#science valentine
thefirststarr · 1 year
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Happy Valentine’s Day!!!
Another year means it’s time for me favourite post!!! Here’s another round of science themed valentines to send to allllll of the people you love in your life!
I love you all!!!!
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science-bastard · 4 months
are they… y’know… *mimes vivisecting someone* lab partners??
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sarahmackattack · 5 months
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Do you like Squid Facts? 🔲Yes 🔲No
This valentines day, we thought you might need a little help from cephalopods to celebrate. Get a pack of 20 cards for your classroom, your coworkers, your neighborhood, frankly anyone who needs both a valentine AND a little bit of science to boot.
Get 'em here: https://squidfacts.bigcartel.com/
Proceeds benefit science education nonprofit Skype a Scientist AND the graduate student who designed these cards who is studying octopuses (Meg Mindlin @invertebabe!). Meg is trying to afford to get to a cephalopod neuroscience conference later this year and these cards will help her get there 🫡
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They, of course, come with the classic heart stickers, a range of shades of pink and purple included.
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apsciencebydan · 4 months
The fairy moth boys were out looking for love today ♥️
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the-wolf-and-moon · 1 year
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Comet Jacques and the Heart & Soul Nebulae
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sephirthoughts · 24 days
Vincent’s lingering obsession with Lucrecia is excellent drama, but their story is not a doomed romance.
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This is an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think Lucrecia deserves nearly as much pity and excusing of her actions as she gets. This is not character-hate post, it's an analysis of a character I think gets short shrift as a Mother-Mary in a bell jar, and deserves better.
Lucrecia is morally grey. Charcoal grey. I love complex, morally grey characters, particularly when they're women, since usually women are relegated to roles that infantilize and objectify them, particularly in video games, which have historically been a very backward, androcentric medium. I strongly dislike brainless victims, subject to the whims of the male characters, without much agency, and Lucrecia was not such a character.
Lucrecia was an adult with agency and brains. She was a grown ass adult. She was a brilliant scientist. She made decisions with her eyes open, and even sacrificed her unborn child to her work. She is a very interesting character. The fact that she didn't idolize motherhood as the end-all of female existence, and that her obsession with her work was stronger than her desire to be a 'good mother' makes her far more interesting than otherwise. The fact that she regretted it later and wanted him back doesn’t magically make her a good person, or change the choices she made. It demonstrates guilt and remorse, which are part of character development. The bottom line is that she committed atrocities in the name of science, then felt guilty about it later, once she realized how devastating the consequences were to her personally. To say she didn’t know what she was doing or Hojo manipulated or controlled her is to infantilize and disrespect her character. She’s not some sacrificial angel who was a victim of circumstances; she was a willing participant in her own downfall.
Lucrecia is a tragic character, but she's not a romantic lead. Except in Vincent's head. After all was said and done, she had one of those too-late changes of heart that make tragedy so emotionally impactful. She had a human reaction to Vincent's death and felt terribly guilty for her role in all of it, as she should. That doesn't mean she loved him, it means she wasn't a monster. She lost her son, and gradually, Hojo's callous inhumanity and her inability to escape the net she wove with her own hands closed in on her. Did she deserve to never hold her baby son and never see him even once? No. But she caused it, with her own actions. That's tragedy. She was miserable, bereft, and riddled with guilt, so she made a last-ditch effort to make something right...by doing more insane science shit that turned Vincent into a monster. Seeing that she'd only made everything worse, she tried to kill herself, but was unable to, and thus ran off to become a crystal statue in a cave (this is a trope that I dislike, but that's the story, so that's what we've got).
