#sec(pi/2 -x)
mariacallous · 4 months
On the evening of May 12, Keith Gill posted an image to his X account, depicting a man sitting forward in his chair. It’s a popular meme, used to say something like It’s time to get serious. Shortly after the New York Stock Exchange opened for trading the following morning, the stock for video game retailer GameStop was up by more than 50 percent. It was no coincidence. Nor was it when the stock plunged today, following lackluster earnings reported by GameStop and a rambling YouTube livestream in which Gill declared his continued faith in the company.
Widely known by the alias Roaring Kitty, Gill was one of the architects of the meme-stock craze of 2021, when amateur investors on the social platform Reddit worked together to drive up the price of GameStop and other out-of-favor stocks. The aim was to get one over on the investment funds that had bet against GameStop, one of which ended up losing billions of dollars. In this period, Gill became something of a pied piper for amateur stock investors, who chased him into the stocks he endorsed. The tweet on May 12, though cryptic, was interpreted by Gill’s hundreds of thousands of followers as a call to buy, sending the price of GameStop stock skyward again.
The tweet was Gill’s first in almost three years. But it was followed by a stream of memes and other shitposts, some of which made reference to GameStop. On June 2, Gill posted a screenshot to Reddit that appeared to indicate he holds $115.7 million in GameStop stock, as well as call options—contracts that confer the right to buy stock at a certain price on a certain date—worth $65.7 million. Despite today's stock price setback, he's still in the money.
Gill did not respond to a request for comment, but the livestream—his first in three years—offered some explanation for his sudden return. Appearing on camera, dressed inexplicably in a fake head bandage and Band-Aids, with his arm in a sling, Gill confirmed he was responsible for the content posted to his social accounts and that the positions detailed in his Reddit posts are genuine, before entering into a sermon on his GameStop investment thesis. “What can I say about GameStop?” he said. “I have a lot of the same feelings. I wanted to reiterate a lot of my viewpoints that I had previously.”
While demonstrating enthusiasm for a stock (or posting in a way that could be interpreted that way) is not itself illegal, Gill is playing a dangerous game now that his holdings are public. “You can’t trade and tweet. You just can’t,” says Lisa Bragança, and attorney at Bragança Law and the former branch chief at the Securities and Exchange Commission, the US regulatory agency tasked with protecting investors. “You are just inviting an investigation.”
In 2021, Gill was hauled in front of a congressional committee to account for his alleged role in stoking the meme-stock rally. In his testimony, he denied deliberately juicing the price of GameStop stock for personal gain. “The idea that I used social media to promote GameStop stock to unwitting investors is preposterous,” said Gill.
Gill did not face charges then, but this time could be different. The securities regulator for the state of Massachusetts has confirmed it is looking into Gill’s recent conduct, without providing specifics. It would appear that Gill is aware of the risk of provoking an SEC investigation. On May 16 he posted a clip of a CNBC interview in which Jay Clayton, former SEC chair, expressed the view that his conduct should not be tolerated. The SEC declined to comment on the existence of an investigation.
At the start of Gill’s YouTube livestream, a long disclaimer scrolled up the screen like the Star Wars opening crawl. “You should not treat any opinion expressed on this Youtube [sic] channel as a specific inducement to make a particular investment or follow a particular strategy,” it read. As Gill bantered with his YouTube viewers—all 600,000 of them—the price of GameStop stock briefly rose. “Shit, look at this. It’s going up,” he said. “Do I have to be careful what I say here? I don’t really know.”
It might seem self-evident that Gill’s posts, cryptic as they may be, have caused a rise in the price of GameStop stock from which he stands to profit, as a stockholder. But absent a full history of his trading, it is difficult to assess whether he has violated securities laws, says Richard Schulman, partner at law firm Adler & Stachenfeld. “It’s never entirely clear until the facts are fully formed,” he says.
But Gill has given regulators plenty to dig into. “Was his purpose to influence the movement of stock price? Did he, in fact, affect demand for the stock? Will he profit from these activities? These are the kinds of issues a regulator will want to investigate,” says Schulman. The answers could determine whether Gill faces a formal investigation.
Specifically, Gill could find himself in trouble when his call options expire on June 21, leaving him with a decision: Should he sell his options at a profit, if the stock price remains high, or take delivery of the GameStop shares they represent? Having made his position public, says Bragança, Gill is required under a little-understood facet of securities law to provide his audience with advance warning of any sales, even if doing so would jeopardize profits. “The problem is when you change your position,” says Bragança. “Before you sell, you’d better tell the marketplace. Most people on social media don’t think that way. The initial [social] posts are not the thing that is going to get him in trouble—it’s the stuff we can’t see.”
Gill may question how his conduct differs from any other pundit who offers stock tips or chief executive who talks up their company. And he could have a point. There is an extent to which Gill is flirting with gray areas in the securities rulebook, devised long before someone imagined an influencer in a position to swing the market with a single tweet.
But the SEC has typically contended that the rules are sufficiently malleable to allow for mutations of age-old violations to be dealt with. “Market manipulation is not necessarily a rigid concept,” says Schulman. “The SEC is not unused to trying to apply concepts to new situations in the world that has developed.”
The SEC has not made public its thinking, but former chair Clayton, in the interview with CNBC, implied that the agency will be eager to prevent further volatility in the price of GameStop, which risks imposing large-scale losses on investors. One way to do that would be to bring cases against an individual that it considers has wielded social influence in an illegal way, with the aim of deterring others from doing the same. “It’s like Aesop’s fables,” says Bragança. “We’re telling a story. You should take a moral from it.”
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manue-ringo · 4 months
L'antidote partie 2
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Mulder ne perdit pas une minute. Son cœur battait la chamade tandis qu’il se rendait au domicile de Parker, à la recherche de ce précieux remède. Arrivé sur les lieux, il s’exécuta avec précaution, guettant chaque recoin, chaque pièce. Rien ne devait lui échapper, car ce qu’il cherchait semblait être le seul moyen pour la sauver. Les ombres dansaient sur les murs, et chaque bruit était amplifié dans le silence oppressant de la maison à présente vide. Mulder savait que le temps était compté, que chaque seconde comptait. Il fouilla les tiroirs, inspecta les étagères, les placards, sous le lit, derrière les tableaux… Rien. Pas la moindre trace de l’antidote. Mulder sentait la panique monter en lui. Où pouvait-il bien être caché ? C’est alors qu’il aperçut un petit coffret métallique sur l’étagère. Il le saisit et l’ouvrit fébrilement. À l’intérieur, un flacon en verre, étiqueté sobrement “Sérum X-23”. Mulder le contempla un instant, se demandant comment Parker avait pu mettre la main dessus et surtout pourquoi ? Mais peu importait, l’essentiel était qu’il l’avait trouvé. Ce fut presque trop facile. Pourvu que ça marche, se disait-il dans sa tête. Un espoir semblait renaître, mais il savait que le plus difficile à faire était de le lui administrer. Aussi, son optimisme fut de courte durée, car au même instant, des bruits de pas retentirent. Mulder sortit son arme de service par réflexe. Il le brandit devant lui tandis qu'il inspecta prudemment les alentours. Au bout de quelques minutes, les bruits s'arrêtèrent soudainement. Il sentit son pou s'accélérer brutalement, envahis par l'appréhension et la peur. Il tenta d'allumer les lumières pour y voir plus clair, mais le courant semblait s'être coupé. Mulder, entendu le bruit sec métallique d'une arme à feu tout près de son oreille gauche. L'obscurité qui y régnait ne fit qu’accroître l'angoisse du jeune homme. Il ravala avec difficulté sa salive avant de répliquer d'une voix mal assuré :
Qui est là ? Je suis un agent fédéral. Identifier vous !
Je sais parfaitement qui vous êtes agent Mulder. Navré, mais je ne peux pas vous laisser faire ça. Dit son assaillant.
Mulder osa se retourner pour lui faire face. Il vit avec horreur qu'il s'agissait de Raines. L’homme était plus sinistre que dans ses souvenirs, son visage émacié et ses yeux froids comme la glace lui procura des haut-le-cœur. Il reprit en le défiant d'un regard empli de haine :
Baissez votre arme où je vous loge une balle dans la tête. Menaça-t-il.
Le docteur Raines sourit, révélant des dents jaunies, il reprit :
Vous ne me faites pas peur agent Mulder. Cette affaire ne vous regarde pas ! Parker a toujours fait partie du Centre et elle le restera. Maintenant, donnez-moi l'antidote !
Je ne vous laisserez jamais plus lui faire du mal sale ordure ! Comment avez, vous fait pour vous échapper de cet institut hautement sécurisé hein ? Laissez-moi deviner. Vous avez marchandé avec ce fumeur, n'est ce pas ? Gronda-t-il, son poing se serrant involontairement.
Raines eut un rictus mauvais, il reprit :
Mêlez-vous de ce qui vous regarde petit insolant ! Je vous le demande une dernière fois. Donnez-moi ce flacon ! Exécution ! S'écria-t-il d'une rage folle.
Mulder sentit une colère incontrôlable monter en lui. Sans réfléchir, il se jeta sur l’homme, le plaquant contre le mur derrière lui. Le docteur Raines tenta de se débattre, mais Mulder était déterminé à lui faire payer son erreur. Il finit par atteindre sa gorge qu'il serra fermement entre ses mains. Mulder n'avait pas réalisé que son arme était tombée sur le sol durant leur altercation. Le jeune homme était à présent résolu à le tuer de ses propres mains. Le visage de Raines vira au rouge tandis qu'il étouffait sous la pression qu'il exerçait sur lui. Mulder afficha un air satisfait du fait d'avoir le dessus sur son ennemie aussi facilement. Il déclara, le regard fou :
Où sont donc passées vos capacités hors du commun ? Vous n'êtes plus qu'un vulgaire être vivant pitoyable et faible !
Mulder le tenait toujours aussi fermement pendant que Raines luttait comme il pouvait. Au bout de quelques secondes à peine, Mulder sentit son assaillant s'effondrer sous ses yeux, le regard vide. Pris de panique, le jeune homme recula de quelques pas avant de trébucher maladroitement contre un objet qui était tombé à terre pendant la bagarre entre les deux hommes. Il resta un petit moment à fixer le corps sans vie de Raines. Mulder ne parvenait plus à réfléchir de manière réfléchie. Après avoir vérifié que le flacon était toujours dans sa poche, Mulder regarda sa montre puis traîna le cadavre de Raines jusqu'à sa voiture en prenant soin de se faire discret. Il l'enferma dans le coffre avant de prendre la route vers un endroit plus sûr. Il s'arrêta près d'une rivière pour y jeter le corps. Mulder regagna sa voiture puis marqua une courte pause. Il tenta de reprendre ses esprits, le cœur battant à tout rompre, les mains tremblantes et en sueurs. Il contacta sans plus attendre le docteur Frost pour lui annoncer la nouvelle. Aussi, avant de reprendre la route vers l’hôpital, Mulder reçut un appel de l'agent Scully. Il décrocha en s'efforçant de garder un air posé :
Oui, qu'il y a-t-il Scully ?
Mulder ou est tu ? J'ai essayé de te joindre, mais sans succès. Je suis inquiète. Dit moi ce qu'il se passe ? Dit-elle d'une voix contrariée.
Mulder lui raconta toute l'histoire depuis sa venue dans cet hôpital à Georgetown, en prenant garde de ne pas mentionner sa brutale altercation avec Raines. Scully marqua une pause avant de répondre avec raison :
Je n'aime pas ça du tout Mulder. Tu sais tout comme moi qu'on ne peut pas se fier à cet homme. Réfléchie bien avant de faire quoi que ce soit. Mulder, il en est de la survie de notre amie.
Je suis parfaitement conscient des risques Scully ! Qu'est-ce que tu veux que je fasse d'autres ? C'est le seul moyen. Il nous faut agir et vite ! Chaque minute compte, nous n'avons plus le temps, je suis désolé. Il raccrocha après coup puis reprit la route.
Il se hâta de retourner à l’hôpital, le flacon toujours précieusement rangé dans sa poche. Le docteur Frost l’attendait, l’air grave. Mulder lui tendit le sérum, expliquant brièvement sa provenance. Le médecin hocha la tête, reconnaissant.
Nous devons agir vite, dit-il. Les effets du traitement s'amenuisent. Elle fait une importante rechute. Le système nerveux d’Andréa est déjà fortement atteint. Cette toxine a fini par prendre le dessus. Si ce sérum fonctionne, elle a une chance de s’en sortir. J'ai foi en vous Mulder.
Ils se rendirent dans la chambre de Parker. Elle était pâle, inconsciente, mais son souffle était encore régulier. Le docteur Frost prépara une seringue, aspirant le liquide du flacon. Mulder observait, le cœur serré. C’était leur dernier espoir.
Prêt ? Demanda le docteur avant de faire ce qu'il avait à faire.
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XIM University Bhubaneswar MBA Fees, Hostel Facilities, and Eligibility Criteria: A Complete Guide
XIM University Bhubaneswar is one of India’s premier institutions offering an MBA program known for its academic excellence and well-rounded curriculum. If you're considering pursuing an MBA at this prestigious university, understanding the MBA fees, hostel and accommodation facilities, eligibility criteria, and other essential aspects is crucial for a seamless admission process.
MBA Fees at XIM University Bhubaneswar
The XIM University Bhubaneswar MBA Fees are designed to provide quality education while ensuring affordability. The fee structure for the full-time MBA program typically ranges from INR 15-20 lakhs for the entire course duration. This fee includes tuition, academic resources, library access, and examination fees. However, students may incur additional charges for study materials, industry tours, and extracurricular activities, which add value to the educational experience.
For more information contact: 
807, 8th Floor, Wave Silver Tower, Sec-18 Noida, UP-201301 +91 97738 49977 [email protected]
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Hostel and Accommodation Facilities
XIM University offers state-of-the-art hostel and accommodation facilities for its MBA students. The campus boasts modern and comfortable living spaces with separate hostels for male and female students. The rooms are equipped with essential amenities such as Wi-Fi, laundry services, and 24/7 security, ensuring a safe and convenient living environment.
The hostel fee generally ranges from INR 1-1.5 lakhs per year, depending on the type of room chosen (single or shared). The hostel fee typically includes meals in the university's cafeteria, which offers a balanced and nutritious menu.
Fees Breakdown
MBA Program Fees: INR 15-20 lakhs (for 2 years)
Hostel Fees: INR 1-1.5 lakhs (per year)
Additional Charges: Study materials, industry visits, extracurricular activities
Eligibility Criteria for MBA Program
To secure admission to XIM University Bhubaneswar’s MBA program, you must meet the following eligibility criteria:
Bachelor’s Degree: Candidates must hold a bachelor’s degree (in any discipline) from a recognized university with a minimum of 50% aggregate marks (45% for reserved categories).
Entrance Exam: Applicants must qualify for national-level entrance exams like CAT, XAT, GMAT, or X-GMT conducted by XIM University itself. A valid score in any of these exams is crucial for shortlisting.
Work Experience: While work experience is not mandatory, having at least 1-3 years of relevant work experience is highly advantageous and often preferred by the selection committee.
Group Discussion and Personal Interview: Shortlisted candidates must clear a group discussion (GD) and personal interview (PI) round as part of the final selection process.
Documents Required for Admission
Applicants need to submit the following documents during the admission process:
10th and 12th mark sheets (original and photocopy)
Bachelor’s degree certificate and mark sheets
Entrance exam scorecard (CAT/XAT/GMAT/X-GMT)
Work experience certificates (if applicable)
Proof of identity (Aadhar card, passport, etc.)
Passport-sized photographs
Category certificate (if applicable)
MBA Program Duration and Medium of Instruction
The MBA program at XIM University Bhubaneswar is a 2-year full-time course. The program is divided into four semesters, with each semester focusing on core subjects and electives, covering a wide range of business disciplines like finance, marketing, human resources, and operations.
The medium of instruction for the MBA program is English, ensuring a global perspective and standardized communication for students from diverse backgrounds. The curriculum is designed to align with international standards, providing students with the necessary skills to excel in both national and global business environments.
For more information contact: 
807, 8th Floor, Wave Silver Tower, Sec-18 Noida, UP-201301 +91 97738 49977 [email protected]
XIM University Bhubaneswar offers a well-rounded MBA program that provides excellent education, modern accommodation facilities, and a smooth admission process. The MBA fees, hostel charges, and eligibility criteria are designed to be competitive yet accessible for students aspiring to a successful career in business management. Understanding these essential aspects of XIM University’s MBA program can help students prepare for a seamless application and enriching academic experience.
