#secure closure
Baby Bangles: Tiny Treasures That Sparkle with Love and Joy
The arrival of a newborn is a joyous occasion, and a thoughtful gift can help celebrate the special milestone. Baby bangles are a popular choice for new parents, as they are a symbol of love, protection, and hope.
The Enchantment of Baby Bangles
A Symbol of Infinite Love: Baby bangles are a way to show the new baby how much they are loved and cherished. They are a physical representation of the bond between parent and child, and they can be passed down from generation to generation.
Tiny Treasures with Lifelong Stories: Baby bangles can also be a way to commemorate special moments in the child's life. They can be worn on the day of the child's christening, first birthday, or graduation. As the child grows, the bangle will become a cherished keepsake that reminds them of the love and support they have always received.
Versatile and Timeless: Baby bangles can be worn for any occasion. They can be dressed up or down, and they can be worn with any outfit. Their timeless design means that they will never go out of style.
Styles That Steal Hearts
Classic Elegance: Traditional baby bangles are made from precious metals such as gold, silver, or platinum. They often feature delicate engravings or simple designs.
Personalized Wonders: Personalized baby bangles are a unique way to show the child how much they are loved. The bangle can be engraved with the child's name, birthdate, or a special message.
Charm-Filled Dreams: Charm bracelet bangles are a fun and creative way to celebrate the child's unique personality. The bangle can be adorned with charms that represent the child's interests, hobbies, or milestones.
Choosing the Enchanting Baby Bangle
Material Magic: The material of the baby bangle is an important consideration. Precious metals such as gold and silver are durable and will last for many years. Stainless steel is a more affordable option that is also tarnish-resistant.
The Perfect Fit: It is important to choose a baby bangle that fits snugly but comfortably on the child's wrist. Many bangles come with adjustable sizing features.
Safety First: Safety is always a top priority when choosing a baby bangle. The bangle should have smooth edges and a secure closure to prevent it from falling off.
Baby bangles are a beautiful and meaningful way to celebrate the arrival of a new baby. They are a symbol of love, protection, and hope, and they will be cherished by the child for many years to come.
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sholangagaga · 1 year
Wait I thought that everyone knew in canon that Bonnie was decommissioned?
This is gonna be a long answer so I'll put it under the cut. Very slight spoilers to an easter egg in Ruin
Apparently there's some confusion about this in the fandom but to reiterate to everyone who doesn't know; No one knows that Bonnie was shattered and is still within the Pizzaplex
No one.
Not the technicians, not Fazbear Entertainment, not the other animatronics.
To everyone in canon, Bonnie just up and disappeared one day under mysterious circumstances.
But Lonnie! you ask, your eyes innocent and wide. That doesn't make any sense! How could a giant 7ft robot disappear???
Well, according to what we learn in Ruin, he didn't actually disappear. We as the audience know where he is and know what happened to him. Everyone else? They have NO clue.
Your first key in to this is when Gregory first sees Vanny and tries to inform Freddy. To which Freddy responds with There are no rabbits at the Mega Pizzaplex. Not anymore.
We've already seen the animatronics go through hell and back and still be functioning. We've also see how FazEnt is REALLY unwilling to change or fully decommission animatronics because of how much it'll cost unless something impossible to cover up happens (Ie. the Missing Children Incident, The Bite of 83 and The Bite of 87)
As far as we knew, Bonnie hadn't done anything that drastic. None of the Glamrocks have, so what on earth could warrant him not only being fully decommissioned, but also completely wiped from the face of the Pizzaplex?
We get the answer to this question in bits and pieces throughout SB in the form of the dufflebag notices. There are two (three if you're annoying like me) very interesting ones that allude to Bonnie's fate.
Re-Theme, MISSING, and Monty Mischief
What do all of these have in common?
Well, they tell a story, albeit a very patchy one, but a story nonetheless.
Now, its important to note here that while Bonnie was still active (either as a band member or after his retirement) Monty Golf was very much an established attraction. This means that Monty wasn't made or pushed into the Pizzaplex to replace Bonnie outright. He was just another animatronic who spent his time in his own little place and did his own thing.
In Monty Mischief, we learn about how we're to stop Monty.
ERRANT BEHAVIOR REPORT - Monty didn't show up for the main stage performance again. We found him in the same place we always do, the catwalks over Monty Golf. We can't have a repeat of last month. Someone hit the hole in one and the hurricane bucket knocked him down. Both legs were broken and required emergency parts and service work.
Monty heads onto the catwalk every now and then, which is dangerous for him because the catwalks are prefaced by the blasters and Hurricane bucket. So, Monty is in danger of getting whacked off the catwalk and getting damaged.
