vegehana-food · 8 months
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✿ 元宵 | Yuan Xiao ・元宵(ユェンシャオ)。2月5日は春節(旧正月)から15日目を祝う「元宵節」であり、小正月ともいう。各地でランタンフェスティバルや爆竹を使ったお祭りが行われるほか、各家庭でも「元宵」というお団子のような伝統スイーツを食べる習慣がある。元宵団子の中身は砂糖、ゴマ、胡桃、果実の核などが主流で、もち米の皮で丸く包まれている。元宵節の由来は漢代にさかのぼる。漢の文帝が正月の15日、戦いに勝利したことを民衆とともに祝ったのが起源とされる。その後道教や仏教の行事と混じり合い、今の元宵節になった。 ・普通のお団子は粉をこねて作りますが、元宵はもち米粉の入ったざるにゴマ餡や小豆餡、ピーナッツ餡など核になるものを入れ、ざるを揺すって餡を転がし粉をまぶしていきます。これをゆで浮き上がってきたら出来上がりです。食べればわかりますが、日本で食べる白玉団子などとは舌ざわりがまったく違い、まるで繭(まゆ)を食べているかのようで舌先でとろけていきます。ちなみにこのお団子を中国の北方では“元宵”と言いますが、南方や台湾では“汤圆 tāngyuán”と言っています。冬至のときの「湯圓」がこねた白玉粉で餡を包むのに対し、「元宵」はこねた白玉粉ではなく、もち米の粉を粉のまま使います。
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mysticalflyte · 2 years
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Shimada 8-dan is my hero
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meowmoedotcom · 1 month
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deathberi · 4 months
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【推しの子】 ✶ OSHI NO KO SEASON 2 ⇝ 2024年7月3日
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pikahlua · 4 months
MHA Chapter 425 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 続きまして卒業証書 つづきましてそつぎょうしょうしょ tsudzukimashite sotsugyou shousho "Next, the graduation certificates."
2 授与 じゅよ juyo "Awards,"
3 カモンナッ KAMONNA "come on!"
tagline 1 バイブス、アゲてけっ‼︎ BAIBUSU, AGEteke!! The vibes, have a blast!!
4 おめでとう omedetou "Congratulations."
5 よく戦い抜いてくれたのさ よくたたかいぬいてくれたのさ yoku tatakai nuite kureta no sa "You fought well for us."
6 じゃがいもじゃがいも… jagaimo jagaimo... "Potato, potato..."
tagline 2 No.425 季節外れの 堀越耕平 ナンバー425 きせつかずれの ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 425 kisetsu kazure no  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 425 Out of Season Kouhei Horikoshi
7-8 そつぎょうしたっ sotsugyou shita "I graduated!"
9 波動ねじれ先輩悲しいよォ!!! はどうねじれせんぱいかなしいよォ!!! Hadou Nejire-senpai kanashii yoO!!! "Nejire Hadou-sempai, we're so saaad!!!"
10 卒業式遅くなちまってすまねェな…‼︎ そつぎょうしきおそくなちまってすまねェな…‼︎ sotsugyoushiki osokunachimatte sumaneE na...!! Sorry for the late graduation ceremony...!!
11 桜は散っちまったがせめて門出は華々しく さくらはちっちまったがせめてかどでははなばなしく sakura wa chichimatta ga semete kadode wa hanabana shiku The cherry blossoms have scattered, but I'll at least make your departure* spectacular! (*Note: This word for "departure" also mean "starting a new life." It's often said of graduating seniors.)
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1 いっけえええ‼︎ ikkeeee!! "Let's go!!"
3 卒業式のグルーヴじゃねえ‼︎ そつぎょうしきのグルーヴじゃねえ‼︎ sotsugyoushiki no GURUUVU ja nee!! This isn't a groove for a graduation ceremony!!
4 卒業生には既におなじみ そつぎょうせいにはすでにおなじみ sotsugyou-sei ni wa sude ni onajimi The graduates are already familiar with this.
5 新3年生(2年)は受け入れ始めている しん3ねんせい(2ねん)はうけいれはじめている shin 3nensei (2nen) wa ukeire hajimete iru The new 3rd-year students (second years) are beginning to accept it.
6 新2年生(1年)ドン引き しん2ねんせい(1ねん)ドンびき shin 2nensei (1nen) DONbiki The mood is ruined for the new 2nd year students (first years).
7 6月留め置かれていた先輩たちの 6がつとめおかれていたせんぱいたちの 6gatsu tomeokarete ita senpai-tachi no For the seniors who were kept until June,
8 卒業式が開かれた そつぎょうしきがひらかれた sotsugyoushiki ga hirakareta a graduation ceremony was held.
9 泣きイベントだろが…‼︎ なきイベントだろが…‼︎ naki IBENTO daro ga...!! "This is an event for crying, though...!!"
10 まるで祭りだな‼︎ まるでまつりだな‼︎ maru de matsuri da na!! "It's like a festival, huh!!"
11 怪���痛くない? けがいたくない? kega itakunai? "Don't your injuries hurt?"
12 痛むけど いたむけど itamu kedo "They hurt, but"
13 嬉しいと平気なの不思議っ! うれしいとへいきなのふしぎっ! ureshii to heiki na no fushigi! "it's strange, I'm all happy and fine!"
14 ミリオのおかげだ"棺"で倒れた俺たちをずっと看ていてくれたもの ミリオのおかげだ"ひつぎ"でたおれたおれたちをずっとみていてくれたもの MIRIO no okage da "hitsugi" de taoreta ore-tachi wo zutto mite ite kureta mono "It's thanks to Mirio. He was the one who kept looking after us when we collapsde in the 'coffin.'"
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1 各国への必要物資の要望 かっこくへのひつようぶっしのようぼう kakkoku e no hitsuyou busshi no youbou Requests for necessary supplies to each country,
2 復旧計画費用の算出と捻出 ふっきゅうけいかくひようのさんしゅつとねんしゅつ fukkyuu keikaku hiyou no sanshutsu to nenshutsu calculating and raising recovery plan costs,
3 支援の配置と分配病床の確保に医療にーーー しえんのはいちとぶんぱいびょうしょうのかくほにいりょうにーーー shien no haichi to bunpai byoushou no kakuho ni iryou ni--- placement and distrbution of support, securing of hospital beds, medical care---
4 超人社会といえどこれ程 ちょうじんしゃかいといえどこれほど choujin shakai to iedo kore hodo although it may be called a superhuman society,
5 迅速な復旧の裏には じんそくなふっきゅうのうらには jinsoku na fukkyuu no ura ni wa the one behind the speedy recoevery was
6 世界的偉人根津校長による せかいてきいじんねづこうちょうによる sekai-teki ijin Nedzu-kouchou ni yoru the world-famous Principal Nedzu
small text 1 BPMもっとあげていこう BPM motto agete ikou Let's increase the BPM more.
small text 2 ハッ!カンタンに言うんだ ハッ!カンタンにいうんだ HA! KANTAN ni iunda Ha! You gotta say it simply.
7 各国への働きかけがあった かっこくへのはたらきかけがあった kakkoku e no hataraki kake ga atta and his efforts to reach out to each country.
8 校長は"個性"道徳教育に多大な貢献をし こうちょうは"こせい"どうとくきょういくにただいなこうけんをし kouchou wa "kosei" doutoku kyouiku ni tadai na kouken wo shi The principle made great contributions to quirk morality education
9 世界的偉人となられた せかいてきいじんとなられた sekai-teki ijin to narareta and became a world-famous figure.
10 校長はずっと こうちょうはずっと kouchou wa zutto The principal was always
11 戦いの"先"を見ていたんだ たたかいの"さき"をみていたんだ tatakai no "saki" wo mite itanda looking ahead to what came after the battle.
12 素敵な送辞だったぜ すてきなリリックだったぜ suteki na RIRIKKU (kanji: souji) datta ze "What lovely lyrics (read as: farewell address)."
13 レペゼン雄英不和真綿にプチャヘンヅァッ‼︎ 在校生代表ふわまわたにプチャヘンヅァッ‼︎ sotsugyousei daihyou (kanji REPEZEN yuuei) Fuwa Mawata ni PUCHAHENDZA!! "Put your hands up for current student representative (read as: UA representative) Mawata Fuwa!!"
14 それでは次だ答辞だ‼︎ それではつぎだアンサーだ‼︎ sore de wa tsugi da ANSAA da!! "After that is the answering speech (kanji: formal reply)!!"
15 レペゼン卒業生〜〜〜〜〜 卒業生代表〜〜〜〜〜 sotsugyousei daihyou (kanji: REPEZEN sotsugyousei) "From the alumni representative (read as: graduate students representative)~~~~~"
16 ラップバトルみたいでカッコいいノコ RAPPU BATORU mitai de KAKKOii NOKO "It's like a rap battle, so cool, shroom!"
17 私がおかしいのかな? わたしがおかしいのかな? watashi ga okashii no ka na? "Am I the weird one?"
18 ラップやろ RAPPU yaro Let's rap.
19 ルミリオンa.k.aーーー通形ミリオォ‼︎ ルミリオンエーケーエーーーーとおがたミリオォ‼︎ RUMIRION EE KEE EE---Toogata MIRIOO!! "Lemillion a.k.a.----Mirio Toogata!!"
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1 本日はお忙しい中私たちの為にご臨席いただき誠にありがとうございます ほんじつはおいそがしいなかわたしたちのためにごりんせきいただきまことにありがとうございます honjitsu wa oisogashii naka watashi-tachi no tame ni gorinseki itadaki makoto ni arigatou gozaimasu "Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedules to attend for us today."
