#sebastian sallows x fem!reader
peterparkersnose · 1 year
pairing: Sebastian Sallows x fem!reader
word count: 2.8k
warnings: takes place sixth year, teasing, comments about the readers appearance, slight swearing from sebastian, nothing too bad here
a/n hi let’s not bully this fanfic to the point of deletion like the last one :) We do not support JK Rowling here and her views. Hate will be blocked and deleted. Also, don’t ask why Y/N has lipstick on her chin. Sebastian is probably sloppy anyways. Love the mc gifs, even though mine was brunette 😒. Anyways, MC isn’t any specific house in this story so feel free to choose your own!
side note: this is the first fic i edited with grammarly. no clue why i haven’t before, i use it on all my school papers. enjoy the somewhat grammatically correct fic! probably first one ever lmao
summary A joke Sebastian makes goes a little too far
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read time: 10 mins 31 seconds
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“And don’t you just look wonderful today, Y/N!” Poppy cheered, joining your side as you walked down the Hogwarts halls. You smiled, knowing exactly what she was referring to.
“Thank you, Poppy! You look splendid as well,” you smiled, returning the compliment to your Hufflepuff friend. Poppy hastily ran in front of you and opened the door to Charms class. Your eyes quickly scanned the classroom, not looking for anything in particular. When they landed on him, your heart seemed to skip a beat like it always did.
Sebastian was already there; he and Ominis were arguing sitting at the table adjacent to yours and Poppy’s. Your eyes immediately snapped to the boy, but only briefly.
Sebastian was dressed down today, which suddenly made your appearance feel out of place. His white button-down with rolled-up sleeves and a loose Slytherin tie looked so simple in comparison to your new look. You yearned to take a second glance, but you were sure it would have been too obvious that you were looking at him.
As you took your seat and spoke to Poppy, you occasionally let your gaze drift beyond hers and to the boy— his hair was messy. Had he even combed it this morning? You could just visualize him ruffling it for just a brief moment, looking in the mirror, and thinking ‘Good enough’. He would be shrugging his shoulders and following Ominis out the door as he yelled at Sebastian for making him late.
The way his shoulders were spread as he lay his head in his arms placed on the table was almost enchanting to look at. Was he speaking to Ominis or the girl at the next table? Your heart began to race, as you didn’t want to know the answer to that question. His head bowed once more before he sat upright. Yawning, he stretched his arms behind him and his gaze suddenly met yours. As you snapped your gaze back to Poppy, you heard him let out a tired groan. Oh, he knew what he was doing.
“Y/N?” Poppy asked as you re gained your focus back on the conversation you were having. “Yes!” you answered, a little too loudly and confidently.
“What is it?” Poppy inquired, turning her head to see exactly what you were looking at.
“Poppy! Not now,” you whispered and looked down at your shoes. “He’s smirking, you know. Playing with the end of his tie like an idiot.”
“You were saying?” you asked, changing the subject back to the original topic. “Sorry,” Poppy sighed. You gave her a comforting smile. “What color is that? On your lips,” she asked. You took the tiny tube of lipstick out from your robes, opened the cap, and showed Poppy. “Imelda let me use her dark cherry balm she got from Hogsmeade. She said it suits my complexion well but… I’m still not quite sure.”
You had spent all night practicing with Imelda. In previous days you had expressed your interest in makeup after noticing Imelda’s long eyelashes and flushed cheeks. She taught you the right way to apply makeup and how to make it look simple. The first time you applied your own she described it as ‘horrendous’. So, after staying up hours after curfew, you finally mastered the look you were going for. Imelda reviewed it and let you finally out of the dormitory after making sure you weren’t going to class looking like a fool.
“You're going to have to teach me sometime! It looks absolutely stunning. I’m not sure how you don’t have every prefect swooning over you right now.” Poppy said, gazing over your makeup look. “I would love to teach you sometime Poppy, what about—”
As you were about to finish your sentence, you heard the stool next to Poppy scrape against the floor. Before you knew it, the brown-haired boy leaped from the student section and onto the floor. He then approached your table, simply placing his hands firmly near the edges of your textbook, and looked down at you.
“What was I hearing about prefects?” he asked, squinting and studying your face. If the blush wasn’t enough, you were sure you were bright red.
“Are you interested in becoming one next year?” he asked. You shrugged, trying to ignore his addicting gaze. Poppy smiled and happily answered the question for you “I was just saying how I was surprised that—”
“Poppy!” you proclaimed, hitting her boot with the tip of yours. All in good fun, Poppy was one to exploit your confided crush on Sebastian any day.
“I have no interest in becoming a prefect, Sebastian.” you sighed, finally giving in and looking up at him. He took a step back, still squinting.
“Are you interested in becoming a clown then? With this new look, you’ll make a perfect carnie.”
Sebastian was expecting an eye roll and some slight beratement from you for that comment, but instead, he was met with a wide eyed-lips partially parted look from you. For the first time ever he considered that he may have crossed the line with you.
You were unsure of what to say.
“Sebastian!” Ominis called from their table. “Leave her alone. You have better things to do with your time than berating our friend.”
Poppy gave your arm a reassuring pat as Sebastian awkwardly made his way back to his seat. “He didn’t mean it. He’s just a stupid boy, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” she whispered to you just as Professor Ronan began his descent down the stairs from his office.
The pit in your stomach grew as the thought of Sebastian Sallows calling your work that you worked so hard on a ��carnie’ ran through your head. 
“You're being oddly still,” Ominis whispered to Sebastian. He didn’t answer, Sebastian just stared blankly at the rug pattern Professor Roman was walking upon. Ominis poked Sebastian with his wand.
“I’m fine.” he gritted between his teeth. In reality, he was replaying the encounter he had with you just minutes before. Oh, how he wishes he could just suck those words back in. He always seems to mess something up.
“What exactly did you say to Y/N?” Ominis asked. Sebastian let out a sigh. “Nothing-”
“You're a terrible liar.”
“You're a terrible see-er,”
“Your comeback was weak.” Ominis sighed. “Just like your game,” he added.
“My what?”
The room was suddenly quiet and all eyes were on Sebastian. He had said that way too loudly.
“Is everything-” Professor Ronan began to ask Sebastian, but was interrupted.
Garreth Weasley had just made his way into the classroom. The large doors boomed as they shut behind him.
Garreth was a flirt. He would always try to make moves at you that you kindly rejected, but now it was more fun than serious.
He looked your way with a smooth look on his face, but his emotions quickly dropped. “Merlin’s beard Y/N! What did you do, make out with Peeves? He seems to have gotten some of those crazy colors on you!”
“Garreth!” Poppy shouted, doing her best to defend her friend.
That was enough of this makeup business.
You slammed your stool in as you left the Charms classroom almost in tears. Making your way towards the nearest bathroom, you looked in the mirror and looked at the running mascara down your cheeks.
Back in the classroom, there was a stir. Sebastian rose from his seat and met Garreth where he was standing. He took out his wand in one hand, and in the other he grabbed Garreth’s collar, jolting the boy slightly.
“Do that again, and you’ll wish you didn’t.”
Garreth stared at Sebastian with confused fear in his eyes. Sebastian’s grip on his collar tightened as his wand was pointed at Garreth’s neck. Usually, Sebastian was one to go along with his antics; why such the change now?
“Mr. Weasley and Mr. Sallows!” Professor Ronan yelled, causing Sebastian to drop his hold on Garreth. “This behavior is unacceptable! I will be having a word with your Aunt, Mr. Weasley.”
Garreth groaned. 
“And for you, Mr. Sallows— return to your common room. We will discuss this matter later,” Professor Ronan said, shoving the two boys even farther apart with his hands.
An excuse to miss class? Sebastian would have done this ages ago if he knew it would have had this result. You didn’t have to ask him twice.
As Sebastian turned the corner and was about to descend down the stairs, he noticed your books piled outside the bathroom. He hesitated to at first, but he pressed his ear against the door. Tiny sniffles came from inside. His hand wrapped around the doorknob, but to no avail. It was locked.
“Alohamora,” he whispered.
Your ears perked as you heard the lock on the restroom click. Quickly, you tried to collect yourself and be as silent as you could to allow the other girl to use the restroom. Or maybe it was Poppy coming to check in on you. Either way, you wanted to be alone. You stared down at the towel in your hand, smeared with the work you were so proud of just minutes before.
And then suddenly, you heard a voice. One you never expected to hear in a woman’s restroom.
“Y/N?” Sebastian asked.
What was he doing in here?
His shoes suddenly came into view as he walked in front of your stall.
“Go away, Sebastian.”
He sighed. “I can’t just do that,”
You sat silently, hoping that if you tried hard enough you could apparate somewhere else.
“Are you decent?” Sebastian asked. “Huh?” you replied, confused. Another swift “Alohamora” came from Sebastian. You rose from the toilet and slammed your arm against the door, using your whole body weight to keep him out. But to no avail, Sebastian was taller and stronger than you.
He was taken aback as you came into view. His heart simply broke at the vision in front of him.
“No,” he whispered almost in shock as he entered the stall with you. The guilt began to rise as he knew he was partially responsible for this.
“Sebastian please,” you begged, turning away. It was embarrassing enough that he had to see you like that; make-up smeared on your face that was left over and tear-stained cheeks weren’t the ideal look.
He took your hand carefully. Only entwining a few fingers at first before you allowed his hand into yours, against your better judgment. He walked out of the stall with you and stood in front of a sink.
“Sit,” he ordered. You stared at him in confusion. “Go on, don’t make me lift you.”
You leaped on the countertop and shuttered a bit as your skirt lifted and your bum hit the cool surface. Sweeping your skirt down nicely, you watched as Sebastian fetched a clean towel and began to wet it.
“What are you doing?” you asked as he ran out the damp towel. Sebastian didn’t answer, instead placing one hand on your jawline to steady your face. You almost slapped his hand out of place until the warm cloth reached your cheek.
“Try not to squirm, love.”
He moved so gently as the cloth ran over your cheeks. Sebastian hated seeing the mascara stains and was happy to see them washed away.
You couldn’t help it—more tears began to form in your lash line.
“No, no,” Sebastian said to reassure you. His hand left your jaw and moved to your hand in your lap. His fingers entwined with yours.
The cloth began to grow cold. Sebastian was almost done wiping your face, his gaze not leaving you once. As he made his final round around, making sure he got everything, his thumb brushed your lips by accident. The feeling of your soft lips was enough to send him wild.
He would be lying if he didn’t admit that when he saw you enter the classroom that he didn’t want that dark, honey-duke color all over his lips.
He sighed as he set the dirty towel next to the one you had used previously in the sink.
“I apologize,” he said sincerely.
“Please, Y/N. I feel terrible.”
You looked down, his hand was still in yours. With his other hand, he brought his hand up to your chin and tilted it back into his line of sight.
“What can I do to make it up to you?”
“I…” you tried to answer. He seemed to be getting closer and closer with each breath.
“Do you want me to…” Sebastian speculated, his face nearing the side of your head. You could feel his breath on your ear.
“…fuck up Garreth?”
A slight gasp came from you as his hand moved from yours to your waist.
“Mm, Sebastian no.” you whimpered.
“Or… let me make it up to you.”
“P-please,” you sighed, nervous to move another inch. “What can I do?” he asked.
A sly smile came to your face.
“I do have one thing in mind.”
Your hand pushed him back from his close stance to you. Feeling his chest for the first time was quite a different experience. You didn’t expect to feel the warmth coming off his body through his thin shirt.
Hopping off the counter, Sebastian was now noticeably taller than you once again. Your hand dipped in your robes and pulled out Imelda’s lip balm.
“And?” he asked, getting impatient as he watched you take off the cap and place it on the counter. Sebastian tapped his finger on the counter. Taking one last glance at his ruffled hair and tattered stance, you turn to the mirror and applied a thick layer of the dark, thin balm on your lips.
“I want you to wear it.”
He let out a laugh. “It’s that simple? Give it to me. It’s not that bad anyways-”
Sebastian reached for the tube of lipstick. You quickly snatched it in your hands and snapped it away.
“W-what was that for? Y/N, come on now. Your confusing me. What do you want?”
You smirked, cocking your hips against the counter. “I said Sebastian, I want you to wear it.”
His jaw hinged as he began to get frustrated. All he was doing was trying to help you, and you were now playing games. Sebastian was done being toyed with. Bending down to become eye level with you once again, he spoke. His nose nearly touched the bridge of yours.
“And how would I do that? You obliviated the thing in to-”
You pushed up with your toes as you took the leap and kissed Sebastian. His eyes shot wide open as you kept yours shut. As he realized what was finally happening, his hands quickly moved to the back of your neck and into your hair. As he began to straighten his back, you began to lose him as he was too tall.
“Oh fuck…” he muttered, grabbing you and vaulting you into his arms and quickly sitting you up on the counter as he had previously threatened. With a very few seconds of breathing, his lips were back on yours and was eager as ever. His hands steadied at your waist as you let out a groan as he pushed down. He stood in between your legs, towering down over you.
As the kiss finally dissolved, his hands cupped your cheeks and looked down at you endearingly. A wide smile came to your face that matched his. You chuckled.
“What is it?” he teased, thinking you were being playful. “Your teeth, Sebastian.”
He looked up in the mirror and gave it a stupid grin. He had the dark lipstick all over his teeth. “Bloody hell, this stuff doesn’t taste good,” he whined as he used his finger to wipe off the excess lipstick. “It’s not meant to eat,”
“I can tell.”
Just as the banter was ending, the lock on the women’s restroom began to jiggle.
Sebastian gave you a worried look as the lock hooked open. In mere seconds, he gave you his infamous smirk and snapped his fingers. He was gone. Apparated out. Confused but not surprised that he knew how to do that, you let the inevitable happen and the door swings open.
“Y/N!” Poppy announced, rushing to find you sitting on the counter. “Are you alright?” she asked confused. To be fair, you were sitting on the bathroom counter with your legs spread a little too far for comfort, lipstick smeared all over your lips and partially your chin (don’t ask) and your hair was disheveled.
“Never better, Popps.”
You followed Poppy out of the bathroom and down the hallway. “You can’t go into class looking like that!”
You shrugged and tugged down your skirt. “Let’s get you cleaned up in my room.”
You followed Poppy once again. After moments of walking silently, she stopped.
“Are you alright?” you asked her.
Poppy had a tooth-baring grin on her face. “He was in there, wasn’t he!” she accused, excitement rising in her demeanor.
Your eyebrows rose as you sighed. She had finally come to the realization. Poppy was a smart girl, but you didn’t think she was that smart. You didn’t mind anyways, she was going to get all the details once you reached her quarters.
“I don’t know what you're talking about,” you dauntingly said, as you made your way further down the hall.
“I know the look of love when I see it.” Poppy said, catching up with you.
tag list: @dani5216 @uwiuwi @alohastyles-x @mandoloriancookie @maddieinnit0 @alexxavicry @scoliobean @avengersfan25 @nyotamalfoy @milly-louise @mxtokko
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I Think He Knows
Word Count: 5.2k
Themes: fluff, pining
Summary: Sebastian helps Y/N with an interesting request
Warnings: Potential spoilers for HL. All characters 18+ and in seventh year. I’m not an expert at flirting please don’t take any of this advice on board 
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Y/N found Sebastian in the Slytherin common room, tucked into a quiet corner next to the large windows with a book in hand. She smoothed her skirt down as she made her way over to him, thankful that the common room was almost deserted. It was a rare, sunny day and it looked like most of their house mates had taken the opportunity to sit outside, leaving only one or two stragglers to sit indoors.
“Hey, you,” Y/N smiled sweetly at him as she neared and took a seat next to him on the couch, leaving a considerable gap between them.
“Hey, yourself.” Sebastian offered Y/N a charming grin and sat up straighter, his book held loosely in his hands. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”
“I need a favour.”
“Are you about to ask me to go out and battle trolls with you again for potions ingredients?”
“No,” Y/N shook her head with a quiet laugh. “Nothing like that, I promise.”
“Good,” Sebastian set his book to the side and crossed one leg over the other. “How can I help then?”
“It…it’s a bit of an unusual request.”
“I was wondering if you could teach me how to flirt.” Y/N shuffled in her seat nervously, tucking her legs beneath her so she had an excuse to avoid Sebastian’s surprised expression. She was eternally grateful that he liked being secluded and the other people in the room were too far away to hear her embarrassing request.
“You want me to teach you to flirt?” he repeated. He wasn’t quite sure what he thought she was going to ask him, but it certainly wasn’t that. “Why?”
“Why else?” Y/N feigned a laugh to mask her anxiety and fiddled with her hair. “There’s this guy. He’s quite charming, but every time he flirts with me I freeze up. I want to be able to flirt back and show him I like him.” She could feel her heart in her throat as she said the words and prayed that Sebastian would mistake her red cheeks for the sheer awkwardness of the request.
“So you’ve come to the expert.”
“Don’t start.” Y/N rolled her eyes at him. “If you’re going to make me regret coming to you for help I’ll go to Ominis instead.”
“Ominis?” Sebastian gave her an incredulous look. “Ominis can’t flirt.”
“He’s quite poetic when he wants to be,” Y/N shrugged one shoulder. “Some people like that.”
“I refuse to let you go to Ominis for this,” Sebastian sat up a little straighter and turned his body to face her. “Let me help you.”
“Do you promise to not be a pain?” she asked, one eyebrow raised. Sebastian sighed wearily and nodded his head, acting as if it pained him, when in reality he was trying his hardest not to grin.
“I promise.” He raised one hand and a rare serious expression crossed his face before he was smiling again. “Do I get to know who it is?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Why not?”
“Because I won’t have you teasing me for it.”
“Well, do I at least get to ask if I know him?”
“You can ask, it doesn’t mean I’ll answer.” Y/N couldn’t help but to laugh at his mock affronted expression.
“So I’m meant to help and give you all my secrets without anything in return?”
“I did offer to go to Ominis instead.”
“Not a chance.” Sebastian rolled his eyes at her. “Can I know if he’s a student here?”
“He is.”
“Well, if that’s all you’re going to give me,” Sebastian muttered. He didn’t need to worry about upsetting her with his grumpy behaviour - he knew she could see through his act and that he was just curious as to who this mystery man was. “The key to flirting is to be subtle. You need to be able to get across to him that you’re interested, but you don’t want him to think you’re needy or desperate. Can you tell me a little about him? I can give you some tips based on what he’s like, but just know it’s down to you to make all the pieces fall into place. Not everyone can be a natural charmer like me.” Y/N rolled her eyes and flicked the back of Sebastian’s hand (which was stretched out across the back of the couch in her direction) and thought about how to describe the man in question without actually saying too much about him.
“He’s good looking - unfairly so - and charming, and smart, and funny and flawed but deep down he’s got this heart of gold that he keeps hidden from everyone who isn’t close to him.”
“But you’re close to him?” Sebastian asked, watching as Y/N nodded. “Do you think he likes you back?”
“I don’t know,” Y/N sighed as she admitted it out loud, a pale flush coming to her cheeks. “Poppy and Imelda both reckon he does, but I’m not sure. I told you he’s a charmer, he’s nice to everyone but sometimes he looks at me and it’s…it feels different.”
“You sound like you have it bad.”
“I do,” Y/N groaned and covered her face so Sebastian couldn’t see her burning cheeks. “That’s why I need your help. Please, Seb?”
“I already agreed to help you,” he chuckled. “It just so happens I know the type of person you mean and I can help. You need to start with subtle hints to gauge his reaction - a wink here, a cheeky comment there. If he catches on and looks like he’s enjoying the attention he should do the same back.” Sebastian watched as Y/N nodded thoughtfully, her head tilted to one side slightly as she took the information in. “I know that look. That means trouble.”
“No, it doesn’t,” she laughed and shook her head. “I just…can you help me practise? Pretty please?”
“Trouble.” Sebastian pointed at the expression on her face, but still smiled and patted the space next to him on the couch. “Come here. You need to get used to the proximity that comes with flirting and you can’t do that from all the way over there.” Y/N pretended to grumble, but slid over so that she was sat right next to Sebastian, their legs not quite touching. “What do you think you need help with the most?”
“I think I need help with my confidence.” She twisted her fingers as she spoke and Sebastian couldn’t help but smile softly at the endearing action. “He could literally just tell me my hair looks nice that day and I struggle to reply.”
“So you need to get used to him complimenting you?”
“Yes - but when you say it with that grin I have a feeling I’m not going to like where this is going.”
“Have a little faith, Y/L/N,” Sebastian chuckled quietly as he nudged her, silently asking her if she was ready. She nodded hesitantly and he cleared his throat before a sly smile slowly graced his features. “You know, I heard from a few people that you were beautiful, but I didn’t realise you would be Aphrodite incarnate.” He gauged Y/N’s reaction to his words and was delighted to see a pretty pink blush cross her cheeks. “Oh, you’re adorable.”
“Stop teasing me.” Y/N covered her face and looked away from Sebastian. 
“How can I when you’re so endearing?” He grasped her wrists gently and pulled them away from her face. “If you blush with him like you are now then I’m sure you’ve already won him over.”
“Well then why won’t he say anything?”
“Maybe he’s waiting for you to make the first move,” Sebastian shrugged casually and leant back in his seat again. “Would you like me to try again so you can respond?”
“No, because I’m going to blush again and you’re going to make fun of me.”
“Tease, Y/N. I would never make fun of you. You said you wanted to work on your confidence.”
“How am I ever going to be able to flirt back when I can’t even take a simple compliment?”
“I mean, you don’t necessarily have to. Some guys love leaving a woman speechless.”
“I’m always flustered and speechless with him when he flirts, I just want to be able to do it back and leave him blushing for once.”
“Catch him off guard then. All those things you want him to do - the compliments, the actions, the looks - you do them.” Sebastian was giving away most of his tricks at this point, but he found he didn’t particularly care as he taught Y/N what to do.
“So if I wished he would touch my hand I should just…?” Y/N casually brushed the back of Sebastian’s hand with hers, making it look completely natural as she shifted in her seat. 
“Exactly. Just like that.” Sebastian nodded with a large smile on his face. “You can’t let him have too much control, you need to keep him on his toes. Tell him how good he looks before he can tell you how pretty you are.”
“You think I’m pretty?”
“Shut up, you’re gorgeous and you know it,” Sebastian rolled his eyes at her and ran his hand through his hair. “Some men don’t tend to get too many compliments, so when they get one from someone special like you it’ll stick. And you don’t just have to tell him he looks handsome that day - you can focus on his talents too. Don’t force it, a genuine compliment will earn you his favour far faster.”
“Why are you complimenting me?” Y/N narrowed her eyes at him. 
“Isn’t that the point?” Sebastian asked, “to get you used to him complimenting you.”
“Oh, so you just called me gorgeous and special because you’re trying to build my confidence, not because you mean it,” Y/N gave him a teasing smile and raised an eyebrow. Sebastian couldn’t help but chuckle (but not unkindly) as her obvious flirting and shot her a disarming wink. 
“I mean, the fact that you are gorgeous helps. What talents does your guy have? Do you know if he’s good at anything? Does he care about his grades?”
“He’s incredible at duelling. He’s really smart as well, but doesn’t really focus on school work too much. He could easily be at the top of the class if he wanted to.”
“Is he in Crossed Wands?” The words slipped out of Sebastian’s mouth before he could process them, followed by a quiet chuckle when Y/N shot him a playful glare. “Compliment his duelling then, make sure he knows he’s good at what he’s doing. He’s not the top of the class but that doesn’t mean you can’t comment on his potential or intelligence. The goal is to let him know he impresses you.”
“So if I were to…” Y/N took a moment to think before a coy smile fell on her lips. “You were brilliant at the Crossed Wands tournament the other day, I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone duel as well as you or look so good while doing so.”
“So he is in Crossed Wands. Wait, please tell me it’s not Prewett.”
“Prewett? No!” Y/N grimaced. “In what world is Leander Prewett charming?” 
“Good. I was starting to question your taste,” Sebastian wrinkled his nose in distaste. “Your admiration for his duelling skills was good, and you told him you find him attractive. That’s two birds with one stone.” Sebastian looked at her from the corner of his eye and a mischievous grin appeared as he turned his head to face her properly. “On that note, I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but you look absolutely stunning tonight.”
“Not at all.” Y/N managed to tamper down the blush this time, and eyed Sebastian appreciatively with a soft smile. “You look pretty handsome yourself. Green is a good colour on you.” 
“Why, thank you. I do my best to dress well, although no one can look better than you do.” Sebastian winked at her, feeling slightly proud that she hadn’t gotten flustered at his words and had even managed to flirt back. “You’re getting better at this.”
“Practice helps. I can’t thank you enough for this.”
“Yes, well, I’m sure you remember how much I like having friends in my debt.” He gave her a smirk before looking out of the window they were next to and out into the lake. “Do you have anything else you want to ask me? Anything I haven’t mentioned or you think I’ve missed?”
“What haven’t you mentioned?”
“A lot,” Sebastian chuckled. “Mostly simple things. You’ve already got down how to respond if he flatters you without me even mentioning it. Give him that smile of yours when you say something nice to him and you should get him all worked up and right where you want him.”
“What smile?”
“That one.” Sebastian pointed at her lips. “Merlin, you really don’t know what effect you have on people, do you?” Sebastian didn’t give her the time to respond before he continued giving her advice. “You should make him work for it if he asks you something more personal - but know your limits.”
“What do you mean?”
“How well does he know you? Does he know your favourite colour, favourite flower, favourite animal? If he doesn’t then make him work for the answer and ask him to guess. Just don’t do it for every question or it’ll get annoying fast.”
“Do people still ask things like that? Do you even know my favourite animal?”
“It could be literally anything but for the sake of it…a horse?”
“Not quite.”
“You’re going to make me guess, aren’t you?”
“Yes.” Sebastian groaned as she toyed with him but couldn’t help but grin with pride at how fast she was picking all of this up. “Give me a hint.”
“It’s small and cute.” 
“Is it magical or normal?”
“A puffskein?”
“Almost,” Y/N laughed quietly and readjusted in her seat, her arm brushing Sebastian’s as she did so. “It has a penchant for shiny objects.”
“If it’s a niffler I might revolt.” He looked at Y/N from the corner of his eye and watched as she grinned widely and nodded. “A bloody niffler?”
“They’re adorable!” 
“Nifflers are greedy little shits that dig through the trash of the wizarding world. Why am I not surprised you like the one creature that was never intended to be appreciated.”
“Alright, what’s your favourite magical creature then?”
“Probably a hippogriff. Or a phoenix.”
“Phoenix’s are probably my second favourite. There’s something poetic about them rising and being reborn from their ashes.”
“Hm,” Sebastian nodded thoughtfully. “I think that’s why they might be my favourite. The idea of death resulting in a cycle of rebirth is strangely comforting when compared to the alternative. It’s nice to be reminded sometimes that life moves on without you, even if it means your own passing.”
“That was…really insightful, Seb. I’ve never thought about it like that before.” Y/N tilted her head at him with a soft smile before looking away with a sudden blush. 
“I do try.” He couldn’t help but be intrigued by the flush to her cheeks and wondered why it had appeared so abruptly. “It’s important to remain genuine even when it’s difficult or may not benefit you.”
“Stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like you’re about to ask me something that I’m not going to like.” Sebastian laughed quietly at this and his arm that was still stretched out along the back of the couch brushed Y/N’s shoulder gently.
“Well, in the spirit of being authentic…why are you blushing?” She pulled a face at the question and the flush on her cheeks deepened.
“The light from the lake was on your face when you were talking and I realised how handsome you look.”
“Oh.” Sebastian blinked once and felt his cheeks start to burn. The compliment had caught him off guard and now that she wasn’t simply responding to one of his own advances he realised how much he liked it.
“Do you want me to spare you the teasing?”
“Only because I’m a bigger person than you.” She watched the smirk appear on his face and gently flicked his arm. “Not one comment about my height.” Sebastian raised his hands in surrender and mimed zipping his lips.
“You said it, not me.”
“Alright you.” Y/N gently hit him with one of the throw pillows on the couch and let him grab it from her hands. “I have more questions.”
“Of course you do.”
“How do I know if he’s flirting with me because he likes me and not because he’s a flirt?”
“Ah, that old conundrum.” Sebastian rubbed the back of his neck while he thought about his answer. “To be fully honest with you, it depends on the guy. You can usually tell by how he acts around you. Is he quick to offer to help you with something? Does he smile and laugh a lot around you? You need to look at the whole picture to find the answer. Does he flirt with a lot of girls or just you?”
“He’s kind of charming with everyone. I don’t think it’s malicious or that he’s a player, he’s just naturally a charming person.”
“From the sounds of it I’d say he’s interested at the very least. Do you like spending time with him?”
“I could sit and talk to him all day.”
“That’s definitely a good sign, especially if he feels the same. Being able to stand a person’s company for hours without getting bored is something to note.” Sebastian placed his arms behind his head and turned to look at Y/N. “What kind of things does he talk to you about?”
