#seiko kimura remnant
Pills of Cyanide and Despair (Remnant of Despair AU open rp)
There were reports of killings in the city. You (your muse) are part of the Future Foundation and tasked to investigate. Who is doing the killings?
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spittyfishy · 2 months
Ruruka and Seiko as Remnants please? With Remnant Seiko having a plague doctor mask as a part of her outfit?
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I’ve done Ruruka before so here’s Seiko! I referenced her like, crazy hulk form a lot of the hair and face since I figure as a remnant she’d probably be experimenting with whatever it was she had in future arc even more. She calmer if she has the mask on, but if you’re unlucky enough to see her without it you’re basically a goner
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haunted-xander · 2 years
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There was no one who did not know about the Killing School Life; a killing game orchestrated by Junko Enoshima to make the former 78th class of Hope's Peak Academy kill each other. It's purpose was to broadcast the horrible murders to the world at large to further fill the people's hearts with despair. But now, the game was finally over. Thanks to the resiliance and hope shining from one Makoto Naegi, Junko had fallen by the rules of her own creation. Her execution marked the beginning of the end for this despair-infected world. Finally, hope could begin to grow inside the people's hearts, now that the one responsible for this tragedy is gone.
The six survivors of the killing school life have finally managed to open the door leading to the outside world. Now, the Future Foundation await them on the other side, ready to accept them into their ranks with open arms. The doors opened, and there they stood. Their faces all quickly shifted to surprised, clearly not expecting to have people waiting for them. Kyosuke was the first to approach the shocked 'students'.
"Greetings, survivors of the killing game. My name is Kyosuke Munakata, former Ultimate Student Council President, and currently the vice-leader of an organisation called the Future Foundation. We are here to assist you in recovering your lost memories and re-adjusting to the outside world. You have my sincerest apologies for being unable to save you from the hands of Junko Enoshima. Rest assured that we will do anything in our power to make up for our short-comings." He finished with a deep bow.
"The Future Foundation, is it? I question your competency if you couldn't even open a measly little door. And why, may I ask, is the vice-leader greeting us instead of the actual leader? Are they too ashamed to meet us personally?" The young man didn't mince his words, his displeasure at the organisation clear. "Togami-kun, that's a bit mean... They came all this way to help us, you could be a LITTLE more grateful."
"M-m-master is right! Y-you guys totally suck! C-c-couldn't you have done s-something at least!? God, t-talk about useless!" A dissheveled young woman yelled out, pointing her finger at Kyosuke accusingly. "Calm down, both of you. You can voice your displeasures all you want later. For now, let's go along with these 'Future Foundation' guys. It's in our best interest to make as many allies as possible right now." Her voice was steady. She was clearly used to dealing with these people. "I agree with Kyoko-chan! You all need calm down! They're here to help us, so don't be so rude!"
"Uuuh, but how can we be sure we can trust these guys? I mean, they just happen to be outside waiting for us? There's no way I'll trust that! How would they ever know we were about to leave?!" A much older looking man burst out, looking agitated and apprehensive at the prospect of complying with these strangers. "...Um, Hagakure-kun? You do remember that the killing game was broadcasted, right? They probably watched the broadcast and saw that we were heading out..."
"...Oh, right. I completely forgot about that."
"How in the world could you forget that...? YOU were the one to discover that fact to begin with!" They started to bicker between themselves and seemed to have forgotten all about the people around them. Chiaki decided to remind them. "...Hey hey, I'm happy to see you get along and all, but we should probably get going. There's no reason for us to just stand here all day, right? So, let's head back to base so you guys can all get some well-deserved rest... I think."
"Oh! Right, thank you. Sorry, looks like we've gotten into the habit of arguing amongst ourselves haha..." The soft-looking boy -Chiaki guessed this must be Makoto- looked sheepish at having gotten distracted. "All right, let's head off then! Honestly, I'm looking forward to seeing places that isn't the same old school all the time."
"I, personally, am looking forward to having our memories recovered. There are still mysteries regarding the situation that I am unable to solve. I'm hoping that regaining our lost memories will provide me with some more clues." The woman went to stand besides Makoto as she looked straight at Kyosuke. "Kyosuke Munakata, was it? You probably know this already, but I am Kyoko Kirigiri, the... I suppose it would be 'former' Ultimate Detective at his point. I am looking forward to working alongside you. And everyone else, of course." She crossed her arms and gave an acknowledging nod to the people.
