#seeing how disgustingly sappy they have to act before someone calls them out for it (in their gidgette era)
total-drama-brainrot · 9 months
nowen playing up the world's funniest bit post world tour (assuming the og cast stays on playa des losers whilst roti is being filmed) and just not telling anyone they're dating. abusing the "best friends" card to get away with increasingly more pda until someone cracks.
it starts off with owen carrying noah around on his shoulders like a neck pillow for a whole day. no one bats an eye; noah's lazy and owen's too altruistic for his own good, nothing strange about buddies carrying their friends.
and then the two of them just start randomly hugging whenever they want. people brush it off when owen's the one doing the hugging, until noah just walks up to his loving bf and clings to him like a koala unprompted. probably takes a nap like that too. but everyone politely refuses to address their mutual clinginess because it's whatever, right? nothing outlandish about friends hugging.
one day, during one of the casts' shared meals, someone notices that noah's missing and points it out. noah's head pops out from owen's shirt collar, revealing he's sat with (on) his chubby buddy underneath his shirt. eyebrows are raised, but it's overlooked.
later on, noah smacks his massive forehead on the corner of a door or something and owen rushes over to kiss it better, then peppers his whole face in kisses to "heal his boo-boos". people are starting to question how platonic their friendship is, but remember that owen's just kind of like that sometimes as a disaster bi and let it slide.
but after this incident the two of them get more comfortable playfully kissing each other in public and everyone is too awkward to outright ask if they're /srs or /j.
they start calling each other increasingly ridiculous pet names- escalating from things like "little buddy" and "big guy", to the classic "honey" "babe" and "dear", to outlandish stuff like "my little rotisserie chicken" and "my darling malewife whom i love dearly" and "panzerkampfwagen viii maus". no one knows what to make of this.
it isn't until heather gets fed up with everyone's hesitance to address the subject and corners the two for answers (she strikes me as the type of person to be super direct when asking for tea to be spilled) that the pair turn and nod sagely to each other. owen explains "we're married for tax benefits." noah laughs so hard he passes out.
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ellsarchive · 2 months
Ken Sato HC’s (extremely random) *.• (sfw)
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Writing this instead of part two of starcrossed 😭
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Calls you “doll.” It started off sarcastic, like when he was teasing you or something of the sort. It soon became an unironic part of his vocabulary, now a common name between you two.
Speaking of pet names, also calls you “baby.”
PDA guy, but lowkey. Like an arm around you or a hand on your lower back, subtle claims and displays to show you off.
(Someone else said this and it was too true not to repeat) He bites. Whether that means nibbling your skin playfully or sinking his teeth into you is up to your interpretation.
Sometimes he leans down to hear you better, to kiss you, etc. and his dog tags hang in your face.
Refers to you as “my girl” in interviews and when telling people about you
Takes a long time for him to feel like he can show emotion around you. It took countless reassurances and a lot of love, but strangely enough, he finds comfort in knowing you’ve seen that side of him. You saw it and still stayed.
The type to dance with you in the living room to disgustingly sappy music (even when your laughter is much louder than the song)
Unless he has something important, you will never catch this man in something other than sweats or his baseball uniform.
Knows he’s attractive, but doesn’t try too hard to seem so. He knows certain things he does are attractive and he does them, but doesn’t try to make them attractive, you know?
The cocky act isn’t ENTIRELY a front. Of course it’s mostly a show for the fans, but he’s a sarcastic man at heart.
No minute goes by that he doesn’t have a snarky comment
Except for when he’s with you.
He’s nicer when he’s with you.
Low spice tolerance (America did its number on him)
Likes to watch projections of his old life with you, pointing out little details and meanings behind things that couldn’t be seen. He loves teaching you about who he was before you.
So clingy when he’s tired. If you try to get out of bed it feels like you have chains holding you in your place. His determination is almost terrifying. Also much less sarcastic, his most sincere words have been spoken when he’s half asleep.
Speaking of which, the first time he told you he loved you was when you were cuddled up, falling asleep. He let it slip without realizing, his eyes shutting the moment he said it. His last memory of that night is your faint voice saying “I love you” as his dreams took over.
Will DESTROY a carton of milk in the middle of the night if he’s thirsty (he usually only uses it for cereal)
Likes to binge TV shows with you when he gets the chance. What’s a better way to spend a rainy day than to be lazy and escape from this world with the person he loves most?
Had a dog growing up
Nothing is safe from the heinous amounts of soy sauce he puts on his food. One bite would kill a Victorian child
Was actually really nervous about being in a committed relationship. Luckily, you being his saviour, helped him every step of the way. He’s changed so many ways since meeting you, one of them being the absence of the walls he had built.
Puts a hand on the back of your neck when he hugs you
Car guy (as hinted by his collection of cars in the movie)
Sometimes falls asleep on your chest, body in between your legs, and wakes up having no idea where he is.
Wishes he had more pictures of you, but always forgets to take them.
Always wins his games when you come to them. Seeing you in the stands is the highlight of the game, not the win.
MEAN side eye. Could kill a man with ts
Is 100% sure that he’ll never love another the way he loves you. He’s certain.
Thinks of you when he sees corny romance movies
Was genuinely surprised when you first told him you loved him (when he was awake this time). When he realized how real it all was, he was confused. He didn’t know someone could see all the bad parts of him and still really, really love him.
Once he got over the doubt, he was proud.
Felt pathetic when he first realized how much he loved you. The way he couldn’t get you out of his head was unfamiliar, and your effect on him was so much more than anyone else has had. It frustrated him to no end.
Loves trying new food places with you
Sometimes jumps a little when he sees you out of the corner of his eye, someone else in his house so often still new to him.
Doesn’t cry easily
Cried while watching titanic with his mom when he was little
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bbnibini · 4 years
PSISLY: An Obey Me!CYOA -- prologue/zero🔖
With darkness blanketing the starless sky in Devildom, it was hard to keep track of time without the aid of clocks conveniently placed in most parts of RAD. Truthfully speaking, you have been tardy and even missed class in your first days as an exchange student(much to Lucifer's ire). A demon's way of life was starkingly different from a human's-- you recalled the culture shock and the homesickness you felt before. It was hard to believe that almost a year had passed since then.
You've been through a lot, have been dragged to countless shenanigans by the demon brothers and even died in a few timelines or so. How you managed to even stay sane from all of that mess was a miracle. You'd even like to believe you made friends along the way.
True, most of the personalities you encountered weren't the most friendly bunch, but you somehow gained their trust, and now you began to dread ever leaving. It's only one or two months more before your exchange program will be over, so sometimes you couldn't help but wonder if the brothers feel the same way.
"Do they like me?" You had some suspicions, but dismissed them in a self-deprecating fashion. They were powerful demons and you were only human. While your birth origins had an interesting backstory, it didn't really mean much. Lilith was her own person, and so were you. The brothers made it perfectly clear to you that they know how to tell both of you apart, and you were thankful for that. The last thing you'd like is to be a vessel they can pour their grief and their pent-up feelings at. You barely knew Lilith in the first place, so how on earth can you be capable enough to heal their hearts? Nevermind being loved by them? Out of the question!
That was what you thought anyway, but they seemed to think otherwise; for now, you found yourself eating your words when you saw a suspicious looking letter in your locker.
Drawn on the corners of the envelope were pink carnations, while an elegant handwriting was placed on the centermost part of its back. It read:
" With Love, from Your Secret Admirer"
You felt your heart beat out of your chest. Your sweaty palm held the envelope with trembling hands as you looked consciously at your surroundings.
You shook your head and tried to rationalise.
"This is impossible. This must be a prank."
You were wrong, unfortunately. When you opened the letter and read its contents, it was definitely a love confession. The same pink carnations were seen at the corners of the stationery. Three words you thought you'd never hear in your life were peppered all throughout. You get it. Whoever sent this to you clearly meant it.
The question was...who?
You rarely check your locker as you had most of your school supplies and your books kept in a compartment under your desk. The only times you do is when it's time to change your uniform for the appropriate season. Putting school uniforms in a locker shouldn't be common sense--you knew it was unusual, that was why you put it in there in the first place. You don't trust your own memory and your motor skills so you hated to ruin your uniform before you even got to wear them. That was what happened when you placed all your uniforms in your closet before anyway.
...let's just say that whatever you put in that closet will never see the light of day again. Even with Lucifer's stern lectures, you couldn't seem to keep it tidy for even a second. Saying that, keeping your uniforms in a locker was even his bright idea.
...wait a minute.
Could it be? You shook your head.
While it's true that not a lot of people really knew about where your locker was, not to mention how often you open it, Lucifer...really?
He was the last person you'd ever suspect. If he had something to say to you, he wouldn't be so roundabout like this. Not to mention the handwriting in the letter is completely different from his penmanship. How do you know?
Well...ehh...he might have signed a few...documents for you to get you out of trouble...cough. But! That is besides the point!
Did he even have time to send this? He told everyone not to bother him while the student council was preparing for an upcoming school festival. Would someone so preoccupied and had the notoriety of being eternally overworked have the time to write a disgustingly sweet love letter? Some might say that he must have sent it at an earlier time but...
...the letter's stationery still had its scent so it should be written quite recently. Your assumptions of its recency were confirmed once you saw a cookie tin inside your locker. Inside them were cookies (duh) that suspiciously looked and tasted like the ones Barbatos offered you this morning. Still warm too... Wait...
Barbatos?! You felt your cheeks warm. You didn't expect that! True he was always nice and amiable to you, but you always attributed that to his occupation. As a butler, he had to be proper and courteous at all times. That was why it was so weird (at least in your opinion) that he would ever send you a love letter. Your relationship with him never really gave you that impression. It was pleasant, but not romantic. Still, you didn't dismiss the possibility that it could be him, even if that was highly unlikely.
Speaking of highly unlikely, Mammon had been acting suspiciously since yesterday. He...actually smelled a lot like the perfume used on the letter's stationery!.
Nah. Mammon. Really? Could he really write something so embarrassing like this? Not to mention the grammar used in the letter was quite highfalutin. Perhaps if someone was well-read however, writing a letter like this would be a breeze. Maybe Satan?
Okay, this is getting ridiculous. You're starting to suspect everyone.
Maybe, maybe focus on the impossibilities first?
It couldn't be Levi. You were with him all this time! In fact, he's currently waiting for you to get your uniform as we speak! The twins are also out of that list. You're quite sure they don't know about where your locker was located. You didn't mean to keep it a secret! It's just, there was a time when you didn't really trust Belphegor a lot so you were on guard with him. You had to keep your mouth shut in front of Beel too--it was inevitable since the two of them were really close. Saying that, it is not the case anymore! What happened with you and Belphegor is now water under the bridge! In fact, you're contemplating on sharing the cookies with them later.
Asmo couldn't be the sender either. While it's true that the stationery seemed like his style, he is also stuck helping Lucifer for the festival. He also didn't seem to be the type who'd resort his confessions to love letters. He'd always been open about expressing himself after all!
So that narrows it down to four. You opened the notes app on your D.D.D and wrote down the possible senders:
1. Lucifer - The person who suggested to place your uniforms in your locker. Is one of the only people who knows where and when you open the locker.
Contradictions-- The letter is only sent recently (meaning it was most likely sent this afternoon) , as it came with a tin of freshly baked cookies. Lucifer is too busy to send it. Handwriting isn't the same either.
2. Barbatos - The cookies in the tin looked and tasted like the ones he gave you this morning. He has plenty of time to put the letter and the cookies in your locker.
Contradictions-- He doesn't seem to see you in a romantic light. Does he even have time to date anyone when he's so busy serving Diavolo?
3. Mammon-- Has the same scent as the stationery in the letter. Acted weirdly since yesterday.
Contradictions-- The sender's manner of writing didn't resemble Mammon at all. Also, he doesn't strike you as someone who'd write a sappy love letter.
4. Satan-- The vocabulary used in the letter could only be written by a well-read person. The sender's writing style also resembled Satan's.
Contradictions-- Satan is also helping with the festival preparations. He isn't crossed out of the list however because he finished his work early and went to the library once he was done. The library and your locker are on the same path, so he would have enough time to send the letter and the package.
Satisfied with your notes, you exited the app and noticed a notification on your DDD. Someone was calling. You decide to....
💌 [ Answer it quickly ]
💌 [ Answer it after several rings ]
💌 masterlist
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greasygyeom · 4 years
gigil | ten
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pairing: Ten x Female Reader (Fluff)
words: 1.9k
warnings: might be disgustingly cute idk.
A/N: Gigil is a word used to describe the overwhelming feeling that comes over us when we see something cute.
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At 1 am, with bare minimum noises in the background, save for a stray car zooming away in the distance and a blanket of stars overhead, Ten walked back to his apartment; feet dragging on the pavement, as they traced his displeasure along the way. 
For the third night in a row he’d had to stay overtime at office, simply because someone else had been too lazy to finish their portion of work assigned to them.
Had it been any other day, he would have pulled through without feeling this level of annoyance. Any other week, he would not have complained; he liked working alone, when no one was around to disturb him and ask him stupid questions. But the fact that this was happening during the few days your schedule wasn’t as tight knit as usual, was really testing his patience.
He’d thought long and hard on whether he was being too dramatic about it, because it wasn’t like he never got to see you—your off days always had his name written on them—it was just that off-late he’d been wanting to see a lot more of you.
For him, dating you had started as a breezy ‘hmm I’ll see where this takes me, I’m not looking for anything serious’, but had quickly and quite irreversibly morphed into an intense whirlwind of ‘fuck, I might love her’ and at the end of six months it had rendered him dizzy. 
He didn’t know when exactly he’d started to crave more of your attention, but on days it overpowered his entire existence. He wasn't yet used to the out of the blue pangs of wanting to hug you until you fell asleep in his arms, but he loved the warm and fuzzy feeling thoughts like these left him with.
On most days he could prioritise his work over his neediness for you. Today though? Today had been one of those days, where it had served as a roadblock between what he had to do and what he really wanted to do. Instead of being in bed, cuddled with you, watching a cute coming of age movie, he had to stay back and redraw the anatomy for a new character because some of his peers were incompetent. 
Half an hour of brooding and a long silent walk later, he finally reached his building. On his last call you had already been yawning, so he assumed you were fast asleep and entered the apartment as quietly as he possibly could… only to find you lying on the floor.
His heart dropped down to his stomach as the worst, most horrible thoughts of you being injured and unconscious and him being too late in taking you to the hospital clouded his mind.
His panic lasted only about 30 seconds though, until he switched on the lights and it unravelled a completely different story.
You were passed out on the floor alright, but because you’d fallen asleep cuddling with his cat. He didn’t see the cat because your back was facing the entrance. Louis had fit himself comfortably in the crevice of your concave form, lying curled up, snug next to your stomach and was using your arm as a pillow.
Ten’s heartbeat slowed down with the realisation that you were indeed alive and okay and he breathed in a sigh of relief, giggling fondly at the sight of you two sleeping so peacefully; completely unaware of his presence. 
He was kinda jealous of Louis, which was an insane thought, but he wanted in on what looked like a super cozy cuddle session.
Of course, he had to grab his phone and take some pictures first—how could he pass off this opportunity to stock up on some free serotonin. But as soon as he was done taking photos from every angle, he sat on the floor next to you, your back towards him, and rested his chin on your waist. It was a challenge to not kiss the sliver of skin peeking through, from between your shirt and boxers and an even bigger challenge to not wake you up.
He extended an arm to pet Louis, but the cat wasn’t having any of it. 
Within minutes Louis was out of sight and reach and it was just the two of you, on the cold floor. With no cat to disturb, his attention naturally wandered over to you. It was too tempting to not kiss your bare skin. Your hands were tucked under your head, like a makeshift pillow; sooner than later you were bound to get uncomfortable—it only made sense to wake you up. It was definitely not because you looked too cute and he couldn’t stand not being able to squish you. 
“Baby” he whispered softly, “Wake up.” 
You stirred at the sound of his voice, pushing your body towards him, but not really moving.
He had the widest grin plastered on his face, just looking at you. “Let’s go to bed, you’re sleeping on the floor.”
You hummed in response, too lethargic to actually move and also just a scat annoyed.
When he stroked your cheek, you shivered under his touch, goosebumps forming all over your body. His touch was electric. 
Feeling a bit smug about the reaction he just elicited out of you, he pulled your shirt up, just enough to expose your waist, and planted soft kisses alongside your ribs.
