#scp 076 x male!reader
fizzy-fuzz · 8 months
Hi! I saw that your requests are open? I apologize if this request is a bit too uncomfortable for you.
I would like to request some preferably headcanons of SCP-073 and SCP-076-2 when they find out they have feelings for a (preferably male please, there's too many females out there already ;-;, no offense for the women out there) Researcher? Like how do they deal with it, how long it takes for them to confess, etc?
I am desperate for some SCP-073 x Male!Reader, and SCP-076-2 x Male!Reader cause there's too many Female/Gender-Neutral (but still has female traits for some reason) reader ;-;
AN: Hello! Sorry this took awhile... I honestly kept rewriting this because I wasn't sure how to make this feel like it was written for a man, and not just something vague for everyone.
I added a few headcanons for how they'd treat a male lover over a female, So i hope this is okay for you.
if not I'd love to hear some tips on how to make it better, if you're willing to give feedback <3 (just message me, or send in another ask. I can't reply to comments since this isn't my main account)
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SCP-073 (Cain)
⁠You both probably ment pretty casually. Maybe during lunch or just passing by in the hallways.
Cain didn't think much of you at first honestly.
Until he was passing by your office and heard you arguing with another researcher about the ethics of using him as an live information vault.
He stopped for a moment and lingered outside of your office, listening to you rant about how it wasn't fair to him.
He was honestly shocked, in a good way.
Cain was used to people being... Decent to him, sure.
But to have someone so passionately argue his happiness?
Unheard of.
Cain is quick to fall for you after that, and boy does he fall hard.
he deals with these new feelings by following his heart blindly.
Often hanging around you and lending hands wherever he can.
When he works up the courage his confession is sickly sweet, filled with stutters and nervous chuckles.
I also feel like he's the type of guy to write a confession poem.
He's just whipped like that.
If you accept, (which honestly, who would reject him?) He'll be overjoyed!
Man or not, Cain takes the lead in the relationship for the most part.
Throwing an arm around your shoulders, holding doors for you, giving you flowers (plastic, of course)
though, I do think he treats a male lover slightly different then a female.
He's slightly less watchful over you, less protective in general.
It's not that he cares less, just that he's less worried about you.
Also, for some reason I feel like he'd play wrestle with a male lover a lot.
Expect to be put in a gentle/playful headlock.
At the end of the day, Cain is still the sweet golden retriever boy he is.
That definitely doesn't change at all.
SCP-076-2 (Able)
He ment you during one of his rampages, when you got separated from the task force that was escorting you to safety.
Left alone with nothing but a small pistol to defend yourself with.
He quickly gained a large portion of respect for you when you held your ground against him despite being just a researcher.
Not once did you look cowardly or frightened, clutching your guns with a rather good poster and stance, despite your minimal combat training.
Truly a respectable sight to behold.
And Able knows a warrior when he sees one.
In fact, you were so ferocious that he paused his pursuit for just a moment to study you.
A moment long enough for you to shove your gun to his chin and blow his brains out.
I would say that's when the first few sparks flew for him.
After that, every other rampage was spent looking for you, and ending with you putting a bullet through his head.
I don't think he's all that in tune with his feelings, so he definitely doesn't get that what he's feeling is attraction, and not just respect/interest
He's got a thick skull, it takes him awhile...
But when he does realize. he's confused, and a little unsure of himself.
He's really never felt this way about a man before.
He's never felt this way about anyone before.
He's felt pretty much nothing but anger and desire for vengeance for such a long time, that this new feeling is as overwhelming as it is relieving.
I imagine he holes himself up within SCP-076-1 for a few days he learns to deal with these new feelings.
Of course you're the one sent in to confront him about his sudden strange behavior.
Since he's somewhat more docile around you.
This is when he takes his opportunity to confess to you.
Don't expect anything heartfelt or romantic, it's more of a spur-of-the-moment decision then anything.
And don't expect any hints beforehand.
He doesn't get a whole lot of privacy, so he thought it'd be a good spot to do so.
You'd probably be pretty confused i'd imagine, considering you thought he had some sort of bloodlust for you.