"...Ah, and I'm Makoto Naegi! The, um, 'former' Ultimate Lucky Student. I hope we can get along, Munakata-kun!" Makoto gave an awkward salute and introduced himself. "My name is Aoi Asahina! I'm the, uh... 'former'? Ultimate Swimming pro!"
"Do I even need to introduce myself? You already know who I am, don't you?"
"Can't you just do it, Togami-kun?"
"...Fine. My name is Byakuya Togami. The 'former' Ultimate Affluent Progeny. There, happy now?"
"Yes, very!"
"I-I'm Toko Fukawa, the former Ultimate Writing Prodigy... N-not that YOU care..."
"And uh, I'm Yasuhiro Hagakure! The Ultimate Clairvoyant."
"It's 'former' Ultimate, Hagakure-kun..."
"What's the difference?"
I'm glad... They seem to be doing well. Chiaki smiled at their antics.
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hopeymchope · 6 months
I wish Spike Chunsoft would just go full "Persona" with Danganronpa and milk it with tons of spinoffs.
I'd be there for every goddamn one of them on DAY ONE, you know. Pick your genre! The minute they figured out how to make a decent third-person DR action game with Ultra Despair Girls, that should've opened the floodgates wide IMO. In fact, if you take any given Persona spinoff, I can tell you how easily/naturally they could develop (and I could get super-hyped for) a Danganronpa equivalent.
Danganronpa Arena is SO obvious. It's the MOST obvious spinoff, and it has been sitting there waiting to be creating for seven goddamn years now. Ever since Kodaka said he wants a DR fighting game. Hey, remember that official DR3 Staff Book art that showed Nanami dreaming about it? Many of us have shared fan ideas for the story and/or for character moves. COME ON, y'all. What's the holdup?? DO IT! DO IT NOW!
Danganronpa: Dancing? FUCK YAS. I mean, there's already some wicked dance remixes of the game soundtracks in that Crypt of the Necrodancer DR content, so why the hell not?? And I recall that @dreamrlu did some great fanart (1) for how the (2) V3 crew could dress (3).
Danganronpa Q, a dungeon crawler? Despair Dungeon already exists, so it's COMPLETELY NATURAL. It's just a higher-quality production of that same concept! And if you haven't seen that fanmade version of the first "Persona Q" opening where it's the casts of DR1 and DR2 meeting up? It's AMAZING.
Danganronpa Tactica? Imagine leading squads from the Future Foundation (including DR1 and DR3 cast members) in missions against remaining Remnants of Despair. I've been playing a lot of tactical RPGs lately, and there's a lot of room to tell a ton of story in this format... plus it's not like you even have to make complex graphics to make it work, so SC doesn't have to worry about struggling with 3D renders if they don't want to. Just consider how Digimon Survive pulled this off with 2D sprite art!
Danganronpa Strikers is, uh, maybe the hardest to justify — but if you set it in the virtual world, that could make it easy! Since Danganronpa S already took place entirely in VR and contained a load of combat encounters, why the hell not do a similar setup for an action game? And if you prefer to keep in the real world, there are still a number of characters I could easily justify making playable in such a scenario — Genocide(r), Sakura, Asahina, Mondo, Nekomaru, Peko, Akane, Great Gozu, Seiko, Munakata, Maki, Gonta, etc. I can even picture some more-unlikely candidates such as Kimura slotting into the roster. I don't even like musou games that much, but ofc I'd play the SHIT out of this one.
Look: I know I'm an insatiable fan who just wants more precious content with these characters. But you can't convince me that these things wouldn't also SELL. The brand reached new heights of awareness and sales with V3, and they haven't really capitalized on that at all aside from giving us "Danganronpa S." We haven't even gotten a new anime since DR3, FFS! And I'm confident that any one of the ideas listed above would sell far better than a weird digital board game with RPG combat set inside VR, frankly. :P
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mythgirlimagines · 5 months
Can you do a part two of the Future Foundation Remnants HC?
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yes, thanks for being patient with my ask limits!
Juzo Sakakura:
No way he was brainwashed. No way.
He didn’t want to believe it.
Everything was laid out right in front of him, though.
Sonosuke Izayoi:
He was quiet about the issue.
It was a good thing they were all healed now.
Maybe there was still a chance to heal the new damage.
Ruruka Ando:
On the surface, she brushed it off.
It kind of tore her up on the inside, though.
What kind of stuff did she even do?
Seiko Kimura:
She’d been worried something like that would happen…
She started apologizing profusely, wanting to make up for it.
Would she even be of any help anymore?
Great Gozu:
He had a hard time believing that brainwashing worked on him.
