#sebson drabble
iglooracing · 1 year
sebchal, sebson, martian - sebtirement 🥹
oh a writing AND emotions challenge haha i love it, thank you! i very very briefly considered putting all of these into one fic bUT also very very quickly decided against that. 3 sebtirement drabbles coming right up! sebson and martian below the cut.
send me a pairing and a festive prompt for a 10 sentence drabble?
// sebchal //
“i’m not sure that’s such a good idea,” charles says as he watches seb reach for the bottle of tequila, again.
“why not?” seb asks with an exaggerated pout.
“how many shots have you had tonight?” charles retorts.
seb just shrugs and takes a swig right from the bottle, so charles reaches out and tries to pull it back.
“that’s why!” charles says as seb giggles.
charles can’t help but laugh with him at how happy and carefree seb is right now, even though for him it still feels a bit more bitter than sweet.
“you’re staring,” seb muses as he leans closer into charles on the couch.
“i am,” charles agrees. “it is hard not to.”
seb blushes, and charles isn’t quite sure if it’s the alcohol or his compliment, but it makes him smile wider regardless.
charles only stops staring because seb leans in to kiss the smile right off his face.
// sebson //
“alright, so, i know you said no retirement gifts,” jenson says as he enters the living room.
“i did,” seb replies without looking up as he dog ears a page of the sustainable farming book he’s been reading.
“yes, you did,” jenson replies. “but i didn’t break the bank for this and i think you’ll like it.”
“oh really?” seb asks, still focused on his book.
“mmmm yup, i really do,” jenson replies as he grabs the book out of seb’s hands and places it pages down on the coffee table.
“hey! i was in the middle of a paragraph, jense!” seb whines. “you’re so annoyi-“
his complaint gets stuck when he sees that jenson is holding a small cake that says ‘welcome to the old geezers club’ and he starts laughing instead.
“annoyingly sweet,” seb says as he leaps off the couch to wrap his arms around jenson’s neck to pull him in for a kiss.
“oy, sebi, watch the cake!” jenson cries as the cake is almost squished between them.
“oh shut up,” seb murmurs as he takes a bit of cake in his hand and shoves it into jensons mouth with a laugh against his cheek.
// martian //
as they’re walking away down the paddock from the interview, mark wraps an arm around seb’s shoulder and pulls him in closer.
“i think that may have been our last interview together ever,” seb muses. he doesn’t even stumble as he fits under mark’s arm and mark’s stomach flips when seb laughs quietly as they fall in step.
“oh, never say never,” mark chides as he pinches at seb’s ear. “you could always come back to racing.”
seb giggles and mark is sure he sees a blush rising on his cheeks.
“oh, i don’t know about that,” seb replies, and his voice is more serious than mark would like.
“so what’s next, huh?” mark asks, hoping he doesn’t sound too hopeful. “you really don’t have any idea what you want to do now?”
seb hums and mark watches as he tucks a stray curl behind his ear.
“i remember hearing something about a glass of red,” seb teases, but he bites his lip as he looks up at mark through his lashes. “if that offer still stands?”
mark takes in a breath before smiling back at him. “your room or mine?”
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f1-birb · 9 months
Headcanons from shifter au? :)
I don't have any atm, a lot of them @f1-disaster-bi has been posting because we discuss shifters au on the daily, buuuuuut....
I have got a new au that is shifters inspired featuring baby snow leopard shifter Lando who gets adopted by snow leopard sebson
Jenson hums softly, a tune he can't put a name to but is sure must have come from the radio, drying the dishes that Sebastian hands to him. It's wonderfully domestic, as it always has been, but the soft patter of paws behind them is new.
Jenson sees Seb smile as the footsteps get closer, just behind them, then back off again. They both tense at the little thump, knowing how easy fluffy feet can slip, but the pattering starts up again quickly and there was no yelp.
Sebastian finishes the washing up, leaving the last few plates and the cutlery in the drainer for Jenson to dry, disappearing to set up the living room for movie night.
