#otome fan fiction
hellcatinnc · 8 months
Guys Of Love & Deepspace Perfect Partner - SFW Edition
Warning This includes: SFW(Read Tags Before Continuing)
Tags: sfw, fluff, romantic, cuddles, snuggling, romance, poetry, kisses, french kissing, breakfast in bed, pet names, cuddles from nightmares, taking care of you when your sick, care, cooking together, food, movie watching
Feature: x Fem! Reader
He challenges your mind and can talk to you about some of the most interesting things at times, however he can also bore you sometimes if he gets too lost in his medical advisories
if you ask nicely he will let you lay in his arms as he reads to you may not always be what you want to hear but its his way of comforting you
if you fall asleep on the couch he will carry you to bed and tuck you in, he doesn't want you getting chilly and catching cold
he will make you soup and make sure to have medicines on hand for you when your sick
he is the guy that when he kisses you he will always caress your cheek first before engulfing your lips into his
kissing is how he expresses his feelings sometimes when words escape him or he has a hard time expressing them. If he french kisses you while already kissing you then he is showing you the passion you bring out in him
he loves to take you to nice restaurants ones you been wanting to try and the money isn't a issue and he always pays even when you try he will take care of it before you even get a chance to try. He knows you don't have the money his job has and he wants to spend it on whatever your heart wants.
he loves taking you on vacations when his work allows its and tries to make as much time as he can to be on those vacations longer than just a day.
Even though he doesn't always show it due to lack there of knowing how to express how he feels sometimes, he is a doctor because he does care about people but he cares about you more than any of them and you should never forget that.
Most times he will use your name and not pet names but if your good and you beg him to show the endearments you might get him to call you honey or dear but in the bedroom you might just get called kitten if you ask nicely
he gives you the silent treatment when he is mad, but he can't stay mad with you long especially if you bug him and try to cuddle and kiss him he will forgive you in no time
he lectures you because he cares when it comes to your health and how you eat, granted you have to tune him out most times when you want that sweet piece of cake or that bowl of ice cream but he means well.
he is the guy that will put his coat around you when your cold
he carries candy with him all the time and in certain moments that may stress you out he will simply pull one out to make you smile again even if only for a little while
he has a sweet tooth but he tries to keep that from anyone knowing because well he is a heart doctor and telling people whats not healthy and to stay away from would just make him look like a hypocrite
he is very subtle when he does little things to impress you or let you know he cares, if you don't know him well enough you will miss these hints
he will carry an umbrella on rainy days and even when you forget yours, he may not say anything to you but when it starts pouring down he will just open his umbrella and put it over both of your heads
when he doesn't think your looking he will smile if nothing but for a moment because even though he spends so much time babbling about what you should do to change trust me he wants you just the way you are flaws and all even though he can't say it....yet!
he will call you after a late night at the hospital especially after a stressful day and although its a short call and you don't know why he is calling but its because after all the stress in his day your the only one that makes his heart a little lighter
he loves making little snow creatures for you to hold on to when he can't always be with you
he loves cats they fascinate him he loves to watch them as they bask in the sunlight or lay under a table. the first animal you two will probably get will be a cat
he likes sending you text messages some that are meaningless but they make him smile even if you can't always see him smile
He always spoons you every night before sleep
he is very romantic a bit of a hopeless romantic
loves to call you pet names like darling, baby, and honey
breakfast in bed when you worked so hard the day before
will run you bubble bath after a long day
never forgets birthdays, anniversaries, and especially not valentines' day this man lives for these holidays to shower you with gifts
he will stay by your side when your sick taking care of all your needs
he can be clingy but honestly in a good way its part of his charm
he does have abandonment issues but this means when he is loyal to you he will never ever leave you as long as you never leave him
he has lower self esteem than you think he does, he flirts and comes off that he has it all together but when he is vulnerable you can see the scared little boy under it all afraid to live without you and afraid he will mess it up and you leave
he will fall asleep with his head on your lap or lean against you so you can rub his hair
he may seem like a baby girl but down deep he really is just a genuine guy, yes a bit flirty but its all fluff to make you notice him because when you make those advances back you will leave him flustered.
he is very caring and will always be compassionate with your needs
he will always protect you and keep you safe. He is that guy that will pull you into his arms to shelter you from harm, or jump in front of a bullet if he feels its to save your life
he will fall asleep sitting on the couch, in a chair or against the wall because you had to work late and he refuses to go to bed without you.
he is the guy who likes matching shirts, or ones that say he is your is prince and your his princess
he will hold you hand any chance he gets but you can't just drop his hand whenever you want, when he slides his fingers between yours this isn't jsut regular pda he is telling you no matter where you are...you complete him!
he is the guy that will bring you an umbrella then pray you will put it aside and stand in the pouring rain with him. He will be that guy from romantic movie clique where he will pull you close while you are soaked to kiss your lips so tenderly you almost lose your breath.
he is very loyal and if he makes a promise its set in stone if he has to move heaven on earth or dive the lowest depths of the ocean he will make it happen
loves to recite poetry to you to show you his affection
he loves to give you compliments daily like your beautiful, stunning, a model or anything that makes you smile because that was his goal all along. He will do anything for that smile, that smile that you show to only him, its like no other smile that lights up your face and only he notices the difference.
He loves when you tell him about your day if you spend with friends or what not but he does get jealous if they made you smile because really he wants to be the only one that makes you smile. Then he might get pouty and ask if he can join next time.
he will take you to play the claw machine just so he can win every one of the plushies for you
he will take you to the arcade and he will play every game that gives him tickets so he can turn it in and surprise you with something you wanted from the prizes
he can be greedy when it comes to you, he is a introvert anyways so if he could keep you to himself and never share you well he would be in heaven
he likes to be playful in your banter with him he just enjoys this time together this is how he knows your the woman he wants to spend his life growing old with...yes he has been thinking about popping the question way before he should but he is waiting for the time to be the most romantic and when he doesn't think he will scare you away. Know this though he would have already married you if you would have let him.
he will carry your bags with no complaint
He likes to have a romantic night under the stars just you and him and a blanket with your favorite champagne or wine
he will keep the house clean and in order for you if your sick and can't do it because he knows it will be helpful for you
he will cook you a meal and alternate nights of when you cook and do the dishes however he isn't the best cook so be prepared to watch or help one
picnics are cute and sweet and he loves laying in the sunlight with you taking it all in and making memories
he is a good listener since he doesn't talk unless he needs to. He will lay with you for hours as you tell him the good and the bad in your day without every interrupting you or changing the subject.
he tries to be an optimist to keep you level when you feel like the world is caving in on you
when you cry he will be the first there to wipe those tears off your face and make sure you feel validated
he does have a mischievous/cheeky side to him that comes out when you least expect it
he will spend all day playing the claw machine even if he doesn't always understand the mechanics just so he can get the plushie you wanted most
he will turn on the shower and get your towel and stuff together just so you can have a nice hot shower...he might join you though ;)
he will go grocery shopping with you and carry those bags of groceries even though he complains a bit he really means nothing by it more of a banter than anything
he likes when you tug his shirt to let him know you don't want him to leave even if you didn't say it
he likes a good movie on the couch cuddled up next to you, after all the work he does everyday this is perfect way to relax with you in his arms.
he won't tell you but when you feed him things like strawberries by mouth you think he is focusing on the strawberries instead its the feel of your fingers touching his lips which make him want to kiss you, then when you put them in your mouth he can't take it any longer he will pull you in for a kiss by then.
he doesn't mind watching chic flicks with you and you talking about the lead actor being hot but he will sit there and tell you why all the reasons he is a better hunter and that this guy you find so hot to be the most horrible hunter he had ever seen...the green eyed devil bites him from time to time
when you fall asleep on him in a movie he will carry you to bed and tuck you in, he won't linger but thats because he respects you in that way
if you have a night mare he will run to your side comforting you. he will tuck your hair behind your ear, turn on the light by your bedside table and let you tell him about it, then he will tuck you back in bed and hold you the rest of the night to watch over you while you sleep
he likes to pick at you at times, like one night he woke you and you were calling his name, he reminded you that dreams are what you think about all day he will tell you with a joke that he knows now you were pining for him all day this is just some of his banter and fun ways he picks on you
when your hands are cold he will intertwine his fingers in your and rub them getting them nice and warm for you
if you find yourself in the hospital he will sit right there with you until your feeling better and can go home he will be very stern but thats cause he cares so if the doctor says lay down he will make sure you do if they say don't talk he will put his finger over your mouth to hush you. this is the serious side of him you never knew was there but he is worried cause you are in the hospital
he can be very over protective at times
when he has alone time with you he doesn't want to share it so he will mute your phone and his if it gets too annoying he will turn them off this is his time right now
he loves to snuggle into your lap and nuzzle into you this is the time you get to feel the closest to him, this is that bit of him thats vulnerable, that part that will admit that in his lifetime he has never met someone as special and as important to him as you are to him
he loves to sleep but has a hard time sleeping most places cause he always has his guard up but when he is in your arms he sleeps the best, soundly and feels safe with you even if he thinks he is the more skilled fighter
if you have something on your mouth he will lean into wipe it from your lips stealing a kiss while he is already there
he is very confident in himself even though he doesn't do well with others most times he is still comfortable in his own skin especially since your beside him touching that very skin as he loves when your caress his hands and arms when you are cuddled in a blanket on a cold day
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wistfulwanderingone · 1 month
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(Cassandra's Point-of-View)
Meeting in the Moonlight
Fandom: Ikemen Prince
Characters: Clavis Lelouch, Cassandra (OC); Clavis X OC story AU
Tags: SLOW BURN, fluff, romance, Meet Cute, Humor, Intrigue
Summary: A young noblewoman Cassandra, seeking refuge from the womanizing antics of Prince Jin, finds herself on a darkened balcony with a mysterious prince with a captivating laugh. Their unexpected encounter leaves her both flustered and intrigued, sparking a enigmatic and promising connection she can't ignore.
Word Count: ~3000
Timeline: 4 years after Bloodstained Rose Day, 6 years before the "Belle" year.
A/N: Introducing my new OC paired with Clavis Lelouch, Cassandra, who has been carefully crafted for him specifically. (More details at the end of the post).
And stay tuned for Clavis' point-of-view soon!
@dododrawsstuff @aide-falls You will hopefully enjoy this!
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Meeting in the Moonlight
As Cassandra rounded a corner in the palace hallways, she came to an abrupt halt, instinctively stifling the groan that threatened to escape—a habit ingrained by years of her parents' insistence on perfect composure and the suppression of 'unrefined' sounds. With a lollipop dangling from his lips, Prince Jin swaggered down the hallway ahead of her. 
Not only had her friends Yves and Licht warned her about Jin and his notorious 'womanizing' ways, but she had also seen it firsthand in the few months since she had become a regular visitor to the palace. To her, he was the absolute worst. Without a second thought, she darted into the nearest room, the heavy door closing with a soft thud behind her.
