#season 3a missing moments
harocat · 3 months
Remember when people were like 'omg it's a good thing for Nathan Chen that sports is gender segregated, because if Sasha Trusova could compete against him it would be over for him.'
She couldn't even win any major senior women's events, and they thought she'd beat Nathan Chen???
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atinystraynstay · 9 months
Angel Season - Jeong Yunho
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Synopsis: Yunho first noticed you when you moved into the building. He was attracted not just by your physical beauty but the way your smile outshined the sun. He has spent the past year making little conversation, trying to be a good neighbor. However, he refused to go into the new year without making a move.
Pairing: neighbor!Jeong Yunho x reader
Genre: strangers to lovers, next door neighbors/cute boy next door, angst - heartache, jealousy
Contains: mentions alcohol consumption
Word Count: 8.9k
December 30, 2022
"Miss, what floor are you on?" "Third floor, apartment 3A," you called out.
The mover nodded his head before whistling for the other. "3A boys!"
One was lifting your bed out of the back of the moving truck, another person still in the truck for support. You stood on the curb of the sidewalk, watching. You were able to help with the smaller boxes, the ones filled with either trinkets or kitchen items. But for the longer furniture, you were more than happy to let the professionals handle it.
As people were carrying things into your new home, you took a moment to look around your surroundings. You've always been attracted to city living. For some people, you knew that they could get overwhelmed by the high-rises and busy streets. That was what attracted you to living here. You liked the idea that you could go about your day without being noticed, being able to blend into the crowds. Yet, you liked the endless possibilities of making this city whatever you want it to be.
Despite the rainy, chilly weather, there was no place you'd rather be.
Seeing as all your furniture had been taken out of the moving truck, you decided to lend a hand now. The faster the movers could drop off your stuff, the sooner you could start unpacking and decorating.
You stepped Ito the truck, going to retrieve one of the boxes you knew you could manage. "Do you need some help there?"
Caught off guard, you jumped at the sound of the new voice. You turned around to see who was talking to you. Much to your surprise, you were greeted by a tall, young man. He couldn't have been older than you.
Wow, he's absolutely stunning.
He wore a gentle smile, feeling a bit bad for giving you a scare. He stood with his hands in his pockets as he stood at the bottom of the truck. You felt a bit guilty at first contemplating taking up his offer. What if he had somewhere to be? What if he was just trying to be nice? However, you came to your senses because he wouldn't have offered if he was serious, right?
"If you don't mind!"
The young man nodded his hand, extending his arms out to take the box from you. You grinned at the gesture, quickly grabbing the box for him. "You have no idea how much this means to me. Lucky for you, the movers got all the heavy stuff, so we just have a few more boxes," you laughed. You quickly grabbed a box for yourself before joining him out of the truck and on the ground. "Hey, I am pretty strong," he said, pretending to be offended. "By the way, my name is Yunho." "I'm y/n. I should've asked before leading you up to my apartment."
You both shared a laugh. Carrying one of the boxes, you took the lead in showing the man to your new apartment. Your mother always told you not to talk to strangers, but there was no way you'd let this handsome stranger just walk past you. Not when he approached you first. "Wait, you're moving here?" He asked, shocked. "Oh no. Please don't tell me there is something wrong with the apartment," you whined. He quickly shook his head, wanting to ease any worries or concerns you may have. Yunho never thought that offering assistance, trying to be a good person would lead him to probably the best thing to happen to him all year.
Yunho was out on his usual routine on a Saturday morning. He went out for his usual coffee and bagel after running errands. It was a little reward for him for getting out of bed rather than staying in. The bigger reward was running into you. "No, I actually live here," he chuckled softly. Yunho was glad that you were in front of him, back turned as you guided him up the steps to your new unit. Because if you turned around, you would see him with the widest grin on his face. He was like a little boy on Christmas morning who opened up the one present he has been asking for all year. "Small world!" You giggled. "What unit are you?" "3B, what about you?" "Well hi neighbor," you teased. "I'm moving into 3A."
Correction, this was now the best present he could have received.
Valentine's Day - February 2023
Over the past month or so, Yunho and you have passed by each other. Sometimes it is when you are entering the building and he's leaving, which he'll open the door for you. Or sometimes it is when you are both returning after a night out.
He was starting to pick up on things that consisted in your daily life. For example, he knew that you liked a fresh bouquet of flowers for your apartment every 2 or 3 weeks. You always had one bad of groceries, presumably buying just for the week. Friday nights always included a bottle of red wine.
All of his friends were aware of the girl next door. They often tried to catch a glimpse of you when they were over to visit. Yunho certainly has developed a crush on the girl next door. How couldn't he? You radiated brighter than the lights atop the Empire State Building.
Tonight was Valentine's Day. Both of your respective jobs kept you out of the apartment most nights. You two had exchanged numbers, for the sake of knowing someone else in the building and for emergencies. Yunho hadn't brought himself to text you outside of those conditions as he was afraid of giving the wrong impression. He didn't even crack under the relentless teasing of his friends on his failure to make a move after a month and a half of knowing you.
He felt a stronger urge to text you today. Did she have a date for Valentine's Day? Did she even want one? Was she even single?
Yunho was on the unlucky side of not having a date for the evening. His work had consumed the better part of days, so he hadn't put much of his energy towards dating. He often came home, reheated dinner if he hadn't ordered takeout, and slept before doing it all again the next day.
Trudging up the steps, he was contemplating if tonight would be the night he finally texts you. However, he knew texting you was pointless. Not when you were practically standing in front of him.
His eyes widened, taking you in. You wore a black peacoat with the red dress you were wearing peaking out underneath. Silver heels were hugging your feet. He has never seen your hair done in curls, but it was becoming one of his favorite looks on you. You wore red lipstick to go with the dress. The one accessory he wasn't pleased to see was your hands gripping the plastic loops of a white takeout bag. Oh no, she did have a date tonight. Fuck, I missed my opportunity.
Seeing movement from your peripheral, you turned your head over. The light frown on your lips was soon replaced with a gentle smile. Yunho always brought joy into your life, even if the interactions were minimal. "Hi Yunho," you spoke, your voice softer than usual. It didn't carry its usual tone of happiness. He could tell that there was something wrong. He felt the urge to take care of anything that might be troubling you, but he didn't want to overstep his bounds. "Hey y/n. I'm surprised you're not out tonight. No suitors catch your attention?" You smiled wider at his compliment. Yunho always knew how to make you feel special. Any girl would be lucky to have him as their boyfriend. "Unfortunately no. I, uh, got stood up, so ended up picking up Chinese from the place around the corner on my way back." This time, Yunho frowned. You got stood up? How could anyone do that to anyone, but especially how could anyone do that to you? You were literal treasure in Yunho's eyes. He felt saddened for you, but angry at whoever made you upset.t
"Oh, y/n. I'm sorry to hear that. Are you ok? Is there anything I can do?" "You're too sweet. No, I'll be okay. I think I just want to be alone, if that's ok?"
Of course, whatever you felt like you needed. He nodded his head, offering a gentle smile. "I'll see you around?" He asked. You smiled back, a bit wider. Seeing Yunho was the favorite part of your day.
The two of you entered your respective apartments. Once the door was shut to his, he let out a soft sigh. He slipped off his winter jacket, hanging it by the door before slipping off his shoes. He trudged himself over further into his apartment, turning on the floor lamp in the living room. He claimed his seat on the couch before looking out the windows into the city.
His earlier dilemma seemed to resolve himself. Sitting up slightly, he pulled his phone out of his pocket. His fingers made quick work at typing a text. A very important text to you.
"He's a loser, y/n. You deserve the whole world and I know there's someone out there ready to give it to you 🙂"
He set his phone on the arm of the chair. He wasn't sure if you would respond, or even read his text tonight. It tore him up inside knowing some jerk made you upset. He also felt some responsibility. Maybe if he had gotten the courage to confess to you, he could have saved you from the disappointment? I mean, he couldn't even dream of letting you down by any means.
Yunho was surprised to feel the vibration of his phone. He never acted so quickly to pick something up before. "You're the sweetest in the whole world. Thanks Yunho 🩷 to hell with him I guess"
He chuckled at your words before trying a response back. "To hell with him. You are an angel, don't settle for less."
Little did he know how wide you were smiling next door. You were at your kitchen countertop. The tears of frustration quickly forgotten the moment Yunho texted you. It was as if he answered your silent prayer.
April 2023
It was a rainy day in the city. Spring was in full swing, the green buds on the trees in the neighborhood beginning to peanut. People all around the city were beginning to put plants out on their balconies. You always loved rainy days. They always soothed your soul, loving to just curl up and watch rain run down the window.
"I can't believe they cancelled the game," Yunho sighed from outside the hallway. You've learned that he can be loud when he's excited or frustrated. This seems like it is the latter.
There were no other voices on the side of the door. He was probably on the phone. Maybe with Yeosang? You've met his friends here and there as they float in and out of his apartment. There were all friendly towards you. It was just a bigger testament to who Yunho is as a person.
You didn't hear much of the conversation before the door closed. Maybe this was your chance. You planned on having a lazy day anyways. Maybe read a book, watch a movie, but you know that it is always better with company.
Taking your phone from beside you, you unlocked it with ease. Your fingers eagerly typing a text message to the boy next door. Your speed of texting matched the butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
"Hey neighbor! Think I just heard you get home, wanna come over to watch a movie?"
Your heart was pounding both with excitement and anxiety. You weren't typically the person to make the first move. Since moving in, you were very grateful for your friendship with Yunho. He's treated you with nothing but kindness, really setting a standard on how your guy friends and even dates should be treating you.
At night, your mind often got curious about the topic. What would it be like to be with Yunho? Not once have you seen a woman enter his apartment. He never even mentioned going on dates. There potential was there, but you just weren't sure if he was just being a good friend, an exceptional neighbor, or if he was into you.
"Wow perfect timing, angel" You grinned seeing his nickname for you. "Plans got cancelled, so I'll be over in 5? I'll bring the popcorn!"
Springing up from the couch, you rushed over to your bathroom. You were wearing a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt. You were unsatisfied with your hair though. It was curled in a messy bun on the top of your head. You quickly pulled at the scrunchie, releasing your hair so it fell down to your shoulders. You began brushing it out. You didn't have much time.
This could solve every answer you've had over the past few weeks. This could easily just be two friends hanging out. What if it turned into something more?
Y/n, chill. You took a deep breath, trying to ease your racing mind. You didn't like building up expectations. While you would like it if Yunho made a move or gave some indicator he is attracted to you, you didn't want to set yourself up for disappointment.
Knock knock knock.
Here goes nothing. You took a deep breath in the reflection of your bathroom mirror. It is just two friends hanging out.
You turned off your bathroom light before attending to the front door of your apartment. Your heart beat matched the pace you were walking, trying your hardest not to be too fast. You were conscious maybe he would hear you racing to the door, even thought you were eager to have him over.