He hums the same song again, stuck on the one section he knows, when he hears the padding of feet again. Jenson smiles, feels the pull in his cheeks, before wincing when he feels tiny claws sink into his leg. The pinpricks of pain climb their way higher, a panicked little whine when one set of claws suddenly disappear for a moment, and then he's pushing away from the kitchen counter.
The leopard cub settles in his arms, and Jenson wastes no time in pulling him higher into a more comfortable position. Lando starts to purr, chuffing softly before it steadies into a constant rumble.
Jenson blinks down in awe, sees big blue-green eyes blinking back at him sleepily. He snuggles Lando in closer, presses his nose against the little pink triangle that is Lando's and then laughs while wiping his mouth where his cub licked him.
He hears a soft noise behind him and turns slowly, careful not to jostle Lando, and sees Seb leaning against the door jamb with shining eyes and a slightly trembling lower lip.
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f1-disaster-bi · 3 months
I've stolen @f1-birb's Sebson Driver Dads au for this TikTok inspire drabble
"See?", Sebastian grinned, dusting his hands off as he glanced at Jenson, "It wasn't that hard. The crib was harder to build" Jenson looked up from where he had been reading the baby book to Lando as their eight month old sat in his lap. Their little one was babbling away and pointing to random things as if he understood what they were. Occasionally, he looked up at Jenson as if to ask his Dad if he was right before going back to pointing. "Oh? Is it finished?", Jenson asked as he dropped a kiss on Lando's little curls. Sebastian pointed with pride towards the baby gate that was now installed between the hallway and their living room where they were. Lando had started to crawl a couple of weeks ago, and he was fast. They had been surprised at how fast he actually was until Sebastian was darting down the hall to catch their giggling baby before he made a break towards the stairs. It truly was amazing to see. Jenson had never expected to be so in awe of another human being until they had had Lando. Sure, they were young, and they hadn't planned on having on having a little one so soon after admitting their attraction but Jenson would never regret this. How could he when his beautiful little boy was in his lap, little arms stretched out as he reached for his Papa as Sebastian rumbled proudly. "Look at you", Jenson grinned, "Big strong alpha providing for his family" "Stop teasing", Sebastian rolled his eyes and plucked Lando out of his arms, and Jenson just took a moment to watch them as Sebastian blew a raspberry on Lando's cheek, "Now to test it" Jenson stood up, dusting off his pants and settling the book on the couch as Sebastian placed Lando on the ground. Lando crawled over to the gate which at the bottom was a little off the ground making Jenson frown as he looked at it. Lando seemed to consider it, stopping short of banging his head off the baby gate. He lifted a curios hand, face determined as he babbled and patted it. "I was worried it was a little off the ground, but it seems to be working at containing the menace", Jenson smiled as he turned to Sebastian and gave the alpha a kiss. Sebastian smiled into it until a giggle had them looking back at their son only to watch as Lando was halfway under the gate. He was flat on his stomach and giggling as he wiggled under the gate and into the hallway. He gave them a surprised look before he started giggling again and began to crawl down the hallway. "Oh my god", Sebastian panicked, and immediately tried to open the gate and failed. He resorted to trying to get over the gate but he had installed it a little too high for him to comfortably clear it while wearing tight jeans, "Jenson! Help! He's escaping!" Jenson, did not help. Instead he all but collapsed to the ground in tears of laughter as Lando sat at the other end of the hallway, waving at Sebastian who was trying to get over the baby gate that wouldn't open and trying to coax Lando back towards them while Lando giggled and babbled away.
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nyan-koii · 4 months
I’m thinking of writing a seb/jenson fic where seb is like really really embarrassed during sex, like he can barely handle it because repression due to yada yada, Jenson then tries to help him by dirty talk, praise, encourage seb to make the first move etc
Idk if it should be a 5+1 thing (5 times Jenson made the first move 1 time seb did) or if I should just make Jenson really humiliating and poking fun at him which results in Sebastian wanting to crawl into himself ?
