#screaming crying throwing up IT'S REALLY THERE MY BELOVEDS HERE I COME
namchyoon · 1 year
hey saw you made a post about how you wished netflix had the disney era of powers rangers on there (dino thunder, spd, etc) and idk if anyone's told you but most of the power rangers series are posted in full on the official power rangers youtube channel! so if you're interested in watching them, they're on there in their og quality
oh my god........ anon i hope u know you have changed my life in every way possible
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 10 months
Been thinking about the Goldenheart/Nimona family dynamic, so here are some headcanons pertaining to the sillies as parents
While Nimona is functionally their adopted child in many ways, she also isn't. She's their sidekick, roommate, best friend, mentor, mentee, child, sibling, all rolled into one chaotic shape-shifting gremlin who lives in their house
I do think however that at some point, the family would adopt a child (besides Nimona) that they could actually raise
Based on what's seen in the show I imagine Ballister to be an orphan himself with a childhood very similar to that of Comic Ambrosius, this weird rambunctious little sad orphan kid who wants to prove himself more than anything. I think he would totally want to raise the family he never had and give it to a little orphan kid like him.
Ambrosius I think would want to raise a family as well, he radiates dad energy, but really wouldn't want anyone else to have to deal with the Legacy of Gloreth on their shoulders, so he'd want to adopt rather than try and father any biological children. Plus he sees his beloved husband in all those sweet little babies at the orphanage and by default that makes him love them so much.
We already know Nimona is good with kids. I feel like people don't bring that up because she's pretty alternative and in our society, liking kids is seen as somewhat trad (especially for a person with an even remotely feminine presentation) but it's obvious that she has a soft spot for them. She puts herself in danger just to comfort a little girl who was frightened, she is devastated by children's learned fear and hatred of her. Anyway what I'm saying is she would totally be like "ew, a child, keep it away" then proceed to be the absolute best uncle/aunt/sibling/godparent/mentor/friend imaginable. She would shapeshift into a little kid to play with them, or into animals like when she used to play with Gloreth. If they were adopted as an older child (not a baby) I think they'd glom to her first because she can make herself very physically non-threatening whereas two battle-scarred brick shithouses can't really do much to change how imposing they look besides trying to be as nice as possible.
I can imagine Ambrosius being a stay-at-home dad because while Ballister was actively extremely ambitious about his career, Ambrosius was just kind of shoved into it with no choice, and expected to be perfect. I can imagine him burning out and going like "Nope. Don't want that. Never wanted that, actually. I'm going to stay home and play Legos with my baby and the creature that lives in my house." Not to mention, while both the boys have dad energy, I think Ambrosius is more of an extrovert and would be less likely to get mentally burned out taking care of a little kid all day
One particular situation I like to imagine is them coming home from a date night after leaving Baby with Nimona and opening the door to see she's shapeshifted into one of them to calm the baby down. They are both screaming crying throwing up over how sweet it is before Nimona can try to explain themself away.
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bisexualbard-writes · 7 months
Ella Enchanted AU where Kim has to do whatever he's told to do :)
OH SHIRLEY I LOVE YOU. Ella Enchanted MY BELOVED. So. I think Kim would Not Respond Well to being compelled to do whatever he's told. And by that I mean there are two Theerapanyakul recluse brothers in this story.
Kim hides away from everyone except his brothers. He's practically considered a ghost, most people who work in the compound think he's a ghost, the other half doesn't think he exists at all. Before his mother died, she told him not to tell anyone of his obedience affliction for fear it would be exploited.
It gets exploited anyway by Korn. His father commands him with a smile and a soft word and sends Kim on dangerous missions he's literally not allowed to refuse. Kim tries to hide from him, but then his father told him he wasn't allowed to avoid him. The best thing he can do is just try and avoid everyone else.
His brothers are the exception. They always try and make sure that they're asking him to do things, and if they accidentally give him a command Kim can yell at them and they'll change the command into a suggestion.
His only refuge is his music. He adopts the persona of WIK and releases his music on YouTube, but he never takes WIK beyond the four walls of his room. He can't even IMAGINE being a celebrity out in public. Fans scream the most ridiculous things, and even a single "wik, have my babies!" would ruin him. Thank goodness he doesn't have to obey the comments he sees written on his videos.
One day a new bodyguard starts, and Kim avoids him like the rest. But then the new bodyguard lures Tankhun out of the tower, and Kim is delighted for his brother and also kinda jealous and grumpy.
Then one day, a kid is allowed to just wander the compound and accidentally finds his way up to KIm's rooms. Kim doesn't have time to get his soundproof headphones or kick the kid out before he's flailing and saying, "hecking shit, I didn't know you lived here Wik, please be my guitar tutor!"
Which is a command, and Kim is really disgruntled by that, but he can't not obey.
So he tutors the kid, Chay, and he tries to keep it as short as possible, but then Chay tells him to stop and listen to his song. So Kim has to do that then. But then... Kim really shouldn't be spending time with this fan, but...but his music is lovely. And Kim isn't going to admit it anytime soon... but he might be lonely.
And Chay's not dumb, he realizes Kim's a shut in, or there's something clearly wrong with him. Sometimes Chay can't find him, and then when he reappears he's extra grouchy. Sometimes he's hurt. But he also seems happy to hang out with Chay. And when Chay suggests they go out into the world, Kim agrees! (because "please, P'Kim, let's go to the movies" is technically a command.)
But Kim is finding he doesn't mind being ordered around by Chay. He should probably avoid Chay, it's risky going out into the world, especially in public with other people and without someone who knows about his afflection. But oh no, it's the curse, he can't help but spend time with this cute boy.
But Korn takes notice that Kim has been distracted recently. He commands Kim to tell Chay he was just playing with him and that he never wants to see Chay again. Kim screams at his father, and is commanded to speak politely. He tries to attack Korn and is commanded to never let Korn come to harm. Kim tries to destroy his father's office but is commanded to stop throwing a tantrum and respect his father.
Kim has no choice but to obey.
He leaves Chay like he does in canon, walking away while Chay is on the ground crying.
He thinks that's it. Kim locks himself away again, not opening the door for the staff or his brothers or anyone. The only one who can get in his Korn, and that's because Kim is forced to pay him his respects. But then he gives Kim another command: A coup is happening soon. Find Chay, bring him as leverage.
Kim dreads this and resists as much as he can, but he's compelled to go. He finds Chay at hum bar. The only thing is, he also finds his uncle's men there. Part of brining Chay to his father means keeping Chay alive, right? So he fights off his uncle's men.
In this version Chay turns around and sees Kim fighting for him. After Kim wins, Chay throws himself into Kim's arms, which is a blessing and a curse because he gets to be close to Chay but also he's one step closer to bringing him to Korn. Kim draws out the conversation as long as he can.
Chay: You kept me safe? Kim: I wanted to. Chay: You broke my heart though Kim: I had no other choice.
But eventually the curse fights him and he slowly brings Chay back to the compound, trying to delay at every moment. Chay can tell something is wrong, Kim is physically fighting for something, but he doesn't understand what.
Kim brings Chay to Korn before Porsche and Kinn get there. His father has a different plan now, keep Chay locked up with his mother. It's leverage over both Porsche AND Kim.
Kim refuses to help. He's not going to let that happen, not under his watch. He's not allowed to resist though, and he feels like his body is going to tear itself apart. Chay holds him tight as Korn keeps giving orders and Kim screams and shakes and falls apart and builds himself anew. His determination and Chay's help break the curse. Finally, Kim rises, shakey on his feet but whole again. Korn: Don't hurt me Kim. You cannot hurt me. Kim: I do what I want
And then he kills Korn.
After that he and Chay have a lot to talk through, but it's much easier now that Kim's lips aren't magically sealed.
(send me a trope, maybe one you hate, and I'll attempt to kimchay it)
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Hi my gremlin brain just activated and now I can’t stop thinking of the prompt, what if Asmodeus instead of Magnus’ magic, asked for the parabatai bond. Thinking that if Magnus severed the bond then Alex would breakup with Magnus and Magnus would come crying back to edom. Only Alec loves and trusts Magnus and is tired of being second fiddle to Jace so he understands that the bond has to be sacrificed to finish the owl and save Jace. Idk. I didn’t really have a whole idea, just Asmodeus trying to wreak havoc.
here we go, i had quite a bit of fun with the idea of asmodeus asking for the bond because it only makes sense that alec and jace pay the price to save jace rather than magnus who already risked himself going to edom
alec is super pragmatic and he knows everything has a cost. in my opinion it was super weird magnus paid the price and alec is only more relieved that jace is still alive than that the bond is broken. not only that, magnus saved him from what should have been a fatal wound since his arrows are adamas.
so i hope you enjoy
<3 lumine
Magnus gets back from Edom in time to see Jace driving one of Alexander’s own arrows into Magnus’ beloved’s heart.
Magnus screams in fury as he lashes out, the strength of his magic throwing Jace back, purging him with Asmodeus’ borrowed power. He uses his own magic to trap him there, ensuring he’ll be stuck under a barrier until he’s found.
There is a price to be paid for the magic he’s using and if he doesn’t pay quickly, the price will increase.
If Magnus doesn’t break Alexander’s parabatai bond now and quickly, then his father will think he’s backing down. It’s with agony that Magnus floods Alexander’s body with his magic.
Magnus portals them both away, leaving Jace unconscious in the alley.
