#school has also been killing me TT we will both make it out alive i’m sure TT
poltergeist-coffee · 5 months
Hhmm Bagi? 👀
Also hey I'm back, school was killing me:D
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song: Carnaval by Kamaitachi
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icerosecrystal · 4 years
Marijon - My Secret Older Sister
Her name is Marinette Amani Al-Ghul. Marinette is the first grandchild of the demon-head and the daughter of Talia Al-Ghul. She is also the older sister of Damian Al-Ghul by two years. Despite what others may think, both she and her brother came from the same man. Bruce Wayne. Although Damian has no idea who his father is, Marinette has known for eight years. Despite the young age of 12, she was an incredibly smart girl. She also possessed the ability to be happy and feel love. But not in front of anyone but her brother and sometimes her mother. She and her brother had a great relationship. They were always there for each other. Damian was there for Marinette when her grandfather Ra's would sometimes beat her for not doing well on a mission. And he would base it solely on her gender. Marinette was there for Damian the first time Damian had to kill someone. It disgusted him, but he continued doing it for the sake of his title.  
Then the day the League fell came. Slade had attacked when Ra's was showing the whole League to Damian and explaining that it would all one day be his. Marinette was standing behind them next to her mother. Ra's had told her mother to grab both of them and run. Marinette protected her brother throughout it all when suddenly, Marinette got shot in the stomach. She collapsed in pain. She saw her mother running back to them, so Marinette let go of Damian, who was looking at her worriedly, "Damian, my akhi, go run, save yourself. Tell Mother to take you to Father. I'll be fine."
Damian was crying now, "NO, I won't leave you, you have to come with me. Please don't leave me, ukhti."
Marinette smiled sadly. She then hugged Damian and kissed him on the cheek, "I love you. And I promise I will find you one day." She let go of his hand as Talia quickly grabbed his arm and lead him to the docks, glancing at Marinette once in worry.
Marinette was lying still for a little bit before she heard a voice say, "Tom, I found her!" Marinette turned her head to the side and saw her godmother, Sabine Cheng recently Dupain-Cheng, hurrying over to her, with her godfather Tom not too far behind.
When they reached her, they gasped at the wound in her stomach. Tom picked her up and quickly walked to the docks with Sabine following. "Where we going?" Marinette said her voiced slurring, herself only half-conscious due to the blood loss.
Sabine answered, "We're going to Paris. We had a house there just in case we ever had to escape the League."
Marinette nodded in turn before she closed her eyes, letting the exhaustion take over. "Good night," she heard before she was fully asleep.  
Marinette woke up to an unfamiliar scene. She tensed, but when she caught sight of her godparents, she relaxed, "So what's the plan?"
Sabine was the one who answered", Well, you aren't allowed to act like the devil in disguise." Marinette scoffed, but she didn't argue, knowing Sabine was right. She may be sweet with her family, but with strangers and acquaintances, she wasn't the nicest. "Also, you are going to be Marinette Dupain-Cheng. You are the daughter of two bakers, Tom and I, and you are a designer. You will also be clumsy and stutter a lot."
Marinette nodded in understanding, "Okay, but what about Damian?"
Sabine sighed, "You're just going to have to hope that one day you find each other again."
Marinette nodded in understanding. She then went up to her new room, ready to put on a mask for the rest of the world to see.
(Time Skip)
It was now the start of the tenth grade for Marinette. She was now thirteen-years-old, and she was ready to play her part of the clumsy baker's daughter. She took some macaroons for her new classmates and then walked outside. While she waited to cross the street, she caught sight of a man crossing the street. A car was heading right to him. Regardless of who she was pretending to be, she wasn't going to let a man get hurt. She ran and quickly pulled him to the sidewalk, effectively using it as an excuse to trip over her feet. She handed the man a macaroon and then ran to school.
At school, she sat down quietly in her seat. When a dark girl, with brown hair and auburn highlights, picked a fight with a blonde girl. The blonde girl was supposedly bullying Marinette. Marinette and the blonde girl exchanged looks, acknowledging that the girl before them was a load of bull. Marinette then found out that the blonde girl's name was Chloe, and she was a bully, and the other girl was Alya.
Marinette looked around the classroom, analyzing everybody.
She then heard a voice scream, "Kim!"
She looked behind her to see a big, burly blonde kid, look like he wanted to beat up somebody. The teacher then asked him, "Ivan, what is going on?"
The blonde kid replied, "It's Kim! I'm so going to get..."
The teacher then pointed to the door and shouted, "Ivan, go to the principal's office."
Before Ivan could stomp off angrily, Marinette spoke up, quite surprised by the way the teacher was handling things, "With all due respect Miss, you didn't even listen to Ivan's side of the story. It could be Kim that's bullying Ivan, but you're rather playing favoritism."
The teacher sputtered, not knowing how to react, "Who gave you the authority to question my teaching skills?"
Marinette smirked, replying, " Common sense."
Mrs. Bustier walked out of the classroom to calm down, pure fury clear on her face. That day she turned into Zombispect. When she kissed them, they would automatically obey and respect her. That was also the day Lady Spots and Chat Noir resided in Paris.
While Lady Spots was a great superhero, Chat Noir was an incompetent fool. Marinette hated him. He would always flirt with her and never get anything done. And in many cases, if he didn't get what he wanted, he would either threaten to quit or sit out. Marinette never told him, but she honestly thought that she did better in battle when he wasn't around.
In terms of her civilian life, Alya convinced herself that she was Marinette's best friend and that Marinette had a crush on Adrien. In actuality, Marinette's best friend was and is her brother, Damian, and Chloe. While Chloe was spoiled, she was also neglected by her parents, which made her act rather bitchy at times. And she for sure did not have a crush on the spineless Adrien Agreste. No one in the class knew anything about the real her. But her godparents and even Chloe, who knew a bit about her. But, the one person that Marinette wanted to talk to was her precious little brother. She needed to hug him, spoil him, and talk with him about everything. But most of all, she wanted to know that he was still alive and happy somewhere.
Marinette would cry herself to bed every day, hoping that one day she would see him again. Thankfully, Tikki was on her side.
(Time Skip of one year. This is after Volpina, but before Chameleon)
It has been two years since Marinette last saw her brother. Alya was still going strong, coming up with ridiculous plans for her to date Adrien. She was still a "clumsy" baker girl. And while designing was her supposed hobby, after about a month, she really got into it. What pissed Marinette off the most was that she had to wear pink, have her room pink, and wear pigtails. Why? Because it strengthened the fact that she was an innocent, little, naive girl. While it did help people underestimate her, it annoyed the heck out of her. She actually ranted to her godparents one day about how bad her appearance was, "How can one color be so bright?! How could anyone like looking at it?! Why the hell do these pigtails make me look like a short-ass baby?! I look like a fucking moron! Where the hell is Damian when you need him?!" It was about three days later when her question was answered.
Marinette had been walking around town when suddenly someone bumped into Marinette.  Marinette caught herself and caught the person she bumped into. But the words that came out of the person's mouth had her reeling, "Tt, what type of imbecile are you to be bumping into people on the street?" Marinette would know that voice anywhere. And sure enough, when she actually looked at the person that she bumped into, she was staring into the face of her brother. When he realized who she was, he let out a timid, "Marinette," that had Marinette practically sobbing.
When she found that her face was wet, she realized that she was sobbing, but she didn't care. Damian was alive. She strangled him with a hug, cooing softly into his ear once he too started crying. They stayed like that for a while before they released each other. It was then that Marinette saw the boy standing behind Damian.
She blushed when she noticed his features, black hair like her own, the bluest, purest eyes she had ever seen. He was wearing glasses that gave him a nerdy look, but his body begged to differ. He was very tall, probably 5ft 11, and had huge muscles that gave off more of a jock look. He had so many characteristics that Marinette felt insanely attracted. She snapped out of her thoughts and offered the boy a hand, "Marinette Dupain-Cheng, or Marinette Al-Ghul, Damien's older sister by two years."
He gave her a blinding smile that could rival the sun and then kissed her hand, "Jonathan Kent, Jon for short. It's nice to meet the sister of my best friend." The more she studied him, the more she realized that he looked familiar. It was then that she realized he was Superboy, the superhero Alya had been raving about last week.
Marinette blushed at him kissing her hand. She then decided to let her inner devil come out to play. Leaning closer, she whispered, "It's nice to meet you too. I hope that you have been nice to my brother. Because if I found out you haven't, I might get my katana and skin you. I know that you might be invincible, but with the kryptonite, which I do have, you would be weakened within a second. So make your decisions carefully." She then leaned back and watched how his expression changed. His face went from happy, to confused, to shocked, to scared, and the surprisingly, love.
He smirked, "Well, you are better than I expected." He then pulled out a piece of paper and wrote his phone number. "Call me, you're hot and a little devil, I like it." He then winked and gave it to her.
They both heard Damian scream, "KENT! Stay away from my sister before I skin you!"
Marinette giggled and took the piece of paper from him. She then asked, "You look to be about my age. Why are you with Damian?"
Jon replied, "I'm 15-years-old. So one year older than you. (I know that Jon is actually three years younger in Super Sons, but for this to work, Jon is three older, not younger. If you have any problems with that, fight me.) And Damian and I work together a lot. We're considered the Super Sons, so we're best friends."
Marinette nodded in understanding before suggesting that they all go to a coffee shop to talk. Damian and Jon agreed. Damian told Marinette all about their father, their brothers, and sisters, him being Robin. He told her everything. She offered him support and asked questions about their family.
When it was her turn, she explained how Tom and Sabine saved her and how she came to Paris. And how she is pretending to be a clumsy sweet girl who likes pink. (She wasn't totally over the whole pink thing along with the pigtails.)  That coaxed a laugh out of both Damian and Jon. But when she got to the part about Alya, Damian wanted to skin Alya. He was Marinette's best friend, not some dumb harlot. When she explained how she was Lady Spots, and Chat Noir had some major failings as a partner, it took both Jon and Marinette to hold him back. He continued trying to escape while shouting, "LET ME AT HIM, HE DARE FLIRT WITH MY SISTER!!! I'LL SKIN HIS SORRY ASS BEFORE RIPPING HIM INTO SHREDS AND DUMPING HIM IN A RIVER!" He then continued to explain exactly how he would kill Chat Noir. Marinette knew that he was capable of going through with his plan, so she distracted him by asking for his phone number so that they could stay in contact. Damian calmed down enough to give it to her.
When she realized how late it was, she gave a hug and promised to meet up with him for the rest of the week. She also promised that once he left Paris, she would stay in contact. She wasn't going to leave her brother again. She then went up to Jon and kissed his cheek before saying goodbye. She then turned around and went home. If she had stayed a second longer, she would have seen Jon blush and then touch the cheek that she kissed with his fingertips, a goofy smile adorning his lips. Although Damian wanted to keep Jon away from his sister, he supposed Jon was better than the mangy cat or the spineless model.
For the rest of the week, the three met up every day and did different activities. One day they went to the Lourve, another an arcade, the day after that a carnival, and so on. On their last day, they went to the park and then went for Andre's ice cream. When they arrived, Andre greeted Marinette, "Bonjour Marinette! Would you like a sweetheart ice cream."
"Oui Andre. This is my brother Damian, and his friend Jon." She then turned to the boys, "Andre is the sweetheart's ice cream maker. He essentially gives you icecream based on the characteristics of your soul mate. Damian, how about you go first."
Damian stepped in front of the cart, "Ah, Damian, one scoop of violet and honey for her eyes, coconut ash for her hair, and cherry for her mysterious and complicated past. Here you are." (There is actually such a thing as black ice cream. It's made with coconut ash that people sometimes flavor with burnt honey vanilla.)
Damian took the ice cream and looked at it. He then realized that it looked like Raven, his crush. He blushed. "Ah, I see the love fair and true. I suppose you know who is right for you?" Damian nodded and started eating his ice cream, a small smile gracing his lips. He then paid attention to his sister and his best friend. They were now getting their ice cream.
Andre looked at the two and said, "Ah, but here's the truth, the two of you are the right match. You complete each other just like one, so come, let Andre supply you with love." Marinette and Jon were both surprised by the turn of events. But they both just blushed and agreed. Andre then said, "Blueberry for both your eyes, strawberry for her lips, cherry for his secret, and cotton candy for your personalities. Enjoy!"
Jon and Marinette waved goodbye and then ate their ice cream. They were still surprised about the turn of events. Neither knew what to say to the other until picked up some courage and asked, "Would you like to be my girlfriend?"
Marinette was surprised but agreed. They shared a chaste kiss. They then heard Damian gagging in the background. They broke apart, and Jon raised an eyebrow, "You're one to talk. I saw your ice cream. It really represented, mmph." Damian covered Jon's mouth before he could blurt out the name of his sweetheart.
"Kent looks like it's time to go! By the way, if you hurt my sister, I won't hesitate to kill you." He then dragged Jon off, leaving Marinette to chuckle to herself. The next day, she said goodbye to Damian and Jon. She gave them both a quick hug along with an extra kiss for Jon. She was so happy that she had found her brother again.
(Time Skip of three years)
It has been three years since Marinette bumped into Damian and Jon in Paris. The two visited whenever they could, the same with Marinette. But they never told their families. Marinette didn't tell her family because they didn't know she was Ladybug. Damian didn't tell because he wanted his sister to himself. Jon didn't tell because the other two didn't. Jon's and Marinette's relationship was still going strong. They loved each other very much. Jon loved how playful and happy Marinette could be, but she wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone. She was his little devil. Marinette loved Jon because of how pure and sunshiny he was. She loved how he cared for her and was always there for her no matter what. Damian actually started a relationship with Rachel Roth otherwise known as Raven as Andre's ice cream had indicated all those years ago.
During the three years, many things had changed, though. A girl named Lila came and turned everyone against her except Chloe. Marinette pretended that she was sad, but really she was ecstatic that she didn't have to hang out with morons anymore. She found Lila quite pathetic. Lila let others do her dirty work for her. She hid behind lies and morons. Marinette never found her as a threat.
She also defeated Hawkmoth a year ago, but it was because he surrendered. So, she didn't take him to jail, she made him donate thousands of dollars to people who needed therapy from the akumas and do community service. He agreed, so she let him go. She was glad that Gabriel Agreste had learned his lesson.
Yeah, for the most part, everything was going fine, she wasn't stuck with morons, and she had her brother and boyfriend. Until her brother and significant idiot forgot that her bio family didn't know about her.
It was the end of another shitty day for Marinette. She collapsed on her chaise. She looked at the time and realized that it was time for her's and Damian's video calls. She groaned before getting up and getting her phone. She dialed his number before waiting for him to pick up. Once he did, she saw that Jon was with him. They all talked together animatedly. What Damian and Jon forgot to do, was make sure that the Bat-family didn't come back from patrol while they were still on the call. But naturally, the two idiots forgot.
So, two hours later, when the three were still talking, they didn't realize when Jason came into the room. They only did when Jason screamed, "Demon Spawn and Supes Junior are talking to a girl on the phone!" This alerted the rest of the Waynes, so they all ran into Damian's room. When they entered, they were met with quite a sight. A confused Jason was watching a small pixie-like girl screaming at Jon and Damian in what seemed to be Arabic, Urdu, Russian, English, French, Spanish, Romanian, and Greek.