Turns out it was a different kind of lust
but we're gonna assume you don't reject his sudden confession, and choose to start a relationship with him.
Contrary to Cain, you're going to have to take the lead with this relationship.
I just can't imagine him being a very confident lover.
Confident in battle yes, but in the art of love? Nah, it's just not happening.
I don't think he'd treat a male lover any differently than a female lover.
I just don't think he's aware of typical relationship "gender norms" like that.
He's just as likely to follow you around frothing at the mouth whenever someone gets to close for his liking as he is a woman.
He's very jealous...
But overall, his dreams for you and him stay the same regardless of gender.
To live somewhere remote where it's just you, him, and his herd of sheep.
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ballorawan740 · 1 year
SCP Scenarios: SCP 076 x Chubby!Male!Reader (REQUESTED)
SCP Scenarios Masterlist | My Works Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Rules | My Original Post | Request | Socials
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I'm not sure if this was what you imagined, but this is what I could come up with
Requested by: @Father_of_rats
Ofc being a researcher meant that you would meet various SCPs, including SCP 076 (Abel)
He would ofc be aggressive like he normally does but with you being the most stubborn and persistent researcher, Abel would slowly become more fond of you
It started out as having a few interactions to having many with one of your first chats about Cain which lead to a containment breach
You and Cain were great friends and when he got the news that you were going to give his little brother a visit, he became more worried
With the containment breach, Cain would be one of the first to look for you only to see Able right in front of him
By the time you found Abel, he was on the verge of trying to murder his older brother until you stupidly stood in front of him (you're lucky Abel has just enough self-control to not slice you into pieces)
Abel was quite shocked and so was everyone else in the foundation
The MTF managed to somehow detain Abel and take him back to his cell
Abel's heartbeat so fast, he couldn't even comprehend how or why he hesitated and why his heart was beating so fast
Cain checked in on you as your shock slowly wore off
"How could you do that (Y/N)? Do you know how dangerous that could've been had Abel not stopped?" was all Cain could let out
He was so concerned and worried for you that even he missed how Abel looked at you and behaved
As you went back into your room for some rest, some other researchers and MTFs asked for you to visit 076
By the time you got there, you saw Cain waiting by Abel's cell as you gave a confused look
Cain stayed by the window as you were led into 076's cell and Abel emerged
Everyone was curious and shocked at the same time when he emerged and the first thing he did was hug
Cain was smiling softly as he watched and gave Abel a wink and leaving you confused
The other researchers noted down this interaction and had to break you both up as Abel tried to resist and go back to you
If you hadn't stopped him, he could've caused another containment breach
When you went back, you asked Cain what had happened he explained that he had a little chat with Abel only to find out that his little brother had some feelings for you
Weeks went by and with Cain's encouragement, Abel managed to ask you out, and ofc, you accepted
Soon, the whole foundation knew about this with some wanting to use this as an opportunity for tests while others looked down on this idea of an ordinary researcher dating one of the most hostile SCPs
Those who judge the relationship between you and Abel were quite harsh with some even whispering depreciative comments about your looks which made your day worsen
Cain would slap them whenever he heard those comments and warned them about the consequences if it was Abel that heard them instead
On the days that you felt bad about yourself, you went and stayed in Abel's containment
Telling him everything and him soothing you about how much he cares for you, physically and mentally
Some careless staff came into Abel's cell to retrieve you and spoke of one of those mean comments
Without hesitation, Abel smacked the guy into the walls of his cell with such force that it bought him to the brink of death
If you hadn't come over to force him to let go, the staff would've died right then and there
The staff ran back in so fast that you didn't even get to say a thing and swore to never say such words again
Word got out and everyone became more and more fearful with similar incidents happening more frequently
Eventually, everyone left you both alone and kept their comments to themselves
As for those who wanted to use you to gain additional knowledge and tests, there were moments when you were helpless and fearful as you wouldn't know what would happen to Abel while you weren't there
However, despite this, the scientists and researchers were well aware of what they should and shouldn't do during these tests as you and Abel threatened some of them that if they did anything remotely dodgy, they wouldn't see the light of day ever again
As for Cain, he keeps a watchful eye over everyone who dares to do anything out of the ordinary to his 2 favorite people
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circusmania · 6 months
( ´ཀ` )
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Consulting my masterlist, please request horror genre stuff ✮
It's what best makes my writing flourish and what currently interests me.
