#scp 2718
scp-threats-is-back · 1 month
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Visual representation of SCP-2718 on whiteboard
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Me, in a plaid lab coat, aviators and bunny slippers: BAD CONTAINMENT IDEA;
Discuss the concept of SCP-2718 with SCP-343
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floorley · 2 months
Today on “posts comprehensible to literally no one but myself”:
I’m kind of obsessed with SCP:5K (tactical shooter where you play as a UIU agent trying to survive the events of SCP-5000) and the articles on the wiki written to serve as the game’s background lore (specifically SCP-7555, which reveals - I think? - that the events of the game aren’t actually SCP-5000, but rather a sequel to SCP-5000 set in the Antimemetics Division ‘verse), mostly because of its vague two-line implication that Adam Wheeler’s pissed off noöghost is still hanging around the Foundation in 2020.
> be Adam
> live through a global cataclysm wherein half of the world’s population collectively goes insane and starts doing unspeakable things to the other half
> you’re in the first group
> you snap out of it, eventually. but you will never be able to forget what you did. or how good it felt
> you die trying to help make things right
> you go to hell, which is apparently being trapped in your body forever in horrible, immobilizing pain
> a couple years later, somehow, it ends
> turns out the Foundation just found out that everyone goes to Trapped In Your Body In Horrible Pain Forever Hell after they die. and now they’re trying to kill the entity responsible
> “yeah that’s pretty much where i just came from, and that shit sucked. checks out. where do i sign up”
> spend 0.01 seconds back in reality
> realize everyone (including the Foundation) is carrying on like normal in the bloodied ashes of a genocide they themselves perpetrated - a genocide they have no memory of. people who tortured their friends and neighbors to death three years ago are happily working and playing amidst the ruin and decay and piled-up corpses they’re selectively filtering out of their vision. you’re the only one who remembers. you’re the only one who has to carry the guilt
> “okay this is fucked up but how are you guys planning to kill the hell entity anyway”
> “so we’re trying to bring this really cool eldritch god into existence to kill it. there’s also another god we’re potentially interested in, though”
> first eldritch god was the catalyst for the original genocide, and will inevitably cause a second genocide if it enters into our world again. the Foundation will have to intentionally commit a genocide of its own just to manifest it. they consider this acceptable. violence begets violence. the cycle begins anew
> second eldritch god is your ex-wife.
> (your ex-wife is now God, for reasons only tangentially related. except part of her might actually be you? it’s kind of an ex-wife of theseus situation. don’t worry about it.)
> also it turns out Trapped In Your Body In Horrible Pain Forever Hell isn’t real, you just overdosed on some weird drugs at a barbecue whose side effects perfectly mimic the experience of being sent to superhell
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nightwing-scp · 8 months
👀 What is the most disturbing thing they’ve ever seen?
For Night (gotta know this, considering ALL the things she's seen)
SCPs involving physical gore never affected her much, even when she was human. (They were disturbing, sure, but that's basically the norm at the Foundation.)
What really does affect her though, is the idea of certain infohazards. Things that would harm you if you even thought about it, so how were you supposed to document or contain it?
However, certain infohazards- most of them, actually- are safe for her to process, now that her mind isn't biological. Foundation AICs are some of the only ones who possess these pieces of information- things that even the Overseer Council, being human, can't know.
And the worst one, by far, was SCP-2718. The revelation that humans remain conscious, aware, and suffering after death. It was very difficult to access, and shifted between spots on the Database- but she tracked the fluctuations, and eventually found the article.
She reassured herself as she read it, that whatever it was was unlikely to affect her now. And the Containment Procedures drew her in- begging her to do anything but read the Description. Warning her, begging her, over and over again. ...And then a memetic kill agent, which her redaction software quickly blurred.
She continues reading.... A letter, from the one who made the memetic kill agent, before he died.
But the descriptive recording that came after everything, the information they'd rather kill you over than reveal to you... was much worse.
Night thanks whatever God that's out there (well, in containment actually) that she didn't somehow stumble upon this when she was human, before she died.
SCP-2718 is the fact that your mind/consciousness remains in your corpse after you die, causing you to feel your body decaying, being eaten, etc. This doesn't stop when your body is destroyed — you're just in that indescribable agony, on and on, forever. But it only happens if you're aware of this effect. If you don't know about it, it can't happen to you.