You squirmed with every kiss, until you were wide awake and sitting upright, fighting him off.
“Why why why” he giggled, as you pushed him away.
“Why!! Look at the tiiime.” You whined, not letting him have his way for the 800th time.
His face fell, “I know baby, I’m sorry. If it makes you feel better, I was really sulky the whole time I was there and not here.”
“No, that does not make me feel better.” You replied, “I don’t want you to sulk when you’re working.”
“Ayee you can’t have both.” 
“Both what?”
“Be mad at me and not let me be mad at my work.”
“I’m not mad at you.” You pouted, crawling into his lap, “I just really missed you.”
There was something so soothing about your presence, something he couldn’t really explain. He held you tight and buried his head in the crook of your neck, taking in the faint vanilla-esque scent you naturally emanated. 
“I missed you too, baby.”
You ran your fingers through his brownish-blonde hair, your heart skipping beats every time you felt his hot breath on your skin. You weren’t one to feel ticklish easily at all, except for under his touch. It was a phenomenon that perplexed you too. So when he slipped his hand under your shirt, to feel your skin, you shivered again. 
He raised his head and gave you a knowing, smug smile.
God he was so infuriating with how attractive he looked when he smiled like that.
“You’re lucky you’re this cute.”
He grinned even wider. “Oh? What’s that? You think I’m cute?”
“Yeah, I think you’re very cute. What of it?”
The cutest laugh escaped his lips and he cupped your face, “I think you’re cuter, now please kiss me.” 
He puckered his lips and in anticipation, closed his eyes, deliberately acting like a cringey young adult rom-com hero, but two could play that game, right?
You pecked him on his cheek instead. 
His dramatic reaction sent you into a fit of laughter and the whole time you were trying to contain yourself, he was gazing at you as if nothing else existed in his world, with the goofiest, most endearing smile on his face. 
He’d never told you he loved you—even though it’s all he’d thought about the past couple of days—partly because he was scared and partly because he didn’t want to scare you away. 
But the way you made his whole being melt into a mush of happiness, made him not want to hold it in anymore.
“Hey,” he interrupted your hysterics in a serious tone, causing you to stop and look at him. You couldn’t match the intensity in his eyes, but it sparked a wildfire at the pit of your stomach.
“I love you”
Did you hear that right? Did he say he loved you? 
“You what?”
“I love you.” 
You beamed ecstatically. “Good, ‘cuz I love you too.”
“Oh thank god” he exhaled in relief, but before he could finish that sentence you had him caught up in a long, sweet kiss that knocked the wind out of his lungs. 
In the dead of the night, you could only hear his soft moans as you bit and sucked on his lower lip. His hands wandered all over your body, grabbing and teasing you, while you focused on how he tasted like liquor and chocolate, without having any. 
Everything about him was intoxicating. 
“Let’s go in”, he signalled towards his room, when you finally parted away from him.
You looked delectable with your messy hair and slightly swollen lips. Ten wanted to devour you.
“Ohhhhh Mr. Lee why do you want to take me into your bedroom at 2:30 AM.. What are your intentions?” 
“To show you how much I love you.” he seduced, “Will you let me?”
“I’ll let you do whatever you want, baby” you replied, getting up and holding your hand out to help him.
“I wonder what good deeds I did to have found you in my life.”
You rolled your eyes as you walked towards his room. “And I wonder the exact opposite.”
He gasped. “Is that how it is huh? I guess you’ll never find out how much I love you then.”
“Aww.” You chuckled, closing the distance between you, “It’s okay, I can show you right here how much I love you instead?”
“No, I can feel Louis looking at us and I’m not about to traumatise my son. So, I’m gonna give him some treats and be right in.”
“Fifteen minutes or I’m going to sleep.”
“I’ll take five.”
“You and I both know you need at least fifteen minutes with Louis.”
How does this woman know me so well, he thought to himself walking over to where his cat was perched. 
“What do you think, Louis? Did I do the right thing” Ten whispered, nuzzling his nose in the fluffy fur. 
Louis meowed.
“Yeah, I think so too. She’s really great isn’t she.” 
Louis meowed again, making him chuckle.
While pouring some dry food in the bowl for his cat he realised he actually hadn’t eaten anything since afternoon, yet he felt full… full of this happiness and a kind of contentment that he’d never experienced before. He cringed at this disgustingly sappy thought and made his way back to you, into the bedroom. 
You were sprawled on the bed, already asleep, not even having managed to get under the blanket.
“So cute”, he fondly murmured, as he got in bed too and encompassed you completely in a hug—his arms now wrapped around your waist and one leg overlapping both of yours.
You stirred, but he pulled you in closer,
“It’s okay, go back to sleep baby.”
He heard a little affirmative hum and you turned around to face him—eyes half closed—to give him a tiny peck on his lips and then hid your face in his chest. 
You started falling back into your world of dreams and he fell right in with you, following you through a field of daisies, admiring your beauty as the sun glowed on your face; just like he would if you were awake. And tell you a thousand times over how beautiful he thought you were and love you and kiss you until you fell right back into his arms at the end of every night. 
There was something so sweet about that feeling, it made you smile and you thought yeah… it seemed like a good way to spend the rest of your life.
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ashleyswrittenwords · 4 years
Subtleties of a Suitor (Part 2 of 2)
Summary: Pre-calamity AU where Zelda’s powers awaken in time, but not everything is back to normal after Calamity Ganon is defeated.
Note: This has NSFW themes (such as sex and really disgustingly sappy fluff), tread carefully!
Later in the day, the Labrynna royalty retired to their chambers early. Understandably, due to their long travels and eventful day. Prince Tyrion had been among them, apologizing vehemently for cutting her explanation of Guardian mechanics off and bidding goodnight from Princess Zelda’s study. It was more of a workshop with all the gears and equipment lying about. The sun almost entirely over the horizon through the tall windows.
Zelda sighed when he was far down the hallway and allowed her shoulders to relax. The disadvantage to entertaining royalty were the constant expectations. The Princess was consistently on her guard with speech and posture that talking turned into an exhaustive sport. She absently stared at the detached Guardian sensor she had been showing him, although she wasn’t ignorant to his straying eyes and his bored gaze.
The door to her study made her jump as it opened loudly and her immediate thought was that Prince Tyrion had left something, but it wasn’t him.
“I’m surprised to see you alone,” Link said, genuinity in his tone.
She shrugged, a tad put off by his presence. “His Highness was tired before I dragged him here. My interests seem to put him to sleep.”
“I’m sure you showed no mercy,” he jested.
“Oh, surely not. He did yield to his bed.”
He matched her grin, but she let it devolve into a cough quickly after. She was all too aware of his footsteps crossing the room where he sat in the stool Tyrion had left vacant.
“Did you need something?” Zelda asked, defaulting into formality out of nervousness.
“Actually,” he started, weighing his words as he spoke. “His Majesty wanted me to see if Prince Tyrion was willing to join him for dinner since his family retired.”
“Oh. Seems that won’t be the case.”
“No,” he reached to scratch the back of his neck. Link’s eyes drew to the sensor on the table and his brow furrowed. “When did you get that?”
Tension in Zelda’s face relaxed and an involuntary smile graced her, “A month ago. I recovered it from Hyrule Field. Do you remember when Ganon’s malice began extending across the ground and the Divine Beasts began to act oddly?”
He nodded astutely, “I do. It was when that Guardian attacked us.”
“Well, I want to know how the malice infiltrated it’s mechanics. Since the sensor is where it operates from, I might be able to find something.”
Unabashedly, she began to ramble on about circuits and Sheikah technology. Topics that Link has heard hundreds of times, but he spurred her on. Most times he nodded at her points, smiling as she did, other times he asked questions that launched her into an entirely different science.
“I don’t get it,” he said, leaning on his hand.
“What?” she followed up with the full intention of explaining her points better.
“How he could get tired of you. I don’t understand that.”
Zelda blinked owlishly.
He shrugged and straightened at a realization. “I forgot that your father is waiting on me.”
“Unless that’s an excuse and you’ve gotten tired of me.”
His eyes widened when he stood, “That’s not the case at all, Zelda, I swear to Hylia.”
“I know,” she laughed, “Can you tell him I’m heading to bed, too?”
“Of course,” he said, sobering from her laughter. “Goodnight.”
When he left, she felt a warmth that hadn’t filled her in awhile. She found that she missed that feeling desperately. Zelda wondered if he felt that too. Her legs straightened as she stood and she allowed herself a long moment to stretch. A large sigh filled her until her eyes spied something that hadn’t been on the stool before.
Link must have left it.
It was a small paperback book that looked worn with use. The pages were rounded from being carried around often and she picked it up.
The title was “The Conduct of Courting” and everything made sense. His behavior must be off recently because he’s involved with someone else. I would have realized it faster if I had thought about it. Why else would he suddenly have the gall to be so preformative during court?
Then I realized it must be someone important. The visit a couple days ago is evident that he’s courting, and possibly betrothed to, Princess Aurra. This entire time must have been a show of sparing my feelings. It makes sense why he acted so casually around her. At the duel, he could have easily been looking at Aurra and not me.
Thus why Father invited him to dine with us for supper. Since that night, it’s become a regular event. From a political standpoint, it makes sense. Their marriage would be incredibly advantageous and agreeable. Princess Aurra wouldn’t be inheriting the throne and it’s typical that royal siblings marry nobility and now Link has a proper title. Sure, he’s in the army, but he’s elevated enough to attend our court. Why not a princess too?
Zelda paused, feeling anger rising in her. No, it wasn’t anger, but it hurt just the same. Sorrow built up from the pit of her stomach. She was tired, too, as this was the last day before the Labrynna royal family left for their home country. Maybe if she marries Tyrion, Link would be her brother-in-law.
No, wait, that made her feel sick to the stomach and exponentially worse. In a series of flurried words, she ended her diary entry.
She didn’t include a heart this time.
A knock at the door caused her to slam her journal shut with a jolt. She groaned. The ink hadn’t dried yet. With perhaps too much force, she pressed the heels of her hands into her eyes. That’s it, she was simply tired and will attempt to seem presentable.
Unceremoniously, she rose from her seat and opened the door a crack. The sight through the doorway made her want to scream.
Link opened his mouth before an odd look crossed him. “Are you alright?”
“Yes, I’m perfectly fine,” she said, not fine and positive that red rimmed her eyes. Zelda allowed the door to open enough to fit her frame. Hopefully it politely communicated her desire for his goodnight wishes to end swiftly.
“You don’t act like you’re perfectly fine,” he deadpanned.
The mixture of annoyance, anger, and sorrow built up around her throat and beat down her previous inhibitions. She crinkled her nose and spoke curtly, “It would have been nice if you had told me about your courtship.”
He stayed silent under her searing gaze until, “I… thought you would be happy about it.”
So she was right.
The Princess swallowed dryly. That wasn’t the response she was expecting, but maybe he assumed she had recovered fully from their affair. After all, it had been months since. Three months where it was now apparent no progress had been made. Zelda straightened.
“You misunderstand me. I’m thrilled.”
Link tilted his head in the way he did when he was confused. “You don’t seem thrilled.”
Then, he paled and watched his feet.
“I mean, we can call it off if you’re opposed. I just assumed…” he said with pain tinged words.
Zelda winced. She hadn’t thought her opinion had that much impact. It was obvious he was happy with Aurra and here she was, angry at his good fortune.
“No, Link, I,” she faltered and placed a hand on his arm. “I didn’t mean it that way. I apologize. If you’re happy, I’m happy.”
Slowly, he shook his head, “Uh… are you sure about that? I must have misread something or misinterpreted. I want you to be happy for yourself, not just because I was.” He was miffed for reasons that escaped Zelda altogether.
Now, she was just as vexed. “No, no what I think doesn’t matter. I’m only happy that you managed to rebound  from what we had. In a solid relationship there are only two people that have meaningful input: you and her.”
“Wait, what?”
“I said, in a solid relationship-”
He shook his head, “No, Zelda, who do you think I’m courting?”
Her mouth fell closed and she looked at him as if he had two heads. “Princess Aurra.”
“Oh, Hylia,” he breathed out, putting a hand on his chest.
Zelda’s brows knitted together. “Am I wrong? Oh gods, I’m wrong. Who is it? Is it… the maid you always get along with?”
“The woman who hit on you at court?”
“Gods no. Zelda-”
“Are you sure it isn’t Princess Aurra? She’s very pretty.”
“Yes,” he was laughing now. “Yes, I’m sure.”
Her shoulders slacked, “Stop laughing, Link. This is serious. I don’t know why you’re mocking me.”
“I understand and I’m sorry,” Link reasoned, attempting to bite down on his lingering smile. The grip on his arm tightened. “I thought about what you told me when you wanted… us… to end.”
Zelda watched his boyish smile upturn at the thought. So, her rejection was what caused him to look elsewhere.
“Of course, it made sense. Though I was beyond heart broken, I knew you were right. You always are,” Link pried her hand off his arm to hold it. “I took your father’s promotion. In that time, I felt worse than I ever had being away from you. You had told me the King would never approve, but I asked anyway.”
His fingers traced over her knuckles as he spoke. Green eyes widened and she could barely whisper out, “You did?”
He nodded with a short smile, “I did. And I was terrified. I told him about how I felt about you and he went so quiet that I thought he’d hang me. Then he asked if you loved me and I told him you’ve said so many times.”
Tears she had been holding back surfaced for an entirely new reason. Zelda’s face scrunched up and she held a hand under her nose. With a trembling lip, she bubbled out, “What did he say?”
“He said that as long as you still held those feelings, I have his blessing.”
She retched her hand from his grasp and flung them around his neck, bursting into a sob. Link buried his head in the crook of his neck and hugged her tightly as she cried.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled, “I should have told you.”
“So… So…” she sniffed between her attempted words, falling into a sob and back. “So you’ve been courting me this whole time?”
She felt him nod into her.
“You love solving mysteries and I know you like surprises. I’m so sorry.”
“Are you kidding me?” she pulled back, a wide and watery smile met him. His princess was a mess. “This is the best surprise I’ve ever gotten.”
They sank into an embrace once more as reality fell onto her. Never was she so happy to be so wrong. Together, they stood like that in the hallway for a long moment. Zelda breathed him in all over again, her subconscious somewhat hesitant to dive headfirst back into the bucket of emotions that had been pooling for months.
“Zelda.” She heard him say, feeling his voice against her ear.
Full of reluctance, he pulled her away for a moment. His eyes met hers and his movements were small, but they were all too familiar. Link’s hand moved from her waist to her jaw and looked at her like she was the last thing he would ever see. It was so intensely reminiscent of their first kiss that her throat threatened to close up for the second time.
“There’s no Calamity,” she said with a sweet smile.
His thumb drew circles on her skin and he looked down at her with an emotion like no other.
“No,” he finally whispered. “There isn’t.”
Without intention, they drew closer. Her mouth tugged further upwards, “I can be with you.”
Link’s response was pressing his lips to hers and she fell into them easily. His hands cradled her head and pulled her impossibly closer. A whimper from deep within came from her and he swallowed the noise without care. The sound of someone approaching down the hall gave a jumpstart to her heart, but she was too intoxicated with him to respond with reason.
Awfully, his lips pulled away and in her ear, “Someone’s coming.”
His voice, gods his voice, was thick and almost raspy.
“Let them.”
All he did was let out a low laugh and let the heat of his fingers sear through her nightgown. The echoing footsteps were growing louder now.
“Can I spend the night with you?”
It could be her guard. It could be a servant. It could be the Prince.
Just like that, he heaved her into his arms with arm around her shoulders and the back of her knees. She yelped, falling into laughter as he hurried into the room and shut the door behind him. The closing hinges signified their safety and he peered down at her with pure adoration.
“I love your laugh.”
Zelda already had her hands in his hair, bracing herself for a bruising kiss. For a moment, his arms faltered and she thought she’d fall, but they tightened around her instead. When she parted her lips, he invaded her senses so greatly that she moaned in the ecstasy of feeling something she thought she’d never get the chance to feel again. Disbelief, overwhelming amazement, inexplicable happiness.
A groan against her lips sparked a deep burning in her stomach that made her sigh. Link’s tongue was gentle against her mouth. He wasn’t hesitant, but savoring and it made her want to cry from the simple fact that they were here.
