#scream in your face and tell you to go away snd how no matter what either of us do it cant fix the situation in the end. not really
eshithepetty · 4 months
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I'm sorry I can't be the sanctuary you need.
[ID: Art of op's OCs, Etiri and Mark. Etiri is a dark gray, fluffy moth like creature with a long tail, 6 limbs, wings, antenna, horns and green eyes, and Mark is a fluffy cat-like creature with a patchy brown-gray and sandy fur, 4 limbs, a short tail, small pink wings and pink eyes. The image is split in two - on the left, the scene, being in some sort of storage room, is cast in pink lighting, as Etiri holds a terrified Mark close to it, looking to the side in worry and sadness. And on the right, the scene is cast in green lighting, as Etiri, back to the viewer, sits in front of a bloodied rock in a forest, expression unreadable, Mark, now scarred, holding onto it tight with his eyes closed in pained desperation. End ID.]
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fishstyx · 3 years
cw. fem!reader, consensual noncon, coercion, daddy kink, breeding kink mention
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his attitude is almost admirable—at first, at least.
vowing he could never hurt you like that, even if it’s only play pretend. swearing he doesn’t have it in him to keep going when you tell him to stop. eyeing you with all the sympathy that a tourist throws a beggar—all pity and no action. yuuta flashes you a weak smile but tells you it’s a hard no.
because the words “rape fantasy” aren’t ones that should fall from pretty little lips like yours. “daddy,” he can understand. “choke me,” he gets. but “breed me by force?” yuuta pales at the very thought. thinks he’d rather cut off his own hands, and truly believes it. he’s sweet like that, he puts your comfort snd safety first. but it’s not what you want, and it’s most certainly not what you need.
so you ease him into it, baby steps, right? it’s not his fault he’s so nice. but it’d be nicer if he’d rip your tights to shreds, nicer if he’d force your legs wide open, nicer if he’d stifle your screams with your soiled panties. you whisper it in his ear as you’re jerking him off—how good it would feel to be violated by your loving boyfriend—it’s only fap material, yeah? but then he’s coming undone in your hand, chest heaving with labored breath, eyes glazed over, and a seed is planted.
you have him good. you have him like pavlov had his dogs. you have him itching for your unprepared pussy, hungry for your blood and tears. the hand stuff and the dirty little nothings aren’t enough anymore. soon he’s daydreaming about the real thing, head full of cotton as he considers, seriously, how hot you’d look trying to push him away.
he plays the part flawlessly, gleam in his eyes as he grinds up against you when you least expect it.
“we’re doing this right now?” is all you ask, not yet onto his game, preoccupied with some other task.
he scoffs, “daddy’s gonna use his baby girl’s cunt whenever he pleases,” and it’s then that you notice how humorless his expression is, so uncharacteristically cold, face framed in shadow by untidy bangs. you stiffen, moving to back away but it’s too late, his hands pushing you over the nearest table so your breasts flatten and your ass sticks out. he’s forcing himself between your legs like you always asked for, groaning at how wet you already are, how much he knows you want this.
“this is for us,” he says simply, in matter-of-fact cadence, as he pushes past your entrance.
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bandgeek4life8 · 3 years
Dying for Lying Secrets |Loki Laufeyson x Reader|
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WC: 1, 463 words
Warning: Angst/ Soulmate AU, references to Endgame, Dark World, and Loki episode 1
Loki Laufeyson skipped past most of the life he had already loved through, only stopping at two occasions: the meeting of his best friend and finding out his true heritage. And he stopped at a single scene that looked to have been on the horizon if he still went through with the time keepers' plan for him. But he strayed from the past and now here he was, alone wearing a prisoner's uniform. The scene was of him in hos cell that awaited him in Asgard snd in that same room was her. Her with her beautiful hair and kind, vibrant eyes that he could get lost into for centuries if he ever allowed himself to be that distracted.
"Are you still color blind, darling?" the Loki on the screen asked her as he stopped his momentary pacing to look at her.
"I'm always going to be colorblind, Loki. I have no soul mate." she told him.
Loki, the one watching the scene go by, looked down at the cloth covered arm that beneath the fabric said a single thing. Her name. His soul mate. And yes, the universe had made mistakes in soul bonding before with the odds of a person cursed with unrequited bond possible along with someone never finding their soulmate simply because they didn't have one. It was possible as certain few have had it, scattered throughput the centuries. But for someone to have an unrequited bond with an unbonded person? That had never happened before.
What the female had told Televison-Loki started to pace and pace and pace, and the look upon her face grew steadily worried about him. "Loki? What's wrong?"
Televison-Loki stopped pacing and walked over to her, the one who was his best friend. And his onlg friend. Even sticking by his loyal side during the whole New York thing even if she knew ot was wrong to the point where she negated the attacks of the two brothers.
"Okay, I don't know how to say this," Television-Loki placed a hand on her shoulder snd thr other against her cheek, Loki practically melted when she leabed into his touch and a glimmer of hope appeared across Television-Loki's face, "but I have to. You have to know how much I care about you. And I care about you a lot. To the point where I...I...I...I..."
"Just spit it out, Loki." she told him.
"I love you." the female stepped away from the young prince. "I have loved you since we were small children. And yes, it is because you're my soul mate, but it goes deeper than that. It's more complicated than that. I love you with all my heart, and I'm sorry. For putting you in danger." The female stayed quiet. "Please, say something, [Y/N]!"
Her eyes started to cloud up before she blonked away the escaping tears. "I can't. I can't love you."
"You can't?" That was the first time Loki had ever heard the quiver in his own boice, snd his eyes started to water at the scene. Because he had a feeling he knew how it would end.
"I could never love you, Loki. I could never love someone like you." And there it was the ended he knew was coming.
"What? Wh-wh-wh-wh-what do you mean?" Television-Loki asked. He had asked the same question the real Loki had wanted to ask.
"It means your incapable of being loved, Loki." Never had he ever thought his best friend would say that to him.
And with a puff of smoke she was gone, and Loki continued with the slide show of his life. And when he got to the end, he couldn't contain it in himself. Because he finally had his brother's love and trust. All for it to end prematurely. He supposed the best thing about his death was the scream of agony he heard from his best friend thay told him a sliver of her still cared for him in someway. When Mobius M Mobius found the god, he sighed at him.
"You looked through the entire thing huh?" Mobius asked, already knowing the answer.
"I spent so much time scheming and hurting that I destroyed every relationship that ever mattered to me. And my two favorite people in the world grew to hate me with one forgiving me and telling me he always loved me. And at the end, when I try to do good, what is the point? The only thing that awaits the good is a premature death." Loki told him.
"Thor may have loved you, but the one living in painful agony after your death wasn't your brother. It was [Y/N] [L/N]." Mobius told him.
"Yeah right." Loki spat.
Mobius sighed before taking out Loki's lifetime-tape and replacing it with another in the memory-player. "Thos is against protocol. But for what I need you for, you need some morale. And this can give you it." And he fast forward the video. These weren't his memories or his brother. Sure there were lots of moments with both of them, but whose lifetime-tape was, it was [Y/N]'s. And Mobius stopped the tape at the end of the Endgame battle where Thanos was gone and everyone was mourning Tony.
The female with [H/C] hair sat on some rubble from the Avengers Compound Explosion. Thor walked over to her. "Odinson!" The name his brother called her sent a pit into Loki's stomach. Of course Thor got her in the end. Of course he did. [Y/N] didn't respond to the name, so Thor tried another to get attention. "Laufeyson!" Still nothing. "[Y/N]!"
The female turned towards her old friend and sent a smile at him before scotting away to give the Lord of Thunder room to sit down. Loki didn't want to watch anymore of this, so he got up from his spot ag the desk. Mobius paused it.
"You really think that this will cheer me up? Knowing that my brother gets the girl I wanted? The one thing I thought he would never have!" Loki asked him, furious.