Idk if it should be like a 10k+ fic with plot and angst and all or just pure smut TwT
(Also, same person as sebmarkson anon lol!)
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HIII SMS ANONNN i hope you're doing well 🥰 miss seeing you in my inbox but youre here and that matters !!
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A sebson 5 + 1 FIC WITH VIRGIN SEB WHO IS SHY AND REPRESSED ABOUT HIMSELF AND FLIRTY JENSON WHO IS TRYING TO PUSH HIM OUT OF HIS SHELL???? 😳😳😳😳😳 i think you might just come here to drop the most insane fic idea ever in the sebson tag anon !!
Hmmm if i were to give my opinion, 5 + 1 fic is much better tbh!! It gives you the in depth of what theyre, what jenson is, doing to make sure seb is comfortable and plus much much more scenarios ! Sure a oneshot could work but writing it will be hard to connect the plot instead of doing drabbles and somehow links to one another ! But its just my humble opinion anon
Seb crying 🥺?? Seb crying because hes shy and he thinks that jenson will find him weird because of the kinks he has but jenson is all hard when seb tells him that?? Oughhh dear god i can see how the angst is working out on here. Jenson who genuinely loves seb and wants the best for him but seb who is hiding the real him away from the man he love in order to not make him feel disgusted when he sees the real seb. Gnawing ony my fist right now, im gonna think about this.
It can be a porn with plot fic ngl but i do love 5 + 1 fic more because its simple but also have many scenarios put together
I wonder how will seb react to jenson telling him that what he has is perfectly normal? Gosh seb would call him daddy in the smallest tiniest voice ever and jenson couldnt help but to coo and tell him to do it more. Seb trembling in excitement but also fear when hes getting blindfolded. Jenson humiliating seb when the boy makes the first move. My brain is exploding anon ggawhm... i need this rn.... im gonna think of it for the next few days
Sobby seb 🥺🥺 yea i get where youre coming from. Sobby seb is one of the cutest seb genre and needs to be paid more attention!!
And OMG ANON SHSHHSHSHSH HELP MEEE 🤣🤣dont worry, ur not alone i do it too. i wish i was mark webber too.... at the very least i wish i was the fly on the wall whenever sebmark is in the same room :(
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lfcrobbo · 2 years
oh my beloved!!! i really really like sebson. third fav seb pairing (after charlie and lewis). i think they are very. fond of each other. especially NOW, there's just soooo much softness in the way they interact and i'm a sucker for that!! also jenson is very very charming in a classic way, and then seb is charming in his own. seb way.
there's def not enough fic:( but i kind of get it bc i don't really. have a lot of fic ideas for them. i do still sometimes think about my charles/seb seb/jenson love triangle fic (mini drabble here) and think huh. this really really should exist. maybe one day!!!
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jensonsbuttons · 3 years
hmmm can't believe i wrote something again after all these years :///
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theianitor · 5 years
Drabble time! Inspo word was “deserve”. Under a squiggly line it goes!
Sebastian is straddling Jenson’s hips, their arms around each other, and they are kissing. They’ve been kissing forever.
Kimi didn’t like the relationship at first. Seb is his friend and he doesn’t want to see him hurt. Jenson was a risk. He’s proved himself though. Jenson’s alright. They’re smiling while kissing, their eyes full of love. Jenson practically worships Seb.
“It’s like they’re going for a record.” Nico says disgustedly, glancing at the couple on the couch who have stopped kissing to just look at each other again. Kimi silently agrees, it’s nauseatingly sweet... but no less than Seb deserves.
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thepagemistress · 7 years
I...I don’t remember writing this? Or, I do a little bit. But I just randomly found it so figured I’d post it in case I never did. I think it’s from like two years ago!
Cataglottism - Kissing with tongue
Sebastian had instigated the hungry kiss, wriggling into Jenson’s lap with a playful smile on his lips and with the full intention of turning the Brit to putty in his hands.