She fell onto the bed with a light bounce and watched him remove his tunic, seeing skin tanner than when she last saw it. Emotion welled in her chest and a dry sob made her heave.
“I missed you,” she nearly whined. Her brows drew together as he dipped down to capture her lips again.
He parted shortly, “I missed you.”
Zelda’s hands felt down his shoulders, feeling everything from the smooth skin to rough scars and loved it all. She wasn’t blind to know that she was hopelessly attracted to him. The day where he sparred held a night where she held that memory while pretending her fingers were his, trying to resurrect the moment where they truly were and he whispered small encouragements in the nights where she doubted herself too much for his ears.
“I thought about you every night.” She gasped a gasp as smooth as the sheets she laid upon when his hands felt up her thighs.
His mouth laid claim to the side of her cheek and breathed hot breath over her ear. Link’s grip increased when she shivered. “In what way?”
Her nightgown had long hiked up to her hips. As he laid flush against her, standing between her parted knees, she wrapped him in an embrace that coaxed him to melt into her.
“Sometimes like this.” She smiled softly, sweetly enjoying his warmth and the fact that - yes - this was okay and he was hers.
Then she rolled her hips against his clothed crotch, the sudden friction making Link groan against her neck. Breath hitched in her lungs, the sensation so much better than she remembered.
Zelda sighed from the pleasure, “Sometimes like this.”
Link rose to swiftly catch her in a slow kiss that clouded her mind. His lips moved against her in slow waves, giving hints of what she knew he was capable of. Carefully, slowly, he took her hips and ground down against her heat. Zelda moaned and Link pulled away to watch her face. The warmth in her sparked and she tried to fill the space he left with her hips, and much to her frustration, he held them down.
Then, he looked upon her with reverence in his eyes. His kiss-swollen lips upturned to whisper hints of his mischief. Wheat blond locks were coming undone around his face and he was perfectly kissable if he were to let her.
Barely audible, she frowned and voiced her grievances. “Why’d you stop?”
The hints turned to undeniable devilment. “Can a man not watch his…” then his brow furrowed and he looked above her head. “It’s not suitor, right? Suitress?”
Her nose wrinkled at the word. “I don’t recall vying for your hand.”
“You don’t?” he gasped, extending his arms so that her view of his disbelief was clear. “Because I distinctly remember your many tears over how it was impossible for me to be with you.”
“Link!” she fumbled to the back of his neck, but there was no avail to her tugging. “I had the purest intentions!”
“Oh yes,” he sighed. “To turn me away so you could accept Prince Tyrion’s proposal.”
“Link! I wouldn’t have done that when I still loved you!”
“I can’t help but notice you’re using past tense, Princess.”
Zelda squirmed out of his grip and further onto the bed. Curiosity danced in blue eyes as she felt along the hem of her nightgown. Innocently, she tilted her head and let her long hair pool to one side. The change in tone was immediate.
“You know, Hero,” she leered, pulling her gown to her hips. His gaze followed it, searing up her thighs with his amusement. “I could have you arrested for spreading such slander about me.”
The fabric balled up between her fingers, inching to reveal her lacy white panties. Despite herself, she smiled when he placed his knee on the bed to follow her. It was hard to ignore the way his hard stomach flexed with his movements. Her gown tightened further in her fists and her innocent smile widened; his attention rapt to her suddenly revealed curves. Link’s mouth formed her name.
“Or perhaps…” Zelda bit her lip as his hands tried to coax hers to move faster. He was close enough for her to kiss his neck and breath out, “You would like me to show you my love?”
She couldn’t help the bout of giggles when he pushed her against the pillow and explored her exposed stomach. His smile was hidden from view, but it was in his words.
“Gods, I adore you.”
Zelda lifted her arms as he yanked the gown off, careful to avoid snagging her hair because he had done it before. She had always been somewhat self-conscious of her body. And now as her nipples hardened to the chill that tended to eternally linger in her room, she could only be reminded that there wasn’t the need to visit holy springs that required a certain amount of labor and that she didn’t feel the incessant want to leave the castle when there would be a man who wasn’t Link alongside her.
Surely, she had her fair share of sweets after Calamity Ganon.
The insecurity brought her hands to rest on top of her tummy and a thick blush to sweep up her neck. Link, however, didn’t pause for one second and planted a firm kiss to her collar bone.
“Is this okay?” he asked, enveloping her hands in his and enticing them from her body.
Zelda nodded, but followed up with an audible, “Yes.”
The way he touched her was both cautious and bold, kneading the flesh of her hips in a way that made her shiver. His fingertips surfed up her skin to her breasts and he tasted the heartbeat at her throat.
A million sweet nothings vaguely reached her ear as he felt the skin before the waistband of her underwear. Link didn’t allow breath to stay long in her lungs and she lifted her lips in the hopes he would be merciful. It should’ve been expected when he drew away.
“Please,” she breathed, reaching for the buckle of his trousers only for him to pull in back against the pillow above her head. “It’s been so long.”
Love was in his eyes when he came up from her neck. Link worried his bottom lip between his teeth and the sight turned her stomach in the best way. He searched her face and seemed to consider her words before deciding on a, “No.”
There was no time for her to respond because he wasn’t done with that special spot on her neck. He laved his tongue over the places he nipped at and she had no problem leaning her head away to make more room for him to work. Zelda bit down on her back molars to swallow a moan when she realized his intentions; he had never dared to do this to her before.
“You’re- you’re going to leave a mark.”
All he did was hum against her throat while her breath hitched as he palmed over her clothed folds. The hint of the pressure she so desperately needed was applied. Link paused his sucking, groaning at her wetness. The sound burned the need brighter at her navel. His movements grew hesitant, as if at war with himself before disappearing down her all at once and wrestling her panties from her body - a struggle due to how entangled her long legs were with his.
Cheeks already flushed grew darker as she watched him watch her. Link sunk low with eyes of blue fire, any signs of mischief dashed for determination. Anticipation burned with a fire she hasn’t felt for months and the way his hot breath smoothed over her navel.
The back of hers knees rested on his shoulders and he licked slowly up her cunt, making her head hit the pillow and a low moan dredged from her throat. Instinct brought her hands to his hair, but she refrained from pulling by using what was left of her sanity. The flat of his tongue made her fingertips tremble, further threading to graze his scalp.
Her chest heaved his name with the vulgar sounds and she could dimly hear the sound of his trousers falling off the bed. Impressions of his fingers pressed deeply into her upper thighs. Her Hero worked her like he did most things, with purposeful motions that made her lose all reason and allowed short gasps to escape her as he hummed a smile against her.
“Link,” she repeated, need and warning in her voice. Blue, blue, blue gazed at her. She hadn’t even noticed the absence of his dominant hand that had long left her thigh for what was between his own legs; his shoulder and arm making suggestive movements. It was as if Link did this for his own pleasure rather than her own. The thought snapping the coil that had been building with his tongue.
This gasp was different, sharper, mixed with his name and words even she couldn’t decipher as she shortly visited the heaven he took her to. Even enduring her climax, Link held her tighter. When she fell slack against the cushions and he finally released her, a well of emotion surged in her breast.
In a slight daze, she sat up and pressed a languished kiss to his lips, already wet. His arms securely circled her and she parted with knitted brows. Zelda’s lip trembled when concern crossed him.
“What’s wrong?”
Zelda held his face in her hands. A rosy glow was on her cheeks and warmth filled her breath as his eyes tried to decipher her thoughts.
“I love you.”
It barely registered to her that they were both naked. If anything, there was rightness in his soft azure gaze and the way their bodies touched beyond the intent of seeking pleasure. There was a slight lift to Zelda’s shoulders and his forearms fell on either side of her torso so Link could bear more of his weight. “That’s all,” she said. “I love you; I missed you.”
With a grin, he snaked his arms around her and buried his head within the crook of her shoulder. Strands of hair tickled her ear and his soft breaths pulled a series of giggles from her. Link’s embrace strained her laughter, only to cause more to burst from her chest.
He echoed her with murmured words, drawing soft circles on her shoulder blades. Zelda sighed into his arms and simply enjoyed his voice. As lovers entangled, every movement was languished. Time didn’t exist.
But she didn’t oppose the kisses that were now peppering her cheek. The fervent compliments from his lips conjuring a deep blush across her face that he tried to kiss away. It was a fruitless endeavor, of course, as it only permeating further on her skin as they touched one another in the way only familiar lovers could.
Their love was made in soundless motions. Learning one another as if three months were three years. It had been an affair that was born of fleeting touches and an impending expiration. It was a haunting kind of love that tended to plague more than pleasure. Now they had so much longer than months, a whole lifetime if they wished.
That was the fact they reassured  one another in breathy laughter and loving embraces.
Time drew on with or without them and as she peered at him over the pillows of the morning dawn, she saw him looking back with a happiness she could only pinpoint in her heart.
“I’ve spent all this time convincing I would go on without you,” she said, almost mournfully.
He spoke unabashedly, because nothing was left to hide in the state they were in. “You could have,” he smiled a smile that mirrored her tone. “And I was fully prepared to walk away at the door.”
He gathered her loose hand in his. “I don’t have much to offer,” he spoke with a languished grin, “I have a modest home and will inherit my family’s farm.”
Zelda watched him with an indescribable softness. A sleepless night brought a misty haze over her, but it couldn’t stop the thrumming of her heart. She didn’t need to voice her answer if he had been asking because the simple picture of them living modestly was one that made her curl into his side.
Eventually, he would need to leave before anyone would find out he was in the Princess’s chambers. They would need to arrange a formal announcement and the idea of a public wedding was another beast that needed to be slain.
But for now, Zelda let the morning bring its own subtleties of what subsequent mornings promised.
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The tale of the blanket kings.
Me, five hundred years too late: sooo day 6 of @fuckyeahfraxus‘s Fraxus week?
The prompt was “weird habits”. (I am going to finish all the prompts, but uh, give me a few days?)
It's a morning like any other and so, like any other morning, Laxus Dreyar gets up at exactly six to go on his daily morning jog while his boyfriend is still blissfully asleep. After the exercise he gets a shower, dresses for the day and then goes on to be an annoyance. You see, for all Freed is smart and handsome and everything else a man can possible be (including sometimes a bit moronic and a lot of times very haughty), he is also short.
He likes to tell Laxus he's not, in all tones of voice ranging from amused to sulking and Laxus'll nod and agree while standing at a hundred feet taller than his tiny, tiny, mouse-sized boyfriend. It's a garanteed asskicking move, but alas, maybe Laxus likes sparring with Freed in their shared kitchen, maybe he likes dramatically falling to the floor while his boyfriend triumphantly settles on his chest. Maybe, just maybe, he really enjoys the making out that follows after that.
Rest of the fic under the cut!
 Anyway, the set-up for the daily Freed-you're-actually-fucking-tiny and the consquent I'm-not-fight-me takes quite a bit of time and effort but damn it, Laxus will do it every day. Why? One might ask, why go to all the trouble to annoy someone you love?
Well, the answer is about as one would suspect. The thing is, Freed's effortlessly smooth and flirtatious and manages to knock the breath out of Laxus each and every time. It's a superpower the man loves to use and abundantly abuse. To top it off, he's also sharp-tongued and quick-witted, a deadly combination seemingly made to make Laxus blush in public.
Because he himself isn't that quick when it comes to battles of words, he likes to knock them out of Freed by careful planning, sometimes a few months in advance (for anniversies and the like). For his day to day life, he only plans minor annoyances (and alright, also breakfast and plenty of cuddle sessions).
With a carefulness not many think him capable of, Laxus starts to move all the cups, drinking glasses and plates, stacking them on higher shelves, nearly out of his own reach. Standing on his tippy toes to jam a mug just a bit deeper into the closet, he wonders about how absurd this is. Then he thinks about the possible array of reactions he could get out of his boyfriend and continues with a grin.
For a while now, Freed has been hearing Laxus rummaging around in their cabinets and still half-asleep, he smiles a little bit. Although he'd never admit it to Laxus, he had been wondering why he could never seem to reach their kitchen equipment. That was until Evergreen had rolled her eyes at him standing on a stepstool and had told him that his boyfriend liked moving stuff higher up, because he thought Freed looked cute while stubbornly trying to scale their kitchen cabinets instead of asking for help like a normal human being.
After that revelation, Freed had caught Laxus a few times in the act, but hid himself so his boyfriend didn't notice. One day, he'd take revenge and Laxus would know it. He'd feel it in his bones for sure!
But revenge would have to wait, because right now the sheets are calling Freed's name clearer than revenge is and with a content little sigh, he slinks back into the sheets. Revenge is nice, but bedsheets still tinged with warmth are too.
After Laxus is satisfied with his handywork, he starts preparing breakfast. As he stretches himself out to reach a particular shelf, he comes to the realisation that he probably should've made breakfast first and wreak havoc later. Dismissively, he files it somewhere in the back of his mind to remind himself when he does this again. He'll probably forget it again though, as he's done so many times. It's the prize for misschief, he supposes.
Making breakfast for the two of them is as easy as breathing and Laxus secretly enjoys it more than he'd ever admit. Although being disgustingly sappy with Freed is something he'll certainly do, being sappy about Freed can be a private moment. Alone in the kitchen, he can make coffee with a disgusting amount of sugar and think about how a lifetime with the other man has taught him Freed's preferences and he can get the man a variety of morning foods while still nailing his tastes. It's a tiny thing that makes him happy, spoiling his boyfriend in the morning.
He thinks he'll tell Freed about it today, just because he wants to see Freed flustered for once. Although Laxus is mainly sappy about Freed on his own, he sometimes decides to tell the man and the result's always the same. Cheeks flushed an unusual amount of red, a moment of silence and then a gesture of affection.
To some people, the predictability of a relationship was probably a breaking point, but Laxus found himself enjoying it. The predictability was a sturdy base on which they build many variations to make up their day to day life. But in the end, they'd come home together and sleep in the same bed, entangled with each other.
A little series of thuds alerts Laxus of Freed's awakening. He doesn't have to wait long before his boyfriend appears in the doorway, blanket draped around his shoulders. "Good morning bed monster", Laxus laughs and Freed sleepily shakes his head.
"I'm the blanket king, king of the blankets", he murmurs, blinking the sleep out of his eyes. "Worship me."
"Why wouldn't I worship my lovely boyfriend?" Laxus replies easily and Freed bonks his head against Laxus' sturdy chest.
"Hnnrgg", he says ever so eloquently before putting his arms around Laxus in a warm hug and places a clumsy kiss on the corner of his mouth. Then he turns his squinting eyes to the cabinets and then back at Laxus. "They're evil because of you", he says, voice still tinged with sleep, but there's an edge of playful accusation in there.
"Come", Freed then says, dragging Laxus over to the couch and Laxus has to keep him from tripping over the edge of the blanket. "This is why we eat before moving Freed, you're a disaster in the morning."
"Be a disaster with me?" he asks softly and drapes the blanket over both of their shoulders. "Here, now we're both blanket kings", he whispers before falling asleep again. With a sigh, Laxus rearranges them so they're laying down instead of sitting up. Like the proper blanket king he is, he falls asleep.
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hyperfixatinglove · 4 years
Mitäs jos ne kaikki sappy selfship askit just because? Vai onko liikaa? 💕💗💞💘💝
Kaikki on hyvä ja ei ole liikaa  💕💕💕💕
The problem is who to do this for, someone other than Ushio duh
1) Do you and your f/o have knick knacks that have sappy sayings/patterns on them? Like "I love you to the moon and back"/"You are my sunshine"/etc.?
He goes for “you are everything to me, the love of my life”-variety that makes me blush every time without fail.
I go for “you are my hero, saviour, the light of my life”-route.
2) How long do people estimate you've been together for? How do you act around each other when you're out?
Max a year due to our sappyness but we’ve been together for 6 years now.
It depends on our mood, sometimes we’re disgustingly cute and sappy, sometimes we merely have intertwined hands or his hand around my waist. We tease and joke around and kiss a lot.
3) How did you and your f/o learn to cooperate and understand each other, if you had problems with that before?
Seeing each other be down helped us to realize we’re both human and thus there was more to us than each of us thought. Oh and getting a crush by the comfort we gave each other on those different occasions helped.
4) Does your f/o have an animal or something else cute that they associate with you?
Funnily he associates me with deer, while I associate him with bears.
