader. If it isn’t and she’s not a ready and she is the kid of a fairytale character, I would think she’s the kid of the Mad Hatter but I watched a movie and came up with something new. Now, idk if anyone came up with this too so plz leave a comment if someone did. But, if Disney/Pixar/literally any movies did count as fairytales, I propose this:
What if Lady Lesso was the kid of Sally and Jack Skellington?
AND I HAVE REASONS TOO (completely random and they make more sense in my head lmao)
Exhibit A: Leo and Jack both wear black and white, have some sort of tie, and wear suits
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Exhibit B: Leo and Jack are taller than their partners by a significant amount (idgaf what anyone says, Dovey and Lesso are dating/married)
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Exhibit C: Both Leo and Sally have red hair (it doesn’t look like it on these pictures lmao look at the pictures above plz)
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(Edit: WAIT I FORGOT ONE MORE I JUST REALIZED) Exhibit D: Both Jack and Leo’s partners wear yellow! Coincidence? I THINK NOT
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So, yeah! That’s my crazy theory. Lmk what u guys think
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I'm watching the School of Good and Evil and the translation is killing me. I mean, there is perfectly good book translation. Why not use it. Why.
Look at it. English first, then book, then movie.
Reaper (the cat) - Kmotřička - Smrťák
Professor Dovey - profesorka Hrdličková - profesorka Doveyová
Storian - Fabulář - Dějopisec
Anadil - Bledule - Anadil (to be fair, I also use both names as one)
Uglification - Hnusifikace - znetvoření
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mooncactus · 2 years
i’m entering my “we can bully netflix into writing out the Twist” era
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personinthepalace · 2 years
Gregor being grocery-store material - The School For Good and Evil
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We all agree The School for Good and Evil should have been a series instead of a movie. Netflix ( or someone who won't screw it up) should start over, redo book one as season one and use the same cast. . . But I think they should flip everybody's roles. Kerry Washington as Lady Lesso, Charlize Theron as Dovey, ect
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