That intention went clean out the window the moment Jenson’s hands slid slowly up Sebastian’s thighs, causing him to suck in a breath and put him on the backfoot in an instant. That was all Jenson needed to turn the tables.
What had started as a heated make-out session quickly turned into something more intimate, more indulgent as he tempered Seb’s eagerness, caressing his thighs but otherwise remaining perfectly still as their lips slid against each other. He felt Sebastian’s hands curled into his shirt, no longer tugging and insistent but still keeping him close.
Before Sebastian could start to fidget or try to get the upper hand once more, Jenson swiped a tongue over Sebastian’s bottom lip and couldn’t stop a flicker of a smile as the German practically melted into him, a pleased little moan slipping out as he tilted his head waiting for more. Not demanding, not taking…waiting.
Jenson tilted his head back, sliding his tongue into Sebastian’s mouth and thrilled in the way Sebastian just submitted. He could feel the fingers digging into his shoulders where it felt like Seb was clutching on to him for dear life and it just fueled the fire that was building inside of him. His own grip on Seb’s thighs increased as he dragged him closer, swallowing the gasp that got lost between them as he continued to take and take. Sebastian’s tongue would briefly slide across his own before retreating and letting Jenson set the pace which rapidly started to get a bit out of hand.
The need for oxygen forced him to break away and he groaned at the sight in front of him. Sebastian looked punch drunk, his shiny blue eyes now almost black and unfocused as he stared back at Jenson, his hair somehow sticking up in all directions despite the fact Jenson’s hands hadn’t moved above his waist. He was breathing heavily through wet, swollen lips and Jenson licked his own subconsciously, already wanting another taste.
But now he had priorities. Namely moving away from the sofa and into the bedroom. He slapped Sebastian’s thigh, jerking him out of his reverie. “Get off.”
“I’m trying to,” Sebastian said, still looking half dazed but clearly not enough to impede that stellar wit.
Jenson knew he shouldn’t encourage him but it was too late to stop the grin. “How about trying it somewhere else? Say, with a mattress and pillows. And lube.”
Sebastian didn’t need telling twice.
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vetteldixon · 3 years
hiii, I was wondering if u could do a sebson or Sebastidan fic if ur choice, maybe some angst, some fluff, but anything with them ships. x
i'm flattered to get this ask considering i've published exactly one finished drabble and a snippet of a WIP
but i suspect you've confused me with somebody else????? (especially somebody who has said they're taking requests)
but that being said this might get my gears turning
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iglooracing · 1 year
If you still take prompts:
Sebson + gingerbread or family (or both!🎄)
hi! i am still taking prompts, thank you for sharing this one :)) this idea is adorable and i will absolutely be trying to mix both prompts. i feel i could write more than 10 sentences but i will stick to my rule!!
send me a pairing and a festive prompt for a 10 sentence drabble?
jenson smiles fondly over at seb’s look of concentration as he works, tongue poking out from between his teeth, and his grin widens when he notices the icing on seb’s chin.
“sweetheart, can you pass me the blue icing please?” jenson asks again.
seb passes him the blue without looking up and jenson laughs at how serious seb is taking decorating because of course he is.
“who are you making?” jenson asks as he leans in to examine seb’s work closer. there’s some brown hair, what looks like a race suit, and what jenson would call a ‘cheeky grin’.
“guess,” seb teases, finally looking up at jenson.
“whoever he is, he looks very handsome and he’s probably a great boyfriend,” jenson replies as he lifts a hand up to wipe the icing off of seb’s chin with his thumb.
seb rolls his eyes and before jenson can pull his hand away, he grabs hold of jenson’s wrist and licks the icing off of jenson’s thumb himself.
“he’s not bad,” seb teases back with a wink and jenson scoffs, but it definitely feels a lot warmer in the room.
“thanks for the compliment,” jenson replies sarcastically as he starts using the blue icing and seb laughs.
“and who are you making?” seb asks as he looks over at jenson’s cookie.