“When he’s not flirting, you mean?” she asked. “Just normal things; life, family, school.”
“He doesn’t sound like a player, but you would know better than I do about his motives considering you won’t tell me who he is.”
“Maybe later.”
“I said maybe. I need to be sure of a few other things first.”
“Well, if it’s whether or not he likes you it sounds like he likes you plenty.”
“How do you know that without knowing who he is?”
“I don’t know many guys - let alone players - who would sit and talk about their family with a girl they had ulterior motives for. I can’t guarantee anything, obviously, but make sure he makes you happy before anything else.” Sebastian paused and raised an eyebrow at her. “Are you happy with him? Despite being a flustered mess, do you find yourself wanting to tell him everything?”
“And he does the same back? Does he share his life and hobbies?”
“Yes,” Y/N smiles and crosses her legs, her knee brushing Sebastian’s thigh gently. "He’s told me a lot about his family. He adores his sister and would do anything for her.”
“Hm.” Sebastian has a small smirk on his face, but didn’t voice his thoughts out loud, instead he turned to her with another question. “Are you always nervous around him, or is that just when he flirts? It sounds like you’re pretty comfortable most of the time.”
“It’s just when he flirts. When we’re just talking I’m fine.”
“That’s completely natural. I’ll let you in on a secret; men get nervous around women we like, too.” He saw the query in her eyes and continued on before she could ask. “Again, this changes from person to person, but if he’s the charming type he’ll probably maintain eye-contact up until you flirt back. If you catch him off guard he’ll more than likely blush and look away. He might become fidgety and scratch the back of his head or rub his neck. Everyone has different tells, but most people tend to have these. Have you noticed any of them?”
“A few.”
“I think you should take the plunge and ask him what he likes about you - you can always play that question off as being platonic. I think he’s flirting with you because he likes you.” There was a look in Sebastian’s eye that Y/N couldn’t quite read, but it was gone as quickly as it appeared as he turned to stretch his arms and legs out. 
“Am I bothering you with all these questions? Do you have somewhere you need to be?”
“No, nowhere I need to be - nowhere I’d rather be, either. Asking questions has never bothered me - how else are you meant to learn without them? Besides, I’m enjoying your company.”
“Well I’m glad, because I’m enjoying talking to you too.” Y/N brushed the arm that was resting on the back of the couch more confidently this time, and even Sebastian couldn’t play it off as an accident. He felt his mouth go dry and felt his face heat up slowly and tried to turn his head so that Y/N wouldn’t catch his blush, but of course, he wasn’t that lucky.
“Are you blushing again?”
“Shut up.” The words came out slightly harsher than he expected, but luckily for him, Y/N only laughed in response and tucked her legs back underneath her. “Sorry, I didn’t mean…is it obvious?”
“Not really, it’s only because I’m sitting so close. It’s kind of sweet, you’re cute when you blush.”
“Alright, enough of that. I have a reputation to maintain - I can’t have people thinking I’m a blusher.”
“Your secret is safe with me,” Y/N mimed zipping her lips shut and winked at him. 
“Give me a secret in exchange instead. What’s your biggest fear?”
“Spiders.” She wrinkled her nose in distaste. “I know you’re probably looking for an answer like ‘being alone’, but spiders creep me out.”
“I was looking for an honest answer and you gave it to me. I don’t blame you, to be honest. Remember all the spiders we fought in that cave in fifth year?”
“Don’t remind me,” Y/N shuddered. “Worst day of my life. What’s your biggest fear?”
“Being forgotten.”
“I don’t think anyone who’s met you could ever forget you, Sebastian. I certainly won’t.”
“I’m not that impressive,” he disagreed with a shake of his head. “You, on the other hand, are. You aren’t afraid to show who you really are, or step out of your comfort zone and be challenged. Don’t ever stop being you, Y/N, you’re one of a kind.”
“As sweet as that is of you to say, I’m not all that great at stepping out of my comfort zone. Battling trolls and Ashwinders is one thing but I can’t even tell the guy I like that I like him.”
“You’ve already made it past the first hurdle - admitting to yourself you like him. Sometimes that can be the scariest step. Now you just need a leap of faith and tell him how you feel.”
“I don’t know if I’m brave enough for that, yet.”
“That’s fine.” Sebastian’s fingers brushed her shoulder again as he shrugged. “Start slow and work your way up. Talk to him about something he’s passionate about and listen to him. He might be a guy but he’s still human at the end of the day.” Y/N’s knee bounced nervously as he spoke and tried to push out the words that were on the tip of her tongue. Instead, she was entirely distracted by the light from the lake shifting again to land on Sebastian’s face and lighting up his eyes. She couldn’t say what she really wanted to, but she could always express her admiration in other ways. 
“You have lovely eyes, Seb. They’re really pretty.” Sebastian swallowed heavily and silently cursed himself as he felt his cheeks start to burn again. This woman will be the death of me, he thought to himself as he stared down at the floor with a small smile on his face. He felt something shift between them and knew he couldn’t miss the opportunity to return the compliment - it felt too important to pass by. 
“You’re one to talk, Y/N. You have incredibly beautiful eyes. I love how they light up when you smile.”
“We’ll have to agree to disagree on that one. Your eyes are a kaleidoscope of golds and browns. I’ve never seen such a nice colour.” She leaned forward slightly as she spoke, her body shifting closer to him. Sebastian couldn’t help but to sit up so that he could be closer to her, their shoulders brushing gently with every breath. Her breathing had stilled and he could feel the energy radiating from her. Y/N blushed and looked away as his hand skimmed her knee gently.
“Can I ask you something?” he asked her, his voice low. “What do you think about me? Not as a friend, or a classmate just…me.” That look was back in Sebastian’s eye - the one she couldn’t quite put her finger on - and she couldn’t help but wonder if he was flirting with her. Of course, they had been this whole time while she ‘practised’, but something about his low tone made this seem different. It made it seem real.
“You are the kindest soul I have ever met, Seb. You’re funny, charming, ridiculously handsome…” she trailed off as she realised what she had said, her face flushing once more. Meanwhile, Sebastian rubbed the back of his neck nervously, his face a matching shade of pink as he thought over her answer.
“You’re the most wonderful person I have ever met in my life.”
“Look who’s talking,” she pointed at him briefly, “you’re one of the best people I know.”
“Well now I know you’re lying to me,” he narrowed his eyes playfully. 
“I would never.”
“Never, hm?”
“Tell me this then, are you flirting with me?” There was a knowing smile on his face, but he wanted to watch her squirm just a little bit. He was enjoying her flirting immensely but a part of him wanted the girl back who got flustered when he so much as winked at her.
“I’ve been trying to for the past hour, but thanks for finally noticing,” Y/N laughed quietly and nudged his shoulder gently.
“As part of your ‘practise’ or…?”
“What do you think?” She gave him a levelled look and Sebastian placed a hand on his sternum dramatically. 
“I knew it, this whole time you were only using me for my knowledge. Shame on you for toying with me like this.” Y/N laughed again and shook her head at his theatrics, her hand coming to rest on his knee. She didn’t pull away this time, didn’t pretend she was only brushing past and so Sebastian covered her hand with his and laced their fingers together. His stomach flipped pleasantly at the contact, and he was absolutely enthralled by the colour that was blooming on her face.
“How ever will I make it up to you?” Y/N asked, hoping he didn’t notice how breathless she had gotten. 
“I guess I can forgive you if you try your best to win me over.”
“And how do I do that?”
“Well, I’d say you’ve made some decent progress by holding my hand.” He gave her a mischievous smile as he gently squeezed her fingers and leaned in to whisper in her ear. “I’ll leave you to decide what to do for the second half, lest I make a suggestion you hit me for.” He didn’t think Y/N could blush any deeper, but he was delighted to be proven wrong as her face turned the most enticing shade of red as she looked down at his lips briefly. Sebastian felt his eyes slip close in anticipation as she began to close the gap between them, only for them to fly open again as she pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek.
“I’ll take the final step to win you over on one condition.” She still hadn’t pulled away from him, her face was so close Sebastian could count the different colours in her eyes.
“Is the condition more questions?”
“A couple.”
“Make them good ones.” He gave her a lazy grin and reached up to brush some hair away from her face. 
“How do I know if he wants to kiss me? Not to say that he did, but because he wants to?”
“He’ll probably be holding your hand,” Sebastian squeezed her fingers again, “look into your eyes, look down at your lips.” His gaze drifted lower to watch as that maddeningly gorgeous smile slowly appeared on her lips. “You’ll feel it in the air too - the energy between your bodies.”
“Should I let him make the first move or do you think he’ll like it if I do it?”
“He would be thrilled if you made the first move.”
“Can I kiss you?”
“I would love nothing more,” he said, a knowing smile on his face. He looked into her eyes as Y/N traced his jawline gently before slowly leaning in and giving him a feather-light kiss.
“I have a confession before I do that again.” 
“Darling, you have to give me more credit than that - I worked it out a while ago.”
“Would you just let me tell you I have feelings for you?”
“Well, if it helps, I’m a little fond of you myself.”
“Only a little fond?” Y/N asked, a teasing smile on her face. She covered it well, but Sebastian could see the insecurity in her eyes. He could see how unsure she was about how he felt after she had all but put her heart on the line. 
“Fine, you caught me, I’m completely fond of you.” Y/N rolled her eyes and tried to pull away, but Sebastian slid both arms around her waist and held on to her. “You are gorgeous beyond belief, and I’m utterly smitten with you, Y/N. Do you believe me, or do I need to prove it to you?”
“Prove it,” her answering grin was nothing short of wicked and Sebastian adored it.
“How would you like me to prove it to you?” He was playing into her game now, but he didn’t care. He watched as she faltered slightly, the same beautiful blush coming to her cheeks. He loved leaving her flustered and speechless. He never thought she would have the guts to approach him today and attempt to play him like a violin (because, of course he knew as soon as she mentioned him being the best duellist in the school) but he was ecstatic she had because he was crazy about her. “Well?” After all the progress they had made today he wasn’t about to let her struggle to find the words, but he was patient. 
“I…” She swallowed hard and he could feel her hands shaking very slightly. “I don’t just want pretty words and some kisses. I want you to prove it to me by giving me all of you. I want your heart Sebastian.” He paused, taking in her words - Y/N had just put everything on the table. What she wanted was exactly what he did - a bond that went beyond mere interest and was grounded in both physical and emotional commitment.
“Darling, it was already yours.”
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mochroialainn · 2 months
Despite everything
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Title: Despite Everything Fandom: Hogwarts Legacy Characters: Sebastian Sallow x reader Plot: Despite everything he did, despite everything he said to you, the months of pain caused he caused you. Some part of you still saw the good, saw the kind and the caring and the protective. Most of all you still saw the hurt and the pain he suffered, so despite everything you gave him back the one thing he loved most in the world. His sister . Themes: Angst, hurt/comfort Warnings: Asshole Sebastian, mild hurt/comfort, love confessions, fem!reader. Word count: 6,769 Notes: This is based in 7th year, all characters are ages up to 18. I also have yet to finish the game, so please excuse any errors! This also got very out of hand very quickly and I apologise for the length
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Golden light filtered through the windows of the Sallow home in Feldcroft illuminating everything inside in a warm honey glow that gave Anne a feeling of hope as she watched the person who had slowly became her best friend over the past year and a half, fiddle with her wand, twirling it between her fingers and twisting and turning it absentmindedly as her eyes scanned over the piece of parchment in her hands. 
It was an unlikely friendship, but one that was true and ran deep. It was a friendship built on trust and love and seeing every part of the other. For too long all people saw in Anne was her illness, the dreadful curse that had taken over her life too long. They pittied her and feared her at the same time, they didn’t want the same thing to happen to them and even though it wasn’t contagious people tended to stay clear of her. But [name] wasn’t like that, she saw Anne wholly for who she was. She saw her as a person rather than her illness, 
She saw the Anne that many thought was lost the day she was cursed, she saw the daring adventurous girl she once was. [Name] always revelled in reading and hearing the stories of Anne and Sebastian when they were children, their mischieviousness and the trouble they would get into, she proclaimed one day that Anne and Sebastian were probably the reason Solomon had grey hairs, causing the two girls to fall into a fit of giggles. 
And Anne saw [name] as more than the Hero of Hogwarts, she saw past the facade of strength and courage to see the crumbling girl beneath who carried the weight of the world on her shoulders. The girl who was suddenly whisked into a world of magic and was the only one with the power to stop it from crumbling. She saw the vulnerability and the fear hidden deep below the mask. But she also saw the kindness and the protectiveness, saw it in the way she spoke of her friends. Of Ominis and Sebastian and how she would have burned the world to the ground if anything were to happen to them, and those two boys were the most important people in her life and as soon as she saw how [name] cared for them she was quickly added to the list. 
Since their initial meeting, the girls had sent each other countless owls back and forth and [Name] would visit Anne any time she could, though her visits became less frequent towards the end of their 5th year. Anne had asked about in her letters, saying she missed [Name] and even tried to sweeten it by saying that even Solomon missed her because he loved the way Anne’s eyes would light up anytime [Name] was around and he was happy she had a friend like her. Something had changed,she just didn’t know what and though [Name] never divulged the information she had a feeling it was to do with her stubborn, hard-headed brother who couldn’t see a good thing if it him in the face with same force as a bludger. 
It was during the summer of their sixth year that Anne finally pulled the information from Ominis who had come to see her and Sebastian. Sebastian and Solomon had gone off to do some shopping, the pair slowly mending bridges together, and Anne had asked Ominis about [Name]. She had noticed the way he fidgeted uncomfortably, pulling on his sleeves and chewing on hislips nervously. After much pestering from Anne’s side, Ominis had finally relented and told her what happened. 
About her working with a goblin and Sebastians reaction, him calling her ignorant and icing her out as if she had never meant anything to him. To how he was treating her like she meant nothing to him, like she didn’t even exist. And Anne swore if she could she was going to beat her brother black and blue because she was simply the best thing to ever happen to him. Ominis had sensed her getting worked up, the tension and heat in the room rising, and he had let her know that Imelda Reyes already landed a punch on Sebastian that landed him in the hospital wing with a broken nose and Gareth Weasley had accidentally spilled a potion on him that made him smell like sour milk for 2 whole weeks. That had got a chuckle out of her and Ominis promised to tell [name] that she should come visit and that was enough for Anne. 
So [Name] did just that, she and Ominis conspired with Anne and Solomon to have her go over when Sebastian wasn’t around so the girls could talk. It was during one of these visits that [Name] revealed she hadn’t stopped looking for something to help Anne, even if she couldn’t find a cure she wanted to find something that could illviate the pain and make it so Anne could return to Hogwarts. Anne was gobsmacked when she said it, not wanting her to loose herself in the dark magic the same way Sebastian had. 
That was when [name] explained to Anne that she wasn’t going anywhere near dark magic ever again, her use of it had left her scarred and broken and she was still putting herself back together with the help of her friends, and she revealed her connection to ancient magic and how she could wield it. She told her of Isidora taking the pain away from her father and how Sebastian had damn near lost her mind when she refused to do it. She explained to Anne she simply didn’t know enough, she had seen what happened to Isidora and those she claimed to help by taking away their pain and she was not prepared to take Anne out of one torment to throw her straight into another. She had to study it more and she didn’t care how long it took but she would find a way to help Anne that didn’t involve dark magic or Isidora’s method. 
[Name] always kept Anne informed of her research, telling her what she had learned and the progress she had made even if she was only half a step closer, she also told her stories of Hogwarts and the spells they were learning how the more she researched healing the more she wanted to become a healer. This continued for over a year, the two becoming best friends and sneaking around Sebastian but never mentioning him, both recognising the pain he had caused [Name], and to now. 
It was two weeks before the end of summer and [name] returning to Hogwarts for the 7th and final year. She had spent most of her summer researching and working and perfection and finally, finally she found the last bit she needed and as soon as she had confirmation from Anne that Sebastian was out of their home and would be gone for a few hours she used floo powder to travel to the Sallow home where had been pacing and re-reading for the last hour as Anne watched on amusedly, hope blooming in her chest. 
Finally [Name] folded the parchment that had been in her hand up and returned it to her pocket and faced Anne with a smile. “Are you ready?”
Anne nodded and whispered a quiet “yes” just loud enough to [Name] to hear, but it was all she needed to hear. If Anne was ready, so was she. She stood beside Anne’s bed, the point of her wand nearly touching her hair line, she spoke a soft encatation the tip of her wand glowing blue, the familiar surge of ancient magic flowing through her and making her feel feather light. 
Moving the wand slowly down Anne’s forehead a trail of light followed from the first point, she stopped at point below between Anne’s eyebrows she repeated the incantation again and another pool of light followed as she repeated the steps again moving her wand down Anne's body, stopping at her throat, the center of her chest just slightly right of her heart, at the base of her strernum, at her belly button, and finally at her feet, the trail of light following the path. 
Once she finished the last incantation, he moved her wand once again, placing it directly above Anne’s heart a repeated another incantation this one different can causing the magic to spread out around Anne until every inch of her body was covered in the brilliant blue of ancient magic. The tip of [Name]’s wand dug into the soft flesh of Anne’s chest, not hard enough to cause pain but enough for it to be felt and for her to control the magic working its way through Anne’s body with a lot more precision and she closed her eyes. 
It was an intense feeling, being able to move and see the magic rolling  through someone's body. Being able to locate the curse that had buried itself deep inside Anne. She found it quite quickly, seeing it as dark, throned vines that had twisted itself around Anne’s nervous system and rooted right in her heart. Slowly, [Name] started untangling the vines using her magic to weaken their grip on Anne’s body, pulling them away and covering them in the light of ancient magic causing them to wither and wilt away, she started with the vines twisted around ther nerves slowly killing them all before moving on to the organs and then the muscles and finally to the root of the dark magic lodged inside her heart. This one was a little trickier and required a lot more care and patience, slowly she pulled at the roots, pulling them out one by one and killing them until only one remained and then until none remained. 
Slowly, she opened her eyes and and removed her wand from Anne’s chest, the light at the end extinguishing as the ancient magic around Anne faded. The golden light that had been shining in the room previously had gone, now the room was illuminated in a silver hue the full moon outside the window shining on the two girls and providing the only light in the room. 
“How do you feel?” [Name]’s voice was soft, exhaustion making its home in her body as her muscles started to feel heavy and her brain started to fog. She knew the magic would take it out of her, knew it would leave her exhausted but she wouldn’t let Anne see that, she would only worry [Name] had done too much at once and fuss over her. 
“I feel… good.” Anne smiled, the pain she usually felt gone, the tension in her muscles easing. Breathing was easier and her chest felt light for the first time in years, she took a deep breath and reveled in the fact that it didn’t hurt. A smile quickly came to her lips as she sat herself up, back leaning against the headboard, tears pricked at her eyes as the joy took over and she couldn’t help but let a few slips past and a joyous laugh feel from her lips. [Name] started tearing up as well, reaching out to take Anne’s hand as she mumbled out ‘thank yous’ between the tears. 
“What are you doing here?” An angry voice cuts through the sobs of Anne and causes both girls to whip their head to the door to see Sebastian standing here his face red and nostrils flared as he glared directly at [Name]. The girls eyes widened as she stood in shock, she knew there was always a risk he would come home but she thought she had enough time to leave before he did but the spell must have took much longer than she thought. She wanted to apperate out there and then, to disappear and not face the angry face of the boy she still cared so deeply for despite everything. Beside him Ominis stood, his hand outstretched across Sebastians chest to stop him from charging forward. 
“Sebastian…” Ominis’ voice was a stern. It was a warning to his friend not to do anything stupid or in anger. Sebastian simply growled in response placing his hand on Ominis’ and pushing his friends hand away as he stalked towards [Name].He was taller than her now, she remember being able to look him in his eyes in 5th year but he had shot up in 6th year and now he towered over her, eyes cold and harsh as he glared. 
“What.are.you.doing.here?” His voice was harsher than his glare, the sound of it actually struck fear into [Name]’s heart as she strugged to come up with a response. The exhaustion had fully sank in now, her muscles were giving in on her and she could feel her legs shaking, barely holding her weight up and her head felt like it had been submerged underwater and everything seemed so far away and so close all at once. Her chest constricted, breathing hard to do as every breath felt like a sharp pain. Her body was starting to shut down, she needed to rest and if she didn’t leave soon she was going to collapse. 
Anne’s hand left hers and instead grabbed Sebastians, drawing his gaze away from [Name] just in time as she tumbled slightly backwards. Anne saw it happened from her periphery, the way [Name] was struggling to standing and seemed to sway from side to side, but she knew she needed to calm Sebastian down before she could help her friend.Sebastian’s glare softened slightly when he turned to his sister and the hand she wasn’t holding closed over the top of hers in comfort. “Sebastian, she was helping me. She found a cure.”
Sebastians eyes widened at her words, the harshness melting away and making room for shock instead as his eyes darted between Anne and [Name]. “What?” His words caught in his throat,a lump forming and stopping any more words from coming out as he eyed his sister up and down and reached out to cup her cheek and rub it gently with his thumb. Anne nodded her head as a confirmation that it was true, “I’m cured Sebastian.” 
That was the last thing [Name] heard before she hit the floor, the exhaustion finally taking over her body and rendering her unconscious. Ominis jumped at the sound, eyes immediately landing on the spot where [Name] had fallen, his hand was in his hand leading him to hear before Sebastian could even mutter a word or get close to her. His hands were gentle as he felt for her arm, fingers moving slowly down until he reached her wrist he pressed into it gently a relieved sigh leaving his lips as he felt the her pulse. “Sebastian, go get Solomon.” 
Sebastian nodded and released Anne’s hand and face, rushing down to get his uncle. Anne slowly moved from her place on the bed, so used to being careful with her body to join Ominis on the floor and placing [Name]’s head in her lap as she ran a hand through her hair gently and placed her forehead against hers as a silent thank you for what she had done through she knew [Name] couldn’t feel it. Sebastian and Solomon quickly returned, Solomon’s shock of seeing Anne up and not in pain quickly being replaced with mild panic at the sight of the unconscious witch in her lab. 
“We need to get her to a healer, now”. 
When [Name] awoke she was in the hospital wing of Hogwarts, Matron Blainey standing over her with wand in hand as she did some basic checks on her body. “Ah, look who’s awake” 
“Matron Blainey? How did I get here?” Confusion clouded [Name]’s mind, the last thing she remembered was Sebastian towering over her, his icy glare piercing through her entire body. It hurt to try and remember anything else, she tried to sit up but Matron Blainey placed a hand on her shoulder and shook her head gently.
“You’re exhausted dear, you’ve been unconscious for two days. Solomon Sallow brought you in alongside a very healthy looking Anne Sallow who explained you had used ancient magic to cure her.” [Name] lay back down, head hiting the pillow with a soft ‘thump’ as she out an exacerbated sigh, she hated being confined to a bed and not being able to move. More than that she wanted to see Anne and make sure she was still okay. Matron Blainey placed a hand atop her forehead as she continued speaking, “the magic you used exhausted you and caused you to collapse in the middle of Anne’s bedroom. Solomon tried to find a healer in Feldcroft but they were of gathering supplies and so he apperated you here, he was just lucky I was doing some final checks before the new school year started” 
[Name] nodded her head gently, the movement causing immense pain in her head as her body finally registered the aches flowing through it, including the migraine that was now blaring right behind her head. “And Anne?” Matron Blainey took out a wiggenweld potion and gently had [Name] drink it, “For the pain” 
She capped the empty potion bottle before turning back to the station beside the bed and lifting a hot towel and laying it gently against [Name]’s head. “She’s good, I checked her over myself and she seems to be in tip-top shape thanks to you. In fact I believe they are currently speaking to Professor Black about her returning to Hogwarts after the summer.” A smile broke out onto [Name]’s lips which Matron Blainey returned, “Now rest. Your parents have been informed of what has happened but I want to keep you here for observation for a bit longer”
Relief filled [Name]’s body, it had worked and Anne was okay with that, she closed her eyes and feel into a deep slumber. 
[Name] spent 3 more days in the hospital wing, most of it she spent sleeping and recovering under the careful eye of Matron Blainey who informed she had quite a few visitors, Anne for one was coming almost daily alongside Ominis and they spoke to her as she slept. Talking about how excited Anne was to get back to Hogwarts and how she would have extra assignments to do to catch up, she might have to do an extra year to complete bother her O.W.L.S and her N.E.W.T.S but she didn’t mind as long as she was back. Matron Blainey told her Ominis usually just watched Anne talk but joined in occasionally mostly just to vent about his summer had been terrible with his family and catching up with Anne. She had also said Solomon had visited a few times and when asked about the flower at her bedside, the matron had informed her that Sebastian had left them it was beautiful bouquet of blue hyacinths and daffodils. 
[Name] was shocked Sebastian had came, he hadn’t spoke to her in over a year and a half and openly spoke bad about her to friends, berating her and undermining her skills and efforts and yet here he was visiting her and leaving flowers. When Matron Blainey commented on the blue hyacinths and daffodils being an unusual combination, [Name] had simply replied, “In the language of flowers, blue hyacinths are a symbol of remorse and sincerity and daffodils mean forgiveness and hope” 
The flower choice was deliberated, Sebastian knew [Name] had a small fascination with the language of flowers and had spent time in her 6th year learning it with Professor Garlick, she assumed he had gone to either her or Ominis for advice on the flowers to use. But she appreciated the sentiment all the same. Matron Blainey had simply nodded her head and commented that he must be trying to apologise for something incredibly bad if he was going to such length. Though she didn’t verbalise it, [Name] definitely thought ‘you can say that again’. 
After the 3rd day in the Hostpial Wing, [Name] was allowed to return home and get ready for the upcoming school year, it was only a week and a half away after all. Her parents fussed over her a little, making sure she was okay before scolding her softly for beingso reckless with such a powerful spell and then they told her how proud they were of her for what she did. 
The week and a half leading up to school was uneventful, she got owls from Imelda, Poppy, Garteth and Anne about the upcoming year and she answered them all as quickly as she could. She was excited to start the new year, learning new spells and polishing up all her other spells and skills but yet one thing niggled in the back of her mind, a constant thought that never seemed to disappear no matter how hard she tried to push it away. That thought was simply Sebastian Sallow. 
She didn’t know what to think, didn’t know what to do about the curly haired boy. She had loved him since 5th year, even after he called her ignorant and began ignoring her. Began speaking bad of her to anyone who would listen, he had broke her with that. She thought he had cared about it, at one point thought he loved her like she loved him but that didn’t seem to be the case. And then he goes and sends her a bouquet of forgiveness and turned her mind upside down once again with thoughts of him. Whatever thoughts she had of him and wanting to forgive him though were pushed to the side, she had spoke to Imelda and Poppy in her letters about what happened and they both had the same sentiment that flowers were not enough and an apology and they would want more, well Imelda would want him to beg for forgiveness while Poppy would want more of a show of remorse and though she might not agree with how they want the forgiveness to be asked for, she agreed he need to earn her forgiveness and the flowers were simply not enough for him breaking her heart. So as she boarded the Hogwarts express, she pushed all thoughts of him to the side and joined her friends in a carriage to have a proper catch up of what they did over the summer. 
It was two weeks into the new term and Sebastian still hadn’t made a move to properly apologise to [Name], instead he just stared longingly at her across the tables in the Great Hall and in classes watching as she laughed and smiled with her other friends, with Gareth Weasley. The sight of the red-head making her laugh filled him with jealousy, jealousy that was undeserved mind you and he knew it. He knew he had no right to be jealous,[Name]  wast his and she never was  no matter how much his heart called out to her . He was the one that pushed her away, he was the one who couldn’t see past his anger and his stubbornness to see she was only trying to help and by the time that word got to him that it was Rockwood who had cursed Anne and not goblins it was too late, the damage was already done. He didn’t think there was anything he could say now that could make her forgive him, even if Matron Blainey had told him she adored the flowers and took them home with her, somewhere deep in his mind told him she would never forgive him and that part of him always won over the side that told him to at least try. 
A ‘smack’ to the back of his head brought him out of reprieve and he turns to his sister in shock, eyes wide and a look of ‘what the fuck was that for’ flitted accross his face. Anne simply huffed and crossed her arms over her chest and she stared at her brother incredously, “You can’t be serious?”  
The look of shock turned to a questioning one as he looked at his sister, “What?” Beside Anne, sat Ominis who rolled his eyes at his friends denseness, the action was almost in synch with Anne’s as she face palmed and rolled her own eyes. “You are such a dumb ass Sebastian Sallow”
“What for?” Sebastian knew he did a lot of stupid things, a lot, but he genuinely did not know what his sister was talking about until she motioned towards [Name] and raised an eyebrow, “You still haven’t talked to her?”