He insist I’m as graceful and beautiful as a doe and I see him as a bear to his build.
5) What's your f/o's name for you in their phone? What's your name for them in yours?
His is simple: Love ♥
Mine is just his first name with a heart ♥
6) Do you and your f/o have pictures of you in your wallets? Or slideshows? Or cute picture frames?
He has mine everywhere: wallet, on frames, slideshows of our happiest moments, even on his work ID!
Tumblr media
7) Where do you save everything you've given to each other over the years you've been together?
Mostly around the house or the bedroom!
8) Do you have objects with your names on them?
9) Do you leave each other notes in the morning before one of you leaves?
He does! Especially if he knows I have something coming up I’m nervous of like presentation!
I leave mushy texts and cute message with his lunch box!
10) Do you call or text each other during the day for updates on the other?
He does if he finds the time! His work is very busy! I send him texts when I get lonely.
11) What's the best way your f/o supports you?
I’d say physically I’m a sucker for that warm bear hug and other gestures ♥
12) Do you and your f/o have a movie that you're always watching together? Or one that you have a fond memory of seeing?
I have ““forced”” him to watch all my comfort Disney movies so many times he knows them by heart, so those. His own favorite is Aristocats and Cinderella, latter for good trauma healing purposes. He secretly also loves all the love songs.
Also sometimes when we watch Z nation we snark and comment everything.
13) How would your f/o do an impression of you, if describing you to someone else? What about you for them?
Either my reading comprehension sucks or I’m missing something in this.
Uhh, he’d describe as adorably small, feisty and supportive
I’d prob describe him as super tall, kind and protective
14) What's something cute about your f/o that they don't like to let on to others?
How protective he is of his friends.
He hides it by being quiet but if one were to look at him when they get in danger they can clearly see him being worried for them.
Also he doesn’t want them seeing him cry. Not that he doesn’t trust them not to mock him but he’d rather not shatter this “dependable man who has everything under control”-image they have of him.
You know what: I’ll do this with Kyle! ♥
1) Do you and your f/o have knick knacks that have sappy sayings/patterns on them? Like "I love you to the moon and back"/"You are my sunshine"/etc.?
Kyle uses “I love you to the moon and back” but it’s more modified: “I love you from this quarantine to the other side of the whole world.” It fits him but it makes me all jelly.
I use “You make me feel alive in this hellhole.” and he honestly adopted it too.
2) How long do people estimate you've been together for? How do you act around each other when you're out?
Couple months and that’s fairly accurate. Time in Harran is a bit wobbly concept.
We are cautious but that’s due to state of Harran. We must be careful. If we’re safe, we talk a lot and challenge each other to parkour. Kyle is overprotective when I get out, there has been many instances of him almost losing me, Jade or Rahim so he’s understandably protective of all of us, most of all me. He helps me with climbing sometimes by boosting me up or yanking me up, telling about dangerous pits and places and so forth.
He ruffles my hair a lot and gives cheek kisses. I tend to hold onto him a lot especially piggy back rides if I’m tired and hands around his arms when I’m spooked.
If Kyle gets a call on radio I chime in with comments which tend to annoy Brecken. Rahim only gets excited and we end up chatting before Kyle gets annoyed and asks what he meant by mission objectives and such.
3) How did you and your f/o learn to cooperate and understand each other, if you had problems with that before?
We cooperated well since we met each other. Kyle just sorta.. accepted that I held onto his arm like he was my boyfriend when he saved me... 
It took a while for us to cooperate in combat however, due to him being so good at it already and me freaking out over one biter.
And he’s too fast for me when we are out running missions. He had to learn to slow down until I got the parkour down. I kept apologizing when I put us in unnecessary danger by being slow, like in Old Town when we were almost in the safe house of on top of University but the night (and thus Volatiles) came on us.
I do plan to write a fanfic on that particular incident..
4) Does your f/o have an animal or something else cute that they associate with you?
Whenever he sees plushies when he gets out, I sprung into his mind. Whenever it’s sunny outside too.
I tend to think about him if I see runners passing by or lonely guitar sitting against the wall. Just being in our room with all the stuff he has been given by grateful survivors and things he has found brings me to mind.
5) What's your f/o's name for you in their phone? What's your name for them in yours?
Phones don’t work in Harran but we do have nicknames.
He calls me ace, I call him braveheart.
6) Do you and your f/o have pictures of you in your wallets? Or slideshows? Or cute picture frames?
He did happen to find an old camera which gives out the photo after you’ve taken it. He sneakily took a picture of me when I laughed at one of Rahim’s jokes. He has one version hung on his wall in our room and another copy he has on his person as he goes out of Tower.
7) Where do you save everything you've given to each other over the years you've been together?
In our room which has become crowded with all the stuff.
8) Do you have objects with your names on them?
He has his backpack named. It just reads Crane.
9) Do you leave each other notes in the morning before one of you leaves?
I would if I’d find clean paper and a pen in apocalypse! I asked my runner to keep an eye out but he haven’t come across any.
Instead I make sure to wake up when he leaves and tell him to be safe & how much I love him.
10) Do you call or text each other during the day for updates on the other?
We radio each other frequently when we are out, tell each other where we are and what’s next and say sappy stuff and make plans to meet at whichever safe house we pick that day.
11) What's the best way your f/o supports you?
Being patient when I’m struggling with runner things. Being understanding. Pats to the back when I’ve done well.
Little things. ♥
12) Do you and your f/o have a movie that you're always watching together? Or one that you have a fond memory of seeing?
Kyle wants to be able to take me to the movies one day, when this whole Harran virus is down. He stated he wants to watch some sappy romance, he’s tired of drama and especially action.
I better start making post-game fics about our domestic life in a city other than Harran!! I’m bustling with development questions! Would Aldemir siblings follow us if we move out of city and thus Turkey (Harran is implied to be in Turkey, despite being fictional)? Would Brecken visit us? Would we visit them?
13) How would your f/o do an impression of you, if describing you to someone else? What about you for them?
Mine’s easy: “Hey I’m Kyle, I’m the best runner and survivor in Harran, if you cross me I’ll fight you but if you need help I’ll do it.”
His would be a bit more difficult but essentially he would have to act shy and quiet. Words like “kindness incarnate” would be used.
14) What's something cute about your f/o that they don't like to let on to others?
He doesn’t want anyone else know he practices playing guitar when everyone else is sleeping to impress me.
Also the fact that he tugs me in tighter when I sleep and kiss me on the forehead when he heads for night missions.
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incubae-fics · 5 years
Selfish Or Unaware [AU!Raestrao]
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Pairing: AU!James x Female!Reader
Warning: Cursing, mentions of dark and or traumatizing things (could be triggering, please read at your own risk, especially if you have not read my brief decription of said AU)
A/N: Reader is based loosely on someone, hurr hurr, I tried to be vague but y’knoww. Also, one or two interactions with one of his brothers is from a previous stand-alone (An AU!Sam one). Can’t link shit bc tungle is dumb. also yayyy for random shiitt
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The life James has led so far was far from a good one. He’s seen things, done things, that no one should have. He’s aware he suffered far less physical abuse than his brothers- in fact, he’s horrifically aware of it. He knows he was the favorite- that he would have been the one to have the throne and rule over everything their bastard father had. He knows, and it haunts him. It haunts him because he shouldn’t feel how he feels. He shouldn’t have yearned so strongly for freedom or.. or for her.
He yearns for things he knows he doesn’t deserve- especially with how he’s acted. He’s aware of how he’s made her feel- how he hurt her and the friend she holds dear. He was cruel and nasty. His words could rival his brute brothers attitude.
Yet he still yearns and wants- he craves, and it’s so odd to him. He’s never truly felt his incubus urges, not unless he was absolutely starving, and even then, it was simply an annoyance. However, this wasn’t an incubus urge this was.. it was just a selfish want- a terrible need. A need that would never die- she captured a part of him he was certain had died the day of his thirteenth birthday. A part that only ever existed because his sweet mother allowed him to indulge in sweet stories. Sweet stories humans would call fairy tales.
It’s the only thing he wishes she’d never done for him.
If she hadn’t, perhaps his entire world wouldn’t have flipped how it had that day.. or at the very least, it wouldn’t have scarred him quite as deep. He hates that it scarred him at all. It was a normal incubus thing- it was supposed to be a gift but..
It still gives him nightmares- everything does. It’s why he hates to sleep.
Every night, cold clammy hands grasp at him in sickening manners- sickly sweet voices whisper uncomfortably close in his ears. They claim to want him, they promise to feed him well. They swear to be perfect brides- swear to give him all he wants. Others he just hears agonized screaming and the cracking of a whip- he’s thankful for the mercy of darkness in those nightmares. He’s seen that sight far too much to be able to bear watching it every single night.
He hears those screams often though, if not agonized at night, they’re angry during the day. Thankfully the cracking whip is long gone- but scars forever remain.
The nightmares are proof of how undeserving he is, though. He stood by and watched while his own brothers were ruthlessly abused and terrorized. Allowed himself to indulge in peaceful and sappy sweet stories while they cried out and bled elsewhere. Allowed himself to be sickened by what should be normal- yet has the audacity to have wanted freedom. As though he deserves it, yet he gained it anyway.
So of course, his newest want was just disgustingly selfish. Horrific simply in thought. As if she’d want such a man? Such a cowardly and selfish prick?
Even Sam, who was caught up with his own insane wants, laughed at the thought.
“You told me I couldn’t get what I want- that it’ll never happen, so what makes you think you’re so damn special? You were the favorite back there, but not here. Fuck off.”
That was the end of it. Sam was right, and he was a fool to even think of telling him. Of course he’d lash out. He’d only told him his own so called ‘love’ was merely infatuation and would never come to fruition. James was projecting, but wasn’t aware until later that night. He refused to admit that he was.. envious. The love Sam felt, the want he had, it could easily be mutual. He could see it- could sense it, and it was damn well deserved. James knew Sam deserved a love after all he’s been through. He deserved a happy life, for the rest of his life and he knew the one he’d found would give him that. It was just a matter of time and proper circumstance.
James, however, wasn’t so lucky. He had a hand in his brothers abuse. Their blood stained his hands. He was of no help- Sam was the only one to offer up proper protection by taking the brunt of everything. James was too fearful of death to do a damn thing. He’d seen what his father had done to his own blood- to sons he had made, so whats to say he wouldn’t do it to James, ten-fold for disobeying? He’d come close but once, and he only ever relived it in bad night terrors once in a blue. It was buried so deep, he couldn’t remember it properly if he tried.
So why would she choose to give him such warmth? To adore him like in the books he’d read? Why would she hold him in a way he’d never craved before now? He wanted her near often- liked to hear her sweet voice when she spoke about things she enjoyed. He loved the joy in her eyes when she saw her favorite color anywhere or in anything. He adored seeing her with her friend- how hard she’d laugh and how bright she’d look.
It was bittersweet only because it hurt. He wasn’t the cause of her happiness. He didn’t bring anything good to her life, she probably only tolerated him now because he mustered up some sorry apology..
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Her laughter rings throughout the kitchen, bubbly and bright. A sound that used to irritate him when he was working in the dining room. Now it was welcomed and something he enjoyed after a long days work. Nothing really uplifted him more, or in such a bittersweet manner.
She was enjoying time with her friend and his childish brother, Matthew. He’s sure he heard them say something about sweets- but then again, he’s certain it’s always about sweets. It seems so fitting with her, the sweetest woman must surely love sweets. He never really pays any mind to what they’re doing or saying, he only captures bits and pieces.
However, when he hears something about some other man, his interest is piqued. Surely, they mean a man in a friendly manner. Or maybe some man from her friends job- something that won’t fatally wound him deep down. James isn’t wrong often, but when he is, it’s almost always at his own expense.
The words come out softly and with a giggle, “I dunno, maybe you should take him up on his offer? He seems sweet and you deserve something like that.”
Deserve something like that..
He loathes how his heart sinks. Absolutely seethes at how he feels envious of a complete stranger. Negative and gut wrenching feelings coursed through him. He hate how strongly he felt over this- how wound up she had him in less than a year. He hated how the very thought of this burned him, he had no right to feel anything. She wasn’t his to love and hold and want. She wasn’t his love to keep near- she wasn’t his anything. He’d ruined all chances.
He ruined one now, as he assured himself that he’d move on. That he’d live through the pain.
He was awfully unaware of how she’d turned the idea down.
Completely oblivious to how she sometimes looked up at him. Couldn’t see the smiles she hid and the looks she kept amazingly subtle. Her feelings were buried deep, only for her own protection. She didn’t really want them, they just came about on their own. If he’d just let her in- let her see, why he was so closed up, he’d gain what he feels he doesn’t deserve. He’d see how he really isn’t to blame. How he did what he had to to keep himself alive and keep his brothers from dying at an early age.
He was abused just as much.
He was not selfish, and she adored him..
He was just unaware..
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winryofresembool · 6 years
Love Can Melt the Ice, ch 23 (the Grande Finale)
Summary: I think the title says it all ^ it’s time for the goodbyes ;___;
A/N: This is it. The final chapter before the epilogue. I can’t believe we have finally gotten here. I’ve had a bit of a skitty day but at least I finally managed to finish this so I’m very happy about that. Please, please, review because now that we are at the end, I really want to hear your opinions. I guess that’s all for now. I’m probably gonna repeat this once it’s time for the epilogue, but thank you to everyone who has supported me and this fic through this long journey! Without the lovely comments, I wouldn’t have been motivated to continue. Oh, and special thanks to the amazing @roboticrainboots for the amazing art ♥ 
Now, get ready for a monster chapter (I will post this on ao3 tomorrow!). But make sure to read A Letter to Winry before that if you haven’t, because it has a role in this chapter.
Previous chapters:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 pt 1, pt 2, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
Next chapter: coming
Companion pieces (note: these are all post Olympics happenings so reading the main fic first is recommended): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Words: 5700+ (yup.)
Genre: mostly floof.
Warnings: there is one scene where things get p close to M-rated but... there’s nothing explicit imo...
Most of Ed’s team plus Winry and Gracia gathered together to watch team Amestris’ ladies play for bronze. Winry was wearing her green jersey again, earning a cheek kiss from Ed, even though he refused to tell her what the kiss was for. Alphonse, who was sitting next to them, just giggled at his brother’s behavior before turning his attention back to the ice.
The first two periods of the game were even, with team Amestris tied 1 – 1 with team Drachma at the end of the first 40 minutes. Apparently, coach Olivier Armstrong managed to encourage her team in just the right way during the intermission, though, because in the third period the audience got to see a whole new team Amestris.
“Is it just me, or do they look like they’re almost ready to kill?” Winry asked when Rebecca Catalina gave a Drachman forward a particularly powerful tackle. A few moments later, Riza Hawkeye shot the puck from a spot she had never failed to score from, and the Amestrisian side of the audience got a reason to get loud.
“She’s better at that than I am,” Roy gawped at his long time “friend” who coolly fistbumped her teammates after the goal.
“That doesn’t really mean a lot, though, Mustang,” Ed remarked and made everyone laugh. “Isn’t your shooting percentage like… 0,05?”
“Funny how you remember stats like that… but you don’t remember how much I’ve sat in the penalty box because I’ve had to defend you.”
“Now now, everyone cool down a bit!” Hughes yelled over the roaring audience. “Ross is on a breakaway!”
And she was. She had managed to outspeed two Drachmans and was just about to get face to face with the goalie, when someone tripped her. A penalty shot was called, and Maria Ross used the opportunity to her advantage, making the situation 3-1.
“You guys could learn a lot from them,” Gracia teased, and the men around her couldn’t help but agree.
At some point Ed and Winry started wondering why Al was being so quiet, but when they turned to look towards him, they noticed Mei had finally arrived. She and Al were throwing disgustingly sappy looks at each other, something that Ed would probably call “eye sex” when Al wasn’t hearing.
Riza scored one more goal (from the corner of his eye Ed could see Roy’s badly hidden excitement), and team Amestris ended up winning the bronze medal with a 4-1 game. As they got their medals, no one on the ice looked prouder than Olivier Armstrong, and Ed guessed she would soon start sending smug messages from their celebrations to Roy. They had a weird rivalry going on, having known each other since they were kids. Ever since having to finish her playing career early because of an injury, Olivier had acted bitterly towards Roy and used every opportunity she could to brag him about her coaching achievements.