Once she calmed down, although she was still glaring at the two boys, she introduced herself, "Hi, my name is Marinette."
Dick asked her, "What's your last name?"
Marinette replied, "It depends on who your asking. Here in France, I would be Marinette Dupain-Cheng. In the league, I would be Marinette Al-Ghul. But, my real name would most likely be Marinette Wayne."
Jason yelled, "Your married to Demon Spawn!"
Marinette scowled, "No, Tt, are you always this incompetent? I am Damian's older sister by two years. I am also Jon's girlfriend of three years."
Bruce took a deep breath and pinched his nose, "And the reason none of you said anything was because?" He looked directly at Damian when asking the question.
Damian snapped, "I didn't want to share my beloved sister. She is too good for you imbeciles. She is also too good for Kent. But Kent is better than the mangy cat or the ugly model."
Everyone looked at Marinette confused except for Damian and Jon. She quickly shook her head, "Don't ask. If you want to ask me some questions, I'll be there in a minute."
Damian realizing that she was going to use the horse miraculous to transport to Gotham quickly said, "Wait, no, don't!" But she had already ended the call making Damian curse in Arabic.
Seconds later a portal appeared and a girl stepped out. She then spoke, "Kaalki, dismount." A flash appeared around her and they then saw the same girl on the phone now in front of them.
This left Wayne's gaping, while Alfred asked, "Mistress Marinette, would Kaalki I assume, need anything?"
Marinette replied, "Oui, she prefers sugar cubes to recharge. Merci, Alfred."
Then Jon got up and shouted, "My little devil!"
"Sunshine", Marinette exclaimed in joy before kissing him with full force. He kissed her back passionately. She placed her arm on his shoulders while he held her waist and lifted her a little off the ground. After a little bit, there was an awkward cough that reminded them that there were others in the room. They gave each other one more peck, before reluctantly pulling away. Although, Jon's arm was still around her waist. Marinette tried to not focus on the aching in her chest that was telling her to pounce on Jon and smother him in love and kisses while he did the same to her.
Marinette sighed and tried to focus on the situation at hand, "It's nice to meet all of you. My name is Marinette Al-Ghul Wayne, and I am Damian's sister as mentioned."
They all stared at her strangely until Tim asked, "Are you sure you grew up with Damian, or that your mother is Talia Al-Ghul? You seem a lot more different from Demon Spawn."
She smirked at them viciously, "First of all, I am for sure Damian's biological sister. Second of all, I may seem like an angel, but I'm the devil in disguise, hence Jon's nickname for me. Third of all, I'm not as arrogant as Damian because Ra's was always abusing me since I was a girl. So, I am a lot worse than Damian, I just don't show it."
No one knew what to do with this information. Sure Damian already knew about the beatings, but no one else did. They stared at her in worry, but she just waved them off, "Don't worry about me. Ra's is dead, I'm living with my godparents, and I'm happy."
Damian then rose an eyebrow, "What about your moronic classmates?"
"Oh, I didn't tell you. This pathetic girl who threatened to take my friends away, made it so that no one talks to me anymore. So, yay! Oooh, also I should probably explain my life to you?" She then went on to talk about everything, how her life was at the league, what happened when Slade attacked,  her life in Paris and when she became Lady Spots, how she met Damian and Jon, what happened after that.
By the end of her story, everyone looked like they wanted to kill her classmates and Chat Noir. Well, almost everyone. Bruce was on the ground muttering to himself, "Why, why, why? I just wanted one of my kids to not be a superhero. Is that too much to ask for?"
While Bruce had his breakdown, Tim asked her, "Did you defeat Hawkmoth?"
"Yeah, I did. He surrendered, so I let him off with some requirements in place. I actually was thinking of doing something to expose Lila. As much as I hate the morons, their future will be horrible if they keep on listening to that pathetic bitch."
Damian looked at her curiously, "What were you thinking?
"You are going to invite my class to the Wayne Gala. There we are going to introduce the whole family, including me. Damian, you are going to bring Raven. I'll bring Jon obviously. If we disprove that she knows the Waynes, the rest of her lies will come crashing down." Everyone smiled obviously pleased with the idea.
So they spent the next month getting the gala together. They organized a contest that Bustier's class won. During the month, the Waynes got to know Marinette. While Damian did have a problem with sharing her, everyone still go to know her. They were officially scared of her after she won after sparing against everyone and then cussing at Damian in many languages. It made Jon fall more in love with her though.
Another problem was that the Waynes would walk into Jon's and Marinette's make-out sessions all the time. Once, Jon, had Marinette pushed up against a wall and he was kissing her passionately. Marinette had her hands in his hair, one of them playing with the ends of his hair. She had taken off his shirt and was kissing down his neck. Jon had groaned and had stopped her so he could kiss her neck as well making her moan in want. He was whispering about what he wanted to do with her at the same time. Through dazed eyes, Marinette looked up and finally saw her family looking at her, both Damian and Bruce had their jaws clenched. When Jon noticed them, he quickly let go of her. Dick, Jason, and Tim started laughing, cooing, and teasing them, making Marinette hide her head in his chest. This made Damian launch himself at Jon, but before he could, Marinette had already disarmed him. She screamed, "Don't hurt my boyfriend, Damian." He just huffed, but let it go. From then on, they made sure to lock the door.
It was finally the day of the gala. Marinette saw all of her classmates. They mostly looked nice, but Lila was wearing an incredibly revealing dress.
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It was then time for the reveal. Bruce went up to the stage and announced, "Good evening, everybody. I am pleased that you could all attend. Today, I would like to introduce all of my children along with their significant other. To start, my oldest son Richard Grayson, also known as Dick Grayson along with his wife Kori Grayson."
(Bruce's suit)
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(Dick's Suit)
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(Kori's Dress)
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"My son Jason Todd."
(Jason's suit)
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"My son Tim Drake."
(Tim's suit)
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"My son Damian Wayne with his girlfriend Rachel Roth."
(Damien's suit)
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(Rachel's dress)
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"Finally, my new found daughter, also Damian's biological older sister Marinette Wayne. With her date Jon Kent."
(Marinette's dress) 
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(Jon's suit)
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When her classmates saw Marinette they started screaming insults. She just raised an eyebrow at them, "Is there a problem?"
Alya yelled, "Yeah there is. You're not a Wayne, you never told me that you were."
Marinette replied, "We were never best friends so I was under no obligation to tell you anything. I am a Wayne. I just lived with my godparents in Paris until my dad found out about me. I am dating my handsome boyfriend, Jonathan Kent. I have given you so much proof. How about you question Lila. She claimed that she was dating Damian. Damian is two years younger than her and he is dating Rachel. She isn't close to the Waynes, I am. So, stop questioning me and question her."
Everyone looked at Lila, but she was incredibly pale. That showed everyone that she was lying. They started yelling at her. Bruce then spoke up, "Security, escort this class out of the gala." As security did so, no one stopped yelling at Lila.
Marinette and Jon then turned to the reporters and Marinette said, "Five questions go."
She pointed to one reporter, "Where do you live?"
"Paris like I mentioned earlier."
She pointed to another, "How old are you?"
"I am 17-years-old, almost 18."
She pointed to a third one, "Were you surprised about being a Wayne?"
"No, I knew that I was a Wayne my whole life. But I was sent to my godparents instead of my dad like Damian. But I still knew." She pointed to her family, "They were surprised about my existence."
She pointed to a fourth reporter, "How do you like being a Wayne?"
"I really enjoy it. They are so nice to me. I really cherish them and we all have a lot of fun together. "
She pointed to a final reporter, "Do you like being Jonathan Kent's girlfriend and how did you meet?"
"We met when I bumped into him and my brother in Paris. We spent the week together. We got this thing called sweethearts ice cream. The ice cream tells you who your soulmate is. The guy who runs it Andre said that we were meant to be together. Jon asked me to be his girlfriend after. We have been a couple for three years. I love Jon a lot. He's really sweet and considerate. I wouldn't trade him for the world." Everyone awed.
Jon then picked her up bridal style, "Now that this is over, we'll be going home to have some fun." He winked at everyone.
Marinette blushed at the implications, "JON!" But, Jon silenced her with a passionate kiss, carrying her off the stage.
As Marinette kissed him back, she felt so happy. She had a loving family and boyfriend. They accepted her and cherished her.
She didn't know that the league was going to be attacked, but it helped her grow as a person and escape abuse. She didn't know that she would get a boyfriend. She didn't know she would ever meet her little brother ever again or meet her family. She didn't know what the future had in store for her. But she did know that she was going to spend it with her boyfriend and her family, and nothing was going to stop her.
(Sorry for the pictures smack in the middle of everything!)
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phoenix-inthe-fire · 6 years
my heart is like a package with a fragile label on it (be careful with me)
The one where Cheryl and Toni move to National City and fight over a motorcycle because of Alex Danvers. 
When they move to National City, Cheryl thinks its gone. It being the loud death trap that Toni insists on riding around on just about everyday. It was her baby, she’d said, and Cheryl can admit that she’d been jealous of the attention Toni gave it. That was until Toni said she’d much rather ride Cheryl all day. So Cheryl had grown to tolerate the jet black Ducati, after all, it was kind of hot to see Toni on it. To watch her whip her hair out of the helmet, the way she often wore leather pants while riding it. It was part of the reason Cheryl had fallen in love with her. It was part of her badass persona that Cheryl definitely thought was hot.
What she did not love about it was the accidents. And there were many of them even though Toni insisted she road safely all the time. But Cheryl still remembers the first one like it was yesterday.
Cheryl’s out to lunch with Veronica when it happens. They’re laughing at something stupid, Cheryl has already forgotten what it was as soon as her phone vibrates on the table in front of them. She’s partly annoyed, because her and Veronica have a rule that whoever’s phone goes off first has to pay the tab, and partly confused because the number flashing on her screen isn’t saved.
Veronica furrows her brow as Cheryl shows it to her in question. “Don’t know,” She says, slurping her milkshake, “You should answer it.”
Cheryl picks it up and feels her face go pale at the voice that answers.
“Hi this is Margaret from St. Joseph's, we’re calling because we have you listed as Antoinette Topaz’s emergency contact.”
“What happened?” Cheryl barely manages to get out. Her voice is rough and tears gloss her eyes. Veronica looks incredibly alarmed and Cheryl latches on to the hand Ronnie offers her with a vice like grip.
“We’re not allowed to disclose too much over phone, I’m afraid. I can only tell you there was an accident and Ms. Topaz was brought in with non life threatening injuries.”
“So she’s okay?” Cheryl demands, a grip on her chest releasing and its then that she realizes she hasn’t breathed since she picked up the phone. The sudden rush of air makes her head hurt.
“Yes,” The woman says slowly, “Will you be coming to the hospital?”
“Yes,” Cheryl says immediately standing, “Yes I’m on my way.”
Veronica drives her because she’s too catatonic to do anything but stare straight ahead. Even though the woman had said Toni’s injuries were non life threatening, worry still ceases  her heart. She’d never been good with loss, especially after Jason. Losing her twin was something she could never get over, it was like losing a piece of herself. A piece she’d definitely gotten some semblance back with Toni and now Cheryl was close to losing her too.
When they pull up to the hospital, Cheryl’s almost ready to go into a full on panic attack. It’s too much too fast and it’s only Veronica’s gentle voice that brings Cheryl back. It’s a blur after that because Cheryl’s too busy trying to remember to breathe but she latches onto Veronica’s hand and when she blinks again, they’re in Toni’s room.
She’s hooked up to several machines seemingly sleeping but she’s alive and Cheryl’s sobbing before they’re even completely in the room. She’s at Toni’s side in an instant, grabbing her hand and crying into her lap. Veronica pats her on the back in solidarity but doesn’t offer any words. When Cheryl looks up again, Veronica is also crying.
“I never realized how small she is,” Veronica whispers, “She’s so small. So-”
“Not invincible.” Cheryl hisses, angry now that Toni almost left her for something so avoidable because her eyes narrow in on the bag of personal items sitting on the counter across the bed. The dented motorcycle helmet with a broken visor only makes Cheryl that much more angry. “I’m setting that stupid fucking bike on fire.”
Toni groans, shifts her head back and forth like she’s fighting to wake up, “Please don’t,” She whimpers, “S’my favorite.”
“Toni Topaz I will fucking kill you,” Cheryl gasps out in a sob, “If you ever scare me like this again.”
Toni opens her eyes slowly, looks like she wants to cry herself with Cheryl sobbing into her arm. “Mm sorry baby. Didn’t mean to.” She kind of sighs like she’s barely awake.
“You can make it up to me when you’re better,” Cheryl says with a sniffle. She pulls it together quickly though because Toni looks like she’s fading fast. “Just go to sleep, sweetheart. You hit your head pretty hard.” She brushes a lock of Toni’s hair from her face, tries very hard not to focus on the obvious blood that’s caked into her hair.
Toni sighs again, nuzzles into her hand. “Kay, love you cherry.”
Cheryl’s lip wobbles as she says, “Love you too, TT.”
It isn’t the last time Toni gets into a motorcycle accident but it’s never worse than this one.
So all in all, Cheryl’s glad that when they move the Ducati gets parked in Sweet Pea’s garage and doesn’t follow them. They go almost 4 blissful months without Toni mentioning her beloved motorcycle or attempting to purchase a new one and it’s probably because she doesn’t have the time to think about it.
Neither of them really do. Cheryl absolutely loves the new hospital she works at and the first few weeks she talks Toni’s ear clean off about all the kids she gets to spend time with. Toni does well with adjusting too. The new magazine she works at, CatCo, gives her pretty much free creative reign but Toni is ambitious so Cheryl is not surprised when Toni decides she wants to get up close and personal with Supergirl, the city’s very own superhero.
It was still weird to think that National City still had such an alien presence but Cheryl loved the weather and the house they’d bought so the occasional alien fight that went on downtown wasn’t really a deal breaker. Sure the house insurance was outrageous, but Cheryl was still a trust fund baby and the sole heir to a fortune so they barely batted an eye. It’s also fun to do all of their exploring together. Back in riverdale, there was only so many places to take each other and they were often so tainted by other memories that it never really felt like them. So Cheryl is glad they get to find new memories together. In fact, Toni tells her about a hole in the wall alien bar that she’d heard about from some of her clients and Cheryl actually wants to go. So they make plans, have to rearrange them twice, but eventually they make it out the the door. Or attempt to anyway.
“You look really hot,” Toni says when Cheryl comes out of the bathroom. Her eyes roam freely at the skin tight jeans Cheryl is wearing, paired with a top that laces in the back and shows off her shoulders and neck.
“Thanks baby,” Cheryl says with a slight blush. It’d been awhile since Cheryl had been in anything but scrubs or pajamas and if her old high school class could see her now they’d probably stroke out. But Cheryl didn’t really need to care about appearances anymore because she was well and truly happy and there was no one following her around to judge and Toni would love her even if all she wore were plastic bags. But it did feel nice to have an occasion to dress for again. “We should go out more.” She says pointedly.