Opening the door, you smiled wide to be greeted by Yunho. He was standing on the other side, holding a bowl of freshly popped popcorn. The hallway beginning to smell of the delicious food. "Sorry, it took me so long! I just wanted to make sure I got the popcorn ready."
The sun was hidden behind grey clouds, providing little light throughout your apartment. You insisted on lighting a few candles, to create a warm feel to your home compared to the cold weather outside. It also helped create a bit of a romantic ambiance to the afternoon.
You two were sat pretty close together on your three-seat grey couch. An emerald blanket was spread across your laps with the bowl of popcorn in between.
After hearing that you have not seen a single Spiderman movie, Yunho was determined to show you all the movies. Or at least the big 3 - Maguire, Garfield, and Holland. He tried insisting the two of you didn't have to watch all three movies today, but you had no other plans. You would be more than happy to spend the afternoon like this with Yunho.
Throughout the movie, you guys would balance light conversation and watching the movie. When you were focused on the film, Yunho would glance at you to see your reaction. He adored Spiderman, so seeing if you liked one of his favorite things captured his attention. He also would focus on how you smiled at certain parts of the film, particular the scenes between Peter Parker and Mary Jane.
When you weren't focusing on the film, you two would talk more. Sure, you've made light conversation when passing, and a bit more meaningful over text, but this was the perfect time to get to know each other. Yunho wanted to know about your dreams, your passions, your dislikes. He wanted to know all the little things that made you who you are.
It was about 5:18pm when you guys started the the first movie with Andrew Garfield. You felt your eyes getting a bit heavy. Yunho took notice, moving the bowl of popcorn out of the way for you. Noticing, you smiled appreciatively to him. He always had your best interests at heart.
Your eyes grew heavy, body sinking more into the couch. Before either of you knew it, your head fell on his shoulder. Without the bowl of popcorn in the way, your body curled into his. Yunho's eyes were wide and heart nearly stopped before speeding up.
Glancing down at you, your chest was resting against his shoulder. You looked adorable. Your eyelashes were resting against your cheeks, lips slightly parted. Your hands were grazing the side of his body. There was no chance of him going anywhere now. Not that he would want to.
Very slowly, cautious as to not wake you up, his arm draped over you. He sunk slightly into the couch before resting his head on yours. Sleep began taking over his body. He was content.
May 2023
"What do you mean you're leaving?" You frowned.
Yunho suggested that the two of you hung out weekly. It started off with going to local bars to vent about the woes of work and life. Those quickly changed into dinner out, to get a change of scenery and explore the neighborhood. Tonight, Yunho suggested dinner at his place. You weren't sure why at first, but obviously excited to spend quality time with your best friend. But now you get why he opted for staying in.
"I'm not leaving forever," Yunho reassured. "I'm just going to Korea for a little bit. It's been a while since I visited my family, and I can finally afford a ticket after my promotion."
Of course, you knew that family was important. If you got the opportunity to visit your family more often, you'd easily say yes. You couldn't help though but feel a bit selfish in wanting Yunho to stay.
"How long am I going to be without seeing you around?" "3 months," he said sheepishly.
Dramatically, you let out a whine and threw your head back. Yunho couldn't help but chuckle at your antics. It made his heart swell seeing as that you were going to miss him.
He moved his hand over to place it gently on yours. The light touch, even though it was feather like, felt like electric shocks throughout your body. You always craved his touch. Ever since that day last month when you woke up to his arms wrapped around you on his couch.
"Angel, it'll go by quick, I promise." "Can you also promise me something?" "Anything." "Promise that you won't have a realization while you're away that you actually want to stay in Korea? Because the thought of you moving and actually having to say goodbye will kill me."
He chuckled again, a wide smile on his lips. "I promise."
Turns out that all of Yunho's friends were traveling with him to Korea. All of the boys have apparently been speaking about it for months, but the idea was finally leaving the group chat.
Even though you wanted to accompany all the boys to the airport to see them off, you knew that it would be too painful. Even if he was going to be gone for 3 months, it felt like a part of you was leaving as well. At least with saying goodbye at the apartment, you could hurry back to your place and shed tears if you want to.
Going down the steps of the apartment building, you two headed out the front door. Yunho had called an Uber to take him to the airport, not wanting to pay the overnight prices for parking at the airport especially with how long he was going to be.
It felt very reminiscent to the day you two met. You even tried to offer carrying one of Yunho's bags, but he refused to let you help. You rolled your eyes at him. The least you could do was get in front of him to open the front door rather than watch him struggle to do it with a rolling suitcase, a duffle bag, and his backpack. "Thank you, angel," he chuckled. He could sense you were a bit annoyed for not being able to help. He loved the way your nose scrunched up like a bunny when you were annoyed.
He walked towards the edge of the sidewalk, on the lookout for the vehicle. You stood back slightly, smiling up at him. You were trying your best not to let your sadness ruin the moment. He has been excited about traveling home since he bought the ticket. Yunho described all his favorite places in Seoul, all the things he missed.
"You better still talk to me while you're in Seoul," you said teasingly.
With his bags on the concrete, he turned towards you. He wore that wide smile of his, that wide smile that caused your knees to get week. He opened his arms, inviting you into them. No way were you going to object.
Walking into his arms, he wrapped them around you. He pulled you in close to him by your waist. His lips pressed against your forehead, causing your eyes to flutter shut at the sensation. How am I going to survive 3 months without him?
"I'll talk to you as much as I can, take all the photos I can," he promised.
Satisfied with that answer, you nodded your head. Your arms had found a place around his torso, holding yourself go. Maybe if you held onto each other long enough, he would want to stay. If only.
You felt two taps on your lower back. Raising an eyebrow, you pulled back to lookout Yunho. He was already looking at you. It was as if time froze. He towered over you, but his face was so close to you. His eyes never leaving yours. You could melt into a puddle due to his gaze.
Keeping one hand around you, his other hand moved to cup your face. He tilted your head slightly to the side. His fingertips rested against your cheek. The whole time, he wore a smile on his lips. Regardless of what he had up his sleeves, you put your whole trust in him. You never doubted his intentions with you.
A shiver ran down your spine feeling the padding of his thumb run across your lower lip. Was this actually happening? He glanced at your lips before looking into your eyes. Yunho was looking for any hesitation from you, any sign that he should stop before getting to ahead of himself. Yet, you never looked away.
"Wait for me?"
You couldn't bring yourself to speak. You were frozen in place. Your mind had become fuzzy, all the sounds of the busy city around you faded. All that mattered was the man standing in front of you, the man who seemed to be saying everything you've been yearning to hear since you two met. Was this actually happening? Somehow, you got yourself to nod.
Yunho smiled wider before letting his desires take over. Not wanting to waste anymore time, he pressed his lips against yours.
The kiss was rudely short after hearing the sound of a car horn. You two pulled away, both confused and upset at the interruption. Yunho looked over his shoulders before gasping softly. There was his Uber to whisk him away from you. "Shit," he sighed.
Looking back at you, he smiled apologetically. You smiled back before leaning up on his tiptoes. Sensing that Yunho was actually going to leave, the Uber driver got out of the car to grab Yunho's suitcases and place them in the trunk. Just enough time to do one last thing.
"Don't worry. I'll save all the kisses for you, I promise to wait for you."
You leaned up to press one last lingering kiss on his lips. One last kiss for now at least.
June 2023
Since Yunho left, you got pretty good at figuring out timezone differences.
You didn't want to interfere with Yunho's daily life. You were sure that he has plans to visit family, local places he hasn't been able to go to in years, and make meaningful memories with his best friends and loved ones. Yet, Yunho was insistent he will make time for you.
Every Wednesday night and Sunday morning, you two would FaceTime. Thank God for modern technology. "I wish you could be here," Yunho admitted one night.
You frowned and nodded. Ever since Yunho left, he was all you think about. You tried getting yourself involved more in your work, but it as summer. Work was a bit slow. You had friends in the city who tried to help you out of your conundrum, taking you out on the weekends. But you still thought about him, wanting to experience summer in the city with him.
It made you sick to your stomach when you saw couples in the park. You often thought about the kiss you two shared on the morning he left. You wondered where you guys would be, romantically, if he had stayed. You could easily envision dates in the park, nights out with friends, and everything in between. You were anxiously waiting for his return to know where things could go. "Y/n?"
You blinked a couple of times as he called out to you. A soft blush coated your cheeks, coming to realize you haven't spoken in a few minutes. "Sorry, Yunho. Just thinking about what it would be like when you get back here," you explained.
He seemed to smile at your response. It was good to know you missed him as much as he missed you. Though, if it was a competition, he could say that he missed you more. "Oh angel, I know. Just two more months, right?"
All you could do is nod, trying your best to smile along with him. He looked good, even with the low quality of FaceTime with a poor wifi connection. He glowed from being out in the sun, probably glowing also with happiness by being back at home. "I know what will make us feel better," he suddenly announced. You perked up with curiosity. Yunho always had some trick up his sleeve. That was what you loved about him. He always kept you on your toes, never settling for a routine. "Go check the front door."
"You better not be pulling a prank on me, Jeong Yunho!" "After you called me by my full name? Absolutely not."
You rolled your eyes playfully before pushing yourself away from the desk in your bedroom. Yunho watched with amusement as you disappeared from the frame. Following his request, you made your way to the front door of your apartment. What did he do?
There was no knock at the door to indicate someone was there. However, you trusted Yunho. You slowly opened the door, confirming there was nobody standing behind there. Instead, there was a bouquet of flowers on your doormat. You gasped softly to see it wa a rather large bouquet, much larger than the ones you pick up from Trader Joe's.
You bent over to take the glass vase into two hands. There was a yellow bow wrapped around it. You also noticed that there was a card sticking in between the flowers. With one arm securing the vase, you flipped the card over.
"Happy birthday, my angel. Hopefully these make up for me being away."
Your heart fluttered at the sentiment. How did you get so fortunate? Wanting to hurry back to Yunho, you returned to the inside of your apartment. Both of your hands held the vase, so you closed the door with your foot. You began to make your way back to your bedroom where he awaited for you.
"Yunho, I love-" but you froze. Instead of his face on the monitor, you were met with your laptop background. You frowned a bit, assuming that maybe the connection got disrupted.
He'll call you back. He always did when this happened.
For now, you walked over to your windowsill. You placed the vase there, so it could get the necessary sunlight. He knew just the ways to make you smile, even when he is thousands of miles away. You pulled your phone out to snap a photo of it, with the card showing.
August 2023
The conversations between you and Yunho began to become less frequent. It chipped away at your heart when you would go days, sometime a week without hearing from him. Yet, his friends reassured you that he was having a great time back at home.
All of Yunho's friends easily became yours, despite them being on the other side of the world. You then decided to throw a welcome back party for all the boys. You had your own friends enlisted to help with decorations - there were balloons, streamers, and even a cake. You were excited to have some of your favorite people back. But not more excited than you were to have Yunho back.
