#see this is doing a project spiral like at first I was just gonna buy these cool headphones I saw but then they had a 1/4 jack and my phone
ghavialis · 1 year
It's so funny how easy it is to do things
#nobody expects the new hobby#going to gut wired headphones and make them Bluetooth compatible because somehow this is easier than replacing a 1/4 Jack with a 3.5#<- it actually is because there's less chance of a soldering mistake#I think I should get rlly into speaker building it's the sort of thing I'd be good at#or maybe carpentry#definitely not going to get into studying#someone should give me room and board and pay and I'll be like an artist/carpenter/handyman/electrician in residence#they'd get so many funky things. gnome lamp. mural. vintage headphone refurbishments. knitting. several plays. garden. I'm very clean#see this is doing a project spiral like at first I was just gonna buy these cool headphones I saw but then they had a 1/4 jack and my phone#doesn't even have a 3.5 jack so I'd have to get a 1/4->3.5->lightening adapter setup and that'd be a pain#so I was like okay can I just rewire it into a 3.5mm but with audio I don't trust my soldering ability. so I could get a Bluetooth receiver#but they're all for 3.5mm jacks or upwards of 200 euro. so okay could I just wire them directly into a receiver. oh for €5 I can get a#Bluetooth stereo amp. and because they're stereo headphones with exposed wires it is literally all set up perfectly. all I have to do is#take off the caps attach the chip and batteries and drill a charging port hole#literally like five hours of work easy#at no point have I really thought about how I can't wear overear headphones because I'm scared someone will kill me from behind#that's the least of my issues step one is bidding in this eBay auction for headphones
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misojunnie · 1 year
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니콜라스 - nicholas as your bf!
very attentive, always knows when you need something or want something
won’t hesitate to get you whatever you want
loves buying you pretty trinkets, just random little treasures he sees when he’s wandering
soooo teasing like he will not stop once he started
and if you do something embarrassing, whew he’s not gonna let go of that for weeks
scary af when he’s jealous! he’ll pretend not to care but he gets so angry
offers to teach you how to play basketball
laughs when you miss the basket :(
cuddles 24/7. literally this man is a cuddle monster
he has to be the big spoon (duh)
always touching you. always back hugging, petting your head, rubbing your arms. if you’re at the dinner table he’s holding your hand and eating at the same time
the other boys complain about your pda :P
gets insanely offended when you don’t say I love you back to him
offers you his hoodie every time you go out. bro will be red in the face, nose running and still offer you his jacket bc “he’s not cold”
hella athletic and always asks you to work out with him. he’ll insist even if you say no
crazy competitive but will let you win every time
traces little spirals and hearts on the back of your hand when he’s bored
if anyone’s bothering you or hitting on you, dear god they better watch out
he is literally terrifying he will knock them out with just a glare
always makes the first move. he thinks it’s really cute when you try to tho
loves when you scratch his head. he will deadass fall asleep in public if you do it
scrolls through pics of you when he’s away at work or with the boys. he has a whole album and everything
if someone catches him he’ll yell and deny it until he turns red
slaps your ass in public ._.
goes absolutely feral when he smells your perfume. buries his face into your neck when he hugs you from behind
possibly even buys a bottle for himself so he can smell it when he misses you :(
loves catching you off guard and getting you flustered. he’ll wink at you when he catches you staring just so he can see you blush
“I have a crush on you.” “nicho we’ve been dating for a year.”
a/n note: I loved making the nicho bf texts so I wanted to do some more content for him!! ik this isn’t an extended project but &team readers are soooo rare so I didn’t know if u guys would read an actual fic 💔 lmk if you would in the comments!!! also drop any writing idea recs I’ve had writers block lately <3
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consolecadet · 2 months
big complaining. please do not give me advice on any of this unless 1) we already talk AND 2) you get my consent first
Virtually everything for me right now is in some state of "it is terrible rn but I just need to hold on for a few more weeks/months" and it just. I don't have a lot of grip strength with which to hold on rn.
My tennis elbow hurts more since I started OT, or perhaps I am just more aware of it. Either way it's really bothering me and making me sad
I recently developed eczema or something like that, because of course I did, and the second I stopped steroid cream it came back just as itchy and weepy, despite aggressive moisturizing. I cannot see a dermatologist until November but I have vague hope in the form of a different steroid cream I may try in one week
The three-day low-residue diet my dietician had me try backfired horribly after I stopped it and now I'm even more scared to eat, like, beans and/or onions
I have been having trouble accessing medical supplies that I can technically get by without but really shouldn't. Dealing with it requires making tons of phone calls and/or driving to a bunch of different pharmacies, something I have no time or energy to do rn
I'm in a BMW situation and cannot resume trying to sell it until it is resolved, though it's not a big deal because I am borrowing my sister's car and will buy it from her once I have sold the BMW
Reviewing KC's edits to Latent Defects is tiring and emotionally challenging (though I'm way less upset and dramatic about it than I thought it would be)
I keep spiraling about things like the election, genocide, and the climate
Covid cases have once again risen in my area and I am nervous about that because I've socialized a lot IRL recently and don't know if I was careful enough
I agreed to do an art project with a friend that I think will be really cool, but am worried will hurt my forearm too much and/or cause extra stress which I have little capacity for rn
I am having trouble keeping in touch with friends bc the first thing to go when I get stressed is The Ability to Message People. I also have a newish local friend who messages me a lot more than I am used to and I'm worried I'm making him feel sad and uncared for bc I am so slow to respond and don't message him first very often
KC's summer break is about to end, which means I am about to start having to get up earlier, which realistically means I am going to lose a lot of sleep while I once again struggle to adjust. Also means I'm gonna spend a lot more time driving again
The project I am managing is a MESS, we pushed the launch back, and I feel like it's my fault for 1) not knowing how to manage a project, 2) not asking for nearly enough help, and 3) being kind of mentally absent due to being itchy, in pain, and very cranky for basically the whole project. Though tbf multiple of my coworkers have been sick for chunks of it and also not able to pitch in as much as we expected. Also once we launch, then I have to help manage an online community, which, yikes
I would like a raise to offset the gigantic medical bills I seem to get stuck with every year, but I also fucked up something else at work recently, the one account I managed fired us, and worse yet I absolutely know that the company I work for is barely scraping by and cannot afford to give me a raise regardless of whether my boss wants to. I should probably look for another job but 1) I like these people 2) I have no energy or time rn and 3) much fewer companies are fully remote these days and I cannot physically handle commuting and working in an office
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About That Radio Thing...
A Sort-of MasterPost in Zenith Mid-Century Industrial Design
Every once in awhile I get bitter about what I had thought was gonna be my "happy fun retirement project", because I ended up having to give them all up. I took a lot of really good photos of them in the process of selling them on eBay for literal pennies compared to the dollars I'd spent on them. So at least there's the pictures, and the knowledge.
I'm talkin' about my radios. Radio, real AM Radio used to be so incredible, before it became hate-radio. It was how I heard EVERYTHING first!
The year is 1971. I'm a musical-obsessive 12 year old and hearing Lennon's "Power To The People" come over the airwaves for literally the first time, along with everyone else! It felt incredible! It was how we all connected to the big energy of our time. In a way, it was our internet.
After my sweetie died I wanted to collect radios that I liked, radios with a certain kind of industrial-streamlined deco vibe, and boy I collected. In the span of a couple of years I managed to find/buy a large collection of Zenith radios in particular, along with a few choice others.
The main object of my obsession was the industrial design of most Zenith radios from 1939-1953, the work of one Robert Davol Budlong. His designs speak to me. Seeing the evolution of style from between those two dates is impressive.
So I was all set to enjoy being an old radio guy. Until I wasn't.
There are a lot of reasons the radio collecting thing just decidedly became NOT what I was going to do. First was finding out a lot of the "old radio enthusiasts" are mostly old nazi shits.
I had been excited about living just down the street from a "museum/club" building, but after I actually tried to interact a few times, that pretty much came crashing to a halt.
There was one younger guy who seemed OK, but as for any other interactions, not really. And it coincided with my financial downward spiral in such a way that I had to start selling off what had at least occupied my grieving mind (and eyes).
Eye candy becomes expendable when shit gets real. I ended up having to sell most of the radios. I kept one console, and a couple of small transistors. So I kinda had to grieve not only my sweetie, but the "eye candy" that had occupied me since she died.
Oh, and somehow in the shuffle of this shitshow of life this past 10 years, I once managed to leave the lock unlocked on my (supposedly secure and guarded) storage unit, and thirty of my prize radios and record players were literally wheeled out and stolen. About $2k worth.
And now, I'm too broke to collect a goddamn thing.
But at least I still have the pictures.
That's what started this. Every once in awhile I want to see them. It makes me happy to see all that amazing Budlong design again. Of the ones that worked, I can remember what each one sounded like. I also collected ads for certain models, catalog pages that they were part of, etc. There are posts about that, as well.
So I thought I'd just put all the links to the main radio posts I've made over the last few years, making this a Radio Masterpost of sorts.
Lots of mid-century industrial design eye candy. Yer welcome. Alternately, go to my page and just search "Zenith" or "radio", "radio ads", "catalog", "radio advertising" etc. I don't do the tag thing much, but the search works pretty good on my page, actually.
So yeah, the love affair with radios will stay mine, but it's bittersweet.
Just search my blogpage to see some more. I'll try to gather all the various links together here.
Here's one last one for today. Another of Zenith's unicorns, the T545: Combination radio and 45-rpm-only record changer, in all its original bakelite splendour. This is another rare bird that, sadly, I only owned for a few months before having to give it up again. I hope the new owner has done the electronic/mechanical restore to it and that lit lives on. To have found one with absolutely no real damage to the bakelite, and brights that are BRIGHT, it's really rare! Feast your eyes.
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
The truth is...
The truth is, I have a tender heart.
I see people hate on Jimin (or Tae or any BTS member), using slurs, making up lies, canonizing misinformation, deliberately sabotaging projects, attacking other fans... and it hurts me more deeply than is probably normal. My heart grows so weary watching it unfold.
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But more than my own feelings--because my spiral is my spiral, it's not anyone else's responsibility to fix my feelings--there is a steadily increasing toxicity taking over ARMY. And I'm at a real loss as to how to stop it.
The cult is ramping up. Antis and akgaes are getting more extreme. Sasaengs are getting too close and too bold--and their content is becoming normalized, even, and shared out in the open. This is going to change things.
The thing I loved most about BTS (besides their music and art) was how genuine and authentic and vulnerable they were with us. They would come to us, and initial personas aside, I felt they rapidly started to show us who they really are--what worried them, delighted them, their ambitions, their heartaches.
There is no incentive now for them to share anything personal. Everything they do is criticized and overanalyzed until it sucks the joy out of everything.
Jimin, who I think we can all agree is a lightning rod for the most hate, pretty much tapped out before 2022 even began.
Jungkook decided to go work-only by mid-2022.
Here we are in early 2023 and between a hot mess over photos and now attacks over Insta follows, I wonder how much longer Taehyung will keep his content personal.
Even Hobi is starting to only post things related to projects, brands, or awards.
Yoongi... lol... aside from that one cat photo that got through, Yoongi is and always has been a man of mystery. He apparently does like a good linoleum kitchen, though. Bless.
I'm SHOCKED that Namjoon posts as much as he does AND shared an entire episode detailing the layout of his entire house. For the most part, Joon stans seem really sane, and the crazies don't seem to target him much (any more). But even so...
I don't think our boys are gonna come back from military and be this open with us again. I don't think we will ever get back to the 2018-2019 level of insight and constant content we were once blessed with.
