#secret cephalopod
alexandrasketch · 2 years
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Secret cephalopod gift for @oliviawhen! Merry Squidmas!
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vintagewildlife · 20 days
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Octopus in its burrow By: Douglas Faulkner From: The Fascinating Secrets of Oceans & Islands 1972
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squibbymun · 1 year
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bestanimal · 21 days
Round 1 - Phylum Mollusca
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(Sources - 1, 2, 3, 4)
The second largest phylum, Mollusca contains over 76,000 living species and somewhere between 60,000 and 100,000 extinct species, including the ammonites and helcionelloids. Living groups include the chitons, solenogasters, caudofoveates, cephalopods (octopuses, squids, cuttlefish, nautiloids, etc.), scaphopods, gastropods (slugs and snails), and bivalves.
Molluscs are highly diverse, living on land, in freshwater, and in saltwater, where they comprise over 23% of all named marine organisms. The most diverse molluscs are the gastropods which comprise over 80% of known molluscs. Due to their high diversity, the only things most molluscs have in common are a soft body composed almost entirely of muscle, a mantle with a significant cavity used for breathing and excretion, the presence of a radula (bivalves excluded), and the structure of their nervous system.
Many molluscs are endangered due to collecting and killing individuals for their meat and/or decorative shells.
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Propaganda under the cut:
Cephalopods are one of the (if not the) most neurologically advanced of all invertebrates and are capable of using tools, solving puzzles, and play.
Masters of camouflage, many cephalopods can change color, shape, and texture to hide from predators, sneak up on prey, and communicate with each other
The largest molluscs are the Giant Squid (Architeuthis dux), with 12–13 m (39–43 ft) long females and 10 m (33 ft) long males, and the Colossal Squid (Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni) which is estimated between 10 m (33 ft) and 14 m (46 ft) long. The Giant Squid has much longer tentacles, but the Colossal Squid is heavier, reaching a mass of at least 495 kilograms (1,091 lb). The largest specimens of Colossal Squid, known only from beaks found in sperm whale stomachs, may perhaps weigh as much as 600–700 kg (1,300–1,500 lb).
Mollusc shells make up most of the “seashells” washed ashore, and are created by the animal via secretions of chitin and conchiolin from its mantle edge. Not all molluscs have shells (ex: nudibranchs) and for some, the shell is internal (ex: cuttlefish). Mollusc shells come in many beautiful colors, shapes, and sizes.
Most molluscs have eyes, and all have sensors to detect chemicals, vibrations, and touch. Of the phyla we have covered so far, their senses are the most developed.
Conchs can look at you like this:
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All cone snails are venomous, and some of the larger species are some of the most venomous animals in the world. Even though some species’ stings are fatal to humans, their sophisticated venom has saved lives through its use in neurological research.
Humans don’t just use mollusk meat and shells, but also luxuries like pearls, mother of pearl, Tyrian purple dye, and sea silk. As stated above, many species are now endangered due to human use, but some are farmed for their meat, pearls, and shells. The farming of bivalves is more ecologically-friendly than the farming of chordates as, rather than create waste, bivalves like mussels and oysters actually clean the water.
As filter-feeders, bivalves are natural water filters. A single 5.08 cm (2 inch) clam can filter up to 10-12 gallons of seawater a day. They can even filter microplastics out of polluted water.
The largest bivalve is the Giant Clam (Tridacna gigas) which can weigh over 200 kilograms (440 lb), measure as much as 120 cm (3.11 ft) across, and have an average lifespan in the wild of more than 100 years.
Cover your ears, kids. Terrestrial slugs, which are hermaphroditic, have some of the most intimate sex on the planet. A pair of slugs will suspend from a chord of mucus, heads down, and intertwine their bodies in a tight spiral. They will then evert their penuses and entwine them as well, exchanging sperm while hanging in midair. Slug porn, narrated by Sir David Attenborough, for your viewing pleasure.
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amnhnyc · 1 year
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The best time to wear pyjamas is all the time… just ask the striped pyjama squid (Sepioloidea lineolata)! Despite its common name, this critter is actually a cuttlefish—and it’s one of the few poisonous cephalopods known to science. When threatened, it can change color and secrete slime to intimidate foes. It typically spends its days nestled beneath the sand, rising at night to hunt for small shrimp and fish. This species inhabits shallow waters around Australia, including near the Great Barrier Reef.
Photo: katewolny, CC BY-NC 4.0, iNaturalist 
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batwritings · 11 months
Kinktober Day 22 - Teratophilia
Finally caught up! Sorry for the spam ya'll, I needed a bit of a mental break. ^^; Enjoy!~
The different creatures that made up KorTac was always fascinating to you. Being one of the only humans made you stand out in a mostly hybrid military force. It was interesting being the one on the receiving end of all the questions. Not like you didn’t have any yourself of course, but that was neither here nor there.
There was one member however, that not many people knew about. König. The colonel was a complete mystery to most everyone in the company, yourself included. Despite all the questions thrown his way, it was like he had become and expert at dodging them. 
You hadn’t meant to walk in on him and discovery his secret, honest. So needless to say, both you and the Austrian giant that led your company were both a bit startled when you walked in on him changing. You quickly shut the door behind you, just on the off chance somebody else could see.
Where a normal human being would have a mouth and nose, this man had a variety of tentacles. Each one was littered with scars, and varied in their shape and size. “What can I help you with?” the voice you heard seemed like it came out of nowhere, but it was definitely the voice you knew to be his.
You stuttered and stumbled, trying to find the words to tell him your reasoning for being there. König sighed heavily and crossed his arms, leaning back against the wall of his room. A familiar tingle was spreading down to the very tips of his extra appendages and he knew what was happening. “You need to leave,” he tells you briskly. “I…can’t be responsible for what happens if you stay.”
You cocked an eyebrow briefly before you saw his body language shift. Your eyes immediately drifting to your colonel’s crotch, judging by the scent in the room. You’d done your research on a variety of hybrids once you were accepted into KorTac. You wanted to be aware of the different challenges your teammates faced and how you could help them during those times. 
For cephalopods, they did face mating seasons, like many others and twice a year at that. And that’s when it dawned on you, the issue in the room. Your colonel had been about to lock himself in his room for said time of year. 
Now, any sane person would bolt, run from the room and mentally scrub their eyes of whatever the hell it was they just saw. You were quite the opposite however. You straightened yourself up and cleared your throat. “How can I help, Colonel?” you asked, putting as much emphasis on just how genuine your offer was.
König’s eyes widened a bit as he considered your offer carefully. On the one hand, he’s finally have somebody to sit through his cycle with him. On the other, he often times didn’t know he own strength during those times. A risk he was willing to take. 
“Lie down,” he tells you, the voice you hear ar more growly than before. It’s as if you’re compelled to obey, your legs carrying you over to his bed and laying back. “Now take off your pants and undergarments.” You follow along as you’re instructed, moving quicker than you probably would if this were something more formal.