In MISSING, we get our first clue into what happened to Bonnie on his final night active
SECURITY REPORT - 12:24AM - Bonnie is seen leaving his green room in Rockstar Row heading East towards the atrium. 2:40AM - Bonnie enters the East Arcade. 4:12AM - Bonnie enters Monty Golf.
Now this notice doesn't explain much. But once you look deeper into it, you start to find some odd tidbits within the notice that doesn't make much sense.
At nearly 12:30am, Bonnie left his green room and headed East towards the Atrium (which is the big squarish space in the center of the Pizzaplex) To explain it better cause the map is a big nondescriptive, the Atrium is that huge area with the main stage and all of the tables that leads to each attraction
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Bonnie went EAST (or right) from Rockstar Row (which is the area right above the Atrium, where all of the animatronics themed rooms are) So assuming he was standing in his green room and he walked out, he would have walked down the rightmost path, where Roxy Raceway and Bonnie Bowl are located. (On the map, that would be the lefthand side. I know, that's confusing directions wise, but it would have been HIS right being the MAP'S left)
He went towards and entered the East Arcade (which would be Fazcade according to the map. The West Arcade is the Super Starcade)
Now, Bonnie left his room at 12:24 and got to the Fazcade at 2:40. That's almost 2 hours and 16 minutes of movement time.
Now we as the audience know that it doesn't take 2 and a half hours to clear a straight walking path. Gregory (and even Freddy) can clear that distance in less that 30 in game minutes. So what took Bonnie so long?
Normally I would say that maybe he was being stopped by kids or something, but this was well after closing. There shouldn't have been any kids or autograph opportunities, and unless Bonnie was walking at a snail's pace or in slow motion, it shouldn't have taken him so long to get to the Fazcade.
The next time stamp is even weirder. At 4:12am, Bonnie entered the Monty Golf (Directly across from Roxy Raceway on the righthand side of the map while below it is the Daycare)
It took Bonnie an extra 1 hour and 32 minutes to round the rest of the Pizzaplex (assuming he didn't stop and do something in the Fazcade) and end in the Monty Golf. And then from there, the name of the transmission is "missing" and there are no further time stamps, implying that Bonnie never left Monty Golf after that point and there are no further reads on his location.
So, he spent 3 hours and 48 minutes going to two specific points on the map only to vanish without a trace.
The next notice, Re-Theme, we get a bit of the aftermath of Bonnie's disappearance.
MANAGEMENT REPORT - The bowling alley needs a re-theme. While most of the Bonnie art was removed, kids keep asking, 'Where's Bonnie?' Do we have an officially approved response?
This is a notice from management themselves. Apparently, even though Bonnie hasn't been active for a while at this point, there still isn't a company approved response for WHERE he is. Not what happened to him, WHERE he could be. This means that after Bonnie entered Monty Golf according to the timestamp and never left, they must've searched the area and ended up being unable to find him, which led to them quickly changing gears and throwing Monty forward to take over. (Which is another discussion all together, I personally don't believe Monty hurt Bonnie, despite what the game wants you to believe)
In Ruin, we see what became of Bonnie and where he actually was after all of this time.
In the rundown Bonnie Bowl at the end of the alley, there's a sign that fell to block off the pin mechanisms against the alley wall. Deactivating all of the patpats (Wet Floor Signs) in the Ruin campaign will cause the sign to be removed, leading to a little rabbit (haha) hole. Going through the hole leads to a storage/recycling area for the bowling balls (I'm not bowling alley literate, its that machine that catches the balls and sends them back to the sleeve thing near the seating/scoring area so you can get your ball back)
And, laying there amidst the ruined machinery and surrounded by four patpats, is Glamrock Bonnie
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He's apparently been there for a while, but he looks relatively untouched from the decay and ruination of the other animatronics (probably because he wasn't moving around and instead was completely stationary) ((some people mention how he seems to be missing his endoskeleton/major machinery but this post isn't about what happened to him/how he was shattered, this is just about his disappearance and subsequent location))
The fact that Bonnie has just been laying here, untouched, his only company being a few bear-eared patpats, means that NO ONE knew he was back here. If the technicians or FazEnt knew he was back here, they would have repaired him. And we KNOW that they could repair him from any state of disarray or damage because we've seen and heard of this happening before (Monty with his broken legs, Vanessa mentioning to Freddy how they can "slap his shell onto another endo" if he keeps misbehaving)
And even if Bonnie couldn't be repaired enough to take the main stage again, they could at least repair his shell or make him a permanent fixture at the Bonnie Bowl and complete retire him without leaving him in the back of a bowling alley to rot away.