Toni rolls her eyes good naturedly. “Oh please, you cancel on me just as much.” And it was true. They both loved their jobs so much that picking up extra shifts and being on call wasn’t uncommon. Not to say they didn’t have time for each other, they were both just extremely driven and eager to make names for themselves in a new city.
“True,” Cheryl smirks exaggeratedly in the mirror as she applies lip stick, fully aware of Toni’s eyes glued to her ass as she leans closer to inspect herself, “But it wouldn’t kill you to show me off every once in a while.” She’s teasing of course because as long as she was with Toni she didn’t care what they did. High school had been crazy for the both of them and Cheryl loved their quiet domesticity more than anything. It was a nice change of pace.
“No,” Toni says, voice a touch hoarse now, “They’ll stare and try and steal you and I left all the bodies and gang banging back in Riverdale. Promises and all that.” She says like she’s put off.
Cheryl expects nothing less from her little serpent. “Hey You made that promise to me.”
Toni doesn’t respond. She gets up from their bed and covers Cheryl’s body like a second skin. Cheryl barely gets to voice her confusion before Toni’s kissing her senseless.
They wind up two hours late to the bar because Toni can’t keep her hands to herself. Cheryl certainly isn’t complaining.
Those 4 blissful months of Toni’s death trap days behind her goes up in smoke the second Alex fucking Danvers rolls up to their favorite alien bar. Apparently Toni has this thing where she needs to find the toughest person in the room and try and assert her dominance. This person happens to be Alex.
Cheryl’s making polite conversation with the bartender because her scarf is givenchy and Cheryl wants to know just where in the hell she got it from when she hears a sort of scuffle going on behind her. It’s Toni because of course it is and she’s got an auburn haired woman almost toe to toe with her as they play pool, only they’re glaring at each other more than playing. For a moment Cheryl sees red, is halfway out of her seat, but then Toni laughs, loud and genuine and their little standoff breaks. Cheryl relaxes.
“She yours?” The bartender asks with a knowing smile as she wipes out glasses.
“Yeah,” Cheryl sighs dreamily, peeking over her shoulder at Toni’s ass as she bends over the pool table. “She’s trouble.”
The bartender, Mgnn she’d said her name was, laughs. “She’s very pretty.” She says dutifully, “But the girl she’s playing with? That’s Alex Danvers and she’s definitely a cop.”
Cheryl feels her eyes widen. “Of course she is. Goddamnit, Toni.” She downs the rest of her drink and walks right over to the pool table. She snags Toni by her belt loop, drapes her arms across Toni’s neck from behind and gets close to her ear.
“Bartender says she’s a cop.” Cheryl whispers warningly, playing it off like she’s flirting. Toni only stiffens a little bit but Cheryl knows how she is with cops, knows that even though the Southside Serpents are just a Riverdale gang, doesn’t mean that cops don’t make Toni any less uncomfortable. Especially when they blend so well in public.
“Hey baby,” Toni says aloud, squeezing Cheryl’s hip affectionately. “Alex this is my lady. Cheryl this is Alex. She’s bad at pool.”
For a moment Alex Danvers looks a little crestfallen and Cheryl’s eyes narrow into a dangerous glare. But Alex recovers quickly and offers Cheryl a friendly wave.
“I think your girlfriend might be a pool shark.” Alex says seriously.
Cheryl can almost feel Toni’s wolffish grin. “She’s pretty talented.”
Alex is nice and Cheryl hangs out with them for awhile just to make sure there are no problems after Toni’s just probably threatened law enforcement for god even knows what. She watches Toni, mainly, because there used to be a time when Toni could sniff out a cop in a blink but Alex slipped right under her nose and Cheryl’s worried about what that will do to her.
But her girlfriend seems just fine, happy even that she’s made a friend, so Cheryl tries not to watch her too intently. They all decide to leave at the same time, Alex and Toni swapping numbers as they rib each other about rematches.
It’s when Alex walks over to a jet black Ducati, almost identical to Toni’s old death trap, that Cheryl feels those blissful four accident free months go up in smoke.
“This yours?” Toni asks almost in awe, her hand reaching out on almost it’s on accord to touch the smooth leather of the seat.
“Yep.” Alex says proudly, pulling a helmet out of Cheryl doesn’t even know where. “Just bought her actually. I got her shipped straight here. It’s custom engine and specs.”
Toni’s eyes almost go as wide as saucer plates and Cheryl busies herself with calling a Lyft because she knows this is gunna take a while. Eventually Toni puts her motorcycle boner away and Alex takes off with a loud roar that hurts Cheryl’s ears but Toni absolutely loves.
Cheryl can almost feel Toni’s eyes burning through her all the way home. “No.” She says firmly once they’re safely out of their lyft and walking up the pebbled steps to their front door.
“But Cheryl,” Toni all but whines as Cheryl’s rummaging for her keys in her larger than necessary purse, molding herself against Cheryl’s back in some kind of ploy to get her way but all Cheryl can see is hospital ERs and unsaved numbers calling her at random, Toni hooked up to machines and IVs. “Please baby.”
“Toni do you know how many accidents you’ve gotten into on that thing?” Cheryl snaps, finally working the door open and kicking off her shoes and purse in the foyer.
Toni rolls her eyes like Cheryl’s being ridiculous. “Like 2 tops.”
“6 times, Toni.” Cheryl deadpans, “4 of which I had to pick you up from the hospital for.”
“Only as a precaution!” Toni defends.
“Bull shit,” Cheryl growls, “That first time you almost died. You were in the hospital for 3 days! I was scared I was going to lose you!”
Toni softens immediately, places her hands slowly on Cheryl’s hips so Cheryl can’t storm away. “I’ll be careful, cherry. I promise. It’s no different than me driving a car. I can’t control everyone around me.”
“TT cars are enclosed! Motorcycles are just death traps!”
Toni sighs roughly, disengages from Cheryl and the look on her face is stubborn and angry and it grates at Cheryl’s temper. “Look, ultimately, I don’t need your permission. I’m getting my motorcycle back. This isn’t up for discussion.”
And then she walks away and Cheryl sees red.
“Like hell it isn’t! Toni if you bring that fucking motorcycle then don’t even bother coming home!”
Toni’s glare is angry and hurt but she picks up her keys defiantly and slams the front door when she goes.
Cheryl’s crying before it even clicks shut.
Toni doesn’t come home that night at all and Cheryl blows up her phone with texts ranging from worried sad girlfriend to downright crazy psycho. Honestly Cheryl doesn’t hold it back, she’s pretty sure there was a death threat or two mixed in somewhere with apologies and rants on how Toni had better realize Cheryl was a fucking catch and wouldn’t have trouble finding a replacement if Toni never came home.
It’s grossly untrue, of course, because Cheryl would never leave Toni for any reason and Cheryl takes it back in the next text but Toni doesn’t reply other than to say she’s safe and will be back tomorrow and that’s the only reason Cheryl is able to fall asleep.
“Rough night?”
Cheryl sighs harshly, tries to keep her temper from flaring because she’s been so good about it at this new job. It’s been easier, of course, because she was happy and her coworkers all genuinely wanted to help their patients but she’d woken up cold and alone and barely got any sleep so it was a lot harder to keep it together than normal.
“You can say that.” Cheryl says vaguely as she scribbles away at one of the charts in her very large stack.
The coworker talking to her is one of the more tolerable ones, a trauma surgeon by the name of Clarke Griffin who spends the majority of her time in the ER downstairs or the ORs two floors up. Why she’s on the Peds floor everyday has everything to do with the steaming cup of coffee she nurses in her hands. She claimed it was way better than the cafeteria or the break rooms on the first floor.
But Cheryl doesn’t mind because she likes her. Clarke didn’t treat her like a subordinate because she was a nurse and on the few patients they had together, she’d actually listened to Cheryl’s input. So it’s not so much that it’s Clarke that's asking about her rough night that spikes her temper, so much as it is the reminder that something is in fact wrong.
“I got into a fight with my partner last night.” Cheryl mutters begrudgingly. She figures it’s a good idea to have at least someone to talk to because Veronica was still on her honeymoon and Josie was away on tour being famous and Toni was out for obvious reasons.
Clarke hums, sips at her coffee, “About what?”
Cheryl scowls, writes a little harder, grips her pen a little tighter. “Her stupid fucking obsession with motorcycles.” She says it lowly, so it’s unheard by tiny ears and some of the more gossipy staff. She’d worked hard to make an image for herself here. She was Cheryl Blossom, RN, an outstanding nurse who loved her patients but took absolutely zero shit from anyone no matter who they were. The two doctors, 4 CNAs and even a surgeon who’d tried her had all walked away inches smaller and with their tails tucked between their legs. Nurse Blossom was a name taken serious but she only got away with all of that because she was so good at her job and her kids loved her as much as she loved them. The last thing she needed was one of her little ones telling on her cursing.
“I hate motorcycles,” Clarke says, “Like I get it, it’s hot at first, a nice thrill, but you know how many accidents I’ve seen with motorcycle victims?” She doesn’t wait for Cheryl’s response before she’s plowing on, “A lot. And they’re never pretty, half of them don’t make it off my table. Or Shepherds for that matter.” She says with a shrug, referencing the on call neurosurgeon.
Cheryl swallows thickly, “Well thanks for that, Dr. Griffin. If I hated them before, I’m sure the next time I see one I’ll just go right into a panic attack at the thought of my girlfriend on one of your OR tables.” She snaps as she practically tosses the now finished report away from her.
Clarke grimaces, “Yikes. Sorry. I’ve been told my bedside manner could be worked on.”
“Yes,” Cheryl says firmly, “It can be.”
The smile Clarke gives her is everything she hears about. It’s soft and cheeky and just the faintest bit charming and Cheryl suddenly gets how Clarke’s bedded half the hospital and still has a job. If Cheryl wasn’t so wholly in love with Toni it might have worked. “Sorry,” Clarke says sheepishly, “Anyway I’m sure your girlfriend will be fine. You’ll get past it it’s just a motorcycle.”
“Just a-“ Cheryl stops herself abruptly, counts to ten in her head with her eyes closed before she’s plastering on a vicious smile and looking at Clarke again. “It is not just a motorcycle. It’s the difference between me being a widow or me not being a widow. Understand?”
Clarke’s eyes are wide, a touch fearful, “Yes ma’am.”
“Good,” Cheryl says, sniffing dismissively. “Nice chat, Dr. Griffin. I have patients as I’m sure you do as well.” She says pointedly.
Clarke laughs softly, “You are something else Cheryl Blossom.” And then she walks away but not before looking at Cheryl over her shoulder with a twinkle in her eyes.
Cheryl wishes it was just as simple as it being a motorcycle. But Cheryl had seen too much death before she’d even made it to 18 and so she didn’t understand how Toni was so willing to leap onto something that would surely take her right to it. Her pager beeps and Cheryl decides to push all thoughts of it away for now.
When Cheryl gets home later that night, it’s well past 8 o’clock. She’s tired and angry now too because as she’d pulled in she’d seen the giant black monstrosity that she’d thought she’d seen the last of all those months ago.
Toni is sitting on the couch when she gets in. Her hairs up in a loose bun and the tv is on but she doesn’t look like she’s really watching it. Her eyes find Cheryl and don’t leave her until Cheryl is plopping onto the adjacent couch still holding her purse and wearing her shoes.
“You really went all the way back to Riverdale just to get your motorcycle?” Cheryl questions. Her voice is still soft, it’s still a genuine question, it’s not accusing just yet. She isn’t sure if she’s ready for another round of screaming at each other, especially not after a 12 hour shift.
“Yep,” Toni chirps, popping the p with enough attitude to let Cheryl know she’s still pissed as she looks away. “Wanna know why? Because I’m an adult who can do whatever the fuck she wants.” Her eyes don’t come away from the TV and Cheryl crosses her arms and leans back against the couch as she stares at her.
“This isn’t about your adulthood Toni don’t be ridiculous. We own a house together. We’re both adults. This is about you and that stupid motorcycle you don’t even need!”
Toni’s jaw tenses but she doesn’t respond. Won’t look in Cheryl’s direction and it hurts because Cheryl had spent years not being seen and the least Toni could do is look at her while they were fucking fighting.
“Toni I’m talking to you.” Cheryl grinds out, feels anger welling in her chest now.
“No you're ordering me around.” Toni finally snaps, looking at Cheryl finally with anger blazing in her eyes and annoyance curling her lips. “You think that you can just demand I not do something and I just have to follow what you say. This is a partnership not a dictatorship Cheryl.”
“How dare you...” Cheryl starts slowly, rising from the couch, fully prepared to storm out. “You clearly don’t care about this partnership if you’re so willing to get yourself killed!”
“Oh please,” Toni scoffs, “I’ve done a lot of things that could have killed me Cheryl. I’m still fucking alive.”
“You know what, fuck you toni,” Cheryl spits, storming for their bedroom with tears welling in her eyes because she doesn’t get how Toni can just be so okay with the thought of dying, how she isn’t even bothered in the least by the idea of leaving Cheryl alone. Especially when the very thought of it makes Cheryl feel like she can’t breathe.
Cheryl stops just before she makes it to the hallway, tears falling in earnest now, “You promised me,” She starts slowly and that seems to grab Toni’s full attention because she stands from the couch to face Cheryl and the beginnings of guilt are all over her face. “You promised that everything would be okay once we left. That we’d start our lives together and nothing and no one would keep us apart. You dying keeps us apart Toni! You just- you want to get on that stupid bike and I can’t handle losing you Toni. I’ve lost so much I can’t-“ She breaks into sobs after that, just barely catching the absolute anguish on Toni’s face as she vaults the couch and wraps Cheryl in her arms.
“I’m sorry,” Toni whispers frantically, “I’m so sorry cherry I didn’t think- please forgive me baby. I’m sorry.”
Cheryl wakes up to Toni’s eyes. They’re wide and fixated on her and Cheryl blinks a few times to get the image more clearly. This was by far her favorite way to wake up, well her ultimate favorite was with Toni’s head between her thighs, but this was a very close second.
“Morning,” Toni says softly almost hesitantly, her voice a whisper between the two of them. She’s laying on her side, hands clasped under her chin and looks like she’s been awake for a while.
Cheryl mimics her position. “What time is it?” She murmurs sleepily, blinking against the sharp rays of sunlight filtering in from the curtains. It does little to help so she leans forward and buries her face into Toni’s chest instead.
Toni’s arms wrap around her so tight, like she’s afraid to let her go and Cheryl suddenly remembers the night before, their fight and the breakdown afterward. The way Toni held her as she cried and how they’d called a temporary truce and finally fell asleep together after almost two nights apart.
Cheryl swallows thickly, pushes even further into Toni’s chest like she can nestle herself there forever. “TT,” Cheryl murmurs quietly. “I hate fighting with you.”
Toni sighs, a sound of relief, “I hate it too Cherry. I hate it too.”
“Can we stop now?” Cheryl asks softly.