He gets Alexander on their bed and strips him with magic, snapping all of the arrow away but the head imbedded in his boy’s heart. Alexander’s eyes flutter weakly but he’s aware, bolstered by Magnus’ magic.
“You’re ‘kay?” His boy asks him, desperately, searchingly. “Wha’d you pay?”
“Nothing but to ask you to trust me, as you always do.”
Alexander nods instantly and asks tiredly, pained, “Jace?”
“It will hurt him, but it will save his life. Lilith will no longer have any control over him.”
Alec smiles up at him, blood burbling from the corner of his mouth as he coughs.
“I trus’ you. L’ve you.” His eyes are fluttering and Magnus kisses him, easing him with magic into unconsciousness.  Magnus summons the stele his father handed him with a smirk and draws a rune over the parabatai rune and then he draws three more.
They are both demonic and divine and with his father’s power still boosting him, Magnus has no problems ripping Alexander and Jace’s bond apart.  Alexander convulses and coughs up more blood and Magnus uses magic to hold him down — even unconscious his body is reacting to losing a piece of what its held for years as its own soul.
Magnus rips Jace from Alexander like one might rip the skin from a carcass or a hook from a wound. It’s dug in and tightly barbed but Magnus is merciless, because he promised Alexander that Jace would live and he will, but as with all things there will be a price.
And this is it.
His father thinks that Alexander will hate him, will loathe him for this but Magnus knows better and he knows that what Alec wants the most is Jace to be still alive and to also live. Alexander will forgive him because his boy is viciously pragmatic and he understands that things have cost better than most.
Magnus works desperately the moment the bond is broken, ignoring the pain he’s causing to call for Catarina and to desperately try and heal his by.
It’s hours before his and Cat’s combined work leave a deep but no longer fatal wound.  And impressive task when you consider that adamas wounds rarely heal.
Alexander wakes slowly, eyes wet and wild as he looks up at Magnus and gasps out his name in shock as his body shakes.
“Jace—” he gets out hoarsly.
“Alive, but no longer your parabatai. Two lives saved for the cost of two soul shards.” Magnus says, making it sound much less intimate than the price truly was.
“Are you upset with me, sayang?” Magnus asks gently as he leans down and presses his ear to Alexander’s beating heart, gently hovering over the skin, not actually pressing down for fear of hurting the tender and raw wound.
“It’s the price that should have been paid from the beginning.” Alexander says and he sounds sad but grim. “Jace was brought back and the bond came back wrong from the beginning. It was broken like it wasn’t supposed to reform.” And Magnus lifts his head and watches as Alexander looks at him, eyes damp, “and what else could you have done, Magnus? This was always Jace and mine’s price to pay. You only ever went to Edom for me and that you came back unharmed is a gift I can’t take lightly.”
Alexander is serious, so sincere as he speaks and Magnus once again sighs with delight at how earnest and loving his boy is.
“My father hoped to break my heart. That by breaking your parabatai bond, I would have betrayed you. That you would hate me.”
Alexander scoffs and shakes his head, pain on his face but adoration still strong in his eyes.
“You saved us, Magnus. Me and Jace. I wouldn’t have made it with that much adamas in my heart without your magic and Jace would still be under Lilith.” Alec coughs and shifts with a grimace before he looks at Magnus sulkily. “I just had a piece of my soul ripped out Magnus, and my heart stabbed. I think I’d rather have cuddles than conversations right now.”
Magnus blinks and stares at his magnificent boy, who is looking at him with a pout and Magnus already knew, but he truly can’t resist Alexander.
“Jace is going to have a bitch of a time healing too.” Alexander mutters, and he sounds smug in only the way a nephilim can once they are out of true danger and are pleased with their skills.
“He always said my arrow training wouldn’t ever come in handy.” Alexander rasps out with a hoarse, forced chuckle that seems a little sad, “but I got him in every tendon and to drop his weapons. So—” and here Alexander looks grimly pleased, “he was wrong.”
Magnus soothes a hand over his boy’s face and just drinks in his exhausted and pained face. Alexander is alive and that is all that matters and Magnus reminds himself of this as he leans forward and delicately kisses his beloved with a fierce possessiveness despite how gentle he is.
Because Alexander trusts him and Asmodeus was wrong and going to Edom was worth having Alexander’s soul all to himself.
Elsewhere at the New York Institute, Izzy sobs as she holds a screaming Jace down. Clary is crying to, unable to help her beyond activating Izzy’s strength runes.
“He’s gone Izzy. He’s gone.” Jace sobs and Izzy wails with him as she clutches the bare patch of skin that he only lets her touch. Clary watches with shaking fingers and wet eyes as they mourn.
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Good Omens Fic Rec: Divine Restorations & Repairs
While it's unfortunate for one’s car to break down in the middle of the countryside, the pretty-as-a-postcard Tadfield could hardly be considered the worst place Anthony J. Crowley has ever been. Of course, it doesn’t help that it looks like it hasn’t yet seen the turn of the millennia, let alone this decade, but perhaps that’s just what he needs as he crawls his way out of the Hell he’s endured for the past fifteen years. Maybe the last thirty, if he's honest with himself. Though he could do without the rain. When Aziraphale Fell happens upon him and offers him shelter from the storm in his little family-run antique repair shop, neither are expecting it to change everything. The angel with his white umbrella and his tartan bowtie doesn’t expect this mysterious stranger to be able to fill the timely vacancy in his shop or the quiet of his life, but they’ve both had experience in restoring once-beloved items back to their full glory. Perhaps Crowley hasn’t fallen quite so far that he wouldn’t fit in with the rest of Aziraphale’s ragtag team of eccentric restoration experts. And perhaps they may be able to turn that talent on themselves and each other, and seal the cracks in their own hearts.
Length: 315,275 words
AO3 Rating: Explicit/ Spice Level 🔥🔥
Best for: Long sitting or with breaks, mostly safe in public, slow burn, found family story, pick-me-up
Triggers: Murder Mention (not graphic), Minor violence
Read it here, fic by skimmingthesurface and SylWritesStuff
*Minor Spoilers* I spent an entire Sunday lazily reading this one, and I highly recommend trying that out! This is satisfyingly long, enough of a slow burn that you fall into the world easily. But it doesn’t tease and keep our couple apart more than absolutely necessary. Plus the setting is really enjoyable, it’s a Human AU that I liked living in. Aziraphale runs an antique repair shop, and when the Bentley breaks down nearby, Crowley finds more than just a temporary shelter from the rain. And of course, miraculously, Crowley has the technical skills Aziraphale was looking to hire for. Yeah, sure, there are a couple plot points that are bordering on too serendipitous. But isn’t that just like the Good Omens canon anyway? I’m willing to accept a bit of divine intervention or whatever it is that pushes them together.
A couple things I particularly loved: the shop itself and their projects, Crowley’s backstory and Jewish traditions, the Tadfield community/found family, the absolute romance of it all. And one particular scene where Crowley performs a magic trick on Aziraphale. It had me screaming, crying, throwing up it was so stupidly romantic.
Heaven, or rather Aziraphale's family, are absolutely terrible people. Which parallels the canon well, but in a human world a couple parts seemed a little much for the setting. Like Aziraphale, my love, how can you defend them? I get abusive families but he really is delusional about it. That's the intended point though, and what I love is that this story gives him a way to finally come to his senses by seeing how Anathema is treated by them. He just needed an outside look! Crowley has a past that I won’t spoil here, but it’s very engaging and easy to see how he fell down such a path. It’s a unique take at Crowley, and probably one of my favorites. There's still the hard edge to him we know, but a unique softness that extends to all his new found family. Not just Aziraphale. A little action movie at the very end, but stays on the side of enjoyable rather than cheesy. 
This is truly a story you should make time to read. It’s long yes, and I liked doing it in one sitting, but it lends itself well to breaks. You don’t need to scarf it down like I did. The smut is also later in the story and easily skippable if that's not your thing. So for the majority of this, it's definitely something you can enjoy in public comfortably.
Read it here, fic by skimmingthesurface and SylWritesStuff
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macabrecake · 2 years
hey bby cake 💕
I’d like to request some rough needy sex with re6 Leon? man’s living in my head RENT FREE.
Oooh Gab you're speaking my language right now! I already got a weakness for the more desperate kind of sex then you throw my beloved into that mix and it's just d a m n 😩👌🏻 Also I feel that on a personal level. Man's taken up residence in my brain space and STILL hasn't left.
Warning: Children you know the drill- don't touch this or I'm giving Wesker your IP addresses.
It was supposed to be just one more little kiss goodbye. Leon was simply going to work, even if that work is taking him across the globe to China so that he can apprehend the absolute madman that is Derek C. Simmons. You'd be lying through your teeth if you said you weren't terrified to let him go. Especially after seeing the news about the fate of Tall Oaks.
It was just one more kiss.
Now you're already three releases in and your husband is still pounding his heavy cock into your gushing pussy with deep rooted need while groaning, damn near almost whining into the crook of your neck. Your legs are shaky with oversensitivity but remain wrapped around his waist as he pushes you deeper into the bed, close to suffocating you, yet you gladly welcome it with zero hesitation and another cry of his name.
