#sebs journal
skeyeseb · 1 year
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"LGBT is valid"
we love to see it !!
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lavenderpanic · 11 months
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 7 months
It's been pretty consistent for nearly 20 years but red bull bts lineup is definitely getting shaked up one way or another this season...
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ocularpatdowns · 2 years
my last two blorbos (bucky and mac) have been violent, emotionally constipated men who originate as twinks but eventually get shredded
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sebnameyourcar · 1 year
that article that’s like VETTEL in TALKS about F1 COMEBACK and then you read the article and its like 'yeah im chatting to domenicali about sustainability. i’m enjoying time with the kids also but know i cant live their lives for them. so one day, not now, i’ll look for a new challenge’
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rositxespinosa · 1 month
I’ve been doom scrolling tiktok a bit too much tonight…
if I’m going to doom scroll, I’d like to at least be on here or looking at more positive stuff on Pinterest or something. 🙁
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Rester grouplés
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Toulouse c'est la ville dans laquelle on a joué le plus de concerts. Dans des bars, chez des particuliers, dans des festivals, des salles de concert, on peut dire qu'on a testé toute l'infrastructure culturelle toulousaine. Un des responsables de notre omniprésence toulousaine, c'est Santiago Diaz, l'un des programmateurs et fondateurs du  festival Rio Loco. La dernière fois qu'on a joué à Toulouse, Santiago nous a parlé des Enquêtes Musicales qu'il mène avec Seb Martel depuis 2020. En gros tu choisis ton sujet, seule contrainte, il doit être musical, et tu enquêtes. Simple. Comme Ismaël et moi on est des serial fureteurs, on a dit oui bien sûr.
Le Seb on l'avait déjà croisé en coplateau avec Christine Salem. À chaque fois on avait bien rigolé en coulisse. Lunaire dandy gentil, parfait pour une enquête.
Et puis comme tout le monde on a eu plein de trucs à faire et on a un peu oublié. Quand Seb nous a appelés pour nous en dire plus, on était pas sûrs de ce sur quoi on voulait investiguer. Il nous a parlé des précédentes enquêtes, menées par Charles Berberian, Rosemary Standley, Babx. Seb nous dit que c'était la première fois que l'Enquête invitait deux personnes, normalement c'est toujours un.e artiste seul.e
Bon sang mais c'est bien sûr on s'est dit on va enquêter sur le grouple ! Si tu lis ça tu dois savoir ce qu'est un grouple, et sinon tu peux le deviner fastoche. C'est un terme qu'on a inventé en 2014 et c'est la contraction de groupe et couple. Un drôle de machin qui avance comme quand on met deux cuisses dans une seule jambe de pantalon.
On s'est mis à enquêter sérieux sur nos prédécesseurs et nos contemporains. Tous les soirs, on se retrouvait avec les yeux rouges de recherches et avant de s'endormir je chuchotais à Ismaël : J'en ai encore appris de belles !
Par exemple on a découvert que le premier instrument remonte à y a 35 000 ans et que c'était une flûte creusée dans un fémur d'ours. Pas besoin de beaucoup plus pour imaginer le premier grouple des cavernes, repu de son gros plat d'ours, infligeant au fauve une dernière humiliation en soufflant dans son os, au calme. Ismaël a échafaudé une théorie sur les punks à chien dans l'Histoire. Je spoile pas mais la conclusion c'est que c'est nos ancêtres et qu'on leur doit le respect.
On a appris aussi que ABBA, double grouple, a refusé 1 milliard de dollars pour se reformer. Parce qu'après le double divorce, leur double grouple avait perdu de sa saveur. Et surtout parce qu'il ne voulait plus jamais jamais tourner ! Les petits malins ont tout de même monté une tournée d'hologrammes dans laquelle ils ont mis en scène leurs "abbatars".
Mais au-delà des anecdotes croustillantes, une constante s'est dégagée : pas de grouple sans égalité des sexes. Mais je te raconte pas tout, faudra venir à la prochaine, petit.e curieu.se
La tête farcie d'enquête on a pris le train pour Toulouse. Y avait pas mal de boulot, établir la conduite, classer tout, mettre en scène. Quand le jour est arrivé j'ai senti une espèce de stress monter en moi. J'ai commencé à comparer mes parties d'enquête avec celles d'Ismaël. J'ai eu peur de ne pas être à la hauteur. De ne pas arriver à parler de manière assez scientifique (LOL personne me demandait ça). Du coup je me suis mise à être suprachiante avec ma chère moitié de grouple. Susceptible comme pas deux, j'ai tellement levé les yeux au ciel que je me suis foulé les orbites.
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Quelques jours avant je m'étais dit ce serait marrant quand même que cette enquête provoque une grosse engueulade. Une comme on en fait plus parce qu'on est le grouple de la maturité. Ce serait marrant.
Ça a failli être pas marrant du tout, mais Ismaël a tenu bon dans la tempête et j'ai tenu mon stress en laisse. Gloire à lui, gloire à la laisse. C'est fou cette histoire de trac, de légitimité mais bon ça ce sera sans doute l'objet d'une autre enquête.
Comme j'ai fait les Beaux-Arts je m'y connais en mise en abime alors j'ai proposé qu'on entre en scène en s'engueulant comme ça au moins c'est fait.
Et puis on a mené l'enquête. Seb a pu nous raconter les Rita Mitsouko qui l'avaient pris lui et son frère sous leurs ailes. Il a pu témoigner des premières loges que c'était vraiment un 100% pur grouple. Nous on a pu raconter la fois où Brigitte Fontaine nous a appelés alors qu'on choisissait du boudin au supermarché de notre quartier bruxellois. Enquête fleuve. Et puis, comme il est de tradition dans l'Enquête Musicale, on a fini sur un représentant local sous la forme du grouple L’Oiseau Ravage. Comme souvent avec les grouples, on a sympathisé immédiatement, entamant la conversation comme si on l'avait commencé il y a bien longtemps déjà. On était déjà contents de les trouver sympa. Mais alors ils t’ont twisté la fin de l’enquête avec deux chansons à la fois débiles et émouvantes comme tout ce qu’on aime. Ravage rime avec Sauvage, l’enquête avance.
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Pourquoi j'écris tout ça ? D'abord parce que t'étais pas là et c'est dommage. Aussi pour remercier Santiago et le Metronum. Ensuite parce que ça donne super envie d'en refaire. Et enfin parce qu'un spectateur m'a demandé si on pouvait faire une note de tous les grouples dont on a parlé alors voilà :
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Les Troubairitz (Béatrice de Die par exemple)
Anna Magdalena Bach (voir les Chroniques d'Anna Magdalena Bach de Straub et Huillet)
Clara Schumann
Alma Mahler
Sonny & Cher
Ike et Tina Turner
Gainsbourg et ses poupées de cire
Sonic Youth
Throbbing Gristle
Oiseau Ravage
Les 100% pur grouples
Brigitte Fontaine et Areski
Les White Stripes
Les Rita Mitsouko (à voir Soigne ta droite de Godard, film dans lequel on les voit en studio)
Amadou et Mariam
Les supra grouples :
San Salvador
Et ceux dont on regrette de n'avoir pas parlé mais dont on parlera un jour (dans le désordre) :
Stone and Charden;)
John et Yoko Ono
Bonbon Vodou
Lotte Lenya & Kurt Weill
Et si tu veux voir un 100% pur grouple, viens donc le 27 Octobre à la Maroquinerie, on va rester grouplés.
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skeyeseb · 1 year
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pics from last night :3
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ef-1 · 2 months
I see some confusion (both real and manufactured lol) about the authenticity of the claims reported by F1-Insider on the Red Bull seat.
There are two main claims in that article
That everyone, including "the Verstappen family" were told by Horner and Helmut that Sergio WILL be replaced by the next race in Zandvoort:
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2. That the drastic change of course was the result of Liberty Media (the rights holder to all of F1) pressuring Red Bull not to drop Sergio during the break because it would cost Liberty too much money if the only Mexican driver, who is regarded a hero, is dropped before the Mexican GP- tanking the event:
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There has been a lot of handwringing about how F1-Insider is not a reliable news source, this is only partially correct because they are not really AMuS (<- regarded as THE gold standard in f1 journalism and reporting) F1-insider mostly report on other people's interviews and sources, it is however a reliable Verstappen camp source. Ralf Bach, the owner of F1-Insider AND MORE IMPORTANTLY THE AUTHOR OF THIS ARTICLE is a career long f1 journalist (30 yr long veteran and is inducted in the paddock hall of fame) has been a Verstappen camp insider since 2016 (think of him as Erik van Haren-lite), if he says something about the Verstappens it is either from Jos or Raymond. He's also by extension close to Helmut (Helmut gave him all those exclusive interviews about how close Red Bull came to bringing Seb back into Red Bull after Ferrari refused to extend him). Most of F1-Insider's interviews are from Red Bull, specifically Helmut and camp Verstappen.
Ralf Bach and Jos are even closer than that because they're friends. In 2021, Jos complained to Bach about Lewis and Toto without knowing he was saying those comments on the record because he thought he was just chatting with Bach as a friend. When Bach wrote about those comments in F1-Insider, Jos tweeted that he doesn't know who F1-Insider is because he didn't know Bach had founded his own company and the website was still quite new. Bach then asked Jos to delete that tweet because it dented F1-insider's credibilty and Jos DID delete that tweet because didn't want to make his friend look like a liar and he HAD said those things to Bach lol. + Bach was only second to EVH when it came to reporting Jos' side of the story when they were trying to overthrow Horner after news of the allegations against him broke.
For Ralf Bach to say, and I quote ,"The Verstappen family were surprised [...] Horner and Helmut gave them a clear statement: Perez is gone" literally means only 1 of 2 things: This is coming directly from camp Verstappen, either from Raymond or most probably Jos given that's his friend and the way Ralf specifically made sure to say 'the Verstappen family' (girl who else? Sophie? Victoria?).
Whether both claims are true can be up for debate but what is a point of fact is that Ralf Bach is reporting what camp Verstappen is telling him they know. And they're telling him that they were verbatim told by both Horner and Helmut that Sergio will be booted on Sunday after the race. The heli ride with Daniel, Max, Jos and Raymond + the fact that camp Verstappen have no reason to lie about this point to at least most of this being true.
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aashwarr · 1 year
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15+ must have mods for cozy & aesthetic gameplay by ashley plays
food-related mods.
surprise cupcake mixer
hot chocolate machine
home barista espresso machine
pressure cooker
champagne & chocolate
self-care mods.
face masks from mirror
functional personal care products
bath soak details
self-manicure and pedicure
gameplay mods.
tablet tv
laptop tv
home office kit
s’more options
functional paper sketchpad
ink for yourself journal
seb’s friendlier flora v1.2
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sebscore · 1 year
Hiii!!! I’m hoping that you can write a request for me! Gzd and other drivers during a red flag. She’d be like drinking some juice, inspecting cars with seb, trying to get the audience to do a wave with Daniel. Sitting in a corner and enjoying ice cream with Kimi, you get the gist!
