#season 2 never existed
bibyshitsuji24k · 4 months
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i swear its more than that ;;
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p4nishers · 1 year
what is it with queer shows and fucking bird metaphors man i am so tired
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What the studio did to Star Trek Prodigy is literally cruel and villainous.
It’s one thing when a show gets cancelled prematurely but they literally let all of the people involved in producing this show fully write, act, and animate an entire 2nd season with no indication that there was a risk that this fully finished season wasn’t going to air. Only to rip it all away, remove the first season from their streaming platform immediately, and leave the fate of the 2nd season in limbo.
And with no heads up to the people who made the show.
I’m midway through season 2 and it is literally my favorite Star Trek story since OG Voyager. It has really found a stride in season 2 and is weaving together entertaining plots with their original characters and tons of legacy characters from multiple beloved series.
I know there’s almost no chance of a season 3 but everyone involved in this show deserved SO MUCH BETTER.
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deus-sema · 2 months
Aegon and Visenya after they unofficially filed for divorce and split Aenys and Maegor's custodies between each other:
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actual-changeling · 9 months
soooooo I was going through my files in search of a fic to work on and i completely forgot that i started writing a uh. they fuck nasty on the bookshop floor fix it fic???
I don't know if it's any good but have a snippet, maybe I'll finish it.
Refusing to part even an inch, they cling to each other as their knees hit the carpet, falling back into the kiss because the world has narrowed down to heat and frantic touches—the passing of time unimportant, angry confessions swallowed in favour of licking salt off of familiar yet unexplored lips.
Aziraphale digs his fingers into Crowley's shoulders, the black fabric distantly tearing at the edges, and if it is causing him any pain, it is undetectable, hidden underneath wave after wave of pure, distilled love. Distracted by the swirling flames in his chest, he cannot tell he is crying until one of Crowley's hands tenderly slides along the side of his neck and cups his cheek, his thumb mindlessly brushing away the tears staining his skin.
Their grip on reality flickers and blurs, and maybe it's him, maybe Crowley, maybe both of them, but his sunglasses disappear, and with the last barrier removed, he leans in impossibly close.
Crowley kisses him with bleeding desperation—all the words they left unsaid are working their way to the surface and surrounding them like a veil of no longer plausible deniability. A fine mist that tastes of late nights and empty wine bottles, of sunshine warming stonework long gone and the joy tethering them to one another throughout lonely centuries.
Aziraphale feels breathless sobs wrecking the body he is holding onto, and although they're already kneeling, it still feels like too much work to keep themselves upright. So he clumsily shuffles around and spreads his legs to the side until his thighs are pressed to the floor, effortlessly tugging Crowley into his lap; their lips never stop touching.
A sound somewhere between a moan and a whimper echoes through their mouths, and he regrets, God, he regrets that they wasted six thousand years creating as much distance as they could bear when they could have had this instead.
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thebubblesareevil · 1 year
A Deal is a Deal…
I haven’t really posted any danny/kaldur in a bit so here you go
Danny was having a really long, really stupid day.
First he was late for his exam because he woke up to kitty and johnny fighting in his apartment. By the time he got that sorted out he had to rush to campus.
Then, by some miracle, the proctor let him in despite being late only to realize he was in the wrong exam halfway through. (He decided to finish the test and turn it in rather than admit his mistake.)
Then he finally managed to stop and get a truly unholy cup of coffee that he topped off with his last bit of ecto shot only for someone to run into him, spilling his coffee.
Which really didn’t make the blind date Sam set him up with anywhere near bearable. She was nice, don’t get him wrong, however Sam has two types of friends outside of Tucker and him. He was pretty sure he would have preferred hearing about the deforestation of the Amazon than have the heavily pierced girl get wayyy too excited when she realized he was from Amity Park. After he finally escaped with the excuse of feeding his dog Sam decided to call to find out how the date went.
“She did the thing Sam.” He stated bluntly as he struggled to unlock his door.
“And which thing would that be Danny? The one where she’s interested in your personality or the thing where you might need a restraining order?” He groaned, thumping his head on the door before checking the hall for neighbors. With the coast clear he phased through, once more leaving his arch nemesis to fight another day.
“The second one, or at least that definitely seemed where it was heading. She kept asking about all my favorite cemeteries back home.” He threw his keys on the counter, dropping his bag to the floor.
“Well did you tell her about the one near the old clocktower? I’m sure she loved that.”
