princescribbler · 1 year
Things momma wants me to do today:
Be a good boy and do my meal prep/ cooking for the week
Clean my apartment and be a bit good and tidy so my work week goes well!
Play Zelda on my couch wearing cute clothes that make me feel little!
Wear a chastity cage while she's sleeping so I feel controlled and submissive and cute (I'm still supposed to show my devotion by having playtime... but locked and diapered if momma is asleep)
Listen to cute and fun ABDL hypnosis, mostly the ones she recorded for me that we wrote together!
Sometimes, it's hard to explain why I'm so happy and focused in my relationship dynamic. Other times, all I need is my list of responsibilities momma gave me today and everybody can tell: I'm a very lucky adult baby man!
So always try to remind yourselves: finding a good dynamic isn't easy, and requires maintenance and work... but holy fuck is it fun and sexy when you figure it out!
And as always, stay happy, stay healthy, and stay kinky!
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Science Accessories & Stickers by ScienceScribbles
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sciencescribbles · 7 years
Youtube videos
Hey guys!
So, so, SO sorry for the long absence. I’ve gone through some major changes in life recently and haven’t had any time to update this blog, answer messages or create new drawings.
I am really hoping that I will be able to come back to create new content ASAP - and GOOD NEWS: I have recently received some requests to create some YouTube videos for IB Chemistry/ Physics and Economics - so I am asking here whether anyone would be interested in potential videos - and if so, which topics?
Once again, so sorry for the long wait everyone, and thank you for still following me! <3
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shymerseysider · 3 years
Hey do you have any suggestions of activities to do with a long distance little who doesn’t like colouring?
Hey @iggybuff123
I am going to try to answer your question but first I want to excuse my answer should it prove to be terrible/ridiculous/boring.
I have no experience in long distance relationships, I don't know the degree and nature of your interaction with your CG/Little, I am not sure I have necessarily interpreted your question as you intended and lastly, I am not an imaginative person.
Finally, I would really recommend following/asking @sciencescribbler and @giggle-byte for information around this topic. They have a lot of experience in this field and are far more creative and insightful than I could hope to be.
All that said, here is my response:
1. Rules.
Potty training charts / Behaviour charts seem like a good way to keep contact between the little and the CG. That regular contact is just a small but consistent activity that keeps a little feeling little, and helps keep you both in communication. Having the CG choose your clothes for the day, even if you're big for the day, or the CG choosing what you have for dinner, even if you have to make it, sounds to me like a lovely little activity to share.
2. Games and Crafts.
So, I wasn't sure if when you said colouring was out of the question that I should interpret that as 'just colouring' or 'all crafty/creative things'.
If you are open to crafts then there are all sorts of things you can share. You could try finger painting, or play-doh, or make bead jewellery. You could construct things out of Ice Cream sticks and glue. You could write short stories. You could bake simple cakes ( under strict video call direction :P ). All of these things could have input, guidance or direction from a long distance CG.
If you aren't open to crafts, then perhaps you could share games. Depending on how old the little is feeling you could simply game online together. Alternatively you could play things like 'Simon Says', 'musical chairs'/'row your boat', or 'red light/green light'. Lastly, if you're feeling really little, 'peekaboo'!
All this is assuming you have the capacity to share video calls though.
3. Learning.
This is my personal favourite.
The most common form of this is 'bedtimes stories', or 'story time'.
However, you can go further and the CG could send the little some learning materials (online or in the post) for them to complete and then the little could send it back for the CG to check their work. Further still, I really like the idea of making it more 'realistic' for the little by buying foreign language learning materials so completing the work isn't too simple and any mistakes are honest ones!
So, that's my attempt at your question. I hope it helps in some capacity, even if only in as much as it inspires better ideas in you!
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breeatlarge-blog · 7 years
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As a former IB-centric studyblr (see Exhibit A here), I think that it is fair to say that I am a pretty strong IB advocate. There was nothing I loved more than pushing drafts of my Extended Essay at my mentor, complaining about CAS reflections and pretending to understand the complexities of TOK. But as May rolled around and my confidence in my abilities began to roll into July, I was in for the shocked of my life: instead of passing the program with my predicted academic achievement of 34/45, I just passed the program entirely, finishing with a score of 28/45. I was pretty shocked to say the least. As a toast to my astonishing academic feat, fake philosophy TOK and CAS social statuses on ManageBac: here’s 6 things I learned from almost failing IB, one point for every one that I lost in final exams.
Your grades do not define who you are: 80% exams and 20% moderated internal assessments? Where is the value in that classwork, discussion and studying? Is it all down the drain from here? Chemistry maybe. (Just a joking art-business student here.) Something that I really learned to appreciate is the versatility and application of studies that IB ingrains in their students. A combination of luck and talented teachers, my love for economics and business stems almost entirely from classroom discussions and case studies in Economics HL. I knew that business studies were for me as soon as I finished my first commentary.