It was 7:40pm when the boys began to come to the party. Seonghwa and Hongjoong were the first to arrive. Your friends started to trickle in one at a time. After a whole summer without Yunho, you wanted to have a room full of positive energy. San, Yeosang, and Wooyoung arrived next. Then quickly came Jongho.
Each time the door opened, you looked over, hoping to see the man of the hour. Yet, you felt your smile flatten when it wasn't Yunho.
Your friends all giggled at your reactions. They were quick to reassure you that he was on his way. While Yunho's friends all were quick to take your mind off of Yunho's absence.
Mingi was the second to last person to arrive. Mingi was the first person in the friend group to meet. He's known Yunho the longest, so meeting him felt like you were meeting the president. While you and Yunho remained in undefined territory, you wanted to make a great impression. "Y/n!" "Mingi!"
You two approached each other, wrapping each other in a hug. You laughed as Mingi began rocking you back and forth. He definitely became like a big brother to you, often using your drastic height difference as a great point for laughter. "What's up, short stuff?" "Nothing much, Mingi. How's the weather up there?"
Before he could respond, there was knocking at the door. Your heart skipped a beat. Yunho. Mingi glanced at the door before looking at you. His hands were placed on your forearms, keeping you still rather than running towards the door like you wanted to rush to the door. "Wait, y/n. There's something I need to tell you." "Mingi, come on. Can't it wait?" Your best friend beat you from going to open the door. Your attention on Mingi was lost before you quickly looked over at the door.
You could feel your stomach drop at what was revealed behind the closed front door. There was Yunho. With a girl by his side. Her hand was on his chest which made you physically ill. Yunho was smiling from ear to ear, saying hello to his friends until his eyes landed on you. That's when your smile faded. He looked as if he was about to say something to you but you quickly looked away.
This can't be happening.
"I need to get out of here," you murmured. Getting the hint, Mingi stepped aside, blocking Yunho's view of you. Your eyes looked around your room until you eyed the fire escape by your kitchen window.
With your eyes on the target, you maneuvered yourself through the crowd to the fire escape. The majority of people at the party were in your living room, enjoying the food you laid out and making conversations amongst themselves. You just needed a chance to breathe before returning inside.
You propped open the window, slipping out to climb the steps. You at least climbed until you were out of sight from inside the room. Your eyes were burning slightly, your emotions catching up to you.
"Mingi, where is she?" "Where is who?"
You heard Yunho groan before there was more shuffling of footsteps throughout your apartment. You should have closed the window behind you, but it was too late. You put your hands on your forehead, trying your best to stop crying before the inevitable happened. It didn't take long anyways. "There you are," Yunho sighed. Fuck me for having a tiny apartment. You didn't pick your head up to hear Yunho climb out to join you. "What? You're not going to even look at me?"
Who does he think he is? "You made me promise," you murmured. "Y/n, angel, you gotta at least speak up."
You felt your blood begin to boil now. He doesn't get the right to call you that anymore. Not when he broke your heart. You did pick your head up, your jaw clenched. You stared at him.
He leaned against the iron railing of the fire escape. He looked guilty. He knows what he did. "You made me promise to wait for you. And I held up my end of the bargain." "Angel, I know-" "Don't you dare fucking call me that."
Yunho's eyes opened wide. He has never heard you shout before. Let alone he never thought you would shout at him. He was at a lost for words. "Is that why you stopped our FaceTime calls?"
You watched as he sighed, dropping his head. Your heart dropping and shattering along with him. "Get out." Y/n, please. Let me explain what happened." "I said get out, Yunho!"
Mingi quickly appeared at the sound of you screaming. You didn't even notice that there was a small watch party watching you experience heartbreak from the kitchen. "Come on, mate. Take Ara with you." Yunho glanced between the two of you, even more thrown off as to why Mingi was coming to your defense.
However, Yunho didn't want to make matters worse. He didn't want to further upset you in your own home, but the damage was done. You turned your face to focus on the skyline, not wanting to watch Yunho walk into the art of someone else.
When you noticed Yunho was gone, you groaned loudly before resting your head back in your hands. What were you going to do?
October 2023
You haven't spoken to Yunho in weeks. You constantly had music playing from the speakers in your living room or walked around your apartment with headphones to avoid hearing any and all interactions between Yunho and his girlfriend. You even were contemplating on moving to a new place in the new year, but your financial situation limited you on where you could go.
Since things went radio silent, your conversations with the other boys have also gone quiet. It pained you to lose them as friends, but you couldn't bring yourself to reach out there. Not when Yunho might be brought up.
At the moment, you were reading a book on your couch. You had the music playing in the background as you had connected your iPhone to your wireless speaker, drowning out any noise. At least someone gets a happily every after in the novel. You had a glass of red wine on the coffee table, getting lost in the pages.
You were about to flip the page to your book when the music cut out. Your eyes widened as you feared the worst. No no no. You couldn't afford your phone dying. You were sure you put it on the charger. There was no room for mishaps like this.
However, it wasn't the worst case you imagined. It might have been something worst, definitely unexpected to say the least. You weren't sure how to feel seeing the name flash on your phone screen.
Slowly, you reached over to pick up the phone. You stared at it for the time being. What could he want? Mingi was the last person you thought would reach out to you. Wasn't there a rule under bro code that said not to take your friend's exes, if you could even call yourself that? You weren't sure what you even were to Yunho.
Mingi's name vanished from your phone screen, the music restarting. You let out a sigh, about to sink into your couch to ease your racing heart when he started calling again.
It had to be serious if he was calling you twice. Hesitantly, your thumb hit the green accept button. You held the phone up to your ear.
"Hello? Mingi?" "Long time since I've heard from you," he said cheerfully. "Mind coming to open the door for me?"
What? You glanced the door before standing up. You walked over to the door slowly. Once you were at the peephole of your unit door. There he was, standing as he looked around the hallway with his hand up to his ear, holding the phone.
Slowly, you opened the door and gazed up at Mingi. He noticed the movement and finally looked ahead of him. His smile grew when he saw you for the first time in months. "Hi, y/n," he spoke softly. You could hear his voice from right in front of you and from the speaker. "Hi Mingi. What can I do for you?" You said, unhanging up the phone to address him properly.
For the first time in weeks, you felt genuinely happy. You arm was linked with Mingi's as he guided you to your apartment unit.
While it's been weeks since contact with him, it felt like you guys were picking up right where you left off. Maybe that is why it was so easy to say yes to Mingi when he asked you out for dinner. There was also a special connection between you and Mingi. From the moment you met, the communication between you two has been strong.
Tonight, you got to explore that on a deeper level. Mingi waited patiently in your living room as you got ready. He took you to a restaurant around the corner, which was a bit more upscale than what you were anticipating. You put on a black body con dress, wearing a light leather jacket to go with it.
Mingi looked at you as if you were made our of the stars. You looked enchanting. And since the fallout, you felt just as amazing.
Being the absolute gentleman he is, Mingi walked you to your front door not just of your apartment building but to your unit. Part of you was contemplating about inviting him inside for a nigh cap, but you really appreciated where things were between the two of you. It felt like Mingi just walked back into your life, and you didn't want to risk losing him again. "Mingi, I cannot thank you enough for this evening," you smiled.
He looked over at you as he led you up the staircase. "It really was long overdue, sweet girl. I've been meaning to do this for a while, but I didn't want to overstep," he confessed. You felt your cheeks get hot at his confessional, looking down as you watched your feet move up the steps. Mingi laughed lightly in response, leaning over to kiss your cheek.
You two soon arrived at your front door. Biting your lip gently, you stood in front of him yet you couldn't bring yourself to detach yourself from him. And deep down, Mingi didn't want you to eat go either.
"So, I gotta ask," you began. "What was this? I mean, was this two friends getting reacquainted with each other or..?" "Or something more?"
Mingi wrapped one arm around you, pulling you in closer. You blushed even harder, a hand going to rest on his chest. Your heart was pounding even after. You were convinced that Mingi could feel it. He opened his mouth to speak but froze when he saw movement behind you. You raised an eyebrow and dared to look over your shoulder, wanting to see what stole your date's attention.
You felt your throat suddenly get dry.
There was Yunho. He was holding a bag of groceries, standing at the top of the steps that led to your respective units. He was staring at the two of you, eyes flickering back and forth. There was no way he just caught his best friend and his old crush together? It was the way you were dressed up for Mingi that rubbed Yunho the wrong way. Was this a date?
Mingi didn't say anything to Yunho. He quickly looked back down at you, offering a gentle smile. His hand on your lower back moved to your hip, squeezing it reassuringly. "How about I'll give you a call when I get home?" He whispered.
You simply nodded. You weren't sure how to even respond. Mingi kept a smile, an attempt to ease your worries. He murmured a goodnight before kissing your cheek lingeringly. Your fingertips grazed his body as he maneuvered around you to head home.
You turned around, to watch him leave. There was no Yunho. Did you imagine the whole thing? You stood there for a moment, trying to wrap your mind around what happened.
Yunho, on the other hand, was in his apartment. He stood with his back against the closed front door, staring ahead of himself. He too was trying to wrap his mind around what he just witnessed.
November 2023
The sound of a door slamming caused you to jolt. It shook your walls a bit. "What the hell?" You murmured. You heard the sound of another door, maybe the same, opening again, realizing it was coming from next door. Yunho.
"You haven't even told me you love me in the past 5 months that we've been dating," Ara screamed.
You shouldn't be eavesdropping, you know you really shouldn't. However, the events unfolding peaked your interest. With having blocked out Yunho pretty much from your life, you had no updates on the relationship or anything about him.
"Maybe because I don't! Have you ever thought about that? That maybe I've been trying to find ways to love you or get myself to love you but I can't be in love with you?!"
Your jaw fell open. Not the update you were expecting.
"This is because of y/n, isn't it?" Ara voice spoke, but you could tell it was shaky. She was scared of knowing the truth, and secretly, you were too. "Honestly? Yeah." "She's with Mingi now. You're with me, Yunho. Get over her." "I can't. I don't think I ever will because if I can't date you and forget about her, how can I date anyone?"
Before you know it, you heard the sound of the door slamming. This time, you recognized it to be the front door to Yunho's apartment. You were staring up at your ceiling.
Well, this makes things complicated again.
New Years Day - December 31, 2023
Mingi was hosting a New Years Eve party at his place. You were invited, seeing as you and Mingi had rekindled your friendship.
The two of you went on several dates before releasing that there were no feelings between the two of you. You cared deeply for one another, but were more like siblings than anything else. The attention he was giving you on those dates is something that you'll never forget. You were grateful for him helping you get back and your feet. And he was grateful that you passed along his number to your best friend.
"Hey, I'm going to go find Mingi," your best friend announced as you entered the party. "Trying to ensure you'll get your New Years Eve kiss from your new boyfriend?" You teased. She rolled her eyes playfully before giggling. She couldn't even deny herself as she nodded her head, confirming your suspicions. "Are you going to be okay if I go over for a little bit? I know he might show up.."