"That's it, sweetheart. Fuck...~ Keep screaming." Leon whispers breathlessly against your lips, words coming out slurred with lust as his grip tightens around your waist and on your wrists that were trapped above your head. His hips slamming into you harder to abuse that spot, making your slippery walls quiver around him. There's no mistaking that that's gonna leave some rather visible bruises later. Neither one of you mind though, they'll match nicely with the ones on your hips, neck, and tits anyway.
The way his breath dances across your skin, tangling with the smell of his favorite mint gum, has you quietly whimpering before surging to catch his lips. Which he hastily returns. Both of you barely breaking apart to take in a small gasp of air before frantically colliding with each other again. Until you feel that all too familiar heat starting to rise in your core.
"Le- on!~" You whimper in a feeble attempt to warn him. Which he hushes with another kiss before pressing his forehead against yours, gorgeous blue eyes blown with adoration and peeking at you through shiny golden blonde locks. "I know baby." Knows that after this he'll really have to go then. Have to answer his phone that's been ringing probably for the fifth or seventh time now. Have to leave you here alone with the worst case scenarios. Can't even give you the proper aftercare you deserve.
Leon can, however, certainly fuck you senseless as a reminder that this is most definitely what you're gonna get when he comes back. And he will come back.
That's a goddamn promise.
A promise he silently speaks by letting go of your wrists in order for his thick fingers to interwine with your dainty ones and give them a gentle squeeze, allowing your shared rings to touch. That's when you fall. Only moans and the chant of his name are what comes tumbling from your lips as your free hand tangles in his soft hair. Leon feels you shake as you cling to him tighter, loving the way your juices drench him, pulling a rough groan from deep within his chest while he sandwiches you even closer to him. Ridding any possible space left when his own body suddenly stills and trembles, making your velvety walls take every last drop of his cum.
He stays there for a minute or two after that, listening to your soft pants while you slowly start to relax around him. Then, just when he thought his heart couldn't ache anymore, he feels you gently nuzzle against him. Pairing with a quiet sniffle. His lips find yours again, pouring all of his passion into it. "I'll come back. I promise you." Leon whispers, his words bearing no sense of uncertainty, as he wipes your tears away.
You're able to smile some at that statement, because you can honestly believe it. He's been through it all before, he can do it again. Leon smiles back at you before giving another quick peck then carefully pulls himself out and moves you up into a sitting position. After a quick clean up, he drapes his leather jacket around your form, finding it adorable when he sees just how big it was on you. Even takes a quick picture with his phone for 'motivation.' "Mind keeping that warm for me?"
Your cheeks heat up, but you giggle and nod. "Only if you consider wearing vests more often." His brow irks at that, a smirk tugging at his lips as he glances at the new outfit he was wearing, tactical vest and all. You can practically see the ideas forming in his head, knowing damn well he's gonna run wild with that now. "Deal."
With that, you manage to steal one last kiss. "I love you." You whisper, far more confident now. Seeing him standing before you, like a well armored king that's ready for battle, he's going to win. You know it. Plus, like he promised, he'll make it up to you later.
"I love you too, Mrs. Kennedy."
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sageappa · 6 months
Ok, so, hear me out, HEAR ME OUT. I promise this is good speculation for GO3.
Good Omens was renewed for a third and final season. (I have been screaming and crying out of joy since 15:05 of my time zone, the exact time when Good Omens Prime's X account posted the news. But that's not the point.)
Mr. Gaiman, about this renewal, said:
"Season One was all about averting Armageddon, dangerous prophecies, and the End of the World. Season Two was sweet and gentle, although it may have ended less joyfully than a certain Angel and Demon might have hoped. Now in Season Three, we will deal once more with the end of the world. The plans for Armageddon are going wrong. Only Crowley and Aziraphale working together can hope to put it right. And they aren't talking."
So if I read it correctly, and if my English as a non-native isn't failing me, it seems that this time Aziraphale and Crowley actually intend to make Armageddon happen.
The plans are going wrong. Together, they can hope to put it right.
So what on Earth could have made them change so drastically their idea? What changed? Did Metatron do something to Aziraphale? Did Crowley get so depressed without his Angel that he'd rather have the world get destroyed? Naaah. Nah, I don't think so. They're both too attached to Earth and earthly beings to change their minds so quickly.
No, my guess is Armageddon changed.
It should have been how the Bible says: the coming of the Antichrist, the Four Horsemen riding, the enormous battle, etc. But it wasn't. And the Antichrist (or former Antichrist, since he refused Satan's paternity) won't collaborate to make the world end. What to do then, if both Heaven and Hell wanted it so bad?
Well. If Hell didn't make it, Heaven could get their try. (And Crowley knew this. Crowley knew that they'd come to some similar solution. That's why "he understands it a lot better than Aziraphale does.")
At the very end of Season Two, we hear this conversation between Metatron and a very unhappy Angel:
METATRON: Well, I can't think of a better angel to wrap things up, and to set into motion the next step in the great plan.
AZIRAPHALE: Um, yes, you mentioned that. Can I know what it is?
METATRON: Well, it's something we need an angel of your talents to direct. An angel who is familiar with how they do things on Earth.
METATRON: We call it the Second Coming.
So Heaven is going to make their move. And it will be with a Second Coming - another Christ, another son (or daughter?) of God. With Armageddon in their minds.
It's the Anti-Antichrist.
Aziraphale is now the Supreme Archangel and, as Gabriel did with the very first Annunciation, he will have to give the happy news to the mother of this baby. In a contemporary world. Where no one would believe that easily the "it's God's son!" story. Yeah, good luck Aziraphale, no wonder Heaven needed someone who spent six thousand years on Earth to do this job. (And if they're planning Armageddon, who cares if Aziraphale still is Supreme Archangel, there would be just heavenly sounds and no problems at all after Heaven wins the war. Right? Just let the dude with a lot of knowledge about human do the job and then whatever.)
But. Do you really think that Aziraphale would just do it and make Armageddon happen exactly as intended by Heaven? Do you really think that, after what happened, after the Armageddon't, after him having to say no to his beloved Demon and losing him - and even though all of this happened he was still ready to throw himself in Heaven, in that lions' pit made of angels that always bullied him! -, after the courage he showed and the hope to make a change and do good -- do you really think he would just say "yes" to this? (I know, I lost my English here, I'm sorry, I'm just super-hyped.)
Oh, no, come on. He's still enough of a bastard worth knowing.
He is the Supreme Archangel, and even if everyone would just want him to be a nice puppet and do what the others say to him, he won't throw away his shot, I can assure you that. (How fun would it be though to have a scene where Michael and Uriel are kind of arguing between themselves about who should "suggest" Aziraphale what to do? And then Saraquel having to intervene?) No, no, Aziraphale learned from Crowley that sometimes he has to make his voice a little louder and be more incisive, as shown when in the last episode of Season Two he takes the lead in the library - while Heaven and Hell discuss what to do with Gabriel and Beelzebub. And he will do that again. He will make everything he can. He sacrificed his own happiness with Crowley for that. He cannot fail... and he has to do it alone. It's scary. He'll be anxious, but he'll do it. For the world. For good. For Crowley too. And for sushi.
So Aziraphale will try to make Armageddon something different. It's not "the" Armageddon, it's "his" Armageddon. Or theirs. He would have loved it, to be theirs - his and Crowleys'.
Our beloved angel is spot on in finding all those little quibbles that allow him to not go openly against the rules but also not follow them strictly. Maybe he'd find something also for the Armageddon. Maybe he'd find an Armageddon that would involve only Heaven and Hell, leaving the world and humans be. Maybe the Armageddon will become a way to reinvent Heaven and Hell. Make them fight, have their war on some galaxy far away from Earth, "destroy themselves" (I'll get to this later) and then a new Heaven and a new Hell would rise from their ashes. You know, how they became toxic, and everything else Crowley always repeats? Maybe it is not possible to change them without them having their war. They won't stop until they'll have had it, so maybe the only way is to give them war.
Or at least, to make them believe it.
What if Aziraphale and Crowley would actually need to collaborate in order to trick Heaven and Hell into thinking they had/are having their war? What if this plan cannot be done just by an angel? What if this is their only chance to stop this madness, once and for all, even though it's not easy for neither of them to get in contact again so soon after what happened?
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Ok, I just finished Bloodhounds and I still need to scream apparently so here it goes? (Spoilers warning; so beware if you haven’t seen it all yet...)
I came for Woo Do Hwan (no surprise here of course), but actually stayed for and truly enjoyed so much more :) 
First, I have been devastatingly hit in the face/guts/soul right from moment one by Kim Gun/Geon Woo (to which should we stick?). Let’s start with that glorious opening (which i do not need to mention), and then BAM he’s in truth such a pure lovely adorkable cutiepie at the core, and i just melted right away and forever. Yes, please keep politely apologizing while teaching assholes a lesson - this is such a badass move :) - and yet he’s so sincere in his restraint not to harm the stupid irrespectuous nobody and OH MY, THAT’S IT, I LOVE YOU. (I actually rewind that scene THRICE at first watch before going on with the story: that means something.) And then you bet the narrative did put my poor new blorbo though the wringer over and over, and it was sweetly bitterly devastating each and every time - because of course that man does *DRAMA* just so very very very well. And I was so afraid yet definitely expecting his big squeechy heart would end up entirely erased - and ready to go to WAR to save it - (and so ’’Hyung I’ve become a bloodhound’’ was IMO the most heartbreaking line of the show :() - but OH THANK FOR ONCE THE NARRATIVE that it didn’t happen, no matter what? I AM JUST SO HAPPY? (Who cares about gold and being realistic anyway :))
Then, THE FIGHTS. Porn. PURE PORN. The choregraphies, the execution - everything was a (brutal) delight (sort of) to watch. (And yes those seriously mind blowing breath stopping jaw dropping crouchy crouching forward low hits / escapes / moves / combinations definitely caused a new obsession for WDH’s thighs (Honestly? Like I needed yet another obsession over the man? SEND HELP). And I am not ashamed. He obviously trained, and that’s plain to see, so respectfully taking NOTICE is like the minimum I can do to thank him for his service?)