Anne knew he hadn’t, [Name] had told her as much the night before as she, [Name], and Imelda sat in around the fire in their dorm rooms gossipping. Imelda made a comment about how he didn’t deserve forgiveness anyway which caused the other two girls to roll their eyes, Anne knew where Imelda was coming from. She knew [Name] didn’t solely rely on her for female friendship and Sebsatian was her brother so she didn’t want to bring her problems about him to Anne and Imedla had stayed up many nights holding a crying [Name] in her arms as she got through the heartbreak that was loosing Sebastian Sallow, she was the one who helped her pick up the pieces of her broken heart and slowly glue it back together. 
But Anne knew her brother, knew he wanted to apologise. Wanted to fix things. He was just stupid and stubborn and an absolute fool when it came to manners of the heart. Sebastian cast his eyes down to his hands, fingers fiddling together as he avoided Anne’s intense gaze and shook his head. It was strange to see him so demure, so shy, he was usually so confident about everything. Thats when Anne knew he didn’t know what to do. 
She let out a sigh and dropped her hand to his, prompting him to look up at her through his eye lashes, “Just tell her how you feel Sebastian before you loose your chance.” As she said that, his eyes looked up at your again just in time to see Gareth tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and subtly glance down at your lips as if he wanted to kiss you. A pit formed in Sebastians stomach, the jealousy now turning into something tangible and real and dangerous, he couldn’t loose you. Not to Weasley, not to anybody. He stood from his spot at the table quickly, and abruptly stormed out of the room the dramatics of his actions drawing attention from the other slytherins near him. 
“What’s gotten into him?” Imelda asked as she eyed his back, Ominis’ simple response was “he finally grew a pair” causing a chuckle to leave the mouths of the surrounding slytherins, including Anne. 
A haggard sigh slips through [Name]’s slips as she walked into her dorm room, the light of the lanterns illuminating the space in such a way it feels homely and welcoming, it's a comfort of a home away from home to come back to at thend of a long school day, Imelda sits on her bed, booked surrounding her as she studies and scribbles away on her parchment. It seemed the only time the quidditch captain and prefect had to study as in the early morning dawn before the sun even kissed the sky before quidditch practive  and at dusk as the moons silvery moon starts to illuminate the black lake in an etheral light before she has to attend her prefect duties. She glances up at [Name] briefly offering a small smile and pointing to the other girls bed with her head, “There’s something on your bed”
Confused, [Name] turns towards her bed and walks towards it cautiously afraid one of the other slytherins had got the wrong idea and thought she was an easy target for a prank. Instead of an ill-fated prank on her bed there is a bouquet of flowers, a plain velvet box and a note. Her fingers trail over the bouqert gently, this one is fuller than the one at the hospital wing full of wisteria (her favourite flower), carnations, and tulips. She smiles gently and lifts the bouquet, taking a smell of the flowers and letting out a content smile. The flowers were symbolic once again, wisteria is associated with long life and love, carnations meant deep affectionate love, and the red tuplips were usually conveyed that a person was your one true love. 
Conjuring a vase, she places the flowers inside them as her heart hammers inside her chest, feelings she thought long forgotten bubbling to the surface as she turns back to her bed and lifts the velvet box and opens it. She gasps gently as she pulls out a gold chain with a beautiful moissante heart, she turns it over in her hands admiring the beauty and craftsmanship of the piece and an inscription catches her eye, ‘tuum in aeternum’, her heart beat quickens once again as her latin lessons finally come in handy as she quickly translates the phrase in her mind to ‘yours forever’. 
Tears start forming in her eyes as she places the necklace back in its box and slips it into her pocket before reaching for the note, its simple and reads ‘im sorry. Please meet me in the undercroft tonight at 12 - S.S’. She lets out a shuttering breath and blinks the tears back, she didn’t know what to expect if she went. Didn’t know how she would react to him. To speaking to him again, with the way her heart was beating and how touch she was at the gifts he gave her she didn’t know if she could stop herself from immediately throwing herself into his arms. 
Imelda’s voice pulls her out of her rolling thoughts, “Who’s it from?”
Clearing her throat, she turns to Imelda and looks back down at the card her voice coming out as barely a whisper, “Sebastian…” Imelda doesn’t ask for more information, she knows she doesn’t have to instead she just raises and eyebrow and waits for her friend to continue, “He wants to meet tonight at 12.”
At this Imelda rolls her eyes and placed her quill down, she was going to chastise her friend for breaking curfew and going back to Sebastian when he didn’t deserve it but the look on [Name]’s face as she stared at the small piece of paper has her biting her tongue. She see’s the hope in her eyes that this might be their chance at reconciliation, that they could make up and she sees the love there as well. The love her friend had pushed so far down inside of her Imelda worried she had stopped herself from feeling the motion ever again and she lets out a sigh. “Let me know what corridor you need clear and I’ll keep the other prefects away”
[Name] would have to thank Imelda a million times over for this, she knew her friend didn’t hold Sebastian in high regard after everything that had happened in 5th year and she still held the memory of Imelda turning round and socking him right in the nose when she heard him speak badly of [Name] for the first time. It shows that Imelda cared, despite how prickly she could be. As Imelda promised, the corridor leading to the UnderCroft was clear, giving her a clear path without the risk of any prefect seeing through her disillusionment charm. Standing before the entryway to the UnderCroft [Name] takes a deep breath, trying to calm the nerves bundling up inside of her and turning her stomach into knots. 
After removing her disillusionment charm, she  takes a few before she feels fully confident in going down and as she descends her hands roughly card through her hair and they start picking at the skin around her nails in nervousness. They let out another shuddering breath as the doors open to the UnderCroft, their heart feels like it's about to beat out of their chest as they take the first step out and the knots in their stomach seems to deepen to the point that they feel nauseous and that feeling only intensifies when she see’s Sebastian leaning against on the pillars with his arms crossed over his chest and his head facing the ceiling, eyes closed in contemplation. 
He looked so handsome, he had always been handsome but something about him was different. She realised she hand’t really looked at him since that day in 5th year, after all she had been avoiding him, but his jawline had gotten sharper and there was an air of maturity around him that she hadn’t seen before. She knew he was taller, he had towered over her in the Sallow home in Feldrcoft after all, but he was broader too. He had well and truly grown into himself and he was so devestaingly handsome it almost killed her. 
His eyes opened and his head snapped towards her, his gaze was piercing but not the way it was in his home. Then it was full of anger and it had scared it. This time, it was different. It was as if he was looking right through her, like he was staring straight into her very being and could see how nervous she was. His eyes also held something else, something she couldn’t quite put her finger on but it was gentle and kind and as his gaze went over her entire body she felt like she was being draped in warmth and comfort, the same kind of feeling she got on a stormy day and she wrapped herself up in blankets with hot chocolate and a good book. 
She takes a step closer to him and he does the same, they stay silent as their eyes take each other in fully for the first time in a year and a half. Sebastian wasn’t the only one who changed, she had too. She had changed her hair style, courtesy of Poppy’s advise, and it shaped her face beautiful and accentuated her features, the shape of her eyes, the slope of nose, the plumpness of her lips and he wanted to reach out and kiss her. And though she didn’t grow quite as tall as he did, she had grown some and with that growth came other changes that he would be ashamed to admit he noticed, the plumpness of her hips and thighs, it made her hip dips more noticeable and made her look even more beautiful. 
He would never admit it to anyone, he barely admitted it to himself but he had spent many nights dreaming of how her body would feel in his hands, her silk skin against his and her bare thighs pressing against his, her bare chest pressing against his. He had spent many sleepless nights fantasising about having her because he believed it would never really happen. 
They take a few more steps towards each other until their standing toe to toe, they stand in silence for a bit the only sound being their breathing and they don’t move, they simply bask in each others presence. Sebastian is the first to move, he takes one of her hands in her own and presses a gentle kiss to knuckles before muttering “You’re absolutely beautiful.” 
Blush quickly seeps over [Name]’s face, dusting her cheeks rosy pink, “And I am an absolute fool.” His other hand comes up to cup at her cheek and he rubs gentle circles into the apple of hit as he continues, “I couldn’t bear the thought of loosing you to goblins. Of falling into their schemes and traps I thought you were abandoning me for them, I thought you had given up on me.” 
A sad smile form on [Name]’s face as she reached her own hand up to cup the one Sebastian has on her cheek, “I never would have abandoned you Sebastian”
“I know. But I’m stubborn and hardheaded and a complete and utter asshole.I felt betrayed and I was hurt and angry and I thought by hurting you I would hurt less. I thought if I could convince you to hate me it would be easier for me to hate you for betraying me. But it wasn’t.”
He lets out a shuttering breath, his words soft as he speaks them. Almost as if someone else will here them and his words are only means for you, “It was the hardest damn thing I ever had to do. Acting like I hate you. Like I hated the ground your walked one, when in actuality I wanted to worship it. I wanted to worship you.” 
[Name] turns her head slightly and kisses the palm of the hand holding her cheek, urgin him to continue, “You are simply amazing, a powerful witch in your own right who could kick my ass in a duel anytime. But you are also sweet, and kind and compassionate, you are the most courageous peson I know and you protect and care for those you love. You are better than I am in every way and I am so undeserving of you and your love. But I love you, I love you so much that it hurts. I have loved you since your first day in Defense Against the Dark Arts when you kicked my ass in your first every duel, that was the day I gladly ripped my heart and placed it in your hands for safekeeping and I thank Merlin every second of every minute of every hour or day that you decided not to crush it. My heart is and always be your eternally”
“Tuum in aeternum” [Name]’s whisper is soft and finally she recognises the look in his eyes, the one that felt like warmth and comfor and home, it was love. Sebastian always kept a mask on, acting cool and collected and calm, his true emotions rarely shining through his carefully built facade to keep people from getting too close, but for her, for her, he dropped the mask and his walls he had built to keep his emotions to himself were crumbling before her very eyes. 
His eyes brightened at the recognition of the phrase and he can’t stop his excitement seeping through, “You got the necklace?”
[Name] nodded her head and pulled the velvet box from her pocket and opened it, the moissonite twinkling below the torches in the UnderCroft. “I did. Will you help me put it on?” He quickly nods and she hands him the box as she turns and pulls her hair out of the way, his hands are gentle as he places the necklac against her chests and clasps it at the back of her neck. She turns back to him and cups his face gently in her hands. 
“Despite everything, despite the pain you put me through this past year and a half, I still and always will love you Sebastian Sallow. My heart has been yours since you took the fall for me with Scribner. I have seen the dark sides of you but I have also seen the light.I have seen the kind and caring person you are, how much you love and care for Anne and Ominis and how you would burn the world down to protect them. You are not wholly bad Sebastian, you are good too and you are deserving of love and more. I am still hurting from what you did to me, but I forgive you”
Shock covers his features and Sebastian is quick to wrap [Name] in a tight embrace,pulling her close against his chest and leaning his head into her shoulder, “I will spend every minute of every day making it up to you, I promise you that.”
Sebastian pulls away from the hug and quickly ducks down to place a chaste kiss on [Name]’s lips, testing the waters for how far he can go. He goes to pull back but she is wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him back for more, their lips crash together in a passionate kiss and as they pull apart again they both whisper the same words “Tuum in aeternum”, their solemn vow to one another to love each other, eternally.
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Where we belong | Sebastian Sallow x fem!Reader | Oneshot
Word count: 3.2k
Summary: When Sebastian Sallow claims something...or rather someone as his, he'll take great care of it. Luckily he claimed you...
Warnings: smut (with a tiny bit of plot), aged up characters, possessive!Sebastian, dirty talk, teasing, mention of bj, choking, marking, "Good girl", fingering, edging, overstimulation, bondage, p in v, rough sex, creampie, minors dni
Hi there! ❤️️
This fic is part of Sallow Sunday with the theme ⛓kinky⛓ ! (credits to @rypnami)
But first of all, just a few of you might recognize this from somewhere else, as I've been the "seb finger anon" on @anto-pops amazing blog, who I decided to send a few anon asks to, inspired by her most liked kinks. It's been so much fun to see your reaction, Antoinette! Love ya! If you wanna check out the anon asks, click here -> X
Anyways, I hope you enjoy!❤️️
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It must’ve started somewhere with Sebastian asking you what you were thinking and you telling him about how deliciously good his knuckles feel like, whenever they pull out and push back in.
And it continued with the thought of how beautiful his fingers would look like with a coat of arousal on them.
Now, Sebastian’s deep brown eyes were staring at you.
You were looking back, already panting from coming so hard - the second time…right after your first one, cause he just didn't stop fingering you.
And then he opened his mouth, licking his fingers real slow and keeping eye contact with you.
"Mhh...you taste so fucking good, love", he mused quietly with a smirk, seeing how this simple gesture just made more arousal drip out of you.
He drags his long, thick fingers across the wet folds, basking in the way your legs twitch from the overstimulation.
Now with coated fingers again, he moves atop of you, letting his index and middle finger trail over your lips.
"Open, love. Taste yourself. You need to know how good this pussy is for me."
You gasped at his words, but faltered immediately, your tongue darted out to lick your own slick off his fingers.
It's salty, yet sweet. And arousing all the same.
Sebastian couldn't hold back his groan, feeling and watching your tongue swirl around his two fingers. You looked so pretty like this.
It reminded him of how, just a few moments ago, the exact same tongue swirled over the tip of his cock. Oh, it twitched eagerly between his legs at the image in his head.
He wanted you all to himself.
He wanted to show you every single way that would seek out this delicious pleasure.
He wanted you screaming his name, so the whole world would know, who you belong to.
You were his and only his.
"Good girl," he praised in a low voice, a dark and wicked grin forming on his lips at the plan forming in his head.
You were in for a wild ride.
His long and wet fingers pushed your lower lip down, making it bounce back up, when his fingers trailed further - down your chin and slowly to your neck.
"You are so fucking gorgeous, love. You have no idea," Sebastian whispered hungrily, his lips ghosting yours.
He closed the gap, his lips molding right into yours, as if they were made for each other. It didn't take long for his tongue to tangle yours into a dance of dominance, but at last all you could do was submit to him, letting him guide you to paradise.
Especially as his large hand gently grabbed your throat...but he added no pressure to your disappointment.
The Slytherin only smirked against your lips, knowing exactly how he played with you. He brushed his fingers across your neck, lips parting again and eyes travelling down.
"Hm, I do have an idea how to make you even prettier."
Before you could react, air rushed out of your lungs from the way he started sucking on a sensitive spot on your neck, skin darkening into a beautiful shade of purple.
"Sebastian," you breathed weakly, feeling the tip of his dick brush against your swollen clit, making your hips buck up.
"Keep moaning my name, while I claim you as mine, love."
You whined, when Sebastian moved less than an inch lower to place a second hickey on your neck, right next to the other one, cause it made him move away from where you needed him most.
He simply chuckled, when he felt you wiggle closer to him again and heard you whimper when his tip teasingly slid through your arousal.
"So needy," the brunette whispered, his locks tickling your skin as he went to place yet another hot kiss to your throat.
"Come on, moan my name."
Holding his weight up with one arm on the mattress, his free hand slithered up to cup your breast, kneading it, before flicking his thumb over the perked nub, teasing that sweet moan of his name out of you.
You arched into him, shutting your eyes tightly and feeling like every inch of your skin was on fire - especially from the way his lips trailed lower, adding one hickey after the other.
It almost felt like his movements were calculated and intentionally slowly forming a symbol on your neck.
"What are you doing?" You choked, your mind getting dizzy from the attention the Slytherin gave you.
"I'm just making sure," Sebastian started off, moving back up to meet your eye, his voice low and dripping with desire, "everyone truly knows, who you belong to, love."
You barely heard his words, as his cock teased you right at your entrance and you took the opportunity to move lower, his tip slipping right into you, earning a threatening groan from the man above you.
You saw him struggle to pull out again, intoxicated by the feel of your warm and soft walls enveloping him, but he did so anyways, now looking at you with a dangerous glint in his dark brown eyes.
"Someone's eager, hm?" He whispered, the hand that was just teasing your nipple, now moving back up, to wrap around your throat again, this time adding a bit of pressure to it.
You were about to lose your fucking mind, you just wanted him to grab you tightly and fuck into you, making you topple over the edge in no time. You knew he could do it. He was that good.
But today seemed like Sebastian would pull everything from his bag of tricks to make you squirm beneath him.
He leaned down right to your ear, his hot breath tickling you.
"You've been such a good little slut for me, you'll be able to wait for me to fill you up just a moment longer, won't you? I need to finish this."
At this point, with his hand slowly adding more and more pressure, he could ask you anything - really anything - and you would agree in a heartbeat, if it meant he would finally fuck you into the mattress.
"Yes! Yes, I'll be good," you answered a bit too eagerly.
"Let's make sure, you can keep this promise."
Suddenly he held up all his weight through the hand on your neck and you were sure you'd either lose consciousness in the next second or combust - maybe both - while his other hand grabbed his wand off the nightstand.
You didn't even notice it, until you heard him whisper a spell.
Thick velvety ropes wrapped around your wrists and yanked them above your head, the ends of it tightly knotted to the bedposts.
You yelped in surprise, ripped from whatever fantasy your mind just conjured and you looked up at your bonded wrists and back at the man above you, who has removed his hand from you and wore the smuggest grin on his lips.
His long fingers brushed over your sensitive skin, following the purple trail he started forming on your neck and collar bone. And he let his fingers tell you where his mouth would go next, so you knew exactly what he was doing.
Sebastian, possessive as always, was forming a big "S" out of hickeys on your neck and chest.
"You're insufferable," you joked and managed to roll your eyes at him with a smile, but when he only replied...
"And you're all that I desire."
...you almost lost it, moaning loudly with his teeth sinking into the soft flesh of your chest.
"You look so beautiful like this," Sebastian whispered hungrily against your skin, his full-blown pupils looking up at you through his long lashes.
Your hands gripped the velvet ropes tightly, needing to touch him so badly right now. Needing to feel his soft hair between your fingers. Needing to scratch his back until the red streaks would threaten to start bleeding.
Or he threatened you with his hand on your throat again, to not scratch him like that.
Sebastian complained at least a week for not being able to sleep on his back from your marks, though you know he prefers to sleep on his stomach anyways.
You were pulled right out of your thoughts, when his teeth sunk into your skin once more and you gasped.
"Still with me?"
Sebastian chuckled darkly, the glint in his eyes more dangerous than you've ever seen before. He was at his height of possessiveness.
He needed you here in this moment every second of the way.
This was...special after all.
"Yes...yes fuck. I just," you started breathlessly, his tongue gently licking over the seventh or eighth hickey. You lost count.
"Hm?" He simply hummed with a smirk.
"I want to touch you, please. I need to feel more of you. Please, Sebastian."
Oh, you begged so beautifully. It must've been his favorite sound.
Hm, no, there was one that exceeded this, yes, and soon he would hear it again.
His heart clenched in his chest at the thought and his dick twitched once more, precum dripping onto your thigh, which you kept on wiggling, but only slightly, so he let it pass.
The groan rumbled deep in his chest and his face told you how much he was struggling to keep your hands from him. To keep your inviting heat from him.
You let a small victorious grin slip on your lips, but quickly hid it again, hoping he didn't see it.
But of course, the Slytherin caught it.
"You little minx. You think you can break me so easily? You think I fall for your tricks?"
Oh, his hand slithered back up to your throat and this time you probably looked like a deer caught in headlights, eyes wide and shakily breathing, when his long fingers wrapped around and started to squeeze slowly.
And when his knee moved upwards to meet your slick folds, you cried out.
"Mh...bad girls like you deserve to be punished, don't you think?"
Before you could reply anything, his knee started moving and you stared up at the man above you, who simply smiled down with pure smugness.
With your head falling deeper into the pillow below, his knee worked you up, making you climb higher and higher to this place of pure ecstasy.
It was pure torture.
How good his hand felt wrapped around like a tight necklace and his knee rubbing your clit, your hole clenching around nothing. And your hands still aimlessly wiggling in their restrictions, needing something more to hold onto, instead of the fabric.
"Are you close, love?"
Sebastian's voice was low and his breath against your ear tickled you enough to send goosebumps down your whole body.
"Y-yes," you moaned, gasping for air, starting to see stars from all the sensations. "'m s...close..."
"Are you gonna cum?"
The knot deep in your abdomen started tightening so hard, it almost hurt.
"Good," Sebastian simply whispered.
You were right on the precipice of coming completely undone.
You tasted it right on the tip of your tongue.
You shut your eyes tightly and...just...a little bit...more...and...
...he removed his knee.
You mewled, feeling the promise of an orgasm slip right through your fingers, leaving you breathless and so fucking desperate.
He cooed you, caressing your cheek gently, as if he wasn't the one causing this.
"Hush, hush, love. As I said...bad girls like you deserve to be punished. So...will you be a good girl and follow my orders?"
In this very moment you knew you hated him. You hated him more than anything else.
But God, if you'd die this exact moment, you'd die a lucky woman.
"Good girl," Sebastian praised you, brushing the hair sticking to your forehead back and giving you a sweet and gentle kiss, before continuing his work on your chest.
And you kept your promise, staying as still as possible for him to create his little masterpiece right on your neckline, which was hard to do with his fingers travelling all over your body and his mouth sucking your skin just right.
Your heart was beating out of your chest, and you whined under him, barely able to keep your promise when he sucked another hickey on you.
"Fuck, every little sound you make goes straight down to my cock. You make me so fucking hard."
Oh, and he made you feel just how hard it made him, rubbing his cock so perfectly against your clit, only making you whine more desperately for him.
"Lucky for you, I am finally done with my work here," he grinned, trailing the purple skin with his finger once more, as if to seal it with this gesture.
You need a moment to register what his words meant, but when it hit you, it hit you like a train.
"You've been such a good girl and good girls get what they want. So, tell me...what do you want, my dear?"
"Oh please, I need you."
Yes, you sounded so desperate, and it was music to Sebastian's ears.
"I need to touch you a-and I need you to fuck me. Just please...I need you!"
"Fuck," the brunette growled above you, his face contorting and you looked down, seeing a hand wrapped around his dick, which was pulsating and dangerously red-tipped, pushing down on it to hold himself back.
"When you sound like this, I'm not going to last even before getting inside you, love."
You smiled brightly at him, almost beaming, knowing just how much on an effect you were having on him as well. He was throbbing with anticipation and desire and so were you, seeing him grab his wand once more and finally releasing you from your confines.
Your arms immediately wrapped around Sebastian's broad shoulders, pulling him real close, kissing him feverishly. He had barely time to place his hands next to you, so he wouldn't crash right into you.
But you didn't care.
You just kissed him with so much passion, your fingers finally able to tangle in his brown curls and the others digging into his freckled skin.
He simply moaned into your kiss, tongue delving into you, while his tip once again brushed against your clit.
That tore you away from his lips for a moment and Sebastian just smiled, propped up on his elbows, fingers brushing soothingly through your hair.
"Are you ready?"
The love and tenderness in his words, his smile and his oh so beautiful eyes...you just knew that not only you belonged to him, but his heart and soul - his entire being - it belonged to you and only you.
He was entirely yours and no one could ever change that.
"Yes," you smiled back, pulling him in for another quick kiss before he started to push inside you.
Even with all this preparation and the amount of arousal pooling between both of your legs, the sensation of him pushing into you still left you absolutely breathless.
Your moans when he bottomed out, mixed together into a wonderful harmony of passion.
Sebastian started to move slow, your eyes fixated on one another as both of you let yourselves fall into the pleasure you gave each other. His hips increased their speed, the sound of wet skin slapping against wet skin starting to fill the room.
At some point the bed started creaking, earning a small chuckle from both of you in between moans and gasps.
Sebastian angled himself up above you, your hands flat on his pecs, feeling the rapid heartbeat inside his chest. His hips kept on snapping in an increasing speed against you, the tip hitting even deeper inside you, brushing against that spot, which made you mewl once more.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," the brunette muttered in between thrust, seemingly lost in the moment, his eyes shut tightly and his control slipping.
You knew he was close, and he tried his best to get that one last orgasm out of you, before he would let himself come undone.
"Sebastian," you managed to say, pulling his attention back to you.
His big brown eyes were wide and dark, desperate for you.
"I love you."
And there was this warm and loving expression again. Now his eyes almost looked amber in the dim light of your room.
With a hand on his neck, you pulled him back down to you, holding him close, while his hips didn't stop thrusting, now hitting even deeper and pounding against your sweet spot every time.
Your whole body trembled from this new position and there it was in reach again...your impeding climax.
Big arms wrapped around you tightly, holding you, steading you, keeping you completely safe.
"I love you, too."
His whispered words and a very powerful and precise thrust were all that it took for you to topple over the edge with a scream of pure ecstasy. Your walls convulsed around Sebastian, tightening in an almost death grip and all you could manage to say was, "Inside. Cum inside."
And so, he did after just two thrusts, cumming in spurts of hot white strings that coated your insides, filling you up completely.
Your trembling limbs stayed like this for a moment, Sebastian's hips only moving subtly, drawing out your orgasm as long as possible, before he got too sensitive and stopped moving all together, knowing how much you needed him to stay inside after such a strong orgasm.
To be honest...even if the slightest movement right now hurt him, Sebastian didn't want to break this bond you two had in this exact moment.
This was all he ever wished for.
All he ever needed.
Yes, if he only had you in his arms just like this for the rest of his life, he would die a lucky man.
After some time, your breathing came back to normal, your eyes weren't as hazy anymore and reality crept its way back into your minds.
Still holding him close and staying connected, you two turned around, so Sebastian was on his back and your body on top of his.
It fit right into his, as if you two were made for each other.
Oh, you were sure of it.
You two belong to each other...forever.
With this thought in mind, a tired smile on your lips and his fingers drawing soft circles on the small of your back, you were lulled into a deep slumber, feeling absolutely safe and sound.
The next morning, after a desperately needed shower...only together of course, you stood in front of the mirror, getting dressed, while Sebastian dried his hair with a towel, another one hanging around his hips, as he walked over to you.
You pouted slightly, looking at yourself in the mirror, your fingertips trailing over the purple S on your neckline, the jewelry on one of your finger shimmering in the morning sun.
"Wasn't the ring enough?"
"Of course not, love," Sebastian chuckled, wrapping his arms around your middle, placing his head in the crook of your neck, smiling as he inspected his work in the mirror.
"When I said, I wanted you to wear my name, I meant it metaphorically and literally."
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mindyourstars · 1 year
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Takes place after reader's 5th year. Spoilers for Hogwarts Legacy mentioned! Includes fluff. Lots of fluff. Word Count: 2.3K ****************************************************
            You had spent another day attending classes in Hogwarts with your mind only half paying attention to each lesson. It was relatively hard to focus when your closest and dearest friend, Sebastian Sallow, kept slipping you notes in classes with small little inside jokes and teasing remarks. It had been something that happened all day! Herbology, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and now Potions class. Each note you received was Sebastian’s attempt to make you smile. He wouldn’t admit it, but he loved when you smiled. Everyone with eyes could see it, except you. 
            You saw a hand slide a small piece of parchment that was folded over two or three times. You discreetly unfolded it, reading the message in Sebastian’s familiar messy scrawl. 
Professor Sharp is looking rather vexed at Garreth’s latest concoction. I wonder how long until he blows something else to bits. 
            You had to shoot Sebastian a warning look as your lips twitched at the corners to reveal a subtle smile. It was no secret that Garreth was trying to create… something. He had recruited you to assist him quite a few times, but to no avail. You were going to reply when at the table over you heard loud bubbling followed by an even louder ‘BANG’. It would have surprised everyone in the course, but it had happened so many times the bang was followed by a collective groan. Everyone knowingly glanced at Garreth who was sheepishly standing in front of his newest failed experiment. 
            Garreth’s mouth opened in an attempt to explain, but he was interrupted by the smoke that began to encapsulate the class, causing Professor Sharp to run his hands over his already tired expression. 
            “I suppose it goes without saying that there will be quite a hefty number of points taken from Gryffindor.” His tone was as pointed as his gaze, causing Sebastian to glance at you with a teasing smirk. This in return caused you to giggle. 
            “Finding something funny, Miss (L/N)?” Your smile quickly melted into a cool expression as you shook your head no.
            “No professor Sharp, I sincerely apologize.” You spoke as calmly as you could and watched as the professor’s gaze lingered with yours for a moment before he shrugged. 
            “Let this be a warning to this whole class that we must take this course seriously! Class dismissed.” 
            You gathered your things and made way to the exit, waiting outside of the doorway against the wall for Sebastian to join you. After quite a bit of students shoveled out, Sebastian along with Ominis joined you by the wall. 
            “I have a sneaking suspicion that the reason you began to laugh was due to Sebastian.” Ominis uttered with no hesitation, his mouth turned up into a teasing smirk. 
            “Well, you DO know that I am quite the charmer, Ominis. It’s a talent not many possess.” He replied with a confident demeanor and a waggle of his brows. 