"Thor and [Y/N] never got together. He was too caught up in his guilt and she in her grief and guilt. Sit down and watch." Mobius told him. Loki didn't move snd looked like he was about to argue. "Just sit and watch."
Loki sat down and Mobius pressed plag on the player. "We won."
"But at what cost? I didn't decide to throw everything away to retrieve it later only to lose it in its entirety!" [Y/N] said.
Thor sighed before stealing a singular side-eyed glance at her. "Do you want to know why I call you Odinson and Laufeyson?"
"I never put much thought into your nonsense, Thor." she told him.
"It's because my brother loves you and when you got over your pride, you two would have been married." Thor told her.
"But I didn't love him." she told him.
"Even idiots are smart enough to notice it, and my brother did call me an idiot on more than one occassion." Thor told her. "So why don't you admit it?"
"Because I'm cursed. My mother became vengeful of me. She didn't see me as having a purpose. Because my soulmate turned out to be not you, Thor, like she wanted. It was Loki. And my mother, unbound my soul from his in a one-way revocation. And from there, you live a cursed life. A half-life. Without being bound to anyone, you gain free will. Unfortunately, unrequited love and contradiction was the curse I bore. And everyone that said they loved me either left me or betrayed me. And when Loki told me loved me, I thought it would be the same, so I struck down his declaration with the worst thing I could think of. But he didn't leave. He didn't betray me. He died. And yes I did spend more nights than I'll like to admit wondering how our life could have been like if I told him from the beginning. How many happy memories we could have had beside the heartbroken, resentful ones. I did love him, Thor. I do love him, Thor. But what point is there when it all ends? Because everything must come to an end." she explained. She loves me.
"Because it's what makes living living. Knowing that the end is there." Thor told her.
"Thanos is no longer a problem. I know what I must do from here." [Y/N] said, trying to change the topic.
"And what is that?" he asked her.
"Tying up loose ends and finishing what I started." she told him.
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doyelikehaggis · 3 years
it has been a hot minute but i am BACK and i also just drank like a whole ass can of monster so this is certainly gonna be something
currently watching s6 e8, it is evil chloe hours and i am HERE FOR IT
is it just me who thinks it’s hilarious that ryan and chloe are the only ones not grounded. like somehow bird is grounded but ryan isnt?? who would’ve thought.
the fact that chloe is inherently disadvantaged in her chances of signing up for the trip. how the hell is she gonna wheel herself there faster than everyone can run without getting herself grounded anyway for going too fast in the house. that was such a stupid system, honestly
everyone: wow ryan’s so mean and unsympathetic
also everyone: *doesn’t even try and be kind up chloe when she got them ungrounded for the trip*
ryan is like,, really not a bad brother? i honestly do not understand why chloe seems to think he’s so terrible (“unfortunate to have a brother who’s ryan” in her words) when she loved him so much before that one episode with the festival in the garden, and now she suddenly dislikes him because he burned sasha’s poster? like i’d get it if she blamed him for her accident but she doesn’t. and literally no matter what she does and says, he still loves her snd helps her? she’s literally like the only person he’ll put above himself and help without some ulterior motive or getting something out of it (mission totally possible notwithstanding) and yet she acts like he’s the worst unless he’s helping her and even when he is (“sometimes it’s hard admitting that someone we love is less than perfect. i should know”) like BITCH you’re worse than him! wow i am unreasonably angry about this
sasha listening to metal and knitting is such a mood. would literally kill to be her
why does bird always get framed for these things. you’d think people would learn it’s never him but somehow everyone always believes it? that kid would never do anything outside the rules unless he was helping someone he cares about *cough* jay and candi-rose *cough*
for fucks sake even ryan thinks framing bird for locking finn in the shed is too far, but noooo he’s the worse sibling, not chloe. she really blackmailed him into dressing as a fucking clown when he was meeting the mayor, but him accidentally saying that chloe was the one who locked finn in the shed is apparently so much more of a betrayal 🧐 (i’m so mad about this help)
“you’re just like ryan” WOW JAY WHEN HAS RYAN EVER REACHED THIS LEVEL OF MANIPULATION. like i know he’s bad but he’s never gotten anyone almost kicked out (i don’t think so anyway, might be forgetting things)
why does chloe get away with all of this with just a telling off and an apology (that she clearly didn’t entirely mean if “enjoy the musical. my musical.” is anything to go by) but ryan gets permanently hated. what. the injustice of this-
and then she really just tricks ryan about supposedly having given the sweets back? she is n o t the lovely person the narrative makes her out to be and i am mad
i’m sorry that most of this was just one long rant, oops 😂 also i hope you make your deadline you mentioned, good luck 🤞
Oh god, okay, I definitely know how it feels to be rambling about TDG while drinking a whole can of monster lmao (though sometimes for me it's like three cans of mountain dew.)
Honestly, I really liked evil Chloe. 1) she deserved the chance to do it at least once or twice, you know? and 2) I just love her more than usual when she acts more like Ryan, there's just something about it.
It is actually quite funny now that you're saying. But also I am now confused, is that still about 6x8? Because if so, I don't remember, was Bird grounded for lying for Jay?? Why was EVERYONE grounded other than Ryan and Chloe??
Wait, hold on, did you mean 7x8? "Snake"? Because that one I understand. But, really, Bird would never have been grounded if it wasn't for Chloe, we all know he is too precious. It is a surprise that Ryan wasn't already grounded on his own, though, I agree
That really was such a stupid system and I absolutely understand why Chloe was so mad about it. She was the one who got them the chance to go again, it was obvious she wanted to go, her name should have automatically been on the list to go. But either way it was going to be unfair because the older ones could easily get there faster than the younger ones, too?? What were they thinking?
It is really annoying how Chloe treats Ryan. He genuinely tries to help her all of the time, and as you said, would put her above himself when he literally would not do that for anyone else. And now we're never going to get anything better than what we got because they're both gone!
Oh my god, yes, Sasha with her knitting and heavy metal. She reminded me of my sister in that scene; crocheting and listening to screaming emo. Sasha is a blessing.
Seriously, it should be so obvious to everyone by now that Bird would never do anything wrong unless he had a really good reason. He's not cruel just for the fun of it, doesn't break stuff and not own up to it. If anything, he's likely to take the blame!!
Ryan's face when he realized what Chloe had done. I do think that was more because we know he does care about Finn and thinks that was a step way too far. I quite liked Ryan accidentally giving up what Chloe had done because he genuinely didn't mean to do it and looked like he regretted it right after, which is interesting for him.
I'm not sure what exactly Jay could have been referencing, it's been a little bit since I've watched it as well, but I do actually kind of see where he was coming from. I think he should have said "you're worse than Ryan" because that would have hurt a lot more, but in that kind of situation, I can see how the first thought would just be to say they're the same because it would still hurt Chloe. It makes sense dialogue wise for what realistically would be said, but I do agree that Chloe was worse than Ryan in that episode. And I loved it.
I don't know why Chloe just got away with it, to be honest. If it had been Ryan, there would definitely be some lingering grudges. Maybe they do just expect Chloe to have learned from it and never do anything like it again, so they're willing to move on and forget it, but because Ryan has slipped up again after being "forgiven" they don't believe he'll change anymore.
Haha, it's okay! And I did not make the deadline, it was for a ship week thing, but it's okay, I'll probably still finish the fics anyway and just post them on their own.
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imagines-mha · 5 years
So I know this is mainly for our beloved Assclass but, at any point in time because I need more content for my favorite feral copycat, could I get some hcs for Monoma falling in love with someone from class 1-a. I know it sounds impossible but like she finds his snark hilarious and she's always complimenting 1-b and sticking up for them if they need it. Man I would appreciate it so much, thanks!
Omg i LOVE this idea bro i migt actually turn it into a mini fanfic??? Idk yet but it was SO GOOD and fun to write!!! tysm for the request 💕💫 also i got carried away and totally wrote a drabble instead lmao SORRY DUDE
—Love Story- Monoma x reader—
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♥️ Im sure i don’t need to highlight it too much, because we all fuckin KNOW.