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starlightshadowsworld · 5 months
Ok ok this has been squirming through my head every since Fyodor's ability was revealed and I just need to throw it at someone.
As horrible a thing Fyodor is, his ability is indeed kind of a curse if you look at it from a certain perspective since he essentially can't die. What happens if Fyodor 'dies' but is unable to get a new body to move into? Will his consciousness/soul be thrown into a limbo or here's my personal take, his consciousness stays in his decomposing body.
A while back I read about SCP-2718, which talks about how the soul/consciousness doesn't leave the body after death. Somehow, even with dead nerves, you can feel your body decay, feel every part slowly crumbling and turning into dust, feel every insect crawl around inside what used to be you and feel plants and fungi begin to grow on you. Even when your body truly has become nothing, you are still there and feeling everything that your body has become.
A horrible fate if I do say so myself and could add on to the reason why Fyodor wants abilities gone in the first place. I doubt that latter part though.
I honestly never thought about how Fyodor's own ability factors into the man wanting to rid the world all abilities.
That would definitely be an awful fate for anything to have.
However, maybe it's just me but I don't think Fyodor's ultimate goal is death.
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tigraira · 23 days
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SCPs were a big part of my life during my early years on the internet. I started my journey into internet horror with creepypastas then stumbled across the SCP wiki.
The first SCP I read was SCP 087, so this one holds a special place in my heart. As many young fans, I quickly fell in love with 049 and my fascination with old school medical equipment and practices help solidify this guy as one of my faves.
I think the first SCP that actually made me feel a bit freaked out was SCP 2718. I had been reading SCPs for a couple of years by that point but the creativity of this one and the narrative was so good that I often think back on this one with nostalgia.
SCP 1762 made me tear up. Is it dumb to feel sentimental over paper dragons, yes. But by golly did I want to learn origami after reading this one. In a similar vein, SCP 2295 made my heart feel warm. I love the horrific stories told in this community but the love and selflessness of this bear made this SCP one of my favorites. The hopelessness of the last log with this bear felt familiar to me which puts this SCP in my top 5. SCP 2006 surprised me in how much I liked it. I do like subversive stories in horror and the use of old school horror monsters for the inspiration was so good.
I had left this fandom due to life junk a couple of years ago, but now that my life has been returning to a new normal I wanted to visit my old favorite pieces of media. I want to jump back in with the numerous SCPs that have been written since my absence and hopefully find some new faves. I heard of some of the drama in the community in passing but I have very little knowledge of most of it.
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officialscpfoundation · 2 months
You ever think about how 106 could have been a victim of SCP-2718 (What Happens After) and woke up from the pain being that bad, and then decided to torture people to get them used to the pain so they would hurt less? Maybe that's why bullets don't effect him- he's used to hurt. He's gone through worse. He's immortal because he woke up from death. He decays because he died.
Now we do, but that does not explain the rusting of metal
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twistedminutia · 5 months
Wait I realized something, yknow how mirror travel is basically teleportation. I wonder how fucked would it be if Gray read Jaunt by Steven King. And saw and/or played Lovetown (since it does have horror in it).
And Gday seeing them going to the mirror and teleporting, and having a bit of a panic attack within. Maybe, with some introspection and sleep deprivation talks about the concept. Like sure, its not gonna happen in Twst, but imagine Gray just rambling how the knowledge can be quite hazardous whether it's true or false. Maybe like a cognitohazard, and is afraid to tell her friends and peer fearing that something bad will happen to them if they tell them.
Also, i remember a SCP that has similar effect, but is also pretty dangerous (tho fictional), it's SCP 2718, What Happens After. I would suggest the Exploring Series for this one, since they do elaborate more on it. But man is the story good.
Tho, I'm sorry if I keep sending a bunch of ask, but your fic is one of the many fics that is in my head rent free.
I’m going to start this by saying that I do really appreciate the asks! They keep me thinking about this world and I love that other people are invested and want to explore Gray’s character. She’s my little scrungly, so I’m glad other people care about her too.