            You giggled again, hugging your potions textbook tightly against your chest as the three of you collectively began to walk the corridors back to the Slytherin common room. 
            “It was a pity laugh.” You teased, standing between the two boys who easily had their height over you. “I will say I am very much enjoying the weekly explosion that cuts class short.” 
            Sebastian nodded in agreement along with Ominis as the three of you turned another corner towards the moving staircases. 
            “It’s become a lovely little tradition.” Sebastian agreed with a chuckle causing you to smile at the sound. 
            Sebastian and you had been very close since you arrived at Hogwarts last year. He had gone through quite a lot since everything that happened between his sister Anne and his uncle Solomon. Ominis struggled to forgive Sebastian as well, but together the three of you slowly moved on with each passing day. 
            “Well, I have to go work on some homework for Divination, so the two of you do not get into too much trouble.” Ominis’ head turned in Sebastian’s direction for just a moment, causing Sebastian’s smile to falter ever so slightly. 
            Before Sebastian could say anything in response, you cut in with a chipper tone.
            “Ominis! You know that he’s in great hands with me.” You said with a bright grin, your tone matching the demeanor. 
            As a result, you could see Ominis’ shoulders relax. 
            “Alright, I will speak with you both later.” The Gaunt boy stated with a nod before he began to trudge down towards the common room. 
            You waited a beat before turning to Sebastian, looking up at him since he had grown a bit taller over the break between fifth and sixth year. He had his arms crossed over his chest, his familiar expression bracing his face. Sebastian did his best to try and be his old self, but with the loss of Anne a bit of him always lacked a spark that you used to remember. The boy who challenged you in Defense Against the Dark Arts had very much built a cautious air around him, but with you? He attempted extra to make sure that the two of you remained comfortable.
            In that moment, Sebastian began to tap his fingers while they remained crossed with his gaze keeping firm on you. It caused you to straighten your posture as you questioned what was crossing the Sallow boy’s mind. 
            “Why are you staring at me that way?” You asked with a nervous chuckle escaping your blush lips. 
            Sebastian grinned slightly and shook his head as he shrugged his shoulders. 
            “I was just thinking about how you and I haven’t practiced for crossed wands in the Undercroft in quite some time. We have a free afternoon… Care to join me?” He asked with a teasing grin. 
            The invite honestly surprised you. Sebastian avoided Crossed Wands for most of your sixth year. His tenacity to win seemed to scare him ever since the situation with his Uncle Solomon. His invite made you smile even brighter than before. It excited you that Sebastian was opening himself up to a hobby he used to once adore. 
            “Of course, Sebastian! I am very ready to absolutely wipe the floor with you.” You teased, shoving him playfully. 
            He feigned shock at your shove and shoved you back gently. It brought him more comfort in seeing the joy that came from your reaction. Sebastian had been tight-lipped about how he had been feeling with everything happening, but he wanted to love magic again. Magic didn’t have to be so dark. Ominis constantly reminded him of that. 
            “I would love to see you try, (Y/N).” He chuckled, but before he could continue to speak you began to rush down the hall towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts tower, your laughter echoing through the halls like a sweet melody. 
            “Race you there!” You called back behind you, your eyes now full of delight.
            Sebastian didn’t hesitate as he began to swerve between students to attempt to catch up with you. Both of you felt your boots push roughly against the Hogwarts floors as you both playfully sabotaged each other to victory. After quite some time, you were the one to reach the Undercroft entrance, causing Sebastian to breathlessly come to a halt and shake his head. 
            “That is… unfair. You… cheated.” He told you, but you shrugged your shoulders as your own chest heaved in attempt to catch your breath. 
            “I simply am better than you!” You teased back, opening the entrance to the Undercroft as the two of you sauntered inside. 
            “Oh hush.” He quipped in return, removing his wand from the inside of his robe. “You definitely won’t win in our battle.” He teased, taking his place 10 paces from you. 
            “Is that a challenge, Sallow?” You scoffed, taking your own wand in your hands, your eyebrows raising in peaked curiosity. You were quite fond of the challenge. It was nice to have a bit of the old Sebastian fully realized in front of you, but you couldn’t help but wonder if this was all an act. So, you made a mental note to go a bit easy on him at first. 
            “Expelliarmus.” He stated as your wand flew from your hand. You gasped at the immediate start and Sebastian smirked sinisterly at you. “It’s very much a challenge, (L/N).” He teased, grabbing your wand and moving to hand it back to you. 
            You grabbed it in your hands quickly and the two of you resumed in your places. With a beat of silence, the room exploded in different swirls of magic surrounding the two of you. Spells were being yelled as the two of you were being flung and dragged towards one another. 
            “Accio!” Sebastian yelled as you were thrusted forward towards him, his grin prominent on his face as he picked your wand from your hand and shrugged. 
            “Guess I win, (Y/N). Not bad for a hiatus.” He stated, causing you to smile and nod in response. 
            “Not bad Sebastian, not bad.” You said as you tried to grab your wand from him, but he raised his hand above his head with a tight grip to make it a challenge for you to grab it. 
            “Uh-uh! Not so easy.” He teased which caused you to scoff. You raised your hands to try and grab your wand, but he maneuvered it around, so it was always just out of your reach. 
            You grumbled and began to hp up to try and grab it, but after your third hop you landed incorrectly and the two of you came tumbling down. The way you landed, both wands had been flung across the stone floor with small clatter sounds, and you were on top of Sebastian as he had broken your fall. The two of you burst out into laughs, but once your gazes met something… happened. You felt heat rise to your face as a blush began to make itself present ad Sebastian had the same thing happen. His ears began to turn a deep scarlet as his freckled cheeks began to be covered by the blush that was taking over his whole face. 
            You coughed to break the tension and moved to sit beside him on the stone ground. Sebastian clambered himself up using his elbows to also sit up beside you. You glanced over at him and smiled, laying your head on his shoulder. 
            “Sebastian?” You asked, your voice going from the teasing challenging tone to a much softer one.
            “Yes, (Y/N)?” He asked, his brown eyes moving to look at you on his shoulder. He was attempting to play it off, but his confidence faltered with each touch you gave him. 
            “I’m glad you did this. I’m glad you’re having fun with magic again.” You admitted, moving your head on his shoulder to meet his gaze. 
            Your faces were awfully close to one another. You could clearly smell the intoxicating scent of oak emanating from Sebastian’s robe. It was an intoxicating aroma. Sebastian’s eyes softened at your admission. He released an exhale, wrapping an arm around you to pull you closer. 
            “I couldn’t have done it without you… and Ominis.” He stated, causing a soft giggle to escape your lips. “I almost lost myself last year. I didn’t heed you or Ominis’ warnings and as a result I did something that I will live with the rest of my life.” He admitted, causing you to frown. 
            It wasn’t the greatest memory. Sebastian’s anger during that period of your friendship was concerning. His drive to save Anne had consumed him to a deadly degree. He began to grow desperate, and it was the type of desperation that drove a person mad. 
            “But you can get through it. You have your friends.” You comforted, but the word ‘friends’ caused a shocking reaction from Sebastian. 
            What you assumed would bring him comfort, brought a frown to his face. You pulled yourself from Sebastian’s grasp and glanced at him with concern. 
            “What did I say?” You asked, causing Sebastian to shake his head. 
            “Well... since we’re on the topic of confessions.” He began, his eyes darting towards the stone to avoid looking at you. 
            It caused you to worry. Did Sebastian not want to be your friend any further? Had something happened? You placed a hand on his cheek to make him look at you. 
            “Sebastian. What’s wrong? You could tell me.” You assured, his gaze meeting yours. 
            Before you could say something else, his lips crashed into yours. Your hand remained on his soft cheek, and there was no hesitation in your reciprocation. His lips were soft and tasted of a sweet honey, causing your mind to go dizzy. When he pulled away, you let out a chuckle.
            “Oh.” You said, your face turned into a bright smile. 
            “Oh? That’s all you have to say?” He exclaimed in shock. “You’re so hard to decipher, (Y/N), I just bloody kissed you.” He added. 
            “Sebastian, you’re being foolish.” You said in a kind tone. “I kissed you back, didn’t I?” You asked. 
            It took a moment, maybe even two, for Sebastian to piece together what happened; but once he understood his shoulders relaxed. He suddenly went from a look of confusion to a sheer look of glee. This caused you to grin back and kiss him once more. He paused the kiss and reached into his robe. 
            “What’s wrong?” You asked further, your body practically shaking with content. 
            “You know how I was writing you notes all day?” He asked, causing you to nod in response. “Well… this was the first one I wrote. I was too scared to pass it along.” 
            You grabbed the parchment, causing you to raise a brow as you unfolded it once. Then twice. Then a third time. Finally, Sebastian’s messy scrawl revealed itself. The words caused your smile to grow even wider (if that was even possible). 
Is it possible that I could be more in love with you?
            This caused you to bring the parchment to your chest before leaning your head on him once more. 
            “I think I’m going to love it this year.” You murmured. 
            “Yes,” He replied, his head resting on yours. “Me too.”
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venuslore · 4 months
💭 — blurbs ; send this and a character from above + a prompt or an idea of ur own for a blurb !
sebastian sallow + ❝  the way i love you goes beyond description.  even those words don’t seem like enough.  ❞
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the fire crackles quietly as it illuminates your small area of the library, keeping both you and sebastian warm as you flip through the books sprawled out before you. no other sounds could be heard other than the occasional hushed whisper of students as they made their way out for the night, giving you a moment alone before you too had to leave.
glancing up from the book in your hand, you spot sebastian already looking your way - staring, in fact - and a small smirk quirks up at the corner of his lips. his dark locks softly falling across his forehead, and the freckles that dusted his skin danced under the glow of the fire.
"what's that look for?" you query, suspicion furrowing your brows which then quickly stems into panic. "what is it? is there something on my face?"
you reach up immediately in search of anything that felt foreign on your skin but sebastian simply shakes his head, his smirk now contrasting into a proper smile. he pulls your hands away, and lets them fall into his lap, cradling them as he does.
"no, i was just thinking is all," his thumbs begin to roll back and forth over your knuckles now. a soft and comforting touch that you had grown so used to.
"thinking about what?" you shuffle forward.
"...you, actually."
"and what about me has sparked such an interest in that big head of yours?" gently, you push a finger against his forehead, and it lulls back slightly before he returns to meet your gaze. "were you thinking about how i'm so much better at duelling than you?"
"no," he laughs. "i was actually thinking about... how much i love you."
"oh, really?" this time when you speak, there's a hinted sarcasm to it and you shuffle forward once more to wrap your arms around the slytherin boy. "and exactly how much does the sebastian sallow love lil ole me?"
"well, i couldn't tell you if i tried," his shoulders raise in a nonchalant shrug.
"and, why not?"
he sighs, a hand reaching up to trail along the side of your cheek., "because the way in which i love you goes far beyond any description. even those words alone don't seem to be enough."
sebastian was passionate about the things he loved, there was no doubt about that, and yet, every day you found yourself growing more astounded by how far the depths of his love truly ran. that you got to be one of those things he cared about so deeply.
"oh, bastian," there's a halt in your breath as you take in his words and he looks away sheepishly for a moment, but you stop him and turn his head to look back at you. "whatever you feel for me, i feel for you right back."
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animasola86 · 8 months
Kinktober: A Filthy Fantasy (1/2)
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Notes: I dedicate these two parts of absolute filth (I'm sorry!) to the wonderful @amberlide – who graciously gave me the detailed outline of this little story and inspired me so much! Thank you for sharing your idea and letting me turn it into what it had become (I'm sorry?). I hope I could do your idea justice! :)
I've ticked a lot of boxes for @kinktober2023 again, beware!
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!reader
Genre: Smut/Horror/Filth // Words: 7.9k // [READ ON AO3]
Warnings: NSFW! MDNI! cnc/rape fantasy. bondage. creepy masks. sensory deprivation. oral sex (f!receiving). orgasm denial. rough sex. snakes?
Synopsis: Sebastian makes you think about your filthiest fantasy and then manipulates you into wanting to do it.
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Warning: This is darker than it sounds. Or does it? Anyway, it's rough smut. Smut that's rough. Beware.
-- read Part 2 here --
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A Filthy Fantasy (1/2)
“So what's the dirtiest thought you'd ever had?” Sebastian asked as you snuggled against him, your sweat slick body moulding against his. A cold breeze rushed over you and you shivered even more when you felt his finger trailing your hard nipple.
“The dirtiest thought? Like what?” you replied, your mind still pretty much empty after he had fucked you into the cushions of the old couch and into oblivion and back. You felt as if your noises still echoed through the Undercroft.
“Concerning sex,” he chuckled and wrapped one arm around you, pulling you closer. “What's your filthiest fantasy?”
You would blush deeply if your face wasn't still flushed from what you two had just done – and you can only wonder how he can think about sex again already. “Hmm,” you made and took a moment to think about it, even though there was nothing in your head but static, blissful static. “I... I think I'm already quite happy with the things we do...”
He nudged you playfully. “That's not my question,” he said and pressed his lips against your damp forehead, then pushed a strand of hair out of your eyes.
You bit your lip, watching him closely as you tried to think. “What is filth anyway?” you then asked, frowning.
“Things you wouldn't want to talk about...”
“And still you urge me to tell you?” you laughed and shook your head slightly, poking his chest with a finger.
“Well, you can tell me anything, you know that. I won't judge.” He put his hand to your face and caressed your cheek. “Like, what is so strange or taboo, but it would still arouse you?” He paused. “How about tentacles? I heard that's a commonly liked taboo among girls.”
“What?” The laugh you issued sounded strangled. “Really? Care to share your sources for that?”
He only chuckled. “You never thought about falling into a pit of Devil's Snare and letting those tendrils explore your body?”
“That's... no! Definitely not! That's disgusting!” you exclaimed and shivered, not even wanting to imagine that.
“Is it, though? No kink-shaming, baby,” he teased and you rolled your eyes.
“Well, what's yours then? What arouses Sebastian Sallow that's too taboo to talk about?”
He looked at you then, almost serious, his eyes darker than usual. “Loss of control,” he said without hesitation and you frowned. “Being under somebody else's control, unable to do anything. That is scary and sexy at the same time.”
You raised your eyebrows and considered his words, a little unsure if he really felt like that or if he wanted to convince you to feel like that. You never knew with him.
“Just imagine,” he whispered as he leaned closer, his hot breath on your ear. “Being tied to a chair, naked, blindfolded, not knowing what will happen, anticipating the worst...”
It was either his words or the vibrations of his voice or your mind imagining just that, but you felt definitely aroused all over again. Biting your lip, you nodded slowly, seeing him smiling when you did.
“Sounds good, huh?”
“But I wouldn't want just anyone tying me to a chair, you know? Can I alter that fantasy a little?” He nodded. “If you'd be the one to do these things to me, I'd be more than willing to give up control like that,” you told him quietly.
His smile grew. “Really?” When you nodded, he leaned in and pressed his mouth to yours, kissing you euphorically.
“It's still just a fantasy, right?” you whispered against his lips when he gave you a moment to catch your breath.
“Of course,” he replied with a smirk, before nibbling on your bottom lip. “Unless...”
You leaned back a little, your eyes flying over his face. “Unless?”
“What if we planned something like that? A scene of some sort? We'd make a list with all the things we like and don't like and then we just... role-play it?”
You frowned. “Wouldn't that beat the purpose of losing control if you plan it out like that? I'd already know what'll happen... won't I?”
“But you wouldn't know when... or how... or if at all,” he said quietly, licking his lips. “The anticipation alone would drive you crazy!”
You shifted against him, already feeling the excitement pooling between your legs. He noticed and grinned, his hand trailing down the curve of your body to rest on your hip.
“What do you say?” he then asked, watching you closely.
You gave him a smile and a quick peck to the lips. “Yes, let's imagine it then.”
He beamed at you and pulled you closer against his chest, kissing your temple. “Okay, so, it'll start... with somebody –”
“You,” you emphasised with a stern gaze, while a smirk tugged at the corner of your mouth.
“Me, yes, but let's pretend it'll be somebody,” he said with a wink. “Somebody dragging you into a dark alley, his hand over your mouth and his arm around your waist, pulling you into the darkness...”
You inhaled deeply and listened to him sketching the outline of your little scene. His voice vibrated through your body and you quickly felt more and more excited about his idea. He gave you all the details, drew it out piece by piece, waited for your feedback and approval and objections, then continued, and in the end your entire body was shaking in anticipation.
Just talking about it and imagining it was already doing wonders to your pleasure points and somehow you couldn't wait to actually play that whole scenario out.
You couldn't wait to touch him either, so you rolled him onto his back and scrambled on top of him, breathlessly staring down at him as you ground your hips into his. He seemed just as eager and quickly grabbed your waist as you leaned down to push your mouth against his.
The couch creaked and squeaked beneath you for a second time that night, probably also a third, and your noises filled the Undercroft as you gave into your urges yet again. And somehow you forgot about his little role-play idea after all. Why think about something that might or might not happen, when you could indulge in your lust for him right here and now?
And so you did – and time passed.
Several weeks later, you didn't really count the days though, you were on an errand run through Hogsmeade, alone, because your boyfriend had been too busy to come with you. Even though you'd rather spend every single minute of the day with him, you knew he also needed his alone time, and you respected that of course.
And as you walked, caught in thoughts of his pretty brown eyes, you found yourself traversing the narrower side streets of the village on a shortcut to J. Pippin's – when you suddenly felt a rush of air and then a hand grabbing you so quickly you didn't even have time to scream.
You were pulled into the tight space between two buildings and pinned stomach-first against the wall, the hand now firmly on your mouth. It was too dark to see anything or anyone and your heart leapt against your ribcage as you felt another hand creeping around your waist and upwards to your chest.
Your breath hitched when it groped you through your clothes and you squirmed against the stranger holding you hostage. His heavy breaths were in your ears, nothing more, no threats or lewd words, just his heavy breathing that made your hair stand on end. A whimper escaped you when he suddenly let you go and you felt something being pulled over your head.
The next thing you knew was being dragged a little further, before the sound of a creaking hinge and heavy wood falling to the side suggested you were being pulled down into one of the basements of the nearby houses. You were pushed forwards, stumbled and almost fell down the steps if it wasn't for the hand grabbing your neck from behind. That same noise sounded and a hefty silence pressed down on you.
The hand on your neck urged you forwards and this time you tumbled and landed hard on your knees, dirt and dust covering your hands as you tried to support yourself. You were yanked upwards roughly, then spun around and pinned against a wall again, the hand now on your throat, squeezing tightly. You wheezed in panic, your hands reaching up to scratch at the wrist of the stranger, when you suddenly felt that same hot breath on your cheek, and even through the fabric (of what you imagined to be a sack) it caused you goosebumps.
“What's your safeword?” the stranger growled – and it took you an embarrassingly long time to recognize Sebastian's voice – and suddenly you were back in the Undercroft, talking about this very scenario. As relief flushed through you because you had been genuinely scared there for a moment, you felt his hand tightening around your throat. “Tell me,” he urged, sounding so rough and unfamiliar it did nothing to ease your fright.
“I... I don't know,” you whispered, still overwhelmed by the whole situation.
He let out a grunt, pushing you closer against the wall. “What's your favourite number?”
“What?” Be it lack of oxygen or the general fear that settled in your stomach, but you had a hard time understanding him.
“If this gets too much, just say your favourite number and I'll stop immediately, okay?” he explained darkly, his voice muffled slightly. “Which is what?”
You inhaled sharply. “Twenty-one,” you then stammered and he pushed your head firmer against the wall in response.
“Remember it,” he growled and without any warning, he slipped back into his role and grabbed the front of your shirt and pulled you after him.
Stumbling after him, unable to see, gripped by a feeling that was completely new to you – as a mixture of excitement and anxiety flooded your body – you then found yourself pushed into a chair. The wood creaked when he basically threw you against it and your back hit it forcefully. You gasped deeply, trying to calm your heavy breaths, but he wouldn't let you as he suddenly ripped the sack off of your head.
You blinked into the semi-darkness, the only light came from a jar of blue little bugs whizzing and whirring inside, tinting the small room in an eerie light that cast strange shadows on the walls and on the person crouched in front of you now. For a moment you stared at him and fear gripped you all over again. He was wearing one of those creepy masks you had first encountered in the Restricted Section, but you were too freaked out to find the connection somewhat significant.
Breathing heavily, you gazed through the black holes of the mask trying to find those eyes that would usually calm you down instantly, but you couldn't see them, and for a moment you had the insane thought that this might not even be Sebastian any more. Your heart was thundering inside your chest so loudly you were afraid it would echo off the damp walls of the room. While you stared at him, the crouched figure just remained still, staring back at you out of those dead eyes, unmoving and sinister.
You swallowed hard and basically jumped and shrieked when you suddenly felt his hands on your thighs. You saw him tilting his head, that eerie mask doing nothing to make it look less threatening. Without giving you a moment to relax, he then leaned up, grabbed your jaw, forced your mouth open and pushed a ball of fabric into it. Squirming and whimpering loudly against it, you couldn't do anything but let him push you against the back of the chair, firmly holding you in place as he stared at you – and you felt the first tear falling from the corner of your eye.
It was a tiny gesture, but when you felt his other hand moving up to scrape his fingertips over your cheek, wiping it off almost nonchalantly, you reminded yourself that this was just a scene, something you planned with him a while back, and even though it had slipped your mind, he seemed to have thought about it a lot. Or he was just naturally good at playing a predator, who knew.
You felt your legs shaking when he suddenly gripped your throat and pulled you upwards, that pathetic muffled squeak trying to force its way through your gag barely audible over the blood rushing through your ears. He held you like that for a moment while his other hand grabbed your wrists and pushed them together, his long fingers easily reaching around them both as he then pulled them above your head.
Letting go of your throat, you felt him tie something around your wrists, too tight for comfort, but as you squirmed, he ignored you and instead you heard a clanging sound, and then your tied wrists hung from a metal hook secured to the ceiling. He stepped back then and watched you, his head tilted again, that horrible mask getting scarier with the minute.
Your hands closed around the chain over your head and you felt your body getting heavier and heavier while you hung from that hook like a gutted pig. At least that was the first image that came to your clouded mind when the tips of your shoes scraped over the dirty floor as you tried to get back any sense of balance.
More moments of uncomfortable silence ticked past in which you wondered what would happen next. At first you had tried to remember the details you had talked about, but with your heart thumping so loudly it was hard to think of anything else but the very present fear – because despite the fact that you both planned this, it felt all too real for you. You were helpless and vulnerable and at the mercy of this masked stranger who you really hoped was Sebastian, but you couldn't be sure.
He was wearing a dark cloak and that mask was big enough to cover any sign of hair peeking through. His hands were in his pockets and just from the stature, he could be anyone. Any tall, dark man – and you prayed to anyone listening that it was not just anyone because that thought alone tightened that nervous knot inside your stomach tenfold. And even though this was supposed to be a sexy fantasy, the shivers running down your spine were not in any way or form connected to any feelings of arousal.
That was until he stepped closer and started gripping your clothes, and without any warning ripped them off of your body, starting with your shirt, and your eyes went wide when the buttons flew into all directions as he forced it apart to expose your chemise beneath. You couldn't help the sudden movement of your chest and the muffled shrieks of protest. He did the same with your skirt, instead of pushing it down your hips, he ripped the fabric into shreds, leaving your clothes completely useless should you ever get out of this situation.
Which for a moment you were seriously afraid would not happen.
Watching him with growing concern, you then noticed him slipping a hand into his pocket and when he got out one of those big cutting knives you'd seen the house-elves in the kitchens use, you squirmed even more, your legs twitching badly as you stood unsteadily on your toes. That mask tilted almost mockingly as he approached you, bringing the knife closer to your face, the eerie blue light reflecting off the shiny surface of the blade.
He teased the sharp tip against your skin and you did everything in your power to stay completely still, which felt impossible with how you were tied to the ceiling. Holding your breath, you witnessed him moving the knife lower, over your throat, scraping over your collarbone and down to the hem of your chemise.
His other hand moved over the curve of your body, following the white fabric down over your hips to your thighs where he slipped it past its hem and pushed it upwards, exposing your bloomers beneath. You swallowed hard, or tried to, the gag slowly soaking up your saliva to the point that it wouldn't hold any more. Those black eye holes watched you as he moved the knife to the top of your chemise and strained it against the fabric until it ripped.
You could feel the dull side of the cold blade on your skin as he gripped it by the handle and cut your garment in a downwards motion as if he wanted to gut you in the process. The shivers came as involuntarily as your deep whimpers. The sound of tearing fabric filled your ears until he was done. Dropping the knife on the chair, he gripped the edges with both hands and ripped it open, freeing your quivering breasts. The cold air of the cellar hit them and you took a shuddering breath through your nose.
After pushing your ruined chemise off your shoulders, he wasted no time to put his big hands on your chest, eagerly groping and fondling your soft flesh, pressing his palms right against your nipples. You squirmed against him, breathing loudly through your nose. Then he leaned back suddenly, one hand still trailing around your areola, while the other wandered down to the waistband of your bloomers.
This time he simply pushed it down over your hip slowly before he knelt down in front of you and wrangled the piece of clothing off of your legs, removing your stockings and shoes as well while he was down there. Completely exposed now, you felt more and more shivers as the cold air of the room hit your skin – and that freakish mask kept staring up at you with an unchanging expression and dead eyes.
You felt his hands on your shins, slowly moving upwards, his grip firm and demanding, grazing your knees and kneading your thighs, grabbing your hips and pressing his fingers into your soft flesh, then going back up right to your breasts as he stood up again. Teasing them with his fingers, he then walked around you and snaked his hands around you from behind, grabbing your chest tightly as he pressed his body against your backside.
Whimpering into your drenched gag, you squirmed against him as he put his knee between your legs and slowly forced them open. The chain above your head rattled alarmingly as you swayed to keep your balance and felt your entire weight pushing on the tie around your wrists. Seeing you struggle, he moved his fingers over your ribcage and upwards to your armpits – and you already saw it coming and still squealed loudly when he started tickling you mercilessly.
You squirmed even more, threatening to completely lose your balance as his fingertips teased your sensitive skin. He let go of you rather quickly, but instead of giving you a break, you felt his hand moving right between your legs and grabbing your mound forcefully, the touch equally shocking and despite the implications unexpected. You writhed against him, trying to press your thighs together, but his knee was still lodged between them, keeping them open as he teased his fingers through your folds.
There he hesitated. As your heart was thundering in your chest, he let go, removed his knee and walked around you once more, tilting his head menacingly. You stared at the mask, your eyebrows furrowed. He then leaned in, grabbed your chin and pulled the soaked gag out of your mouth, strands of saliva following the motion. Wiping at your trembling lips, he walked closer and you could smell the old leather of the mask as he leaned it against your forehead.
Being this close, you could actually see his eyes through the dark holes of his disguise and a deep sigh escaped you. You bit your lip and watched him. “You're not enjoying yourself, huh?” you heard his deep voice, muffled by the mask but still recognizable enough. To prove his point, he moved his hand back between your legs and poked at your centre. “Well, you're getting there...”
And of course you would, you could never resist the firm touch of his fingers for long enough. Your body had a mind of its own. Though it had taken you surprisingly long to adjust to this rather unusual situation. Despite the planned scenario, it had still taken you by the surprise. And you learned that thinking about something and actually doing it, were two different things.
“Let's change things up a bit, shall we?” he said quietly and you watched him walk around you once more. As you turned your head slightly to follow him with your eyes, you had barely time to react as he suddenly wrapped a piece of clothing around your head, shrouding the room and anything in it in complete darkness. You gasped, feeling his fingers gliding over the edges of your face before he tied the blindfold tightly at the back of your head, taking away the last thing that had kept you more or less sane: your sight.
Seeing nothing, your other senses seemed to spike up immediately. Every touch felt much more intense, every sound louder than before, your own heartbeat drumming deafeningly in your ears. It got even worse when he stopped touching you and stepped away, leaving you to your dark thoughts.
It got harder and harder to remind yourself that this was a staged scenario, he was just too good in making you really uncomfortable. You felt so vulnerable and exposed, your arms started to hurt and your wrists were burning from the rough material cutting into your skin. Your naked feet scraped over the dirty floor as you tried to ease the pressure on your joints.
In all your struggles you somehow forgot that he was still there, somewhere, and when you suddenly felt his hands on your waist, lifting you from the ground, you couldn't help but shriek. You heard a weird scratching sound and when he put you down again, you were standing on some sort of box, with both feet flat on the rough surface, the tension in your arms lessening immediately.
Grabbing the chains firmer, no longer hanging from the ceiling, you tried your best to hold your balance once more. You were almost willing to thank him, but then his arms wrapped around your middle and you felt his hot mouth between your shoulder blades, sucking on your skin. Goosebumps rippled over your limbs in waves, all the way down to your thighs and only then did the heat start to pool between your legs.