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I HATE that ruiners ruin things. I am really searching for a way to NOT let assholes affect my mood but... it sometimes just feels like the whole world is being polluted by a few toxic people. I mean, take your pick: climate change, vaccines, politics, sports, the entertainment industry... there's no escape from a few assholes who just set out to ruin things.
I'm 43. I know the world has always sucked, but it never used to suck so much SO FAST. Things really truly used to be different. Most people had critical thinking skills. Most people unplugged from TV, news, and entertainment for whole hours if not days at a time. Most people believed in science. Most people had... if not a genuine kindness, at least a sense of shame... before they could hide behind a keyboard. Now I feel like I have to gird my loins any time I come onto the internet.
Is this my "the world is going to hell in a handbasket" lamentation post? No, not really.
I'm just so tired you guys. I'm tired and I need a good long hug.
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You see, Jimin worked so hard on VIBE. He wrote part of it. This was his idol. He promoted his work for the first time on his social media. And he wasn't properly credited, it wasn't under Jimin's spotify or melon, it wasn't available in many countries, vipers boycotted it, little-7s won't promote or purchase it, there was a 27% filter rate in the first 24 hours because people wouldn't stream properly...
So now he is the first and only BTS member whose collab might not chart in Hot 100. And you KNOW ruiners will never let that die; they will drag him for it forever. It sometimes feels like he gets sabotaged the most.
And there's nothing to DO about it, except keep streaming and buying and voting and showing up for him. Which I always will. But I also gotta process my feelings around the way this all played out. I'm worried for PJM1.
Why do so many people hate someone so loving, hardworking, talented, and kind-hearted? I am truly baffled.
I thought about not posting this. Because really, who wants to listen to some rando on the internet feel her feels? But if you got this far, I'd gently encourage you to let yourself express whatever you're feeling too. After all:
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So go ahead and grieve, rage, whatever you gotta do. And when you've let those feelings wash over and out of you, remember... there's a person in Seoul...
And finally, I will leave you with this. We cannot change the ruiners. We cannot stop them and their desire to ruin. It is important to take breaks, to recharge, to support one another. And then, we get back up, dust ourselves off, and work harder.
For Jimin. For BTS. For ARMY. Because in the end, we really are all they have.
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bitty-bits · 2 years
A Jolly SineTrismas
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It surely was another year. Let's look back at some stuff, and forward to other stuff, in the final Bitty Bits edition of 2022.
First of all, happy holidays to all who celebrate. Yeah it is a bit late on the "more famous holiday" side of things, but there are still others going on, and... in general it's probably never wrong to be festive during all of December. (It's also not wrong to NOT be festive! Just pointing that out!)
Many things happened in this late half of the year, controversial things, stupid things, all things. Here I will talk about some that mattered to me, to some extent.
(Also, RIP bozo...naro! Good riddance!)
This issue is dedicated to @rick-666, friend and avid newsletter enthusiast who encouraged me to try to fix the broken ass email form thingy that should actually send these posts as newsletter things but just isn't working! I'll have it fixed next year, I promise!!!!
My Work - Where To Next?
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So I've made and tried to make many things through the years, but as someone who pretty much does anything all the time, I'm finding myself often doing... nothing at the end of it.
In 2020 I basically started work on Ketchup Dreams by making its first characters, Bitty and Lake, with more to follow the coming years... but still nothing too substantial. Pondered with which medium to present these characters in. Comics? Animation? In the end I'd just continue adding some things here and there to the overall project, but it still doesn't seem like enough. I really want to build a good universe for these guys to live in.
So at the moment I feel kinda directionless. But hopefully that will change. I guess I won't know what sticks until I actually do stuff.
From Bitty also came the entire aesthetic, motif, symbol, meaning AND name for, I guess you can call my "indie" studio/group/label thing... which my future creative works will be released under, and who knows maybe even friends' creations. The "ᑎᐱ" thing was kind of accidental, but I liked it enough that I wanted it to mean something for me. Not to sound corny and dumb, but to me "ᑎᐱ" is kinda like another representation of the polarity we have in life, much like black and white, but in this case it would be something like... smooth and sharp. Yeah I'm not gonna try to give too much meaning to it, it's just for fun, mostly. Bitty's ears initially were meant to just be bunny + kitty ears (hence the incredibly original name) for an asymmetrical design, but that basically spiraled into everything else.
All that said I'm still doing stuff every now and then, I even have been experimenting with tweaking Lake's design slightly, you can even see a little bit of that in the header art here. More on that some other time...
You can check the current "roadmap" for Studio SineTri projects on the pinned tweet.
Why not "TriSine" instead? Because that just... sounds too normal. "Tri" is an existing and common prefix. Also the order matters.
The Tesla In The Room
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I don't think I need to talk much about the whole thing with Elon Musk buying Twitter and everything that came with it. Mostly I'm just tired of it all. Billionaires, other than beings that shouldn't exist, are Boring and not even in a funny kind of way (except for Bill Gates, his mere existence is comedic to me probably thanks to early internet culture) I wish I just didn't have to hear about 'em. But I guess we can't.
Anyways this entire situation practically got me back into being on Tumblr daily, after I had left it in favor of Twitter in like 2015, and now... the opposite is happening, that's just how sick I am of Twitter. Not just the website itself but the people in it and the energy that usually comes out of there these days. Musk was simply a final nail in the coffin. The problem is... he just keeps adding more nails. Here's hoping Elon doesn't ruin the very last thing that made Twitter "fun" to me - TweetDeck, but chances it'll survive are slim.
I'm also on Mastodon btw. Juuust in case.
AI Art Discourse - What's Happening?!
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"A Still of Klonoa in The Simpsons"
Speaking of Twitter, probably one of the least pleasing topics to witness over there lately will be this.
No doubt, "AI art" as a concept pretty much exploded into popularity in 2022, while it already existed in concept years before, this was pretty much the one year that, 5 years ago, we'd look at machine learning attempting art and say "now just think about how that'll be 5 years from now", and well, that time IS now. Kinda.
There's legitimate worry about whether or not the computer would be able to replace artists, but... personally I don't think it will ever BECAUSE... there will still always be a demand for humanity and human-created content no matter how good any sort of AI gets, and well, currently AI still struggles with "drawing" many things. But it's fine, earlier this year people were mostly memeing with AI generators, being impressed, confused, having a laugh, or everything all at once.
Until computers making drawings suddenly were no longer seen as cool but rather, bad!!! evil!!! problematic!!! etc. even though the reason for that all stems from... misconceptions and misinformation (sometimes on purpose, just because... I dunno. Internet rewards people who get angry at things.) about how the technology works to begin with. No, AI doesn't simply collage a bunch of pictures together, that just isn't how it works, even if it knows what a Mona Lisa looks like almost perfectly. It's hard to put it into words, but this thread I believe explains it a bit better in simpler terms (hopefully), even if you still don't understand, it's... best to not be too ignorant about it.
Of course, I DO think AI ethics is an important conversation that should happen, but not if it's... not gonna be a conversation in the first place. If it sounds too extreme, reactionary, or sounds just about as crazy as anything you'd hear coming from Alex Jones or like, your pro-life uncle™, then it probably isn't the way to go.
This made even people who think photography isn't art come out of their closets, if they even were in one.
There are good use cases for AI in art. One of them is allowing disabled individuals to also partake and experiment with visual arts. Yes, technically nothing "stopped" them from "really" doing it, but just look at how much that argument almost slips into ableism territory (and there is a surprising amount of that coming from some anti-AI folks.) Hell, I could've used AI to create a background for the art on my header as I'm mostly... a character illustrator, focused on characters, and just don't really enjoy drawing backgrounds much at all.
Anyways I recommend y'all check out AWAY (Are We Art Yet), a collective of artists and creators alike embracing AI but also fighting for more ethical AI usage (discussion about scraping images from the web, consent for works to be used as training data, etc.), without the reactionarism and sometimes ableism. They're a friendly bunch.
What I’ve Been Playing / Watching
Gravity Falls
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Well, does it really?
Hey Kids, Have You Heard Of Gravity Falls? The show's 10th anniversary was this year and, having heard mostly only good things about it since then, AND as someone who had recently been sucked deep into the modern Disney TVA pipeline (DuckTales 2017, Amphibia and Owl House are also great and would also recommend), I made it a goal to watch all of it before the year ends.
At first I thought this, like other very successful shows, would have way too many seasons for me to really get into, so I was surprised when I found out that wasn't the case.
It's definitely a great show, even 10 years later. From what I saw very little of it comes across as dated when it comes to references or jokes, the characters being likable and interesting are about enough to hook you into it I think. Also Matt Chapman is in there a lot and as an avid Homestar Runner fan, you can just Tell not only through his voices, but his humor and vibes entirely in some episodes.
If there's one thing I probably can't get enough of is Disney cartoons made by some of the most... Non-Disney people on Earth.
The Dream I Had On December 25th
Usually I share my dreams on Twitter, but decided it might be neat to feature some of the more interesting ones right here. They are an essential part of one of my creations after all. This year though, for a reason or another, I had less eventful or weird dreams in general. But waking up on Christmas day this is what was on my mind:
For more of my dreams you can check out my dream journal with stuff since at least 2014, here.
I had a dream I can split up in three parts - first I was at an old house of mine but I could hear a new trailer for the Mario movie premiering far outside, a classic game song could be heard in it and things pointed to it being a Daisy reveal.
Second part was a Strong Bad thing, where I possibly interact with him directly and actually cause a change to homestarrunner.com "accidentally". He makes some sort of analog horror parody, and an old main page gets a new "feature" permanently. I felt a sense of realization since "I caused this". I really wish I remembered more cuz it was great
Third part is the one I can recall the most, it was what seemed like a weird Gravity Falls AU type thing, which is slightly mixed up with The Owl House - In what appears to be the first episode, Grunkle Stan is nowhere to be found, with probably Eda taking his place as the twins' "Graunt". The episode begins with Mabel just wandering around the forest, when she comes across several typically good luck signs all at once, things like four leaf clovers and such. Eda knowing better knows it's a trap and tries to protect Mabel, but she is convinced that Eda is a witch (which probably Should be a secret at first in this alternate timeline I guess, Eda Is Not What She Seems™) and EVIL!!! and ignores her, acting hostile towards her, even, so Eda locks her up in a shelter. Perfectly normal. In there she finds… a journal. It doesn't appear to be -the- GF journal but rather a mix of that and Philip's journal from Owl House. At first it looked like the journal could talk by itself but someone just happened to be there in disguise, it was Soos, who happens to know a couple things about the journal but probably not much. For some reason I was "watching" it in Portuguese and they'd give him a completely different name, likely starting with a hard C, but I can't remember now. Some weird magic thing happens too which I don't remember how it's triggered or when exactly in the episode progression it even happens but it would make food and candy "infinitely stretchy", where you could essentially have infinite amounts of something just by stretching them, and it caused children to go insane over it. Eventually Soos and Mabel made it out of the shelter, with the latter no longer feeling suspicious about Eda. That's about what I can recall.
Song of the Issue
I will now feature some cool music (probably just vgm) I like here, just because. Sometimes topical, sometimes not.
But today it might be.
A secret easter egg track, on the older 2008 MIDI version of the Charlie (the Duck) II soundtrack (that probably came into existence together with the 2008 Windows version of the game, as opposed to the original DOS version which much like other Wiering Software games only had sound effects, at most.)
It would only play on Christmas day, and was basically a slight arrangement of the proper theme, but with some classic Christmas tunes thrown into it.
The OGG/streamed version you hear on the Steam release cuts the song a bit shorter.
More Stuff
Audicons Fluent/2.0/Name Pending
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Inspired by Microsoft's Fluent Design aesthetics and technicalities, this will be an update to my existing icon pack for audio formats, covering even more obscure formats that only 3 people know about! Just like the old pack, this will be fully compatible with probably any version of foobar2000. Very soon!