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clemjolichose · 1 year
AURA - ACTE I, Scène 6
Fandom : Vilebrequin
Pairing : Pierre Chabrier x OC féminin, Sylvain Levy x OC féminin, Gaytipla (Pierre Chabrier x Sylvain Levy)
Nombre de mots : 1 046 mots
Avertissement : Propos validistes
Résumé : Couleurs et émotions. D’un côté, la fierté. De l’autre, la honte. Comment avancer avec les pieds cloués au sol ? Comment communiquer quand le corps est lui-même restreint ?
Les réponses ne sont pas innées. Il faudra les chercher, partir à l’aventure dans un monde inconnu, quitte à découvrir plus qu’on ne le voudrait…
Note d’auteurice : Vous pouvez également lire cette pièce de théâtre sur Wattpad et AO3 ! <3
Partie : ACTE I, Scène 6
Personnages & Sommaire | ACTE I, Scène 1 | ACTE I, Scène 2 | ACTE I, Scène 3 | ACTE I, Scène 4 | ACTE I, Scène 5 |
Dans la chambre de Pierre et Lou, cette dernière est assise devant le miroir, en train de se maquiller après sa douche, enroulée dans une serviette. Sylvain est assis en tailleur sur le lit, jouant avec une bague trouvée là, une bague appartenant à Lou ou Pierre, il ne savait pas. Ça lui importe peu. Ce qui lui importe en revanche est la capacité de ses doigts à faire valser l’objet, les yeux rivés dessus comme la chose la plus intéressante au monde.
Lou finit de se maquiller et jette un regard à l’homme dans la pièce avec elle. Elle attire son attention et lui sourit.
LOU, doucement. Comment ça va ?
SYLVAIN. Bien. Il hausse les épaules. Je crois. Je sais pas, je réalise pas encore.
LOU. Ça se comprend…
Elle se lève et le rejoint sur le lit, passant un bras autour de ses épaules. Elle aussi regarde la bague bouger entre ses doigts.
LOU. Tu as déjà vu un psychiatre ?
Sylvain pause, dans l’incompréhension. Il reprend ses gestes répétitifs avec la bague.
SYLVAIN. Bah non, pourquoi ? Quoi, toi aussi tu penses que je suis fou ?
Il est sur la défensive, elle le voit et s’en inquiète. La lumière sur eux s’intensifie.
LOU, avec précaution. Non. Il ne m’a pas fait écouter le message, mais il me l’a résumé et… C’est toi-même qui a parlé d’un psychiatre. Je pense que ce n’est pas une mauvaise idée.
SYLVAIN. Ça fait beaucoup de mots pour répondre ‘’oui’’ au final. T’aurais pu juste dire ça : ‘’oui, Sylvain, t’es fou’’. Je l’aurais pas mal pris, tu sais.
LOU. Tu le prends mal, là.
SYLVAIN, avec des mouvements secs. Pas du tout, je le prends très bien, tu vois ?
LOU. Tu es en train de planter tes ongles dans ta peau.
Elle a raison, Sylvain est en train de gratter le dos de sa main frénétiquement. Il baisse son regard sur ses doigts tandis que Lou les couvre avec douceur de ses propres mains. Elle les caresse, serre Sylvain plus fort, pose sa tête sur son épaule.
LOU. La question, c’est pas est-ce que t’es fou ou non. Moi je m’en fiche, Pierre s’en fiche, c’est pas ce qui nous intéresse. En revanche, tu veux comprendre ce qui t’arrives, c’est logique. J’ai quelques éléments de réponse, mais il faut que tu sois prêt à les entendre. C’est à toi de faire ce chemin, de prendre cette initiative. Moi, je serais toujours là.
SYLVAIN, triste. Et Pierre aussi. Mais ça me fait peur… ça m’a toujours fait peur, c’est pas la première fois qu’on me dit que je suis bizarre, ou trop… intense. Là, j’arrive juste à la limite de ce que les autres peuvent supporter. C’est… c’est égoïste de ne pas chercher à régler ça.
Lou embrasse sa joue et tourne son visage face à elle, le fixant. Lui regarde ailleurs, vers le bas, puis vers le haut, à gauche, à droite… Il n’arrive pas à se fixer sur elle. La lumière vacille.
LOU. Y’a rien à régler, Sylvain. T’es pas cassé. T’es pas une erreur. C’est leur problème si les gens arrivent pas à aimer ce que tu es, ou s’ils ne comprennent pas.
SYLVAIN. C’est pas du jeu, aussi. Toi, tu comprends tout, et t’es déjà la copine de Pierre.
Elle éclate de rire et rompt leur étreinte, le repoussant pour jouer.
LOU. Tais-toi, plus pour longtemps en plus.
Sylvain réagit à ce qu’elle vient de dire, mais se fait couper par un mouvement de main de Lou.
LOU. Tu racontes n’importe quoi pour ne pas réfléchir à ce que je dis. Mais réfléchis-y : tu as le droit à l’amour et à l’amitié comme n’importe qui. Tu as aussi le droit de vouloir mieux comprendre ce que tu vis. Il y a des choses que tu peux gérer, des choses qui seront au-dessus de ta portée. Quoi qu’il en soit, c’est à toi que tu dois penser en premier, et certainement pas à cette connasse.
Pierre, l’air tout penaud, entre dans la chambre, coupant Sylvain avant qu’il ne réponde. La lumière devient plus douce.
PIERRE. Vous parlez de quoi ?
LOU, levant les yeux au ciel. C’est ça, fais genre t’étais pas en train d’écouter à la porte…
Pierre se fige, pris la main dans le sac. Il est visiblement coupable, ce qui fait rire les deux autres.
SYLVAIN. On peut même pas avoir un peu d’intimité ici !
PIERRE. Et on peut plus écouter aux portes tranquille. Lou, t’es une sorcière.
LOU. Ou j’ai juste une bonne ouïe. J’ai entendu tes pas y’a genre dix minutes qui se sont arrêtés devant la porte. La prochaine fois, t’as qu’à faire un effort de discrétion.
PIERRE. Oui, bon, c’est bon. Je venais pour acquiescer à ce que tu disais, en plus. La prochaine fois, je m’abstiendrai si c’est ça.
Lou se lève, rejoint Pierre et, comme pour Sylvain, elle passe un bras autour de ses épaules, le forçant à se baisser, et embrasse sa joue.
LOU. Allez, je vais m’habiller, faites des bêtises.
PIERRE. Hein ? Tu veux dire ‘’ne faites pas de bêtises’’, non ?
LOU. Non, je vous connais. Ciao !
Elle quitte la pièce avec un rire. Pierre et Sylvain échangent un regard, puis éclatent de rire à leur tour.
Quand ils se calment, Pierre est appuyé contre un mur, fixant son ami avec un sourire.
PIERRE. Elle a raison. On va pas te lâcher. Et ce serait une bonne idée de voir un psychiatre. Enfin, c’est elle qui m’a convaincu. Elle en a déjà vu un, pour son TDA… Elle t’en parlera mieux que moi, pose lui des questions.
SYLVAIN, pas à l’aise. Ouais, je verrais.
PIERRE. Tu le feras ?
SYLVAIN. Je verrais, Pierre.
PIERRE. Promets-le. Je lui demanderai, pour vérifier.
Sylvain soupire. Il regarde la bague entre ses doigts, avec laquelle il avait recommencé à jouer.
SYLVAIN, en se levant et en marchant vers la sortie. Je dois aller aux toilettes.
PIERRE. Sylvain.
SYLVAIN, se tournant vers lui. Je te le promets. Là. C’est bon ?
Pierre hoche la tête sans sourire, avec une expression profondément inquiète. Il a peur pour son ami, il veut l’aider sans en avoir les capacités. Lou, en revanche, peut. Il faut que Sylvain lui en parle.
Une pause, Sylvain sourit à son ami pour le rassurer puis quitte la pièce.
Une fois seul, Pierre se redresse d’où il était logé et rejoint le lit, récupérant la bague que Sylvain avait laissée là pour l’enfiler à son doigt. La lumière s’éteint.
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patern29 · 2 years
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Le voilier SYMPHONIE est un monocoque habitable de croisière, construit par le chantier JEANNEAU, architecte Philippe Briand. C’est un voilier élancé, spacieux et performant, un véritable croiseur rapide et familial. Bateau bien équipé et entretenu pendant de nombreuses années par son propriétaire, excellent rapport qualité/prix. Visible à sec à Port Maritima – Martigues. Moteur YANMAR – 2GM20 récent de 18 cv Vidange moteur, remplacement des filtres et rouet de pompe effectué en 2022 Les échangeurs ont été revu en 2020, les silents bloc moteur + réalignement arbre hélice en 2019. Version en ligne arbre, hélice fixe, barre franche avec stick. Capacité gasoil 80l – vitesse moyenne 5.5nds, conso moyenne 1.8l/h. Aménagements: Au pied de la descente, vous trouverez un coin cuisine en U très spacieux composé un évier, réchaud/four ENO, Frigo en 12v, eau chaude/froide sous pression, capacité eau 150l souple (2022). En face une vaste table à cartes avec appareillages, une couchette cercueil fonctionnelle et le carré volumineux et confortable qui se transforme en couchage double. La cabine avant double est séparée du carré par la salle d’eau avec son lavabo et son WC électrique (-5 ans) +1 douche. Voiles & Accastillage : Grand voile ELVSTROM neuve (servie 1 fois) avec lazy bag, Génois Delta Voile en bon état sur enrouleur, Tourmentin, Spi asymétrique avec tangon. Tous les renvois sont au cockpit, Stick, Winchs x 4, taud soleil. Divers : GARMIN 620 avec cartes 2G VISION (loch, speedo, sondeur,GPS..), Pilote autohelm AH2000 . Parc batteries 2 x 70A (service 2021) + 1 x 105A(moteur 2022), chargeur batteries Floating Cristec neuf, feux à leds. Échelle bain avec plage arrière neuve, pompe de cale électrique + manuelle, table de cockpit, guindeau électrique avec télécommande + 1 mouillage principal. Toutes les vannes et les passes coques ont été remplacés en 2021, peinture de coque en 2021, toutes les drisses ont été remplacé en 2021 Vente pour changement de programme de navigation. Read the full article
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devphilamaths · 3 years
Solve sec(pi/2-theta) | sec(pi/2 -x) | sec pi/2 - x formula, Find value sec pi by 2 - x  Hi friends.. In this tutorial Find the Value of sec(pi/2-theta) sec(pi/2 -x)sec pi/2 - x formula Find the value of sec pi by 2 -xTRIGONOMETRIC IDENTITIESExp...
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1kook · 4 years
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A COLLECTION  [ updated: 8 . 23 . 21 ]
— STATUS ONGOING — NO REPOSTS — ASKS under #ncouple ! — Copyright © 2021, 1kook on tumblr
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summary If you planned things right, you could rain down your raging displeasure on Jeon Jungkook right after the meal but before this proposed ‘Netflix and chilling,’ maybe dramatically throw your glass of wine at him, before storming out of his place and reporting him to the authorities (Namjoon) for his douchebag personality.  warnings smut in the forms of grinding, oral (f), cum eating, vanilla unprotected sex, dirty talk misc use of the oldest trick in the book (“your hands are sooo big”), shy oblivious AND gentleman jk? pick a struggle, brief ment of app developer kook, evil and conniving oc  word count 10.2k  posted june 12, 2020
summary But there’s more important matters to attend to than Jungkook’s Jersey Shore boner. warnings slight feelings of insecurity, smut in the forms of fingering, cunnilingus, cum eating, squirting, hand jobs, unprotected sex, riding, slight praise kink  misc if you’re not a Jersey shore fan honestly GET OUT, mentions of capitalism😡, more kind/understanding kook, basically a “what are we?” fic but silly, irresponsible emailing habits, its so dumb just read word count 6.3k posted july 4, 2020
summary The occasional dark horse candidate among Barbie movie binges— Jungkook gets weirdly horny and fucks you to the tune of a classic Barbie movie soundtrack. warnings smut in the form of blowjobs, tit play, praise kink, standing sex, unprotected sex, reverse cowgirl (? kinda), daddy kink that morphs into ily kink misc  jk is an avid history channel viewer, jk hates Barbie movies ik we took an L today girls 😔, jk goes thru like 4 personality changes (commanding > soft > mean > in love), honestly idk what to tag it’s a mess, he’s still cheesy and romantic but also 👀 just read word count 9.8k posted august 5, 2020
summary You get a glimpse of the KissAnime screen for a good two seconds before about seven ads pop up. Another tab to a raunchy hentai website opens, and Jungkook groans. warnings mentions of hentai, smut in the forms of cunnilingus, masturbation (f), oral (f), use of a sex toy, fingering, nipple play, face sitting/fucking/riding idk (f), praise kink, hints of dumbification, cum eating, jk is like passive aggressive in this one, 4 (f) orgasms, this is the kicker: sub kook at the end😳, like 2 sec of dom yn lol, & u get 0.002 sec of adams apple kink misc more dumb story lines, made up sex stores bc my creativity knows no bounds, Jungkook plays nice but is actually mean for the majority of it, once again doyeon plays a pivotal role in the furthering of women empowerment, internal love monologues about jk best boy<3 word count 8.2k posted september 1, 2020
summary There’s a pounding on your door a little past noon, so hard and rough, that you almost think it’s the police finally coming to catch you for all your years of illegally pirating Phineas and Ferb. It’s not. It’s just a really drunk boyfriend wailing for your forgiveness at the door.   warnings arguments, feelings of insecurity, bit of asshole jk, smut in the forms of humiliation, dumbification, choking, fingering, spit kink, self punishment (? idk lol), unprotected but [ passionate ] sex, jk losing his cool, the return of mean jk, desperate jk, he is actually an emotional mess in this one wtf misc angst, anniversaries, the L word😳, app developer kook, rip ‘pretty girl’ </3, we all become phineas and ferb stans word count 13k posted september 9, 2020
summary You would like to personally thank every loud-mouthed, ESPN commentator out there for saving you from Jungkook’s dangerous seduction skills.   warnings smut in the forms of brief femdom, handcuffs, nipple clamps, blindfolding, flogging/use of a riding crop, soft dom kook, cunnilingus, spitting, unprotected but passionate, degradation, as always it starts horny n then turns into I love u kink misc kook has a swollen ankle so idk how he did all this, jk abuses the fuck outta pet names part 7, revenge gone wrong tbh, this was honestly a beginner’s intro to vanilla bdsm word count 12.7k posted september 14, 2020
summary You can’t believe this is Jungkook’s preferred sick day treatment; YouTube, cuddles, and an ugly amount of lube. warnings smut in the forms of nipple play, handjobs, spit kink, face riding, unprotected, flavored warming lube, riding, praise kink, soft femdom, missionary bc his eyes are pretty, tit sucking, tit fucking, more jk has an impreg kink, oh and this is all subby kook misc domesticity baby!! fluff, soft scenes /.\, jk is sick:((, doyeon is A Doctor, yn sees an opportunity and she grabs it, surprise ending <3 word count 8.7k   posted september 30, 2020
summary Just like in those Viki dramas Jungkook likes, the world around you is enveloped in shades of pink and red, kisses and hearts, so many goddamn roses it makes you sneeze. It’s absolutely perfect— nothing could possibly go wrong when there’s so much love in the air.   warnings a little hurt + a lot of comfort, mentions of cheating!villain!jin, insecure!kook, emotional breakdowns, mentions of jk’s lonely past, jk cries :( smut in the forms of making out, eating out, fingering, clit play, hickeys, jk likes cum, double orgasm, squirting, tiny praise kink, blindfolding, rough + unprotected sex, doggy style, choking!!!, breeding/impreg kink, JEALOUS KOOK, mini hand kink, a lil bit of spanking, degradation, he gets progressively meaner lol oc cries, jk is a good boy n I want him to be happy   misc there’s a lot of fuckin plot omfg -_-, it’s Valentine’s Eve!, doyeon makes Some Points, mentions of park seojoon juicy ass, they go on a d8 😳, oc like rlly wants to marry him, oc commits double phone homicide word count 16.3k posted january 14, 2021
summary “I wanna watch Solange in Bring It On,” Jungkook smiles, and you have to wonder who exactly this blond man is and what he did with your teen-movie-hating boyfriend.   warnings smut in the forms of kissing, cunnilingus (eating out + fingering), light praise, a lil body worship, jk fat cawk, brief nipple play, playful jk, unprotected sex, riding and missionary, the jk hand kink, I love you kink, jk wants nudes, jk’s cheerleader fantasies mentioned, spit kink, light choking, jk has like a scent kink (?), mention of collars and pet play misc app developer jk becomes even MORE app developer-y, oc is anti-google, there's plot, a 2 year anniversary, Solange knowles appreciation, BLOND JK!!!, gets sappy for a sec, seahorse marriage mention, doyeon x joon side pairing, jk is disgustingly dreamy and oc is threatened by that fact word count 10.7k posted march 23, 2021
summary Never mind the fact you really like Sailor Moon, or that you really want to pay attention to every little detail; the moment becomes Jungkook and his big smile and his red cheeks and the tiny box he produces from within his pocket. warnings smut in the forms of making out, jk nipple play, some 69 action, cunnilingus, blowjobs, brief choking, jk trying his best to listen to oc but he doesn’t rlly :/, fingering, missionary bc his eyes are pretty, unprotected fuckin raw, its romantic but when is it not… misc fluffy and domestic <3, weekend getaway <3, the Big Question, shy jk, sailor moon supremacy, jk makes this big elaborate speech about the sun and moon, mentions of 240p YouTube quality word count 8.7k posted may 21, 2021
summary Never mind your upcoming wedding, this was perhaps the greatest moment of your life— the day Jungkook sought out an anime on his own. warnings kissing, smut in the forms of cunnilingus, cum eating, mentions of anal, doggy style, unprotected sex with the intention of pregnancy, spitting, hand holding<3 misc the wedding night, Doyeon strikes again, jjk watches  jjk, oh no not twins word count 9.1k posted july 31, 2021
coming soon
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summary Jungkook will watch a thousand cheesy Christmas movies if it meant making you happy. (And maybe having his dick sucked.) warnings smut in the form of blowjobs, face fucking, cum facials, fingering, overstim, double orgasm, r*mantic sex, riding, unprotected, cream pies, jk does this weird thing where he licks her face yeah idk, jk loves seeing his gf cry, jk has an obsession with jizz   misc jk pov !!, eggnog slander, jk hates xmas movies, oc dresses like a sexy mrs claus, Elf !!, jk is in loooove word count 7.1k posted december 23, 2020
summary your first pregnancy through the lens of your husband warnings smut in the forms of penetrative sex, sex while pregnant, unprotected sex, tit play, cunnilingus, mutual masturbation, sticking the tip in and jacking off/cockwarming?, creampies, nose kink (? like she grinds against his nose), infatuation with scent, frottage/grinding, lactation kink, titluvr jk [bass boosted] misc married ncouple <3, domesticity, jk pov, mood swings, pregnancy, GIRLDAD!JK, DILF!JK, pregnant!reader, jk’s kids are virgos its true  word count 10k posted august 23, 2021
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— one.
