deepcurvesahead · 4 months
Small Business Spotlight: Renee Equestrian
We’re taking a short break from the She Is series to highlight an up-and-coming small business working to increase accessibility to the equestrian industry. I sat down with Amber Mitchell, owner of Renee Equestrian, to discuss how her business is breaking barriers. Share the story behind your decision to start your own business, particularly in a field that’s traditionally been exclusive and…
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deepcurvesahead · 5 months
She Is: Values Pt. 3
This post is part of a series. To get the full experience, start here. Equality: the quality or state of being equal. Merriam-Webster Well I’ll be dipped. I had no idea there were so many ways to define the word equal. When choosing my final 8 core values, I went back and forth on including equality. My mind leapt to the first definition of the term: “of the same measure, quantity, amount, or…
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deepcurvesahead · 5 months
She Is: Values Pt. 2
This post is part of a series. To get the full experience, start here. Accountability: an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions. Merriam-Webster In elementary school, we had a ritual that laid the foundation. At the start of each day, a short greeting and some specific instructions echoed from the loudspeaker at the front of the room: Stand beside…
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deepcurvesahead · 6 months
She Is: Values Pt. 1
As promised in my last post, I’m back to share my 8 core values from Brené Brown’s Dare to Lead list. The values I hold most deeply are: Accountability Equality Financial Stability Honesty Independence Loyalty Perseverance Reliability To get to this list, I narrowed the full list of over 100 values down to 24 finalists. My final 8 came from those 24. In the original version of this…
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deepcurvesahead · 6 months
This is Me
Truth. We each have our own ideas and perspectives on what is true. This is based on what we learn, see, and experience through our lives. Truth is an idea that is deceptively simple and overwhelmingly complicated all at the same time. This morning, Goddess encouraged me to explore my truth. And I must admit, I am struggling with this directive. Who am I, truthfully? What do I honestly want…
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deepcurvesahead · 7 months
The Power of Now: Actionable Tips for Living Your Best Life (from guest blogger Melissa Howard)
Photo by Freepik In an era where life’s pace never seems to slow, finding your path to personal excellence might appear formidable. Yet, it’s the incremental changes to our everyday habits that can dramatically shift our trajectory toward success and fulfillment. This guide from Deep Curves Ahead provides actionable steps you can take to enhance your well-being, nurture personal growth, and…
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deepcurvesahead · 7 months
America Has a Problem
Are you patriotic? What does being patriotic mean to you? As a child, I thought America was the best country on the planet. Today, I still have love for my country. But as I’ve grown and learned more American history—real American history, not the whitewashed sugarcoated stuff—the relationship has grown more complicated. America was built on land stolen from indigenous people with labor stolen…
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deepcurvesahead · 8 months
What do you complain about the most? I don’t really think of myself as a “complainer.” I’m the type of gal to try to make the most of any situation. I say I “go with the flow” though my therapist might call it “conflict avoidant” haha. But I truly don’t have much to complain about in life. However, one thing chaps my ass so much I’ll actually speak up about it: If you say you’re going to do…
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deepcurvesahead · 8 months
Love Like This
Another poem as Valentines Day approaches: I wish I’d never read Bridgerton. Eight siblings, neatly ordered by name, forever bound by blood. The Bridgertons fell in love, and I fell in love with the love. A society lady got swept off her feet and I turned page after page after page because I too wish to be carried away. How does it feel to ride a wave of emotion so strong you’d rather…
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deepcurvesahead · 8 months
Tangled Up in Me
Where can you reduce clutter in your life? Since I was a child, I’ve always had a lot of “stuff.” School papers, books, knickknacks, stuffed animals—if I received it, I kept it. To this day, my mother expresses amazement at the system of organized chaos I maintained. Yes, my room was a mess, but that mess was cataloged (and if you messed with my mess I would definitely notice). As an adult, I’m…
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deepcurvesahead · 9 months
Do It
One of my goals this year is to write more poems. Here is the first haiku of 2024, a reminder to move forward even if it is one tiny step at a time: the smallest effort is better than nothing at all so just do SOMETHING
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deepcurvesahead · 9 months
My Only Wish (This Year)
Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. What kid doesn’t love the twinkling lights, the tree covered in bits and baubles, and (of course) the presents that awaited on Christmas morning? As an adult, I still look forward to this time of year. It’s the spirit. My mom made tons of holiday treats—yogurt dipped pretzels, peanut butter fudge, and her famous chocolate no-bake cookies—and I, her…
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deepcurvesahead · 9 months
Tell us one thing you hope people say about you. Unfortunately, this is something I think about a lot. When my depression hits and my anxiety starts acting up, my thoughts spiral around what other people say (or think) about me. My conscious mind tells me I shouldn’t worry about how others perceive me, but I am human and while I shouldn’t worry, I do wonder. While I hope people say I’m smart,…
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deepcurvesahead · 10 months
I Hate U, I Love U
Today depression took my heart in its claws and squeezed so hard the tears couldn’t help but fall. Today I live in my head, repeating a litany of past mistakes and failures. Embarrassments and disappointments. Depression purrs, “I love this song,” and cranks the volume up. Belts the chorus like velvet wrapped in barbed wire: “You’re boring and stupid, So ugly and useless. Deep down inside…
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deepcurvesahead · 10 months
Here’s to the Night
If you didn’t need sleep, what would you do with all the extra time? I’ve always been an “early to bed, early to rise” kind of gal. My childhood best friend and I were reminiscing the other day and she laughed while recalling how even at noisy slumber parties I would take myself to bed whenever I got tired enough. What can I say? I need my beauty rest, and lots of it. But what if sleep wasn’t a…
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deepcurvesahead · 10 months
Do you ever stop to think about the specific combination of events that brought you to this moment? The decisions you or others made that led you here? I do (too often if I’m honest with myself). We are the products of the choices we make, and I like to think I’ve made some pretty decent choices throughout my life. But it can also be surmised that we are the product of others choices too (at…
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deepcurvesahead · 10 months
Push It
What part of your routine do you always try to skip if you can? Every morning starts off (nearly) identically: Wake up. Enjoy a warm beverage (usually coffee, but homemade chai recently entered the rotation). Check email, catch up on socials, or read. A quick yoga flow with my lovely husband. Next on the docket is my daily exercise. And this, my friends, is the part I skip if I can. I’ve…
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