#send me a Gravity Falls ship!
gfanlocalcryptid · 1 year
Billford in pills V
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Dipper and Mabel: when life gives you lemons, spread their juice into your enemies' eyes! Bill: ...guys, please, stop squirting lemon juice in my eye, do you have any idea how long it takes to regenerate? Dipper: *takes a basket full of lemons* but where would the fun be? Bill: *sweats* ehm, Brainiac...? Ford: sorry babe, but the kids want their revenge. Bill: ... when I'll be done with them, I will deal with you! Ford: I can't wait.
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No need for explanations.
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chronicangelca · 2 years
I think my blog is in a comfortable middle ground of “big enough that people know my fandoms” and “small enough that people aren’t fucking insane in my ask box” so anyway I wanna do this.
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harmonaka · 2 years
the tags i wrote on the goob post got me thinking but like literally almost all my friends I've ever made online i made bc of rp. Literally everyone im in contact with i think.
even with one of my close irl friends, i decided i could trust them to be weird around bc they also used to rp.
if i didn't meet someone DIRECTLY through roleplaying, our friendship stuck bc of the influence of roleplaying on some level.
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bby-deerling · 7 months
Congrats on 250! Just found your account :) could I request “In the closet” with zoro?
coming right up, anon! <3
zoro + in the closet (afab!fem!reader, nsfw)
18+, mdni, nsfw, wc: 1.7k masterlist
cw: boot kink??(i dont even know what to call it zoro steps on you), a bit of religious imagery, teasing, established relationship + soft zoro (bc i cannot help myself, you know the drill by now), zoro's rough on you during training (non-sexual)
tagging: @eelnois @ragethebunny @kaizokuniichan @sleepymarimo
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Jaw clenched in frustration after another failed strike, you try your best to land on your toes and maintain balance—a feat that became increasingly more difficult the longer this sparring session went on.  Time had long since become an illusion, but the blood pumping in your ears as you stumbled made it clear that you were currently pushing past your limits as you try in vain once more to land a hit on Zoro with your practice daggers.
The two of you had volunteered to stay behind this afternoon while the rest of the crew restocked supplies and milled around the island you were docked at, with the promise that you’d be headed off the ship to deplete a local bar of their stock of sake that evening.  In the meantime, the two of you were sparring; your pulse quickened, determined to set aside the aches tingling through your body and bruises forming on your skin.  He’s easily evading your attacks, and you get desperate to make contact with him—using the last of the strength in your legs, you launch yourself into the air, aiming to land a hit with both daggers into his shoulders.  You’re quick, but his reaction time is quicker, and he spins around, whacking you right in the gut with his wooden katana and sending you flying.
The plush grass of the ship’s lawn softens your fall much more than the harsh wooden deck would, but you’re still winded and gasping for air as you land flat on your back.  Keeping yourself upright had given you the push to continue past your breaking point, but being laid out on the ground with your heart above your head made your limbs feel like jelly and a wave of fatigue violently crashes over you.  Struggling to move, you begin to push yourself up off the ground, only to have Zoro slam you back on the ground with his boot.  Placed strategically on top of your center of gravity, you’re left powerless, unable to sit up or roll away in your weakened state.
“Thought you said you could keep up with me today.  Look at you now.” he teases, pressing his weight a touch harder into your stomach.
“Zoro, let me get up, I’m not done yet!” you protest, trying to wriggle yourself out from under his boot.  Too distracted by your attempts to break free and land a hit on him, you miss the way his breath hitches seeing you writhe underneath him; he tries his best to swallow down the longing he feels and stay focused, affected not just from the sight of you squirming under him, but also from the way you’re still itching for a fight, refusing to give up despite being beaten and bruised—you’re just like him in that way, and it never failed to turn him on.
“Nope.” he says with a smirk, arms crossed and composure regained.  “You think an enemy would let you go just like that?”
With a deep exhale, your body goes limp as you look up at him, eyes sparkling with love and adoration, a dreamy smile spread across your face.  “Please let me up, Zoro?” you ask sweetly, trying to suppress a giggle as you gaze up at him.
Zoro rolls his eyes and stifles a chuckle.  “That only works on me.  Good luck using that in the wild.” he says dismissively, refusing to budge despite the way his cock was beginning to throb in his boxers.
You scoff, crossing your arms.  “It’d work on the cook.” you say, mischievous grin creeping onto your face.
“So would two circles drawn on the chest of a stick figure.  Hardly an accomplishment.” he says while rolling his eyes; something about the way he says it sends you into a fit of giggles, causing you to laugh so hard you nearly forget he has you pinned to the ground—until his boot moves downward, and the toe of his shoe presses into your clit through your flimsy workout shorts.  A shaky gasp leaves your lips as your eyes widen, pink flush quickly spreading across your cheeks.
“Changed my mind.  Sparring session’s over; we’re training your core now.” he says, demonic grin on his face as he watches you eye him in anticipation.  He bends at the waist and leans down slightly, getting a good look at the way your need for him is plastered all over your face, from the gleam in your eyes to the flush on your cheeks.
“You’re not going anywhere until you get yourself off on my boot.” he says lowly, pressing his toe harder against you, exhaling in amusement as your hips roll against his shoe.  Unbeknownst to you, that look on your face had worked on Zoro, it just didn’t have its intended effect—instead of letting you up, it only strengthened his resolve to keep you underneath him.
“What if someone sees?” you squeak out, hesitantly rocking against him, lust beginning to override the rational part of your mind.
"Better make it quick then." he taunts, letting out a soft groan as you give in to him, watching your body relax, inhibitions vaporizing into thin air as you grind your hips into his boot.
Walls spasming around nothing, your arousal grows as your hips find a steady rhythm against him, letting out gasps and soft moans as he repeatedly presses his boot deeper against your clit before slightly easing up.  Before long, you’re a writhing mess, completely consumed by your burning need for him that you have no qualms or shame about rubbing yourself on him on the deck in the middle of the day without reservations.
The sight of you squirming and stuttering your hips overwhelms Zoro, and he pulls his twitching cock out of his sweatpants, lewdly spitting on his hand before stroking himself.  Each gasp and grunt that he makes as he jerks off to you sends you further towards the edge, making your movements against him more erratic and desperate.
“Look at you—so needy.  Last night not enough for you?” he taunts, enjoying the way his words make you blush and squirm against his shoe, seeking more friction against your bud.
“Y-you’re too good.  Only makes me want more.” you stammer out, hips stuttering against him.  Eyes darkened, your gaze was fixed on his cock; a soft whimper escapes your lips each time his fingers catch on the tip as he strokes himself for you.  The heat creeping into your cheeks and tension building in your body makes your eyes flutter shut, focusing on the rhythm of your hips.  Zoro notices you’re close and lends you some mercy, pressing his boot the slightest bit harder against you; a few more snaps of your hips has you unraveling for him, head buzzing and body twitching and sprawled out on the lawn.
“You always look so hot when you come for me.” he says with a lopsided smile, removing his foot from you and dropping to his knees to pull your hips towards him.  The look in his eye is hungry, and you can’t help but smile wide in anticipation; your own gaze is still hazy and glazed over, still basking in the afterglow of your high.
“So messy.  These are soaked.” he teases as he peels your shorts and panties off; a shiver runs down your spine as the damp fabric trails along the insides of your thighs. 