Monoma is the most dramatic asshole to come from the show. Fr he’s gonna act like he’s living in romeo and juliet every night when he’s in his dorm alone it’s so eccentric like jusT TALK TO HER STOP BLASTING LOVE STORY BY TAYLOR SWIFT AT 3AM YOU HAVE A TEST TOMORROW
Before he knows he’s in love completely, he treats it like a fun game. He always wins at games, doesn’t he?
He doesn’t i have no idea why he still thinks he does wtf
♥️ You’re a new transfer student at UA, and are still settling into the school, meaning you’ve yet to see one of his acts of clownery; meaning he still has a chance
His classmates tell him to quit while he’s ahead. CLEARLY class 1-A have already warned you to avoid him, clearly you’re gonna know to just ignore him when he flaunts his worth to you.
Clearly, Monoma doesn’t listen.
His charm is good though, enough to be able to sweep almost any girl who barely knows him off of their feet in mere seconds. He knows how to script his praises, and ensures he’s done his research on you beforehand to personally detail the comments to suit your style
He has one plan: go and win her over with one compliment. Sweep her off her feet and ride off into the distance where 1-a and 1-b no longer matter and it’s just the both of you alone together i told u he was dramatic dude smh
He’s all prepared for the big moment: he has his hair all neatly done, making it certain he smells nice, slapping on a smirk with just enough attitude that makes it seem as if he wasn’t up all night planning for this exact moment. He’s readier than he’ll ever be
He sees you walking into school with Mina and Uraraka, chattering away, when he suddenly leans against the doorway in front of you, his voice already carrying on with a level of confidence you didn’t even know existed
“Forgive me if i’m wrong, but you must be the brand new transfer student? My, i knew you’d be pretty but i didn’t know you’d be this gor-“
“Don’t be a creep monoma-“ mina sighed, pushing past him and leading you through the door.
“That’s the monoma we warned you about” she laughed, “just don’t pay any attention-“
He should have really been put off from then, but his positivity lived on, even tho tetsutetsu found him sulking in his room later like a 5 year old who just got shouted at by their parents
He’d plan his next strategy the very next day. So straight up flirting wouldn’t work. What now?
He sits and ponders for a while, and i mean A LONG ASS WHILE like two weeks, preferring to stay in the background and admire you from a distance rather than get all up in your face
It seems like a funny joke to his class, and they make fun of him for it constantly. He never has crushes, especially not like this. This is like a golden opportunity: they’re getting peace from his constant idiocy, you were already like their saviour
He’s never quiet, but now he’s almost nervous to speak incase you hear and think he’s dumb. He’s never so...not-annoying, but he doesn’t want to prove to you that Mina was right that day. He didn’t want to be just a warning to you. He wanted to be who you loved, who you yearned for at night, who you grasped when-
“You monologuing again?” Kendo interuppted with a humourous tone from his bedroom door while he sulked into his pillow
He let out a whine and flailed over onto his bed, covering his eyes with his hands
“I just want her to like me...” he pathetically groaned, and for a moment the boy who acted like he was miles above everyone else had succumbed to a normal teenager
Kendo figured she had to thank you for that later
After a small, late-night talk about the importance of being yourself and the unattractiveness of too much pride, Monoma decided that from here on in he’d be completely him. If you didn’t like him for that, then clearly you weren’t meant to be
But he really hoped you did.
A week later, snarky monoma was back in action- and he spent the entire day of training relishing in his insults and cocky comments towards the members of 1-A
To be honest, he was having so much fun riling them up he almost forgot he was looking out to impress you. Typical Monoma.
That was until he saw you giggle at one of his snide comments made at Bakugo, reeling him back to earth immediately from his throne of false royalty
He looked around for anything, some sort of confirmation it was he you were laughing with and noone else, and when he saw Kendo nodding in support to him from the corner, he felt like cheering out loud
It only encouraged him more though, because his cockiness became unbearable to the opposing class. Luckily though, it became even more amusing to you
He was shooting out insults and taunts left right and centre, his eyes darting in your direction each time one left his lips and his heart fluttering when he saw your eyes searching for him at the same time
It was a small haven. Suddenly the two of you were looking for eachother’s gaze whenever someone from your class screwed up in some way, because you both knew Monoma would have something to say about it
You didn’t care that it was against your class either. He was a pain in the ass to them, snd you could see why, but you just found him hilarious above anything
After all, someone needed to put them in their place every so often
Soon enough, both bakugo and todoroki had clearly had enough of his witty comments, and stormed up to to him to “give him a piece of their minds”
After a small outbreak of bakugo’s screaming and Todoroki’s sassy additions to a nonchalant Monoma, you decided to step in
Not that you didn’t value your two classmates...but Monoma did have better comebacks...plus...he was kinda cute
You rolled your eyes and spoke up,
“Leave him alone you idiots- just because he has better sass than you both do doesn’t mean you gotta go all batshit on him” you rolled your eyes at them before stepping to Monoma
“I never knew you could be so good at riling people up-“ you smirked, noting his shocked expression before quickly adding,
“take it as a compliment- your class is lucky to have you-“
He was so awestruck he couldn’t find a word to say, leaving the entire place in stunned silence for a few seconds, before the feud calmed down and training resumed back to normal.
But It didn’t take long for Mina to tug you away to the side,
“Did you just COMPLIMENT monoma?!” She suddenly asked, her tone laced with shock
“Come on Mina he’s not even that bad-“ you laughed, blushing softly and gazing back to the blonde (who was still staring completely stunned)
“I...i can’t believe someone could actually stand him-“ she laughed with you, “you guys would totally make a cute couple!!” She squealed, receiving a smack on the arm from you with copious amounts of “shut the HELL up before he hears you!!!!” spilling from your lips
“Seriously though y/n- a girl from class 1-A and a guy from class 1-B..... the SCANDAL of it all-“ she dramatically grinned, gasping in fake shock, “and it’s not even just a guy...it’s MONOMA himself” she continued teasing you, laughing when you groaned for her to shut up because you totally didn’t mean it like that...did you?
Since when did your life become a shakespeare play?
When you guys finally date, noone could really believe it. Monoma, for one, actually liked someone who wasn’t himself. And you...actually liked him back.
This was either a recipe for the sweetest couple in the world, or a recipe for a couple that could kill you and feel no remorse doing so.
But all that mattered to you both was that you were a couple. You loved him and he loved you too- and when you had that going for you, how much more did you need?
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suckstobescotty · 6 years
It all started in a bar "Episode 1"
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There might be a part 2 on this depending how it's received. It was much more detailed but then my writing app deleted the entire thing snd I had to restart. Also 100 paragraph thing sucks. Hope you guys like it.
TW: date-rape drug use, alcohol, attempted kidnapping, hospitals, implied murder scene, death threat, police, and gun mention.
"Let me smash" the guy at the bar slurred next to you, his breath smelt like hot sauce, old chicken, and whiskey. Not pleasant.
"No. Now leave me alone" You said sternly. Sipping your drink before putting it down for a second and looking away to see if your friend was still here. She had a habit of leaving with some guy almost immediately. When you looked back, the guy was gone and you sighed in relief and took another sip and the chugged the rest of your Guinness before ordering water. You had only drank one beer but you didn't feel like drinking any more than that tonight. As the water was placed in front of you everything bag to spin  and you felt yourself falling even though you weren't moving. You stood up to leave and find your friend but almost toppled over.
"Whoa there sweetie. Let's go home" a man said as you stumbled next to him. You looked up and saw the guy from earlier. And wanted to fight but you were too far gone to the feeling of whatever was wrong with you that you were practically limp.
"Colby does that look right to you?" Sam asks, Colby looks up and notices a guy dragging some androgynous person out of the bar but the person seemed out of it. Not drunk, not high, just limp and unresponsive other than weak shoves on his chest as if they were trying to get away but had no strength.
