#semirealism?? maybe??
confusedmothboy · 1 year
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some kenny art cause im sick today and literally going insane
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bookskeepers · 3 months
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just finished this piece for my friend's birthday
can you tell who it is ? (hint it is scott pilgrim)
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a-little-monotonous · 10 months
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been playing a little path of titans + taking lots of pics
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parallelshore · 4 months
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(edit: had to fix the color balance because I forgot how inaccurate my tablet's reds are!)
Inspired by the color scheme--rich, dark blue against reddish orange has been on my mind. I was also pushing myself to incorporate the bug-lady covered in more bugs with the background elements (dang, I should have made the entire background more bugs).
There was a point at around hour eight where I started shading each moth individually, which...looked bad and tired my soul out almost immediately. I guess I'm also trying to work on not focusing way too hard on minor details!
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jupiterbxbyx · 5 months
this is from a while ago but i just realized i never actually posted it here so enjoy !
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this was my first attempt at this style of art so pls be nice, constructive criticism is very welcome tho :) i’m surprisingly happy with the result (i say surprisingly bc i am a very critical person of my own work LMAOOOO)
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A bunch of asks from the ask game:
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
2. Personally, i've always found it easier of the two to draw someone facing left, but drawing someone looking forward will always be the easiest for me.
5. I'd say 50/50? Maybe 40/60 (as I make a LOT of sketches in a day).
7. Painting!! Especially oil painting, it's very pretty :D
21: I love semirealism! (but the type that's slightly more cartoon than realism, if that makes sense) Regardless of whether i can draw it or not I just love seeing it. :)
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moookar · 4 months
7, 21, 24 for your artist ask thing 😁
tysm for the ask <33
7. easiest thing for you to draw?
faces! I love making portraits so i’ve gotten good at them haha
21. what do you think your artstyle would taste like?
oh that’s a tough one. Smores maybe
24. how many artstyles can you work in confidently?
i’d say most of my works are in vaguely different art styles! I have trouble replicating just one, mostly because i don’t have any need to (I don’t make comics that are longer than a page, etc). Soo i wouldn’t necessarily count any of those as “confident.” I’ll say 2 because i mostly do semirealism and occasionally stylized doodles
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renofmanyalts · 1 year
(moods) Wistful for Emerik/any
Send me a mood and I will tell you how my character deals with it.
Prompt 1 (Make-up Day): Envoy
Who: Emerik Liubasch, Semir (original NPC)
What: Emerik must lighten his pack.
Where: A rail yard on the outskirts of Martrvje, a port city in occupied Bozja.
When: About two years before the events of the Bozjan Southern Front field operation began. Takes place a few months after this piece [Mature community label, requires login].
Content notes: Garlean colonial oppression, refugee struggles, partings in wartime, mentioned injury/abuse
Music: "Intro (The Envoy)" and "Outro (What It Means to Be Human)" by Being as an Ocean (both instrumental)
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When a soft knock sounded at the door of the railroad car, a faint murmur of concern rippled through the two dozen heads scattered amongst the stacks of crates. Emerik's heart thudded in his chest, fur standing on end as he uncrossed his arms. He felt Semir do the same beside him, their elbows brushing. 
The boxcar was still at rest, one freight car among many in a long train waiting to leave the rail yard on the outskirts of the city. Had they been discovered? His fingers itched for the smooth wood of his staff, but it, like nearly everything else he owned, had been left behind. It would have been foolishness, in any case, bringing a weapon — no matter how simple. Emerik tugged at the cuffs on his borrowed jacket, the final piece of a traveling outfit intended to soften his features, to render him polished and nonthreatening.
After an eternity of rapid heartbeats, the door slid open a few ilms, a sliver of just-bluing sky showing around the silhouette of a hrothgar with one ragged ear. Emerik relaxed a fraction. That was their contact — the member of the Resistance that Semir had nodded to in a coffee shop four sennights ago, setting all this in motion. Emerik did not know his name. Gods willing, he would keep it that way.