Muah Muah ♡ See you soon 👁
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welcome to my blog!
requests: closed
i'm trying to clear out my inbox, and just find the joy in writing again. my ask box will remain open but any requests will be deleted. just trying to get back into the groove <3
undertale masterlist
marvel masterlist
fandoms I write for:
the following AUs (and all of these universes versions of the above characters):
I'll write for other characters and AUs too, there's just too many to write. unsure? ask!
Jack Bright
Alto Clef
Arthur Pendragon
(I won't write specific scenes from the movies, but I'll write other scenarios)
Tony Stark
Loki Laufeyson
Thor Odinson
Natasha Romanoff
Peter Parker
Steven Strange
Pietro Maximoff
Wanda Maximoff
Bucky Barnes
Wade Wilson
The Walking Dead
Negan Smith
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Carl Grimes
Rick Grimes
Power Rangers
(more characters will be added as I rewatch the shows)
Jason Lee Scott
Tommy Oliver
Kimberly Hart
Billy Cranston
things I will write:
female reader
non-binary reader
male reader
x reader (romantic)
x reader (platonic)
x child! reader (will ALWAYS be platonic)
canon x reader
headcanons (for multiple characters, but please keeo them within the same fandom)
things I will NOT write:
smut (I will write suggestive things, though)
anything shipping minors with adults
canon x OC
canon x canon
the following undertale aus:
things I will SOON write:
Once Upon A Time
The Lord Of The Rings
i will write a fic based on a song (up to 3)
If you do not see something on this list that you would like to see, ask!
I have the right to decline any request that I am not comfortable with.
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theunderneath · 3 years
Can I get Yandere Dr. Iceberg, Gears, Cleaf, Abel from the SCP foundation falling in love with a Scp reader. Don't worry they're a safe class.... Mostly safe that's is until you do something that really really upsets them.
Yes, another SCP ask! I love writing for doctors, I’ve always liked the doctors more than the SCP's themselves. Just because they were “Humans” mostly at least. Also you can probably tell how much I like them by how much I write.
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Dr. Iceberg/Ellis Gill
“Dammit, this is trouble...”
- He probably met you while walking around a site with Dr. Gears. Seeing you just made his body catch fire. It surprised him because how can an SCP with such an ability be walking free?! Then he ask Dr. Gear about you and he explains what you all about. Then he realizing that he’s in deep shit.
- He can’t really court you, like at all. Being a level 2 Security Clearance, he can’t do shit. If he gets too close to you and the O-5 finds out, they’ll have his ass (And head). He’ll probably just end up being a close friend and if. And this is a big If. If he kidnaps you. He’ll have a backup plan on when you get pissed. Probably a lot of amnestics and some smooth-talking.
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Dr. Charles Ogden Gears
*Touches chest* “Is this one of their anomalous properties?”
- He would probably meet you when checking up on a site. Seeing you helping another researcher carry something was a bit weird. He never saw you once before this so why now. Probably doesn’t even come up to talk with you. Just walks away and reads about it then realizing the throbbing in his chest isn’t normal.
- Being a well-known and powerful researcher in the foundation helps a lot. Getting closer to you would be easy. All he needs to do is to get you moved to the site where he works, than just talking to you more. He can be a bit robotic at times but he’ll show a “caring” side. Nothing too much but he can live with this. Just you and him staying in this white concrete palace together. This way he doesn't have to deal with that “anger” problem.
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Dr. Alto Clef/Francis Wojciechowski
“Oh, how the turn tables, hehe!”
- He probably fines you wandering around and talking to people without a care in the world. And when you walk up to him with no problem, his interest is instantly peaked. Probably after a short talk with you he goes and looks at your file seeing you a safe class (When calm). Then he gets even more interest and he might even say he’s fallen in love.
- Being him and the dick he is, he wouldn’t really care about the foundation. He would make up a simple plan. Make everyone forget about you and then kidnap you. And for the ones who would remember, who would miss a safe class SCP. He’ll deal with your anger problem when the time comes. Probably just knock you out or change your mind a little.