"No, no it does not" Colby says and places his drink with Sam before getting up from the table. He walked through the dance area that only had a few people on it, cutting off the slurring man carrying his limp victim. "Sorry sir, but where are you taking them?" Colby asked holding his ground and looking as intimidating as the guy could look.
"I'm taking her home, she is way to drunk to be here" He slurs and tries to shove past. The limp person in his arm keeps slapping at his face with a limp hand, a 'they/them pronouns please!' Pin was on the victims arm of their black Jean jacket.
"I'm sorry but who are you to them?" Colby asks with a blank stare to the guy.
"Boyfriend." He slurs back after a hesitation.
"Can I see a picture of you two together then?" Colby asked. The man grumbled for a second before answering.
"I don't have my phone and I don't need to show you shit!" A bouncer comes from behind Colby who already had his phone out to call 911 and seperates the man and the, now passed out, drugged character in his arm. The guy fought against it but his ID was taken from him and a picture taken of it for the police before he was kicked out.
"911 what's your emergency?" The response agent asked as Colby's phone call was answered, the drugged victim going in and out of consciousness in the booth that he had taken them too.
"My friend was drugged at Murphy's Pub. Can I get an ambulance?" Colby says as he keeps fingers on the others wrist to keep track of their pulse "yes they are breathing. Their pulse is a little quick and they don't smell like they drank much at all." Colby tried to give more information. The paramedics entered the bar a few minutes later. Everyone moved out of the way for them.
"Can I come with to make sure they are okay?" Colby asked and they allowed him to ride with.
_ _ _
The room was bright and your head hurt as you looked around. You didn't remember anything beyond seeing that man's face and him saying he would bring you home, and then sitting in a booth with a handsome brunette as he was on his phone.
"Wow. You're awake" a voice said from beside you and you looked to the door where the same handsome brunette was and your Friend that had abandoned you.
"Bitch" You spat at her making her laugh but then frown and walk to your bedside.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you." She said as she petted her hand through your hair.
"No you shouldn't. Please leave. I'll call you when I feel like talking this over" You mumbled and she nodded.
"Okay. I'm sorry" she then left the room. The handsome brunette wandered over and sat next to you.
"How are you feeling?" He asked, his amazing blue eyes were filled with concern. You stared at him and looked over his frame for a moment.
"Fine. Tired." You responded. He nodded and then looked over as a nurse came in.
"Oh hello. We ran some blood tests and found that you were given a date rape drug known as GHB. Your friend here called just in time. You had highly toxic levels of it in your system. We were able to get you on some fluids and pump your stomach. You'll br fine now but you'll need to stay here a few days" The professional spoke and you simply nodded as she spoke before she left again.
The man got a phone call and left the room to answer it, you looked around tried to remember anything between when the man first grabbed you and when you were in the booth to now. Nothing would click and your brain just wouldn't allow you to remember anything.
"Sorry, business call" The brunette said as he sat back down next to you ten minutes later. "Sorry I haven't told you my name, I'm Colby Brock." He introduces and you smile gently and tell him your name before thinking of a question.
"What happened last night? All I can remember is I went out drinking with my friend and I only had one beer before ordering water, I had tried to tell a man to leave me alone. When I finished my beer I started to feel ill and heavy and when I tried to leave the man grabbed me and tried to take me. That's it" You decided to end your memory recall there, it would be easier for the man to explain that way.
"My friend Sam noticed you and the man, who is arrested now, and pointed out that it didn't look right. I approached the man and asked him who he was and where he was taking you. He told me he was your boyfriend and he was taking you home. However he couldn't prove your relation. So the bouncer kicked him out. You were very limp and we're falling in and out of consciousness which explains your memory. I brought you to a booth to sit down and called 911. I rode in the ambulance with you and haven't left since." Colby explained and you followed along the best you could.
"Well thank you. How long have I been out?" You asked concerned about your job.
"About, 9 hours. It's 10 a.M. right now" He explained. You swore gently under your breath.
"Well, I'm fired." You laughed and rubbed your face. You were lucky to still be on a family health insurance plan. "I had no more lates left this month so I'm fired" You clarified when Colby asked what you meant.
"Oh.." He said to himself. He looked out the window now, the beautiful L.A. sky was all that was visible for you though. You and Colby talked for a few hours. He left around 3 p.M. to go home and get changed. He promised to be your ride when you were released. You slept a lot, you ate only ad much ads you had to as your stomach couldn't handle much and the next morning they let you leave. You put on your clothes from last night. Your Jean jacket, black Jean shorts, and your TieDye shirt.
Then waited for Colby outside the hospital. He pulled up a few minutes late but you didn't mind. You sat in the back seat, the Sam guy that Colby had mentioned earlier was up front, and gave Colby instructions to where you lived. A little embarrassed about it. It was one of the shades parts of L.A. you passed 5 cop cars while on your street. There was broken windows and police tape all over your building.
"This is where you live?" Colby asked seeming worried. You nodded.
"It's all I could afford on a tendergreens salary" You responded as you went to leave the car.
"Can I walk you to your apartment please? In case you collapse or sonething" Colby tried to recover himself but failed. You nodded though, it was a kind offer. He turned off the car and locked it with Sam inside before walking you to your little apartment. Police were just exiting your neighbour's door as you left, her 19-year-old son in cuffs with them.
"Hey moodring" You called out and he gave a peace sign through handcuffs. Comb gave you a look as you laughed. "He is called moodring ring because he changes his hair color bi-weekly." You explained and Colby nodded. Your apartment was small, and practically empty. You had milk crate seats and a ripped to shreds futon.
"Um" Colby felt bad for you. He didn't think that this was a way to live, he felt sad.
"Sorry for the mess" you apologized but Colby saw nothing to make a mess with. The walls were bare, the floor was almost empty, and it looked like the kitchen hadn't been touched in a year.
"I'm sorry but I really don't like you living here. It's dangerous and it's not a nice place for such a nice person to live. Can I bring you to my place instead? I have an extra room in my house and that way you can find a new job while not worrying about rent" Colby justifies his every word. You stared at Colby for a few minutes, he seemed like a genuine guy. He seemed like he was actually worried about you. 
"I don't want to be in the way Colby. You're a really nice guy but I don't want to  invade your space." You responded and Colby looked worried but he nodded.
"If you change your mind. You have my number okay?" Colby offered and you nodded before he left back to his car. You called your body to confirm if you were fired or not.
"Yes. I'm sorry but no matter what you missed a day of work and didn't call in about it. You don't have a job here anymore. I will put in a good recommendation for your next job and won't mention your lates" He responded and then hung up on you. You sighed and decided to just clean up and then sleep.
There was gun shots by 8pm and then men slamming their hands on your door screaming they were going to kill you. "Wrong apartment!" You called out just to receive a 'we will kill you anyways' they never made it in though. The next morning you had a rent warning under your door, rent had been raised from 400 a month to 600. "Fuck"
"Colby?" You asked as he answered the phone. You were under your bed covers in your room. The sound of a slightly distant gunshot rang through the phone into Colby's ear.
"Oh hey. What do you need? I'm here for you" Colby answered. Already grabbing his car keys.
"Can I take you up on that moving offer? I can't afford my rent because they upped it, I did get fired, and I was almost murdered last night for the tenth time this month" You answered and heard a car start.
 "I'm on my way. Pack up your valuables and we will just move you today okay," Colby said and you agreed before ending the call. You filled the milk crates with pictures of your family, your laptop that was 13 years old, and your phone and charger. That was all you owned other than some clothing.
"Hi" You greeted as you let Colby into your apartment. You picked up a crate and Colby took the other. You brought them to his car and then got in. Colby looked you over and noticed how tired you looked.
He lead you into his apartment where you slept on the couch for the next six hours. He filmed a video while you were asleep and began editing shortly before you woke up.
That was how this all started...