summary Maybe Jungkook wasn’t always as cool and composed as you initially believed. But that’s okay, because you love him all the same.  word count 1.3k posted September 10, 2020
summary Even after all these years, all these doubts, and all this solitude that was really no one’s fault but his own, he still finds himself hoping that maybe you’ll be the one. word count 1k posted september 11, 2020
summary But Jungkook loves the sun. word count 1.5k posted september 12th, 2020
summary For the last ten minutes or so his mind has been bothered by one thing and one thing only— the hair that hung in his face. word count 800 words posted september 22, 2020
summary Startled and inexperienced, he can’t do anything but rub his hands over your back. “It’s fine, it’s fine,” he murmurs, even though it’s not. word count 1.3k posted september 22, 2020
SUMMARY Jungkook enjoyed pushing you down, indulging you in all your little fantasies, but he too had some he wanted to live out. WC 1.8k POSTED september 25, 2020
summary And lastly, Jungkook will bring it full circle by indulging you two in some good old fashion spooky sex where he nuts inside you because the only thing scarier than a scary movie is a pregnancy scare. It’s a perfect plan. word count 2k posted october 30, 2020
summary You always do this— always ask for more. You take and you take until there’s nothing left for Jungkook to give. But Jungkook is the same.   word count 1.9k posted december 28, 2020
summary “I think that, like— me and you? We’re like, totally destined,” you ramble, “you should, like, take my number! And maybe we can, like— Netflix and chill one of these days?” word count 2.2k posted january 8 2021
summary See, there’s no one in this world who ignores his house rules more than you. Even worse, there’s no one on this planet who can make Jungkook ignore his own rules like you do. word count 1.4k posted february 14, 2021
summary You’re too bright, too… there. His shell is too small. word count 1.2k posted may 3, 2021
summary Anyway, if it was up to Jungkook, Kim Doyeon would not be a member of the Engagement Ring Committee. word count 1.4k posted may 8th, 2021
summary Because for as much shit as you let him get away with, Jungkook is certain you’ll draw the line today.   word count 1k posted june 13, 2021
summary Jungkook needs you to know that you can always count on him. word count 1.3k posted july 6, 2021
summary It’s Jungkook’s teenage fantasy— being pushed down by a cheerleader. word count 3.1k posted august 9, 2021
— sixteen.
summary Your skin is warm and smells like sunshine. Jungkook can’t really explain it. (And also like the sunscreen you had doused him in earlier, but that isn’t as romantic.) word count 1.9K posted august 11, 2021
summary She looks his way and suddenly Jungkook is nineteen again, in his dorm, listening to the first person he ever thought he loved telling him he’s too much to handle. word count 1.6k posted august 18, 2021
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beautiful banners made for series!
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cute and cozy gif by the lovely @ladyartemesia​ 
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memoire2cite · 4 years
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Le temps des cites modernes et souvent d'HLM....Domy z panelu (1959) - 1er court métrage du cinéaste tchèque Jiří Menzel - Un documentaire sur la construction des logements préfabriqués Paneláky Prefabricated Houses. A student work by Jiří Menzel, filmed during his second year at the FAMU film school. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-2hXxJUn74" rel="noreferrer nofollow">www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-2hXxJUn74</a> Domy z panelu (Jirí Menzel, 1959) Prefabricated Houses. A student work by Jiří Menzel, filmed during his second year at the FAMU film school.  les grands chantiers 1955 1960s En France, la préfabrication va tout d'abord se développer dans le contexte de pénurie générale de la Libération. Dans un second temps, l'opération des « 4 000 logements de la région parisienne » en 1953 inaugure la généralisation de la préfabrication pour la construction des grands ensembles de logements en France. Le Bonheur est dans le béton - 2015 Documentaire réalisé par Lorenz Findeisen produit par Les Films du Tambour de Soie Le logement préfabriqué, victime de son succès en France, fut exporté en Europe de l’Est. Qui se souvient aujourd’hui que ces logements symboles de progrès devinrent, en pleine guerre froide, la marque de fabrique du collectivisme ? Jacqueline a 50 ans et vit à la cité des Courtillières à Pantin. Elle se souvient lorsque, enfant, elle quitta avec ses parents le « une pièce parisien » sans commodités pour un appartement spacieux et moderne dans cette cité. La cité des Courtillières est alors une cité pilote, censée réaliser le rêve d’une vie nouvelle dans une France qui manquait à la Libération cruellement de logements. Comme tant d’autres Jacqueline enfant ignorait qu’elle devait à Raymond Camus architecte génial, créateur du panneau en béton préfabriqué, cette invention qui promettait un futur radieux pour tous. Sydney, voisin de Jacqueline, se remémore lui, les bus remplis d’architectes venus d’Union soviétique pour visiter sa cité… La marque de fabrique du collectivisme Le logement préfabriqué victime de son succès en France est exporté en Europe de l’Est. Qui se souvient aujourd’hui que ces logements symboles de progrès devinrent en pleine guerre froide, la marque de fabrique du collectivisme ? Pour Julie, à Prague, ou Susanna à Berlin Est, l’arrivée du préfabriqué dans leur vie revêt une toute autre signification. Utopies sociales, idéologies politiques et avant-garde architecturale commencent à se mélanger. Le rêve du bonheur tourne vite au cauchemar… En République tchèque, l’antique ville de Most est détruite pour des raisons économiques pour être reconstruite grâce au panneau de béton. Au travers d’archives inédites et de témoignages des habitants, l’histoire incroyable de panneau en béton se raconte pour la première fois de Paris à Moscou, de 1950 à nos jours. Documentaire réalisé par Lorenz Findeisen, produit par Les Films du Tambour de Soie <a href="https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x413amo" rel="noreferrer nofollow">www.dailymotion.com/video/x413amo</a> @ Petite histoire de la préfabrication Les violentes destructions de la Seconde Guerre mondiale ont contraint une bonne partie des pays européens à trouver des solutions inédites concernant la reconstruction. « Les guerres sont par exemple d’importants accélérateurs de l’industrialisation du bâtiment pour deux raisons au moins. La première est que l’industrie d’armement se recycle logiquement dans la production civile après les conflits ; la deuxième est que les territoires dévastés par les destructions, comprenant des villes entières, sont à reconstruire. » Franz Graf L’originalité de la première phase de ces reconstructions réside dans la dynamique expérimentale initiée par les gouvernements européens autour de la préfabrication, ainsi que l’explique Franz Graf [2] dans l’introduction référencée de l’ouvrage. Elain Harwood met en lumière les programmes de logements publics préfabriqués en Angleterre et Nick Bullock présente un focus sur les maisons-témoins préfabriquées de Northolt aux apparences ordinaires. Ce sont ces dernières qui vont inspirer le Ministère de la Reconstruction et de l’Urbanisme français pour ces chantiers expérimentaux de maisons préfabriquées. L’Italie, de son côté, se basera sur les maisons de Northolt et la cité expérimentale de Noisy-le-Sec pour concevoir le QT8 à Milan, laboratoire où sont construits des maisons-prototypes en relation avec la Triennale, ainsi que l’explique Francesca Albani. Les deux contributions consacrées à l’Allemagne de Steeve Sabatto et Silke Langenberg s’attachent plus spécifiquement à la dimension technique et aux systèmes constructifs inventés par Konrad Wachsmann en collaboration avec Walter Gropius et Helmut Spieker, semble-t-il sans lien avec les autres pays européens. Suite aux expérimentations, chacun des pays prend des voies sensiblement différentes vers le logement de masse. Si les prefabs anglais demeurent un élément caractéristique du paysage national, la construction traditionnelle, tout aussi rentable économiquement sera préférée. Le recours à la préfabrication concernera, avec davantage de bonheur, les écoles anglaises. En France, à partir de 1954, l’État fixe aussi sa doctrine : la solution au manque de logement se trouve dans la préfabrication lourde, ouvrant la voie aux grands ensembles. Et l’Italie prendra finalement un tournant bien différent en opérant un retour décisif à des techniques artisanales, exécutées à pied d’œuvre, afin d’augmenter l’occupation ouvrière. Mais un défi, tant collectif que particulier, est aujourd’hui à relever : comment rénover le bâti préfabriqué existant ? Les solutions dépendront forcément « de la valeur que l’on attribue à un patrimoine, surtout s’il est considéré comme ordinaire et diffus » [3]. Ainsi que le démontrent les cas particuliers ici étudiés, il n’y a pas de réponse préfabriquée, mais des réflexions et des histoires captivantes autant que singulières. Les héros de l’industrialisation face à la patrimonialisation Si les histoires architecturales racontées sont principalement européennes, il aurait été impensable, à propos de préfabrication, de ne pas mentionner les États-Unis et notamment un de ses représentants les plus populaires : Buckminster Fuller. Le texte de James Ashby [4] retrace l’aventure de la restauration de la maison Dymaxion (contraction en anglais de dynamic-maximum-tension), aujourd’hui exposée au musée Ford à Détroit. Cette maison devait « révolutionner l’industrie du logement après la Seconde Guerre mondiale » en proposant aux familles des habitations qui ne devaient pas dépasser le prix d’une Cadillac. Mais l’entreprise de Fuller fit faillite et il ne resta qu’un prototype, récupéré et transformé par l’un des investisseurs afin d’en faire son logement. Des décennies après, la maison est abandonnée et le bâti se dégrade : les héritiers finissent par faire don de la maison au musée en 1991. Mais six années vont encore s’écouler avant que le musée ne s’engage dans la restauration de la maison Dymaxion. Une équipe pluridisciplinaire va être constituée dans une démarche scientifique, avec pour défi complexe d’être au plus proche de l’authenticité d’une expérience architecturale inachevée. Portes du pavillon du centenaire de l’aluminium, page 107 du catalogue de vente Artcurial des 23 et 24 novembre 2010 Autre héros de la préfabrication, notre Jean Prouvé hexagonal. L’article de Richard Klein [5], « Le pavillon du centenaire de l’aluminium, un patrimoine en pièce », présente différents paradoxes patrimoniaux lié à cet édifice nomade, le caractère véhiculaire était bien souvent intrinsèque aux constructions de Prouvé. L’auteur part ici de la controverse apparue suite à la mise en vente d’un ensemble de portes et d’un panneau provenant du pavillon du centenaire de l’aluminium, construction protégée au titre des Monuments historiques. Outre les remarques concernant la place des collectionneurs de Prouvé, la question de l’intégrité de l’édifice est passionnante. En effet, le bâtiment, tel qu’il a été remonté à Villepinte, a été réduit par rapport à son implantation initiale. Dès lors, Richard Klein pose la question : « comment envisager la question de l’intégrité d’un édifice dont les dimensions peuvent être considérées comme variables ? » Les problèmes patrimoniaux liés à ce pavillon semblent sans fin, reflétant la complexité de la situation. Un dernier exemple : l’édifice s’étant déplacé de Lille à Villepinte, son périmètre de protection s’est-il déplacé avec lui ? Parmi les autres cas d’études intelligemment présentés : la construction inachevée de Claude Prouvé, véritable ruine de science-fiction ou encore les péripéties patrimoniales de la CAF du XVe arrondissement à Paris, « l’unique bâtiment en France qui a fait l’objet d’un déclassement du statut de Monument historique ». Dénouement Face à des bâtiments qui ne correspondent plus aux besoins contemporains ou qui se sont dégradés avec le temps, la dernière partie de l’ouvrage présente des projets de réhabilitation, transformation, rénovation, adaptation et sauvegarde. Le SHAPE Village de la Faisanderie à Fontainebleau, la transformation de la tour Bois-le-Prêtre à Paris, la cité d’habitation de Droixhe en Belgique, les bâtiments des frères Honegger à Genève, les immeubles de Triemli à Zurich : autant de témoignages d’une nouvelle réception de cette architecture préfabriquée qui eut longtemps mauvaise presse mais dont les qualités architecturales sont désormais reconnues par les architectes. Beaucoup militent pour les transformer en respectant les projets initiaux. Ces derniers textes, plus courts et moins réflexifs ont néanmoins leur place, présentant les directions actuelles et les problématiques quant aux projets de transformations. À la fin de ce copieux ouvrage bien documenté, si les auteurs n’ont pas épuisé la question de la sauvegarde de l’architecture préfabriquée, certaines énigmes de cette histoire architecturale qui parcourt le XXe siècle jusqu’à aujourd’hui piquent la curiosité. Des contributions passionnantes et une grande cohérence dans le contenu donnent à l’histoire de la préfabrication des allures d’épopée architecturale. GRAF, Franz et DELEMONTEY, Yvan (dir.), Architecture industrialisée et préfabriquée : connaissance et sauvegarde, Éditions des Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Laboratoire des Techniques de la Sauvegarde de l’Architecture Moderne, textes en anglais et en français, 2012 le Logement Collectif* dans tous ses états..Histoire & Mémoire de l'Habitat / Archives ANRU / Rétro Banlieue / Renouvellement Urbain / Urbanisme / HLM <a href="https://twitter.com/Memoire2cite" rel="noreferrer nofollow">twitter.com/Memoire2cite</a>
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
x Monday 9 April 1832: SH:7/ML/E/15/0050
8 50
12 50
-  fine morn[in]g F[ahrenheit] 62° at 8 50/: in my r[oo]m incurred a cross partly thinking of [Pi - Mariana] just before getting up F[ahrenheit] 61° at 9 3/4 in my balc[on]y - br[eak]f[a]st at 10 - ca[me] upst[ai]rs at 11 25/: - till twelve and a quarter writing copy of letter to Mrs. Hamilton - out w[i]th Miss H- [Hobart] at 12 50/. walk[e]d to Days’ - off fr[om] there at 1 25/: and dr[ove] to Bexhill and back to Days’ in 2 20/: h[ou]r - then saunt[ere]d ab[ou]t High st[ree]t and the Croft and ho[me] at 4 35/: - fr[om] 4 50/: to 5 1/2 wr[ote] a full 1/2 sh[ee]t in sm[all] envelope to ‘Mrs. Hamilton’ and that in envelope to Hamilton Hamilton Esq[ui]re Sec[retar]y Leg[io]n British Embassy, Paris enclos[e]d w[i]th Miss H-‘s [Hobart] let[ter] to L[ad]y Foster und[e]rcov[e]r to the ‘und[e]r sec[retar]y of State Foreign office London’ - begg[e]d Mrs. H- [Hamilton] - n[o]t to be the least asham[e]d of a tol[erabl]y seiz[e]d parc[e]l sh[oul]d be hap[py] to do an[y]th[in]g b[u]t faire la contrebande - sh[oul]d be in Lond[on] (26 Dov[e]r st[ree]t) for 2 or perh[aps] 3 days on the 25th and to avoid the cholerie riv[ier]e sh[oul]d prob[abl]y go to Dov[e]r to embark - sh[oul]d n[o]t mind the cholera being in Paris - 1/4 h[ou]r d[o]wnst[ai]rs w[i]th Miss H- [Hobart] - dresss[e]d - din[ner] at 6 50/: - mus[i]c - coff[ee] at 8 1/2 - play[e]d and lost 1 hit at b[a]ckgam[mo]n - r[ea]d fr[om] p[age] 438 to 460 end of ch[apter] 64 vol[ume] xi Gibb[o]n - ca[me] upst[ai]rs at 11 25/: and to my r[oo]m at 11 1/2 - fine day, b[u]t cold strongish n[or]th east wind - F[ahrenheit] 64° now at 11 40/: p.m. in my r[oo]m and 43° at 12 3/4 in the balc[on]y - very good proper friends she more and more conciliatory I joke about taking all she has just she says as if we were going to be married tomorrow we talked a little about [Pi - Mariana] and surely I might choose whether to live with her hereafter or not  did not like her family and she would if with me be much separated from it she had proposed my having her sister Louisa as a companion but I declined that  Miss H- [Hobart] said it would be a great pity for me to have anyone who was not ladylike enough and speak as if anxious for me to avoid that   in fact I think she is interested in my keeping right as to society