Also, on a side note, I’m a Rocky fan since my youth (yes, I’m a dinosaur, and my sister and I as teens used to watch Rocky IV (along with Top Gun, Dirty Dancing and Pretty Woman) about every rainy sunday - vhs time, sigh...), so I just LOVED all the ‘training’ moments (and not only for THE SHOW (even if my, my what a show...). Just the wink to the iconic running up the stairs had me with such a silly happy smile on my face :) And that ‘please hit me in the abs with a ball’ had me laughing way too hard and will be forever favourite. And the clapping between push ups was the sweetest thing ever. I could go on and on. *dreamy sigh sigh sigh* (and yes, also drooling sigh sigh sigh - but it is not the point i’m trying to make here...)
And then: Hong Woo Jin, my other beloved, of course !! What a sweety pie too !! Their chemistry was just GREAT !! He does care for that kid !! (Also, they wanted to kill him at first in the script? Thanks FATE then - because Gun Woo and Woo Jin DO come in pair - DO NOT SEPARATE !! GRRRR !!) And Badass archer granddaughter Da Min :) And Kim Myung-gil was a delicious villain, with a bonus true bro Kang In-beom to boot.
(Only minus points being (in no particular order) 1) the plot going on moments ‘what are you even doing/thinking/this is not a plan’ (and odd character disappearance (not that much problematic to me because I didn’t really care about Hyeon-joo) - explained since then) 2) the (apparently obligatory in kdrama - should I start worrying about you all?) ‘just let’s get so very drunk’ moments (besides what’s even the point of making a plan while drunk and not remember it in the morning? (do I drink alcohol? YES. (and btw I mean whisky, not beer or so). have i ever been drunk? no. (am i a self-control freak? YOU BET!)) BUT WHEN THEY MADE MY BLORBO DRINK I FELT LIKE CRYING AND THROWING A FIT !! Respect my man’s trauma about his abusive dad (you will not have me believe it was only Mom getting beaten - MY HEART) and his own pledge to himself - even without the obvious reason, everyone is free to decide for themselves what they want to do or not, okay !! GRRRRRRR !! (Luckily though he didn’t get actually drunk and I was SO relieved (I would have been really, really PISSED if they had, because my man would have been feeling so filthy and sick and I would have been devastated and FURIOUS) - had he eaten a lot beforehand? did he make himself regularly puke in the toilets? (the others were so gone they wouldn’t have noticed) Leave my baby alone, anyway !! 3) And well, the torture stuffs and general sort of purification of badness imo = irk !! There are mostly grey characters and greyer characters here (and two sunshines!); do not try to present them as being models of goodness? 4) And last, not a fan of the way Mom was written too - your omelets do look great indeed but where are your claws to defend your shiny and SO deserving of your love and *protection* son, Madam? (I am a Mom) - but I guess it was meant to make Geon Woo only more blorblo worthy, so I guess I’d just have to forget if not approve?)  
Anyway: no need for a season 2 - let them forever from now on just be besties and idiots in peace, please pretty please !! (I would though definitely enjoy a special about them training some more (Woo Jin as trainer :)) etc until  Kim Gun/Geon Woo ends up champion of course, lol - pretty please JUST GIVE IT TO ME!!) 
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tripleyeeet · 7 months
*puts on a very vampirey outfit before tapping the microphone*
I'm your host Annie and today I'm once again here with out beloved and spooky Summer!!!
First and foremost! Last Saturday we had the newest update to A Lover's Folly, one that we were waiting with bathed breath after the heartstopping cliffhanger of the previous one! Finally, our hearts can rest in peace, even though many have been broken even more by this chapter...
#i am devastated - @lynnlovesthestars
Summer, how do you feel about this most visceral reactions? Are you flattered, sorry or joyous that you've caused us even more pain despite also the great joy that you brought on us?
Moreover, you did share the list of your current wips which, I must say, are quite many. But the real question is: which are you most excited to write, as of right now? which do you think will be most challenging above the others? and which, do you think, will break our heart even more?
Now, to the important things, HALLOWEEN IS HERE!
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So, our dear Summer, what would be your perfect Halloween costume and party and day? I'm sure everyone is curious to know! (and even if they aren't, I am and I would like to know)
HI I'M FINALLY ANSWERING THIS <3 sorry i'm so bad at tuesday interview lately i promise i'll do better.
to answer your questions, i'm very happy that chapter of lover's folly is done. not because i didn't like it but because i definitely felt bad for that cliffhanger. it was evil and totally not my intention to take a hiatus immediately after but unfortunately that's just how the timing worked. :') honestly, i'm just glad it's hurting people's feelings enough to get a reaction. i'm such a slut for readers yelling at me in the comments for the things i've put them through. (as you know hehe)
for the wips, i uh, yeah. i have a lot. i wrote a more in-depth list today to kind of solidify the ones that are coming sooner but i think the one i'm most excited for is rage is a quiet thing which is more of a character study on astarion than a fic. it'll follow kind of his psyche throughout the events of the cazador confrontation with perhaps a little bit of flashback action depending on the layout but overall it'll definitely be heartbreaking because i feel like it's been forever since i've written some really good angst.
and uh, i think my perfection halloween costume would probably be nadja from wwdits? i was going to be her this year but then all my plans fell through (my dream halloween plans are just a small house party, love those) and i was just too broke after my trip to buy anything worth just sitting around at home for. so, maybe next year? :)
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jasntodds · 6 months
I'm new to your blog hiii 😊 This is cuz of your music fic post, this is not me requesting I just simply must gush about this because I love music and there are some musicians imo that just hit so right with Jason (*cough* Matt Maeson)
Anyways here's some songs that I think have serious tremors of Jason Todd running through them 🎵 ❤
🎵Halestorm: Back from the Dead (this one is self explanatory lol)
🎵The Pretty Reckless: Got so High/ Standing at the Wall (side note~their latest album Death By Rock N Roll is so good and so sad)
🎵Eminem: Drug Ballad/ Never Love Again (don't worry these are milder Em lyrics cuz we all know some of his word choices are vomit inducing but these are basically simultaneously love songs to the drugs but also a cautionary tale against them)
🎵Avril Lavigne: Fall to Pieces/ Nobody's Home (I just think they fit for Jason esp nobody's home)
🎵 Matt Maeson: Dancing After Death/ The Hearse/ Tread on Me/ Go Easy/ Cringe/ Me and My Friends Are Lonely/ Mr. Rattlebone/ Grave Digger
(I motherfucking love this man's music 😢💘 lyrically mostly everything describes Jason. I LOVE the line in Me and My Friends Are Lonely "The city breathes when I do not" > that is so Gotham and Jason and Gotham and Robin and Gotham and Redhood. In Mr. Rattlebone the lyrics "I am the driver. I am the shadow. I am the hearse" welp 😢🙃 The opening of Grave Digger oh my days "I can't run to you Father, I need love". Anyway I'm gonna shush now because I am getting carried away lol but hope you don't me spaming you with all this
Hey!! Uh, I love this???? lmao I love hearing songs that relate to my favorite characters!! I definitely made a playlist here with all of these songs and I'm gonna add to it for songs that just scream Jason dkfhgdf I will be 100% listening to all of these and I actually really enjoy Matt Maeson's voice so that's so perfect??????
I'm so sorry but this is me reading "The city breathes when I do not."
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Look, ANYTHING relating to daddy issues screams Jason to me and I nearly lose my fucking mind every single time. It reminds me of that one quote that's like "Growing up and seeing your parents' flaws is like losing your religion. I don't believe in God. I don't believe in my father either." This will be the first song I listen to omg
You can always come and ramble to me about music and/or Jason I love all types of music and I love Jason so I am always here lmao
And since you gave me some awesome recs, I'm gonna give you a few fkghfd:
Left Behind by The Plot In You. Look, it is one of my FAVORITE songs (is it my most played of the year?? Probably lmao it's in my top most played of all time and it came out in Feb lmao and I know I clocked over 60k minutes of music this year). But, when I listen to it, I relate it to Jason and Bruce's dynamic with lines like "Just know, all the sacrifice had robbed me of my time" and "I left behind, everything you killed inside" Landon screaming the lyrics makes me wanna CRY you can hear the pain in his voice and that's just very Jason Todd to me lmao
Deep End by I Prevail. It's such a good song?????? (I used in a fanedit and they liked it on TikTok) but my mom knows every word because she has to deal with me and brother playing it lmao but the WHOLE chorus is super Jason coded "So I made friends with all my demons. Let 'em sink their teeth in. Got used to the feeling of letting it go. So give me something to believe in or throw me in the deep end. It all feels the same with your eyes closed. So you can throw me in the deep end."