The room was spacious, adorned with elegant furnishings and opulent decorations, but she barely noticed. Her eyes quickly locked onto a balcony, its ruby curtains billowing softly in the night breeze. In a few swift strides, she crossed the room, stepped outside, and drew the curtains closed behind her. Holding her breath, she peeked through a small gap to watch the door. The last thing she wanted was to deal with Jin. In her eyes, he was a good-for-nothing philanderer with an unfortunate weakness for women who, like her, were amply endowed.
Memories of her first encounters with Jin flooded back, leaving her feeling exposed and uncomfortable. She hated feeling that way—like a prize to be ogled rather than a person to be respected. She had enough of that in her day-to-day life. To her parents, she was nothing more than an accessory to their social standing, not a person with emotions and dreams. Every aspect of her life was meticulously controlled, from her attire to her behavior at social gatherings, all orchestrated to enhance the family's reputation. Her every action was to be a symbol of their success, a means to display their impeccable breeding and influence. They dismissed her feelings, desires, and aspirations as inconsequential. In their eyes, Cassandra existed not for her own sake but as a tool to further their prestige, a polished gem meant to shine in the public eye without ever revealing the turmoil and longing within her heart. What she truly longed for was passionate freedom and the ability to pursue her aspirations and dreams.
Tucking a strand of chocolate-brown hair behind her ear, she pressed herself against the wall to one side. The sensation of the cold stone against her back did little to calm her disquiet; however, the darkness of the balcony offered a temporary sanctuary, giving her a moment to gather herself and regain her outward poise.  She closed her eyes briefly, breathing in the solitude like a candle flickering in the wind, grasping a moment of stillness before being snuffed out. 
"Are we playing hide-and-seek? Or are you here for a more intimate rendezvous?" a deep, husky voice whispered against her ear, sending shivers down her spine.
She gasped and spun around, stumbling backward and nearly tripping over her own feet before colliding with the balcony railing, her heart pounding wildly in her chest.
Obscured by the dim light, a dark figure stood before her. Her thoughts spun. Who was this man? Had he been here all along? How had she not noticed him before? 
"I apologize for startling you. I was only teasing," the figure asked, his voice a warm, reassuring tone with a musical lilt that seemed to dance in the air. Are you alright, young lady?" The concern in his voice and the soothing tone dispelled the remnants of her fear.
"Yes, I’m fine,” she replied, smoothing her skirt. “I was just hiding from…” She paused and squinted, straining to pierce the thick veil of darkness that enveloped the balcony. The moon, hidden behind a dense shroud of clouds, offered no illumination. Shrouded in darkness, the figure was a mere silhouette, an indistinct shape blending seamlessly with the shadows. “What I mean is I didn't want someone to see me."
"May I ask who? I'll need a name if I’m to be a gentleman and defend your honor.” His words seemed genuine enough, but at the same time, his tone dripped with mirth, adding an enigmatic edge that piqued Cassandra's curiosity, making her want to know more despite the rather odd situation in which she found herself.
Usually, she would hold her tongue and hide the real reason for her hiding, crafting a socially acceptable excuse instead. But there was something about this man—his playful tone, an underlying laissez-faire that made her want to confess the truth about her actions and share what was on her mind.
She turned and peeked out the curtains again to ensure they were still alone. "I’m hiding from that big creep, Jin," she confessed.
The figure chuckled a rich, inviting laugh that made her smile as she turned back around. It was the most wonderful laugh she had ever heard, immediately chasing away all her remaining inhibitions. 
"You know he's a prince, right?" he asked, and she could still hear breathy laughter in his words.
"Just because he's a prince doesn't mean he isn't a huge creep!"
"Be that as it may, he's still a prince," he said, stepping closer. Though his features remained hidden in the shadows, the faint glint of sensual golden eyes flickered like distant stars barely breaking through a stormy sky. That and his sudden proximity made her heart pound in her chest, and each beat echoed like a drum in the quiet night. She wanted to step closer and unveil the man behind the silhouette, but the instinct to retreat and maintain the safety of her anonymity held her back.
"Well, if the crown's crooked, I'll call it like I see it." Typically, she kept thoughts like that to herself, especially around strangers. Who knew who might overhear and report back to her parents about her supposed 'disgrace.' But for some reason, she had said it anyway, and for a brief moment, she almost didn’t care.
Another velvety, irresistible chuckle, one that she wanted to wrap around herself like a blanket. "Unfortunately, there are laws against speaking about princes with that kind of language." His voice was hypnotic, and she felt herself grin, a small rebellion against her earlier fears. 
"I'm pretty sure 'creep' isn't on that list."
"But...are you certain?" His suddenly grave tone was starkly at odds with the playful one that preceded it.
"Well, no, but..." Her voice faltered as she peered into the shadows, unease growing within her belly. "Are you a guard? Are you going to report me? Or...hand me over to Prince Jin?"
"Now, that would be amusing.” His smooth and enticing chuckle resonated through the night. “And if there's one thing I'm all about, it's finding every bit of amusement life has to offer."
Panic seized her, and she contemplated fleeing, her muscles tensing as she stepped back. But before she could run, his hand shot out, staying her with a gentle but unyielding grip. The warmth of his touch radiated through her, causing her heart to flutter wildly despite the fear coiling within her.
As he took another step into the light, her hand flew to her mouth, and the royal crest of a prince gleamed faintly in the moonlight, its significance striking her like a lightning bolt. Dressed in shades of white, gold, lavender, and purple, he was a vision of princely elegance. His uniform framed his tall, elegant form, accentuating the broadness of his shoulders and the lithe grace of his every movement. The moon bathed the balcony in a silvery glow, highlighting the regal contours of his figure. The broad belt cinched at the waist accentuated his waist and narrow hips while emphasizing his broad shoulders. His gloved hand, still holding her arm, was both commanding and gentle, a juxtaposition that sent a shiver down her spine.
His ashy purple hair was perfectly tousled in a way that was somehow both elegant and rebellious. Each strand shimmered like spun lavender in the moonlight. Her green eyes widened, taking in every detail of his chiseled features—the sharp, angular jawline, the faint shadow of a dimple that played at the corner of his mouth, and the small beauty mark under his lip that drew her attention to a mouth that held a perpetual hint of a playful smirk. It was a face that could both disarm and enchant with a single glance.
But it was his eyes that truly captivated her. Golden and mesmerizing, they seemed to shimmer with a thousand quips and secrets, each one more tantalizing than the last. Those eyes, framed by long, dark lashes, locked onto hers with a magnetic pull, inviting her into a world that promised freedom and adventure far beyond the constraints of her current life.
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His very essence seemed to radiate a blend of charm and an underlying current of untamed spirit. And it all made her heart race, and an inexplicable feeling welled within her. The scent of night-blooming roses mingled with the cool, crisp breeze that caressed her skin, and for a heartbeat, perhaps two, time seemed to stand still. She was utterly entranced, caught in the spell woven by his golden gaze and the ethereal glow of the moonlit night. The intensity of the moment was almost too much to bear. Yet, she longed for it to never end, to remain forever in the thrall of his mesmerizing eyes and intoxicating presence.
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He withdrew his hand, and the smirk on his lips widened, and she knew her reaction amused him. "Third Prince, Clavis Lelouch, at your service. The most charming of all the princes," he said with a bow.  His velvety laugh resonated in her mind, stirring unfamiliar emotions once more. The warmth of his touch on her arm still lingered, and she could feel herself being drawn even deeper by undeniable allure.
"You're... a prince?" she stammered at last, her voice barely above a whisper. A fresh wave of heat blossomed on her cheeks, leaving her flustered. His presence, so strikingly handsome, charming, and rebelliously intriguing, made it difficult for her to think straight. "I...I didn't mean to offend...I mean, I didn't know..." Each word felt heavy on her tongue, her composure unraveling under his intense gaze. She felt exposed, every insecurity magnified under the golden glow of his eyes. Yet, something about him made her want to linger in this vulnerable state and explore whatever made her feel inexplicably drawn to him despite it.
"Oh, don't fret, dearie." Clavis waved away her concerns with a playful grin. "You've added quite a delightful twist to my evening. It's not every day one encounters such refreshingly candid commentary on royalty."
Cassandra blinked, trying to process his words. "You mean...you're not going to report me or hand me over to Prince Jin?"
Clavis chuckled. "Report you? Hand you over to Jin? What would be the fun of that? No, I'd much prefer to keep this enchanting encounter our little secret." He placed a gloved finger seductively over his pursed lips. “Wouldn’t you?”
Her gaze drifted to his lips, her thoughts instantly consumed with imagining how those soft, plush lips would feel against hers. He lowered his hand, smirking down at her. Realizing where her gaze had wandered, she bit her lower lip, trying to hide the rush of heat that flooded her face.
Clavis's grin widened, a mischievous light dancing in his golden eyes. He leaned against the balcony railing, his posture relaxed and inviting as he signaled her to step closer. With a playful tilt of his head, he asked, "So, tell me, what exactly did Jin do to earn the title of 'creep' from you?" 
Cassandra hesitated, suddenly feeling acutely self-conscious. She glanced away, her eyes lingering on the moonlit garden below. "He's just...he makes me feel uncomfortable. I try to avoid him whenever I can."
"I see.” Clavis's expression turned thoughtful. “And it would appear you have a talent for discovering intriguing hiding spots. Perhaps you might consider inviting me to join your little escapade next time." As he spoke, he reached out, took her hand, and gently drew her closer.
Cassandra's heart lurched a sudden, breathless moment where the world seemed to narrow to the space between them. The heat radiating from his body enveloped her, the intoxicating blend of lavender, earth, and burnt sugar that clung to him, grounding her yet sending her mind spinning. His hand, warm and firm around hers, felt like an anchor in a storm she hadn't realized was brewing within her. His words echoed in her mind, absurd and impossible, yet they lit a fire deep inside her, one that whispered of the wild freedom she craved. The idea of an escapade with him was reckless, preposterous even—but the irresistible pull of his presence made her yearn to throw caution to the wind and follow him into the unknown.
Her pulse quickened as the weight of his suggestion settled over her, the conflicting emotions swirling within her, threatening to overwhelm her senses. She knew she should refuse, should step back and put distance between them, but the idea of pulling away felt like tearing herself away from something vital, something she had longed for without even realizing it. The words to decline stuck in her throat, tangled with the unspoken desires she was too afraid to acknowledge.
"I... I don't think that's a good idea," she finally stammered, her cheeks flushing with a deep, fiery blush.
Clavis raised an eyebrow, clearly enjoying her flustered state. "Oh? And why not?"
"Because... because you're a prince, and I'm just... me," she replied, her voice faltering as she struggled to find the right words, feeling her awkwardness intensify under his amused scrutiny.