Ninjin on Archive.org
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juke...box. AI. video.
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yeah dude.
(no, seriously, it'll come out when it comes out. that's it.)
Miscellaneous Tumblr Side Things
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I dunno, I just felt like... having a couple dedicated side blogs for specific interests, as some people do, cuz I have ideas. One of them will be about brazilian animation in general. Nothing fancy or scheduled, just things that will exist.
The more I write the more self-conscious I get that I might just be shit at writing Anything, but I still appreciate if anyone actually likes reading through!
Stay tuned for the traditional yearly dumb highlights collage pic™ on my main Tumblr (@lu9) and Twitter (if it's not completely broken by then...)
Bitty's Message of the Day
My new year's resolution is to Exist more!
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Aug 18
The scale is still saying 113.5, I've binged the past 2 days (actually out of control eating whatever nonsense I can find kinda binges) but I'm going to do better today :)
I got a new notebook so I can start a new journal which always feels like a good symbolic fresh start. After the past couple weeks it really does feel like a new chapter is starting. Making plans for camping with D this week in the old familiar beach towns, so that'll be nice, maybe he'll come meet my family after a couple days of camping, we'll see how it unfolds. Drinking another cup of tea rn bc I forgot to get coffee; hitting the old vapes bc I'm insane and I should just go buy a new one until I'm actually ready to address the addiction.
The new journal has the dot grid instead of lines which makes me feel extra productive haha something about it. Made a couple tracking charts to get on track with goals again, and a nice big to-do list so it's all in one place :) maybe I'll actually get my shit together this time (I say that every time i start a new journal haha.) also thinking about L getting back home and immediately diving back into his life and goals and projects, meanwhile i got here and immediately went on a weed + wine bender and turned into a fog machine for 3 days ... Doing better today though, I'll check some things off the to-do list, it's fine to relax and reset and work at your own pace. It's nice to have motivated ambitious friends who inspire me to do better. Yesterday I thought real hard about giving into the negativity spiral and then I thought about L and was like, I want to do better! (Also dug out the old dying vapes from the van and maybe that lil bit of nicotine was enough to pull me back from the edge lol.)
Anyway. Life is good today. Yesterday I was feeling overwhelmed like there was no hope of ever accomplishing anything or moving forward or doing anything interesting or special; today I feel like I got it under control and I can just keep taking baby steps and the path is unfolding as I keep walking :) amazing what a good organization system can do for you. That's another thing L inspired, he's as ADHD as I am but he's got all these systems that keep his things in order and i feel like i need to get better at that, creating systems and structures for myself to work around/inside of. I create them and follow along for a couple weeks and then get distracted/do something else, but I think if I can keep working out a system that eventually works for me, that might make all the difference between needing Adderall vs not needing Adderall haha. Still considering getting the scrip refilled but I'm gonna give it one more try first.
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brainrotcharacters · 2 years
Name Me
ship: Steven Grant x introvert!fem!reader
unofficial part 1 because it’s ur choice i’m just writing over here damn :/
a/n: to the past me that doubted Steven as a dual wielder, HEY. HEY. YOU STUPID.
word count: 2171
tags: Steven vs reader's parents, obvious avoidance of a last name, Steven fighting as Mr. Knight, reader gets kidnapped, crime + violence + blood because it is the spine of every superhero project ever, idk how sedatives and adrenaline shots work, reader is also a dual wielder.
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"Where is she?"
Steven blinked at the sight of your parents at his doorway. A spot at the base of his spine shifted. Wait.
The moment they swing, Steven...
The facial features that reminded him of you looked tense and guarded under the dusk light through the hall's window. True to his past in the business, your father controlled his expression. Your mother's eyes flitted between every possible entryway, a hand to the gun holster at her side.
Steven shifted on his feet to match their movements. "Good evening, Mister and Missus--"
Your father shoved past him, crossing the flat in strides. He took one look at the messy shelves, Egyptian antiques, and the ring of sand around Steven's bed before he bellowed your name.
"She's not here, sir." Steven's stern tone fell unheard. He was actually off to the location that Layla gave him, one step ahead from the parents who now spiraled into panic before his eyes.
"I don't believe you," your father practically spat at him. Steven did not flinch, nor did he look away or change his stance. "You never liked us. Ever since she brought you home, I thought there was something off about you. You would take the first opportunity to have her for yourself."
She wouldn't mind. Marc said. He knew Steven agreed.
"Steven," your mother's smoother voice floated from outside, "If you know anything, you have to tell us."
"I do, actually." Steven allowed himself to be calm now, and not later. "They reached out to me. The kidnappers told me where she was taken." a less specific, more exposed area than what Layla provided, but Steven felt good about himself today.
"Why would they tell you?"
"Hey," your mother aimed at your father, using a similar grounded tone to yours whenever Steven or Marc spiraled too quickly, too deeply. "Focus. Steven, where?"
Seeing the opportunity to piss off your father, Steven faced your mother completely as he shared the location.
On his way out, your father snarled. "After this, you and her are over. The kidnappers bothered with you to buy themselves more time because they know her parents are coming. I'll kill them all, you understand me? You can't protect her the way I can."
Steven watched them walk away, before releasing a heavy sigh. "That last part hurt me a bit, not gonna lie."
Forget about it. Let's go.
The suit of Mr. Knight began to wrap around Steven's regular clothes. "You don't expect me to believe you haven't thought about it, do you, mate?"
Steven, please. Shut up.
"We're talking about this later."
The mask covered Steven's face.
"How many does this make?" you giggled as another syringe full of sedative was lifted within your blurry vision. "You have to give me the list of doses. This is the best sleep I've had in a while."
"Is that why you're so happy?" the ringleader, a brown haired young man, stepped closer. The exits of the warehouse were blocked from your vision. "I've never met someone who wants to be sedated before."
"I thought you knew what my father was like?"
He shrugged, watching as a different syringe was injected into the side of your neck. A pained groan slipped past your mouth as you lean into the singular pole you were bound to. You could have sworn you felt the fluid rush into your veins.
"I know he's a man of science, so I wonder: what happens to his beloved daughter when, after five days of being sedated, takes epinephrine on the sixth day?"
Your eyes shot up, head rushing with the movement. "You just gave me adrenaline?"
He steps away, motioning to the snipers and the fighters. "Your father was amazing at what he did, and he enjoyed it. Then he got married and had you, a sweet little thing whose childhood couldn't be more different to his. But you're still of one blood."
"It's still red. Trust me."
A punch from a different direction caused you to keel over, spit and blood mixing on the stone at your feet.
The leader vaguely considered the mess. "So it is."
Your parents have been subdued - not without numerous gunshot wounds and dislocated, broken, shattered bones sustained by the enemy, but they were still put down. To your left, your father is heavily bound and gagged, knuckles torn and bloody from the countless punches he landed. Across the floor to your right, your unconscious mother is bound in rope, faced away from the both of you.
The leader watched sweat trickle down your face. You could've sworn you could smell his disappointment. "You burned through the sedatives, but nothing more. The adrenaline could stand to increase your heart rate until it eventually collapses."
"Y-You want me to..." you swallow, trying to soothe your drying throat. "My father to watch m-me die, that's it? That's a bit weak, yeah dad?"
Your father fought against the chains, looking between your faces. The young man that he scorned considered you. "I know it's weak, Y/n. It's the greatest insult I can deal your family."
Slow, leisurely footsteps echoed against the walls of the warehouse.
"Stop right there!" Both enemy and ally turned to see Mr. Knight, adjusting the cufflinks of his suit as his pace quickened. The white of his clothes stood out in the middle of the dark crates of drugs across the space, as well as the night sky behind his head. Steven heard Marc gasp. No. Sweetheart, what did they do to you? Steven took all of one second to glance in your direction before he swung a fist at the closest gang member, then kicked his friend in the chest. Gunshots rang across the space, peppering the suit with red spots that stopped spreading after a while. Unbothered, Steven fished out a single crescent blade, slashing at the next knee and next elbow that came too close. His other hand wrapped around a baton, striking sides of heads and some ribs. Someone slapped the blade away from his hand and landed a punch on Steven's face. Steven swung his weapon at the man's ribs, using his  momentum to spin to his back and shove him away. The next crescent blade flew into the leader's confused face, burying into the underside of his left eyebrow. The force of Steven's throw knocked him to the ground, face up towards the ceiling as dark red blood burst from the wound. Everyone paused. Despite the mask, you could tell Steven scowled at the splatter of your blood on the floor as he rushed towards you. "What did they do to you?" "Adrenaline-- sedative, then adrenaline..." you shook your head erratically, grabbing his crescent blade to begin to cut through the ropes around your wrists. "I'm fine. Help them, please?" Steven freed your father first, and he burst into motion towards the dead leader. Your mother had been woken by the ruckus, and studied Steven critically. The sound of tearing rope drew their attention towards you as you took two staggering steps. Steven noticed your tense shoulders and heaving back before he saw how dilated your pupils had gotten. You were staring at the gang members who raised their guns and fists once again, ready. "Shall we?" he offers with an outstretched hand, both of his batons appearing now. You clutched his crescent blade, and moved to find yourself a gun. You moved as quickly as you could think. Marc took a moment to mention it, after you dodged several bullets and hurled the blade at the gunner's neck. You simply giggled, taking a common dagger and marking your next target. After a particularly beautiful swing across someone's chest, a massive hand clamped down on your wrist. The barrel of your handgun nestled against the man's neck before you pulled the trigger, already using your right elbow against another face instead of wasting time seeing the damage. When the ground was littered with bodies and you still ached for more, you knew this adrenaline would take a while to wear off. You focused on gathering your parents to you, in the same beat that Mr. Knight jogged to your side. You noticed your parents try to block him from you, and easily swiveled around, reaching for your boyfriend. Steven opened his arms and held you in an embrace, lifting you from the ground as he sighed in contentment. "We thought we lost you." "Just beg Taweret again. You're her favorite." you joked, and Steven released you from his hold with a chuckle. "Y/n," your mother's voice trailed off, and you turn to see them looking between you two. Steven squared his shoulders. In that suit, your mind swan dived for the gutter. How nasty did you have to be to provoke him like that, to make him begin to take you seriously in a simple, minimal action tantamount to fixing his suit mid-fight or rolling his sleeves up? Something about that wall at the corner of your vision suddenly looked inviting. He looked at you, and your focus sharpened. "Go ahead. Say my name." he considered. "If you want." If you wanted two more people in your life to know that Steven was perfectly capable of protecting you. If you were willing to let your parents know that whenever they watched him concentrating on a book or his Rubik's cube, he committed a similar level of intent to each cut and strike he dealt the people here tonight - and would deal to anyone else who tried to take you away from him. Wouldn't want to get Taweret in too much trouble, after all.   You took a steadying breath, looking between him and your parents with shining eyes. "Steven." His mask fell away into his collar, curly hair bouncing a bit. His familiar brown eyes were bright with adoration as he scanned your face, then turned towards your parents. "I knew you sounded familiar," your mother muttered, running a hand across her face. "B-But why-how...?" Your father closed his mouth, clearing his throat as he moved towards the entrance. "Let's go." -- Steven's flat became more interesting to your parents as Layla's voice was heard through the screen. "I think I should stay in town for a little while longer next time." "You're making me look forward to having you back." Steven handed you a glass of water before settling down beside you on the bed. You ignored the cautious glares from your parents. "I don't like to worry about any of you halfway across the world." she frowned. "I'm not good at it." You smiled, feeling your energy levels dip down. "We'll keep our phones close." "Promise me." Marc giggled, a sense of nostalgia at Layla's stern tone tugging at him to front. "We promise. Love you, baby." "We love you, Layla." Her eyes softened at your fond tone. "I love you guys. Bye." Once the call ended, your mother lifted a picture frame. "This is her? Layla?" And it was the critique in her tone, the crispness she used to enunciate the two syllables that made you lean into the solid presence at your side. "Steven." He took a moment, and then stood from the bed. His English accent sounded so polite. "If that'd be all, I'm sure you still need to check your own house, just in case? We all know Y/n struggles to relax in a room filled with people." Your mother opened her mouth as if to retort when your father leveled a look at her. Then he shifted his attention to you, debating if you would accept a hug or a kiss from him as of now.   "Let us know when you feel better," he led the way out. "We need to make sure this doesn't happen again." Steven followed slowly. Your mother went on ahead, and your father turned to face him. "I'm sorry." Steven allowed him the silence to consider. "All I want is for her to be safe. You have to understand that." "To understand you? I could never." 