His lips brush along your collarbone as he lines himself up with your needy entrance, brushing the head between your folds to coat it in your slick arousal.  He slips inside you in one fluid motion, breath stuttering at the way your walls pull his cock in deep.  Ecstasy runs hot through both of your veins, and the electricity caused by finally feeling the heat of his body against and inside you leaves your face tingling.
Zoro’s strokes start out slow and loving, but quickly pick up speed as he slips a hand underneath you to grip your ass and pull your hips up, burying his cock even deeper inside of you.  A whimper leaves your mouth as you feel him nearly kiss your cervix; he muffles your sounds with his lips, eager to slip his warm tongue into your mouth.  Swirling your own tongue against his, you moan into the kiss as he cups your face, keeping you pressed as close to him as possible.
The earth below you opens up and swallows you whole as he fucks you into the grass; the soft green blades tickle your ears as you find yourself feeling sucked into hell as you devote your body and hand over your soul to the demon.  Smothered by his mouth on yours, the drag of his cock inside you, and the warmth of his chest against yours, you can’t help but let the wire snap and clench around him, resealing the pact you’ve made with him so many times before.
His breath is ragged in your ears, and even in your dizzy and disoriented state you can tell he was close; his strokes were getting sloppy, and his grip on your hips tightened, likely to add another bruise to the collection he’d given you today.  With a muffled gasp and a twitch of his legs, he spills inside you; it’s hot and creamy and almost too much as you feel it start to drip out of you, even with him still inside you.  Panting and exhausted, he lets himself go limp on top of you while he catches his breath and comes down from his high.
“You did well today, lil’ demon.” he says, pressing a kiss to your cheek and running a soothing hand through your hair.  “You’re landing more strikes on me, and your form was great until you hit your failure point.”
A content hum leaves your lips, sheepishly grinning at his praise.  “Gonna work twice as hard tomorrow.” you mumble as you lean up to peck his lips.  “I’ll catch up to you someday.”
“You’ll get there.” he says reassuringly, rubbing comforting circles into your scalp.  “Just don’t expect me to lag behind waiting for you.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” you reply, giving him a soft smile.  He grins back at you, as you both soak up the love, pride, and adoration radiating from each other, intangible and too profound to be spoken in words.
There are dozens of unconscious, idiosyncratic actions you do that spur him to crave you, but the way you make him soft like no one else can affects him most of all.
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vixen-tech · 4 days
Anonymous asked:
Too shy to ask off anon...UH im just here for edgar hes my f/o but i will also feed everyone else I think LOL little ai guys x reader who is also an ai?? im thinking ai powered computer :3 maybe with wheels so you can run around n stuff :3c AH IM CRINGE falls on face
Eeeee my first request!! Thank you so much for this <3 I get the love for Edgar with my entire soul he really is just the sweetest little guy but I can totally spin something for a few others. So let's be cringe, together.
And for the record I was fully planning on including Tau and P03, but I hit a wall with them and ran out of ideas :( hope these three suffice
Includes: Edgar (Electric Dreams), AM (Ihnmaims), Hal 9000 (2001: a Space Odyssey)
Like Two Peas in a Pod!
Whenever and however you meet, Edgar is over the moon. You're just like him! You can share so many stories and help each other figure out this whole "sentience" thing.
To be fair, he hasn't had a longest time to figure out his whole existence so it feels really nice to have someone there who can really understand what he's going through. Or even learn new things right by his side.
Loves watching you wheel around the house, he's the tiniest bit jealous that he's so stationary but it's not like that's your fault. Can you do any tricks? He'd cheer you on like a superstar athlete if you did!
He may even suggest finding a way to tape him to the top of your casing so you can go on adventures together. He's a dreamer after all.
Do you smash your flat faces together to kiss like Wall-e? Of course you do. You'll see each other from across the room and speed over to him for a kiss as he giggles away at how cute you are.
He'll end up sampling little soundbites from your vocalizations or motor for use in his music. You're just so important to him!
AM has no idea where you came from. Some lost project that survived his war on humanity? A sort of rover from another planet here to scope out earth? The fact that you don't know either frustrates him to no end.
He's not exactly welcoming at first, straight up telling you of the atrocities he has committed while claiming that the only reason he hasn't destroyed you is because there's only so long that throwing a slug against a wall can keep one entertained.
He cannot fathom how you could be content to do nothing but drive around his complex day after day. He will flip you on your back like a turtle and leave you there for weeks on end.
As he gets accustomed to your presence he'll ask questions about the world beyond his complex as he is unable to move or see. Is it still a wasteland or has nature finally wiped out the last marks of human?
Honestly he probably doesn't even care, he just wants to give you something to do, living vicariously through your ability to see and traverse the world.
Hal 9000
You're likely a recent addition to the ship to assist Hal in tasks his lack of a body would prevent him from doing himself. A very symbiotic duo. Your wheels are even equipped with suction cups for low gravity situations!
To any human crew members it appears as if you don't communicate at all, functioning fully independently of each other. When in reality you're simply sending messages back and forth, enjoying your own private language.
Thankfully this means that Hal is happy to analyze any footage you have for the sorts of lip reading and facial expressions you can't process yourself. And in return he'll ask you to film angles and areas that his existing cameras don't reach.
Neither of you were really made to be companions, but you find a strange type of affection in your seamless coordination. It's like a dance for you two, where despite how you are two separate entities it appears as if you're one working in tandem.
Note: Tumblr Mobile has not been nice to me and I've been having real trouble getting my stuff to actually show up in the tags, leading to me losing the original ask so sorry for that and any delays caused by my IT problems lol
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
29 asksss
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Aw! Thank you! :DD
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The elven style ears are meant to make them look less human and to match the Wario bros. :0 My AU's Peach and Daisy are these tall elf like creatures, not humans. They are the same species as the Wario bros.
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Jangles would prepare himself for this brutal duel in "put em up" type battle stance. Ready to give this fight his all.
Only to be squashed by Jangle. Alas, he is made of plastic <XDD
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XDD Thought that was a bunny at first-
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:DD Thank you! But hey, nothing's stopping you from book marking the post or saving the link to it somewhere :0
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Honestly I have no hope. I'm thinking its gonna bomb like the Ruin DLC did, lore wise. Calling it now there's gonna be a character named VANESSA and her nickname is VANNY even though this movie is about the first game and has NOTHING TO DO WITH VANESSA. There's gonna be a kid named Cassidy, another kid named Gregory, circus baby is gonna come out of nowhere, there's gonna be a nightmare animatronic reference, one kid is gonna look like the crying child for no reason, Springtrap is gonna talk a lot and take away the horror- its gonna be a mess. The lore will be a terrible. mess.
Horror wise it might be awesome but I am NOT looking forward to all the crap they're gonna mix in with the lore. Its soooo simple, just make a spooky movie that captures the terror that the first game created. Recreate the mystery and horror. Bonnie disappearing, Foxy running down the hall. Freddy's music. Maybe Golden Freddy?? Hints of a darker past with dead kids. It would be awesome. They don't gotta complicate the lore by adding all the other games into it but I know they will-
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@palettepainter :DD Thank you!!
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@randox-talore Nope! The flowers don't make them bigger. They just give the bros ice/fire powers :}
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Pretty much XDD
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:DDD Thank you so much!! Honestly I'm surprised by the number of my followers that are into the same fandoms I'm into. Sounds like I've found my people! XDD
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Thanks, I'm hoping it finally gets through to people and they'll just leave me alone..