But this is instinctual and you knew it, both of you did. You watched with curiosity as König kneels between your legs, spreading them gently. His large hands splayed across your thighs sent a wave of arousal straight to your sex. You hear your colonel chuckle quietly at your reaction.
“Eager are we?” the Austrian hybrid purrs. The first couple tendrils to touch your leg startle you and your body instantly recoils a bit. “Hush now, schatz. I promise you this will feel good.” And like that, you can feel a soothing wave rush over your skin. Like a safety net, letting you know all was okay.
The suckers along König’s tentacles drug across your skin. The pull was lightly painful, but in a very pleasant way. They surround and caress your sex, tugging and rubbing everywhere at once. Your hips try to buck up off the bed, but a firm hand holds you still. 
“S-Sir!” you moan, head falling back. Your sense are foggy and fuzzy with pleasure, enough that you barely miss the tendril that prods your entrance. You can feel him moving his body against your leg, no doubt creating friction against his erection.
“You taste so good little one,” the hybrid hums, sounding more as if he were admiring you than pleasuring you. “You’ll taste even better once you come for me, no?” You can only whimper and nod your head in agreement. Words were beyond you now; the only thing penetrating your fluff filled head was pleasure.
You can feel puffs of air hitting just above your sex and look down to meet his gaze. His chest is heaving, as if he were borderline coming. “Yes my dear, you’re making me feel good,” König tells you. Part of your still sane mind wonders how in the hell he guessed that, but you’re not exactly in the state of mind to be asking questions.
One, then two slicked up tentacles penetrate your hole, kissing along your walls as they slowly fill you. Your eyes roll back in your head from the explosion of pleasure. It felt like it was building…building until–
The command breaks you, has your orgasm hitting you like a freight train. Your back arches up off the plush mattress these “heat” rooms, as they were called, had. All the way, your sex is all but milked by König’s tentacles. 
You’re shaking by the time the tremors of pleasure finally slow. Strong hands help your body relax back down, so you’re simply flopping yourself over. “Well done schatz,” you hear the hybrid praise, accent a bit thicker now. You can feel him rub soothing circles across your skin, helping to ground you.
You sit yourself up onto your elbows, doing your best to slow your breathing. Your colonel chuckles softly at you, patting your outer thigh. “I hope you’re not too tired yet hmm?” You give him a quizzical look; all your readings stated that cephalopods usually only lasted a single round. “I am more than just a hybrid darling, I”m a man as well. “And I have much more that I need from you.”
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velvetwyrme · 10 hours
doozi's undertale fic recs round THREE
As requested, here are EVEN MORE FIC RECS. This round is mostly reader inserts, with a dash of platonic and non-reader fics at the end.
As usual, this is really really long, so take your time and enjoy! Some of them are uhhhh, pretty spicy, so please make sure to check the warnings and tags and act accordingly.
Please tread carefully while reading, check tags, take breaks, drink water and HAVE FUN <3
The STATUS of each fic is labelled as such: Finished, Ongoing/Unfinished, Discontinued. (Unless the author specified that the fic is Discontinued, on Indefinite Hiatus, or otherwise abandoned the work, I will mark it as Ongoing/Unfinished. Oneshots are also marked as such.)
Spicy (Explicit) and/or Dark fics have also been labelled if relevant. (I won’t mark ones with just suggestive themes/moments, since I cant guarantee I’ll catch all of them. Similarly, unless there is consistent graphic death, gore, or otherwise prevalent upsetting topics, I [probably] won’t mark it as dark.)
Ghost Hunting With Skeletons - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Go "ghost hunting" with Cash while looking for machine parts! Become Sans' weird coworker! Lie and keep secrets with Red! Get tangled up with a mysterious shadowy figure who spontaneously spawns in your house- wait, what was that last one?
Tilikum - Various Sanses/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
I'm sure everyone and their dog knows of this fic by now but listen. If you haven't read this, somehow, please do yourself a favour and read this immediately.
I love mer fics and I especially love CEPHALOPOD SIRENS. (Blue and Red are very good in this fic but SKULL!!!! MY PRECIOUS BOY!!)
The Mirror Bay Depths - Various Sanses/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
And speaking of MER FIC- if you like merskeletons, mysteries, manipulation and mmmmmmmmmm...magical workarounds for linguistic difficulties (i made the alliteration work, see?) Then you'll LOVE this fic!
Dive into The Mirror Bay Depths and get charmed by a buncha mers! It's super cute and also has a serious undertone of "UH OH" once the mystery begins to come to light.
Got Crabs? - Underfell!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Got crabs????? Hilarious soulmate AU where you and have some of the stupidest words written on each other's bodies and it all goes GREAT.
You do in fact, got crabs.
It's Just A Game - Sans/Reader - Finished
CYOAs my beloved. This was recced to me recently and I got caught up with all the new updates and it's sooooo good auugugjhfkgh,, I love existential crises and weird metafiction.
cat ~/.zsh_history - Sans/Reader - Finished
If you enjoyed It's Just A Game, or other fics like it, you'll probably like this too!!!! Player-character reality simulation existential angst all wrapped up into a neat little fic <3333 It feels like a weight on my heart.
The Understudy - Sans/Reader - Finished
THE anti-harem fic. As in, THE anti-harem fic that inspired the structure of every other anti-harem fic. It's a piece of fantastic storytelling and is a literal pioneer of a genre.
It was a fic that was intended to flip a genre on it's head, and it's fascinating to me that it became a genre of its own. Splendidly written and is the cause of 99% of my confusion during my return to the fandom because all of a sudden there were a buncha anti-harems and I was like WTF ARE THESE jkdhfgkjdfk,,
I went into it intending to find out the history behind anti-harems, and then got sucked in completely. You can guess the general premise, but MAN does plot hit hard!!!!!!
And speaking of anti-harems...
The Eye of a Judge - Various, Swapfell!Papyrus/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
What if anti-harem fic, except the terrible GF was EVEN MORE terrible. Really really fun concept with what happens to the reader, and oh so fucked up just in general. Make sure to check the tags on this one.
The Faults in Our Souls - W.D. Gaster/Reader - Finished
This fic is super sweet, the reader falls into the Underground and gets taken in by Gaster and his two boys, eventually falling in love and becoming a parental figure for the skelebros. But then the incident with the core happens...
Pros & Cons - Sans/Reader - Finished/Series
[Warning: Contains Explicit Content.]
I try not to put too much NSFW in the lists on this blog but uhhhh *looks at the rest of the list* it's fine. I like these fics too much not to add them.