2 ギャクせんのかい!!! GYAKU sen no kai!!! "It's the opposite of what we expected!!!" (Note: "Sen no kai" is something said in a call and response when the caller expects the repsonders to do something but they don't do what they were expected to do. When that happens, the caller says this phrase as a joke.)
3 喪ったものは多く うしなったものはおおく ushinatta mono wa ooku "We lost many things,"
4 得たものは無い えたものはない eta mono wa nai "but we gained nothing."
5 ヒーローの戦いってのは ヒーローのたたかいってのは HIIROO no tatakai tte no wa "A hero's battle"
6 いつも大体マイナスをゼロに戻す為のものです いつもだいたいマイナスをゼロにもどすためのものです itsumo daitai MAINASU wo ZERO ni modosu tame no mono desu "is always for the sake of returning the negatives to zero on the whole."
7 普通科サポート科経営科 ふつうかサポートかけいえいか futsuu-ka SAPOOTO-ka keien-ka "The general studies course, the support course, the business course,"
8 それぞれがこの学舎で培った経験を駆使し それぞれがこのまなびやでつちかったけいけんをくしし sorezore ga kono manabiya de tsuchikatta keiken wo kushi shi "each of us made full use of the experience we had cultivated at this school,"
9 一丸となって戦いましたしかし いちがんとなってたたかいましたしかし ichigan to natte tatakaimashita shikashi "and we fought as one. However,"
10 未だゼロには戻っていません いまだゼロにはもどっていません ima da ZERO ni wa modotte imasen "we haven't returned to zero yet."
11 私達の三年間はこの先の為にあります わたしたちのさんねんかんはこのさきのためにあります watashi-tachi no sannenkan wa kono saki no tame ni arimasu "Our three years are for what comes after this."
12 ゴールは今日じゃない ゴールはきょうじゃない GOORU wa kyou ja nai "The goal is not today."
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1 ユーモアなき世に明るい未来はない ユーモアなきよにあかるいみらいはない YUUMOA naki yo ni akarui mirai wa nai "There is no bright future in a world without humor."
2 たくさんの人が笑って過ごせるプラスの世界 たくさんのひとがわらってすごせるプラスのせかい takusan no hito ga waratte sugoseru PURASU no sekai "A world of positives, where many people can laugh and spend time together,"
3 そこが私たちのゴールテープです そこがわたしたちのゴールテープです soko ga watashi-tachi no GOORU TEEPU desu "that is our finish line."
4 通形…‼︎ とおがた…‼︎ Toogata...!! "Toogata...!!"
5 見ててくれよなナイトアイ! みててくれよなナイトアイ! mitete kure yo NAITOAI! Please be watching, Nighteye!
6 私達は今日スタートするのです!在校生の皆さん! わたしたちはきょうスタートするのです!ざいこうせいのみなさん! watashi-tachi wa kyou SUTAATO suru no desu! zaikousei no minasan! "Today is our start! All of you current students!"
7 じゃあね!!! jaa ne!!! "See ya!!!"
8 これが雄英卒業式の伝統だそうだそしてーー これがゆうえいそつぎょうしきのでんとうだそうだそしてーー kore ga yuuei sotsugyoushiki no dentou da sou da soshite-- Apparently this is the tradition of the UA graduation ceremony, and--
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1 例年なら担任は持ち上がりじゃないんだが れいねんならたんにんはもちあがりじゃないんだが reinen nara tannin wa mochiagari ja nainda ga "In a normal year, I wouldn't be asked to be the homeroom teacher, but,"
2 まァ事情がもう一年よろしく まァじじょうがもういちねんよろしく maA jijou ga mou ichinen yoroshiku "well, I hope things stay the same for another year."
3 よかったああ yokattaaa "Thank goodness!"
4 相澤先生がうれしいよお あいざわせんせいがうれしいよお Aizawa-sensei ga ureshii yoo "I'm so happy it's Aizawa-sensei!"
5 泣いちゃった ないちゃった naichatta "Oh dear, she cried."
6 相澤先生でよかったああ あいざわせんせいでよかったああ Aizawa-sensei de yokattaaa "I'm glad it's Aizawa-sensei!"
7 これで一段落か これでいちだんらくか kore de ichidanraku ka "With this, are we at a stopping point?"
8 おまえ入院してなくていいの? おまえにゅういんしてなくていいの? omae nyuuin shitenakute ii no? "Don't you have to be hospitalized?"
9 安静にしてりゃいいってよ今日は全員そろってなきゃダメだろ あんせいにしてりゃいいってよきょうはぜんいんそろってなきゃダメだろ ansei ni shiterya ii tte yo kyou wa sen'in sorottenakya DAME daro "They said it's okay if I rest, we all gotta be together today."
10 まともなこと言いだしたぞ まともなこといいだしたぞ matomona koto ii dashita zo "Hey, you said something reasonable."
11 あぁ⁉︎ aa!? "Hah!?"
12 安静に…! あんせいに…! ansei ni...! "Rest...!"
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1 オイ OI "Hey!"
2 ハイ HAI "Yessir."
3 …入れ …はいれ ...haire "...Come in."
4 改めてお別れを! あらためてアデューを! aratamete ADEYUU (kanji: owakare) wo! "Once again, adieu!"
5 僕は雄英を出る☆‼︎ ぼくはゆうえいをでる☆‼︎ boku wa yuuei wo deru ☆!! "I'm leaving UA ☆!!"
6 青山…‼︎ あおやま…‼︎ Aoyama...!! "Aoyama...!!"
7 やっぱ気持ちは変わんないの? やっぱきもちはかわんないの? yappa kimochi wa kawannai no? "Are you sure your feelings won't change?"
8 おまえのおかげでAFO達を分断できたのに‼︎ おまえのおかげでオール・フォー・ワンたちをぶんだんできたのに‼︎ omae no okage de OORU FOO WAN-tachi wo bundan dekita noni!! "But thanks to you, we were able to divide All For One and all of them!!"
9 先生も塚内さんも「残っていい」と仰ってくれたよけれど せんせいもつかうちさんも「のこっていい」とおっしゃってくれたよけれど sensei mo Tsukauchi-san mo 「nokotte ii」 to osshatte kureta yo keredo "Both Sensei and Tsukauchi-san told me it was okay for me to say, but"
10 僕自身がケジメをつけたいんだ ぼくじしんがケジメをつけたいんだ boku jishin ga KEJIME wo tsuketainda "I myself want to take responsibility."
11 "AFOの思惑"が絡んだ入学で "オール・フォー・ワンのおもわく"がからんだにゅうがくで "OORU FOO WAN no omowaku" ga karanda nyuugaku de "My admission was entagled with All For One's predictions,"
12 今日のような卒業式を僕は迎えられない きょうのようなそつぎょうしきをぼくはむかえられない kyou no you na sotsugyoushiki wo boku wa mukaerarenai "I cannot receive a graduation ceremony like the one today."
13 罪を償って つみをつぐなって tsumi wo tsugunatte "I'll atone for my sins,"
14 もう一度…ヒーローの道を目指す☆平気さ! もういちど…ヒーローのみちをめざす☆へいきさ! mou ichido...HIIROO no michi wo mezasu ☆ heiki sa! "and once again...I'll aim for the path of a hero ☆ I'll be fine!"
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1 だって僕は君たちの手を取ったんだもの! だってぼくはきみたちのてをとったんだもの! datte boku wa kimi-tachi no te wo tottanda mono! "After all, I took all of your hands!"
2 うん! un! "Yeah!"
3 またいつか…必ず… またいつか…かならず… mata itsuka...kanarazu... "Someday again...for sure..."
4 胸を張って皆と並び立つからね! むねをはってみんなとならびたつからね! mune wo hatte minna to narabitatsu kara ne! "I'll stand alongside everyone with my chest puffed with pride!"
5 青山…おめェ…! あおやま…おめェ…! Aoyama...omeE...! "Aoyama...you...!"
6 まじでだれより漢だよ まじでだれよりおとこだよ maji de dare yori otoko da yo "Seriously, you're more manly than anyone."
7 泣かないで皆!湿っぽくなるのは嫌さ‼︎ なかないでみんな!しめっぽくなるのはいやさ‼︎ nakanaide minna! shimeppoku naru no wa iya sa!! "Don't cry, everyone! It would be terrible for things to become damp!!"
8 眩しっ! まぶしっ! mabushi! "Dazzling!"
9 文化祭の時より更に精細なコントロールを…! ぶんかさいのときよりさらにせいさいなコントロールを…! bunkasai no toki yori sara ni seisai na KONTOROORU wo...! "Even more precise control than during the cultural festival...!"
10 だからここでーーサプライズ‼︎ dakara koko de--SAPURAIZU!! "And so here's a---surprise!!"
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1 A組の新メンバーさ‼︎ エーぐみのしんメンバーさ‼︎ EE-gumi no shin MENBAA sa!! "The new member of Class A!"
2 心操ォオオ‼︎ しんそォオオ‼︎ ShinsoOOO!! "Shinsou!!"
3 わ wa "Wah!"
4 A組に来たかあ! エーぐみにきたかあ! EE-gumi ni kita kaa! "Did you come to Class A!"
5 編入だあA組なんだあ! へんにゅうだあエーぐみなんだあ! hennyuu daa EE-gumi nandaa! "You transferred! To Class A!"
6 すげえー‼︎仮免は正式発行されたの⁉︎ すげえー‼︎かりめんはせいしきはっこうされたの⁉︎ sugeee!! karimen wa seishiki hakkou sareta no!? "Awesome!! Did they officially issue your provisional license!?"
7 送別会とかの話題になってもよくない⁉︎ そうべつかいとかのわだいになってもよくない⁉︎ soubetsukai toka no wadai ni nattemo yokunai!? "Is it not good to bring up the subject of a farewell party!?"
8 たしかに tashika ni "Surely."