Inhaling deeply, almost relaxed in his grip, you didn't realize that he lowered one hand until you felt something scraping over your skin. He put one messy kiss between your shoulders and then let go, focusing on what he was doing on your leg. One hand gripped your thigh, kneading the soft flesh almost painfully, as something cold and hard pressed against the back of your leg. You felt him shifting and you could only guess that he was crouching in front of you as something caused a clanging sound on the floor.
Grabbing your thighs with both hands now, he forced your legs apart. You shivered deeply, already threatening to lose your balance on the box, as he leaned in and planted wet kisses on your soft skin. His tongue lapped at your inner thighs with broad strokes, leaving a trail of quickly cooling saliva on your legs. A whimper escaped you while your breath caught in your throat. He continued his journey upwards, his breath hot and loud as his hands moved up the back of your thighs and firmly grabbed your ass, coaxing another shrill shriek out of you.
While he kneaded your cheeks with strong fingers, almost bruising your skin, his mouth had moved right to your centre and without any warning or whatsoever you could feel the tip of his hot tongue pressing against your clit. You squirmed, the chain rattling in your grip, your thighs twitching uncontrollably under the sudden touch. He kept at it, circling your nub vigorously, sucking it into his mouth, even biting it softly – and all you could do was whine and writhe in your confines. You would have kicked your legs, but then you'd have lost your balance completely.
Suddenly he took that thought right out of your mind and lifted you up swiftly, his hands cupping your rear, draping your quivering legs around his neck as he pushed his face deeper against your folds. You squeaked and in your surprise, tightened your thighs around his head. He responded by grazing your soft lips with his teeth and you squirmed only more. You felt him sucking on them, pulling on them, teasing them inside and out, his tongue hot on your sensitive skin.
His nose brushed against that throbbing bundle of nerves as he continued parting your folds with his mouth until he moved straight to your entrance, poking the tip of his tongue against it until you couldn't help it and felt your walls clenching around nothing but air. Until that changed and they were clenching around his tongue as he pushed it right into you, his muffled breaths almost as arousing as his bold move. For a moment you forgot about your hands tied to the ceiling and the damp surroundings and the things that happened prior.
All you felt was his hot mouth on you, stimulating every single nerve and muscle it could reach and more – a rather familiar feeling that soothed you as much as it turned you on. You were so lost in the sensation that the noise you heard in the back of your mind almost didn't register with you.
You only heard them when he suddenly halted his movements, slowly withdrawing his tongue, leaving your quivering cunt longing for more. That want quickly froze when you felt him lean back and lower your legs back to the ground. A deep shiver rushed through you as he grabbed your throat and whispered: “I'll be right back.”
You let out a panicked noise that was a mixture of a whine and a groan as you squirmed in your confines, your heart thundering in your chest, making it hard to hear the noises around you. But those footsteps had been there and they absolutely did not fit into your planned scenario. What was going on?
The longer he was gone, the bigger the knot inside your stomach grew. You felt the cold air on your exposed skin, your centre throbbing in neglect, your chest rising and falling fast. Just when panic settled in and your mind produced the most horrifying outcomes of what could happen, something did happen.
Without hearing him beforehand, you felt his hand on your wrists and his other arm around your waist, as he lifted you up and off the hook you had been bound to. He carried you off the box until he put you down, stomach-first, on a cold, smooth surface, your legs hanging off before you placed your feet gingerly on the floor. He grabbed your tied hands and attached something to it and you heard another clinking sound, then something pulled on them and stretched your arms, causing you to slide a little over the table or whatever you were lying on.
With only your chest and stomach touching the surface, you raised your head to listen intently, but with how your arms pressed against your ears and how your own blood rushed through them loudly, you had trouble hearing anything. Yet another sense ripped from your arsenal. You whimpered softly at the realization, the tension building up more and more. And it wasn't the good kind of tension. It was fear.
You kept thinking back to the sound of footsteps and it drove you crazy that you couldn't completely confirm them. But he had left you right after you supposedly heard them, so who had he met? Who was there with him? Was there somebody else or had that noise come from outside and he had just checked if it was still safe? You couldn't say it for sure and it caused goosebumps to wash over your exposed limbs.
When something else washed over them, you shrieked, before you realized it was his hands. Or so you hoped. Fingers moved over your skin, tracing the curves of your body until they gripped your waist and pulled you back a little, a hard edge hitting your chin in the process. You groaned slightly and turned your head to rest it on the table. He didn't seem to care and you felt him pushing your legs apart with his body.
For a moment he just stood there, his fingers digging into your skin, before he leaned back quickly and disappeared again. Not for too long, as you then felt his hands on your ankles where he tied each of them to what you assumed to be a leg of the table. With your legs forced open like that, you felt a cold shudder rushing through you. You'd never felt this vulnerable before and you were still debating if you liked it or not.
He didn't give you time to adjust when you suddenly felt something pressing against your exposed folds. You braced yourself, but that was where the touch ended. He just swiped whatever it was through your slick and moved back again, putting something down beside your hip. His hands now moved to your rear and he started kneaded your flesh firmly, squeezing and almost bruising, pulling your cheeks apart and teasing at your folds until he moved a little upwards.
You squirmed wildly against your restraints as you felt his finger poking against your other hole, a whimpered “No!” escaping you, but he didn't seem to mind your noises. One hand caressed your curves towards your hip before it moved away, possibly gripping what he had put down earlier, while his fingertip kept drawing circles around your sensitive skin, teasing it further. You were breathing heavily, everything inside you fighting against whatever he had planned.
In your panicked haze you went through the list you had made and you wondered if this was anywhere on there, you just couldn't be sure, but something also kept you from calling out your safeword just yet. It felt uncomfortable, but also too new and exotic to actually know what it might feel like. And despite everything you were at least a little curious. And luckily for you, he really wanted to quench your thirst for knowledge.
You felt him swipe something through your wetness once more as his other finger withdrew from your ass, only to come down hard and swift as his hand slapped your cheek with a force that sent a shock wave through your body. Your surprised shriek echoed loudly off the walls of the room. He did it once more and you shrieked again, and as you braced for a third time it never came, instead he pushed something small and solid against your hole, and as you gasped deeply, you felt it slipping in.
Whimpering softly, your muscles clenching around it almost involuntarily, you felt him caressing your skin, his palm pressing against it, before he put his fingers around the object and pulled at it. It released with a bit of struggle and you writhed a little more. You felt his other hand slipping past your folds and moving through your wetness, before a finger of the same hand moved up and poked at your hole – and you inhaled sharply when he actually pushed in, smearing your slick around the tight ring of muscles.
You felt weird, it was an unknown kind of pressure and you didn't know if you liked it or not. It made your legs twitch against their confines and the sensation rushed down to your cunt, but feeling his finger in there just didn't sit right with you. He withdrew it then and replaced it with the object he had pushed in earlier. You gasped again and felt it just resting there, held tightly by your muscles, stretching your skin slightly.
And he left it there as he moved downwards again, his fingers slipping through your slick, rubbing and pressing and drawing lazy circles. Somehow you relaxed again a little bit, but only until he pushed two fingers past your folds and straight against that sweet spot as he simultaneously lowered his thumb to rub against your clit. You bucked your hips in response, letting out a moan-shriek. The tension in your stomach tightened and you had to bite your lip to not fall apart completely at the sensation.
He held his hand like that for a moment, just poking and prodding and stimulating, and you felt your legs giving in. Luckily you didn't really need them. As arousal flooded your clouded mind, you started breathing heavier, unconsciously jerking your hips against his hand, desperate for that extra bit of friction, but then he let go completely and you were left hanging, so close to feeling a little bit better, and yet so far away now.
Breathing loudly through your nose to show him your disapproval, you were forced to wait then as nothing else happened. You felt that thing in your butt as you started clenching your muscles around it out of sheer necessity, but that was all, it did nothing to bring you anywhere near your release. Sighing deeply, you shifted helplessly on the table.
With your arms over your ears and the blindfold still in place, ridding you of seeing and hearing anything, your mind began to wander to places you weren't so sure about wanting to reach. Darkness engulfed you not only physically, but threatened to fill your head as well. Once again you imagined the worst possible things happening, all of them diverging from that scenario you and your boyfriend had planned out ages ago, it felt like.
You realized he had led you right here, planting that idea in your head, making it sound so appealing, manipulating you into liking and wanting it, when in reality you weren't so sure any more.
It might have been boring to some (and him most certainly), but you liked it when he would just push you into the mattress, his body weight on you as he pressed himself inside you, slamming his hips into yours, as you would hold onto him and let him do his thing because that always was a guaranteed success in pushing you over the edge, repeatedly. He'd hit all the right spots, taking you to familiar heights, before he would fill you up with his warmth and stay like that until you were both too groggy to move. You couldn't count the times he would fall asleep on top of you with his cock still buried inside you. And you liked it like that. It felt safe and comforting and right.
But now you were strapped to a table, blindfolded and unaware, your legs forced open, something unfamiliar stuck in your ass, your thighs twitching in anticipation, and you felt cold and tense and vulnerable. And you hated waiting more than anything. Patience was not a virtue for you, and you knew that Sebastian knew that as well – and it made perfect sense that he would torture you like this. He was as predictable as he was unpredictable.
Breathing loudly through your nose, you tapped your feet nervously, about the only movement you could do anyway. You wanted him to see how impatient you were and frankly, focusing on that made you feel a little better as it gave you something to do. It drove away your discomfort and the fear still gnawing at the edges of your mind where questions like What if he just leaves me here like that? rolled around lazily, slightly growing with every passing heartbeat.
Just when the questions became louder and louder, you suddenly felt a hand on your hip, gripping tightly, and then, without warning and with your mind still occupied with doubts and fears, you felt him pressing his hard tip against your entrance. You squirmed under the pressure, your body not ready at all for the intrusion, yet he didn't care and pushed further as your legs twitched and pained whimpers escaped you.
He was anything but gentle – and in the middle of experiencing pain you'd never experienced before, you thought about how lucky you were normally, with how much he prepared you, how much he cared about making you feel good, long before he would focus on his own pleasure. But this was about losing control and being at the mercy of someone, you reminded yourself, and this was what you signed up for. And you didn't like it one bit.
To say he was rough was an understatement. His fingers dug into your hips, definitely bruising your skin, as he forced his cock deeper and deeper and your walls were not complying at all. They were so clenched and tight, all his intrusion did was send shivers and shudders through your body, like tiny needles poking at every single nerve. You whined loudly, writhing beneath him and against your restraints, as tears spilled from your eyes and soaked the blindfold.
And this was just him pushing in, he hadn't even moved yet. Once he seemed satisfied with how deep he was, he halted and loosened his grip on your hips, only to drive his hands down on your ass, each slap sending more shock waves through your body. You screamed and wailed, squirming more and more, not realizing that you only made it worse by doing so. You felt your skin tingling and could only imagine how raw it must look and how you'd probably be able to see his hand imprint on your flesh.
Suddenly he poked at the thing still wedged in your ass and you let out a panicked shriek, your breaths erratic and your heart thundering in your chest. You felt him grabbing the object and turning it slightly, and as he did so, he started withdrawing from the tight grasp of your cunt, slowly, almost excruciatingly slow, and your legs twitched badly with every inch. Your muscles clenched even more and he seemed to feel it, as he then pushed back in with a grunt, and then again and again.
His noises mixed with your whimpers as he fell into a rapid pace of moving his cock in and out, completely out, only to push past your entrance every time, coaxing shrieks and whimpers and eventually moans out of you as you became more and more overwhelmed by the pain and unexpected pleasure of it. Your body soon surrendered to the sensations and all you felt were his hips slamming against your ass, the tremors rippling through your body and the thing inside your tight ring of muscles seemed to vibrate with every thrust.
You moaned and cried and whined, thrashing your head around, trying to fight it and simultaneously trying to enjoy it. It was certainly a struggle you had not anticipated. You almost lost it, as your breaths became so fast you felt light-headed and close to fainting, but then you felt his hand around your throat and he was pulling your head up slightly. You wailed in surprise and then didn't make any sound any more as he pushed his fingers past your lips and held you like that as he plunged into you over and over again at a frightening speed.
Your saliva pooled around his fingers and your gurgled noises only faded together with the slapping of skin against skin and the squelches of your slowly adjusting pussy as your wetness finally helped in making it feel a little better. He kept pushing in and out, the grip of his fingers bruising, but soon you felt too numb to feel the aching of your jaw or the roughness of his thrusts or the hold he had on the object in your ass.
It all melted together as your head started spinning and you were almost sure your release was right around the corner, so close you could almost taste it past his fingers. Your walls were fluttering around his cock, the tension inside your stomach built almost painfully, but then he let go of your head and it smacked onto the table, before he grabbed your waist and picked up his pace another notch, his grunts and groans filling the room as you were still whimpering from the collision with the table, momentarily too stunned to try to chase your own pleasure.
He, on the other hand, was hell-bent to get his before yours, it seemed. Such an unfamiliar feeling that it almost made you sad. Not that you could have felt any other emotion right now as he pounded you for what you were at that moment: a more or less willing victim, just a means for his release, a hole to fill. And when he let out a loud growl and slammed his pelvis against your ass and pulled your hips towards him at the same time, burying himself as deeply as possible, as his tight balls pushed against your folds, he did indeed that: he filled you.
You felt him pumping and twitching as he emptied himself deep inside you, his warmth spilling into every nook and cranny and soon past his length as it didn't seem to stop. You whimpered and felt your insides convulsing, but it did nothing to help you reach your own climax. That dissipated slowly as he eventually pulled out, leaving behind a hot trail of cum you could feel burning on your bruised skin. Your walls clenched around his seed in a desperate attempt to get anything out of it, but alas, that ship had sailed and it left you feeling even more miserable.
Still light-headed and not numb enough to not feel the pain pulsing through your core, you lay on the table, spent and exhausted, your thighs twitching and your stomach tense and hurting. Saliva was dripping from your parted lips and pooled beneath your cheek, but you couldn't close your mouth, you didn't have it in you. You realized then that this whole idea had been the worst you'd ever agreed to. And for a moment you hated him for convincing you to do it.
While you wallowed in your sorrow, new tears seeping into your blindfold and past it, you suddenly felt a hand on your cheek, wiping at your tears, sweat and spit, and you inhaled sharply at the sensation. Another hand slowly caressed your tense shoulders, fingers gliding over your skin and gently massaging your sore neck. A little moan escaped you and you felt a little better, but only until the hands left you again.
You listened intently, waiting for more, wanting, no, needing more, but more never came. Instead you were left with your shuddering limbs, your throbbing cunt and the strange sensation of whatever was lodged inside your ass. You inhaled deeply, trying to calm your shallow breaths, and focusing on that seemed to ease the pain and disappointment coursing through your body and soul.
For a moment that was all there was. You and the repercussions of whatever had just happened. Yet you didn't want to think about it, you couldn't. Trying to remind yourself that this was just a scenario, a planned one, and he might have mentioned something like this when he had manipulated you into agreeing to this, though it did nothing to relax your aching heart that kept drumming inside your chest.
Just when you thought you'd completely sink into the darkness surrounding you both physically and mentally, you felt something brush against your back, slowly moving over the curve of your spine until it teased against the object poking out of you. You shivered deeply. Not quite sure what had touched you, you shifted on the table, until you felt something being put on your lower back, something cold and smooth but also strangely alive, weighty enough for you to feel it was there, writhing and almost thrumming against your skin.
You froze as you tried to imagine what it was, but then you felt it uncurling on you and it got longer and skinnier as it moved between your shoulder blades and into your hair. And then you heard a faint hissing sound and you screamed bloody murder when you felt a long, thin tongue buzzing against your cheek.
“Shh!” You heard a voice behind you before someone grabbed the back of your head to hold you down as you squirmed in utter panic. “It won't harm you, unless you provoke it!”
You whimpered loudly, frozen in place, as (what you thought was) a large snake slithered around your neck and teased its small head against your jaw. Another hissing sound filled the room, loud enough to vibrate in your ears, and the snake moved back over your shoulder, its tail teasing and lightly pressing against your throat before it disappeared and seemingly coiled up on your lower back, droning slightly against your skin.
Forcing back new tears, you didn't dare to breathe. Despite dating a Slytherin, your least favourite animals were snakes. The feel of it, the sound, the weight and strength that floppy stick could possess, and the fangs and potential to kill you with just one bite was enough for you to really despise these creatures. Yet you didn't know if you ever told Sebastian this. And even if, he wouldn't be that cruel, now would he? (Your sore body seemed to disagree.)
And that hissing sound you had heard earlier poked at certain memories in your panic riddled mind, enough to distract you from the snake lying on your back for a moment. It had sounded strangely familiar, but you just couldn't put your finger on it. You turned your face to the other side and rested on your wet cheek, your lips parted and trembling as you listened into the dark room once more. And then, as if on cue, you heard it again, closer this time, and it sounded like words in a foreign language, rasping and buzzing, a deep thrumming sound that made the animal resting on top of you move again.
You could feel its muscles pressing against your skin as it slithered down your hips and then wound itself around your shaking leg until its cold pressure left you completely. You took a shuddering breath when it did, almost forgetting that you had figured out where you'd heard that hissing sound before. And the realization made you hold your breath all over again.
Your mind was racing as you wondered why, in the middle of your planned scenario (that didn't go quite as planned as you had hoped), you would hear your boyfriend's best friend talk in Parseltongue, apparently commanding a snake to tease and scare you?
What in Merlin's blasted facial hair was Ominis doing here?
(to be continued in part 2)
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End notes: Yes! This will turn into a Throuple/Sebinis/Threesome story! I hope you're excited! (I know I am!)
So after having written quite a lot of passive/victim!reader/mc pieces, I certainly need to reverse the roles some day. This is all adding to the list of how I can take my revenge on this naughty boy (even though he might get a taste of it in the next part /clickbait). You just wait!
For now, sorry, hope you enjoyed yet another one of those “he does things to you and you can't do anything against it” works. They are still fun to write, don't get me wrong, especially this one, even though it might have been my darkest/most deranged one yet...
Also let me remind you: despite the things I let my characters/protagonist say, I do not necessarily stand by them, like, I do have a tentacle kink and reader-chan here doesn't, so don't let them offend you! They don't know better!
Reader's favorite number is 21 because, uh, I didn't know if you knew but the 21st letter of the alphabet is U. (Makes sense, huh? I thought it was clever >_>) And I read about safewords that you should use numbers or long words instead of just banana or something. I did do my research, even for filth like this, okay?
Remember: Part two is right here!
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[ masterlist ] [ kinktober masterlist ] [ ao3 ]
Kinktober submissions:
Pleasant dreams... and tentacles (somnophilia, tentacles)
It is that time again (breeding kink)
A scholar and a pervert (overstimulation, sex toys)
The horny ghost (voyeurism, masturbation, spectrophilia)
It belongs to me (deepthroating, public)
A Filthy Fantasy (2/2) (threesome, oral/vaginal/anal)
244 notes · View notes
Point to the Sky
Sebastian Sallow x reader
WC: 3.4K
A/N: First fic here! Bit nervous to post this, but I’m doing so anyway! I wanted to write for hogwarts legacy and Harry Potter characters (specifically the marauders), so I started a new blog to do so! I really appreciate feedback!
Summary: After Sebastian calls you ignorant despite all you do to help him, you need some time to yourself to blow off steam. Unfortunately, the presence of Ashwinders and your lack of Wiggenweld potions leads to other plans.
How did you get here?
How did you get here, bleeding out in the middle of a bandit camp.
You never think things through, you should have thought this through.
It was Sebastian’s fault, it truly was. No matter the fact it was your decision to head out to the highlands today, to stay away from the Castle, or Hogsmeade, or Feldcroft, or anywhere Sebastian would go. It was his fault you needed to get away.
You would do anything for him. You do everything for him. And he does nothing but blame you, call you ignorant, disregard all you’ve done to help Anne, all the pressure and stress this year, your first year at Hogswarts, has put onto you.
Doesn’t he understand?
Doesn’t anybody understand?
Now, none of that seemed to matter. You had decided after your fight with Sebastian you needed out, that anywhere he might be would be insufferable. Claire Beaumont had asked you to clear out two Goblin encampments, which lead you to clearing out more and more and soon you were exhausted, running on pure adrenaline and rage.
That’s when you were caught off guard by diffindo casted at you, ripping through your chest and down your dominant arm. You had let out a scream at the time, falling to your knees and clutching your fresh wounds, swearing blood all throughout your robes. You barely remember blocking the next curse sent your way, returning a stunning spelling and depluso, sending your enemy into a collision with a building nearby which crumpled on top of them.
You finally let yourself collapse, a sob escapes as you allow the day to take its toll on you. Sweat and blood were smeared across your face and you were terrified of letting go of your arm, too afraid to look down at the damage because you knew it was bad. You could feel by the wet spot continuously growing bigger through the torn fabric.
Wiggenweld potions!
They had healed you a million times with injuries almost as bad, surely they get the job done here. You had dropped your bag when the duel had first began and with a little groaning and a lot of pain, you manage to your feet and grab your bag.
You let out a weak scream. You knew it would be. You had made more potions last night in the Room of Requirement but you didn’t think to grab them, saving them for a time you planned to go out, not a spontaneous anger trip because you were fighting with… with Sebastian.
The thought of him almost hurt as much as the physical pain you’ve been in. Just yesterday you thought maybe… maybe there could be more between the two of you and today you were cursing Ashwinders because of him.
And yet, you still wished he was here.
That he would be be next to you, fighting by your side, making sure you were alright with a wiggenweld potion because he knew you wouldn’t have any more because he cares about you.
But he wasn’t here.
No one was.
You were here alone.
Except for the Ashwinders aparating behind you.
You barely have time to duck and roll out of the way, shooting confringo at your enemy, only to see two of them side by side. You don’t have enough strength in you for a big duel, you barely have enough in you as you shoot basic spells their way and blocking the ones coming at you, including dodging the lightning strikes the executioner is casting. You don’t know how much longer you could last. You could barely hold up your arm without trembling in pain.
You finally have the upper hand as the lightning curse is cast and you pull both Ashwinders in front of you into it, but not before one duelist manages out a quick reducto sent your way.
The spell hits you the same time both Ashwinders are taken care of and you are sent backwards screaming in pain. Your entire side is throbbing and you can’t think. You can’t move. You can only sit there, watching the stain on your clothes grow bigger and bigger.
You need help.
You read something once in a book for class about shooting red sparks onto the air as a call for help. You mentioned it to Sebastian afterwards, he promised if you did it he would always find you.
You hope it was true.
The last curse knocked your wand out of your hand, sending it just out of your reach. Knowing what has to be done, you roll closer to your wand, scraping your fingers in the dirt in a pitiful attempt to reach before you slowly start gasping for breaths to hide your sobs.
Pain rips up your body, pulling a cry from your lips as you try to keep from curling in pain. Your trembling fingers brush against your wand, pulling another gasp of breath as you inch impossibly closer until you can hold your wand in your non-dominant hand. Your dominant hand is useless, you could barely move it, let alone grip your wand. You finally allow yourself to scream, a sound quickly turning into a sob as you bury your face into your arm and still for a few moments.
The pain is getting to you, you can feel it happening as your body grows far more tired than it has all day. Your vision is starting to blur as you roll onto your back, struggling to point it to the sky.
You quickly shoot 3 bright red sparks into the air and they fly high before disappearing far higher than you’ve ever flown. You know it was dangerous, you know anyone could have seen them, could know exactly where you were. Rookwood, Ranrok, any of their lot, but also Sebastian. Despite how you’ve been feeling towards the boy as of late, you could only hope Sebastian could see your signal and get to you first as your eyes drift close and your arm falls to the ground.
Ominis was sure he searched the whole castle for you and yet his wand had proved to him quite a few times that you weren’t anywhere here. He did, however, find Sebastian sitting on a bench in the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower.
“Sebastian.” He calls out his friend’s name before heading to take the open seat next to him. “Have you seen Y/N? I can’t locate her in the castle, I assumed she’d be with you somewhere.”
Sebastian can’t even look at Ominis as he twirls his wand around in his hand. “Haven’t seen her.”
Ominis is quiet, his brows pulling together at his friends depressing demeanor. “What happened? What did you do?”
Sebastian is taken back, finally looking at the blond boy. “Me? Why do you assume I was the cause of anything?” The silent but knowing look Ominis wore on his face causes Sebastian to sigh heavily. “I… I was with her this morning and I said…” he trails off thinking back on the conversation he called you ignorant and you curtly replied, implying his uncle was correct about Sebastian not knowing when to stop. “I said something I regret, that I don’t know how to take back.”
Ominis frowns, wondering what Sebastian could have said to you to cause a rift between the two of you. “You could start by apologizing.”
“Alright.” Sebastian nods, preparing himself for the idea. “I’ll apologize to her. The next time I see her.” Ominis was quiet once again but the small smirk on his lips has Sebastian’s shoulders sagging. “We’re going to find her now, aren’t we?”
Ominis can only put a hand on Sebastian’s shoulder. “She would find you if the roles were reversed.”
Ominis follows after Sebastian who is leading the way through Hogsmeade. Ominis can tell how upset the conversation with you has made him, but he knows how Sebastian has acted these last weeks with his twin’s sickness.
“She’s not here.” Sebastian groans, crossing his arms and tapping his foot, impatient to find you and be allowed back to his sulking. “She’s probably back at the castle somewhere and we missed her.”
Ominis frowns and shakes his head. “She could also be in danger. You know what our friend likes to do in her free time.”
Sebastian’s foot tapping stops. Ominis has a point, but they also know you well enough to know you wouldn’t fight without a supply of wiggenweld potions in your bag.
Unless you left after an argument without thinking of the possibility of needing wiggenweld. “How are we supposed to find her? She could be anywhere! She could be in the forest, or down by the coast, or-or…” Sebastian’s sentences are stopped as he looks out in the sky, ignoring the sun disappearing on the horizon. “Did you see that?” He asks Ominis, not sure his eyes weren’t just playing tricks on him in the setting sky.
“… no.”
“Oh. Right.” Sebastian shakes his head, looking towards his blind best friend and feeling a little dumb at his question. “In the sky, there were these red sparks coming up from the trees south of Hogwarts.”
“Sparks?” Ominis furrows his brows, trying to understand what Sebastian is saying.
Just point to the sky and I’ll find you.
I promise.
“It’s Y/N, it has to be!” Sebastian is sure of it. He remembers joining you in the library one day, trying not to be obvious as he stares at you, but it didn’t matter as it seemed you had a sixth sense for knowing when he was looking at you. “Come on!”
Sebastian pushes trees away from his face, doing his absolute best not to send them flying into Ominis’ face who was following behind him, using his wand to help him as he holds the back of Sebastian’s robe. “Will you slow down?” Ominis says before running into his best friend’s back, barely stopping in time.
“I’m sorry.” Sebastian is quick to say, making sure his friend is fine before focusing on their mission. “She’s around here, I’m sure of it.”
It was Ominis who found you first, sensing your location with his wand as he leads Sebastian in the correct direction. Sebastian freezes when he sees you laying on the ground, your wand trailing off your fingers into the dirt below you. “Y/N?” Ominis says as he kneals down next to you, putting his arm on your arm and gently moving up to your neck. “She’s barely breathing.” He sighs in relief at finding your pulse, however weak it was.
Sebastian is in shock as he looked at you but he couldn’t look past the blood stains on your robes. “She’s bleeding, on her chest and arm, it looks bad.”
Ominis carefully checks what Sebastian pointed out before pulling away, knowing his hands were now stained with your blood. He speaks quickly. “We need to get her to Hogwarts, to the hospital wing.”
Sebastian nods despite Ominis being unable to see it. He glances around the three of you and his eyes land on an empty vial of what used to be Wiggenweld potion. You did run out. His eyes widen before he searches his robes. “I have- wait, I have…” He trails off for a brief moment, absolutely certain he had some somewhere until he pulls out the green vial, “This!”
Ominis furrows his brows until Sebastian hands it to him. Sebastian had kept himself away from you until this moment. He knew deep down it was his fault that you were in this position and there was no way he could deny it, so he stayed back, not wanting to upset you further should you have woken up. However, he couldn’t help himself after he passed Ominis the vial. His hand ghosted over your head before he brushes your hair out of your face. It stuck to your skin just a bit from your sweat, blood, and tears and Sebastian’s heart ached.
He never wanted to see you like this again.
“You carry a wiggenweld potion on you?” Ominis’ words pull him back to reality as he blinks away any chance of tears falling on his own face. “Since when?”
“Since she started venturing out.” He clears his throat. “Never know when she might need one.”
Ominis doesn’t say anything else. He can only imagine how Sebastian is feeling in this moment and he is worried for you as well. He gently cups your jaw and opens your mouth and does his best to make sure he has lined the potion up with your mouth perfectly before pouring the whole vial.