Roy didn’t care about Olivier’s expressions, though, because his and Riza’s eyes met and his expression turned softer than Ed ever remembered seeing.
“Could you be any more obvious?” Ed asked with annoyance, but then a familiar arm wrapped around his, making Ed forget all about the googly eyes around him.
Ed tried to talk himself out of the ending ceremony of the Olympics, because having played only one game and having to walk on the crutches, he thought he would feel out of place there. However, his teammates kept insisting, and when the goalie Armstrong offered to carry him on his back at the stadium, he knew he was fighting a lost battle.
Since it was a known fact that these were Gracia’s last Olympics, she got the honor of carrying the flag of Amestris as one of the most successful figure skaters the country had had so far. Her fiancé was next to her the whole time, gesturing towards her every time a camera went past. Winry, who also walked near her, glanced at Ed on Alex Louis Armstrong’s shoulders every once in a while. He looked a bit embarrassed but was still smiling and waving at the audience just like everyone else in their group. Winry knew he was actually happy to be able to participate and grinned at him when she noticed he was watching her.
A bit later, they were sitting in the stands next to each other, and when the fire on the giant torch went out, and the final fireworks formed colorful shapes above, Ed said: “Can’t believe it’s over.”
“Yeah,” Winry agreed. “But let’s not be sad that it’s over, let’s be happy it happened, right?”
“Sounds good to me.” Ed looked briefly down and saw Winry rubbing the knuckles of his real hand through the glove. Something warm that he couldn’t describe started bubbling in his stomach, making him happy he was there in that moment.
”Hey, granny!” Winry answered her phone at the airport. It was a day after the ending ceremony, and everyone had packed their things and left the hotel after the breakfast to start their trip back home.
”Hey, dear.” Pinako Rockbell greeted her granddaughter. “Are you on your way home yet?”
“We just arrived at the airport. Uh, that’s sort of why I’m calling.”
“You see…” Winry started a bit hesitantly, “we get back to Central City quite late and there aren’t any trains leaving to Rush Valley until tomorrow…”
“And? Are you going to stay at the hotel for the night?” Pinako asked.
“Actually… I was going to stay at Ed’s place. If that’s OK with you.”
Pinako had to admit she still saw Winry as her little girl, but it was a fact that she was already 18 and way smarter than Pinako had been at Winry’s age. So in a way, it would be hypocritical of her to deny her this.
“Ed’s? So, are you two a couple now?” Pinako asked curiously.
“Yeah, I guess so.” Winry still blushed when she stopped to consider the fact that she really had a boyfriend now.
“Oh. I hope that runt is treating you well,” Pinako stated coolly.
“He is! I mean, he’s nothing but respectful…” Winry reassured her.
“Good. Well, you are an adult now so you have to make your own decisions. But remember to be careful. And use protection!”
Winry’s eyes widened. “Granny! Just because I’m staying a night there doesn’t mean… ugh… Sleeping is all we are planning to do. He’s recovering from a pretty bad injury.”
“I believe you,” Pinako said. Winry thought she could hear a bit of laughter in her voice. “Somehow, I still have a feeling that’s not the only reason why you are calling. You wouldn’t listen to your old granny even if I had said no. So, what’s on your mind?”
“Granny… I think I’ve made my decision about the next step in my career. But I want to hear your opinion before telling anyone else…”
“Go ahead, tell me.”
The two women spent a good while chatting about Winry’s plans before finishing the call. When Winry joined the others in the waiting area, Ed asked what Pinako had said.
“She called you a runt,” Winry snickered, loving to tease her boyfriend.
“She what?!” Ed looked mortified.
“Oh relax.” Winry waved it off. “She didn’t mean it like that. In fact, I think she approves of us. At least she allows me to stay with you.”
“Why wouldn’t she? It’s not like we…” Ed stammered.
“I know, Ed.” Winry sighed. “Anyway, I’m quite excited to see where you live. Although… I bet you don’t remember to clean and have sweaty clothes all over the floor.”
“Oh? I’ll prove you wrong then.” Ed smiled at his girlfriend mischievously and grabbed her from her shoulder, so she had to face him. Before he could pull her closer, though, Winry stopped him.
“Ed… There are cameras everywhere. Are you sure you want to do this?”
He looked around quickly, noticing that she was right. Clearly their group drew a lot of attention, with two Olympic figure skater medalists and two well known hockey player siblings in it. Sighing, he admitted: “Fine. Let’s save it for later.”
“Looking forward to it,” Winry ruffled his hair and turned her head to see what Al and Mei were doing. Clearly, they didn’t have any problems showing public display of affection. It looked like they had known each other much longer than the 5 days they had actually spent together. Mei was hugging Al tightly, and it wasn’t until then that it properly hit Winry that once Mei would leave to her own flight, they probably wouldn’t see each other in months. She and Ed had it easy compared to those two; at least they lived in the same country.
“So, how is it going with you two?” Ed asked when Al returned from the gate behind which Mei had disappeared. “Plans to move to Xing yet?”
“C’mon, brother, we haven’t known each other that long yet. I did promise to visit her in the summer, though. It’s not that far anymore… After that, who knows. She is from a wealthy family that is expecting her to make a name for herself… it’s not that simple for her to move to Amestris. Not that I’ve seriously considered asking her that yet,” Al blushed slightly. “It’s way too early. But I guess the summer will tell a lot…”
“I can’t wait to see dad’s expression when you just one day announce you’re going to move to Xing,” Ed teased. “Make sure to tell him when I’m there too.”
“Don’t be mean, brother. It might bite you back one day.”
“Har har. Anyway, we should go,” Ed nodded towards the gate where people had already started gathering to show their passports and tickets.
“So, this is where you live?”
Winry looked around with mild surprise. She didn’t know what she had expected. A mansion? A penthouse in one of the most expensive apartment buildings in Central? Wasn’t that what most rich hockey players bought? She wasn’t stupid, she knew Ed’s salary had at least one 0 more than hers, because unfortunately female athletes still didn’t receive the appreciation they deserved. But when she stepped into Ed’s apartment, it was almost like she had come back to Resembool (if you ignored the view from the window); it was surprisingly modest, with only the “necessary” furniture such as a small wooden dinner table with a couple of matching chairs and a black leather couch for two in front of a TV and a video game set. The bed in the bedroom was thankfully big enough for two to sleep, Winry noted happily. The cover on it wasn’t the most charming, though; it was black and had skulls printed on it.
“Where have you gotten that from?” Winry pointed at it, looking quite amused.
“Do I sense a Judgey McJudge raising her head?” Ed set his hands on his hips and tilted his head a bit. “Anyway, I think I got it when I first moved away from home but it’s been a few years so I don’t remember which store it was anymore. Why? Do you want to buy one too?”
“Nah, just wondering which store I should bribe to never sell anything to you again.” Winry retorted and stuck her tongue out.
“Is this it?” Ed pretended to be shocked. “Our first real fight as a couple, over my bed covers? I guess it was fun while it lasted.”
Winry pushed his shoulder lightly. “You’re such a big baby. Keep that thing if you want, but please let me bring my own pillowcase and duvet cover here so I won’t have to see nightmares.”
“Y-you’re already considering bringing your stuff here?” Ed asked, this time actually surprised.
“We agreed to be a couple, didn’t we?” Winry asked pointedly. “Couples visit each other sometimes. So yeah, I’m just meaning my visits. I’m not planning to move here any time soon. I have my career and friends in Rush Valley.”
“Right. Of course. Sorry.”
“You don’t have to be.” Winry softened, covering his cheek with her warm hand. “I know you don’t just magically get over your fear of commitment even if we did agree to do this. I… should also be better at remembering to not push it.”
“You’re pretty wonderful,” Ed gave her a gentle smile, very different from his usual one that went from ear to ear and often implied mischief.
“Thanks. I’m trying my best,” Winry said happily and continued taking in the rest of Ed’s apartment.
“I have to say, I’m surprised it’s this clean here. I expected a huge mess. You know, based on your hotel room and stuff.”
“Nah, it’s only because Al was staying here before the Olympics. Don’t get too used to this.”
“I’ll try to remember to thank him the next time we see him,” Winry noted. “Hey, is it OK if I use the shower? I’m feeling quite gross after that flight.”
“Yeah, go ahead. There are clean towels in that closet there if you need any.” Ed showed her the right door.
“Thanks,” Winry said before leaving her stuff in Ed’s room, grapping a towel and disappearing from his view.
Ed remembered the similar situation from a good week ago, when he and Winry had shared their first night together. Back then his thoughts had immediately gone to the dirty track, and he had secretly wished his leg wasn’t in a cast. But something had changed in such a short time. He understood now that what he felt towards Winry wasn’t purely physical attraction anymore. He respected her, admired her skills and personality and wanted her to be happy. Preferably with him, of course.
So while he still blushed fiercely at the thought of his naked girlfriend in the shower, he could focus on the more respectable details: the content smile on her face as the warm water eased the stiffness of her muscles after a long flight, the way she hummed happily one of her favorite songs while she rinsed off the soap (not that he’d admit ever hearing her humming).
Ed started taking in his surroundings, and something caught his eyes: a picture of his family, all together before his mother had fallen ill. For a long while Ed had hated that picture because it reminded him of what he could never have, what he so deeply wanted; a full family. But suddenly his parents’ looks towards each other caught his attention; their smiles told him they must have loved each other a lot. Briefly, he wondered if he and Winry could achieve that…
Love was something Ed understood only vaguely. Apparently, when you’re in love, your brain produces certain chemicals that makes you act like an idiot (or that’s what it sounded like in Ed’s opinion). Thinking back to his recent behavior, he certainly had acted quite weirdly (even more than usual, Al’s voice said in his head). He was blushing and stuttering and sometimes even sweating for no good reason, and he wanted to do things he had never wanted to do before (simply kissing had felt a bit absurd in his head). In Ed’s opinion, it was against all the chemistry rules he had learned so far. How could simply being with another person make your brain go drugged? But now that he was falling into that “trap”, he supposed not every reaction had to make sense. If being with Winry made him feel this happy, then to hell with equivalent exchange.
Was he ready to use the big and scary L-word yet? He was worried he would freak out both her and himself if he said it out loud (after all, it had only been 3 weeks since they were reunited), but he wished his actions were clear enough that she knew how he felt even without saying it. Winry had already been honest about her feelings and he felt he owed her for it…  
Suddenly Ed remembered his letter. After Winry had asked for the break before her competition, Ed had decided to write down some of his thoughts to clear his mind, and wrote a letter for Winry that he however had never intended to give her. But with them leaving to their separate ways tomorrow, he thought that maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad thing after all. He hopped to his suitcase that was yet to be unpacked and found the slightly worn piece of paper from one of its pockets. He added a couple of lines at the end of the letter before he heard the shower turning off, making him push the paper into his pocket. Soon Winry stepped out with only a towel around her, a smaller one around her wet hair. She sneaked behind Ed and wrapped her arms around his torso before leaning her head against his shoulder blade.
“That felt nice,” she mumbled. “You should probably take a shower too, though… You smell like sweat.” She let go of Ed and started drying her hair with the towel.
“Hey, it’s just my masculine scent!” Ed tried to protest but pulled his bandage protector and a folding shower chair that he had gotten from Drachma from his luggage and focused on getting the protector on. When he got up, he noticed Winry was sporting a silk robe she had gotten from Xing, only underwear under it. He may he already seen her nearly naked, but that didn’t stop his mouth from going dry as the robe didn’t really leave too much room for his imagination.
“You’re staring,” Winry pointed out suddenly, not knowing how she should react to the fact that her form seemed to cause quite some interest in her partner.
“Can you blame me? You are hot as… OK, let me rephrase that: I am one lucky bastard to have a girlfriend like you.”
“You hockey players are so cheesy,” Winry said as she ran a finger on his cheek briefly. From her expression, though, Ed read that she was actually quite pleased by the compliment.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’mma take that shower now.”  He hopped into the bathroom with the chair in his hand.
Once he came out clean and refreshed some minutes later, he found Winry watching the picture of his family curiously.
“Why are you looking at it?” he asked.
“I’m just… trying to remember what it was like when we both still lived in Resembool,” Winry answered dreamily. “Do I remember correctly that you used to walk with stilts a lot? Because I was nagging about you being shorter than me.”
“I was not shorter than you!” Ed protested immediately.
“You were too!”
“Was not!”
“OK, let’s finish this before it stops being fun. I also remember your mum baking a lot of delicious pies, and my favorite part of hanging out at your house was always when she called us to get inside to taste them.”
“Yeah… it was nice,” Ed admitted, although there was a hint of sadness in his voice.
Winry sensed the change in his energy right away. “I’m sorry, you probably don’t want to talk about… I mean, it must be super painful to you… I should know.”
“Yeah. Don’t worry about it. I’m sorry because I sometimes forget how much you have gone through too because you are so positive and helpful and energetic most of the time.”
“I… I don’t know how I do it sometimes. Maybe I’ve gotten good at putting on a smile even when I hurt. But I’m lucky to have such supportive people around me. It’s you guys who keep me going.”
She turned embrace him and placed a soft kiss on his jaw. Ed’s face heated again when he felt the silk against his bare skin and remembered she was wearing very little under it. He had to take the situation in control before something else would happen, so he broke the hug and tried to change the topic.
“So… Would you like to see more photos? I have some from our old house. Haven’t really looked at them since we moved out, but… who knows? Maybe you are in some of them too?”
“Are you OK with that, though?” Winry asked, trying to read his expression. What if the photos triggered some bad memories in him?
“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. Maybe it’s time for me to face the past…”
“In that case, we can do it,” Winry accepted and soon Ed pulled a photo album from one of the drawers.
They sat down on the couch and started flipping through the pages. On one of the first pages, there was a picture from Ed’s fourth birthday party, and Ed recognized a familiar blonde-haired girl among the guests.
“That’s you! I can’t believe I didn’t remember…”
“You didn’t remember me when we first met at the Olympics, right? Well, we were really small back then…”
“True… Woah, look at this! Did you… did you just throw that piece of cake on my face? What did I do to deserve that?” Ed asked, faking offended.
“You were probably the same brat as usual…” Winry said with amusement. “We had played the donkey’s tail game and you were bragging because you managed to get the tail closest to its rightful spot… because you peeked. I couldn’t accept that.”
“Sounds like something I would do,” Ed laughed and turned the page. Suddenly he exhaled sharply, and Winry didn’t have to look at the photo too long to understand why. In it, Ed was around 15 years old, and he was smiling widely at a little girl playing with her big white dog. Winry guessed Al must have taken that pic when visiting Ed, because she doubted Ed would have saved anything that Tucker took.
“That’s her, right?” Winry asked, and instinctively took Ed’s hand into hers, to comfort him.
“Yeah, she is…”
“If you want to… I would like to know more about her. Some happy memories?” Winry thought that maybe remembering the happy times could help Ed to get over the guilt he still seemed to carry.
“Well…” Ed seemed to consider it for a moment. “When it was her 4th birthday, her biggest wish was to get a birthday cake. With a bastard father like that, and mother gone, it was no wonder she hadn’t ever gotten to eat birthday cake before that. Since I had no games that day, I had plenty of time in my hands and decided to make her wish come true. Yeah, you probably guessed right that I hadn’t ever baked before that. But I decided to take it like a chemical experiment, and weirdly enough, it became edible. When Nina saw the cake, her expression… it was the happiest I had ever seen on her face. She came to me, hugged me and said: “Thank you, big brother.” It was the first time she called me that. This picture was taken that day, Al came to help us eat the cake too and he had a camera with him. I didn’t expect that picture to… I mean, Al must have put it there.” He continued to stare at the living room wall with a blank expression.
“That was very sweet of you. You look happy in that photo,” Winry noted calmly to drag Ed from his thoughts. “You must have really cared about her a lot…”
“Yeah… Ugh, dammit!” He slammed his fist on the couch suddenly. “Even now when I see this… it makes me so fucking angry… It makes me wish there was something I could do, but…”
“Hey, what if I told you maybe there IS something you can do for her?” Ed threw Winry a suspicious look, so she continued: “I mean, I know they both are long gone, but… I’ve been thinking… we can still help to prevent other kids from suffering the same kind of fate.”
“How?” Ed asked curiously.
“Well, I was thinking of giving some of my prize money to this organization that helps kids of abusive parents… They search for kids who might be in need of help, offer therapy and just talking company, a safe place to be… and so on… What do you think?”