Clavis's smile softened slightly, his eyes twinkling with amusement and an emotion she couldn't quite place. "Titles are just fancy hats, ‘Just-Me’. It's the head and heart beneath that count."
Cassandra couldn't help but smile at his whimsical words. He reminded her of those bewitching characters in children’s books who spoke in riddles and rhymes, drawing her into a world of enchantment. A gentle warmth unfurled within her. It was as if he had touched a part of her soul she seldom revealed
"Thank you, Prince Clavis," she said softly, the magic of the moment lingering in the air. "I should probably go now."
"As you wish.” Clavis straightened up, his posture becoming more formal, yet his eyes still gleamed with mischief, and his hand still held hers. “But before you depart, it seems you neglected to give me your name."
Her cheeks reddened again, and she inwardly berated herself for blundering further in front of a prince. "Cassandra Bellerose."
A soft smile graced the prince’s lips as he bowed. “Ah, Shining Beautiful Rose. How befitting.” He looked down at her hand, cradled between his own, his long lashes grazing his cheeks as he gently brought her knuckles to his lips. The tender kiss was a soft, lingering warmth against her skin, sending a shiver down her spine and setting her pulse racing. Half-lidded in the moonlight his golden eyes held hers with a gaze that shimmered with unspoken promises.
She returned his bow with a graceful curtsy, her mind swirling in a dreamy haze as he finally released her hand. The loss of his touch left her fingers tingling, a ghostly reminder of the connection they had just shared. Words eluded her, her tongue tied by the rapid beating of her heart and the fluttering sensation in her belly.
Clavis lingered for a moment longer, a playful smile tugging at his lips.“Until we meet again, Lady Cassandra, and we most assuredly shall,” he murmured, his voice low and teasing, as if sharing a secret. Then, with a light chuckle, he stepped back, holding the curtains open for her. The fabric brushed against her as she passed, the soft whisper of silk adding to the surreal, almost poignant feel of the moment. His scent, a lingering mix of lavender and something darker, more mysterious, clung to her senses, wrapping around her like a warm embrace.
As she exited the room, Cassandra leaned against the closed door, trying to steady her breathing. Her pulse was still racing with the thrill of being near him. Every heartbeat seemed to echo her excitement in Clavis's presence, his confident grace and playful glint awakening something deep and unspoken within her. The warmth from his kiss still lingered on her hand, and the memory sent a delicate shiver through her.
Her gaze drifted over the palace hallway, her mind consumed by thoughts of Clavis Lelouch—a man who could easily turn her world upside down. Every detail of his face was now etched in her memory, the tempting pull of his presence drawing her into the intoxicating blend of charm and mystery he exuded. His captivating laugh echoed in her mind, a sound she suddenly longed to hear again. That laugh, that gaze, and his very being seemed to call out to her, offering a taste of the freedom and passion her heart had always craved.
The spell was cast, and she knew, with a trembling heart, that Clavis Lelouch was unlike anyone she had ever met before or would ever meet again.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this first taste of Clavis and Cassandra's story. I have most of it planned out and lots written. It is a slow-burn, angsty romance, be warned. I will post a main landing page for their stories next, followed by a Clavis point-of-view!
Pairing Summary: Cassandra never expected her first encounter with Clavis to awaken a longing for freedom and adventure she’s always kept hidden. As their worlds collide, she finds herself irresistibly drawn to his untamed spirit, a force that promises to shatter the chains of her carefully controlled life. For Clavis, what begins as a playful curiosity soon turns into something far more serious as he finds himself captivated by the one person who sees beyond his mischievous facade. As their story unfolds, two hearts grapple with the freedom they both crave—yet fear to embrace.
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chirp-a-chirp · 1 month
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Fandom: Ikemen Prince; Characters: Leon Dompteur, Clavis Leouch, Carla (OC); Leon X OC story; Tags; fluff, angst, feels, a few spoilers/oblique references from Leon and Clavis routes, references to death and slavery; Word Count: ~1750
Synopsis: Leon seeks to talk to someone very important in his love’s life. Clavis hides his pain the only way he knows how. Also, introducing (in passing) an OC paired with Leon Dompteur who works for Clavis—Carla!
Folks who might(?) appreciate this fic: @candied-boys @katriniac @leonscape @x-daedalus-x @reborn-elven @ae-yeongmi @ikeprinces-stuff
“So, you’re abandoning my seeker? Not very heroic of you!”
Leon resisted rolling his eyes at Clavis’s dramatics and the unofficial title given to Carla. As Clavis’s assistant, Carla’s main job was to seek things. Some items were simply those Clavis couldn’t be bothered to find himself—test tubes, compounds for explosions, Sariel-sized nets. A job with no end given Clavis’s antics. But Carla also found things of substance—missing children from Bloodstained Rose day, reunited with their parents; jobs for former Obsidian citizens crossing into Rhodolite; surpluses of food for the Leochian orphanage.
Carla was a seeker. A seeker of adventure. Of ingenuity. Of hope. This vibrancy was among the many things that attracted Leon to Carla. And it was that vibrant hope that made Leon want to do things right with her.
“It’s necessary.” Leon looked up at Clavis as he prepared for his journey.
“But you still need to pitch woo to Carla!”
“I don’t wanna hear you say anything about pitching after the lake incident.”
“But I saved the diplomat from drowning!”
“After pitching him in the lake in the first place.”
“Irrelevant!” Clavis cackled, unrepentant. “But more relevant, you’re deserting my seeker!”
“No. I’m leaving to talk with the most important person in her life.” Leon wrapped his cloak about his shoulders.
“Ah, so me!”
Leon raised an eyebrow. “Her father.”
Clavis inhaled loudly. He hid the rush of pain flooding his chest with a sharp bark of laughter. “Asking for dear old dad’s permission to court his daughter? How quaint!”
Leon stepped closer to Clavis, challenging the third prince’s mockery, seeing the truth behind the mask. “Not exactly. I want to tell him how I feel. The influence he’s had on Carla, the joy she brings. That though he last saw her in tears, she’ll live with a smile on her face. If she’ll let me.”
Clavis was silent for several seconds. “You’ll find it to be a very one-sided conversation.”
“I know. But still.”
Clavis’s gaze faltered at the resolute expression reflected in Leon’s amber eyes. Clavis turned his head to avoid his stare and whispered, his mask briefly slipping.
“Tell her father I’m sorry.”
Clavis whipped his head back to Leon, plastering a smile back in place. “I mean, tell him I say hi, haha! You should thank me for distracting Carla while you go gallivanting without her!”
Leon huffed and began to leave. He turned around, hand lingering on the door knob. “It wasn’t your fault, you know.”
Clavis’s eyes rose in shock, the reflexive quip snuffed from his lips by the serious look in Leon’s gaze.
“Mr. Demandeur made his own choices. He chose a dangerous path—however noble. He made the choice to live that life—not Carla, not you.” Leon opened the door. “The consequences of that life are his and his alone.”
A lone rider trekked deep in the woods. The underbrush was thick with small saplings, broken branches, and rocks littering the forest floor. A horse stopped underneath a clump of mature trees; light filtered through the tree canopies, highlighting a meticulously cared for gravestone.
Richard Demandeur
Loving Father and Husband; Restorer of Freedom
The gravestone was the only thing not covered in moss, leaves, or other forest debris. Though the gravestone was several miles from Leouch, the reverence in which it was kept pristine showed the value the man had in life. A few conversations with the townsfolk of Leouch informed Leon that when Carla was not in town, Clavis paid for others to keep the grave clean.
Leon dismounted from the horse in silence, gathering his thoughts. The horse dropped his head, picking up on the solemnity of the moment. Three white roses were placed neatly on the ground by the stone marker.
“Hi. I’m Leon.” Leon knelt on the ground, lightly touching one of the rose petals. “I had hoped to meet you in person one day. Carla speaks of you so vividly, I didn’t know you were gone until recently.”
As a commander of soldiers, Leon was familiar with death. It was always in the back of every soldier’s mind—the notion that one day, you may never come back. That ensuring others security and safety meant risking your own. But he was trained for that life—as were the men that served under him.
Richard was not.
At an age where many considered slowing down, Richard sped up his life’s impact. In the last 5 years of his life, Richard and Carla had helped more than 100 people escape to Rhodolite—people seeking freedom, freedom from starvation, a slaver’s whip, Obsidian darkness. What he lacked in physical strength he made up in sheer determination and ingenuity (along with some well-placed Clavis traps) in secreting these people away from lives of despair. That bravery and idealism was matched in his daughter Carla, who joined him on his escape missions, and who worked afterwards to ensure these people were successfully integrated into Leouch into new jobs. Bakers, tutors, craftsmen, and their families were living their best lives thanks to a father-daughter duo who gave them that chance. It was an idealism steeped in practicality that especially earned Leon his respect. And admiration.
“Carla misses you. She always will. I hope to be someone to help ease that pain of hers.” The forest was eerily silent—not even the wind stirred. It was as if the trees and all the woodland creatures around them were focused solely on listening to Leon. He continued.
“I’m another prince in your daughter’s life. No, not like Clavis.” Leon could hear Carla’s laughter as he recalled her stories of Clavis and Mr. Demandeur. Richard had been a willing tester of Clavis’s inventions—the smoke bomb, the tickling fingers that made a soldier drop their weapon, the invisible shadow that made one able to blend seamlessly into the night. The testing typically resulted in disaster—tar stuck for days in his hair, skin turning shades of purple and gold (“Can’t you at least pick colors that look better on me!” Richard would lament to Clavis and Carla’s delight)—but the moment the testing proved positive, Richard was the first to sing Clavis’ praise—and mobilize another rescue mission with Carla with those inventions. The Leouch inventions were integral to the rescue missions, and had a 100% success rate.
Until Richard’s last mission.
“I admire people like you.” Leon sat on the ground and peered at the gravestone as if it were a person conversing with him. “People like you give hope to those without it. To people like me.” Leon clinched his hands as he recalled his childhood—his true childhood, a legacy that never left him, the days that weighted on him like a stone attached to his back.
Leon ran fingers through his hair, shaking away the tendrils of bleaknesses that gnawed at him. “You see—I’m a prince, but I wasn’t born one. I was a slave—like some of those you rescued.”
Little by little, Leon spoke. Of hands raw from work; of a back aching from unhealed whip marks and stones hauled from quarries; of a belly so empty he ate moss to quell its rumbling. He had only told one other person these things—Carla.
“I used to think life would always be that way.” A series of unending days steeped in drudgery. “But then, I was given a second chance. A chance to change my life—by taking on someone else’s.”
Leon closed his eyes, picking up one the white roses. He slowly opened them before going on. “You see—I thought I had to earn that chance. And that the only way to do that was to become king. To become Leon Dompteur. To dedicate my entire life towards the kingdom that took me in for a single coin.”
