randomfoggytiger · 2 years
X-Files Collector’s Edition: Coming Home to Their Unremarkable House
Whether they be road-weary, discouraged at their losses, or happy in each other, Mulder and Scully always carve out a piece of the world for themselves to bunker into. These fics are a few variations on finding their perfect home. 
Loose canonical order below~  Canon Timelines 
@purrykat​/mylifeinshadow‘s Maps for the Getaway
““She’d lost so much, sacrificed so much. Little more than five minute phone calls to her mother on store bought burner phones to connect her to her old life. You’ve considered it so many times, just up and leaving. You’d be doing her a favor, allowing her a freedom she hadn’t known since walking into your office nearly ten years ago. Every time you’ve talked yourself into it, the mere sight of her so small in an over sized hotel bed, clutching a blanket, the last remaining connection to her son, and you’d found yourself breaking down instead. So selfish. So, so selfish. But not anymore.””  
Mulder is so moved by Scully’s noble sacrifices that he puts his “selfishness” aside to get her what will truly make her happy. 
CSM’s Home Sweet Home 
““She can see a rainbow of emotions fly across Dana’s face before she nods her head in agreement. Dana finger’s curl around her own phone, the metallic blue of the Razor glistening in the bright sunlight.
“Do you need to make a call before we go?” Anna Maria asks her kindly.
Dana shakes her head, “I want to see the house before I call, makes no sense getting….I prefer to see the house first.””
Monica’s realtor aunt gets two interesting clients; but loyalty to her niece keeps her nose directly out of their business. 
Chibiness’s Impulse Buy
““Missy told her once her impulsiveness would only end her up in trouble; that no good could ever come from an impulse buy. So she swapped her impulsive attitude from clothes to life choices.
Like swapping her focus from medicine to the FBI.
And getting a tattoo on a dare.
And running away from her respected life to a life on the lam.””
Scully impulsively buys a house for Mulder; but her happiness drops when she thinks Mulder doesn’t want it. Happily, that is not the case.  
@atths--twice​’s (Ao3, Alt. Ao3, FFN) Refuge
““We need food, Mulder. I will be fine.”
“I know. I just…”
“I know.”
Scully sneaks Mulder to their new home; and sneaks back out to surprise him with a little celebration for his birthday.
@crossedbeams‘s (Ao3) Mulder, it doesn't go in like that! 
““Scully’s objections are swallowed by gravity as Mulder risks her wrath and uses his strength to tug her over the arm and on to the seat.””
Mulder cares for one thing and one thing only: to shove his leather couch in. The rest of the furniture can be done later (and he’s successfully convinces Scully with his usual brand of logic.) 
@hipsbef0rehands/Millenial_Falcon’s (WBM/WBM) A Nice Hike in the Woods (Ao3)
““He had been trying hard to make their new house a home, feeling responsible for dragging her into this new life. For Thanksgiving he had attempted to cook a small turkey unsuccessfully. They ended up salvaging what parts of the bird they could and making sandwiches with a side of potatoes and green beans.””
Scully sees Mulder’s desperate scramble to turn their UH into a home for her. She follows him into the woods, and is surprised by his kindness. 
@scullyphile​‘s (Ao3) Unnamed
““The Lone Gunmen were over to her apartment for the first time since she brought their son home. They had laughed with her and Mulder about old times and doted on their son like proud uncles. Before they left, Byers had produced a camera.
“I want to get a shot of the happy family,” he’d said.””
While moving in, Scully finds a happy family photo that TLG had taken... before the dark times.
@seek-its-opposite​ (Ao3, WBM) the second law of motion
““Mulder smiles, grabs both of her palms in his long fingers. And kneels.“Mulder, what—?”
“Dana Scully,” he begins, solemn as a sacrament. “Will you watch paint dry with me?”
This is the man she married under a made-up name in a one-stoplight town, in sickness and in health and under threat of state-sanctioned execution. She loves him.””
Mulder and Scully settle into their house; and agree to never mention any “lost time”, instead savoring the present.
@wtfmulder/@momdadimpoppunk​‘s (Ao3) Unnamed
““Every half hour or so, he called out to her to once again be his watch. “Missed any spots?” He’d ask, careful not to get paint in his eyes when he shielded them from the sun. From her notable distance, nearly swallowed by the shade of their walnut tree, she looked up, squinted, and gave him a thumbs up. He returned to work, and she returned to the same sentence she’d been reading from the time she had sat down.””
Mulder’s blissful ignorance in his new domestic routines shields him from Scully battling emotions as she broods about a pregnancy test... which turns negative.
@scully-loves-ruthie’s Fictober Day 17
““Dusk settled outside the house.  The smooth amber glow snaked its way across the front porch ushering in the promise of twilight.  The air snapped with fallen leaves and a sharp chill, all the ambiance of a movie night. They’d settled into the house 2 months ago, to call the lead up to finally having a real home together harrowing would be putting it mildly.  They had lived life through the rocky crags of tragedy tumbling out the other end shiny worn-down pebbles, necessary in their existence.  As they repurposed their personalities and shorn love affair to fit into a happily domesticated couple, the exchange they had made was causing more than a few growing pains.””
Mulder rents Legally Blonde to shake up his and Scully’s odd feelings.
@vgcam/veredgf‘s Christmas Lights
““It was their first Christmas celebration as a couple. Not that they hadn’t been together during the past number of Christmases but this one was different. This one was being celebrated.
After hiding out in New Mexico for a good number of years they’d finally managed to find themselves a place of their own. No more moving every few days from one motel to another. No more transient jobs for Scully, no more windows they had to draw the blinds on so nobody would find out where he, Mulder, was hiding.””
Mulder’s banter hits a raw nerve of Scully’s, since they can’t welcome William to the new home she bought them. He leaves a sign up for him, anyway.
@tatooedlaura-blog​‘s (Ao3, Gossamer) Her Own
““She lived in five different houses with her family, called Maggie’s current place home since she was eight, leased her condo on a yearly basis and bunked in 427 different hotel rooms in the last two years but now, as she walked into the dusty, slightly sad, sagging, weather-beaten gray farmhouse, she felt the smallest of flames flare in her chest.