You writing is always so comforting and fun to read! {if you aren’t down to write this request then please ignore this one! No hard feelings haha}
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pairing: f1 grid x driver!reader 
warnings: sleeping? lol. 
author's note: I FINALLY GOT TO THIS ONE!!! also sprinkled some webber + button content in there cause why not x
• • • • • • •
''The race still hasn't restarted so let's see what our drivers are up to.'' Martin's voice spoke over the commentary, informing the viewers of the current situation. 
The screen cut to Mick and Sebastian playing football in one of the empty hallways, keeping themselves energised for the race. ''Young Schumacher and Vettel playing some ball, trying to maintain their energy and not slump.'' 
''And here we have Charles Leclerc, the Monégasque writing some things down in his journal- a habit he picked up from his former teammate, Sebastian Vettel.'' Ted observed, describing how the young man scribbled some things down in the Ferrari garage. 
''Let's see what Y/N Y/L is up to. I'm sure the young woman is doing her best to keep herself high- is she sleeping?'' Martin interrupted himself, watching the screen with an open mouth as it cut to the driver laying on the floor in her garage while her team worked around her sleeping form. 
''Well, all the drivers have different ways of keeping their energy up.'' Ted chuckled, finding amusement in the woman's antics once again. 
Both men took a closer look at the screen as the camera kept lingering on her garage and what was happening inside of it. ''Is… is she sleeping- oh my goodness, her blanket has Kimi Raikkonen's face on it.'' 
As the screen zoomed out, the viewers could see the driver having a blanket draped over her- one that had a picture of a sleeping Kimi on it. 
''She keeps surprising me that one.'' Mark Webber joined in, laughing at the image of the young woman. ''I love the fact that her team just ignores it and works around her.'' He noted. 
''Yeah, this is probably not the first time this has happened.'' Martin said, coming to that conclusion because of the way the mechanics and others don't seem bothered by it. 
''This is a message for the crew that will be interviewing Miss Y/L later; Please ask her about this!'' Ted pleaded over the commentary, asking his colleagues that will be conducting the interviews to question the driver about her 'red flag habit'. 
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''Now, Y/N- we were specifically told to ask you this by Ted Kravitz himself.'' Jenson started off, making her hesitantly nod her head. 
''Why were you sleeping during the red flag?'' 
''Oh,'' she laughed in relief, having expected a more controversial question that would have her press officer shit themselves, ''I was bored so I slept.'' 
''Aren't you supposed to keep yourself pumped for the race?'' Nathalie asked, a frown on her face. 
Y/N nodded. ''Yes and that's my way of doing that.'' She grinned. ''Please don't judge me.'' She quickly added upon seeing the confused expression everyone was wearing. 
''We're not! Don't worry, dear.'' Nathalie assured her, momentarily caressing her arm. 
''Is it something you do often, because your team seemed to be very nonchalant about it- especially your mechanics, since they were working on your car.'' Jenson asked, genuinely curious about the matter. 
The young driver pouted her lips in thought. ''Uh, I don't want to say it's a regular thing that I do, but I'm also not gonna say that it hasn't happened before.'' 
''Alright, and the Kimi blanket?'' 
''I got that for my birthday a few years ago, it's very cute, isn't it?'' She smiled from ear-to-ear, proud of her blanket of the World Champion. 
The reporters nodded, endeared by her authentic excitement. ''Has he seen it?'' 
''He has! I showed him a picture of it when I first got it and he smiled so I think he was a big fan of it.'' She answered, with the same smile on her face. 
''He didn't say anything?'' 
''Kimi asked where I got it from, but I didn't know the answer so that was the end of our conversation.'' She chuckled. 
Jenson laughed at her response. ''That's more than I ever got out of him.'' 
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another author’s note lol: I have decided to get rid of my taglist since it was becoming unorganized and I can only tag an x-amount of people per post + I’m not a fan of reblogging my own work.
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sloanesallow · 8 months
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Sebastian misses his girlfriend. The solution? Well, surprise her, of course! Alternatively, needy and greedy Sebastian. ✨Sebastian Sallow x F!MC Tags: NSFW! MDNI! Explicit sexual content, oral sex (f receiving), face-sitting, needy Sebastian and lots of cheesy dialogue. 2.6k words [Read on Ao3] | [Read on Wattpad]
Sebastian Sallow is an idiot.
He knows he’s an idiot and it isn’t because his roommates Ominis and Garreth tells him so almost every day. No, it’s because only an idiot—a needy, madman in love—would apparate, uninvited to his girlfriend’s flat in Marseille in the middle of the night.
This is the first time since the start of his romantic relationship with Sloane that they’ve spent significant time apart. While he works his apprenticeship at Gringotts in London, she is in the south of France, researching with an elite group of herbologists. Wary of the split from the start, time and distance has made Sebastian unwell, to put it mildly.
His need for Sloane is a thrumming pulse in his veins, an ache that won’t subside no matter how he tries to distract himself. To say he misses her is an incredible understatement. The separation gnaws at him, a relentless hunger that only her presence can satiate.
When did he become so co-dependent—or has he always been this tethered to her?
The yearning threatens to turn him mad. With an address and her in mind, he slips through space and time itself, traveling over six-hundred miles in the blink of an eye. Sebastian can smell the ocean when he materializes with a pop on a dimly lit street, glancing from the parchment in his hand to the placard on the nearby building.
He is an idiot, he thinks to himself again as he climbs the stairs as quickly and quietly as he can until he’s staring at the bronze number 8 pinned to Sloane’s door. It takes him several moments to collect his thoughts, practicing what he might say when she opens the door—Merlin, he hopes she’ll open the door.
What time is it?
His first few knocks are far too gentle, not nearly loud enough for anyone to hear. Glancing at his surroundings as if he is being watched by some unseen force, he shuffles his feet and tries again, this time rapping his knuckles a little harder against the thick wood. Nearly a minute passes and he wonders how acceptable it would be to just break in when the door creaks open.   
Sebastian forgets how to breathe.
There she is, standing in the doorway—Sloane, dressed in the tiniest chemise known to mankind. Barefoot and bleary-eyed, she doesn’t seem to comprehend his presence, lazily covering her mouth as she yawns. His restraint is threadbare, fingers twitching at his sides as he resists the urge to yank her into his embrace.
“Do you always answer the door half-naked, sweetheart?” he teases, flicking his gaze from one exposed patch of skin to the next.
“I was asleep—” she mumbles half-heartedly, and he grins when realization settles across her face. “Seb—Sebastian!?”  
Fuck it.
He crosses the threshold, and Sloane barely has time to react as he plucks her up off the ground and into his arms. Her legs instinctively wrap around his waist, soft hands framing his face as he kisses her like the greedy bastard he is. Sebastian kicks the door shut, relishing in the heat of her body against his. He kisses her until his lungs burn for air, pulling away just enough to alleviate the sting and look at her through heavy-lidded eyes.
“Where’s your bed?” he murmurs against her lips.
Sloane, in a surprised haze, take a moment to reply. “Down the hall.”
Sebastian steadily makes his way through the small dwelling until they reach her cozy bedroom, an organized mess of journals, potions, and plants. Her bed reminds him of the sleeping arrangements back at Hogwarts—large enough for one person, barely enough room for two. Good thing he doesn’t plan on sleeping.
Sloane lets out a breezy laugh as he flops her down on the mattress, her body stretched out for him to admire. He remains standing bedside, mirroring her delighted expression, thankful she didn’t have a negative reaction to his surprise. She watches him with sparkling eyes as he disrobes, haphazardly shedding his clothes until only his socks remain.
“Are you really here?” she asks as he shifts to hover over her, bracing his weight on his elbows. Her fingers trace the outline of his face again as if he is a figment of her imagination that might disappear.
“Yes,” he simply answers, momentarily slowing down to pepper her face with sweet kisses before trailing down the curve of her neck. She smells like fresh rain and lemon zest. “Have you been dreaming of me?”  
Sloane’s coy smile and brilliant blush is enough of an answer. Her breath hitches as he nips the delicate skin above her collarbone. “But why are you here?”
“Isn’t it obvious, sweetheart?” Sebastian teases, a devious chuckle echoing against her ear. He pulls back just enough so their eyes can meet. “I missed you.”
She sighs, something between pleasure and amusement. “It’s been—”
“Three months,” he quips. “I know. But…being apart from you, Sloane…it’s harder than I ever imagined it to be.” He steals a quick peck, and then another. “Work keeps me busy, but when I go home in the evening and you’re not there, I find myself…lonely.”
“And I can’t very well go sneaking into Ominis’ room,” he comments with only a little sarcasm. “Well, I could, but I don’t think he’d appreciate me waking him up for a snuggle.”
“Is that what you call it?” Sloane’s nose scrunches up as she giggles. “You really came all the way here to…fuck?”
“Don’t say it like that!” Sebastian murmurs, hanging his head at the tickle of shame that churns his gut. The optics of his impromptu visit made him out to be an even bigger cad than usual. “Good grief, woman, you know what I mean.”
“Do I?”
“It isn’t like I’m spending every waking hour of every day in a perpetual state of sexual frustration—”
“You aren’t?”
He blinks, realizing Sloane is teasing him. She smirks, leaning up to kiss him in the soft way that always calms his heart. “I missed you too, Sebastian.”
For several moments they simply kiss, languid and unhurried despite the circumstances. A small part of him regrets this impulsive decision, knowing his time in Marseille is limited—a few hours at most. Time will tell if he’s inadvertently added to his suffering when he has to leave, not knowing when they’ll see each other again.
“How long can you stay?” she asks when he breaks away to kiss down her neck and shoulder, as if she can read his mind. Instead of answering right away, he follows the low line of her negligée, her breath hitching when he tugs the fabric down with his teeth.
“I have an appointment at the Ministry in the morning,” he says, words mumbled as he sucks her exposed nipple into his mouth. Sloane moans and it is a sound he’s been yearning to hear. “But I can be…late.”
Sebastian shifts, lowering his body down as he pushes her nightgown up, bunching it beneath her breasts. He kisses across her abdomen, dipping his tongue into her navel and grinning when she squeaks at the ticklish sensation. Sloane lifts her hips when he tugs at the band of her underwear, making it easy for him to peel them away and toss over his shoulder to join the pile of discarded clothes on the floor.
It isn’t until Sebastian is about to make himself comfortable between her spread legs that he notices something…different. He falters, eyes darting up to see Sloane biting back a cheeky smirk. His gaze drops back down to the apex of her thighs, where instead of the soft blonde curls he’s used to seeing, there is only bare flesh.
A strangled chuckle escapes him. “What did you do?”
“I did as the French do,” she simply explains, clearly amused by his bewildered reaction. “One of the other researchers here, a girl my age, insisted on taking me shopping.”
“Is this what they call shopping in France?” Sebastian sarcastically remarks, slowly brushing his fingers across her now smooth skin. Whatever Sloane’s response was to be dies on her tongue as she whimpers, hips twitching towards his touch. Fuck—she’s so warm, and soft, and he suddenly can’t wait to taste her like this.