“That is, until I met Carla.”
Leon paused, his thoughts drifting towards the woman he loved. His heart squeezed tenderly at the image of her in his mind—her skirt twirling as she danced with him, the way her eyes sparkled as she talked with townspeople, the mischief in her voice at modifying another Clavis trap. Her stories. Stories of freedom. Stories that made Leon feel alive again.
“Your daughter is wonderful. I know, I’m not telling you something you’re unaware of.” Leon laughed. “She’s vibrant, brave, caring, passionate about everything. And everyone.” Leon’s lips quirked wryly. “Well, not everyone I hope.” The horse whinnied suddenly as a large branch fell to the ground; Leon’s shoulders jolted at the sound.
“Hey, there’s no need for THAT.” Leon placed the rose on top of the gravestone, his eyebrows lifting slightly. “I said hope.” Leon tapped his knee with his fingers before continuing.
“With Carla, I remember who I am. She reminds me there are different ways to dedicate your life with meaning.” Seeking life in the everyday—tavern dinners, town dances, talking with shop keepers—and the extraordinary—daring rescues and escapes, free from royal confines and restrictions—was profound.
“With Carla, I’m Leon. Just Leon. And she’s taught me dedication can be to a kingdom and to a person.” The man Leon was when he was with Carla was the most genuine version of himself—a man of unwavering passion, love, and commitment. And it was something he didn’t want to lose.
The feelings that threatened to spill from Leon’s lips were so overwhelming it was nearly impossible to distill them into words. He settled for simplicity. Words tumbled quickly, flowing with a winding warmth.
“I love your daughter. So, so much. If she’ll let me, I’ll always be there for her. And carry on your mission alongside her. I hope you approve.”
The air stirred gently, leaves twirling and landing on Leon’s hair and shoulders. Sunlight flickered from the treetops, lighting the grave and Leon. Leon’s eyes widened before he smiled gently.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” Leon got up and nodded at the grave. His lips lifted slightly. “Thanks Dad.”
Another branch fell on the ground nearby, scattering a flurry of leaves everywhere. “OK, geez! I guess I haven’t earned the right to call you that yet!” Leon’s voice cut the revenant air with a laugh. “How about Richard?”
A strong breeze picked up. A few branches swayed perilously overhead. “Mr. Demandeur?” The wind slowed down.
“Mr. Demandeur. Got it.” Leon mounted his horse. “I’ll bring Carla with me next time.” Leon glanced upwards at the trees. “And Clavis.” The wind died completely. A beam of light streamed down on Leon and the horse.
“Good. Clavis misses you too.” Leon rode away, parting with one final statement.
“We’ll make you proud sir. All three of us.”
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moiraimyths · 1 year
Flannán I miss you 🥺
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Ha. Sorry. I've been rather preoccupied as of late, haven't I?
Note: Howdy, folks! As you may have noticed, our response rate has gradually slowed down/become more sporadic since the end of our Kickstarter. This is because we're now working hard on development for the full game! We'll keep answering asks when we can, but can't promise that we'll be able to do so every day. We know this may be disappointing, but it's all in service of getting those first two routes to you in 2024! In the meanwhile, if you want a place for more NDM content, we'd recommend joining our growing Discord community. There's almost always daily activity among fans and all the Moirai Myths developers (plus a few of our voice actors!) are there! Come say hi:
The Good People (Na Daoine Maithe) was successfully funded on Kickstarter in January 2023. While our full game is in development, interested parties can play our FREE DEMO out now on Steam and Itch.io! Check our pinned post for links!
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akatsuki-shin · 2 months
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VGen Comm for gengarbf ✨
The request is to write a short fanfic as an alternate ending to Tyril & Anastasia's route from the Otome Visual Novel "Even if Tempest."
I was not familiar with the source material initially but after watching some playthroughs for refs, I must say that I got pretty hooked with the story. 😳
This was such a delightful fic to write. Thank you so much for commissioning me! <3
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kingfranpetty · 4 months
Bastards' Sexy Candy request dump!!
Read the comic, then go request a fan fiction!!
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starycloudz · 1 year
Lou x gn! reader/ general headcannons! (≧∇≦)ノ
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Headcannons for my bbg lou
(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
you know in the last chapter of cod the boys got transported into the human realm, well I thought "well, what if Lou was here?" and I wrote these headcannons for this idea! :D
. When you and Lou first got teleported to the human realm, Lou was confused when you guys were in your home.. in the human realm.
. He was quite surprised! I mean, first he was fighting off the bad guys, and how just like that POOF! He was in your home..yay.?
. While he gets costumed to life on earth, Lou comforts you, while trying to find a way back, so you can save everyone else.
. Lou doesn't understand microwaves...or anything electronic.
. You show Lou all types of fashion, he likes seen/emo the most! (Lou definitely looks good in seen/emo clothes)
. Also, is surprised that apples are red, instead of blue, also unicorn and dragons don't exist??! How unfortunate..
. You show him all types of human world recipes! Like potatoe soup!
. You also take him our to see around the place where you live! (He didn't understand that you can't just cross the road so he almost got run over...)
. Sometimes, early in the morning, when your still sleeping in your shared bed. Lou just sits on the couch and pets your cat and watches tv.
. You guys take baths/showers together! \(≧∇≦)/
. He also help you cook. (He's not good at it though...)
. He also starts to like Sanrio, like how can you not love these adorable little guys?? :3 (his favorite is Gudetama)
. Likes cooking shows the most.
. Likes watching the sun rise and fall, it's so peaceful for him.
. He also likes doing mundane things with you. Like shopping for groceries, cleaning your (now shared) home, and going on walks!
. He tried to use his magic but it doesn't work.. (Idk if magic works in the human realm lol)
. He definitely misses his familiars though. Sometimes he wonders what there up to.
. Over all, he's excited to see what your world has to offer, but sometimes he misses his world.
Lol I thought I'd give my bbg Lou some love ♡
Also I hate school grrrr 😡
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shinonometrash · 2 years
The Dapper Wolf
Court of Darkness Fan Fiction - Short Story
Rating: General
Main Characters: MC, Lance Ira, Robin (MC’s familiar), Grushia
You can check out other content that I’ve written/made by clicking here!
One day in the forest–
Lance is lounging under a tree as usual when MC and Robin appear.
MC: Hi Lance!
MC waves, wearing a warm smile.
Robin: Master Lance!
Robin, seeming especially energetic, zooms over to Lance.
Robin:  Look! Look what milady gave me!
He flies around in excited circles, eager to show off.
Lance: Hm? What am I looking at?
MC: Oh, I bought him a bow tie while I was out shopping today. He absolutely adores it.
Robin: Doesn’t it look just dashing against my fur?
Lance: Haha, very cute.
Smiling, Lance scritches Robin gently behind the ears.
In response to hearing Robin’s animated voice, Grushia trots over curiously.
Robin: Master Grushia, look at my new bow tie! Milady bought it for me!
Grushia sniffs at the new accessory around Robin’s neck when MC suddenly exclaims.
MC: Oh yeah! Grushia, wait there! I have something for you, too!
Grushia: Aroo?
Grushia’s ears perk up in anticipation as he eagerly waits to see what MC brought him.
After a moment of rummaging, MC produces a slightly larger bow tie from her bag.
MC: I got you one too! Now you and Robin can match!
Grushia: Arroo!
Lance: What, no, you're not giving him a bow tie!
Before MC can put the bow tie on Grushia, Lance exclaims this.
Unlike Grushia, he is very clearly not enthusiastic about the idea.
MC: Why not?
Lance: Because! He’s a wolf.
Ignoring him, she slips the bow tie over the wolf’s head.
MC: So?
Lance: Wolves don't wear bow ties.
MC:  Says who? Look, he wants to wear it!
Grushia wags his tail excitedly as she adjusts the bow tie around his neck.
Lance: Oi, Grushia, you’re a wolf, not a blasted lap dog!
MC: There, perfect!
Now sporting a fetching bow tie, Grushia sits down in front of Lance, staring up at him.
MC: Haha, I think he wants to know what you think!
Lance: …
MC: You don't want to hurt Grushia’s feelings do you?
Lance: …
MC: Lance, look, you're making Grushia sad!
Grushia: *whimpers*
MC: Aww, come here Grushia. Don't listen to big ‘ol meanie Lance. I, for one, think you look very dapper in your bow tie!
Grushia sits down next to MC and she wraps her arms around him protectively, throwing a glare towards her paramour.
Grushia’s ears droop as he looks at Lance with a sad expression.
Grushia: Arroo…
Lance: Come on, don’t you think this is a bit much?
Lance looks exasperated as he watches his paramour and wolf companion, who is now laying on the ground, resting his head in MC’s lap pitifully as she comfortingly pets him.
MC: Really, you look very handsome! No matter what Lance might say!
Lance: Don’t put words in my mouth-
Robin: Yes! I think you look very dashing too, Master Grushia!
Hovering at MC’s shoulder, Robin also throws an angry kitty glare towards Lance.
Lance: For Creator’s sake…
Lance’s exasperation quickly turns to irritation at the melodramatic display everybody is putting on.
MC: It’s okay Grushia, even if Lance won’t accept you, I’ll ALWAYS accept you for who you are. I’m sure he’ll come around eventually…
Lance: Stop making me the villain here!
MC: Then say it.
Lance: Say what?
MC: “Grushia, that bow tie makes you look very cute and handsome!”
Lance: …
Everybody stares at Lance expectantly.
Lance: …
MC: Well?
Lance: I-I don’t think you look bad in that bow tie, Grushia.
Grushia whines, sounding disappointed as he returns his head to MC’s lap.
Lance: Wasn’t that good enough?
MC: Nope, you have to say it word for word.
Lance: Dragon’s teeth…
Lance curses under his breath before resigning himself to his fate.
Lance: Grushia, that bow tie makes you look v-very…cute and handsome…
Grushia: Arrooo!
Immediately perking up, Gruschia wags his tail happily and begins prancing around, proudly displaying his new accessory.
Lance acts exasperated as he shakes his head, but is unable to completely hide the smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
Robin: Come on Master Grushia, let’s go show all the others in the forest!
Grushia: Arroo!
MC and Lance watch as the two animals disappear into the forest.
MC: Oh my gosh!! I just remembered!
Lance: What?
MC: They had matching bow ties for people too!
Lance: …
MC: Darn, I should've bought it while I was there! I'll have to go back into town tomorrow and buy one…
MC: Just imagine, you and Grushia, wearing matching bow ties! Ahhh, that’d be SOO cu-
Lance: NO.
The End.
If you enjoyed this story, please consider reblogging! It’s one of the best ways to show support for content creators since Tumblr doesn’t rely heavily on algorithms and things easily get lost in the tags.
You can check out other content that I’ve written/made by clicking here! 