“isn’t it obvious?” jenson asks as he gestures to the gingerbread man with bright yellow curly hair, blue eyes, and a green race suit.
“ohhh, i see it now,” seb says as he nods. “it’s nico.”
jenson barks out a laugh and hooks an arm around seb’s neck to bring him in and press a kiss into his messy curls.
“it looks good, jense,” seb admits. “i’ve never looked better.”
“mm, our little gingerbread family,” jenson muses as he adds a little red heart over ginger-seb’s race suit.
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iglooracing · 1 year
hello! for the prompt may I request sebson + christmas gifts mishap? thank you :)
hey! oh absolutely, i love this idea!! these two would definitely put so much thought behind their gifts, but also go with the flow should anything go awry :’)
send me a pairing and a festive prompt for a 10 sentence drabble?
“uhh, seb… is this really what you ordered for mick’s christmas gift?” jenson asks, raising an eyebrow and trying not to laugh as he reads the ‘festive’ message.
seb gives him a confused look, that bottom lip that jenson loves to bite so much coming out in a cute pout.
“what do you mean? it’s one of those popular knit sweaters with a santa on it, isn’t it?”
“uhh, sort of?” jenson replies, his voice breaking off into a fit of giggles as he turns the sweater around for seb to read: it does have an image of santa, but it also has sillouhettes of what are unmistakably naked women and the message ‘santa loves his ho ho hos.’
“wh-what?” seb gasps as he reaches for the sweater. “that is definitely not what i ordered! i told you i should have bought something local in person instead!”
jenson nearly doubles over laughing now as seb’s face keeps going back and forth from a look of annoyance to a look of pure shock.
“i guess you won’t be giving this to mick, huh?” jenson asks as he takes the sweater back from seb.
“no, i won’t,” seb sighs. “what a waste.”
“well, sweetheart, not necessarily,” jenson replies with a cheeky grin before he pulls the sweater over his head.
“so, are you santa in this scenario, or one of his ho ho hos?” seb asks with a smirk as he snakes his arms around jenson’s neck.
“cheeky,” jenson teases back. “watch it or santa will put you on the naughty list!”
“ohhh, i better watch out,” seb sing-songs to the tune of santa claus is coming to town.
“be good, for goodness sake,” jenson mutters back before he leans in to nip at seb’s bottom lip and then shut him up with a kiss.
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f1-birb · 1 year
Slipping through my fingers- ABBA
Basically similar plot as was in Mamma mia but instead of Dona and Sophie it’s Lando and Seb and Jenson when they help him to wear a helmet before his first proper qualification in F1
Amd for dinner veggies fries with good dip
Slipping Through My Fingers
The pride welling in his chest threatens to overwhelm him, and Seb can feel the burning behind his eyelids as he blinks back the sudden build up of tears.
He's not meant to be in the McLaren garage, not really and neither is Jenson, but they're pulling the strings they can to be here. They're fifteen minutes out from the first qualifying session of the season, more importantly they're fifteen minutes out from Lando's first ever qualifying session now that he's in Formula 1.
Their son is finishing getting ready to get in the car, offering Fernando a small smile as he passes, Jon making sure he has everything, and Seb still can't believe that this is happening. Their boy - their brilliant, incredible boy - is all grown up and in their sport at only seventeen, ready to put in the work and show the world he's more than just his last name.
Seb tightens his grip on Lando's helmet, suddenly reluctant to hand it over. Jenson's fingers curl over his own, and the burning comes back with a vengeance. He knows Jenson isn't ready for this either, not for both of them to be in the sport, and not for Lando to do this. He's their pup, their baby, and while they know he's fully capable, they're his parents, they're allowed to want to cling to the last moments before they have to let him go.
He feels Jenson nose against the back of his neck, and he hears the little rumble he gives in response. Then Lando's looking at him, eyes bright and grin wide, and he's rarely ever been still, not while awake, but now it's like he's supercharged with energy.