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aesthetic-duckling · 6 years
Min Yoongi x Reader
Seven months have passed in a haze for Yoongi now that he no longer has you there and his friends are tired of seeing him waste away.
Photo by @dlazaru (will remove if asked)
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He didn't know how long it had been, yet he knew exactly. The better part of a year passing in a haze, but he could tell anyone who asked that it had been seven months, three days, and eleven hours since you had left him.
He'd never believed it could end like this. After all, you had always told each other forever.
It was one particular memory that his mind kept circling back to.
"Min Yoongi," you had yelled, standing at the edge of the cliff, hands cupped around your mouth, listening to the echo bounce through the canyon. "I love you and I am never going to stop!"
He'd thought you'd looked amazing, even after the three mile hike to the top. Your skin basked in the sunlight, the natural tan looking all the more like his own personal Heaven as he watched you. It had only taken one look, that brief moment of believing that he wouldn't join you in shouting out your love for him to step up to your side and yell out his own vow.
You loved with your whole heart, no reservations or exceptions, and you did so without shame. Yoongi missed that most about you. Once the words were out, you could never hide them from anyone. All your friends knew that you wore your heart on your sleeve, but only Yoongi knew that you would never be the first to say them.
The fear came from past relationships. You said three words and they would leave. Every time. Still, you would never apologize for your love. No, you would simply pick up the broken pieces of your heart and move on to the next one.
Yoongi hadn't meant to say it that night, but he couldn't bring himself to regret it. Two weeks was a considerably short time to have been together for an admittance of love, but the words were true.
Park Jimin had been your friend first, bringing you along to a halloween party at the beach where the two of you met. Unlike himself, Yoongi had wasted no time in coming over to talk to you. He blamed it on the alcohol in his system, but inside he knew that you had been so radiant and warm against the chilly air of the sea.
Yoongi had never been good at flirting, but after a whispered encouragement from Jimin, he had leaned in for a kiss. Surprising him and thus causing him to fall further was how you refused, politely turning your head so he only landed a peck on your cheek. "I don't kiss people for the first time unless they're sober."
"Tomorrow night then. Are you free? For a date, n-not just a kiss." You agreed with a blinding smile on your face.
Over those two weeks, Yoongi became entirely infatuated with you, asking Jimin to help him with outfits for dates and date ideas until he could get to know you well enough. In those first fifteen days, the two of you managed twenty dates. After the first dinner date, he met you for coffee the next morning before your eight a.m. class - nearly giving Kim Seokjin a heart attack when Yoongi walked into the cafe he worked at so early in the morning. It was dates for whatever meal the two of you decided or dates to just hang out. Even when you met the next weekend for another of Jimin's parties, he'd labeled it as a date and you agreed. In all that time, he never once leaned in for a kiss.
On the sixteenth day, you laid on his bed, listening to one of his tracks he'd been working on while he rushed to get ready. "I love that you never get upset when I get distracted and run late."
"Is that all?" He didn't miss the disappointment in your tone.
"I just love you." The words were out before he could stop them, and he froze.
You had simply climbed to your feet and crossed the room to press your lips to his, one hand caressing his cheek. "I love you too."
Yoongi knew he loved you from that first night. He knew you were different when you didn't kiss him and it only felt reinforced now that he knew you felt the same. He said the words again and again, emphasizing them small kisses to your nose, forehead, cheeks, and lips until you dissolved into a git of giggles.
With a groan, he dropped his head against the wall. Yoongi knew it wasn't healthy for him to still be thinking of you this much, but he couldn't help himself. It was nearing a year since the two of you had met and he felt like he was spending the days leading up to it just living in his memories.
At the protest of his muscles - stiff from not being used - he peeled himself out from under his covers and mad his way to the bathroom to shower. Jimin would be there soon with Kim Namjoon and they had said that he had to come out with them no matter what.
The steam rising from his skin told him that the water should burn, but he didn't feel it, instead letting his mind wonder.
You laughed, twirling with your arms wide as the rain pelted into your skin. Yoongi watched you from under his umbrella, refusing to join you in the onslaught of water, but you didn't mind, smiling at him and looking for all the world brighter than the sun. "It's not cold. I promise." He didn't believe you, for it was November. In no way did he attempt to stop you when you threw your arms around his neck with such vigor that he dropped the umbrella anyway to hug you back.
"It's freezing." He accused, face buried in your hair to breathe in the scent of you.
You laughed again, brushing his wet locks from his forehead. "Not once you get used to it."
"Yoongi, are you drowning in there?" Namjoon pounded on the bathroom door, jarring him out of the memory.
He only grunted in response, turning off the now ice cold water. After dressing, he joined his friends in the living room, hating the normality of it.
"You'll thank us for this," Jimin started, placing a hand on his shoulder. "It isn't good for you to stay cooped up in here all the time. When's the last time you cleaned your apartment anyway? It stinks in here."
"I'll call Jin and maybe he'll come clean up for you while we're out," Namjoon added, holding open the door for Jimin to usher Yoongi out.
Yoongi didn't know what the two had planned when they all but shoved him into the back of Namjoon's car, but he figured it would be okay as long as he went through the motions. He opted for staring out the window while they drove, thankful that his friends chose to leave him out of the conversation.
It brought back yet another nostalgic memory.
Yoongi's hand clutched yours tightly on the center console while you sang along to the radio, watching the scenery pass by. It was the fifth month together - your final month together. He was taking you on a vacation trip to a lake he had frequented during high school. It was spring break and neither of you knew it would be your final trip together.
He didn't want to remember and, luckily for him, the car was stopping.
"Why are we here?" This was the last place Yoongi wanted to be and he could already feel his chest constricting.
"Get out of the car, Yoongi. Don't make us drag you. Everyone is waiting," Jimin had a look of no-nonsense snd not even he could argue with it.
Reluctantly, Yoongi climbed out of the car, letting Jimin lead him over the the group. Not everyone, he thought, eyes raking over their huddled forms. Jung Hoseok, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook, and Jin stood huddled in front of the headstone, turning to face the three as they joined them.
"You actually got him to come," Taehyung voiced before Jungkook's elbow caught his rib.
"Why are we here?"
Hoseok put his hands on Yoongi's shoulders. "Do you know what day it is?"
"October twenty-fourth."
"And what is important about today?"
He didn't want to think about it. Refused to. Knowing that today you would have turned twenty-four caused tears to well in his eyes. What caused them to actually spill down his cheeks was the knowledge that he was the reason you were no longer here to celebrate.
It happened faster than he could react. Watching you singing with the music without a care in the world had tempted him, distracted him. He never wanted to take his eyes off you until he saw yours widen at the road ahead. He barely managed to swerve out of the other lane in time, over correcting and sending the car off the cliff where it bounced and rolled until it hit a tree, crushing in the passenger side.
He could still hear your screams long after you had stopped. Yoongi wanted you to wake up, calling your name, shaking you. He fought against the rescue workers when they pulled him from the wreckage until they final had to sedate him for his own safety and theirs. You survived longer than they expected, waking during the helicopter ride to the hospital, but it was downhill from there.
Yoongi survived with hardly any injuries and getting to sit by your side and apologize repeatedly until your heart stopped beating.
He knelt now beside your grave, the numbness that had encased him for the past seven months wearing off and and the pain setting in. His friends didn't say a word as he cried it out, Jimin rubbing circles into his back to soothe him.
Yoongi survived with hardly any injuries and getting to sit by your side and apologize repeatedly until your heart stopped beating.
Yoongi had been nothing but angry when you had passed. After the first couple of weeks, everyone except him returned to their every day lives. It didn't feel right to him, the way they acted like you had never existed.
"You have to let her go. She loved you and you know she wouldn't blame you. She would want you to let her go," Jimin coaxed quietly. "You've been suffering for too long, Yoongi. It's time to move on."
"It was my fault. She's gone because of me."
"You made a mistake, but you of all people should know that she wouldn't hold that against you. She always believed that everything happened for a reason. You need to trust that this did too."