“There. She should be getting better until he can get her-” Ominis is cut off by the sounds of metal clanking and talking through the tree lines, coming from almost all directions towards them. “Someone’s coming.” He tells Sebastian and jumps to his feet, holding his wand in the air.
“I can hear them. They probably saw Y/N’s sparks.” Sebastian shakes his head, not believing the fact that he forgot that others could have found you as well.
“It sounds like a whole army.”
Sebastian looks down at you, wishing he could have known if the Wiggenweld potion was even doing anything for you. You hadn’t moved at all and your breathing was still short. “We have to get her out of here!”
“How?” Ominis points his wand in another direction, finding more and more goblins, ashwinders, and enemies everywhere. “There’s nowhere to go?”
“There has to be something-” Sebastian’s sentence is stopped short as his eyes land on your bag. You’ve shown him this bag before. You’ve pulled magnificent beasts out of this bag before and right now, that seems to be your only chance at an escape. “Ominis,” Sebastian places a hand on the boys’ shoulder before reaching for the bag, “you might not like this.” Ominis can’t get a question in before Sebastian opens the bag. The next thing the blind blond hears is hooves stomping against the ground, wings beating in the air, and Sebastian’s excited gasp.
Ominis lets out a gasp of his own as he figures out exactly what Sebastian has pulled out of your bag.“Is that-“
“A friend.” Sebastian assures him, placing his hand back on Ominis’ shoulder before confirming Ominis’ thoughts. “A Hippogriff, she once introduced me to after class one day. It was… extraordinary.” There was a smile on Sebastian’s face as he looks at the beast, remembering how excited you were to introduce the two of you. He follows the steps and tells Ominis what to do, just like you showed him that day to gain the Hippogriff’s trust for a ride.
Sebastian helps Ominis up first before heading to you. He hesitates, but knows he must act quickly. Careful of your potentially still wounded arm and torso, he picks you up with an arm under your knees and another around your back. With Ominis’ help, he gets both you and him onto the Hippogriff. He readjusts you, letting you collapse on him as he holds you close to him with an arm around your waist, your head tucks into his neck. He can feel your faint breath on his skin and he can’t help but smile. You are still alive.
He is about to take off before realizing Ominis would surely fall off. “Put your arms around us.”
Ominis is taken back. “Absolutely not.”
Sebastian rolls his eyes. “Do you want to fall off?” Ominis groans before muttering a ‘no’. “That’s what I thought. Now, put your arms around us and help me keep the two of you from falling off.”
Ominis does as he was told, knowing Sebastian was right, and regardless if he was, he would do anything to ensure you would stay as you were currently, almost on Sebastian’s lap. His grip is loose until suddenly with no warning, the hippogriff takes off.
Ominis is hanging on for dear life now.
The three of you and the Hippogriff barely clear the trees before a spell is cast in your direction. It whizzes right by Sebastian and Ominis’ heads, narrowly hitting them as the hippogriff speeds up, leaving the armies to disappear behind.
“We are never doing that again.” Ominis complains as he straightens his robes, happy to finally be on solid ground.
Sebastian rolls his eyes and as he opens your bag up to return the Hippogriff, but keeps his hold on you with Ominis’ help. “It wasn’t that bad. We made it back in one piece!”
Ominis wants to make a snappy comment back about how you three almost didn’t make it back in piece and how Sebastian almost lost his hold on you, but before he can get the words out, they remind him of your condition. The two of them rush to get you to the hospital wing, narrowly taking out a few first years along the way, but they managed. The nurse was just fixing a bed as the two boys push open the doors, holding you as steady as they can in their arms.
The nurse gasps at the sudden appearance but acts fast, letting them place you on the nearest bed that was available. Sebastian lays you on the bed, but he doesn’t let go of your hand as he grips it tightly, studying your face. The nurse cleans you up a bit and helps you beyond what a Wiggenweld potion could manage. Sebastian was beyond relieved to be able to gaze upon your face without focusing on the blood and tears.
“It’s good you gave her the potion when you did,” the nurse breaks Sebastian and Ominis’ thoughts, “much longer out there and well, I hate to imagine what could’ve happened.” She shakes her head.
Sebastian blinks back tears. “But she hasn’t woken.”
“And she might not for a while. Physically, she’s fine, her wounds are healing nicely, but she’ll have a nasty scar.” The nurse pauses, adding a few ingredients to a potion for you to take later.
Sebastian and Ominis wait for her to continue, but they grow restless. Sebastian finally tears his eyes away. “So? Why would it be a while?”
The nurse frowns. “Mentally, she’s exhausted. I don’t suppose either of you know how much sleep she’s gotten?”
The two boys hesitate before shaking their heads. “She would always fall asleep in the most random of places. In class, in Hogsmeade, towns, simply on the floor even. I’ve tripped over her numerous times.” Ominis says and Sebastian nods, suddenly feeling guilty for not ensuring you’ve gotten sleep.
“Yes, well,” the nurse hums, “perhaps rest is what she needs best. She can stay here for the night, but you two better hurry off before curfew starts.”
Ominis nods and reaches over to you, putting a hand on your shoulder with a small squeeze before he leaves, knowing Sebastian might want a few minutes alone with you. Sebastian can’t bear the thought of leaving you even if he could just visit in the morning. “Is it alright if I stay? Just for a few hours?”
The nurse eyes him carefully before sighing. “Just for a few hours.” She says and Sebastian nods. He hopes maybe a just a few hours turns into the whole night, and as the nurse places a pillow and blanket next to him, he might just get his wish.
When the nurse leaves the room, Sebastian realizes you two were the only ones here. He can’t help himself as he holds your hand tighter, bringing it to his lips with a soft kiss. “I’m sorry.” He whispers, knowing you’re only here because of him. “I’m so sorry.”
“Sebastian?” Your voice is quiet, but he hears it nonetheless.
He straightens up, pushing your hair out of your face and pressing his hand against your skin. “I’m here. I’m right here.”
You shift in the bed, turning to face him but you barely open your eyes. “You’re here.” You repeat his words with the ghost of a smile and Sebastian feels his tears slipping down his face slowly. “Stay?”
He presses his lips against the back of your hand again before smiling. “With you? Of course. I’ll always stay with you.”
I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know if I should write more for hogwarts legacy or harry potter characters?
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lovekendri · 1 year
spoil me | sebastian sallow
sebastian sallow x fem!reader
summary: after a long night in the common room, snuggling with sebastian turns into a bit more unholy activity.
cw: 18+ only! aged up!seb, seventh year au, established relationship, giggly moments, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it before u tap it!), pleasure dom!seb, sorta possessive!seb, very touchy!seb, size difference, dacryphilia, praise kink, dumbification(?), reader has hand obsession, marking kink if you squint
wc: 5.1k
type: ✽ & ❀
a/n: forgive me, for this is probably the filthiest thing i will ever write!
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The night was growing old, and distorted, white moonlight was shining through the large windows submerged in water in the Slytherin common room. You had based your night around Sebastian and Ominis, spending hours inside of the common room alone, studying, chatting, playing games, you name it.
It was getting so late, and you were beginning to doze off. The comfortable velvet couch of the Slytherin common room mixed with mostly worn-off cologne from both Ominis and Sebastian created a homey feeling, you often associated their scents with being safe since fifth year.
"I think I'm going to go up," you finally said, opening your eyes from your most recent 'resting your eyes', turning to your boyfriend and Ominis.
"Alright, we'll meet you up there," Sebastian said, dipping his quill in the well of ink on the small coffee table in front of him. The tall brunette had actually been taking notes for once, and you took the time to admire him for a moment before he looked at you. His robes had come off several hours ago when he threw a pillow at Ominis, starting a pillow fight between the two for a few minutes. Faint outlines of his athletic build showed through his button-up, the top three buttons undone, revealing part of his broad chest. His signature brown, fluffy hair was slightly messy from running his hands through it, the curls spreading out across his head and falling in front of his face. The heat of the fireplace left a rosy tint to his cheeks, and the want for sleep had began to take over his eyes. The whites were slightly bloodshot, chocolaty irises enhanced and covered with squinted lids, plump, pink lips slightly parted with hints of exhaustion in his low breathing.
Your cheeks flushed a bright pink, taking in his whole presence as butterflies swarmed in your stomach. You hadn't seen him like this in a while, the unbuttoned shirt, no robes, parted lips. It was rare to see him like this, not because it wasn't often you two had gotten somewhat frisky every now and then, but since wherever you had decided to go in the entirety of the castle was crowded at every time of the day with enormous amounts of first and second years.
You were proud of how attractive Sebastian was, and you knew exactly how it felt to have crushes on older boys when you were a little kid.
"We'll see you up there," Ominis said, snapping you back down to reality as he turned to the sound of your voice, a small smile creeping on his lips. You cleared your throat and chirped a small 'mm-hm!' before jumping up from your plush seat on the couch and making your way to the hall that lead to the dormitories.
You heard a small chatter begin between the two, catching 'that about?', and 'weird', before a collective loud laughter, forming a rather handsome sound.
After the obnoxiously long decline of stairs, stairs, and more stairs, with a tad of more stairs and now concrete walls, you managed your way into the seventh year boy's room.
The room smelled like a mixture of several different colognes, with a hint of fresh linen and lemon, as well as a pinch of gross socks coming from the opposite side of the room from Sebastian and Ominis.
You realized quickly that you were the only person in the room.
Apparently it was common for them to be out at ungodly hours of the night.
The room was lined with five double beds, four posts surrounding each frame, lined with deep green curtains that were tied to the posts by silver rope. They could be undone for privacy, but it seemed that they hadn't been touched since the beginning of the year. Intricate designs formed along the bottom and the posts of snakes, swirls and other organic designs, coming together as a Hogwarts crest in the middle of the bed frame.
The windows had now gotten smaller since you had gone farther down underwater from the common room. They still emit a deep glow, though a bit darker than before, and instead cast a bluish gray hue across the floor and walls, a low chandelier hung in the middle of the room, candles unlit.
You decided to search the trunk next to Sebastian's bed. You had to push through multiple pairs of the same socks and underwear before you could find something of your liking, treating yourself to a rather large navy blue jumper of his. He only wore it on particularly chilly Hogsmeade trips or cold weekends around the castle.
You set it down on his bed, stripping out of your uniform and slipping on a pair of shorts you had left in his trunk, along with the jumper before climbing into his bed.
You snuggled into his covers, pulling the thick comforter up to your neck and turning to your side. The soft mattress engulfed you in a hug, cradling you as you closed your eyes, invited to a deep sleep.
It felt like you hadn't even slept for a minute when you heard the descent of your boyfriend and his loyal friend toward the dormitory, the concrete steps sounding loud echoes down the hall.
"She's probably asleep," you heard Sebastian say, the door to the room creaking open as the two walked in.
You were too snuggled into the bed to want to perk your head up and see Sebastian once more, but just the smell of him coming near you was enough to make your stomach flutter.
"Then don't wake her," Ominis scoffed. "Your footsteps are loud enough to wake a troll."
"Oh, stop it, would you?" Sebastian shot back, placing a heavy hand on the bed. You felt the mattress dip in the front as he sat on the end, your leg slipping a little underneath the covers.
"I'm not the one who's getting yelled at if she wakes up," Ominis said, the clunk of his chest closing signifying he was now changing into pyjamas.
Sebastian didn't bother to respond, closing his trunk and setting his own pyjamas on the bed. He changed quickly before sliding into the bed with you, his weight dipping the mattress toward the middle.
Of course he knew you'd be in his bed, you loved snuggling with him after a long night.
He pulled himself close, his chest meeting your back, adjusting the comforter around your neck to over your shoulder before sliding his arms around you. One strong arm glided around your waist, his hand placing itself gently between the warmth of your thighs. The other arm slid below your body and under your arm, wrapping protectively around your chest.
"Hi, pretty girl," he whispered in your ear, earning a small chirp from you as you adjusted yourself against his chest, his knee bending into the back of your leg.
Butterflies were exploding in your stomach, goosebumps forming all over as he touched you.
"You feeling okay, love?" he murmured, head curling into your neck. You lifted your head a little, leaving room for him to move in closer. His hair tickled your ear as his lips met your skin briefly, the kiss short and sweet.
"Mm-hmmm," you hummed, snuggling as far as you could go back into his body, the warmth and softness comforting. His hair smelled pleasant, a mix of cedar and green apple, the shirt he was wearing covered in a musky cologne.
His smell always drove you crazy.
"Is Ominis in here?" you mumbled, dipping your head down and turning your face slightly into the feathery pillow, his arms tightening around you to prevent you from moving away from him.
"Of course he is," he whispered back, pressing another gentle kiss to your neck. You could feel the heat of his face and the small smirk that grew on his lips. His protective, muscular arms were so comforting, the smell of his body irresistible. You relaxed into him, not noticing you were so tense.
For a moment, the only noise was the combination of Sebastian and you breathing. You could barely hear Ominis' breathing, even and calm as he was probably already asleep.
He could fall asleep in seconds if he really tried.
You were very aware of the butterflies and goose bumps Sebastian was giving you, but he often didn't have such an affect on you. You remembered his look earlier; the soft lips, unbuttoned shirt, messy hair. You wanted to turn around to him, see his beautiful face, but the strict grip he had on your body kept you in place.
You decided that there was only one way that he would let you even wriggle in his grip.
You gently rocked your hips backwards, meeting his.
You heard a small exhale escape his lips into your ear, spawning swarms of butterflies in your stomach.
You did it once more, satisfied from the first noise, but this time, the exhale had turned into a muffled grunt, his face curled into your neck and nose pressing into your jawline.
"Hold on, love," he whispered, somewhat breathless. You could feel the already growing bulge in his pants, your body throbbing, eager for his touch.
You decided to pause for a moment, but this stirred Sebastian. He took a moment and adjusted his body, rustling of sheets becoming loud in the silent room. The hand between your thighs had come alive from the warmth between them, gently pushing open your legs as one fell on top of his, the other still resting on the bed. Now lying flatter on his side, he was able to lean against the pillow beneath him, head above you.
You turned your head to look at him, the grip around your body loosened as his hand took a new resting position on the leg that met his, his fingers slowly crawling from your knee to the inside of your thigh.
The painfully slow movements of his large, skillful fingers left you wanting to cry for him, your body now afloat with seriously overwhelming butterflies and growing arousal in the pit of your stomach.
You finally looked at him, your eyes meeting the faint face of your boyfriend. In the dark light, he still had the same look he had in the common room. The pink lips, now wet with saliva, squinted eyes and even messier hair.
"You look so pretty," he whispered, his hand sliding to the inside of your thigh, mere centimeters away from your nearly dripping folds. His lips moved magically as he talked, the glint of spit coating his lips and mesmerizing eyes keeping a tight hold on yours.
Your cheeks were growing hot incredibly fast, colonies of butterflies fluttering around inside you as the heat between your legs grew incredibly larger, the obnoxious yet pathetic urge growing to take his hand and put it where you wanted it.
The look you gave him must've plead enough for him, as he leaned down and kissed you gently on the forehead.
You exhaled quietly, wanting to feel the kisses on your lips, his glimmering ones so tempting. His fingers were painfully close to the still growing heat in your shorts, and you were sure he could feel it as his fingers moved slow toward it.
Sebastian closed his eyes slowly, ducking his head down. He couldn't get full access to your neck with the way you were laying. Immediately, the arm underneath you moved swiftly, grabbing your jaw roughly and forcing it upwards, his thick fingers sprawling over your mouth as you whimpered quietly in surprise.
You hadn't seen this side of him in forever, his movements were surely going to cause a full explosion of butterflies into the dimly moonlit room.
His teeth, lips, and tongue were now skillfully working away at your neck, small bites and deep exhales engraving themselves into your skin, every breath and touch of his lips sending more electrifying heat down to your core.
At the same time, his fingers met your pleading heat over your shorts. He must've decided that through your shorts, he wouldn't have much of a reaction. His thick fingers crept up your silky briefs, pushing past the hem and back down to your core. Painfully slow. You heard a faint exhale of pride at the overwhelming warmth he had felt, and an evil smirk crept onto his face, the only telltale by the way his lips curved into his next kiss.
He began to rub his fingers across your sensitive clit, your hips bucking into his hand at the first circle he made. The tight grip on your jaw and hip didn't let you go far, small, filthy whines leaving your throat through his fingers as he drew circles through your thin panties.
His head trailed up from your neck for a second, hair tickling the tip of your ear as he spoke gently, his voice a low whisper.
"You sound so pretty, whining for me like a good girl."
A small sound of happiness escaped your throat, as much as you could muster, because if you spoke, Ominis—though dead asleep—would definitely hear what Sebastian was doing to you.
His words blossomed pleasant heat in the pit of your stomach, hips bucking shamelessly into his hand as his fingers continued to work your clit.
Moving so slow with everything he did, head ducking back down to nibble on your neck, horribly slow fingers that circled your clit—oh, so well—but too slow to let the heat blossom, tight hold on your jaw that muffled the pretty sounds that forced their way through your throat.
It was too much, too slow, and too good all at the same time.
Tears began to form in the corner of your eyes, your hips bucking against his hand for more as you whined lowly, begging for Sebastian to help you, to move faster in his mastered movements. You needed his touch, you needed the surreal escape of the orgasm he could bring you to.
"Aw," he whispered, lips painfully close to your ear. "Are you desperate, pretty girl?" His fingers stopped altogether, a frustrated whine pushing past your stifled lips.
"Gonna cry for me?" he teased, his lips directly against your ear now, pride and arrogance creeping past his sweetly soft charisma. Surely the fact that you were entranced in his touch.
You viciously shook your head no, fighting the hand on your jaw as tears began to fill your eyes, threatening to fall on his large hand at any moment.
"C'mon, cry for me, sweetheart," he said, a small moan escaping into your ear. Pleasure immediately shot down to your core, the sound of his arousal delightful. "You know where crying gets you, love."
Your vision was now entirely blurry, not that there was much to see in the room anyways. Butterflies and arousal exploding to a point of pain mixed with the intense feel of his fingers stilled on your clit was too much to bear, tears beginning to fall out of frustration. Your body was practically begging for him to work you toward the orgasm that you craved from him.
"Please, Seb," you whined quietly—still louder than intended—starting to not care how loud you were. You needed him to make you feel good, you needed him to touch you. "Please."
Pathetic whimpers fell out of your mouth like expletives when you stubbed your toe, begging and pleading for Sebastian to touch you, tears flooding out of your eyes and dripping onto his warm hands.
"You're such a good girl," he murmured, hot breath against your ear as he started his fingers once again, drawing smaller, faster circles around your clit.
"Make some noise for me, come on, baby."
"Ominis—" you barely murmured, too caught up in pleasure to fully annunciate your words and thoughts.
"Are you worried that he's hearing your pretty little whines?" Sebastian whispered, deep voice teasing in your ear.
You didn't nod, but you also didn't shake your head. You just threw it back into his chest, stifling a whimper into his hand.
"Don't be shy, I'm sure he wouldn't mind," he pushed, practically begging without showing a weakness for the need to hear you.
A pant of pleasure and excitement at his words sounded in your stomach. The idea of Ominis listening to Sebastian make you a mess was weirdly erotic, beginning to imagine the tall blonde companion of Sebastian's listening to you sob for Sebastian before you stopped yourself.
You finally gave into Sebastian's coaxing, moans and pleads and whines fell slightly muffled to his hand. The more you'd helplessly buck your hips into his large hand, you'd coax soft, low, delighted groans out of him.
You were getting close, begging for him to let you finish, barely caring how loud you were getting.
The only thing that mattered was how good he made you feel.
When the heat began to build in the pit of your stomach, you stopped bucking your hips for friction, your hand coming up and grabbing at the wrist of the hand that covered your mouth. Your pathetic, high pitched moans forcing their way out, yet entirely muffled by his unmoving, large hand.
Suddenly, his fingers began to move at a snail's pace.
You whined in frustration, your hips bucking once again into his hand.
"Shh, pretty girl," he whispered. His head was leaving small love bites on the front of your neck, his hair brushing against your lips and chest. "You don't want to wake Ominis, do you?"
"Please, Sebastian, I need it," you sighed, leaning your head back into the soft pillow, the swarms of butterflies beginning to flutter around in your stomach once more, replacing the heat of your lessening orgasm.
"Need what, little dove?"
You didn't respond, too focused on trying to will yourself to an orgasm with the unbelievably slow movements of his fingers.
"What do you need?" he asked once more, the tone in his voice slightly more demanding, but never to be any less than soft with you. His fingers near stuttered to a stop as he lifted his head.
You'd seen him now for the first time since he forced your legs open, and Merlin did he look good.
His hair was an even bigger mess than before, dark curls falling over his forehead and in front of his eyes. Pale moonlight cast over his face, illuminating his sharp features and saliva slicked lips. His eyes had a fucked-out, lust filled look as he watched you squirming for pleasure underneath him, deep brown eyes searching your face in a frantic calm of dominance over you.
He whispered something under his breath that you didn't catch, but didn't bother to clarify as his fingers dawned once more, quickly pulling you into the heat of the orgasm you had been chasing.
Soft concentration grew on his face as you watched his features through heavy lidded eyes, bucking your hips into his hand once more as you reached the edge, one last circle pushing you over the cliff of your orgasm.
White hot heat shot through your body, your back arching into his arms from the satisfaction his fingers finally gifted you. Whines and whimpers slipped through your lips as you pressed your jaw deep into Sebastian's hand to muffle the great unholy sounds leaving your body, the butterflies reappearing to replace the ecstasy of the feeling bringing you back to the moment. Sebastian's eyes cast dark, lustful looks down to you as you reached your hand up once more, gently removing the heavy weight over your lips onto your sternum.
"Feel good, love?" Sebastian cooed, an amused smile creeping on his face as he leaned down to kiss you, moving his head from the angle it was at, half of his body weight landing on your side.
You nodded, leaning into his kiss and wrapping your arms around his neck, trying to keep him on top of you.
Letting go of him would be a tragedy, you wanted to keep this moment forever.
"You know, you sound so pretty when you come for me," he whispered, a trickle of pride slipping through his praising tone as he straddled your hips, hovering above you to not crush you as the covers slipped off of his wide back.
You giggled softly, admiring his stupid pretty face so close to yours, landing a small kiss on his lips once more. Kissing him was addictive, you loved feeling his plump lips press against yours.
His full arms created a cage around you, resting on his elbows as he looked down at you. The lustful look in his eyes hadn't left, the idea of him still wanting to do more to you despite your slightly shaking body was somehow ideal yet entirely outrageous, considering you were still stuck on the relief of his experienced fingers from the first time.
"Stop eye-fucking me," he mumbled, a small smile growing on his face as one arm moved from the enclosure around you, sliding down your waist to your shorts.
"Seb," you giggled quietly, "I would never."
"I'm sure you wouldn't," he chuckled, fingers messing with the combined hem of your shorts and his sweater. He paused, tilting his head and looking at you.
"Is this mine?" he asked, tugging on the sweater.
You giggled again, pushing his hand away playfully as you tried to lift your legs up, banging into his hefty thigh and putting it back down.
"No wonder you smell good," he joked, dipping his head into your neck. He licked your neck slightly before nibbling on the tense spot, lifting your head for more access, and both hands sliding down your body to your legs.
He began to tug on your shorts, your silk panties coming along with them. Not bothering to separate the two before he slid off your briefs, you were left completely naked in front of him, teeth nibbling at your neck on what felt like thousands of different places. He knew that they had both come off, and a smirk brushed against your neck.
You were sure you'd have countless bruises in the morning, covering the entire span of your neck from his addiction to kissing and marking you. Though it wouldn't be the first time, it was quite embarrassing to have to explain to most of his friends if they cornered you.
He gently moved your legs from between his, spreading them slowly. Placing his warm hands on your inner thighs, he pushed them toward the bed to keep them in place.
You weren't expecting a second round, and most definitely didn't expect him to do such risky things with other people that may come in soon, but he knew better than you, and honestly you wouldn't care too much since his roommates knew he could pull.
His hair was ticklish against all parts it grazed, his hands moving off of your thighs and a thick torso replacing them, your body now held down with the weight of Sebastian himself. He glided icy fingertips across expanses of your skin, slipping under his sweater that covered you like a blanket.
His tongue massaged your neck once more before he lifted himself up, watching you intently. He paused for a moment before swiftly pulling his shirt over his head, revealing toned outlines of his body before he pulled down the front of his pants.
He wore black boxers that you often saw peeking out from his pants, and he preferred to wear them because they 'concealed better', which you both knew wasn't true. His v-line became more prominent as you watched him slide the waistband of his pyjamas farther down, thumb teasing on the elastic of his boxers.
He knew acting like this had you entranced, watching like a hawk as a knowing grin grew on his face.
Your body was practically soaring with butterflies watching him undress. It was like your own little show, seeing his beautiful body be revealed from the disgraceful amount of layers you were forced to wear everyday.
Here you were, laying spread eagle on your boyfriend's school-assigned bed when someone could walk in at any minute, watching him undress for you like a strip-tease show. The reality of it all was quite funny, but in the moment, it was absolutely mesmerizing to know his confidence.
When Sebastian had enough of teasing you, he finally slipped his elastic off, staring directly at you.
His dick sprung against his stomach, the pink tip and noticeable veins still distinguishable in the moonlight. It was decently long, but the girth of it was the better factor, it usually stretched you out a decent amount despite how aroused you were.
He pumped himself a few times, the tip crying precum as he leaned over toward you again. He encased you once more in a prison of his arms, kissing you lightly.
You didn't have to speak a word before his arm wrapped underneath your neck, hand covering your mouth as he pushed inside of you. You gasped—an obviously good choice to cover your mouth—feeling as his dick stretched every inch of you. You hadn't quite become accustomed to his size, the feeling of your walls stretching pricking your eyes with tears.
"You take me so good," he drawled, his head hanging as he exhaled roughly, about halfway inside of you. "Fuck."
Your body was full of the mix of arousal and butterflies for the millionth time that night, Sebastian's heavy breathing in your ear adding the cherry on top. He pushed himself all the way in, earning a soft exhale from you and a sigh of happiness from himself.
He allowed you to adjust to his size, before he snapped his hips into you for the first time.
Burning of arousal and unspeakable feelings swirling in your stomach at the first thrust was almost enough to work you to the edge already.
His hands roamed around your stomach underneath his jumper as he began a steady rock of his hips into you, careful as to not make a slapping noise every time he collided with your hips. His head was hung in front of you, the back of his head in your face as he concentrated on your love-bit neck, sometimes diving for another kiss as he maintained his pace.
Small whimpers slipped from your throat as he trailed light fingers across your body, the nip of his teeth at your neck mixing with the now falling tears beginning to overwhelm you.
It was odd how he knew so well to work you just the way you liked it, his touch familiar yet unfamiliar enough to still cause the pleads he loved so well, his fingers that worked you till you cried just for him.
The combination of everything you were feeling and the slow paced thrusts of your boyfriend was almost like a dream, your head was almost floating with pleasure, your brain starting to focus on only him.
"How's my pretty little girl feeling, hm?" Sebastian cooed, large fingers spreading over your stomach. You sucked in a breath at the touch, weakly moaning into the palm of his hand. His hand came up to your unoccupied cheek, stroking it with his thumb.
He smiled when he noticed the wet streaks on your face, watching as a growing dazed look in your eyes appeared. You were smiling dumbly, full of ecstasy, the entire world seemingly only of him. His touches were amplified to you, every one sending some sort of shock to your body and adding to the pool of heat gathering in your stomach.
"You're so dazed, baby," he whispered, head lifting to reveal a large grin, his hips picking up pace more. You whined into his hand once more, eyes rolling back as tears fell from your eyes more, the overwhelming sensation of everything he was doing to you coming together. "Yeah? Does that feel good, princess?"
You were a complete and total mess, expletives falling out of your mouth left and right as you whined and whimpered for him, quiet sobs escaping your throat as pleasure flooded your body, the world only focused on Sebastian.
"You're so fucking pretty," he groaned, repeatedly hitting a spot that felt just right, pushing you to the brink of your orgasm. His hips were practically snapping now, controlled thrusts as to not make a loud noise to wake Ominis, but hard enough to get you crying and moaning.
"Look at you, fuck," he praised. "You look so perfect under me, taking me like a good girl."
The feelings he was awakening inside you with praise and the snap of his hips as he fucked you just right were unfathomable, turning into both pleasure and pain. You were right there, watching him through watery and unfocused eyes as he pounded into you, deep moans and grunts falling from his lips every time he pushed back into you.
"C'mon, darling," he whispered, thumb caressing your cheek once more. "You can do it."
Everything mixed with absolutely everything else was enough, the way he pounded into you, his fingers and his touch, the tickling of his hair as his head hung, the moans escaping Sebastian's throat, everything. He had pushed you over the edge, your back arching and a strangled, sobby moan leaving your throat as you came, walls clenching harshly around his cock as his hips stuttered to a stop inside of you.