Measure your pride not in how others judge your success, but in how you feel you have progressed: I think over the course of my two years in this program, I submitted over 4 drafts of my work to my Extended Essay mentor. While most students groan at the thought of a credit-less assignment, I could not be more excited to explore something I was interested in academically, not to mention having the motivation and opportunity to share it with others. At my graduation ceremony when I was asked to share the thing I was most proud of, I did not hesitate to say my Extended Essay. Does it suck to go from a B to a D? Absolutely. But that doesn’t discount the fact that I worked my ass off on that paper and I know that my mentor loved what I wrote. I gained a greater appreciate for literature and anthropology and honestly right now: that’s all I really need.
Don’t judge the dropouts: I will not be the first to admit that IB students sometimes have an elitist attitude when it comes to academics (especially compared to AP and regular program students). Sure, my program may be internationally-focused, but that’s no more than a few works in translation books in literature class or case studies in economics. At the end of the day, external markers control 100% of your grade (IAs are moderated, do not ever forget it) and if you’re like me, those same AP or regular program students you were putting down probably graduated with a higher average than you.
Your teachers are human too: One of my favorite things about IB is that everyone really is a team working together to have a greater success rate. It’s rarely you versus your teacher. I graduated knowing that my teachers did the best they could possibly do for me and it’s such a toss up what results in the end.
Keep your personal life on hold during the academic season: One of my biggest regrets for several reasons is that right around exams, I had a major falling out with my best friend and confidante of four years. It sucked, as most breakups do, but the worst part is that when I should have been focusing more on studying, I could barely get out of bed. Friendships are forever until nobody talks anymore and those grades that got you into university could have also resulted in making new friends.
Choose your friends diversely: So my strength is in languages and social sciences, but the way I designed my IB program focused heavily on the natural sciences and engineering. My closest friends and I were complete opposites which made up for great conversations and interesting perspectives. Through them, I gained a deep appreciation for science and mathematics. Even though these subjects may not be my favourites, I will always look to them with an open mind.
What advice would you share with high school students about your experience? I know that really hit home for me is the ability to reflect and journal. (Damn CAS for actually teaching me something useful in the end!)
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👏🏻 An Introduction To My Studyblr 👏🏻
Hi, I’m Erin! I’m a high-school junior from America, namely Western Kentucky, and I’ve had this account for a while but never actually took the step to start anything. I just recently (a month ago) got into organizing my notes and the studyblr community in general, and have been wanting to start posting on here since then!
I have a lot of favorite studyblr’s that inspire me, my dream is to major in Research Science (General Chemistry) in college so I have some namely Science blogs I follow, but a lot in general that I love. :)
Shoutout to these great blogs!
Those are only a few, but I have tons to shoutout when I’m not dead tired and supposed to be working on a webpage design. :)
I hope to start posting some of my notes for the 100 days of productivity soon also! wish me luck with that
!!!! hope you enjoy my blog!!!
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princescribbler · 1 year
This new blog only gets about 3-5% as many views as my old one (sciencescribbler) with about the same reduced ratio of followers, so I understand if this doesn't go anywhere, but...
I love getting asks, questions, interactions, comments, and getting to know the people here in this online community. It's where I met my now fiance and mommy domme, it's where I learned to first be more open about kink and my interests, and it's got a lot of lovely people I've met and chatted with over the years. Never worry you're offending by reaching out to chat. You, and any questions, are always welcome!
And hey, if it is private just let me know or DM me! If you want a private chat that's fine too! Just be civil, respect that I'm happily taken, but otherwise I'm delighted to chat and answer!
After all, I should follow my own advice and, well...
Stay happy, stay healthy, and stay kinky!
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studieverse · 7 years
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hello lovely people! this is the first written blog post I’ve ever made so forgive me if it’s generally terrible. this is partly for me because a while ago I asked you guys for websites with good chemistry resources, so this is just sort of a compilation of resources submitted by you guys!
crash course (suggested by @thegamingsidedk , @introvertedannika and @jaime-etudier)
khan academy: this is a go-to for me because they always explain all the concepts in depth if you’re new to a topic then I’d recommend watching the crash course video for an intro and then onto khan academy for more detail
tyler dewitt (suggested by @nyu22 )
websites (most of these were suggested by @masari17 )
periodic table [x] [x]
bible for a level chem trust me
bible 2.0 this time with more topics
titration. just titration
bible 3.0? sort of? I haven’t had the chance to properly use this one but I skimmed through it and it looks helpful
compilation of a bunch of chemistry notes [a level] [o level]
chemistry revision guides
our lord and saviour @sciencescribbles​
masterposts by other legendary people
by @areistotle got me through igcses and is a general blessing [x]
by @study-well has more a levels resources and is also a blessing [x]
I hope this will be helpful to at least one person and if I find other resources I’ll keep adding them on here. feel free to message me if you have any doubts about chemistry (or psychology/maths)! this is the part where I don’t know how to end blog posts so I’m just going to wish you all a good and non-stressful day! 
