#school shooting cw
npd-claus · 23 days
Your Lucas gives me school shooter vibes. Could you draw Ness and Lucas as the shooters from Columbine? :3
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garyfischy · 17 days
the ethan crumbley thing is so personal to me because it happened extremely close to me and affected my community severely. We still commemorate the shooting date. To act like he was some kind of "lone wolf" when i know plenty of alienated teens that could be radicalized if given the chance... people look at my (very, very neurodivergent and sweet) friends and call them future school shooters because of how they dress or socialize, and ignore kids that make actual threats of violence or do commit acts of violence.. fuck its so depressing
admin will get super upset about physical violence because pr and then ignore sexual abuse/sexual assault among minors (or not even punish/attempt to keep them away from future potential victims). the kids that commit these sexual assaults, most importantly to me, see themselves as scorned victims of society. As loners for "no reason", who can't get a girl but are still horny enough to molest them. They "have needs too!" (Hey, their words, not mine.)
I think that's the greatest indicator of a potentially violent person rather than just like, neurodivergency or alienation on its own- someone that feels "scorned" or believes they are persecuted without agency but never self reflects
The only people that talk about the case on here are tccheads that jerk off to the idea of some fucked up loner killing people, too. The ones that obsess over this nonexistent idea of some kind of reclaimed masculinity in hurting as many people as possible. man.
and i dont think its as simple as a "republicans / white supremacists enable school shootings" problem either. There have been a decent amount of transgender and gay mass shooters. i dont know.
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Vent post
CW: School shooting mention, swearing, suicide mention, war mention
I can't, I just fucking can't
I wish I had online school
There was a fucking shooting at a school nearby, and it doesn't help that my friend that I knew since DIAPERS goes to that school
I didn't even process that it was at her school until THREE MINUTES LATER!
I ended up spending the rest of my final class worrying about her, I could only think about "Is she safe? Will she be okay? What if she's hurt? I'm going to lose another loved one"
I found out from my mom that she was fine, thank God. But I'm still worried. She says she feels indifferent, I don't know how long that's going to last
People in my class are making fuckin' gun jokes too, they're joking about how everyone should have a gun
If my friend had been one of the victims, I don't know what would happen to me. I already lost a very close friend to suicide, and my girlfriend to a war that's basically a genocide, I don't want to lose my childhood friend to a gun.
I don't want to lose anyone else I love.
Please, whoever is out there, stop making me and everyone I love suffer.
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andnowrotfront · 10 months
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objectively wrong post this person thinks that raymans evil alter ego who dresses exactly like the columbine shooters from the horrible new netflix show should be a woman
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
I'm tired of people using "well I was an asshole in my last life, what did you expect?" as an excuse to be an asshole. Well, in my last life I set boundaries and didn't hang out with assholes, what did you expect, that you would be so special I would make an exception for you? And no, I'm not going to give out details here that would point to a specific person because I'm hoping they'll grow up, but, uh, full disclosure? I survived being shot in a school shooting in this life. If you post "funny jokes" or "memes" about gun violence and school shooters and it's in a server I'm a moderator in, I will get you booted not just from that server, but preemptively banned from every other server I have friends who mod in. I can and will blacklist you so hard it'll make your head spin.
I don't know when people forgot this, but I'm Captain America. I got beat up chronically canonically, I nearly bled out to death in this life before I hit double digits age-wise, I have been in fights against Norse gods and Thanos and my best friend and managed to endure, and in this life I have survived three separate attempts to kill me by my bullies. I try to be nice. I try to be kind. I try to be understanding. I want to be a good man, not just someone who once was a good man.
Being good doesn't mean being weak or being a pushover. In the parlance of this era, come at me, bro. I'm not afraid to fight you. I don't care if you were a sourcemate or a canonmate or anything else to me before.
I don't like bullies. I don't care where they're from.