"Kinda need my helmet, Papa, can't get in the car without it."
Seb blinks and feels Jenson shift behind him, letting him move forward. He holds the helmet up, pulling it away from Lando's hands where they reach for it. "Let me? Please?"
There must be something in his voice because the stubborn little furrow in Lando's brows smooths instantly, his head tipping forward so that Seb can help wrestle the helmet on.
When Lando steps back, he's transported back fifteen years in an instant.
He's leaning against the doorframe, just hidden, and watching as Lando picks out a helmet from the large collection. He's biting back a chuckle as Jenson helps their toddler put it on, holding him steady as he adjusts to the weight. He's crouching to catch his son as Lando propels towards him, led by the weight of the helmet, and he's standing there as Lando proudly proclaims that his Papa's is his favourite.
He's snapped out of it when Lando calls for him, and the flashes of memories - Lando's first karting race, his first championship win, his first single seater, his son's beaming face as he signs his first F1 contract - all rush past him in a blur until he's left in the present.
"Bärchen." He says softly, and Lando falls into his arms. He feels Jenson join the hug, and he rests his cheek against Lando's helmet. "I wish you wouldn't grow up so fast."
Lando laughs and it sounds a little wet. "Have to some time, Papa."
"I know."
"We're so proud of you Lanno, so proud."
"Thanks, Dad. I love you guys."
"We love you too, bärchen. Now get out there, can't miss your first qualifying." Seb pulls away first, as reluctant as he is, tapping the top of his son's head gently.
"See you for the top three photo." Lando comments cheekily, and they can see his eyes crinkle at the edges before he's ushered by Jon to get in the car.
(Seb's never been prouder than when he stands in the middle of Lewis and his son after a hectic and shocking Q3.)
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f1-birb · 1 year
Test anon here again,
It'd be cute if you had any more baby Lando snippets you'd be willing to share? I always find those stories adorable!
you got it, sorry it took me a while 😅
Lando's voice is a little hoarse but that does nothing to stop him babbling away with Mick.
The two of them are still running on adrenaline, the highs of a good performance and a victory, and Jenson shares a fond look with his Mate when Lando nearly trips in his excitement and trying to keep up with Mick's longer legs.
"Careful, bärchen." Seb brushes his hand through Lando's curls as he passes by, both of the pups running circles around them as they cross the car park.
Jenson holds the door open for them all, a little chorus of 'thank you's as they shuffle past, and Seb herds the boys over to a booth while Jenson goes to ask for a menu or two.
Lando struggles to climb onto the well-cushioned leather seat, but before Seb can help him Mick is there, letting Lando step on his hands to give him a little boost. It warms his heart every time he watches Mick just do the little things to give Lando the independence while still helping him out.
Once Lando's on the seat, Mick scoots in on the opposite, popping up to sit on his heels so that he can lean across the table easily. Jenson joins them then, a menu and two activity sheets in hand as he slides in next to Lando, and Seb takes the box of crayons from him to set them between the boys.
Ice cream is quickly decided on, Lando going for what can only be described as an Oreo mess and Mick opting for a sickeningly sweet sounding chocolate fudge brownie mountain. Seb himself chooses something he and Jenson can share, knowing his Mate will eat just about anything and not complain. He also knows Jenson will more than likely end up finishing Lando's ice cream too.
Seb gets up to place their order and pay, getting himself a coffee as well to keep him awake for the long drive home, and he laughs when he gets back to the table. Lando is in Jenson's lap, his bony little knees digging into his husband's thighs if his face is anything to go by, and Mick is cheerfully recounting his winning final lap on the blank side of the activity sheet, little blobs of colour marking out what he assumes are the other karts.
The next half an hour is filled with giggling and sticky hands, ice cream hitting cheeks and shirts and the table and Seb's face hurts from smiling by the time the sugar crash hits. Mick ducks under the table, climbing up onto the bench seat next to Lando, and Seb snaps a quick picture of the pair. Their cheeks are smushed together, Mick's arm tight around Lando, and they're both a mess of ice cream, crumbs and sprinkles.