Steven. Even as Marc reprimands him, Steven heard the amusement in his voice.
All right. "I'm not her dad, I'm her boyfriend. I can't begin to fathom what it's like to care for another person like that, but I do understand caring about her." When your father sighed at the words, Marc encouraged Steven to continue. "I'm not trying to take her away from you. I wouldn't do that to her." Those were the exact words that should be running through his mind when he thinks about forcing you and Steven apart. Your father drew in a deep breath, and clapped a solid hand on Steven's shoulder. Then, he strode away. Steven looked back to see you laid down on the bed, half awake against the pillows. He slides into the space beside you, gathering you in his arms. You nuzzled into his neck, breathing in his scent. "Smells like a friendship between you and my dad." He hummed, brushing your hair with a hand.
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carnationcreation · 4 years
can I request a sunset curve x reggies little sister? Like how they would treat her/help her and Reggie through everything going on with their parents? Do whatever you want with the plot just make it fluffy please!!
TITLE: The Walkman (Sunset curve x reader)
✌🏻Masterlist Taglist, Requests, and Works in progress!
Please check bio to see if requests are open before sending any in! Requests are sent to my ask box or DM’s!
Request: can I request a sunset curve x reggies little sister? Like how they would treat her/help her and Reggie through everything going on with their parents? Do whatever you want with the plot just make it fluffy please!!
Prompt/summary:  Reggie and his sister had always been good at avoiding their feelings about their parents, until one day it all comes crashing down.
Word Count: 1,102
Authors note: takes place in 1995! And woahhhh a new imagine? Am I going insane???? 
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WARNING: Mentions of domestic violence and panic attacks. Please read with caution!
Reggie and I both dealt with the stress of the catastrophe that is our parents differently. 
For Reggie, coping with stress looked like blaring his headphones on a walkman while in his locked room. Hoping the bass line would carry his thoughts away from the house he so desperately wanted out of.
For me, it was grabbing my notebook and riding my bike away from the house to the garage the band always practiced in. As my mind got sucked into the lines and lines of lyrics, poetry, and other writing projects I was working on, the sound of yelling and things breaking flew away to my subconscious. 
The boys normally left me alone when they knew things were bad, letting me write out all my feelings into the purple spiral-bound notebook I bought every week at the dollar store.
The papers would litter my folders in my room. I’d sort them into various folders based on what type of project it was. Pink for songs and lyric ideas. Blue for poetry. Green for story ideas. The words never seemed to stop and the notebooks kept piling up in the drawers on my desk. Along with my various books I cycled through during the week. A room without books is like a body without a soul in a way. 
Being a year younger than Reggie left me in a weird position with his friends. On one side they tried not to treat me as a little kid, but on the other side it made me feel like I was their little sister too. I’ve never complained, it helped me gain a lot of friends in school. Well, if you could call people who just wanted to talk to you so they could get close to the band ‘friends’.
By the time I got to my junior year in high school I had become an important member of the band, even if I didn't play an instrument. Those lines and lines of lyrics would never get put into full songs if Luke didn't make me haul the giant folder down to the garage once a week (normally the day before I buy a new notebook) to search through the couple hundred pages to find his new inspiration. 
Alex would read through some of the story ideas I had written during breaks at practice and give me new ideas to play around with during the next week at school.
Reggie would steal my notebooks and draw or doodle on the sides of the page or in the margins in between the lines. Sometimes they'd be so funny or good I would cut them out and tack them to the cork-board in my room. Bobby would read through my poetry and share some of his own with me. He could be really good if he wanted to, he did it more for the girls he dated though.
Writing was always something I was good at, music not so much.
When we were around people, it was an agreement between me and my brother that we pretend it doesn't bother us that much. That the fighting was just something that happens sometimes and we just shrugged it off if anyone mentioned it.
Until it did start affecting us.
I didn't mean to get in the middle of it. I was just trying to leave to get to band practice because I was already running late. The kitchen was the battle zone today and I ducked my head and tried to walk past the kitchen table without them noticing me. I heard the plate fly through the air before it even hit the wall right in front of my face.
The shards of ceramic seemed to go in slow motion. The impact it had on the ground caused on piece to fly back up and scrape my cheek.
I was out the door before they could even yell at me to stop.
My five minute walk to the garage was a two minute sprint as I ran with both tears and blood streaming down my face.
The cut was right under my cheekbone. With my hand pressed against my face I couldn't tell how big it was but the amount of blood gathering against my palm made me run faster to get to the garage.
The first few seconds after I entered the boys didn't notice my panicked state over the sound of their music. It wasn't until Alex shot up and ran over to me that they noticed the blood dripping down my arm.
Reggie yelled my name as Luke pulled the plug on the amp.
"What happened?" Reggie said as he pressed the flannel that was normally wrapped around his waste against my cheek to stop the blood.
"I- I can't-" I struggled to breathe as I continued to choke on sobs.
"Luke, go get paper towels from the bathroom," Alex yelled and Luke stumbled to the back.
Bobby grabbed a water bottle and wiped off my arms.
"(Y/n) I need you to calm down so you can tell us," Reggie said, I could still see the panicked look in his eyes.
The beating of my heart was almost loud enough to drown him out. So loud I almost didn't notice the sound of music start as Reggie slipped his walkman over my ears and slide my favorite cassette in.
He still held the flannel up to my cheek until Luke returned with the paper towels and a first aid kit.
Slowly my breathing steadied out as Alex ran his hands through my hair and Luke tended to my cheek. The music helped my sync up my breathing. Reggie grabbed my hand and slid the headphones off.
"Please tell me what happened."
"They were fighting again. One of them threw a plate and it hit the wall and flew up to cut me," As I described it my eyes started to well up with tears again. Reggie pulled me into his chest to comfort me as I cried into his shirt.
"You're okay, you're here. Nothings gonna happen to you," Reggie said. I felt Alex's hand on my back rubbing circles into it.
Bobby sighed, "Lets all stay here tonight."
We drug down blankets and pillows from the loft and laid them out all over the garage. Reggie and I took the couch.
He gave me the walkman to listen to as I laid my head in his lap. Finally, after a few hours of watching the boys roughhouse and mess around on Luke's guitar, I finally fell asleep to with the walkman still on.
*If you signed up for my taglist but don’t see your name please message me!
Taglist:  @thebookwormlife @talksoprettyjjx  @coolreallyfuzzystudentuniverse  @igotabadfeelingabouteverything @larrystylinson-sus @lovesanimals @aunicornmademedoit @thexhotmess @ssprayberrythings @registerednursejackie @nicolewithasoul @homealone200 @hemmingsness @persephonequeenofthedead @bookfrog242 @itz-jas @smol-book-nerd @thewifeofhades @igotissuesmister @catieiscute2001 @julieandthephantomsblogduh @fangirling-allday @ashleyleblancx @alltimekp  @unipanda1006 @disgustedchild @aberette13 @dpaccione @whyworry27 @number-0-iz @musicconversedance @owlgirl1209 @angelxfics @hamdehlesmis ​ @marinettepotterandplagg @idkanymoremansstuff @spooky-season-bitch @chenellearose @voguesir @thegirlwholikestomanythings @mandiscadelinha @crybabyddl @jasm1nesdragons  @daisiesforlacey @khiaraaa-in-spacee @harrys-bitch @bookdealer5 @echocharm17618  @trxnxtysstuff @sunsetcurvenotsunsetswerve @i-should-prob-be-asleep @twist3dtinkerbell @fangirlangioma @i-should-be-writing-my-own-fic @lavender-writer @tinyboxxtink @justalittleweirdoo @al1fet1me-away  @caitsymichelle13 @kiss-themoongoodbye @noncannonships @intoanothermind @etherealexsistence @schnapp-my-neck @ficticiouscreativity @lukeys-giggle @dmcfarland1 @a-sweet-little-fangirl  @sunsetcurve-h  @peresphoncs @lolychu  @starenemy @caitsymichelle13@noncannonships  @itskindyl  @emotionalbruv @thegirlwhocriedwerewolf @ifilwtmfc @teenwaywardasgardian @badwolf00593 
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ultimatetornshipper · 4 years
Daminette December Day 7
((Note: If you’re a confused little muffin who saw our ship in the top 100 list and you want to know what in the ever loving fuck we are, feel free to dm me or mention me in a post or even to send an ask. do be warned tho that if u send me hate i will block and report u (and not just to tumblr, to everyone I know who is part of this fandom). our little sub fandom is not a toxic space and no one is allowed to make it one or there will be a fucking war))
And we’re back to our anxiety induced in denial Damian. I love this kid. Tho I do wanna make him slightly more… how do I say this… like cold? I dunno maybe I can bring that in with other people and his interactions. I just wanna write him with his proper grammar and what not and like lbh this boi is already a simp for Mari. But I don’t wanna let things happen too quickly, y’know?
Anyway, maybe I should make the theme of this chapter the fact that he has absolutely no chill. Lmao, I think that’s hilarious ngl. Also I’m just gonna pretend certain things existed back then for the sake of my sanity I can’t keep coming up with words that make sense for explaining what a thing is without saying the actual word because it didn’t exist yet. The hologram in that one chapter was hard enough bruh
Ok here we go, thanks for reading! I hope u enjoy it
Princes and Pedestals
Chapter 7 – Chill
Damian rolled the ring between his fingers as the morning light filtered through his windows. She’d put the choice in his hands, it was a kind thing to do, smart too. It made sense, if this role was as important as she made it sound it needed someone who could commit to it.
The miraculous was the kind of black that seemed to stretch on forever. It had a bright green paw print on it. He hadn’t put it on yet but from what he could gather it’s kwami would appear as soon as he put it on.
He'd be one of the leaders of an entire Order. He had no idea how big it was. His mother had raised him to lead but that was an entirely different organization. How would Marinette react to that? Could he handle the responsibility?
These thoughts had been plaguing him from the moment he picked up the ring.
But that wasn’t what got to him the most. She was just so… good. She had even agreed to move her entire court to Gotham for his sake. To uproot her entire life and move everyone involved just so that he could stay with his family.
There had to be a catch.
There always is.
He sighed, overthinking everything wasn’t going to help him make this decision.
There was only one thing he could do.
He put on the ring and a bright light caught him off guard. A small floating cat like being appeared in front of him.
“Kid?” he kept his eyes closed as though he didn’t want to see who was in front of him, his voice breaking slightly.
Slowly, the kwami – Plagg if he remembered correctly - opened his eyes. Damian stared at him as disappointment flitted across the creature’s face.
He lifted his brow and asked, “Hope to see someone else, Plagg?”
He chuckled slightly, sadness lacing the sound, “My previous holder, thought maybe I'd get the chance to say goodbye this time,”
Damian frowned, “What do you mean?”
Plagg frowned, “You don’t know about my previous holder? Who gave you my miraculous?”