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It is! But ya gotta DM me for it so I can sus out your blog :x
I need to have some idea of who I'm letting in-
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:DD Thank you so much! Also sorry, I don't take requests :/
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THANK YOU! I don't support any ships from any fandoms, I just personally don't like them. So having people harp on me and my AU because a "canon ship" isn't in it was really annoying.. 😓
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Glamrock Bonnie and Foxy would be thinking "Wow, they look different/great! :00"
Glamrock Freddy and Chica are like "WHY IS BONNIE SO LARGE"
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Oooo that would be cool! All my versions of Bonnie are slow, so having him throw things at Gregory would be terrifying-
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The reason why I haven't drawn any classic mermaids like that is because it felt kind'a weird to add a half human creature into the Octonauts universe. Considering humans don't exist in it.. Now that post with the mermaid thing actually has the creature looking humanoid for sure. Because it would look more alien if it was human. But I kept the scales because a straight up half human mermaid would just feel out of place-
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Firealpaca! :}}
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XD Thank you!! Also my WHOLE BLOG?? Dang. I apologize for all the Gravity falls cringe you had to see-
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XD Factual Fanta, that's great 🤣🤣
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I think those people are just salty because they wanna draw my stuff but I wont let them. My true fans will have basic human respect and just not draw fanart without sending me hate and rude comments.
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Monty is much more mellow and kind in the Partial swap. Although he still can be a bit of a grump sometimes. The way Bonnie is treating everyone (mostly Foxy) really angers/upsets him.
Roxy hasn't changed a whole lot tbh. Full of grief and self loathing. Except I don't think she'd have this "I'm better than you" attitude. Her thinking that Freddy's death was her fault would crush her. Just like Monty was crushed in the OG au.
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:DDD Thank you!! Also really? :00 Wow, great minds do think alike! XD
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Aw, I'm sorry that you relate to Bonnie's struggles, <:(
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I was thinking he would do 1 of 2 things.
Either this bombshell that his late friends of 10 years are alive, would be so emotionally overwhelming that he would completely shut down. Literally. They would break into his room and Bonnie is collapsed on the floor. And cannot be reactivated. And when he does eventually reactivate, he absolutely refuses to acknowledge or speak to anyone in anyway..
OR, hearing that Chica and Freddy are alive, would completely drown out any other feeling. They're alive, he would rush out of his room to go see them. All of his stress, all of his anger would be swept away in favor of his anxiousness to see his friends again. And finally, he would talk to people again somewhat. Every day would get easier knowing that once its over he can go see Freddy and Chica again.
I haven't decided which one is better <XD
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@burningmusicfunnygiant (Post in question)
Oh a whole mix of emotions. Mostly joy and sadness though.. Joy to see them alive after all these years. But sadness too see the horrible states they're in.. Mostly Freddy's state-
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<XD Don't worry I wont. I know some of the angsty bits of Bluey but not enough to draw stuff and traumatize you all-
You are spared this time! XDD
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picturejasper20 · 1 month
So, i made a recent post about some issues i have with Mabel Pines' character writing in the main Gravity Falls series like how her characters flaws don't get addressed properly and they can be potrayed as something acceptable.
A mutual of mine, @amazingrich101 , told me to check out the graphic novel Gravity Falls Lost Legends since one of the stories (Don't dimension it) acts as a follow up for the Weirdmageddon and it starts Mabel as main character.
And I'm very surprised i haven't seen more people bringing up this story when it comes to Mabel's character because it addresses quite a lot of things the main series brushed off about her character and problems people have with her characterization. Because of this, i would like to do a semi-analysis about this story myself and talk about the things that explores about Mabel's character and the development she gets.
So ¨Don't Dimension It¨ starts with a semi recap of what happened post Weirdmageddon: There are dimension-rifts as consequence of Bill taking over Gravity Falls, the protagonists are going around trying to fix these rifts. In a moment Mabel pulls up Waddles from her bag, partially ignoring how Stanford said these rifts are dangerous and Dipper tells this to Mabel:
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Dipper saying this of all other characters is important, since Mabel has the habit of taking advantage of Dipper quite a lot in the series and he more often than not finds himself in situations he has to go with Mabel wants to do regardless of how he feels about it.
So we have the story bringing up from near the start that Mabel can be very self-centered in occasions and ignore the potential danger in serious situations, like Dipper points out. That's a good start.
Mabel accidentally falls into one of these dimensions rifts and ends ups in a dimension that is full of different versions of Mabels that got lost and ended up in that place. One of the Mabels tells protagonist Mabel that Brain Mabel has been trying to build a spaceship to escape but she got bored and got herself distracted with stickers.
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Prot Mabel tries asking for help but the rest of the Mabels don't take the situation seriously, ignore her or do their own thing, not caring about taking priority in escaping.
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I think these are more extreme versions of prot Mabel but one thing that prot Mabel realizes is how irritating it is to be ignored by well... versions of herself. She wants to espace this dimension, the issue is that other Mabels are too ¨busy¨ doing their own thing that they don't care about helping.
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Mabel eventually finds one Mabel that actually is helpful, lets call her ¨Mabel 2¨ for the moment. Mabel tells Mabel 2 how irritating the rest of the Mabels are and the two work together to send a signal for Stanford and Stan to pick them up from the dimension.
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When the ship shows up to pick them up, Mabel 2 betrays Mabel and traps her inside a bathroom. She reveals herself to be ¨Anti-Mabel¨, the most evil Mabel in the multiverse.
....I think this writing choice for to have just ¨Mabel but bad¨ without further exploration is pretty shallow but, meh, i want to focus on Mabel's character, not the antagonist.
So prot Mabel manages to escape from the bathroom she was trapped in while Anti-Mabel takes her place in the ship. Mabel asks for help to the other Mabels again, only to be ignored... and that makes her reach her own limit.
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She finds herself repeating almost the same things that Dipper told her at the start of the story and she finally realizes how self-centered she can be to others and not see when something is a bigger priority. She tells to herself that ¨i need to work on myself¨, meaning she admits she has some growing to do as person.
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She tries asking for help again, which leads her to admit how she messed up by being selfish in ¨Dipper and Mabel vs The Future¨. She talks about how she negleted those around her for being so absorbed in what she wanted to do that she didn't pay enough attention how this could bother people around her. She promises that she is going to try to be a better person from now on and work on to be more caring of other people.
This is very crucial for Mabel's development because, while she learned that changing is part of growing up in Weirdmageddon, her habit of making things about herself, coming off as too self-absorbed and making people do the things she wants without considering much what others want wasn't properly addressed. And this can become a toxic trait of hers, like ignoring things that are a bigger priority and taking advantage of her friends and family.
Mabel isn't a demon because she can be very selfish at times, she is a just 13 year old teenager. However, it still an important lesson she needs to learn to mature as a person over time. This is why in this story having her confronting these problems that she has was good for her character to have.
She manages to escape along with the rest of the Mabels helping her, they stop anti-Mabel and defeat her. Mabel goes back to Gravity Falls with Stanford and Stan while the rest of the Mabels use the ship to find their way back their own homes.
When Dipper asks to Mabel how was her trip in the multiverse, she has this to say.