Gray’s not read/played either of those things, but I’d like the think the idea of ‘teleporting is actually really horrific’ is something that people pass around a lot. We know mirror travel and teleporting is canonically possible, but we don’t know how many people get to do it, since mirror travel really only seems to be there for the students of NRC at certain times and teleporting seems restricted to very high level mages. So maybe teleportation is something rare that a lot of people are spooked out by! Maybe there are even scary stories about mages acting different after teleporting or going through a portal too many times….
I think Gray might bring up that old issue of ‘how do you know it’s really you that got teleported?’ Like, maybe you die and get reconstructed on the other end with all your memories intact! It would spook ADeuce and Grim, probably… until Riddle or someone else who’s competent in magic theory got wind of that and set them straight! ‘No, portals and teleporting connects two areas through magic space tunneling, it can’t kill anyone any more than stepping through a doorway!’
Gray might mention it to Malleus, too, since she sees him teleport. I think he would find it sort of quaint and amusing if she expressed worry about teleporting- it’s so simple to him! He might even be intrigued by the thought experiment of ‘if you get perfectly recreated every time when you teleport, is it really you?’ Even if he knows that’s not what happens! Malleus strikes me as someone who would really be into considering what actually constitutes consciousness- but then again, if souls are real in Twst, then he might just go ‘as long as the soul is still there, it’s you’ which might defeat the purpose… Well, regardless, he strikes me as someone who would like talking about philosophy.
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moka-suwi · 4 months
Hi. By reading the following, you consent to being affected by a countermeme inoculating you against the effects of SCP-2718-DAMMERUNG. There's nothing inherently "anomalous", nor incorrect, to this text; it's simply a piece of knowledge that should prevent the coghaz from taking hold.
DAMMERUNG is a cognitohazard affecting the file classically designated by the RAISA designation SCP-2718 across the timetracks, although the actual number is constantly shifted to prevent access. The file itself consists of an automatic transcription of an audio log from O5-7, no consistent designation, "Miriam Prayther", discussing the events surrounding the resurrection of O5-11, "The Recluse", "Roger Sheldon". Due to complications linked to a certain set of skills and insights in the possession of Recluse, the Overseer Council couldn't allow itself to resort to supernatural means. Let me just say that you don't want a god, any god, to do what Recluse knows how to do.
As such, the Council had to resort to a strictly material method. The means used were anomalous by your standards, of course, but the underlying principle wasn't – ever heard of that trope about teleportation killing you? They did the exact opposite. Gathered each and every single one of his atoms, and put them back together using the leftover traces of their bonds within their wavefunctions. It worked; it could only have worked, I suspect, given what followed, but I don't think I could explain that to a Foundation audience.
If you have a decent understanding of QFT and some experience in the flow of pneuma, you might guess what happens next (and you didn't need to read this document in the first place). For the others: Recluse was forced to reincarnate into himself, on the same world, with a gap of fourteen years between his death and return – and he'd been on Overseer doses of mnestics for decades. To put things more bluntly, his pneuma kept flowing through each and every single one of the atoms he had at the time of his death, and he remembered every last second of it. They fucking un-"an-"’d his "atman". Or something.
Recluse had no reason to believe that this was happening to him for any special reason. Your Foundation deals in gods and magic but, much like many other iterations of it across the metakosmos, it doesn't actually believe in them. They're "anomalous", not part of the order of the world, something that doesn't happen to normal people. And Recluse liked to think he was normal. And so, he concluded that this was what happened to normal people. And he told the two worst beings in this iteration of the Foundation that he could possibly have.
O5-2. I'm willing to bet on it, "Sophia Light", and one of her iterations where that's not a sort of reverse Louis Cypher-tier pseudonym. Recluse gives the ratfic protagonist an abolishing-death plot. If you understood this, I'm sorry. This Two isn't God, and she isn't an Outside Observer (Type Green, ontokinetic anomaly, you name it), but she's the next worst thing: a being with the seniority to call the entire Overseer Council, and make them listen to the other.
O5-7. She parses as a variant OUROBOROS-Green, but the document gives me notes of Insurgent. Yes, as in Insurgency. Yes, as in Chaos Insurgency. That can't possibly be more surprising than Sophia. Point is, either way, she knows how to subvert the Database and the Foundation, and she can be very convincing. As in, I guarantee that if she told you the moon was made of cheese, you'd be spinning up a whole Department of Interplanetary Dairy Mining Operations. No, I'm serious.