He. Yunho. Since you overheard their argument last month, you two haven't spoken. He hasn't texted you to meet up, but to be fair, you also haven't texted him. You weren't sure what to make out of the whole situation. While you think you want Yunho back, you remember the pain he caused.
You weren't even sure if him and Ara actually called it quits! The fight sounded ugly. And you knew if you heard those words from your significant other, you would have walked out as well. Yet, people constantly get back together even after the worst of storms. Looking at your best friend, you smiled reassuringly and nodded. "Yeah, I think I'm going to be okay. Just be quick? He can have you at midnight but you're still my date for the evening," you teased.
She laughed and nodded, thanking you and giving you a quick hug before rushing to locate Mingi. You shook your head playfully before going over towards the kitchen island. If there was a chance you were going to encounter Yunho, might as well boost your confidence. Seeing a bottle of white wine, you smiled. Mingi remembered. Bonus points for being a screw top.
"So you switched from red wine to white?"
It was almost as if the universe needed a laugh, a way to really close out your 2023. Setting the bottle down, you turned on your heels to see Yunho behind you. He smiled sheepishly, that smile that made you weak in the knees. For a while, you wanted to slap him for what he had done to you. But even after all this time, you wanted to melt in front of him.
Glancing at the bottle, you shrugged. "I guess I just wanted to try something new."
He was attractive as ever. It wasn't fair that after all this time, he could look at you with that soft gaze and you crumble. You wanted to make him jealous, make him regret not taking a chance on you. However, you were ready to gravel if given the chance.
His eyes remained on you. To him, you radiated brighter than before. It was as if you were made out of stars. You captivated everyone's attention with ease, but he wanted you all to himself. He wanted to make things more concrete, never making you doubt or worry again.
"So um," he said. "Ara and I broke up."
You frowned getting confirm of the news. Of course, this worked out in your benefit, but you still didn't like to hear the news. Any sort of heartache is tough.
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, Yunho. How have you been holding up?" "A lot better than you'd think," he chuckled. "How are things between you and Mingi? Are you guys dating officially now or?"
Your eyes widened slightly. That's right. Last time he saw you, you were about to kiss his best friend after a spontaneous date. You were a bit surprised to hear that Mingi hadn't mentioned anything to him. All you did was motion over to your left side, where Mingi and your best friend were giggling and kissing each other.
Yunho's jaw dropped. You could see his fists clenched but you quickly reached out to rest your hand on his bicep. He relaxed under your touch, gaze softening. He watched them for a moment before it clicked for him that you were touching him. His cheeks reddened, glancing at you before looking down at his feet. "We never got started. I think we were both going on dates because we were missing something," you explained. "Missing something like what?"
He looked at you surprisingly. Yunho's friends always said he was like a golden retriever, but you've never seen it until now. He looked at you like you were holding the golden key to the treasure chest. Literally, you could provide him with the entrance into your world one and for all.
"Missing you," you confessed. "Oh really? How should we fix that?" "Hey, you two, midnight is still 15 minutes away!"
The sound of laughter filled the room as eyes went from you and Yunho to Mingi, who just got smacked upside the head by your best friend. It became painfully apparent where you two were. You were standing by all the alcohol at the party, a high traffic area.
"Wanna get out of here?"
You nodded your head, smiling at Yunho. He smiled back at you before grabbing the red wine, the bottle you genuinely liked. To assist, you grabbed two red solo cups. Mingi couldn't trust anyone or himself with glass. With Yunho's free hand, he grabbed your hand and began leading you out of Mingi's unit to the door to the rooftop.
"After you," Yunho gestured, as he pushed open the door with his shoulder.
You smiled appreciatively as you stepped out onto the ledge. A shiver, both from the chilly air of late December to the excitement of New Year's Day. It was always your favorite time of year. Your eyes moved around as you took in the sights of the city from this vantage point.
Yunho made sure you got to the rooftop safely. Setting down the wine bottle for a second, he grabbed one of the bricks to prop the door slightly, not wanting to get the two of you locked out. But boy, would it create a memory for the two of you. Picking up the bottle again, he rejoined you. "This is absolutely beautiful," you stated.
Watching you, he smiled. You wore a smile on your lips as your eyes, he swore, literally sparkled. He wasn't sure if it was from the decorative lights around the city or your pure excitement, but he liked to believe that he had something to do with it. The wind pushed your hair around, revealing your face. "Yeah, the best view," he whispered.
Slowly, he walked up to you. Noticing you were still holding the two solo cups, he took them for you. You watched, thinking he was going to pour a glass for you for midnight as a cheers.
Instead, he stacked the two cups before putting them down on the top of the wine bottle. Maybe he wanted to open the bottle right up at midnight?
Still full of surprises, Yunho took both of your hands in his instead. His thumbs ran over your knuckles. He took a step close to you, closing in on the space that divided you two.
"I think we've spent too much time apart, don't you think, angel?" That nickname. It stirred mixed emotions from you. The last time you heard that nickname, he was smashing your heart into a million pieces that you didn't think could be put back together. Yet, hearing him call you that was like hearing your favorite song from your childhood. He was the only one that called you that. He was the only one who will ever call you that. "I know I fucked up this year. I fucked up so bad," he began. "And I know we have a long road ahead where you could let me into your life again. I don't want to just be the boy next door anymore. I want to be yours. I want to show you that I can take care of your heart, your wellbeing like I should've done this entire time."
No way this was actually happening.
From instead the apartment and around the neighborhood outside, you heard people begin to count down.
"I can't go back in time and erase what I did."
"Y/n, I will do whatever it takes to win your trust back. We can take things are you pace," he vowed
All you could do was smile at Yunho. He was trying to get all the words out that he could. You could see the panic in his eyes that he might end up saying the wrong thing. He was too adorable
You took a step into him, dropping your hands so they were at your sides. Still holding his hand. Your fingers slipped in between his, which cut him off from speak. Your heart was racing as you gazed up into his eyes. Both of our faces moving towards each other.
You decided to step up on your tiptoes. He smirked lightly, always loving how much shorter you were than him.
A chorus of "Happy New Year!" echoed from inside the house. You could hear it from other people who gathered on their rooftops and from the street below. Fireworks went off around you, signaling the start of 2024.
"Happy New Year, Yunho," you whispered. Without wasting anymore time, you tilted your head up to fully press your lips against his. His hands left yours to hold onto your hips, keeping you stable. You weren't the type of person from traditions, but this was one you couldn't pass by.
You always learned from your past and took those life lessons into the new year. And it seemed like Yunho was ready to do the same.
He squeezed your hips affectionately, smiling against your lips. You couldn't fight off the smile on your lips as well. His lips chased after yours slowly, wanting to savor this moment but also to show you through his actions that his words carried weight with them. He wanted you to know everything was genuine.
2024 was a new year, a new chapter for you and Jeong Yunho.
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christinesficrecs · 11 months
do you have any fic recs for season 3a? i’ve been rewatching and i really like the storyline 🥹
Well, Post-3B is my jam but try these ones. 🩷
Don’t Speak by fatale | 68.9K 
The Alpha pack has systematically attacked Stiles and his friends for months, testing their strengths and weaknesses. When one of the Alphas goes after Stiles, he awakens in the hospital and realizes that something’s wrong. Very wrong. All sounds seem to hurt him, he can’t understand what anyone is saying, and when he tries to speak, it’s gibberish. How is he supposed to deal with the fact that he’s lost the ability to communicate with his dad and his friends?
Without his ability to talk, his sarcasm, and his wit, what does Stiles even have left? Enter Derek, the only one who seems to make it better.
Thunderstorms & Polish Lullabies by Whispering_Samir | 10K
The one where Stiles time-travels just in time to save Boyd and Derek from the Alphas, and manages to heal everyone, including himself, just a little in the process.
There’s Monsters at Home by calrissian18 | 83,575
How did you get past the wards?” Derek had put them up, with Peter’s grudging assistance, after the Alpha pack had made themselves at home a few times too many.
The guy pulled a face. “You mean the wards a five-year-old girl with the mental ability of a goldfish could deconstruct?” He blinked wide eyes at Derek. “Gee, I don’t know. It’s bound to go down as one of life’s great mysteries.
Derek despised him.
Forging Bonds by  mikkimouse | 27.5K
The loft was flooded, the water shimmering in the moonlight streaking through the huge windows. The twins held Derek on his knees, with his arms extended and claws out. Kali had Boyd, and she was dragging him toward Derek, and—
Stiles aimed at the twin closest to him and threw the Molotov cocktail as hard as he could.
Bake to Remember, Eat to Forget by  butyoureyessaidyes | 125.2K
The one where Stiles runs his own bakery, never locks the front door, and doesn’t know he’s part of a werewolf pack (until he does).
The Nightmare of my Choice by mirrorkill | 106.2K | Mature
Rogue werewolves and incubi and ghosts, oh my!: Life in Beacon Hills continues to be the epitome of weird.
Especially for emissary-in-training Stiles, who's being literally haunted by a parade of Beacon Hills' deceased, who are trying to compel him to embrace the darkness in his heart. His only source of comfort is when he's writing to an emotionally constipated Beta werewolf. When Derek Hale is your anchor to sanity? Yeah, weird might be an underestimation.
Stiles is well suited to the path of an emissary; in fact, something important about him has already been overlooked. Something that could have deadly consequences both for him, and for everyone else...
Wanted by Asterekmess (Livinginfictions) | 88K | Mature
With the Hale pack finally settled and safe, it only makes sense that something would happen to screw it all up. To top it all off, Stiles has to pretend to be Derek's mate, or face a pack of angry Alphas. He's doomed.
In this Darkness (It's You I Hear) by Kedreeva | 9.9K | Mature
Deucalion bites Stiles on the way out of town, and Derek finds him in an unexpected condition....
here is the deepest secret nobody knows by owlpostagain | 22.3K
“Derek,” Stiles groans. “You have me. You’ve always had me, you absolute moron, how many physically impossible feats of life-saving heroics do I have to perform before you get it?”
Where You Go To Rest Your Bones by allyasavedtheday | 6.4K
Derek feels him take a deep, shuddering breath and then Stiles disentangles himself – though he stays within the circle of Derek’s arms. “I missed you.” he whispers, looking at Derek like he’s expecting to be kicked out at any moment.
You're stronger than you know by Littleredridinghunter | 234.1K
Set at the end of season 2, Stiles survives his encounter with Gerard and his goons, but it isn't easy.
The pack are letting him down again, his dad is not speaking to him, his life is just generally falling apart.
Until he has to get a bronze dagger to kill a siren and his whole world gets flipped on it's head!
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ae-cha08 · 3 months
The danger we face during seasons of trial is blaming God for our pain and misfortune, complaining repeatedly, and becoming so shortsighted that we miss the big picture of His sovereignty. In these moments, we must remember the promises which Scripture declares.
"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. For I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior" (Isaiah 43:2-3a).
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buckybarnesss · 10 months
How do you think what Stiles went though in the season 2 finale and what Scott did affect them throughout the series afterwards? Obviously, it played some into their later season 5 break up, but before that?