“I think that sounds amazing… So, can I ask you how much exactly you are planning to give away?”
“Well…” she blushed. “Most of it… I mean, it’s not like I need…”
That was all she managed to say before he crashed his lips against hers. This kiss was more passionate than any of the ones they had shared before that, stirring a brand-new feeling inside them. At some point the album fell on the floor because the couple’s attention was elsewhere. They leaned against the arm of the couch, Winry sitting between Ed’s legs trying to avoid touching the cast, her upper body pressed against his. As Ed deepened the kiss, his hands started traveling on her robe, going from the waist towards her chest. Before reaching her breasts, he stopped to meet her gaze.
“Yes, Ed, you can touch them,” Winry confirmed even though Ed hadn’t voiced the question. She raised herself from her spot to give him a better access.
At first he just felt them through the fabric, but the small gasp Winry made encouraged him to inch his fingers under the garment. He seemed a little too proud of himself when he noticed how much Winry seemed to enjoy the automail hand, but suddenly he stopped and put his hands down.
“Not this chivalry again,” Winry sighed. “Do you trust me?”
“I do.”
“Then how about you let me take the charge? We don’t have to go all the way, but a little exploration won’t hurt, right?”
The eagerness from before returned to Ed’s face. “You’re right.”
Winry stood up from the couch and offered her hand to him. “Should we go to continue in your bedroom? This couch is kinda small and uncomfy…”
Ed agreed, letting her help him up. She gave him his crutches, and he hopped into the bedroom after her.
They didn’t sleep for quite a while.
The next day, Winry, Ed, Paninya and Rosé all gathered to the Central Station, where the train to Rush Valley was waiting for the figure skaters. Ed was planning to travel to Resembool once he had gotten his leg rechecked at the Central hospital. Paninya and Rosé were already looking forward to the next Grand Prix that would be held in North City, Amestris in a few weeks and they wondered if Garfiel would give them any time to recover from the jet lag before they would be forced to return to the ice. Winry just shook her head at their attitude; while she admitted she was pretty tired too (the reason for which was probably something entirely different than jet lag, though. She blushed as remembered what had happened last night. They hadn’t gone “all the way”, but their physical relationship had still taken a step forward), she was also excited to return back to the regular life, with the familiar people and tasks around her.
Suddenly, she felt Ed tap a finger against her arm and saw him nod to the side, trying to tell her he wanted to say something without the others listening.
However, the words seemed to have a hard time coming out. Ed just stared at his feet for a long while, so Winry finally decided to break the silence:
“I know I’m not your mechanic yet but remember to take care of your arm! It frustrates me to no end when people don’t…”
“Automail geek… just listen to what I have to say, OK?”
“Ugh, Ed, I’m listening the whole time, it’s you who doesn’t say what’s on your mind…”
Ed shifted in his spot uncomfortably. “You’re not making this easy, are you?”
“When have I ever done that?” Winry asked sarcastically.
“I wrote you a letter,” Ed pushed an envelope into her hand, ignoring her question. “I didn’t know if I should give it to you or not, but… I think it might open my mindset during… this all… a bit. I wrote it before your competition. But I also added something new into it.”
“Oh… thank you…” Winry started opening the letter, but Ed stopped her.
“No, not now. On the train. Or whenever you have a peaceful moment.” Ed glanced at Winry’s two friends briefly. They had started gossiping about Garfiel’s new boyfriend and if Ed had to guess, that chatting wouldn’t end in quite a while.
“OK. Will do.” Winry put the letter into her bag , wondering what exactly Ed told in that letter that he couldn’t say aloud…
It was quiet again for a while. Suddenly Winry realized she hadn’t told Ed about her plan yet.
“You know, I’ve been thinking.”
“My parents, they always put helping other people ahead of anything else. I want to do the same. That’s why I’m thinking I’m taking sort of a break from figure skating once this season is finished.”
“What? But I thought you love skating?” Ed asked with disbelief.
“I do!”
“What about all those people who come to see figure skating shows because they want to see you?”
“Just because I want to have a break from competing, doesn’t mean I’ll completely stop skating,” Winry pointed out. “No, I’ll still make sure to stay fit, and if someone asks me to take part in their exhibition, I might do it if it fits my schedule. There’s also a good chance I will continue competing after that year is over, only time will tell. But after hearing your story, I feel I want to do something more than just performing. I want to learn to make the best automail there is, to help the people who need them to smile again. Besides… Since I won’t have to travel that much… Maybe I can visit Central City more often.”
“I won’t complain about that.” Ed grinned.
“So… what do you think of my plan?” Winry asked cautiously.
“I think if that’s what you want to do, then I think it’s great!” Ed reassured her.
“Thank you.” Winry gave him a relieved smile.
“Now that we are on the topic… I have some plans too.” Ed noted suddenly.
“Oh? Tell me more.”
Ed started explaining his plan, and Winry had to brush a few tears away when she understood what the plan meant for him.
“So… will you be a part of it?” Ed asked finally.
“Gladly,” she answered before burying her face into his collar, smelling the earthy scent that she would sure miss while they were apart from each other.
It was so comfortable in that spot that Winry didn’t want to move for a while, until she heard Paninya and Rosé talking about the train leaving soon. She disentangled herself from Ed and took a few steps back so she could look at him in the eyes.
“I guess this is it…”
“I guess so…”
“Uh… you know… I had an amazing time at the Olympics… lots of it thanks to you… I know your tournament was a…”
“Disaster,” Ed helped. “No need to deny it.”
“But I selfishly hope I managed to make you feel a bit better.”
“You did. More than you know. And you taught me something important. I explain it in that letter.”
“Ok,” Winry said quietly, on the verge of tears again. “I’ll… I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too. But hey, didn’t someone say phones exist? I think I managed to figure out how to use it… Maybe.” Ed gave her a crooked grin, trying to comfort her.
That was all that was said before Winry closed the space between them again and pressed a soft kiss on his lips. It was entirely different from the kiss the previous night, which had been needy and passionate. Instead, with the kiss she was trying to tell him how happy she was to have met him. With the way he reciprocated, she realized he was probably trying to tell her the same thing. When she tried to pull away, he grabbed her arm, making her stop in her spot.
“Thanks. For everything. Let’s not say goodbye, let’s say ‘I’ll see you soon’ instead.”
“That does sound better,” Winry agreed and started fiddling with her bag to find her wallet. When she finally found it, she let out a small yelp.
“What’s wrong?” Ed asked.
“I think… I think I forgot to get cash before coming here… I was so sure I had some… How will I get my ticket now? They only accept cash…”
“I may have some…” Ed said slyly as he withdrew his wallet from his pocket. “But you will have to pay me back one day. Actually, I’m gonna make you buy me a ticket to Rush Valley at some point.”
“Huh?” Winry stared at him with confusion for a moment before she realized it was his way to promise her he’d visit her soon enough. “Oh! Right. You and your equivalent exchange…” she pretended to be annoyed as she accepted the money, even though she was happy to buy him that ticket. “Thank you. I really need to go now, though, so… see you soon.” She gave him one last kiss on his cheek before climbing into the train and turning to wave at him.
“See you!”
Ed was already about to leave the platform when he saw Winry looking at him from the window, and some weird urge made him yell: “Don’t you forget that promise! And read that letter!”
Winry just waved at him until the train started moving, and soon she didn’t see him again. She pulled the piece of paper from her bag and started reading.
“… I could continue longer, but Al is waiting, so I should stop writing. Just know that somehow, you have managed to break my shell even though I’ve tried to rebuild it so hard. But I’m not gonna do that anymore. It’s still too early, and besides, you need to focus on your competition, but one day, I hope I’ll be able to be brave enough to tell you this: I’m falling for you too.
Edited 23.3.: I realized I never said those words back to you, so here we go. You deserve them. And more.
To quote Mr. Magpie: “It’s funny how sometimes you have to fly away, so you can find your real home.” I think you know what I mean there.”
Winry pulled her phone from her bag quickly, and typed:
“I do know.
A/N: Here we are! What is Ed’s plan though? Find out in the epilogue!
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sandersidess · 6 years
Antique Loving (WIP)
So this is Royality (background Analogical) that I was working on and I just never finished. I hope to finish it, but I hope you enjoy this.  So enjoy this and hope you enjoy! This is just pure fluff, that I can’t even write angst on.  Words (so far): 2,023
Virgil and Logan sat in Virgil’s dorm room as they looked through the pictures they took of their friends, being all sappy and antique on communicating their love.
“Oh! Roman made sure these flowers had a meaning,” Virgil chuckled and showed Logan the picture of Roman in the flower shop, “He was getting so demanding with the poor employee.”
Logan laughed and pulled out his phone, scrolling through his pictures and found one of Patton, “See this? Patton wanted to choose the perfect dress to go see Roman, and it took us hours before we even left. The dressing room was a mess.”
“Where were they going?” Virgil chuckled, looking at the picture, “That was a cute dress.”
“They were just going to get lunch off campus the next day,” Logan says, Virgil laughing and shaking his head, “Right?! He would have looked fine in just a skirt or jeans and a striped t-shirt, but he insisted on a dress!”
“They are hopeless romantics,” Virgil pointed out.
“They really are,” Logan smiles, both going through their pictures.
Roman walked into his dorm and threw himself on Virgil’s bed, grinning like a fool, even after startling Virgil and having his papers being sat on.
“What the hell man?!” Virgil yelled at him, shoving him off his bed, gathering his papers, “This is my homework!”
“Whatever, I need your help,” Roman waved his hand and kept grinning, “I might out romance Patton this time.”
“What do you mean?” Virgil asked, setting his papers aside and looked at Roman, “Are you two still doing that weird thing?”
“Since we both met that first day in psychology,” Roman laughs and sighs happily, “I just love him so much.”
“Yet, you two have yet to date,” Virgil rolls his eyes, “How can you love him?”
“It’s love at first sight!” Roman says excitedly, standing up and looked at Virgil, “I just know it! Besides, I know he’s the one that drops items off outside our dorm room. I just need to out romance him.”
“How will you do that?” Virgil asks, thinking this was all ridiculous, but he also found it adorable in a way.
“By doing old-school charming,” Roman says, going to his desk and grabs a notebook out, “I want to serenade to him this one Spanish song, but I’m saving that for later. But, I want to do poems, sending flowers, sending chocolates, just do old school! Letters on his door! Think about it, Virgil!”
“You really want to out romance this guy,” Virgil grins, shaking his head, “Well, I can help you with some of those things if you’d like, as long as I don’t have to interact with anyone.”
“Really? You’d do that?” Roman gasps, wanting to hug Virgil but held himself back, “You’re the most amazing friend and roommate ever!”
“Yeah, and it’d let me get some peace here,” Virgil laughs at how offended Roman looks, “Okay, how about we do flowers first? Those are really common, but to do it antique charming, we must leave it at their door with a note. Or have someone deliver it.”
Patton frowned at the knock on his door, looking over at Logan. Logan looked equally as confused at their room being knocked on. Patton got up and answered the door, raising an eyebrow as he saw their Resident Assistant standing there with a vase of flowers.
“Hey Patton, sorry to bother, but this came for you,” He says and chuckles, “You must have an admirer.”
“Oh wow!” Patton giggles and takes the vase, nodding at him, “Thank you, Dave. I wonder who it’s from.”
Once Dave leaves, Patton closes the door and sets the flowers down on his shelf. He smiles at the varieties of flowers, sniffing some of them.
“Who are they from?” Logan asks, getting up and walked over to Patton.
“Seems like they’re from Roman,” Patton blushes as he picks up the card between the flowers, Roman having written his name in calligraphy.
“That guy who acts like a prince and prep?” Logan chuckles and looks at the flowers, “He picked some really nice ones. Each one has a different meaning.”
“They do. He even wrote them down with a drawing next to them,” Patton whispers, reading the letter and smiled softly, “This is so old school.”
“Sometimes old school is the best,” Logan grins and goes back to his bed.
“Yeah, it is,” Patton whispers, smiling at the flowers and held the letter close.
Roman groaned as he threw away another piece of paper, which landed on Virgil’s side. Virgil raised an eyebrow and picked it up, throwing it at his head, which caught Roman’s attention.
“What is wrong with you?” Virgil asked, looking slightly worried.
“This outline for my research paper is all wrong! I got it approved, but I hate how the outline is coming out!” Roman groaned, slamming his head on his desk.
Virgil flinched at the noise and was about to answer, but there was a knock at the door. He frowned and got up, answering the door and saw no one. He looked around and saw a paper taped to their door, a chocolate Kiss there also. He took it off and walked over to Roman, handing him the chocolate and paper.
“I’m sure this is from Patton,” Virgil smirked, watching how Roman got up quickly excitedly and started reading the paper.
If cartoon hearts could surround a person in real life, then Roman would have many around him, all shining and beating fast. Roman stared at the letter as if it was a piece of gold and hanged it up on his wall, near his bed to read every morning.
“It is only November and you are already head over heels this guy. You really do love him,” Virgil chuckles, rolling his eyes.
“You bet I do!” Roman grinned, getting his spark back, “Now, I need to plan what present I will get him before we all go home for the break.”
“Well, you better hurry. Finals are soon and you won’t have much time,” Virgil pointed out and sighed, “I wonder how crazy you will go Valentine’s Day.”
“How dare you not know my eccentric ways?” Roman gasped, placing a hand over his heart while Virgil just laughed.
“Finish your paper, lover boy! I am not tolerating your 2-am-Redbull-infused self,” Virgil said, going back to work.
“Fine! But don’t call Logan again at 3 a.m.,” Roman sighed and sat down, “I do need my sleep and your conspiracies talk scare me. Also, when do you plan to confess?”
Roman smirked as Virgil’s pale complexion soon turned beet red in less than a second, stuttering out an excuse and just rambled. It ended with Virgil throwing his pillows at him, along with his cup.
Patton pouts as the weather didn’t allow him to wear skirts or shorts, being the first week of finals and it was crazy cold. He sighs and puts on his jacket and favorite boots, looking over at Logan who was finishing his packing.
“Have you decided what to get Virgil?” Patton asked, giggling as Logan blushed and stuttered, “You two are flustered gays.”
“Oh yeah? What about you and Roman?” Logan asked and smirked as it was Patton’s turn to blush.
“Not sure yet,” Patton shrugs and looks at the box on his bed, “I did get his present, and luckily our last final is at the same time! So, I’ll give him his present then. Can we go shopping later today? I need to at least look good on my last day with him.”
“You know it’ll only be a month away, right?” Logan chuckles and smiles, “But sure, I’ll take you. The outlet mall, correct?”
“Yes! Thank you, Logan!” Patton giggles and kisses his cheek, “I know I’ll win this round. There is no way he can beat me.”
“I’m sure of that Patton,” Logan rolls his eyes, having him go on his way for his first final.
After Patton left his final, which he left around 3:37 p.m., he sighed happily as he sat on the bus back to his dorm. He texted Logan quickly, who had been finished since eleven in the morning, Once he got off the bus, he saw Logan waiting nearby with his car. Patton smiled and ran over quickly, dropping his bag in the back seat and smiled at Logan.
“Ready?” Logan asked, starting his car and driving out of the unauthorized zone.
“Yeah! Let’s go before it gets full,” Patton smiled and counted his money, making sure he had the right amount, “Can we also stop by Cane’s on the way back? Oh, and we also need trash bags.”
“We’ll stop by Target then. Also, a card was left on our door. It’s for you,” Logan smirked, driving off campus and to the outlets.
Patton took it from his hand once handed to him and opened it quickly, revealing what was a drawing of him and a poem in Spanish. He did not understand a word from it, Logan would help translate it, but he was loving it as he read it:
Si nadie sabe ni por qué reímos ni por qué lloramos ; si nadie sabe ni por qué vivimos ni por qué nos vamos; si en un mar de tinieblas nos movemos, si todo es noche en derredor y arcano, ¡A lo menos, amemos! ¡Quizá no sea en vano!
Patton smiled warmly at the poem, along with the drawing of him from what seemed to be last week’s clothes. A pair of leggings, with a tan sweater and a grey scarf.
“He memorized what I wore last week,” Patton said in an awed tone, looking at Logan to what seemed to be heart eyes.
“You two are disgustingly sweet to each other,” Logan pointed out, shaking his head.