Toni presses a kiss to her hair, lingers a while and Cheryl can almost feel her hesitate her next words, “Yeah baby. But I’m not getting rid of my bike.”
Cheryl tries to pull away but Toni keeps her locked up tight.
“No listen to me please.” Toni so rarely asks anything of her that Cheryl stills instantly. She sighs sharply and it’s the only indication Toni gets that she’s listening.
“That bike is the only thing that has ever made me feel free.” Toni starts, “It was the only thing I ever bought myself. When I needed to get away, that got me where I needed to go and fast. I know you don’t get it, but Cheryl I can’t live without my bike. It’s much more than just a bike and I know you think I have a death wish and I don’t. I want to spend my life with you Cheryl Blossom and I would never throw that away for something small, something I could live without.”
Cheryl listens because she loves Toni. She listens because whenever she’s had her moments Toni always made her feel heard. She listens because she’s tired of fighting. She listens because Toni makes sense so she breathes in deep, holds it for a second and says, “Okay.”
Cheryl pulls back, kisses Toni on the mouth much to her girlfriends surprise. “I said okay. As in you can keep the stupid bike not like you need my permission, yes I know you made that abundantly clear,” She says with a fond roll of her eyes at Toni’s pointed glare. “Just- promise me you won’t leave me.” She demands very seriously.
Toni’s face softens and she drags Cheryl back down to kiss her again. “I promise you I’m not going anywhere Cheryl. I want you forever.”
Cheryl chooses to believe her.
Cheryl still hates the bike. Loathes it, detests it but she manages to tolerate it. Especially when she pays attention to how happy it does in fact make Toni.
Even more so when Toni insists on meeting Alex at the bar and comparing notes and specs like a bunch of losers. But she remembers how important it is and she’d never want to push Toni to leave her so she just ignores it.
“What a bunch of losers,” Cheryl finds herself mumbling into her drink. The majority of the time they’re at the bar, Toni plays pool with Alex and sometimes Cheryl joins but mainly Cheryl stays at the bar and chats with Mgnn.
She’s extremely kind and patient with all of Cheryl’s questions and she often finds Cheryl’s extreme lack of knowledge on aliens amusing. Cheryl’s just glad she doesn’t think she’s being offensive.
“They’re adorable,” Mgnn says with a smile, always cleaning out glasses, Cheryl thinks she’ll get arthritis in her wrists from repetitive motion. “It’s nice to see Alex smiling again.”
Cheryl’s ears prick at the possibility of gossip. She leans, just a touch sloppily because she’s probably drunk now, closer to Mgnn. “Oh?”
Mgnn looks at her in amusement. “You, Cheryl Blossom, are a terrible influence!” But she’s smiling and Cheryl thinks they’re friends and it’s nice to have people who like her and it not be because of Toni.
Cheryl’s joy comes out in a boisterous laugh that just makes Mgnn smile harder. She doesn’t even notice the way everyone looks at her briefly, smiling at the infectiousness of it. “Oh come on,” Cheryl says brightly, “I tell you all my hospital gossip.”
Mgnn was extremely easy to talk to. She listened and she asked questions that kept the ball rolling and she was a wonderful audience. It catered to Cheryl’s more attention loving side.
“Okay fine,” Mgnn says, leaning forward against the bar, “Alex just had a really bad break up. Like, they were engaged and then,” She mimes an explosion with her hands.
Cheryl gasps, “Oh my god they died in an explosion?”
Mgnn frowns, “What no,” She says with a small laugh, “No no. Alex wanted kids, maggie didn’t.”
“Oh,” Cheryl says sadly, “oh that’s terrible.” She almost whispers, peeking over her shoulder at Alex and Toni who are laughing and leaning on their pool sticks more than they’re shooting. Toni’s doing something stupid with her hips, probably mimicking someone in that full body way she does to make Cheryl laugh on her bad days, and predictably laugh Alex does, almost toppling into the table.
Cheryl is suddenly so in love with Toni. Here her girlfriend was, finding the broken tattered hearts in the crowd and mending them without even trying. Her presence alone was just so healing. Cheryl knew first hand it’s benefits.
She decides then that she will help Alex Danvers the same way Toni helped her. Well not the same way, but she was already concocting a list of potential suitors because if Toni saw the good in Alex then Cheryl is sure Alex Danvers deserved the fucking world.
Just not from Toni. Because then Cheryl would have to kill her.
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Love at First Punch- Part 2
Damian Wayne x Reader
Summary- Reader is the daughter of green arrow and black canary and first meets Damian a couple weeks after he starts to live with Bruce. He says something rude and you punches him in the face and it’s been happily ever after ever since. When you are 18 you, Damian and Bart Allen get sucked into another universe. One where Thomas Wayne, your grandfather and Nora Allen are all alive and they are founding members of their justice league. In an attempt to get back to your universe Bart accidentally brings you to another universe where you are ambushed and taken into custody by none other than the Avengers. Will the three of you make it back home?
Message- Here’s Part 2! It’s kinda long! The three of them meet their grandparents for the first time! Sorry if it sucks!
Background  Part 1
Word Count- 1952
“That is the most exclusive night club in the country! How exactly are we going to get in?” Blue Beetle asked. It had been a little more than 10 years since Damian’s and your “wedding”, the two of you were still together and still very happy.
“We’ve got it taken care of, Blue. Don’t worry about it.” You say as you look at Damian.
“Okay, White Canary.” Blue Beetle huffs.
“Now that we have that taken care of, let’s go over team assignments.” Nightwing says. “Alpha squad- Robin, White Canary, and Impulse. The three of you will be in the club- undercover.” The three of you nod. “Beta squad- Blue Beetle, Miss Martian and I. We will be look out, and will be staying outside of the club. You three should go get ready and then head out. Miss Martian will establish a link when we get there.”
“Wait, they are going in without us there? No way that’s too dangerous.” Blue Beetle asks.
“TT, it is to protect our identities and we can take care of ourselves.” Damian growls. You put your hand on his forearm and he looks at you and sighs. “But thank you for your concern. Canary, Impulse, let’s go get ready.” You and Bart get up and follow Damian out.
“Don’t worry, Blue. I’ll see you after the mission.” Bart says as you walk out the door. You hear a faint adios as you walk down the hall. “So what’s my cover? I mean you’re Y/N Queen and Damian’s a Wayne, the two of you are considered American royalty. Of course they’ll let the two of you in, but I’m no one. I’m a leech who’s attached themselves to two heirs to two multi-billion dollar companies.” Bart says.
“Hey, you’re Impulse and you’re super smart and funny. Just because you’re not an heir to a huge company or whatever doesn’t mean you’re a nobody and you’re sure as hell not a leech. You are our friend, Bart. Hell you were the only person at our wedding all those years ago. Where is this coming from?”
“Some asshole at school said something to me before the semester ended.” That made you sigh, the three of you had just finished your first semester at Ivy University. Damian and you were renting an apartment for the three of you near the school.
“Don’t listen to assholes like that, Bart. You’re my oldest and closest friend. Damian and I don’t think of you like that and it hurts me to think that your thinking about yourself like that.” You say as you pull him into a hug.
“Thanks, Y/N.” Bart murmurs.
“You’re welcome. Come on, we need to get ready.” You say as the two of you walk to the exit of the cave, where the zeta beams are. “Also, I think you’ve been holding out on me. What’s going on with you and Blue?”
“What!? Nothing! We’re just friends! He’s not gay! I mean I don’t think he is.” Bart stutters out as he blushes.
“But you like him don’t you?” You ask.
“Yeah.” Bart sighs.
“TT, what took the two of you so long?” Damian asks.
“We were just gossiping, my love.” You say as you wrap your arms around Damian and then you give him a quick kiss.
“We should get going, Beloved.” Damian says and you nod. The three of you walk through the zeta beam.
The three of you were dressed to the nines. You were wearing stiletto heels, a black bodycon dress and a fur coat. Damian and Bart were both wearing slacks and button down shirts. You had stashed your gear in the ally way behind the club. There was a long line on the side walk but the three of you walked right up to the bouncer. Damian wrapped his arm around your waist as you stopped in front of the bouncer.
“We are not on the list.” Damian says.
“Then you all need to wait in line.” The bouncer says.
“Do you know who we are? We don’t wait in lines. Get your manager.” Damian growls, acting like the spoiled heir he often uses as a public persona. The bouncer rolls his eyes but takes out a walkie talkie and asks for the manager. A couple of minutes later a man in a suit comes out and looks at the three of you. His eyes go big as he recognizes you.
“Mr. Wayne, Miss Queen! I’m so sorry you had to wait. Please come in, the two of you and your friend are more than welcome to come in.”
“Thank you, we didn’t mind waiting.” You say as you walk into the club. The manager flutters around you for a couple minutes, but you tell him that you would like to go to the VIP area. He leads you there and then leave the three of you alone.
Nightwing here. Are the three of you in? You hear in your head.
Yes. You think back. The link is left open as the three of you look keep a look out for anything suspicious. The intel that Batman had found was vague. Then you see him. Klarion. You watch as he goes into the back room.
“Bart, get our gear.” You whisper. He nods and speeds off. He’s back in seconds. The three of you rush off to change and then Bart runs the three of you into the backroom.
What’s going on? Nightwing says through the bond.
Klarion Bart thinks.
Wait for us to engage Miss Martian says.
To late You think as Klarion spots you. You draw your bow and arrow and aim it at him.
“Well, Well. If it isn’t the Junior Justice League.” Klarion says “I don’t have time to deal with the three of you, right now.” He says as he waves his hand and opens a portal. Then you uses his magic to push the three of you in. It happens so fast that not even Bart has time to fight back. You feel metal as you fall back through the portal, then before you can do anything it’s closed. You look to you left and see Damian and Bart laying in a similar position. Then the three of you get up and look around.
“He transported us to the watchtower?” Bart asks.
“I guess, but it looks different. Darker almost.” You murmur. Then you hear a door open and you turn to see who entered the room. A man dressed in a darker version of your Dads suit walks in. He looks like your Dad but older. Maybe you had traveled through time. “Dad?” you ask. The man gives you a strange look.
“Who are you? How did you get up here?”
“Dad it’s me. I think that we’ve been gone for a long time, but you’ve gotta recognize your own daughter. Where’s mom?” You ask.
“I don’t have a daughter.” The man says and then he quickly shoots three arrows towards the three of you and a black gas fills the space around you. Then everything goes black.
You feel cold water hit your face and you jolt awake.
“Good you’re awake. We’ve been waiting on you.” A women dressed in a flash costume says. You look around you and see Damian and Bart tied to two other chairs. They both have inhibitor colors on and then you realize that you do to.
“Are you okay, Beloved?” Damian asks.
“Could be better. But yeah, I’m okay.” You say.
“Stop taking!” A man dressed a batman says. “How did you get here?”
“Answer him!” The man you had mistaken as your father says after a short pause.
“He said stop talking!” Bart yells at the three men. “Now, what did you do with the Justice League? Where are you holding them?”
“Justice League? Don’t you mean Justice Society?” The woman asks.
“Oh my God! That stupid little witch boy! I’m gonna kill him when we get back!” You yell. “My name is Y/N Queen, my dad’s name is Oliver Queen.” You hear the man dressed like your father take a sharp breath in. “That’s Damian Wayne, his dad is Bruce Wayne.” The man dressed like batman’s jaw drops. “And that is Bart Allen, his dad is Barry Allen.” The women dressed as the Flash gasps. “I’m guessing that the three of you are Robert Queen, Thomas Wayne and Nora Allen. I’m right, right?”
“Beloved, what are you talking about? Our grandfathers and Bart’s grandmother are dead.” Damian says.
“Oh my God, this is a different dimension isn’t it? One where you all survived and your sons died. I’m guessing Oliver died in a ship wreck, Bruce died in a mugging gone wrong and my dad was killed by a man in a yellow suit? But his father was arrested for the murder.” Bart says.
“H-how do you know all that?” Nora murmurs.
“Were your grandkids, from a dimension where you all died, but your sons lived. They lived and then had us and they trained us to fight and to protect our cities and our world.” You say. “If you don’t believe us, run DNA tests.” You say. The three of them leave and come back with scanners. After a couple minutes the three of them nod at one another and move to release you. You move towards Damian and he pulls you into a kiss.
“Ugh, I swear, the world could be ending and those two would find time to make out.” Bart says to your grandparents.
“So, our grandkids are…” Thomas starts.
“Hopelessly in love, together, married, childhood sweethearts, or disgusting. Take your pick.” Bart says as he rolls his eyes.
“Your just jealous.” You say as you pull away from Damian. Bart shrugs.
“You guys are what, 18. How are you married already? Is that normal in your dimension.”
“We’re not legally married, Bart married the two of us at Wayne manor when we were kids.” Damian says as he takes your hand.
“I was 8 and he was 9. It was the day we met.” You say as you smile at Damian. “He was a real jerk to me and Bart. So I punched him in the face.”
“Then we both apologized and we started to play. I asked her to marry me in the garden while we were playing hide and seek.” Damian murmured.
“The wedding was a private affair, since we were afraid the grownups would stop us. So Bart was the only one there. After the ceremony we danced. Then I asked my dad to have a father-daughter dance and all hell broke loose. I’m pretty sure my dad demanded we get a divorce.” You say as you smile.
“That’s adorable.” Nora says as she looks at the three of you.
“Yeah, there parents came around to it eventually.” Bart says.
“The three of you have had a pretty crazy day. Why don’t you get some sleep and we can talk more tomorrow.” Your grandfather says.
“Sleep actually sounds really good right now.” You murmur. Your grandfather nods and you all follow him out of the room. He leads you to the medical wing.
“Sorry, we don’t have any spare rooms with beds up here.” Nora says.
“This is fine. Thank you.” Bart says as he sits on one of the medical coats. Both you and Damian do the same.
“We will bring the three of you breakfast in the morning.” Thomas says.
“Thank you.” You murmur as they shut the door. “This is insane.” You say to Damian and Bart.
“Yeah.” They both say back. Then you lay down and try to get some rest.
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brokenhearted-queen · 7 years
Fading Into Happiness
-Author’s note: sorry about the format I posted it on mobile. hope you enjoy! A special thanks to @fishfingersandjellybabies who made me less nervous about posting this! Also to @alextimeexpress who was my proofreader-
Summary: After a confrontation with Bruce, Damian is left to make a decision. One that would change everyone’s lives.
Slowly, Damian made his way down to the cave. He was in need of his Father’s assistance with a school assignment. He only had problems with history, since the way they taught it at school was the Americanized version of events. They never seemed to teach the children how everything really happened. He stopped as he heard Grayson and his father arguing.
“No, you don’t understand Bruce! Since Timmy died you’ve just been focusing on being Batman. The family doesn’t need Batman. It needs Bruce!” Damian heard his voice echoing through the cave.
“I need to bring his killer to justice, Dick. You know that the League needs me as well. I don’t have time for your nonsense.” Damian flinched over the cold tone of his voice.