The partisan pulled the door further open on well-oiled, silent tracks, climbed nimbly up onto the deck, and slid it closed again. The darkness returned.
"Bad news," the soldier said, speaking quietly. His voice sounded young. It had surprised Emerik when they first met, and it still seemed incongruous now. "We were given old information, and the expected gross weight for this car is slated to be a half-tonze less than we had accounted for. We have to reduce weight, or the Garleans will notice the discrepancy the minute we pass through the first checkpoint."
"Will... will someone have to get off the train?" The hesitant voice came from somewhere left of the door — the mother with her two young ones, Emerik thought. The little family had been huddled together when he and Semir had arrived at the rail yard, the children sleeping with their mother's skirts wrapped around their shoulders. Emerik could picture Semir's deep frown when he'd seen the swollen bruises on her face.
The soldier's voice took on an apologetic tone beneath his urgency. "Maybe. But I am hoping that we can reduce baggage weight, instead. Please go through your luggage and remove anything that is not absolutely essential to your survival on the trip, as well as anything that is particularly heavy." 
Worried whispers rose in the darkness, and the soldier continued: 
"This is not an easy task, I know, and I am sorry that I must ask it of you. You number twenty-four, so we need to eliminate more than forty ponzes of weight per person. Keep your necessary medicine, food and water, your identification papers, and money. Put it in a pillowcase or wrap it in a cloth to carry it. If you have jewelry, keep whatever you can hide on your person, and whatever clothes you can put on, plus a blanket and pillow each. Everything else, including your trunks and cases, please separate it out and set it by the door. Quietly and quickly, please."
"What will happen to our belongings?" That was the voice of an older man with an accent speaking of the wealthier parts of the city. He was accompanied by a young woman Semir figured for his daughter, though Emerik was not so sure.
"I'm afraid they will probably be destroyed. We cannot hide them here, and we have no way to get them to you once you have left, so we will have to dispose of them quickly — most likely in the river."
For a long moment, dead silence reigned. Emerik's thoughts drifted to the contents of his leather suitcase. What clothes he had, he wore — and some that weren't his, besides. He had no jewelry nor medicine, and all his earthly wealth sat in a pouch strapped below his shirt. Everything else had been sold in haste. Semir carried only their sack of shared provisions; there was nothing there to shed.
The suitcase, though.... It held a full dresser drawer's worth of treasure: a tin of long beeswax tapers, their wicks still conjoined; more than a dozen large blocks of herbal soaps, their paper wrappings labeled in his grandmother's handwriting. They sat heavy between his feet — heavier still with their role as the last fragments of his family's traditions.
The soap would sink easily in the river, he thought. Old as they were, the bars would dissolve slowly, and their flecks of rosemary, chamomile, marjoram would be carried away by the current.
The candles would float. Maybe some curious animal would eat them, or maybe some enterprising young scavenger would find them first. After decades hidden away, maybe they would finally have their chance to burn.
Someone flicked on a magitek torch. Cold, blue light washed thinly over the boxcar's high ceiling. The other occupants sprang into startled motion, flinging open trunks and boxes with grim purpose.
At a touch to his elbow, Emerik turned to meet his friend's eyes. Semir wore an expression of gentle concern
"That is your whole purpose in going, is it not?" he said, nodding to the suitcase.
Emerik directed his gaze across the dim train car and nodded. (The stack of discarded belongings at the door was growing, but only very slowly. "I must ask you to be ruthless," the Resistance soldier said. Panic fluttered at the edges of his too-young voice. "The train departs in just over a quarter bell.")
Emerik bent to snatch up the suitcase. He could do nothing but rue its loss — but there were lives on the line. What use a people's healing traditions without a people to use them?
But before he could step out from the bulkhead, Semir stopped him, one tawny hand laid lightly on Emerik's dark one. Emerik shot him a questioning glance, and Semir leaned down to speak into his ear.