She had her own home.
She had her own Mulder.””
Scully is so happy to finally own a house of her own. Mulder is interested in being introduced to ladybugs.
@greekowl87​‘s (Ao3)
““He remembered her look of surprise when he mentioned staying in a place for a few months and instead of a few weeks. He shrugged and suggested it would be a nice change of pace for them. She just gave a Mona Lisa smiled and said nothing.
She was smiling even more when she saw the house for the first time. He remembered standing in the doorway nervously as she inspected each room in her meticulous Scully-esque way. She came back, smiling. Tears in her eyes.””
Mulder buys he and Scully some plants to help put down their roots.  
Summer Humidity
““Despite the window A.C. unit spitting out cold air, Scully pulled back the sheets to their bed in a haze of sleep. Sweat clung to her and she felt gross. She was hot and sweaty and she bemoaned the thought how bad summers in Virginia could get with the humidity, even with dying A.C, and how much she had forgotten in the years she had been absent. She rolled onto her stomach ungracefully, her arm making a large sweeping motion, searching for Mulder, only to find the bed empty. Her sleepy mind blinked itself awake as she sat up in bed. Mulder was nowhere to be found.
They had just purchased the unremarkable house.””
Scully finds Mulder awake one hot and sticky night, simply absorbing the feeling of their new house. She joins, content.
@debbierhea​/@i-am-alittle-on-edge​/thexfilesbabe ‘s (WBM, Alt. WBM)
We Wander One - Wanna Dance?
““When Scully returned to the kitchen, they put the groceries away together, picking out the best shelf in the fridge for her yogurt and the most convenient cabinet for his Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. They had fun, teasing each other and flirting as paper plates and silverware were unpacked from the final bag and Scully began making them peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Sitting crisscross applesauce on the living room floor, Mulder and Scully ate their sandwiches and chips. While Mulder got up for two glasses of iced tea, Scully stole half of his Cheetos off his plate and when he returned, Mulder pretended not to notice, smirking to himself as he caught sight of the red stains on her fingertips.””
Mulder and Scully are so happy with their domesticity that they dance.  
““He’s so in love it’s almost ridiculous. He always had a feeling that settling into a home would feel better for both of them, but he hadn’t realized just how much tension had been stuck between them since they hit the road. The moment she walked up the steps and took a deep breath, turned to him and said, “It’s perfect,” was the moment he realized just how much time they had spent being upset and stressed. She looked ten years younger that day, with a braid hanging over her shoulder.””
Mulder observes as Scully slowly adjusts to calm domesticity, even considering writing to Maggie.  
Lolabeegood’s (mulderscreek) Gardening Day
““I'm not trying to impress anyone," she said as she turned to look at him more fully.  "I just want some flowers; what's the crime in that?"
"Scully, I'm not saying..." he started and then stopped.  "It's just that you've never shown much interest in...in nesting.”"
Mulder questions Scully about her new botanical bent. She finally feels “home.”
@melforbes/@claup​‘s (Ao3, WBM, Alt. WBM)  
““next week, she has an interview with a hospital, but if that doesn’t work out, she’ll pursue private practices, maybe even find a natural medicine clinic or two where she can apply; all she asks is that she ends up in the medical field, starts that part of her life. though she always saw life as a series of linear accomplishments, she’s beginning to understand that life extends in multiple dimensions - “like how the mantis shrimp sees, scully,” she hears him say in her head - and that there will, in fact, be places that want her.””
Scully is elated to have a home, and even more content that she has found a wholeness in her sense of self.  
““Silence was absence. It was the echoing emptiness of Chilmark hallways. It was mothballs folded into a pink quilt, and then stowed away in an heirloom cedar chest in the basement. It was a picture frame face-down on his mother’s bedside table. It was waking up from dreams of his son’s newborn squall. But this silence was new. He stood at the open screen door and scratched at his beard, marveling at the pillowy softness of three feet of overnight, unbroken snow. The only sound was Scully’s even breathing from the air mattress in the living room.
This silence was good, was right, was patience, was love.””
Mulder considers the newness of this silence in a home.
O Hushed October Morning Mild
““Mulder, please stop talking.” He pauses, smiling gently down at her, suddenly a little lovestruck. This is their home, he reminds himself. No more motels, no more remote hideaways. They have a home. With a porch, and a gas-burning stove, and a clawfoot bathtub, and a dusty old attic. His leather couch is out of storage, their books together on the shelves. In the last few weeks of living here, he’s felt strange, like he’s been peering in from the outside at the life of another, luckier man.””
Mulder’s joy over his new domesticity with Scully bubbles over in October.
@leiascully​‘s (Ao3) Housewarming (Ao3)
““I love this,” she said, the words cloudy in the air. She’d always been afraid of that before, she thought, that if she told him she loved him, it would linger between them, tangible. She wasn’t afraid now. Whatever she didn’t have, she had him, and they had the house, and they had built something solid between them, somewhere between the Southwest highways and the trail through the woods.””
Mulder chops wood for he and Scully to admire in their new home while they brew up plans for the future. 
FridaysAt9′s Five Christmases - Chapter 5
““I also bought cinnamon rolls and fruit when I was out yesterday, so we can have a nice breakfast.”
“Is there bacon?”
“Maybe,” she said with a smile.
“Dana Scully,” he said with a teasing tone. “Are you giving us an idyllic Christmas?””
Mulder calls Maggie for a home warming and Christmas dinner all rolled in one.
@iwtbscully/@jewish-mulder/@anders-hawke/BananaChef‘s Enigmatic
““He beckons her over and she goes with a sigh as if she truly disapproves, laying down next to Mulder on her side. “Alright, but only because I love you.”
“That’s funny, ‘cause I love you, too,” he replies, rolling over to face Scully with a grin. “I guess we’re in agreement.”
“I love you and our creaky house in rural Virginia. Say hi to your mom for me tomorrow.””
Mr. and Mrs. Egotistical have fun settling into their new routines. Mulder, particularly, loves getting Scully out of work early. 