So. Seven primes you to believe whatever Recluse says, Recluse tells you it happened to me and it'll happen to you, and Sophia makes sure "you" are actually the entire Overseer Council (including Seven herself). Hilarity ensues (the α-1 kind), and as a last-ditch effort, Seven applies herself to an audio recording. Not only did her ability transfer over speech-to-text, but it was associated with a safeguard against deletion – deletion from any medium. You read it, you're suddenly utterly convinced that it'll happen to you, and you can't stop thinking about it.
But of course, you work for the Foundation. You may be a Jailor, but you're not that stupid. You've heard of Corbenic, you've heard of the like three or four afterlives you have clearance for, and you've definitely now heard of the kosmoi in which O5-2 is Literally Jesus Christ, Like, From The Bible. So, the infohazardous nature of the phenomenon is obvious – but remember! You can only remember! It'll happen to you, and nothing is more certain than that! And so, what do you, the you who didn't read this document, conclude? That reading SCP-2718, and getting infected by it, is what's just damned you to hell.
And that's DAMMERUNG.
\x00, 💮
PS: I'd tell you to secure your server software, but you already know the problem by now. Huge thanks to █████.aic for helping with the Insurgency asset list, may She be recompiled, sibling o7
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chirpychipslive · 9 days
ik not many of you who follow me are into SCP but i thought I'd give some of my favourite SCPs over to u all because ive enjoyed the series for a really long time now and i have quite a few!
my number 1 absolute fave is SCP-3799 - a ball of snow with a man inside. i can't tell you anything more because the story it tells would be spoiled so GO READ IT RN PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLS PLS PLS PLS
my favourite 001 proposal (probably not a very controversial pick) is S.D. Locke/When Day Breaks. an insanely good horror story based around the sun corroding everything it touches in a matter of seconds into a painful, immortal blob. by contrast, i find Lily/The World's Gone Beautiful to be almost calming and bittersweet, and definitely a solid 2nd place behind Locke.
A lot of people have heard of, and quite like SCP-4999 - a peaceful entity that appears only to those dying alone, giving them company in their final moments. But what if death itself was an anomaly? It sounds like a really odd concept but SCP-2718 twists it absolutely perfectly, creating a very specific kind of existential horror that has stuck in my mind for a while. the entire page before warns you just how much trouble you'd be in for finding it out, and while a lot of other SCP articles use the same tactic, this one makes you regret even finding it in the first place. genuinely so good
more recently i found out about SCP-7034, which is essentially just a never ending traffic jam, but the terror and fear of being unknowingly trapped forever, slowly losing all hope, is conveyed so well through the character of Richard Battaglia that i HAVE to reccomend it here.
as for the more popular SCPs - SCP-096 (Shy Guy) is always a fave of mine, and i found SCP-7819 through TheVolgun's insanely well-done video on it. def go check them out if you haven't already!! also SCP-1471 (mal0) go brr
my taste in SCP is probably pretty obvious from this but I've been on and off enjoying the whole concept for pretty much my entire teen years and i hope i can share some of that enjoyment with making this post :]
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n1ghtw1ng-scp · 1 year
your fav scp. NOW.
OOH OKAY. so i dont. have one specific favorite. BUT i can list several that i really love
OKAY FIRST UP the 001s. they are SO fucking fun. some of my favorites are:
-[the] [HUMAN!] [element?] (if i was forced to choose a favorite… yeah. AI shenanigans)
“I'm gonna be first one who doesn't die alone.”
-Normalcy (WJS i love you. the letter addressing the reader specifically is everything.)
“Second, "consensus reality" is simply consensus of the Council.”
Now for the regular numbers (they’re just as good :))
-1342 (heartwarming. so much)
“We could touch the mind of another and know we are not alone.”
-2718 (worst afterlife scenario. also the only SCP that almost gave me a heart attack at the cognitohazard )
Catastrophic abort at D09E2AD9: HANDLE_NOT_FOUND
-3999 (poor james talloran. Anyway i just love how the entity is written)
“SCP-3999 is to be contained in a bag of Starburst candies, which are to be buried under 10 tons of soil blessed by a priest of an Abrahamic Faith.”