“This isn’t nonsense Bruce! I don’t care if you ignore me! Jason’s on a mission right now, but what about Damian? You haven’t been with him at all! I had to learn from the Titans that not only did you miss his birthday, but were completely ignorant to Ra’s Al Ghul’s threat to Damian.” Dick snarled at the end of his sentence.
Bruce stalked towards Dick, he was so close Dick could feel his breath on his face. His hands shook by his side as they slowly formed into fists. It was so tight Damian could hear the squelching of the leather. “He never informed me of this.” Bruce said, his voice shifting from defensive to enraged.
Damian looked at the floor not knowing what to do. He wanted to tell them that they were foolish to believe he couldn’t handle himself, but at the same time he was really hurt when his father missed his birthday.
“He was about to give himself to Ra’s! He was willing to sacrifice himself again and become the monster he so desperately tried to escape! And you were nowhere to be found! Goddamn it, Bruce! We already lost Tim. Are you really okay with losing Damian? Are you okay with him dying AGAIN? ARE YOU GOING TO LET HIM DOWN AGAIN?” Dick scream at Bruce.
Suddenly, Damian heard a smack. He let out a gasp and ran downstairs. He stared at Grayson, on the floor holding his now bruised cheek.
“Grayson!” He yelled as he went to him and helped him sit up.
“Father! That was unnecessary! Apologize now!” He said glaring at his father.
“Don’t worry Lil’ D everything’s fine. We just had a misunderstanding.” He said ruffling his hair.
“Father had no right to hit you.” Damian said looking at him.
“He should not have yelled at you for simply caring about me…” He trailed off feeling overwhelmed, thinking that maybe his father did not care for him as much as he hoped.
Bruce look at him as he sighed and rubbed his face.
“This was so much easier with Tim…” he muttered under his breath.
Damian heard him and his eyes widened as he took a step back unconsciously.
“No, wait Damian that…that wasn’t what I meant” Bruce said realizing his mistake.
“Tt, well I am sorry Father but I am not Drake.” He pulled away from his father and ran upstairs.
Dick went after him, hot on his heels. “Wait Lil’ D! Dami! Damian!” He yelled as he was able to catch to him and pull him into a hug.
He rubbed his hair and Damian struggled a bit, but ended up leaning into his embrace.
“Hey, how about you stay with me for a few days? Jaybird’s coming and we would very much like your company. I think I can convince him to give back the Red Hood doll.” Damian was only able to nod against his chest. Not trusting his voice to betray him and display his weakness.
He already had clothes in Grayson’s house so he didn’t need to pack any clothes.
He let Dick manhandle him onto his back. He leaned in and enjoyed listening to his brother’s heart and breath. Dick felt reassured by the weight on his back and feeling his little brother’s heartbeat echo. Because his little brother was here and alive. He almost lost him again because he didn’t want to burden his family again. He had to tell him that sacrificing himself wasn’t the answer. He had to stop trying to take on everything himself, to let them take some of his burden because they care about him. But that was a conversation for another day.
Eventually he heard small snores coming from his back. He took out his phone and called Jason.
“Hey Dickie Bird I got us two extra meat lovers pizza.” Dick smiled at his brother.
“Hey Jaybird, could you ask for a vegetarian one? Lil’ D is joining us.” He heard Jason grunt.
“Baby Bat’s coming? Ha! I should just get another meat lovers!” He said teasingly.
“He’s had a rough night, Jay.” Dick sighed out. Jason’s voice turned to concern.
“Did the brat get hurt on patrol? I thought he wasn’t supposed to go on patrol today.”
“No, he didn’t go on patrol today, and he isn’t hurt…well not physically at least. He had a rough couple days to be honest. And Bruce didn’t help.” Jason started cursing up a storm.
“B and his emotional constipation. I know my dying didn’t mean shit to him-”
“Now, Jason you know that’s not true. Bruce was heartbroken with your death.” Dick interrupted softly.
“-but Damian, he’s just a kid for fuck’s sake! Bruce should care more dammit. After everything we went through to get him back. I would think he would actually jump at the opportunity to be a good father. Hell after what happened to Timmy…” he trailed off feeling his anger fading to sadness.
“Yeah, that’s also part of the problem…he compared him with Tim.” He heard Jason start cursing again.
“Real smooth B real smooth.” He snarled.
“Hell I’ll get a vegetarian pizza and some strawberry Ice cream for the demon spawn.” He said with a snort. Dick chuckled sadly.
“I know he misses Tim…we all do, but he’s letting that get in the way of taking care of Damian.” He said softly as he approached the safe house.
“I’m here. I’ll talk to you inside.”
During that moment, Dick forgot that Damian was a light sleeper and he managed to hear the entire conversation. Damian had to admit that he also missed Drake. They were finally able to get past their differences and could have been brothers…but now he doesn’t have a chance to.
Dick made his way inside the safe house with Damian still on his back. Jason looked up and just felt a little pang in his heart. Because Damian actually looked like a kid on Dickie Bird’s back. Something that the both of them never really had the chance to be. Maybe they could work on that with Damian. Dick smiled at him softly.
“I guess he hasn’t gotten much sleep these last few days.” He said as he gently tried to wake him up.
“Hey Lil D we’re here wake up.” Damian decided it was time to stop pretending, so he woke up and slowly rubbed his eyes.
“Todd.” He said in acknowledgement. Jason rolled his eyes and picked him up from Dick’s back and threw him to the couch. Damian let out a small “Tt” but said nothing about it. They all got comfortable and settled into a nice atmosphere, laughing and joking around.
“So Babybat I heard you had a couple rough days. What happened?” Jason asked, but Damian just sighed and shrugged.
“The usual.” He said simply not going into details.
“Come one Demon Spawn. Don’t give me that bull. Just tell your Big brother what’s wrong.”
Damian looked at him and gave him a half hearted shrug. As he stared anywhere but at his brother.
“I received a ‘gift’ from my grandfather on my birthday. It was a dead robin. In the gift he specifically told me that if I do not reclaim my position in the league he will kill me. Since Father was occupied, I decided to gather and form a team. They were targets as well, but we managed to defeat Grandfather and that’s all there is to it.” Damian said like he was explaining a stroll in the park instead a murder attempt by his grandfather. Dick actually glared at Damian.
“From what Starfire told me, there’s a lot that you’re leaving out. Now why don’t you tell us what’s missing.” Damian glared at him and crossed his arms over his chest.
“I decided that statistically, it would be a better plan for me to surrender to my grandfather. That way he would spare the lives of the Titans and no one had to die. Which was one of the more preferable outcomes” Damian said like he wasn’t talking about destroying his life.
“Damian…why didn’t you call me? Or Jason or Bruce! We would’ve helped you! You can’t keep doing this! ” Grayson exploded saying the last part. Damian stood up roughly from the table.
“Yes Grayson, tell me how exactly? You weren’t exactly taking phone calls! Todd was in a undercover mission and was unavailable. Father was on League business. I did not want to be a burden so I handled it myself.” Damian snarled and Dick and Jason just stared at their little brother not sure what to respond to the truth.
The silence was suffocating as everyone tried to figure out what to say next.
“Is it true?” Damian voice rang out and echoed through the room. Jason and Dick look at each other not sure what he meant.
“What do you mean Lil D?” Dick asked as he watched Damian sit back down.
“Is what Father said true? Was it easier with Drake?” He spoke in a low voice.
Dick eyes widened in horror as he felt like he was stabbed by a knife ten times. Because he heard the underlying meaning to what his little brother just asked. Was it easier to trust Drake? Was it easier to confide in him? Was he easier to love? If the room silence was suffocating before, now it was deadly and one false move will hurt Damian. Jason’s jaw was on the floor as he was stunned for what he just heard. He just couldn’t believe anything, that Bruce could be such an ass.
“Damian…that isn’t what Bruc- you know what let’s forget about Bruce for a while. They are many different things between you both and they’re not so easy to understand or to explain. But no, it wasn’t easier to be Tim’s brother. It was equally easy to love both of you. It was equally as hard to lose both of you as well.” Dick admitted softly as he took his little brother in his arms and gave him a hug.
Damian didn’t respond just let himself be held. Jason nodded in agreement and threw his arm over his brother’s shoulder. They stood there in a comfortable silence. Until Damian spoke once again.
“Do you miss him?” Dick nodded quickly and simply said “very much.”
Jason huffed softly “it isn’t the same without babybird around.” Damian had a contemplating look and gave a court nod.
“Would you be happy if Drake was here?” Dick sigh deeply.
“I would be extremely happy to have Tim back.” Jason just grunted in agreement. Damian nodded and got out of Dick’s embrace.
“I am heading to bed, thank you for your hospitality.” He said and just headed to his room Jason patted Dick’s shoulder, trying to bring his brother a sense of peace.
Damian went to bed for the night, but Jason was going to talk to him make sure he understood that it’s because they cared about the little brat and wanted him safe. He also was going to have a talk with Bruce with his fist on his face. Jason never expected him to win father of the year award, but the least he could do was keep the damn kid alive after just getting him back.
Meanwhile, Damian went to one of the bedrooms in the safe house. He was extremely confused and hurt about what happened today. Not that he will ever admit it aloud.
He did what his father and Grayson had taught him he protected the innocence no matter the cause. Instead of being praised for his behaviour, he was reprimanded and compared to Drake. He had mixed feelings about his brother. He may have never been close but he learned to cared for him.
The only reason for their initial mistrust was his heritage and the way he was raised. In his case, Drake represented his father’s perfect son and partner, one that he chose and wasn’t stuck with. He was the son his father wanted.
Drake to him, represented an obstacle that he had to overcome so that he could win his father’s trust…his father’s love. He tried, he truly did and it took him so long to prove to his father he could be good.
He was beginning to get along with Drake, but he still saw him as a competitor for his father’s trust. He came to realize that maybe he didn’t need to see him as an enemy. That yes, Drake had a hard time believing he could be good, but he was. Then he died and he could finally see proof that what Drake said was true… that he was evil, so evil he went to hell.
He was brought back by his family, yes, including Drake and so he thought 'if Drake can give me another chance, then the universe can too.’ He went and decided to atone for his sins…but many bad things happened.
In the end he died once again saving the world, thankfully it was just a momentarily endeavor. After many other things he was back to being his father’s Robin, trying to do good. They started to become distant but Robin wanted to believe it was because Gotham and the Justice League needed him more than he did.
Then Drake died saving the world and the legacy became so much heavier. Bruce almost became completely nonexistent in his life. He tried to make him proud, he even went as far to rebuild the Teen Titans. He knows his father did everything in his power to bring him back…but now he wonders if given the option, would he choose Drake over him. And that kind of thinking destroyed him, because he wanted Drake to be alive. He felt guilty thinking that he came back, the unwanted child who had to earn his father’s trust. Instead of Drake, the prodigal son who his father chose to love. A part of him just wanted them to accept him and to love him. The other part, the bigger part of him just wanted to make him happy but he had no idea how. He went to bed trying to think of different ways of making his family happy. After a while, he fell asleep. In that moment he didn’t realize he had a choice to make. One that would change everything forever, one that could grant his wish and make his greatest nightmares come true.
It started as a dream, that’s what he believed. One that he did not understand. The only way he could explain it was a void that went out for miles and miles. He could only see darkness and had no sense of direction.
Damian tried to move around but he had no control over his body as gravity did not exist in this dream. Even though Damian had a hard time admitting it, he was worried and scared. His mind was telling him that it was just a dream but his body knew that it wasn’t, that something wasn’t right.
His suspicions were confirmed when he felt another presence. He could feel his heart speeding up as he tried to get into a fighting stance just to end up floating around. He let an annoyed “Tt” as he tried to regain control.
“You must calm down, little one.” A voice echoed through the void bouncing off the non-existent wall.
“You intolerable fool, I am not little!” Damian snapped, not being able to help himself. He let out a gasp as he actually saw the creature who had spoken to him.
There was no simple way to explain this creature. Damian believed there was no word to describe the magnitude of this creature’s height. He was simply even more than colossal. In a way he created an illusion that he was even taller than the heavens in the sky. He had the shape of a human body, but he had no face. It look like he absorbed every single star and light source from the universe, cursing us to eternal darkness. But in a way the creature wasn’t blinding. You could stare at it in awe for centuries and not be tired. The creature was simply breathtaking.
Damian, for once, was speechless and the creature just tilted his head to the side in a gesture of curiosity.
“You must understand, little one. I mean no harm. I only seek understanding.” The voice rang around the void and Damian had no clue as to where the voice was coming from.
He could see the creature right in front of him but he could not pinpoint the voice location or even tell if it was the creature speaking to him.
“Understanding?” Damian huffed.
“I am the one confused here! Where am I? Why am I here? What the hell are you?” Damian screeched and the creature just observed. Or that is what Damian believed as he could not see that it had eyes.
“Those are very good questions, little one. Ones that I can answer, some that I can not. You are in a safe place, one that cannot be tainted by evil. I…do not know how to explain my existence to you. I am known by many names by the humans. You are here, little one. To make a choice.”
Damian was unsatisfied by the answer he got. It was so vague it just created even more questions. Damian looked up at the creature not sure what it all meant, but he was going to make sure he found out.
“So what am I supposed to call you? Because from what I can tell so far, you just respond to ‘fool’.” Damian hissed at the creature to which made no difference to it.
“There is no need to be rude little one. I have many names. None of which I am incredibly fond of. Names are just ways to address a person. I see no use of having one. If you are so inclined of me needing one. You may call me as you wish, little one.” Damian raised an eyebrow at the creature’s roundabout way of thinking.
Names were important to Damian, they represent who he is, who he was. Wayne, Robin, Al Ghul they were not only names, but titles that defined a person. Damian ‘Tt’ once again annoyed with the lack of understanding of the creature
“I shall address you as Sirius then.” Damian concluded and he could feel the atmosphere lighten a bit
“So tell me Sirius, what is that you wish to understand and what is that choice I need to make? And how did I get here?” Damian lash out one question after another not even taking time time to breathe.
“I seek to understand you, little one. You came here of your own volition. You wish for happiness, not for you, but for your love ones. I have no understanding as to why you wish for others’ happiness above your own.” The voice echoed through the void and replayed itself in Damian’s head again and again trying to understand what he meant.
“I did not come here of my own free will!” Damian protested. Sirius actually inclined his head forward in the form of a nod.
“Your desire to make your family happy no matter the cost brought you here, little one. If you wish to leave, you can do so. If you do, that will be your choice.” Damian stared up at Sirius as goosebumps started to paint his body.
“You keep talking about a choice…what do you mean?” Damian asked as he gulped down his nerves.
Sirius hand stretched out and stopped in front of Damian. He stared at Sirius confused and eventually he went and stood up on his hand. Sirius slowly lifted his hand and what felt like an eternity later Damian was finally face to head with the creature. Damian body shivered as he look at the creature with no face.
“Little one, you are here because you wish for something that I have the power to give you.” Sirius explained.
Damian looked up at him shyly.
“You…can make them happy? All of them?” Damian ask hopefully.
Sirius just nodded.
“I do have the power to do that, little one.” The creature’s voice resonated inside of Damian giving him a new hope.