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liastudieslaw · 7 years
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New Studyblr 
hey everyone! I thought a formal introduction to the studyblr community was necessary, since I’ve been lurking around the community for awhile.  i decided to join because this community provides me with motivation to achieve the grades I desire and get into the colleges of my dreams 
About Me 
My name is Lia, a 17 year old from Pennsylvania.  
I’m a entj and a visual learner. 
I hail from NYC (brooklyn baby).
I’m currently a senior, class of 2018! :) 
My dream is to go to med school or obtain a Ph.D.
 My intended major is english or psych.  
My favorite subjects are Literature and History. 
 Shakespeare (literary god) & Ralph Waldo Emerson (philosopher god)
Speech and debate (I have a separate blog for that but it might bleed into this one a bit) 
Next Year Courses  
AP Bio, AP Lit and Comp, AP Psych, AP Stat, Honors Spanish IV, Honors Journalism, Theo IV
My studyblr inspirations are @basic-appblr, @unscholar, @sciencescribbles, @caesarstudies, @lavishstudies, @dreamingstudy,@thesoontobenewyorker, @sxudy, @study-for-the-universe, @thecakestudyblr, and many more!  
Please reblog or like if you’re a studyblr or appblr so I can follow you! 
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rivkahstudies · 7 years
Hi, what IB courses are you doing? And do you have any tips for a future IB student? I am starting in a week 😅
Hi sweetie!!
First, I’m taking this year:
SL Math Studies II
HL Biology III
SL Spanish IV (B)
HL English IV
HL Visual Arts II
HL Contemporary (20th century) History 
Theory of Knowledge II
Here are some posts I’ve done on tips for IB:
advice applicable for both pre-IB and IB
on which math to take
how the heck logical reasoning in TOK works
a general crash course to surviving
Advice by others:
@busybby​ gave advice on everything, I added a little at the bottom
@sciencescribbles talks about succeeding from someone who got 45 points for their diploma (you only need 24, but we like high numbers so colleges give us credit!)
@review-raven31 talks about surviving the exams
@studybeehs posts about getting 5s and 6s on the IB Biology exam
If I were to summarize: stay on top of your work, admit when you don’t know what’s going on, study a subject at least once a week even without tests, ask plenty of questions, and don’t go through it alone. I’m not going to lie, it’s difficult as hell, but as long as you balance yourself, don’t take on as many extracurriculars as I have (I’m president of 2 clubs, in 3 more, and I have a part time job), and ask for help when you need it, you can get through it.
Come to me if you need to cry, scream, rant, ask questions, get advice on any of the assessments you will encounter, or just study with me. I’m an IB senior this year, and I managed to get everything that was required of me done last year and pass my teacher-given exams.
*** If you don’t know much about the details of IB (how exams work, points, etc), PLEASE send me another ask because there’s so much but it’s so important to know.
Thanks for asking honey!
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ibpow · 6 years
[1/100] Days of Productivity
Today I decided to start over. This includes not only to start a new studyblr account, but also to begin to realize how much organization, motivation, inspiration and discipline I need.
I study Y11, first year of the international baccalaureate and my name is Rosa, although many people call me Pow either. My high-level subjects are Chemistry, Physics and Maths. I also take English and Spanish A (literature), History and Music as standard level. My native language is Spanish, but feel comfortable if decided to talk with me in English (or French! I began to studied it this year!).
Sciences are mostly my life but I deeply enjoy reading and going to the music conservatory where I play the bassoon and the piano. 90’s music and a huge cup of tea is all I need for fully concentrating.
Right now I live in Seville, Spain and I work as a receptionist in a hotel.
When I were 13 years old I started my first studyblr account (which I prefer to keep in secret) and it helped too much I decided to try it again. Thanks to the studyblr community (and studygram!) inspiration and help through the past years I manage to get a fully ib scholarship, which I am very, very happy studying it —and grateful. My favorite accounts would always be @emmastudies @mochistudies @studyblr-ib @studypetals @sciencescribbles @studydiaryofamedstudent @studyign @studying-hard @studyblrmasterposts and many others whoses names can’t remember right now from instagram (thanks you all and oops!).
Today thanks to the studyblr community I’m a highly motivated student who loves learning and absolutely adores her bullet journal.