9 わ!青山くん わ!あおやまくん wa! Aoyama-kun "Wah! Aoyama-kun,"
10 ストップ!ストップ! SUTOPPU! SUTOPPU! "stop! Stop!"
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1 まだ"個性" まだ"こせい" mada "kosei" "My quirk is still"
2 バグってるみたいで! BAGUtteru mitai de! "bugging out, it looks like!"
3 見えちゃう みえちゃう miechau "You can see me!"
4 わー素顔‼︎キュウティイイ わーすがお‼︎キュウティイイ waa sugao!! KYUUTIII "Wow, her real face!! A cutieee!"
5 ごめん☆ gomen ☆ "Sorry ☆"
6 やめて〜‼︎恥ずかしい やめて〜‼︎はずかしい yamete~!! hazukashii "Quit it~!! It's embarrassing!"
7 神はずっとそこに かみはずっとそこに kami wa zutto soko ni "A god was always right there."
8 おい oi "Hey."
9 連絡事項はまだあるんだが れんらくじこうはまだあるんだが renraku jikou wa mada arunda ga "There are still announcements."
10 ヒーロー科二・三年はこっから当分の間再建活動にあたります ヒーロー科に・さんねんはこっからとうぶんのあいださいけんかつどうにあたります HIIROO-ka ni・sannen wa kokkara toubun no aida saiken katsudou ni atarimasu "The second- and third-year students of the hero course for the time being will be involved in rebuilding activities."
11 私が代表で陣頭指揮ばとります わたしがだいひょうでじんとうしきばとります watashi ga daihyou de jintoushiki ba torimasu "I, as representative, will take the lead."
small text 新3年生ヒーロー科不和真綿 しん3ねんせいヒーローかふわまわた shin 3nensei HIIROO-ka Fuwa Mawata New third-year student of the hero course, Mawata Fuwa
12 今行われとる復旧活動に加え いまおこなわれとるふっきゅうかつどうにくわえ ima okonaware toru fukkyuu katsudou ni kuwae "In addition to the ongoing recoery efforts,"
13 治安悪化防止の為に全国ば回ります ちあんあっかぼうしのためにぜんこくばまわります chian akka boushi no tame ni zenkoku ba mawarimasu "we will be traveling around the country to prevent the deterioration of public order."
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1 オールマイト引退後そして言うまでんなく蛇腔戦後のごつ オールマイトいんたいごそしていうまでんなくじゃくうせんごのごつ OORU MAITO intaigo soshite iu maden naku jakuu sengo no gotsu "After All Might's retirement and, needless to say, after the battle at Jakuu,"
2 教科書に載るごたる戦いの後に必ず きょうかしょにのるごたるたたかいのあとにかならず kyoukasho ni noru gotaru tatakai no ato ni kanarazu "after the battles that apppear in textbooks,"
3 教科書に載らん混乱があります きょうかしょにのらんこんらんがあります kyoukasho ni noran konran ga arimasu "there is always confusion that does not appear in the textbooks."
4 象徴の不在 しょうちょうのふざい shouchou no fuzai "The absence of a symbol."
5 AFOもそういう混乱の中生まれたウケだしな オール・フォー・ワンもそういうこんらんのなかうまれたウケだしな OORU FOO WAN mo sou iu konran no naka umareta UKE dashi na "AFO was also born out of such turmoil."
6 オッケー?イレ先 オッケー?イレせん OKKEE? IRE-sen "Okay? Era-sen?"
7 ああ aa "Yes."
8 イレ先 イレせん IRE-sen "Era-sen!"
9 私一応元イレ先クラス わたしいちおうもとイレせんクラス watashi ichiou moto IRE-sen KURASU "I used to be in Era-sen's class."
10 君らは除籍喰らってないっちゃう? きみらはじょせきくらってないっちゃう? kimira wa joseki kurattenaicchau? "You guys haven't undergone his expulsion?"
small text うらやましい urayamashii "I'm jealous."
11 甘えとう私らに一回"死"を味わわせるってねぇ怖かったー あまえとうわたしらにいっかい"し"をあじわわせるってねぇこわかったー amaetou watashira ni ikkai "shi" wo ajiwwaseru tte nee kowakattaa "We were so naive, he said he'd make us taste 'death' once, right? It was scary."
12 おい不和もういいよ行け おいふわもういいよいけ oi Fuwa mou ii yo ike "Hey Fuwa, enough, go."
13 やけどそのおかげで yakedo sono okage de "But thanks to that,"
14 何の為にヒーローんなるかわかった なんのためにヒーローんなるかわかった nan no tame ni HIIROO n naru ka wakatta "I understood for what reason to become a hero."
15 どうも doumo "Thanks."
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1 いやー新入生かあ いやーしんにゅうせいかあ iyaa shinnyuusei kaa "Wow, new incoming students huh?'
2 俺らも明日から先輩かあ おれらもあしたからせんぱいかあ orera mo ashita kara senpai kaa "Are we also senpai after tomorrow?"
3 バタバタと進んでく バタバタとすすんでく BATABATA to susundeku "We'll progress to being busy."
4 忙しくなるな いそがしくなるな isogashiku naru na "We will become busy, huh."
5 けど休む暇はもらったし けどやすむいとまはもらったし kedo yasumu itoma wa moratta shi "But we got some free time to rest."
6 こすらんでいーからもう瀬呂くん! こすらんでいーからもうせろくん! kosurande ii kara mou Sero-kun! "You don't need to rub it in, Sero-kun, geez!"
7 良くないぞ よくないぞ yokunai zo "That's no good."
8 違うって!かっけえと思って! ちがうって!かっけえとおもって! chigau tte! kakkee to omotte! "No! I think it's cool!"
9 …麗日さん! …うららかさん! ...Uraraka-san! "...Uraraka-san!"
10 デクくんまで! DEKU-kun made! "Even you, Deku-kun!"
11 てゆか怪我でそれ剃ったんだよね てゆかけがでそれそったんだよね te yuka kega de sore sottanda yo ne "You shaved that due to an injury, right?"
12 はよまた伸びるといいねえ はよまたのびるといいねえ wa yo mata nobiru to ii nee "I hope it grows again soon."
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1 イメチェンといや常闇だよ イメチェンといやとこやみだよ IMECHEN to iya Tokoyami da yo "I don't want a change of image, that's Tokoyami."
2 違うが気に入ってる ちがうがきにいってる chigau ga ki ni itteru "It's different, but I'm taking a liking to it."
3 ハッ HA "Hah" (Note: This is the sound of panting.)
4 ハッ HA "Hah"
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1 ハッ HA "Hah" (Note: This is the sound of panting.)
2 ハッ HA "Hah"
3 轟くんは送別会出れそう? とどろきくんそうべつかいでれそう? Todoroki-kun soubetsu-kai deresou? "Todoroki-kun, will you be able to attend the farewell party?"
4 あー今日じゃなけりゃいつでも あーきょうじゃなけりゃいつでも aa kyou ja nakerya itsudemo "Yeah, so long as it's not today, anytime [works]."
5 轟くん とどろきくん Todoroki-kun "Todoroki-kun."
6 大丈夫だよ だいじょうぶだよ daijoubu da yo "I'm okay."
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1 っし sshi (Note: I'm not sure what this means or if it even means anything. It could just be a wordless sound like a sigh or a tongue click.)
tagline 轟家が向き合うのはーー… とどろきけがむきあうのはーー… Todoroki-ke ga mukiau no wa--... What the Todoroki family will face--...
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splatoonreblogger · 7 months
A new trailer for Side Order, Wave 2 of the Splatoon 3: Expansion Pass is here!
It's full of new information about the Spire of Order, so please check it out, that's an order!
【Side Order】
スプラトゥーン3 エキスパンション・パス 第2弾「サイド・オーダー」の紹介映像が公開されたぞ!
A new Splatoon 3 season begins on 3/1, and the Spring 2024 Fresh Season trailer has sprung!
Enjoy the new song, take a look at what’s coming, and prepare your outfits accordingly!
2024年3月1日(金)より始まる新しいシーズン「2024春 Fresh Season」についての映像が公開されたぞ!
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koch-snowflake-blog · 8 months
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2021年、fishbowlのメンバーとして活動開始。2023年、週刊ヤングジャンプ主催の<サキドルエース SURVIVAL SEASON 13>で総合優勝。グループはアイドル楽曲大賞のインディーズ/地方アイドル楽曲部門で2年連続1位を受賞、2023年はアルバム部門でも1位を獲得。趣味は目薬をさすこと。ニックネームは桃白白(タオパイパイ)。
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otomehonyaku · 5 months
DIABOLIK LOVERS アニメ公式ノベライズ Official Novelization ☽ Chapter 2 Translation
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[Previous chapter] ☽ [Next chapter]
Originally written by Yukuzuki Hiroha 結来月ひろは Translated from the Japanese by @otomehonyaku
STORY Following her father’s job transfer, Komori Yui is sent to live with the Sakamaki brothers. However, these six brothers turn out to be sadistic, ill-tempered vampires. The men are after Yui’s sweet and incredibly rare blood, and go to great lengths toying with her body and soul to get it. Before long, Yui finds herself trapped in an alluringly dangerous love game(1)...
1. 吸血愛戯 (ラブゲーム): Stylised as ‘love game’ but written with the characters for bloodsucking (吸血), love (愛), and play (戯). The latter character also has a connotation of playfulness/mischief.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
DISCLAIMER This is an unofficial translation intended for those interested in reading the story of the Diabolik Lovers game/season in a slightly more literary format in English. I have no affiliation with Rejet or Frontier Works whatsoever. All rights belong to them, but PLEASE DO NOT POST THIS TRANSLATION ELSEWHERE OR TRANSLATE TO OTHER LANGUAGES WITHOUT MY PERMISSION.