Seb can't even bring himself to care that there's no chance of him ever getting that stain out of Lando's t-shirt.
He reaches into his bag, bringing out the wet wipes, and he's sure it's the waning adrenaline and creeping exhaustion that has both pups sitting perfectly still as their hands and faces are wiped clean. Drooping eyelids blink back at him lazily and he knows the two are crashing hard after a day of excitement. He stands, quickly scooping Mick up and letting Jenson keep hold of their son, and leads the way back to the car.
Jenson expertly gets them both strapped into their car seats, taking off their trainers and readjusting clothes to be more comfortable. Seb hears him muttering, a triumphant little 'aha', and then watches in the rear view mirror as he slips a neck pillow around each of the pup's, gently tipping their head back up to rest on them properly.
The drive home is quiet, the low hum of whatever radio station Jenson's switched on just loud enough to cover the quiet snores coming from the backseat.
Every now and then there's the sound of something tapping against metal, and the two of them share a smile as they remember they have two podium sitters fast asleep behind them.
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f1-birb · 1 year
just baby lando with his first plate of spaghetti in the sebson drivers au
and it’s so cute and he makes such a big mess, sauce around his little mouth and little spaghetti bits all around his chair and probably in his curls as well
sorry it's taken a while but here it is!
“Are you sure this was a good idea?” Seb laughs, leaning against the doorframe to the kitchen.
Jenson glares at him over his shoulder but there's no real heat behind it. He watches his mate turn back to their son, Lando for once happily strapped into his highchair.
At least he thinks it's Lando, it's a little hard to tell with how much tomato sauce is smeared across his face.
They'd tried spaghetti. Tried being the key word since, judging by the small pieces of pasta scattered around the base of the highchair and across the tray table, he's not sure how much of said spaghetti actually ended up in Lando’s mouth.
Seb tries not to laugh too loudly as Jenson pulls a long strand of the pasta from Lando’s curls, muttering the whole time about messy pups.
Lando slaps a hand down on the mess in front of him, half bitten-half cut up pieces of spaghetti jumping up, some spilling onto the floor. The pup giggles, repeating the action until his hand is grabbed gently. “Da?”
“Yeah, bärchen?”
Seb loves the slight way that Jenson’s accent butchers the pet name.
“Mmmmm.” Lando hums, and it pulls another laugh from Seb as he crosses the kitchen to find the baby wipes.
“Was that nice?” Jenson asks, scooping the spaghetti pieces into a pile at the edge of the tray on Lando’s highchair.
“Uh huh!” Their son chirps, grinning at them, the orange stain making chubby cheeks appear even rounder.
“Are you sure?” Seb’s chest warms at the teasing tone behind Jenson’s feigned confusion. “Did you actually eat any of it? I’m pretty sure there's more on the floor than in your tummy, bärchen.”
Lando’s little giggle is like music, “Nice, Da.”
“I'll have to take your word for it, now are you gonna let Papa wipe your face so we get our Lando back and not an orange monster?”
Their boy is well behaved as usual, sitting still as Seb moves in to wipe his cheeks and hands. Seb starts with those tiny fingers, knowing if he doesn't they're risking more stains.
Lando stares at him, eyes big and full of a cheekiness that is all Jenson, and he smiles back before startling. Jenson is laughing behind him, and he knows the noise he just made was the least alpha he's ever sounded.
“Did you give Papa a kiss, Lanno?”
Seb laughs, giving up on the wipes and pressing more kisses all over their pup's face just to hear him giggling again. When he pulls back, he looks at Lando, his son looking back at him with the biggest grin as he catches his breath.
“The group chat is losing it by the way.” Jenson interrupts, and flips his phone to show Seb a picture of him and Lando, both with orange stained cheeks, just smiling at each other.
it's also up on Ao3
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f1-birb · 2 years
i was the anon that sent the pneumonia idea yesterday and today you posted that there were many rants in your inbox and now i am worried that i went too much on a tangent. Anyway if my message conveyed that i am sorry and I hope that even though you had some more negativity you enjoyed your day.