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plumedepoete · 5 years
. Perdus de vue     La folie douce est un échappatoire indispensable à mon équilibre déjà bien précaire....et en parlant de précarité, il paraît qu' on ne prête qu'aux riches.     Pas grave....le royaume des cieux m'est ouvert, car sur la pancarte sont inscrits ces mots du divin : Heureux les pauvres d'esprit, le royaume des cieux leur est ouvert.     L'autre jour, je me suis rendu en la Sous préfecture d'une bourgade du centre de «n'importe où » il y faisait bon mourir d'ennui, du moins c'est ce que gazouillaient les oiseaux avant que d'aller se cacher pour mourir.     Ce gentil petit cimetière qui humait bon la poussière et les souvenirs enfouis, portait en lui tous les désespoirs d'une nation en quête de résurrection .     A cette heure du potron-minet à laquelle le minet poli lape son lait, j'ai été étonné de constater qu'une file d’attente de S.D.F s'était formée au guichet.     Exceptionnellement ce jour était réservé à la réception des S.D.F, ou des personnes Sans Difficultés Financières.     Que venaient-ils chercher en ces lieux, l'espoir d'une vie meilleure, histoire d'être prétendant à une quelconque manne que distribuerait un plus riche qu'eux ?     Ils étaient logés à la même enseigne que les propriétaires d'intestins paresseux, (c'est à dire les -sans papiers toilettes- en transit intestinal) à la résidence «Des  Sans Soucis », que des Lapins Crétins louaient à de pauvres gosses de riches, par le biais d'une agence dont le nom était très révélateur du milieu dans lequel leurs parents évoluaient.     Cette agence « FOURRE MOI SEC », sponsorisée par « comme j'aime », avait le vent en poupe , son flag était 2 phoques se tenant par la main, fraternité oblige.     Son but était de rendre égaux tous les humains sur cette terre ...mais les mâles étaient plus égaux que les autres.....bizarre non ?     L'entrée se faisait donc par l’arrière boutique.. L'administration et Kafka... c'est du Kif au même.     Sur la pancarte on pouvait lire :      Rêves perdus : '' service ouvert tous les jours- sauf du lundi au samedi –''     Rêves trouvés : '' service ouvert en dehors des heures de fermeture –''     '' Pour tous renseignements, contacter le service des renseignements, ouvert tous les jours de la semaine sauf les Lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, et vendredi -''     Les week-end, le service sera exceptionnellement fermé – merci de votre compréhension.'''     Un individu avait osé écrire à la place du -R- de réception, un -D- ce qui laissait à penser qu'il avait bien compris le fonctionnement de cette administration: DÉCEPTION au lieu de RÉCEPTION.     Une fois pénétré dans ce haut lieu consacré à la recherche du temps perdu, j'ai croisé nombre de personnes qui semblaient être préoccupées par le fait de ne pas marcher sur leur propre ombre.     Seule ombre au tableau, il n' y avait pas de lumière dans le couloir.     Elles soliloquaient en regardant le sol, les mains dans le dos, courbées sous le poids des heures qui passent , comme le ramasseur de champignons.     Feignant de ne pas m'entendre leur poser la question qui dérange «excusez-moi, je voudrais un renseignement ».     Une seule personne m'a répondu, c'était un homme qui appartenait aux éditions du « CHERCHE MIDI », comme cadeau de départ à la retraite, son chef lui avait offert une montre à gousset dont le cadran ne comportait pas de douzième heure.     Depuis près d'une semaine, ce retraité tentait en vain de sortir de ces lieux.... Il cherchait « midi à sa porte ».     « vous voulez un renseignent ? Eh bien servez-vous ! »     «  oui mais....où ? »     « Ben que diable.. au service des renseignements  des rêves retrouvés. Fermez bien la porte en sortant il y a des rêves enfuis ».     Il y avait pèle -mêle toutes sortes de formulaires, correspondant aux divers rêves perdus.     Retrouver les rêves partis en fumée, les irréalisables, les rêves tout éveillés, caresser un rêve avec une créature de rêve....     Mais la réalité dépassant la fiction, il me fut bien aisé de me rendre à l'évidence.     Les formulaires étaient rédigés en «langue xyloglotte »     Un ouvrage, qui soit dit en passant par la Lorraine avec ses sabots, permettait la traduction de la langue xyloglotte. . (du grec 'langue de bois ) était mis à la disposition des administrés de « Plume de Poète ».     Cet ouvrage incompréhensible par le grand public était l’œuvre de Mister RENARD dit : « SATGE le vieux Rusé » il proposait le mot ''dodécahoroportospecter'' à la place de cette expression.     Il est bien connu que, quand on regarde à sa porte, on portospecte. Et quand on connaît le nombre de faces d'un dodécaèdre, la compréhension de ce mot à facettes (comme en témoigne une drôle de Dame : Farah FAWCET ) coule de source.     Les possesseurs de rêves perdus ne les retrouvent jamais et continueront le nez en l'air à rêver à l'inaccessible étoile.     Déçu je le fus.     Qu'aurait-il fallu à tous ces hurluberlus....     Ils confondaient « rêver » et « rêvasser ».     Rêvasser, c'est laisser la place à l'à peu près, au hasard, à la volonté des autres.     Rêver c'est avoir les pieds sur terre et la tête dans les étoiles.... et avancer.     ©Philippe X - 19/10/2019 .
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Navigatio Britannica: Planar Trigonometry
Chapter 4: Of Trigonometry, Sections I - V
The first half of this chapter is Planar Trigonometry, which I learned in high school and have used on-and-off ever since; the second half of this chapter is Spherical Trigonometry, which I know nothing about. Consequently, I’m dividing this chapter into two parts -- before we let John Barrow attempt to teach me spherical trig (wish me luck!), I want to do a fast recap of what he has to say about planar trig...
Section I: Definitions
Everything is defined geometrically, on the unit circle, via a diagram that I have yet to find in this scan. (Also, even if I do find the page, I don’t have much hope that it will have been scanned correctly, since Google’s scanning machine can turn pages but not unfold them.) Happily, Barrow is pretty good about describing his figures in enough detail that I can reconstruct them as I go, which is the only reason I was able to understand anything in this chapter.
Not many surprises here, although I did learn that cosine, cotangent, and cosecant are the sine, tangent, and secant of the complementary angle, and likewise that the tangent of an angle is called the tangent because its physical instantiation lives on a line tangent to the circle. Also, Barrow defines the Verse-Sine, which was new to me: geometrically, it is the part of the radius that isn’t the cosine. (Algebraically, it is 1 - cosine.) Wikipedia says the versine was important to navigation, so I assume it will come up later.
Section II: Geometrical Constructions of the Tables of Sines, Tangents, Secants, &c.
In which we are instructed to build ourselves a unit circle, mark it off in 1-degree intervals, and construct ourselves a... well, it’s gonna look a bit like a ruler, but it’s going to measure 1 to 90 degrees, on several parallel scales: chords, sines, versed-sines, tangents, etc. To make this thing, you use your compass and measure the length of a chord for a 10-degree angle, then mark it on your chords-scale, and label it “10 deg.” Repeat for the other 89 degrees, and ta-dah, you have a chords-scale! Then do it again for sines, versed-sines, tangents, and so on. When we get to actually solving trig problems, how to use this scale is one of the three standard methods that Barrow is going to teach us.
Section III: Arithmetical Constructions of the Tables of Sines, &c.
First off, Barrow reassures us this is going to be easy-peasy, no need to panic -- which is our first cue that panicking will be required before we’re done.
But true to his word, Barrow starts out easy, using similar triangles to prove all the basic trigonometric identities: tan = sin/cos, sec = 1/cos, etc. All well and good, except it’s all done in proportions and nothing is called out by name, only by referring to various line-segments in his nowhere-to-be-found unit circle diagram. All of which makes it difficult to absorb at a glance, but once you finish decoding everything this is basically just SOHCAHTOA.
Then he proves two variants on the standard trigonometric sum/difference formulas (although he expresses them as proportions and via verbal descriptions, talking about the means of equi-different angles and the differences between them): 
cos x = (1/2) (sin y + sin (y + 2x)) / sin (y + x)
sin x = (1/2) (sin (y + 2x) - sin y) / cos (y + x)
You can verify those via the standard trigonometric sum/difference identities if you want. (I did.) But they’re also pretty straightforward geometrically, if you take the time to very carefully reconstruct what his diagram must have been: in the end, it’s all just similar triangles. He then proves several corollaries -- which in hindsight are simple enough (just straightforward algebraic manipulations, multiplying everything by two, or both sides by the denominator), but sadly, I lost MANY HOURS to a rash of typos in them.
Oh, then.
All hell breaks loose as he endeavours to prove that a semi-circle has an arc-length of pi. I admit to not following this bit: I haven’t seen Newton’s notation for calculus since I was seventeen, when that one weirdo physics professor used it in lectures, and I didn’t really feel like re-teaching it to myself for this. Nor did I really want to get into re-teaching myself binomial expansions. Also, the type-face on all the fractions in the expansions was super-squinchy to read, and you know what, fuck it, I think it’s well-established that a semi-circle has an arc-length of pi, let’s move on.
The point of establishing that a semi-circle has an arc-length of pi is so that we can calculate the arc-length of one minute (simply divide pi by 10,800 minutes, easy-peasy), which we will then use as an approximation of the sine of one minute. ... Which, okay, I suppose if your angle is small enough and your applications are practical enough you can get away with that? But it makes the mathematician in me cry, I’m just saying. (Even as I admit that you really can get away with it for most purposes: according to my handy-dandy TI-84 Plus, pi/10800 differs from sin(1′) in the ninth significant digit. But Dr. Roberts and Dr. Chrestenson would never have let me get away with that shit, never mind that I also have an engineering degree and thus should be okay with this kind of ruthless practicality. In my soul there is a mathematician and an engineer battling to the death over questions like these, you simply don’t know how much shit like this wounds me.)
Anyway, once I finally got over my fit of vapours...
Now that we have an approximation for the sine of one minute, we can calculate the cosine of one minute via the pythagorean trigonometric identity, and then...
And now I want to cry again, because now we get to build our table of sines (and along with it, our table of cosines), minute by freaking goddamn minute, by using the above equations like so:
2 cos (1′) sin (1′) - sin (0′) = sin (2′)
2 cos (2′) sin (2′) - sin (1′) = sin (3′)
2 cos (3′) sin (3′) - sin (2′) = sin (4′)
Continue until I cry blood and the seas boil dry.
(At one point Barrow admits that it’s possible to build this table in 5-minute increments and interpolate the intervening minutes when you need them. While this reduces the task to 1/5th of the original, I still want to hug and rock myself and cry.)
Happily, I don’t need to cry, because Barrow includes these tables in the book? But someone cried blood to make those tables, and John Barrow wants us all to know it.
Section IV: Actual Trigonometry Problems, At Long Last!
A ton of sample problems, all worked three ways:
Geometrically: Basically, use a compass and straight edge and your scale-thingie of chords/sines/secants that you made earlier, and draw a triangle of  the correct proportions. Then just read/measure your answer right off the actual triangle in question, ta-dah! No abstract math required, just pretty pictures!
Arithmetically: What you learned in high-school, using the tables that someone cried blood over but without calculators (although you can use logs if you want to skip ahead to chapter five for them!) God, it looks miserable and grindingly awful, and I admit I don’t have the strength of character to follow any of these calculations through to the end.
Magic, I mean, Gunter’s Scale: The instructions here are amazingly low-key -- use your chart-dividers (what tumblr calls a pointy-leg-man what it likes to make walk on tippy-toes across charts) to measure off an interval on one scale, and then drop that same interval across the appropriate second scale, and voila! You have found your answer!
Of course I wanted to know what this magical tool is!
Apparently it was a slide rule without the slidey parts -- you used your dividers to accomplish what the slidey bit does on a slide rule -- but with some extra scales especially chosen for the convenience of navigators. 
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Apparently these things were so common among navigators that they were simply called Gunters, and I WANT ONE SO BAD. Here’s a nifty article about them, complete with pictures, and did I say? I WANT ONE SO BAD. I collect old-school mathematical tools and I WANT ONE SO BAD.
Anyway, Section V is more trig homework, except now we’re no longer dealing with right triangles. I admit it, I skimmed this like fuck.
And ta-dah! That’s Planar Trigonomometry, according to John Barrow in Navigatio Britannica, or, A Complete Guide to Navigation, pub. 1750!
Up next: Section VI - Spherical Trigonometry, what makes William Bush cry. Do I have the fortitude to teach myself spherical trig? PLACE YOUR BETS NOW.
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reddeadgarlicbread · 6 years
All I Have - A Red Dead Redemption 2 Story - Chapter Eleven
Reminder that requests are OPEN
Sage Marston is the younger sister of John Marston, member of the notorious Van Der Linde Gang. After being separated as children, John finds his sister and invites her to run away with him and the gang.
As Sage quickly becomes a member of the family and valued member of the gang, she also falls in love with the charismatic leader, Dutch Van Der Linde. But little does she know, another member of the gang is falling in love with her, as well.
How will Sage cope with being a member of the gang? And what will happen when Dutch begins to lose himself?
Dutch Van Der Linde x OC Arthur Morgan x OC
Major spoilers for RDR2
Based on the awkwardness around camp the next day, quite a few people had heard Sage and Dutch last night, including Arthur. He spent most of the day avoiding her gaze, although he was friendly when they spoke.
Sage was helping Pearson with the stew once again. She sat peeling vegetables as she listened to Sadie and Pearson scream at each other, as usual. She no longer kept August with her when she was helping with dinner, as their screaming would wake him up and cause him to begin screaming every single time. Now, she left him with Abigail while she was working.
“If I don’t get out of here soon, I’m gonna kill somebody!” Sadie growled, holding a knife up to Pearson.
“And if you don’t stop hissing at me, I’m gonna kill you!” Pearson yelled back.