The evidence was all there, though.
How much harm had he done to the healing world?
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//So with 30.8% of the vote, Seiko Vs The Lizard takes the spot for our 10th round.
//Dr. Kimura Vs Dr. Connors. I'm actually REALLY excited for this one! The things these two can do against each other are so interesting,
//But let's move onto the semi-final...And I'm happy to say...It's TIME...!
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[NOTE: I have shown my bias towards one particular matchup on this list (you'll know which one if you've followed me for a while) and while I personally would love to do it, do not let my opinion sway your bias]
//Connections are under the cut:
Deku: Both were born as starry-eyed kids in a world populated with powerful people with unique powers and abilities as one of a few people who do not possess one themselves, driven by their affection for a faction that represented their world (Ultimate's and Heroes). Both wished to have powers of their own but are driven by different motives (While Hajime's motives were rather selfish, wanting to become someone that mattered, Izuku wanted to become a Pro Hero to help people with a smile). Both would be given the chance to receive these abilities, along with a title they would inherit with a similar "Hope" theme ("The Ultimate Hope" and "The Symbol of Hope") from some of the most important people in their world that they greatly admired (For Hajime, it was Hope's Peak Academy, a school he attended as a Reserve Course student that he looked up to since he was a kid, and for Deku, it was All Might, the Number 1 Pro Hero and his idol). The power they inherited is among the greatest power in their worlds, and permits them to use various powers and abilities from other individuals (The Ultimate Hope Talent, which bestows upon Hajime every known Ultimate Talent in history, and One for All, which bestows upon Deku the power and quirks of previous users.) Both would attend a school full of individuals with similar capabilities (Hope's Peak and U.A.) and for contrasting reasons, this led to them taking on different identities (Hajime's personality and individuality was erased by the researchers that gave him his talents, becoming Izuru Kamukura, and Izuku Midoriya adopted the Hero Name of Deku to represent his own individuality and what he stands for). At their best, both characters are selfless heroes who are admired and looked up to by their classmates and best friends (Class 77 and Class 1-A respectively), who include a jealous rival (Nagito and Bakugou), a love interest (Mahiru and Ochako), and their best friend who always looks out for them (Chiaki and Iida). Though fundamentally similar heroes, their tales, however, are not the same; Hajime's is of a fallen hero, whereas Izuku's is of a rising hero.
Sunny: Both characters are the seemingly depressed main characters of their respective video games, which largely take place within a realm separate from that of the normal human world (Danganronpa 2 takes place inside a virtual reality, and over half of Omori is spent within Sunny's Headspace, a world made of the machinations of his mind) Both realms also exist as a coping mechanism for each character's trauma (Hajime/Izuru was placed into the Neo World to restore his original personality after he and his friends were brainwashed into being Remnant's of Despair, and Headspace serves as Sunny's "Happy Place" which he closes himself inside to cope with the death of his sister Mari) but both realms came under threat of a demonic force that threatened to take it over (Monokuma/AI Junko and the "Something"). Both characters suffer from experiencing the traumatic death of the person they loved the most, which was inadvertently caused by them (As Izuru, Hajime worked with Junko to mastermind the original Chiaki Nanami's death, and Sunny accidentally killed Mari during an argument where he pushed her down a flight of stairs) and through different means, both developed a second blank-faced and soulless personality from this trauma that existed purely in their minds, which one way or another, threatened to take over, though by different means and motives (Izuru Kamukura was born when Hope's Peak wiped Hajime's personality away after giving him infinite Ultimate Talents, and then remained as a spiritual figure inside Hajime's mind until Hajime was almost killed during a fight with Nagito, and Izuru automatically took over. Sunny has Omori, which is the manifestation of himself inside Headspace, and threatened to take over Sunny in the real world, inviting unimaginable horrors into the poor boy's mind until Sunny confronted his trauma and defeated him). Said alter-ego's also have contrasting relationships with their dominant personalities (Hajime and Izuru are shown to be quite chummy, and in spite of Izuru's lack of personality and emotional attachment, he does seem to hold Hajime in high-regard. Omori however, represents the side of Sunny that closes him off from the outside world, the "killer" he believes he is, and basically represents all of the boys inner demons).