I don’t know maybe i am just overthinking this…
But little drabble: Lando on his first day of kindergarten just so excited to go to school and returning home in the afternoon and just jumping in his papa’s arms and saying: I’ve made a fwiend!
AAAHHH sorry I didn't reply to this one sooner!
Absolutely you did not, I love what you sent me before and if you are permitting(?) I'm going to write a longer fic for it that'll go on Ao3 rather than just here
And I did not mind the rants, I've said before I'm always open to hearing rants/vents/takes/whatever people want to send, it was just a lot - but a lot of people sent me nice things so it was all good :)
But now a little drabble for you <3
Seb can feel Lando trembling where he's pressed up against his chest. He's crouched, just down the hall from Lando's new classroom, his pup between his knees and clinging to him. He'd honestly been expecting tears, so he'll take his boy just being a little shy instead. He presses a kiss to the top of Lando's head, glancing up at where Jenson is talking to Lando's new teacher, Mr. "Just Call Me Luke" Simmonds. The beta seems lovely, bright and bubbly the way most pre-school teachers are, and he'd immediately backed off when Lando recoiled from the exuberant greeting - an automatic tick in Seb's book.
They'd chosen this school for two reasons, the first being that the pre-school class is mixed, and the second being that Lando will have Mick. The blonde boy will be the year above Lando later on in school, but for now this will be Mick's second year to Lando's first.
Lando's head snaps up and he spins in Seb's arms. A grin pulls at his cheeks, etching in dimples, as he shouts back, "Puppy!"
He can hear Jenson laughing as Lando runs over to crash against Mick, the older boy wrapping his best friend in a tight hug. And just like that the two of them are apparently forgotten, Mick babbling away and tugging Lando after him, their little boy tripping slightly in his excitement but Mick doesn't let him fall.
Seb feels Jenson's arm wrap over his shoulder, the omega's other hand clutched to his chest as he fakes a sniffle. "We're dead to him now, Sebby, dead I tell you."
He snorts a laugh, ready to call his mate out for his ridiculousness when a little blur slams against their legs. Looking down he's met with Lando's beaming face.
"Love you Daddy, love you Papa. You come get me later?"
"We'll come pick you up later, bärchen. Be a good boy, and we'll have ice cream after dinner to celebrate your first day, okay?"
The enthusiastic little nod that gets warms him, and Seb pulls Jenson with him to give Lando one last squeeze before he runs back to Mick.
"Love you Lando!" They call as he disappears, and they hear a faint shout back.
Later that afternoon, Seb's shutting down his laptop after a gruelling three hour meeting with the team when he hears keys in the front door. The thud of tiny shoes hitting the floor will never get old, and neither will the padding of tiny socked feet on carpet. The footsteps get louder as Lando draws nearer, and Seb braces himself for the little rocket that launches itself into his arms.
"Papa, Papa! I made a fwiend, two fwiends!"
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jensonsbuttons · 3 years
hello! 23. sebson 👀
i do apologize as this might just be absolute garbage but i hope that you enjoy anon! thank you for sending in the prompt and if anyone else feels like it, send in a banter prompt!
pairing: sebson
prompt: “play with me”
word count: 100
rating: ehhh we'll go T just cause they allude to more "adult" themes
"Play with me."
"You said you would," Sebastian whined.
"That was before I knew you meant a board game." Jenson tried to stand firm but he still had the worst time trying to hide a smile.
"You asked me to teach you backgammon."
"And, honestly, Jenson, what else did you think I was asking about?" Sebastian responded, giving his best look of innocence. Jenson saw right through the act and chuckled before strolling over to Seb. He placed one finger below Seb’s chin and tilted his head up.
"Sebastian Vettel, you know exactly how I took your invitation."
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