~ Captain America/Steve Rogers
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starswallowingsea · 2 years
if you know anyone who goes to michigan state you might want to check in with them. there's an active shooter on campus
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solradguy · 1 year
(cw: violence)
the whole lockdowns not being taken seriously affected me to. outta highschool now, but on my senior year we were on lockdown and i thought it was a drill. i was playing a game with friends on my phone when one of them said their teacher got shot and then it settled on me that this was actually serious. miraculously no one died, but damn that lockdown did not stop us from playing uno on our phones to cope.
Jfc that's crazy... I'm glad no one died but it still sounds scary and I'm sorry it happened :(
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storybookhawke · 2 years
maybe i should play da2 and get smashed tonight
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majorbaby · 9 months
i mean i get it!!! I get it!! I'm emasculated for being brown because that's the first thing anyone sees when they look at me... i understand the experience of being emasculated. But i can't extend that sympathy to men who want to blame women as a class for this. It's dangerous to do that. I don't aspire to traditional masculinity or the old boys club, I think we should burn that shit to the ground.
This blog isn't about My Experience With Masculinity but tbh i keep talking about it because i'm scared. Too much of all this reminds me of incel youtube - young, hurt boys who feel like they've been shunned by women, being targeted and radicalized by other men. And in the end they turn the gun on themselves anyway.
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So... Darnell made me research his condition-
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((So. I just started looking into migraines and chronic migraines, because up until now, I’ve only been Darnell’s migraines on my experience with migraines, but intensified, but.
Bruh, migraines can be worse than I fucking thought. Especially chronic migraines.
Apparently a symptom you can get from migraines is dizziness, nausea, and even vomiting.
Holy fucking shit-
Like, I had a headcanon that Darnell wasn’t in Pico Vs. Convict because his migraine was so bad that day, that he had to skip school, but jesus.
Bruh. I did not know migraines could be this bad, mine were always so fucking tame. Like. Mostly annoyances that at worst I had to go to bed for.
This could also go on to explain a few things about him.
For example, in Pico Vs. Uber Kids, their teach Mr. Flacit says the trio was chosen because after the shooting, the school’s best was dead, so they had to settle for those three. That is despite all three of them being above average intelligence. [This was measure by the outdated IQ method, but follow me on this.]
Now, while Pico is above average intelligence, Pico’s father is implied to be neglectful, and the lack of support from your parents can make your grades suffer.
Nene has “superior” intelligence, but she’s also go ADHD, and let’s be real, schools, especially back when the games were first made, aren’t exactly very... accommodating to neurodivergent children. Especially those with attention span issues. Plus. Anxiety and Depression. They are also bitches.
But Darnell... He has “gifted” intelligence. He’s smarter than both Pico and Nene. And I doubt this school was exactly for the best of the best, because. *wildly gestures at it* look at how badly it’s failed to even protect their students. Hell, some of the policies actively endangered the student body. Remember how the only school exit Pico could get to was chained and padlocked? To keep kids from leaving before school was over???
And as far as we can tell, from what little we know of his family, Darnell had a caring mother, and he��s not confirmed with any learning disabilities, or similar disorders that could make school difficult.
Except. For chronic migraines.
If the migraines were bad enough, it could have made focusing on school damn right impossible. If he could go at all.
[The trio did also experience some major trauma with the events of Pico’s School and Pico 2 at least at that point, and trauma can affect your grades, but I don’t think they took recent grades into account.]
And let’s be honest. Grades are a shitty way to determine a child’s intelligence.
And as for the poster that’s kind of a running joke-
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While he still could be full of shit characterwise, If his migraines are bad enough to have him missing school, then it could either be a school rumor he took advantage of for his campaign, or he’s just fucking around based off of his condition.
Could the migraines themselves really be that bad, though? How bad are chronic migraines?
Chronic migraines are defined as at least fifteen head ache days a month, with full migraines at least eight of those days. And the pattern persists for at least three months. At least from I’m reading on ClevelandClinic.org.
According to Mayo Clinic there’s actually a lot of shit that can happen even before a migraine happens.