His tears had stopped and Jimin reached out to brush away their trails when Yoongi nodded.
"I loved her like I've never loved anyone before. Everywhere I look, she's all I see."
"Yoongi, we know you loved her. Anyone could see that, but she would hate to see you like this. You lived, but you aren't living."
"It doesn't feel fair, Jimin!"
"Sometimes, life isn't fair. Let her go."
Yoongi nodded.
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*Taken | Pt. 2* Newt x reader
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♦ I am so happy you all enjoyed the first half of this story! I got a bit stressed because I was afraid I’d ruin this next half. I really hope I didn’t! >_< Also, this is going to be longer than two parts. I don’t think I can finish the story in just two parts! 
You awoke with a piercing head ache and a slight pain in your side. Cracking open your eyes, you weren't quite able to make out where you were. 
Pulling yourself up from the cold ground, you noticed your arms felt heavy and you looked down to see chains on your wrist. 
“What the...”
“Ah.... you’re awake.” A cold voice echoed from beyond the bars holding you back inside a tiny cell. 
“W-who’s there?”
There a laugh and from the shadows a tall man appeared. Your heart stopped when you realized who it was. “Grindelwald....”
“Well I’m happy to see I stick out in your memory. Hello again.” A smile spread across his face as he walked towards you. “I have some questions for you and I can assure you that it will go a lot faster if you obey me and do as I say.”
“Where’s Newt?”
Grindelwald chuckled before raising his wand. Pointing it at the bars, one flick of his wrist and they were gone. He glided towards you, his white hair glowing from the dim lighting. Kneeling down in front of you, he let his eyes wander you for a moment. You weren’t sure what he was doing but it made you uncomfortable. 
A cold hand appeared under your chin and he lifted your head so your eyes met his. “You are with child.”
Your breath hitched in your throat and you felt your entire body tense up. 
“Mr. Scamander must be so worried about you....” He smiled and traced your bottom lip with his thumb. “Don’t worry, love.... he know’s you’re with me. It’s only a matter of time before he shows up and I take care of him once and for all.”
Anger began to rise within you and you pushed your head from his grasp. Grindelwald just smiled and stood back up. Taking his wand, he brought a chair to his side and took a seat. “Now, my first question I have for you is this... and remember, the better you behave, the longer you’ll live.” He waited a moment, letting his words sink in. “Is your dear lover still close with Albus Dumbledore?”
“Newt, you need to just relax, okay? I under-”
“Relax?! Tina, how am I supposed to relax?! Y/N is in the hands of the most dangerous wizard in the world right now!”
“I know. But if we are going to find her and get her back, you need to sit down and think this through. We don’t have any idea where he could possibly be.”
Newt angrily plopped down on to the Goldstein’s couch. It had been hours now since you had been taken and as each moment passed, Newt grew more and more worried. What if Grindelwald was going to hurt you? What if he already had? 
Queenie stood in the corner, holding Jacob’s hand as Tina tried to calm Newt down. It was then, in the quiet, that she heard Newt’s thoughts. “She’s with child?”
Her word’s came out almost s whisper and everyone turned to look at her. Her face was flushed and her eyes full of sadness. Newt hadn’t told anyone yet about the news and now wasn’t the time.
“What?” Tina, confused, turned to look back at Newt who had his face in his hands. Rubbing his eyes, he answered, “Y/N is pregnant. Not only might I lose her, I could also lose my child.” Tears burned his eyes and he fought to hold them back. 
“You aren’t going to lose anyone.” Tina stood up and turned to her sister. “We are going to need backup. We need to head to MACUSA and alert them on the kidnapping. Jacob, stay here with Newt-”
“I’m going with.” Nearly knocking himself over, Newt stood up and grabbed Tina’s arm. 
“No, Newt. You stay here. We’ll come right back snd let you know what the plan is. Right now, I think it’s best you stay here. You’re a wreck and you need to relax.”
“For the last time, Tina.” Newt tried to keep his voice down, “I can’t relax.”
“Well try!” And with that, Tina grabbed Queenie’s arm and apparated away. Jacob stood there looking at his broken friend, not knowing what to do. Newt just sat back down and cursed Tina under his breath. 
“I honestly don’t know!” You cried. 
Releasing his spell, Grindelwald watched your body go limp and how you struggled for air on the ground. “If that’s how you’re going to play this game, then so be it.” The bars and chains reappeared and he angrily left you alone in the dark cell once again. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you lay there, hand to your stomach. 
“P-please.... hurry, Newt....” You whispered.
Newt paced the living room for what had to have been the millionth time until an owl appeared at the window. Rushing to open the window, the bird flew in and Newt retrieved the paper. 
Dear Mr. Scamander,
If you ever want to see your beloved again, do exactly as I say. Come alone. I’ll know if you don’t and believe me when I say this, failure to follow through and I can promise you will never see your unborn child either.
Crumpling the paper in his hands, Newt held in a scream of frustration before grabbing his coat and wand.
“W-what are you doing? The girl’s said to stay put. Newt-”
“I have to go. Tell them I got a letter from Grindelwald and to not follow me.”
Before Jacob could even answer, Newt was gone, leaving only the note which floated to the floor from where he just recently stood.
Thoughts?? I’d really like some feedback! ^_^ 
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Jack: everyone on the internet calls it a miracle that,we're alive
Me: really?
Jack: babe. Remember how I said earlier that sometimes you just look really stupid?
Me: it didn't seem like a miracle to me...
FBI: Well you should ask one of the cops then. Cause I ain't ever seen anyone deader or a room more filled with natural gas to the point where ee could not see for over two hours. We had to feel along the walls with a hope and a prayer we were doing it right to get them off the wall, using night vision goggles on our gas masks.
Me: well I don't have access to the tv channels... That's how I do it every day... Blind..
FBI: what did you do that day any way besides listen to their hearts to see if they would live?
Me: that was all... Well i burped at one of them... Sometimes they don't like to just be living they like something funny. I only did 2 tho... Brian was already awoke.
FBI: yeah he did that on his own. But Sabrina they didn't need any medical treatment. They just came back to life but how?
Me: some dead hang around their body until it's safer to get back in. Some that have had training.
Jack: IDK what I did baby but I was just there
Me: you remember where you were before?
Jack: the wall. Then just watching you but out of body like I sometimes do when I'm sleep but that was all. I seen you go to the store and I tried handing you your purse but you didn't seem to notice
Me: well I didn't know you were dead in the car
Jack: well you didn't even say thank you but you seemed to notice i was there when you got down. You said "well that was weird but not so much. It will be better when you get done being an ass hole and actually get the nerve to come see me. But let's go jn the store." I think. Did you?
Me: probably when I shut the door. I say it so much.. I don't really notice.
FBI: So what about the other 4?
Dinah Julie. My dead mom: i did. This momma. I said "well let's get back in now. Your girls are waiting." She knows how i do it. just gently glide over and shove them in at the light of speed.
My dad: so you just shove them in huh?
My mom: well they don't go. She just listens to their hearts. Oddly they took D down first and she just happened to go down and she knew he was on the floor and that was that.
Me: its weird that i didn't know it was him.
My mom: well shit you should had you seen his whole torso and all
Me: i just wasn't expecting him. I think i would wanted to know why he was there and
My mom: wanted to control
Me: cause a scene more... Get in the way. I Just shut up and work around things that I dont realize... That aren't that important... At that moment... Like i would had mommed out and been all why the Hell did this happen this way and WTF. Not control but know and then people will have to stop and deal with my drama and it causes more of a mess.. Because had i realized i would been upset. I knew there was a certain set of people up to 6... But the extra 2 i was not aware of
Jack: so excuse me ma'am
Me: i was mad at yoh.
Jack: haha.
Me: apparently for getting kidnapped!.
FBI: i don't wanna laugh but..
Me: but so the fact that there was more people didn't really matter because they were being taken care of.