Now how he got back there, I've got a few theories but again, that's another post for another day. But it's a bit sad to learn that Bonnie never really disappeared. He'd been injured in some way and went back to his home to basically die, and no one knows what happened to him. Not even Freddy, who loved and misses him so much, who probably would have been so happy to learn that Bonnie was right there the whole time and all they needed to do was repair him
But he doesn't know.
No one knows.
And since that scene is an easter egg and not an actually scripted story event, there's a very good chance that no one will ever know Bonnie's final resting place.
And that's so very sad
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pixlokita · 1 year
Does Micheal miss his glamrock amimatronic friends? Like Monty, Roxanne and chica? Or did he just see them as soulless robots :(
He does miss them but that wouldn’t be that big of a problem because he can still sorta be around them in the past …
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Meet the bully friends :> aside from Becky who’d rather be doing something else than playing deadly pranks on little kids.
Pretty much only Ramona is mine ^^ I’m not that good at designing characters so I kinda snatched and tweaked my friend’s @cookieruma29 gang :> she also did the lovely coloring and shading of the arts bless TTwTT truly a lifesaver 💖
you can probably guess (or not? Wouldn’t blame you) who’s who =w=)b
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shanghaichicane · 1 year
how easy is it to unclasp someone else’s watch from their wrist??? crazy
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barnstormin-a · 4 months
alright lets try this again ! tags 2: electric boogaloo
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killerchickadee · 5 months
The GPS on my phone is fucking bonkers, man. Like idek what it's doing half the time.
Me: driving down eastbound I-94.
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The route I'm on is faster than the route I'm on? Which is currently sideways for some reason? It keeps doing this and it's baffling and mildly annoying when I'm driving on a route I know, but INCREDIBLY frustrating when I'm, say, driving in Chicago and don't know where I am.
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deityofhearts · 1 year
It’s just like, I know I have the capacity to be happy and be loved but I don’t feel loved and as long as I don’t feel loved I can’t be happy
#deity dialogue#and like there’s just variables#I want someone to love me the way i love them or at least a fraction of as much as I do#and this isn’t to say people don’t love me I know they do I just can’t really believe it#even if people love me I feel unwanted#and like I’m self sabotaging myself about it and causing not just myself but other people pain#and I don’t deserve love from people as I am especially when I’m hurting them#and just#I want to be happy I want to love and be loved I want to be secure but I’m not any of these things at least I don’t feel like it#I feel so lonely and unwanted and I’m sure I could be doing more but at some point so much time passes that it feels like I can’t#like after so many days or weeks or months why bother reaching out is it worth it to do so#to try and contact people or apologize would it be better to just let things end wordlessly would people rather to never hear from me again#I don’t know and I simply never will and the not knowing and lack of closure and ending hurts the most#at least when a relationships gets ended verbally like I know I know and I can move on#like it hurts it lingers and haunts you but ya know#but like again it’s my fault this happened because I get so convinced that people would be happier if I weren’t in their lives and I give up#or I hurt other people in the process because I think I’m protecting myself and doing what’s best for them and it’s dumb#divine despair#<- sad tag#I just hate myself I hate who I am I hate my personality I hate everything about myself and that I keep being shitty to others
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grimark · 2 years
i can fit four dexies inside my coffin ring if anyone was wondering
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saxafimedianetwork · 14 days
Somaliland Orders Closure of Egyptian Cultural Library and Gives Staff 72 Hours to Leave
BREAKING: #Somaliland orders closure of #EgyptianCulturalLibrary in #Hargeisa due to #NationalSecurity concerns, giving staff 72 hrs to leave. The move comes amid rising tensions in the region & #Egypt's recent defense deal with #Somalia.
Continue reading Somaliland Orders Closure of Egyptian Cultural Library and Gives Staff 72 Hours to Leave
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fucking-filth · 5 months
it's okay, what you did to me, I'm going very far away to let my soul play. it's okay, what you did to me, because I will find someone to heal me from you. we will play on top of skyscrapers, and feel just as high. we will wander around at night, and tell each other how beautiful the moonlight looks on our skin. it's okay, what you did to me, because I will no longer be the person from back then.
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yueyimold · 8 months
two shot vented secure caps mold
China bi material mold maker, offer 2 component jerry can cap, two shot vented secure cap, double vented closure screw lid mold, pp tpr jerry can cap top lid mold
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ur-mag · 1 year
Major road closures in Dublin ahead of Budget 2024 as 200 cops to be deployed as part of security operation | In Trend Today
Major road closures in Dublin ahead of Budget 2024 as 200 cops to be deployed as part of security operation Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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theinconveniencing · 1 year
I’m not gonna post a million screenshots of the mickey spoon conversation outside of the tattoo shop but I am gonna say that bot mickey and ema refuse to let people in but regardless spoon is like “I’m coming in and I’m gonna love you in addition to that”
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chiscaralight · 1 month
early mornings with you<3
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the sun is just rising, but he's already hungry for you.
includes: nsfw! dr ratio, scaramouche, aventurine, childe, jing yuan, alhaitham (separately). morning sex, could be read as either cannon or modern au, use of all characters' real names, fingering, oral (m and f receiving), domestic themes, and super soft all round. cock warming, somnophilia, fingering,
a/n: super self indulgent 😔me when please.