“Come near me, sailor...and I will slice you up!”
“You put that knife down or you’re going to be missing a hand, lady!”
Sage sat calmly peeling her vegetables as they went on and on. This was nothing new to her, it happened absolutely every day. She noticed Arthur walking over from the corner of her eye, looking up at him as he approached.
“What is wrong with you two?” he asked.
“I ain’t chopping vegetables for a living,” Sadie said.
“Oh, I’m sorry madam, was there insufficient feathers in your pillow?” Arthur asked, sarcastically.
“Look, I ain’t lazy, Mr. Morgan. I’ll work, but not this.”
“Well ain’t cooking work?”
Arthur followed Sadie as she stepped away. The two of them spoke, Sage keeping an eye on them.
“Is it really so bad workin’ with me?” Pearson asked, looking a little dejected.
“Of course not, Pearson,” Sage said, placing a comforting hand on his arm. “She’s just having a hard time.”
Arthur walked back over, Sadie behind him.
“You need anything, Mr. Pearson?” Arthur asked, “Maybe me and Mrs. Adler are gonna take a little ride. Sage, why don’t you ride along with us, too.”
“Yeah, sure,” Pearson said, as Sage stood up, walking over towards Sadie and Arthur. “Here’s my list, and can you post this letter for me while you’re there?”
“Sure. Come on, princesses,” Arthur said.
The three of them walked over to the wagon, Arthur and Sadie sitting up front and Sage jumping to sit in the back of the wagon. Dutch caught her eye as she jumped on, and she gave him a little wave, hoping that counted as letting him know she was going out. He looked displeased, but said nothing.
“So I’ve graduated from chopping vegetables to shopping?” Sadie asked.
“Shut your goddamn mouth,” Arthur grumbled. Sage stifled a laugh as the three of them headed out of camp and out into Rhodes.
“Where’s that letter?” Sadie asked, after they had been driving for a little while.
“Oh, you reading his mail now?” Arthur asked.
“Oh, robbing and killing’s okay, but letter-reading’s where we draw the line?”
Arthur said nothing, but reached in his pocket and handed her the letter. “Here.”
Sadie cleared her throat dramatically as she began to read Pearson’s letter. “‘Dear Aunt Cathy. I haven’t heard from you in some time, so I prayed to the Lord above that your health has not deteriorated further’...blah blah blah, it’s boring...Oh! Wait a sec, listen to this. ‘Since we last corresponded, I have traveled widely, making no small name for myself.’” The three of them laughed. “‘Before you ask, I am still yet to take a wife, but I can assure you it’s not for a lack of suitors.’”
Arthur was now laughing so hard he could barely drive the wagon, Sage about to fall off the back. She was happy Arthur had invited her along - it was nice to get to know Sadie, she had always seemed like someone she would like to get to know, but never had the chance to.
They pulled up beside the shop in Rhodes not long after, Arthur bringing the wagon to a stop and beginning to climb off.
“Alright, here we are,” he said.
“So? What’s the plan? I shoot the shopkeeper while you two-”
“Sadie!” Sage exclaimed, with a laugh.
“No! You insane?” Arthur asked.
“Well, I thought we was outlaws!”
“Outlaws...not idiots. We rob fools that rob other people. These people, they’re just trying to get by. So you two head on in there, and you buy us some food to eat. And no guns.”
“Are you sure?”
“This time. There’ll be time for killing soon enough.”
Sadie and Sage headed into the shop, while Arthur went off to the post office to mail Pearson’s letter and check to see if any mail had arrived for anyone. The two girls walked into the shop together.
“Hello ladies, how can I help you?” the shopkeeper greeted.
Sadie gave him the list from Pearson, and the shopkeeper disappeared to gather all of their supplies for them.
Sadie sighed. “I’d really like a new outfit.”
Sage, surprised that Sadie had even talked to her, was caught off guard. “What kind of outfit?”
“You know, a shirt and pants. Something easier to move around in, than...this stupid dress.”
Sage smiled with understanding. “Come on. Let’s go see what they’ve got. It’s on me.”
Sadie smiled, which was probably the first time Sage had seen the woman smile since she joined the gang. The two women walked over to the clothing and began looking through the options.
Eventually, she grabbed a yellow shirt and black pants with suspenders. “These might be okay,” she said.
“Well, why don’t we go try them on?”
Sadie nodded with a smile, and the two girls headed to the private changing room. “Will you, uh...come in with me?” Sadie asked.
“Sure,” Sage said, stepping inside and closing the door behind them. Sadie began to change from her dress into her new outfit.
“I’m…” Sage began, “I’m glad you’re here with us, Sadie. I know you’ve heard it a million times but I’m sorry about how you ended up here, but...it’s good to have you.”
Sadie paused for a moment, thinking about her words. “Thank you.” She continued changing. “I’m...glad to have met you, too.”
“I hope you’ll keep helping with the cooking. We can still do exciting things when the times come, but...I enjoy your company.”
Sadie smiled, despite herself. “I like your company, too. Makes working with ol’ Pearson bearable.”
Sage laughed. “He’s not so bad.”
Sadie rolled her eyes. “Oh, he really is.” She began buttoning up the pants. “So, you’re with Dutch, right?” she asked.
“Yes,” Sage smiled as she thought of her husband.
“How did that happen?”
“Well,” Sage began, “I joined the gang when I was 18. He just kind of started...being really nice to me, and paying a lot of attention to me. Then one day, he asked me on a date. A real date. It was...nice. We haven’t been able to go on many of those, even now. But he took me somewhere nice for our first time out together.” Sage smiled at the memory. “It went well, no one recognized him. It was peaceful. Then, a year later, he asked me to marry him. And, just about a year ago, we got married. Reverend Swanson officiated it, so it was real. We married under a beautiful tree by the river with all of the gang there. And again, it was peaceful. No one noticed us. Like things were just meant to be...right. For that day, at least. And then we had our little August.”
“And…” Sadie said, “Forgive me, but what about Arthur?”
Sage was taken aback. “What about Arthur?”
Sadie sighed. “He really likes you, Sage.”
Sage laughed. “No, he doesn’t.”
“Okay, whatever you say,” Sadie shrugged as she attempted to fasten her suspenders. “But I notice things about people. And I notice the way he looks at you. And...the way you look at him.”
Sage blushed. “There’s nothing going on between Arthur and I. We’re just good friends.”
“Okay,” Sadie said, dropping the subject. “Can you help me with these suspenders?”
By the time the girls had finished with the clothes, the shopkeeper had gathered all of their groceries. He offered to carry them out to the wagon, and they accepted.
Just as he was finishing loading the wagon (as Sadie berated him the whole time), Arthur exited the post office and walked back towards them.
“Why don’t you drive?” Arthur asked Sadie as he climbed up onto the front of the wagon.
“Okay,” Sadie said. Sage, who was sitting in the back amongst the groceries, helped her close the back of the wagon.
“Come on, lady, get a move on!” Arthur called.
“I like Sadie, not lady.” Sadie climbed up and began driving the wagon back to camp.
“So, you two get everything?”
“Yeah,” Sage said, “should be everything.”
“And some...new clothes, I see?”
“Don’t start,” Sadie said. “I can wear what I damn well want. Like I told you, my husband and I shared all the work. I wasn’t some little wife with a flower in her hair baking cherry pies all day.”
As the three of them talked, none of them noticed a man riding up on a horse next to their wagon.
“Hey there!” he called.
“Hey,” Arthur said, suspicion in his voice.
“What are you folks up to?”
“Just heading home.”
“You’re in Lemoyne Raider country. You need to pay a toll to pass through here.”
“Keep it cool, girls,” Arthur whispered to Sadie and Sage. “No, I don’t think so,” he said to the man.
“You don’t think so? How about you pull over right now?”
“Pull over?”
“That’s what I said.”
“Hey, how’s about this?” Sadie said, as she pulled out a gun and shot the man.
“Shit!” Arthur said, “Let’s get the hell out of here, go!”
Sage pulled her Schofield revolver out of her holster and began shooting at the other Lemoyne Raiders along with Arthur as Sadie drove the wagon away. She was never any less shocked at how quickly Arthur could take out an army of men, he was so skilled with his guns that it nearly scared her. She wasn’t so bad herself, she had been taught by Arthur and Dutch after all, but Arthur...he was something else.
“What the hell was that?” Arthur asked once most of the raiders had been dealt with.
“They was gonna rob us,” Sadie said.
“Well, you wanted to see some action lady, now you got your wish!” Arthur said as more raiders rode out from the trees. The three of them hopped off the wagon, shooting at the men fearlessly.
“You okay, Sadie?” Sage asked as she shot at one of the men, the bullet going right through his head.
“Of course. You think I can’t handle these fools?”
Arthur took them out with headshot after headshot, the girls holding their own, as well.
“Told you I could shoot a gun, didn’t I?” Sadie asked proudly.
“I don’t remember asking you to prove it,” Arthur said.
Once most of the raiders were dead and the remaining ones were running away, Arthur ran over to the girls. “Are you two okay?” he asked, but his hands were on Sage’s shoulders.
“We’re fine, told you we could hold our own,” Sadie said, giving Sage a knowing smile.
“Yeah. We’re fine,” Sage said.
Arthur said with relief. “Good. Neither of you got hurt?” he asked, pulling Sage into a hug.
“Okay then. Let’s get back to camp.”
Everyone jumped back on the wagon, Sadie grabbing the reins. “Alright. I’ll drive us back.”
“No, pass those reins here,” Arthur said.
“Because you’ve caused enough trouble already!”
The rest of the ride back to camp was thankfully uneventful. They pulled up next to Pearson’s tent and the three of them began unloading the groceries from the back of the wagon, as they spoke with Pearson.
“I would ride with you again, Mrs. Adler, Mrs. Van der Linde, if you will ride with me,” Arthur said.
Sadie laughed. “Maybe, if you prove you can handle yourself.”
“Well, they say I lack finesse, but I ain’t afraid of gun smoke.”
“We’ve got this from here, Mr. Morgan,” Pearson said. “And...nice pants, by the way, Sadie.”
“You left again without my permission.”
Sage sighed. “This again, Dutch? I didn’t bring August with me. And it was just shopping with Arthur and Sadie.”
“During which you got attacked by a rival gang!”
“And lived!” Sage pointed out, helpfully. “I was with Arthur, Dutch. You trust him, don’t you?”
Dutch looked away. “Listen, Sage. I just worry about you.”
“And I can take care of myself,” she said, placing a hand on his cheek, causing his gaze to meet hers once again. “You’ve got much bigger things to worry about than me.”
“I suppose you’re right.” He grabbed her hand, bringing it to his lips for a kiss. “Just be safe, Sage.”
“I will, my love.”
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crashdevlin · 6 years
Holidays, not Holy-Days
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Red Queen Chronicles Masterlist
Author’s Note: Originally posted to ao3 (This is an edited and improved version) Part Two of the Red Queen Chronicles!
Summary: Cassie Campbell brings her teammates and friends together for her first ever Christmas dinner. 2 aliens, an atheist, her boyfriend's ex-wife, her ex-boyfriend and an all-American lab rat worried about her mental health. What could go wrong?
Word Count: 8148
Pairing(s): Phil Coulson x OFC (Past), Clint Barton x OFC, 
Story Warnings: 18+, HERE BE SEX!!! DON’T READ IF YOU’RE A YOUNG’UN!!!, kitchen sex, protected vaginal sex, oral sex (fem rec), identity issues, panic attack,
"Because, Clint, I know that at least two of us, probably three, have never had a Christmas dinner and Wanda hasn't had one since she was orphaned. You guys are my family and I really want everyone here. I've got this big old house to myself and I don't want that on Christmas. I know Nat's not busy. You're retired. You can't say 'no'."
"What about Laur-"
"I asked Laura. She wanted nothing to do with it. Apparently, she and the kids don't leave the house much around Christmas just in case Barney comes home. I think that's probably a real depressing place to be if he doesn't show, so come to Washington. Spend Christmas with your girlfriend and your friends."
Static came through the phone as Clint sighed. "Who is gonna be there?"
"Well, Pepper confirmed for her and Tony, but I'm gonna double check with him. I think I've caught Thor's attention, or at least Heimdall's, so I'll hear from him soon. I sent Steve a paper invite via snail mail a week ago, so I'm gonna call to see if he got it. Wanda and Vision both confirmed and Sam said he has to see what's going on with his family, but he would probably stop by. I'm gonna call Phil after I get off with you, invite him and his people."
"You gonna have enough food for all those people?"
"I'm making a goose, a turkey, and a ham, three kinds of potatoes, four casseroles, homemade rolls, store-bought rolls, cranberry sauce from scratch and 6 different kinds of pie. I have a chart to make sure everything is ready at the same time. I got this. Now, I just need you."
"Oh, tug at my heartstrings. Fine. I confirm for me and Nat. See you on the 22nd, babe."
"Love you, Hawkeye." She hung up and wiped her hand down her face. "Visit or call? Visit or call?"
Cassie sighed and hit the buttons on her landline to call Coulson. "Cassie. How's Seattle?"
"Rainy, but beautiful. Exactly what I expected. So... how's the... lack of hand?" She grabbed a mug and filled it with coffee.
"It's... bad. I'm having issues. My robotics guy is behind on making a prosthetic because our biologist disappeared and they were joined at the hip, but... is that why you called, Cass?"
"No, actually. Well, kinda. I know that the last several months have sucked for pretty much everybody and I'm thinking that we all need a bit of happy. I am hosting a Yule feast on the 22nd, and I'd like you and your A-Team to come."
"Yule Feast?"
"Yeah. I'm inviting a Viking God and a couple atheists, so I didn't want to go too religious on it. That's why I'm doing it early and calling it 'Yule'. It's gonna be great and I'd really like you and yours to be there."
"Even Bobbi?"
"Uh, yeah. Actually, I have a gift specially for her."
"Really? Aren't you dating Barton?"
"I am. Since before Sokovia, actually, since I know you wanna know. No, I developed a thing in my Stark Tech lab that I think screams 'Mockingbird'. I got Tony to agree let me give the prototype to her. If she has any complaints, it'll help me tweak it before any sort of production."
"So... you're calling to invite me and mine to Yule dinner?" There was silence for a few seconds, then Coulson asked, "Are you making sweet potatoes?"
"And sweet potato pie. Mac and Cheese casserole, mashed potatoes and those rolls I made on your birthday."
"What can I bring?"
"Just you and some presents."
"We'll be there."
"Great. See you in a few days." She turned off the house phone and took a drink of her coffee. "Call Tony," she demanded of her cell phone.
"You know who you called. Leave a message."
"The Boss is unavailable. Would you like to leave a message?" The Irish accent of FRIDAY came through the speaker.
"Oh, come on! FRIDAY, tell the man to answer his phone. Tell him I burned down StarkTech Olympia and the insurance guys are gonna be calling next."
"That's not funny." Tony's voice came through the speaker next.
"But effective, wasn't it, Boss?" Cassie asked, with a smile.
"What do you need, Campbell?"
"A vacation and a raise, but beyond that... Pepper RSVP'd for the two of you and I just wanted to make sure she even mentioned it to you before she did that."
"RSVP'd... to your little Christmas thing?"
"Yeah. I told her to. We're good."
"Awesome. Everyone's gonna be here. Well, not everyone. Still can't seem to get a bead on Banner and he doesn't really seem like the Christmas type, but... Clint, Nat, Vision, Wanda, Sam, Phil and his crew and you and Pepper are definitely coming. I have a raven to Asgard-don't ask- and an invitation traveling USPS to New York for Steve. It's an actual paper Christmas card. Hallmark just says some things better than me."
"No. You just wanted to make Rogers feel at home. All those words you throw around, no one could say it better than you."
Cassie chuckled. "I got a blank snowman card and wrote inside it. You know me so well, Tony."
"Do you need me to bring anything? I mean, do you need me to tell Pepper we need to bring something?"
"If you want liquor, you have to bring it. I've been keeping a dry house. And... I know how you are about the holidays, so... that's what you should bring."
"All right. Next week. And StarkTech Olympia better be standing and ready for a walk-through when I get there."
"You're gonna make me give you a tour of the lab on Christmas?"
"The 22nd isn't Christmas. I don't even think it's Yule this year."
"Actually, it is. I looked it up."
"Uh-oh. You aren't getting into all that occultist weird stuff that Hitler got your daddy into, are you?"