Just as he’s about to dip his head down, a wicked idea flashes through his mind, a fragment of a fantasy he’d constructed while alone in his bed with only his thoughts and his hand. He pulls away, delighting in the mewling whine that slips from her lips. She watches him with a confused expression as he stretches out next to her, his head comfortably resting on the pillows.
“Straddle me,” he says, rather plainly, flashing a wicked grin. “Sit on my face.”
Sloane’s eyes widen and for a moment Sebastian is worried that he’s scandalized her, but he can’t take it back now. He licks his lips, carefully observing his sweet girlfriend’s face as she mimics the action, clearly envisioning the act in her mind. The second she moves, his hands are on her waist, helping to position her body above his. Her knees press into the pillow on either side of his head, and when she glances down, he thinks she must be an angel sent to escort him to the afterlife.
She flashes a shaky, uncertain smile, “like this?”
Sebastian groans in satisfaction, the scent of her arousal dizzying, intoxicating. She’s barely situated when he darts his tongue out, tightening his grip around her hips to keep her steady. He licks a stripe through her folds, repeating the action in broad strokes as he lavishes her, unable to resist. The taste of her is something he wishes to bottle, to drown in later when he’s forced to depart.
He wraps his lips around her clit, eagerly sucking the bundle of nerves that makes her quiver. Sloane’s breath catches, a broken whine spilling from her panting mouth as she braces herself against the headboard. Her fingers grip the wooden frame and her head sags forward, eyes clenched tight as she succumbs to his fervor.
“Rock against me, love,” he instructs, a raspy request made against her inner thigh. Sloane complies in a heartbeat, brows furrowing together in concentration. Sebastian supports her, his fingers squeezing around her hips as he guides her movements against him. “That’s a good girl—fuck—you taste so good.”
He’s relentless in his desire, desperate to feel her come undone. He pushes his nose against her, nearly smothering himself as he probes her entrance with his tongue, grinning when she makes a high-pitched, satisfied sound. Sebastian groans in response, gripping her tighter as her thighs begin to tremble, her body tensing as he edges her ever closer to oblivion.
“Sebastian,” Sloane gasps out, her voice a strained whisper, a plea laced with the ecstasy he’s drawing out from her. She arches, head thrown back as her chest heaves with every ragged breath. Her rocking becomes more frantic, seeking out the sensations his wicked mouth is conjuring.
Seconds later she shatters, crying out his name in a broken moan that nearly sends him over the edge as well. Sebastian holds her through it all, his arms moving to wrap around her thighs and waist as she convulses against him. All the while his mouth never ceases its frenzy, coaxing out every tremor until she’s slumped against the headboard.
When she starts to teeter, he’s there to catch her, gently placing her against the pillows so she can catch her breath. Sebastian is equally winded, but the slight sting to his lungs is worth it to see such a fucked-out expression on her face. He rolls to frame her body with his own, slotting his hips between her thighs so he can press his aching cock against the slick mess he’s just created.
“Do you need a moment?” he asks, gruffly. He balances his weight on one arm, using his free hand to tenderly cradle the side of her face. Sloane shakes her head, flashing a breathless smile as she shifts to accommodate his eager arousal. She hooks her legs around him and he reaches between them to guide himself, easily sliding into the tight warmth of her core.
As soon as he is fully sheathed inside, Sebastian takes a moment to absorb the sensation, wishing he could stay with her—inside her—forever. His initial rhythm is slow and measured as he watches Sloane’s face, memorizing every flicker of pleasure, every sigh and crease that forms between her brows as she loses herself to the feeling. His pace gradually builds, intensifying with each stroke as the fire between them burns.
Sebastian gathers her hands in his free one, pinning them above her head as he shifts his weight to grind down, the angle allowing him to slip deeper. Sloane responds with a litany of moans, her back arching up to meet each roll of his hips. Eventually his thrusts grow more insistent, more demanding as he craves to see her climax once more. Her legs sinch around his waist and her walls clench around him, urging him on, silently begging for the release that is so, so close.    
He captures her lips in a searing kiss, both hungry and panting as the end draws near. Sebastian grunts as he ruts against her, completely losing control as her entire body shudders and tenses with the wave of her orgasm. His own builds at the base of his spine, a heat that threatens to consume him—and he might just let it. Before he can fully realize it, he’s spilling into her depths, the two crying out in tandem ecstasy.
The next coherent thought Sebastian has is when he’s blinking up at the ceiling, his heart still pounding in his ears from the intensity of their coupling. He attempts to steady his breathing, but it’s a lost cause. Instead, he turns his head to find Sloane in a similar state on her back, a content smile curling her lips in an adorable way.
She lazily glances at him and sighs. “I missed you.”
He nearly ruins the moment with a crass joke about her missing his cock, but decides that saying something earnest is better.
“I miss you every day, Sloane. And I can’t wait for you to come home,” he says, reaching over to delicately trace the curve of her cheek with his fingers. “Well, wherever you want to call home, that is. I don’t suppose you’d want to live in a tiny London flat with two other men–”
He stops when he realizes he’s rambling. 
“Anyways…” he sighs, brushing through her hair. “I am ready to spend every night like this.” 
“Every night?”
“Yes,” he quickly replies. “And morning. And afternoon. Every minute we can spare.”
Sloane smiles, and for several minutes they simply exist, gazing into each other’s eyes as the present and future looms. She exhales, and there’s a sadness in her eyes that he doesn’t want to see. “Are you sure you have to leave?”
“Are you sure you have to stay?” he counters, though he knows it would be unfair to ask her to come back to London. He attempts a tease, “you know, you could come visit me.”
“I could,” she agrees with a nod, though her tone indicates she’s skeptical. “But I don’t have roommates. Ominis may be blind, but he doesn’t need to hear us—” “Nothing he hasn’t heard before,” Sebastian murmurs, earning him a playful pinch. He sighs, closing the distance for a moment to kiss her, knowing their time is running out. “We’ve always been resourceful, sweetheart. We’d find a way to be together.”
The levity gradually melts into a content silence, Sloane scooting to nuzzle against his side with her head on his chest. Sebastian wraps his arms around her, his hands slowly caressing up and down her back until he can sense she’s drifted to sleep.
He’ll stay, just for a little bit longer.
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emomeishibot · 3 months
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For the Henry AU I sketched some of the scenes about Ciel from my friend’s CN sbcl fanfic. which I’m glad they are rewriting recently, to fill in the missing chapters lost over the years from the original post.
Ciel’s eepy, for his soul is leaving his body bit by bit, but none of them knows that at this moment and Seb will regret that he did not realize it sooner. Ciel’s drinking coffee instead of tea to stay awake…
Ciel reads Seb’s journals and occasionally annotates them with complaints because he can😗
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writingpastmybedtime · 8 months
Cinderella AU
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x f!Reader
Summary: The classic Cinderella AU. It's heavily inspired by the Disney live-action remake, but with a few tweaks here and there.
Word Count: 8k, oops..?
Warnings: None, except for extra cute Prince Sebastian.
A/N: It’s my first time writing for Seb at this length & I'm kind of proud of how it turned out. Oh, and I gave Sebastian the nickname 'Bash'. Hope you love it as much as I do!<3
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Once upon a time, or however the story begins, there lived a girl named Y/N. She was the most beautiful thing in her parents’ eyes and held the kindest heart. They lived happily in a secluded small mansion. They weren’t the richest per se, but they could keep up with the house and even had a few workers in the kitchen and garden. 
As time went by, the girl discovered a passion for music and playing the piano. Her sweet melodies often graced the halls of the house, and whenever she wasn’t behind the piano, she had her face buried deep in a journal, writing down every last thought that had occurred to her that day.
Alas, the time that had passed had also come bearing sombre news. The little girl’s mother had fallen ill with a disease so rare, there was nothing left to do but wait. Those three months spent waiting were the hardest for the girl, as she was always staying beside her mother’s bed, reading to her, brushing her hair, and playing lovely tunes on the piano to soothe her mother’s mind. 
It wasn’t until one night, that the clock in the writing room, which her mother so deeply loved, stopped working and the house suddenly grew more quiet.
Years passed, and Y/N grew even more beautiful. She was always happy and kind, helping out everyone around the house and being there for her father. Y/N’s father was a merchant, so it was not uncommon that he had many trips abroad and many foreign friends. He had a certain way with him, his friends even called him a man of many words. He always found a way to insert an inspirational quote into whatever conversation was going on. His personal favourite, however, was a quote about courage. 
Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.
“Darling, would you accompany me to the garden?” Her father asked her. Of course, she followed him with a smile on her face. He began to tell her of a widowed woman, with two daughters just a few years older than Y/N. He explained that he’d known the woman's late husband, having met him many times on his travels. 
“They need a place to stay and they need a sense of security,” he began shyly, before continuing. “I think I can offer them that, I think we can offer them that.”
Y/N smiled as she took her father's hands in hers. “Father, if it’s something that would make you happy, it would make me even happier.” He smiled at her and pulled her into a hug.
Madam Deveraux was a widowed noblewoman with two daughters, Arabella and Isadora. The Madam herself was mostly reserved and you could never tell what she was thinking just by looking at her. Her gaze always remained strong, even when the death of her dear husband crushed her spirit. As months passed after the tragic death, the demeanour of Madam Deveraux changed. Once just a composed and modest lady, was now hardened at heart, with only one true goal. To see her two daughters succeed and be wed off to rich husbands, no matter the cost.
Arabella, the eldest daughter was certainly pretty on the eyes, however, she had a mouth to her that diminished her beauty to a certain degree. Never afraid to speak her mind and even once in a while throw in a more vulgar term here or there. She was fascinated with all kinds of different adult romance books - that’s where she probably learned those indecent phrases. She also loved to draw, but truth be told, she wasn’t really any good at it.
Isadora, like her sister, was also beautiful in her own way. She certainly wasn’t as crude as her sister, but still had a peculiar sense of self. Her ego was probably the biggest between the three of them. Every reflective surface she saw made her gaze at herself longingly, always fixing her hair or makeup. Always whispering sweet affirmations to herself. She knew she was the prettiest person, whenever she walked into a crowded room. Even if the snobby personality sometimes made her mother’s eyes roll.
After a few weeks, it was time again for Y/N’s father to take his leave. Y/N felt crushed, and a sense of dread filled her heart, making her father promise that he’d return.
Unfortunately, on his travels back from overseas, Y/N’s father fell ill and was never able to return to her. It saddened her deeply, but due to her chores, given to her by her step-mother, she didn’t have time to dwell on her grief. 
Months passed, with her chores growing bigger and bigger. She had given up her bedroom because Arabella and Isadora were too cramped up in their own smaller one. Unfortunately for Y/N, instead of getting the smaller room for herself, she had to stay in a storage room right next to the kitchen. It wasn’t the most tedious place to be, for someone somewhere must’ve had to have even worse living conditions. That thought kept her appreciating her commodities and trying to tidy up the tiny storage room as best as she could.