This one in particular is AMAZING and really funny to boot. The reader wakes up after a one night stand with very few memories of the night before and debates the pros and cons of checking who they slept with thsjfbbfkfbk
The fic right after is ALSO hilarious because it gives so much more context and life to the world I love it dearly. Also the smut is great but yknow gbflgbkf I'm TRYING to keep this relatively SFW
Eau de résistance - Underfell!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
Underfell flavoured slave AU which gets really, really complicated emotions-wise. It's one of the few UT fics I still keep up with pretty actively atm, and it's because the mystery has me hooked. I NEED TO KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON.
Other than the obvious premise, it gets into some darker topics, so if you're sensitive to that sorta stuff, please read the tags and tread carefully if you decide to read! Otherwise, enjoy!
The Party Incident and Other Embarrassing Anecdotes - Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Explicit Content.]
Takes a deep breath. Ok so, I debated adding this fic. Not because I don't like it, but because I haven't actual read this in years, so I don't know how it stands up to the test of time.
I don't usually like adding fics that I can't certifiably recommend, but I also feel like if you haven't read this, you haven't Really experienced Undertale reader inserts. It's like. a classic.
I still remember vividly cringing from secondhand embarrassment SO many times while reading BUT I wouldn't trade in that experience for anything- I fucking loved this fic. It was wonderful and terrible and so incredibly fun, and honestly I kinda don't want to reread it so I can keep it in the shiny veneer of nostalgia forever.
Smells Like Chalk and a Cockatoo - Sans/Reader - Finished
[Warning: Contains Explicit Content.]
Uhhhh, I don't actually have a good segue for this, but this one also has really complicated relationships. There is a happy ending! It's a fucking rollercoaster to get there though.
It's kinda in the same vein as The Party Incident for me, I consider it a classic, and it's also... very 2016/17. Take that how you will. I don't know if I'd recommend this fic, but I definitely think you should read it, if you know what I mean. I'm VERY fond of it despite my extremely conflicted emotions. It's definitely not for everyone though.
Oh, also it has the most fucked up form of skeleton reproduction ever <3 That's okay though, because it results in one of my favourite fankids ever. I'm love my boyyy Impact ;w;!!!!
Bonetrast - Papyrus/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
The reader in this is terrible and I'm fascinated. I like reading about characters being antagonistic towards each other sometimes, so I really enjoyed this and I wanna see where the author takes this. Make sure to read the tags.
A Drink That Hits Right In the Bones - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
This one... the reader in this kinda sucks too jhsfjkdf but in a different way. Once again fascinating as hell!!! Drunk, gay, in denial and homophobic, this reader is NOT having a great time.
I, however, reading it, am having a fantastic time!
breakfast combo - Sans/Reader - Finished
Veryyyyyy cute! The reader gets bothered about their crush on Sans by UF!Sans. Love the banter. Oneshot turned twoshot, it's a nice little read :D
Penned to you - Horrortale!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Penpals!!! I'm loving this so far <3 Horrortale Pap and the reader become penpals and subsequently friends. Sans is... around, probably not being spooky and weird. I'm excited to see where this one goes >:00
Grounding Your Ego - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Soulmate AU again!!! The reader has a set of REALLY terrible words written around their neck, and... they're mute. :]
ALSO the little snippets of world building are so delicious and have stuck in my mind like the- wait fuck I just realised the title is a pun what the fuck how'd I miss that before- LIKE THE GROUNDS IN PAPYRUS' COFFEE.
The Sacrificial Skeleton and the Labyrinth of Gods - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Explicit Content.]
:] *points vigourously at the warning* The smut is a pretty ingrained part once it gets to it, but I couldn't NOT add this fic.
Anyway I'm a little obsessed with this fic. There's a skeleton reader, who's a necromancer! The skeletons are thought to be gods, but actually they got isekai'd! It's a WILD RIDE and it's surprisingly good??? It feels like one of those webtoons or manga that you look at the cover/summary for and go *??????* at, but then you start reading it and go "OH, THIS IS REALLY FUN ACTUALLY."
There's pretty intense language barriers between the skeletons and the reader for a lot of the fic, but I love that sorta stuff, so that just makes it better for me lol. I adore the dynamics between the characters, they feel so diametrically opposed sometimes it's great.
Nothing to see here. - Various/Reader, Various Sanscest - Ongoing/Unfinished
Oh this one!!! Should probably actually go under misc but it's okay. This fic asks the question of: What if there was a MASSIVE multiversal mashup and some of the residents shared an apartment building where they now live completely normal domestic lives?
It's got /Reader stuff as well as a fun selection of Sanscest and platonic roommate content, and each chapter is semi-self contained and really fun.
Magic Bitty Bits™ - Various/Reader, Various Sanscest - Ongoing/Unfinished
Another one that should technically be under misc. I love bitty fics... and I love really fucked up shit happening to characters <3 Take are to note the warnings at the beginning of chapters, but hhrhghh I'm on the edge of my seat every time something happens/is revealed. LIKE WHAT!! WHAT!!!!!!! AHH-
The Monster Who Will Always Wait - Nightmare!Sans - Finished
Small kraken mer becomes BIG KRAKEN MER!!!!!! Leviathan sized drama, with some sweet romance. I followed this one from the day it was posted to the day it finished and I loved every second.
Dire Wolf - Horror!Swapfell!Skelebros/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
You get two new coworkers, who have some unusual habits surrounding food, leading you to make them lunch!! As you grow closer, their histories and rivalries come to light. It's hella good and I love the character dynamics.
Uncomfortably Similar Situations - Horrortale!Sans/Reader - Finished
Horrortale!Sans brings you home like one would a starving stray cat. There are ups and downs but everything turns out alright :]!!
The Sound of the Sea - Underfell!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
More mer content!!! But Underfell Sans this time ! There are only 3 chapters so far and it has me wanting more!! I love this so much...
Sweet Deceptions - Swapfell!Papyrus/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Fake dating!!!!! What more can I say ;D Well, I can say a lot more, like how fantastic this fic is with the escalation of the fake relationship, but I'll leave yall to find that out for yourselves :]
Dream Catcher, Nightmare Snatcher - Nightmare!Sans - Ongoing/Unfinished
HRHHGH Nightmare gets stuck in a Venom-esque situation with you, and you both suffer the consequences. You're both menaces to each other in this, it's great.
Coffee and Chaos - Underfell!Skelebros/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Reader ends up inheriting their mom's tenants, a pair of skeleton brothers. It's a nice slice of life!! Also, he/they reader ftw \o/!!
Canids love bones - Bad Sanses/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
In this, the reader is a monster with a really fluffy tail and a tragic past. They just keep getting bothered by these skeleton dudes and eventually end up joining them. Fun read! I like monster readers.
Train Station Blues - Mafiafell!Sans/Reader - Discontinued
Sadly discontinued :( Still a really solid fic and an enjoyable read!!! I adore the 1920s as a setting...