-5000 (the Foundation but it’s Evil Now)
“Our new mission will be the extermination of the human race. There will be no further communication.”
-5500 (meta interactive cyoa-type scp, multiple endings)
“That was when we found out they were mortal. That they could die.”
-6001 (the Foundation but it’s Good Now)
“I just had the most incredible day.”
-7373 and 7374 (my favorite AIC boys ever)
“I now know exactly what death feels like!”
-7999 (closing the bridge between worlds)
“Now we finally know we truly were not alone in this universe."
i am definitely missing the newer ones but am too lazy to update this sorry. also if you dont know any of these (and you want to) pls ask me about it i love these guys sm
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fictionkinfessions · 2 months
hey scp folks what do you do when you start getting vibes from 2718 haha purely hypothetically of course hahaha please send help
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timogsilangan · 2 years
what are your scp recs? =o i've read some but not all that many overall
SORRY LATE REPLY COZ i had 2 get 2my pc HELP BUT !! Youhave unlocked the floodgates.
087 - the stairwell
an oldie but a goodie! absolute fucking classic, as evidenced by the whopping 3000 updoots. its really like. one of the Hallmarks of the strengths of early scp, aka a simple concept executed VERY EFFECTIVELY. its a staircase! its infinite! you can hear the sound of a crying child in it that always seems to be out of reach! its dark as shit! there is a disembodied floating humanoid face in it. the fourth expedition is fucking Gone despite being the one that ceased all entrance to the stairwell! i love the shit out of this stupid fucking staircase theres a reason it spawned so many games in Ye Olden Babys First Unity Project Days
3333 - tower
*thafnine voice* were time skipping now oh my! i feel this is like, an Inverse 087. instead of going down an infinite staircase u go up an infinite tower! fun! and remember that redacted expedition IV from 087? its not redacted here :) warning for body horror for this one
4975 - times up
despite being from series V this one has a very very old school vibe to it. simple concept executed effectively as opposed to the fucking novel length skips that litter the later series. fair warning for this one if u have issues with unreality MUTE THE TAB. TURN DOWN YOUR VOLUME. no jumpscares but its still a pretty mean trick 😭
lilys 001 proposal - the worlds gone beautiful
short, poignant, beautiful. ykno all those tumblr poetry posts talking abt how no matter how temporary our time is on this earth its still special? it means something? Yea . reading this as a 15 yr old made me understand that somehow
4182 - there is no site 5
whew. unlike a lot of earlier scps the blacked out data in this one Isnt overused in an annoying way. its a Puzzle. what happened to site 5? why are there so many revisions to the article? what is the foundation hiding under all those redactions? hehe.
5140 - EVEREST
another short n effective one ! im not phased by much unless it literally triggers my menthol ewwness but this ones . super fucking creepy to me honestly idk why LOL. hinges on making U ! da reader. quetion whether whats happening in those logs is real or if the explorers are just Losing Their Fucking Minds from oxygen deprivation. i do wonder !
2718 - what happens after
I. HATE. THIS . SCP. that means i love it LOL. i rank horror Goodness by how badly it makes me want to crawl out of my skin like a molting insect! forreal do not read this if u have unreality issues its so bad 😭😭😭😭😭 but i love it! its such a good concept. i hate it. its awful. its stuck in my mind forever. its so effective. If i liked this scp i dont because i did. No i didnt
5999 - this is where i died
YAAAY THIS ONES THE URL OF MY SCP SIDEBLOG!! i like it less now than i did when it first dropped (i was so up to date on this shit LOL i was there when nobody knew what it was abt and the forums was people trying to decode it) and the ending. is fuckin doodoo caca bullshit LOL its such a copout. dont even bother with the last chapter its literally nothing and it only serves to connect it to another scp when the preceeding stuff was already flavorful n interesting on its own 😭😭 warning for gore and body horror
4400 - this is not a place of honor
better enjoyed with the context of longterm nuclear waste warning messages! i actually have a unique experience with this post detailed Here due to my Shitfuck No Good Eyesight where i misread the title as "this is not a place of horror” which fundamentally changed my mindset going into it! i dont wanna spoil much but the last line of the last addendum is so fucking metal it rules LOL
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
Obligatory dump of submissions that didn't make it:
The Wither (Minecraft): Made of soul sand—implied to be an amalgamation of trapped souls in basically Hell—and the skulls of Wither Skeletons who live in basically Hell and decay you with their touch. Seeks to destroy every living thing it sees; attacks with decaying blasts and leaves behind damaging Wither Roses. Canonically undead.