Do you think they had an off screen discussion or was it just pushed to the side and not talked about?
You know, I think I've talked about this a bit before somewhere but not fully. I'll probably have more to say once I get around to 5A in my rewatch lol. Theo really chaps my ass in Season 5, okay.
The Season 5 Scott and Stiles divorce isn't my favorite Teen Wolf moment. Not because it didn't have any basis -- it did. It very much did! -- but because I didn't care for how it was written.
See, the thing about Scott and Stiles is they don't discuss things. Not really. Much of their relationship is built by mutual understanding. The Scott -n- Stiles relationship is informed by their mutual childhood pain.
So instead they paper over issues and traumas and assume they're on the same page. It's done out of good intentions but the road to hell and all.
I am of the opinion that they actually didn't discuss anything. At least not much more than we saw at the end where they're practicing lacrosse.
See, here's a thing about how I analyze the show. I tend to think of season 1 and 2 as one arc of the show.
That arc closes out with them not talking about the events very much. It's all too much and too little at the same time. They do not talk about the plan with Gerard and how Stiles was cut out of the loop, not what happened with Jackson and Lydia, not Derek, not Erica and Boyd, not Allison and definitely not Gerard harming Stiles.
I even go as far as to say Scott wasn't made aware of what actually happened with Boyd and Erica AND that it was a conscious decision on Stiles, Derek and Allison's parts to not tell Scott at all for different reasons.
Season 3 is the consequences of them not communicating properly in the past seasons. It makes them ill prepared for the threat of the Alpha Pack.
I feel like it's easily missed in Tattoo just how they're all not talking to each other and have divided themselves. 3A picks up four months after the end of season 2 and the audience is filled in that Allison has just returned from France, Lydia's been trying to get over Jackson, Scott's been working on himself and doing PSAT studying but meanwhile Derek and Isaac have been looking for Erica and Boyd. It's heavily implied that Stiles has been helping Derek without Scott's knowledge.
But like Scott and Stiles not talking about things? It continues. They don't talk about Allison's death, they don't talk about the Nogitsune possession, they don't talk about how Stiles warned Scott about Peter and Theo, they don't talk about Derek leaving, or Rafael or Claudia or the Sheriff or Melissa --- and it just all piles up into this rift that Theo easily takes advantage of. He preys on each of their fears and the whole thing crumbles under them.
The only way forward was for Stiles and Scott to learn how to fucking talk to each other as adults rather than the non-communication of two hurt children.
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My third house stellium supports my abilities to power through conversations with unlimited questions. Gemini placements should adore this post.
I grant you all, with a severely unique list of questions to ask someone you’re trying to connect with. Ranging from things to ask to lean into someone you knows depths, to making the time flow by with a newer person.
Ask yourself and the people in your life more questions! Connect more and further into eachother!
1). What’s your favorite compliment you’ve ever received?
2). Who has made you feel the most seen in your lifetime? Describe the moment you knew they saw you for who you truly are.
3). What is a character trait that you would like to embody more?
3a). Ex: I know I can be free spirited and I’d like to let go of my anxiety even more to feel closer to that part of myself.
4). Name a celebrity you would want to have a one on one conversation with for three hours. What would be the main topic of conversation?
5). How do you feel towards death?
6). Whats your biggest nonphysical insecurity? What does this restrict you from?
7). You get to chose between these frozen treats for the rest of your life: ice cream, froyo, popsicles, or custard. Which one are you keeping?
8). If you could only listen to three musicians for the rest of your life, who would you pick?
9). Who was the last person you cried in front of? When’s the last time you had a healing cry?
10). Does your favorite season happen to correlate with your birth season? What’s your favorite part about each season?
11). What’s the best thing to eat while under the influence? Best thing to eat in general?
12). Who is someone you miss right now? What do you miss doing with them? What’s your favorite quality within them?
13). What’s your phone background? Do you follow a pattern with what you make it as?
14). Delete one off your phone: snapchat or Instagram. Which is taking the exit?
15). Do you have any ghost or psychic related experiences?
16). What would you order from Starbucks if it was all getting paid for you?
17). What’s the most money you’ve ever found on the ground? Lottery or scratch off win?
18). Would you pick a luxurious camping excursion over a luxury filled beach trip?
19). Did you believe in Santa, the Easter bunny, or tooth fairy growing up? Any interesting stories relating to those characters? If you have children will you relay similar stories and traditions onto them?
20). Have you been given any nicknames? Do you prefer any of them over your real name?
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captain-hen · 7 months
I think a lot of people miss that Bobby didn't permanently ban Buck from coming back. Bobby even told Buck in that same episode that Buck still had a place at the 118 when he was ready, but a lot of this fandom acts like Bobby told Buck he was never allowed to return to the 118 again and that he was the one keeping Buck away forever. The implication was that once Buck got off the blood thinners, he would be reconsidered. It's just that Buck, thanks to his persistent abandonment issues, took it as a complete rejection of him as a person rather than an objective evaluation of his temporary physical state. And fandom would rather side with Buck's biased view on the issue, which he later admitted was wrong, instead of looking at the situation as a whole :/
Also we saw in season 5 that Eddie received the same exact treatment, that Bobby thought he was unfit for duty and that he wasn't going to allow him to come back until he addressed his mental health issues. It's not like Buck was being uniquely "discriminated" against or singled out and I hate that even as we're approaching the show's 7th season, people are still fixating on this 😭
^^^ yeah this is all very well put, and i'd also like to add that this is an example of the fandom assuming malice where there was none. all of bobby's actions during 3A came from a place of love—even if he was misguided in not being honest with buck—and those were just bobby's actions, btw! the rest of the 118 had nothing to do with it, and they had every right to be pissed that they were dragged into it and their traumas were aired in public! (imagine being eddie diaz and having your wife's recent, tragic and untimely death being brought up as a gotcha moment. i'd be livid too)
and moreover, if you want an example of characters who were actually discriminated against in the workforce, hen and chimney are right there. buck is literally one of the most privileged characters on the show who has gotten away with so much bullshit on the job that no other character (except maybe bobby) could have gotten away with. acting like he's the most oppressed character on the show...sure is tone-deaf 💀
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okay thoughts please! i’m fully on board with ted going back for Henry (after being a lil bummed), because that’s so clearly his journey, but i also really wish that instead of him going to Kansas, they would have had Henry and Michelle come to Ted. i think it would fit with the idea that part of Ted’s growth journey has been about asking for what he needs from people and prioritising his own wants and needs, and with a huge support network for Henry and Ted and Michelle, and Henry loving it there and loving the team and stuff, i think it could have worked. but obviously i always wanna know your thoughts!
*cracks knuckles* alright, let's go lol
One of the ways I read the final season - a story thread that I don't see anyone else talking about - is that on top of missing Henry specifically, Ted is homesick.
Ted starts the season questioning why they're still in England. He spends most of the season directionless and floundering, and, up until "Sunflowers", contributes very, very little to how well the team is performing other than encouraging them. The ONLY thing that makes the team successful in 3a - before the "Sunflowers" Total Football breakthrough - is Zava, and Zava wasn't Ted's idea. He wasn't even responsible for GETTING Zava, Rebecca was. And he has absolutely no control over what Zava does.
Ted's creativity led to Richmond almost winning the final match in s1, a huge achievement for where they started. The skilled team of coaches he brought together by pushing Roy and Nate leads to them getting promoted in s2. But in s3, Ted is no longer the driving force in the team's success.
Not, at least, until "Sunflowers" - the episode I think best highlights Ted's longing for home.
Towards the start of the episode, Ted says he wants to eat at an American restaurant, because he wants a taste of home, and Beard vetoes it. After, they go their separate ways for the night. And that divide there is honestly is what made me start thinking "oh, Ted is going to home to America, Beard is going to stay."
Ted spends the rest of the episode alone, seeking out things that remind him of home. The Van Gogh painting he's captivated by is "Sunflowers" (notably the episode's title) and when he talks about it, the very first thing he says is, "Where I'm from, Kansas, this here is our state flower."
The reason Ted is staring at the painting, the reason he is so moved by it, is because it reminds him of home. (We see the sunflower thread come up in "Mom City" too, when we find out that sunflower bread is Ted's favorite.)
Afterwards, he goes to the American restaurant, and it is only HERE, surrounded by things that remind him of home, watching a game that reminds him of his father, that he FINALLY finds his creativity and his inspiration again and thinks of Total Football, the very first idea Ted comes up with in s3 that has any real affect on the team.
(Also, there's the moment with the BBQ sauce - of all the ones the waitress could have brought, she brings the brand that Ted said gives him a taste of home all the way back in s1.)
I've seen a lot of people argue that Ted only decided to go home in "Mom City" because Dottie guilt tripped him, but I think that idea has been in the back of Ted's mind since "Sunflowers", but two big things were holding him back: wanting to finish out the season and try to win it, AND the genuine fear he feels about going back and addressing his relationship with his son.
By the time we get to the finale, both of those things have been addressed.
The season is almost over and Ted finally admitted - to his mother and himself - what he was still scared of with Henry. What happens with Dottie in "Mom City" doesn't make Ted decide to go home out of nowhere - it lets him get over that last big hump of how his issues with his father were affecting his relationship with his son. He admits that yes, he's scared to get close to Henry. Because Henry is going to leave one day. But that's just what parenthood is - Henry IS going to leave Ted eventually, one way or another. But that fear of people leaving, of things ending, (of, in Ted's mind in some ways, him quitting) can't drive his actions.
Like Ted says all the way back in 2x01, that is in many ways one of the theses of the show: "It's funny the things that come into your life that can make you cry just knowing they existed, can then become the same thing that make you cry, knowing they're now gone. I think those things come into our lives to help us get from one place to a better one."
Ted went to England in the first place because he was running. He left because he was giving Michelle space because of the issues in their marriage. And he stayed away because some part of him was scared to go back and be a father. And being in England let Ted work through so much.
He tells Rebecca in s1, "This job you gave me saved my life. It gave me the space to see what was really happening." But that isn't limited to the issues with Michelle - it's every single issue Ted has, from his inability to express his feelings to his lingering anger and grief over his father to his abandonment issues.
I've seen people arguing that Ted goes back because he feels obligated to for his son, that it's a sacrifice for him, and it means he was still never able to articulate his negative emotions or what he wants, but I strongly disagree. I think that was addressed when Ted was FINALLY able to honestly tell Michell and later his mother how angry he was with them, how much they've hurt him, and how much he doesn't like certain things they're doing or have done to him.
Also, I find it very interesting that despite all the alternative ideas Rebecca gives him in the finale, Ted never says anything. It is noticeably one of the ONLY scenes in this show were Ted just sits there quietly. It's not that Ted doesn't want to tell Rebecca how he really feels, because they have the kind of friendship that lets them be honest with each other, it's that both Rebecca and Ted know he's made up his mind and is at peace with his decision - he doesn't need to say anything.