And Hollow - Lo's Version by Lo Spirit. I found him on TikTok (I swear I am not on that often??) and he's an INCREDIBLE vocalist. But this song is his best imo (followed by Good Enough and Wild Things (my beloved)) but this song is perfect for Jason. I mean, in Titans, he literally says there's a poison in him. It's perfect!! "Maybe somethings wrong with me. Maybe I was meant to sit and wait." and "Why do I, why do I feel so hollow? Hollow, hollow. Try to hide from my mind, but it follows."
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Solar Opposites: Ultra Opposites The Movie Ch. 9 (from @avaveevo)
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Korvo and Terry are naked in the replicants' room
Jesse: Yeesh. They really sexed themselves out.
Yumyulack: I know. Gross. *gets a text message from an unknown person*
Yumyulack looks at the text and gasp.
Jesse: What is it?
Yumyulack: It’s from someone name… Dark Matter?
Jesse: What does it say?
Yumyulack: It says… “Psylock, I challenge you and your fellow Ultra Opposites to a showdown. Meet me at sundown?!”
Jesse: WHAT?!
Jesse's shout was so loud it wakes Korvo and Terry
Korvo: Huh? Whuh? What is it?
Jesse: Yumyulack got a text message from an unknown person who wants to fight us at sundown!
Korvo: He does?! We better move fast! First thing!
Meanwhile at Ophelia's fortress...
Ophelia: Hmm… so an orb piece was tainted?
???: What do you mean tainted?
Ophelia: As if it was touched by some dark space stuff?
???: Should we be worried?
Ophelia smirks
Ophelia: No. I think this might be fun.
We then cut to the Ultra Opposites gathered together
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Okay guys, let’s go over the plan. Super Cooke, Shadow Lady. You’re on lookout-
EVA: Guys! Terry’s gone!
Ultra Opposites: WHAT?!
EVA: He left a note!
Legendary Super Shlorpians takes the note and reads it out loud
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: “My Dearest Korvy, I am so sorry. But I have to leave. I’m going to a place where I can find answers that will help me control myself. I don’t want to risk hurting anyone with this other side that I am ashamed off. I love you all so much.” - Terry.
Legendary Super Shlorpian gasps sadly
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Oh my poor Terry… he still feels so awful! We must split up and find him while some of us stay behind and fight Dark Matter! Shadow Lady, Janiz, EVA, AISHA you’re with me!
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: You got it!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Psylock, Electra, Super Cooke, Ultra Man, you guys stay behind and fight Dark Matter!
Randall/Ultra Man: You can count on us, Korvo!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpain: Ultra Opposites, roll out!
Meanwhile, Terry has arrived at a temple
Terry: *takes a deep breath* Okay, time go find some answers
Terry enters the temple and gasps
Terry: Whoa…
The temple is full of famous Mundane monsters
Terry: This is amazing. *grabs a lava light*
Terry notices a Mundane that looks like him
Terry: What the? *gasp* Oh my God… he looks like me… that means… it runs in my…
Terry looks down at his hands
Terry: Family…
Terry starts crying
Terry: Oh my God… I’m a monster… *cries*
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: *offscreen* TERRY!
Terry then roars as his skin starts turning black and his body starts growing bigger and muscular once Legendary Super Shlorpian, Janiz, Shadow Lady, AISHA and EVA arrived.
Janiz: No!
Meanwhile with the others...
Yumyulack/Psylock: Be on the lookout for Dark Matter. Right guys?!
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: I'm having second thoughts here, guys. I mean, what if the text message is just a prank. Honestly-
But then a car came by as the quartet duck manages to dodge it as they scream.
Randall/Ultra Man: What the hell?!
Jesse/Electra: What was that?!
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: Okay! On second thought, this is so not a fucking prank! No way! Uh uh
Suddenly someone appears and Psylock gasps
Yumyulack/Psylock: No… it can’t be… Daryl?!
Daryl, now with his own super suit, glares at Psylock
Daryl/Dark Matter: It’s Dark Matter!
Psylock gasps
Yumyulack/Psylock: What happened?! Are you-
Dark Matter growls as he throws another a car as the four Ultra Opposites duck.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Daryl, what are you doing?!
Randall/Ultra Man: I don’t think he can hear us man!
Daryl/Dark Matter: Come at me if you dare, Psylock!
Yumyulack/Psylock: *gasp as tears well up in his eyes* No! I refuse to fight you!
Daryl/Dark Matter: I said...COME AT ME!
Psylock is now troubled on what to do. How can he saved his beloved boyfriend? Then, he got an idea.
Yumyulack/Psylock: I got this!
Psylock flies up to Dark Matter as Move Your Body by Loving Caliber plays.
When you're down and you stare out your window Hoping that you come up with some words to say That's not okay When you feel like you're fed up with heartbreak And you know that you can't take another day That's not okay
We can never go back this road We can never go back that way I see you standing in the corner like it's okay Don't you know that you move with your body? Don't you know that you move with your body?
We can never go back this road We can never go back that way I see you standing in the corner like it's okay Don't you know that you move with your body? Don't you know that you move with your body?
When you move with your feet on the dancefloor And you don't care a thing bout' a word they say That's how we play I am here with my friends and we're dancing We can feel all the obstacles go away That's how we play
We can never go back this road We can never go back that way I see you standing in the corner like it's okay Don't you know that you move with your body? Don't you know that you move with your body?
We can never go back this road We can never go back that way I see you standing in the corner like it's okay Don't you know that you move with your body? Don't you know that you move?
All night long (long) The dance goes on (on) I am here And I move with my body, move with my body
All night long (we got it going and the) Dance goes on (we got it going and the) I am here And I move with my body Move with my body
We can never go back this road We can never go back that way I see you standing in the corner like it's okay Don't you know that you move with your body? Don't you know that you move with your body?
We wanna go on our own We wanna go night and day I see you standing in the corner like it's okay Don't you know that you move with your body? Don't you know that you move with your body?
With your body
With your body
Dark Matter snaps out of it and looks at Psylock who is shimmering
Daryl/Dark Matter: *blushing lovingly* Hey.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Hey. You okay?
Daryl/Dark Matter: Yeah… I’m sorry babe…
Dark Matter starts crying as Psylock gasps
Yumyulack/Psylock: Shh… it’s okay… I’m here…
Ultra Man smiles tearfully before sobbing and blowing his nose on Electra's dress
Jesse/Electra: *laughs in amusement*
Psylock puts a hand on Dark Matter's cheek and smiles seduectively
Yumyulack/Psylock: *seductively* Say, your mind powers really got me feeling hot and sexy.
Daryl/Dark Matter: Really? Then kiss me to prove it.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Sure will…
The two superhero boyfriends kiss and moan lovingly. Dark Matter then kisses Psylock's neck.
Yumyulack/Psylock: *moaning lovingly*
Electra groans in disgust. Then, the scene cuts to the Replicants’ classmate Sonya walking through the beach the temple is at, sighing sadly while carrying a backpack full of stuff. Then, she heard Mundane Terry’s roar. Sonya turns around and gasps. Sonya heads into the temple and quietly hide as she sees Legendary Super Shlorpian, Shadow Lady, Janiz, AISHA and EVA looking at Mundane Terry.
Mundane Terry: GET AWAY FROM ME!
Janiz: Terry! It’s okay! We want to help you!
AISHA: He's losing it! Korv, do something!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: I-I don’t know!
Mundane Terry cries as he reaches out to his precious hubby
Mundane Terry: *crying* Korvy! Stay away from me! D-DON’T TAKE ME BACK THERE! I’LL ONLY HURT YOU!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Don't take you back where?
Legendary Super Shlorpian gasps realizing something as a flashback plays. He then remembers Mundane Solar Flare punching him as the flashback ends.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Shit...
Mundane Terry: *sobbing hysterically* GOD! I SHOULD JUST END KILL MYSELF!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: *gasps* No! Terry, no! You shouldn't do that! I'm here! It's okay!
Sonya: *popping out* Mr. Solar-Opposites?
Mundane Terry looks at Sonya and gasps
Sonya: What happened to you?
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Sonya, stay back.
EVA: Oh no! I think Terry is feeling suicidal! That’s what Mundanes feel! He’s gonna lose himself if we don’t do something unless he knows he is loved!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Then there's one thing I need to do.
Janiz: Then do it! Show your husband how much he means to him unconditionally.
Legendary Super Shlorpian nods and turns into his Super Shlorpian form and flies up to his husband
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: TERRY!
Mundane Terry looks at his husband and gasps
Mundane Terry: *voice breaking* K-Korvy?
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Yes. It's me. I love you.
Mundane Terry: You're just saying that to make me stop...
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: WHAT?!
Mundane Terry: You're just saying that to...to...make me feel better. To...I...I hate myself...
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Y-ou hate yourself? Why?
Mundane Terry sobs as he holds his husband close
Mundane Terry: *sobbing hysterically* B-because… e-very sh-sh-Shlorpian h-hated me bef-ore I met y-you… th-they say mean thing, how much of a fuck I was… they even insulted Jesse… I-I am a m-m-monster…
Super Shlorpian Legendary Super Shlorpian gasps
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Oh Terry… I had no idea this what your life back on Shlorp really was… why didn’t you tell me about this…?
Mundane Terry: *mumble something*
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpain: Sweetie?