John: Both went to a fundamentally depressing school full of remarkable people, where there is a hierarchy based on the abilities and talents of the students (Hope’s Peak acted as though Talents was the reason why someone matters, and New Bostin views the higher tiered students to be literal Kings and Queens), as two people who lacked these abilities, being given less than flattering nicknames (Talentless and Crippled respectively). As a result, they grew up as resentful and jealous young men until they were given the chance to possess the most potent gift of all; one that enables them to possess enhanced forms of other people's abilities (Hajime became the prime subject for the Izuru Kamukura Project, which granted him access to every talent in the universe, making him superior to all others, while John unlocked the power of Aura Manipulation, a power that allowed him to sense other people's powers and fighting capabilities, as well as duplicate them and amplify said powers.) But as a result of being the top dog, getting these would make them go down darker paths, and as a result, they would lose not just their former selves but also any close friends they may have had, becoming the opposites of what they once wanted to be (Hajime would transform into Izuru Kamukura, the Ultimate Despair, who contributed to the Tragedy by upsetting the stability of life at Hope's Peak and ultimately causing the death of Hajime's closest friend, Chiaki Nanami; while John would turn into a ruthless tyrant seeking vengeance on those who had bullied him and his friends, eventually becoming a bully himself and losing his friendship with Claire and Adrion.) Eventually, both would conquer their pasts, even though hints of their original personalities remained (Izuru remained as a fragment of Hajime's mind and John retained some of his savagery and violence) but were saved by new friends who helped them come to terms with themselves (Chiaki for Hajime and Seraphina for John).
Min-su: Though starting out as notably kind and thoughtful people, a great tragedy turned both of them into fallen heroes and the deadliest villains known to man (Hajime took part in Hopes Peak Academy's Hope Cultivation Plan following the death of his fellow Reserve Course students that the academy completely ignored because of their lack of talents, with the intention of developing his talents; but Izuru Kamukura, a more cynical character, was born to host his body. Min-Su is an Isekai hero who returns from another world only to confront the somber reality of losing his family and being rejected by society as a pitiful nobody). Even though each of them was given their powers with the intention of using them to save and bring hope to their own worlds, once they turned evil, they started abusing and unleashing their abilities to cause the world to descend into complete misery. They are both the de facto leaders of a group of people in a similar situation as them (the Brainwashed Class 77-B and the 9-Heroes) and both have also waged war against the entire world with the sole intent of plunging it into pure Despair. At one point or another, both were battling a group of resistances that pushed them to stop trying to build a utopia centered around despair and free the world (The Future Foundation; the Restoration Government and the Resistance Heroes.) The difference lies in that Hajime eventually overcomes his despair, returns his original personality and joins the hero team, whereas Min-Su only progressively loses his mind more and more as the series goes on.
Infinite: Both signed their lives and what heroism they had away after being tempted by the ultimate power of their universe (Hope and Talent and the Phantom Ruby) which was eventually gifted upon them, or rather infused into them, to use at their leisure by a powerful group of people with a dark underbelly (The Hope's Peak Academy Steering Committee and the Eggman Empire). Both characters snapped and gave up everything, including their old personalities, to undergo said villain's brutal experiments, with the catalyst for their decision being told to their face that they are weak, useless and don't matter in the grand scheme of things (by Juzo Sakakura and Shadow the Hedgehog respectively) and through some coercion and manipulation, the two became the right hand man of the most evil villain in their respective universes (Junko Enoshima and Doctor Eggman), aiding them in bringing complete control and destruction to the entire world, in which they succeeded (Izuru led the Ultimate Despair against the world and helped Junko bring about the Tragedy, and Infinite defeated Sonic, allowing Eggman to conquer the world). Thus becoming the biggest and most powerful threat to the resistance organization that battled against them, including a spiky-haired protagonist (Makoto Naegi and the Future Foundation, and Sonic the Hedgehog and the Resistance). Both characters are also shown to possess a degree of boredom to the world that they let guide their actions (Hajime/Izuru is so powerful, he doesn't have to put effort into most of what he does, taking the excitement out of doing anything, whilst Infinite initially accepted Eggman's offer to join his army because he was bored with the peaceful world as it was) Both at one point possessed a title with the word "Ultimate" in it (Hajime is the "Ultimate Hope" and Infinite was once the "Ultimate Mercenary").
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thenewfuture · 2 months
wonder if that charm of hers will work on the entire freakin' task force.
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You there. State your name and why you are here?
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Oh, little ol' me?~ I'm a supermodel looking to get some relaxation from the struggles of life back home. Name's Nazuma Ojichiro, and this is my lovely little lass, Kiziko.
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(This was your plan?)
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Hmm.... Don't you work at Future Foundation, in Seiko Kimura's branch?
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Mother to one of Makoto Naegi's classmates, Yasuhiro Hagakure. Hiroko, right?