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- Probably meets you when he’s destroying a new site that he was moved to. Seeing you get angry and attack him for hurting your so-called friends was interesting. And getting beaten down by you was pretty eye-opening too. I think that’s when he realized he wanted to know more.
- He can’t experience sexual desire so when he meets you his a bit confused. You're his “Friend” yeah that's what you would call it. Getting you by his side would be kinda hard and easy. Making a demand to be good when your with him would be easy but if he acts up when someone tries and takes you from him. He loses you anyway so why don’t just kill them all and see you get angry too. Getting a badass fight and getting to see you. A win, win. In his mind at least.
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arson-jellyfish69 · 2 years
Here it is for my fellow starving SCP 076 simps
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STALK CAPTURE POSSESS (Aka Secure Contain Protect)  -----Rules And Requests Open----- Yandere SCP/Doctors/Guards (Headcanons/Oneshots/Scenarios)
Any SCP Any Doctor Any Guard All Yandere and They WILL Have their Darlings Stalk Capture Possess 
Rules And Requests Opens 
Hello My Sexy Readers, I am doing A Deep Dive Into SCP Foundation and that means this was bound to Happen. First I will be transferring all oneshots, headcanons, base headcanons, mini series, scenarios, and such for anything SCP over to this now onto the rules. 
No Sex Scenes with SCP  or Reader or OCS under the age of eighteen 
No Gate Keeping 
Do Not Take These updates serious they are fiction and are just entertainment 
No Bullying 
Not A TON Of Blood and Gore
No Detailed Rape (I may do reluctance and drugged but in the end of the day it is not hands down rape Darling consents it on some level) 
Be Pleasant 
-Base Headcanons- 
(Vote for as many numbers as you want for seeing their base headcanons and if I did not add a scp or doctor you want feel free to write all of them in the comment bellow or if you are on my tumblr my ask box) 
1: Dr. Jack Bright 
2: Dr. Simon Glass
3: Dr. Alto Clef 
4: Dr. Gears
5: Dr. Iceberg 
6:  Benjamin Kondraki 
7: SCP-014
8: SCP-035 Possessive Mask
9: SCP-049 Plague Doctor
10: SCP-049-J The moron Plague Doctor (As I call him) 
11: SCP-073 Cain
12: SCP-076 Able
13: SCP-079 Old AI
14: SCP-096 Shy Guy
15: SCP-106 The Old Man
16: SCP-173 The Sculpture
17: SCP-682 Big indubitable lizard
18: SCP- 939 Voice One (can't remember) 
19: SCP-993 The Clown
20: SCP-999 Tickle Monster
21: SCP-1486 Benny the f up baby
22: SCP-2030 Laugh guy XD (as I call him) 
(Once again voting for them with help very very much on what they are base like now moving onto headcanons as base headcanons are only with gender neutral reader) 
So you can ask for any type of headcanons with any SCP Any doctor any guard even ones I did not mention 
for example 
Headcanons With SCP-035 X Female Immune Reader 
Headcanons With SCP-049 X Male Straight Patient Reader 
Headcanons With SCP-076 X  Non binary Bisexual Immortal Reader
Headcanons With SCP-073 X Genderfluid Pansexual Chef Reader 
(As such you can choose gender and sexuality for headcanons BUT It does not stop their!) 
Stalker Jack Bright X Married Female Reader
Therapist Dr. Simon Glass X SCP Safe class Male Reader
Husband Dr. Alto Glef X Researcher Genderfluid Spouse Reader 
(As you can see you can add anything really and make it even more deep dive than it already is) 
-Scenarios That you Can Vote on!-
(This section of Scenarios will be able to vote on the one bellow the numbers will be make your own add as many characters that I mention or not yet for you all to enjoy!]
A: Meeting them and what happen after mini series basically when they first saw you through everything they do to or for you to the end where they make you theirs by force or courtship (List the yanderes you want for this) (Male or Female Or Genderfluid or Non Binary?) (Sexuality?)