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpain: *gasp* Oh honey, I will never leave you! I don’t care if you’re a Mundane! I love you Terald Wearspreada…
Mundane Terry smiles tearfully
Mundane Terry: *then heads back to frowning as he weeps in sadness* B-but I’m a monster… I hurt people… *breaks down crying hysterically*
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpain: Stop saying that! You're not, okay?!
But then Super Shlorpian L.S.S. Slowly realizes how much hurt Mundane Solar Flare is feeling and embraces him in an unconditional cooldown hug.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: You know I love you, right?
Mundane Terry: *sniffles* How? How do I know you still love me after I hurt you?
Super Shlorpian L.S.S. kisses his husband on the lips. The two husbands moan lovingly tearfully as Sonya grows touch by this. Sonya then grows sad.
Janiz: *notices Sonya’s sadness* What’s wrong Sonya?
Sonya: My parents got aborted...
Mundane Terry and Super Shlorpian L.S.S. gasp in shock
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Oh my God...
Mundane Terry: Oh Sonya, we’re so sorry…
Sonya: I...I... *leaves crying*
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Oh Sonya… *flies off and follows her*
Super Shlorpian LSS finds Sonya crying alone.
Super Shlorpian Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Sonya?
Sonya turns to look at Super Shlorpian LSS as he turns back into a Shlorpian and transforms back
Sonya: Korvo?
Korvo: Hey, kid. I'm sorry about what happened...
Sonya: *sniffles* I just miss them so much… now I don’t have a family anymore…
Korvo: Then let me and my family be your family.
Sonya: Huh?
Korvo: Sonya, I always wanted to have another kid with Terry ever since we got married. So I made a decision. I’m gonna adopt you.
Sonya: Really?!
Korvo: Of course. Sonya, you deserve a home. I’m gonna take you in. You’re never gonna be alone anymore…
Sonya: Thanks, Korvo.
Sonya hugs Korvo while Mundane Terry, Janiz, the two AIs and Miss Frankie, who is back to her normal form comes out.
EVA: What's going on?
Korvo: Guys, I’ve officially decided to adopt Sonya.
Mundane Terry: *gasps* REALLY?!
Korvo: Really…
Mundane Terry: OH KORVY!
Mundane Terry embraces Korvo in a big damn kiss as the two husbands moan lovingly. Then, Terry turns back into his normal Shlorpian self. The other Ultra Opposites show up. Psylock and Dark Matter are disheveled because they had sex.
Sonya: Mr. Terry! *runs up to Terry and hugs him*
Terry: *laughs* Hey, kiddo!
Terry hugs Sonya back while Psylock and Electra runs up to Terry and hugs him.
Korvo: *notices Psylock's state* Whoa. What happened to you.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Let’s just say… I got my boyfriend back…
Daryl/Dark Matter: That's right.
Jesse/Electra: *notices Sonya* Uh, what’s our classmate doing here?
Korvo: Well, we have some news. We're adopting Sonya and-
Korvo suddenly throws up.
Yumyulack/Psylock and Jesse/Electra: WHAT?!
Sonya: Hey, guys.
Jesse/Electra: Yay! I always wanted to have a sister! *hugs Sonya, who giggles*
Randall/Ultra Man: Aw, that's so sweet. Also, did Korvo just throw up?
Korvo: Yeah. I think we should go home guys- *throws up again*
Yumyulack/Psylock: Ew!
Korvo: Come on guys! *throws up* Let’s head home.
We then cut to Korvo and Terry in their bedroom
Korvo: Oh Terry. I am sorry I threw up. I guess I might’ve got a stomach bug or something.
Terry: It's cool. So, wanna have sex?
Korvo: Yes. Yes I- *throws up on Terry*
Terry: Hey you know what? How about after you get better. I want my hubby to feel better.
Korvo: Okay...
Terry then gets out an ice pack puts on Korvo’s head as Korvo smiles and rest on the bed. Terry kisses Korvo the forehead. We then cut to the wall where Nova gets word of something.
Nova: What? She’s back?! Impossible!
???: It's what we heard, ma'am.
Nova then gets determined.
Nova: Schedule me a meeting with the Wall council. We'll be ready for her.
???: Right away Nova.
The person leaves as Nova sighs
Nova: It’s time to find some honorable warriors to help fight back…
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crystal-lillies · 2 years
Okay so first thoughts after watching Power of the Doctor, featuring some things I screamed while watching (Spoilers):
-start of the episode is a bit clunky but not a terrible reintroduction to the CyberMasters
-Sacha Dhawan absolutely fucking annihilates every scene he's in my god. Goes absolute apeshit nuts. I love it
-Dan...:( really got a short end of the stick I feel like. Kind of abrupt. He and Yaz def had a stronger bond so I like they had a nice goodbye but. Man that felt so cut off.
-I bet the Four inside Thirteen felt(tm) that poor Dalek, knowing that it was right that they failed their original purpose to help the Kaleds survive. "That poor Dalek" my god but I did feel so bad :(
-the way Ace calls The Master out on being a catboy cleared my acne, watered my crops, boosted my serotonin
-also the unhinged way The Master was so delighted that the armed troops were for him. Am I gOIng tO UNIT??? You doughnut. Bastard man. I can't help but enjoy watching you chew up every scene!!
-the fucking memes don't even do it justice. The Master fucking blasting Rasputin. Was playing Rasputin just a cover so he could blast this song? I would believe it. It's absolutely 10000% in character.
-Don't mind me casually breaking the sound barrier when 5 shows up to Tegan and mentions Adric. A single word. A single name. And I screech loud enough to hear 10 miles away.
-Yaz my angel my beloved you rockstar FUCK HIM UP <3
-sidebar Sacha Dhawan rocks in 13's outfit (and maybe that's why the Beeb was afraid of DT in it...too much power 😔). And then that fucking mismatch. The SWEATER. I CAN'T.
-8 ILYSM bb your sass always appreciated. Bonus, CLASSIC DOCTORS BABEY!!!
-sideside note. Sentient energy creature thing? Cool af. Wish we got a tad bit more time exploring that but only so much time alas.
-Yaz you brilliant love. And VINDER!!! I'M FREELANCE!!! HELL YEAH YOU ARE GET HIS ASS!!!!
-dont make me go back to being me ow wow that actually hurt a bit, and that's how this Master does actually come from Missy
-you made Adric proud Tegan....even if he would be too much of a little shit to say so off the bat, he'd be proud of you....
-Kate's point to herself. That "me?" Moment. My god. Did no one ever take her in the TARDIS? (Stares at 11 and 12)
-Using the Master's TARDIS against his plan (again), excellent. Actual solving of the whole CyberMasterDalek plan? A little shaky. But I'll allow it. Thanks to "a bit crowded. Just how I like it" 13. Honey. Are we having Journey's End flashbacks and missing all your friends in a TARDIS? :( is this a sign
-oof fuck ow ouch I half expected her to be sliced in half with that ray beam but fjdgkd watching too much Vox Machina lately and forgot for a sec that BBC would never be that brutal and I'm glad--
-because we got the CARRY!!! THE LIFT!!! THEM!!!!!!
-hi can you hear the sound of my heart breaking into one million pieces seeing Yaz finally start crying after being so brave and put together through everything. Knowing after everything she STILL loses her Doctor. I'm not okay. I'm not okay!!!!!!! I want more time with her too Yaz!!!! Right here with you!!!!
-"i loved being with you, Yaz" don't!! Mind!! Me!! Screaming crying throwing up!!!!
-still could have at least kissed her hand but. Mmmmmmm the way they look at each other. The way they both acknowledged the love they feel. But Chibnall and BBC are still cowards.
-classic companions!!!!!!!!! Way to bring back the OG holy fuck
-Dan sitting in a room as the newest companion with one of the FIRST companions. Iconic.
-"Look after the next one" HONEY!!!! I'M NOT READY!!!!!
-!and that sunrise regeneration shot!!! Absolutely fucking breathtaking!!!! In tears!!!
-aaannnd then the twist. Clothes regen def throws me a sign that This Is Wrong. We saw MULTIPLE REGENS here my dudes and clothes did not change. This is Important.
- Also fuck off RTD, respectfully, but DT is not Fourteen. He doesn't get to have two whole numbered lives after *everything else he got already.* Fourteen is Ncuti thank you the fuck much. He was announced first, and we all celebrated him as 14 first. So there.