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hellcatinnc · 8 months
How the Men Of Love And Deepspace Would Be On Being Dating Apps
Warning This includes: SFW(Read Tags Before Continuing)
Tags: sfw, dating apps, smart phone, dating profiles, fluff, boy next door, friends to lovers, romantic
Yes I know about Caleb but this is for all the fans of his still and how I think he would be in this...
So because he works long hours it leaves him little time for mixers or speed dating however he feels it would be nice to have someone to talk to over dinner. He puts up a profile online and its clear and precise and to the point. It will read something like "Looking For Part Time Companion" Then he would make sure to mention part time because he is married to his career. Yes he would like more than that maybe one day but he is just thinking logical. His idea is lets meet, talk about things, and see where we go from there but he knows she would have to be pretty special to make him think about committing 100% into a relationship.
His profile would be flashy and look artistic enough to grab any creative persons attention. Anyways not like he would have much in common with someone who couldn't understand how he makes his paints and colors pop in his paintings. He would have a flirty appeal to it even though he has never even been in bed with a woman let alone do anything more than that. However his profile would read something cheesy and romantic to make you feel like you need him in your life even if you really don't. He might even end it with talking bout his love of fish, the fact he has fire magic, and that he would make a great husband to protect, love, cook for, and cherish for the rest of her life, as long as they promise to never leave him. Yes he would have a bit of a baby girl moment and show off how needy and clingy he is but this is what we love about this man anyways.
He will sit and look at his phone and stare for what seems like forever. He has no clue how to tell anyone about himself because he really doesn't much like talking about himself. Someone would have to help him because even though he is much older than he looks he can't be worried with trivial things. He will try but if he can't get it he moves on to the next thing. Anyways worrying about wanderers is more important to him. Even if he does get on there you can expect him to respond messages but he won't be the first to message anyone.
He is the boy next door and he would make sure to make it clear he is that traditional boy next door. He would go out of his way to make sure his profile showed his loyalty, honesty, and how he will go the extra mile for the woman he falls in love with. He would comment on his witty personality and how he wants someone he can be himself with and joke and laugh. He would let you know he is a protector who is looking for a friend to grow into a long lasting relationship with.
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wistfulwanderingone · 24 days
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(Clavis Point-of-View)
Meeting in the Moonlight
Fandom: Ikemen Prince
Characters: Clavis Lelouch, Cassandra (OC); Clavis X OC story AU
Tags: SLOW BURN, fluff, romance, Meet Cute, Humor, Intrigue
Summary: Clavis seeks a moment of distraction on a darkened balcony when he encounters a young noblewoman. Drawn in by her unexpected boldness, he finds himself curiously entangled in a captivating encounter that hints at something deeper—a game he suddenly finds himself eager to play.
Word Count: ~3700
Timeline: 4 years after Bloodstained Rose Day, 6 years before the "Belle" year.
A/N: Introducing my new OC paired with Clavis Lelouch, Cassandra, who has been carefully crafted for him specifically. (More details at the end of the post).
You can read Cassandra's Point of View here!
@dododrawsstuff @aide-falls You will hopefully enjoy this!
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Meeting in the Moonlight (Clavis)
Clavis leaned against the balcony's stone railing, the cool night air brushing against his skin as he surveyed the quiet garden below. The palace—his playground—was a stage where he played the role of the troublesome prince with a devil-may-care smile.
But tonight, even his usual mischief couldn’t dull the sharp edges of his hidden pain. The familiar surroundings, once alive with his antics, now felt distant and cold, as if the very stones sensed the hollow ache he kept buried beneath his smirk. When darkness like this seeped in, his thoughts drifted to the places he least wanted to go. His jaw clenched, the pressure building as memories tightened their grip on his heart, making his breaths come shallow and strained.
He usually smothered the sharp edges of his own hidden pain, worthlessness, and self-hate beneath layers of humor and cunning. But tonight, the palace seemed to echo his emptiness, the silence amplifying the hollow ache he fought to conceal. Some nights, like this one, the darkness seeped in, filling the cracks in his carefully constructed facade. The thrill of his usual pranks and mischief couldn't chase away the shadows, leaving his thoughts to spiral back to the dark places they always did when amusement no longer held them at bay.
His expression hardened as he fought the memories creeping in, each one tightening around his heart until he almost forgot to breathe. And without those distractions, his thoughts wandered, inevitably circling back to the dark places they always did when the diversion of amusement faded. He grimaced, his jaw tightening subtly, as thoughts and memories seeped into his mind, snaking their way down until they coiled around his heart, squeezing it tightly until he almost forgot to breathe.
He pushed away from the railing, forcing a smirk onto his lips, a desperate attempt to reclaim the familiar mask. But tonight, it felt brittle, like glass ready to shatter at the slightest touch. He despised the feeling of vulnerability, the unwelcome reminder that beneath the charm and wit, he was just a waste of space haunted by the ghosts of his past, a mediocre fool who couldn’t entirely escape the shadow of the monster he was destined to serve his entire life, or the memory of his mother’s tragic end.
The creak of the door to the room broke his dark reverie, and he slipped into the shadows, needing time to reconstruct his facade. There was the soft click of the door closing and then a swift rustle of fabric and movement toward the balcony. 
He pushed away from the railing, forcing a smirk onto his lip just as the creak of the door to the room broke his dark reverie, He recognized her—a young woman he’d seen around the palace a few times with Yves and Licht. She was a beauty, that much was clear, but there was something else about her that caught his eye. She wasn’t like the other courtiers, who flaunted themselves openly. No, she was more...restrained, carrying herself with a quiet grace that suggested there was more to her than met the eye.
Tonight, she crept toward his balcony like a thief in the night, her eyes darting back to the door with quick, uncertain glances. That alone was intriguing enough to warrant his attention. But then she stepped outside and closed the curtains behind her, clearly trying to hide. From whom? The corner of his mouth lifted, a faint spark of curiosity ignited—nothing more than a passing interest, really, but enough that he wanted to have a little fun and distract himself. This was just the escape he needed.
She wasn’t smiling, but there was a hint of it lingering in the soft curve of her peony-pink lips.  A single flower tucked into her brown hair added a touch of whimsy to her otherwise poised appearance. 
But it was her eyes that truly caught his attention. They were striking, almost luminous in the moonlight, a vibrant green, like emeralds catching the light. There was a spark in them too, a hint of a fire that wasn’t quite quenched despite her current predicament.  Intriguing, especially since she was clearly trying to stay hidden, her breath held as if even the air might give her away.
He let her have a moment, watching as she pressed herself against the wall, her eyes closed, her expression softening as she took a deep breath as if seeking refuge. But Clavis couldn’t resist the urge to stir things up for long. He stepped forward moving silently until he was close enough to see the gentle rise and fall of her chest with each breath.
Leaning in, he let his voice drop to a husky whisper. "Are we playing hide-and-seek?”  he murmured against her ear. “Or are you here for a more intimate rendezvous?"
The effect was immediate. She gasped, spinning around in a startled panic, her wide eyes locking onto his with shock. She stumbled backward, nearly losing her balance before catching herself against the railing. Clavis couldn't help the chuckle that escaped him as she struggled to regain her dignity. The delightful reaction was exactly the kind of amusement that made his little games worth playing. "I apologize for startling you,” he said, keeping his tone light and carefree, his demeanor disarming, as if trying to ease her into a false sense of comfort. “I was only teasing. Are you alright, young lady?”
“Yes, I’m fine,” she replied, her hands smoothing the silky pink fabric of her skirt, as if that simple gesture could restore her lost composure. There was a musical lilt to her voice, something sweet and entirely feminine. “I was just hiding from…” She trailed off, her gaze squinting into the darkness, the dim light playing in his favor. “What I mean is I didn’t want someone to see me.” Her voice carried a slight edge, uncertainty lacing her words, as if she wasn’t sure she could trust him. And how could he blame her? She shouldn’t trust him.
He raised an eyebrow, though she couldn’t see it. "May I ask who? I'll need a name if I’m to be a gentleman and defend your honor.”
Her gaze flickered to his, lips parting as if words teetered on the edge of being spoken, before she pressed them together again, the silence heavy with unspoken thoughts. Most nobles were quick to offer up polite lies or excuses, but she seemed different—more honest or perhaps just more flustered.
She turned elegantly, casting a glance back toward the curtains, as if ensuring their privacy. “I’m hiding from that big creep, Jin.” 
A low chuckle escaped Clavis's lips before he could stop it. Her straightforwardness was a refreshing surprise. "You know he's a prince, right?" he teased, unable to resist the opportunity to poke a bit of fun at the situation.
"Just because he's a prince doesn't mean he isn't a huge creep!" she retorted, the honesty in her voice paired with a spark of defiance that immediately caught his attention.
"Be that as it may, he's still a prince." Clavis found himself stepping closer, though he didn’t entirely know why.  Perhaps it was the way she stood her ground, unflinching, or the boldness with which she dismissed Jin, ignoring the usual decorum. Whatever it was, it piqued his interest, if only a little. 
As Clavis moved closer, he noticed how she tensed, her posture stiffening as she became aware of his approach. Yet, despite her apparent unease, she didn’t retreat. What held his gaze was the way the dim light from the distant lanterns gently outlined her form. The soft curve of her shoulders, the way her hair framed her face, and the slight tremor in her fingers as she tucked a stray lock behind her ear—all hinted at someone caught between fear and interest.
Their eyes met, his searching hers for a brief moment, trying to decipher the thoughts hidden behind those large, expressive green eyes—glowing faintly in the half-light. They seemed to search his own, filled with uncertainty and something else he couldn’t quite place. There was a depth to them, a quiet intensity that drew him in,making him linger just a heartbeat longer than he intended.
As he took in those details, he felt a flicker of something unexpected—a faint, almost imperceptible connection, like the first move in a game that had yet to begin.
Clavis watched her closely, noting the way her expression softened into a smile before she spoke again. The corners of her lips curved up, a small but genuine smile that seemed to brush away the tension in her features. Given the situation, it was a surprising response—a smile as if she had dismissed her fears.  That fleeting glimpse of her lighter side was charming him in a way he hadn’t anticipated. 
“Well, if the crown's crooked, I'll call it like I see it,” she said, her smile widening as she delivered the bold, humorous statement.
Another chuckle slipped from his lips, deep and velvety. Her candidness was unexpected and disarmingly endearing. Most people, especially someone he’d never met, would have kept such thoughts to themselves. The palace was filled with individuals too concerned with decorum and appearances, always watching their words for fear of who might overhear. Yet, there she stood, words spilling forth with a daring edge, unaware of the risk or the man who listened. Her smile and boldness slipped past his defenses, and for a fleeting moment, he found himself drawn to the enigma she presented, a spark of admiration igniting within him.