B: Forced Pregnancy/Breeding/Mating (List the yanderes you want for this) (Male or Female Or Genderfluid or Non Binary?) (Sexuality) (If male on male Mpreg?) 
C: Doctor Reader put to help the SCP the SCP(S) get very attached) (List the yanderes you want for this) (Male or Female Or Genderfluid or Non Binary?) (Sexuality)
D: How they react to you being married? (List the yanderes you want for this) (Male or Female Or Genderfluid or Non Binary?) (Sexuality)
E: Fantasy a life with you were it is the main dream if they were not stuck their and could be with you (List the yanderes you want for this) (Male or Female Or Genderfluid or Non Binary?) (Sexuality)
(Now these again you can put as many yanderes doctors or scps or guards to them but it is going to be you making up a scenario)
F-1: Put here .....
One Shots
At this point we cannot do a lot of Readers in one shots that are smutty 
but you can have Marie and Mark and Michelle as OC in the place Marie and Mark get done the quickest 
Can be anything though 
[Comment bellow and Stay sexy but once AGAIN If you are On My Tumblr please put in the ask box I am 100% likely to see that compared to the comments your Requests stay sexy everyone!] 
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lunaralight09 · 3 years
P.S. : I was inspired by Friday Night Funkin'. Well I was playing in it , and I got this idea to make y/n singing some of the song from there . And you can imagine any lyrics you want . Soo ... Let's start!
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SCP 035
Well he was in theater . He escaped from foundation . You were on stage singing with your friend / partner (Partner mean that person who helps you to sing). Then he understands that you're a scientist/guard from The Foundation . But he stayed at theater
Sock/Masky listened to you singing . And he liked it . A lot . You (P.S. : you  were making those dances? Those movement like in the video . There's Skid and Pump you were making your own movements ) were dancing . He liked your movements .
He was impressed with your talent . He after you sang you met Sock/Masky behind the stage . You became friends . Of course he showed his talents . And you knew that's a SCP 035 . But you didn't want to call mtf units .
After 6 month of your friendship . He asked you out . You said yes! (If you're a male/non-binary he doesn't care at all . 'Cause he's a mask and Sock/Masky don't have a gender . But i will use male pronounce . )
As I said he likes your songs . And you were singing like a duet . He asking you to sing some song . With him and without him . He likes to cuddle with you while you humming some rhythms/songs
SCP 049
He found you at breach . You were singing , because it help you to chill . And Ofc you were nervous . He liked your songs . He was ... (How should I call it ... Uhh . Just like GF from FNF .  How much I will say about FNF ? IDK . Oh yeah! ) shooking his head to the rhytm . Even zombies that was with him liked that you're singing  .
He came out then you stopped singing . You panicked . He said that he liked your song . And said that you don't have pestilence in you . Well you were a little bit nervous near SCP 049 .
You two were friend about 2 years . Doc needed to know about his feelings for you . Cause it was centuries then he loved at first . Well zombies who remembered something from past told about his feelings for you , he didn't really understand that . But Lexie (His daughter . I will say about her in headcanon or bf scenarios . She's actually a ghost . He can see her then his eyes become red . Like he's mad or going crazy. I will say about it too ) told him about it and ... He understands it .
He were nervous . But you accept his confess . After 5 month he told you about Lexie . And two of you became friends. And even she calls you mommy/daddy/parent y/n . It's adorable . And she copy you when you sing . So you two singing like duet . Doc likes that you two get along .
Estienne reached you French . And you sometimes sing with them song on French . It's sounds good .
SCP 073
You two already was friends . But then it's was your break . Foundation let Cain walk a little . And he saw you and Dr. Bright singing together (you two were rap battling!) . He was really surprised. . He asked you about it . And you said that your a singer.  He liked it a lot . Sometimes he helped you to write new songs .
Well truly. He doesn't care about your gender/look . He can say that he's a pansexual . Soo after 1,5 year . You two said it at the same day . He said it after you sang your song about confession . And he was happy because s/o is now his girlfriend/boyfriend/couple .