Now that that’s out of the way—have fun reading! ❤️
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Episode 2
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The evening sun cast a warm glow on the mansion. By the time the chandelier was lit, Yui was sitting on a bed in an unfamiliar room. 
Where am I?
Yui sat upright and looked around. In the corner of the room was the suitcase she had brought to the mansion, as well as her bag. The room was gorgeous with its pink tones and large bed with a lavender-coloured canopy that most girls her age could only dream of. However, Yui wondered why she had been sleeping in this room. 
I arrived at the mansion, and then…
Yui gasped. Right. I found out that they are vampires, that’s why. Remembering the moments leading up to her losing consciousness, she inattentively pressed her fingers to her neck. 
“Thank God, I wasn’t bitten.” Feeling reassured, Yui lowered her fingers to her chest, but suddenly noticed something. “Huh?”
She wasn’t wearing her own clothes, but instead wore a négligé that she had never seen before. 
“Did I change clothes earlier?”
However, Yui had no memory of doing so. In fact, she didn’t remember anything after Ayato pushed her to the floor and she lost consciousness. That meant a stranger had undressed her while she wasn’t conscious. 
“Why am I here? I want to talk to my father…”
Yui wrapped her arms around herself, a thought ran through her mind.
The fact that she is not my own child bears no meaning at all. 
That was what her father’s diary had said when she found it in the forbidden room. I’m not my father’s biological daughter after all… Still, she wasn’t quite sure if she really believed that. She didn’t want to.
“Dad… What’s going on? Please come back home…” Tears started welling up in the corners of her eyes when she remembered the days she’d spent with her father, but the moment was cut short.
“Oh, Bitchlet. It’s no use crying, y’know?”
Yui yelped in surprise. 
When she looked up, Laito was sitting there on her bed, watching her intently. 
“You look hot in your little négligé,” he said, “and you smell delicious, too.” 
Painfully reminded of her current lack of clothing, Yui scrambled for the bed sheets and used them to cover up her chest. Still, the smirk that had been on Laito’s face the entire time grew deeper.
“I wonder if you’re trying to seduce me, little bitch.”
“Why would I…” Yui made an effort to get away from Laito, but soon felt the headboard press into her back, and she knew she had nowhere to run. Oh no… If I don’t do something, he’ll…
The boy was only a hair’s breadth away from her face when he abruptly disappeared from her line of vision, along with the sound of an impact.
“Don’t go touchin’ my things without permission.”
Ayato was the one who had sent his brother flying. 
Laito repositioned his hat onto his head and looked at him. “Ayato, you’re too rowdy.”
“Shut up.”
Has Ayato come to my rescue? If he hadn’t come in, Laito would surely have bitten me. But why would he help me? Even though Yui had not said anything aloud, Ayato called out her wishful thinking immediately.
“I’ll have her.”
So he didn’t come to save me… he was only acting because he didn’t want me swiped away from under his nose.
“Please, don’t!”
“You three. If you do not hurry, we will all be late.” In the blink of an eye, Reiji had also appeared by the side of the bed.
“Again, Reiji?”
“Aw, man, things were just getting good…”
Ignoring Ayato’s and Laito’s complaints, Reiji turned to Yui. “You too. Hurry up and get dressed.”
Yui was glad that the second son had saved her from getting bitten once again, but grew suspicious at his words. “Get dressed? Are we going somewhere?”
“Of course. We’re going to class.”
“Class… at this hour?”
“Please, Yui. Your dull-wittedness is astounding. Do you really not understand anything until I spell it out for you? We attend night classes.”
Yui cast a glance upon the clock at her bedside, and the hands pointed to 5:20 PM. Had she not been here, her classes would have already ended at this time.
“But… we still have an entire day of classes ahead?” Having attended a regular school until now, Yui could not hide her confusion.
“Contrary to what is normal to humans, going out during the day is bothersome for us. As you will be living in the Sakamaki household from now on, we expect you to conform to our lifestyle.”
“If you have any complaints, you are welcome to leave at any time,” Reiji said. He then turned to walk away..
“But you said you’d kill me if I ran…” The complaint slipped past Yui’s lips in a voice that was too quiet for Reiji to understand.
“What was that?”
“N-nothing.” Yui shook her head vigorously.
“Then please hurry and put on your uniform.”
When she followed Reiji’s gaze, she saw that a brand new uniform had suddenly appeared on her bed. It consisted of the same blazer that the brothers wore, and a skirt that had white frills attached to the hem. The white shirt ribbon that came with it was tied together with another red ribbon on the centre of the chest. Did they go through all that trouble to get me a school uniform?
“Um…” When Yui raised her face, the three brothers had disappeared from her bedside. And now they’re gone. They really are vampires… 
Alone once again, she sighed heavily. When she tried to get up from the bed, her hand grazed past her rosary.
“Right…” Yui tightly gripped her rosary. “This might be the time to look for the room where I found that diary.” The brothers would be gone, and she would have the room to herself. This chance might not present itself again. 
Yui went to the door and eased it open the tiniest bit in order to check her surroundings. Good. Nobody’s outside my room. Ready to seize the opportunity, Yui prepared to leave the room.
“Huh?” Somehow, Ayato was standing right in front of her. 
No way. There was nobody here. 
He looked at her scantily-clothed form with an amused grin on his face. “You’re still wearing that? C’mon, I’ll help you change.”
“I’m fine, thank you!” 
Yui shut the door in his face and sighed again. 
Not a chance after all… because I’m not dealing with humans, but with vampires. I should keep my head down for now.
Having given up the idea of going to the forbidden room today, Yui reluctantly got ready to head to class.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
When Yui finished getting ready and descended to the ground floor, a large black limousine was waiting in front of the mansion. Are we… going to school by limousine?
She hesitated for a second, but the driver opened the door for her. 
Well, I guess I have no choice, then.
“Thank you,” Yui said to the driver before she climbed into the limousine, but he kept silent as he shut the door.
The limousine was spacious enough to fit all of the brothers, and Yui was the last one to arrive. When she sat down on a seat near the door, the limousine quietly departed from the mansion. 
The brothers didn’t talk to one another. The only sound that could be heard was the car’s engine, and the lack of conversation was in stark contrast with their behaviour yesterday. 
Yui looked at the brothers. They couldn’t have been more different from each other—they each had their distinctive hair and eye colour. Are they really brothers?
Reiji was reading a book, and Subaru was sitting next to him, staring out the window with a sullen look on his face. Maybe they just don’t get along. On the opposite side, Laito’s face lit up like he was scheming, Kanato was talking to Teddy, and Shuu was listening to music with his earphones in. 
They really aren’t talking.
“What’re you thinking about, Pancake?” 
Yui had been lost in thought until she was surprised to see Ayato coming towards her, and she instinctively held out her hands to avoid him. The vampire didn’t seem pleased by that. 
Taking advantage of sitting right next to her, Ayato moved in closer. “You got some nerve trying to disobey me, Pancake.”
“All this time, it’s been ‘Pancake,’ ‘Pancake’… I have a name, you know. It’s Komori Yui. Please use it properly.”
“Shut up. Names lost their meaning to me about a hundred years ago, Pancake,” Ayato retorted, drawing out the syllables. Obviously offended, he suddenly bent over Yui, his mouth going for her neck. 
The sound of Reiji’s book slamming shut broke the tense atmosphere.
“How many times do I have to tell you, Ayato? Take such behaviour to your own room.”
Grumbling, Ayato let go of Yui.
Thank God…
“And you. Take this.”
Reiji held out a juice box for her. “It’s pure cranberry juice. It works best against anaemia.”
“T-thank you,” Yui said in earnest, feeling a little surprised at Reiji’s sudden kindness. 
“No need to thank me,” he responded, sending her a cold glare. “You will have to learn that you are simply our prey, and drink that every day.”
Their… prey? Yui’s hands trembled. She had known it deep down already, but still, Reiji’s cold words struck a chord. Her body was seized by fear. Soon, she was shaking.
“You know, Teddy? When humans are scared, their teeth start ‘chattering.’ Interesting, isn’t it? Let’s observe closely.” Kanato held out Teddy toward Yui.
To these men, all I am is prey. 
The one eye Teddy had that wasn’t covered by an eye patch gleamed at Yui.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
With her lips forming a tight line and her body absolutely rigid, Yui sat in the limousine for another while until it passed under the moonlit gate of Reitei Academy. So this is the night school they were talking about… This was her first time to attend a night school, but Reitei, with its courtyard bathed in moonlight, looked to be a particularly prestigious one.
Yui trailed behind the brothers after they’d gotten out of the limousine and followed them into the courtyard. It was bright and enormous, and the staff had done a good job keeping it tidy.
That’s good. Even though they teach classes at night, it still seems to be a normal school. Yui had felt a little uneasy when she was told to go to the school the brothers went to, but most of the students somehow seemed to be normal humans just like her.
The moment the Sakamakis entered the school’s courtyard, all students stopped and stared. 
Well, if you count out the fact that they’re vampires, they certainly are handsome… When Yui looked at them properly once again, their outward appearance was very well-put together. It certainly wasn’t strange for them to attract attention looking this good.
However, nobody tried talking to them.
Even when they passed through the hallways and a group of female students looked over while chatting with one another in a low voice, they fell silent when Yui returned their gaze. When Yui averted her eyes again, the girls hurriedly moved past them.
What was that for? She turned around and looked at the girls’ backs as they walked away, thinking it strange. Reiji stopped in front of the staircase and called out, pulling Yui out of her daze.
“You are in the same class as Ayato and Kanato, so please go with the two of them.”
In all earnest, Yui had been looking forward to some time away from the brothers, but she had no choice. She did as she was told, but Reiji’s cold voice stopped her before she could leave with Ayato and Kanato.