“Y/N, could you be a dear and help your sisters with their dresses?” Madam Deveraux’s cold voice could be heard from upstairs, as Y/N was just finishing up setting the table in the kitchen. Sighing, but still with a smile on her face, the girl walked upstairs to assist her step-sisters. Arabella was tugging Isadora’s corset, to make it more tight, as Isadora was standing near the mirror letting out gasps of air. 
“A little bit of help, please?” Isadora asked in her saccharine voice, looking at Y/N through her mirror. Y/N nodded and took over from Arabella, pulling and pulling until the corset was perfectly on Isadora’s body. 
“Hmm, I look good, don’t you think so?” Isadora spun around, now in her huge pink sparkling dress, which did not do her beauty any justice. Y/N, however, was not one to judge. She just smiled lightly and nodded. 
“Pfft, as if you had any sense of style,” Isadora went to grab her rings, before putting them on her dainty fingers. Her brown hair was curled in an updo and she had put on a plethora of perfume, that was way too sweet, but ironically, fit her perfectly.
“Hah, you’re right sissy, this wench does not know anything about fashion. I mean look at how she’s dressed right now.” Arabella looked at Y/N from head to toe, her face grimacing. Y/N lowered her head to look at her grey dress. Yes, it wasn’t as fancy as the gowns on her step-sisters, but it had belonged to her mother. The grey dress made her feel some kind of sanity, running around doing chores for the Deverauxs’. Picking invisible lint from the pocket of her skirt, the step-sisters just laughed at how humiliated Y/N looked.
“Yes, you do look absolutely atrocious as of late,” Isadora smirked as Arabella grinned, taking joy in embarrassing Y/N. “You’re just plain ugly,” the eldest sister managed to get out before laughing.
“Here, take this, go buy yourself something prettier,” Isadora scoffed as she handed Y/N three silver pieces. You could not get anything fairly pretty with that kind of sum. Y/N had given up on pretty dresses a while ago, being content with the ones her mother had left her. She shook her head at the silver coins, not accepting the pity donation. 
“Fine have it your way, I was just trying to be nice,” Isadora threw the silver pieces on the floor as Arabella snorted in an unladylike manner. “Now leave, as I remember correctly Mama wanted you to go down to the forest to pick up some flowers for the gathering tonight.”
Y/N nodded to the girls, before hastily leaving the room, blinking back tears. She had grown accustomed to their derogatory comments, but that didn’t mean a part of her always ached at their remarks. Never had she been anything, but good and friendly towards the girls and their mother. She shook her head, as if to shake it clear from the depressing thoughts and picked up a dark-brown wooden basket from the kitchen table.
The walk from the house to the forest was always Y/N’s favourite. As soon as the house with the hectic people inside of it disappeared from her field of view, a certain kind of calmness filled Y/N. It was as if she could finally breathe without restrictions. Even the world around her seemed a little bit more saturated. Birds were flying around, singing their beautiful songs; it was spring after all. Y/N started to hum a melody she used to love to play the most on her piano.
Y/N twirled around and smiled, suddenly feeling joyous and elated. She closed her eyes, still twirling, liking the feel of the afternoon sun on her face. A total bliss. Suddenly, when taking her last twirl, she felt her foot get stuck on a tree root and braced herself for a fall.
However, the fall did not come. 
Instead, strong hands had grasped her waist, holding her a few centimetres off the ground. Y/N finally opened her eyes, the sun making her squint a little before finally her vision was back in focus. She was looking into blue eyes. Into the most gorgeous blue eyes she’d ever seen. Serene, deep blue eyes, that she could get lost in. That she did get lost in.
“Miss, are you alright?” Y/N blinked, before realising the man was still holding her. She stumbled to get out of his grasp, before wiping her dress from invisible dirt. Her cheeks flushed pink, suddenly feeling embarrassed. 
“Yes, I’m fine. Thank you..?” Y/N said, waiting for the person’s name to finish her sentence. To thank him personally. She now had time to look at the man that had so gracefully caught her. He had brown medium-length hair, which seemed abnormally soft and Y/N wished she could tread her fingers through it. The man smiled, no grinned rather, and Y/N was taken aback by how handsome this stranger looked.
“You really don’t know who I am?” The man chuckled and Y/N shook her head quizzically. Was she supposed to know him? She browsed through her brain, wondering who this man could be; maybe she’d met him before. But no, she’d remember him. She could never forget those eyes.
Y/N saw a peculiar look in his gaze before his grin grew even bigger and he introduced himself. “My name’s Bash,” he said, and Y/N furrowed her brows, but smiling nonetheless. 
“That’s a peculiar name,” she spoke, before realising her comment was nowhere near acceptable nor did it come off as friendly. The man, Bash, as she’d learned, let out a genuine laugh at the comment. Y/N felt embarrassed and was about to apologise before he stopped her.
“I like your candour,” he smirked. “It’s actually a nickname. A name that my father calls me whenever I haven’t done anything to upset him.” Y/N smiled, no longer feeling embarrassed, but just a little bit of something else. A strange warm feeling was creeping up in her chest. 
“Well, thank you, Bash, for catching me. And I’m sorry you even had to, I’m not normally so clumsy.”
“It’s no problem, besides, what even is a beautiful girl like you doing out in these woods anyway?” Bash asked, not being able to take his eyes off Y/N. He’d never seen a girl so beautiful before. And ‘beautiful’ was not even enough to describe her. 
“Oh, I’m just on my way to get flowers for a party later on. Which does remind me, that I should be on my way,” Y/N looked down at her basket, which she hadn’t fortunately dropped, when she had stumbled. Realisation hit her then, that he’d called her beautiful, but she couldn’t believe it. Perhaps she’d heard wrong?
“Do you work nearby?” Bash asked, his eyes still admiring her own. He did not want to leave her this soon after just meeting. But her duty called and truth be told, so did his. He wasn’t even supposed to be out here. He was out riding with his horse when suddenly he heard the most beautiful voice humming somewhere nearby. Having left his horse a few metres behind, was when he finally saw her. She was twirling and twirling and completely not noticing the tree root that was about to make her fall on the next twirl. Thankfully, he was fast and had caught her on time. 
“Yes, I do. Are you from around here as well?” Y/N asked politely. Knowing that she should be going now, but his eyes were just too mesmerising, to not look away from, that she stayed grounded.
“I actually work at the castle,” he said, his eyes turning pink as if he was embarrassed about the notion. Y/N smiled at that. “Must be nice,” she thought out loud, as Bash just shook his head at her comment.
“Depending on the day, it can be a little bit too much sometimes.” Y/N nodded at that, trying to understand what it must be like working amidst hundreds of people. Working for royalty.
“Well, it’s like my father always taught me,” she began as she gave him the sweetest smile. “Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” Bash raised his eyebrow at that. “And do you feel like that?” 
“Do you feel seen?” He inquired, and Y/N shrugged. The question was raw - she hadn’t expected that. Did she feel seen? No, not as of late. But she couldn’t tell him that, now could she? She noticed the sun had turned just a tiny bit more golden and felt fear rush through her. She was supposed to be making supper for the Deverauxs and their guests.
“Look, it’s been wonderful having this chat with you, but I really must take my leave,” she nodded to him, taking her basket and turning around, completely forgetting about the flowers. 
Bash felt a tinge of sadness in him, before nodding and giving her a final smile. “Well, it was wonderful making your acquaintance. I hope to see you again someday.” Y/N turned around at his voice. She nodded, grinning at him.
“So do I.”
“Soon,” Bash said and saw Y/N blush, before finally taking her leave. 
She found some wild poppies just behind the house and hoped they’d do. Fortunately, Madam Deveraux only gave her a quizzical look, before dismissing her. She took a breath, thanking the gods that her step-mother did not freak out over the flower arrangement. All evening as she was making supper for everyone, her thoughts went back to the kind stranger she’d met. 
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Y/N was browsing through the city fair, currently looking at new books she wished she could buy when suddenly a horn was heard above in the upper city. She glanced up from the booth towards the sound, seeing everyone gathering around.
“Hear ye, hear ye,” a man in a formal outfit began. Behind him stood many other men, dressed the same.
These were men from the castle, she concluded. Her thoughts went to Bash for a second, before focusing back on the man giving out the information.
“As requested by His Royal Highness, Prince Sebastian, there is to be a ball, for two weeks hence, in honour of him choosing a bride. As per his wishes, the ball is open to everyone in the country.”
Squeals and cheers were coming from every corner of the city at the news. Y/N suddenly felt very happy. Maybe this was her chance to see Bash again in the castle, after all, he did say he worked there.
Having made her way back home, she rushed to Madam Deveraux, who was sitting in the living room with Arabella and Isadora. The latter was playing the piano. Correction, trying to play, for Y/N, did not know it was possible to make that kind of noise on the delicate instrument.
“What has gotten you in a rush? Your dress is all dirty again,” Arabella scrunched her face, clearly disgusted by Y/N’s clothing once again.
“I was just in the city when they announced there is to be a ball in two weeks as the Prince is to finally choose a bride. It’s open to everyone.” She smiled as she saw Madam Deveraux jump up from the couch, her daughters following her. Suddenly they screamed and the two girls jumped around.
“I’m going to be the new princess,” Isadora squealed before Arabella nudged her on the shoulder.
“No, I am!” Arabella insisted before Madam Deveraux made them quiet down.
“Y/N, you have to go into town and get three beautiful dresses,” Madam Deveraux smiled at her, a new prosperous future in mind for her daughters. She knew they had to look their best to catch the eye of the Prince.
“Yes, yes I will. Thank you for letting me come with you.” Y/N said as she was about to leave back to the city, her mind joyous and excited. Madam Deveraux had finally accepted her as part of the family and she got to go to the ball as well.
“Come with us?” Madam Deveraux scoffed and raised her eyebrow. “Why in the seven hells do you think you’re coming with us?”
Y/N started to say something before she was rudely cut off.
“Nuh, uh-uh.” Madam Deveraux pointed her finger at Y/N. “You do not belong at events like these. You will not go, I forbid you.” 
Y/N felt tears in her eyes, not understanding why she was being so mean to her. 
“Oh, Mama, look. You’ve made the duckling cry.” Arabella snickered and Isadora laughed.
“But why? All I’ve ever done is be nice to you. I do all these chores, you ask of me, and more.” Y/N started shaking but was reluctant to let out real tears. They cannot see me cry, she thought to herself.
“Have you ever considered that you’re maybe just not enough? Not enough pretty, not enough smart,” Madam Deveraux took steps toward Y/N, placing a finger under her jaw, pulling Y/N to look at her. “You’re no one.” Madam Deveraux turned away, before muttering instructions that Y/N was to buy dresses for the three of them the following day.
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After helping the Deveraux sisters into their beautiful ball gowns and doing their hair, Y/N watched them leave in a big beige carriage. Letting her shoulders shrug, she finally let out the tears she’d been holding in. Y/N had hoped to visit the ball as well, hoping to see the blue-eyed man who had taken over her thoughts.