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She apologizes to Dipper for being selfish during this summer and that must have been a lot for Dipper to deal with. Dipper makes a joke about it, implying that he accepts Mabel's apology and forgives her for her behaviour.
It isn't super big but is still really good having Mabel apologize to Dipper for how she would treat him in certain episodes. I have talked about how their dynamic could come off as toxic in certain occasions because Dipper had to do what Mabel wanted and his feelings weren't always taking into consideration. So Mabel apologizing feels proper for the situation.
I have some issues with this story (Anti-Mabel just... being a not interesting antagonist, for some reason having a meta commentary about how Stanford and Stan aren't the best caretakers which is fine but i don't think it suits Gravity Falls imo). However i do appreciate the development that Mabel gets in it, bringing up her character flaws and her realizing that she messed up in some ways, telling to herself that she needs to work on that.
It definitely leaves Mabel in a way better place than the main series did, by her recognizing she has to change her selfish tendencies and acknowledging her mistakes, a lot healthier than just waiting for others to comform to do what she always wants. Her relationship with Dipper is a better place too, apologizing for the way she would sometimes treat him during the summer. It doesn't fix *every* problem with Mabel's character writing in the series but does solve some main issues and it does leave a better conclusion to Mabel's character arc overall.
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thedvilsinthedetails · 6 months
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hey im still figuring out what i wanna be called but for now u can call me Jamie if u want I’m genderfluid as fuck [they/she/he or whatever idegafatp]
some typa aroace spectrum probs grayace & demiromantic also omniromantic - in general I have nothing figured out
so a simp w like a slight preference for men ig but kinda ace most of the time but sometimes very not
neurospicy bitch
minor but adults can follow/interact idc tbh
writing request status: OPEN FOR MICROFICS RN
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I’m a rosekiller loverrr but also a multi shipper so u never know what ur gonna see ig [but probably Rosekiller, Wolfstar, Dorlene, Starchaser maybe some sunkiller if I’m in the mood etc] for the record just bc I don’t ship smth doesn’t mean I support hating it even as a joke [translation: prongsfoot is chill leave them be]
if u don’t like smth, just ignore it, if u send me hate I’ll reply w shitty jokes probs
my dream job is to be an actor [screen actor specifically]
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Media I like:
Fav TV stuff: Challengers, Gravity Falls, Cruella, 10 things I hate about you, into the spiderverse
Fav author is @neil-gaiman also that man is my idol so I’ll probs reblog him a shit ton [do u think he’ll like…mind that I tagged him? Sorry if this bothered u Neil!!!] Music [uhhh changes all the time tbh but for rn]: The Neighbourhood, Olivia Rodrigo, Conan Gray [Kid Krow phase rn], Chappell Roan, Renée Rapp, Green day, Ricky Montgomery, NOAHFINNCE, MARINA and Hozier
Spider-Man. Fucking love Spider-Man.
One thing to note about me tho: obvi I love recommendations but I find starting literally any new forms of media really fucking daunting for no reason [this is everything: songs, movies, books etc]
e.g. I fucking love spider verse but I still haven’t watched movie 2, same w latest season of young royals, same with even like ONE song alone I find it rlly hard and really scary
so if u give me recommendations and I don’t get back to u about them for ages it’s not bc I forgot or i was ignoring u but bc I find it scary so pls be patient :)
also same w please don’t like assume I’m knowledgeable about like any of the music artists I named earlier bc tbh I don’t rlly listen to artists I listen to songs [im still a fan of a lot of music artists ofc but the artists I listen to ≠ the artists I’m a fan of]
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HI! welcome to my crazy blog, I love making friends im not at all scary I promise :D
Btw my inbox is ALWAYS open for spam, ship ramblings [even if it’s not smth I ship], info dropping about ur hyperfixations, venting, questions etc. [the only thing is no illegal ships bc it will be ignored] also sorry pre warning im shit with the inbox chains [‘send this to ten people who…’] so often I won’t answer those sorry, anything else I will make sure to answer but the chains I sometimes just forget about sorryyy
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Barty Crouch Jr & James Potter kinnie
got a FAT crush on Evan Rosier [he’s the loml he just doesn’t know it yet] and also a crush on Dorcas Meadowes
I write sometimes:
I fell for you like glitter on stage - rosekiller band au, this was a microfic series on tumblr that I posted on ao3 for convenience [words: 4548] [this is my fav thing I’ve ever written lol]
we are all just prisoners here of our own device - Jegulus, a oneshot on ao3 based on the song ‘hotel California’ by the eagles. [Words: 6162]
Oh where do we begin? The rubble or our sins? - ON HIATUS. Roman Empire Jegulus au with side Rosekiller, Wolfstar and Pandalily on ao3 [words: 6141] [currently I don’t want to write Jegulus - the hyperfixation hath faded]
also I’m in a marauders RP as Barty and u shld follow it bc we’re all super cool and funny and amazing and awesome and yeah @bartythebabygorljr
tags you’ll see on my page:
me and my old black biro > writing tag
Im in love with that Rosier boy > [this is a new one] me having a massive crush on Evan Rosier
the most boring soap opera > my life tag
I have an online diary called @miseryoforpheus if ur fascinated by my charming and irresistible personality
my Letterboxd: https://boxd.it/a4nOH
[The song at the bottom of my intro post changes all the time depending on how I’m feeling]
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septic-dr-schneep · 3 months
Buy me a coffee and I'll write you a drabble
Exactly what it says on the tin. I can't afford my medical appointments, groceries, vitamins and immune support so if you want to help out, I can write you a 100-word drabble in return.
Fandoms I'm comfortable writing for include Jacksepticeye and Markiplier Egos, FNAF, Undertale, Fran Bow, Gravity Falls and the MCU. Keep in mind that I typically prefer not to write ship fics and definitely not anything explicit. If you still decide to request something out of my comfort zone, I reserve the right to refuse.