“Even Drake…?” He asked with innocent and hopeful eyes.
“Yes little one, Timothy is included in the deal.” Damian looked at the creature dubiously.
“How can you promise so much? You are even offering bringing back Timothy. What are you?” Damian exclaimed feeling concerned with the possibilities.
“I am the guardian of this reality, Little one.” Sirius admitted.
“This…isn’t a dream that I created to indulge in my delusions?” Damian stated more than asked.
“Little one, this is very much real. I can grant your family the happiness that you wish for them. There is a way I can do that for you.” Damian looked down at his hand and sighed.
“What is the catch? It is a choice isn’t it?” Damian said getting straight to business.
“I am the guardian of this reality, but I do not have the power to change reality and keep it the way I wish to permanently.” Sirius explain and Damian scowled at him.
“Why have you offered me something that you cannot give me?” Damian snarled wanting to punch the creature for giving him a glimmer of hope.
“But you have the power to change reality, little one. It does come with a price. It is your choice, I do not gain or lose anything because of it.” The creature said as he lowered Damian just a bit.
“Then why offer me a choice? Why help me when you have nothing to gain from it?” Damian said as he tried not to cry.
“I felt your deep conflict inside. You desperately wish for your family’s happiness and never thought of your own, little one. I heard your wishes and I believe if anyone is worthy of this opportunity it would be you.” Damian wiped away the stray tears that managed to escape.
“What is the price I must pay?” Damian finally asked after a while. The creature just 'stared’ at Damian until the voice started echoing again through the void.
“I can change the current reality and make it into one where your loved ones are happy. Little one, in this reality you can not exist.” Damian gasped and stumbled backward falling on his rear. He sat in the creature’s hand contemplating the situation.
“Are you saying…that in a world where I exist, my family won’t be happy?” Damian said feeling overwhelmed by the situation.
“No, little one. There are realities where everyone can be happy, but in this scenario, that is the only one that’s possible.” Damian looked up at Sirius.
“I have to die for my family’s happiness.”
“Little one, you are not going to die. You are going to become one with the reality. Your soul will act as the cement that will hold the new reality and make it permanent. You will not die, but cease to exist.” Sirius explained softly.
Damian looked at him and just thought over his options. With everything that has happened over the last few weeks, his family deserved to be happy. He even offered to bring Timothy back. Everyone missed Timothy, his father hadn’t been the same since…He could make them all happy.
He died once already, Damian thought to himself, he actually died more than once. Maybe… maybe it would be better that way. Damian looked up at Sirius as he felt himself cave into the pressure of making his father happy.
“Are you sure? That you can bring Timothy back? Make them all happy?” Damian asked desperately as he swallowed down his fear.
“Yes, little one. I give you my word.” Sirius said nodding to him.
“Will it hurt?” He questioned shyly and he shook his head “at the end only.”
“Deal,” Damian said finally and Sirius nodded.
“Little one, there is something that you must remember. This is your choice.” Damian nodded and just stared blankly ahead not really focusing on anything.
He had no way to explain what just happened. He just agreed to give up his existence for his brothers…for his father. His gaze snapped back to Sirius.
“I want to make sure that you keep your word and bring Timothy back…I would also like to say goodbye as well.” Damian said but trailed off in the end.
“Of course little one. At dusk, Timothy will appear before you in your favorite part of woods. And by the end of nightfall you will disappear from their lives. There is something you must know little one…because you are giving up your existence for this…it would mean that you would have never been born. There is a very large possibility that they will not remember you at all.” Sirius warned, to which Damian just scoffed.
“Good, that way they won’t let my efforts go in vain.” Damian was left alone.
He woke up with a jolt back in his own room. He was sweating buckets and breathing harshly. He stared at his hand waiting for something, anything to believe what he just witnessed.
He had no proof that he really made the deal with Sirius but he felt it in his gut that it was true. He looked at his cellphone and he slept most of the day. It was already around two and he had a lot of preparations to do.
He stood and and dressed himself quickly. He went to the kitchen where he saw Jason and Dick. Dick’s smile brightened as soon as he saw him.
“Hey Lil D! You finally got some sleep huh? Here! Jason made breakfast and I helped!” Dick said cheerfully while Jason snorted.
“You mean I made breakfast and made sure you didn’t burn anything?” Damian raised an amused eyebrow at that.
Which only made Dick laugh some more and shake his head. Damian took a piece a paper and wrote down some coordinates and a time.
“I am heading to the manor. I need you to be here at this time. It is important.” Jason looked at the paper and back at Damian.
“Sure squirt, if you say it’s important I be there right on the dot.” Damian nodded satisfied and loomed at Dick hopefully.
“Hey Dami…maybe I should go with you to the manor. I can help you get the stuff you need and then we can head to the meeting place. You-” Dick was interrupted by Jason’s hand softly landing on his shoulder.
“Nah, don’t worry Dickie Bird. Look at his face, he knows what he’s doing.” Damian gave him a small smile and left.
Steadily Damian made his way to the Manor. He could see his hands trembling as he could feel sweat drops run down his face. He was having trouble thinking exactly what to tell his father.
They had fought, he had stormed out and now he had no idea how to fix it. He took one of his trembling hands and lifted it up to his face. His breath shook as he tried to gain control of it. The tremors became stronger and his breathing became erratic.
Eventually it turned into gasps as he tried to get a lungful of air. He stopped walking a long time ago and his mind kept racing. Before he knew tears started rolling down his face and small sobs overtook him. As he had no idea what he was supposed to tell his father. Or if he even should. Damian started to scold himself as he knew he couldn’t be weak, not now, not after accepting the opportunity for his loved ones’ happiness. He couldn’t be selfish, not now.
He harshly rubbed his eyes as he tried to regain control. In his mind, he already wasted too much time. When Damian was finally able to calm himself he arrived at the Manor. He walked in where he saw Pennyworth.
He approached him and straightened his spine as he held his head up. At that movement, he faltered, as it ended up looking stiff and uncomfortable. Alfred raised his eyebrow in a knowing way.
“Hello Master Damian, it is a pleasure to see you again.” Damian’s spine relaxed at the gentle tone and Damian manage a tiny smile.
“Likewise Pennyworth. I wish to speak to my father.“ Damian’s hands started trembling softly again.
"I am sorry to inform you, Master Damian. Master Bruce was called up for League business. He will not be back for at least two days.” Alfred informed him matter-of-factly.
Damian’s heart deflated as huge disappointment crushed his soul.
“Two days? Is there any way he can make an early return?” His voice cracked a bit on the end of his question.
“Master Damian, it seems it was an emergency. There is no possible way for him to return earlier than that.” Damian let out a miserable “oh.”
Damian scoffed as he rubbed his puffy eyes. He looked at Alfred as he open his mouth and close it once again.
Damian was not sure how to act without arising any suspicion from what he was planning to do. Damian felt his body shaking as he abruptly turned around, making sure to keep his expression hidden from the butler, that he saw more like a grandfather.
“I wish to see my pets Pennyworth.” He started walking towards the cave as he felt himself slow down his steps.
He took a deep breath and turned around. He made his way and saw himself in front of Pennyworth. Without thinking about it too much, scared that he would change his mind. He hugged Pennyworth. He pulled his arms around him and hugged him tightly. He put his head on his chest as felt the warmth of the butler spread through him.
“Oh my word! Young Master.” Alfred said startled, but did not hesitate to return the hug.
“Thank you Pennyworth. For everything.” Before Alfred could react, Damian let go and went to see his pets.
He made his way down the cave where all his pets were. One by one he hugged and kissed them muttering how proud he was of each and single one.
“You guys are my family too. Sirius said he will make my family happy. I am confident that you guys will have a glorious life such as you deserve.” He said to Alfred the cat, Titus and Batcow.
He made his way towards Goliath and hugged him as Goliath nuzzle against him.
“Don’t worry, I am certain that you will be with your family again because of this. I am sorry for taking them away, but you’ll be happy now.” He hiccuped the last part. He was aware that he did not have enough time to wander anymore.
“I must go. Thank you for taking care of me.” He said and left.
He made his way to the forest arriving ten minutes before the meeting time, his hands having not stopped trembling since he left the manor. His chest felt heavy as many different emotions swirled inside his head. Fear and worry were the emotions he felt most.
Time seemed to slow down as Damian could only hear his own heartbeat. He looked at the sun nervously as it would soon start to set. He started fidgeting as he realized that maybe it was all a dream, that maybe his desire overtook his mind and it was just playing a cruel joke in his mind. But he felt in his soul that Sirius was not a dream, but a being that had the power to make his family happy.
He took deep breath as he close his eyes as he force himself to calm down. His heart picked up its pace with every second that went by and he could not see either of his brothers.
His back slowly started to tense up and soon became as tight as a rod. He looked around desperately as he tried to locate any of his brothers.
In reality they weren’t late they still had five minutes before the sun started to set. He realize he should have asked them to come sooner as he had no idea on how this would play out. Not a second, later he saw both Jason and Dick making their way towards him.
In that moment his body relaxed a little as he saw Grayson smile and Jason smirk.
“Hey Babybat sorry we’re late but Dickiebird here decided to bring the entire apartment with us!” Jason said playfully as he rolled his eyes and showed Damian a picnic basket.
“Well of course! You only wanted to bring meat! And you know Damian’s vegetarian. Lil’ D don’t worry, big brother’s got you covered.” Dick said as he started pulling out some of Damian’s favorite snacks.
The only ones Grayson knew he like. A knot got stuck in his throat as he saw his brothers chatting happily, playfully setting up a picnic. Just because he asked them to come. No other reason than that. He tried to swallow down that knot but nothing, he didn’t feel any better. As he stared at the sun and noticed it descend.
“Richard, Jason.” Both their head snap towards Damian as their jaws dropped hearing their full names coming out of Damian’s mouth.
“Lil D…?” Dick’s voice went up slightly.
“I-” Damian started and then cut himself off as he struggled to figure out what to say. He hadn’t thought this through. He turned around and looked as the sky started changing into a curtains of oranges, reds and purples. Slowly dancing together, bringing out hope and the promise of a new tomorrow, a new future and most importantly, happiness for his family.
Damian was mesmerized by the sunset for a minute thinking that he was glad that he shared this place with his brothers.
When he turned around his brothers also looked mesmerized as they observed at the scene in front of them. Damian stared at the way Dick smiled and his eyes sparkled with the juvenile joy that he like to tease him about. Then he turned to Jason as his mouth curved into a small smile and his body was in a relaxed stance. In that moment, Damian decided that he actually prefered that view much better than the sunset.
Slowly his eyes widened as he unconsciously took a step back as behind his brothers, Timothy suddenly appeared. Alive…breathing. He actually was able to bring him back. He gasped and that broke his brothers trance as their eyes snapped towards him .
Dick’s eyebrow furrowed as he stared at Damian, whose whole demeanor changed in disbelief, wonder and…fear? Dick thought to himself in confusion.
“Dick…Jason…how?” A voice behind them asked.
Dick and Jason breath got stuck in their lungs as they slowly turned around. Dick hand went to his mouth as tears ran down his face in utter amazement.
“Babybird?” Jason asked as he took a hesitant step forward.
Happiness, relief and most of all surprise could be seen on Tim’s face as he nodded desperately. He tried to walk towards his brothers but he stumbled as his strength started to leave him. In an instant, both brothers were broken from their trances as they went to help thim. Dick ran towards Tim and he grabbed his face in his hands as he sobbed happily.
“How…? I thought…Tim you were dead….you were dead.” Dick said between hiccups as he touched Tim forehead with his own.
In the meantime, Jason helped both his brothers stay standing. Tim shook his head desperately.
“No…no they took me…and you guys…how?” Tim said confusion heavy in his voice.
“How were you guys able to save me? Where are we? Why are we here?” Tim ask question after question rapidly without even taking a second to breathe. As he tried to understand what was happening.
Dick was to focused on making sure that his little brother was actually there. That he was safe, that he was real, that it was really their Timmy. Jason was the one who answered his questions.
“I don’t know Timmy…we thought you were dead….we came here because Damian invited us here. We thought it was just for a picnic…Damian?” The moment Jason look up he was shocked.
Damian stood there with the saddest smile he had ever seen. He looked content, but at the same time, resign to the scene in front of him. He didn’t move to join his brothers and just stared at the scene before him as he felt at peace with what was happening. He, at the moment, had all his brothers’ attention.
“What did you do?” Tim ask quietly as his eyes widened in horror. Damian…he was disappearing slowly. The scene was heartbreakingly beautiful.
Damian stood there as the sky started to fade from orange to dark violets and blue. In the dark of the sky Damian was the only source of light that they had. As little fireflies started appearing where Damian started to fade. Starting with his legs and steadily working its way up. The fireflies adorned the night as they mixed with the darkness and the sky making it seen as they were surrounded by stars dancing in the night. Damian stared down at himself as he let out a wet laugh.
“What did you do?” Dick yelled scared as he saw as his little brother slowly disappear before him.
Damian looked up at them and gave them a watery smile. Tears ran down his face leaving a glowing trace.
“I fixed it.” He said hiccuping at then end. He lifted his hand as he slowly saw it start to glow and fade into hundreds of fireflies.
“Now you can be happy…finally happy.” Damian eyes begged for them to understand him.
“I made a deal…and they promised me your happiness. They said they could bring Timothy back…your happiness means the world to me.” Damian admitted as he stared at his brother, love resonating with every single one of his words.
“Damian…what was the deal?…no….break it..don’t do it! You can’t! You can’t die! Not because of me! Not again!” Timothy was the one to yell this time and Damian shook his head softly.
“No…Timothy I can’t I made my decision. I-” Jason cut him off with a snarl.
“No! You listen here Damian. We went to hell to bring you back! I won’t let you throw that away with your sacrificial bullshit! What makes you think this is what we want? Dammit Damian! We care about you! Don’t do this to us…not again-…” Jason finished the last part begging. Dick took a hesitant step forward as his body shook with uncontrollable sobs.
“Lil D what are you doing? We need you! I NEED YOU! Please think of what your doing we can find another way. Please don’t go…Damian you can’t die on me again. I love you…I love you…you’re my son please…Don’t make me lose my son again. I love you I love you I love you.” Dick repeated over and over and over.
Damian stared at him as he smiled at them sadly.
“I also love you…I love all of you…You deserve better…this is why I am doing this. You all deserve to be happy. I have the power to do it…so why not?” He stared at them and even Jason was crying at the moment.
“Shit kid…no, I’ll give you the Red Hood doll if you don’t go.” Jason tried to reason as his brother started to disappear more and more.
Damian let out a wet chuckle and shook his head.
“Don’t go, please, not again. What makes you think that you not being here would make us happy? You can’t do this Damian. I FORBID IT!!” Dick’s voice broke as he yelled and started walking towards Damian.
He simply smiled at Dick and open his arms. Dick sprinted towards his little brother, his son. He jumped toward Damian trying to hold him, to keep him here, to save him.
“I love you Dick…please be happy.” Damian said so softly, so tenderly that Dick felt every ounce of truth in it.