"It's not going to be enough." Semir gestured toward the pile near the door. Still growing, but nowhere near a half-tonze. "Most of these folk didn't have forty ponzes of sentiment to pack. Even if everyone trims the fat, they're going to have to send some of us away. At least one."
Emerik narrowed his eyes. "What are you saying, Semir."
Semir closed his fingers around the handle of the suitcase. In the light of the Garlean torch, his golden eyes held none of their usual luster.  "Let me hold these for you. When you get where you're going, send a letter, yes? I'll get them to you."
"I know. I thought we would travel together, too. We—" Semir stopped, swallowed. 
(We three as one, the sentence finished in Emerik's mind, his own voice raised in chorus with Semir and Vuk. But they hadn't been three for some moons now.)
Emerik pushed the thought away. Semir was speaking again, so close that his breath stirred the fur-tufts in Emerik's ear.
"I have connections," he insisted, nodding meaningfully to the increasingly-fretful partisan. "There's good I can do here. But you?" Semir tapped one finger against Emerik's forehead. "You have the memories — and the drive to chase down the knowledge needed to resurrect them. And with that blond bastard" — Emerik flinched — "nipping at your hocks? Best not to wait for the next run."
Emerik ducked his head. He could feel his pulse thudding in his throat.
With a snarl, he shoved the suitcase into Semir's arms, then snapped his teeth shut before any other sound could escape. Leaning forward, he thumped his forehead into Semir's solid shoulder.
Emerik felt Semir nose at his mane, and he could guess that he was smiling; when he murmured, "Keep my jacket safe for me," Emerik was certain of it. Then Semir pulled away, threading through the chaos. After a short exchange with the Resistance partisan — who looked rather relieved — he moved toward the sliding door.
Semir twisted to look at him, still cradling the suitcase to his chest. 
Emerik forced himself to meet his friend's eyes, trying not to think about the last time he had looked into Vuk's. "If you don't hear from me within a few moons," he managed, "or if things get bad... use whatever you need, if it will help."
Semir nodded. A blink, and he was slipping out of the boxcar door, climbing out into the twilight.
Emerik bent to pick up the sack of provisions and settled it between his feet. It, too, sat heavy.
With a sigh, Emerik nudged the sack into a corner. He pushed up his sleeves, then went to help hand the surrendered belongings down to those waiting to take them away.
At this stage in his life — before he had come to Eorzea — Emerik was prone to falling into black, destructive moods rather than wistful ones, and also tended not to express much of that if he could avoid it. Now that he is out from under the direct weight of the Garlean occupation, however, he's settled into some measure of acceptance and is better able to attend to such feelings as gentle melancholy and yearning.
I sorta ran myself out of spoons yesterday and so I really struggled today. The length also got away from me, but I sure did learn a lot in all my diving down research rabbit holes! Got a bunch of Bozja lore and stuff settled and obviously filled in more details of Emerik's backstory. I've also just decided to give myself a fair bit of grace about that daily deadline, because the point is NOT to stress myself out — thus posting this about, mm, three hours late. XD
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mihai-florescu · 2 years
Im trying to fight the demon in my head rn that makes me want to present a 5 slide powerpoint explaining and defending everything i do. Every time i draw something i want to post (less than once a month atp) im embarassed because i know You guys know i go to art school...but i dont go for drawing or anything even close to that, im in the girlboss major instead, i think in 3 years we had maybe 4 actual drawing classes... also i used to do quite nice semirealism in 10th grade and im scared people will think i've downgraded
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thee-ghosty · 1 year
Log 1.2
YEAR: 2130
STATUS: Crew is still asleep in cryo-chambers. MedTech says their vitals are stable. Encountered an asteroid belt around K2-155d. Ship is stable. 1 day out from K2-155d.