Canon-Divergent/AU Timelines
@scully-loves-ruthie’s Unnamed
““All immediate reservations aside she’d grab his hand, the slap of the screen door a symphony of forgotten charges, dead bodies being dragged across the threshold finally laid to rest.  
“Here,” She’d say as she beckoned him against what would surely be his office door.  “Is where we’ll fight about you leaving trails of sunflower seeds on the floor.  A chocking hazard if I’ve ever seen one.””
S8 Mulder and Scully map out their son’s future growth on the walls of the Unremarkable House. It all ends squashed hopes. (I like to skip the sad ending and Frankenstein it into my happier headcanon post S8.)
@postmodernpromartheus​‘s Unnamed  
““Life with a baby on the lamb is nothing but a challenge. The endless running is wearing on her and Mulder. Will, however, is just as happy as calm. It’s his normal, and she’s begun to wonder how much therapy he’s going to need as a teenager.””
Mulder helps Scully to heal the broken bond Maggie had shattered when her daughter and grandson vanished onto the open road. In return, Maggie helps them get their Unremarkable House. 
Tess’s (Alt. Ao3) Take No Chances 
““To the funeral," he clarified. 
"I can't, Mulder.  How?  There's no..."  She shook her head in automatic denial. "I can't," she repeated. 
"Scully... your mother's funeral... surely we can find a way.”"
Mulder is shattered to have to tell Scully about Maggie’s death; but he is blown away by her strength and belief in her mother’s love and understanding.  
““For legal reasons,” she elaborated. “We can get a higher tax return, and there’s marital benefits in the event that one of us is injured.”
He looked away and nodded. “Makes sense.”
“We can go down to the courthouse in a couple days to do it. Sound good?”
“Yeah,” Mulder replied, not meeting her eyes.
Scully suggests marriage practically; but Mulder is soon heartened to find out his wife does, indeed, have a romantic streak as well.
@dashakay​‘s (Ao3, Gossamer)
Fabric of Our Lives
““Dr. Cooper-Gowdy, my obstetrician, is one of the foremost specialists in high-risk pregnancy.  She has given me every pre-natal test known to medicine and the results have all come back within normal parameters.  This is the thread I cling to, the only thing that keeps my sanity during this endless waiting.
And Mulder, of course. Through the years in the FBI, working on the X-Files, we kept each other sane.  The terror, the tragedy, the loss were enough to send the healthiest of psyches completely to the brink, but we managed to keep each other from splintering apart.””
Mulder and Scully are married, mortgaged, and medically bed-bound all in the hopes her IVF miracle won’t succumb to the placenta previa diagnosis. She quilts for her family while she waits.
Bound Together With Invisible Cord
““I once told Scully I'd walk through fire for her.  I did not say those words lightly.  She would do the same for me.  She has, a hundred times over. It is getting late.  
She has been asleep for at least five hours.””
Mulder waits for Scully to wake from her drugged sleep, reminiscing over their relationship and their daughter.  
@lyndsaybones’s (Ao3) 
AU where Mulder and Scully move in together circa S7?
““She wants grass, a place where they can see the stars. The more she thinks about it, the more she likes it. 
“You wouldn’t be able to just go around the corner for milk and bread, you know,” he reminds her, looking at the real estate ads.
“I know.”
He nods and smiles, goes back to searching.””
Even though the IVF fails, Mulder insists he and Scully still buy the UH. 
Follow up AU where Scully gets to rock William in the white chair 
““She’s too tired to get up on a sunny Saturday morning. They were meant to be pulling the million year old tile backsplash out of the kitchen today, but she’s just so sleepy.””
After Scully collapses during their home renos, she and Mulder speed up their house projects before the impending arrival of their son. 
There we go!
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softiescully · 1 year
HAPPY BIRTHDAY maria!!! I hope it’s lovely 💕
thank u kelly!!!!! it’s been amazing 💓
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leiascully · 1 year
You know what, I am unbothered by disputes in TXF fandom because I have been here since almost time immemorial, longer than a goodly number of you have been alive, and I will be here at the end of time when the universe cools, listening to “Walking After You” as everything goes stiff and cold.  I have forgotten more thoughts about Mulder and Scully and the rest of the crew than most people have even had, and I have written and written and written until these blorbos are engraved in my bones.  Look for me in the deep places; find me at the wellspring writing with water on slates.  Listen for me on the wind, whispering “fuuuuuuuck chris carterrrrrrrrr.”
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tiredactivist · 1 year
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i cannot
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actual-changeling · 2 months
Hi! I'm doing a rewatch of the x files and this is the first time I got so invested in MSR and I was wondering if you had some fic recs? there are so so many online I have no idea how to find the best ones lol I'm okay with explicit content btw thanks in advance!
Give me a few days and I'll make a more comprehensive masterpost but I can give you some good starting points!
Self-promo first, you can find me on ao3 and any tumblr-only ficlets under the tag #alex writes x files. My bookmarks are public and I save every single fic I read on there, so you can have a look through those if you want.
@today-in-fic this is the account to follow to get fresh fics on your dash. they simply reblog any TXF fanfics they get tagged in, so they're somewhat of an archive in by itself.
Writers plus general amazing TXF accounts
@msrafterdark if you don't mind smut then this one is a must!
@bakedbakermom // @sisterspooky1013 // @thursdayinspace
@randomfoggytiger (an absolute goldmine concerning everything MSR and TXF, especially when it comes to meta posts)
@television-overload // @baronessblixen // @thescullyphile
@deathsbestgirl // @scullysexual // @numinousmysteries
@fine-nephrit // @scullysflannel // @fossilizedhearts
@not-aliens // @julmunne
More Additions by @unremarkablehouse
@phillippadgettwrites (smut warning!)