To me, it's not enough that Henry comes to England, Ted wants to go home. The decision is as much for him as it is for his son. He's no longer needed at Richmond - he changed all of it for the better, but now Roy is able to step up where needed without prodding, and the team is able to support each other, reach out to each other, and forgive each other without Ted meddling.
Ted came in and made Richmond better. But Richmond came into Ted's life and made him better too, and helped him go back home in such a better place than he was when he left.
As for Henry moving to England:
Part of it is that just because Henry likes England, I don't think it's realistic or necessarily the best decision for him to just uproot his life and Michelle's - it's weird how people argue Ted didn't do what was best for him, but never consider whether asking Henry and Michelle to move would be good for them. (Obviously we don't know; it's not addressed.)
The thing is - there's is no possible 100% Happy Ending that doesn't involve someone saying goodbye to someone.
If Ted stays, his son has to feel abandoned by his father the way Ted did and that cycle continues. If Henry goes to England, then what happens with Michelle? Does she go? Doesn't she have friends and family in America? Does Henry just say goodbye to his mom instead? And if Ted leaves, then yeah, he says goodbye to Richmond.
But that's life. Life pulls people in different directions and when seasons end, you say goodbye to places and people that you LOVE.
It IS sad. It's an ending. It's a goodbye. But it in no way means that Ted isn't going to find a new community in America or that Ted has severed his relationships with the people of Richmond forever. You can move away from people and still keep in touch with them.
Also to me one of the reasons Ted saying goodbye is so thematically perfect, is that WE'RE saying goodbye to the show. The bittersweet feeling Ted and Richmond feel about him leaving is exactly how we feel about the show ending. And that's kind of perfect.
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hughjidiot · 1 year
Hey, did you know that the reason that Anne doesn’t show emotion towards all the stuff that happened in true colors in season 3b is because Matt had to compartmentalize stuff like that all the time when he grew up in Thailand, and he wanted to show that in Anne? (feel free to correct me on any of this btw, these are only faint memories and I’m honestly just hoping you saw the post that talked about this stuff too)
Yeah I've heard of that. Don't think I've given my thoughts on it though, so I guess now is as good a time as any.
I'll be perfectly honest: this still doesn't change my opinion that Anne not showing any emotions over the events of True Colors is one of the worst parts of season 3A.
Even if she was repressing her emotions, they still needed to show us evidence that she was repressing because animation is a visual medium. What ever goes on inside of a character's head doesn't mean jack shit. What matters is what we as the audience are shown. Something like that works much better in a book, like say Marcy's Journal: in Anne's section we get to delve into her thoughts and see her turmoil over what happened because she's telling us directly. In just the show itself though none of that is present because aside from the end of Froggy Little Christmas, we don't see any indication that Anne is thinking about her friends at all.
Not to sound like a broken record, but if they wanted to show that Anne was repressing her feelings I think they could've shown that by sprinkling more moments like the end of FLC throughout 3A. We see background details that reference Sasha and Marcy, like their initials in Anne's bedpost and Sasha's graffiti tags. By simply showing Anne noticing these details and reacting to them, like looking sad and quickly turning away, that would've been a subtle but effective way of showing that Anne does miss and is worried about her friends, without having to go into detail about it or even reference the events of True Colors at all.
So yeah, even if Matt was trying to do a cultural thing it still doesn't absolve Amphibia season 3A of its poor storytelling, at least in my view.
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tuiyla · 2 years
What’s your favorite seasons for Santana, Brittany, Quinn, Rachel, Tina and Mercedes?
Ohh this is such a fun question! Thank you Anon xx There's such an urge to choose a different one for each because six seasons six girlies but I shan't. At least not with that intention.
Brittany - Season 6
Starting with her because it's sooooo easy to choose. Gosh, how I wish we could have had season 6 Brittany for longer. If only she could have always been here, blessing us with her confidence. I cannot overstate how much this is my favourite version of Brittany. I also think it's a good albeit brief season for her plot-wise, and though I hear the criticism that she set Santana up for failure by pulling that Alma shit, she meant well and goddam did she do it in a fun way. Don't tell me the Brittany who tells Santana's homophobic grandma that sex with her granddaughter is great isn't the best version of herself.
Tina - Season 5
It was that or season 4. Listen, listen, I know a lot of people prefer her in the earlier seasons but they're wrong because diva Tina who has stuff to do is superior. It felt like season 5 finally allowed her to not only be part of the club but honestly be the de facto female lead. And it's a bummer that she's but a guest star in season 5B but season 5A has some of her very best vocal moments and is generally when I think she gets her dues. There's Tina in the Sky With Diamonds, of course, but even beyond that. Frenemies, Trio! The girl is actually getting plot! So yeah I guess you could argue for season 4 but iirc she sings the most this season and is still sort of the butt of the joke but it feels less disrespectful because she is actually being featured. She's beloved.
Santana - Season 4
I swear I'm not doing the season countdown thing on purpose. Obviously I love Santana in every season and I'm a firm believer that if you don't love her at her season 3A you don't deserve her at her season 4. And I reject the notion that she peaked in season 4 in that she didn't continue to be beautiful breathtaking brilliant never been done before afterward. But with all that you don't love my fave like I do talk aside, yeah season 4 is probably my favourite for Santana. Ironic because she actually misses a lot of episodes but she just has such an Arc and goes through such a journey. I love how lost she feels and how vulnerable she is after the breakup and how hard she tries to be a good friend but how much she sucks at acting like a normal person. The writers should have gotten her to New York sooner and my god do I have other notes for improvement in terms of writing but Santana herself? Beautiful perfect baby girl. She goes through your bags and drawers and hugs and holds you while you cry. Season 2 is also a contender.
Mercedes - Season 3
Oh poor Mercedes gets such a chaotic season. Unfortunately I don't think she has a standout season because she never gets enough of a story but season 3 feels the closest to having an arc. There's a bit there in season 1 but it's lowkey and in B plots, and season 2 similarly feels like they mostly forget she's there. Now I very much do not appreciate the way season 3A frames her because season 3A SUCKS but she gets to take a stand and shine. She gets shit done, stands by her principles and herself, gets The Troubletones going, demands the respect she deserves. And then season 3B sees the love triangle thing with Sam which I'm not a huge fan of but it does give Mercedes character drama and even then she stays so principled. She ultimately gets many happy moments and her stardom gets kicked off. So yeah I just love to see her stand up for herself and work towards her goals while also not being left out of the romance drama, which on Glee equals screentime.
Quinn - Season 2 I guess
I simply refuse to consider season 1 her best. I think people who only like Quinn in that season must not like Quinn very much at all because she's constantly decentered during her own pregnancy and has so little agency in it all. It also feels, just, sadistic to say all that horrible shit happening to her was the best. Then again horrible things always do be happening when she's around. And I think my latest Quinn ask was exactly about the messiness of season 2 so clearly this season isn't perfect, either. But she has stuff to do, you know? It's fascinating to see her completely reject the pregnancy. She refuses to be the teen mom people want to perceive her as. She clings desperately to a sense of normalcy, nay, superiority, and it leads to tensions with Santana and a messy dating life and Quinn ultimately crumbling at the end of the season. So, you know, still sad shit, but my god at least it's not You're Having My Baby. My other choice would be season 4 but she's in the grand total of two and a half episodes and I just happen to project a lot into it.
Damn it's really hard to choose for Rachel. I'm going to sound like such a hypocrite because I explicitly said I won't just do the girl-a-season thing but here goes:
Rachel - Season 1
Like with Santana, I would once again like to note that if you don't love Rachel at her season 5 maybe you don't deserve her at her season 1. And I do really like season 6 for her, for example, but it's been so long since I've seen that season that it wouldn't feel right to say it's my fav for her. Season 1 Rachel is just such a delight. Again, I think there's good in her (and for her) in every season and it feels too mainstream to say season 1 but goddam. It's the popular answer for a reason. Rachel is so earnest and so over the top and so hilarious. But then she has these come-down-to-earth moments and especially when Shelby the devil comes around we see how she's just a lonely girl desperate for love. She's so so precious I just wanna wrap her in a blanket. And I hugely dislike the Finchel stuff but unfortunately, that is what it is. Lots of other great moments.
Again great question, hopefully good answers too.
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Christmas Reruns 2023 Day 28: New York Christmas Serenade (1/4)
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Merry Christmas if you celebrate it and happy holidays if you don’t!  One of the things I love about Christmas is watching reruns of all the old classic Christmas movies–Christmas is a big time for nostalgia.  A few years ago, I decided to incorporate that tradition into my fandom life and post my CS holiday reruns.  So here you go!  Enough holiday (mostly) fluff to get you to New Year’s Day. (With a new story posting on Christmas Day.)
Rating: G
Word Count: 1346
Other chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32
Written in 2016, this CS canon divergence is a re-imagining of what New York City Serenade might have looked like if Killian had found Emma’s NY apartment just before Christmas. Can the magic of the season help Killian bring back Emma’s and Henry’s memories?
CS Genre: Canon Divergence (missing year between 3a and 3b)
A/N:  I don’t really know what time of year it was when Killian showed up at Emma’s New York apartment door, but for the sake of this canon divergence, I’m saying he showed up the day before Christmas Eve.
Emma shouldn’t complain; she really shouldn’t.  She had a job she loved, she had a roof over her head (a really nice roof at that), plenty of food to eat, a son she loved more than she thought it was possible to love another person, and it was the day before Christmas Eve.  She should be perfectly happy.
But she couldn’t help but think something was missing.
At first she thought she was just dealing with the inevitable melancholy that comes after the breakup of a longtime (well…longtime for her.  When you’re used to one night stands, having a boyfriend for eight months seems like an eternity) relationship, but that wasn’t quite it.  Honestly?  She’d barely even thought about Walsh since she broke up with him just before Halloween.  He’d been okay she guessed, but…well, there was no spark there.
No, it was more than breakup blues.  It felt more like loneliness. She glanced over her shoulder at Henry who sat at the breakfast table garnishing their mugs of hot cocoa with both cinnamon and little mini candy canes (in honor of the season), and the guilt hit.  She loved Henry, of course she did, but she couldn’t help but feel like someone…maybe several someones…were missing.
Emma had just passed a plate of chocolate chip pancakes to an excited Henry when the knock came at her apartment door.  That was…odd.
“We expecting someone?” Henry asked, already beginning to dig into his breakfast.
“No,” she said, her brow furrowed.  “Just…stay here kid while I see what this is all about.”
Emma didn’t know what she expected to see when she opened her door, but a pirate in full black leather and guyliner wasn’t it.  Nor did she expect the look of utter joy—like she’d just given him the best Christmas gift in the world—that crossed his face at the sight of her.
“Swan,” he breathed, blue eyes lighting up.  “At last.”
The pirate stepped forward, looking like he was about to embrace her.  For a moment, her mind went blank.  There was something familiar about this man, although she was pretty sure she’d remember meeting him before.  Aside from his odd choice of clothing, he was hot.  Not just kind of hot.  Like burn-all-of-New-York-to-the-ground hot.