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And that would make you....Kanon Nakajima?
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Oh, yeah. Sorry about that. I like to fantasize when I'm vacating. Helps me escape from our harsh reality, y'know?
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(That's what your going with?)
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We've come for the Remnants of Despair under direct orders from the Vice Chairman. Where are they?
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Remnants? Here? Never heard of 'em.
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(Wow you suck at this)
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Do not lie to us. We know the Remnants of Despair were taken to Jabberwock Island. Tell us what we want to know!
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Make it easier on yourselves. We don't want to start anything. Just tell us where to find them.
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But I really don't know, honest.
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D'aww, you look tense and disappointment. Surely there must...
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....something I can do for you.
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You've come a looooong way, haven't you? You must be exhaaaaauuuusted. I can make all that pent up stress go away in an instant, y'know?~ *Hiroko gets up close to Eizo, wrapping her arm around his head holding him close, and prodding his chest with her other finger*
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Oh my godddd....
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So muscular~ I bet you're a big and handsome man underneath that mask~ Let's just stay and talk for a while~
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I'm gonna barf....I'm gonna fucking barf...!
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Let’s save them!
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...So, what happen after all of us were found?
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Well simple, as things we're settling - Future Foundation decided to put all 15 of you with Class 78 to take care of them.
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Yeah... we were taken care of by Makoto and the others...
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So then how did you, Masuyo and Hotaru get involved in this?
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Well, if you expect 5 people to take care of you - your sorely mistaken.
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I mean the email did mention you all were pretty mess up in terms of body and harmed yourselves.
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Yeah, in fact it was so bad; we needed people from the 4th Division and a therapist from the 7th Division...
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And I guess that therapist was Nagi or Kairi in this case...?
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Indeed, as say - the Class 78 survivors couldn't handle all of you that well and thus they needed medical and professional help so my boss allow me to assist and some members of Seiko Kimura's Division.
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Right then... I remember there was a email where Makoto was running away with us; did... did they discover who we were?
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Indeed, in fact I'm not even sure how it happen but it did...
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Wait so you don't know either?!
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Well as say, I'm not sure how it got discover but I only know a few things...
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The last thing I did was talk with Dr. Nakamura and then I was inform that one of you attacked certain members of Future Foundation which then we along with Makoto fled.
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When did that happen...?
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July 16th, 2017... that was the day we discover who they were after we learn who you all were..
Date: July 16th, 2017
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So... how have been those 15?
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Well.. so far we are managing to try and help them, we did discover a few things about them such as they are from Class 77-B and it seems they all went into hiding.
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But Kairi here has been quite helpful with the therapy sessions, will be sure to report back if anything comes up.
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Well I do try, so thank you Kyoko...
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Yeah... hopefully so...
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Anyway, how has been your investigation regarding the Remnants of Despairs so far?
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Well... you can give a wild guess, we still haven't come up with anything.
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Honestly... I think it's safe to assume they really did kill themselves, given how things have been going easy for us and none of the Ultimate Despairs have been active but Kyosuke is still on edge.
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I really hope we can find them and put an end to this so we can move on, maybe Kyosuke finally see a therapist about all this, I know it's been hard on him more then anyone.
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I'm sorry you had to deal with that Masa, at the very least - we can finally heal properly and maybe move on from this...
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ultradespairgay · 2 years
Rambling About An OC:
Haven’t talked about them much, but since I’m in the middle of planning out a story cantering around them I should probably change that. Just gonna share some info about a Danganronpa OC that I have named Hoshi Fukumuto. There’ll be spoilers for the entire Hope’s Peak saga of DR, so more will be written under the cut!!
Let’s start with some basics…
Age: Early 20’s {around 23 years old}.
Gender: Non-Binary Woman {She/They}.
Height: 5’8 {173cm}.
Weight: 126 lbs {57kg}.
Blood Type: AB.
Date of Birth: October 23rd {Scorpio}.
Likes: Skateboarding, Caffeine {especially cola, coffee & energy drinks}, Drawing, Customizing Skate Decks & Collecting Shoes.
Dislikes: Diet Drinks {especially diet cola}, Mushrooms {is allergic}, Clowns {has coulrophobia}, Being Judged/Underestimated & Entitled People.
Special Notes: Head of Future Foundation’s 13th Branch {current}, Ultimate Skateboarder {former}.