@tatooedlaura-blog // @agent-troi // @katy-kt-katie
@thatfragilecapricorn30 // @slippinmickeys // @skelavender
@freckleslikestars // @gaycrouton // @cassiopeia462
@lotsoforangesoutside // @spookydarlablack
(Live) Episode Reaction & Rewatches
@enigmaticxbee @mulders-too-large-shirt
Other Specializations
Dana Scully Lookbook Project The X-Files Script Archive
AO3 author & fic recs
Sareki (author)
Thirty Five Hundred Miles And A Lifetime To Go
Long hours on the road and in the skies, how will Dana Scully and Fox Mulder fill the silence? What silence?  A collection of road trip oneshots through their years together and the games they play..
The Modern Gateway Motel
After a traumatic experience, Mulder fabricated an X-file as a way to help Scully escape reality. Over the years, they returned to “investigate” that special place and take advantage of all it had to offer, exploring aspects of their relationship that they attempted to ignore in the real world. As time passed, it grew harder to confine the relationship they shared to that specific time and place.
He didn’t want Scully in his bed so much as he wanted that last barrier gone. Sex seemed to be the demarcation for her, as she’d apparently decided that once that hurdle had been cleared, it would signal her complete surrender to him. As if she hadn’t already done that. As if he hadn’t with her a long time ago.
PLEASE feel free to leave your own additions (self promo explicitly welcomed) and I'll add them.
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carefulfears · 1 year
my thoughts on the field where i died, as promised!
first of all, i just have to say, this episode is so visually stunning. glen morgan/james wong + rob bowman behind the camera is a dream team, and i’m inclined to be a bit more open to the content than i probably would be if it came from the perspective of another writer.
the criticism that i hear the most regarding this episode is that it implies that mulder and scully aren’t soulmates, but i've never interpreted it that way
the field where i died opens on an FBI raid of a cult in tennessee headed by vernon ephesian, where mulder intuitively leads the team to a bunker housing ephesian and his six wives, including melissa riedal-ephesian.
throughout the investigation, FBI focus turns to uncovering the location of the cult's weapons, in a search to find enough evidence to charge ephesian. otherwise, he will be released in 24 hours.
throughout the 24 hour holding period, multiple interrogations of melissa reveal not only the depth of the connection that mulder feels to her, but that she seems to exhibit multiple personalities, each with differing information about ephesian's crimes.
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in what is possibly my favorite frame of the series, mulder suggests that these alternate personalities might actually be melissa recalling her past lives, and suggests that she try regression hypnosis, with the goal of revealing where the bunker holding the weapons is
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this is where this episode starts to lose people, as both mulder and melissa undergo regression hypnosis, and both claim to recognize each other as their spouse in each previous life
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however, as the wikipedia summary points out, the recollected histories all end with the two being separated.
melissa describes watching mulder's death during the civil war, while mulder describes witnessing her being taken away (by CSM?? i'll admit this is a weird one, folks) during WWII, with mulder having the line "we're always taken away."
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also a frequent flyer in the past life regression session, is scully, who appears in each of mulder's previous lives, an occurrence he describes as souls coming back "different, but always together, again and again, to learn"
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personally, i don't think that mulder and melissa being married in each life, or even the emotional connection that they have to each other, is implying that they're soulmates or supposed to be together.
i think that the repeated theme of mulder and melissa being separated and mulder and scully "coming together" in each life is the more meaningful note from morgan and wong. and more than that, i don't think that any of this matters at all.
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if you recall, the goal of the regression hypnosis in the first place was to find the bunker. to locate the weapons, to charge ephesian, and to hold the cult members in custody.
ultimately, the regression doesn't assist in the investigation at all, and a planned FBI search of the grounds finds every member of the group dead in a mass suicide, including melissa.
the stand-out of this episode, however, comes before the revelation of the ending.
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"dana, if early in the four years we've been working together, an event occurred that suggested or somebody told you that...we'd been friends together. in other lifetimes. always. wouldn't it have changed some of the ways we looked at one another?"
following mulder's regression, the episode pauses. and mulder asks scully (calling her by her first name, i believe for the first time since season one) if having known they were fated to come back together, to always be friends, would have changed things between them.
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this is a conversation that is ongoing throughout the series, the question of fate vs. free will, and as the incredible @scullysflannel has written about before, mulder loves free will.
while fated past lives might be the MOTW, might be the supernatural phenomenon that we're focusing on, that doesn't mean that the episode, or mulder, comes out on the side of fate.
fate can't find the bunker. fate doesn't save anyone's life.
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frequently, when this debate is brought up, as is scully's involvement in the x-files.
scully was assigned to the x-files, she was positioned there by CSM purposefully, and they both know that. but she has chosen to commit herself to the cause, and specifically to mulder. she sought him out when they were shut down, she describes herself as having "followed" him, and she continuously fights to stay involved in his journey.
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this is something that mulder rebels against from time to time, feeling responsible for the things that have happened to her since she became involved in his quest
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and feeling that there's more for her than what a life with him offers.
in fight the future, he tells her to leave and go be a doctor. in requiem, he laments "everything that's been taken" from her, including her health and chance at being a mother.
over 15 years later, in nothing lasts forever, he admits to the scenario he envisions, a world where she "left that basement office" and married some brain surgeon, became everyone's boss at the FBI, her family and health and babies intact.
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regardless of the underlying level of guilt and responsibility that he always feels when it comes to the losses that scully has suffered
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he needs this life to have been her choice, for her autonomy in that decision to have been intact, for a life with him to not have been her irrevocable, and somewhat tragic, fate
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and so in the field where i died, shortly after exploring the connections of his past, he looks up at her and asks...if this were all because we're supposed to know each other, would it have been different?
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and she tells him, no.
the way that in fight the future she tells him that she'll be a doctor, but her work is with him. the way that in requiem she told him that she won't let him go alone. the way that in nothing lasts forever she told him that she doesn't begrudge him anything, that her "leap of faith forward" is the future she wants with him.
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maybe they have been friends in every life that they have ever lived. maybe they are fated to always come back together, to always learn from each other.
but fate doesn't save the day, fate doesn't show you what you need to find.
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they choose each other, and more than anything else in this episode, that's what he needed to hear.