“Marinette did,” he said, simply, “She actually just gave me the chance to consider the offer of the position, I have the rest of the day to get to know you and make my decision,”
Plagg seemed to consider what he said, he then sat down on the bed in front of Damian. He explained the basics of the miraculous to him, the phrases he needed to use as well as what those phrases would do. The things he’d need as well as what behaviors he might pick up.
“Purring?” Damian said in a disbelieving voice, “You’re telling me I might start purring in my civilian form?”
Plagg cackled, “Yeah, don’t worry it’s not that bad,”
“Tt, what exactly is the purpose of it? In fact what exactly is my purpose? It seems like she has the leadership thing under control,”
Plagg seemed to sober up at the question, he flew up right in front of Damian’s face and looked him in the eyes, “Her job is to lead and look after her court,” his look sharpened and he narrowed his eyes, “Your job is to look after her, your job is to protect her, your job is to see her. Your purpose is to make hers as easy as possible. Don’t get me wrong, you’ll have other official responsibilities and you will rule alongside her, but your real job? Your purpose? You have to help her remember that she’s only human and that that’s okay,”
Damian stared at Plagg, the kwami stared back. It couldn’t be that simple, could it? There had to be something. Some kind of catch.
Before he could grill the kwami, Dick burst into his room.
Damian could see his brother’s clear panic and immediately stood. Dick’s eyes found his, “She’s gone,”
Damian felt himself spiral, memories flew through his mind. All the times he or any of his siblings had been taken. Cass didn’t speak for a month after the last incident. Jason’s “secret" panic attacks had increased tremendously. Tim stayed up for nights on end, only sleeping when he passed out. Damian sparred for hours and hours, hating the feeling of being useless. 
His father and Dick weren’t in Gotham at the time and Selina was helping Harley with one of her ‘projects’.
When they got Steph back after a week, she was so shook up that she kept waking up screaming from nightmares for months.
They all blamed themselves.
“Her kwami showed us a letter she left but someone could’ve faked it to buy time, they’re searching the village,” Jason said, coming into his room, holding a piece of parchment.
Damian barely registered the way Plagg seemed to study his reactions. They needed to find her, it was already afternoon, who knows how far gone she could be?
They spent hours scouring the castle. Before he knew it the moon was rising and they were all gathered in the living room, going over possibilities.
“I’m going to go get Alfred and Bruce, this has been going on long enough, it’s time to call in back up. It’s already passed nightfall and she’s not back yet,” Dick walked out of the room, barely two seconds passed before he shouted something to them, “Guys I found her!”
They were out quicker than a lightning bolt. He ignored his siblings as they all flocked around her. He took her in.
She was wearing a cloak, which Jason quickly took and gave to a passing maid. She wore one of her black dresses. Her hair was in a braid.
But the cloak was dirty, the dress had tears and the braid was messy.
But it was her eyes that got him. The blue irises looked like someone had taken every drop of sadness in the world and left it in them. They were red rimmed and puffy and there were black bags under them.
She’d been crying and she hadn’t slept. It didn’t take a genius to figure it out.
Somewhere along the line, they moved back into the living room. Cass was sitting next to Marinette on the couch and the others were arguing.
Damian couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She was here. She was safe. She wasn’t taken.
Cass tapped his arm, he turned to look at her and she started signing. (a/n ok yeah I know that sign language might not have existed but do I really care?)
Get her out of here, she’s tired, Cass signed.
Damian nodded and after asking her permission and scolding his siblings, he escorted her to her room.
Plagg whispered something to her that he couldn’t hear. 
Then she apologized for scaring him and he explained his thought process. She explained that he would’ve been able to know via their miraculous whether she was in trouble or not. He made a mental note to ask Plagg more about that.
When they got to her room he opened her door. She was about to go in but he grabbed her hand, stopping her. She looked at him expectantly. He searched her gaze, he had so much he wanted to ask her, why she’d been crying was at the top of that list.
But she looked so tired, and Damian just couldn’t get himself to form the words. Instead he bid her goodnight and went back to the living room where his siblings were waiting.
All eyes turned to him when he entered. He didn’t know what to say. Instead of thinking his words through he blurted out the first thing he thought.
“She didn’t flinch when our eyes met,” he said. They all stared at him for a few seconds. Usually they would’ve laughed at his bluntness, Damian is certain, but there was something about the haunted look on her face that sapped all humor out of the situation.
Jason was crouched in front of the fire. Stephanie sat on one of the chairs while Dick leaned against its armrest. Damian was next to Cassandra on the couch and the five of them sat in silence.
Millions of questions danced through the air, the answers all just out of reach.
Little did they know that they weren’t the only ones with questions.
Outside, three pairs of eyes were watching the oblivious siblings closely.
Damian felt a chill go down his spine and turned towards the window. He walked over and stared out into the forest, he didn’t see anyone but the uneasy feeling wouldn’t leave him.
He closed the curtains.
The smallest of the three chuckled slightly, “She got herself a paranoid one, huh?”
“We need to head back,” the only guy out of the three said to the others.
They nodded and followed him deeper into the forest.
@animegirlweeb @loysydark @toodaloo-kangaroo @forgottenfriends @wolf-for-life @heyitsbugette @f-rget-lt @fusser90
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Okay now everyone SIT DOWN and BUCKLE UP because I’m gonna overexamine the picture and snippet of coi that Cassie posted on Instagram today.
First, here’s the picture:
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(ID: Thomas Lightwood is in a wooden chair with his wrists tied behind his back. His body is turned away from the viewer but he is glaring at someone over his shadow. On the floor near both lower corners we can see shadows, possibly of people. End ID)
And the snippet:
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(ID: the caption of CC’s Instagram post. It reads “On one of the chairs, by the fountain, sat Thomas. His clothes were creased and spotted with blood, his hands pulled behind the chair, his wrists tied. - Chain of Iron”. End ID)
Now let’s look at the obvious :
Thomas is possibly kidnapped, most likely by the killer. Hence all the blood and the tying up thing. Also the cut on his leg looks like it’s been made by a blade, and the killer is described in the summary to be a ‘knife-wielding killer’. It also makes more sense for the killer to kidnap and kill their victims, because if we go by the bane chronicles, it’s mentioned that Tatiana needs five shadowhunters to be killed to resurrect Jesse, and Cassie did say that five shadowhunters were going to be killed in CoI. I’m pretty sure that Jesse is going to be resurrected in CoI, especially if you consider this snippet from the short story featuring Magnus and Jem :
“Albert Pangborn is right, you know, Jem said mildly. The nephilim do lay claim to the black volume of the dead.
Magnus rolled his eyes.
Jem put up his hands. I am not saying I support Albert’s claim that its only rightful place is the Cornwall Institute. Only that, if we are going by the strict language of the accords, what we are doing right now is illegal.
The illegal act they were currently engaged in was escorting the aforementioned volume to the Spiral Labyrinth for repair and possible exorcism, having removed it from the library of the Cornwall Institute. When Jem had first accepted the assignment to exam-“
The fact that the Black Volume has to be repaired and possibly exorcised highly suggests that the volume has been used, so we can take that as confirmation that Jesse will be resurrected, and maybe even that Thomas was almost killed to resurrect him. And since necromancy doesn’t seem like the kind of magic that needs a quick kill to work, it’s highly possible that, um, those who die won’t be, ah, going easily. Hence, someone arrives to Thomas’s rescue before he’s killed and the killer escapes and voila! Thomas is saved.
Another scenario which I don’t feel will be very likely, is that Thomas gets betrayed by someone, or discovers someone in the middle of a betrayal, and they tie him up to buy some time to complete whatever they were doing.
And a third scenario, cause why not - Grace realises that, maybe Tatiana is behind the murders and since she has a grudge against the Lightwoods, Grace tries to protect them in her own way... by kidnapping them and tying them up where Tatiana can’t find them. It has been mentioned that there’s more than one chair, after all. And, at first glance, we might think that the location is the sanctuary in the institute, since there’s a fountain, but it makes no sense to leave any hostages there. I don’t think projections have been invented by then, so the sanctuaries would still be in use. It could be one of the Lightwood’s old estates which just so happens to have a fountain, or maybe a different institute or one of the manors in Idris.
Okay that’s all I have for now. I’ll keep adding future interpretations of other pics and snippets to this post in the reblogs.
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kyber-crystal · 4 years
lost in space || s.r
summary: post-IW in which you’re stuck on the ship with tony and nebula. knowing you didn’t have much time left before oxygen levels ran out for good, you decide to send a final goodbye message to the man you’ve grown to love over the past several years.
words: ~2.1k
warnings: angst in the beginning, fluff, major feels, worried steve ;-p
a/n: i took inspo for another oneshot like this that i read but then i got a bunch of new related ideas, so here we go!
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22 days.
22 days of drifting through empty space with Tony and Nebula.
After day 16, you began losing hope in returning home. Nobody had to say anything for you to put two and two together and realize you didn't have much longer before what little was left of your oxygen supply ran out. So this had the three of you accepting you wouldn't make it through, opting to make the best of the time you had left. Your breathing became more heavy and labored, as the act of taking a single breath had now grown more difficult with each passing minute.
While she didn't want to admit it, Nebula thought having you and Tony by her side was much better than imagining being alone. It was an unspoken agreement that you all enjoyed each others' company; seeing you were all you had now after losing almost everything.
You exhaled as you sat in the cockpit of the ship, chin resting in your hand as you gazed out the glass dome and took in the eerie yet beautiful sight that space had to offer.
Feeling a rough hand clasp your shoulder, you turned around to see Tony standing there.
"Hey," he smiled softly, holding his remaining granola bar out to you. "You haven't eaten all day. Why don't you take the rest of this."
"No, I can't do that," you shook your head. "You need to eat, too."
"Your health is just as important, Y/N. You've lost too much weight in these past three weeks."
"Haven't we all."
"Just take it."
Knowing he wasn't going to stop arguing, you mumbled a 'thank you' and took the bar from him, taking a small bite.
You pushed yourself out from your chair and took a seat next to him, lowering yourself to the ground on the steps as he leaned his helmet against the wall.
"What are you doing?"
"Leaving them a message. In case things go wrong, and...we don't make it," he replied as he took in a deep breath and began fiddling with the helmet, flicking a switch inside it before tapping its' side, projecting a blue light over you two.
"Tony...we're literally going to die. I don't get why you're doing this, Steve and the others probably think we're already dead..."
"Might as well say a last good bye, then. And, recording...is this thing on?" He tapped the side of the helmet again. "Hey, Miss Potts...Pep. If you find this recording, don't post it on social media. It's gonna be a real tear-jerker. I don't know if you're ever going to see these. I don't even know if you're...if you're still...Oh, god. I hope so. Today is day 21, uh..."
"22," you corrected as you leaned back against the wall. “Or 23. Wait no, 22.”
"Yeah, 22. You know, if it wasn't for the existential terror of staring into a void of space, I'd say I'm feeling better today. The infection's run its course, thanks to the blue meanie back there."
"You’d love her. She’s very practical," you added, "Only a tiny bit sadistic."
"Anyway...some fuel cells were cracked during battle, but we figured out a way to reverse the ion charge to buy ourselves about 48 hours of time. But it's now dead in the water. We're 1000 light years from the nearest 7-11. Oxygen will run out tomorrow. And that'll be it. And Pep, I...I know I said no more surprises, but I was really hoping to pull off one last one. But it looks like...well you know what it looks like. Don't feel bad about this. I mean, if you grovel for a couple of weeks, and then move on with enormous guilt. I should probably lie down. Please know that...when I drift off, I will think about you. Because it's always you."
You both fell into silence afterwards and you quickly looked away, squeezing your eyes shut in an attempt to try and stem the flow of tears that threatened to spill. Tony must've noticed the look on your face, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder as you stared blankly out ahead.