You grabbed for his head, wrapping your arms around his neck as you tugged him down to your chest, practically hugging his face into it.
Once you had lowered your back from the aggressive arch, he lifted his head from your chest and fell to the side of you.
"God, I love you," he murmured, pulling you into his broad chest and stroking your hair.
"What about you?" you asked when you had finally come down from your high, the sound of heavy breathing filling the room.
"About me?" he asked.
"You didn't—ya know. Did you?" you replied, somehow too nervous to say the word when he had just fucked the senses out of you.
"Don't worry about that, love," he said, placing his head on your shoulder.
"Fine then, I love you too," you shot back, wrapping your arms around him to the best of your ability.
Something in the back of your mind told you that at least someone had heard, but since no applause came, you decided to close your eyes as Sebastian lifted the covers over the both of you strapped into each other's arms, snuggling deep into your body for the rest of the night.
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main masterlist | my profile | hp masterlist | request | proof-read: ✓
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darknights04 · 1 year
Hii I love you’re writing. I’m so happy I came across this blog 💗💗 I was wondering if you could write something about Ominis Gaunt x F!reader based off the song again by Noah Cyrus ft xxx 💗💗💗
This request was so cute and so fun to write! I hope I did it justice!! 💖 💖
Say it Again
Pairings: Ominis Gaunt x fem!reader
Warnings: Slight angst, not proofread
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You have been friends with Ominis for five years. All the way from your first day at Hogwarts together. Five years since you had both been sorted into Slytherin together. Five years you have been pining after him. Five. Long. Excruciating years. The man had been blind in more ways than one. If he had just opened his eyes (not literally of course) than he would be able to see how much you longed for him to be more than just your friend. 
This information was beyond obvious to Sebastian, as he was the one forced to watch the interactions between you both. He was the only one who knew that your feelings were mutual. He was the only one who heard Ominis’s small sigh when you left them. He’e the only one who saw his breath quicken when you walked into a room. But you were blind to these things; just as Ominis was blind to you. 
One day, Sebastian had had enough. He had decided that it was about time that he acted as a sort of wingman and help his best friends get together. How hard could it be? After all, they both had already had strong feelings for one another. All they needed was a little push. 
“I know you have feelings for Y/n,” Sebastian said one day, confronting Ominis in the common room. 
“What?” Ominis spat in response. “Feelings? For her? What ever gave you that idea?” 
“You may not be able to see the way you long for her but I do. Now, I came up with some ideas for you to tell her that-”
“I don’t need any ideas, Sebastian. There’s no feelings for me to admit.” 
“Come on Ominis, I-”
“That’s enough, Sebastian!” 
“What’s going on?” you asked them as you approached the pair, obvious tension in the air. 
“Nothing, I was just heading down for class,” Ominis said quickly, quickly gathering his things as he turned away. 
“Wait!” you called behind him. “I thought we were all supposed to-” 
“Sorry, I forgot that I told professor Sharpe that I would come to class early to discuss.. Something. I’ll catch up with you guys later.” 
You watched behind as Ominis left, his head hung low as his wand led him away. 
“What crawled in his pumpkin juice this morning?” you chuckled, sitting down next to Sebastian. He chuckled back, taking a sip from the cup of tea he had been drinking as you looked over your shoulder at Ominis walking away, a small look of rejected crossing your face as Sebastian wasn’t looking.
“Hey..” you said cautiously, approaching Ominis in the library. The two of you haven’t spoken since that morning and you weren’t sure where you stood. As far as you knew nothing happened to make Ominis upset with you, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that there was some new sort of tension there.
“Y/n,” he greeted simply, barely looking up from his work. 
“I was hoping we could get some work done together today?” you offered. “We have that paper for magic theory due soon and-” 
“I’ve already made plans.” 
You froze mid-sentence. Ominis had never been this blunt with you before. Never cut you off like that. He’s always been thoughtful with his speech, thinking over each word before uttering them to you and politely at that. It was as if this was an imposter who had taken over his body. This was not the man you’ve been infatuated with for the last five years. 
“Oh?” you inquired. “What plans?”
“The new fifth year asked me to show them around,” he shrugged. “I accepted.” 
You had to fight to keep your jaw from dropping to the floor. He was denying spending time with you… to show around the new student… that he had been talking bad about since the moment he laid eyes on them?
“The new student?” you asked him, making sure you heard him correctly.
“Yes,” he confirmed. “And they should be here any moment so…” 
Your eyes shifted from ones of sadness… to anger. You weren’t sad of worried about what the status of your friendship was anymore, you were angry that Ominis was treating you this way. Angry that he was willing to toss your years of friendship aside for some person he just met, not to mention didn’t even like! But if he wanted to be that way, fine. He could lie in the bed he made himself. 
You didn’t give him another word, another glance, as you turned around and walked out of the room. 
Ominis groaned as his head fell to the table. He hated himself for doing this. He didn’t want to distance himself from you. Every instinct in his body was telling him to run to you and apologize, agreeing to spend the day together and throw away any other plans he might have had. But his mind wouldn’t let him. 
If Sebastion of all people could tell how attached Ominis was to you, then it was only a matter of time before everyone found out. Before you found out. 
Besides, it wasn’t as if he was going to stay distanced from you forever. The two of you could still be friends, hangout. Just maybe twice a week rather than every single day. Or maybe two hours at a time rather than twelve. Just until this whole accusation from Sebastian went away. Maybe until heis infatuation cooled down just a little… 
Ominis smiled towards his friends as he approacked their usual spot at the Slytherin table for breakfast. 
“Y/n, Sebastian,” he greeted to you both, taking his seat. 
“Ominis,” Sebastian greeted back with a nod. You didn’t say anything. 
He sat in silence, body turned slightly towards where you were sitting, waiting for you to speak up. When you didn’t he went to address you again. “So Y/n…” he started.  “How did you sleep last-” 
“I think I left something in my dorm,” you quickly interrupted, pushing yourself up from your seat. “I’ll see you both in class.” 
“Did something happen?” Ominis asked once you were well out of the room. Sebastian rolled his eyes. For a blind man, he could be quite oblivious. 
“She’s quite cross with you,” Sebastian told him.
“With me?! Why?” 
“Cause you’ve all but iced her out.” 
“No I haven’t!” 
“Really?” he scoffed. “When’s the last time you’ve spoken to her?”
“I speak to her every day.” 
“A real conversation, Ominis.” 
Ominis sat in thought for a few moments. Sebastian was right. In his want to keep everyone from finding out his feelings for you, Ominis forgot to keep your feelings in mind. 
“I’ll be right back,” he said quickly, jumping up from his seat and jogging in the direction you left in. His wand almost couldn’t keep up directing him where to go. “Y/n!” he called after you. 
You didn’t respond. When you turned and saw him behind you, you sped up.
“I can hear you speed walking away. I’m blind, not deaf.” 
“Leave me be, Ominis,” you sighed. 
“Not until you talk to me,” he combatted, reaching for your arm to stop you. “Y/n-” 
“What?!” you snapped, quickly turning to face him as you ripped your arm from his grasp. “Now you want to talk? What did you finally get bored with the new fifth year?”
“No, I just-” 
“Just what, Ominis? What could you possibly want from me now?” 
“I want my friend back!” 
You laughed. Well, it would be more accurate to call it a scoff, really. “Your friend?” you repeated. “You’ve made it perfectly clear that you do not want to be friends anymore.” 
When Ominis didn’t respond, you turned back around and started walking away again. You didn’t get more than twenty feet before he yelled out to you.
“You’re right!” he yelled simply. 
You sighed when he didn’t continue, curiosity getting the better of you as you turned back around. “Right about what, Ominis?” 
“I don’t want to be your friend any longer.” 
Your jaw dropped in disbelief. You knew you had said it, but you never imagined it could be true. 
“Wow,” you marveled sarcastically. “Thank you so much for confirming that for me.” 
Before you could walk away again, he continued. “I don’t just want to be your friend any longer, we’ve been ‘just friends’ for too long.” 
“And what is that supposed to mean?” 
Ominis took steps towards you, slowly, ensuring you didn’t back away as he continued talking. “Year after year, class after class. Being your friend has been torture,”
You could feel the tears brimming on the edge of your eyes. All your years of knowing Ominis, you never expected him to be so cruel.
“I didn’t know that-”
“Let me finish!” he yelled. “Night after night, I must force my thoughts from straying to thoughts of you. You and your stupid perfume. Your laugh. Everything just drives me crazy!” 
“I cannot just be your friend anymore.”
“It’s not enough,” he finally finished. 
“...What?” was all you could bring yourself to say. 
“I want so much more,” he continued. “I want to be able to call you mine. I want to be able to let everyone in the castle know that I am yours. I want to be able to scream to the skies that I’m in love with you!” 
You froze. You couldn’t bring a single word to your lips until you saw the way he desperately needed a response. “You what?” you repeated. 
Ominis took a step closer to you, reaching out to find your hands. “I am in love with you, Y/n. I have been since the moment met you.” 
You didn’t let him say a single word more as you cupped his face in your hands and brought him to you, slamming your lips against his desperately. It wasn’t a perfect kiss. It was sloppy, and desperate, but you didn’t care. You were kissing him. Just as you had imagined since you were a mere eleven years old. 
“Say it again,” you said with a smile as you pulled away from him.
“I am in love with you,” he repeated, a mile on his lips, matching yours. “I love you.” 
Your smile widened as you kissed him again, softer this time and pulled away quicker. “Again,” you demanded.
“I love you,” he repeated yet again with a laugh. “I’ll say it as many times as you need me to. I love you, I love you, I’ll love you forever, to the moon and back.” 
You smiled and kissed him once more, the tears that were threatening to spill over finally doing so, the anger and betrayal long replaced with an undeniable feeling of joy. 
“I love you too.” 
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snowdropluck204 · 6 months
If You'll Let Me - Sebastian Sallow x Reader
So this is the first Hogwarts Legacy fic I've done, I hope it's okay... This is what I imagine could have happened after the official ending and the you choose NOT to turn Seb in! Enjoy! Xxx ______________________________
3rd Person pov
The battle was over, and the hero of Hogwarts was suspiciously missing, nobody had seen her, which wasn't uncommon all things considered. But the war was over, what more could she need to do? Granted poaching was still on the rise, Hogsmeade wasn't crime free... Ranrok's loyalists weren't gone, even with Rookwood dead and Harlow in Azkaban, their followers were still causing problems, petty theft at best, kidnap at worst.
(y/n) still had her hands full, but more recently, she'd been disappearing without notice. Ominis was especially confused. He had gotten close to the hero following all of her help with Sebastian, let alone saving the school from being destroyed and defeating Ranrok. They would spend time together, studying for classes and gossiping about the going ons around the school, but recently, she had been galavanting off to some unknown location every Friday evening.
Sebastian still hadn't spoken to (y/n) since he thanked her briefly for not turning him in, he was stubborn, he believed that she could have done more for Anne. All he wanted was for his sister to be the way she was, to join him and Ominis at Hogwarts again... He hadn't really meant to ignore her, but it wasn't entirely unintentional. But now... Now he wanted to speak to her, wanted to apologise properly.
Anne was getting better.
It wasn't something anyone was expecting, the healers and St Mungos couldn't explain what was happening, believing it was simply a miracle, or maybe because Rookwood was dead, as the wizard that cast the curse, perhaps him dying was what reversed it. All Sebastian knew, was that he had been a bad friend, and an even worse person... He didn't want to be that person anymore.
So he decided he would have to find (y/n), there was no way of knowing where she was though, each day he searched he seemed to become more and more blind to the reality of where she was. But he did become much more sighted to the good deeds that she had selfishly performed. Little things. Returning a goblin's mooncalf, finding a child's lost toy, or a fellow student's lost heirloom. (y/n) was constantly placing herself under harm's way, when most people would have turned a blind eye, she didn't, simply because she knew she was capable, sticking up for those who weren't.
Sebastian hadn't understood before, but he did now, he had seen the risk she was putting herself under, the stress it must have caused her, the worry, the loneliness. She hadn't been able to tell many people what she was up to, not without revealing her ancient magic... She had trusted him, and he'd thrown that trust away, without a second glance. Ominis says the feeling he has now is guilt. Of course he felt guilty! What else would he feel for throwing away what he had with such a wonderfully special person!?
Now he was practically kicking himself, questioning every decision he'd made. Granted he knew most of the decisions he'd made recently weren't of the best calibre... But his friendship with (y/n) had been, it was one of the best decisions he had made! But he still couldn't find her.
Sebastian had tracked his way through every nearby poacher den, flooed to the furthest acromantula nest. He had even spent a day in a puffskein den because (y/n) had told him a few months ago how watching them bounce about made her laugh and feel better after a rough day.
Now he was standing in front of the ridiculous tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy trying to teach trolls ballet. He had heard of the Room of Requirement, had read diary entries of those who had supposedly come across it, and now he was trying to get it to reveal itself to him. It was the last room in the entire bloody castle he hadn't checked, it was the only logical place she could be! So he did what the diary entries had told him to, he paced back and forth in front of the tapestry, thinking. Willing it to appear in front of him.
And it did. A beautifully intricate door was willed into his existence. He looked around, nobody was watching, he opened the door and stepped in.
He knew there was nothing (y/n) couldn't do, but this was a lot. There were tables with magical plants and herbs growing, potions stations brewing a ridiculous amount of Wiggenweld and other duelling potions. (y/n) had always been prepared for any of the fights he needed her for, now he knew why. The room was huge, filled to the brim with interesting decorations and paintings, he could see the magical doorways that led to vivariums filled with beasts that she had saved from poachers.
He was so busy staring around the room in awe, he hadn't noticed a small house elf make his presence known. "Mistress (y/n)!" He cheered, "You're back from Feldcroft rather early, how did it all go?" Deek asked, before quickly shutting his mouth, seeing the freckled brunette instead of the Hero of Hogwarts. "Oh, Deek apologises... nobody ever uses this room except mistress (y/n)." He informed the confused teen.
Sebastian shook his head, "Wait, how long has (y/n) been using this room for?" He asked, curious, but also annoyed that she had hidden this from him.
Deek thought to himself before answering, he was usually under strict rules from Headmaster Black to answer all question put to him, honestly. So he did.
"Mistress (y/n) has been using the room almost since she first started the year at Hogwarts... Professor Weasley believed it would help her catch up on schoolwork..." Deek answered truthfully.
Sebastian's eyes flashed with hurt, he couldn't believe that (y/n) had been hiding this from him, from Ominis and Poppy and Natsai and Amit as well, probably. After everything they had done to help her! That's when another thing Deek had told him popped back into his mind.
"Hang on, did you say that she was at Feldcroft?" Sebastian asked slowly, confused. Why on earth would she be there? That's when he was reminded of his original purpose of entering the Room of Requirement, finding (y/n) so he could apologise for all he had done that year.
He said a quick goodbye to a very perplexed Deek, before making his way to the nearest floo station and travelling to his home village.
He searched everywhere he could think of, the duelling dummies, the farm, the ruins of Isadora Morganach. He was tired of looking, it was already so late, if he tried to get back to Hogwarts now he would be caught breaking curfew, so he decided to visit Anne, and stay the night there.
Anne had eventually made up with him, after he showed up crying at his uncle's funeral. As much as Solomon drove him mad, he was family, the last bit of family the twins had, and he had taken that away, so eventually, he had felt remorse.
Sebastian gave a brief knock on the wooden door before pushing it open, it was still his home after all. He went through, not finding Anne in the main room, so believed she was in her room. He once again knocked on the door, not hearing the gasps of both pain and relief.
Opening the door, he saw Anne laying peacefully in her bed, (y/n) sitting next to her, holding her hand. However, their joint hands were etched with thick veins of darkness.
(y/n) was gritting her teeth, presumably to avoid waking Anne from her very rare bout of peaceful slumber, but it was obvious how much pain she was in, much the opposite of how Sebastian was used to seeing the two. "What the hell is going on!?" He shouted, startling (y/n).
She broke the connection, the dark veins leaving her and Anne's arms. Her normally (e/c) eyes shot open, revealing bright, fluorescent red, which quickly faded. Sebastian's eyes darkened. "What were you doing to my sister!? You said that it was too dangerous to take away emotions, you hypocrite! If you could have helped her all this time, then why didn't you!? You've been lying to us all this time (y/n), why!?" He ranted.
She looked up at him calmly, her anger boiling silently under the surface of her skin. "Do you really think, that if I had wanted to help Anne sooner, I wouldn't have?" (y/n) asked calmly. "What would be my motive, just to get under your skin? I had seen what would happen if I tried to take any pain from your sister, I didn't want her to wind up a lifeless husk. And if I'm such a hypocrite Sallow, why would I even bother trying to save your sister now!?" (y/n)'s voice was rising quickly, a sign of just how angry she was.
"And if I'm such a liar, let's see if you can tell if I'm lying now. I've been spending the last few weeks here, taking your sister's pain and keeping it for myself? I just wanted to see you happy Sebastian! I have been researching endlessly, trying to find a way I could use what I have to help you both! Every waking moment since the battle happened, I have been tirelessly practicing, reading, writing, working. Just for you to shove it back in my face!" She shouted.
Sebastian was shocked, standing there blankly. "I-I'm so-"
"Oh you're sorry!? Really? After ignoring me for weeks, you only want to apologise now that you know I've done exactly what you wanted! I helped you find the scriptorium, I let you use the torture curse on me, I helped you find the crypt, helped with the inferi, saved you from Azkaban! What more can I do to prove to you that I care, that I love you!" She shrieked.
Sebastian was now even more shocked, stuttering and blubbering through his words. He was going to say something, the words were on the tip of his tongue, but he knew that whatever he said wouldn't be enough. Enough of an apology, enough of a reciprocation.
Instead he charged over to her, his heart melting when he saw the fiery glare in her eyes. He grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her into his arms, pressing his lips against hers. Once (y/n) had gotten over her own shock, she melted into his arms, wrapping her own around his waist, relaxing into the kiss.
When Sebastian finally pulled away from the comfortable embrace, he sighed softly, "Nothing." He whispered, (y/n) looking at him in confusion until he finished his thought. "There is nothing else you need to do. Nothing I won't be there for now. I've thought you were one of, if not the most incredible person I have ever had such a pleasure to meet. I promised myself, I wouldn't do anything stupid, never push you away- Don't look at me like that, I know what I did!" He chortled.
"But I want to make up for it, if you'll let me?"
I hope this was okay! Let me know if you want me to write any more Hogwarts Legacy stuff, I would be into writing for any character really! Requests are open! Xxx
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dancingbirdie · 1 year
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Help, I can’t stop making broody smutty Sebastian Sallow x MC aesthetic posts.
198 notes · View notes
Wildest Dreams - Part One
Word Count: 6.6k
Themes: fluff, pining
Summary: Ten years have passed since the events of Hogwarts Legacy and Y/N is invited back as part of a reunion to celebrate. 
Warnings: Potential spoilers for HL. All characters are aged up and around 25/26 years old
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Dear Miss Y/L/N,
You are cordially invited to the ten year reunion of the events that marked you as the Hero of Hogwarts. We look forward to your attendance as our guest of honour, please RSVP at your earliest convenience. 
Y/N grimaced at the letter she had read time and time again, sorely regretting that she had allowed Poppy to talk her into attending. While it would be nice to see her classmates again, she wished it was under different circumstances - it didn’t matter how much time would pass since she defeated Ranrok and saved the school, she didn’t want to celebrate something that had taken such a significant piece from her that she could never get back.
She didn’t regret protecting Hogwarts, and inadvertently the rest of the world, but sometimes she did wish things had gone differently. Hogwarts had been her first real home and sometimes, in the middle of the night when she was alone with her thoughts, she just wished she had been able to attend as a normal student. From eleven like a regular first year with no ancient magic or goblins bent on wizard destruction. She still had people come up to her to thank her for her deeds and she hated it every time. She hated the handshakes, the tears, the praises they sang to her as they put her on a pedestal as if she were a Saint, as opposed to the terrified child she had been. She knew, of course, that they all meant well but Y/N couldn’t stand the constant daytime reminders of everything that caused her sleepless nights. 
“Are you excited?” Poppy asked from beside her, her voice soft as she broke Y/N from her thoughts. 
“That’s one word for it,” she muttered, stuffing the parchment back into her pocket. Despite her sour thoughts Y/N was excited for the reunion. Reminder of the worst time of her life aside, she was looking forward to seeing her classmates again, to catch up with them all and see what had become of their lives.
“I heard Imelda managed to get the night off from training with the Holyhead Harpies,” Poppy continued. “It’ll be nice to see her properly this time.”
“Without a dragon in between us, you mean?” Y/N smiled wryly at the memory. She didn’t think Imelda would ever forgive her for ruining one of the bigger matches of her career, but apparently saving a couple of dragon eggs from a group of poachers and returning them to their mother would do the trick.
“Yes, well, she did request we leave the dragon behind this time,” Poppy laughed as they made their way down the cobbled street. They dodged a few shoppers as they walked through Hogsmeade and expertly avoided the throngs of students who seemed to be everywhere but in class, considering it was the middle of the day.
“Sorry.” A tall, dark haired wizard walked by them, accidentally bumping into Y/N. He barely spared the pair a glance as he continued on, hands stuffed into his pockets.
“Sebastian?” his name fell from Y/N’s mouth before she could process it, and they both watched as he came to a stop and turned to face them. “Sebastian!” She shot forward, narrowly avoiding a student, and launched herself at him once she was close enough, her arms wrapping around his shoulders to pull him into a tight hug.
“Was that…?” Poppy trailed off, an unsure expression crossing her face as she watched the man walk away from them.
“Oof,” Sebastian had only just recognised the figure barrelling towards him before her body hit him. He took a step back to steady them and make sure they weren’t going to fall over before he wrapped his arms around her waist firmly. “Y/N, give a man a chance, will you?” he laughed, squeezing her affectionately.
“ShutupImissedyouyouidiot.” Her words were unintelligible as she mumbled into the crook of his neck, although he could feel her smile against his skin. His grip tightened in response, lifting her off her feet as he embraced her. 
“I missed you, too, sweetheart.”
“Sweetheart?” Y/N pulled back fractionally and narrowed her eyes at him playfully. “I see you’re still the charmer you were back in school.”
“Only for those I hold in the highest esteem.” He grinned down at her and finally loosened his clutch. “Hello Poppy.”
“Hello, Sebastian,” Poppy had a sly smile on her face as she watched the pair ease their hold on each other but made no move to let go. “How’ve you been?”
“Great, although I hear you’re both doing better than me,” he glanced back down at the woman in his arms. “Did you really take down Ratcliffe, one of the biggest poachers in the country? You just can’t stay away from trouble, can you?”
“Trouble can’t stay away from me, you mean. Nothing changes,” Y/N offered him a teasing grin, finally (and reluctantly) pulling herself from his arms. 
“Some things clearly do,” he murmured, eyes roaming down her figure. Although they occasionally sent owls to each other, it had been years since the pair’s last meeting. The lanky limbs and awkward persona from the girl he knew before was long gone, only to be replaced by soft curves and a gracefulness he couldn’t quite explain. “Look at you, all grown up.” And rather gorgeous, he noted. He grinned as she nudged him playfully, but was delighted to see a faint blush on her cheeks. 
“I’m not the only one who’s done some growing.” He had always been a couple of inches taller than her, but now her head just about came up to his shoulders. Rather broad ones, Y/N thought to herself, which paired nicely with the muscles she could see despite the jacket he was wearing.
“Shall I leave you two alone and come back later?” Poppy asked, breaking the pair from their trances. It was now Sebastian’s turn to flush as he looked down at the former Hufflepuff, who had also grown into a beautiful young woman even though he still towered over her.
“Come here, Sweeting,” Sebastian rolled his eyes at her, tugging her into a hug as well. Poppy laughed and patted his back before extracting herself from his hold. “What are you both doing here? Are you here for the reunion as well?”
“We are,” Poppy nodded. “We thought it would be nice to get here early and check in on the shop. Maybe take a walk around as well.”
“You have a shop?”
“We do,” Y/N nodded. “We bought the Brood and Peck a couple of years ago. All the beasts we save - magical or not - go there. Ellie Peck still does most of the management and finds them all good homes.”
“I thought it looked bigger,” Sebastian looked impressed, “did I see a shop in Diagon Alley too?” His smile widened as both Poppy and Y/N nodded bashfully. “Who would have thought, Poppy Sweeting and Y/N Y/L/N, a beast’s best dream and a poachers worst nightmare.”
“It was mostly Y/N’s idea, she couldn’t bear to release the creatures just for poachers to grab them again.”
“Stop it, Poppy. You know I wouldn’t have been able to do any of this without you.” Y/N’s face flushed at the praise and she turned back to Sebastian as her friend started to protest. “Please tell me you’re going tonight. I’m going to need all the friendly faces I can get.”
“Well now that I know you’ll be there, how could I say no? Should we make our way together?”
“We could, but I should probably warn you that we’re getting there ridiculously early. It seems I have the absolute pleasure of opening the doors to welcome everyone inside.”
“Ah yes, how could I forget I’m standing with our honorary guest?” 
“Don’t start.” Y/N was smiling, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes and he caught a flicker of emotion passing across her face before she could hide it. He remembered how much she had disliked the attention for saving the school in their sixth and seventh year, and even though a decade had passed since then it didn’t seem like that had changed much. “Where are you staying? I have a house on the outskirts of the village with more than enough room, if you want.”
“Ah, I’m over at the Three Broomsticks,” he nodded at the pub that was a couple of hundred feet from them. “I stopped by earlier for some lunch and when I told Sirona I was thinking of heading home in between to get ready she told me I had a room there if I needed and it was best not to fight her on it.” Although Sebastian rolled his eyes, the affection for the older witch was still visible in the smile on his face.
“Well, we can all meet for a drink before we go then,” Poppy suggested, looking so excited at the idea that Y/N and Sebastian didn’t have the heart to disagree with her. “Imelda and some of the others are going to be there before the reunion as well. Will Ominis be joining us?”
“No, he’s taking care of Anne. They both told me to say hello if I saw you. Anne said it’s been too long, and if I don’t bring you back for tea after all of this she will keep me away from my soon-to-be-born niece or nephew.”
“Oh, she told me she was expecting, but I’ve not had a chance to come see her yet. Are you excited to be an uncle?” Y/N grinned, her hand reaching out to squeeze Sebastian’s arm with such elation he could feel his heart flutter in his chest.
“I can’t wait to spoil them. I think Ominis has learned every child safety spell he can get his hands on,” Sebastian let out a quiet chuckle and slipped his hands in his pockets once more. “I still have a couple of errands I need to attend to for them, but I’ll see you both later at the Three Broomsticks?” The three of them made quick plans for when they were going to meet before Sebastian left them with a grin and a wave.
“That man couldn’t keep his eyes off you,” Poppy commented, nudging Y/N playfully. Y/N rolled her eyes and nudged Poppy right back, but couldn’t help to look over her shoulder at Sebastian, who was currently doing the same thing. Y/N couldn’t read his expression from this far away, but she did catch the slow smile that formed on his face and couldn’t help but to smile back, her heart thumping in her chest.
Y/N looked up at the Three Broomsticks, the hood of her cloak protecting her from the light rain that had started. She fiddled nervously with the lace of her dress as she waited patiently for Poppy - who had stopped to pet a cat she had seen - to catch up. She felt out of place, and not just because she was standing in front of the pub in a ball gown that was fit for a castle in one of the novels Poppy loved to read. Although, Y/N mused, she supposed she was on her way to said castle. She sighed and smoothed down the fabric of her forest green skirts, wishing she was in her usual attire of a tunic and light pants (fighting poachers while wearing a corset and heavy skirts did not go well the last time).
Y/N looked back down the street, the last of the light fading as the sun set behind the hills. At this rate she could make her escape before Poppy would even notice and she weighed the pros and cons of not attending in her head for what felt like the hundredth time. Imelda would likely hunt her down if she didn’t attend, and she didn’t particularly feel like battling the witch tonight. Sebastian would forgive her - in fact, she could even owl him to see if he wanted to scrap the whole event with her. Anne had been hounding her to come round for tea and she would much prefer to see her and Ominis than to be paraded in front of her old peers like a prized calf. With a low groan Y/N dragged her feet into the pub, deciding the least she could do while she waited for Poppy was to get warm and have a chat with Sirona. 
The Three Broomsticks hadn’t changed much since Y/N had first stepped inside all those years ago, practically glowing from defeating her first troll with Sebastian by her side. The smell of butterbeer and burning logs greeted her and a familiar warmth that had nothing to do with the fires burning in their hearths ran from her head to her toes. Sirona had added a couple of new booths over the years, as well as a particularly comfortable pair of armchairs that were placed next to one of the fireplaces.