"Unfortunately, there are laws against speaking about princes with that kind of language," he teased, wanting to play with her to see what kind of reaction this little enigma might regale him with.
"I'm pretty sure 'creep' isn't on that list," she retorted, eyebrows raised in a challenge, daring him to prove her wrong.
"But...are you certain?" Clavis asked, his tone shifting to one of mock seriousness. A flicker of uncertainty crossed her eyes, her earlier confidence wavering.
"Well, no, but..." Her voice faltered as she peered into the shadows, her smile fading and the unease returning as quickly as it had disappeared. "Are you a guard? Are you going to report me? Or...hand me over to Prince Jin?"
“Now, that would be amusing," he replied, his chuckle low and smooth, its sound rippling through the night air. "And if there's one thing I'm all about, it's finding every bit of amusement life has to offer."
He saw the shift in her stance, the way her muscles tensed as she instinctively stepped back, clearly preparing to flee. Clavis acted instinctively, his hand reaching out to stop her. He wasn’t ready to end their game. His fingers closed around her arm, a firm yet gentle hold. Even through the layers of fabric, he felt the warmth of her skin, and how she froze at his touch, her breath catching sharply.
As he stepped closer, into the faint light of the moon, he watched her reaction closely. Her free hand flew to her mouth, her eyes widening in recognition as the moonlight caught the royal crest on his uniform—a subtle yet unmistakable symbol of his status. Clavis knew the effect it would have—he had seen it many times before. But there was something particularly satisfying in her reaction, her bright green eyes growing even larger in shock.
Yet, there was a subtle difference in her response—a shiver that ran through her, barely noticeable, but enough to catch his attention. He noting the way she stared up at him, utterly captivated.
He knew the effect he had on people—his charm, his looks—but there was something especially gratifying about seeing it work on her. The way she seemed both entranced and overwhelmed made him want to draw the moment out, to see just how far he could push before she broke the spell herself.
With a smirk spreading across his face, Clavis withdrew his hand and decided to make his next move. "Third Prince, Clavis Lelouch, at your service. The most charming of all the princes," he announced with a dramatic bow, his voice dripping with waggish arrogance. The way his words landed was obvious—the flush that colored her cheeks and the way her eyes darted away, flustered and unsure.
"You're... a prince?" 
Her stammered response was everything he had expected—and more.  The blush on her cheeks deepened as she struggled to steady herself under the weight of his gaze. It was almost endearing, watching her try to maintain some semblance of composure, even as she felt herself unraveling in his presence. He may not be the brutal beast, but there was a certain danger in him, and she sensed it.
"I...I didn't mean to offend...I mean, I didn't know..." she continued, each word growing heavier, her vulnerability laid bare in her wide eyes. She seemed exposed as if her insecurities were laid bare under his gaze. Despite her discomfort, she didn’t try to run away again, despite her obvious discomfort. Instead, she lingered, as if something beyond her understanding drew her closer.
Clavis waved off her concerns with an impish grin, relishing the way she hung on his every word. "Oh, don't fret, dearie," he said, his tone light and teasing. "You've added quite a delightful twist to my evening. It's not every day one encounters such refreshingly candid commentary on royalty."
She blinked, processing his words, her expression a mix of confusion and relief. "You mean... you're not going to report me or hand me over to Prince Jin?" she asked, her voice tentative.
Clavis chuckled. "Report you? Hand you over to Jin? What would be the fun of that?" he replied, stepping closer again. "No, I'd much prefer to keep this enchanting encounter our little secret." He placed a gloved finger seductively over his lips, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “Wouldn’t you?”
He noticed the way her eyes flicked to his lips, the brief shift in her expression betraying her thoughts. The faintest flush crept into her cheeks as she bit down on her lower lip, an attempt to mask her reaction. Watching her wrestle with unfamiliar emotions was a quiet thrill—the hesitant glances, the nervous fidgeting of her fingers, and the slight tremor in her voice all revealed her inexperience in this kind of game, making it all the more entertaining.
His grin widened and he leaned casually against the balcony railing, his posture relaxed, signaling her to step closer with a confidence he knew was hard to resist. With a playful tilt of his head, he asked, "So, tell me, what exactly did Jin do to earn the title of 'creep' from you?"
He saw the hesitation in her eyes, the sudden self-consciousness that overtook her as she glanced away, her gaze lingering on the moonlit garden below. It was almost as if she was searching for a way to collect herself before answering. "He's just...he makes me feel uncomfortable. I try to avoid him whenever I can," she admitted, her voice soft, almost as if confiding in the night itself.
"I see." Clavis’s expression turned thoughtful, though the playful glint remained in his eyes. “And it would appear you have a talent for discovering intriguing hiding spots. Perhaps you might consider inviting me to join your little escapade next time." As he spoke, he reached out, his fingers curling around her hand, gently drawing her closer.
As he pulled her closer, the tension in her body was palpable, her breath catching with the narrowing distance between them. A gentle warmth radiated from her, carrying a delicate fragrance that mingled with the night air—light, sweet, and almost intoxicating, like summer peaches entwined with the soft elegance of magnolias and a whisper of white tea. The scent suited her perfectly, though he quickly pushed the thought aside.
Her hand in his felt small and delicate, yet there was a quiet strength in the way she held onto him, as if anchoring herself in the uncertainty of the moment. He caught a flicker of something in her eyes—a tension, perhaps, or a spark of something deeper—though its true nature eluded him.
He felt her pulse quickened, heard her breath hitching slightly. He knew she was tempted, despite the logical part of her mind screaming at her to refuse. Clavis didn’t need to know her thoughts to recognize the signs—he had seen them often enough before.
"I... I don't think that's a good idea," she stammered, her cheeks flushing with a deep, fiery blush.
Clavis raised an eyebrow, enjoying the sight of her flustered state. There was something irresistibly charming about the way she fumbled for words, caught between desire and decorum. "Oh? And why not?" he pressed, his tone teasing but with just enough allure to keep her on edge.
"Because... because you're a prince, and I'm just... me," she replied, her voice wavering as she searched for the right words.
Clavis couldn’t suppress the amused smirk that tugged at his lips. She was right, of course—he was a prince, and that fact alone should have been enough to keep a proper distance between them. But propriety had never interested him, not now, not ever. There was something about her—something unique, a refreshing departure from the usual noblewomen—that stirred his curiosity. It made him eager to push the boundaries, to see just how far he could take things before she recoiled.
Clavis's smile softened, the edges of his usual mischief giving way to something a bit more genuine. For a moment, despite himself all he wanted to do was reassure and encourage her. "Titles are just fancy hats, 'Just-Me.' It's the head and heart beneath that count," he said, his tone light but carrying an undercurrent of sincerity.
Cassandra’s lips curved into a smile, seemingly bewitched by some of his whimsical words—a smile that lit up her features in a way that intrigued him. There was something almost enchanting about the way she responded to his teasing. A gentle warmth unfurled within him, a rare sensation, as if he had briefly glimpsed something warm and beautiful beneath the surface of the dark, murky waters of his soul.
"Thank you, Prince Clavis," she said softly, her bright green eyes glowing as they met his. There was a dreamy quality to her voice, as if she were reluctant to break the spell. "I should probably go now."
"As you wish." Clavis straightened, adopting a more formal posture, though the gleam of mischief still danced in his eyes. He still held her hand, the connection between them not yet severed. "But before you depart, it seems you neglected to give me your name."
He noticed the blush returning to her cheeks, a clear sign of her ongoing fluster. The sight struck him as endearing—rarely did he encounter someone so genuinely affected by his presence, untouched by the court’s jaded games.
"Cassandra Bellerose.” Her voice had a gentle, airy quality, each word slipping out like a quiet, secret tune.
Clavis’s smile deepened as he considered her name. “Ah, Shining Beautiful Rose. How befitting.” The words rolled off his tongue with a smoothness that only years of princely training could produce. He lowered his gaze to their joined hands. He lowered his gaze to their joined hands, pressing a deliberate, lingering kiss there—long enough to send a shiver down her spine, a reaction he didn’t miss.
As he raised his eyes, he held her gaze with deliberate intensity, savoring the subtle shift in her expression. He knew the effect he was having on her, and he savored it, allowing the moment to linger just a little longer. After all, it was all just a game—fleeting and temporary, like everything else.
She responded with a graceful curtsy, her movements almost dreamlike, clearly affected by their exchange. As he released her hand, a faint tingle lingered in his fingers—a sensation that unsettled him more than he cared to admit.
But he kept his smile in place despite the sensation. “Until we meet again, Lady Cassandra, and we most assuredly shall,” he murmured, his voice low, as if sharing a secret meant only for her.
Clavis stepped back, pulling the curtains aside with a smooth, practiced motion, his eyes never leaving her. As she passed, the soft whisper of silk brushed against her, but what lingered longer was the delicate scent she left behind—a blend of sweetness and florals—that teased his senses before fading away.
As the sound of her footsteps faded into the distance, Clavis lingered on the balcony, the cool night air brushing against his skin. Cassandra remained in his thoughts. She was different, no doubt, and the way she responded to him was unlike the usual reactions he elicited. There was a rawness to her vulnerability, an innocence that suggested something deeper—something simmering beneath the surface that made him wonder what lay hidden there—a mystery he found both intriguing and irresistible to unravel.
But even as these thoughts crossed his mind, a familiar resolve settled in his chest. Clavis knew better than to let his guard down. Intrigue was a dangerous thing, a double-edged sword that could cut deep if wielded carelessly. He had seen too many people crumble when faced with the tests he inevitably set before them. Tests designed to reveal their true nature and the flaws they worked so hard to hide. And to prove that they never truly loved him at all. It was a game he had played countless times, and one in which he always emerged victorious.
And yet, a small, barely noticeable part of him wished things could be different. That perhaps this time, she wouldn’t disappoint him like the others. But such thoughts were nothing more than fleeting foolishness—fragments of hope he had long since learned to dismiss. Experience had taught him not to indulge in such delusions, not to let his heart get ensnared in emotions that only ever led to disappointment.
No matter how charming or genuine she seemed tonight, he couldn’t afford to let himself be lulled into a false sense of comfort. He would have to test her, just as he tested everyone who crossed his path. And she would fail. They always did. And when she did, he would walk away, as he always had, with nothing more than a faint sense of regret and the satisfaction of knowing he had protected himself from the pain of attachment.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this first taste of Clavis and Cassandra's story. I have most of it planned out and lots written. It is a slow-burn, angsty romance, be warned. I will post a main landing page for their stories next!
Pairing Summary: Cassandra never expected her first encounter with Clavis to awaken a longing for freedom and adventure she’s always kept hidden. As their worlds collide, she finds herself irresistibly drawn to his untamed spirit, a force that promises to shatter the chains of her carefully controlled life. For Clavis, what begins as a playful curiosity soon turns into something far more serious as he finds himself captivated by the one person who sees beyond his mischievous facade. As their story unfolds, two hearts grapple with the freedom they both crave—yet fear to embrace.