I’m not sure how much time it’ll take for you to receive these messages, but I’d figure you wouldn’t send us out here if you couldn’t talk to us in a reasonable timeframe. The crew still hasn’t woken up. I’ve checked over and over, but everything looks fine. I don’t know why I was the one to wake up early. If anyone should be awake, it should be the pilot, especially since we are a day out from landing on the “Super Earth”. If systems start failing and we can’t land with the autopilot, we’re screwed. I don’t think that’ll happen though. We have fail safes on the fail safes. 
I wasn’t expecting the asteroid belt. None of the reports said K2 had an asteroid belt around it or its solar system. Nothing happened, just a few scrapes and dings, but still. You’d think they would tell us about gigantic obstacles that could potentially damage the ship, but I digress. I’ve never seen an asteroid belt so close before. Of course we were asleep when we passed through the one in our Solar System, but none of the projections do it justice. I was expecting more like boulders flying past us, but it’s more like miniature mountains gliding through space. The Titan Semire is large, don’t get me wrong, but it’s nothing compared to these asteroids. Hell, maybe it’s like that one Star Wars movie where an entire space worm was living in one. Maybe they have entire colonies of aliens living on them…
I can faintly see K2 from here. It’s just a green ball out the window right now, but by this time tomorrow, we’ll actually be landing on it. It’s crazy to think this could be our new home. A new home for all of humanity. I just hope there aren’t any space worms living on it and the crew will be awake so they can see it too.
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frankenturrets · 2 years
sometimes i kind of wish i had not focused so much for so long on trying to nail down the technical aspects of my art. like it is nice to have a better understanding of anatomy and lighting and whatnot than i did when i was like. twelve. i think it shows a lot of growth. but also i do wish i had allowed myself to just get silly with it ? especially because i have like no real interest in art school or pursuing art as a career anymore. not that i wasted that time spent trying to perfect everything but i think maybe that it is part of why i feel so burnt out on art. obv there are benefits to understanding the technicality of art and i can and do allow myself to be proud of my improvement but also its just drawings….idk! i am just a little bit tired of trying to perfect semirealism and i wish i’d realized the value in just creating for the sake of creating when i was younger. never too late to start i guess!
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maonethedwarf · 5 months
just an update, my Andre/Semir server is now completely deserted, but I decided to keep it up just in case, I'm on here every day and it holds memories reaching to 2019 and I'm not too keen on losing that.
Maybe someone will join in the future, I'm not completely losing hope.
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egghammer · 5 months
swear that mainstream (romance) book fan art always has one of two art styles. they're both different subgenres of semirealism. one is far more airbrushed than the other in the way of shading while the other is a little more painterly, but they always have the same facial construction. the protag is always the same white girl with different trims and eye colours. maybe she's stuck elf ears on for one picture, but it's always so similar..
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smileymoth · 7 months
7, 8, 14
7. Who are some artists that have inspired you? This isn't a difficult question but it's hard to like... describe why someone inspires me. I think the 1 artist that has sort of guided me to find my art style is definitely godlyDescentUFO they mostly post on deviantart/twt of which i don't really use anymore. I still think about their art a lot, and often. The colour palettes they use and the composition and body language of the characters drawn... It's just special to me. I want to replicate it. One day. Again I feel like Ive been too sucked into fandom these past few years to really do what i want to but I'll... I'll explain that later .But yeah they've been my favourite artist ever since I found them. I feel like if you just go thru their gallery you can tell why I like them
Then there's clickbaitcowboy . He's on tumblr go give them a follow. he makes godly oc illustrations and his painting skills are so... so so so so AAHHH. Im in love fr I can't explain it. The shading makes me go insane and the way he draws out anatomy and muscles and fat and just bodies in general... god
supppe, another person who is on tumblr whose colour paletes bring me joy. He makes comics and his art style is super pleasing to the eye
And from current fandom I think everyone can agree that panidanya and wszczebrzyszynie are incredible artists . Panidanyas anatomy and painting skills kill me every time and wszczebrzyszynie has this really nostalgic(?) art style that my heart can get behind. It creates art with such passion and love, you know, you can't deny that. if you look at its art you just know
Other than that the main inspiration i guess comes from my friends, from my mutuals' art. It doesn't have to be something big. It can be as simple as a small detail in someones clothing or the facial expressions. God this reminds me I miss my friends art. Evan you need to make more art I miss you