Vincent is a bad judge of the circumstances. Vincent persists in seeing her as a lost love, and someone from whom he was unjustly separated by circumstances. The fact that he is so blinded by his feelings for her that he places her on this pedestal and can't blame her for what she did is excellent characterization, and I love it, but it's because he’s wrong. He loved her. She didn’t love him (I think she was in love with his father, but that's just icing on the tragedy cake, at this point). His lingering attachment, not to the real Lucrecia, but to the idealized version of her he has in his mind, is a very sad reality that adds so much delicious pain to his character. In the end, he is unable to blame her, because he loved his image of her (and Hojo is a way easier target for anger, because he's literally the worst), which speaks far more to his personal bias in the situation than to her actual role in it. She’s not moustache-twirlingly evil like Hojo but she’s not Vincent's star cross'd soul mate tragically torn away by cruel fate. Lucrecia was her own person.
In summation. Their story is not a doomed romance, it's a complicated, messy, ugly tangle of thorns, and one of the best written tragedies in a game that literally bleeds tragedy from every orifice. It's got one-sided love, obsession, mad science, betrayal, jealousy, fetal experimentation, murder, corpse reanimation, and a guy who can't die, and is left to deal with the consequences of everyone else's actions by himself forever. No one is innocent and no one comes out unscathed…strike that. Vincent is innocent and Hojo comes out unscathed. But still. Lucrecia is not a holy mother, she's not a brainless victim, and she's not Vincent's lost love. She's a person he loved, and who didn't reciprocate. Most importantly, she's a person. A whole-ass, complex, morally grey, fully developed person, who made terrible choices, then made even worse choices, and in the end, couldn't escape the fate she wove for herself.
And then wound up encased in crystal so she could be a pretty statue forever cause the game devs just couldn't help themselves I guess.
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juststuffshere · 3 months
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this came to me in a dream
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blue-dissolve · 4 months
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Obligatory Valentine's day art of my faves making beautiful music together (Polka melodies by Weird Al Yankovic)
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humanoidhistory · 7 months
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November 17, 1970: The USSR's Lunokhod 1 lands on the Moon. It’s the first robotic rover to explore the surface of another world. (Postcard illustration by Valentin Viktorov.)
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thebookofbill · 4 months
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“I’m broken, wanna fix me?” HE KNOWS WHAT HE’S FUCKING DOING.
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dykedvonte · 24 days
Benny would be thrilled by Nick Valentine. Like I know the concept of synths and replacing people would initially shock him but I don’t think for long.
He’s not a technology guy by any means but he certainly appreciates it and understands what it can do. He’d be pro-synth and synths at people for purely pragmatic reason at first but seeing some noir detective would have him thinking of all the ways he could improve on his plan if he had that tech for Yes-Man.
If Yes-Man could pass as human he’d have no reason to hide him and could even have him buddy up with the rest of the Chairmen! Even if he’s found out and House wants him and especially synth Yes-Man out their is a loyalty to them that is only made stronger that Yes-Man looks like them now. It’s also such a complex thing for Yes-Man too now to struggle with “humanity” in a new context and his teacher tragic being Benny Fucking Gecko.
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sylvrndoodles · 1 year
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A scene from What Moves the Dead (by @tkingfisher) that has been ringing in my head since I read it ( ˙꒳​˙ )
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gaynaturalistghost · 1 year
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Always love seeing @neat-deadandlive-things ‘s valentines and thought I’d contribute!
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vxmpire-vxlle · 4 months
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Your new wallpapers.
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apsciencebydan · 4 months
This encounter from 2022 is just sweet, and a rare #EmotionalSupportSpood and #BugSex entry (not actually sex, but a snuggly pair). Just a couple of an'ts who found each other and didn't hate it. 🤎
(Synemosyna formica ant mimic jumping spider lad and lass)
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Jumping spiders, like the vast majority of arachnids, are not social creatures. Males will sometimes chill with/guard a female though. And Synemosyna formica are a bit more socially tolerant than others? I've found 17 on one small palmetto bush before. I was in heaven
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kotori-mochi · 5 months
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Made a Destiny themed Valentin's day drawing. Missed drawing Cayde-6 and I wanted to draw something with hands.
Happy Valentine's day ;)
Also prints and cards are available for this drawing, as well as one with or without the text.
The full version is also available on my patreon too.
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