In terms of her personality, Hoshi is someone who’s very confident {almost can be seen as cockiness}, very brave {not easily scared}, loyal {isn’t the type to ditch their loved ones easily}, easygoing, athletic {loves being active}, creative, hardworking, stubborn {can be seen as a good or a bad thing depending on context}, sarcastic {quick to respond with snarky comments}, incredibly reckless {when it comes to her own wellbeing} and adaptable amongst other things.
Currently, Hoshi’s the active head of the Future Foundation’s 13th branch. When she was enrolled at Hope’s Peak Academy, they were a member of Class 76 alongside Seiko Kimura, Ruruka Ando & Sonosuke Izayoi {who’d also become fellow Future Foundation branch leaders}. They were also in a close-knit friend group with a few members of Class 77-B, which included… Mikan Tsumiki, Hiyoko Saionji, Ibuki Mioda & Mahiru Koizumi {who she’d end up falling in love with}. After the girls & the rest of their classmates had been brainwashed/became members of Ultimate Despair, Hoshi was left devastated.
When Hoshi hears about Makoto Naegi’s plan to help the Remnants of Despair with the Neo World Program {NWP}, she’s immediately on board. They’re willing to do whatever it takes to help her best friends, the girl she loved & the rest of their classmates. Unfortunately after the events of SDR2, she & Makoto were charged with the crime of treason for protecting the Remnants. Hoshi does end up as a participant of the Final Killing Game alongside Makoto, the other FF branch heads & a member of her own branch Aoi Asahina.
That’s all I have to share with y’all for now. From here on out, I’ll probably share ideas/thoughts about Hoshi’s story on this blog. I’ll definitely put out a proper bio for them at some point too. If y’all have any questions about Hoshi {nothing gross}, then feel free to send me an ask!! I’m always down to talk about OCS & I’ve got a lot to say!!
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 2 years
Danganronpa Oneshots
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/YFrMXUv
by Aloserwithaphone
Short story requests for danganronpa
Yes, this happened because ı was bored. What about it?
Words: 4, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Super Dangan Ronpa 2, New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, Dangan Ronpa 3: The End of 希望ヶ峰学園 | The End of Kibougamine Gakuen | End of Hope's Peak High School
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Naegi Makoto, Kirigiri Kyouko, Togami Byakuya, Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Oowada Mondo, Fujisaki Chihiro, Asahina Aoi, Ogami Sakura, Ikusaba Mukuro, Enoshima Junko, Kuwata Leon, Hagakure Yasuhiro, Fukawa Touko, Celestia Ludenberg, Yamada Hifumi, Maizono Sayaka, Hinata Hajime, Tsumiki Mikan, Nanami Chiaki, Komaeda Nagito, Sonia Nevermind, Tanaka Gundham, Soda Kazuichi, Owari Akane, Nidai Nekomaru, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko, Pekoyama Peko, Mioda Ibuki, Koizumi Mahiru, Saionji Hiyoko, Mitarai Ryota, Chou Koukou Kyuu no Sagishi | Ultimate Imposter, Hanamura Teruteru, Akamatsu Kaede, Saihara Shuichi, Iruma Miu, K1-B0 (Dangan Ronpa), Yumeno Himiko, Chabashira Tenko, Yonaga Angie, Gokuhara Gonta, Hoshi Ryoma, Momota Kaito, Harukawa Maki, Shinguji Korekiyo, Tojo Kirumi, Oma Kokichi, Amami Rantaro, Shirogane Tsumugi, Kamukura Izuru, Remnants of Despair Member(s) (Dangan Ronpa), Kimura Seiko, Sato (Dangan Ronpa), Kuzuryu Natsumi
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/YFrMXUv
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Other Muses - 3
Ishikawa Sora is unavailable for asks and RP at this time.
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Izayoi Sonosuke is the Ultimate Blacksmith and a Future Foundation member. He is the boyfriend of Ruruka Ando, and his main goal is simply to keep her out of harm's way.
Junk Monokuma is unavailable for asks and RP at this time.
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Kabuya Yoruko is the Ultimate Hostess and an agent of Future Foundation. She was sent into the wasteland undercover so she appeared as just another civilian, but her mission is to get into the Remnants' inner circle as some kind of servant or helper, and then find a way to subdue them one by one. She is joined by her best friend and crush, A.I. Sora Taira.
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Kagarin Yuri is the Ultimate Spaceman. He is an avid appreciator of women, and by the same extent, an avid hater of men. He goes around doing his best to save women, although he leaves men to die, and he has in fact been traveling with Emma Magorobi and Kokoro Mitsume, though his side remains neutral.