8. How would you describe your art style?
Matured deviantart emo semirealism. I dont think semi realism really fits my style bc it still feels too cartoony to me. I dont think my art style is really all that well developed idk it lacks identity to me but Im also hyper critical of my art
14. Do you prefer to make fan content or original content? This is a tricky goddamn question I thought about this for like 5 minutes and now Im even more confused. I am an oc artist first. I don't like "original" art in the sense of those paintings that just exist in a vacuum with no character stories behind them. I want something you can follow, you know. I want there to be some form of a story. which i guess is my downfall sometimes. When i draw fandom art i feel like they're also my ocs. esp bc its... its mcyt... You kind of have to make it into your oc because you have 16x16 pixel canvas and someones 2010 kakashi skin to work with.
On the other hand, bc i'm an oc artist, Im making 'fan content' of my ocs. Technically. Do yuo follow. So me drawing my babyboy Daniel 400+ times in a decade is kind of like fan content but Im the only fan... So whats original content and whats fan content.
I do feel like being so intertwined in fandom content may have hindered my art development a little bit, since I completely stopped drawing my ocs for a little while. I didn't get to explore their lives through art as much as I would've wanted to. I haven't been drawing as many backgrounds because I do enjoy mostly drawing interiors and there's not much interiors to talk about when it comes to mcyt... And ive also just been lacking motivation for it.
All in all i think i enjoy "original" art more, because it gives me more, it gives more to my heart. It's not that i don't enjoy drawing mcyt, but I think I should maybe try to draw mcyt in a more personal? matter? Without too much fandomification? I want to make more art that has "meaning" per say, with backgrounds, a story behind them. (this is just for me and what i want to get out of art, this doesn't apply to anyone else. it's such a slippery slope bc i know saying these things may feel hurtful to others but i am only talking about myself.... okay T_T) I dont know if any of this makes sense. I'm always lost in my direction with art and going to art school didn't make it any better <3
I do think that because I've been going thru a lot of personal warfare in the past 3 years, fandom HAS helped me in the sense that it helps me with creativity, since i have been severely lacking in creative thinking, I just struggle with it nowadays, so if I can draw ethubs making out under a tree bc they did so in episode 402 out of season 194 then so be it, at least it'll help me create
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tart-miano · 3 years
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O.C.tober Day 3: Young Witch
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tearsanddeers · 3 years
i was thinking abt mayb world building on my jjk artist au?? like,, the whole crew as art students / art teachers / master artists etc.,, mostly had sashisu in my head when i jotted it down on my sticky notes tbh (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
i alr had a few art movements in mind for a handful of the characters based off my pov of their personalities so i might hv been biased while i tagged them to a movement but i cld always switch them ard-
hvnt decided on what media they'd main but i hv the outfits + roles down at the vv least LOLLL
sashisu as the legendary (competitive-) trio of the current era? slay!!! students admires their art n skills but not them (stares at gojo specifically) coz they're all (lovable) jerks in a way.
idk whether it's been done b4 tho? i might hv to search ard to check b4 i make an au of my own 😭 this is sort of basically a bp x jjk au at this point but like,, only jjk charas..?
just missing my art major lessons ig- rlly made me respect artists n appreciate art more since i cldnt give 2 fks abt them b4 i was 15 😭
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cldnt bring myself to sleep when i was high on sashisu dynamics LOLLL smth smth abt competitive, feral and destructive but considerate, connected and respectful friendships or sumn ig?
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