“You will be too with Virgil,” Patton giggled, “Soon, don’t worry.”
Logan was a blushing and incoherent mess from the comment, keeping his mouth shut and turning up the music. Patton sighed happily, holding it close to his chest. They soon got to the outlet mall, Patton sprinting out quickly before Logan even set the car in park. He decided to go to Agaci first, seeing as he got some of his clothes from there. However, there was none of his taste the moment he walked in and just left.
Patton turned around and blushed a bright red, not from the cold and running, but from seeing Roman walking over with his friend and roommate, Virgil.
“Oh my god,” Patton whispered to himself, hiding his face with his beanie.
“What are you doing here?” Roman asked, his voice sounding so smooth and rich to Patton.
“I um...you know…” Patton gave a nervous laugh and saw Logan running over, “I’m here with Logan! Yeah, he needed some pants and I came to help! Yeah, yeah that’s why-why I am here,” Patton swallowed thickly at the end and looked at Logan.
“Oh well, that’s nice,” Roman grinned at him, Virgil in the background taking pictures.
“Yeah…” Patton nodded and cleared his throat, “We should get going. I’ll see you on Friday for the final or not since you know-we and I-you-I’ll see you!” Patton left quickly and dragged Logan along with him.
“That was the most awkward conversation you have ever had,” Logan pointed out,  holding back a laugh.
“Oh shut it,” Patton huffed, “He caught me off guard.”
“Let’s go to Forever 21, I could use some new pants,” Logan said, laughing as Patton huffed and marched away from him, “Pat! Wait!”
Roman huffed as the weather was just getting colder, and it was snowing now for the first time in so many years. He thought it was pretty romantic, seeing as it was the last day of finals and he was leaving soon before it got worse. Patton was about to get out of his last final, and they agreed to meet at Patton’s dorm since it was in the middle of the campus.
Roman looked around, holding the present he was going to give to Patton.
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disruptedvice · 6 years
ABC (easy as 123)
Starmora highschool au For @ephemeralcontinuum
Summary: “I still don’t see how you two ever became a thing,” Her friend commented, referring to Gamora’s boyfriend on defense. He makes me smile, was the first thought Gamora had. “He’s quite… persistent,” is what she actually said, with a begrudging fondness.
AO3 link _________________ ABC (easy as 123) _________________
November meant soccer. It also meant that it was finally starting to get cold enough for Gamora to start wearing a jacket when she hung around after school and waited for Peter’s practice to end. It was a habit she started back when they were nothing more than friends- he was always in practice for some sport year round, depending on the season. She was never a team player, but sticking around for his practices gave her an excuse to stay after school instead of heading home. Then it became a habit. She liked the solitude too- it was centering, sitting alone on the bleachers or benches off to the side of whatever field of that particular sport season.
Gamora wasn’t alone that afternoon though. She found she didn’t mind.
Gen was the only other girl in school who had hair dyed an unnatural color- blue bangs- and with Gamora’s pink tips it was like they were destined to get along. Was there such thing as solidarity in hair color?
Even though they’d been in the same art class since the beginning of that year, they didn’t really end up talking until getting partnered up on a project recently. This was the first day she invited Gen to come with her as she started walking out to the sports field after the school bell rang. Much to her surprise, she accepted, and it was actually kinda fun just hanging out and talking on the bleachers for the past half hour.
Okay, not just kinda. It was nice, and Gamora was having fun. They both were. And Gamora was actually snorting with laughter as Gen tried to extrapolate the meaning of the horrendous pattern on the goalie’s uniform that was like a psychedelic trip mixed with a kaleidoscope that was trying way too hard to get attention.
“I still don’t see how you two ever became a thing,” Gen commented, referring to Gamora’s boyfriend on defense. Who she could hear whining from here for being whistled and shouted at for being offsides.
He makes me smile, was the first thought Gamora had.
“He’s quite… persistent,” is what she actually said, with a begrudging fondness.
Her friend raised an eyebrow. “So what? He just annoyed you into going out with him? That doesn’t explain why you two are still together.”
It was no use pretending Peter wasn’t what one would call popular. Everyone knew him, or at least knew of him. Gamora was used to it. Hell, she remembered whenever she used to be infamous on her own and labelled a loner before the gang got together. She also remembered how worried the teachers seemed to be whenever she, Rocket, Groot, Drax, and Peter really became a posse. It just seemed like a bad idea when five troublemakers became a group of friends. Though Peter was more mischief maker than troublemaker (you couldn’t say the same for the rest of them). He was the class clown who got in trouble for goofing off, but had typical well-adjusted highschool student activities too. Like sports. Participation.
And he turned out to be a good leader. There was a reason he was usually voted team captain for all the sports teams he was on (though he definitely didn’t act like it during practice). And he turned out to be a surprisingly good influence on the rest of their friends, Gamora included.
“No, he just has this way of worming his way into your heart, whether you want him to or not,” she tried to explain. “Whether or not you give him permission to make you start caring about him. But it’s… He starts caring about you first, and you just can’t help but care about him in return. Or something like that. I don’t know how it happened either. Damn him for being so cute and lovable. It’s his fault. He just worms himself into your heart, and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it.” Yeah, that was it, shift all the blame on Peter. It was better that anyone thinks the sentiment was his fault, instead of Gamora being Sappy. Or… ugh… romantic. He must be rubbing off on her- she swore she wasn’t this sappy before she met him. No way.
“Weren’t you worried about his, you know, reputation at first? The love ‘em and leave ‘em Peter Quill who’d never been with the same girl longer than a week, and had a new notch in his bedpost like every other night?” Gen asked, not bothering to beat around any bushes. This was something that Gamora appreciated about her personality. “You’re the last person I’d ever expect to end up with a guy like him, Gamora. Now it doesn’t seem like a big deal since you’ve been together- how long?”
“A year as of July,” Gamora supplied.
“Right. Now it doesn’t seem like a big deal, but you didn’t know that when you first started going out. Weren’t you, I dunno, worried?”
She shrugged in response. “Not especially. He pursued me for a year before we went on our first date. Not like, hounding me. I would’ve cracked his jaw open for that. It’s like I was saying about the whole genuinely caring thing he does. I always knew I was something more to him. He’s got the whole puppy dog heart on his sleeve thing, and it’s disgustingly endearing.” She paused then, to recollect particulars- besides, she had time to kill. Why not tell the whole story? A truncated version, of course.  
“We almost kissed the week we met, but then I threatened him with physical violence if he ever tried to pull something like that with me. A kiss. So he didn’t. He just became my annoying best friend after that, somehow. And we just got closer and closer. All the while, Peter Quill, big man on campus, stopped hooking up at parties like he used to have a reputation for doing once we started hanging out. Started being friends.” Once they all started being friends, really. Once the group got together. Peter always said they should come up with a name, she recalled fondly. Drax thought it was a great idea (he always thinks it’s a great idea whenever Quill brings up that long argued over point). Rocket threatened to ‘quit’ if he ever even tried to give them a team name.
“He’s told me since that he already started… developing feelings for me by the end of the month we met,” she continued. “And whenever he had feelings for me, he didn’t want to be with anyone else, even superficially, at all. So no, I wasn’t worried. He was horribly honest about all of it, too. I always knew how much I meant to him.”
“How’d you guys meet anyway? You run in totally different circles.”
“Detention,” Gamora answered easily, and Gen laughed.
“Okay, now that I buy.” _________________
“There’s a reason why Drax, Rocket, Groot, and I are such good friends now. Why our group of friends even exists. It’s because of Peter.” Gamora’s learned that sharing things about yourself is a way to make friends, and to solidify a budding friendship. She’s also since learned that it’s much easier to talk about Peter than herself. And waxing poetic about your boyfriend is a way of getting personal, in a friendship building way- so it’s a work around. Gen is probably the first friend she’s made in years, outside of their little group. It’s nice. Plus, Gamora’s also proud of her boyfriend, and she secretly liked bragging on him. Not that she would ever admit that.
“Now don’t tell him I said this, because his ego doesn’t need to get any bigger, but he’s the best person I know. He has a way of changing people, for the better. I think it’s that whole genuinely caring about other people that he has a habit of. The whole reason our little ‘posse’ is friends- it’s cause Peter reached out to us first. We were all in pretty bad places when we met him. And he reached out and stuck around and made you feel important because you were important, and this utterly ridiculous goofball of sunshine actually cared about the sad sack of shit you were, and gave a crap about you, when you’re not used to mattering to people at all. It… he’s infectious.”
“You make it sound like he’s some benevolent sort of superhero.”
“No, he’s just kind with a drive to help out other people, for whatever reason. And a keen sense of someone in trouble I guess. Not like spider sense sort of trouble, but… he has a good heart. I think he sees pain in other people, and wants to help them. I won’t speak for the rest of the group, but none of us come from very good… situations. Rocket likes to joke we’re the most fucked up kids in school, so of course we all became friends. I certainly wasn’t at a good place when we met. My parents died when I was a kid, and my adoptive family after them… let’s just say they weren’t healthy.  I think Peter was the first person who cared about me in years. So yes, he has a way of kicking down the door to your heart and announcing to make room cause he’s taking up permanent residence there.” _________________
“Gamora!” Peter shouted, waving his arms above his head as he jogged over to the bleachers. Like he was trying to get her attention or something. Even though he literally did this every practice. Every time he got a break, he’d run over to go bug the prettiest girl in the world (who he also happened to be dating). “My biggest fan!” He greeted with the widest smile on his face once he reached her.
“Try your only fan,” Gamora scoffed, rolling her eyes at him and their familiar banter that they always fell into so easily.
Peter gasped, his hand flying over his heart like she’d just shot him through it. “Oh, ouch!”
It only took two seconds for him to drop his mock offense though, his facade falling into his easy laughter that always made her want to laugh too. His cheeks were a bit pink from all the running and exertion, and with the happiest look on his face- Gamora just had to smile at how cute he was. She obviously wasn’t going to say so, not in front of her friend (she did have some respect for other people to not put on gag worthy sentimental displays like he was prone to), but she thought she may just have to tell him sometime later.
Speaking of friend.
Peter looked expectantly between the two girls, noticing how close they were sitting and how they were talking until just a moment ago. He raised his eyebrows, almost bouncing on his toes, and he was very clearly waiting for an introduction, but no one said anything. He didn’t seem surprised.
“So… let me guess,” he started excitedly, motioning to whoever was sitting next to his girlfriend. “This is… new friend from art class?” Peter phrased it as a question, but he was confident he nailed it.
Gamora’s friend raised her eyebrows, looking reasonably impressed.
“Gen,” Gamora corrected him.
Before he had any real time to chat, Peter was being called back over by the other guys on the team (who were shouting at him to get his butt back on the field and stop flirting, cause his teammates were so unoriginal).
So he gave Gamora a quick kiss on the cheek and said an even quicker goodbye to her friend before jogging back onto the field, prepared for the ribbing he was definitely going to get from them before they got back into the game. It was a rather short break, apparently.
Meanwhile, Gen looked at Gamora, awaiting an explanation. They’d really only met last week, and them hanging out right now wasn’t planned in advance, so Gen was curious as to how Peter knew who she was.
“I told him about you one time,” Gamora sighed in answer to the unasked question. “And I’m pretty sure my exact words were ‘I met someone in art who’s as big of an asshole as I am.’”
“A boy who listens to you?” Gen waggled her eyebrows with a knowing smile. “You’d better hold onto that one.”
“Trust me, I don’t plan on letting go of him anytime soon.” _________________
“Though for real, that was some deep shit,” Gen told her, meaning it as a sincere compliment. “All reflective and introspective. Seriously, Gamora, you sound way too mature, especially when talking about that ridiculous goofball, as you like to call him. I swear, you could submit what you just said to some sort of writing competition and win, like, everything. You’d be so good at angsty poetry. I'm not even kidding, what you just said sounded really good, and beautiful, honestly. But you should maybe take out all the curse words before submitting it to something. Did you just come up with that off the top of your head? Cause that was deep.”
Gamora shrugged. “Peter comes up a lot in my mandated therapy sessions. I still have to go to them every week, even though I haven't been in a fight at school in over a year now. I of course spend a lot of time with my boyfriend, so I end up talking about him whenever I have to talk about what my week was like, every week. You realize a couple things with forced reflection.”
“Man, I wish I had known you back when you got into fist fights,” Gen said almost wistfully. “I only got to hear about them afterward when everyone was talking about how you beat someone up at lunch. I thought you were the coolest girl in school when I heard those stories. I mean, good on you for not punching anybody lately. I just kinda wish I had gotten to see Michael Crichton cry. Dude’s an asshole. Even a bigger asshole than the two of us,” Gen elbowed her with a smile, and Gamora had to laugh.
Yes, she was glad to have found a friend with the same asshole sense of humor she did.
“He still won’t look me in the eyes in the hallway,” Gamora stated proudly.
At that, Gen held up her hand for a high five, and Gamora gave it to her.
“You are my hero, man,” Gen grinned. “I heard you got suspension for that, right?”
“Mhmm. Three days,” she confirmed.
“Well, on behalf of all the girls who’ve had to put up with him for two years, thank you for taking one for the team and decking him in the face. That day was the last time he cat called anybody. He’s too afraid you’ll hear him and punch him again,” Gen snickered.
Yes, Gamora had a feeling this was the start to a beautiful friendship.
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wildevvitch · 6 years
{para. rubble or sin}
Who: Kitty, and her bloodline friends, Zoe Argo, Dakota Starr, and Sariah Vye.  When: Thursday, July 5th, 2018 Where: Notos Towers, NYADA What: Kitty catches up with her friends low on the bloodline rung and gets a hold of some nasty rumors about the higher ups... Warnings: Kitty and her friends warning lollll. Slurs, homophobia, racism.
“Is Hunter Clarington gay or what.” Zoe Argo said over her milkshake. The three bloodline girls stopped reaching for the one bowl of fries on the table before two of them burst into laughter. Kitty had been hanging out with her friends, witches from bloodlines which were up and coming. They were hungry for fame like Kitty was. All of them had a sizable fortune and a large ego, and if trying to get in good graces with the big named bloodlines was a hobby, their favorite pastime was shitalking the very people they wanted to be. 
Dakota Starr shook her blonde hair out of her face as she laughed at Argo’s random statement. “He is so sucking down, if you girls know what I mean. Did you or did you not see Lineage.” As Starr was talking, she was eyeing Kitty. Typical Starr. The bitch was sizing Kitty up again. 
“No, like did you hear the rumors? Anderson and Clarington had a lover’s spat on tumblr. My sources say they were dating and broke up. How else are you going to account for Anderson’s gay tears.” Argo twirled her straw, plainly happy to be getting the attention from the girls as she said, “Did you see that video about this club called the Tops he was in with some newwie? Sorry, Kitty, I think you were barking up the wrong tree. Clarington was always a little...you know... queer?”
Argo and Starr giggled. Kitty put a cool smile on. It was plum like her lip stick. 
“That’s not juicy gossip, it’s baseless rumor. So Clarington denounced his affiliation with the Tops. It was run by some new age nobody anyway, good for him.” Kitty replied, checking her nails. “Puh-lease, Argo. Anderson is just some poor, tasteless, and perverted Catholic priest’s wet dream. It’s fact the choirboy gets strictly dickly with a filthy lusus. Clarington isn’t like that.” Kitty was trying to steer the conversation over to the gay, unattainable bloodline over the actually attainable trophy one. Kitty thought on her feet in her sexy heels and showed them Anderson’s disgustingly sappy blog. 
The girls all laughed meanly as they went through the blogs, mocking Anderson and his lame changeling boyfriend. Kitty drank her cold water, the sweat on the back of her neck cooling down. She avoided a disaster. Clarington was salvageable. ‘He had the baptism, he’ll come to his senses. Sister Quinn won’t be made fun of.’
Vye finally spoke after watching all of them curiously. Her hair was done in two braids. Kitty liked her a little. She was soft-spoken, dressed cute. “I’m worried about the missing posters than anything. Her family topped Lineage and now she’s missing? Do you think she got kidnapped?” She was twisting her braid in nervousness. Kitty’s mask felt like it was crumbling at the edges. ‘Bitch. Keep it together. Sister Quinn’s fine. Anderson is a dramatic bitch.’