As I said . He helps you to write songs . But now he tries to help you with it every time . You say that it's okay and you can do it yourself . But Cain still helps you . You think it's cute from his side to do this to you . So you actually cuddle with him after that or read with him books that made from other material . (IDK what material don't get destroyed by his powers . So ... imagine Y/n Chan/Kun/uhh( IDK how to call non-binary reader sooo )Dear . Just imagine it .
SCP 076
Well , like 682 he hates people . He heard you singing when he finally woke up and left his box(SCP 076-1) , he was surprised to see scientist/guard who doing his/her/their hobby . He liked your song a little . If you're a scientist : then you were interviewing him , he answered questions faster than with the other interviewers . You had 30 minutes left and he started asking you questions about your hobby . Well you told that you're a singer . If you're a guard : He heard about other guard/scientist about concert where you will be singing . And about 2 month you guys became friends .
Btw Able needed about 3 years to know his feelings . And you confessed to him ('Cause he needed 1 year or 2 to confess to you Y/n) . You tried to ask him to sing . But he didn't do that very much . He likes melodies from your songs . Did he help you too write songs ? Well yes . 50/50 that Able will help you , he don't know what you should sing about .
SCP 079
Well he found you in the internet , you were a singer . He was impressed with your talent/hobby . With some interviews he asked about it . But if you're guard : He talked with you at containment breach . He found you on cams then you we're walking thought corridors , and he said thought speaker that he can help you get out of here safely . Well you get to his containment cell . And he said that he don't lie to you . And he will show you how to get to exit safely . And he asked about your second carrier . You said that you're a singer . (He said if you confirm that info , he will help you , sooo you told him that's true)
1 year later he asked about his feelings , you explained to him that it's called 'love' . And he showed X on his screen and 1 minute later (He was finding 'How to confess to someone') and he asked you out
He helps you to make songs . He is making instumental sound , and you don't know where he found it . (And he make song complete ? How should I call it ? He ... ohh! ) He edits your songs too . You're very thankful for his help .
SCP 096
You somehow befriend 096 (Aka Lanky). He were in his containment cell then he somehow heard you sing . He knew it was your voice . He didn't ask about it . He knew that you singed . But after 4 month you said that you had second carrier . And you are a singer . He was very happy about you .
And you needed to confess to him . Cause he's very shy about it ! He likes to hear you singing . Especially when he sleeps and you hum your song and stroking his cold back . It helps him from nightmares
SCP 105
Well she founded it after month of dating you , you said it to her . After that she asked to teach her singing . Some times you sing like a duet with Iris .Well you like her hobby (She like to take pictures) and she like yours . And she don't judge your gender/look . Oh and basically you needed to teach her how to sing . She sometimes miss some lyrics . It's awkward , but still cute tho .
SCP 106
He heard you singing then you were in the intercom room ? Some scientists forgot to turn off microphone . And you started to sing quietly . Well ... he understands that he heard your song , well someone had ringtone with one of your song . He was a little impressed . And somehow you befriended him
For confession he took 11 month . Yeah
He'd love sitting in the studio and watching you while you work , he'd always brag about how talented you are to all his friends, and whenever a new song of yours would come out, he'd hype you up so much. He'd be so happy
SCP 166
Same as Iris (SCP 105)  if you're a female or non-binary . If you're a male :
Well somehow a male D-class we're near her and ... (You know what he tried to do . If you don't read her files) And she needed to run from him . And she hid behind you .
Y/n as guard : You shoot him  Y/n as scientist : You tried to stop that D-class , and you knocked him out .
And you needed to stop that feeling . So you started mumbling your song lyrics . She was impressed by that . She started friendship with you
She was to shy to ask you out sooo . You asked her out by singing a song . And you two like to sing like duet . This song :
(God rest ye merry gentleman (Slowed)) In my wattpad you can find it .
SCP 173
Containment breach happened . You were wearing earphones and quietly humming one of your songs . He wanted to scare you so he singed with you . You were shocked by SCP 173 saying anything . 'Cause he's a statue! He said that you don't have to worry about that . Well after 3 month you became best friends!
And after 7 month he asked you on a date . Well ... dating statue is really strange . But everyone is strange . Then you sing he likes to hug you from behind .