What is This, A Hallmark Movie? - Underswap!Papyrus/Reader - Finished
Christmas fic!! The reader does not like Christmas, and Stretch tries his best to get them to enjoy it regardless. It doesn't work out too well... but everything is alright in the end. I loved Stretch's determination jkfdhgkjdfg hes trying so hard...
Story of the perfect vessel - Various Sanses/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Really interesting premise!!! You're a parasite that took over this dying human's body and are now puppeteering it around. Then you meet a buncha skeletons, but you're still a parasite with no sense of what being human is like!! Love me some weird concepts.
America's Unluckiest (Luckiest) Almost-Astronomer - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Yaayyyy! You get isekai'd into a hot mess of a universe, brimming with skeletons, skeletons and more skeletons! There's some weird stuff going on, but surely it'll be fine.
All is Fair in Love and Prank Wars - Sans/Reader - Finished
Hey! Another 2016 fic! The reader starts a prank war with Sans. Gets angsty but everything gets better in the end. I really enjoyed it :> Reader is named in this, but for some reason that didn't bother me like it usually does lol
Mr. Fear - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader - Finished
This is an interesting one. It's set in a mashup of various AUs (e.g. Swapfell Alphys and Underfell Papyrus) but not in like. a multiversal machine malfunction sorta deal. Anyway, it's got a fun plot and I really enjoyed it :]
Cheshire Kitten - Underswap!Skelebros/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
The reader is a shapeshifter who prefers to be a cat! (Mood) And they use that to deal with problems large and small. It's real sweet and makes me also want to be able to turn into a shapeshifting cat.
it's just me and an overly enthusiastic skeleton; trying to solve a murder. - Underswap!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Ah, I love ridiculously long titles. Saves me time. The title also acts as a summary, and it's really fun!! Monster murders must be horrible to make a case for, since you can't inspect the body for evidence...
Ship of bones - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
PIRATES!!!!! I love the action and drama in this one, it's so fun! Also features a lot of scary skeletons. I loved reading about the reader giving them the slip >:3c!!
A Sea of Hope - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
MORE pirates!! This one features a skeleton reader <33 I love the backstory and lore... also the reader is so teeny compared to Axe :DDD
You Know Where To Find Me - Papyrus/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
I am so invested in this premise (Papyrus is the mascot of monsterkind and you are his assistant) and both of you are tired after having a string of terrible employers/employees kjhkjdfg,, I'm so excited to see where this goes, it's been fun so far.
Seeing Double - Swapfell!Papyrus/Reader - Oneshot
Twin shenanigans. TWIN SHENANIGANS AT COFFEE SHOPS! I can't say more without spoiling things so just go read it!!! Reader(s) are named but moreso for Twin purposes.
Somethin' Special - Underswap!Papyrus/Reader - Oneshot
More coffee shop AU! Very cute. SO cute. They're both awkward and silly and its SO sweet.
Daguerreologue - Sans/Reader, Papyrus/Reader - Oneshot/Series
Actually a oneshot that's part of a series, but I just liked this one the most (you should also go read the rest of the series, it's really good too!!!)
Feels like a little snapshot of a soft, warm life, worn by time. It's just a really nice fic! Good for feelin fuzzy inside.
Looking for Something - Sans/Reader - Oneshot
The reader loves to people watch, and draw the people they see. Some of which, are monsters ;)! Superrrrrrrrrr cute. Suuuuuuuuuper super cute.
FIGHT ME!! - Sans/Reader - Oneshot
Not to be mistaken for Fight Me! by MsMK or Fight Me! by Little_old_lady (both of which are very good!!!!!!!) This fic DOES however use the same basic premise/prompt except with Sans as the nurse and it's SIMILARLY fantastic. I love nurse Sans in this.
If yall know of more UT fics with this title/concept please tell me so I can make this stupid joke a third time.
Dates are dumb - Sans/Reader - Oneshot
Sans has a really bad blind date, but his server comes to the rescue!! Really cute!
This was supposed to be smut, idk what happened. - Swapfell!Papyrus/Reader - Oneshot
As the title says, notably not smut. Sexy and very charged? Absolutely.
It's a soulmate AU where the reader is a mob boss making a trade of sorts with their rival, Sans. He shows off the goods before the trade is accepted.
Light of My Life - Papyrus/Reader - Oneshot
Very sweet!! The reader has magic that allows them to hear magic, and they let Papyrus listen in.
and i will love you on purpose - Horrortale!Sans/Reader - Oneshot
As you've probably noticed, 99% of the oneshots I rec here are super cute, and this is no exception djkfgkjgfh 5+1 of kissing Horror, it's bitesized and adorable.
Stargazing - Sans/Reader - Oneshot
A little slice of happiness set before the barrier went up. Sans and the reader are kids and it's very very sweet.
It's Raining Right Here (They/Them Edition) - Papyrus/Reader - Oneshot
Veryyyy cute snapshot of romance with Papyrus <3!!!!
General Misconception - Megalosomnia!Papyrus/Reader - Oneshot
I love the Megalosomnia AU and I also love Papyrus. This has both :] I won't spoil things, but General just wants to be helpful :))
And speaking of Megalosomnia...
Delirious - Megalosomnia - Dr. Baggs/Reader - Oneshot
[Warning: Contains Explicit Content.]
>:3c I usually try avoid too much explicit content for these lists but listennnnnnnn I love good and fun characterisation MORE than any conviction I have to that, plus I've broken that rule already.
Anyway senseless justification aside, I freakin loveeeee how much characterisation gets packed in here, it's delicious!! You get to know so much about the dynamics and workings of the relationships in this universe it's great.
Relearning - Ink!Sans/Reader - Oneshot
The reader breaks her arm and has to relearn how to draw. Cue Ink! It's really sweet!!
Turn The Page - Swapfell!Skelebros/Reader - Oneshot
This one is actually part of a series but I just really like this one hjsdfgjhf,, I love festivals and markets!! The reader is so awkward and jumpy and I'm like. ah. a kindred spirit.
Meet Cute Oneshots - Various - Oneshot/Series
Cheating again by linking a series. As the title implies, it's a bunch of meet cutes!! My favorites (as of writing) are the second, fourth and fifth in the series ^^!!
the thing about axe - Horrortale!Sans/Reader - Oneshot
You go for a nice walk in the woods with Axe :) I love how it this one plays with emotions and atmosphere for the audience, because the reader (character) is mostly oblivious to Axe's history.
hottie hotline - Underfell!Sans/Reader - Oneshot
Really sweet and funny. Red gets stuck in an elevator. THE FUCKING ENDING GOT ME. HRHFKFJFKDNDK
A Conversation Starter - Swapfell!Papyrus/Reader - Oneshot
First times for both of them! A snapshot of these two stumbling through a conversation with a human/monster for the first time. It's adorable.
Soulmate of the Century - Nightmare!Sans/Reader - Oneshot
Soulmate AU where you can't harm your soulmate. You really just wanted some ramen, man.