Dick put his arms out to catch Damian to hug him, but the moment he touched him. Damian’s body disappeared completely. Dick fell to the ground as he open up his hand and a lone firefly flew out and disappeared. Taking with it their little brother.
“NO!” A broken sob was the only thing heard through the quiet, dark echoes of the forest.
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“Fanfic writer asks”: Skipping the “asks” and doing the answers!
I just saw this and I’m too excited to wait for someone to see this, decide what to ask, and I wanted to answer all of them, anyways.
Some of these are fill-in-the-blanks for askers, so I can’t answer them. But if anyone wants elaboration, or wants to know a specific something in regards to a particular story, or character: Absolutely, feel free to send me some!
Questions taken from here: http://criminal-minds-fanfiction.tumblr.com/post/172926526725
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction? Oh geez, we practically need a time machine for that. I was only 11 or 12! I started "writing" fanfics with my action figures (guest-starring other childhood toys) as far back as I can remember. Literally, from the time I was 5-8 and obsessed with Pokemon and Yoshi's Story and Powerpuff Girls, I was playing out stories and adventures, from beginning to end, imagining backstories for why they're there, what they were doing, what motivated them. They even came with continuity (from one play-session to the next)!
As for actually writing it down, though... That also started Very Early. I think I must've been 11 or 12? The earliest one I ever dated was 2005, anyway. They were descriptive, illustrating actions to display emotions, and characterization was... well, it Sure Existed (even if it varied from "So Wrong", to Definitely the Right Remark).
But ever since the moment I touched a pen to my first fanfic notebook, it was about my OCs (and Raven, because, surprise surprise, she was my favorite to write about). I've had plot since I first took those Crayola twistables to paper to illustrate the story in my head, the first story I ever Had a Solid Plot For (that is, Mystery Sickness-- which is being rewritten with Actual Explanations, re: Why Dove Made Her Feel So Shitty in the first place): that was also in 2005. (Fun fact: it was originally in Poorly-Drawn Comic Form). The actual "novelization" went through to 2007.
2) What fandoms do you write for and do you have a particular favourite if you write for more than one? As my fanfiction.net profile will tell you: "Author has written 32 stories for Teen Titans, Pokémon, and Ruby Gloom." - The Ruby Gloom fanfic was abandoned, unfortunately. (It was a direct and shameless self-insert, that got abandoned because, quite frankly, I had no idea what to do with it. Maybe I should put it up for adoption at this point...) - A Work of Magic (my Pokemon fanfic, with related bios/etc) gets written for very rarely, because the inspiration to do so is rare and sporadic, and more tied to a Specific Scene I want to write, than where I left off in the story. @w@;; - A Steven Universe fanfic is in the works, though I'm struggling to flesh it out.. due to the Aforementioned Preoccupation with The FAVE MOMENTS, moreso than the backstory and movement through those moments. @D;;
And then, you have the Teen Titans stories. You know, the ones with Dove, and Kary, and Srentha, and Leyla will eventually be there. My most precious, dearly beloved, absolutely irreplaceable OCs. My TT story folder has about 100 files, which belong to about 30 full-length stories. (And that's not counting the oneshots, like Heart to Heart, which is still one of the best things I've ever written.) There are also a few poems here and there, particularly Dove's Prophecy (of self-fulfillment, really), and stories illustrating Dove's childhood, her mother/grandmother's past, Srentha's childhood... There's just Quite A Lot! I've been doing this, writing them, for 12+ years.~ And my fandomatic obsession for Teen Titans has never dulled, quieted, or been forgotten. So yes, I definitely do have a "particular" favorite. I may prefer exploring their world through my OCs, but damn, is it more FUN than any other world to explore!
3) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer. Ah, you can probably tell it's OCs by now. At least, MY OC's. Someone else's OCs, well, I tried that once, they were going to commission me. But I never got it finished. (I just didn't have quite the same connection. And I didn't know the canon; that can't have helped.) But character I *do* get to know, like my girlfriend's OCs in our collaborations (or characters I got to know so well through playing together that I just totally shamelessly adopted, specifically: Kary), I do enjoy writing for~ There's just something so incredibly special in knowing that you, solely, are responsible for their growth, their development, and their well-being. It's a bit like having kids, without the screaming. (At least, without them screaming in your ear. Dove and Kary have both done their fair share of screaming, come to think of it...)
( (( Although, to be fair: I've never tried writing a writer insert. I doubt anyone would actually WANT to endure the stories I put my characters through... ;P )) )
4) What is your favourite genre to write for? Fantasy? Action/Adventure? It's hard to say, because I actually write for a HUGE variety of Genres. But I guess my favorite, if I can encompass all of them under this one umbrella, would have to be Hurt/Comfort.
5) If you had to choose a favourite out of all of your multi chaptered stories, which would it be and why? DAMN IT, DON'T DO THIS TO ME.
Gods, that's hard! Basically ALL of my stories are multi-chaptered... Well, it's definitely one of my Teen Titans stories. DDD has definitely been the most challenging to write, the most fulfilling to finish chapters on, and the most pivotal point in Dove's life, so it will always hold a special place in my heart. Writing for Azar in "The Final Journey" and Dove taking her first unintended steps into heroism has been so personally touching for me, and it does so much good for Dove, and especially her relationship with the team, that it's just so, so special to watch. Something Special About Srentha is probably my most epic multi-faceted story, and the narrative timeline (handling two very distinct and separate struggles in totally separate places) is really challenging me to grow as a writer. "Continuum Wars" is going to be the grandest scale of struggle and magic, so I'm really especially excited to start figuring it out. It is just so, so HARD to decide on ONE; they're all so special, and I love watching my style evolve with each story, and more than anything, watching my characters come out of these situations alive. lD;;
6) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why? you mean the Teen Titans and Pokemon crossover where Dove brings home a Misdreavus? been there, done that. Honestly though, every single one of my stories has its place in my characters' lives, and is important for continuity. And personal growth. And I've honestly never been ashamed of something I've written.
(If you travel far back enough in my fanfic archive, you WILL find a really old character bio for Dove, which I completely revamped, because I didn't learn until later how to frame her without comparing her to Raven, even though she's always been a very different and independently-extant character. Also, the bits I learned about Being Kept A Secret and her grandmother's exile were Nearly Learned around 2010, 2012...)
7) When is your preferred time to write? Whenever the inspiration bug bites! ASAP!! But as for general adding and editing, it's fairly late at night, usually~ Sometimes afternoons. Usually an hour or more after eating, and especially when it's cool and quiet in the room.
8) Where do you take your inspiration from? Canon, personal experience (my personal struggles, my search for my identity, and my struggle to define myself), and sometimes even my own spirituality. (Wild shit goes down when you get into astral exploration, let me TELL you!)
9) In your xxx fic, what’s your favourite scene that you wrote? Can I just... use my personal favorite? (If you have any questions about a particular fic, or universe, or point in a character's life that didn't happen in the fics, let me know and I'll gladly answer!)
- Holy GOD, the climax scene of Dove's Dark Discovery! It takes place entirely in Dove's mindscape, while Dove's power is maxed out, and you've got a very powerful telepath and a TREMENDOUSLY power empath battling within a mindscape that has been slowly devastated over the past few months, and it's just this absolute EPIC culmination of their powers and, to a degree, even the connection they'd been forging since Dove came. Dove seriously oversteps some boundaries, Raven nearly kills Dove by accident, it's seriously crazy stuff.
Bonus: Way back in, like, probably 2008 or 2009, when titansgo.net was still around: I had asked my all-time favorite fanfic author for critique on the climax. His advice, to make it "three times as long and nine times the punch", absolutely inspired me to reach WAY higher with their fight, and once I realized what kind of mind-bending maelstrom shenanigans can go down in a MINDSCAPE, the scene fairly EXPLODED with potential!
And I especially like the fact that, including the revisions after his (entirely justified) advice: This scene has gone through like nine different incarnations. And my favorite part: It was originally inspired by a battle in the Teen Titans videogame! I think my little sister was playing White Raven (who my mind always read as Being Dove, because White Cape and Magic Powers), I was playing Raven, and the battle took place in "Nevermore", Raven's mindscape. It was actually a good fight. And I was fucking AMPED... But also emotionally RAVAGED, because "holy shit, Raven fighting Dove... in a mindscape......" And the scene happened like two days later. (In middle school. Honors Spanish class. As a note in the margins of my assignment notebook!)
Gods, guys. That scene is just so incredibly important, and it has come oh, so very far~
10) In your xxx fic, why did you decide to end it like that? Did you have an alternative ending in mind? I'm gonna answer one that I really like the ending of, but feel free to ask for others. Like, maybe one I've actually published, that you've actually read? 8F But honestly: Spellbound pt. II. I haven't published it yet... but it ends in absolute tragedy. The reason is twofold: First off, I knew Dove and Srentha were end-game, so although Dove was falling pretty deep into love, I couldn't have him hanging around... 8F But also because I wanted to illustrate the strength of sacrificial redemption. (I don't want to give too much away, because... well, that's the ENDING. But it's heart-wrenching and I can only hope I've done it justice.)
Other faves include: Srentha having heart-issues at the end of Something Special (because it's the Very First Symptom that something is going to be Dreadfully Wrong with him in the sequel), DDD ending with Dove absolutely traumatized and seriously hurt (because the following story is going to be all about her learning to Take Action on her pain, instead of hiding herself away), and A Work of Magic ending with everyone thinking Mistress had died trying to save her family... but the ending is, and the epicness kind of speaks for itself in this: "You can't kill a ghost."
11) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it? You mean like the way I completely rewrote Dove's character bio 6 years later, in response to all the accusations of her being a Mary Sue? Despite literally nothing (but more specific illustration) changing in the way I wrote her? 8F Other than that, absolutely not! I mean, if someone made a valid point I would. But nobody can tell me how to write my OCs, you know?
12) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why? My OCs. But you probably mean canon characters... and that easily comes down to Raven. She's just so layered, working with very inward, introspective mechanics, before she takes her action, usually in a very well-thought out direction, or sometimes an INSANELY emotional outburst, and either way, it tends to be Very Important, Poignant, and Make a Difference in the scene. I relate to her; I idolized her for the longest time; I know exactly how to write the struggle between not being able to express your emotions, and being true to yourself, because I've lived it. I'm an empath, so writing her empathic powers is always sort of therapeutic, because outside of my mirrorbook, I'd never gotten to EXPLORE that aspect of myself before. Her wit is hard to capture sometimes, I'll admit, but, I mean, I was making the nurses at the hospital laugh all the way up to my procedure, armed with nothing but my dry remarks. I think I'm up to the challenge.
13) Who is your least favourite character to write for? Why? Beast... Boy...... I'm sorry, I really am. I've just never been able to relate to him, or understand how his mind works (if it even works at all?), or write him into any of the plots-- outside of, like, trying to cheer Dove up, which is iconic and appreciated on Dove's end. But otherwise? What do I even DO with him? His sense of humor is just... so lowkey annoying that I sincerely cannot fathom why it's So Funny, let alone make it up for him. (Thankfully, at least the comics come in handy for exploring Why he's Like That, which has honestly helped a lot more than anything the show ever did. All but ONE of his episodes, were... pretty crack-tastic. And that just doesn't mesh well with my stories that are Trying to Deal with a Serious Issue Here.)
14) How did you come up with the title for the xxx? - You can ask about multiple stories. Mostly, they're descriptive of the Most Iconic Thing, or Most Pivotal Plot Point, in the story! "Something Special About Srentha". "Dove's Dark Discovery". "Growing Up Demon: Leyla's Story". "Mystery Sickness", being renamed "Soul Sickness" for poetic value, but still keeping that iconic "Sickness" thing, while also making it More Relevant to Raven Specifically. The exception is probably "Unforeseen and Unforesaken". Yes, it's misspelled, I did that on purpose for visual balance in the title. It's weird. I know. But it's Intentional. (Still highly important things though, because it illustrates both Dove's arrival, and what happens once she's there, being unforeseen. And Dove absolutely hardcore valuing the team because they don't Forsake her.)
15) If you write OC’s, how do you decide on their names? Bold of you to assume I have this kind of CONTROL over them. Seriously, the way my writing works isn't so much "I get to decide what they do", and more like "huh, this Resonates. That must be a Thing... Let's try to seek out all the relevant details on why it happened, how they reacted, and how it ends!" It's like detective work. And this is absolutely best illustrated by trying to find Srentha's name. Because holy frick. What kinda name is that. (Turns out, it's literally in another language. 8F It means "flight", by the way! Onomatopoeia for the sound wings make.) Anyways, I literally found out one day that, "Dove tried to keep her pregnancy hidden... That must mean she had a kid. With someone." And thus began the Classic RHS Storytelling Search for "who's the guy?" And immediately I knew his name began with an "S". So I tried a bunch of names. I figured it was feminine-sounding, for some reason, thus I realized it ended in "-a". I knew it had two beats. Finding the "-ntha" was the easy part, it was figuring out how the heck to parse "Sren" into the right sounds and number of beats that was the REAL challenge. It wasn't until I remembered "Sri Lanka" exists that I figured out his entire name. (It's pronounced without the English "sh", though - it's just "Sren". As he says, "like Wren, with a Sss.")
16) How did you come up with the idea for xxx? Mostly, they came to me when I was thinking about my characters' lives. Except The Final Journey, that one was based on "the crystals" my girlfriend illustrated Dove having in her room, and I kinda just took that entire concept and made it Azarathean and RAN with it!~ (If you're curious about any particular story, let me know!)
17) Post a line from a WIP that you’re working on. "I killed six people. Do I deserve to die?" hello, this is your daily reminder that DDD absolutely Destroys Dove's self-image. But because it's So IMPORTANT and uhh, it was too Dark for me to leave that there, I also want to quote Raven's responses, which include "We all have our dark days," and "I do know that pain, that guilt. I know it better than anyone...[but] Solitary confinement won't cure it...[and] we don't want to see you leave." And also, "You won't be able to help anyone if you destroy yourself first."
18) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them? Oh, stars. Let's see... The first "wip" I abandoned was a character I named "gayla", not knowing "gay" was actually a word, first of all, but her concept turned out to actually be part of Srentha's story, and honestly I should've figured out that "heh, same name as Raven's nursemaid" wasn't a thing. {lD (Whose name was actually Galya, by the way. I didn't realize that mistake for like, five years.)
I only so very RARELY abandon an actual story, though. I know there have been a couple of Moment Concepts I've lost, due to not writing them down; that honestly hurts much worse. ;; But there's the aforementioned Pokemon+TT crossover, where Dove brings home a Misdreavus by accident. That was purely self-indulgent, and it just didn't fit with the timeline, so I decided to stop writing that AU. It was really more that I wanted to focus on The Other Stories, and only had 3 short chapters planned. (The one where the little ghost gets herself stuck in Raven's mind had so much potential! But I didn't know how to write Raven's emoticlones in without Raven becoming aware of it. And now that I think about it, that could've been what got Dove to send her back.. But, eh, I've long lost the story file for it, and long LONG lost interest.)