SCP 682
I think there'd only be one reason why he'd dislike it, at first. And that's because...he hates every one , every living being . The problem would be that he'd hear you singing, and it'd get stuck in his head . Eventually, the whole thing would just prompt his heart to flutter whenever he heard you in the corridors, singing something to yourself
Well he confessed to you after year and half . And when you're both together, I think his favorite way to soothe himself would be falling asleep as you pet his hair at night - you singing quietly  ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶  his favorite song
SCP 939
Same as SCP 173 . And yes he copied your voice when you were singing
He likes laying with you and copying your voice , especially copy you singing . You find it funny . It's revenge for calling him/her a dog .(If you watching SCP SL videos you will understand that . Like SCP 939 looks like a reptile-dog . No seriosly .)
SCP 1678
Well like in files said . You were with MTF Tau-4 and Epsilon-6 have been defense perimeter around the Hyde Park . You were a scientist/MTF .(Well there was other scientist there ). One of SCP 1678-b were near , and their owner (Let's say that every SCP 1678-a have their own SCP 1678-b , Aka eyes in the sky) So he heard you quietly singing . They actually likes it . Somehow he managed to befriend you , without other MTF soldiers trying to attacking him .
After 2 years you started dating . What should I say more . He writes you lyrics for songs
SCP 2521
Well you were singing some of your songs . And in the lyrics were number 2521 . And before that you mumbled word 'SCP' . When he appeared behind you . And listened you singing (Well mumbling) . After you sang your favorite song , you notices that he's behind you . You were surprised . He didn't take you somewhere else . You became friends eventually .
Then you sing he stares at you , and sometimes claps . And he likes to hug you a lot . Well after an year he confessed to you by writing it .
Well nothing really changed when you started dating.
Should I do 2 part?
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ballorawan740 · 1 year
SCP Scenarios: WIP
SCP Scenarios Masterlist/pt 2 | My Works Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Rules | My Original Post | Request | Socials
SCP 682 x Fem!Scientist!Reader | Oneshot (REQUESTED)
When the reader quits her job | FT. 073, 069, Dr Bright, Dr Glass, Dr Clef, Dr Kondraki, Dr Gerald (REQUESTED)
SCP 079 x Thicc!Reader (REQUESTED)
When they see you get hurt | SCP x Child!Reader (REQUESTED)
Dr Clef x O5!Reader (REQUESTED)
How they react to a Male!God/Witch!Reader being revived (REQUESTED)
When they get into a fight (REQUESTED)
SCP 001 (Gate Guardian) x Reader | Smut/Lemon (REQUESTED)
When the reader has body image issues (REQUESTED)
When the reader is a Neko (REQUESTED)
When they look after a child | Ft. SCP 1867 and SCP 662 (REQUESTED)
SCP 076 (Abel) - NSFW Alphabet (REQUESTED)
SCP 049-J x Fem!Plague Doctor!Reader (REQUESTED)
Roadtrip Headcanons (REQUESTED)
SCP 023 - Black Shuck (New Character | REQUESTED)
When they meet an Immortal!Winged!Child!Reader | Part 2 (REQUESTED)
When the reader goes missing (REQUESTED)
Reader has powers like Alistor (Hazbin Hotel) (REQUESTED)
Reader is hypersexual (REQUESTED)
Reader has powers like enderman and/or creeper (REQUESTED)
Reader falls into a coma (REQUESTED)
Reader is Omisexual and Omnigender (REQUESTED)
Highschool AU - SCP as Teachers
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ballorawan740 · 1 year
SCP Scenarios Masterlist Part 2
SCP Scenarios Masterlist/PT 3 | SCP Scenarios WIP | My Works Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Rules | My Original Post | Request | Socials
SCP 682 x Scared!Abused!Child!Reader | Oneshot (REQUESTED)
When you’re pregnant and you accidentally hurt yourself (REQUESTED)