Y/N heard footsteps behind her and her name being called, before turning around and seeing Anastasia, an older lady that she’d known all of her life. Anastasia was a neighbour, a lovely woman, who always took care of Y/N whenever it was needed. Anastasia did not like the way Madam Deveraux had started treating Y/N after her father died and even offered to let Y/N move in with her. However, Y/N always passed the opportunity down, saying that she made a promise to her mother and father to look after the house.
“My dear,” Anastasia came closer, taking Y/N’s hand and seeing the tear trails on her face. “Why are you not at the ball? Everyone’s invited.” 
Y/N shook her head, before explaining that Madam Deveraux had forbidden her to attend the event. Anastasia pursed her lips, before muttering, more to herself than to Y/N.
“This will not do,” then louder, “this will not do at all.” She grabbed Y/N’s arm and started pulling her towards her house which was just a few minutes further away. “You will go to the ball, end of story.”
“But how? I have no horse to take me, let alone a carriage. Nor do I have a dress that is suitable for this kind of event.” Y/N saw Anastasia grin, before ushering her faster towards her house.
“Have courage, dear one. I will make sure you get everything.”
And just as Anastasia said, Y/N had it all. Anastasia was a well-endowed lady, who did not have the joy of getting to raise a daughter of her own. No, she was instead blessed with three sons. So it was mere luck, and perhaps a little bit of something else, that Anastasia had a beautiful periwinkle blue dress in her closet waiting to be worn. It fit Y/N perfectly as if it was made only for her to wear.
Anastasia did Y/N’s hair next, whilst explaining that she’d already talked with her personal chauffeur, who was to take Y/N to the ball. 
“I cannot begin to thank you enough, Lady Anastasia,” Y/N had tears in her eyes, although this time they were there for another reason. Gratitude.
“Oh, stop it, dear. I’ve told you a thousand times to not call me that, it makes me feel old,” she grimaced, before helping Y/N into the carriage. As Y/N took a step, Anastasia saw her shoes, which looked worn out and definitely didn't go along with the dress. She muttered something under her breath, before looking at Y/N again.
“There’s something in a box inside the carriage. Make use of them. And make sure to dance.” Y/N furrowed her brows, trying to understand, before she took her seat and felt the carriage take off slowly. “But wait, what about Madam Deveraux and the step-sisters? Won’t they recognize me?” Y/N asked worriedly, looking back at the kind woman.
“Oh, don’t worry about something so trivial, my dear, it’s already been taken care of,” Anastasia winked, before remembering, “and before I forget, try to return at midnight. I cannot explain why, but it’s imperative that you do so. You have to be back when the clock strikes twelve.” With a smile, Anastasia stayed behind, waving at Y/N. 
Y/N was a bit confused, even more so when she opened the box that was on the seat in front of her. Beautiful shoes, made out of iridescent glass, were inside the box. She gasped when she took one in her hand, not even feeling the weight of it, expecting it to be heavier. She slipped off her slippers, before trying on the glass shoes. 
They fit perfectly. As if these shoes, just like the dress, were made just for her. Maybe Anastasia was a witch? No, that sounds too evil. Maybe she was her Fairy Godmother. Y/N chuckled at the silly idea of magic but still felt curious about the predicament she was in.
Y/N didn’t have enough time to dwell on the whereabouts of her dress and shoes before she saw the castle in front of her. Only a few minutes separated her from the majestic building.
“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen,” she whispered to herself, looking longingly at the castle ahead.
The castle itself was beautiful. Y/N had never seen a building so marvellous in her life. Taking slow steps through the garden in front of the castle, she was in awe. Twirling around and trying to take it all in. The castle inside was just about the same. Mesmerising to the point of Y/N being left speechless. She imagined what it’d be like to live here. So in contrast to her current living conditions.
Before she knew it, she was standing behind a huge door, with two guards standing on each side of it. This must be the ballroom, she figured. She gave a nod and a curtsy to the guards before they nodded in return and opened the doors.
She heard the buzz of the voices first, before walking towards the balcony that was connected to the ground floor of the ballroom. About a hundred and fifty other people were mingling downstairs, not counting the guards and other workers. 
She began to make her descent down the marvellous staircase, walking slowly, as if not to ruin the dress and not to stumble on her feet. She felt anxious, before reminding herself of her father's wise words again.
It was then that Bash saw her, from across the room. He’d been waiting for her for hours now. Hoping that she’d grace the castle with her beauty. And what a beauty she was, indeed. He was left bewildered when he saw her. She looked otherworldly.
She looked ethereal.
As if they were magnets, he felt an invisible string pull him towards her. He apologised to the princess currently in front of him and nodded to his father, before taking his leave and stepping onto the dance floor. 
Y/N had just reached the last step when she noticed the crowd parting and giving her way. At the end of the tunnel of people, she saw him.
It was him, it was truly him.
And oh, the way he looked at Y/N. As if she’d hung the stars in the sky. 
He grinned when he was finally near enough to notice the sparkling eyeshadow on her eyelids and the pink tone of her lips. 
“Wow, just wow,” Bash let out, scratching the back of his head. A habit of his, whenever he was nervous. “I’m speechless, really.” Bash said, before taking Y/N’s hand and placing a delicate kiss on her knuckles. 
“You look breathtaking,” he said, looking up. Y/N blushed heavily, still not having noticed the ballroom growing quiet. All she saw was him. He was wearing a dark blue suit, with small gold intricate details, that made him look regal. It was then, Y/N realised, he was probably not just a mere worker in a castle.
“Would you allow me this dance?” He said as he stood up straight again. Y/N nodded, not trusting her words at the moment. He took her hand gently on his, placing his other on her waist. The pull between them only grew, the magnetic feel forcing them to be as close as possible.
And then they danced. He was a wonderful leader, and fortunately for Y/N, she was not so bad herself on a dancefloor, having taken dance lessons in her youth. The pair only had eyes for each other, completely ignoring the looks they were getting all over the ballroom. Some were jealous, some were elated, and some were more than angry with the outcome happening right now.
Y/N grinned as Bash twirled her not once, but twice, and then made her fall into his arms. The song ended and they were both out of breath. Y/N felt Bash put a strand of hair behind her ear, looking longingly into her eyes. He leaned in, before closing his eyes and stopping himself.
“Come with me, I want to show you something,” Y/N nodded as he led her away from the dancefloor to the confines of a secluded room filled with high bookshelves. There were rows and rows of books. Y/N twirled around, taking it all in. She’d never seen bookshelves this high before.
They were in a library. 
Sebastian noticed how Y/N smiled in awe as she took it all in. He just had a feeling she would like it.
“You didn’t tell me you were a prince, Prince Sebastian,” Y/N said when she turned around from admiring the thousands of books gracing the shelves. Bash chuckled.
“I told you I worked at the castle. Which is true,” Y/N narrowed her eyes before smiling. 
“I just didn’t specify,” Bash said, a finality in his tone. Y/N then saw him truly as he was, as a future king. 
A kind future king, she acknowledged. 
“True,” she took another longing look at the bookshelves before something else caught her eye on the other side of the room.
There was a black grand piano, waiting to be played. Almost calling her name as she took steps towards it. Bash saw what her eyes had fixed on, a grin growing on his face.
“Do you play?” He asked as Y/N let her fingers slide tenderly across the black-and-white keys. 
“I used to,” Y/N said honestly, still gazing longingly at the beautiful instrument in front of her. “I haven’t in a while, not since my father passed.” Bash looked at her sorrowfully, before whispering his condolences.
Sebastian took a seat in front of the piano, patting the place next to him. Y/N blushed before she obliged. 
She watched Sebastian place his hands on the piano, pressing a few keys, which made the sweetest tune. She closed her eyes and hummed to herself when she heard him continue. Suddenly the sound stopped and she opened her eyes to come face to face with Bash.
“Your turn,” he whispered, his face was so close to hers, that she could feel his breath on her face. She blushed but shook her head.
“I shouldn’t.”
“You should.”
“I shouldn’t.”
“You should.”
“I shouldn’t, really.”
“You should, really.”
“I will.” She said finally, seeing Sebastian grin before she placed her trembling hands on the keys.
She took a breath before letting her hands take over, the notes she played were familiar to her, never forgotten. Even if she hadn’t played them in so long. She let herself be carried by the tune, until at some point, there was a dialogue.
Sebastian had accompanied her on the piano, he was playing on his side, giving supporting yet beautiful notes to the ones she played. Y/N was enthralled and totally mesmerised by the music. 
So was he. Before today, Sebastian was sure Y/N could not surprise him anymore. She was already perfect enough. But here she was, letting out a precious and delicate part of herself that not many could see. She trusted him. And he appreciated it more than Y/N could ever imagine.
Later on in their life, Bash would tell Y/N that this was the moment he fell in love with her.
As with all good things in life, the song came to an end, and Y/N removed her hands from the keyboard to her lap. Fidgeting with her fingers, as if suddenly ashamed of letting someone see her so bare.
Sebastian placed two fingers underneath her jaw, making Y/N look at him. Her eyes were so vulnerable, that he wanted to fix everything in her life. Not knowing anything about her, but vowing to himself that he’d do anything and everything in his power to make sure she was happy at all times.
Their faces were close again, just one small nudge, and he could feel her lips on his. Y/N saw as Bash’s gaze moved from her eyes to her lips, hers following the action. They were so–so close. Sebastian nudged Y/N’s nose with his own as if asking for permission. Y/N closed her eyes and grinned, him doing the same, and just as their lips were about to meet, Y/N heard the clock strike. 
Her eyes flew wide open and she pulled away. Looking at the clock behind them, she realised she was running out of time.
“I’m so sorry, but I have to go,” Y/N said apologetically, coming to stand. Bash followed immediately, wanting to grasp her arm, but not wanting to overstep.
“You’ve been absolutely wonderful and I’ve had the time of my life, truly.” She started walking away, fast. Sebastian was bewildered, not understanding what went wrong.
“Why are you in a hurry?” He asked, giving her a smile to try to ease the sudden tension in the room.
“It’s hard to explain, I don’t even understand it myself. But I made a promise,” she said, looking over her shoulder at him. Bash was trailing behind her; they still weren’t out of the confines of the library. “I don’t break my promises.”
“Then promise me, we will meet again,” Sebastian told her, as he saw her quicken the pace. She was at the door now. The door that connected to the ballroom. The door that would bring them back to reality. She gave him one last look over her shoulder, grinning at him the way she’d never before when she finally whispered so only he could hear.
“Goodbye, Prince Sebastian.”
She took off and Sebastian followed. He felt his pulse quicken in his chest, for he had been so close to telling her that he’d chosen her as his bride. 
And she’d used his full name. Not the nickname he’d given her.
Bash felt dread creep up on him. This wasn’t supposed to end like this.
And that’s when he realised he didn’t know her name. All this time together, and he had forgotten to ask the simplest of questions. 
She had passed the ballroom now and Sebastian tried his hardest to catch up. With his luck, though, what with being the prince and all, he wasn’t so quick. Girls touched him and pulled him into them, everyone trying to score a chance at a dance with the Prince Sebastian. 