Kabedon - Swapfell!Sans/Reader - Oneshot
Kabedon the skeleton!!! Razzy doesn't get the appeal, so you explain it to him ;))
Cuddles of Doom - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader - Oneshot
DOOMYYYYY!!! I love the dialogue here. Doomy is the most precious kitty ever and Papyrus is very cute.
Café - Papyrus/Reader - Oneshot
Short and sweet!! (Lightly) tsundere Papyrus is very cute dfjkghkfjg <3
A Blue Valentine - Underswap!Sans/Reader - Oneshot
It's Valentines, and you're crushin'~ Both of them are soooooooo sweet in this.
You'd Be Goo Where You Stand - Sans/Reader - Oneshot
True to the title I am goo where I stand. I'm all gooey and gushy it's so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee. THEY'RE MARRIIIIIEDDDD,,,,, and there's a sequel??? SO cute.
First Meeting - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader - Oneshot
UF!Papyrus is a very worried parent and the reader is sweet as hell. I just think there's also something really funny about Papyrus calling Frisk a SLIPPERY SNAKE jkdhfjghfdg
Full Deck - ? - Ongoing/Unfinished
Hysterical flip of every reader insert ever written. Can be simply summed up as "skeletons desperately dodging various reader's advances", but that is nowhere near close to describing this fic. It's really funny, and if you haven't read it, you should.
Not quite a /reader, so it goes here lolol. The reader is more something that happens to the skeletons.
No fin new about it - Bad Sanses||Nightmare's Gang&Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
SUBNAUTICA AU!! With timeline fuckery! I just like big mer skeletons. And Subnautica. It's a real fun time.
Bits Of Spaghetti - Various&Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
This fic treats bitties in a really interesting way!! Veryyy cool origins, and very interesting dynamics between characters. Reader is an old man, and he just kinda wants to make puppets and dolls and have a nice quiet life. Unfortunately, skeletons.
Don't give up, Y/n! - Various&Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
I do not have any kids but this fic makes me feel like a worried parent. It also makes me feel like I need to smoke an entire pack of cigarettes. It's great, really. Just makes me so stressed. They're just a kid... definitely heed the tags for this one.
Down The Mountain, Under The Door - Underswap!Papyrus&Reader - Oneshot
Monsters are giant sized !! Or humans are tiny. Either way, Underswap Papyrus comforts the reader after accidentally spooking them pretty badly. I love myself some good ol' unintentional fearplay and intentional comfort.
The Bucket List - Various&Reader - Finished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
Hoo boy. The reader creates a bucket list, intending to die at the end. It's story about depression and recovery and it's really really good.
Heart on the Table - Ongoing/Unfinished
MADE ME CRYYY,,, Sans and Pap end up taking care of Frisk and honestly just go read it it's very sweet and sad and good. Frisk is just a kid!!!!!! AHHH
Broken Bones (and Sticks and Stones) - Finished
CRIES!!!!!! You know Handplates AU. I know Handplates AU. Featuring: extremely complex familial feelings!!!! Papyrus has a kid, and she is the SWEETEST. Another of my favorite fankids!! FLORAAAAAA <33
This of course, with Gaster being Gaster in this AU, makes everything even more complicated. It's really good and made me cry. Please read it. Papyrus is the best mom.
Jamais Vu - Oneshot
HGH... this one is like a punch to the gut but in a really good way. Both because of the absolutely incredible writing and also because it was the first Undertale fic that this author has posted since 2017, and gave me a scare when I opened my email.
Letters to a Friend - Oneshot
Another by the same author, but from 2016. My HEART?????? The King Papyrus ending always hurts me so... hhhrhhhhghjkdf,,
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
It's more Papyrus Angst! This is just going to happen every time I do one of these, probably.
He would never take a vacation for any reason...
Sonata - Finished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
More Papyrus Angst. Sometimes a melody can say more than words.
Broken Trust (Re-upload) - Finished
What's this!! Even more angst?! You bet! It's Swap flavoured this time though.
Sans is not actually a monster, and Papyrus is horrified when he finds out. Very very good and sad, with a happy ending. Paps is not great in this, but he comes around :( I really really love the concept of this fic, and I think it was executed really well.
I'm Feeling Fine, Kid - Finished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
Soooooooooooo fucked up but it's also like. one of the formative fics of my existence. I could've sworn this was in one of my other lists, but apparently not. Fucked me up big time back when I first read it sdjkhjhf, read this if you wanna hurt and then get tentatively put back together.
If you've read Flowey Is Not A Good Life Coach and you liked that, you might like this too. Lots of Papyrus Angst, but this one has even more Sans Angst!
Stones and a Glass House - Oneshot
[Warning: Contains Discussions of Explicit Content.]
Want a break from the sudden deluge of angst??? Try this, it's kinda a crackfic, and very funny.
Love when brothers get to tease each other mercilessly. They talk pretty candidly about explicit content, so heed the warning LMAO. Very very funny though.
AH SURPRISE! I didn't want to make a whole new list since I have way less of these on hand, but I also really wanted to recommend them lol. If this ain't your thing, then this list ends here -u-)b
fox in the coop - Sanscest (Dust/Horror/Crop) - Ongoing/Unfinished
Ouuuhhhhh I am so unwell over this fic. It hurts so good. Hidden identity bullshit to the max!! I don't even know where to begin with this one, but it's fantastic, go read the summary at least. Dust is so normal about everything. Totally.
Also, Dust gets chickens!!
Colors - Papcest (Spicyhoney || Underfell!Papyrus/Underswap!Papyrus) - Ongoing/Unfinished
Ahhhhh language barriers my beloved. Falling in love despite language barriers my beloved!!!
It's got some real good drama and lovely lovely writing. I love it a whole lot :]]
VILLAIN HOTLINE - Sanscest (Bad Sans Poly) - Ongoing/Unfinished
Bad Sans Chatfic. Wait wait wait hear me out!!! COME BACK. THERES AN ACTUAL STORY.
The chatfic parts are pretty fun, and the developing horror plot even more so! Universes and people are glitching, which spells a bad time for everyone!!!
You Have One (1) Unread Message - Sanscest (Bad Sans Poly) - Ongoing/Unfinished
Similar to the one above, this fic has a similar concept (crack chatfic that devolves into plot and horror)
Genuinely quite terrifying, even when viewed through Killer's strange apathetic POV (which is ALSO fascinating in it's own right).
Little (NOT LITTLE) Red Riding Hood - Papcest (Spicyhoney) - Finished
Really fun twist on Little Red Riding Hood!! Red also gets to wear a frilly nightcap and nightgown in this, which is a fun image.