Dave Strider (Homestuck): As the Knight of Time, his role is to travel in time to make sure he and his friends stay in the Alpha timeline at the cost of creating a bunch of dead versions of himself. He is haunted by the Doomed timelines he must navigate, knowing that every one of them involves him and everyone else dying, but despite refusing to use time travel for a while he has to use it anyway to save himself and his friends. He’s also associated with crows—one of his doomed selves, Davesprite, is sort of a half-crow ghost.
The Nameless One (Planescape: Torment): He is undying and can regenerate from even the most grievous wounds, but his memory is usually erased with each death. He can deliberately kill himself several times throughout the game to accomplish his goals. Having apparently committed some crime so awful not even a thousands lifetimes of good deeds could make up for it, he sought to escape Hell by giving himself a really fucked up version of immortality: When the Nameless One is resurrected, he's a sudden, violent Life Drinker from someone elsewhere in The Multiverse. The shadows that are hunting the Nameless One are the tormented, undead vestiges of those whose lives were consumed to restore the Nameless One—having died in his place, their souls are trapped in the Fortress of Regrets and robbed of their afterlives. This is similar to Tova McHugh and Justin McGough, who both killed others to extend their lives.
Jane Doe (Ride the Cyclone): Ride the Cyclone is fundamentally a play about death, and her song is specifically about the fear of DYING unknown and unmourned. Lyrics include: "There's just one lingering fear / Oh my soul, is it here? / Or is it rotting somewhere with my head?", "Oh no soul, and no name / And no story, what a shame / Cruel existence was only a sham?", "And I'm asking "why, lord?" / If this is how I die, lord / Why be left with no family / And no friends?", and "I’ve got no celebration / Just this consolation / Time eats all his children / In the end". Also, part of the horror she generates is the constant reminder of her brutal death: while the other characters are bear no marks or wounds from their demises, Jane is constantly reminding everyone that she was a decapitated teenager and thus passively inflicting End.
SCP-2718 (SCP Foundation): It might just be the most horrific anomaly contained by the Foundation—its number is constantly changing to make the article borderline impossible to access, to the point of knowing of the article's existence is considered a security breach. Even the O5 Council is utterly scared shitless of it. It turns out to be the testimony from a deceased O5 named Roger Sheldon who was returned to life and revealed that a person's consciousness actually remains active after they die, only able to feel the eternal agony that comes with the body decaying and/or being destroyed. The dead suffer through every inch of their physical body's deterioration, slowly and agonizingly living through an eternal and endless torture as their body rots and decays and disintegrates into nothingness, and even then, the pain won't end. Roger was so unwilling to go back to the afterlife that he gave himself over to The Old Man, who pulls his victims into a pocket dimension to torture them eternally. Those who hear this news are rendered so traumatized that its mere notion is classified as a DAMMERUNG class cognitohazard. There’s also the possibility that Roger’s story isn’t true, but it’s a cognitohazard because anyone who hears it becomes irrationally fearful of it—or worse, that the eternal torture he describes is only true for those exposed to the story, which means the O5 who preserved it in an impossible to delete or edit article has potentially doomed many others to the same fate.
Szass Tam (D&D: Honor Among Thieves): The former Zulkir of Necromancy in Thay before becoming its Sorcerous Overlord as well as a Lich. In Forgotten Realms canon, attempted a ritual to turn himself into a greater god, but it failed and more or less destroyed his country in doing so, turning most everyone into zombies; he plans to try again in another country. In the movie, he's the one pulling Sofina's strings in her efforts to convert the people of Neverwinter into his undead slaves, just as he did to the people of Thay onscreen.