"I'm insulted, Tony. Even as a joke, that's insulting. I was trying to be more accommodating for the aliens and agnostics on our team, all right? I'm still a Christian and I will be celebrating my savior's birth, likely alone, a few days later. This isn't about the Holy-day, this is about family."
"Yule isn't about family. It's about the God of the Sun dying and being reborn. It's kinda like Easter, without the fertility symbols."
"Oi, don't shit on my religion, Stark. Easter is not about the bunny or eggs, it's about Jesus becoming the Walking Dead. Just be here on Yule and bring booze. I have the feeling we're gonna need it." She hung up before he could and stretched her neck to relieve some of the stress.
Clint showed up the night of the 21st, calling forth a squeal from the superheroine. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed his cheek. "House smells like pie," Clint said.
"That's 'cause there's three pies in the oven."
"Three? Thought you were doing six?"
"Apple, pumpkin and sweet potato are in now. I've got a no-bake chocolate and a lemon meringue in the fridge setting and I did a pumpkin cheesecake yesterday. Bonus, I wanted to know if I was any good at pecan, so I made an extra pie."
"Wow. You got really into this, didn't you?" Clint asked, flicking a sprig of mistletoe hanging in the doorjamb between the foyer and the living room.
"I didn't have Christmas for twenty years and then, Phil was usually working on Christmas. This is the first time I've ever had a chance to do Christmas. I bought a whole bunch of ornaments and stuff. I've got a real freakin' pine tree in my living room. Real mistletoe that I had to buy through a florist. The dinner. I'm excited."
"How excited?" Clint asked, wagging his eyebrows at her.
"Are you asking for Christmas sex, because I am severely behind on my mise en place?"
"Your what?"
"Food prep. You know, giant meal tomorrow."
"And if I help you with your preparazione del cibo, you can come take a break and show me what you've done with your bedroom since I helped you move in."
"It's been months, Clint. You think we'll even make it up those stairs?" she asked.
"Love it when you turn the modesty off for me," he said, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her into a deep kiss.
She moaned into his mouth and tried not get pulled into the feeling of having Clint's hands on her hips again. She put her hands on his shoulders and pushed back from him firmly. "No. I... Clint. There's a lot to do still."
"And sixteen hours 'til the other guests come through that door. You said it, babe, it's been months." Clint brought his fingers up and began to unbutton her green cardigan. "This is adorable on you, by the way. Can we take it off for a sex... I mean, sec."
"Clint. What if the pies burn?"
He pulled the sweater down her arms and tossed it toward the counter. It landed perfectly, hanging from the corner of a slightly open drawer. "We don't even have to leave the kitchen."
"That's not very... sanitary," Cassie breathed out as Clint pulled her camisole top over her head and threw it over to hang with her sweater.
"You have seen my apartment in Bed-Stuy, haven't you?" Clint asked, turning her around and pushing her so that she was leaning over the counter. "How much do you think I care about sanitary? Thank you for wearing a skirt." He kissed the back of her neck as his hands glided down her legs to pull her skirt up around her hips and hooked his fingers in the band of her panties.
"There's really only one thing in this kitchen I've been dying to eat, Cass, and it's not in the oven."
"Oh. Don't be vulgar."
He pulled her panties to her feet and kissed his way up the back of her thigh. "You love it when I'm vulgar." He picked her left foot up and pushed it to rest on the counter. His tongue delved quickly into her as his left hand came around to rub her clit. His right hand dug into his back pocket and tossed a condom onto the counter. It landed perfectly on the back of Cassie's hand, as Clint continued his assault.
She ripped the foil open and handed it backward to Clint, who stood, pulling his jeans down and rolling the condom over his mostly-hard length. "Wasting no time, huh?"
"Hey, you're the one that's worried about pies. And I've been thinking about this since before I got on that plane. I'm more than ready enough. You need more foreplay?"
"God, no. Just fuck me, we can do this the right way after the guests leave."
"My thoughts, exactly." He lined himself up with her, putting his left hand on her shoulder and his right on her hip. He pushed the head of him into her, both of them closing their eyes at the sensation. He swiveled his hips forward until he was completely sheathed in her. "Did I mention how much I've missed you?"
"Missed me or missed this?"
"It can't be both?" He asked.
"Such a charmer," she whispered as he pulled back until he was just barely inside her. She bit her lip in anticipation and let her head fall forward as he began a fast-paced piston motion. "Fuck, Clint."
"Gotta visit more." Clint groaned as he attached his mouth to the junction where her shoulder and neck met.
"Oh, yes. Please. I need more of this in my life." She whimpered as Clint brought his left hand around to rub furiously at her clit.
"I'm gonna cum. You gonna cum with me?"
"Harder, Clint."
"Bossy," he breathed in her ear, but his next several pumps were harder and he pressed his fingers into her clit with much more pressure. As the muscles inside of her began to clench, Clint grunted his approval and emptied into the condom.
Cassie reached forward and grabbed several paper towels, as Clint pulled the condom off and tossed it into the trash. She handed the paper towels to him and reached down to pull up her panties. "I love you and that was great, but... I have to wash my hands and check on pies. Why don't you go put your bag in the bedroom?"
"I love you and that was great." He kissed her cheek and walked out of the kitchen, fattening his jeans.
Thor's arrival brought rain down on the house, harder than the normal Seattle drizzle, and made slush of the December snow. "Thor! A-and Sif!" Cassie said, pulling the door open. "I wasn't expecting you to bring Lady Sif."
Thor gave a huge smile as he passed through the doorway to greet Pepper, Clint and Tony. Lady Sif stopped in front of her and smiled. "I've heard much about you, Lady Cassie. Thor has regaled us of your warrior personality and your great intelligence. You'd do well on Asgard."
"Regaled you? Wha-"
"Yes, the Allfather and I both greatly appreciate the tale where Loki came to you disguised as one of your advisors and you caved in his chest with one great kick."
Cassie blinked at the giant woman. *The Allfather. Thor still doesn't know. Shit.* "The Allfather... that doesn't seem like something he'd care about."
"On the contrary," Thor said, placing a long, poorly-wrapped pole against the wall next to the tree. "Father enjoys hearing about you. He especially loves to hear about Ulysses Klaue's ship."
"Ah, yes! How you were able to redirect the witch's influence and break out of her hold while Thor and his companions were all stuck inside their minds. That you, a small Midgardian woman, had to carry the mighty Odinson to safety never ceases to amuse."
"It doesn't strike any of you as odd that Odin would care, at all, about what some Midgardian woman's doing?"
Thor clapped a hand on her back and smiled. "You are more than just a Midgardian woman. You are my friend and teammate and, though your marriage to my brother was short and involuntary, I consider you my sister."
"I believe it is your connection with Loki, his obsession with you, that spurred Odin's interest. He's ordered Heimdall report your actions weekly."
"And the ravens are watching me. That's how I got the message to you."
"Just Huginn," Thor answered.
"Yeah, I'm just gonna say it: you ever think Odin might be Loki in disguise?"
Sif and Thor looked at each other, seriously, for a moment before filling the foyer with loud laughter. "You did not tell me she was so adept at the art of jest, Thor!"
Cassie smiled, awkwardly, as Thor put his hands on her shoulders and walked her into the living room. "What's funny?" Clint asked.
"The absurdity that my brother might've gone back to Asgard, where he is a wanted man set to be imprisoned for the rest of his existence for crimes against the Nine Realms, and somehow took over Odin's life and position as King."
"That is funny. Even Loki isn't crazy enough to go back to Asgard," Tony said, a glass of suspiciously thin eggnog in his hand.
"What if he did it when you thought he was dead; before he even came back for me?" Cassie whispered.
Everyone in the room looked around as they realized she was serious. "Kid, where's this coming from?" Tony asked.
"Odin has taken an interest in her. My tales of her mightiness have made her an interest for him. She thinks this odd." Thor responded.
"You guys are right. It's absurd. Loki would never have made it to the throne room. Heimdall would've seen. He doesn't ever miss anything, right?"
"Exactly," Thor said, with a smile.
Cassie nodded and walked toward the door as the chime rang through the house. *Planted the seed. Nothing else I can do. Except admit that I've known since I was Joanna and I should've told them when I got back from Austria and Thor needs to go depose Loki from the Allfather's throne. Which will stall their trust in me, and rightfully so. Erg. Just not on Christmas, Cassie.* "Phil!" she said, with a smile as she opened the door. She wrapped her arms around him, then turned to the tall blond. "Bobbi, nice to see you up and about. How's the knee?"
"Better than the lung. Leg only hurts when I move."
"Lung hurts when you breathe. Gotcha. Well, I don't have any medical personnel here, but I've got several scientists and Nat and Clint might have some of those SHIELD un-approved pain killers that Phil's supposed to act like he's never taken because he's Director now."
"Uh-oh, Coulson. You sure you wanna introduce us to your (super young, by the way) ex? Might learn some stuff about you." A woman with wavy brunette hair and a black leather jacket said.
"'Skye', right? Wait, 'Daisy' now. Nice to meet you. Cassie. And yeah, young, but strong and awesome and mature for my age."
"You mean, 'our age', right? I mean, if we aren't the same age, then you can't be much older," Daisy started.
"That's not- our relationsh- She's young, but-"
Bobbi laughed. "Let's get inside before Coulson pulls out the whole 'Age ain't nothin' but a number' spiel."
"Ooh, or the 'she seduced me' argument," Daisy replied, as the women walked past the hostess into the foyer where they took off their jackets.
"More likely, the 'You know how hard it is to find someone who understands the job'," Bobbi said, disappearing into the living room.
"We didn't bring any presents. Except Coulson," a sad Scottish accent said as the skinny man who owned it stepped forward.
"That's okay. Got food for you, anyway, Fitz."
"How do you know us all?" Fitz asked, stopping at the doorway.
"I have cultivated an unusual and unexpected friendship with Nick Fury. He put your team together so he told me about you."
"You're friends with Fury?" Coulson asked, surprised.
"Yeah. I showed a little due respect and he showed it back." She pushed the men toward the living room and shut the door. "You know, Fury doesn't have a problem with me dating Clint."
"Probably because Barton isn't old enough to be your father," Natasha called out as they walked into the living room.
"Nat! When did you get here?"
"She walked down the stairs a few minutes ago," Pepper answered.
"Clint left the window unlocked, didn't he?"
Natasha gave her signature smirk. "You shouldn't keep pizza in your bedroom. You'll get bugs."
Cassie turned her gaze to Clint. "There's pizza in my bedroom?"
"I got hungry after you went to sleep. Amazing Nick's is open until 3 am."
"But why is the pizza in the bedroom?"
"The real question is, how'd you miss that when you woke up?" Daisy asked.
"I fell asleep on the couch 'cause I was still cooking. So, he got a pizza at 2 am and took it up to my room to eat."
"I like to be comfy when I'm overloading on carbohydrates and cheese."
"There better not be grease on my comforter."
"Hey, calm down! It's Christmas!" Clint said, with a smile.
"Oh, you got jokes, Barton, but we all know I can kick your well-toned ass, so go get the pizza out of my damn bedroom."
Clint chuckled. "Yes, ma'am."
Daisy and Bobbi watched as he bounced up the stairs, two at a time. "Wow. It's weird that you're the grown-up in your relationship. Was it like that with Coulson, too?" Daisy asked.
"Um... Phil and I were both, kinda, the grown-up when we were together. I was grown-up about the domestic stuff and he was grown about everything else."
"Which wasn't much. He wasn't around often," Natasha said, casting her eyes on the Director.
"Fury had me running all over the world, chasing dangerous tech, people and aliens. New York for Stark, New Mexico for Thor and Dr. Selvig. Hong Kong. Portland." Cassie gave a tight smile to the room at the mention of Portland, sitting down next to Pepper. Stark patted her hand as Phil continued. "I was busy, and Cassie knew that I was going to be away a lot. She knew what she was getting into."
"At, what, twenty? She knew what she was getting into?" Pepper chided.
"All right, back off of Phil a little. This isn't the season of shaming. It's the season of giving. And I have presents for most of you, food for everyone. Speaking of, I have to go check the turkey," Cassie said, standing up and heading for the kitchen.
"Need any help in there?" Bobbi shouted.
"No, no. I'm good for now. Might need help in a while but... ooh, actually, if you wanted, I have a crudité platter in here. You could come grab it." Cassie pulled the platter from the fridge and handed it to the gigantic blond woman. "Hummus, ranch, veggies. Nothing that should be offensive to anyone... except maybe the carnivore Asgardians. I don't know if they even eat vegetables."
"I'm sure it's fine. Hey, you know we're just taking the piss out of Coulson for the hell of it, right? It's nothing against you or your relationship. I'm sure it wasn't anything sordid."
"It was true love... for a few years. And then it wasn't." Cassie sighed, pulling open the oven.
"But you've got Clint now. He's a good man. And if you can deal with the infantile way he deals with life, you'll be fine."
"I know. And I can." She stood, baster in hand, and shut the oven door. She looked at Bobbi. "You ever get that feeling, where something is great... it's amazing and awesome and you love it, but something isn't quite right? It's just askew."
"Yeah. Sometimes."
"My whole life is like that. Everything is just a little off center. And I don't know why, so I question everything now... even good men."
Bobbi opened her mouth to say something, but the bell rang again, prompting Cassie to nod at her and walk toward the foyer. "Steve! Wanda and Vision! Hey! Welcome, welcome, and happy holidays!" She stepped out of the way to let the Avengers into the house.
"Happy Christmas!" Wanda said, hugging her.
"Fröhliche Weihnachten, meine Freundin." She gave the brunette a squeeze and turned to Vision with a smile. "Great to see you. I was afraid you'd think this Christmas, or Yule, stuff would be silly."
"Wanda explained the importance. I'd never detract from your rituals. I was, admittedly, a bit lost about what to bring."
"We didn't have much money, but we think you'll be happy with zem," Wanda said.
"I'm just happy you're here. Living room is straight through there. Everybody's already here."
"Sam said he'll be here for dessert," Steve said, closing the door. He looked around the hallway, decked out in reds and greens. "The lights out there are nothing compared to this. You went big on the decorations."
Cassie shrugged. "First Christmas."
"Does it surprise you that Hydra didn't feel the need to tell me about Christmas?" she asked as Steve took his blue coat off and hung it neatly by the door. "I learned about it while I was in the Fridge, through books and stuff."
"You've been out for almost five years, now, right?"
"No one to celebrate with. Fury always made sure Phil was out during the holidays... and after I moved to New York... no one to celebrate with," she repeated.
"I'm sure Nick didn't do it on purpose."
Cassie smiled. "Yeah... he did. He wanted Phil out and away from me as much as possible. Nick and I have discussed this. Anyway, Merry Christmas, Steve."
"Merry Christmas, Cassie," Steve responded, eyeing the mistletoe above her head. He leaned down and pressed his lips to her cheek. "Come on."
"All right, that's everybody except Sam, who won't be here before pie." Cassie walked into the living room and stood next to the tree, Steve leaning against the doorjamb. "So, we can do presents before or after the feast. I'd recommend before, though, 'cause who wants to open presents when they're fighting a tryptophan nap?"
"Break out the presents. That big one, there, that's for me, right?" Tony asked, pointing to a large flat present.
"Actually, yes. Were you shaking gifts while I was out of the room?" she asked, handing the gift to him. He ripped the paper off to reveal a mosaic picture of Iron Man made of thousands of pictures of Tony. "I had a little time while waiting for things to finish at work, so I came up with this. Do you like it?"
"This is... amazing. Look, it's me.... made out of me," Tony said, turning the frame so everyone could see it.
"You had to play to his ego, didn't you?" Pepper joked.
"I knew what he'd like. Okay, so.... Pepper, here you go. Clint, babe. Natasha," Cassie said, handing wrapped boxes to everyone as she said their names. "Now, open them one at a time. I wanna see your faces as you open them. Pepper, you first."
Pepper smiled and tore into the box. "Oh, my. Did you make this?" she asked, pulling up a teal knit scarf.
"Yeah. I tried to make as many of the gifts as I could."
"Where did you find time to learn to knit?" Phil asked.
"Um... I learned to knit a few years ago. I was working on socks... and a blanket." She looked down, then back up with a big smile. "I was gonna do a sweater for Vision, but I decided against it. Natasha, yours next."