So You Didn't Want to Marry a Mage - Papcest (Spicyhoney + BG. Mapleblossom) - Ongoing/Unfinished
Ahhh I love fics where a character gets to learn magic from another character... this one is hella cute!!! I love a lot of this author's works but this one in particular is one of my favourites :>
Did you have fun scrolling forever? I had fun putting this together.
There are a total of 90 fics here! I wanted to do 99 since it's the 999999999th anniversary of Undertale this year, but I'm tired so 90 will do. That's already so many. 90 in fact. Also my phone started to lag while scrolling so perhaps it's for the best.
If yall have any recs for ME, please drop them by my askbox, I (obviously) love reading jkshdgjkfh,,, I'm generally up for rereading stuff, so dw if you reckon I've read something before :]!!
Also, if you haven't already, you should check out my FIC REC MASTERLIST for previous (and future) fic rec lists (from me, specifically).
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bogleech · 1 year
So we all know that pretty much all cephalopods can shoot ink as a self defense method, but are there any other sea critters that practice "defensive secretion"? I know there are some sea hares that do it, and obviously most animals on earth produce some form of fluid, but I was wondering if there are any other creatures that do it at the same levels as cephalopods. Googling this question is very hard.
Besides hagfish making huge clouds of slime that suffocates predators, there's a bunch of deep sea creatures that release luminescent clouds! The best known is a shrimp:
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There's also sea cucumbers that can release a cloud of toxic slime and likely quite a few others. There's also at least one case of an *offensive* chemical cloud; some cone snails release a cloud of insulin to paralyze nearby fish. It's invisible but works almost instantly, sending them into shock. Then the snail can take all the time it needs to swallow them in its big giant stretchy mouth:
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felassan · 3 months
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"also, on the broadest line around the edge, you can see those symbols again. I’m thinking now that these 6 symbols represent the 6 factions we can choose from for Rook to belong to."
not only that, but the factions of 6 out of our 7 companions, Harding/the Inquisition aside. from some of the things they've said lately (tho at the moment I can't remember specifically where), it sounds like we will encounter each faction in the game too and that they each play a role in the story. in the center is the Veilguard logo itself; it's like representatives from these 6 factions came together to form Voltron The Veilguard. :> about the symbols btw:
The Warden symbol is closer style-wise to this new seemingly updated or northern Warden[?] symbol than it is to previous game/southern Warden[?] symbology (two). shape of the wing, stylization etc. it being 'half' like that gives it the impression of a shield/heraldic beasts.
The Veil Jumper symbol looks to be a halla. it makes me nostalgic for Clan Sabrae heraldry :') makes sense for a faction based in Arlathan and interested in ancient elvhen ruins.
The Shadow Dragons (Tevene faction) have a snake. dragons are all around in Tevinter imagery, a country where they are a symbol of divine power. Another kind of 'worm'/wyrm also kicks around in Tevinter iconography; snakes. in the Imperium heraldry, a serpentine dragon faces off against a snake (opposition..). (side ramble - As a group the Shadow Dragons are a resistance group, they oppose slavery, corrupt rulers and the worst aspects of Tevinter society. Their name makes them seem like 'a different kind of dragon' - an alternative way for the 'dragon' Tevinter is to be, a different future it could have. a different kind of dragon than the dominant ruling one, but one that is currently still overshadowed. it also carries the implication of them working in the shadows and carrying out operations under the radar - this is contrast to the Lucerni, a faction in the Magisterium whose goal is to redeem and restore Tevinter. They're more like a political party, they operate more in public. "lucerna" is Latin for lantern. light, and shadow. Maybe the Shadow Dragons are basically the stealthy/secret operational arm of the Lucerni? like a left and right hand. end side ramble) Snakes crop up in Neve's design (her leg, her hat). I keep thinking about the snake in the Imperium heraldry. with their symbol, it's like the Shadow Dragons are saying they're fighting for a Tevinter.. without the 'dragon' part. in which.. the dragon is a metaphor for the bad stuff? corruption etc? Snakes also carry the symbolism of stealth and slyness, which again fits with the 'shadow' stuff. Would a dragon be able to see a lowly snake coming...? probably not :> I also can't help but think of the imagery of snakes that's to do with healing and medicine. like they wanna de-corrupt Tevinter, heal it of its rot. ALSO. the other thing thing is The Viper from Minrathous Shadows. well, look at that. The Shadow Dragons' symbol is a snake. "We are the Tevinter you forgot". And what do they want? "Everything". maybe The Viper is the founder of the Shadow Dragons? the story mentions they have a contact, a lady who is lightning-smart (Neve?). in the accompanying art-piece, the dealer's silhouette and other aspects of their design are snake-like, recalling Neve and what seems to be 'Shadow Dragon Rook's clothes.
The Lords of Fortune have a cephalopod. (it reminds me of House Greyjoy). makes sense for a faction with ships, dominion over the coasts of Rivain, a pirate-y aesthetic and originating from a nation almost entirely surrounded by sea. maybe this explains the cephalopod that was portrayed 'on' Rivain in the trailer from a few months ago? like maybe it was supposed to represent the Lords of Fortune, their presence in Rivain, and their storyline.
The Mourn Watcher one is just so cool. it's at once both a humanoid skull (you can see the two eyes and the teeth), recalling the symbol for the broader Mortalitasi itself, and a beetle. it makes me think of stuff like scarab beetles and deathwatch beetles, both of which have lots of cool symbolism/lore and cultural meanings irl on stuff like life and death, the cycle, decomposition etc. beetles are also culturally important in Nevarra, where they are prized. lots of households keep them in cages for good luck, and encrusted beetle wings are part of Nevarran decor.
The Crow one is obviously like looking down at a corvid in flight. its head is the top triangular part, but this shape is also known to be worn by Crows as a mask/disguise, and from that perspective the pointy part at the bottom gives the wearer a beaked appearance, masquerade-ball style. the Crows are always watching :>
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animalshowdown · 8 months
Phylum Round 1
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Mollusca: Snails, slugs, cephalopods, bivalves, chitons, limpets, and others. This group contains the largest invertebrates, the giant and colossal squids. They are the largest marine phylum, but many members are terrestrial. Although they are incredibly diverse in body shape, all Molluscs generally have a hard "radula" used for eating, a mantle that may secrete a hard shell, and a body mostly composed of dense muscle. These animals can be predators, herbivores, filter feeders, symbiotic, and even parasitic. This phylum exhibits remarkable diversity overall.
Bryozoa: Moss Animals. Small, frequently colonial, and often colorful, Bryozoans are found in both freshwater and marine habitats. Their crown of tentacles are used for filter feeding, similar to Entoprocta. Colonies consist of zooids living within small cup-like supports that fuse together, forming encrusting or branching structures. Individuals may take on different shapes for different roles within the colony, such as the "avicularia", which are bird-beak-shaped zooids used for defense.
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twistedroseytoesy · 2 years
Octavinelle with a Hawaiian bobtail squid mc!