For half a second, she almost let him envelope her in a hug, and then common sense returned.  Emma Swan did not just stand there and let crazy guys touch her.  She put a hand to his chest, warding him off.  “Do I know you?” she asked in a voice she determinedly made hard and unyielding.
“I’m…an old friend,” he said.  He wasn’t being entirely truthful, though he wasn’t lying either…not exactly.  What was going on here? 
“Look, Swan,” he said urgently, taking a tiny step forward once more, “I know you don’t remember me, but I need you to trust me.  Your family is in great danger.  They need you; they need the savior.”
“Look buddy,” Emma said, “I don’t know who you are or what kind of delusions you have, but my whole family is right there at that breakfast table.  My son is the only one who needs me.”
“You simply don’t remember, love,” he began, “I can help you…”
“It’s time for you to go,” she said, giving a little push to his chest until he’d crossed her threshold, “go peddle your crazy to someone else.”
With that she shut the door in his protesting face.
“Who was that?” Henry asked around a bite of pancake.
“No idea,” Emma said.
“Really?” Henry asked.  “Are you sure?  It’s just…something about him seems really familiar.”
“Must be a coincidence,” Emma said with a shrug as she sat down to her breakfast.  “But enough about psychos who show up at our door.  Let’s talk about the weekend!  We’ve got a lot of Christmas-ing to fit into the next three days that I have off.  What do you want to do first?”
Emma tried to forget the handsome pirate, she truly did.  She tried to forget him as she and Henry went ice skating.  She tried to forget him as they rolled out Christmas cookies and cut them into festive shapes.  She tried to forget him while Henry played his video game and she covertly wrapped his presents.  She tried to forget him when she and Henry sat down to watch Elf that night.  She tried to forget him as she lay in her big, lonely bed.
But somehow mystery pirate man wouldn’t leave her thoughts no matter what she did.  When she woke up on Christmas Eve morning after having a weird dream where she and the pirate guy were in this weird jungle place and she kissed the living daylights out of him, she gave up.  Clearly she was going to get no peace until she found him again and heard him out, found out what the hell he’d meant by “your family needs you”.
As luck would have it, Emma didn’t even need to dig into her bail bonds person bag of tricks to locate her target.  She’d promised Henry she’d take him to the zoo in Central Park that day to see the Christmas festivities. And who should she see sitting on a park bench just outside the zoo’s entrance, but pirate man?
The man got to his feet as soon as she was in sight.  “Emma!” he said in excitement.  “Fancy seeing you here, love.”
“Seriously?” she asked, adding extra briskness to her voice to counteract the way the butterflies had started to swoop in her stomach the moment she saw him.  “You are a stalker.”
“Not at all,” he said.  “It was you who followed me here.  Perhaps you, Swan are the stalker here, aye?”  Turning to her left, the man nodded at her son.  “Henry!  Good to see you!  Enjoying your Christmas holidays?”
Henry gave the man a suspicious glance and then broke into a smile.  “Yeah, it’s been great!  Three full days with mom before she has to go back to work…amazing!  But…do I know you?”
The man ruffled his hair.  “I’d wager not, at least not to your knowledge.  Killian Jones at your service, lad!”
“Cool!  Where’d ya get the pirate costume?”
The man looked down at himself and then shrugged.  “I’ve been wearing this attire for such a long time I don’t recall where I acquired it.”
“So, Killian, would you like to come to our apartment for Christmas Eve tonight?” Henry asked before Emma could stop him.  “We’ll light up the tree and watch Christmas movies and hang our stockings and everything.”
The man…Killian…shot her a questioning glance.  “I don’t wish to impose on your family traditions, lad, but if your mother doesn’t object I’d like nothing in all the realms more than to accept your invitation.”
For long moments, Emma stood in indecision.  Her brain was screaming at her to run away as fast as possible.  People did not invite strange men dressed in crazy attire into their homes—not unless they had a strange desire to be murdered, that is.  But her heart…well, her heart kept (illogically) insisting that not only could she trust this Killian Jones, somehow she actually knew him.
What came out of her mouth surprised even her.  “Sure.  Come by the apartment around 7?”
But really, no one should be alone on Christmas Eve, should they?
Killian’s brows rose almost to his hairline.  Safe to say that was not the answer he was expecting either.  “I shall look forward to it, love.”
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cinematicnomad · 1 year
First Ten Lines Challenge
rules: share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able to and see if there are any patterns!
tagged by @tattooedsiren 🥰🥰
i haven't written anything in fucking FOREVER but here we go:
finding our way (back home) (5/5 | 91k+ | M) buddie; 5.10 canon compliant; slow burn; minor buck/taylor; angst w/ a happy ending
“Hey Eddie,” a voice called out. “Want to grab lunch at that Korean barbecue food truck today?” 
(wow this is a terrible first line. sorry guys.)
lead me back (from the darkness) (1/1 | 16k | T)  buddie; panic attacks; angst w/ a happy ending; getting together; speculation
The suit felt—good, he guessed.
also not great tbh
so far from who i was (1/1 | 1.8k | T) gen; margaret buckley character study; introspection; child death canon compliant
There were moments.
also not grabbing!! wow i'm hating this lol
people find where they belong (1/1 | 3k | T) gen; character study; missing scene; canon compliant; lawsuit fic
Halfway through a run-of-the-mill shift—they'd already made lunch together and gone out on a series of calls across the city—Buck is helping to restock the ambulance when he spots a familiar face walking out of Bobby’s office. 
was this opening line good enough to defend writing a lawsuit fic? probably not.
you could go (home) (1/1 | 1.5k | T) buddie; pre-relationship; hurt eddie diaz; post-eddie begins; missing scene
It’s quiet in the hospital room, the lighting sterile and cold.
i am not jane austen, no truths universally acknowledged here lol
be careful (my darling) (1/1 | 2.5k | M) buddie; car accident; injured evan "buck" buckley; post-s3; getting together
He doesn’t know what to do.
if you can't tell i apparently really like a short random opening line.
fill my head with you (1/1 | 1.1k | T) buddie; pre-relationship; injured evan "buck" buckley; hurt/comfort; soft eddie diaz
Distantly, Buck is aware of a loud noise pulling him from his dreams. 
i guess it sets the scene.
so show me (family) (1/1 | 16k+ | T) buddie; soft eddie diaz; buckley parents pre-s4; getting together
They’re sixteen hours into a twenty-four hour shift and it’s been blessedly quiet. 
i really like it when my opening lines set zero expectations, huh?
take my hand (take my everything) (1/1 | 10k+ | T) buddie; injured evan “buck” buckley; getting together; first kiss
So, it goes like this: They’re on a call at a fourteen-story office building where a small electrical fire had broken out, and before anyone was able to get it contained, it turned into a massive inferno.
i don't totally hate this but i dislike the tense confusion
taste your beating heart (19/19 | 112k+ | M) sterek; canon divergence; spark stiles stilinski; post-season 3A; slow burn
He got the call from Isaac of all people.
i seem to really prefer that in medias res vibe, huh
ANYWAY. that was interesting if a little painful. but i am now tagging: @crazyassmurdererwall, @machtaholic, @woodchoc-magnum, @buttercupbuck, @catdadeddie, @tripleaxeldiaz, @tawaifeddiediaz, @valleydean, and anyone else who wants to do this
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milkywaydrinker · 1 year
(Again, don't hesitate to tell me to stop if it's annoying you; I can always make my own sideblog to rant if I really need to.)
Your point on OK KO compared to Amphibia reminds me... I've never liked the claim that if TOH season 3 had more episodes, people would complain about the earth segment as much as they did Amphibia's. Because there's a very clear difference between the two.
For starters, despite its shortening TOH actually made room to acknowledge the emotional fallout of season 2. We got to see Luz struggle and cope, we saw how the other kids missed their families, there was still moments of legitimate seriousness and acknowledgement for what happened. Luz's repression was treated as an actual problem, and not a convenient excuse for the writers.
I think people would be way less critical of Amphibia 3A's slice of life aspects if it managed to at least acknowledge the darker parts. Before 3A, I absolutely expected the show to go back to some goofy antics because that's just how Amphibia works, and the season 3 intro made that clear; But I expected for the writers to at least transition us into that tonal shift, by giving us an episode for the characters to cope and reflect before they have fun fillers as a much-needed break.
The problem with Amphibia is that there is no transition; 3A picks up mere seconds after True Colors, and the tone has notably been shifted to something jarringly casual without any explanation for that change. There's a joke where Anne shows more emotion towards wi-fi than her closest childhood friend getting stabbed. And in spite of everyone insisting 3B would deliver on the much-needed angst and acknowledgement, Anne magically forgives Sasha for no reason, and continues to show no lack of concern for Marcy (in addition to 3B continuing the goofy antics until the last minute... We did NOT need Sprivy, nor for the lore episode about the prophecy to be taken up by a gross-out sequence).
If TOH's earth segment wasn't compressed, it's clear that we still would've gotten acknowledgement for the characters' trauma and some slice of life. Amphibia has a full third season and can only do the latter. Plus, your point on Ronaldo from SU brings up another difference;
People actually like Luz's friends. People are actually interested in seeing them interact, seeing them adjust to and explore the human world. The human world was a formative experience for Luz and essentially her backstory, whereas with Anne, it's mostly Sasha and Marcy, who are back in Amphibia. Luz's friends are side characters and yet are treated with so much more emotional depth, consistency, and weight than the Plantars; They're much more dynamic.
After the successive trauma of 2B, seeing these kids decompress actually feels earned; People wanted to explore their interactions with each other, various storylines! Luz and Vee being sisters, Hunter getting to be an actual kid after having been a child soldier all his life... Gus' reaction to the human world, given it's such a big deal to his character, or Amity and Willow rebuilding their friendship! The writers would've given us Vee and Hunter acknowledging their tense connection over the Emperor's Coven, that much was confirmed!
We actually wanted and needed to see these kids explore this new situation. But with the Plantars, we've already had two whole seasons of them doing the same old goofy antics, nobody really cared or was hyped up to see their reaction to the human world. At best there was their interactions with Anne's parents, but that part is brief compared to the rest of 3A. We didn't need to see the Plantars go back to being silly, we needed to see them be treated seriously too! And Anne, for that matter. Coming from someone who actually put in the effort to try and analyze and engage with the Plantars and appreciate them, it feels like the writers neglect fleshing them out as well.
TOH's slice-of-life feels earned and with characters people actually want to explore in different situations and interactions. With Amphibia, we finally began to delve into something more serious, only to immediately back out without any narrative nor in-universe transition to this casual tone. The fallacy that "People would also complain about filler if TOH's season 3 wasn't shortened" is always from Amphibia fans who are trying to defend 3A, and are disgruntled seeing their show compared to TOH, acting like it's a mystery TOH is preferred.
I do have some thoughts on this.
I pretty much agree with what you said. Allow me to go on a little tangent:
With how plot-focused most stories need to be right now due to the shifting format of distribution (the binge model and the generally shortened attention span of an average fandom) many people began treating SoL episodes as filler.