Natasha looked down at the long box in her lap, then ran her finger along the end of the paper and slid the box out. Inside was a knife, almost a foot long from end to end. The Russian smiled slightly as she pulled it from it's sheath. "Fallkniven A1 survival blade. 6.375 inch blade, 11 inches because it's full tang. Beautiful, perfectly balanced... this is amazing. Thank you."
"You don't already have one, do you?"
Natasha shook her head. "No. I don't. Thank you."
"Clint." Clint's box was long and when he opened it, a shiny, purple leather quiver greeted him. "I mean, it's obviously not for Tactical work, but... I like it."
"She knows your favorite color? We were married for two years before I knew your dirty secret." Bobbi seemed offended.
"Hey, there's nothing wrong with a man liking purple. I just don't tell anyone because some people disagree with me about that."
"That might be my fault. His first suit was all purple and blue, with a big mask. I told him he looked like a big, gay circus freak," Natasha responded.
"Mostly right," Bobbi responded.
"Seriously?!" Clint glared at the gymnast and the ballerina, before leaning forward to kiss Cassie. "I love it. I'm gonna use it at the farm everyday."
Cassie smiled, a blush creeping across her cheeks. She cleared her throat and walked to the tree, grabbing another object that definitely looked like a picture frame, albeit much smaller than Tony's, and handing it to Wanda. Wanda smiled and pulled open the wrapping paper. Her face dropped into a sad look as tears began to form in her eyes. Vision put a hand on her shoulder as she hugged the small canvass to her.
"Okay, knitting, I get, but when did you learn to paint?" Phil asked, deeply impressed by the detail in her painting of Pietro.
"I got the basic lessons from this little old lady in Hohenheims. She was painting a mural of the Nativity on the wall of Father Nathan's office and I just watched and learned for a while. I work on it when I have time."
"How do you have so much time? You work sixty hours a week at the lab and you go to school. When are you painting and knitting and making mosaics of Tony?" Steve asked, crossing the living room and picking up the painting to examine it as Wanda set it on the couch and hugged the artist.
Cassie smiled. "I make time for my family." She grabbed a small box and handed it across to Coulson, who shook it.
Phil pulled the wrapping off, revealing a small plastic box. He flipped the top off and gasped, "Are these-"
"Mint and vintage. The guy tried to sell me reproductions, but I could tell the difference. I've seen the real thing. I heard what Fury did to yours and I knew it must've broken your heart once you got back from TAHITI."
"These must've cost a fortune!" Phil whispered, flipping carefully through the cards.
"Well, after I caught the guy trying to cheat me, I pulled up some footage of Sokovia on my phone and showed him that I, you know, could put the hurting on him, he gave me a good deal." She smirked as she handed a box to Bobbi.
"Are you sure you wanna give me a present?"
"I'm sure. Go on."
Bobbi tore the package open and pulled out two batons and two bracelets. "Do these... go together?"
"Yeah. The, uh, the bracelets snap on and activate and that way, you can throw your batons and the magnetic pull between the bracelets and batons will bring them right back to your hands."
"That's amazing!" Bobbi exclaimed, testing out the balance of the batons. "These... if they can do what you say... when I get back in the field..."
"If," Coulson responded, still looking at his cards, mesmerized.
"It does! And you will get out in the field again. Okay, who's left? Steve! That box," she said pointing to a big box next to the tree.
He leaned down and ripped open the box, pulling out a stack of albums. "'Music Through the Decades'."
"Starts on the ‘50s and goes on through now. I also added a few albums that I really like. Green Day is real good and Nirvana."
"If there's not any Sabbath in there, then what's the point?"
Cassie smirked at Tony. "No 'Iron Man' but I'm pretty sure 'Crazy Train' is on one of those vinyls."
"This is great, Cassie. Thank you. And thank you for... picking vinyls."
"Of course. They're coming back into vogue, so it's easier to find them."
"Everything old is new again," Clint mumbled.
Cassie giggled before turning to Thor. "I'm still working on yours. It was a tall order and I thought I could get it done before now but I... just haven't had time. I'm working on a communication device that will work between Midgard and Asgard, so you can call Jane or we could call you. Not everyone on the team has Heimdall and Huginn watching them."
"A tall order? I assume this means a difficult thing and yes, that would be a 'tall order'. Even Asgard doesn't have such a device."
"If anyone can do it-" Clint started.
"I can. But if I don't care to try, Cassie's got you," Tony said, taking a drink of his nog.
"I'll figure it out. Promise."
"Wow. She's an amazing gift-giver," Daisy mused, taking one of Bobby's batons and tossing it in the air.
"Yeah. Now it's her turn. Grab a gift." Natasha pointed at the tree.
"Allow me." Thor volunteered, grabbing the poorly-wrapped pole as Sif handed her a pair of gloves.
Cassie looked between the Asgardians in confusion. "I need gloves to open my present?" she asked. They just nodded, smiling, as the SHIELD agents looked up, nervously. She pulled the gloves on and looked down.
"That's not..." Phil set down the cards and stood, looking to Thor as he handed the pole to Cassie.
Cassie ripped the paper down and gasped as she was met with a bright silver staff, etched with Asgardian runes. "Oh, my. This is beautiful."
"That's a Berserker Staff. Nobody touch it," Daisy warned.
"Are you sure that's a good gift for-" Phil started, looking worried.
"She is mighty. She can handle the Berserk." Sif answered.
"Okay, somebody explain this one to me. Berserker Staff?"
"Cass, it's, uh, an Asgardian weapon. It gives you a massive dose of adrenaline and then, it pulls on all of your worst memories to give you a rage like you've never felt before. It's supposed to be really good in battle, but you can ask May... it's pretty horrible."
"She is mighty, son of Coul. She pulled herself from the dream this witch created when even Thor could not. If there were ever a mortal strong enough to handle the Berserker staff, it is she," Sif responded.
Cassie looked down at the staff on her lap in wonder. "Horrible but really good in battle. It's the Hulk of alien weaponry. Thank you, Thor, so much. I know this must be a huge deal, to give a Midgardian one of these."
Thor smiled his bright white smile again. "You are not just a Midgardian. You are my sister. It is no huge deal, Lady Cassie."
"I don't know if she can handle-" Bobbi started.
"On the May-to-Ward scale of handling shit, where would you place her, Coulson?" Daisy asked.
"Well, I... think that's a question for Barton. 'Cause she didn't really have any rage when I was with her, so I don't know how she deals with it."
Cassie stood as Clint opened his mouth to answer. "How about that's a question for me. I deal with my considerable rage just fine. I became a superhero with it. I don't dwell on it, but I use it, every time I fight. If that's what this thing does, then good. And don't ask my ex-boyfriend if I can handle something, Daisy." She set the staff against the wall and smiled at Clint. "Your turn, babe."
Clint grabbed a box from under the tree and a Christmas card from the mantel over the fireplace. "Box is from me; card is from Katie."
"Ooh, the other Hawkeye sent me a gift? She's never even met me."
"She insisted."
"When do I get to meet Miss Bishop?" Cassie asked, opening the card.
"Uh... sometime when Bobbi and Nat aren't around. Too many of my important women in one place... three of you makes me nervous, four would kill me."
"'I know how stressful working with Barton can be, I can only imagine how dating him must kill. De-stress on me. Merry Christmas.' Holy shit. This is a wristband for Aphrodite Day Spa. This is the most amazing spa in central Washington. It's several thousand dollars for an all-inclusive wristband. I feel bad, now. I didn't get anything for her."
"Don't worry. I've told you her daddy is rich, right? What do you get the hero who has everything?"
"Wow." She set the card down and opened the box. "Oh, my. Is this a real Henkel?"
"Euroline. That's the one you wanted, right?" Clint asked.
"I... barely mentioned that I liked it. This is... awesome."
"He got you a kitchen knife? Lame," Tony muttered.
"A ZWILLING J.A. Henkel chef knife. This is, like, the filet minon of chef's knives." She defended. "Thank you, Clint. You are amazing."
"I think we should probably go next. 'Worst for last' is not the way, you know?" Wanda said, grabbing Vision's hand and each grabbing their gifts. Cassie smiled and opened the box Wanda handed over. "I know you spent a bit of time in Austria. Thought you might want to have a bit of Europe to eat."
"Hey! Mozartkugel!"
"What the hell is Mozartkugel?" Tony asked.
"It's pistachio marzipan and nougat covered in dark chocolate. It's amazing. Helga got me addicted before I could even pronounce 'Mozartkugel'. Thank you! How'd you know?" Wanda looked down, sheepishly. "You took it from my head. That's okay. Thank you."
Vision handed her a small box, which she quickly opened, pulling out a small ceramic Santa figurine. "Aww. It's cute! Thank you, Vision." He nodded at her.
"In the vein of 'let us not leave worst for last', me next," Pepper said, pushing a card into her hands. "It's just a gift card."
"To... Sephora? High-end make up. You rock, Pepper. I was just telling Clint that I need to learn how to do my makeup."
"And I was telling her she doesn't need it."
"Well, that's a thing Barton does well," Bobbi said to Natasha, who just nodded.
Cassie smiled at Barton and thanked Pepper. Steve looked sheepishly at the group. "I, uh, feel pretty horrible about my gift. All these great gifts and... I went practical with mine."
"An umbrella is very practical," Vision said, causing everyone to cast their eyes down.
"An umbrella. For Seattle. I get it. Cute, practical. Just like you, Steve," Cassie said, with a big smile.
"All right. My turn," Tony said, handing her a large jewelry box. "It was my mother's."
Cassie was breathless as she looked down at an Art Deco necklace with an opal and two large diamonds set into a platinum pendant. "Tony... you can't... I can't."
"Pepper doesn't do opal," Tony said, pulling the necklace from the box and holding it up to her neck. "It's gonna look great on you."
"But this was your mom's."
"My mom would have loved you. She was a strong woman, too, you know. Had to be, to put up with my father's bull. Look, I'm not wearing it and I've got two important women in my life and one of them doesn't do opal."
"He really wants you to have it," Pepper whispered, encouragingly.
"But, this is..."
"You always argue when I try to give you stuff. You should know it's futile, by now," Tony said, clasping the necklace together behind her neck and stepping back to marvel at how it looked on her. "Yup. I was right. Hangs just right."
"Here," Natasha said, pulling a bow out from behind the couch and handing it to Cassie. "It's a compound, not a longbow, but compounds are easier to learn on. Or so the guy at the shop told me."
"Wow, thanks so much." Cassie looked around and smiled. "Well, if that's everything, turkey should be-"
"That's not everything. Coulson brought something," Fitz said, walking out of the room.
Phil nodded and walked away, grabbing Cassie's hand and pulling her out of her house and into her front yard. "So, I remember how much you liked LOLA and how much you enjoyed that motorcycle run we did from Malibu to San Fran, so I had Mack and Fitz put together this..." He opened up the back of the black van they'd arrived in, revealing a Harley Sportster. "It's an '03 XL 1200. Still got the endorsement on your license?"
"You... motorcycle?" She was dumbfounded.
"Not just a motorcycle. You think he'd have us work on a regular motorcycle?" Fitz asked as Coulson rolled the bike out of the van. "Well, Mack, maybe, but not me."
"Fitz is the guy who made our stealth tech work," Coulson said, proudly. "And he made quick work of the science that makes LOLA hover. Meet HARLEE. Hover Aircraft Requiring a Little Extra Effort."
"That's a horrible name," Clint commented.
"It's better than his first idea. Wanted me to figure out a way to make the acronym PHIL," Fitz responded.
"Oh, like LOLA was named after his first love," Daisy said with smile.
"This is amazing, Fitz. Did you do the whole thing?"
"Well, Mack did a lot of the work on the... the normal motorcycle parts, but the... additional bits were all me," Fitz replied, leaning down to examine his work on the HARLEE.
"This is amazing," Cassie repeated, hugging the Scotsman, who stiffened. "Thank you, Fitz."
"Thank him? Where's my thanks?" Coulson asked.
"How much help did you give the poor overworked Leopold Fitz?" Cassie asked, releasing the man and turning to the SHIELD director.
Coulson lifted his prosthetic hand. "I couldn't help much with this."
"Oh, has he been using that as an excuse since Mack cut it off?" Natasha asked.
Bobbi, Daisy and Fitz all nodded. Cassie laughed. "Thank you for thinking of it, Phil. I love it! Now, let's get inside, it's freezing out here. Let's go eat some turkey!"
Steve smirked. "I'm fine in the cold. Mind if I stay back, appreciate your present?"
"All right, but don't go becoming a Cap-cicle again." Cassie smirked as she ushered everyone else into the house.
Steve grabbed Clint's arm and pulled him away from the door, close to the Harley and forced him to bend to look at the bike. "She's not sleeping."
"Yeah? How'd I sneak a large 3-cheese past her at 2 am, then?"
"There's no way she had time to do everything and still get sleep, Clint. She was either exhausted from her insomnia, or she took something to make herself sleep."
"Lorazepam. That's what Banner gave her when she came back from Austria."
Clint pulled back, standing. "How do you know that?"
"Because I was worried." Steve stood, too. "When she came back from Austria, she should've been rested. Happy. But she wasn't. She was exhausted, I could see it when you walked in, so I went to Banner after you and Natasha debriefed me and she was passed out in his lab. Bruce told me that he'd given her anxiety meds that let her sleep. He told me that she'd been having nightmares, terrors that persisted until she saw Dr. Garner."
"So, what, you think she's dreaming of Loki again?"
"I don't think she was dreaming of Loki before, Clint. What did she learn from that first session with Doc Garner?"
"That she wasn't evil like she thought."
"And the nightmares stopped. It wasn't Loki that caused her insomnia in Austria. Heck, she dealt with a Loki dream in enough time to pick me up and carry me off that ship in Africa. So, what could possibly be causing her insomnia now?"
Clint looked down, thinking of the plane ride to Sokovia. Wanda had gotten her to admit that she was afraid of whatever pieces of her were leaking. If anything was keeping her awake at night, that would be it. "She's fine, Cap. Don't worry about her," he lied as he turned away.
Steve watched as Clint walked into the house. "Fine. I'll talk to her about it."
As he walked into the dining room, Cassie held up a postcard. "So, I got this a few days ago, wanted to share it with you. Postcard, no return address, it looks like it's just blank, but... run a black light over it... Bam! QR code." She pulled her phone out and scanned the invisible code. "When scanned, it brings us to a far corner of the Dark Web housing just one video."
"Merry Christmas, guys," a familiar voice called out from her cell. "From scenic all-points nowhere. As you can see, but not enough to determine my location, I'm back doing what I should always be doing. I'm helping people, I'm not hurting anyone. I haven't had an incident since Sokovia and I'm gonna keep it that way."
Cassie paused the video as Steve sat down in the empty seat next to Natasha. "Despite the next part... I've analyzed it, of course, but I'm sure some of you will want to try it yourself."
"Please, stop looking for me. I can't be an Avenger, anymore. I can't come back because then I'd have to be Him and... I can't lose control again. Please, let me be. Merry Christmas, Avengers, and have a great New Year."
Natasha reached across Clint and snatched the card away from Cassie. "Did you analyze the paper stock?"
"I wanted to leave something for you to do, Natasha. Merry Christmas," Cassie said, walking away from the table to the kitchen. She returned with the turkey platter on one arm and the ham platter on the other. Steve stood and followed her into the kitchen as she grabbed the dishes carrying the sides. He stacked what was left onto his arms and carried them to the table behind her. "Thank you, Steve. Such a gentleman."
She walked to the head of the table and smiled at everyone. "I really wanna thank you guys for coming. You know, this is first Christmas... for a couple of us, and I..." She cleared her throat as tears started to sting her eyes. "I am so blessed to have you all. I've never had a family. Phil was the closest thing... And now, I have a... feast full of people who wanted to spend the holiday with me. I finally have people to share my life with and I could not be happier."
Clint reached out and took her hand in his, stroking his thumb across the back of it, reassuringly. "Anyway, thanks. Um, let's eat," she said, picking up a carving knife and a fork and leaning forward to cut into the ham.
"What, no Grace?" Tony smirked.
"Religious dinner shall be had at a later date." As she sliced into the meat, a flash of memory hit her. A man tied to a chair as a knife sliced through his thigh. His eyes clenched tightly in pain as he ground out 'Patrick Mackenzie, SHIELD level 5'. Cassie dropped the fork to the platter, her fingers tightening around the knife handle.
"You okay?" several guests chorused.