Ok so I know this is kinda out of nowhere, but I’ve been brainrotting so bad about a mer bobtail squid reader with the octatrio. Leaned about the squid in microbiology cause they glow by a symbiotic relationship with bacteria in their skin. Anyway! Hope this makes any sort of sense.
You were a shy little thing that caught the octatrio’s attention right away. It was pretty obvious you were a mer of some sort. Your awe of the world on land was obvious. Of course when the twins started following you, you would scurry away and hide under something, even contorting surprisingly well, like you didn’t have bones. Usually you would hide under your coat/cloak. As time went on they noticed you were out more at night and fairly lethargic/grumpy in the day. At one point floyd was able to get you flushed and when they noticed the faint blue glow along your cheeks that’s when it clicked.
once he saw the glow and the way you try to multi task like you expected more limbs, Floyd either called you Bobby (to annoy you) or squiddy (cause you’re a squid). He loves to tease to see you glow, offering to show you that he can glow too!
when he finaly gets to see your mer form one late night he was so excited. You used your longer arms to push him back as he tried to squeeze you. He also took a bite of one of your tentacles and you avoided him for a whole week. He didn’t regret it other than he missed cute little squiddy. Also will tell you that you were pretty tasty but not a tasted as azul.
he found your glowing skin to be so interesting. Doing an assortment of different emotional tests to see if your glow would flare up at different points. Was reminded of foxglow mushrooms when he first saw your teal like glow. Would happily be more flirtatious to see your whole face glow in the dim and low lighting of the lounge, giving his usual half lidded smirk as he left you there burning with a blush.
Was surprised that you were even comfortable enough to invite him to swim one night. He swam underneath you to try and startle you, but was surprised at how well your gentle glow camouflaged you with the moonlight shining on the pool. Would show off his glowing as well and try and study the bacteria that your skin uses to glow. Happily teases you when you try and burry yourself in some sand or squeeze into a small area to get away from him.
understands your shyness, was probably told what you were by the tweels. Would offer any advice from one cephalopod to another. Of course he did try to rope you into a contract or two, a glowing stage performer or waiter in a glow in the dark event would be amazing don’t you think? Doesn’t push to see your mer form unlike the other two. Also understands the struggle of trying to use multiple limbs and realizing you only have 2 arms instead of 8-10. Helps hide you from the tweels at times, surprised you can squeeze yourself into his desk.
when you do finally show him your mer form he also shows off his as a mutual sign of trust. You both feel each other and admire the others look. He loves how your lights match that of the area around you, and you admired how his skin could change colors so well. He was much larger and stronger than you but he was so very careful. He even let himself have some fun feeling for you when you buried yourself in the sand to hide when he complimented your arms. You didn’t like them as much due to them being longer and somewhat more awkward than your tentacles. Happily keeps your secret, of course his little payment for keeping his secret is a few baby photos and regular photos of your mer form.
also here’s the squid! Aren’t they so pretty!!
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chuckeroo777 · 2 months
Dungeon Meshi Volume 12 Part 4
Who'd have thunk. The volume with the most chapters requires the most parts so far.
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She so angy. Seriously, this volume's cover is so cute with all the chibi guys. Pity the image as a whole is super spoilerific.
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Izutsumi may not have the most developed arc, but god is it fun to have her around.
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He's gathering intel, give him a break. Plus he's hungry.
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They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. The way to a woman's heart is also through the stomach. Same with enbys. Really, the stomach is a wonderful shortcut. Just be careful not to take a wrong turn and end up in the colon.
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Laios is so polite to his future in-laws.
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How is this selling them out? He was already planning to do this. He's just reminding Marcille of cool stuff that the Lion can't replicate.
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When you find a cool-ass magic item and keep it secret from the group.
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Marcille, are you really in a position to be taking the moral high ground?
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And so it was, Laios' irrational hatred of cephalopods saved the world.
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I don't really have anything to say. This is just a really powerful moment.
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This couldn't have ended any other way. I love these idiots. Izutsumi clearly wasn't paying attention to what the moral of the story was.
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A precious image.
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Laios so angy he went cross eyed.
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But seriously, why use jackalopes when dungeon rabbits are right there?
And that's it for volume 12! Next time, the demon! Also, this is where the scans switch over to the magazine version, so expect a slight dip in quality and translation. I do plan on buying the box set when it comes out later this year, but for now, we'll make do. Also, what the heck am I gonna do for the cover crops? Volume 13 is ALL spoiler. I'll figure something out. See you guys next time!
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imtrashraccoon · 2 months
Question for all you lovelies...
I'm rather bored at the moment and struggling to make a decision with what project I should focus on (so I don't start a new one lol). I should mention that this poll is mostly to give me some direction and not necessarily what I will end up doing. See below the cut for a run down on each of the options.
The Lavender Den is a causal ask series with my Tumblr sona, Tumble, that I'm trying to keep up with. There isn't really any lore, yet, but anything you lovelies send in could end up in a future installment. I have one ask that I'm still working on so this project wouldn't take long to finish.
Cricket's Backstory (I have yet to name this oneshot) is a bit of a peek into the origins of my fae Sona, Cricket. I've admittedly been struggling with this one because it deals with some darker subjects than anything I have written to date. I have big plans for it but part of me worries it won't turn out as good as what I imagined. This one is something I think I want to sit on a bit longer as I want it to be good.
Skull is something I've been meaning to draw for a while for my fic, Swarmed by Sirens. I previously drew Red and Sans (also the Reader and another secret character...) so I want to draw him as well. He's a cephalopod siren though and the thought of trying to draw all those tentacles is rather daunting. I may just use my drawing tablet rather than my sketchbook to save my sanity. Otherwise, Chapter 4 is done! This could take me a little while to be completely happy with, depending if my perfectionist nature decides to rear it's head or not.
The Hand We've Been Dealt is my first fic and one that's been on hold for a while. I've been meaning to get back into writing it so that I can actually finish another project but I've been busy. Chapter 56 is partially written though so it wouldn't really take much to do.
To Defy A Dream is the Dreamswap oneshot I've teased on here before. It takes place in an alternate universe to The Nightmare of Apathy where Dream and Nightmare have opposite roles. I've written two sections so far but I think this oneshot is too ambitious for my original plans so I don't know when I'll end it just yet. For whatever reason, I struggle with writing Passive Nightmare too. I don't know how much longer this one will take.
The Nightmare of Apathy: Chapter 7 is pretty self-explanatory. I don't think this one is as urgent to finish but I have been excited to write it for months, except now the scene is giving me trouble. Writing each of these chapters can take me around one to two weeks, depending if I get stuck or busy of course.
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theravequeen · 17 days
Pressure OC Master Post!!