This really was it. When you imagined dying, you saw yourself going down on the battlefield, maybe jumping into the crossfire to save someone. Or simply passing in your sleep, dying of old age, anything but being unable to breathe.
You didn't think you'd meet your demise by running out of oxygen as you drifted mindlessly through space.
"Why don't you talk to Capsicle," Tony finally spoke up several minutes later. "This might be your only chance to get the closure you've wanted for so long."
"I'm not...it's not like that," you sighed, running a hand down your face. "He's just a friend."
"Don't bullshit me, Y/N. I know you're in love with him."
You let out another sigh, staring at his helmet blankly for a moment before opening your mouth to speak.
"Hey, Cap. You know, for the longest time, I was stuck trying to figure out what I was really meant to do, why I was ever placed on the earth to begin with," you spoke, looking out the glass at the darkness of space again, "When Fury first recruited me to the initiative, I was...I was in a dark place. And I didn't know how to get out. I felt stuck, frustrated...lost. I felt like I wasn't worthy or even the slightest bit prepared to take on the responsibilities of a hero because of all that I'd done in the past. I'd committed my fair share of sins, and...it all came down to a point where I almost lost the will to keep going, to keep living. My demons held me back from the perfect life I so desperately wanted and followed me everywhere I went. But then you came along, and for the first time in a long time, I started to hope, to...feel things again. You taught me that there was such a thing as second chances and forgiveness, that it's okay to make mistakes, and most importantly, I was meant to feel things; to love.
"You taught me that I was meant to feel happy, to allow myself the chance at living that burden-free life. That I didn't have to feel so doubtful when something good happened because all I'd ever learned was to feel suspicious when an event occurred in my favor. God, I really do owe you, huh? I honestly don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you. Maybe spiral down into an endless pit of despair and destruction? But really, I'm grateful that you walked into my life. I don't know how I'm supposed to repay you for all that you've given up for me.
You chuckled lightly and sniffled, hastily wiping at your eyes. "I know you're still out there. I hope you are. Because I know Captain America would never go down without a fight. This fight, though...you don't need to keep fighting. I've already accepted my fate. I'm going to die in less than two days...and I'm not bitter or mad at all. Death is inevitable, you know? If there's anything I took away from my torturous days in the Red Room, it was to never fear death because every girl would eventually meet her end. I'll be completely honest with myself here, I don't mind dying alongside these two...Tony and Nebula are some pretty great roommates. Who knew an alien could be so good at paper football?
The helmet flickered and you knew you didn't have much time left. "Steve...I don't want you to look back at all this in pain. I want you to live your best life...one that isn't filled with regret. And if this means moving on, starting anew...then do it. I want you to be happy. Be happy...for me.
Another tear fell, but this time you didn't bother to wipe it away. "I guess since my days are now numbered, I should let this weight off my chest...I love you, Steve Rogers. More than you'll ever know. I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember and I can only hope you feel the same but I guess I might never know that answer now...we can't always get our happy endings, can we?
"I'm so sorry I didn't get to say goodbye one last time, I love you," you choked out as the recording finally powered down and you let your head fall into your hands, the tears now flowing freely down your cheeks. The ache of longing to be with him echoed through the marrow of your bones; a chill wind trapped inside your heart and a million little glass shards tearing at your guts. Nausea swirled around in your stomach, head swimming with thoughts as your blood felt like tar, struggling to flow steadily.
Reaching over, Tony carefully grasped your hand, lacing your fingers together and squeezing gently. "It's gonna be okay," he muttered, eyes closed as you trained your gaze on the glass. "It's gonna be okay."
It could've been five minutes or five hours later, but suddenly, a vast white light illuminated the space surrounding you, forcing you to shut your eyes again.
As you focused on the bright ball of light, you could make out several features of a woman, though you initially thought you were dreaming. This couldn't be real. Was it?
"Hang in there, guys, I've got you," her voice flooded your ears, before she disappeared from view.
You opened your eyes a second time to see you were speeding towards Earth, the ship slowing down slightly as the familiar outline of America came into view.
Then, a steady jolt of the Benatar indicated you'd hit solid ground, in the middle of the field in the Avengers facility.
Nebula helped Tony up first, then you. The entry hatch opened, and you carefully stepped down the ramp together onto the grass.
It was pitch-black out, the only sources of light coming from the lights that projected from the compound, but it didn't take long for your vision to adjust. A small smile found its way onto your face as you saw six familiar figures came running towards you.
"Oh my God," Pepper cried, throwing her arms around Tony's neck and holding on as if her life depended on it. "Oh my God."
You smiled wistfully as you observed your surroundings, lowering yourself onto the ramp's last set, arms crossed over your chest as you realized just how cold it actually was.
A sudden warmth enveloped you and you felt someone's leather jacket being draped over your shoulders. Seeing Steve's familiar tall figure out of the corner of your eye, you moved over slightly to allow room for him to sit.
He looked over at you in concern, taking in your pale and malnourished figure. His chest ached at the sight.
"I'm okay," you found yourself saying, "don't worry about me."
"I've been worrying about you for the past twenty-two days," he replied, hands in his pockets, "I thought you were dead."
"I'm sorry."
"I missed you."
"I missed you too," you swallowed hard.
Steve let out a shaky breath and slid an arm around your waist, pulling you close as you rested your forehead on his shoulder.
"I thought you were dead," his voice cracked, "and if you really were, then...I don't know what I'd do."
“Me neither,” you breathed out. “God, I missed you so much.”
Then all of a sudden, the whole word seemed as if it was on standstill as his sapphire blue eyes bored into yours with such an intensity that sent a chill down your spine, keeping you firmly locked in place. And it utterly terrified you because you’d never felt something so intense like this before and he was the reason why you even felt this way to begin with. 
And before you can protest against your own thoughts, you closed your fists around his shirt and gently tugged him towards you, closing the gap and kissing him. The sudden action took you both by surprise but Steve doesn’t waste any time in reacting, moving a hand from your cheek to the nape of your neck to kiss you back. 
Everyone’s too exhausted, too busy feeling relieved at the fact that you returned safely to make a teasing comment towards yours and Steve’s relationship. They’ve secretly been betting for a while that you’d finally get together, though not in this exact way. 
Until Rocket breaks the silence. “Nice welcome back gift, Agent.”
"You cockblock," Nebula flicks him in the head. "Let them have their moment, geez."
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Iron Dad AU Fic Recs
this is gonna be kinda long
Stark Industries: An American Workplace by fourdaysofrain
“No, I don’t--” The corner of Peter’s mouth twitches down and he looks at something behind the camera. “Mr. Stark doesn’t treat me any differently than the other employees. I don’t know why everyone says he does.” He tugs his sleeve down his wrist and looks to the side. “I’m the receptionist, so he has to talk to me more to like, plan his calendar and stuff.” --- The Office!AU (For the "AU: TV/Movie" square in Irondad Bingo
We’re Alright by writing-in-my-spare-time
When billionaire Tony Stark comes into the cafe late one night to get his caffeine hit, he finds barista Peter busy doing homework. The homework is quite advanced and right up Tony's alley, and the two hit it of immediately over their shared love of science. But when a masked gunman interrupts their bonding session, Tony knows he'll do anything to make sure Peter is alright.
Prompt: Modern Day/No Powers AU
Apartment 43B by @ironfamjam (my most favourite author ever)
After Peter gets stabbed clean through, he knows he can't let May see. His genius plan? Sneak into his best friend's apartment and clean himself up.
The problem?
It's the wrong apartment.
Enter Tony Stark, the ex-CEO that disappeared off the face of the earth three years ago, armed with his handy little first aid kit, custom made coffee machine, and witty anecdotes.
Somehow, the breaking in becomes a habit.
Irondad Bingo Prompt: Hurt/Comfort
Walking The Grey Line by ALittleBattyLady
When Ben Parker dies in his arms, a little piece of Peter dies too. At age 14 he's spiraling down into a hole of emptiness and just can't seem to move forward. Then he accidentally texts the wrong number. Tony thought he could handle whatever the world threw at him, but Steve's betrayal was something he hadn't expected. Months later he's still struggling to pick up the pieces. Then after a wicked bender, he wakes up with a text from a stranger.
They've built themselves a world that exists within nonsensical messages, where Peter finds a father figure he never expected and Tony finds himself worrying for a kid who shouldn't have to suffer so much. Still, the world still exists outside of their bubble of texts. The Avengers have been broken apart, the Accords are nowhere near perfect. Peter's uncle is dead and he's about to be thrown into a world of heroes.
What started as a chance meeting through a strayed text is about to turn into so much more.
AKA The Wrong Number Irondad Au no one asked for, but received
If You’re Going Through Hell, Keep On Going by @baloobird
In a world with no superheroes or powers, Tony Stark turns over a new leaf after his plight with Afghanistan. He goes to therapy and it changes his life, so much so that he decides to open up his own practice and help people that are like him.
His newest client: Eight-year-old Peter Parker
Little did he know that he would actually become attached to one of his patients
What Occurred In Raychester Castle? by @fictionart
Lord Anthony Stark is the Earl of Raychester castle. He inherited it from his father when he died, and soon he'll be married to the lovely Lady Virginia Potts. His life the perfect example of Victorian values, everything was going the way it should have.
Until one day, one of his lower servants worms his way into Tony's heart, and introduces him to a world Tony knew was there, but had never seen, and challenges the very way he viewed the world.
Yet, it doesn't feel like such a mistake.
Or a historical AU of Tony Stark and Peter Parker set in 1890s fictional Britain, where Tony is an Earl and Peter is a lowly servant.
Our Pages Flipped In Reverse by @ciaconnaa
Fifteen year old Peter Parker makes headlines when he's captured in a terrorist attack during a Sokovian science convention. Three months later, he's a household name when there's reports he busted out of a cave in some ridiculous iron suit.
With a miniaturized version of Tony Stark's infamous arc reactor in his chest.
Naturally, this means the two have to meet.
Intern Spider by @justme--emily
Penny Parker applied to the pilot Stark Industries internship program before she got her powers. But when Mr. Stark becomes her personal and superhero mentor, she'll have to get creative to keep the two identities separate...and secret.
ever in your favour by @iron-spider
Peter startles awake when someone shakes him.
“Sorry, honey,” May says. Peter blinks a couple times and she comes into focus, her hair pulled back from her face. She’s trying not to look a certain way, but he can see it in her eyes anyway. She clears her throat, keeps talking. “But it’s…” She glances away, wets her lips. “You gotta get ready.”
He remembers what day it is, and his heart beats like a drum at someone’s execution. But he tries to put on a mask, make it all seem normal. It’s everything but, despite the fact that he’s been dealing with reaping day since he was born, between himself, Ben and May. That fear that one of them could be taken away. Sent to surefire slaughter. But now Ben is gone, taken despite never having his name drawn from a bowl, and May’s finally safe. Now Peter’s name is in there alone. The last Parker sitting on the chopping block. He doesn’t know how to be. He doesn’t know what normal is, when the Hunger Games are looming on the horizon.
A Tale As Old As Time by @keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars and @femalemarvelfanatic
A selfish man gets cursed into a metal suit, and only a little boy with a dark past and a heart of gold can break the curse. It’s a tale as old as time.
peter’s stars by @parkrstark and IronPengu
Steve and Peter lose their apartment and are kicked out on the streets. Steve has to juggle between jobs to earn whatever money he can, take care of his son while refusing to let him realize how much they're trouble in, and keep them warm and safe on the city streets in winter.
So, he really doesn't have time to date the billionaire that flirts with him everyday as he buys his cup of coffee. Even if he did, he can't let himself fall for the man. Because if he knew that he lived from a backpack and showered in a public bathroom there's no way he'd still want him...right?