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Kimura Seiko is called the Ultimate Pharmacist. She is a member of Future Foundation and the best friend of Ruruka Ando and Sonosuke Izayoi. She is tasked with keeping the medication and food rations high enough to assist civilians who are wounded, namely as a temporary fix for the absence of Hiroko Hagakure. Sweet to a fault, she's extremely shy, but it is noted that she is exceptionally talented with fighting, even if she's too afraid to do it often.
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Kizakura Koichi is the original homeroom teacher of the Remnants Of Despair's Original Sin Branch, his successor Chisa Yukizome taking over that position. He is laid back and sometimes flirty, though he's never a scumbag and maintains respect and integrity with women.
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Kurokuma is another human Monokuma unit. Though mostly working with the Warriors Of Hope, namely with Monaca Towa, his creator, he is the unofficial ruler of Towa City, acting as the muscle and commander of Monaca's Monokuma units. He rarely sees his wife, Ball "Belle" Monokuma.
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Kuzuryuu Natsumi is the younger sister of Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu. She campaigned to be called the Ultimate Little Sister during her time at Hope's Peak, but this was rejected. These days, she works with Future Foundation as an attempt to find a way to bring her brother back to his senses, even putting up with always being paired with Sato Hiyori for her missions to do so. Don't mess with her; if she wants to fuck you up, she'll fuck you up.
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Magorobi Emma is the Ultimate Actress and an Ultimate Despair defector, now working with Future Foundation under her best friend, Kokoro's, influence. She has the most intimate knowledge of the Despairs' methods, being a former despair, herself, although she was never brainwashed. She joined of her own free will for reasons similar to the Warriors Of Hope.
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Remnant!Seiko open rp
There were missing people and possible reports of murders at an abandoned pharmacy. Seiko is missing too. Investigate???
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kitsune-kira · 4 years
Future Foundation Remnant of Despair AU
basically the FF members from dr3 are the remnants
seiko snorts junko’s ashes
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spittyfishy · 2 years
Okay but like, Remant Tsumugi if you haven't maked her or some..?
What are you talking about? There’s nothing suspicious about Tsumugi Shirogane! She’s just a hard working Future Foundation member, doing her part to stop those dastardly Remnants of Despair! Surely you can’t be implying she might have had anything to do with that horrible tragedy nonsense! Oh those poor people, it’s so terribly sad! That’s why she works with the future foundation to try and take down those horribly wicked monsters she used to go to school with!
What do you mean you don’t believe her? Just because she attended Hopes Peak while Junko Enoshima did as well? That’s so mean! Why, plenty of the Future Foundation department heads attended Hopes Peak with Junko! Ruruka Ando, Seiko Kimura, and Sonosuke Izayoi to name a few! Not to mention those killing game survivors! They had contact with Her up until the moment of Her death, wouldn’t they be the biggest traitor risks?
Of course she hasn’t had any contact with her old classmates, why would she want to? Those poor psychotic monsters, they’ve just lost their minds! There’d be no reason Tsumugi would want to see them, she’d never go visit Kirumi for tea and public executions, and she’d never get front row tickets to one of Kaede’s symphonies, and she’d certainly never meet with Suichi to share top secret Future Foundation plans! That would be crazy!
She’s just doing her part to put the world back to normal! There’s so much chaos these days, oh it’s just awful! Why no, she doesn’t really have an opportunity to use her talent anymore, it’s the apocalypse of course she isn’t cosplaying much! Certainly not as a way to sneak around undetected so she’s never seen interacting with the remnants!
And if she heard of a top secret plan to try and rehabilitate the remnants… why she’d certainly want to help in any way she can! And she’d Never work to secretly sabotage the program by implanting it with a virus to turn it from a world full of hope to one of despair! No sir, she would never even consider it.
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Lol so if it wasn’t clear, Tsumugi is taking Yuikizome’s role as the despair mole in the future foundation. I tried to keep her design in line with the suits and nice clothing of the FF while also keeping Tsumugi's colour scheme and ascetic, which I love.
I’m really happy with the concept I came up with for her truth be told, and being part of the Future Foundation means she’d be able to be directly involved with the Neo World Program…
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forbidding-souda · 3 years
Can I have headcanons of Yandere Chisa, Seiko, Ruruka and Miaya with a GN!S/O?
Yandere Chisa Yukizome, Seiko Kimura, Ruruka Ando, and Miaya Gekkogahara headcanons
Ruruka used to be my top kin. That's just a fun fact.
currently listening: sorrow by iamx
-Mod Souda
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Chisa Yukizome
❤ She was always the most caring person you knew. Graduating alongside her was like a dream. You remember her smile more than you remember what you even wore.