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deathsbestgirl · 5 months
15 questions tag game!
tagged by @bakedbakermom & @ellivia !! thanks darlins <3
were you named after anyone?
nope. my parents thought i was a boy and i ... was not. i did not have a name for three days and patricia was the only girl name they agreed on 🤣 they do know a few but i wasn't really named after any of them. however, my middle name does come from my nanny 💜
when was the last time you cried?
a real cry? not for a very long time. but i tear up a lot at music!
do you have kids?
what sports have you played/do you play?
i tried a lot as a kid, but swimming was my sport <3 everything else included running and i did not enjoy it. i'm a mermaid, i need the water!!
do you use sarcasm?
i do! but i don't always understand other people's sarcasm, and people don't always understand mine lol
first thing you notice about a person?
that they are, indeed, a person. hopefully
scary movies or happy endings?
depends on my mood.
where were you born?
a place !!
what are your hobbies?
reading, writing, legos, obsessing over series. idk anything with my friends!
do you have any pets?
yes i have three kittos
how tall are you?
debatable but somewhere around 5'4"
favorite subject in school?
math & english. wish it was science :(
dream job?
professional muse
tagging: @calimanc @thursdayinspace @edierone @thatfragilecapricorn30 @suitablyaggrieved @scullysflannel @welsharcher @randomfoggytiger everyone !!! do it & tag me, i'll read them <3
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calimanc · 3 months
Tagged by @backintimeforstuff thank you ❤️
The aim is to put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs + tag 10 people.
I'm in the middle of switching from Spotify to apple music which I have yet to learn how to use properly. The first 10 songs from my liked songs on Spotify (that I have to listen all the way through because I can't see the upcoming songs anymore lol)
Roses by Outkast
Try a Little Tenderness/(I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons/You Send Me by Sam Cooke
Sweet Jane by The Velvet Underground
No Surprises by Radiohead
Maroon by Taylor Swift
My Love is Mine All Mine by Mitski
Song to the Siren by This Mortal Coil
I'm Goin' Down by Mary J. Blige
I Know by Fiona Apple
Chicago by Sufjan Stevens
Tagging (with no pressure or expectation! Only if it's fun for you!) @deathsbestgirl, @amplifyme, @pookie-mulder, @wonderxphile, @sagan-starstuff
Also @scullysflannel, @edierone, @peacenik0, @dd-is-my-guiltypleasure and @thexfileswithoutcontext
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amplifyme · 6 months
Saw this meme while poking around and decided I needed to play. This should be fun!
show your 4 favorite ships and let your mutuals assume what your concept of romance is
1.) Mulder and Scully, The X-Files
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Vincent and Diana, Beauty and the Beast 1987.
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Sandor Clegane and Sansa Stark, A Song of Ice and Fire
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Kate and Hal, The Diplomat.
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I'm gonna tag @randomfoggytiger @littlefeatherr @ladytp @storybycorey @nobodysuspectsthebutterfly @scullysflannel and @kateofthecanals. Play if you want to. Don't if you don't.
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robntunney · 3 months
rules: answer + tag some people you want to get know better and/or catch up with!
tagged: thanks @burningblake ily 💖
tagging: @bonojour @profwonderbearthementalista @lovelydrusilla @bethccassidy @scullysflannel @singinprincess
Favorite Color: purple
Last Song: it was coming all along by maggie rogers
Currently Reading: a good girls guide to murder by holly jackson
Currently Watching: nothing new right now but I'm rewatching law and order svu and oc, rizzoli and isles (thanks @katebeckets) and the original CSI
Currently Craving: a nice long run
Coffee or Tea: neither lololol
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randomfoggytiger · 6 months
I first want to say, I love your fic lists and meta posts so much!
This is probably going to sound so silly. I have been a casual lurker in the x files fandom on Tumblr for a couple of years after i got into the show my last semester of college. I'm now realizing my hyperfixation isn't going away any time soon, and I want to start being more active here in this community. Maybe start posting some of the fic I've written just for fun. Everyone is so creative and talented; I'm a little overwhelmed and I'm not totally sure how to start? Any recommendations for how to start participating a bit more? Thank you 💗
An honor to be asked-- thank you! :DDD
For friendships and connections, I'd start engaging with posts in either tags or comments or-- most importantly-- asks. People want to be included in thoughts or conversations here (or just to chat); and that's how I became mutuals with a bunch of people.
I highly recommend @baronessblixen for any and all asks (and beautiful short fics)-- she loves new fans, and is highly receptive to conversations (she also encouraged me to move from anon to Tumblr user)-- and @deathsbestgirl for any and all meta-- she constantly engages with tags and comments (and we love to go back and forth with ideas, etc.) @x-files-scripts and @dunhamhairograpy post scripts from the original show; @scullysflannel, @myassbrokethefall, @iconicscullyoutfits, @perplexistan, @pennyserenade, and deathsbestgirl write incredible meta; @amplifyme, @aloysiavirgata, @suitablyaggrieved, @slippinmickeys, @cecilysass, @storybycorey, @settle-down-frohike, @leiascully, @writingwell, @sigritandtheelves, @jessahmewren, @dreamingofscully and @sixhours are long-time writers that are still active(ish) in the fandom; @mondfuchs, @opentheskies, @tennant-the-tigger post art; @mappingthexfiles, @trusttnno1, and @samanthamulder create edits or gifs; @carrie11, @thatfragilecapricorn30, and @scapegrace74-blog post nature photography; and @dd-is-my-guiltypleasure and @whovianderson keep up with David and Gillian respectively (btw, the actors' relationships are probably the most divided issue in this fandom-- I vote "not a big deal", personally.)
I can't recommend all the current writers I keep up with (wordspace), but I reblog them here or from my archives on the @x-files-fics second account I opened. I participated in an event last year with @welsharcher, @agent-troi, baronessblixen, and @numinousmysteries which can be found under the eightnightsofmulder blog~. Authors I wish would come back to Tumblr are endless but @wtfmulder, @melforbes, @enigmaticdrblockhead, @onpaperfirst are on the list.
Like any fandom, there are divided lines between groups; but most people don't play those games and reblog from whomever they want (unless actively blocked.)