Make Way For Tomorrow by @tonystarkstan
Before Ben died, Peter won a booth to present his project at the Stark Expo. But even on the run from the foster care system, he can't pass up the opportunity to attend and show the world his project. It all goes so well, until it doesn't. Trying to avoid being caught, Peter runs out on Tony just as the man is about to make him the offer of a lifetime.
Bold of him to assume Tony won't try to find him.
It All Comes Back To This by @tonystarkstan
After a car accident leaves him hanging somewhere between life and death, Peter must decide whether to stay or die. The answer isn't as easy as he thought it'd be. Luckily, he has his friends and the Avengers there to help him figure it out.
Have Patience, Quick Wit and a Gentle Heart by @ironfamjam
“I’m your fairy-” he scowled, looking pained, “you know what, no. I’m not going to say that. It’s ridiculous and not even accurate. I don’t know who invented those fairy tales you humans love so much, but they’re beyond terrible."
"Wait..." Peter tried to hide his grin, "Are you my fairy godmother?" he laughed, unable to stop no matter how hard he tried.
The man glowered. "Watch it kid. I could turn you into a frog instead."
The Irondad Cinderella AU one person asked for
 More Ancient Than Magic  by ironfamjam
Life isn't exactly normal when your Head of House is also kinda your father-figure and his daughter is kinda sorta your little sister.
It's also not normal when the bad guys your real-life-war-hero-not-actually-dad defeated in The Great War threaten to return and you're still just trying to finish your Charms essay.
But Professor Stark asked him to protect Morgan. And that's what he's going to do.
Even if it breaks him.
The mini Hogwarts AU
The Case Of The Sinister Spider
In New York City, Peter Parker finds his entire life up-ended when he gets a phone call informing him of May Parker's tragic accident. But when new evidence comes to light proving foul play, no one in the NYPD will give Peter the time of day.
No one that is, except genius consulting detective on probation, Tony Stark. But Tony has his own demons to fight. Struggling to maintain his sobriety after a tragedy in London forced him overseas, Tony learns that what mends hearts might not be at the bottom of a bottle, but something like a string of unsolved murders and perhaps even love.
Or, the Elementary AU no one asked for
Only For A Little While by eccentric_artist_221b
Exploring the relationship between Tony Stark and Peter Parker if they had been passengers aboard the Titanic over 106 years ago…. an Irondad AU 
a galaxy far, far away by @madasthesea
a star wars au if tony and peter were master and padawan
add to this list if you know any more awesome fics with an au!
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foxgloveinspace · 4 years
Andrew Minyard is ADHD:
I said I would only really write this if people were interested, but I lied, lol. WAIT One person liked the og post while I was typing this, so there's interest and it’s justified! Lol.
Ok, I’ve seen other posts talking about this, but some of them used some things that I didn’t agree with, so I’m gonna do my own.
I wanna set the preface of, if you see Andrew as ADHD, awesome! If you don’t, that's great too! In reality, this is all speculation, and self projecting, and my desire for actually good representation of ADHD characters that are not stereotypical, so if you see Andrew as something different, that is completely and totally a-okay.
-ADHD has three types, inattentive (formally known as ADD), hyperactive (previously just ADHD) and combined type. Some people prefer calling it Executive Function Disorder (EFD), because Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder describes how it affects people around ADHDers, more than it affects ADHDers. For the sake of this, I’m going to refer to it as ADHD, because it’s more commonly known, and it’s what I call it for myself. I also acknowledge that according to the timeline, Andrew would probably be diagnosed with ADD (if he ever got diagnosed, that is, which I don’t know if he would or not). Please keep all this information in mind.
Things that would be explained if Andrew was ADHD:
Instead of reason’s I think Andrew is adhd in canon, I mostly have thing’s I think could be explained if he was:
-Why he ‘hates’ exy:
This is a big reason in my mind, he is very insistent he doesn’t like exy and I can explain why he actually doesn’t with him being ADHD.
He started playing in juvie, as something to do, it’s a good way to completely clear his mind and concentrate on something that he is actually good at, which is instant gratification, it's something ADHDer’s experience a lot. It’s one of the main reasons ADHDer’s love video games (if your curious there are videos on youtube explaining this. I am ADHD and this is already overwhelming enough for me than trying to explain this as well).
Andrew only tries at exy when he is in the goal, otherwise he couldn’t give less of a fuck about it. He doesn’t care about stats of other teams, or watching other peoples games, it’s only interesting to him when he’s in the goal or when other people make bets/dares with him; “can you shut down the goal?” “pick a number” playing while coming down from his meds for a long period of time, things like that. Making it interesting, keeping himself engaged with it, is a big thing for him. Again, instant gratification. And also an explanation for why outside of the court, when people try to talk to him about the sport, he doesn’t care, he ‘hates’ it. Cause he does. He hates talking about, that doesn’t interest him. It’s boring and not what gives his brain satisfaction within the sport itself.
-Spending habits (TW: Not sure how to tag this tbh, but Andrew being prepared to die? I’ll put it in double parentheses, just incase):
((While I am of the firm belief that the number one reason that Andrew bought the first car is cause he completely wasn't expecting to live through the crash and then had no idea what to do with that amount of money when he wasn't expecting to live)), ADHD would also explain why he buys such expensive stuff. Again, it's instant gratification. It's like trying to tell yourself to wait for something you really want as an award. What's the point when you can have it now? He goes out and buys the most expensive cars he can cause it scratches that itch in his brain.
- Subcategory to spending, Daredevil:
It could also have to do with going fast. Most 'daredevils' are actually ADHDers. Going fast and doing daring things triggers chemicals in our brains, same as hyperfixations and instant gratification. In fact, that could also be a reason for sparing with Renee as well.
-Zoning out:
Ask any ADHDer about maladaptive daydreaming, and dissociating. Andrew has been known in canon to lose himself in thought a lot, and stare out in space for extended periods of time. This is very common with ADHD, and while it’s a small thing, it’s something I think about quite a bit, and so I included it.
-Loud Music:
Another way to drown out your own thoughts is to listen to music, and a lot of ADHDers like loud music. Andrew likes loud music while driving fast. This is very ADHD to me.
-His major:
I think this is something else that can be explained with ADHD, as a hyperfixation. Its not something he wants to do with his life, but it's something his brain lets him concentrate on, and therefore, something to do with his time in college, something he doesn't necessarily want to do, and is doing it out of necessity.
-His memory:
Something about adhd is that it is almost always paired with a different thing. Autism and dyslexia are the two most common. So his perfect memory would be something else neurodivergent that could be paired with his ADHD.
-Attachment issues/RSD:
Andrew keeps everyone at arm's length, and while this can be a part of his past, it can also be combined with RSD, or Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. Which can mean any sort of negative attitude towards you can send you into a spiral. So Aaron not being understanding of their deal/promise and pushing him away would be devastating to him on a whole other level, one that feels right for how he acts in canon. But on the other hand he can't let go of Aaron because he is already attached to him. 
Again with Nickey, he's someone that's been in his life for so long it would be devastating for him to just up and leave, especially to an eighteen year old. He would never tell him this, because of RSD, and if Nickey decided to leave despite that, it would have been very devastating to him and Nickey would have never been allowed back into his life, so that would be the number one reason for Andrew to get Nickey into college with him.
ADHDers are also very quick to get attached to people, something we see with Andrew is that once he has decided someone is 'his' he is unshakable in his loyalty.
I hate going into it, but that would be another reason for how he is with Cass, why he is so desperate to stay, despite what is happening in the back ground.
I know Andrew has reasons for being emotionally distant, but when he feels emotions in canon, anger, he is quick to it, and feels it fully to the point he can't control it. It's very common in ADHD to have no control over how you react to your emotions unless you spend a lot of time doing it, like Andrew has.
-Long Weird Conversations:
The way he talks to Renee, and then Neil, where they jump around from subject to subject, with no discernable connection to the subjects. Like, that's stereotypical ADHD, but one that actually ADHDers relate to. 
-Sensory things:
Things in canon that Andrew does/likes that scream sensory issues or stimming:
Likes extreme foods (sweet and spicy things).
Has comfort objects (arm bands, while I know they were to hide his scars, I feel like the fact that they don't bug him even in extreme weather is a major factor in them being a weighted stim for him).
Smoking (I don't know how to describe how this is a stim for Andrew, but it is?).
-Sensory Issues (I know most of these have canon reasons, but I wanna say they could be heightened by ADHD, so keep that in mind):
Not eating around other people/eating in small bites. (Hating food textures is a common thing for ADHDer’s).
Being a light sleeper/taking forever to fall asleep. (Brain won't shut off/be quiet).
Wanting a routine but simultaneously hating it. (His love/hate relationship with exy. He never complains about getting up for practice, that Neil mentions, but is constantly hating how repetitive it is. Going to Eden's almost every Friday, where it's the same place but different every time without being too different.)
That's all that I can think of right now. I tried to not mention anything that happened while Andrew was on medication, so the whole 'keep my attention' doesn't really count in my opinion.
Thank you for reading, and maybe I might come back to this and add more someday, but for now it's finished.
In conclusion: Andrew being ADHD makes a lot of sense within canon.
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bluerosesburnblue · 4 years
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You know what it’s always a good time for?
Dwyn Sibling Angst
(This one’s a big one so I’m putting the explanation under the cut)
So who remembers the Patronus sidequest?
Way, way back when I posted that first ever bio of Jacob and Seren I made brief mention of Patronuses, namely what theirs would be and the fact that Seren would not be able to cast it unless Jacob was found alive. I later made brief mention that I’d finalized the Patronuses to a Sea Lion for Jacob and a Common Seal for Seren, but I never actually elaborated on why Seren would have trouble with the spell
That’s because I started this stupid, elaborate project back when the quest came out and just never finished it, so here we go. Let’s finally talk about Seren’s Patronus issues
I have this tendency when applying sidequests to Seren to just make up my own timeline that’s completely divorced from both what year the quest claims it takes place in and what year I actually ended up playing it in. In the case of Unleash Your Patronus, I actually do put it in Year 4 like the game suggests and not Year 5 when I played it
The Patronus Charm, as far as we know, has three requirements: strong magical skill, a “worthy” heart, and the ability to muster up and sustain a happy memory
Pass, pass, hard fail
Seren is not a happy person. I wouldn’t even say she’s a positive person. If it looks like she’s being positive, it is almost always performative to try and ease someone else’s nerves. This girl is a giant ball of nerves that gets angstier and more traumatized every year and she cannot shut her emotions off. Not that she can’t be happy, she can, but it’s far from her default state since the anxiety tends to run through worst case scenarios all the time
Complicating things is that her happiest memories are all things involving Jacob, who is decidedly not there. The reason I set this in Year 4 is because we don’t even have the Forest Vault message that he’s in the next Vault yet. He could legitimately be dead for all anyone knows in Year 4. So positive memories are of Jacob which, oops, reminds her that he’s still gone. Which then triggers the worst case scenario machine that is her brain
So, alright, let’s assume that Seren manages to shove that down. She’s just focusing on the memory, maybe even repeating “I’m gonna find him and we’re gonna do that thing from our childhoods again” to keep from getting distracted. Cue the actual form of Seren’s Patronus
I picked the Common Seal and Sea Lion for the Dwyns for a variety of reasons. I was already giving them the same Animagus form, figured I’d switch it up for the Patronuses. Make them “related” and symbolizing similar things, but not the same (also reference that merperson heritage). I’ve also always been a fan of the idea that sometimes particularly strong memories can shape the Patronus thanks to the fact that sometimes people with an obsession with an animal have their Patronuses take that form, and then there’s this quote:
"[...] the Patronus often mutates to take the image of the love of one's life (because they so often become the 'happy thought' that generates a Patronus)."