“Sam, she wasn’t asking about nightly walks and talking to ghosts. She made some not so subtle hints about what she liked to do there.” He could hear Sam wince through the phone.
“Eww, sorry Danny. She really seemed like someone you would click with.” He sighed as he looked through the bare cabinets.
“Not your fault, to be fair things were going great till that point. Plus most people don’t see half as much as I do in graveyards. It could have been worse.” He grinned.
“Oh yeah, what are you thinking?”
“Do you remember that guy from the protest you set me up with awhile back?”
“You mean Orion? What about him? You said he tried to gas light you.” Sam almost sounded offended on behalf of her semi-cannibalistic friend.
“Oh he did more than that. He followed me home.”
“Yep, apparently I was being stingy and he thought I owed him so he tried to steal my bike.” He laughed.
“Ugh, don’t worry I’ll be sure to pass the word on to his new partner Marcy. I guarantee he’ll regret it.” He shrugged as he ate a piece of plain bread.
“It’s whatever, at least he didn’t try to kill me.” Sam sighed.
“It was one time!”
“Oh really?” He said as he munched. “If I remember correctly it happened twice.” He could hear the sound of Sam smacking her forehead.
“The first time doesn’t count, that was an accident! Besides Valerie tried way more than I did.” She huffed.
“Yeah, I know.” He yawned, heading over to the bathroom, discarding his socks and shoes along the way. “Some how neither of you are even my worst exes to date.” Sam snorted.
“No I think that title belongs to that crazy Viking that was convinced you were going to start Ragnarok.” Danny felt a small tug at his core as he brushed his teeth.
“What can I say? She was charismatic!” He claimed after spitting into the sink.
“Yeah well Miss. Charismatic nearly talked you into a war with her brother just because he flirted with you.” The tug on his core got stronger. “Personally I would have gone with the brother.” Danny nodded as he nearly tripped walking to his bed.
“I mean, that was never in question. Regardless, I’m swearing off Vikings for the next century.” Danny began struggling to take his shirt off without setting down the phone. The tug on his core was stronger than ever, try as he might to ignore it.
“You really suck at this dating thing, I killed you twice and somehow I’m still not in your top ten-” Danny struggled to escape his stupid shirt as his core PULLED, sending him tumbling to the ground. With a groan Danny finally gave in and just pulled the stupid shirt through his body only to come face to face to someone that was distinctly NOT his bed.
He looked around,coming face to face to someone he was actively avoiding.
“Ello Phantom? How’s death going for ye.”
John Constantine, accompanied by what appeared to be some of the newer members of the Justice League.
Danny decided the best option for this would be to do his best impression of a confused, semi-hungover college student.
“Look man, I don’t know who you are, or what you want but do you have some coffee or something? I’m dying over here.”
“Yet not foolin anyone mate. Need a favor from you. Or rather your better half of you don’t mind.” John replied vaguely as he rubbed his hands together before blowing some kind of powder all over Danny.
Danny stood there flabbergasted, as a rain of dust? Covered him head to toe. He stood there for a minute before his face started to twitch as John began to chant a spell. Danny took a deep breath and-
“AACCHHOOO” John jumped back as the sneeze disrupted the dust.
“What the hell man?” He scolds as he rubbed his nose. John grunted.
“Stubborn little shit huh? Too bad we need the Phantom and he’s coming out one way or another.” Once more he began to chant, Danny however chose to ignore this fact as he took in the faces surrounding the circle. They were clearly some of the younger heroes, even a few apprentices by the looks of it. But Danny really didn’t have time for this, he had another exam tomorrow.
“Look man, I’m not sure what you’ve been smokin or how I got here but unless you’re gonna help me study for my engineering exam, then I gotta go.”
“Please wait.” Danny spun around to face the hero standing behind him, stopping him before he even started to leave. The handsome hero stood tall, clearly he was the leader of this group, which begged the question of-
“Why? What you guys possibly want from me?”
“Allow me to explain. I am Kaldur’ahm, though I am also known as Aquaman. We are seeking the help of a spirit of hope and protection that goes by the name of Phantom. We need his help.” Danny gave the gilled hero a considering look.
“With what?” Kaldur’ahm somehow managed to stand up even straighter.
“A powerful magician by the name of Zatanna was pulled into the Infinite Realms. We need to help of Phantom so we can venture into the realms to retrieve her.” He replied with a barely noticeable sense of urgency. Danny raised a brow.
“You want to go to another dimension? With help from a ghost named Phantom? And you want my help to what? Summon him?” John scoffed, completely ignoring the glare Aquaman sent his way.