Resources: @today-in-fic collects all fics on Tumblr, and @ao3feed-msr collects the Ao3 ones. @lilydalexf is the original compiler (masterpost here.) I have resources for searching any and all fic here; and my fic compilations/meta posts/Personality Types-MBTI(ish) posts/xf fanvids/extra content are here.
Hope that helps!
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softiescully · 3 months
@trappergirl tagged me roughly 16 years ago to post 6 albums i’ve been listening to thank u angel <3
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tagging: @fbidirectorscully @scullysflannel @bigwarmth @iconicscullyoutfits @amazalina @universalinvariant @chiefofmilfs @hourgloss @mrbinglee @nicholasbritellhive and whoever else wants to!!
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xxsksxxx · 4 months
Thanks for the tag @tofuttim 💚
Coffee or tea | early bird or night owl | chocolate or vanilla | spring or fall | silver or gold | pop or alternative | freckles or dimples | snakes or sharks | mountains or fields | thunder or lightning | egyptian mythology or greek mythology | ivory or scarlet | flute or lyre | opal or diamond | butterflies or honeybees | macarons or eclairs | typewritten or handwritten | secret garden or secret library | rooftop or balcony | spicy or mild | opera or ballet | london or paris | vincent van gogh or claude monet | denim or leather | potions or spells | ocean or desert | mermaids or sirens | masquerade ball or cocktail party
Tagging @frogsmulder @scullysflannel @baronessblixen @randomfoggytiger @scullyswifey @scullysexual @persephone-and-hades @queeenpersephone and whoever wants to play.
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scullysflannel · 1 year
I saw your post on The End (https://www.tumblr.com/scullysflannel/146586995719/i-watched-season-5-the-end-last-night-what-do-you?source=share) and was wondering which if the girls you think was thinking of Mulder and why he wouldn't want Gibson to say? :)
okay I'm going to admit it: I think that whole scene sets up a false dichotomy. mulder can't just be thinking of one of "the girls," because whichever one he's thinking of, he's thinking of in relation to the other. respect to gibson for causing problems on purpose though! anyway, that's not what you asked. scully's the one thinking of mulder; diana is only thinking about herself. and mulder doesn't want gibson to say it because he wants to keep everything with scully in a cone of silence while keeping everything with diana in a separate cone of silence, so he can go on pretending everything is fine. he's so me
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agent-troi · 8 months
Get to know you ask game- thanks for tagging @randomfoggytiger 🫶🏻🫶🏻 also YAY I’M SO EXCITED YOU’RE WATCHING FRASIER it’s one of my comfort shows bc i watched it so much when i was a kid hehehe
Currently reading: a research paper i have to give a presentation on for journal club next tuesday😣 it’s not too complicated i just need to force myself to sit down and do it lol i’ve just been sooooo busy and i’m tired😭
Currently watching: i’m about halfway through my star trek voyager rewatch🖖🏻
Currently obsessed with: always txf, my star trek obsession faded a little when the novelverse ended but it’s making a comeback, and i share the neurotypical vs neurodivergent brains obsession with you tiger lol
idk how many people to tag but anyways here and sorry if you’ve already been tagged: @doctorbeverlycrusher @cipher-fresh @eighthprincessofheart @mollybecameanengineer @tofuttim @katy-kt-katie @television-overload @mulderno @stra-tek @ellivia @angrywarrior69 @scullysflannel @scullysexual @that-one-curly-haired-chick @divinemissem13 @muizeke83
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carefulfears · 1 year
Can you compare the Irresistible hug and the Milagro hug please !!!!!!!!! I love Milagro so much
okay our best and brightest @scullysflannel already talked about this once but let's chat on it (+ unruhe because i watched it last night) just for you babes xxx
/ irresistible
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irresistible is my favorite of the three, and my favorite scully trauma™ episode, as it's the most dedicated to the emotional progression.
this episode encapsulates an understanding that the x-files never shied from, that the scariest monsters are human men, it's pointless to pretend otherwise.
fresh off her abduction, a violation and loss of autonomy that she still doesn't understand, scully's reaction to the crimes of donnie pfaster is intimate: his victims are the dead, a group she's always been more connected with than most.
her grief and discomfort at the desecration of women that she's bearing witness to is so overwhelming, and it's something that she's alone in, as the men around her continue with business as usual.
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as the investigation continues, scully decides to go back to washington, telling mulder that she'll "better drive this investigation" if she focuses on the evidence.
SCULLY: I'm not having trouble, Mulder.
MULDER: I'd understand, Scully. This isn't exactly easy to stomach.
SCULLY: I'm fine with it. Really. I just think we're a long way from catching this guy. If we could get a print, we'd have something to go on. Right now we're at a standstill.
MULDER: I think it's a good idea. I just don't want you to think you have to hide anything from me, Scully. I've seen agents with twenty years in the field fall apart on cases like this.
Scully: I'm fine, Mulder. I can handle it.
i love this scene. his response here is so perfect. apart from checking in and asking if she's okay a couple of times, he hasn't commented on her state of mind in this situation, but he knows she's having a hard time. he supports her decision to take a step back, playing along that it's a "good idea" for her to direct her attention to the tangible evidence, but encourages her to communicate how she's feeling.
and he tells her that to struggle with a case like this is understandable, it doesn't matter how much experience you have or your position, it's normal.
(another understanding that this show always had: to react emotionally to the brutality of the world and the exploitation of the vulnerable is human, it's the people who look at destruction unflinching who are wrong.)
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back in D.C., scully sees her therapist. she tries, you guys. scully's "i'm fine" complex has never meant that she ignores a problem or shuts down, she tries to cope in a way that she's comfortable with. she removes herself from the scene. she goes where she'll be more useful. she schedules therapy.
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MULDER: Are you staying on there, Scully?
SCULLY: No. I'm coming back tonight.
MULDER: Look, Scully. I know this is a pretty horrific case -
SCULLY: I'm okay with it, Mulder. Besides, you can use my help.