❤ But she was always a little off. You never noticed. But it bothered her more than anyone.
❤ She always wanted to be next to you. It was such a weird feeling. Never has she ever experienced something like it.
❤ Even seeing you next to other people set her off sometimes. And then... one day it clicked. She just wanted to control you. Plain and simple.
❤ She never acted on it until she went into despair. At that point... it was unbearable. No sense of morals or internal negotiation could stop her from doing what she did.
❤ The first time she stepped into your house, she gifted you a handful of roses. The last time she stepped into your house, she left with the withered bones of your family.
❤ And when you were fearful of everyone around you, you clung onto Chisa, not knowing that it was her herself who took everything from you.
❤ She was happy to soothe you.
Seiko Kimura
♥ You were the only person who was kind to her. It wasn't kindness like she experienced with Ruruka. It was... almost selfless. As if you were being kind just for the fun of it.
♥ She memorized your schedule. She knew what time you went home and what time you went to school. She knew where you'd go during lunch and where you put your outside shoes.
♥ If you showed more affection to someone else than you did her: she would poison them. Plain and simple. Slip something in their food during lunch. Sometimes she'd convince Ruruka to do it for her in turn for a favor.
♥ When she catches you crying alone in the hall, feeling lost about the death of your friends, she'll be quick to approach you.
♥ "Are you okay?" She'll say with a shaky voice. The way you look up to her with those tear-filled eyes sparks a softness within her.
♥ Maybe the tables can be turned now. You need her.
♥ Ah. Her heart begins to race.
♥ She's going to be needed.
Ruruka Ando
♡ There’s the chance that you befriend Izayoi first. Not on purpose, of course. It’s just that... from the moment she first saw you: Ruruka new that she wanted to have you.
♡ So she commanded her Yoi-chan to befriend you. 
♡ And once that bridge had been built, then everything seemed to be so much easier.
♡ The new candy that she hadn’t even considered making before - it suddenly had an overwhelming demand.
♡ She needed to find a way to make a love drug.
♡ Over the course of your friendship, she offered you so many different types of sugary sweets.
♡ Some of them made you feel weird. Symptoms like dizziness. She asked how you felt almost every day. You thought it was because she cared.
♡ The side effects slowly stopped after time. Everything seemed to be fine. They tasted like normal sugary sweets and just made you feel... good.
♡ There seemed to be one side effect that stayed consistent, though. It was the butterflies in your stomach every time you saw her.
Miaya Gekkogahara
❥ She felt like a pervert watching you all the time. Dealing with cyber threats made her develop new skills with technologies. And with that came the ability to find the way to your at home security cameras.
❥ Her beady blue eyes watches your every move, every second she can.
❥ She isn’t the type of person to confront you with her love. 
❥ But she is the type to confront those who you get close to. She can psychoanalyze anyone she wants. She can immediately determine their threat level and their motives.
❥ Even as a shy girl, she won’t hesitate to call the future foundation to arrest someone on chargers of being a remnant. And with that... they will disappear. Forever.
❥ She holds a very close relationship with you through the screen. She likes keeping tabs on the people you meet. If she declares them not fit to be your friend, then as your secret therapist, she will be added them to her notes.
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thenewfuture · 1 year
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Miss. *Kyoko walks forward to her*
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I know this is all so sudden for you. But I need confirm a few things with you.
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Speak into this. *She takes out her tape recorder and puts turns it on* First, what is your name?
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I...I don’t know, honest...
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Y-you keep calling me, “Mikan Tsumiki”...
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Do you have any recollection of life up until now?
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N-N-No.... I...I woke up and....a-and you were all here....looking at me...
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Next. I’m going to tell you some terms, places, and names. When any of the following sound at all familiar to you, let me know. Okay?
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“Hope’s Peak Academy”
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“Remnant of Despair”
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“Lapis Lazuli Girl’s High School”
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Kyoko: “Seiko Kimura” Mikan: No Kyoko: “Future Foundation” Mikan: No Kyoko: “Ultimate Despair” Mikan: No
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Kyoko: “Lillith Tsumiki” Mikan: No Kyoko: “Ebara Hospital” Mikan: No
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Kyoko: “Hajime Hinata” Mikan: No Kyoko: “Hiyoko Saionji” Mikan: No    Kyoko: “Ibuki Mioda” Mikan: No
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Finally, and take as much as you need with this one...
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Junko Enoshima.
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I see.... Thank you for your time. *click*
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