One or two days before, you can get symptoms like a stiff neck, food cravings, mood changes, constant yawning, aaaand bodily excrement issues I am not saying, thank you.
And then sometime before the migraine happens, or even during, some people get this thing called an aura which can last of to an hour. They’re usually visual disturbances, but can be other disturbances. They can be seeing spots of colors or shapes, outright vision loss, pins and needles feelings in the limbs, weakness or numbness in the face or a side of the body, or difficulty speaking.
The migraines themselves? They can last between four hours and three fucking days. And aside from terrible fucking headaches and nausea, they can make you more sensitive to light, sound, and even smells and fucking touch. Holy fuck.
And even after the migraines past, they can leave you drained. Like genuinely exhausted and even confused for a day.
Yeah. Basically they fucking suck.
What can cause them?
Well, general migraines, either stress, sensory stimuli, sleep changes, physical exertion, medication, food [salty processed food, aged cheese, and food additives, as well as skipping meals] and drinks [alcohol and caffeine], and even fucking weather changes. [For women, hormonal changes are also a factor.]
Chronic migraines though?
Again, medication, mood disorders [IE depression, anxiety, etc.], on going disrupted sleeping patterns, excessive caffeine intake, and physical and/or emotional trauma. I believe family history of the affliction is also a factor.
Now possible triggers for general migraines for Darnell?
Stress is a good one. Especially now a days.
Sensory stimuli? Considering he enjoys fucking with fire, light for sure. But I’d argue smell has to do with it too, considering fire accelerants? Probably smell. Not to mention what he makes his bombs out of. And spraypaint. Can’t forget spray paint. Sound probably works too, seeing as his FNF sprite has headphones. He could very well put those on to block out noise when the time calls.
Physical exertion? Especially now a days, yes.
We don’t know shit about his medicine intake or his eating or sleeping habits, so I can’t make comments on that.
As for what may have caused it to be chronic?
We don’t know much about his family, so we can’t say too much on that. Again, same with medication and sleeping habits.
I doubt his mom would have just given him coffee, maybe soda? Who knows.
There’s no confirmation or even indications in canon there’s anything up with him other than his pyromania. And that’s not a mood disorder. As far as I know.
Trauma, though?
Wellll... divorce is pretty traumatizing for a child. And it’s confirmed that his parents are divorced.
Probably not helped by the shit he has to deal with in like. Middle school.
Man. Research is fucking great. It gives you more ways to make your muses s u f f e r .))
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dutch-oven-cowboy · 2 years
yooo my school just got swatted
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fiercestpurpose · 1 year
absolutely sick with rage over what’s happening in the tennessee legislature. like these politicians are doing their best to keep LITERAL CHILDREN from dying incredibly preventable deaths and the republicans’ response is to weaponize their supermajority to remove elected officials from their offices. the victims were NINE YEARS OLD but these people have so internalized notions of american individualism that they would rather children (and people of all ages) continue to die regularly forever than pass any kind of gun control laws. they led a peaceful protest largely consisting of local school aged students begging for their own safety to be taken seriously and have been removed from office as a result. it’s incredibly galling and disturbing and rage-inducing and everyone who is against gun control has the blood of children on their hands.
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sillymann · 1 year
Hi yes what the fuck is an active shooter drill for
- european anon
sometimes kids get ahold of their parents guns to. yaknow. kill fellow students
ppl that live in america (like moi) have to prepare for that bc we never know when one could happen.
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garyfischy · 20 days
Another 14 year old commits a mass shooting? When will it fucking end
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tvnacity · 1 year
one of the participants at the lab I work at friended me on fb which would’ve definitely required some googling to find my full name… so I was like hmm, weird and gross. so I deleted the request. then I looked him up out of curiosity and well. he’s a school shooter
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Man i found a terrible game that tries its best to be a biting commentary about school shootings that fails on every front and now im thinking of what id do if i did a school shppting game. The tldr is just making it very clear that mysoginistic, homophobic, white supremacists are the ppl shooting up schools and not the quiet bullied kids, yknow.
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