🔥my new account🔥
Here I’ll be posting bullet journal pics, (I wish) daily studyblr photos (as I am taking part of the 100 days of productivity challenge) and notes (scanned or digital) so if anyone needs a hand or two with an ib subject can have some of the them easily! Feel free to ask me anything!
💕sooooo exciting about returning. I leave you with some photos of today productivity me (chill music and snacks for Sunday note-taking and music project)
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I’ve seen a lot of different ways to write an essay and I wanted to place my input on how I write my essays. I hope this is helpful to anyone! I’ve also included links to other posts from other studyblrs that have helped me a lot and can help everyone else!
Before you write
Familiarise yourself with the text
No matter what type of writing/ topic, learn the information
Get background information surrounding the text
Annotate the text
Find out what things mean, key quotes and different ideas that the author might want to convey in the text.
Use websites such as Shmoop, CliffNotes, SparkNotes, etc
Answer the Question
Get the title/ question and put it at the top of the page
Haven’t got a specific topic you should cover? Make your own and stick to it!
What is it asking you?
If you don’t understand the question, ask the person who set it
Write your answer in 3 sentences
That’s your thesis/ Introduction
Repeat this process multiple times with different ideas
Underline key words in the question and use them!
You can’t make stuff up that isn’t in the text
Think of moments in the text you could use and get the text
Read it
If you see a good quote write it down and what page it was on and who said it or what it was about
Also, stick a post-it note on the page for quick reference
Look for things you can argue with
Look at the marks for the essay and choose the amount accordingly.
Make this short, 1 sentence
Use linking words such as ‘as seen here’ or ‘this is shown in/by’
Don’t make this long but don’t make it short. Maybe 2 sentences?
Compare/Critic/ context
Religious ideas? Social impacts at the time? New inventions? What was socially acceptable? What was going on when it was written? Authors life/ impact on the text?
Learn your history around the piece
(Optional) Word
Pick a certain word that has a specific impact on the piece
Why did the reader choose to put this in?
(Optional) Reader’s thoughts
What is the reader thinking when this happened? What did you first think when you read it? How does this affect the readers thought about a character or place?
Why did the writer choose to put this in?
(Optional) Technique
Is there a specific technique used?
Evaluation/ Link back to question
Short, 1 sentence long.
Your different ideas from the beginning is the different ideas for your paragraphs
Don’t introduce a new idea you haven’t talked about.
Restate the introduction (in case they’ve forgotten it)
Write what you overall thought about the question/topic you wrote about.
Link it to how you’ve written the rest of the essay
Not ‘I hate…..’ because they wrote it and they ruined everything.’
Write something like ‘Trying to convey that the only …. had an impact on ... Was a flawed statement.’
Make sure you have everything written correctly and in the right place.
Punctuation, spelling and correct keywords have a massive impact on marks
Have you reached the word count?
If there isn’t a word count, make sure everything is concise but holds the relevant information.
Leave your essay overnight and come back to it, you might have missed something.
You’ve done it!
Great Posts for helping with Essay writing
Annotating Effectively by @hideandstudy - http://hideandstudy.tumblr.com/post/138313527364/annotating-effectively
Essay Sentence Starters by @fatiguedfrappuccino - https://fatiguedfrappuccino.tumblr.com/post/160637978506/q
Transitional Phrases by @elsastudies - http://elsastudies.tumblr.com/post/158310610270/some-useful-transitional-phrases-i-collated-when
Words to use instead of ‘Very’ by @psliterary - http://psliterary.tumblr.com/post/155944554847
How to write a 5-Paragraph Essay by @emmastudies - http://emmastudies.com/post/153211153605/one-of-my-lecturers-printed-us-a-step-by-step
Writing an essay when you don’t know where to begin by @sciencescribbles  - http://sciencescribbles.tumblr.com/post/131501164415/ten-steps-to-writing-an-essay-science-scribbles
Literary Techniques by @emmastudies -- http://emmastudies.com/post/162930745810/literary-techniques
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Regarding last reblog:
I still 100% understand when people do not want to be called cute (for example afab Trans people) and that it might be patronizing on some occasions.
But as that post was about a different and Personal topic I did not want to derail its validity by adding something, just felt like saying it
( @sciencescribbler )
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Lets burn in style!!
So I saw what @sciencescribbler did and I gotta say that he has an awesome idea! We are gonna miss christmas and my birthday together! I'm gonna miss you all! So if y'all ever wanted to throw your boy a bone and help him with the broke college life? Well here's your chance!!!! I am just gonna throw my wishlist on here in case anyone wanted to shoot me a little present ^~^
Link there ^^^
I really really appreciate anything you guys wanna send!!!!!!!! It'll help me with so many projects!!!!
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