“Kidnapped? What is this, another Motta story?” Starr laughed. Kitty laughed along but her eyes were narrowing, knowing Starr had more to say. “She head for the hills because rumor has it Clarington fucks Shedim.” 
“Oh my--Starr, you didn’t just say that!!” Argo shrieked. Vye blushed and covered her mouth. Kitty’s nails clacked against her glass.  
Starr, the haughty blonde, was on a roll. “Bitch, someone told me they have evidence of Clarington trying to get a Shedim to fuck him. If this is true, then the famous Fabgay rumor has got to be true too.”
Kitty inhaled harshly and slammed her hands on the table. “Shut the hell up, Starr! You act like you’re such a boss bitch. When actually in front of Quinn Fabray, you shrink like an old man’s dick. Sister Quinn is not a freaking lesbian, you’re the one who keeps bringing it up, so what? You flick the bean to her?”
Starr rose to her feet too, face close to Kitty’s as she bitch-glared back. “You’re getting too big for your grandma britches, Wilde. Did Fabgay let you suck on her tit? Why are you a raging dyke?” 
Vye and Argo shared a look, and Kitty saw it. The girls thought Kitty was a lesbian too, they didn’t have the courage to say it. Screw them all. 
“You should be careful who you’re talking to, Starr. Your bloodline is nothing. Say crap about the Fabrays or the Wildes again and I’ll show you your place.” Kitty was getting out of the booth, eager to shut Starr up. The bloodline witches could say anything they wanted about Kitty, but not Quinn. Not Sister Quinn.
Argo grabbed Starr’s arm to try to stop her, but the blonde yanked it away. Starr smirked at Kitty, laughing, “You are a lesbo, aren’t you? You and Quinn Fabrayaahhh!” Starr screamed when Kitty pushed her to the ground. Security pulled them off of each other.
Kitty got up, a side of her hair pulled off, and a bruise forming on her cheek. Starr fought like a rat. However Kitty was satisfied because Starr looked worse. 
“You freaking bitch! Duel me at Undique!” Starr threatened, limping off with Argo. Vye stayed behind and helped Kitty up.
“Any time! Put your magic where your mouth is, Starr! On some lowtier’s wang!” Kitty yelled back. Vye had an arm around Kitty’s waist, helping her back to Boreas. Kitty tried not to think how it felt nice.
“Are you ok?” Vye asked.
Kitty shrugged, looking away from Vye. She was too close. Kitty pouted. “Starr’s wrong, don’t listen to her. Quinn Fabray isn’t a lesbian.”
“That’s not what I asked.”
“...You don’t think I’m a dyke, do you?”
“No, Kitty. I don’t. Starr’s a bitch and says things she doesn’t mean when she’s mad. You know we love you, girl... I’m sorry for bringing up Quinn, it’s just these posters...” They passed another one. Missing. Quinn Fabray. Kitty gritted her teeth and wiped at her lips, smearing her purple lipstick on her hand. It looked like a bruise. She ran over to the poster and ripped the poster off. 
“Anderson. He’s ruining her. He’s making these dumb rumors and ruining everything she has worked for!” Kitty shouted hysterically. “He doesn’t have to live like her, or me! He doesn’t know the pain like us, and does this crap to show he cares? If he cared so damn much, he would stop butting in!” Kitty froze the poster in her hand. Vye held another hand to her mouth. 
“...There’s a lot more. It’s all over campus. Anderson is dedicated.” Vye shuffled her feet. “Do you want to take them down?” She asked Kitty.
Kitty stared at the poster with hatred. “We’ll take all of them down. Then I’ll get rid of the s o u r c e .”
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hyungkyun · 6 years
HENLO!!! this is ur actual bday present, not that Gross thing i sent earlier lol. again, do whatever u want with it!! u dont have to post it or anything. it’s just easier to submit stuff like this than to, idk, send u an email like a señora lol.
ok so im doing this in bullet point format bc the last time I wrote a coherent, well-written paragraph was like 5 years ago or smth. anyway!! since u hated soooo much my beautiful, amazing, unique goths au im going with the loser couple au… which was also a college au of sorts?? dskjhksjdf this isn’t even an au, since y’all are already losers tbh (^: this also got out of hand…. this shit is eight pages long. idk enjoy bithc.
first of all, ck the kind of dude everyone’s lowkey scared of bc he’s silent and serious af. also he does seem kind of a weirdo, tbh?
youve seen him around, maybe you’re in the same dorms but u have absolutely no idea what he’s majoring in :o and u ask around but no one has any idea either!! oh wow a mystery~~
BUT he’s kinda cute hmmm (^: and u probably find the weirdo vibe interesting
however it’s so hard to get to talk to him. u always run into him when you’re out with friends or in a hurry to get to class so :///
but destiny works in mysterious ways~~~ and once u meet it’s rly. so unexpected.
actually, it’s awful since u get locked out of ur dorm sound familiar?? during winter break, rly late at night after a long study session at the library yes, the library, fight me. so u kinda just. sit down miserably outside ur room, since ur roommates are gone, cursing everything and everyone. u will eventually go looking for someone to help u out or smth but right now u need to Whine.
but oh my!! enter mister im changkyun!!! that weirdo who actually lives a couple of doors away from u (how come you never found out wtf???)
he sees u basking in ur misery and actually. finds u rly cute??? bc you’re pouting, cursing a little under ur breath, fumbling with ur phone. but u also look angry as fuck, ready to kill a man??? and yet you’re really fucking cute what the hell!!!!
so he comes up to u and asks u what’s wrong, to which u answer not so nicely without even looking up from ur phone, bc you’re rly so done with this situation ://
but then u look up and u See who it is fuck fuck fuck fuckfucbicvufkhkcfj
but since ck’s Nice and he understands that u must be having an awful time (and also bc he thinks youre cute) he offers to help u. you’re kind of skeptical since he’s just another student, what could he do???
until he tells u he knows how to pick locks lmaoaoaoaoa. that lil weirdo (‘:
anyway he saves ur night. but since he’s an annoying lil shit he’ll tease u abt it every time he runs into u for the rest of winter break.
since that day y'all basiclly become an old, bickering, married couple fnsdjdj
u never stop annoying each other…. you’re wearing a hoodie? he’ll probably pull the hood all the way down until it covers ur eyes, and u get him back by messing up his hair which, by the way,is so soft….. hmmmm
u call each other nerd and loser and dumbass all the time lmao. he’ll constantly bring up the way u met just to jokingly say that you’d be lost without him :/// he rly is a lil shit.
it’s funny bc everyone figures out u are falling for each other… except u two. and i rly do mean everyone. ur friends. his friends. ur roommates. ur cat. the janitor, too, probably. it’s so obvious it hurts.
one time someone implies u would be a cute couple and y'all literally go all ‘no???? haha me??? liking that loser??? pfft not in a million years’
it’s the biggest lie, of course (: and ever since that person suggested u would look good together, both of u kind of realize it’d be… nice. more than nice. actually, super nice.
but since both of u are dumb tsunderes,  as ive said before, u will literally be the embodiment of this scene… except it goes both ways. honestly u are so gone for each other it’s GROSS.
but we need some angst up in here so y'all dont get together for a reaaaaaaally long time :/ smh. the pining is Real. ppl come and go in ur lives, and each person u go out with sees that u already fell for someone else—and that’s why all potential relationships don’t last much–, but sdjkfhksjdhk!!! neither of u want to openly admit it.
it’s A Mess bc u are actually good friends and u tell each other abt ur dates and stuff—secretly hoping the other will do something—but y'all looove being dumb so u act like it’s all cool and be like ‘o rly!! good for u, i hope it works out’. right. :/
y’all keep dancing around each other for several months until one Merciful Soul gets tired of ur shit and forces u to sort things out. im talking abt locking u up in some room and not letting u out until u stop pretending u aren’t disgustingly in love with each other. or smthequally cheesy (: u know ilove cheese
((obviously everyone eavesdrops through the door bc cmon, theyve been waiting for this for sooooo long))
at first u two are just annoyed at the Merciful Soul betchait was minhyuk, and u spend ur time yelling and cursing them for doing this (all while claiming that this is pointless, since u have NO feelings for each other. none. nada!)
after a very long time, it’s ck the one that confesses first lmao. youve been whining and being grumpy the whole time youve been locked up together and it kinda reminded him of the way u met… damn. here come The Feelings.
he’s tired, and there’s nothing left to lose. so he tells u The Truth.
[suspenseful pause….. what’s going to happen next?? :OOOOO]……… tune in next year to find out, in the continuation of Cristina’s Cheesy Birthday Present!!!
jk, proceed to the next bullet point pls.
obviously u tell him u feel the same way [insert ppl crying in the background] and he’s actually shocked when u say u like him back…. and gosh, he does look cute when he’s surprised…
so yeah!!! it’s until then that u FINALLY go on a date during the weekend!!. hallelujah. thanks minhyuk,u beautiful soul.
so!!! ok!! first date!!! a rly cute fairground in the evening!!!
u try to be fake mean to each other like u used to but everything feels different~~~ (^:
so instead y’all act bashful as hell, and blush at everything jjdfghjfhd. hands brushing accidentally?? BLUSH. eyes meeting? BLUSH. BLUSH BLUSH BLUSH!!! u also laugh at everything bc both of u are so nervous oh gmhg fdknjjkdsfjoidf this is gross.
he’ll tell bad jokes to make u laugh and they’re rly so so so bad that he actually keeps u in stitches. if u look rly closely you’ll see his huge ass heart eyes bc !!!! he made u laugh!!!! and u look so pretty when u laugh omg!!!! dis-gos-tinnnnn
it’d be such a cute date tbh im crying just thinking abt it (‘’’’: obviously he’s a gentleman and he lets u choose what to eat, which ride to go to first, etc. u could literally tell him ‘hey let’s just sit down and do nothing’ and he’d say yes. he’s so gONe, ifmgfjdmf.
he’s kinda quiet and a lot shier than u wouldve expected but youre literally melting bc that’s a new side to him that you’d never thought you’d see.
u end up having so much fun (‘: u gross lil idiots, u.
oh and he’s def the type to ask if he can kiss u at the end of the night EYYYYYY
even if u find that incredibly endearing you’ll probably roll ur eyes with a huge ass smile on urlips lmaoaoaoao and call him a dummy for even asking when you’ve literally be in cloud nine since ur date started kjkhwjeqdkwjlk  
[hello, brief break to clarify that from this point i forgot this was actually a college au lmao, so the rest of the bullet points are literally just. random facts abt u two dating hhhhhh. We dont even know what ck’s major is odjfngnfdj]  
at first things are a lil awkward in ur relationship tbh
catch ck googling ‘how to relationship’ on a daily basis dnfndkfjdncn he is sort of clueless abt how to handle The Feelings. mostly bc this is Important and the last thing he wants is to mess it up )^:
that goes away eventually, tho!! he’ll start being his weird little self real fucking soon, so Get Ready
u still call each other nerd and all that stuff, but ur voices are dripping with fondness when u say it… literally everyone around u gets cavities from it, ew.
he’s not that big on planning dates but from time to time he’ll take u to rly cool, unexpected, interesting places :o  and eventually he’ll show u his favorite secret spots ((’:
study dates are a thing. i bet he’s that type of person that enjoys reading in weird ass positions… his legs are like, halfway off the couch and his arm is bent in a way that looks almost painful… what the hell….?? but it’s fine (: it goes so well with ur study methods, those that are Too Weird for the library, yeah?? (:
he will also stare at u a lot bc u look cute when you’re rly focused on smth that is, when u stop  whining abtstudying…
every time u catch him doing that you’ll go all ‘stop staring at me!!! wtf are u looking at u weirdo’ and he’ll answer ‘you’re so pretty~~~ ♥️♥️♥️’. you’ll blush like a lil idiot, naturally (^: hmmmm
and yea, yea. nap dates are a thing too :/// with sleepy forehead kisses and raspy voices and tangled limbs. all that sappy stuff. he’s a lil shit tho, so he’ll sometimes poke ur ribs to tickle u lmao.
buuuut he’ll also take a lot of pics of u sleeping bc he thinks youre cute )))): his faves always end up being his wallpaper for months.
he’ll get strange gifts for u, like rly bizarre plushies and rare books on topics he thinks u will like,  tacky anime memorabilia, etc. he’ll always give them to u at random times bc he just saw them and reminded him of u ♥️  
he makes a lot of playlists for u too!!! pls listen closely, he puts a lot more thought into them than he lets on.
u like his selfies??? well he’ll send u a lot of those. unfortunately, bc he’s a lil shit, he’ll mostly send double chins and weird ass faces from equally weird angles  
from time to time he’ll send u a Nice One tho ((((^: and u know, tongue selfies since youreSO fond of his(and I quote) “5ft tongue”. and oh gosh! is that a tongue piercing…??? eyyyyyy
if u want to take couple selfies then you’re gonna have a real hard time bc he’ll always be making weird faces and poses just to be annoying. eventually u will make dumb faces too tho (’: what a couple of losers
expect weird random texts: he loves telling u abt whatever is on his mind—probably aliens. he thinks a lot abt aliens and the universe. throw some conspiracy theories in there, too—. he’ll also send obscure memes. and a lot of russian cats!!
he’ll love ur cosplay hobbie. he thinks it’s super cool. he’ll call u a nerd but don’t be fooled! he totally brags abt it with his friends (^:
oh! and this is unrelated but at some point y'all will look like an emo goth couple. u won’t even realize that you’re both wearing black and looking Edgy, it’ll just happen spontaneously. tragic 😔
there are a lot of comfortable silences when u hang out, but late night deep convos are also fundamental :o!!! bc y'all are Smort.
he’ll act like f*cboi from time to time tbh?? he’ll tell lots of dirty jokes LMAO. u roll ur eyes at him a lot bc they’re rly. so bad.
if he winks or does Eyebrow Things then u can’t rly roll ur eyes and act like you’re annoyed bc (: u like it (: and u think it suits him (: and he knows it (: (: (:
u get back at him by telling him he’s cute tho, and he’ll get all shy and he’ll stutter and saying “noooooo” while also fighting back a smile
he will also howl or bark at u to annoy u jdfhkjdf. damn f*rry ://
on that note, he loves to embarrass u in front of ur friends bc he’s a lil shit :DD
But he’s also the sweetest??? whenever he sees you’re feeling down he’ll start doing weird shit to make u laugh. if that doesn’t work then he’ll hug u real tight without saying anything else, bc that’s Enough, u know?? (’:
ok time to get Domestic lads!!!
Idk who the hell is going to cook bc y'all are a damn mess in the kitchen. u two try to cook Nice Meals sometimes. seven times out of ten u end up ordering takeout lmao.
be prepared: he sings in the shower, and he does so terribly. (he might do it a little louder and a little more off-key sometimes bc he knows it makes u laugh)
random kisses are a thing!!! he kisses ur cheek or ur shoulder or ur nape or literally. any body part he can get his lips on when u two are just hanging out, watching movies or smth. it’s so soft and cute )^: wtf im crying
but also stolen kisses!! he’ll kiss u at the most unexpected of times and it alwaysleaves u breathless
he’ll constantly put his head on ur shoulder and make this face at u (^:  
can’t sleep??? don’t worry!!! he’ll sing to u with that pretty, soothing voice of his
anyway. what I meant is that y’all would be such cute little idiots together this was long af. wow. im so sorry. happy birthday??? lmao
icb u rly did the fairground first date i rly fucking hate u why did i even tell u these things i knew it was gonna fire back im fjjgjkknknnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ur ‘tragic 😔’ when we become a goth couple :/ u dont understand goth love
why the fuck did u make him howl. i wanna fucking die rn. what the fuck. he fucking would. fuck off.
i dont wanna talk abt all that domestic shit how did u even write all of that without dying i literally wanna rip all my limbs off i wont make any comment. i didnt need to know what that would be like but u looooove ruining my life so :)
i rly hate u ksdjfhskdjhfksjh icb u did this thank u i wanna die??????????? wtf nat !!!!! no but rly thank u :( u took the time to write this long ass college au (is it????? whats cks major tho rly :/ ) and just skdfjsjk u remembered all the weird shit i told u thats cute and also Really Bad what else do u know that i forgot i told u skdfksjh im literally always screaming at u abt this shit how did u !!! remember all of this!!!!! dldskfjshljhlakjsh this is so cute and horrible nat wtf how could u :( now im gonna cry :(
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