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veritas ratio.
the light spilling in from the crack in the blinds illuminates your face perfectly. veritas can only stare up at you longingly as his tongue rolls in and out of you. you look so beautiful, your eyes squeezed shut as your face contorted in pleasure. hands fisting in his hair as you grind your hips against his face. he would usually hold you down, dragging his lips off you to throw you a firm be patient. but he indulges you this time, humming into you as your thighs tighten around the sides of his head.
when he finally pulls away from you, his chin is soaked with your release. your body is relaxing as he crawls over you. his lips connect with yours in a strong kiss. your arms wrap securely around his neck, drawing him closure to ensure he cannot escape, but he's not going anywhere. not now, not ever.
you could barely keep your eyes open. you couldn't have been awake for more than twenty, thirty minutes? but his hand has been nestled comfortably in your underwear for most of that short time. his bony fingers scissor your hole as you weakly gasp out his name. another moan slips from your lips as his teeth graze the skin of your neck. the swell of your ass is pushing against his hardening cock and he's hissing against your skin as he curls his fingers. you whimper out his name one last time before you cum.
he doesn't mind just staying like this. you're warm against his cool body and your breath is so calming to him. but with the way your hand is creeping behind you to brush your fingers against his erection, he reckons that he won't be laying down like this much longer.
now, his mind is very good at conveying heavy feelings to him, but the pleasure he's feeling now is too good for it to just be a dream. he's cracking his eyes open, and he's only slightly taken aback. you're working your tongue so well around his tip, kitten licking up and down his length.
"you're just so full of surprises, aren't you?"
the look in your eyes is playful as you meet his violet ones. he lets out a small laugh and adjusts himself back into the pillow. he's letting you do what you want, fingers only softly scratching your scalp as his hands find your scalp. but as much as he knows every inch of your body, you know exactly what makes him tick. so you're not shocked when you feel thick strings of his cum hitting the back of your throat. but you are when he's pinning you back down onto the bed. his lips are trailing soft kisses from the valley between your breasts down to just above your heat. after all, he would have to return the favor.
immediately he notices you are not in his arms, he's up and alert. he's already imagining the worst, did you leave? were you taken? his nerves are only calmed once he hits the entrance of the kitchen. there you are in only a shirt, his shirt as you stir the bowl of batter with all your strength. he can't help the smile that quickly finds his face. you gasp softly as his strong arms snake around your waist. you're quick to turn your head towards him to press a quick kiss, but he's not ready to let go just yet. once he pulls back, you're already chasing his lips once more.
breakfast long forgotten, he slowly rocks his hips into you. the cool of the smooth surface against your ass is no match for the heat the two of you are generating. his voice is low, but the words of praise he whispers ring loud in your ears. you tighten your arms arms around his neck and sigh. these were the slow mornings you longed for. the two of you in your own little world, nothing from the outside getting in.
jing yuan.
jing yuan is definitely one to savor things. he takes his time, analyzing the components and picking things apart. which is exactly why his lazy gaze is trained on your face as he languorously drags his cock between your soaked folds. your brows knit and the tired mewl you let out has his lips bending up into a coy smile. when you do finally open your eyes, his gold pupils are staring right at you, large arm holding your leg in place over his as you unconsciously buck up against him. his hand shifts to your face, his thumb running against your cheek as you lean into the warmth.
when he finally does push into you, the grumble he lets out is low in his chest. you feel it in every vein, every nerve as he rolls into you. your hand is cupping over his own and your eyes meet his once again in a loving gaze.
alhaitham is slightly slouched down into the bed. back to his chest, your cunt is wrapped around his length. one of his holds the spine of the book you two picked together while the other hand turns the page. it's your turn to read aloud now. you're barely a sentence in before a single hard thrust has his name flying out of your mouth instead of the words on the page. his hearty laugh has you swatting at his arm. he gives you a half-hearted apology as he adjusts to keep the book in one hand while the other wraps securely around your waist. with no interruption from the man under you now, the words flow out like water.
the sound of your voice is like music to his ears. he doesn't even know when he starts hitting small thrusts up into you. against his better judgment, he's flinging the book to the side and hooking his arms under your knees. your head lolls back into the crook of his neck with a smile and his lips find your skin. and you let out the most gorgeous noises. he's sighing into the skin of your neck, wet kisses trailing along your orgasm washes over your body.
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