“Do my eyes deceive me?” Sirona had a large smile on her face as she dried her hands. “Is that Y/N Y/L/N in my pub? Where’s your other half?” Y/N couldn’t help but laugh as Sirona rounded the bar and pulled her into a hug.  
“Poppy saw a cat. You know how she is,” Y/N released the older witch and let Sirona look her over as she removed her cloak.
“Well, I’d ask what kind of trouble you’ve both been in since I last saw you but…” she glanced at the still-healing scar that ran from Y/N’s eyebrow across to her temple. “Is that one waiting for you?” she gestured with her head to the man that was sitting in one of the armchairs by the fireplace, and Y/N realised that it was Sebastian. He looked to be deep in thought as he stared into the flames.
“He is,” Y/N turned back to Sirona with a smile. “Could I trouble you for three glasses of firewhiskey?”
“On the house,” Sirona winked at her and made her way back behind the bar just as Poppy walked into the pub. She waved hello at Sirona and came to stand by Y/N’s side, her gaze landing on Sebastian as well. 
“Well, he’s certainly not the same boy we went to school with,” Poppy muttered. Y/N couldn’t help but murmur back in agreement. He had been considered attractive back at school (and knew it), but now…Y/N couldn’t help but appreciate how devastatingly handsome he looked in his dress robes, the warm glow from the fire lighting his face. Sirona placed the three glasses on the table next to him, breaking him out of his thoughts, and he finally looked up with a smile as he took note of both the girls.
“There you both are, I was beginning to think you had forgotten all about me.” He stood to greet them with a smile and looked between the pair, his eyes lingering on Y/N. There was an unreadable expression on his face as his eyes roamed over her dress slowly until he finally met her gaze. He was vaguely aware that his staring was bordering on indecent when the door opened again and a large, rather loud, group walked in. Poppy looked between the pair, a small smirk on her face when she caught the matching telltale flush on their faces. She filed the thought away for later when she could get Y/N alone and turned to look at the group who had just walked in, her smile widening when she caught sight of Imelda.
“Kneazle caught your tongue?” Y/N cocked her head to the side, a teasing smile on her face.
“It’s entirely your fault for looking so ravishing tonight,” Sebastian caught her hand in his and pressed a kiss to her knuckles before handing her one of the glasses of firewhiskey. Y/N couldn’t help but laugh quietly and reach up to straighten out his tie. 
“You don’t look so bad yourself, Mr Sallow.” She gave him a coy smile as her hand lingered on his chest for longer than necessary, feeling the telltale thump thump thump of his heart. A voice calling her name from behind them broke their stares and Y/N let her fingers trail down his chest slowly as she turned to walk away. 
“Have you got nothing to say to me, then?” Imelda met Y/N halfway, eyebrows raised and arms crossed. 
“It’s good to see you again, Imedla,” Y/N pulled the girl in for a hug, who laughed in response.
“Yes, it’s much better seeing you here on the ground, instead of interrupting my match by riding a dragon. Honestly, Y/L/N, if you wanted to come see me at one of my games all you had to do was ask.”
“You rode a dragon?” Sebastian finally seemed to snap out of his stupor and took a couple of steps forward to greet his former housemate. 
“I had to get your attention somehow, didn’t I, Reyes?” Y/N shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly as Sebastian stood by her side. 
“Showing up in that dress would have worked just as well,” Imelda’s eyes roamed over her appreciatively. “Green has always looked best on you.”
“I’ll bear that in mind for next time.” Even though the wink wasn’t aimed at him Sebastian felt his mouth go dry and quickly took a sip of firewhiskey to chase away the fluttering feeling in his stomach. He lingered by Y/N’s side as they caught up with Imelda and a couple of their former school mates, his arm brushing against hers every-so-often in a way that made his face burn. Sebastian decided he would blame the firewhiskey if anyone (especially Imelda) tried to call him out on blushing like a first year every time his hand brushed past hers.
“To our saviour!” Leander Prewett called out, raising his glass in Y/N’s direction. A couple of the others followed suit, not noticing how uncomfortably still Y/N had gotten as she glanced around the room. Y/N felt her skin prickle as a few people turned to openly stare at her, expressions varying between awe and gratitude. She offered them a tense smile as Poppy shot Leander a glare and tugged his arm down, whispering harshly at him as he sipped from his glass. 
She could feel her chest tighten at the attention and willed herself not to scream at them all that she didn’t deserve their praises. That she wasn’t a saviour, she had just gotten lucky. It had taken Y/N far too many sleepless nights to come to terms with what had happened to her under the castle, and even longer to fully grasp that it wasn’t her fault that she couldn’t save everyone. Moments like these - with people muttering about how she was a hero - made her feel like a fraud.
“Hey.” Sebastian felt Y/N jump slightly as he placed a hand on her lower back gently. “Come with me?” He set their empty glasses down before leading her to the door, only stopping to grab their cloaks as he led her outside. Thestrals were tethered to a carriage a couple of feet away from the pub, the Hogwarts emblem carved onto the side - no doubt meant to take Y/N up to the castle for the event. “Are you still with me?”
“Just about,” Y/N’s eyes flicked up to meet his as he draped her cloak around her shoulders and fastened it for her. “How did you know?”
“You had that look on your face you used to get in our sixth year.”
“I didn’t realise you paid that much attention to me.”
“How could I not?” The corner of his mouth lifted up in a barely perceptible smile as he brushed a stray hair from her eyes. His fingers lingered on her jaw before gently tilting her face to his. 
“You’re a rake, Sebastian Sallow.” She narrowed her eyes at him playfully, a smile falling on her painted lips. Sebastian had the overwhelming urge to close the gap between them and kiss her but managed to restrain himself and settled for pulling her body closer to his.
“You say rake, I say dashing rogue, who’s to say which one of us is right.” Y/N laughed quietly and brought her hands up to rest on the lapels of his jacket. “Either way, I can’t help but to be charming in the presence of such a stunning woman.”
“Is that what you say to all the pretty ladies you meet?”
“Just the one.” Y/N’s fingers tightened around his jacket at his words, at the look in his eye. She wanted nothing more than to pull him into a searing kiss she had imagined more times than she could count but refrained, unsure of his reaction. “What are you thinking about?” Sebastian brushed her cheeks gently, his face inching closer to hers.
“Whether we should make our escape or not.”
“Do you not want to attend anymore?”
“I didn’t particularly want to attend to start with.”
“Do you want me to get you out of here?” He looked so concerned for her wellbeing that Y/N felt her heart crack in her chest. How long had it been since someone had taken care of her? Of course, Poppy was always around to patch her up with things that went south against the poachers but even she didn’t know how deep the internal wounds went. Or if she did, she never commented on it.
“No, not yet. I think Imelda would hunt me down and drag me back, anyway.”
“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, Y/N. I’ll fight Imelda myself if I have to.”
“You would fight Imelda ’The Muscles’ Reyes for me?”
“Darling, I don’t know how to make it any clearer that I will always fight anyone who tries to harm you.”
“My hero,” Y/N couldn’t help but roll her eyes, a laugh bubbling up as she took in his mock affronted expression. She leant up to press a gentle kiss to his cheek, mindful not to get any lipstick on his face. The arm around her waist tightened fractionally, holding her in place against him as he processed what had just happened. “Sebastian?”
“Hold on, I’m trying to remind myself that you’re one of my closest friends and if I kissed you like I really want to right now you would probably punch me.”
“You want to kiss me?”
“Always.” He made it sound like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Oh?” The door flew open before Sebastian could question her further and both Poppy and Imelda came to a stop when they took note of how close the pair were standing.
“Are we interrupting something?”
“Not anymore,” Sebastian sighed. He brushed a thumb down Y/N’s spine gently, a silent gesture that they would be continuing this conversation later away from prying eyes, and reluctantly released her. “Is Imelda joining us up to the castle?”
“Someone had to come along so Sweeting wasn’t a third wheel,” Imelda shot a wicked grin at Y/N and made her way over to the carriage. The footman jumped down to help the women in first, only climbing back up when Sebastian insisted on closing the door himself. The carriage started to pull away before he could get fully seated which resulted in him falling into his seat next to Y/N, his body pressed against hers in a way that frayed his nerves.
“Oof. There’s no need to throw yourself at me like that, Seb. There are other ways to get my attention,” Y/N playfully pushed him away from her.
“You mean like earlier when you tackled me and nearly sent us both to the ground?”
“You weren’t exactly protesting when you clung into me like a niffler with gold.”
“What can I say, I seem to have a penchant for pretty women.”
“You’re both disgusting,” Imelda cut in. She tried to frown at the pair, but there was an obvious smile playing on the corners of her mouth. “If you both are going to flirt the whole way there I’d rather walk.” 
“At least you didn’t have to watch them earlier when we first saw Sebastian,” Poppy adds with a laugh. “I might as well have not been there.”
“You’re both welcome to walk the rest of the way to the castle,” Y/N raised her eyebrows at the pair and tried to fight the blush that was rising to her face.
“I’m sure you and Sallow would love it if we left you alone,” Imelda remarked dryly. 
“Alright you,” Y/N laughed and rolled her eyes. “I forgot how needy you two are when you’re together. I love all three of you equally, I promise.” Protests erupted from the two girls in front of Y/N and she listened in amusement as they started to bicker about which one she preferred.
“I’d like to add my own two sickles in to say I’m offended at being placed in league with Reyes,” Sebastian leant in, his voice low so as not to attract any attention. “We all know I’m your favourite.”
“Are you?” Y/N turned her head up to give him a teasing smile, only to jolt slightly when she realised how close his face was to hers. She heard his voice echo in her head, the pure sincerity as he had said he always wanted to kiss her. It could have just been one of his lines, but it still made Y/N’s stomach flutter and a blush rise to her face. She was thankful that the carriage was dimly lit and no one could call attention to her red cheeks.
“You’re a cruel, beautiful woman.”
“You’re ridiculous.” Y/N rolled her eyes at him and turned to look out of the window so he couldn’t see the smile on her face. The carriage rolled through the north entrance to the castle, skirting round the fountain that lay in the middle of the courtyard and came to a gentle stop outside the doors. Sebastian climbed out before the footman could grab the door for them and helped the girls out, his hand lingering on Y/N’s after she was back on solid ground. A small part of him had been worried he had gone too far when he told her he wanted to kiss her, but the small blush that seemed to appear on her face whenever he stood too close made him wonder. Could she possibly want him as much as he wanted her?
The doors swung open before they could step forward, revealing the inner halls to the group and Y/N felt a rush of warmth come from within the castle gently caress the magic inside of her. It felt like greeting an old familiar friend, as if Hogwarts was saying welcome home. Y/N looked at the entrance hall in front of her as a million memories flashed through her mind. From the first time she walked through these doors with Professor Fig by her side, to returning from her battle with Rookwood while clutching an injury she had sustained to her side (which had left her with a scar). She saw flashes of laughter with everyone she had been friendly with at school, from Poppy to Imelda to Natty, Garreth, Ominis, and finally Sebastian. Hundreds of moments with Sebastian flew through her mind - laughing with him, sneaking into the restricted section, sneaking out of the castle, meeting up in the Undercroft. She had heard people say it since she had left school, but Hogwarts was, and always would be, her home. 
“Are you coming, Y/N?” Poppy’s soft question brought her back to the present, where the three of them had already made their way through the doors and were waiting patiently for her. Sebastian raised an eyebrow at her, silently asking if she wanted to get out of there. She shook her head at him with a small smile and walked towards them, holding her skirts in one hand. 
“Yeah, I am.” The group made their way through the familiar halls in semi-silence and Y/N couldn’t help but remember how nervous she had been the first time, when she had been late to her own sorting. The ever-present pang of pain flickered as she thought of Professor Fig and how kind he had always been to her. 
“Ah, there you all are,” Professor Weasley stood in front of them, a large smile on her face as she pulled each of them into a hug. “It’s so good to see you all again.”
“Likewise, Professor,” Poppy’s excitement was infectious and Y/N soon found her dark thoughts scattering as she took a look around the Great Hall. 
“Matilda, please. You’re not students anymore.”
“Might take some getting used to,” Imelda pulled a small face but laughed quietly nonetheless, quickly excusing herself as she spotted their old flying teacher. Poppy trailed after her, unable to hide her eagerness to talk to Professor Howin. Professor Weasley (Matilda, Y/N reminded herself) looked between her and Sebastian casually, taking note of how close the two stood next to each other. 
“How have you been, Prof - Matilda?” Sebastian asked, saving Y/N from making awkward conversation. “Are the current students just as chaotic as we were?”
“I don’t think anyone could cause as much trouble as you did, Mr Sallow.” There was a teasing smile on the older witch’s face as she ran her eyes over Y/N, taking note of a few new scars that littered her arms (and the still-healing one on her face). “How are you holding up, Miss Y/L/N?”
“Y/N is fine, especially if we’re to call you Matilda,” Y/N forced a smile on her face and shuffled on her feet nervously. “I’m doing fine, no rest for the wicked as they say.” 
“Hm…I hope you’re making sure she’s taken care of, Mr Sallow.”
“Oh, we all try. I’m sure you remember how stubborn she was in school though.” Sebastian shot Y/N a cheeky smile in hopes that the teasing would loosen her up. She rolled her eyes back and nudged him gently. 
“I can take care of myself.”
“No harm in letting others help,” Matilda smiled to herself as she watched her former students interact with each other. It had been painfully obvious to all the staff that the two were meant for each other when they were back in school and it looked like they still hadn’t quite worked that out for themselves yet. “Anyway, are you ready, Y/N?” 
“Ready for what?”
“To dance. Surely someone has informed you that you would be opening the festivities tonight with a dance?”
“No…no they did not.” Y/N slid her eyes shut in annoyance, her stomach churning with nerves. Maybe it wasn’t too late to say she wasn’t feeling very well and just leave? Surely if she threw up like she wanted to that would buy some points in her favour.
“Oh…well now you know.” Matilda fussed with her hair and glanced around awkwardly. “I’m sure Headmaster Black wouldn’t mind being your partner for the evening.” I would rather battle Ranrok again, Y/N thought to herself, this night cannot get any worse.
“There’ll be no need for that, Professor Weasley,” Sebastian grasped Y/N’s elbow lightly, an easy smile on his face. “I’ll lead Y/N for the dance.” 
“Oh…thank you, Mr Sallow.” Y/N could have sworn the corner of Matilda Weasley’s mouth twitched up as she looked between her and Sebastian, but the smile was gone as quickly as it appeared. “It looks like others are starting to arrive so we shall start soon.” With that she quickly turned and walked away to greet some students who had just entered the hall, leaving Y/N and Sebastian behind. 
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“I wanted to,” Sebastian shrugged and turned to face her. “It saves you from having to dance with Black and I get an excuse to hold you close. There’s no losers this way.” He bit back a smile as he watched her look away from him nervously, the same pretty blush coming to her cheeks. He didn’t know if she was flustered because she wasn’t used to the attention, or because the attention was coming from him, but Merlin did he hope it was the latter. 
“You won’t feel that way when I step on your feet. I’m a horrible dancer.”
“And here I was thinking there was nothing you couldn’t do.” He brushed his fingers along her hand subtly to get her to look back at him. “Lucky for you, I’m an excellent dancer.”
“There’s plenty I’m not good at,” Y/N disagreed and tore her eyes away from the crowd of students who had just walked in. Leander was amongst the group and if she looked at him for a moment too long all she could hear was him calling out a toast in her name and it simultaneously made her want to throw up and punch him.
“I’ll believe it when I see it.” He watched as she fiddled with her fingers anxiously, her eyes darting around the room as more of their former school mates began to trickle in and wanted nothing more than to whisk her away from it all. He didn’t understand why she was subjecting herself to this when she clearly wanted nothing more than to be away from here. 
“If I could have your attention, please,” Phineas Black stood at the top of the room where the staff table would usually be, an orchestra in its place. “I would like to welcome you all to the ten year anniversary of our very own Y/N Y/L/N saving our school.” He gestured towards her and Y/N wished the ground would swallow her whole as they all turned to face her. “If our Hero of Hogwarts would like to make her way over we can officially start this reunion with the opening dance.”
Y/N placed her hand in Sebastian’s and let him escort her to the middle of the dance floor, her heart skipping a beat as she squeezed her hand reassuringly. He turned to face her with a small bow, a cheeky smile on his face as he placed a gentle kiss on her knuckles. Y/N narrowed her eyes at him playfully but couldn’t help to smile at his antics. 
“You can do this,” Sebastian murmured, pulling her close as the music started. She placed one hand on his shoulder as his own came to rest on her waist, eyes darting to the crowd that surrounded them.
“Everyone’s staring,” Y/N mumbled.
“Just keep your eyes on me, I’ve got you, darling.” Her eyes snapped up to meet his at the term of endearment only to see his eyes were already on hers, a teasing smile on his face. He started to lead her into a waltz, standing a little closer than needed so he could continue to speak to her.
“You’re being far more charming than you usually are.”
“How could I not when you turn the prettiest shade of pink every time?”
“You’re a rake.”
“You know, that’s twice you’ve said that now and I have to disagree.” He placed both hands on her waist as the music swelled and lifted her briefly. “If I were a rake, I’d be flirting with every woman I met.”
“You've been flirting this whole time? I never would have guessed.”
“Don’t start,” he rolled his eyes at her and tugged her closer, leaving no space between them.
“You could have given me some warning, maybe I would’ve liked to flirt back.”
“Now that I would pay to see.”
“What are you implying, Sallow?”
“I’m not implying anything,” he chuckled and span her in a gentle circle before tucking her back in place against him, “I’m just saying it’s usually me who flirts and showers you with compliments.”
“I didn’t think you needed me to tell you how good looking you are.”
“Probably not,” he shot her a devious grin, “but it would be nice.”
“Do you want me to start now?” Y/N lowered her voice considerably, her arm leaving his shoulder to wind around his neck and pull him impossibly closer. “Would you like to hear about the thoughts that ran through my mind earlier when I saw you in the Three Broomsticks?” she murmured in his ear. She felt him falter slightly as he led her and laughed quietly, her thumb brushing the back of his neck gently. “I don’t think you could handle hearing the way I think about you.”
“Think about me often, do you?”
“Always.” She pulled back slightly so he could see the serious look on her face as she repeated his early words with just as much conviction. The sound of applause startled them both slightly, and Y/N belatedly remembered there were other people in the room watching them dance indecently close to each other. Sebastian brushed a thumb down her spine again, signalling that their conversation would be tabled for later. He led her off the floor and towards Imelda, Poppy and Natty, who all wore matching wicked grins as the pair neared.
“Well I don’t know about you two but I feel positively scandalised at that display,” Imelda teased as they walked within earshot. 
“Jealous, Imelda?” Y/N offered her friend her own sly smile. “I’m sure I can make time for you later if you feel left out.”
“Depends, does Sallow share?”
“Absolutely not,” Sebastian tightened his grip on Y/N’s waist, which he had yet to release. “You’ll need to find your own dance partner, Reyes.”
“I’m sure Prewett would love to join you,” Y/N added. Sebastian shook in silent laughter from next to her as Imelda glared at the pair of them. 
“On that note, since I know how much you hate being the centre of attention - are you ready to accept your award?” 
“My what?”
“Imelda! It was supposed to be a surprise!” Natty chastised her.
“Well, I’m glad I told her because she looks like she’s going to be sick.” The Scottish witch wasn’t wrong, Y/N could feel her stomach start to churn and the lingering buzz from dancing with Sebastian disappeared. She didn’t deserve an award for what had happened. Poppy gave her a concerned look as Imelda and Natty started to bicker about ruining the surprise, although Y/N was too far gone in her thoughts to realise. Echoes of what she had been through flashed through her mind, but there were no good thoughts sprinkled within this time. All she could see was Ranrok in his strange dragon form as she fought him, followed by Professor Fig lying on the floor and dying by her side.
“Hey,” Sebastian took hold of Y/N’s elbow gently and leant in to whisper in her ear. “Let’s go. No arguments this time.”
“Anywhere. Everywhere. Just say the word and I’ll make it happen.” She looked up at him, panic still lingering in her gaze along with such pure agony that Sebastian could feel his heart shatter. 
“Let’s go.”
Part Two
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mystcldydrms · 8 months
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summary: you, sebastian and a special guest you didn't know about, are about to sneak into the restricted section.
pairing: sebastian sallow x fem!reader
word count: 0.7k
warnings: none
notes: it's just something I came up with today after playing hogwarts legacy again.
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“I knew you would come.”
Sebastian made his way toward you, his words only a whisper, yet you had heard him loud and clear. A wicked smile graced his lips as he stopped right next to you. 
“I wasn’t going to, but I just couldn’t let the opportunity of sneaking into the restricted section go to waste.”
The Slytherin boy chuckled lightly as he shook his head. His eyes glanced from you to the door of the library that was being watched by a head boy from Hufflepuff and a head girl from Ravenclaw. 
“Admit it, you just want to spend time with me alone.”, Sebastian whispered teasingly, earning a roll of your eyes from you, however, you couldn’t help the smile from spreading on your lips while your eyes slipped from your fellow students to the brown-haired boy that stood right next to you. 
Suddenly, you heard a noise behind you, your head turning to the side, only to see … nothing. No one was there. Nevertheless, you could feel your heart in your throat. Even though you had sneaked out of the dorm on multiple occasions, you were still not used to it and feared it every time. There was only one person who was able to calm you down in such a situation. 
“Everything’s fine. No one will see us.”, you heard Sebastian say, his hand on yours, which he squeezed reassuringly. 
You looked at the young man again, an encouraging smile on his lips while he squeezed your hand one more time, your eyes drifting to them until you looked back up again. A sigh escaped your lips.
“If it would make you feel better, we could use the Disillusionment spell.”
You shook your head, your eyes glancing around one more time before you put a brave smile on your lips. This was nothing. You had done this so many times before. You had been to the restricted section of the library plenty of times, and you even left the castle at times, so doing this was a routine for you. 
“Let’s do this.”, you said, squeezing Sebastian’s hand softly.
Before you could walk down the stairs, you felt your boyfriend pull you back. His free hand cupped your face, his thumb lightly tracing your cheek while he looked deeply into your eyes. The blush rose on your cheeks. You have been with Sebastian for such a long time, ever since third grade, and yet he was still driving you crazy. 
“You forgot something.”
You rolled your eyes again, a cheeky grin gracing your lips. You couldn’t even utter another word when you finally felt his lips on yours. You had no idea how many kisses you had already shared, but every time, he was able to take your breath away with it. Your lips moved in perfect synchronisation. They fit together like pieces of a puzzle.  
“Hey, you two.”
You jumped away from Sebastian, your eyes wide with horror until you noticed who it was. 
“Ominis. What are you doing- … You told Ominis about this?”, you asked your boyfriend, who looked at you with an innocent expression on his face. 
“I don’t mean to intrude. I just needed to get something myself, and your little boyfriend let it slip that you would sneak in tonight.”
You didn’t take your eyes off of Sebastian, shaking your head before you turned around and made your way down the stairs, the two Slytherin boys following close behind. 
“You still love me, though.”
It wasn’t a question; it was a statement. Of course, you still loved him, and you loved Ominis - as a friend - as well. Were you looking forward to spending a bit more time with Sebastian? Of course, but Ominis was your best friend, so having him there with you wasn’t bad at all. 
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Could you handle me? | Sebastian Sallow x fem!Reader | Chapter One
Word count: 1.1k
Summary: Sebastian is always flirting with you and up in your personal space. So you decide to finally let him taste his own medicine.
Warnings: aged up characters, pining, tension (will likely lead to smut in a following chapter), minors dni
~ chapter two ~
Welcome back to my blog!
This marks the end of my 4-year hiatus and I'm really excited. I think I learned a lot since then and hope I can entertain some people with a few HL fanfics.
Stay tuned for more ❤️️
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Suddenly he moved closer...a lot closer. His arm resting against his cocked hip, his chest almost brushing your bicep. It sent shivers down your spine, but luckily he wouldn't be able to distinguish them from your other shivers caused by this cold evening.
Yet you couldn't help yourself from looking down to the messily tucked in shirt, up his vest buttons, over this deliciously exposed neck and to stop at his teasing smile and dark brown eyes. You raised an eyebrow at Sebastian, crossing your arms (more to lessen your involuntary shivers, whenever his chest touched you) and asked him, what exactly he thought of doing.
His damn perfect smile widened at this question, eyes growing darker.
"I'm flirting, isn't it obvious?"
You couldn't stop yourself from blushing a little, hoping he didn't see it before you turned your face away from him. This feeling...jumping around in your heart like a giddy child...you had to push it away, so inadvertently your crossed arms nudged him enough, so he had to change his position again. Finally there was some distance between you two again. 
Thank Merlin.
"Well, you should stop that. We don't want anyone to think of us otherwise, do we?"
You tried to cover your shaky voice with a playful tone, yet you weren’t sure if it was believable.
When you looked back up into his warm eyes, you wondered…was it a shimmer of sadness in his eyes just now? You couldn't tell for sure, as his smile came back again so quickly. 
Obviously he just wanted to get a rise out of you again. Always teasing, always flirting, always too god damn close. 
He was your friend, your best one to be exact, but oh, how you longed for more. This…flirting…it was the only thing you could allow yourself.
"I don't care what anyone thinks about us.” He answered in a hushed and dark voice. “I only care what you think."
He was standing there so confidently, while you could only notice your knees getting weaker with each second he was staring at you, waiting for a reaction.
Maybe you could allow yourself a little more.
Just a tiny bit more.
Maybe it would shut him up for good.
When you turned to face him completely and mirrored the darkness in his eyes, his ones widened. You didn't notice how his knees also got a little weaker and how his hands started to shake with anticipation, when you stepped closer.
"Oh, so you wouldn't care..." 
You stepped closer. 
"...if anyone saw us..." 
Another step. 
"...being so close and..." 
Now you were close enough for Sebastian to notice the faded scar on your temple, the small small discoloration in one of your eyes and smell this wonderful perfume of yours mixed with your own intoxicating scent.
He had to gulp down against the lump in his throat he suddenly felt.
"No..." His voice was low and raspy, a little shaky even. 
Oh this was perfect. Just perfect.
Finally you would get a little revenge for him always making you feel like you would lose your mind, whenever he stepped into your personal space so recklessly.
A wave of confidence rushed through your veins from seeing him like this. Seeing how his freckled nose flared up with his quickening breath, his cheeks turning an adorable pink and his lips quivering a little.
The gasp that escaped those lips, when you put your hand on his hip to pull him closer, shot right down your body, right in between your legs. You wanted to get used to this feeling. You wanted to just let go and drown in this exciting promise of his gasp.
You had to hear it again.
"Oh, I don't think you'd be able to handle it. To handle me."
Sebastian was barely able to hold back a muttered "Fuck", showing just how desperate he was for you. How much your hand sent tingles up and down his spine and how your dark voice awakened something so even darker inside him.
He bit his lower lip, watching you very intently.
Though his eyes shortly closed with the new sensation of your other hand running up his arm, over his muscular bicep and shoulder, stopping at his neck.
Oh, and when you pulled him down by it, almost fully closing the distance between your lips, he again let a gasp escape his mouth.
This was too fucking addicting.
Your stomach wanted to turn upside down, your legs wanted to give out and your lips...they wanted to kiss him and show him how much you needed him.
Your fingers gently ran up his soft curly brown hair, twisting it a little and scraping his scalp. He seemed to enjoy the feeling, closing his eyes once more, but quickly opening them again, to stare down at your lips.
You neither noticed your other hand drawing small circles on his lower back nor your breasts pressing against his taut chest. Your mind was already dizzy, running a marathon in your head, which your heart apparently took part in, hammering so hard and fast that you could only hear your own pulse in your ears.
Yet the moment your lips ghosted over his plush ones, everything stopped.
As if your whole body just shut down.
It felt like forever until your body turned back on, but it must've been less than a millisecond, when something similar to a siren started to blare a warning in your head.
Everything inside you started to initiate the plan for Code Red.
You pulled back, stepping away from Sebastian completely, your hands falling down from the desperate grip they just had on him, while your heart ached like a thousand needles were attacking it.
Your eyes darted everywhere except to the brunette, only allowing you to look at him once, to see his reaction to your sudden retreat. Seeing his big wide eyes, you knew you had to cover up whatever just spilled out of your heart. You couldn't let your unusual abrasive behavior destroy this friendship.
So you just giggled half-heartedly, trying to cover all of this up as your usual non-serious flirting. 
"See? Couldn't handle me..."
Your voice wasn't very convincing, but you chose to ignore it as best as you could.
"Now come on, Sallow, you dumbass. We should be getting back to the castle."
Nice save there, you thought to yourself, rolling your eyes. Sebastian couldn't see it, as you already turned away, making your way towards the castle.
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blossomingmoonlight · 2 months
All my exams are officially over so now I can focus on writing again, please send me ideas and requests! :)
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