If anyone tells you "A Work of Magic" is abandoned, they're wRONG, I'm just really, really caught up in Dove's struggle with DDD and Srentha and Steven Universe (even if I'm not really writing that fic most of the time), so my inspiration to write that story with As Much Lighthearted Fun Silliness as it deserves is seriously impaired. =w=;;
Oh, but I did kind of abandon the story from Sieara's point of view, because honestly, I'd rather just explore her through Dove. (That little bird gets plenty of epic spotlight moments; she even channels Azar's spirit at one point. Or two. ;P ) But mostly, I abandoned it because I didn't want to write about a bird being too old to reproduce, getting close to death, and then dying, anymore? (It was going to be about her noticing Dove spending more time with Srentha, Srentha's bird dying, and Sieara meeting Dove's daughter, and dying shortly after. But I... don't know, I didn't want to write that Angst without a Resolution.) I wrote that story for Exactly 1 Day, and then decided to stick to writing about her through Dove.
19) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to? I fully intend to do sequels to all of them, thank you very much.~ (At least for the TT fics, all of them are connected in some way. A Work of Magic has both a sequel and a prequel planned. And the Steven Universe fic is really only planned for One Conflict, I really don't want to explore it much beyond that singular unit of Canon Divergence.)
20) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently? That would be akin to lying, with the way my stories and my characters go.
21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire? thechroniclerjon, holy stars and envy batman. This is one writer who knows how to build a conflict, write magic in a way that's both Believable, and Relatable, and Awesome, and interweaves different plot threads into one rather EPIC confrontation. Obviously I couldn't take the element of religion into my stories, being so totally personally disconnected from it. (spirituality? ABSOLUTELY. Let me explore aLL the Azarathean feels!) But like. Those descriptions. The conversations. The build-up. The plot-twists. The raw emotion. I aspire, very much, to someday, in my own way, find a style that translates as much Excitement and Tension and Delight as his stories manage to convey.
Also, the author of Learning to Breathe Underwater, because that story had amazingly spot-on characterization, included so many canon elements (despite being Canon Divergent) while still having its own (very well escalated, incredibly well-executed!) plot! I write for the Teen Titans universe far more than Steven Universe, but I really admire their way of including basically every single character, giving them plenty of attention and growth, and giving a lot of them development in the process. I don't know if I could do that, but someday, I'd like to try.
22) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it? The old Mystery Sickness. Like, the first version. It was, ah... originally what I now call an "emvent", and if you know what that is, great; if not, I don't want to go into details, but it's a story that helps me process my phobia? Which, geez, poor Raven okay, but what's really "cringe" about it is the way I narrated it in first-person. XD Weird metaphors, she had a Detective Noir tone for some reason, and let's just say there's a reason I never shared any of the panels. (I kept it secret because of the phobia. Equally as horrifying, I kept it in words because of the pictures.)
23) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence? Silence, but I prefer gentle background noises I'm used to. (Like birds fluttering around, gentle aquarium filters and the water rippling, wind in the trees, etc. It's an ADD thing; lowkey background noise, if kept at a distance, helps me focus.)
24) How do you feel about writing smutty scenes? Eh. I have the Occasional Mood for it... like, once a year. 8P But generally, I'm just Not Interested. Sure, Dove and Srentha have... done some things that would entertain fans of the genre. And actually, some things that get borderline supernatural. But mostly, I'd just really rather be writing other things.
25) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story? Oh, stars. Yes... Yes. Dove's Dark Discovery. (I drew on... an awful lot of personal experiences, and none of them were good.) Plus, her guilt and self-flagellating... let's just say it's a major Depression Mood. Also noteworthy: I cried writing the Death Sequence and farewell letter in Spellbound pt. II. I've cried for Dove's loss of Azarath, and her mother. I've cried for the things Dove and Srentha tell Leyla when she's really struggling (because, dear gods, if only I'd heard those words when I was a kid)... It doesn't happen often. But sometimes, it just... gets overwhelming.
26) Which part of your xxx fic was the hardest to write? ASK ABOUT ANY OF THEm, because DEAR GODS, there are PLENTY. But the hardest of all was DDD. I struggled with describing how/why an Extremely Gentle, Timid Pacifist was suddenly Losing Herself to Internal Evil, and doing Terrible Things. I struggled to capture the IMMENSITY of the mindscape battle, both in how these two Incredibly Powerful Demi-demons were unleashing their powers, and also in how much of a personal toll it takes on BOTH of them afterwards. And now, I'm struggling to find the words for Dove in the aftermath, because... Gods, there's just so much turmoil and emotion. It echoes an awful lot of Seriously Dangerous Depression Thoughts, right down to suicide ideation and lashing out at the people she loves because she doesn't think she deserves them, and aren't they all fools for loving her. All I can say is thank god Raven's such a realistic beacon of hope, because (much like she did for me, come to think of it) she's able to help Dove battle those thoughts with reminders, wisdom, and hope.
27) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow? This one depends entirely on the story. Generally, it's really quite sporadic and incidental. I write out the scenes as they come to me (usually WAY out of order), and then figure out how they all fit together. Sometimes I don't even realize two scenes are in the same story at first! Or how they're related. I tend to write the beginning, several scenes from When Things Are Very Serious, then go back to fill in the blanks. A lot of times the climax happens either before I know how to start the story, before I know what led up to it, or before I know how it ends. (DDD began with the climax scene. Heart to Heart began with realizing Srentha had a heart attack as a child.)
And then other times, it begins with a vague concept, and I start writing right at the beginning. (Something Special was first written at the beginning, with Srentha performing a spell. I didn't know what it was going to do, just that it was Relevant. A Work of Magic started with me in the Pokemon world wanting a Misdreavus, and developed into a full-team adventure from there. Unforeseen and Unforesaken, or rather "Unforeseen Surprises" in its original form, starting with the very moment Dove showed up, was written as I went along, knowing which points I wanted to hit before the story was over, but writing the scenes as they came to me.)
A Work of Magic has a lot of travel scenes, and moments that take place in specific areas, with Specific Species, so I had to plan out a timeline from region to region, to make sure they weren't in Sinnoh one day, then encountering a Unova legendary, and battling a psychic type in a Kanto forest the very next day, you know? Then there's DDD, which is such a gradually PROGRESSING story that I definitely had to outline some of the chapters, too. Making sure Dove's gradually growing powers were highlighted, and she wasn't going from Total Telekinetic Failure to Suddenly Really Strong and Breaking The Entire Gym Room in the next scene. That sort of thing.
Either way, it's usually As I'm Writing that I notice the connections, the causes rooted in previous stories or scenes, and the Effects These Incidents Have as I'm writing it out. I always start with An Incident and A Concept, because I wouldn't have a story to write without it. But where it becomes Actual Scenes, and what order I write them, depends entirely on the order I discover them.
28) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fanfiction? What a Mary Sue was supposed to be, and that Dove isn't what they claimed. That criticism that so many reviewers threw onto her bio wasn't at all helpful, I didn't know what that meant, let alone how to fix it, and I didn't know how to demonstrate that Dove wasn't, in fact, "entirely like Raven", because she had her own powerset, her own history, and her own personality. To be fair, a lot of the Highlights on Their Differences happen in later stories, and it's the initial shock of "why the frick is wearing those clothes and using that mantra", so of course on first impression, it's like. "Raven? similarities???" But... I don't know, it's just so very OBVIOUS to me that, unless we're talking about Timid!Raven (the emoticlone), their differences are so VAST. And I spent a lot of time, WASTED a lot of time, trying to kill the assumption. It really wasn't worth it.
29) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like? DOVE'S! DARK! DISCOVERY!!! I nearly BROKE myself (both of time AND emotion) writing this thing! I understand that Some Friends can't Do Sadism, but like. This story is 250k words long, I've dumped a GREAT DEAL of my heart and soul into it, and Dove's plight seriously needs to be recognized to understand her growth moving forward. But! There! Are! So! Few! People! READING IT. The story has like 20 reviews on fanfic.net, BUT THE CLIMAX HASn'T GOTTEN ANY yet? ???? Please recognize the metaphorical blood, literal sweat, and literal tears I put into this. Gods. Yes I wish it got WAY more love.
30) In contrast to 29 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at? That poem from middle school, "The Raven and the Dove"? It's a neat poem, sure. Kind, of, a unique concept? But it's not very well explored, it just goes "here are their differences. They're opposites. But they get along." No explanation of how or why. (That's all in the fanfics.) It's not nearly as rhythmic as Dove's Prophecy, it's not clever, it's not plot-twisty, and as far as poetic cred goes, I don't think it's anything special. ? ?? I mean, somebody found it online, and contacted me via email, and it nearly got PUBLISHED. (But I would've had to pay them to include it in their book, which I wasn't down with.) I just don't understand, literally at all, why so many people really LIKE it.
31) Send me a fic recommendation and I’ll post it for my followers to see! (The asker is to send the rec not the answerer) SEND ME FICS, I WILL READ.
32) Are any of your characters based on real people? Nah, they're all based on themselves.
33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten? My favorite fanfic author read, and then complimented, the (second or third version of?) the climax scene in DDD.~
34) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten? Mostly just comments on Dove's first bio that went, "She's such a Mary Sue, burn it and scrap her entirely to start fresh"? (Thank *all* the gods that I didn't take that advice, because she's incredible and deserves to exist in her own right.)
35) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest? Honestly? The first thing I do is WRITE about it. Unless I'm prompted to, or rambling about something that has me Inordinately Emotional, I don't really share them.
36) Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s? Don't worry, outside of Azarath's canonical demise, I only ever write somebody ACTUALLY dying once. But she comes back, because that's what she does, apparently.
37) What’s the funniest story you’ve written? Bold of you to assume I write comedy! But seriously, probably Srentha's debut story. When he discovers pizza, he assumes pepperoni isn't edible (a fair assumption, really, but he's vegetarian anyways). When he tries the cheese, his reaction is just so DELIGHTFUL and warm; he laughs so hard he's literally crying. The things he says and does when he's sugar-high are hysterical. He's just so exuberant and energetic, absolutely positive, he really brings a load of smiles to the table, and both I and Dove irrevocably love him for it.
38) If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be? (Perhaps this question will inspire some collabs!) If you’re shy, don’t tag the blog, just name it. I don't know if I have an answer for this. I don't really read a lot of Tumblr fanfics. I've already collaborated with Pix in RPs, my girlfriend and I have already collaborated on stories for both Kary and Pokemon, and the author of The Chronicler Saga implemented one of my scenes into his stories. What more can I really ask for?
I mean, if anyone WANTs to collaborate, just let me know, and I'd love to work something out.
39) Do you prefer first, second or third person? Third person, multiple, and preferably omniscient (or damn close to it)! Exploring everyone's inner workings is Exactly My Style. (And just more fun for me to write.)
40) Do people know you write fanfiction? Well, I only talk about it, like, once every three hours or so. (/sarcasm)
41) What’s you favourite minor character you’ve written? Sieara? Alerina? As for actual Canon Characters, I'm having a righteously wonderful time characterizing Azar. Lapis is fun and interesting to work with, but she's so full of emotional "tides" that it's really hard for me to write for her.
42) Song fic - What made you decide to use the song xxx for xxx. (I have only ever done songfics on papers, and wound up not needing the songs after all. They were all Evanescence, of course.)
43) Has anyone ever guessed the plot twist of one of your fics before you posted it? Not that I know of! Someone once guessed Dove was Raven's cousin, on Unforeseen+Unforesaken, and I haven't written the climax (when Raven realizes Dove is Trigon's child) yet. That's about the closest anyone has come.
44) What is the last line you wrote? Oh, stars, let me check. (This is where Tracking Changes comes in handy. ;P ) In Nothing Good Lasts Forever, the story that's (possibly going to be renamed "Even in Death", when Raven takes Dove back to Azarath for closure): This may or may not be polished before publishing. But this takes place immediately after Raven pulls Dove from a flashback.
"There's a lot you have to deal with. Your mind has been seriously damaged by what you've been through. I wonder..." And she trailed off there, hesitating, considering the concept before she dared give it voice.
Dove kept looking up at her, confused and seeming entirely absorbed in her analysis. It was so true. Tearing her apart, every time she remembered... The nightmares and flashbacks wouldn't let her forget it.
45) What spurs you on during the writing process? My own excitement, curiosity, and even desperation to learn what happens next! And a general sense of lowkey affectionate "tribute", like I'm the only person with these peoples' stories in my head, and they deserve to have their stories told. And also the hope that, maybe, someone, somewhere, will read the story, and if just ONE person feels their heart soothed or their struggle validated by my writings, then I've done a good thing, and that's all I really want.
46) I really loved your xxx fic. If you were ever to do a sequel, what do you think might happen in it? (Someone ask me, because EVERYTHING has sequels, and if you want to know about it, just Ask!)
47) Here’s a fic title - insert a made up title. What would this story be about? DO IT??
48) What’s your favourite trope to write? I'm... not sure, entirely, but probably "bullshit [insert genre here] magic".
49) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about? I remember one OF the first fics I ever read, because for about 7, 8 years, I was SCOURING fanfiction.net to find it again. It was about Raven having terrible visions, Azarath being destroyed, and Robin feeling her pain through their connection, but thinking it was heartburn. And then a group of people dropped in, took Raven away (on a spaceships? Though hyperspace???). And they were going to rebuild Azarath. And I think Robin had just discovered Raven was gone, before the story ended. Oh, and they spelled Azarath like "Azerath". That's all I can remember, but I really do wish I'd known what happened, because that story had me absolutely HOOKED. (But alas, I didn't have an account at the time, and I was reading it at the computer lab.)
50) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? Ohh, this one's hard. I'd drop smut like it's hot (haha, get it?). But seriously, I'm a 99%-sex-repulsed aroace, and I've only ever written like 5 half-done smut scenes. Imagined a Fair Few more, but they don't keep my interest for the long multi-hour process of editing that comprises my writing process.
This probably means "romantic fluff" though, right? I mean, I HAVE to write angst (because let's be real, without Angst I wouldn't have much of a story, since all of my stories are Driven By Characters Issues, WAY moreso than external events). But I really think the REAL beauty of my characters is how they go through that angst, and COME OUT with each others' support. I don't know how to write angst without someone being supported (i.e. "Hurt/Comfort", really), and I don't know how to write fluff without something Heavy bringing it on.
Secretshipping (Dove+Srentha) is equal parts angst and fluff, because honestly Angst is in Dove's Job Description, and Srentha is so light-hearted and goofy and silly that he balances it out (and Dove has some goof in her, and Srentha has some rare moments of angst, and it's how they interact and balance out and HELP each other through it that really brings them to LIFE together). Kary's whole characterization is because The Angst seriously fucked up her psyche, but scenes between her and Dove (and Yo-yo!), even her future husband, can get seriously silly and fluffy. Leyla's real growth and development comes from Realizing that the World is Not Like her Sheltered Life. (And how she doesn't want to expose her parents to Her Angst.) But it's also the fluffy deep softness and sincerity she and her parents share that gets her through these realizations. So like... Angst and fluff go hand-in-hand for me? I wouldn't be able to write one without the other.
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