Hi gang, I just wanted to make a master post of all my pressure OCs, because. I can :3
Z-427: Night Light
Aka: Raven Valentina
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Subject Z-427 is a younger experiment, made solely just to test the lengths of the DNA Urbanshade had to work with. Her handler, [REDACTED] Schneider, wanted to see if it was possible to use the regenerative abilities of Axolotl DNA, and the Camouflage abilities of certain cephalopods, to effectively create shapeshifting.
In a way, Schneider, and his assistants, Eric and Michelle Valentina, were correct: Z-427 could shapeshift, but not as much as they would have hoped.
Due to circumstances pre-experimentation, Raven is very afraid of the dark. When Z-427 finds itself in the dark, she will grow very hostile.
Hostile Light gives off little light of her own, and will attack anyone who comes near her.
Experimentation left Raven with several memory issues, to the point that she barely even remembered her own name, just her number.
Game Mechanics:
-Night Light is a passive mob you have the ability of encountering. She will always have a light on her. If you take it, you run the risk of encountering Hostile Light, who will deal 50 damage to you and cause you to drop any light source you have, save for the blacklight, hand cranked flashlight, and gummylight.
-Night Light also has the chance to spawn in Sebastian's shop, and if you take her light there, he will punch you. L loser
Here's Hostile Light:
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Z-426: [Code name pending]
Aka: Harley S. Keener.
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(sorry it's just a sketch, I'll color him eventually)
Z-426 really had no specific reason to be made. [REDACTED] Schneider just needed him out of the way. The coverup story used by Urbanshade however, was that he was a test to see if venomous sea creature DNA could be transferred to a human. The answer was evidently yes, as the lionfish parts of Z-426 do secrete a venom, and are dangerous to touch.
Pre-experimentation, Harley was the only friend Raven had. After a fight with his father, Harley had gotten into trouble, then swept up by Urbanshade for various reasons. There is where Raven---who had grown up around the Urbanshade facilities---met her first friend.
Post experimentation, they tried to stay close, and Harley tried to protect Raven the best he could. But a badly timed Hostile Light appearance paired with an inescapable Angler left Harley dead and Raven none the wiser.
Now a ghost, forever tethered to the Blacksite, Harley keeps an eye over Raven still, with her not quite knowing---or remembering that he is dead.
Game Mechanics:
After surviving encounter with Hostile Light, you have the chance of encountering this vengeful spirit. Though he never attacks you, Z-426 will haunt you, sitting in the corner of your vision for about 10-20 rooms, causing false angler light flickers, sound cues, and other distractions. It's hard to survive, but encountering him is very rare.
Z-428: The Eclipse Eel
Aka: Cassidy Evans.
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(note for Eclipse Eel's design: the eyes all along her body are white with black pupils. Disregard the feet, I forgot to erase them 💀)
Cassidy Evans was [REDACTED] Schneider's ward, willing to do whatever he wanted her to do. Even if that meant getting turned into what she is now. The only reason Schneider ever showed an interest in the girl was due to her strange capabilities with shadows; something Urbanshade would definitely want to keep under wraps.
Pre-experimentation, Cassidy would constantly bug Raven, trapping her in dark rooms, locking her in confined spaces, all together just tormenting her for the fun of it.
Post-experimentation, Z-428 is no different, causing darkness wherever she goes, and targeting rooms Raven hides in specifically.
Game Mechanics:
-Similar to the node monsters, Z-428 will come into a room with lightning speed, shutting off all the lights for the room you're in, and two rooms ahead of it. Hide, or she will find you. If you get into a locker quick enough, she will ignore you, but if she sees you get in, she will put you through a similar mini game as Pandemonium.
-Side rooms and other hiding spots are recommended, but not necessary.
Those are all my pressure OCs so far!!! Feel free to ask questions!
Also yeah Raven gets adopted by Sebastian, what are you gonna do about it /j /lh
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purppura-muratti · 9 months
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I just remembered i can post this here!!! A secret santa entry i did on our splatoon server!!! We love big cephalopods
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nansmenagerie · 1 month
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I joined an art Discord and instead of bringing Bori (which was so tempting), I brought Derrick! However, I needed to make an updated reference of him- and given I'm giving him a hard reset involving an original story and world of mine, he's not fully robot anymore. He's a Wermitt now! I'll put details beneath a readmore to avoid stretching out folks' dashboards.
They're an original species of cephalopod-like creatures that once hid in cramped hiding spots and ambushed prey, but when the prey learned to avoid those hiding spots, they started to carry those spots somewhere else to protect their soft bodies. Eventually, as they evolved and started adapting to land, they learned to make more and more advanced 'shells' for themselves, until finally those could lure prey into a false sense of security of thinking they're among their own, then striking.
The secretions they use to glue the pieces together grant the pieces an inexplicable flexibility; with enough coats, any substance can bend, stretch, and move about as though it were musculature. When they cannot find any more of a given prey species -or when they've outgrown the shell they've assembled- they'll start building a new one and leave the old behind, possibly for another Wermitt to inhabit.
They eventually turned their eyes to the Voluxians (vo-LOO-shuns), another sophont species of their home planet who had greater technological advancements, and started to make shells mimicking them. However, shell materials were very different in Voluxian settlements, so some Wermitts returned to the wild, or settled for encounters in more easily adaptable locations. Those persistent Wermitts eventually learned how to manipulate processed materials such as plastic, rubber, and even metal!
The Voluxians proved to be significantly harder to trick into thinking they were one of them, and in studying them, the Wermitts came to learn about their form of community, culture, language, and most of their advancements. This led to a shift in their approach from hunting to sincere contact, but by then the damage had already been done; too many Voluxians had been hunted, and their reputation as house-shredding menaces and fae-like trickery had poisoned the well.
Most went into hiding, not wishing to be hunted for something that was in their nature. Some Voluxian communities were more open to contact, and established trade and collaboration with them, but those communities were in a stark minority. When the Voluxians started to enter the Space Age, it was a nightmare trying to prevent Wermitts from sneaking aboard as stowaways; they wanted off the planet for their own safety, and could squeeze into the very control panels if they had to. It led to a kill-on-site policy, but this didn't stop colonies of Wermitts from successfully stealing -and launching- a few ships from their neighbors.
Those who landed on the planet Vestapol found a world ravaged by drastic climate disasters and the aftermath of an apocalyptic war, with few survivors still around to pick up the pieces, and even fewer hidden away in vast bunkers sealed from the surface centuries prior. Not wanting a repeat of their history with the Voluxians, the Wermitts elected to adapt to this world and help it heal- and in making new shells for themselves to resemble the most advanced species known to them on this planet, they can clean it up, too.
Derrick, being a 22nd generation Vestapolish Wermitt (they have a lifespan of 40 years on average), has very little knowledge of his people's history on their home planet beyond the basics of being hunted by another people and driven off of their homeworld. He wonders from time to time if reparations or fresh starts could be possible, but at least acknowledges that it's idealistic musing at best.
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