She blinked and cleared her throat. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Just emotional. Somebody wanna- Wanda, stay out of my head," she instructed as she set the knife down and slipped away from the table.
Phil took over cutting the ham and Clint pulled the turkey into arm's reach, as Steve excused himself and followed the hostess. He knocked, lightly, at the bathroom door. "Hey. You all right?"
"I'm fine," she croaked.
"You're crying." It was a guess, but not a particularly hard one.
"Well, it's an emotional day."
"Are you sure it's that? Are you sure this isn't more of whatever's keeping you up at night?"
"You know, I told Wanda to stay out of my head, I figured it went without saying for the rest of you."
"Come on, Cassie. Talk to me." The lock clicked and Steve pushed in, locking it back behind him. She was sitting on the sink, eyes already red and puffy. "What's wrong?"
"Me. I'm wrong." Steve stood silently and waited for her confession. "I... I'm remembering."
"And that's not a good thing?"
She shook her head. "I'm remembering Hydra. I'm remembering being Vierhundert Zweiundfünfzig. I'm remembering who I was with them. I think I hurt people, Steve, maybe even killed."
Steve placed his hand firmly on her shoulder. "Cassie, it's-"
"Don't patronize me, Steve. Don't tell me it's okay because it's not okay," she snapped.
"It's not okay. But mostly, it's not okay because of how it's affecting you." Steve reached his free hand into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief, sweeping it across her cheeks. "Whatever you did when Hydra had you, that wasn't you."
"You don't understand. If... if I remember that, if I remember who I was... doesn't that make me her?"
Steve sighed, pulling her down from the sink. "I think that's a question for Doctor Garner. Have you talked to him about this?"
She shook her head. "He was on vacation and... he hasn't answered my calls since he got back. He's busy helping Phil with the whole... Inhumans thing."
"And Fury? He must know who you were when he grabbed you from Hydra. Did you try him?"
"He told me not to ask. Said I wouldn't like the answers."
"Nick's never been big on questions. Look." Steve pressed the handkerchief into her palm. "You have people, you know. What you were saying about having family... you should talk to them. If there is a group of people who knows how to deal with... bad pasts and fuzzy memories, it's us. You aren't wrong. You're perfect the way you are."
Cassie nodded and smiled, slightly. "Thanks. Let's go eat."
As they watched everyone get into their cars, Cassie leaned her head on Clint's shoulder. She could tell by his protective and comforting stance that he knew something was wrong, but he wouldn't ask. He was great that way. "Merry Christmas, Cassie."
"Merry Christmas, Clint. You gonna stay for a couple days?"
"Of course. Long as you want me here."
"I love you. Wanna go in and call Laura, see if Barney ever showed?"
"Yeah. Come on." Clint turned and pushed her through the door.
KITCHEN SINK TAGS @heyitscam99 @wonderlandfandomkingdom @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt @mrs-meghan-winchester @henrymorganme @lonely-skys @allykat2108
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the0phrastus · 6 years
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Soulful Friday--more importantly it was a cloudless Friday on the 10th. I'm going to have to do a mosaic for the whole thing, but for now here's the southern end of IC 1848, the Soul Nebula in Ha and OIII (Soul is also identified as Westerhout 5 and Sh 2-199). IC 1848 is in the constellation Cassiopeia, and what you see here is about half the 100 lightyears in length of the whole nebula--so what is that, something like 587 quadrillion miles? At 6,500 light-years away, that will make a nice four panel mosaic. (Notes: 40 x 240 seconds in Ha, 28 x 600 sec. in OIII. Atik 414EX mono CCD, Astronomik 12nm Ha, OIII filters, William Optics ZS61 + WO Flat F6A f/4.7, CEM25P EQ mount, Orion OAG + ZWO ASI120MM-Mini guide cam, Stellarmate OS (INDI/KStars/Ekos) running on Raspberry Pi 3b+) https://saltwaterwitch.com/blog 
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clemjolichose · 1 year
you won't have to hide away - partie 4
Fandom : Nassau : la nuit des canons
Pairing : Anne Bonny x Mary Read, Jack Rackham x Stede Bonnet, Charles Vane x Lucy Greenwood
Nombre de mots : 665 mots
Avertissement : Violence, mort
Résumé : Mary Read rencontre un nouveau personnage haut-en-couleur. Les liens politiques se font et se défont sous ses yeux - quel avenir atteint l'île et ses trois royaumes ?
Note d’auteurice : Vous pouvez aussi lire ce texte sur Wattpad ou AO3 ! Cette fanfiction, basée sur une comédie musicale indépendante, a plus d'un an et je suis fièr-e de vous la partager enfin !
Partie : 4/11 - Jack Rackham
Partie 1 | Partie 2 | Partie 3
Chanson : Run Boy Run de Woodkid
Lucy entra dans la taverne avec la crainte d'y voir encore une bagarre de comptoir. Il n'en était rien. "John Calico Jack Rackham, qu'est-ce que tu fous au sol ?" Anne Bonny éclata de rire. "Il s'est rétamé, il marche plus droit !" Elle tenait une bouteille visiblement entamée. Jack se redressa rapidement et chancela. "Elle m'a fait un croche-pied !" Il accusait Anne, son doigt appuyé sur son épaule, essayant de la pousser. Elle riait toujours aux éclats et ne bougeait pas d'un iota. Lucy soupira, ses poings sur ses hanches. "Allez vous asseoir. J'ai déjà une blessée en haut, j'en veux pas deux ! C'est pas un hôpital ici ! -Oh, ça va, c'est pas une petite chute qui va le tuer ! se défendit Anne, mais elle s'exécuta." Les deux pirates s'installèrent et discutèrent par des chuchotements grossiers - l'envie était là, mais en pratique... ils étaient plus proches des cris. Lucy secoua la tête en s'installant à son bar pour servir quelques clients. Après tout, elle s'était absentée plus de quarante minutes et Anne Bonny en avait profité pour être déraisonnable. Elle ne voulait pas que cela se reproduise. Tout à coup, Rackham siffla bruyamment, les yeux rivés vers la porte qui menait à l'étage. Anne et Lucy suivèrent son regard et la dernière intervint : "Mary ?! Je viens de te dire d'éviter de marcher !" Mais la jeune femme ne répondit rien, parce que Rackham s'était déjà levé et accroché à elle. "Bonjour mademoiselle, que nous vaut le plaisir de votre présence... sympathique, ici ?" Son doigt glissa le long de son bras jusque son épaule. Il flirtait indiscrètement, avec un brin de moquerie. Forcément, Mary ne portait qu'un short très court - elle avait découpé son pantalon pour ne garder que le tissu intact, la plupart ayant été tâchée de sang ou déchirée. Lucy voulut la tirer de là, mais Anne fut plus rapide. Elle tira Jack par le bras, le faisant presque tomber. "Hey, elle est pas intéressée. -Mh, c'est un comble, je suis entre deux jolies jeunes femmes et aucune des deux n'est sensible à mon corps d'Apollon." Il ondula son corps d'une façon ridicule, qui fit éclater de rire Anne. "Tu te fous la honte, Jack. -La honte ? Ça n'existe pas ça !" Il se pencha vers elle comme pour lui faire la leçon mais perdit l'équilibre et tomba sur elle. "Mais où est-ce que tu étais pour avoir bu autant ?! -À Calico, y'a encore beaucoup de rhum là-bas ! s'enthousiasma-t-il en se redressant, un bras levé en célébration. Alors qu'ici... on est plutôt a sec." Anne soupira, réellement ennuyée cette fois-ci. "Ça va revenir. On va se refaire. Mais si t'étais pas tout le temps fourré ailleurs, on pourrait mettre au point un plan pour aller voler les vivres dont on a besoin." La reine avait l'air d'avoir dessaoulé très vite. Lucy pinça ses lèvres. "Et il faudrait vous dépêcher, demanda-t-elle. Je ne veux pas vous alarmer... mais je n'ai bientôt plus assez pour nourrir tout le monde à l'allure où vous descendez mes réserves. -Je peux vous aider, coupa Mary, rappelant sa présence dans la discussion." Anne lui sourit. "Avec plaisir, tous les bras sont bons à prendre." Elle serra sa main. "Bon. Autant s'y mettre tout de suite. -Sage décision, commenta Lucy, apparemment irritée." Anne et Mary s'assirent à une table. Jack les suivit d'une démarche aléatoire, entre le déhanché et le boitement. Il se laissa tomber sur une chaise entre elles, suivant leur dialogue : "On a plusieurs solutions, commença Anne. On peut essayer de demander de l'aide, à Stede ou à Charles... -Charles ? demanda Mary. -Monseigneur de la Vanerie, lâcha Jack en faisant claquer sa langue contre son palais. Crois-moi, tu ne veux pas être son ennemie. -C'est le pirate le plus sanguinaire de l'île, clarifia Anne. J'irais le voir s'il le faut. Toi, tu pourras t'occuper de Stede." Jack hocha la tête. "Avec plaisir." Mary se sentit lésée : "Et moi ? -Mh, comme tu peux pas trop bouger, tu pourrais assister Lucy dans le décompte des ressources." Read hocha la tête, déçue. Et avec ça, elle ne participa plus à la discussion animée entre les deux meilleur-es ami-es.
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weekinethereum · 6 years
September 21, 2018
News and Links
[SNARKs] Toward ~500 tx/sec through mass tx validation
[ewasm] Latest Ewasm call
[Eth 2.0] Prysmatic’s latest implementation update: proposer & attester responsibilities, RPC validator interactions and minimal beacon chain processing & fork choice. Chose Bolt for database.
[Eth 2.0] Notes from last Eth 2.0 implementers call.
[Eth 2.0] Sigma Prime introduces its Lighthouse Eth 2.0 client
[State channels] Latest state channels call
[State channels] Learn State Channels, similiar to Learn Plasma
[Plasma] snapp - fully verified plasma chain using SNARKs and BarryWhiteHat’s roll_up
[Plasma] Enabling Faster Plasma Exits - NFT collateralization
[Plasma] Data Availability Solution for Plasma EVM without Confirmation
[Plasma] Quark–gluon Plasma - verified Plasma chain without confirmation signatures
[Plasma] Plasma Cash Defragmentation
[Plasma] Plasma Cash Minimal Atomic Swap
[Plasma] The current state of Plasma (before this week anyway!) by Kevin Zhang
[Plasma] Latest Plasma implementers call
A suggestion: if you want to work in this industry, publishing notes on any of these calls (Plasma, Ewasm, Eth 2.0, state channels, etc) is a great way to build knowledge and reputation.
Stuff for developers
Parameterized transaction reviews for when you want to decide which signers you want to approve different types of transactions
hosted Eth nodes and load balancing
Deconstructing Solidity, pt 5: function bodies
Solidity capture the flag pt 4 challenge, with pt 3 writeup
Sigma Prime’s Mehdi Zerouali: ‘breaking smart contracts for fun and profit’ slides
event logs parser
ethjs-abi for use in BigQuery, to decode Ethereum event logs
Ethereum in Google’s BigQuery: how we built this dataset
Ameen Solemaini video code walk through of Moloch DAO
Using APM to replace centralized package managers
Implementing Harberger tax deeds
Zymbit and Oaken blockchain security module available for pre-order for $47. i2c, Raspberry Pi ready. Ships mid-October
Registration open for next ConsenSys Academy cohort. Zastrin also just released an NFT/ERC721 course
RuntimeVerification’s formal verification spec in K of ERC777
Parity v2.1.1 beta and v.2.0.6 stable. Parity 1.x end of life.
Multi-Collateral Dai: the code is formally verified and ready. Check it out on Kovan.
Avsa’s Universal logins working demo: first code release
Beltran on UX for mass adoption
Wyohackathon submissions and winners. EthBerlin winners. Also Hack the North Ethereum submissions
What Eth 2.0 layer 1 scalability will look like, by the numbers
TurboGeth is in private beta, per Rachel O’Leary’s interview with Alexey Akhunov
MEWConnect iOS app is out from My Ether Wallet
Ethfinex Trustless - non-custodial trading using Bitfinex order book, settlement on-chain
Governance and Standards
EIP1418: blockchain rent proposal
ERC820 pseudo-introspection registry is in last call
ERC1412: Batch Transfers For Non-Fungible Tokens
ERC1410: partially fungle token
ERC1417: poll standard
Nick Johnson had a chat with Kristy-Leigh Minehan and switched to supporting ProgPOW. Currently, there’s a 20x increase in processing over ethash in benchmarking, though Minehan says that’s because the CPU code is currently just a copy of the GPU code
Tokensoft on its ERC1404: simple restricted token standard
Project Updates
CasinoFair will be the first live FunFair casino later this month. Available in Canada, Switzerland, Finland, Norway and Thailand. Signup for free FUN
Raiden update on mainnet launch. Testnet release: v0.10.0
Augur app v1.5
Streamr helping build a nationwide traffic map in Georgia
WindingTree’s summer demo release
Santiment’s daily active addresses and Github commit data is free.
Grid+ is live with its first electricity customers
Dapped launches with dapp game reviews
Intro to the Golem marketplace during Brass
1.25m Loom (~110kUSD) to run a LoomNetwork PlasmaChain validator
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks
Two great Blockcrunch podcasts on state channels: Connext’s Arjun Bhuptani and Celer Network’s Mo Dong
EthBerlin videos
Golem, Status, Raiden UX talks from their meetup at EthBerlin
Linda Xie with Laura Shin
First episode of Around the Block documentary
An interview with Conrad Barski
Latest Open Source Block Explorers call
Zero Knowledge Summit videos
Hudson Jameson on Zero Knowledge
Tokens / Business
Chart: staker rewards and total inflation in Eth 2.0
Polymath on using partially fungible tokens from its security token standard for gaming
Claims curated registries: reputation development
Bonding curves as funding mechanisms
Jack Platts: state of the Polkadot ecosystem. Polkascan explorer is live
GRANDPA block finality in Polkadot
Buzzfeed published a sensationalist hit piece on Gavin Wood over a short story he wrote years ago. His response. I read the story years ago; ‘twas obviously fiction.
Cloudflare now runs an IPFS gateway. How they built it e2e
15 of the world’s largest banks and trading firms start Komgo to build a commodity trading platform on Ethereum.
Airbus announced an ERC721 framework for charities to take donations
Rep Emmer (R-MN) unveils blockchain-friendly bills to clarify tax with regard to forks and not require miners to register as MSBs (which would be a truly asinine requirement)
NY AG claimed that Coinbase was doing its own trading. Actually, 20% of Coinbase exchange volume comes from Coinbase’s retail. It doesn’t even have an OTC desk.
Putting a Syrian airstrike early warning system on Ethereum for data transparency
SEC Commissioner Peirce speech on being CryptoMom
Blockchain futurism from John Wolpert: sidechains for fun and profit
David Chaum says he has built a better Bitcoin
A Bitcoin bug would have allowed inflation. It was discovered by a Bitcoin Cash developer
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note:
September 21-23 - EthAtlanta
Sept 29 - Oct 1 - Ethfinex’s governance summit (Lugano)
Oct 5-7 - TruffleCon in Portland
Oct 5-7 - ETHSanFrancisco hackathon
Oct 8 - Settle virtual hackathon
Oct 11 - Crypto Economics Security Conf (Berkeley)
Oct 12 - Non-fungible summit(SF)
Oct 22-24 - Web3Summit (Berlin)
Oct 24-25 - Winding Tree hackathon (Prague)
Oct 26-28 - Status hackathon (Prague)
Oct 28-30 - Ethereum Magicians Council of Prague
Oct 29 - Decentralized Insurance D1Conf (Prague)
Oct 30 - Nov 2 - Devcon4 (Prague)
Nov 2 - MetaMask, Mist, imToken and Status to stop injecting web3
Nov 3-4 - Enterprise Ethereum hackathon (Prague)
Dec 7-9 - dGov distributed governance conf (Athens)
Dec 7-9 - ETHSingapore hackathon
Feb 15-17 - ETHDenver
If you appreciate this newsletter, thank ConsenSys
This newsletter is made possible by ConsenSys, which is perpetually hiring if you’re interested.
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I own Week In Ethereum. As such, editorial control has always been 100% me.  If you're unhappy with editorial decisions, feel free to tweet at me.
Shameless self-promotion
Link: http://www.weekinethereum.com/post/178351920908/september-21-2018
Most of what I link to I tweet first: @evan_van_ness
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