”I am not done talking yet.”
Yui reluctantly faced him again.
“If you do not wish to be struck with a whip, I would advise you to not do anything reckless. Understood?”
Meaning that if I tried to run away…
Reiji’s unrelenting gaze gave Yui the chills.
“Answer me.”
Feeling Reiji’s ice-like stare on her back, she walked away and headed to the classroom.
This should be it.
When Yui went into the classroom, Kanato was sitting at the very back, a book open in front of him as he cradled Teddy in his arms. Ayato was slumped over on his desk. For some reason, they were the only students there.
But class is just about to start. Why isn’t anyone else here?
Yui considered asking Kanato, but seeing him talk so animatedly to Teddy made her close her mouth again. She quickly glanced at the blackboard. It said Today’s Home Economics class is cooking practice. Please assemble in the school kitchen.
“So we’re doing a cooking class today.” That’s why the classroom was empty—everyone else must have already gone to the kitchen.
We should get going, too. I can’t be late on my first day here. But where is this kitchen?
“…Cooking practice?”
Yui’s voice roused Ayato from his nap, and his face twisted into a suggestive grin. “Hey, Pancake.”
“Ayato, please don’t call me weird names at school.”
“Shut up. You’re better off worrying about where to find the school kitchen.”
As if he had read Yui’s mind, she fell silent.
“Yours Truly could do you a favour and take you there.”
”Yeah. C’mon.” Ayato grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out of the classroom.
“Ah, wait!”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“…Um, Ayato?”
“Where are we?”
The room Ayato had dragged her to was filled with cooking utensils and supplies. However, there were no other students in sight.
“It’s the school kitchen.”
“Then why is nobody here?”
“‘Cause this is the old kitchen. They teach the cooking classes in the new one.”
In other words, Ayato tricked her into coming here.
“So why did you bring me here?”
“As for the reason…” Ayato stood up from the chair he’d been sitting on, and stalked towards Yui.
Oh no, not again… Yesterday’s events were still etched into the back of her mind, making Yui freeze in place, but the answer coming out of Ayato’s mouth surprised her.
“Make me some takoyaki.”
…Like, actual takoyaki?
“Well, I don’t expect anything but the world’s best takoyaki.”
A takoyaki pan was already present on the table, making Yui realise the height of his expectations. So that’s why he brought me here? She wasn’t sure if this was the actual reason why, but this wasn’t the time to think about that.
”But… we should head to class, quickly.”
“Don’t talk back to me. Yours Truly will eat your takoyaki. Now get cooking!”
“You could at least ask nicely…”
“You say something?” Ayato clearly wasn’t intending to go back to class. 
Yui did as he said, and started the preparations to make takoyaki. Fortunately, most of the ingredients were already there, and Yui somehow managed to make takoyaki with them.
“Here you go.”
Ayato stuffed the takoyaki into his mouth without hesitation. “So good!” 
Next to an innocently grinning Ayato, who feasted happily on the takoyaki, sat a rather dreary-looking Yui. “It’s only my first day of school and I’ve already skipped a class…”
Yui had never expected it to come to this on her first day after transferring to Reitei. She had never skipped a class before, even at her old school. 
“No use worrying ‘bout such small things. Have a bite.”
Before Yui could answer, Ayato pushed a ball of takoyaki into her mouth. “It’s delicious!” 
For something she had made herself, it had turned out pretty well. As the two sat and enjoyed the takoyaki, Yui caught a glimpse of the clock hanging on the wall. 
Their next class was about to start.
“We need to clean up. I don’t want to miss our next class too.” Yui began carrying the cooking utensils she used to make takoyaki to the sink. To avoid her getting wet, she took off her blazer, and hurriedly began washing a bowl. She had not realised there would be so much washing-up to do. 
Ayato, satisfied with a belly full of takoyaki, stretched out his legs and reclined in his chair, watching Yui as she did the dishes.
“Give me a hand, Ayato. You were the one who wanted me to make takoyaki, right?”
Silently, the vampire got up from his chair and crept over to her. He stopped just at her back. Yet Yui had not heard him coming over the sound of the running water, and so she called out to him again.
“Hey, Aya—”
When Yui looked over her shoulder, Ayato was right there. He was looking down on her quite literally, and as soon as she saw the look in his eyes, she immediately squirmed away from him.
“What’re you running away for?” He stalked over Yui, who was now standing by the window. “I’ve been going crazy since yesterday. I don’t wanna hold off any longer.”
I have to run…
Ayato captured her in his arms with ease.
“Let me taste you.”
“Please, don’t…” 
The words did not reach him. Ayato grabbed her chin and turned her face to the side, exposing the nape of her neck.
“No bite marks at all. Your skin looks delicious, really.”
Taking in the sight of her slender, pale neck right in front of him, a satisfied smile played at Ayato’s lips.
“Yours Truly will be the one to take all your firsts.”
The next moment, Ayato’s teeth hovered above the skin of her throat. A predatory gleam clouded his eyes before he buried his fangs deep in her neck. 
Yui gasped. The pain of Ayato’s sharp teeth piercing her neck and the feeling of her blood flowing freely into Ayato’s mouth made her body tremble. Even if Yui wanted to run from him, he had a strong grip on both her jaw and her waist. 
“Fuck… what is this? I’ve never tasted blood this sweet before.” Ayato briefly pulled away from her neck, his eyes twinkling with delight. “I like you.”
Before long, Ayato’s fangs brutally punctured Yui’s skin a second time.
Yui was not sure whether it was because he was sucking her blood, but her head began to grow numb, as if she was not herself anymore. 
I’m… scared… If he keeps feeding on me, I'll truly become their prey… I’m so scared.
Yui gathered all her strength to push Ayato away from her. However, the force of her push made the skin tear where Ayato had punctured it with his fangs. The intense pain shooting through her neck knocked the breath out of her, and her face contorted in agony.
“Idiot. If you move around while I bite you, you’ll only make it hurt more, you know.” When Ayato looked up, his lips were stained a bright red when they pulled away from his teeth in a smile.
His lips were stained the colour of Yui’s blood.
I’ve really been fed on.
With the pain and shock of having her blood sucked, the fear showed plainly on her face.
“Seeing you in tears with your face twisting in pain… It’s too tempting.” Ayato wiped the blood from his lips with the back of his hand, and then licked it off before reaching out to Yui again. 
“Please, stop…”
“No stopping now.”
Ayato pushed her up against the window and bit down on the nape of her neck again.
The moonlight illuminated the two of them through the window, contrasting with the dark room behind them. The moon above Yui was the last thing she saw before her consciousness fell into a deep darkness.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“You two are an embarrassment to do such a thing on school premises.”
Before long, Reiji was standing in the doorway with his arms crossed and his eyes fixed on Ayato and Yui. Ayato clicked his tongue as he turned around to face his brother.
“Damn it! Shit was just getting good.”
“Look at the state of her. That is your fault, Ayato. Take responsibility for your actions and take her home.”
When Ayato glanced at Yui, who was still in his arms, he noticed that she had already passed out. Might’ve been a bit too rough. The colour of Yui’s face was past the point of flattery, and she did not look like she would be waking up anytime soon. At the same time, Ayato could not simply leave her there. He knew exactly how Reiji would react if he did, and he wasn’t looking forward to that.
Ayato swept Yui up into his arms, and the next instant, they had disappeared from the room completely.
“Good grief. If only they could just behave.” Reiji let out a heavy sigh and walked out of the room.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Yui opened her eyes on a bench next to the indoor pool inside the mansion.
Why am I here? I thought I was at school…
“Yo, you’re awake.”
Ayato was sitting on the armrest, lazily playing around with the uniform ribbon that had somehow found its way from neck into his hands.
Right, he fed on me…
Yui tried sitting upright, but the loss of blood had also drained the strength from her body. Seeing her struggle, Ayato walked over to her. 
“S-stay away!” 
Ayato halted.
The fact that vampires needed human blood for nourishment, Yui knew. But Ayato, on the other hand, only seemed to be toying with her. 
“Why are you doing this?” Yui asked.
Ayato stood over her, staring at her coldly. “You still don’t get it?”
In a flash, Yui’s body was raised in the air, and Ayato’s face was a hair’s breadth away from hers. He’d picked her up with ease and began walking. Yui struggled to have Ayato put her back down, but he leisurely strode over towards the pool. He came to a stop right by the edge of the water.
“Yours Truly is the one who controls you. Stop complaining about everything!” 
Ayato had barely finished speaking before he threw Yui into the water. 
Yui screamed. A loud splashing sound echoed off the walls of the indoor pool. 
Oh no, I can’t swim…
To make matters worse, Yui was still wearing her uniform, and it weighed her down even more as it absorbed the water. She tried to wrestle herself to the surface, but despite her desperate efforts, she still felt herself sinking towards the bottom of the deep pool.
Ayato watched her struggle from the poolside.
“Tell me that I’m the best. Tell me that I’m better than anyone else, and that you’re mine.”
In a stroke of luck, Yui managed to come up for air. She begged for Ayato to help her, but she kept getting pulled back down. 
“Ayato—I can’t—I can’t swim…”
Yui desperately screamed Ayato’s name, but she had already disappeared under the surface of the water. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Whether he had heard her or not, Ayato's expression remained unchanged as he stared down at the water. This is Pancake’s fault. She disobeyed me…
Memories from his childhood haunted Ayato as he watched Yui’s struggling form in the pool.
In his thoughts, Ayato travelled to a lake far away, one hand strenuously reaching out of the water, flailing desperately. The blurry shape of a woman seemed to come closer from under the surface of the water. Ayato fought his way up, and reached out a hand towards her.
However, the woman had not come to save Ayato from drowning. She merely looked on, her expression flat.