“Don’t go playin dumb mate. How exactly do you think you got here.” He pointed to the floor “ That there is a summoning circle, invoking Phantom by name. Now here’s how I figure it. Either you’ve gone and disguised yourself or you decided to take this poor sod for a joy ride.” He smirked. “So which one is it mate?” Danny glared at the Englishman.
“Whether you’re Phantom or not we need help.” Danny sighed as he looked back at the hero.
“Well what’s in it for me? You dragged me from my apartment and you want my help, give me a reason.” He announced.
“Name your price demon.” Danny rolled his eyes at the annoying sorcerer.
“Not a demon.” He paused, trying to figure out what he could ask for as the little heroes started to get nervous. He was gonna help them one way or another, ideally they would give up on him and send him back to his apartment. It would be easy enough to get a magician out of the realms. Danny took one more look around the circle before grinning.
“How about a date?” He said, looking directly at Kaldur’ahm with a grin. He laughed before he continued “Just Kidd-”
“Deal.” Danny choked on his own spit as his cheeks lit up like a Christmas tree. John shouting from the other side of the circle.
“What the bloody hell kind of request was that?!?”
“ I didn’t think he’d say yes!!!!” Danny covered his cheeks as the handsome hero smiled at him.
“A small sacrifice to help a friend, though not a difficult one.” Danny’s face turned a darker shade of red as green started to bleed into his cheeks. ‘Was this guy seriously flirting with him right now?!?’ The hero raised a single smug brow at him, tilting his head just slightly to the side.
“Do we have a deal?” Danny took a deep breath, coughing into his hand.
“Uh, yeah sure, I’ll get your friend back from the realms.” Kaldur’ahm smiled, Danny blushed. “I guess I’ll just… yeah.”
“We shall begin preparations immediately. Once Phantom arrives we should head out immediately, the less time Zatanna spends in the realms the better.” His face closing off as he got serious, Danny couldn’t deny it was cute before he realized what he said.
“Oh, yeah no, you guys aren’t going.” John practically growled causing the hairy green kid to back up.
“Like hell we aren’t! Just because you claim to be a spirit of protection doesn’t mean I trust ye.” Danny turned a steely glare on the sorcerer as he walked towards him. He made it all the way to the edge and the look of confidence he’d been sporting during this whole ordeal dropped from his face as Danny stepped over the edge of the circle.
“I don’t give two shits if you trust me! You aren’t welcome in the Realms John Constantine. Not until you get that piece of patchwork you call a soul sorted out!” He looked around at the rest of the people in the room. “Besides, it’s against the rules to bring the living into the Realms and I’d rather not have to deal with Walker today, thank you very much.” John glared.
“Look here you dead piece of sh-”
“HALF-dead thank you.” He interrupted as he started to float off the ground. “Now buzz off before I change my mind.” John looked as though he intended to reply when Kaldur’ahm stopped him.
“Enough Constantine, we need his help. For Zatanna.” The British asshole grumbled to himself as he scurried off to the side. Danny stepped back on the ground, making his way over to the Atlantean.
“Hey Kaldur’ahm, before I get your friend, you don’t actually have to go on a date with me.” He looked away as he rubbed the back of his neck. “I was gonna help you anyway, I just wanted to get under Johnny boy’s skin.” He just looked at Danny with a smile.
“I thank you, however a deal is a deal, it’s too late to back out now.” Danny’s jaw dropped as the Atlantean grinned. “And please, call me Kaldur.” Danny coughed into his hand to try to force himself to talk.
“Okay… well… okay then… um…” he studdered, dying a little more inside. “I’m gonna go get your friend we can…uh… talk about the details after.” Kaldur nodded as Danny reached a hand behind him to open a portal.
“Agreed, and please be careful Phantom.” Danny paused.
“You can, you can call me Danny.” He back with a slight stutter.
“Very well Danny.” He smiled. Danny blushes as he backed up into the portal, tripping over his own two feet as he fell through. Once on the other side he quickly reached out to find the intruder in his domain. She was easy enough to find, he didn’t even bother transforming. She was standing on an unclaimed floating island only a few miles from where he opened the portal.
Armed with the knowledge that she regularly worked with superheroes he thought it would be best to announce his presence before he surprised her.
“You wouldn’t happen to be a magician by the name of Zatanna would you?” The fierce woman turned, her wand posed, ready to send a flurry of spells at a moments notice.