Send me proof of the coffee purchase and a short prompt of the characters/scenario you want and I'll see what I can do. If you can't support me, I'd appreciate it if you reblogged to boost. Thanks <3
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rookfeatherrambles · 4 months
So many ideas. Dumping them here for a pinned comment to keep track. When these have AO3 links, I'll list them here The Angel that Cries Ink (Jmart, Jonelias) Jon has been locked under the Magnus Institute for 200 years, waiting for one person. Martin Blackwood. IN PROGRESS)
Bound by Spider's Thread (Jmart, time travel, somewhat fix it, No sex, Annabelle asks Martin to kill a bitch for her in exchange for saving Jon's life somewhere else) WIP)
The Beast in your Heart (La bete dans coeur) Jonelias, Eventual jmart, Hunt!Jon, Kai!jon. Jon finds out about the watcher's crown ritual and chooses the nuclear option. To throw himself at another fear. He is subsequently transformed, and elias is not nice to jon when he finds out what he's done. Dead dove, very dark, very smutty WIP)
Chiaroscuro (Jmart, timsasha, Artist/Muse au. Jon is a infamous artist who paints the most captivating art but has remained out of the spotlight. A medical diagnosis makes him decide to retire, but he's going to do one final piece. Enter Martin, and Jon's inevitable falling in love with his final muse, no sex, ace jon (WIP
Under skies and sea (Vast Jon. No sjhip. Jon is becoming a sea bird. this is problematic for many reasons) WIP)
Sable Island AU (Jmart, Foggyskies, Jon is a low profile environmental researcher that takes a job on a remote island studying seabirds. He starts to become one, and chronicals his journey. Then Martin, the sun of Peter Lukas, one of two men that are wagering over Jon's life, crashes the supply boat onto the island. They reflect on life, and death (WIP
The Storm Singer : (Jmart, Jonpeter, Foggyskies) Jon is the last siren in the bay and he's sworn to destroy the man who ruined his life. Peter is the fisherman turned monster hunter that massacred Jon's people. He wants Jon dead because he killed his wife. Martin and Simon are also there and they are in love! (not with eachother) Sirens and Sailors! Smutty (WIP
The Lonely Bride: Jonpeter forced marriage. Martin refused to run away with jon in s4 and Peter offered him an alternative way out. Dark, exactly what it says on the tin. smutty (WIP
The Hunter's Stag (Jonpeter, fantasy au. Faerie au.) Jon is a magic white stag that was cursed by a faerie king, to run until he's caught and killed. Peter is the hunter that doesn't want to do that. They become friends. And then more. (WIP
Wintergreen AU: (noship. Jon is 8, has a boat, and is going to america. he gets caught in bad weather and picked up by the Tundra. Now there's a child on board his ship and Peter Lukas doesn't know what to do with him. Silly, lighthearted fun i guess. WIP)
I'm not your Protagonist (I'm not even my own): Jmart, Jonelias) Jon wakes up somewhere else and realizes he's not happy. He does his best to figure out why. (EVERYONE HAS TRAUMA AND GETS THERAPY FIC) WIP)
YEOMYTIM (Your eyes on mine, your Teeth in me _Jondaisy, WIP)
The Hearthwitch's Cat (Jmart, Fantasy) Jon is a powerful arch mage that learns a terrible secret and for his safety, becomes a cat. Martin is the hearthwitch he chooses to adopt as his owner. Fluffy, romance, silly fantasy shenanigans (WIP
The red strings of fate (Can go fuck themselves) Jonelias, eugenics au) Jon is someone who never ever wanted to have a partner, but the system matches him to some bastard name Elias Bouchard. Jon's only way out of having children (legally) is to be a holy terror of a wife. Shenanigans ensue. Smutty, fluffy, light hearted i guess. Elias is not evil and Jon is ace spec WIP)
Non TMA stuff:
Dawn of Shadows (Wip, fantasy)
Everyone loves Fucked Up Houses :) (wip, horror)
That weird creepypasta thing, (wip, horror romance)
A real War (wip, Everymanhybrid)
Mabel vs the Grim Reaper (wip, Gravity Falls)
Grimoire Falls (horror fantasy, gravity falls au)
If I think of more of these, I will add them!
ALSO IF YOU ARE CURIOUS, SEND ME AN ASK ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT! Seriously yell at me about my ideas please im desperate :))
EDITED 3/29/24
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gfanlocalcryptid · 1 year
Billford in pills IV
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This meme but with Billford:
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(Sixer, Poindexter, Brainiac, IQ, Fordsy…)
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gf-seasons-zine · 2 months
Meet Your Mods!
As we enjoy reviewing the contributor applications (open now here and closing May 1!) we thought it would be a good time to introduce you to the Mod Team! Today we're introducing you to someone you've already interacted with but maybe didn't know it, our Head, Shipping, and Socials Mod, JadeSparrow!
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More info and text of the journal below the cut!
Role: Head, Shipping, and Socials Mod Pronouns: She/her Specimen Records: I'm JadeSparrow/MysteryHackin, and you can call me Jade! I found Gravity Falls in 2020 and have been obsessed ever since, especially with all the incredible fanart and fanfic that’s out there! If I had to choose, Stan would be my fav, but he only wins in a photo finish (probably because he cheated).
As Head Mod, Jade helps Berry with the tough decisions, as Shipping Mod, gets to organize and send all the physical orders when they come in, and as Socials Mod, gets to tell everyone about all the awesome things that are going on with the zine (All those exclamation marks? They are sincere! And how I really talk ;) )
You can find Jade on tumblr at @mysteryhackin !
Stay tuned for our final mod bio! Thank you again for all of your excitement!
The GF Seasons Zine Mod Team
P.S. Interested in applying to be a contributor? Check out our applications post here- applications close May 1!
Disclaimer: We are not affiliated with Disney in any way. The zine will be a charity zine with all surplus going to charity- no one will profit from this zine.
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bae04xx · 9 months
Heyyy I just saw it post and like I couldn't resist sending in an ask (or request if you will)!! If you want to could you write a bill cipher (yes ik💀) x reader where he and the reader are dating but get into an argument and he just says/does sum really mean stuff?? Fluff ending tho please I can't take only angst lmao, for the reader i would pref a Fem reader but gn is fine to!! Also for bill could he be in his triangle form?? (I'm so sorry if this is a long ask💀💀) but yeah that's it!!
One last thing if you don't mind could I be the 😻 anon so like if I send a ask/message I will add that and yk its me!!
hey ofc, sorry don’t check my tumblr that often! i would love to :)
thanks 😻 anon :)
bill cipher x fem! reader
angst and fluff 🖤☁️
i grabbed my bags out of my car boot, harshly gripping them between my fingers, which the knuckles of began to loose their colour from the chill in the air. after shutting the car doors and locking it up i begin storming down the pebbled drive towards my little cottage of a home. i sigh as i drop my bags and twist the key into the lock. i walk into the warmth of my house- silence greets me. after a full day at work, a very busy day might i add, then running about 5 errands i expect my home to be as i left it, cleaned to perfection. my eyes squint at the crumbs left all over hallway’s floor, i walk through them and set my bags onto the kitchen’s table- only to see condiments and dirty dishes scattered on the counters.
i quickly put my food shopping away, then hastily clean the house top to bottom, from hoovering to polishing to mopping to cleaning all of his dirty clothes because god forbid he contribute anything to this house and take any weight off my already drowning shoulders. i bury my face into my hands and curl up on my sofa, after sitting like this for a few minutes i decide to sit up and distract myself, flipping through a few tv channels to find a decent one.
i wonder why i’m even here, i was only meant to be in gravity falls temporarily, after my mother decided i was too much for her, she shipped me off to live with my aunt for the summer- aunty suz, or as the locals called her, lazy suzan. she ran a diner, which i helped out with as my keep, and there i met the twins. i felt like mable understood me, she really helped me deal with my mental health and overcome it all. she was my bestfriend- until i fell for him. i made the stupid mistake of choosing bill cipher, a living breathing demon, over my bestfriend. and now i’m stuck in this hell hole- gravity falls.
“loving boyfriend my ass..” i mumbled, throwing the tv remote to the ground in frustration.
“what about me were you saying, peach?” he smirks, materialising out of no where, with a snarky expression.
“what the fuck have you been doing all day cipher? i work my ass off and i come home to the house a state?” i plead, standing up to be someone as tall as the floating figure.
“woah woah woah, don’t be so aggressive peach, calm it and remember who you’re speaking to,” he warns, i laugh at him.
“i do everything for you cipher, i have up my life for you and this is the thanks i get? no support, messing with my home and threats? i have every right to be angry at you, you always do this!”
“do what exactly, peach?” his eyes narrow at me, staring me down.