Help me…
Ayato’s face twisted in despair knowing that his words would not reach anyone, but rather disappeared into the lake.
Help me…
Yui’s screams for help lined up with Ayato’s distant memory and without giving it any more thought, Ayato launched himself into the water. He did not know why he did it. Even though he harboured a sliver of doubt about his own behaviour, he took Yui into his arms under the surface of the pool.
Well, he did tell us not to kill her.
Reminding himself of this fact, Ayato cupped Yui’s face in his hands, and pressed his lips to hers.      
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It’s warm… and I can breathe again.
When Yui opened her eyes, she realised that Ayato had been transferring air to her with a kiss. Ayato pulled away as soon as he saw that she had regained consciousness. 
Why is he looking at me with such a forlorn expression?
In the deafening silence of the water, Yui saw herself reflected in his eyes, which were clouded with sadness.
Don’t look at me like that, Yui wanted to say, but the air Ayato had given her became bubbles under the water. 
I can’t breathe…
Seeing the struggle on Yui’s face again, Ayato undid the top buttons of her blouse to expose her shoulder, and sank his fangs into her skin.
Bubbles rose to the surface of the water again when Yui cried out. When Ayato switched to a different spot, biting her again and again, the blood seeping from the wounds in Yui’s skin floated around the two of them like a red ribbon that bound them together.
I have no air left…
Just when Yui was about to lose consciousness again, Ayato held on tight and pulled her with him to the surface. Yui coughed heavily to clear her lungs of water and desperately fill them with air at the same time. Ayato’s head was now above the water as well, and his eyes gleamed with a bewitching ferality that she had never seen of him before.
“Fuck, I can feel your blood flowing through my body… I can feel its power…”
“Please, no more…” Yui begged in a soft voice. Her face was white as a sheet, and the cold water and Ayato’s feeding had left her trembling incessantly.
“It can’t be helped. Let’s call it here for today.” Ayato held on to Yui as he swam to the edge of the pool, and hoisted her upwards onto the tiles.
Feeling an intense relief at being on solid ground again, Yui fell to the floor. Ayato threw a towel over her head.
Yui was surprised by Ayato’s small gesture, but before she could thank him, Ayato turned his back on her and walked away without saying anything.
What does he really want with me?
Unable to figure out his motive, Yui tightly gripped the towel.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Around the same time, a man in a long, dark coat appeared in the woods surrounding the mansion. His motives seemed unclear窶派e merely stood there. However, as if he had noticed something, his head suddenly snapped up, and his red eyes focused on the sight in front of him.
Ah… Brings back memories.
The man’s eyes were trained on the Sakamaki mansion.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Yui had used the shower room adjacent to the pool, and when she returned to her room, she was stopped by the faint sound of a door unlocking once again. With suspicion, she followed the source of the sound, and reached another dilapidated spiral staircase.
“This staircase should lead to that room…”
Since then, Reiji had forbidden her from entering, but Yui was not prepared to give up on finding her father’s diary. I might be able to sneak into the room unnoticed from here, Yui thought as she ascended the stairs and found, as expected, the forbidden room.
Yui entered quietly, and immediately began the search for her father’s diary. It should have been right around here…
Carefully tiptoeing around the shards of broken glass, Yui eventually found the diary among the books on the floor.
“Gotcha!” She opened the little notebook without delay. “Huh…What’s this?”
Yui’s eyes widened in surprise. Her hands trembled as she flipped the pages. 
The pages were all completely blank where her father’s handwriting had been.
“It’s all… gone…” So what on Earth did I see before?
In a daze, the notebook slipped out of Yui’s hands and fell onto the floor, the sound reverberating through the quiet, empty space.
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Fun Facts behind TTEOTM!
Creative Team
Till the End of the Moon is the second TV drama produced by newcomer Otters Studio (獭獭文化), which was originally set up for dangai/BL drama Immortality (皓衣行), also featuring Luo Yunxi.
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The Hangzhou-based Otters Studio is a subsidiary of Nanpai Entertainment (南派泛娱), the company owned by Kenneth Xu (aka “Third Uncle" 南派三叔). Xu is best known as the novelist and screenwriter behind "Grave Robbers' Chronicles" (盗墓笔记).
A big part of TTEOTM's core creative team also worked on Immortality. And a lot of the Immortality team came from Ashes of Love (2018) with Luo Yunxi. This includes...
He Fang (Screenwriter) - Immortality
Luo Xuan (Screenwriter & Associate Producer) - Immortality
Huang Wei (Costume Designer) - Immortality
Guan Dazhou (Music Director) - Immortality
Wang Yirong (Lead Producer) - Immortality
Wang Haiqi (B Unit Director & Action Director) - Immortality & Ashes of Love
Tsang Mingfai (Makeup Designer) - Immortality & Ashes of Love
Shen Xufei (Special Effects Director) - Immortality & Ashes of Love
Hua Tian World Concept - Immortality & Ashes of Love
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Wang Haiqi was the stunt coordinator who trained Luo Yunxi in Ashes of Love
Part of the creative team came from Huanyu (Bai Lu's management company, aka the production company of Yanxi Palace). This includes award-winning art director Luan Hexin, Huang Xinyao (Yue Fuya) and Liu Min (Nan'an).
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This is the second time Luo Yunxi and Bai Lu have paired up in a drama. They previously played a couple in modern workplace romance Love is Sweet (2020). Bai Lu expressed interest publicly in pairing up with LYX again in a costume drama numerous times.
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In addition, a number of Love is Sweet actors have minor roles or cameos in TTEOTM:
Zhao Yuanyuan (Qiao Na aka Yuan Shuai's colleague who has a crush on him) plays the Moon Goddess
Cheng Chang (Jiang Jun's father) plays Ye Xiwu's father
Deng Jinghong (Jiang Jun and Yuan Shuai's shady client) plays Ye Xiwu's brother Ye Zeyu
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The popularity of TTEOTM has generated renewed interest in Love is Sweet on iQiyi. In the first half of 2023, Love is Sweet is ranked #5 on Yunhe's "old/classic drama" list, receiving 360M views (10M views/episode), equivalent to airing a new medium-budget drama.
Two actors in Ashes of Love also have minor roles in TTEOTM:
Wang Yifei (Shuihe aka peacock princess in Ashes of Love) plays the Devil God's lieutenant Siying
He Zhonghua (Heavenly Emperor aka Runyu's father) plays the King of Sheng, again terrorizing Luo Yunxi's childhood
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In addition, a number of TTEOTM actors play minor roles in the unaired Immortality:
Huang Yunyun (Yue Yingxin) plays Song Qiutong
Zheng Guolin (Qu Xuanzi aka Susu's father) plays Jiangxi
Huang Haibing (Zhaoyou) plays Nangong Zhangying
He Zhonghua (King of Sheng) plays Nangong Liu
Geng Yeting (Ye Qingyu) plays an unknown role
The source novel (黑月光拿稳BE剧本) was optioned by Otter before it was complete due to strong early hype around the IP and interesting characters & premise. It's one of the top 10 most-saved web novels of that genre on the Jinjiang platform. Its title literally translates to "black moonlight is guaranteed a bad ending screenplay".
The screenplay was written for 40 episodes, which was edited into 50 episodes of probably 45 mins each. The original plan (based on governmental records) was to air 34 episodes as part 1 and 16 episodes as part 2. However, the NRTA (Chinese government agency that regulates TV) closed the loophole around airing two seasons back to back early this year, which is why TTEOTM was edited back down to 40 episodes of 55 mins each so that it could air in one go.
TTEOTM changed its Chinese title twice. It was originally named 月照千峰为一人 (The moon shines for one person). It was then renamed to 长月无烬 (long moon without Jin/ember, also a pun for without limit or endless), which is the official publication name proposed by fans of the web novel. Right before the booting ceremony, it was renamed 长月烬明 likely for auspicious reasons (especially after the LYX accident and Immortality not airing)
Some keen netizens have noticed that if you break apart the characters of its Chinese title, 长月烬明, it becomes 长月火尽日月, which literally means....
长月 (long moon) - how people refer to the drama, in its short form
火 (fire) - Chinese internet lingo for explosive or popular
尽日月 (to the end of sun and moon)
(Gotta give one to Chinese people for coming up with auspicious names)
Luo Yunxi was injured right before production began when filming his final scene in Light Chaser Rescue. He got punched in the mouth by a costar which required emergency surgery and left a scar on the top left corner of his mouth. Production was delayed as a result. Bai Lu had to film her solo scenes first starting Oct 19, 2021. The booting ceremony took place on Nov 6, 2021 after Luo Yunxi joined the set.
Luo Yunxi was the first actor to be cast, according to an interview with the producer. It is rumored that he might have even picked which novel to adapt as Otter initially optioned both "Black Moonlight" and "Black Lotus Casebook". Bai Lu is also the "only choice" for Li Susu according to Yu Zheng.
Yin Tao (Who Rules The world, Love & Redemption, and Ancient Love Poetry) was originally considered for director, but he worked on the Blood of Youth instead. In the end they went with Kuk Kok Leung, an award-winning veteran TVB director who has adapted 7 out of 8 Jin Yong novels. One of the Cantonese songs Luo Yunxi kept singing on set is the OST of the 1983 Condor Heroes where Kuk served as Assistant Director.
Sun Zhenni (Pianran) and Zhao Shiyi (Fuyu) won their roles through open casting call. Sun Zhenni was a big fan of Bai Lu, and the two became close friends during the shoot. She is 1/4 German Jewish through her paternal grandmother.
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Chen Duling (Ye Bingchang / Tian Huan) briefly dated Xichao Wang (who plays Jing Mie, the demon god's other lieutenant). They were apparently introduced by Yu Zheng (boss of Bai Lu's studio).