“And if I am?” Danny smiled.
“A friend of yours asked me to come get you.” She looked at him suspiciously.
“And which friend would that be?”
“A cute Atlantian with a killer sense of humor, named Kaldur.” She raised an eyebrow at that.
“I’ve never heard him described as having a sense of humor.” Danny chuckled.
“Yeah, I told him I’d come get you in exchange for a date. He didn’t even hesitate. Like he’d actually wanna go on a date with a ghost!” He replied with a laugh. Zatanna however did not join in and instead looked Danny up and down before looking him dead in the eyes. She grinned.
“Gotta say I can’t exactly blame him. It’s not often he gets asked out by handsome shirtless men.” Danny squinted at her confused before looking down. His eyes went wide as he realized he hadn’t been wearing a shirt the whole time!
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djarin · 11 months
“it’s not about glory. it’s not about getting what you want. it’s about belonging to something when the world has told you you’re nothing. it’s about finding the family to kill for when yours are long dead. it’s about letting go of ego for something larger.” and with that, every queer person in the world started sobbing
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shawolsos · 11 months
Ramking is that thing where you're reading a really good fic, and the most recent chapter ended on a cliffhanger. It's all good, though, because the fic is unfinished, so you just have to wait for an update, but then you check the dates and realise that the fic has not been updated for five years and now you're left in the dust knowing that this thing has been left to rot and you're just gonna have to make peace with the cliffhanger. Except it's slightly worse because it's not just a fic, it's the actual canon material.
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leham-n-daavocado · 3 months
Just finished the third season of Bridgerton (it was an incredibly frustrating watch)...People have said that Penelope is named as such because of her nickname Pen and her being a writer... but has anyone thought of the reference to the Odyssey and Penelope being the wife of Odysseus? You know, she had to be loyal for 20 years while Odysseus gallivanted across the globe and was distracted/cheating on her Circe? I feel like it goes with the whole Polin narrative too. She's the one who had to wait for him to get a clue. And if you've read the Penguin version of the Odyssey, you know everyone is like omg! Odysseus, so amazing, the sacker of cities etc. Which parallels Colin's "glow up". Totally think it's more of a literary reference since the two of them are writers...
#bridgerton#bridgerton season 3#colin bridgerton#penelope featherington#polin#don't know how much this works for the book#didn't read the books#I ranted at my sister for an hour straight about this season (behated)#wtf was the character arcs for any of the characters this season? a whole lot of nothing..#the writers literally set everything up and then did everything in their power to make the arcs pointless#soooo many crimes of telling instead of showing#bridgerton was never high art but season 1 and 2 landed character and the audience buying into the relationships and cheering for the coupl#disappointed#literally feel like I hated polin in what was supposed to be their season#colin vascilates wildly... and there are like two scenes where i recognize the character he was is season 1 and 2#literally hated him for soooo much#really hate how the season wasn't about the couple but whistledown#and yet they couldn't show us WHY Penelope wants to keep being Whistledown besides telling us why so I just don't get why#they could not decide if whistledown is good or bad and settled on girlboss power!#but here i am like girl... you're ruining lives... you've ruined lives... it's just gossip#they literally screwed over all their characters for nothing#their scenes of intimacy don't land because they feel incredibly paint by numbers and often occur after intense confrontations#confrontations that do not logically make sense for sexy times#the mirror scene exists purely as plot so colin can later accuse Penelope of trapping him in marriage#like that's suuuuper ick#they made colin so incredibly ick i don't recognize him or want him with Penelope#even Penelope making the choice to be whistledown over her new family was insane and illogical based on how the plot developed#i watched the seaon twice to really pin down how I feel and ended up rewatching season 1 and 2 because season 3 part 2 pissed me off so muc#and it's sooo night and day#i just feel sad because i wanted to root for this couple too... but they made it unrootable
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sailorque · 1 year
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Trust No One
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waterberry-strawmelon · 6 months
just gonna go ahead and say this in advance—
if Riz does indeed come out in junior year, and he says, “I’m ace” or “I’m asexual” when referring specifically to his lack of romantic attraction, aromantic people are allowed to be upset about it.