MULDER: Always.
after her session, scully decides to go back. she's okay with it. she's going to keep trying.
this is one of my favorite moments. she spends this entire episode putting on a front, he spends it meeting her exactly where she is; saying, "i see you," but only to comfort, not expose.
her "you can use my help," is one of their jokes. a way to say, "i'm okay, i'm ready," that's lighthearted and doesn't show too much. when he responds, "always," his voice has such a different tone. it's so earnest, and sweet. his response takes her very seriously, her contribution and state of mind and comfort.
she'd told her therapist, "i trust [my partner] as much as anyone. i trust him with my life...but i don't want him to know how much this is bothering me." he already knows.
(her smile on the phone, they are best friends)
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i'm gonna borrow from the post linked up top for this next bit:
"Scully’s abduction is the major turning point in terms of how much the job affects her, and Irresistible is basically a replay of her abduction that gives her more control: she gets the catharsis of a fight, and she knows who she’s fighting (men)."
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after being taken by pfaster, when she's found, she pulls out one more "i'm fine," but her suppression and image can't withstand confrontation. mulder gently lifts her chin, and the moment she meets his eye, she breaks down crying into his chest. she tries so hard, she has "always been the strong one," she did not want him to know that this was bothering her. but you can't survive it without facing it.
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i didn't notice until today that her gag is still around her neck, she's still so ensnared. police are still making arrangements around them. it all just fades away though.
(he's whispering "it's alright," just for her to hear. when she moves her arms to hold onto him, pull him closer, his face breaks. he closes his eyes to keep from crying. he's so careful with her after her abduction, he's never had anyone come back before. this is a moment they're in together, a sort of catharsis after she returned. it's so foreign and painful to be needed, for the first time in so long.)
/ unruhe
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unruhe, written by my beloved vince gilligan, is the most introspective that the x-files ever gets on the dichotomous reactions to gendered violence.
"She can hear him, still stomping around inside the trailer, no doubt looking through the pictures carefully, hoping for yet more insight into the depths of the now-dead serial killer’s mind. In the back of her throat, burning acid threatens to force its way up. The luxury of curiosity, she thinks."
throughout unruhe, mulder is hyper-focused on gaining an understanding, attempting to find the killer (and at first, the abducted women) by looking into what has been left behind, and dismissing any other courses of action.
ultimately, nothing he does assists in the case at all, and it's scully's connections and discernments that locate schnauz, mulder and herself never on the same page. unlike irresistible's quiet contemplation and gentle understanding, they're consistently frustrated with each other.
(note that in this episode, scully is bound and held captive by a man obsessed with the loss of his sister. a dynamic that she is very aware of, as she asks schnauz, "why [do i need to be saved]? do i remind you of your sister?")
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from the moment that schnauz's first victim resurfaces and they do the PET scan (something that only scully is able to read and understand, not mulder. something again rooted in her personal background), there is a shift in scully.
these women are being lobotomized, and they're being lobotomized incorrectly. schnauz is weaponizing medicine that he doesn't have proper knowledge of, and reducing these women into nothing. when mary lefante is found, she is unable to speak, except to repeat over and over the motivation of her captor ("unruhe," the german word for "unrest.")
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things escalate when the body of the second victim is found, and in my favorite scene of the episode, mulder and scully quietly observe the remains in horror, before scully just walks off and gets back in the car (in the driver's seat, a rare occurrence).
MULDER: Hey, Scully, that word "unruhe", "unrest", is bothering me. Maybe he thought he was curing them somehow, saving them from damnation, from those things in the pictures, you know, he called them the "howlers."
SCULLY: It's over, Mulder.
MULDER: Well, then that photo wouldn't be his fantasy. It would be his nightmare.
SCULLY: What the hell does it matter?
MULDER: Because I want to know.
SCULLY: I don't.
(She starts the engine. Mulder stares at her for a second, then gets in the car.)
when mulder approaches the car to ramble about "unruhe," scully never looks over at him or makes eye contact. she doesn't wait for him to get in the car before putting on her seatbelt and starting it. it is over.
i've written about this before (in the previously linked post), but mulder always wants to believe that people who do evil things have a good reason, that they didn't really mean to. that they were just trying to help, or were just following a biological imperative. scully knows that it doesn't matter.
it's the ending of 2shy, when mulder is right, incanto is only killing women because he needs their fatty tissue to survive. and he looks at scully and says, "when you look at me, you see a monster, but i was just feeding the hunger." and scully answers, "you're more than a monster. you didn't just feed on their bodies, you fed on their minds."
what the hell does it matter?
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ultimately, scully is forced to "empathize" with schnauz, to survive. she has to utilize the insights that mulder gleamed about him to forge a connection with him, and stall. (she is always listening, and she knows mulder is right. sometimes it just doesn't make things any better.)
as the situation progresses, when she hears mulder outside she's able to wrestle her arm out of its constraint and rip the tape off of her mouth. by the time mulder breaks in and shoots schnauz, she's all but freed herself.
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mulder takes her hand and helps her up, and she bypasses him, walking out of the trailer into the light, with one last look back at schnauz. she leaves mulder with the body, as he's looking at the photos. (the luxury of curiosity.)
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the only time that we see scully show emotion or vulnerability in this episode, is in the final frame. sitting alone in her apartment, she looks at the altered photos of herself, and her lip quivers as we cut to the ending credits.
where irresistible saw her actively trying to gain control, unruhe is more genuine. she's not trying to conceal anything, she's just tired, and she's alone.
/ milagro
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ah, milagro. quintessentially season 6 in a way that i can never establish as positive or negative.
milagro is all about desire: a desire for attention, for approval, for relevance. it's only fitting that it should be so punishing.
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ultimately, milagro is about voyeurism, and we have this represented through our monster-of-the-week: scully's stalker phillip padgett.
when scully meets padgett (who had recently moved into the apartment next to mulder) in a church, it's to observe the painting displayed there, "my divine heart."
as he reveals that he knew she would be there to see the painting, as well as many personal details that he has "noticed" about her, it's a heavily emotional discomfort to be so seen.