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by-glass-and-waves · 1 year
oh dude dude what do you MEAN "sorry guys who are looking for delicious Courtship/Restart goodies" I LOVE DEPRESSION QUEST, and i love the fact that theres someone else out there that has a runaway narinder AU
the idea of a completely power hungry lamb who disregards narinder as a person is so uncommon, i dont think ive actually seen that dynamic played out in a story/hc tbh ??? so i am LIVING for this, it truly is the spice of life
n like letting him runaway n waits for him to come crawling back??? absolutely maliciously delicious content
but nARINDER OH NARINDER angry, break down, self imploding beloved!!! again there isnt enough completely broken down ISOLATED(emotionally) conceded narinders, so many au's have him conceded, but they always including the lamb trying to get him comfortable and okay, never narinder just being tolerated and treated like property or a trophy and i love that fucked up dynamic
i'd really love to know more abt baal and ayms place in the cult too, are they like mini trophies ? or are they just "eh another follower"
either way the idea of narinder self imploding to the point of complete isolation (running away) is such a good idea, im living for it !!! and the idea of a ratoo & narinder friendship from this has consumed my brain greatly, i love that idea i actually had a brain wave pic pop up in my brain, so i'll draw fanart of this AU later bc i adore it
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WHOA I was at work and I was like "I got an aaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" oh man I'm glad you really like the idea! I think I did see some fics like this (well not Narinder dips fics)
I will let you know that these qs making me go "wait hm this would fit into the AU better than my original ideas" so please bear with me!! at any rate omg aw thank you for loving these idees maybe I should just masterpost and mark spoilers for whatever comes to mind here also this is gonna be a long answer post pardon me
so spoilers for Depression Quest and Courtship I guess?
also trigger warning: depression, thoughts of self harm, mentions of mental breakdown
So this is me not reading cotl shit in like, literally months in order to try to preserve my headcanonideas like a loser but damn whoaaa I'm happy that you really like this AU
The initial idea actually did have just plain old Lamb being all okay bb i'll be here waiting for you when you ready I won't push you, I'll let you run away and live your life bb just want you to be happy uwu like they did want Narinder to love them back but they were fine with just making him happy and brought back the Bishops and stuff so they could reconcile but as said before, things didn't seem the same for them
Then as Courtship took form I kind of moved those kinds of feelings Lamb had to the new AU and really honestly removed them from the equation because I wanted to focus on Narinder and Getting Over It™ and just living his own fucking life instead
What did remain was Narinder's complete and absolute breakdown when he locks himself into the house they built for him and his eventual escape. Like goddamn, I was like this man needs to break
The amount of broken furniture, crying and screaming onto the floor and bed, throwing items at whoever manages to get into the house, laying down and staring at the ceiling in a catatonic state, etc
I liked the idea of him meeting other people and them remarking on his fallen status or having to hide his identity when interacting or going to public places and it's pretty much how I came up with the Ratoo encounter/friendship
Imagine Kudaai laughing when he requests a scythe and giving him the smallest, lightest one for his weak upper extremities
addendum: like after escaping he does get better like he runs into kudaai and gets scythe at least but he still sucks since his hands/arms more likely to spaz more when he exerts himself too much (aka combat)
Imagine Narinder trying to stay inconspicuous when he goes to Plimbo's stall at the Lighthouse, etc
Once the idea of resurrecting the Bishops came up around the time I started writing Courtship I kind of went, tbh Lamb would only do that to get Narinder back and then that idea of the Lamb just stuck
The Lamb knew where he was the entire time. The Lamb let him think he was finally free from them. The Lamb decided to uproot his life when he thought he finally found peace (by reintroducing his siblings) and from there the Lamb became the kind of famous hero/whatever who would 100% use Narinder as a trophy SO and show them off while he feels awful and drinks every night to cope
i'd really love to know more abt baal and ayms place in the cult too, are they like mini trophies ? or are they just "eh another follower"
So initial idea was that Baal and Aym weren't crazy about it but came around after Lamb invited Forneus for a visit, then they would be like yes Master should see how good Lamb is
Now thinking it over, it could have a good twist to it:
Baal and Aym think that Narinder should come around because Lamb is a good person and his life would improve
In this, his guardians become his jailers. They've become the ones most actively working for his "rehabilitation", and Narinder hates it because he knows it's another way for the Lamb to break him. He's thinking that it's their mortality that made them cave so easily.
Once Narinder makes it out, they want to make their presence known once they find him, but Lamb explicitly commands them not to until they say it's time. So they go and check on him and obvs this is stwess for Narinder since he feels like he's being watched
Still though, Depression Quest is more Narinder-based than Narinder/Lamb relationship-based because it's him trying to live in a new Lamb-ruled world while trying not to show off his shitty power level or something, Lamb didn't really pull up much once he gets out except for really sending Baal and Aym to keep tabs on him and maybe probably when the Bishops are resurrected but even then it's just like... there's still this kind of sad underlying everything.
So fun fact: a few of Courtship's ideas originated in Depression Quest! Such as the shared love for gardening/camellias by Leshy and Narinder, and the relationship/dynamic between Kallamar and Narinder. I don't know why but their relationship felt fucking devastating once I came up with it hence why I think Chapter 9/Kallamar's quest in Courtship has been my favorite to read and write so far.
Courtship and Depression Quest do share quite a few things, so I'm worried I might echo too much of the same shit should I actually come to write it. While writing out this answer I posted an unedited bit on a prototype for Leshy quest and you may see some parallels to the one for Courtship :o
the idea of a ratoo & narinder friendship from this has consumed my brain greatly, i love that idea i actually had a brain wave pic pop up in my brain, so i'll draw fanart of this AU later bc i adore it
pls show me when you done I want it I'm so glad you like it and yes Ratoo and Narinder friendship is one and only
I think there was more but it's like 2am and I have to wake up in like 3 hours and I think I should just do a fucking masterpost on these AUs
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noose-lion · 2 years
Ok so. Out of all the titles, the one I was LEAST interested in was "ugly duckling" because it looked pretty basic. But upon further inspection of my choices of interest,
1) it may very well be the best fic I've ever read and
2) the title doesn't really give much away. It could be. Well. Anything. I'm going to assume it's either about Dazai or Chuuya's humanity/differences from "normal" people.
Anyway, can't wait for that one! (Take your time though, give yourself breaks and try to stay healthy (✿^‿^))
WDTSDG is too cryptic and I don't like not knowing things so you're telling me about that >:( (chapter 6~)
Smoke and mirror caught my attention because it's the most recently opened...yes
Fox and the sheepdog!! Dazai's going to be foxy and Chuuya is going to be the sheepdog- Aww~ no but really what's it about. Because I saw a werewolf AU HC post just a few days ago. So I'm taking it literally for now
That's all! I hope you don't mind me asking, and of course you have a choice to answer them, you don't have to if you don't want to.
Have a good day/night :)
"Ugly Duckling"
This is a story of healing from grief. Dazai has to come to terms with Oda's choice and his own glorified version of his friend, and in doing so he gains insight into the concept of humanity. It's also a really sweet "accidental kid acquisition".
As he reached the top he was met with the open door of the above shop apartment.
It creaked further open, possibly the wind but more likely the trespasser Dazai had heard from below. Slowly, he pushed the door and slipped into the apartment. At first glance he was met with a dark and deserted dormitory like abode. Second glance, it was obvious someone had been living here for the past week.
Dazai felt a pinprick flame ignite in his gut, subtly becoming a larger and larger furnace of sharp heat, the closest thing to anger possible for the Demon Prodigy. How dare some lowlife trespass into Oda's world. 
Something crashed to the ground. Dazai spun left toward the offending sound, seeing that a closet was cracked open. Yanking his gun from his waistband he charged forward, throwing open the closet door.
"I'm sorry!"
It's Sakura. She's huddled at the back of the tiny closet, buried in a blanket. Dazai only recognizes her from a picture Oda had shown him once. Dazai drops his gun in shock, Mori would hate that, as the four year old stares up at him with wet eyes. 
"How-" Dazai had never considered this. 
How is she alive?
Oda is dead. And in his death he's left behind two lonely orphans. One a dear friend the other his beloved child.
Oda told him to save the orphans, but Dazai never considered that he'd be the sole caretaker of a child at 18. On that note he also never thought he he'd leave the mafia or live this long. And now that he has her, Dazai isn't sure he could live without her.
"Where Do The Strays Go?" (WDTSG)
This one actually has 5 chapters already up on my ao3 (@ noose_lion). It's a Tokyo Ghoul bsd au. Kinda niche, but I'm doing it for fun and it's not my usual polished work. I try to update monthly.
"Smoke And Silver"
Dazai pressed the gun back to the sobbing man knelt before him, he cocked it, grinning when the mole flinched. "Please, please, please…" the man blubbered and begged.
The gun clicked and the mole screamed before slumping to the ground crying. Dazai's face was contemplative, watching the boy Hirotsu felt uneasy. He began making his way toward him.
Dazai was staring at the man crumbled at his feet. Slowly he crouched before him nudging the mole's head with his gun. "You really sought to live that much? Then why, pray tell me, did you not give up your partner?"
And with that Dazai reached forward and brushed his fingers across the mole's forehead. A flash of blue light revealed a trembling woman standing at the back of the warehouse. As every mafia member and their gun turned toward the women, Hirotsu leaped forward. Dazai's gun went off with a bang, Hirotsu's stern hand the only thing keeping it pointed at the ceiling and not at the boy's head. Dazai's eyes were filled with such melancholy as he turned to look at the silver haired man. "A pity that you interrupted."
Hirotsu frowned. "I think not, Dazai-kun."
The confusion present in the boy's eyes would continue to haunt the olderman, probably forever.
Hirotsu has been assassinated. Dazai and Chuuya are investigating it with with a hunch that it's a inside job. Hirotsu had been collecting dirt on someone, and somehow it's tied to Dazai.
"The Fox and the Sheephound"
(I'm still trying to figure out if Sheepdog or Sheephound is better...)
It's basically a Dazai joins the Sheep au. The events of 15 happened vastly different, leading to Chuuya and Dazai meeting a year later. The Sheep are a fully fledged gang and the only threat to the Mafia's control. Dazai is suffocating under the control of Mori, the boss reviving him from an attempt on a weekly basis. He wants out, and he's not above completely dismantling the Port Mafia on the way out.