Luo Yunxi and Sun Zhenni are the only actors who dubbed themselves in the drama. Bai Lu is dubbed by Duan Yixuan, who is also the voice behind Linglong in Love & Redemption.
This is the second time Luo Yunxi plays a dragon god (Runyu is the first). This is also the second time Bai Lu plays a character who leaps off the tower to her death in a costume drama.
Post-production was rumored to be delayed and then rushed due to a number of reasons, including covid which hit the special effects team hard and the last minute change of the 40-episode rule.
During the premiere day, celebrities posted on Weibo to promote the drama in support of Luo Yunxi (usually actors only ask for this favor when it's a really important project to their career): Huang Xiaoming, Tan Songyun, Wu Jingyan, Chen Yuqi, Cheng Xiao, Victoria Song, Zhang Ruonan, Huang Xuan, Chen Yao. The most noteworthy ones were Chen Xiao (whose drama was also opening on the same day) and EDG (the esports team that LYX supports)
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landofzero-archive · 1 year
Chocolat◆An Exceptional Rouge and Ruby Directory
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From this year on, ES will be holding its own Chocolat Fes. Wanting to show off Eden's authority, Ibara announces that Adam and Eve will also be performing.
Writer: Umeda Chitose (Supervised by Akira)
Season: Winter
Featuring: Ibara Saegusa, Jun Sazanami, Nagisa Ran, Hiyori Tomoe, Hinata Aoi
The Circumstances of the Second Month (1): Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7
The Depression of Youth: Chapter 8 - Chapter 9
Compassion and Warmth: Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13
Resulting Love: Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17
Epilogue 1 - Epilogue 2
Ibara: The Valentine's Day War Front - New Year's Hard Worker
Nagisa: …… Taking a Sweet Detour - ...... Working Together
TL Note:
The kanji used here is 如月, which refers to the second month of the Japanese lunar calendar, rather than the Gregorian calendar. This month isn't equivalent to February, as it can be anywhere from 3 to 7 weeks off from the Gregorian dates, so I decided to preserve that in the section title by using "second month" rather than "February" (which is typically written as 二月).
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vegehana-food · 1 year
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✿ ボクスティ | Boxty ・じゃがいものパンケーキ。擦りおろしたじゃがいも(マッシュ・ポテトも入れることもある)、小麦粉、卵、ベーキングパウダー(重曹=炭酸水素ナトリウム)、バターミルクで作る。いわゆるパンケーキとは違ってふわふわしていなくて、じゃがいもを使用しているためずっしりとしており、主食として食べられる。スープやシチューや、肉やチーズと一緒に食べる。 北部や内陸部でよく食べられる家庭料理で、フライパンで焼くもの、オーブンで焼くもの、茹でてつくものがある。アイルランドの祝日・聖ブリジットの日(2月1日)の定番料理としても知られています。
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baiwu-jinji · 11 months
紅簾前 "Before the Red Curtain" - song from TGCF donghua Season 2 Episode 2 (lyrics translation)
This is the song played when Hua Cheng taught Xie Lian to roll dice. Some of the lyrics from this song are kind of abstruse, so there're definitely elements of my interpretation, see lyrics translation below:
如影拂輕幔 亦如夢飄轉
Like a shadow brushing against the light curtain, like a drifting and whirling dream
翩翩花雨 遊入長街盛宴
A shower of dancing flowers travels through the festivities on the long street
人聲作伴 四下皆歡 未斷
Accompanied by the noise of the crowd, the celebration is all around and unceasing
隔淺淺一線 倏然驟暖
Seperated by a thin line, the warmth grows all of a sudden
繞指間紅線 繫兩端輕纏
The red string around fingers tied around two ends gently connects them
緣起驚鴻 結作銀蝶相盼
Fate brought us together when I laid my eyes on you; longing for each other, fate connects us with the silver butterflies
盅裡玲瓏 幾番輾轉
The delicately carved dice in the cup tossed and turned
凝眸處依舊 映晨星斑斕
The one I gaze on still looks the same, with morning stars reflected in his eyes
逐世間逢故人 裁長夜銜離恨
Pursuing an old aquintance in this mortal world; the long night grows shorter, I taste the regret of seperation
一朝一夕織紅簾 相認
Day and night, weaving the red curtain so we'd recognize each other
遣游絲爭繚春 染心花舞紛紛
Send out gossamer in the air to entangle the spring, the joy in my heart blooms like dancing flowers
手心溫 擲年輪 皆遊刃
The palm is warm that tosses away years as skillfully as it wields knives
不語或忘言 咫尺卻難辨
Speechless or forgetting to speak, you're hard to recognize even close in front of me
切念浮想 猶似經久未見
How I long for you, so many thoughts of you on my mind, as if I haven't seen you in a long long time
迷雲飛幌 流螢熠熠 怎斂
Streaming curtains in misty clouds and glowing fireflies, how do I gather it
望眉宇模樣 恍若從前
Watching your face, it looks the same as it was in the old days
無止或無端 悲喜中縈牽
Without end, without cause, lingering and tangling in sorrow and joy
眇眇幽火 曾映照伴人間
The small feeble flame was once your companion, casting a light on you in the mortal world
粲然一笑 萬事隨煙
With a bright smile, the burden of everything dissipates like the smoke
天縱難垂憐 只為一至願
Even though the heavens could not pity you, yet only for this one most earnest wish
逐萬變知所向 予此間知所眷
Chase all the changes in the world to know the direction, and know who's the one dear to you in this mortal world
但見月缺覆月圓 相連
See the full moon turns into the sickle moon, and lovers together under the same moon
此身虔渡此程 等千年更繾綣
I travel through this life with great faith and devotion, love only deepens over a thousand years of waiting
寄明燈 枕遙夜 伴夢眠
Send off the bright lanterns, in a faraway place I sleep and dream
Day and night I weave the red curtain
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sakurapika · 9 months
Reviewing New Year Sale Outfits in Twisted Wonderland
In Japan, New Year's Day (お正月, or "Oshogatsu") is the biggest holiday of the year, and it is also my favorite. That being said, the TWST artists never disappoint when it comes to the art for this event, so let's review all of the cards!
Spoiler warning for upcoming ENG and JP sever event cards, including some Groovy art!
Round 1: 2021-2022
Kalim Al-Asim (SSR)
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Look at him, he's so festive and cheerful
This Kalim, as well as Deuce's SR, have a special place in my heart. I started playing TWST the summer it came out, but I wasn't a "serious" player until around New Year. Kalim and Deuce were my first "duo magic" pair, and I love their interactions in the story as well.
I love his headband ribbon and how it matches his obi. The sparkly hakama also suits him. I'm excited to see Jamil's version of this outfit as well, but we all know it'll be a very long time until Jamil volunteers to work retail during the peak season.
12/10 he's so cute
Deuce Spade (SR)
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I was surprised that this was just an SR, and that you could get him by finishing the event story. His outfit is so detailed!
I chose his Groovy art so you could see that he's wearing sneakers with his outfit, which I found funny. Cater is wearing similar shoes in his own SR, so it must be part of the Heartslabyul New Year attire. It still feels very in-character for Deuce.
The silhouette of his outfit is interesting. His jacket is short like a suit jacket, but has the sleeves of a haori. There are lots of elements of his dorm uniform, like the pins and sash around his waist.
Not only does he look awesome, but he chose to work during the New Year's Sale to buy a present for his mother.
12/10 very cool and wholesome
Round 2: 2022-2023
Ruggie Bucchi (SSR)
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Aside from Vargas Camp and his birthday cards, Ruggie doesn't have a lot of SSRs, so I'm happy for him. I look forward to getting him in the English server soon.
I love how Ruggie seems to have picked up a lot of merchandise from around the store. Aside from a fan, which all the boys are using as their "weapons" for battles, he has a little koi bag, which I love so much (I have a similar one). The little toy he's holding is called a den-den daiko (でんでん太鼓), which is popular for young children.
11/10 congrats on getting the job, Ruggie!
Cater Diamond (SR)
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I chose to show his un-Groovy art, because it's easier to see his outfit.
His clothes are similar to Deuce's, except that his "vest" is red, and he is wearing a button-down shirt underneath. The mix of Japanese and Western influences reminds me of Taisho-era clothing. He looks like Kazushi Tatsuishi in the anime version of My Happy Marriage, which also happens to be set in the Taisho Era.
It's hard to see in this picture, but he has a hairpin in his hair!
10/10 he slays
Sebek Zigvolt (SSR)
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He looks so dramatic with his gloves and fur collar, but are we surprised? He's a Diasomnia student, after all. I wish they had given him a different hat, though, because it looks almost identical to his dorm uniform.
This one makes me laugh, because he poses like my dad. Not seen in this image is Sebby's neon-green geta, which I think my dad would love (he likes having shoes in unusual colors).
10/10 who needs fireworks on New Year's Eve when you have Sebby?
Vil Schoenheit (SR)
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He stole the show.
At first glance, his outfit may bear too heavy a resemblance to the regular Pomefiore uniforms, since they're already inspired by kimono.
With his fascinator hat, netted gloves, and black nail polish, though, Vil adds a sense of mystery and intrigue to his outfit. He looks like he is playing the role of a Taisho-era socialite who poisoned their lover and is now actively avoiding the police.
Either that, or he got divorced from Rook. After all, it looks like he is wearing a furisode (a type of kimono meant for single women) rather than a tomesode (worn by married women), like in his dorm uniform.
11/10. The storytelling potential is limitless.
Round 3: 2023-2024
Trey Clover (SSR)
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I love his scarf and hat. His coat looks longer than Deuce's and Cater's, and more like a haori. Overall, it looks like a cozy combination.