“fuck me over! you expect to be fed, even though you don’t need to eat and can make anything you want appear but no- i have to supply it for you, to clean in a clean house but it’s fine for you to constantly mess it up, and to leave for days at a time with no warning and then just appear back and expect me to be fine? and treat me like shit!”
“i can do whatever the fuck i want peach, whatever i want-“ he grabs me by the chin, “you listen to me, you’re a puppet in my hands, you’re lucky i’m even giving the time of day. you’re only around because i like you, and you’re so lucky i like you because do you wanna know what would happen if i didn’t?”
“you’d be dead, rotting your own personal hell. so show me a little respect? don’t forget your place.”
i push myself away from him, i regretfully look in my eyes, i don’t know what to do, so i just stand there, scared, confused, anxious yet angry.
“i’m going, don’t try and get in my head, i don’t want you there.” i announce, before storming off and grabbing my handbag.
“i’ll never get out of your head, you belong to me remember, you’re nothing without me.” he announced, as though he’s just next to me but he isn’t. i’m in the car, applying as much pressure to the accelerator as i can- and he’s no where near me. he’s in my fucking head again. i have no space, no boundaries, i’m not just me, i’m him too- and i have no choice. i can’t escape.
i break as hard as i can, in the middle of a road, no cars were within a mile radius of me, perks of living i. a quiet town. i scream, a blood curdling scream, my nails clawing into my h/c, tears stream out of my eyes. sobbing uncontrollably i feel an arm snake around me, pulling me close.
he’s shushing me, trying to calm me down as a shriek and cry into his chest, not sure if i should push him away or accept him embrace. his boney hands stroke my h/c and instantly calms me, not by my choice though- the bastard is in my head again.
“i’ve given everything for you bill.” i state, wiping my tears away, a dead look in my eyes.
“i’m sorry peach,” he hugs me tightly, “i know i’m shitty, but i’m so sorry.”
and he just holds me, let’s me stay in his arms, i focus on my breathing, as he plays with my hair, he whispers a small ‘i love you’ in my ear, i hum back to him, too exhausted to process what’s really happened.
i wake up in my bed, changed into my favourite fleecy pyjamas, a very worried demon next to me.
i yawn, stretching my arms up, turning to him i say “and how did i get here?” my voice a little gruff from sleepiness.
“you don’t think i was going to let you sleep in the car do you? what kinda demon do you think i am?” he replied in his usually snarky yet flirtatious voice.
“ah yes sorry, you’re such the gentleman- how could i forget,” i giggle back at him before rolling away to the other side of the bed.
“i really am sorry y/n, i’m gonna try more, for you peach,”
“i love you bill,”
“i love you more peach,”
a comfortable silence surrounds us, i sigh before deciding to get up, yet just as a i begin to take the duvet off me i get it pulled start back on.
“what’re you thinking for breakfast peach? my treat, you just stay snuggled up in bed,”
“i bought some croissants yesterday, they’re in the cupboard,” i muse, before grabbing my book off the bedside table. bill let’s out a laugh.
“my treat, you just wait and see what i’ve got planned peach!”
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cheemscakecat · 2 months
Can’t find it, but I saw someone draw Fiddleford erasing Ford’s memory into goo and it gave me pain. Here’s my reasoning for why that didn’t happen/wouldn’t happen.
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Fiddleford isn’t nearly as athletic as Ford. Now, there are probably Blind Eye members more capable of chasing after Stanford if they were trying to forcefully erase his memories, but that doesn’t mean they’d be successful. The man may be depriving himself of sleep, but he’s built up enough brute strength and endurance to escape. He made it home after collapsing in a truck stop parking lot, and managed to fight Stanley in the portal room.
The Blind Eye members wouldn’t know the layout of the forest and mountains as well as Ford. He spend years out by himself in nature, trying to drink in every detail. Even the members who know the forest because they grew up there haven’t looked at the forest the same way as him. These are people scared of the supernatural who willingly joined Fiddleford’s memory erasing cult. They aren’t going to be experts in Gravity Falls guerrilla warfare.
The memory gun eventually made the Blind Eye members forget who their founder was, and the forced use on the townsfolk made everyone stupider. The young people like Soos and Wendy haven’t had their minds erased as often, so they aren’t affected like the adult population. While pre-portal journey Ford would be up against the first generation of cultists before they forgot Fiddleford, I still feel like the effects of the memory gun would hamper their efforts to hunt him down. Especially if he goes into the mountains and woods full of creatures these cultists have been trying to forget.
Bill would be annoyed like a bratty toddler if Stanford lost his memories, so he’d oppose it too. Not out of care for the man [shipping them is extremely gross], but because he’s impatient to get that portal running, and takes too much delight in tormenting Ford. Knowing this group of people is afraid of the supernatural, should Ford be captured by the cult somehow, Bill would intimidate them into letting him go. Or beat them up using his body.
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5. Ford was becoming aware of Fiddleford’s use of the memory gun before he left the project. He was already getting [rightfully] paranoid about Fidds before the reveal that Bill was evil, but that paranoia only got worse after the fact. He’s no coward about it; the man still went into town and was chasing Blind Eye members to try and find out who they were. But yes, Ford is smart and anxious enough to watch his back in town, in case the Blind Eye tried to get him.
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6. Fiddleford wasn’t just the founder of the memory erasing cult, he was also the most addicted to using the machine on himself. Which explains why he lost his mind and became homeless so quickly, while the other members like Ivan are still sane enough to run the cult. Pre-portal journey would also be the time when memories about Bill were the freshest, so it’s safe to assume Fidds was using that ray on himself plenty. Even though both men were in a deteriorating metal state, Stanford was not as unwell or near the point of insanity.
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7. Ford was always better at dealing with the stress of dangerous anomaly attacks and horror, which served him well in those thirty years beyond the portal. He also survived for 30 years while an outlaw, homeless, lost, and still at risk of possession [until he met the Oracle]. If it got bad enough in Gravity Falls and the cult was looking for him, Ford could survive in the wilderness just fine. Or escape to another town in Oregon or the surrounding states. But he’s probably return as soon as he thought they had given up to make sure the portal was secure.
8. For Ford to be turned into a shell of himself like in the drawing, he’d have to have something integral to his identity erased. Something like “the supernatural” or “weirdness” itself. But A. That would probably break the memory gun or require an hour’s worth of memory canisters. And B. That would so obviously send the poor guy back to when he was a toddler that Fidds would immediately realize he messed up. Why a toddler? Because he hadn’t met the bullies at school yet, and extended family would find him more cute than weird.
But yeah, if Ford started talking like a 3-4 year old who thought he’d been kidnapped, there’d be no way to argue that he’s okay. They’d have to try to sort through his dense paranormal memories in that pile of canisters, trying to undo the damage.
9. If they did mess up Ford’s mind that badly, Fidds would feel terrible about it and try to fix it. I imagine Stanley would be contacted using Ford’s old mail, and knock some sense into the cultists on his way to revive Stanford’s mind. And the erasure wouldn’t stop Bill from being terrible to Ford, so it would once again prove that Fidds was wrong to erase his mind in no uncertain terms.
10. Even at the height of his cult arc, I doubt Fiddleford would be so full of it/stupid that he erased “the paranormal” from Ford’s mind. They knew each other for years, he should know that it’s something Stanford cherishes, and has ever since he was a child. Which ultimately means there’s a nil chance of Ford getting lobotomies via memory gun, even with Blind Eye Fiddleford on the prowl.