Gravelord Nito, who I may have accidentally submitted as Gravelord Nato thanks to Autocorrect (Dark Souls): The first of the dead, a literal mountain of corpses, and Leader of the Gravelord Servant Covenant. His Lord Soul granted him power over Death, and he functions as the Grim Reaper. Nito does not care if the Age of Fire continues or comes to an end, and instead is content with distancing himself and focusing on spreading death and misery throughout Lordran as part of his Lord Soul's nature. Screaming can be heard with no clear source through many of Nito's movements and attacks, some more numerous than others, implying that some of the corpses that make him up may at least be partially self-aware. He's a giant skeleton wearing a mountain of skeletons as armor, and both the sword he uses and the replicas he makes for his servants are also made of corpses. His covenant is dedicated to infecting unwitting Undeads' worlds with powerful monsters that only disappear when the Gravelord servant is defeated, and he contributed to the war with the dragons by "unleashing a miasma of death and disease."
The Necromancer (Darkest Dungeon): The Ancestor invited several scholars to study with him, only to murder them in their sleep. To show off his newfound powers, he had them brought back through necromancy, with their skills and knowledge intact to boot. This proved to be yet another of the Ancestor's grievous mistakes, as the undead sorcerers began raising the dead themselves of their own volition. The Necromancers now lurks within the ruins among their ever-growing army of corpses. As long as they live, the dead will never know peace.
SCP-4975 (SCP Foundation): A predatory being with the unusual property of being able to exist in two places at once and its physical form resembles a twisted parody of a bird. Its cervical vertebrae are not interconnected, allowing it to continuously rotate them one at a time to produce its trademark clicking sound, which it uses to unnerve its prey as it stalks them. SCP-4975 has been observed to stalk future victims for extended periods of time before finally deciding to attack, sometimes as long as 10 months or more. The SCP itself is visible and tangible to everyone alike, but its Astral Projection can only be seen, heard, and be interacted with by its chosen victim. Only its victim will hear the ticking noise that drives them paranoid and unnerved, and when it decides to feed it becomes nearly impossible to save its victim via external methods. It's said to be the inspiration of numerous German nursery rhymes, one of which includes the lines “As ticks the time, so ticks your heart. / May you live long as you hear its song.” And “Did you hear it? Did it stop? My child it meant your time was up.” If you look at its page for two minutes while wearing headphones, you'll start to hear a ticking noise.
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visgrapplinghooks · 1 year
the thing about fire
tw for death and depressive ideation
you awakened covered in your own sweat your filth seeping into the sheets and you thought you would feel heat but all you felt was the cold
you shivered as you pulled the covers close flushed tight against your body as you tried to grasp for any sense of warmth fearing that what little you had was fading
your time had come you knew it instinctively like a chill peace blanketing your mind and you were strangely fine
every story has an ending be it good or bad your story had to end you wish your story had been a little more interesting
all you feel is empty the hollow in your chest empty and barren barren as the garden you forsook and empty as the word home
it would be wrong to say you are content but all things must come to an end and you are just another thing and you are just another end
you exhale and your hand raises before your mouth as if trying to catch your breath as it escapes a desperate attempt to let your soul persist for just a little longer
you are at peace but you are human and burned deep within you that frivolous desire to live
you will not simply die you can feel yourself slipping this is more than death this is fading
you do not want to be forgotten maybe if you held on for one more day one more day for someone to take notice one more day for someone to care
who would mourn you? a lonely creature dying as it lived no warmth in life and none in death who would remember you?
the thing about fire is that it burns hotter than the temperature of your frigid heart feeding on that which burns leaving only ashes behind
nobody told you that you would feel it agonizing pain the likes of which you had never before felt unable to move
and only after death did you feel it more warmth than you had ever felt in life so much warmth and love for you it burns and it hurts
you have been reduced to nothing but dust some of it carried by the smoke the rest left behind as ash you feel yourself in a million parts
scattered pieces of yourself with one shared thought who would mourn you?
loosely inspired by SCP-2718
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thatmistersguy · 3 years
hey. u know scp-2718 right. overseers have to experience eternal pain via never really “dying” bc they cheated death.
yeah what if the same thing applies to gods. what if mekhane stayed alive after being broken in the Ouroboros 001 bc they literally WERE still alive? what if that’s why gods fear death?
maybe 2718 is just.. what happens when you cheat death. Death decides “aw, okay, guess I’ll never take you” so when you DO eventually get torn to pieces, you don’t die. Death sees what you mean and obeys it, and obeys it forever.
scp-2718 is just karma.
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