#because yes of course some people irl say ace to mean both bc that’s how they personally identify#but in fictional media the distinction is necessary. especially with how few canonically aromantic characters even exist in ANY mainstream/#popular media.#I assure you I’m not invalidating anyone who is ace and they mean that to include lack of romantic attraction.#But to look at this from a MEDIA PERSPECTIVE its irresponsible to do this w/out clarification that they also know the word aromantic exists#because otherwise that’s just a conflation of asexual and aromantic without any nuance#and an erasure of aromantic people who are not asexual.#Plus—name a single fucking time a character in mainstream/popular media has said the word aromantic.#Because I can name several instances where they say asexual. But I can’t think of ONE where they say aro or aromantic.#(Maybe that Isaac kid does in season 2 of Heartstopper? But I haven’t seen it so I’m not 100% sure.)#anyways.#the way this fucking fandom—and ANY fandom with a canon aro character—discusses the aromantic spectrum#is blatantly just to remove their own personal guilt for shipping that character with other characters and erasing their orientation.#because yes aromanticism IS a spectrum!! But when people talk about fabriz and say ‘he can still be ace!’ (Which is aro erasure) or#‘he can still be aro!’ They never SHOW riz still being aro or having any kind of complex relationship with romance.#I’m angry and I’m allowed to be.#I get that a ship you liked may be hard to let go of or something#But I’d be much less mad if all the fabriz fans said ‘yeah I know Riz is aro in canon and he and Fabian would never get together.#I just like to imagine it sometimes in fiction/fanon!’ Then that would be a WHOLE different conversation#Because then they’d at least be acknowledging that riz doesn’t feel romance in canon. That fabriz is something that actively#Goes against the canon characterization of one of those characters—and that’s fine. Just fucking ACKNOWLEDGE IT.#But most of these people either WANT fabriz to be canon/believe it WILL BE canon#OR I guess feel uncomfortable confronting the fact that they ARE erasing riz’s aromanticism so they don’t even acknowledge it at all.#fhjy#fantasy high#d20#dimension 20#riz gukgak#aromantic riz gukgak#fhsy
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7cfc00 · 1 year
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MORE dndads homestuck au... S2 teen version. (again, classpects and derse/prospit alignment from @scamlikelys ‘s post)
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mermaidlighthouse · 11 months
I just love that Ed’s never landing birds is like the one insane thing that Frenchie is like nah man sounds sus to me
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slymanner · 10 months
we got robbed at gun point of all the fanart lisa could've had if she was in the show and i think about it alot >:V
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aegoneggon · 2 months
i am hardcore a believer now that daeron and aemond are going to be twins in the show lol I refuse to believe them both being 16 is a goof. and if the leaks are right it would help put the daeron is a bastard rumors to rest and make him having a Hightower look seem less crazy
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found--family · 6 months
i hope the folks planning on resurrecting Supernatural [re:jackles] are taking notes on what's happening in the 9-1-1 fandom and with this Buck character right now. i know next to nothing about this show, but i do know that 'Buddie' is a major mlm ship between two guy friends and that this guy Buck - a strong macho man in his 30s - has just been canonised as BISEXUAL! with a MLM kiss! after SIX seasons! the subtext was there all along but the network was not on board, by the sounds of it; a change of network saw this queercoded middle-aged male character finally set free. no more subtext, no insinuations that could be interpreted one way or another, just undeniable beautiful text. 
i'm thrilled for everyone in the 9-1-1 fandom and for this positive queer rep in media! here’s hoping other shows will take note - namely Supernatural. Dean has 15 seasons of queer subtext under his belt and he would now be in his mid 40s. it’s never too late to canonise a queer character. characters are never too old to realise they’re queer. this is such an important message, and while i can’t speak for the buckgirls i can say that queer deangirls have been relating to his queercoding for almost 2 decades, including 15 seasons of bi!Dean and 12 seasons of Destiel. seeing a character like Buck come out as queer after SIX seasons (i’ll keep saying it, it’s fucking amazing) is such a win not just for queer folk but for good storytelling; i know there were likely obstacles in finally getting here, and it would be great if queer characters could come out whenever they want instead of struggling against tptb, but six seasons has given the show a wonderful amount of time to delve into Buck’s character and journey with him through various plotlines. as a fan of the slow burn for romance, and a good amount of time for character development to play out, i love that there’s six whole seasons of Buck backstory to delve into for the leadup to his bisexual canonisation.
happy bi day Buck, may you inspire more creative control to cater to the characters instead of some suit in an office who’s never even seen your show and doesn’t care about your journey and narrative freedom. today is a great day.
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(the first gif is Buck’s first mlm kiss. the second gif is a moment from a gay comedy called Looking that many people have pointed out perfectly encapulates how a Destiel kiss might play out on screen.) 
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