SCP x Hitman!Fem!Reader - Dr Clef, Dr Glass, Dr Bright (REQUESTED)
Dr Alto Clef x Reader Headcanon (New Character//REQUESTED)
Dr Benjamin Kondraki x Reader Headcanons (New Character)
Their bad habits (SCP 049, Dr. Glass, Dr. Clef, Dr. Bright - REQUESTED)
SCP 106 x Chaotic!Fem!Reader Headcanon (REQUESTED)
SCP x Scientist!Reader (SCP 073, Dr. Glass, Dr. Bright, Dr. Clef || REQUESTED)
SCP x Hybrid!Child!Reader (REQUESTED)
When they accidentally kill you (+ Mikell Bright and Agent Strelnikov - REQUESTED)
Yandere!SCP x Evil!Reader (REQUESTED)
SCP x Immortal!Winged!Fem!Reader - ft. 035, 049, 682 (REQUESTED)
SCP x Reader - McDonald's Sprite (REQUESTED)
When their kids swear (REQUESTED)
When they get scared by the reader (REQUESTED)
When the reader can Pole Dance/Aerial Silk dance
Hugs - SCP 035 x Reader (REQUESTED)
SCP x Pregnant!Reader (REQUESTED)
When the reader is suicidal (REQUESTED)
Our Shadow Child - Dr Clef x Child!Reader x Dr Bright | Oneshot (REQUESTED)
When you're easily flustered/hopelessly romantic - Ft. Dr Bright, Dr Glass, Dr Clef, Dr Kondraki (REQUESTED)
When you do the TikTok dance - ft SCP 076-2, Dr Clef and Dr Kondraki (REQUESTED)
When the reader is similar to the Plague Doctor - SCP 049 x Male!SCP!Reader (REQUESTED)
SCP 1678 x reader (New Character | REQUESTED)
SCP 079 x Reader | New Character
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Rejected And Loosing It (Scenarios) SCP 049-J X Female Reader
[Hello My Sexy Readers, I am here with a new chapter this one being a Vote and The Request in which SCP 049-J and how is being more or less a crack head XD my version of it!]
[This Was Requested off Of Wattpad: By Jellyfish_Lover48
(SCP 049-J) (Crackhead)
(SCP 049-J's POV)
She was so beautiful so stunning so everything. But she told me she was engaged already.... I laughed manically and then she left the room. Oh my sweet little patient you think I let something like your sham of an engagement get in my way oh no. I will kill every man I see! Until he is Gone! After All I am the cure!! I can cure anything! I dug into my bag and spoke to the guard.
"I am the cure." I say.
"Yeah?" He asks and I pull out my trust shoe.
"Yes and I have the cure." I say and he looks at me. "That is just a shoe."
I grinned behind my mask. "No it is the cure!" I say and tackle him smashing his brain in.
"There he is cured of loving my (Name)!" I say and escpae.
I found someone mopping the hall and chuck the shoe at their head and start pecking their eye out.
"You have been cured to! Off to cure more!"
And so I did curing them in many different ways.
Then I found her holding a man close and I screamed and tackled him ripping out his tongue and eyes and cutting off his hands. He screamed in pain and I laughed like a mad ma.
I turn to my love who is back away in other horror.
"I am the cure my dear and I will cure you of these feelings for another man!" I say and kiss her deeply.
I was the cure and I will kill cure her! hehehehehehe~!
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chaoter done, I hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy!]
Please Vote for your top five you want to see first
1: SCP 014 Statue Man
2: SCP 035 Mask
3: SCP 049 Plague Doctor
4: SCP 049-J The moron Plague Doctor
5: SCP 073 Cain
6: SCP 076 Able
7: SCP 079 Old AI
8: SCP 096 Shy Guy
9: SCP 106 The Old Man
10: SCP 173 The Sculpture
11: SCP 682 Big indubitable lizard
12: SCP 939 Voice One
13: 993 The Clown
14: 1486 Benny the f up baby
15: 2030 Laugh guy XD
If you have any SCPS you want me to add as yanderes comment bellow and now onto what doctors you will work with
Vote for your top 3
A: Dr. Kondraki
B: Dr. Gears
C: Dr. Jack Bright
D: Dr. Simon Glass
E: Dr. Iceberg
F: Dr. Alto Clef
Comment the three you want and stay sexy everyone!]
Also should there be A d class story with a d class read (yes or no) with (male or female reader)
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