Sebastian muttered countless apologies, before finally getting free of the wandering hands and quickening his pace towards her.
Y/N tried to run as fast as she could. Suddenly she stumbled and one of her glass shoes had fallen off. She looked behind herself and saw Bash following her, even if he was a bit farther behind. She did not have time to go back for the shoe, trying to get the other one off her foot, while still running.
She finally made her way to her carriage, letting it drive away. In her last glance towards the castle, she saw Bash picking up her glass shoe, holding it to his chest, and looking longingly towards the carriage. She blinked and felt moisture on her cheeks. She was devastated by leaving him, but he was a prince. He was the Prince Sebastian and she was just a commoner. A maid, if she could be called even that as of late. However, the feeling was bittersweet, as she’d have memories of this night to remind herself for the years to come.
The way his hands had felt, the way he had looked at her, the way his breath had made goosebumps on her skin when his nose brushed against hers.
The carriage dropped her off at her house, and she hastily made her way into her small room. As she changed into her other dress, the grey one that was her mother's, she noticed that her periwinkle dress was gone. She had just hung it up in her closet, but it was nowhere. She looked again and again, pulling out every other dress in her closet, but nothing.
It was as if it was never even there.
All that remained, which reminded her of the evening spent with the Prince, were her memories and the small glass shoe on the ground in her closet. Reminders, that she hadn’t imagined her time in the castle and that it had been real.
It was quiet until she heard voices coming from the hallway. Annoyed voices.
“I cannot believe, we didn’t get to dance with the Prince,” Isadora said grumpily, sitting down at the dining room table with a disappointed look. “All because of that stupid girl in that pretty dress.”
“At least I touched him,” Arabella closed her eyes, trying to remember the feel of his shoulder beneath her fingers. “He was so firm,” Arabella continued to daydream and took a seat next to her sister. Madam Deveraux was the last to arrive in the room, taking note of Y/N and how bubbly she suddenly looked.
She had a certain spring in her step, when she finally brought the food on the table, for them to eat. Madam Deveraux raised her eyebrow, eyeing Y/N thoroughly, but not saying a word. She thought Y/N would be more devastated at not having had the opportunity to attend the ball.
Something was going on. And she did not like it one bit.
Y/N spent the rest of her evening writing everything down in her diary. She wrote of every minute spent in the castle and her time with the Prince. Mostly, she wrote of the Prince.
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It was a month after the ball when Y/N went to her room to check her closet. She had a peculiar feeling in her chest as if something were amiss. Her diary had been exactly where she’d left it, but to her surprise the glass shoe was missing. Y/N looked around her closet, but it was nowhere in sight.
“Are you looking for this?” She heard the cold voice of Madam Deveraux from the doorstep, before looking at her quizzically. “It’s a wonderful little thing, isn’t it.” Madam Deveraux said, looking at the shoe in her hand and then at Y/N. “Do you even know that there’s a countrywide search for whoever wore these shoes to the ball?”
Y/N was surprised, for she did not know the Prince was looking for her. Mostly because she hadn’t even been out of the house these previous weeks. Madam Deveraux had been giving her more chores than she could manage and now she figured out why.
“I won’t even begin to ask where you acquired such a thing, for I simply do not care.” Madam Deveraux hit the glass shoe on the wall next to her, making Y/N gasp and let out a weak ‘no’.
Madam Deveraux smirked, taking pleasure in Y/N’s sorrowful state. “It’s only a matter of time before they knock on our door. And you will not be a part of this household when they ask. It’s only me, Arabella and Isadora.” She grinned darkly, looking at Y/N sitting on the floor, tears in her eyes. 
“Do you understand? Do you now, finally, understand that sometimes a person of your stature is just not enough?” Y/N whimpered as Madam Deveraux closed the door of her room, locking it behind her.
Y/N looked around herself, she had approximately enough food in her room to last her a few days, but she had finally accepted her fate. She would never see Bash again.
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It was the afternoon of the next day when Madam Deveraux heard knocking on her door. She placed on her most pleasant smile and opened the door wide, to be met with the new King’s chancellor. 
“Hello, we are here on behalf of His Majesty the King, to try to find his beloved. Are there any ladies in your household, to whom this shoe might belong?” The man in a dark blue suit asked, showing Madam Deveraux the glass shoe she was all familiar with.
Madam Deveraux was thrilled. She had ordered her daughters to lotion their feet daily and to try to squish them into smaller shoes, for she had to be sure that one of them would find their place near the King. 
Arabella was first, as was expected of the eldest daughter. She let out a bunch of profanities while trying on the shoe, pushing and pulling the glass to try to fit into it. “One more time,” she said, her face completely red from the puffing and huffing.
“Oh, give up already,” Isaroda said, whilst nudging her sister, making her fall and catching the shoe in her hand.
As expected, it didn’t fit her either.
Madam Deveraux was absolutely annoyed with her daughters, completely disappointed in their incompetence.
“I am sorry for wasting your time, Madam Deveraux,” the chancellor said, as he was stepping out of the house. Just as he was about to get back on his horse, there was humming to be heard.
The loveliest voice was humming a tune somewhere in the house. Madam Deveraux’s eyes shot up, trying to close the door behind her.
The chancellor raised an eyebrow. “Is there someone else in the house with you?” 
Madam Deveraux smiled smugly, however slightly shaken with the idea of the kingsmen hearing Y/N’s humming. She shook her head.
“No, there is no one, but me and my two daughters.”
“You’re lying,” said a strong voice, as a man jumped off his horse. He removed his hood, and everyone gasped.
It was Prince Sebastian. No, he was King Sebastian now. His father had fallen ill and given Sebastian the throne early.
Madam Deveraux was flabbergasted and immediately curtsied. “M-my prin-King, My King, I had no idea, you’d be here.” 
Sebastian took a few steps forward, still hearing the tune of Y/N’s humming. He knew it was her. It was the same song they’d played on the piano together. 
Sebastian looked at his chancellor, nodding towards the house. “Want to check it out, or should I?”
His chancellor, his best friend, smirked when he saw the glint in Sebastian’s eye. “Go ahead, Your Majesty.” Sebastian grinned before fastening his pace and entering the house. He followed the humming to the small door near the kitchen.
Sebastian saw that the door was locked, so with one, really-really strong pull he tore the lock off the door and exhaled before opening the door.
Y/N had no idea what was going on. She had been trying to calm herself ever since Madam Deveraux had locked her in this room. So when she heard noises coming behind the door, she had expected the worst. 
What she didn’t expect, however, were the kind eyes of Bash.
Sebastian faltered, his steps coming to a stop. There she stood. His beloved. His Queen. He furrowed his brows as he took in her commodities. The way she was dressed. The way her eyes were red-rimmed - an indication that she had been crying. 
She had been locked up.
Everything suddenly made sense to him and he wasted no time in hurrying towards Y/N and pulling her to him. Hugging her so close to him, finally, finally, feeling her in his arms.
“Bash,” She let out weakly and Sebastian just shushed her, placing his head on hers. “It’s okay, you’re safe now.”
Y/N tried to push herself away from him, afraid to get even more hurt. She had felt enough disappointment and grief in her life to experience it again. And grief she would feel if she lost Bash too. So it was easier to push him away before her feelings got too strong. Although, deep down, she knew there was already no turning back. She had fallen for him. Deeply.
But Sebastian wouldn’t budge, he was only grinning more widely when he realised that Y/N, the one he was looking for, was safely in his arms.
“Do you know that I have a countrywide search put out for you?” He asked casually, not even minding that she was trying to break free of his hold. Letting his fingers run through her hair, silently comforting her.
“Bash, have you even realised who I am?” Y/N looked at him through tear-filled eyes. “I'm a nobody. A maid at best. I have no prospects, no dowry. I am not someone you want next to you to rule a kingdom.”
Sebastian laughed at that, pulling the smaller one closer to his chest, letting his head fall on her own again. “That’s where you’re wrong, darling,” He inhaled her scent before placing a kiss on her head.
“You’re strong, you’re honest. Your heart is made of gold. You’re the only person I want to share the throne with.”
She finally looked up into his eyes, to see the most sincere gaze ever directed towards her.
“Well, aren’t you supposed to give me a shoe to try on then? Or have I heard wrong?” She finally retaliated and he chuckled at that.
“Fair enough,” he said before slowly kneeling in front of Y/N.
She looked at him, Prince Sebastian, no, King Sebastian now, on one knee, holding up a glass shoe.
Her glass shoe.
“May I?” Bash cheekily said, before Y/N blushed, and pulled up her skirt just a bit to give Sebastian her leg.
Bash placed her foot in the shoe, and as a surprise to neither of them, it fit her perfectly. His eyes found hers instantly, a strong, confident look in his gaze.
“Can I now, finally, know your name?”
She laughed at that, a tear escaping her eye as she finally began to realise that her old life was coming to an end.
“Y/N Y/L/N,” she said as Sebastian’s eyes glossed over as well.
“Y/N,” Bash tried the name out on his tongue, and he liked how it sounded. He closed his eyes and shook his head, before looking at Y/N again with a new determination in his face.
“Y/N, would you please do me the honour of marrying me and making me the happiest man to ever walk this Earth? I promise to give everything in me to make you happy. To keep you safe. Please, just please, end my misery and come back to the castle with me. As my equal. As my Queen.”
Y/N fell on her knees in front of Bash, her tears falling on her cheeks, although she did not care for them at that moment. All she saw was Sebastian’s face near her as she started to nod and laugh.
“Yes?” Bash looked at Y/N with a hopeful gaze, placing his hands on either side of her face, and pulling her towards him.
Y/N closed her eyes, feeling Bash’s forehead on her own.
Time stopped then.
Sebastian pulled Y/N closer to himself and finally connected their lips. Magical was not even the word to begin to describe how it felt like. They were made for each other, of that, were they both certain. Y/N had never experienced anything like this before. His lips were so smooth and soft on her own that she let out a whimper. Bash smiled at that and Y/N followed. 
They both pulled away, grinning at each other.
“I love you,” Bash said, caressing Y/N’s face with his right hand.
“I love you,” Y/N said before Bash connected their lips again.
It was no surprise that the wedding of Y/N and Sebastian happened only a week after their first kiss. Y/N had moved into the castle immediately after Sebastian had caught her locked up in the storage room. Madam Deveraux was put to trial, for treating Y/N the way she had. Arabella and Isadora, although crude in their temper, were pardoned, but made to leave the country, effective immediately. 
As for Y/N and Sebastian?
Well, their story is just at the beginning, filled with sweet kisses and even sweeter memories.
“Do you have any idea how happy you’ve made me?” Bash asked as he held Y/N, his wife now, close to himself.
“Hmm, I can begin to imagine it’s something close to the way I feel,” Y/N chuckled and Sebastian laughed, finally taking a look at her.
Ethereal, he thought. She stood in front of him in their shared bedroom, still in her white gorgeous wedding gown.