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chirp-a-chirp · 1 year
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Court of Darkness: Untamed
Couple: Roy and MC (MC named Carla)
Other Characters: Sherry, Rio, Fenn
Description: Why does Roy, the consort who strives to obtain the “perfect prince” image, have a hairstyle that can only be described as an “elegant mop top”?
Alternate Description: @aide-falls I finally finished your “hair-raising” Roy story request! AKA why is drawing this 2D man’s hair so difficult? @x-daedalus-x @jaysquid @daegupaksu you might appreciate this too 🙂
Tags: Fluffy crack? Crack-filled fluff? And partial innuendo because Fenn’s in it.
Carla, Sherry, and Rio make their way to the entrance of Roy’s room. The group are meeting for a picnic on the rooftop garden. As Sherry pushes the door, they hear an exasperated cry.
For Creator’s Sake! For once, do as I ask!
Carla opens the door further, alarmed at Roy’s rare outburst. Sherry exchanges a fond look at Rio and closes the door, leaving a small crack to peer inside Roy’s room.
Sherry: Ah, dear brother is at it again.
Rio: What’s he using this time?
Sherry: Looks like some kind of enchanted gel from Luxure.
Carla: What are you all talking about?!
Sherry gestures for Carla to look through the crack in the door. Carla sees Roy’s back as he’s standing next to a floor-length mirror. Through the mirror’s reflection, Carla notices that Roy’s lips are pursed in a tight line as he slathers copious amounts of gel in his hair to try and slick it back. At this point, his hair looks as if it’s been electrified and licked by numerous cows.
A frown appears on Carla’s face. She loves Roy’s hair. It’s soft, warm, with golden highlights among the light pink strands; it reminds her of pink and yellow wildflowers that blossom in all directions, seeking the sun. With its many layers, subtle waves, and upturned tips, Roy’s hair is as elegant as a mop top can be. But mop top it certainly is.
Carla sighs, understanding in an instant. Hair reminiscent of wildflowers is NOT princely, or so Roy thinks. Crisp white jackets; finely embroidered capes; golden buttons with the Invidian crest tailor-fit to his clothes; and, of course, an ever-present smile—these are the successful pieces to the princely image Roy tries to project in public. It never occurred to Carla until now that his unruly hair is the one part that never fit that self-imposed prince perfect persona of his.
Sherry: *Turns to Carla* Roy’s hair has always been messy. About once a year, he gets it in his head to try and tame it. Magic, enchantments, gel, hairspray—nothing’s worked.
Carla: Not even S:Rank magic?
Rio: Lynt tried magically styling Roy’s hair once, but it looked more like a birds nest perched on his head.
Sherry: Then the headmaster got involved. But Lou ended up styling Roy���s hair to be an ACTUAL nest. A few birds made Roy’s hair their home for weeks.
Carla: WEEKS?!
Sherry: Why yes. A pair of rare exotic birds nested there. And these are birds that, once their eggs are laid, can’t be disturbed without harming them.
Rio: Roy got used to sleeping sitting up pretty quick. He was very gentle with them.
Sherry: And now the birds reside in the Invidian royal gardens!
Carla: OK, I wasn’t expecting THAT. Has Roy ever tried just cutting his hair?
Sherry: Yes, but for every strand of hair he cuts, two new ones appear in its place instantly. So there’s little point in doing so.
Carla: So my paramour has a magical hydra in hair form on top of his head?!
Rio: Yeah! But at least his hair doesn’t grow beyond what it is now!
Carla: Is there ANYTHING ELSE I should know about Roy’s hair?
Sherry: When Roy stands out in the sun long enough, his hair smells like strawberries!
Rio: Carla’s hair also smells like strawberries!
Carla: That’s my shampoo Rio. Not magical pheromone hydra hair.
Fenn: Well, well, well! Is there a reason why we’re all admiring Roy’s assets like this? *Points a finger through the cracked door at Roy’s backside as Roy continues to glob gel on his head*
Rio: Roy’s trying to gussy up his hair again. He seems super focused so we didn’t want to distract him.
Sherry: That gel brother’s using appears very expensive. Did you gift that to him Prince Fenn?
Fenn: Ah, yes. I owed Roy. He recently helped me with a situation involving an Akedian diplomat’s daughter that was—alas, I can’t say anymore for the Princess’s sake.
Sherry: I have a very active imagination. I can fill in the details!
Rio: I’m sure you were a great help Fenn, even before Roy stepped in!
Carla: *Sigh* Maybe you should give some of your imaginative powers to Rio, Sherry?
Fenn: *Continues peeking through the cracked door* Our dear Roy looks as if there’s a wet mop on top of his head! It’s quite the look.
Carla: Yeah, well, Roy looks GREAT wet.
Sherry: …
Rio: Aw, have you both gotten wet walking in the rain together?
Carla: *Claps hands over her mouth* Oh God, forget I said that!
Fenn: You and Roy do seem VERY devout when you take baths together. Oh God, Oh Vane…
Carla: Roy’s room is soundproofed! How would you know what we—
Fenn: I live next door to Roy remember. And my imagination is much more active than Sherry’s. Not that I need to imagine, Treasure. You and Roy are loud enough to pierce through ANY sound barrier.
Carla: S-stop joking Fenn!
Fenn: Oh Heartspell, sweet Heartspell, just like that…
Sherry: I wish my imagination weren’t QUITE so active now.
Rio: Why not Sherry? Walks in the rain are fun! Though Roy doesn’t seem the kind of chap to like that sort of thing.
Fenn: Roy and Treasure engage in a very different water activity Rio. Rather enthusiastically, in fact—
Carla: ANYWAYS…Fenn, is the gel you gave Roy special?
Fenn: Not sure it’s special, but it has to be better than the gel Jasper and Guy gave Roy that one time.
Carla: How so?
Fenn: Guy’s gel MAY have caught on fire while Roy was teaching a potions class…
Carla: WHAT?!
Fenn: Hmmm, the gel had some black market ingredients Jasper failed to mention were present. But don’t worry. Roy’s fan club doused him with lots of water! They were VERY excited about that.
Sherry: Poor Roy was positively mobbed.
Carla: So that answers the question “Has Roy participated in a Wet T-Shirt contest”…
There. It is finished!
Fenn, Rio, Sherry, and Carla crowd the door at Roy’s words. For a brief moment, Roy’s hair is successfully slicked back, not a strand out of place, his hair the very picture of a fairytale prince. Roy smiles in satisfaction.
As if the hair had a mind of its own, the gel leaps off of Roy’s head, flying in all directions. Gobs of gel land on the mirror, walls, tea cups, and nearby tables. One gob splatters on the front door, narrowly missing the four people watching.
Roy hangs his head slightly and removes the remaining gel from his hair. With a poof, his hair reverts back to its usual mop top shape. His arms fall to his sides, hands clinched in tight fists.
I just…wanted to look dashing for Carla. Just once.
Carla’s heart clinches at the sad tone in Roy’s voice. His hair obsession is not just about the prince persona—not now. He wishes to look good for her. Carla turns to Sherry and Rio.
Carla: Please go on without me. I’ll bring Roy along in a minute.
Rio: OK then. Fenn, come join us mate! There’s enough food for us all.
Sherry: Good luck Carla.
Fenn: Sorry the gel didn’t work. At least Roy’s hair didn’t catch fire! Feel free to douse him with water though since Roy clearly likes it when you do it Treasure! *Wink wink*
Carla rolls her eyes as Fenn, Rio, and Sherry leave. She opens the door and walks in, grabbing a single-stemmed pink rose from a nearby vase. Carla approaches Roy from behind; she wraps her arms around his waist and places the rose in Roy’s right hand.
Carla: Roses are not the only flowers that are beautiful, you know.
Roy: *Surprised* Oh?
Carla: Roses—they’re refined, elegant, radiant. When I see them, I instantly think of Invidia—and you.
Carla: *Turns so that she’s facing Roy, standing on tiptoes as she runs her fingers through his hair* But, you also remind me of wildflowers.
Roy: *Laughs softly* Really? Pray tell why.
Carla: Like your hair, there’s an aspect of you that yearns to be free. That part is a little wild, a little unexpected, untamed. And I love it. Please don’t hide it away. Please.
Carla’s words pierce Roy’s soul. A winding affection grabs Roy’s heart and refuses to let go. His arms wrap tightly around Carla as he holds her close. He whispers in her ear.
Roy: So, which do you prefer—roses or wildflowers?
Carla: *Hovers her lips just above Roy’s and whispers back* Both.
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collegecraze · 6 months
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Flirty Bryce by @birbwaifu!
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fang-and-feather · 2 years
Recovering my Star's Shine
Fandom: Star-Crossed Myth
Rating: Gen
Categories: F/M
Pairing: Zyglavis/OC
Words: 1231
Prompt(s): Starting with preparations way too early and "Okay, maybe I DO need help putting the star on top of the tree.", from the "’tis the season for love" content creation challenge hosted by @xxsycamore and @voltage-vixen
Summary: Zyglavis return to the mansion to find his girlfriend decorating the house for Christmas a little too early and he worries, both about her reason and her methods but does his best to help her through it.
(Fang and I planned to do at least three fics each for the challenge, one for each of our favorite otomes and the last one for a new one of our choice that we wanted to write for but hadn't the courage to yet. I don't know if we'll manage, though, but I'm glad I at least finished this one.)
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Among all the things Zyglavis loved about his girlfriend, she was hardworking, efficient and many times thought ahead of things, but she could exaggerate these things.
That afternoon, in the beginning of July, when the god of Libra returned from the heavens, he found Rinka alone in the living room, atop a ladder, putting the finishing touches on the Christmas tree, the rest of the room already decorated.
“Zyglavis!” she called out when she saw him enter. “I wasn’t expecting you so early. When I arrived and found nobody home, I thought something had happened.”
Her smile was bright and genuine, but her eyes darted around, her posture was more lax than usual, especially for her precarious perch, and while she held to the ladder with one hand, as she stopped her task to talk to him, her other hand played with the little keychain dangling from her belt.
“There was an incident, but we already dealt with it. Is it not too early for Christmas?”
“Maybe,” Rinka returned her attention to the decorations and Zyglavis stepped closer when she bent dangerously to pick something from the box on the sofa, “but I received these earlier than expected, and they would be more of a clutter with the box in my apartment, and I already have a list of so many things to do in December, maybe a little of November too, and it’s not like these are getting in anyone’s way.”
She said it all in one breath and then let out a weary sigh.
They hadn't seen each other in a couple of weeks and it was obvious something happened during that time.
“Do you want help?” It would be easier to get her attention if they finished it, rather than trying to convince her to stop.