Mom: well you didn't even take care of any of the Germans! It was the old guy you burped at!
Me: the people I'm closest to. I know them and i know their soulmates. And i can't watch their soulmates suffer any more because I've watched it a lot and iy hurts me a lot to see it. Not that the other people aren't important or significant but those two impact my life greatly and most often.
Jack: every single time i get kidnapped all you do is get pissed off at me. Time before last you fucking yelled at me "fuck you and your fucking Dali lllama that you rode in on!!" And you were so fucking pissed and your eyes were red, your brown part. And I was all... "Fuck idc what you say. I'm gonna live" and I felt really stupid because I was sure i was gonna die... Because I was shot in my lung and i thought it got ky heart. And you said that. Fuck you and your fucking Dali Llama you rode in on. I never heard that shit in my life. And i just saw a llama all clean and fresh snd i knew i was dead and you said "the whole fucking world seen that! Shut the fuck up! Go to sleep you're on my fucking nerve" next thing i knew I was in an American Chopper... And i said "thank you" and you said "yeah fuck off" and i said "fuck you bitch!!" And i started to cry and you smiled this slick sick smile all sly... Tilting your head so no one around could see it. And i knew. You said "you're welcome" and i started laughing and i said "i hate this bitch. I'm gonna fuck her hard" then about 6 weeks later after i got out of the hospital in Germany I was at Circle K in Belen and I was just got into town the day before and i smelled this girl in line and i was explaining to you "babe this girl ... I haven't smelled you in so long but she smells just like you where did you say you were?" And this girl did like you and reached back and scratched her head and when all uggghbbhh and i thought no way is that you. So i said it again and you flashed your left arm up your back to scratch it. And you said "oh my fucking God I'm going to kill something" and the cashier said "bad day?" And you said "no. Some stinky boy who is about to --" and i had grabbed your hand you had behind Your back and you didn't move or try to kill me or scream or even pull away. And so i stuck my head up next to you and said "she means me"
Me: and you smelt fucking good although your little beard was ragged... And i was all Fuck this goddamed ass hole sniffing chicks and shit like he's a school boy in love so I kissed your fucking face. But i didn't know it was you.
My mom: his point is that she actually saved his life then, too. I gave her his coordinates and she emailed every person she could think of and even posted it public so someone could find him ASAP. And they found him within 15 minutes. Not next to alive. But completely dead. And i told her. "Uh Your soulmate is dead you know" and she said "oh" "reached over metaphysically and shook his foot and said "dead people don't have sex, don't you know?!" And the first thing to come to life was his dick! I swear to you! I even asked him "did you miss your legs jumping into your feet and put both feet into your penis?" And he's still got no blood pumping in his other head and he says "i think she'll like" sick little bastards. Ive seen her walk into a McDonald's and find a shot gun victim shot in the chest and lean down and whisper "hey im gonna get some food. I think they got hot fries" and shoowm they come right back to life! Talk about enticing a fellow! She does that a lot. Just give Some one the thought they left off on is the best way she always says but if you can't figure that out, bribe.
Me: McDonald's is always easy. Food. If that don't work. Shopping. Sometimes its back to work or home but that yoh can usually tell. Most the time in reality it's the hospital... But I remember that one dude. He was all bleeding and all sat down and ate some food he had ordered. A quarter pounder big Mac they had them back then and some fresh medium fries. And a large soft drink. Coke with a small ice. He wanted the ice for a small cup not the large. He had just got off work. See he just got up off the floor all "where my food. Get. Out the way miss" and sat down and ate. Man he needed a transfusion... I wasn't sure what all went down. I just sat down near him whistling and all.. And he wolfed his food down and he said "man i don't feel so good" and fainted. Man i felt bad. He fell in slow motion just halfway... I went to help him sit up and slipped on this puddle of blood... He must had bled out half his blood. Most of the time i didn't go to the hospital with them. But him i did. He died. A lot. He didn't have enough blood. So i stopped the dude cause he kept zapping him. I said "you can't do enough electricity if he don't have enough of the joints -- the jolts are too much you're gonna fry his self and he already ate those fresh. He ain't got no juice in his wires.... I see you're not an electrician.he ain't got no blood!!! See You're gonna need 3 bags of saline for there to be enough liquid in his veins for his heart to even pump. Hes empty. How you gonna run a car without no gas?!" Finally the EMT eyes lit up said "you meant zapping him won't do no good. You called me froggy and i been lost since then Cause you know that ain't my name" "its because your voice. Like you got a frog in your throat. Well juice him up, Vince!" "Man you act like you aint from the Bronx, i swear. You didn't think you would get shot in there?" "You can't shoot an angel my buddy" "well what did he do that was so wrong then?" "That's not what I meant" "but you did get shot and it bounced off" "oh that's just my mom. She's my bullet proof vest"
Jack: how come I didn't get your mom?
My mom: cause you got your own and she saved your. Cranium! That's why you got shot in the lung. But tree said not to save you from it and we got upset! Until you got a boner and we thought it was funny
Jack: you know how i got kidnapped and shot?
Me: checking on a "homeless shelter" and they thought you were an actual kidnapper and they kidnapped you and held you hostage until your time was up and no one saved you so they killed you?
Jack: what the fuck babe
Me: i told you I'd kill your dam horse, too. Did you know that's what happened?
Jack: not until this fucking second "DAD"
Me: I told you all that shit about what he did in Iraq with that barbaric guy. And how he was in on 911 And how he used drones to shoot Iraqis for no fucking reason. I wrote it. I told everyone.
My mom: that's not Jack's fault so why.
Me: he was supposed to know. I wasn't supposed to leave him at Circle k. But who else was there? Alex Laughlin And I couldn't stand the sight of him. I got sick and i had to leave
Jack: well you told me to get the fuck out the car
Me: because I thought you were him! And you got out and every one went over and including Matt Hagan and i was all fuck this shit. I'm not doing this, I'll get myself killed.
Jack: well thanks a lot "dad" for getting me fucking killed and pretending to care
Me: i fucking told you. I hated you Jesse and I meant it. You fuck with me one more fucking time you're gonna eat fucking dirt. Do you understand?
Jesse: no
FBI: Sabrina so you're telling me that Jesse You're always emailing is a terrorist?
Me: yeah why didn't you know that?
FBI: because hes a dam liar. Mother fuckers of God. He calls them homeless shelters. That you run. But you don't do that shit you build them their own houses
Me: exactly. I don't fuck with home less people. They dont want homes. I bought some and then the homeless rented out the houses and moved back oj the streets. They explained to me they prefer to live outside. So i don't fuck with homeless. Take them food. Make sure they got umbrella and plastic sheeting for rain storms and blankets and so on and feed them but don't touch them. Leave them where they be. I teach my daughter that "they are homeless because they want to be" granted that isn't all. Some have other circumstances. But I dont fuck with homeless. They live under the stars. No rules, the truest most free people in the world. I dont fuck with them and it PISSES ME OFF YOUD USE MY NAME on a HOMELESS SHELTER, how fucking dare you. When its KIDNAPPING.
Jesse: well what do you want me to do? I'm here to please you!
Me: choke to death and die. Choke on your lies. And die. What the fuck do yiu think.j
Jesse: no
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The curve flattened I'm told due to evaporation.
Evaporation is allowed to occur when 3 or more people in one house have COVID-19 and give consent to immediate travel to their home place -- some aliens prefer not to call it a planet but it is
So when they are diagnosed they are sent home in NY state including NYC. And so it's made s remarkable difference in numbers.
The evaporation numbers are electronically recorded live in a databank
So dead bodies to dinosaurs and handle that nasty drama or evaporation and hands free and clean.
And as a doctor or nurse, "you are diagnosed with COVID-19. You will have an adventurous future. Please go home and enjoy your ride. Here's two prescriptions to help you on your life's journey"
I mean really. Try a little flavor.