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stormyoceans · 2 years
Now that you've seen Vice Versa in it's entirety (multiple times), what's your favourite PuenTalay moment? Feel free to make a list if you can't choose just one ;)
FDKSGFKDGSFKJ GLAD YOU ALREADY GAVE ME THE OPTION FOR A BULLET POINT LIST BECAUSE THERE’S LITERALLY NO WAY I COULD EVER PICK ONLY ONE MOMENT i can give you a top 10 in cronological order and even that is gonna cost me blood sweat tears and whatever’s left of my sanity…. which admittedly is not a lot so HERE WE GO!!!!!
1. bathroom meeting in episode 1. truly the moment the blueprint the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end the genesis the impetus the single most scene of all time. talay is standing there with pee hands telling this famous actor he just met that he has a big head and puen is just giggling twirling his hair kicking his feet going ‘oh my god stoppp you’re soooo cute!!!!’ IM EMBARRASSED FOR BOTH OF THEM BUT MOST OF ALL FOR MYSELF FOR LOSING MY SANITY OVER THESE CLOWNS
2. NIVEA BATHTUB SCENE IN EPISODE 3 MY BELOVED. somehow this isn’t one of the most replayed parts of the episode and i have beef with people because of it. like yes, it’s a product placement. yes, it’s cheesy as hell. STILL!!!!!!! y’all are really telling me you DON’T need to be forcibly escorted into a padded room every time you hear puen say “if this can be used to wipe away dust, i should use it with your heart. i think your heart hasn’t been used in a long time”???????????? WISH THAT COULD BE ME i see puen using the cotton pad on talay’s chest and suddenly there’s an entire mental health crisis intervention team in my room pulling out the elephant tranquilizers to keep me sedated
3. bed scene at the end of episode 6. this scene knocks me flat on my ass every single time i look at it. it’s about the vulnerability and comfort of it all!!!!!! the way it parallels the scene in episode 4 in tun’s apartment where puen tells talay “one day, if there’s a problem or fear, you can tell me”!!!!!!! and talay does!!!!!!! and puen is there for him no questions asked!!!!!!! and then they’re holding on to each other and spooning and cuddling while my last half functioning braincell is holding on for dear life grip slipping fast and these fuckers haven't even confessed yet!!!!!! ep 6 was really the moment i started breaking apart at the seams and it shows
4. GREYLLERY CONFESSION IN EPISODE 8. LITERALLY NO WORDS JUST SCREAMING SHAKING CRYING THROWING UP SPINNING COUNTERCLOCKWISE ON THE FLOOR WAILING. look i know im biased but if you don't think this is one of the best confession scenes in the history of television you're just lying to yourself. the fact that it happens when the lights are out to emphasize that their feelings aren't about the bodies they inhabit but about who they are????? talay cupping puen's face as if he's holding the most precious thing in the world in his hands????? puen being so overwhelmed with emotions he needs to grab talay's wrist to ground himself????? THE KISS PARALLELING THE ONE IN EP 4????? the tear falling down puen's cheek and the ear graze and the hand at the small of talay's back just enveloping him completely?????? I NEED THE HEAT DEATH OF THE UNIVERSE TO TAKE ME NOW
5. the entire beach reconciliation in episode 9. i feel like this moment is a bit underrated and yet if someone asked me to pick a scene that perfectly sums up the puentalay dynamic i think this is the one i’d go for, because it really shows the one thing that sets them apart from all the other pairings to me, which is the willingness they have to make things better and try to understand each other. any argument they have never lasts too long because they love and need and care about each other so much that they’re always ready to set aside their pride and come together to work things out. im not even kidding when i say they’re the kings of communication!!!!! i also think that we as a fandom should talk more about puen calling talay’s name being enough to stop talay from having a panic attack and puen not knowing that talay drowned but still understanding that something was wrong. THE ROMANCE THE CONNECTION THE LOVE
6. THE HAT SCENE IN EPISODE 9 AKA THE SINGLE MOST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME. i know i say that a lot but THERE IS LITERALLY NOTHING THAT COULD EVER HAPPEN THAT WOULD BE MORE THAN THIS. like do you get chills every time you rewatch this scene or are you normal!!!!!!! i swear puen's face alone is enough to have me committed to the psych ward, especially the moment right after talay admits he is falling for him. i simply wanna know what the directions for jimmy were here.... look awestruck to the point of reverence?????? look undone overcome and made whole again in the span of 2.8 seconds??????? he is giving adoration tenderness wonderment devotion love and im giving rabid animal frothing at the mouth clawing at the walls of her enclosure
7. NOM NOM SCENE IN EPISODE 10. head in hands about to partake in fits of female hysteria any time i remember this scene was improvised. i honestly don’t know what to do with that knowledge. this is the one scene we were all looking forward to since the trailer dropped, what made me think ‘oh, maybe these two will actually be good together’, my most favorite thing about puentalay (along with how good they are at communication) which is the playful nature of their relationship and the genuine fun they seem to have with each other.... and it’s all because of jimmy and sea. when your lead actors are so comfortable with each other they spontaneously come up with THEE most boyfriend thing i’ve ever seen!!!!!! we do not engage in parasocial relationships in this house but i owe them my life
8. THEE Reunion™ in episode 11. i genuinely can't have more than surface level thoughts about this scene or else i'll actually go insane and not like quirky funny insane, but like isabelle adjani in the tunnel scene from possession insane. there are just not enough words to properly convey the sheer incomprehensible immensity of everything happening here. the heartache the longing the realization the relief the comfort the tenderness the understanding the joy the love. truly changed the trajectory of my life my outlook my values the very foundations of my personhood i will never be the same
9. kitchen scene at the beginning of episode 12. yet another scene i can't think about for too long otherwise i start dying from multiple organ failure. i've never seen two people be more domestic in love and enamored with each other in my entire life like THE BACK HUG????? “WHATEVER COMES FROM YOU IS SO GOOD”????? PUEN’S HANDS ON TALAY’S WAIST????? TALAY CUPPING PUEN’S FACE LIKE HE DID IN THE GREYLLERY CONFESSION????? “I THANK YOU TOO FOR BEING BORN SO THAT I COULD LOVE YOU”????? FOUR KISSES IN A SINGLE SCENE????? this is how the rest of their lives is gonna look like and im honestly too mentally unwell to process any of it
10. ending scene in episode 12. PEOPLE DIED BECAUSE OF THIS SCENE!!!!!!! it’s me. im people. and i swear it’s not just because of horny puen, but because it’s seriously the most perfect ending they could have ever given them. the two of them fixing the RV together parallels the scene in ep 6 where they did the same in the alternate universe, and they actually gave us a visual representation of their journey and of how much their relationship has grown through the pink trumpet tree: what was once a small potted plant is now a 25-meter-tall tree with strong roots that won’t ever be moved, just like their love. they painted each other’s life pink forever and i will be on my death bed surrounded by nurses and my last words will be i would die for puentalay and then i will die for real!!!!!!!!!!!  
[CURRENTLY THROWING UP BLOOD BECAUSE I HAD TO LEAVE OUT SO MANY MOMENTS like the pinky promise and helmet scene in ep 3????? everything in ep 4????? the snow scene in ep 5????? the 12.960 minutes/777.600 seconds scene in ep 6????? the reconciliation in ep 7????? everything else in ep 8????? the “we got to see the same moon” and the river bank scenes in ep 12????? IMAGINE WINNING SO MUCH THAT A TOP 10 ISN’T NEARLY ENOUGH]
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dontgofarfromme · 2 years
My primary measurement of how good these books are is really based around how much I get to see Beloved therefore my ranks so far are:
The Farseer Trilogy: Assassin's apprentice had distressingly little Beloved however his appearances are memorable and we get Fitz going from 0 to THATS MY BEST FRIEND WHO I HAVE WAY MORE FEELINGS ABOUT THAN IS NORMAL RIGHT THERE in 2 seconds which is good, really the trilogy is saved by his incomprehensible quips and jokes contrasted with whenever he becomes heartbreakingly serious about things for the first time, and his constant presence in the second half of Assassin's Quest. 7/10, ultimately acceptable but could do with more Beloved.
The Liveship Traders: Significantly more Beloved than originally anticipated, she comes off as a minor character in Ship of Magics but by Mad Ship is solidly lodged in the main plot and important to it and to other characters. Despite how opaque she is as always, we get lots of focus on her personal goals and slightly more insight into her feelings and depth as a person from a more unbiased perspective than uh,,,Fitz. And she gets to branch out and make friends!!! 9/10 I love Amber dearly.
The Tawny Man: screaming crying throwing up he's here he's rich he's in every single book he's dressing up in wild outfits he's making everyone mad at him he's in love and it's bleeding out in everything he does he's always known he's fated to die terribly if he continues on this path but he's sprinting down it single-mindedly and will go willingly into torment alone if he has to (but he doesn't want to, he's calling out for Fitz by his own name as he dies). 100/10 god the agonizing tragedy of it all
The Rain Wild Traders: despite being at least partial instigator of 90% of the things that happen in this series she is only alluded to once, when Malta discusses the marks she left on the back of her neck, and she's not even named. 0/10 disrespectful and horrible reading 4 books without any sign of her has been awful
Fitz and the Fool: God help me if he doesn't show up for an entire book or something his name is in the freaking title of this series and if I have to go for much longer without him I will riot. TBD, in all ways but physical I have these books at knifepoint and am demanding his presence
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