“It’s okay. I’ll finish this in a minute.” Rinka reached for another decoration from the almost empty box when her body swayed and she had to hold tighter with both hands to the ladder.
“You better step down from there.” It was an order, not a warning. Rinka would try to play it off otherwise.
“Fine.” Rinka conceded with a sigh, but as she took the first step when her foot slipped and Zyglavis had to catch her.
“Are you hurt?” He asked, debating where to set her on the ground or on the sofa.
“I’m fine, thanks to you. You don’t have to worry.”
“Of course I have to worry, because you seem to love to make me, too.” Zyglavis sighed, setting her down, a little relieved to see his girlfriend could stand on her own, but he still hugged her from behind, maybe afraid she would try to climb again if he let go. “Your sisters told me you were busy with work, but it is clear you haven’t been sleeping properly. And, on top of it, you decide to decorate the house for Christmas, months early, on your own. What is happening?”
The others would say he worried too much about her but, with Rinka, sometimes he had to, because she didn’t worry about herself.
“I’m really fine.” Zyglavis gave her a little room when she tried to get away, but Rinka only turned to face him and give him a kiss. “Give me a couple more days and I’ll start recovering.”
“A couple more days is when you will finish your recent work project? Is there anything I can help with?”
Rinka lowered her head, then closed her eyes tight and her body almost collapsed against him again. She sighed, then looked up at him.
“Maybe I DO need help to put the star on top of the tree.”
She was smiling again, but Zyglavis knew she was trying to hide something.
“Right, but afterward you will rest for the rest of the day.”
“Zyglavis! You know I…”
“I’ll accept no complaints. I won’t ask what you are hiding for now, but you will do as I say. Do you understand?”
He didn’t like having to be this forceful with his girlfriend, but sometimes that was the only way to protect her.
“Fine. I understand.”
She looked down again, and Zyglavis caressed her cheek, making her look up again.
“I am only worried about your health. Work or not, you shouldn’t push yourself so hard. You have always been good at doing your work efficiently and taking care of yourself.”
“I know. It had nothing to do with work. I just had an awful week. The Christmas decorations cheer me up.” Rinka nuzzled his chest and Zyglavis hugged her tighter once again. A part of him wished they could stay like that, but not only it was obvious his girlfriend needed sleep, also someone could walk in at any moment. It was a surprise they hadn’t. “I’ll rest if you stay with me.”
His girlfriend’s voice was no more than a whisper, but there was a tremble in it. Such a sign of vulnerability was unlike her and only served to make him more worried.
“I will be by your side for as long as you need me.” Zyglavis kissed the top of her head and Rinka chuckled.
“So, about that star…”
There was an excited glint in her eyes when she looked at him again, that he smiled back.
“Here.” He picked it from the box and put it in her hand, Rinka’s expression switching for one of surprise and she turned to look back at the three. Then he held her tighter.
Almost immediately, she looked down and noticed what he had done.
Flying just high enough and holding her with a hand, he took the hand she was still holding the star on with the other and the two placed it on the three together.
“Thank you, Zyglavis. But that’s not how I was expecting you to help.”
“I know. But you are my beloved, and I would do anything to make sure you are happy and safe, so you can rely on me for anything.”
Back on the ground, he gently spun her around and kissed her.
“I would love nothing more than to keep you in my arms for the rest of the day but, right now you really need to rest.”
With an arm around her shoulders, Zyglavis started guiding Rinka to his room.
“But…” Zyglavis just stared at her and Rinka laughed instead. “Fine. But I’ll probably wake up in time for dinner, anyway. Can we continue after that?”
“If you are not having any more dizzy spells.”
Rinka nodded, but the movement made her flinch. He helped her the rest of the way and into the bed.
“Can I have at least a goodnight kiss?”
It was also a chaste kiss. Not enough for either of them, he knew, but it wasn’t time to tire her more.
“You can have more later if you at least stay quiet until dinner.”
“But you’ll stay by my side, right?”
There was a hint of fear in her eyes now, and Zyglavis held her hand.
And that was a promise. Zyglavis thought he understood a little better than what was haunting her. It was something in her mind rather than something concrete, something that his godly powers probably couldn’t do much about. But he would do the best possible and always be by her side, because he loved her more than anything.
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ttloveco · 1 year
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Bring some heat into your life with this lovable fire demon 🔥🔥
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strikethematch18 · 2 years
Just asking but because I'm getting ready to get a start on my senior project but would anyone be interested in periodic updates from time to time? I'm an art major so it would be artwork that's likely to go into my senior show in April.
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danni00sworld · 2 years
Piofiore: Fates Intertwine
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Summary: Born into a dangerous life Adriana Russo has only known pain and suffering when it comes to life in the Mafia, be it a curse by God himself no matter how much she tries to escape her fate it always comes back to haunt her. Being the only child in her family she's given the role of being the Boss of the Russo family.
Pairing: OC X Multiple
Warnings: Themes of drug use. Blood and themes of gore.
Mentions of child abuse
Themes of SA and mention of rape.
Chapter 1: Home
Walking through the town of Burlone brings back memories and with that comes feelings. Something that Adriana easily brushes aside. Being the boss of the Russo family comes at a price, you cannot show your emotions for that will be your downfall. 
"Boss, are you alright?." Jasper questions staring at his Boss
A simple nod is a good enough answer, Adriana knows better than to let out any sort of emotion so she nods knowing that she must keep up a mask. Liliana and her friend Elena were enjoying their evening out when suddenly the blond bumps into Adriana. 
Falling to the ground is embarrassing as it is but what came next was just too much for her to take. "Watch it! You touched Boss!." Jasper glares in irritation. 
Her face turns red, "I'm so sorry!." Liliana meekly mumbles 
Normally, Adriana just kills whoever irritates her but for some reason she didn't feel like it today. Holding her hand up to stop Jasper from killing the poor girl Adriana continues forward. "...Understood." Jasper mutters following his Boss.
Helping her best friend up Elena sighs before silently thanking God they were not harmed. Smiling at Liliana the brunette sighs "that was frightening..." 
Nodding in agreement Liliana stares at the woman's retreating figure before wondering who she is. She doesn't look familiar she thought.
Returning to the church with Elena the two try to forget about what had happened. Getting ready for bed Liliana stares at the birthmark on her chest. 
"I wonder..." Liliana questions.
The next day came with word of a new Mafia in town this quickly went back all three fairly quickly. "Dante, have you heard? it would seem that the Russo family is in Burlone." Nicola informs his cousin. Looking up from his desk, Dante stares at him "this could cause problems..." 
Later that evening all three of the Burlone Mafia gather at the casino to talk about this new problem. It was silent for a good moment before someone spoke up. "You're all quiet so it's up to me huh?" Gilbert sighs.
"To sum it all up, the Russo family is currently in Burlone. Our sources have told us that the town people are scared since she's always surrounded by body guards." Gilbert explains.
Being the only one who knows of the current status of the Russo family Gilbert's words got everyone's attention. 
"She?." Yang's obviously interested voice questions.
Now that Dante has a bewildered expression Gilbert groans. "History lesson, the Russo family is a Mafia that began in America. They're one of the biggest and well respected out there, and while most Mafia bosses are men well...Adriana is the current boss." 
A small sigh from Nicola is heard as he speaks up, "While it's not impossible for a woman to be the leader of a Mafia..." 
Not liking that Nicola interrupted his lesson Gilbert silences him. "Hasn't Dante every told you its rude to cut off someone. Any who, don't let her status of a woman deceive you she's gotten rid of all her enemies up to this point." 
"You have my attention." Yang grins
Its currently breakfast time in the Russo estate, the lavish plates of the American cuisine brings peace of mind to everyone eating. "Boss, we received a letter." A fellow member says setting the letter in front of Adriana.
The room went quiet for a moment as their boss opened the letter and read it with a bored expression. "May I ask what's inside?." Jasper questions.
Setting the piece of paper down Adriana looks at him with a small grin. "It appears the Burlone Mafia has invited us to a meeting in hopes of meeting me." 
Catherine smiles collecting all the plates "I'm happy you enjoyed your meal Lady Adriana." Hearing her housemaid's voice brought Adriana's eyes to her, "it was delicious, thank you Catherine."
It was rather easy to find the casino, bowing a bit the Direttore leads them to the room where the meeting is to be held. Stopping at the door the man smiles and bows gracefully, "farewell, Signorina."
Opening the door Adriana enters the room followed by Jasper, "Allow me, Boss." Dragging the chair a bit Jasper smiles as she sits down quietly. 
The air in the room is tense, Adriana doesn't feel bothered one bit at the men staring at her cautiously. Growing bored of the silence she is the first to speak. "Boys, speak I have better things to do right now." 
Everyone minus Yang are taken aback at her brashness and fearlessness. As if being scolded by his mother Gilbert lost all strength in his voice. As usual Dante is not fazed, "Why are you in Burlone?." 
Staring each other in the eyes both Dante and Adriana are silent. Jasper knows that Adriana is not a fan of men treating her as if she's not their equal. Sighing a bit Adriana's tone changes slightly "you boys called me here to figure out why I'm here?." 
"Answer the question." Nicola glares in irritation 
Chuckling at his irritation Adriana places her gun on the table, seeing this Nicola reaches for his only for Dante to stop him. "Can one not visit her father's birthplace?." 
With that answer the tension in the room is no longer there. "Lucas Russo..." Dante mumbles remembering her father.
"I have no intention of killing while I'm here, I simply wish to visit. Or have you boys no respect of a lady's wishes?." Adriana bluntly responds.
The fact that Adriana is a woman is forgotten by everyone the moment they saw her murderous eyes. "I forgot you were a woman the moment you walked in here." Gilbert blurts out in honesty. 
Crossing her legs Adriana stares Gilbert down, "I have all the body parts of a woman, I wonder how you seem to have forgotten that." 
In hearing that comment Gilbert couldn't help but to blush a bit "I see that." 
Taking note of Gilbert's awkward tone Dante changes the subject, "the Russo family and the Falzone have been on good terms for a long time." 
"You have good memory it appears." Adriana remarks.
Someone knocking on the door gets their full attention, entering the room Orlok notices the woman in the room and questions the men. "Is she Adriana...?" 
"Yes." Nicola responds. 
Standing up to leave Adriana puts away her gun "this town is of no use to me, I simply wish to visit my hometown. Now, if you boys don't mind I have things to do." 
As Adriana was walking towards the door Gilbert suddenly asks a question, "what things?." 
Refusing to waste another second with these men Adriana answers, "I have a nail appointment." With that both her and Jasper leave.
Upon hearing that Nicola scoffs understanding the intention behind that, "A nail appointment...?." In that moment they all realized that Adriana has no respect for them. 
Orlok blinks a bit stunned at how rude she was to them, "I forgot she was a woman..." 
If you want to read more look for the story on either Archive Of Our Own or Quotev!
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