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so much of this episode builds in padgett's apartment, just one door over from mulder. when scully knocks, she tells padgett she was on her way next door and just thought she'd stop and return the milagro charm that he'd given her (a symbol of a burning heart) because she "can't return the gesture."
we talked about this when we talked about small potatoes, but this episode is...embarrassing for her! the kind of attention that she craves is embarrassing to her.
when she comes into padgett's apartment, padgett remarks that it's because she's "curious." she notices things too.
SCULLY: Well, you lead a curious life.
PHILLIP PADGETT: It's not so different from yours I imagine-- lonely.
SCULLY: Loneliness is a choice.
loneliness is a choice, babes! the way that small potatoes ended in classification of mulder as a "loser by choice" (for all of the things he could have, and all of the things he chooses not to pursue), and scully absolving him of that criticism, milagro puts the agency of this mutual repression back onto scully.
(choice and agency is a very important reiterated theme in scully's character. this whole thing only works if she chooses to be here.)
and when mulder comes in to arrest padgett based on evidence found in the murder case, scully is in his bedroom by choice. (very very embarrassing for her)
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like these tags said, "psychologist mulder taking two years to connect the dots scully laid out for him in never again."
god, this episode makes me so uncomfortable. it's also the only one of these three that i've never rewatched, so that's why i'm a little more lax in discussing it.
MULDER: No one can predict human behavior. No one can tell you what another person's going to do.
SCULLY: Well, isn't that what you do, Mulder, as a behavioral profiler? You … you imagine the killer's mind so well that you know what they're going to do next.
MULDER: If he imagines it, it's a priori-- before the fact. I think that's pretty clear from what he wrote about you.
laughs nervously...isn't that what you do!! don't you know people's minds and desires!!
when mulder tells scully that padgett's book ends with her having sex with the narrator, and asks, "i'm assuming that's a priori too?" it's so reminiscent of office desks and tattoo ink.
when she replies, "i think you know me better than that," they're both thinking of philadelphia, of something etched in her back that they've never put to words. that too, ended in fire, with desire punished.
(i'm always slack jawed at him asking her flat-out if she fucked the stalker. quintessential season 6, baby! eat your heart out!)
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PHILLIP PADGETT: I made a mistake myself.
MULDER: What's that, Mr. Padgett?
PHILLIP PADGETT: In my book, I'd written that Agent Scully falls in love but that's obviously impossible. (looking at MULDER) Agent Scully is already in love.
agent scully is already in love, agent scully already desires so viscerally, (agent scully is making things personal, as mulder had rebutted in defense of diana, not long enough ago)
i know a lot of people love this line, but it just makes me want to weep for her. scully is such a discreet person, she values her privacy so much, and has so little of it left. it's the emotional equivalent of her physical exploitation, to have her most personal and intimate feelings exposed like this. 
loneliness is a choice, and that’s her’s to make, the way mulder’s choice was affirmed in small potatoes.
(padgett as a character is a stand-in, he represents the voyeurism of an audience, of projecting a persona onto someone for personal gratification. he isn't ascribed any motive. but this to me, feels like a power trip, even if unintentional. he's perhaps just being honest, but he's recognizing that he can't have her body, so he exposes her soul. he also doesn't know scully as well as he thinks he does.)
both never again and milagro are about a caricaturized self, embracing or rebuking who you are in someone else's eyes. whether scully is perceiving herself as mulder's loyal first mate who "always does as told" or padgett's lonely object of lust, she responds by leaning into that exposure, going where she's wanted, and continuing her ascribed "cycle" of devotion and rebellion.
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the reveal in the end, is that this week's monster is not truly padgett, but a character that he's created, who is committing the murders described in his book.
like padgett himself, the killer is a personification of longing; it's him who declares that the only way for the book to conclude, is for scully to die.
but just as jerse did in never again, padgett throws himself in the fire to narrowly absolve scully of the fated ending, and sacrifices his heart for hers.
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when mulder realizes what's happening and races back up into his apartment, the sight is bone-chilling. she actually looks dead, unconscious and covered in blood, from a wound that's now healing.
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when she wakes up and sees him over her, she reaches for him as abruptly as she opens her eyes. she claws into him, her fingers never stop grabbing at him, pulling him closer and closer and sobbing into his neck.
so little of it actually matters. she almost died without him there. this is after tithonus, and she's remembering those lessons again. (what about love? you don't want to be around when it's gone.)
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and just as in irresistible, mulder breaks too, feeling the weight with her.
anon, to compare the three, i would say they each represent the theme of their particular place in the narrative and scully's characterization.
irresistible is the fragile dependence of a post-abduction season 2: perceiving comfort as a weakness, fear as a burden, but needing it anyway. recognizing who you trust, what that means, and that wounds can't heal in detachment. from each other and from the brutalization of the world itself.
unruhe is the building isolation of season 4: going where someone can’t follow, whether in societal experience or the looming instability that’s close ahead.
and milagro is the painfully confrontational tension of season 6. having your heart ripped out of your chest, bleeding, in attempts to be understood. just clutching what you need, weeping, in the end: there’s no use fighting it. (or hiding it. loneliness is a choice, but there’s freedom in being stripped of options)
it is a growth, in a diminishment of pretense and self-consciousness. it just comes at a cost.
i also want to bring it back to @scullysflannel’s post on this topic, because she summarized another aspect of it that i didn’t touch on:
“Scully tells the therapist in Irresistible that she doesn’t want Mulder to think he has to protect her, and I feel like the end of Milagro is about Scully accepting his type of protection, and by extension his type of love. Padgett makes her want Mulder to pursue her in a way he’s never done, but Padgett also ultimately shows her the danger of being sought after like that, and it makes Mulder’s straightforward protectiveness look pretty good. it doesn’t matter right then if Mulder is giving her everything she wants. she needs him.”
milagro is about desire, and ultimately it’s about a relinquishing of desire. scully is drawn to padgett because he offers her something that mulder doesn’t (won’t?) give her, and she’s ripped to pieces because of it.
it is punishing, to want something so badly. ultimately, when she almost loses it all, she’s clinging to what she has.
(but mulder is learning too, and they’ll get there. they’ll get to all of it.)
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