"Bitch you gonna die yo! Here take this pill so you shut the fuck up while you dien' ain't no one wanna hear you yo! And push this down and suck when you be coughin like you dyin cause you will!!" I mean i Don't even care. What are they gonna do? Complain? When? They about to die. In case they do "I explained the medication use and how to and when to and I said the future is different than it is now. And i need a break. Care to join me away from this soon to be home individual?" now its only for now and i really don't recommend you to talk to someone like that except people like me, just wanna punch some fucking ass holes in the face.
Besides some people find that kind of interaction comical and they actually do prefer it to normal doctor talk. Its humbling. Some get upset like Denise.
And i just walked by Uncle Dad and he said to her when she borrowed $2000 from me and lied it was for bills but it was so she could go to Hawaii and she said "just between you and me i borrow this Don't tell dad" and she was talking about it because I walked by and he said "yeah Denise just between you and me You got a bloody broken nose"
Because he wanted me and my daughter to go. And she borrowed almost all my savings and i didn't have enough for 3 plane tickets to Hawaii when she already had $2,000 and 2 paychecks go in and had over $6000 of her own money on the trip after bills paid. So she had $8000...
And i couldn't go. She she got a busted nose. She was until 6 months ago assisted leader of Zulululu on Eaerth.
She insisted that Nathaniel try to initiate sex with me at that time and lost her rulership.
Because in reality she told him to rape me. That's what she fucking did.
Anyway point. If someone talks in a different manner to a COVID than usual. But isn't abusive as i was not abusive in the passage above i expect it to be excused and accepted and discontinued soon. As it is ONLY for COVID-19 activated and not carriers (which will only show up in DNA4U)
A lot of people The most strong people have been invaded by aliens. The strongest.
And we been beat down. Over and over.
I'm gonna pull out the NHRA because some of them kids are real special to me.
32% are human. 92% of the remaining percentage are alien. That's just the drivers.
72% of mechanics are human. 4% of the remaining are alien. (Cause they're fucking lazy -- not just an opinion)
The rest evil humans.
So of 600 drivers... Take 32 times 6 and you got some fucking number i ain't a calculstor but it's about 3x6 is 18 plus in the ones column 2x6 plus Yoir carry.
192 I'm assuming out of 600.
So that totally isn't right. 32% of drivers. 1/3 of 600 is 200
Fuck tree msn noe he says there's 900 drivers. Makes me laugh
So over 300... Why does the calculator say 288??
Why does this not work? 32% oh is not 33.333% it's less than im all thinking 30% is 1/3.
Fuxk math.
I'm sloppy in math. I have good humor about it tho and tree gets a good chuckle at me because I get so dumb about it. I was looking for 35% which is about 315.
See why Yall need 8 hours or more of restful sleep? Denise kept me up all night acting stupid screaming and then Nathaniel woke me up early worried about his livelihood. So i got me like 4 or 5 hours.
So 288 people surrounded by 900 people.
This is often the case then the remaining (i have a calculator here) 612 people try to drag down the 288 i can clearly see that they are outnumbered by over double
So that is a two on one unfair fight. Two not even being allowed to be on the fucking planet!!
And the one alone to stand or ball up to defend is nearly defenseless.
Then in the NHRA to make matters worse the aliens lie and manipulate to get their mechanics behind them.
So i developed a system that the driver team that wants to fight fights as a team and they have to pay real cash money starting at $10,000 that just goes up and up. If they intend to fight a human and Easter Egg occurs and the aliens that put up the bounty to warrior can't fight and must award all cash to the human ran team. Like Erica Enders.
And if she catches you talking shit after the cash award (usually a wire payment) and she will. She racks up fees and fines aka charges. Then she can beat the shit outta the alien team that has to stand there with their hands at their sides or in their pockets after the pockets are cleared by the awarded team and each person gets 5 hits to the face or ribs then the shit talker gets 10 from each team member from the human side.
Since 2013.
Aliens do not belong on Earth. Many of the drivers are the worst offenders of human trafficking which is why They are allowed in the NHRA so we can spy on them and is why rhe mechanics are so many humans.
Because by default humans hate aliens. Its just a distaste we are programmed and then we feel sorry for them for our programmed hate..
It is a very vicious cycle and very painful. Because we can't stand the way they act or dress or the way they're so fucking happy. And its because they lie and hide who they are from us and we feel it.
Thus the distaste
No matter how hard we try to like them and enjoy being with them the hiding and lying over and over of their true identity is terrible.
Queen hid from me her identity and I was all who the fuck are you? Like it wasn't like i would be rammed if i asked.
She said "pardon?"
And i was like oh shit and i got all red... And i was all oh im sorry I should not talk to her like that she's elder and proper! So i said "im sorry ma'am i was Just wondering who you were"
"Well I'm the fucking Queen!!"
I must had looked like a turnip by then all the blood rushing to my face to feed my brain.
"Of who?! What? Where?!"
"Of England" and she folded her hands in her lap on one side and looked all dignified.
Holy fucking shit who would thought?! Not me!
But an alien will lie "I'm just like you but ...." And never dignify themselves to say they are alien. And it is irritating.
When Queens or Kings don't announce themselves its full of mystery and wonder.
When an alien DOES then it's full of mystery and wonder.
When they don't it's absolutely full blown annoying.
Sometimes we can act like children and allow a person to follow us around and copy every move like the other kid doesn't know how to live. But there comes a point even a child will explode in temper.
They just don't fit on our planet!
Even Venus. Neptune and Mars when they transferred to human Because they earned the right by following the rules we still had to tweak their brains and look and so on.
Neptune looked like Ewoks. They were so fucking cute!!! I love Ewoks. I slept with one forever in my bed when i was a kid - a stuffed one from the store.. A fake non living one. I didn't know. I just felt a lot of love.
And i was being really abused by Denise and Nathaniel and i felt really better to,wake up to its cute little face. It was the one thing Denise didn't try to destroy because she knew the truth about them but she sure didn't tell me.
So although I have and the whole human race has a severe dislike and distaste for the alien race I did ensure that their deaths are one I would want for myself. For my children. For the proper Queen of England who can joke around and make my body feed my brain to keep me alive for one more day.
Something kind.
Evaporation is a slight accordion feeling mainly in the chest and then off they go.
So no one intended for Donald Trump to be running his mouth telling people not to listen to me
Simple bronchitis treatment then home to their families to discuss the ability to leave and when and where. And apparently there's a website you can organize yourselves on so you don't go alone.
I have tried every other way and it was unsuccessful.
I'm not destroying my own planet that was a gift because some aliens are fucking rude.
Im just gonna send their asses home as i should have done long ago.
Its not about being bitter or wanting revenge.
Simple fact is they don't belong here and they have their own home and their own Gods.
Its straining for their Gods to switch between their home and here.
Not my creation. Not my responsibility.
Not the nurses nor doctor nor military.
Not the mailmans nor Amazon's.
When yall voted for an American Revolutionary War 76% voted yes. Of the world wide population of nurses and doctors and health cate professionals 81.5% voted yes. Over 81% voted for a Revolution
So i expect no problems from now and the next 13 days.
24% of Y'all were probably aliens. Tree says... 16 and a half % which then leaves probably evil humans. Snd tree says yes.
So 100% of Humans says yes fuck this shit.
So y'all drink your grocery store wine. Have your cheese. Leave me some extra sharp cheddar but get you some too and get your ice cream. Buckle down and take your tests for money to buy all that. Don't pay no rent nor mortgage
We will talk to car loans i expect. Talk to your car loan providers. I don't want no dude towing your car cause he know it's at home and you didn't pay the monthly payment.
So use your DNA4U to pay your car loans and car insurance and get your food..
Don't be paying baggers online. I got a couple I follow here on Tumblr always a medical or food need. Go on the street corner and work for that yo.
They can get same as you to take a test
Get your student loans deferred.
If you have no DNA4U access and you did and you got an email saying why then you're leaving the planet So click the link and make your arrangements to get on your way.
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