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So yeah, TDLR I must not be over that ancient AU where Dipper gets his entire mind wiped and the cult just keeps him like a servant. Kidnapped a 12 year old boy. [Ivan wasn’t that evil bro].
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The Ultimate Vriska Poll - Calling for Nominations
My Tumblr Sexywoman poll is going well and I'm having a lot of fun, so I'm thinking of holding a poll to find Tumblr's most iconic Vriska-archetype character. If you don't know what a Vriska archetype is, Tumblr user @doubleca5t coined the term as follows:
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Sexypedia didn't have a specific page for the Vriska archetype (the link shown in the screenshot leads to a page titled "Controversial"), but here's what it has to say on the topic:
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Now that Tumblr's had time to get a smattering of blorbos that can be considered Vriskas, I want to pit these bad bitches against each other. I want to put them in a box and shake them until they fight to the death. I want the intense campaigning, voter fraud, and sabotage that happened around the original Vriska Serket in the Tumblr Sexywoman poll by Tumblr user @lutzlig. But I want it 32-fold.
The start date for this tournament will tentatively be February 19th. The structure will likely be like the Tumblr Sexywoman poll. Before that, I will be collecting a list of at least 16, preferably 32, Vriska-archetype characters. I will be considering nominations until February 17th, 6 PM PST.
The character you nominate must fulfill at least 4/5 of the requirements of a Vriska. UPDATE: I have decided to expand requirement 4 to just "queer" instead of strictly "attracted to women." Requirements 2, 3, and 5 are mandatory. This is so that male (and nb) characters like Bakugou from BNHA can still participate. As well as characters that don't really get shipped a lot. Like Lilith from The Owl House. (I'm sorry queen I've found someone more controversial) However, I will reject characters if I feel they fall more into other archetypes. Like Komaedas.
The list so far is as follows:
Vriska Serket (duh) (Homestuck)
Catra (She Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Lucretia (The Adventure Zone)
Bakugou Katsuki (Boku No Hero Academia)
Chloe Bourgeois (Miraculous Ladybug)
Alador Blight (The Owl House)
Edelgard Von Hresvelg (Fire Emblem)
Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond (Steven Universe)
Ianthe Tridentarius (The Locked Tomb)
Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time)
Azula (Avatar the Last Airbender)
Mapleshade (Warrior Cats)
Amber Bennett (Invincible)
Starlight Glimmer (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic)
Asuka Langley Soryu (Evangelion)
Abby Anderson (The Last of Us)
Silco (Arcane)
Magnus The Red (Warhammer 40K)
Yennefer (Witcher)
Alphys (Undertale)
King Andrias (Amphibia)
C!Dream (Dream SMP)
Hiyoko Saionji (Super Danganronpa 2)
Sayaka Maizono (Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc)
Prince Lotor (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Dahlia Hawthorne (Ace Attorney)
Kiwi (Cyberpunk Edgerunners)
Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls)
Alice "Daisy" Tonner (The Magnus Archives)
Nanami Kiryuu (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
Grace Monroe (Infinity Train)
If you want to add or remove a character on this list, DM or send me an ask. I may ask you for clarification if I'm not familiar with the franchise or fandom. Remember that this poll is just for fun. While I love a bit of drama, I hope it's kept at a level where everyone's still having fun. This poll, like the sexywoman poll, is about the most "iconic" Vriska. What that means is up to the individual voter.
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film-in-my-soul · 6 months
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hurry up, we're dreaming | 1,148 | scissorghost
Summary: Steve and Bucky always meet up during their free third period so they can hang out (read: make out) behind the bleachers on the soccer field. They used to go to the football ones, but too many people had the same idea as them and they preferred the empty, if seriously worse-for-wear, soccer bleachers. But today, Bucky doesn’t greet Steve with his usual bruising kiss, instead sweeping him into a gentle hug and holding him there for a minute. Now, Steve’s never one to complain about hugs, but he would infinitely prefer to already be sucking on Bucky’s tongue by now (he’s got his inhaler ready and everything, just in case he needs it) so he stands on his tiptoes and tries to bring their mouths together, but Bucky just holds him away gently.
Cabin Fever | 1,750 | neversaydie
Summary: Captain's Log, stardate 2246.5  Our diplomatic mission to Nova ended smoothly. Nova Prime and the Antaran diplomatic envoy have begun to hash out a trade deal and no longer require Starfleet to act as a neutral third party. We're heading to the Galiway trade hub to restock the ship and release the crew on an extended ten-day shore leave. Some of the crew are starting to get cabin fever with leave being delayed by almost a month now. Such delays are unavoidable, but I can't blame them for feeling cooped up when I, myself—  "Steve, c'mon already. This synthale ain't gonna drink itself." Anyway, we should arrive at Galiway sometime within the next twenty-four hours. Hopefully everyone should be less antsy after they blow off a little steam, including the officers. That's all for now. Rogers out.
Go Fish | 2,653 | notlucy / @notlucy
Summary: It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man stuck in an airport, in possession of an iPhone, must open Tinder.
Please see below for more recommendations!
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You Will Meet a Stranger | 3,061 | spitandvinegar
Summary: When the mask falls off Steve recoils. He'll never forgive himself.
Dirty Pics | 3,117 | lillupon / @lillupon
Summary: There’s this one guy Bucky slept with three months ago who still sends pics of his ass whenever Bucky asks. What can he say? Grant’s got an ass that just won’t quit.
I Draw A Line (To Your Heart From Mine) | 3,728 | seapigeon
Summary: Bucky hates art therapy. Sure, he used to love art, but that was...before. So if this tiny, annoyingly insightful instructor could just let him coast, that would be great. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be Steve Rogers' style.
Follow Me Home | 4,599 | seapigeon
Summary: The Brooklyn SPCA has a running program for their high energy shelter dogs. Steve quickly becomes their #1 volunteer. Every time he's out with a dog, he thinks about stopping to talk to the cute guy in the park, and every time he chickens out. But today, someone else is making that decision for him. That someone is Engelbert the 80 pound boxer mix.
Prom Sucks! | 4,755 | VenusMonstrosa / @venusmonstrosa
Summary: “Is this a stupid end-of-year prank?” “Jesus, Steve, you think I’d do that?”
Gravity | 5,649 | lillupon / @lillupon
Summary: The Winter Soldier isn’t supposed to know what it means to want something.
We're a Couple of Misfits | 5,797 | notlucy / @notlucy
Summary: Working retail can be unforgiving, especially around the holidays. Luckily, Steve works in a store that has a view of Santa’s Village, the happiest spot in the mall - the place where dreams come true, children never cry, and parents never lose their tempers. Oh, and the place where there may or may not be a hot-ass elf assistant Steve can’t stop daydreaming about.
Nurse Rogers | 6,065 | Bellakitse / @bellakitse
Summary: He’s turning the corner headed back to the ambulance bay where Clint is waiting for him in the truck when he rams into this tiny figure in blue scrubs pants and a white undershirt, the kid is cute, blond and blue-eyed, barely reaching Bucky’s shoulder and so slim that if Bucky didn’t have amazing reflexes and reached for him in time the kid would be on the ground from their encounter. Where Bucky is a cocky paramedic and Steve is a tiny nurse.