And now we have the earliest memory Seren has. She’s three years old and Jacob’s eight. They go to the aquarium. It’s one of the few times they’ve ever gone out somewhere as a family and she’s just completely enamored with the whole thing. She really falls in love with how cute and graceful the seals are, to the point where she spends part of the trip after they’ve moved closer to the gift shop camped out with the seal plushies just... looking at ‘em. Jacob notices and convinces their parents to buy her one. It’s her absolute favorite toy as a kid, and one of the few things she brings to Hogwarts every year, without fail
It’s not a memory she thinks of much. It wasn’t even the memory she was using to call forth her Patronus, despite being her first happy memory. And yet, there it is, played out in front of her in a brilliant light show. This time, though, Jacob isn’t there. Fighting down the instinct to whirl around and show it to him is just another reminder that he hasn’t been found yet and may never be and what if he isn’t-
-and it’s gone.
So even if Seren manages to fight through her natural tendency to make everything worse in her head, what her Patronus looks like will just send her spiraling right back into it. And once she sees it the first time - that’s it. Now she knows what her Patronus is and dreads seeing it again so much that she can’t focus on anything else when casting it. A dread that’s strong enough that she wouldn’t be able to muster up even an incorporeal Patronus
That’s why she just can’t cast a Patronus unless Jacob’s found alive, and mentally sound, and noooooot evil
If the Vault situation isn’t resolved with a happy ending, that’s all permanent. Jacob’s evil, Jacob dies, whatever, that’s an automatic no Patronus at all. If that incident from Year 6 Chapter 18 is real and permanent but Jacob’s fine, that gives her the most inconsistent incorporeal Patronus at best and the only reason it can manifest at all is because it’s form has no ties to the spoiler character so the dread factor is gone
The best timeline will probably result in Seren being able to cast an incorporeal Patronus consistently, a corporeal Patronus fairly consistently in low-pressure scenarios, and managing to find a workaround regarding a corporeal Patronus by having Jacob just send his most terrible jokes at her via Legilimency in high-pressure situations. Even in the best case scenario, she still struggles with maintaining positivity and is riding solely on her support network
I let her become an Animagus at age 15, I had to give her some weaknesses. (Relatedly, she also struggles with Riddikulus and can only perform it consistently due to intense practice thanks to the Vault of Fear)
Furthermore, Jacob and Seren’s Patronuses are what they are because:
Seals and Sea Lions tend to get shoved together when searching for symbolism. A Patronus represents the “hidden inner self” that is called forth in times of need. So then I have to come up with something that can represent both Jacob and Seren, but being just different enough to represent the nuances between their personalities.
Common traits associated with them are playfulness (more overt with Jacob, but Seren is still mischievous and can be goofy), creativity/big imagination (extremely applicable to both of them), adaptability (which goes hand-in-hand with their creative aspects), faith (normally self-faith. Seren lacks it so perhaps this symbolizes what she needs to develop. Both have faith in others), independence, and balance (with the two finding balance with each other, losing it, then regaining it later in life)
To separate them I looked at behavior. Seren gets the Common Seal due to their quiet nature and tendency to remain largely solitary. The introverted one
Jacob gets the Sea Lion because they’re LOUD and DON’T EVER STOP BEING LOUD and prefer being in larger groups. The (somewhat more) extroverted one
Finally, here’s the still .png for the key frame in the .gif with the Patronus in it because I liked it a lot
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And there it is. The big Patronus explanation writeup. I’m so glad it’s done
I started this damn thing after I finished the Patronus quest. Like, the day after or even the day of. And then I stopped for some reason! And then a few months ago I was like “hey, that was almost done and Dementors are coming back into the story, why not finish it?” Didn’t get it done in time for that update. And then that update was Year 6 Chapter 18 and I lost all motivation I had
So here! Fine! Happy one year and one day anniversary of when the Patronus sidequest came out!
Now please take this thing out of my sight
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oficytheft · 3 years
Finding His Way Out of the Time Stream: < Chapter 5 >
Leonard nearly got up and walked away when Sara sat down across from them with that shit-eating smirk on her face that reminded him way too much of the look that Lisa got just before she decided to mess with him, he could almost hear her before she even spoke. "Aw, look at the cute couple." The smirk almost seemed to expand into a grin at the 'I'm actually going to kill you' glare that came to his face. It's a good thing his gun was broken because if he had it he just might actually kill her.
He felt Mick's leg shift against his and let the glare fall from his face as he calmed his mind, deciding that instead of responding to what she said he'd find out what she wanted to talk to him about. "Since your already here anyway, what did you want from me Sara? I have things I need to do, seeing as it took all of what? A week of me being dead for one of you all to let Palmer break my gun?" Never mind that that blunder was on Mick, he felt the other bang his knee against his own in annoyance about the gun being brought up again. They'd thought he was dead, he guessed if he had been he'd rather it get ruined than have someone else use it. He never really was great at sharing.
"I want to know how you opened one of Cisco's portals onto the ship, and I also want to know how your alive Leonard. You've been dead for a year and a half-" Leonard froze for a second when she said that, not focusing for a moment on what she was saying well he registered that Mick had thought he was dead for a year and a half. "-and Gideon says that your frequency matches this dimension so it's not that you're from a different earth. You're just somehow still alive." The portal thing was new to Leonard, he hadn't realized he'd opened one. Honestly? He thought that he'd just made himself appear out of the timeline and onto the ship, but then again he had been pretty out of it when he was watching time. He didn't answer Sara right away, both because he was trying to find answers himself and partly because he was annoyed with her and kind of wanted to see how long he could stay silent before she pushed him.
He felt Mick's elbow bump against his arm though and finally spoke, he might not have a lot of answers but he supposed he could tell her what he did know. "I don't know, after the explosion I woke up and I was floating in this limbo. I think it was somewhere between the Temporal Zone and the Time Stream, I could see things happening if I focused on people I had a connection to but pulling myself out? Not as easy as watching people's lives float on by you." He remembered projecting himself onto the ship when Mick was spiraling into a self-destructive hellscape that he was sure was going to end with him dead, he'd almost managed to pull himself out then. Maybe he would have been able to if he wasn't more focused on pulling Mick out of his spiral than he was himself out of the limbo he was in.
"Gideon said that you had an active meta-gene that wasn't there before, Martin's theory is that the Oculus explosion activated a meta ability and catapulted you through time. From what your saying seems plausible enough, maybe you got stuck in between because the power was new and you don't have control of it yet." The theory made sense to him, but if he was honest? He really had no idea, he had been so out of it when trying to get back to the real word that he didn't remember much outside of when he'd nearly broken through the first time.
"I don't remember a portal, I don't even know how I knew how to pull myself out. All I knew was that if I focused on-" he paused for a second and sent a hard glare Sara's way as a warning against making jokes before finishing. "If I focused on Mick hard enough whatever power I have now started pulling me to the edge of wherever I was and back into the world. It felt like my brain was on fire from over-processing, couldn't do much more than follow my survival instincts." Sara didn't make any kind of remark about his admission that focusing on Mick had helped pull him out of the timeline. Mick's response however was to press his leg against his some more as he worked on the last few bites of his food.
The woman next to Sara spoke up then, he recognized her; she'd been talking to Mick a couple of the times he'd been able to visible manifest himself to Mick. Leonard would never admit that jealousy might have been a partial motivator to allowing him to be able to even do that in the first place when it seemed like she and Mick might be getting closer. "What I don't understand is how it took you so long to pull yourself out, why only now were you able to do so?"
It was a fair enough question, but Leonard didn't answer at first as he ate a bit more of his food; after taking a sip of his water he finally responded. "I almost managed to pull myself out sooner, back when you first ended up on the ship. Mick was spiraling and I was trying to reach him but I only seemed to be able to manifest myself enough that he could see and hear me. Probably should have focused more on wanting to get out than wanting to make sure he didn't wind up dying before I could. After that I blacked out and when I came to I reached out again and then woke up in the medbay."
He wasn't exactly surprised when Mick slammed his hands down on the table and stood up before speaking seeing as he was angry, but he also couldn't say he was expecting the anger to begin with. "Are you tryin' ta tell me when I thought I was goin' crazy that was actually you haunting me like some kind of time ghost?" Leonard stretched his leg's out a bit, almost annoyed at the lack of contact when Mick moved. " Exactly." No point explaining himself, Mick was gonna be annoyed either way it seemed. "Unbelievable!" He moved and stormed away to the fabricator, got himself a six-pack, and started back towards his room.
"So are we done here?" Leonard stood up as he asked the question, not really caring one way or another if Sara was done with this or not. He was done with this, and he was going to go see what had Mick in a huff about what he had said. Leonard didn't think it was all that big of a deal, even if it did bother him the others never really had the greatest opinion of him anyway. Why should it matter if Stein thought he was crazy for a day or two?
"Yeah, sure. I'll have Ray get the pieces of your gun together so you can work on it when you're ready." Leonard didn't bother responding, instead lifting up his hand up and giving a slight flick of his wrist as a 'later' as he made his way out of the Kitchen. He entirely ignored Stein when he tried to stop and talk to him and say how wonderful it was to see him again. He didn't care one way or another if the professor was glad he was back, he was back whether he was or wasn't happy about it.
When he made it to Mick's room he tried just opening the door rather than knocking, apparently he'd told Gideon to let him in if he tried because it worked and the doors slid open for Leonard to go inside. He spotted Mick sitting at his desk with his beers, seemingly having already downed one and moved onto the second. Leonard couldn't help the twinge of annoyance, he could always tell when Mick wasn't in a great place-he was a lot more dependent on alcohol when he was close to a mental break-whether minor or major. He pushed the beers back on the desk and leaned against it facing Mick with his arms crossed when he reached him, effectively blocking his easy access to more of them. "You know I hate it when you spiral instead of talking to me, just look where that got us in 2014-or after 2046 for that matter."
"I ain't spiraling!"  Mick knew better than to think that he would buy that and Leonard knew as much, he was glad he kept talking instead of making him push the issue harder. "If I'd realized was really you...maybe Ray or the Professor could have figured something to get ya out sooner..." He'd had a feeling it was something like that, so often it was Leonard pulling Mick out of trouble? The other always seemed to be harder on himself than Len liked when he failed to do the same.
Leonard uncrossed his arms and pushed himself off the desk, moving to sit on Mick's lap with his leg's on either side of his hips and his arms resting on the other man's shoulders. He was glad that the desk chair seemed to be plenty sturdy enough as he heard Mick drop the empty bottle in his hands onto the area rug under the chair without a care and felt his arms wrap around his waist. "As far as any of you knew I exploded in a fiery blaze of heroism saving you from certain death." He didn't emphasize it to make Mick feel guilty, he emphasized it to make it clear that Mick being the one who would have died if he didn't was the only reason he'd put himself in that position instead. Any of the others? He would have let them die in his place no problem, even if he might have been just a bit upset if it'd ended up being Sara. "None of you had any reason to think I was still alive, I'd say the idea you were hallucinating was more believable than the actual truth."
He couldn't even tell if Mick was hearing what he was telling him, the half-focused half-dazed look in his eyes as he listened to Leonard speak told him that just maybe sitting before he spoke wasn't the greatest plan. Mick nodded at what he said, at least acknowledging that he'd heard him as his hands trailed up Leonard's back until he could reach the back of his neck and pull him in for a kiss. Leonard didn't even try to pull away, he'd missed this and he was sure Mick had to. Even with their falling outs and the on-again-off-again nature of their relationship? The most time they had stayed apart before The Fire which caused a 10 month break was 4 months. At this point? It'd been at least 2 years for Mick if you didn't count his time as Chronos, it only felt like maybe 4-5 month for Leonard. He was going to need to remember to bring this up again later, because obviously they were done talking for now.
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