Sebastian just shook his head, still in disbelief that his happily ever after was in his arms at last. He pulled Y/N closer and placed his lips on hers. The one of many kisses shared that night.
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themintsimmer · 8 months
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40+ must have mods for realistic gameplay | mintsimmer
hi tumblr! here's a list of all mods and cc mentioned in my most recent youtube video!
functional books:
functional magazines by largetaytertots
shadow work journal by kikovanity
all about love romance book by kikovanity
wellness journal by bbygyal123
default pencil override by vixonspixels
misc mods
phone overhaul by apricot rush
am/pm traditions by simwithshan
zoomers delivery plus by ONI
visible hidden needs mod by zerosims4mods
visible hidden needs watermate bottle recolor by yuroge
simley cup recolor by bbygyal123
functional blender / nutribullet (w recipes) by qmbibi
pet mods
playable pets by AOM
indoor potty mat by RVSN
dog leash recolor by vixonspixels
self care mods
functional body care by qmbibi
functional perfume by qmbibi
functional skincare by qmbibi
bathroom clutter kit becomes functional by cepzid creation
purchase spa day face masks from mirrors by llexsims
self manicure and pedicure mod by cepzid creation
functional hair brushes by janesimsten
H&B pro brew tea brewer by H&B
cleaning mods
brand new bedsheets by llazyneiph
pile of laundry override by largetaytertots
functional tidy pods by diabolicalsims
scrub father sponge override by apricot rush
cleaning spray override by largetaytertots
samsung vacuum by kikovanity
brighter mop by dudleystrailer
friendlier flora by seb
oil diffuser by RVSN
media mods
studio ghibli movie override by midnitehearts
better console games : ps5 edition (anime) by simmerwellpupper
turn on tv mod by mizoreyukii
pc game override by ebonix
aesthetic gaming collection by xxtinkerbell
functional nintendo switch lite by simmerkate
balance collection by bbygyal123
CAS mods
simfluencer cas background by largetaytertots
ts3 cas lighting mod by vyxated
more columns in cas by weerbesu
tidy cas by yourqueenofnightsims
224 notes · View notes
Dear Diary
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PAIRING | Sebastian Stan x Actress!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | You've had a crush on your co-worker Sebastian for as long as you can remember, and you often write about him in your diary. When you accidentally leave it in his trailer, he can't help but look into it, and find out about some fantasies you have about him.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Smut [ Nudes via text, video of male masturbation, daddy kink, praise kink, oral (M&F receiving), fingering, protected sex, squirting, nipple play, female masturbation, male masturbation, cum swallowing, use of a sex toy, little bit of aftercare ], swearing.
Likes and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💜
Main Masterlist | Sebastian Stan Masterlist
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You couldn't help but fantasize about your co-worker and good friend, Sebastian Stan. You have shot a few movies together and over time you have developed a pretty close relationship, which turned into more than just friendship on your side. Luckily for you, you've been keeping a journal since you were 16, and to this day you enjoy writing about your deepest, darkest fantasies, which are more often than not about Sebastian. Since the two of you started filming the movie 'Endings, Beginnings' together, you were practically fantasizing about him all day every day, making all of your scenes just that much more believable.
Dear Diary,
Shot another pretty hot scene with Seb today, we filmed a make-out session today. I'm wishing he would do the same with me every single time, but I'll take what I can get. Feeling his tongue slide against mine felt almost natural, and his hand brushing on my face gave me goosebumps. We have a few more spicy scenes coming up, and I can't wait.
Been thinking about him a lot more recently, especially since starting this movie. I'm thinking about maybe making a move soon, really need to get some good sex soon, otherwise, I'll crumple up like a sad leaf. Honestly, I can't stop thinking about Seb eating me out, and I'm not sure how much more I can take.
Shot another sex scene today, and it's harder to not let the lines blur. Need to make a move on him soon, so he can rail me like no one ever has before. Just got myself off by thinking how good it would feel to feel him inside me for real, wishing it were his fingers instead of my own. Need to let him ruin me soon.
Everything was fine and well, until Sebastian asked you to come to his trailer, saying he wanted to run some lines with you, before the next scene. You happily agreed and went over there, deciding to finish writing in your diary later. You slip it in your bag and walk to his trailer, softly knocking. ''Come in!'' he says and you open the door, smiling brightly at him. ''Hey Y/N, thanks for helping me out, I just can't seem to get into the flow of this scene for some reason, so I hope this will help,'' he said, smiling back at you. ''Yeah of course, I'm always happy to help,'' you say and you put your bag down. Sebastian got you something to drink and accidentally knocked over your bag, but neither of you noticed your diary slipping out.
You run your lines a few times and once Sebastian's comfortable with it, you get up and grab your bag, not noticing your diary is missing now. It slid under the couch you both were sitting on and when Sebastian closed the door of his trailer behind you, he found it, opening it without a second thought. He was thinking maybe it was his, but he didn't recognize the handwriting. He did recognize his very own name though, seeing it written many times on the pages, surrounded by your many fantasies. He read some of them and felt himself get hard almost instantly, he didn't know you had the same feelings for him as he did for you.
He had some time left before needing to shoot the next scene, so he decided to get himself off in the meantime, reading your sexiest fantasies about him to help him out. He quickly unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down to his thighs together with his underwear, leaving his hard, aching cock to spring free. He already started to leak from his tip, so he used some of the pre-cum as the lube to stroke himself, closing his fingers around himself and slowly starting to work his hand up and down his shaft. The more he read, the faster and needier his strokes became, even whining and moaning at the feeling when his climax crept up. Without much warning he came violently over his stomach and chest, feeling completely spent after reading what he has.
Now that he knew you wanted to make a move on him, he couldn't wait. He went back to set but didn't take your journal with him, he was going to give it back later and he was planning on fulfilling some of your dirtiest fantasies you wrote about. ''Hey Y/N, thanks again for helping me run lines earlier,'' he said when he spotted you and stood next to you, almost touching your arm with his. ''You're welcome Seb, always happy to help!'' you said with a bright smile, before walking away and going to talk to the director. The last scenes of the day were shot and the chemistry between the two of you seemed to have skyrocketed, much to the pleasure of the director. Little did he know, it's because Sebastian finally found out about you and your fantasies.
~ A few days later ~
Filming was on a short break so you enjoyed your few days of freedom by spending it at home with your cat, Hufflepuff. You have been a Harry Potter fan since you were a kid, and being a proud part of the Hufflepuff house, it seemed like the only logical name at the time. Nowadays, you shortened it to 'Puff', because she's just very soft and fluffy, looking like a puff sometimes. ''Hey Puff! How is my favorite girl doing?'' you asked when you opened the door when your roommate Lily walked into the living room. ''Hey babe, how's filming? Aren't you... supposed to be filming?'' she asked and you nodded. ''Got a few days off,'' you explained and Puff was weaving and rubbing herself between your legs.
''Also, I thought I was your favorite girl,'' Lily said faking her disappointment. ''You always will be my favorite, babe, you know that right?'' you said before pulling her in for a hug, you missed her too. You lived just outside of New York, but it was still a good hour and a half drive to where you were filming, so you usually stayed in a hotel near the filming location. ''Also, filming is going better than expected, Sebastian and I have a great connection, the director even said our chemistry was practically dripping off the screen, so I can only take that as a compliment,'' you tell her, not telling you're already dripping just thinking about him.
Just when Lily wanted to respond, your phone was buzzing with a text, and you saw it was from Sebastian. ''Ah, speak of the devil! He just texted me, actually,'' You tell her and you open the message. As soon as you open it you audibly gasp and almost drop your phone at the sight. It was a text saying ''I believe I found something that belongs to you'', with a picture of a naked Sebastian, barely covering his thick member with your journal. ''Oh my fucking god...'' you mumble to yourself before locking your phone and quickly making your way to your bedroom. ''What's going on?!'' Lily asked when she followed you, but you couldn't tell her.
''I-It's nothing,'' you tell her, but she doesn't believe you. ''Show me,'' she demanded, but you couldn't do that to Sebastian, he sent you that photo in private, you were not going to show her, but it did make you want to do unspeakable things. Your phone went off again, and Sebastian sent a video of himself this time, but you didn't dare to open it with Lily still in your presence. ''Oh, it's him again, isn't it? Now I want to know,'' she said and before you could react, she grabbed your phone out of your hands and opened the video, gasping loudly. Your sound was still on, and you heard Sebastian softly whining and moaning your name before Lily threw your phone on the bed, you didn't need to see what he sent to know exactly what it was. Sebastian was jerking himself off at the thought of you.
''PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE FUCKING HIM?!'' she practically yelled at you, she knew damn well about your crush on Sebastian, and she threw your phone to the side out of obligation to you, even though she wanted to see more of him. ''In the movie, yes, but you know what sex scenes in movies are like, so technically no,'' you shrug but your face does little to hide the deep crimson color that has spread from behind your ears down your neck and chest. Also, you're rubbing your thighs together to give yourself some friction, afraid you'll combust if you don't. ''Oh girl, you will be having some real sex REAL soon,'' she said with a smirk on her face.
After that, Lily left the room because she had to go to work, and you had the house to yourself, which you would take full advantage of right now. You waited a good 30 minutes after she left before making yourself comfortable on your bed, stripping down to just your underwear and grabbing your favorite vibrator to help yourself out. You grab your phone and click on the video of Sebastian masturbating, to help yourself get off too. When you pressed play, your room instantly filled with the same little whines and moans of your name as before, and you were already a dripping mess before even doing anything.
Not wanting to waste any time, you pushed your panties aside and swiped two fingers through your folds, feeling how soaked you were before softly starting to play with your clit. You softly rub it a few times before putting the same 2 fingers inside your pussy and softly fingering yourself, really enjoying the sounds coming from your phone, together with what you're seeing. You let out a few soft moans yourself and in a wave of horniness, you decide to record yourself getting off. You release your fingers from your pussy and pick up the vibrator, setting it on your desired setting and slowly rubbing over your clit before sliding it deep inside you. You moan a little more and start squirming, feeling your orgasm getting close.
This is the moment you start recording your voice to send back to Sebastian, letting him hear how you're getting off on his video. Your moans become needier and louder, ''Oh, Seb, fuck it feels good, am a good little slut for you,'' you moan when you turn your vibrator up a few notches, making your orgasm more intense than you're used to, but you didn't care. All you cared about was giving Sebastian exactly what he wanted to hear. ''Seb, fuck- gonna cum,'' is the last thing you moan before your orgasm washes over you, and you squirt all over your thighs and sheets, the vibrator being pushed out of you due to the power of your walls clenching down. ''Wan' you to make me squirt like I just did, Daddy,'' is the last thing you said before sending it to him.
All you got back as a response was a picture of Sebastian with a lot of cum all over his hand, stomach, and chest, showing you exactly what hearing you just did to him. Shortly after you get a text with an address from Seb, saying to meet him there ASAP. You look it up and it is still an hour's drive from your house, so tell him you'll be there in 2, giving yourself some time to shower and get ready. You decide to wear a sexy red lingerie set for him, showing off all your curves just the way you like. You throw a simple dress over it, knowing that won't matter and when you're ready, you walk out the door to make the drive over to the address he sent. You arrive there and park your car in the driveway.