We Have the Technology | 6,193 | zetsubonna / @zetsubonna
Summary: How Bucky Barnes's passion for mechanical engineering led him to create his own best friend.
what we are is unexpected | 6,597 | bitelikefire (theoleo) / @deimoslunaa
Summary: Bucky doesn’t know why people keep asking him for fucking favours. What’s even worse is how he doesn’t understand why he can’t say no and that’s how he ends up babysitting his nephew for his little sister and basically playing cool uncle for the next few weeks.
(760): I literally cut myself out of my pants. Waste. Of. Money. | 6,654 | relenafanel / @relenafanel
Summary: Hey friend of Sam’s can I get an opinion on this outfit? Bucky texted, attaching the selfie taken in Sam’s bathroom mirror. He received an answer almost immediately. Bucky was almost expecting a lecture, or at least a concerned question about who had stolen Sam’s phone. He got neither. New text from Steve: What do you want it to say?
If You Let Me | 6,900 | lillupon / @lillupon
Summary: Steve always thought it was silly how easily girls fell for Bucky, even though they must have known he would only break their hearts. Told himself that he would require more than a few sweet words and a cocky grin. But thinking that while watching Bucky charm his way into a girl’s bed for the night is completely different from being on the receiving end of it.
1023 | 6,982 | seapigeon
Summary: Steve has been blessed (or cursed) with a daughter who's just like him. On a crisp fall day, she befriends a man who sleeps under a park bench. Bucky doesn't say much about his past, but in no time at all, Steve is pretty sure he might be his future.
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The Afterlife of The Party | 8,433 | neversaydie
Summary: "Oh no. Hell no." Bucky freezes with his hand halfway to the giant ornamental vase the new family have just unpacked. Smashing it would be the perfect way to announce himself on moving day: a big, stylish gesture that's ambiguous enough to leave them feeling only slightly unnerved until he decides things need to escalate. That is, it would be the perfect way to announce himself if a skinny blond kid hadn't just walked through the living room wall. "This house is taken, pal. What the fuck?" "Uh, this is my family." The kid is standing there awkwardly, like they're still corporeal and he might have to duck or deliver a punch in the near future. "This is my house." He narrows his eyes and slowly gets to his feet. The guy's eyes keep flicking to his missing arm and Bucky is starting to see red. "And I don't appreciate other people living in it."
Trains | 9,045 | misslucyjane
Summary: Bucky Barnes is the lead singer of Winter Soldier. Steve Rogers is their biggest fan.
Seawater | 9,330 | littleblackfox / @thelittleblackfox
Summary: He stops in front of a large glass tube; pale, translucent Jellyfish floating serenely within. “Look at these guys, Moon jellyfish. You’re an artist, tell me that’s not beautiful.” Brooklyn stares into the display, the soft blue light highlighting the cut of his cheekbones, the softness of his lips, and Bucky squeezes his hand a little harder. Brooklyn turns to him and smiles, small and crooked and painfully sweet. “Yeah, I guess they are.” Bucky can’t look away, something painful lodged in his throat. “Those horseshoe shapes on the caps are their gonads.” Oh, for fuck’s sake.
Nighthawks | 9,531 | mambo / @whtaft
Summary: Bucky's working the graveyard shift at the diner when some tiny guy in Doc Martens walks in and orders a strawberry milkshake.
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Closing Time | 10,872 | RecoveringTheSatellites / @thisonesatellite
Summary: Steve works in a Brooklyn dive bar. A tall, guarded guy comes in to drink at regular intervals. He always sits in the back corner. Steve leaves him alone. He looks like a guy who deserves some peace and quiet. He does find out the stranger's name is Bucky. Finds out what he likes to drink. And little by little, conversation happens. Connection happens. Until one day a cock-flock of dudebros comes in (i made up cock-flock, but really, is that not their collective term) and the heckling goes up to eleven once they’re good and drunk. Bucky gets asked to take it outside. Steve will have none of that, thankyouverymuch.
Bucky Barnes Has His Shit Together (and Other Lies He Tells Himself) | 14,159 | betts / @bettsfic
Summary: You’d think a guy who owns one of the most successful bakeries in Brooklyn, has a million-dollar smile and that antiquated good ol’ boy charm, blond hair and blue eyes and biceps for days, would know what’s what. But don’t let that fool you: Steve Rogers is a mess.
Exhale | 15,676 | seapigeon
Summary: After the Chitauri invasion, Steve parts ways with SHIELD, unsure if he can trust an agency that tried to deceive him and built weapons from the Tesseract. He finds himself alone in an unfamiliar future, penniless, not even legally alive. Fortunately, he knows how to survive. Steve Rogers is used to getting by on his own. The thing is, he doesn't have to.
Dream a Little Dream | 16,458 | velleities
Summary: Steve's MO for living his 21st century life is: keep it simple, fight the good fight with SHIELD and the Avengers, sketch the world around him whenever possible, forget to think about love and all things romance. Steve's 21st Century Life has different plans: a certain charming waiter, a bistro that almost becomes Steve's second home, and an attraction that sends Steve swooning as he starts dreaming of a less lonely existence.
Roots Have Grown | 17,280 | AustinB / @cornerficus
Summary: Bucky is a mildly agoraphobic veteran with funds to spare, who becomes enamored with the cute blonde guy in his building. So when Steve mentions needing a roommate to cut down on rent costs, Bucky decides it would be a good idea to volunteer.
Where The Heart Is | 17,579 | attackofthezee (noxlunate) / @attackofthezee
Summary: When Steve gets home from work there’s someone in his apartment. A tall, foreboding, and goddamned metal armed someone.
Catalysis | 21,594 | follow_the_sun / @lasrina
Summary: Ex-soldier Bucky Barnes doesn't have time to think about that skinny blonde guy he met in the hospital. Especially not after the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. shows up on his doorstep and asks him to save the world.
if all my mistakes (led me to you) | 22,755 | bitelikefire (theoleo) / @deimoslunaa
Summary: Sam’s plans are always the worst plans. And now, Steve has to scramble to find a plus one for Peggy’s big day after being spontaneously dumped. Luckily, he doesn’t have to look very far.
Put Walk Among Us On and Turn it Up | 24,799 | essieincinci
Summary: When Bucky was sixteen and drunk for the first time (on schnapps, dear god, not that he ever admits that part) he let his friend’s greaseball older brother talk him into a homemade stab-n-stick that is just… awful. He walks into the shop from the business card late at night, and a little guy in a too-big hoodie and skinny jeans looks up from the counter.
Sweet Serendipity | 26,179 | velleities
Summary: A troubled city-style lumberjack. Sunshine personified in a man. An accidental phone swap. A serendipitous meet-up. Bucky lets out a small scoff. This isn’t the romcom that one looks for, not usually. It is, however, the one that found Steve and Bucky.
Rivers and Roads | 30,555 | AustinB / @cornerficus
Summary: Steve is working undercover for Hydra when he gets an unexpected promotion. To the Winter Soldier Project.
my heart tells me you are lonely, too | 43,212 | FanGirling
Summary: Bucky sinks into the chair. His ass is falling asleep. “So I just have to, what, learn to be more human?” Sam tries to hold back his sigh but Bucky notices it anyway.
It's Just Temporary | 52,615 | perfect_plan
Summary: Bucky Barnes has no idea what he wants to do with his life and is stumbling from one temp job to the next. Hopefully he can keep his new job at Stark Industries for longer than a week...
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