Like Cater, he is also wearing a button-down shirt under his kimono, and his vest is green. Heartslabyul is the only dorm that gets a character in this event every year, so it's nice to see that the outfits are personalized for each character.
He looks like he could be someone's uncle, but you know for sure that he'd spoil his nieces and nephews.
10/10 very classy, if he was working at the store and I came to visit, I'd trust him.
Ortho Shroud (SR)
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Something I've always found interesting about Ignihyde clothing is their use of sharp shapes and geometric patterns, especially in Ortho's case. I wonder how Idia's version of this outfit would look.
Ortho and Idia must've had so much fun creating this outfit together!
Infinity/10 if Ortho were trying to sell me anything, I'd buy it, regardless of whether I actually need it.
Rook Hunt (SSR)
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He's wearing RED EYELINER!
His outfit is quite different from Vil's. While Vil is wearing a furisode, which is traditionally worn by women, Rook's outfit seems to have a more traditionally masculine silhouette (of course, this is just my interpretation). This probably means that Epel will get to wear an outfit similar to Rook's next time as well.
The peacock feathers on his red hat is also a nice touch.
His pose and expression remind me of Wen Kexing from the C-drama Word of Honor. They also have similar personalities.
10/10, he looks like he just stepped out of a period drama. I look forward to seeing the fanarts of him with Vil.
Jade Leech (SR)
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Jade's card has to be my favorite from this year's lineup. I just love how they translated Octavinelle's suits into kimono, while keeping details such as the purple bow tie.
I'm obsessed with his haori--it looks fluffy. I'd like to buy five.
His pose is so...
Like Trey, he looks like someone's uncle (it must be the fedora). However, unlike Trey, he looks like someone's uncle who may or may not be part of the Yakuza. Instead of giving you money on New Year, you owe HIM.
He also looks like he goes door to door selling products, and is about to sell me what he guarantees is a genuine Toshiba toaster oven and absolutely not an overpriced knockoff that will short-circuit and cause my entire neighborhood to lose electricity.
11/10 I will buy that toaster oven anyway.
Which cards are you most excited for? Let me know!
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yoga-onion · 10 months
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Legends and myths about trees
Celtic beliefs in trees (25)
R for Ruis (Elder) - November 25th - December 21st
“Season of fog and darkness – The Celtic Tree Calendar (Ref), Thirteenth Month”
colour: black, dark green; Star: Venus; Gem: olivine; Gender: female; Element: water; Patron: Hel, Hera, Huldra(Red2), Valkyrie; Symbols: judgement + transformation, death + rebirth, fate + inevitable event
Elder trees can grow almost anywhere and are a visible reminder of the changing seasons. The young leaves herald the return of spring, the white, bubbly, sweet-smelling flowers usher in the start of summer, the ripe berries mark the end of summer, the leaves turn red and eventually fall off, and the cold winter brings a rush of illness and discomfort, the time when the medicinal properties of the elder tree come into their own.
The ancient Britons and other Celts used to boil the elder berries in wine to make a black dye for grey hair. It is still used in the Hebrides as a dye to dye sheep black. The bark also makes a black dye. When alum is added, the leaves produce a green dye, while the berries produce blue, purple and violet dyes.
Almost all parts of the plant have medicinal properties, but today it is mainly the fruit and flowers that are used, such as elderflower wine and cordials (Ref3) flavoured with elderflower flowers, as well as jam and wine made from elderflower berries. Because, elderberry root from North America is toxic and the leaves and bark of elderberry are very dangerous to use in lay therapy.
The Elder Mother (Ref4) was believed to reside within the Elder Tree. She was said to inflict vengeance magic on anyone who harmed the tree and punished anyone who used any part of the tree for selfish purposes.
Across northern Europe, Elderberry is associated with death, rebirth and witchcraft, and is the tree most often used to break evil curses. The ancient Celts believed that how people saw and remembered them for the way they lived in this world would determine their reputation after death in the underworld. That is why the most important thing for them was to die with pride and dignity, and to respect others after death.
On a dark winter's day, the Elder tree holds up a mirror to us that reflects our true selves. Can you die with dignity and without regrets, it asks.
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ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (25)
RはRuis (ニワトコ) - 11月25日~12月21日
『霧と暗黒の季節 〜 ケルトの木の暦(参照)、13番目の月』
色: 黒、深緑; 星: 金星;  宝石: カンラン石(オリビン); 性: 女性; 要素; 水; 守護神: ヘル、ヘラ、ホルダ(参照2)、ヒルデ; シンボル: 審判+変身、死+再生、運命+不可避なできごと
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dropsofmoonlightzine · 9 months
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Happy Holidays everyone!
We hope you are doing well! First, thank you so much for your continued support of the Drops of Moonlight Zine Charity Project. Although the project has gone on for much longer than planned due to multiple hiccups that we have faced, we are still committed to have the physical and digital bundles distributed to those who have pre-ordered them. Once the hiccups listed below are resolved, we will be reaching out to those (contributors and supporters) who pre-ordered a bundle to collect shipping and handling, and ship everything out! With that, included below is a summary list of previous updates re: the current Murphy's Law poo that is holding the project up:
We're still missing 2/5th of the shipment of the printed volume. Production had been in delay because of the paper crisis and they arrived in increments slowly batch by batch. We bought from a small family-run vendor and they glue the covers by hand. We've been getting them in smaller batches, and two batches have yet to arrive. They don't ever update us re:status, but they have been consistent.
Our sticker order was lost in the mail. We're fighting with FedEx on whose fault this is. We have had to pay double customs to have it re-enter its country of origin and make the trip again, which is ongoing, and are trying to get reimbursed by FedEx, which is a lengthy process.
The coloring books arrived late and with faulty covers, and after much discussion with the company, it appears that the fault was entirely our own. One of our mods is paying for 400 new covers out of their own pocket and will fix them by hand.
Our local washi vendor pulled out and went bankrupt and radio silent. This was a huge problem both for budget and for getting a new one. We have one finally lined up, production has begun.
Booth has refunded part of our orders because it took too long, meaning our funds have further shrunk. We're in talks with Booth to save the rest. It's in Japanese so only one mod could handle it, and this is not the easiest.
The domain for our website was paid for two years and that was the time and funding allotted in the budget. These two years are up. We didn't notice that for the longest while, and then when we did, things like Booth happened, and we decided against renewing the domain so late in the game. We plan to ship the orders with Shopify and the portion of Booth orders that have not yet been refunded.
A few mods we won't name are on extended hiatus for critical life events that we won't call out for privacy, and because this project has gone on for much longer than anyone on the team has anticipated or consented to/planned for. This means the rest of the work is falling on fewer shoulders. Tasks and responsibilities have subsequently changed amongst the mod team since 2020; for instance, we don't have a mod in charge of communications right now and haven't had one in a while, which you do clearly notice.
We make all decisions together as a team, which makes us democratic and also slow. We react to things only together but it means we wait out mod meetings across four time zones for nodding off on all decisions.
Everything else is ready, layouted, translated, linked to, hosted online, printed, lined up, and arrived. Once everything else lines up/arrives, we will be reaching out to those who pre-ordered a physical bundle to collect shipping and handling, and then ship them out.
We realize that the timing of everything has not been ideal. We did not realize we bit off more than we could chew when we took this project on… and none of us Mods plan to take on anything like this ever again as all of us are doing this on our own time. We thank you for your continued support and wish you all a safe holiday season!
The Drops of Moonlight Zine Mod Team
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Happy Holidays!
月の雫ZINE 主催チーム
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tokidokitokyo · 3 months
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Photo by Atul Vinayak on Unsplash
June is already gone, it's official summertime, and here I am still studying Japanese! I wish I were better at old Japanese so that I could compose a haiku or waka about studying Japanese throughout the changing of the seasons... but then I've been watching too much 光る君へ (an NHK taiga drama).
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June Progress
The areas of study that I focused on the most in June included Reading (22%), Listening (18%), and Writing (16%). Usually I neglect writing a lot so I am glad it was in my top three study areas. Vocabulary (10%) and Speaking (10%) were the areas I focused on the least, but learning vocab usually goes hand in hand with reading and listening for me so I definitely had more exposure than I recorded. Also, I speak Japanese daily at home with my husband and son so even though I don't record it, I am getting that extra practice. (My husband has even started correcting me since he wants my son to learn correct Japanese, so I'm not getting away with my little bad habits anymore).
My studying in June looked a little bit different than the rest of the year so far because I focused on one area of study each day
For a refresher my schedule was (approximately):
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I still continued my previous study habits that have become a part of my routine, but just made a point of focusing on each study area at least one day out of the week.
What did this end up looking like? Most days I would check my schedule, and then pull out a textbook or the renshuu app or something else to take 10 minutes to dedicate to whichever study area was the focus of the day. I will continue this into July because it worked well this month.
Study Habit Check-In:
〇 = Great, △ = Decent, ✖ = Not Great
Read daily - read almost every day 〇
Write sentences 4 times a week - I didn't keep track of how often I wrote sentences, but I did pay more attention to composition △
Review kanji and vocabulary flash cards daily - I reviewed kanji flash cards but not vocabulary △
Review 1-2 N3 grammar points weekly - did at least 1 review/wk 〇
Learn 1-2 N2 grammar points weekly - learned 1 grammar point every other week △
Listen to 1 podcast a week - yes! 〇
Continue to work on hiragana with my son - we have come to the characters like ちゃ and じ and his mind is blown; need to work on な、は、ま、や、ら (he has わ、を、ん down!) 〇
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July Goals
I hope to continue building on my previous progress (that's what it's all about, after all) and to try at least one new thing in my study routine for July. I have added an app called Kanji Garden (which many of you may already know about) and I want to work it into my study routine.
What do your summer plans look like? Are you going to study more or take a break? Either choice is valid, you do what works best for you!
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