~ 2 hours later ~
You take one more look at his message to ensure you're at the right address and when you confirm you are, you walk towards the front door and open a few buttons at the top of your dress, showing a bit of your lingerie and you ring the doorbell. When the door opens you let out a gasp of horror, because it's not Sebastian opening the door, but an elderly woman who you can only assume is his mother. ''Shit,'' you mumble before quickly closing the top of your dress, but you already know she's seen your lingerie. ''Can I help you?'' she asks with her Romanian accent shining through, you quickly assume this is her house, which is why she's here. ''Uh, I'm here for Sebastian, but if it isn't a good time I can come back,'' you quickly say, extremely embarrassed now.
''Seb, honey, there's someone here for you!'' she says into the house, and you hear Sebastian walking up to the front door. ''I've got it from here Mom, thank you,'' he says and she walks back into the house, and he doesn't even attempt to hide checking you out, doing it openly. ''Fuck, I can't wait to see what you're wearing underneath, baby,'' he says as he grabs your hand, and your dress falls open again, revealing the top part of your lingerie, hugging your breasts nicely. Sebastian lets out a little gasp, and you don't need to look down to know he's hard as a rock right now, almost achingly so. Without saying anything else he drags you into the house and up to his bedroom, where he doesn't take much time to take your dress off.
''Jesus fucking Christ, you're gonna be the death of me in a fucking outfit like this,'' he said as he took a step back to fully take in your red lingerie. ''You like it, Daddy?'' you ask, taking your bottom lip between your teeth and giving him a sensual look filled with lust. ''You're even sexier than I imagined...'' he said as he walked over to you, already taking off his shirt and throwing it on the floor beside him. You thought he would manhandle you and be rough, but he was the complete opposite, but you wouldn't mind either way. You've been in some relationships where you partook in BDSM, so you can handle a lot, even though you've left that life behind since your last relationship. Sebastian going nice and slow is exactly what you need right now.
He placed one hand on your cheek, and his other hand on your hip whilst looking into your eyes for permission to kiss you. ''Seb, I need you to kiss me, please,'' you ask him, your submissive side slowly slipping back into place, just like it never left. And with that, he softly placed his lips on yours, and you could tell he wanted to savor every single second of it as if he was afraid that you'd evaporate if he went too fast or rough. You let out a soft moan at his gentle touches, and you snake your arms around his neck, pulling him closer softly. The hand on your hip slowly starts to wander around and stroking you on every single inch of skin he could reach, and he opened his mouth to slide his tongue against yours, asking for permission to enter. You happily grant it and his tongue slips inside, stroking yours with a tenderness you've never felt before.
When your hands move away from his neck and down his chest, he can't help but softly groan when your hands graze over his nipples, noticing how sensitive he is there. You pull away from him and can't help but give him a soft smile, ''Someone's sensitive,'' you say before lowering your head to his nipple, grazing it with your teeth and sucking on it a little bit, giving the other one a bit of a rougher treatment by pinching and rolling it between your fingers. This earns you a deep groan and he can feel his cock twitch at the sensations, but he welcomes it. You switch to his other nipple and now tug and pinch the one you just sucked on and grazed, making them both hard for you. ''Now I'm not the only one with hard nipples,'' you joke as you come back up, attaching your mouth to his again.
This time it is Sebastian's turn to play with your nipples, but first, his arms make their way around your back, unclasping the bra and pulling it off your shoulders, throwing it in the same direction as his shirt earlier. Your breasts are extra sensitive now, and your pussy is already soaking wet, but you're both enjoying this soft foreplay way too much to go any faster, you want to completely get lost in each other's touches and sounds. He grabs both your breasts at the same time and toys with your nipples a little bit, earning him a deep moan from you, and your knees are starting to buckle a little under his gentle touches. ''Seb, please...'' you say, not sure what you're asking for but he seems to understand it without needing an explanation.
He lets go of your breasts for now, and he grabs the backs of your thighs, lifting you and wrapping your legs around his waist. He walks to the wall behind you, trapping you between his muscular body and the wall so he can continue his earlier actions, as well as kiss you again. ''You're sensitive too, baby, it makes me so hard for you,'' he mumbles in your ear before softly biting on your earlobe, earning him another moan. He kisses down your neck and finds your sensitive spot above your collarbone, all the while he keeps pinching and tugging on your sensitive nipples until they're hard. He keeps this up and you can feel your orgasm coming closer already. ''Seb, need to cum,'' you tell him and he keeps doing what he's doing now.
It doesn't take long after that before you're a complete and utter mess in his arms, cumming from just him playing with your nipples, but it is still a great orgasm nevertheless. ''Doing so good for me baby, such a good girl for Daddy,'' he whispers and you can feel your pussy practically dripping all over him at this point. ''Wanna make you cum now, Daddy,'' you say and he happily complies, walking to the bed and setting you down first, so you can take off his pants and underwear to suck him off. When you pull down his boxer briefs his big cock springs free against his abdomen, and you audibly gasp, you didn't expect him to be THIS big, the picture and video he sent earlier definitely did not do any justice to his length in width.
''Such a beautiful cock for me to suck on, Daddy,'' you say before wrapping your hand around it and he throws his head back into his neck, reveling in the pleasure you're giving him already. You lick a stripe from the bottom of his shaft up to his tip before taking him into your mouth, swallowing him whole on the first go and suddenly Sebastian has never been so glad that someone doesn't have a gag reflex. His hips buck into you automatically at the feeling earning you a deep groan from his chest, and he grabs your hair, so he can ground himself a little bit. You start bobbing your head up and down while sucking and playing with his balls, already feeling how heavy they are.
''Gonna cum down your throat, baby, swallow it all like the slut you are for Daddy,'' he gritted through his teeth as he started fucking your face, chasing his high that is inching closer with every thrust. You take everything you give him and when you lock eyes with him, he gives you one more moan before spilling all his cum in the back of your throat. ''Such a good girl for me, swallowing my cum deep down your throat like the perfect slut you are,'' he says with a grin on his face. You swallow every last drop and when he pulls out, you show him your tongue so he can see you did indeed swallow all of it. ''Hm, perfect baby, but now it's my turn to see how dripping wet this little pussy of yours is,''.
You move back on his bed and Sebastian takes his pants and underwear off completely, so he is completely bare in front of you, and you would be lying if you said you weren't drooling over him right now. He sits down on his knees on the edge of the bed, gliding his hands from your ankles up to your thighs, stroking them and moving to the inside, leaning down too to get his face dangerously close you where you're soaked, and where you need him most right now. ''Seb, need you...'' you whine a little bit and he grins up at you, before ripping your panties off. ''I'll get you new ones, don't worry,'' he said before dipping down and licking from your entrance up to your mound, getting an almost pornographic moan out of you at that point.
''Fucking hell, baby, you sound so good for me baby, sound like the perfect slut for Daddy,'' he said and it made your back arch, his praises only making you want to cum even faster. He kept licking and sucking on your pussy and your clit, as well as tongue fucking you as deep as he can go inside your entrance. Your hands have found their way into his hair, and are tugging it more and harder the closer you come to your next orgasm. ''More, need more,'' you whimper and Sebastian happily complies, sliding 2 thick fingers into your entrance at once making you moan his name over and over. ''Oh Daddy, gonna cum,'' is all the warning you give before you come violently around his fingers and on his tongue, squirting all over his face while he laps up every last drop he possibly can. ''Good fucking girl,'' Sebastian praises you before climbing over you and shoving his tongue into your mouth so you can taste yourself.
''I need to feel you so bad, baby, wanna feel your cunt around my hard cock,'' he whispers in your ear and you happily agree, not able to form words at this point but nodding enthusiastically. ''Ah, can't talk anymore? Already dumb from Daddy's tongue and fingers fucking you?'' he asks and you can't help but nod. ''Get on your hands and knees for Daddy, so I can fuck that tight pussy of yours until you squirt all over my cock,'' he says as he manhandles you onto your hands and knees this time, but you're ready instantly for him. ''Need Daddy...'' you whine as he grabs a condom out of his nightstand and rips open the packet, quickly rolling it onto his hard member and swiping the tip of it through your folds to lube it up even more.
''Ready baby?'' he asks and you nod, so Sebastian puts his cock at your entrance, slowly pushing in until he bottoms out. ''Such a tight cunt for me, my fucking god, you feel amazing baby, doing so good for Daddy,'' he said and your knees almost gave out at his praise, so he held you up by grabbing your hips, and he slowly started thrusting. He wasn't in a hurry or anything, he took his time slowly dragging his cock in and out of your soaking cunt, enjoying every second of it. You start clenching around him a little, and this is when he picks up his pace, snaking his arm around you to toy with your clit. Your arms are completely giving out now so you lay your head and chest on the bed, so Sebastian can reach the deepest parts inside you that make you see stars and all you can do is become a moaning and whimpering mess underneath him.
''Gonna cum for me again, baby? Wanna cum together with Daddy?'' he asks and you whimper your answer, trying to get out something that sounds similar to 'yes Daddy' and that is when he quickly thrust into you with an animalistic pace, he needs to come inside you, but he also needs to make you fall apart around his cock one more time. He folds himself over your back as he keeps thrusting hard and rubbing your clit, before you know it you're coming undone and all you can scream out is his name, squeezing your cock out of your cunt involuntary when you squirt again, this time even more than the last and the bed and Sebastian are soaked. With three more hard thrusts, he finally comes after burying himself deep inside you. When he has completely ridden out both of your orgasms, he slowly pulls out and lets himself fall onto the bed next to you.
''Such a good little slut for me, squirting for me like that. Wish I'd found your journal earlier, wanted to fuck you for months now,'' he said with a smile and a dreamy voice, thinking about what just happened. You're still not able to talk properly, so you just cuddle up to Sebastian for some post-sex cuddles. ''That was amazing, doll. We should do this again if you want to,'' he says and you nod. ''Want to,'' you mumble before almost falling asleep. ''Shall we take a bath together? We can relax in there and you can sleep in my arms there,'' he offers and you nod, letting out a content sigh. He got up and wrapped you around him like a koala bear, so he could run a bath for the both of you. When it was done, you had fallen asleep against his chest with your head on his shoulder, and he couldn't help but smile when he got in the bath.
When the bath was done and you had woken up again, you could finally talk again. ''Thank you for everything, Seb. I've been wanting to do that for quite a while now,'' you say with a chuckle. ''Oh, believe me, I know. You don't know half of how glad I am I happened to find your journal,'' he said before pulling you closer to him. ''I did want to discuss what we are though. Are we together, or is this more of a friends-with-benefits situation?'' he asks, a bit unsure. ''I'd like to be together, wanna be yours if you'll have me,'' you say with a big smile. ''I'd be glad to call you my girl,'' he said with a proud grin on his face. He kissed you on the top of your head before snuggling close to you as you both fall into a deep slumber.
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