Now, what is filler really? I'm an old-school weeb, so that word always had only one meaning. A non-canon arc, something straying from the source material because the adaptation caught up.
In the context of something like Amphibia, Steven Universe, or TOH, it would mean an episode that has no bearing on the plot, something you can skip with no consequences to your understanding of the main storyline. By that logic not all SoL episodes are filler, in fact, if they lead to persistent character development, they can be more important to the story than anything else in the show.
The difference between TOH and Amphibia is mostly the quality of character writing. I joked with my friends that if TOH had a full s3 I would gladly watch a Hooty lore episode. I hard agree with the sentiment that TOH SoL episodes would land. They would allow for better pacing, we would get a proper set up for hard hitting emotional moments, a whole episode of lead up to Hunter getting a haircut, loaded with symbolism and his identity crisis. There's a lot to dig into with those characters because they have enough dimension to them to allow every single one to carry an episode if so desired.
With Anne and the Plantars, there's a very limited amount of things you can reasonably do before it gets old. To prevent it, they would actually have to make character development stick. They would have to build upon the lessons learned from previous episodes, they would have to write characters that Think and Grow. There are moments that show some of that, a genuine flash of something really good. There aren't many of them in s3 though. Static characters can work, many sitcoms have a cast of completely static characters that never really substantially grow or change. At some point you need to bite the bullet though, either you have a plot that hinges on substantial character development of your main cast, or you have a silly goofy "put the guys in a situation" show.
I've heard that Disney in fact meddled with the writing of s3. They had to lighten the tone, which is ridiculous when stuff like The Core still happened with a literal electric chair scene. The tonal whiplash is so severe many people expressed feeling as if they were watching two completely different shows. It's a fatal flaw that left neither side of the fandom satisfied.
Some shows feel like you could watch 10 more seasons of the same thing. I would watch endless spinoffs of TOH. I would watch more Adventure Time and I will watch Fiona and Cake spinoff.
I've had quite enough of Amphibia.
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mysteriesofmarcy · 2 years
(Late) Mystery Monday #32: Amphibia's Motif
So I haven't done a Mystery Monday post in a while. But it's Christmas time! Between my job, decorating the house, baking treats, hosting and visiting my friends and family, shopping for gifts, traveling, etc., I've been super busy and I'm sure you have too. I did want to get this post out though.
Anyway, today I noticed a motif in Amphibia. (For those unaware, a motif is an element of a story that is present in the beginning, the middle, and the end, and sort of ties the story together.)
Now, I could have gone with things like change, responsibility, friendship, family or teamwork, but I felt those are moreso themes than motifs. I'll cover them separately. But for now, we're focusing on the conflict between going home and enjoying the experience while it lasts.
First, the going home part:
The entire series started because Anne didn't go home for her family birthday party because (presumably) Sasha didn't want to go home to her divorced parents, and because Marcy didn't want to be home with her parents about to move.
From the moment Anne first met Sprig, and even before that, she was trying to find a way to get home. This plan, however, is continuously thwarted:
First, in season 1, Anne does not know how the music box works, and she can't even find out because she cannot escape Frog Valley due to the snow blocking the mountain pass.
Then in season 2a, it takes some time for the family to travel to Newtopia. And once they get there, it takes more time for Andrias and Marcy to figure out how to get the music box working again.
By the time the Plantars have to go home after they spent A Day at the Aquarium, Anne isn't ready to leave them and decides to go home with them.
In season 2b, it takes more time to go to the temples and actually recharge the stones.
Then in the season finale, Anne's quest is again thwarted, first by Sasha showing her True Colors, then by Andrias showing his True Colors, and finally another wrench is thrown in by Marcy showing her True Colors.
In season 3a, the roles are reversed: it is Anne who is home and the Plantars who miss theirs. (Especially evident in If You Give a Frog a Cookie)
In season 3b, the goal is again changed: the only way for the Amphibians to go home (or rather, go back to their real homes) is to beat Andrias and stop his draining of their resources and his invasion of earth.
Now on to the "enjoying the experience" part:
At the beginning of the series, Sprig offers to "be [Anne's] friend in the meantime"
In season 1 (especially the first half), Anne goes from hating the Plantar house to loving it and seeing it as a second home, while the family goes from seeing her as just a monster from another world to a member of the family.
In season 1 (especially the second half), Anne goes from hating Wartwood to loving it and seeing it as a second home, while the residents go from being extremely suspicious of her to voting her Frog of the Year.
In Fort in the Road, the kids want to enjoy the journey to Newtopia and have some fun experiences along the way, but Hop Pop wants to get them all there in one piece and feels it is too dangerous to stop.
The whole principle of enjoying the experience while it lasts is particularly present in the Newtopia chapter. Especially right after The Plantars Check In, when some people cough cough Sprig want to enjoy and explore the city while others just want to relax.
Speaking of which, Marcy's entire attitude towards Amphibia is that she wants to enjoy the experience and never wants it to end. (Not unlike a certain other Disney cartoon girl whose name starts with Ma.)
This is why, in their preparations for The Third Temple, Marcy encourages Anne to "live the fantasy" with a new look.
And in several episodes of season 3a, particularly Fight at the Museum and the beginning of Adventures in Catsitting, the Plantars are enjoying being houseguests of the Boonchuys.
This element seems to be mostly absent from season 3b, but the finale provides some enjoyment in everyone's happy ending.
Since it is Christmas time, I will continue to be busy for the rest of the month. The next Mystery Monday post will probably come next year. Topic TBD.
Have a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
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chonidale · 1 year
in level of importance and best content how would you rank rvd seasons for choni? i would say s7 is by far their best but the others are kind of difficult to rank
not sure what you mean by importance, but yes, s7 is by far their best and most consistent in terms for the amount and quality of their content. i think it's much harder to rank the other seasons because there's pros and cons and ups and down to all of them but maybe:
s7: like i said, by far the best, easily the season that's put the most care into their arc. the fact that it's not only their best season, but also the only season where they're the ship getting the best content makes it a no brainer.
s4: i'm counting the original intended last 3 episodes in with this season. obviously the corpse plot left a LOT to be desired, but they were so domestic and cute during it and didn't fight and it showed the strength of their relationship to me, even if they tried to taint it in retrospect. and i think the show did a much better job of still giving them things to do and moments even when they didn't have an ongoing storyline for most of the second half of the season.
s3: i think 3b is probably the strongest half season for choni, other than s7, but 3a is so bad for them that it brings s3 down. the angst was nonsensical but the pay off was good and the farm is probably my favorite of their plots. but again, they just got absolutely nothing to do and only two one-on-one scenes from 301-308, so.
s2: they had such a solid start but then totally fizzled out once they got together. still bitter about all the deleted scenes, though those only went up to 218 anyway, after that they were just straight up ignored. still, obviously a lot of really iconic and important scenes for them and when most of us started shipping them, so i'll put it a little bit above 6.
s6: as much fun as i had with s6, it wasn't that fun to be a choni. but 6x04 and 6x22 are two of the best episodes of the entire series, and certainly two of the best choni episodes, and the canon reincarnated soulmates was integral to salvaging the mess they made of their storyline, so it's a super important season for them. just not one with a lot of good content outside of two episodes.
s5: again, this is only counting the time jump episodes, but by far their worst season (and of the show imo). it started out strong with those first two episodes and then they took a complete 180 and shit all over them, then toni was missing for a million years and then they had two good scenes and t*ngs happened out of absolutely nowhere. just a miserable, miserable time for chonis.
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shadowetienne · 2 years
Japanese Nationals, Women’s event, groups 3&4, so many emotions!
This field! This field is so deep, there’s so much going on!
Yuhana Yokoi (22)
Oh no Yuhana your jumps, where did they go? She seemed happy to be there and performed all through anyhow. Lovely spins for the most part, but the last one was rushed by jump issues.
Rika Kihara (20)
Glad she isn’t pushing the hard content too fast too soon in her injury recovery. Her skating is beautiful, but because of the pared down content, she can’t afford even small jumping errors that were present today. Still great to see her skate, and I hope that the progress she is making elsewhere this season will pay off. I will be interested to see more of what working with Orser does for her.
Yuna Aoki (20)
I love the 3Lz-3Lo combo, and just 3Lo on the end of combos in general, and hers was pretty. I loved her junior days, so it’s lovely to see her here and skating so well. She looked so happy with that, which makes me happy. Lovely program commitment and performance.
Ikura Kushida (15 - Juniors)
Excellent potential from the junior field. Good jumps and skills for where she is, but she’s still definitely working on that musical connection. Excited to see where she is in a few years.
Ami Nakai (14 - Juniors)
She was already one of my favorite juniors this year! What a program that was, everything was there. She had the big elements, but they weren’t just big elements strung together to rack up points. She performed and got all level 4s on her leveled elements. She’s going to be a force to be reckoned with, and she’s already on her way there! I love how interesting her programs are to watch.
Ayumi Shibayama (14 - Juniors)
Great work! She did her best and skated very clean. There’s been a lot of progress in her skating. This music seems like it’s a little too much for her performance ability right now. She did try really hard for it though.
Mana Kawabe (18)
Beautiful skating, but some falls to throw her off. 3A is almost back for her, but not quite. I’m proud of her, but this wasn’t quite her day for the FS.
Saki Miyake (20)
I think this program can be very interesting with great program structure, but she was a little bit all over the place with its execution today. She seemed a little off from the start (looked like she might have been having a costume issue, and I could see that unnerving her). Lovely skater, not her day.
Mao Shimada (14 - Juniors)
Oh no starting with the falls on her big elements, but she pulled it together and skated the rest really clean. She’s got such a bright, charming energy, but she knows how to modulate it to fit the music and the moment in the program. Beautiful spiral in there! Good for her!
Mone Chiba (17 - Junior)
There were some issues, but what a lovely level of skating for a seventeen year old! Amazing layback spin at the end, great spins in general honestly. I appreciate how much she has to her skating beyond just jumps.
Mai Mihara (23)
Coming in off the GPF win and carrying that momentum! You can tell that she’s such an experienced skater because she was able to work around early program mistakes and make the program so strong and suitable by adding the missed combo back in. She performs and skates so beautifully, and you can really feel that skate and her emotions! That spiral is so so good! I’m so proud of her!
Kaori Sakamoto (22)
She’s caved and struggled under pressure and expectations a few times this season, but not today, not here! That was the performance of her season so far, and I hope that she can build on that energy into Worlds (and 4CC if she goes)! That’s Kaori the WC, that’s Kaori the Olympic medalist, that’s Kaori the reigning Japanese National Champion. The jumps, the spins, the steps, every element was there and beauitful! The passion and performance just locked it in so that the skills shone! Her loop! I’m so proud, not entirely coherent about it. Her reaction to her scores at the end was so good.
I’m very happy with how this went for Kaori and Mai, and happy enough for overall placements. There were some skates that didn’t go as well as hoped, but in the end, I think that this turned out pretty OK.
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