#septiscape spoilers
neros-stim-blog · 7 months
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A Bad End Seán stimboard requested by @theopossum-collective with themes of rabbits, corvids, and space
Thanks for the request!
Art by @power-of-friends-games
x x x x :] x x x x
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siren--squid · 8 months
played septiscape again last night!!!! forgot how much I absolutely adore that game!!
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pinkibot · 2 years
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.: Spoilers for Septiscape & Soulscape! :.
so uhhh that fight was intense am I right oof-
Finally decided to do some fanart after playing through Septiscape and Soulscape together with my friend @epicseptic! Honestly had a good time with it and shared a lot of goofs alongside the wholesome and angsty moments, and had so much fun doing the voices for the characters especially Omi's :) It was a pleasure to do his voice
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hollenka99 · 4 years
Now That I’ve Played SoulScape...
This will be a spoiler review so please don't read this if you plan on playing the game yourself. Will naturally also contain spoilers for SeptiScape too so the same goes for that game as well.
General Comments
(This was originally all bulletpointed but I decided it was easier to read as paragraphs instead)
It's so good to see the -Scape (Scapeverse?) boys again. It's been over 2 years so their face design looks slightly different but that's expected when it comes to continual development as an artist. My favourite new looks are Chase, Marvin and Nega.
Also voice acting???? Hell yeah! Marvin’s expressions give me the kind of vibe that they were inspired by cat memes and his voice acting seems perfect for him. 
I was just wandering around the woods, exploring the area, when Angus makes a pun involving loss. It took me by surprise and I spent a full 10 seconds being super confused by this seemingly random comment before noticing the trees. Then I just wanted to flip my laptop. I can't remember if it was Dev Ritchy or Dev Blake who claimed responsibility but I want you to know I was glaring at my screen for a minute because of what you did. Have been lowkey wondering whether Lucky Luciano was there since this happened last night.
Straight up melted when Bing saw Angus in his true appearance and they started calling each other sunflower and angel etc. Their reunion during the good end and any/all interactions they have in this game send me every time.
I spent so long just wandering around Attitude City. Mostly because I was too dumb to realise the cliffs were to the side and you could get the bus to the skating rink. At least I got to explore the place thoroughly.
Loved seeing some characters from SPG making cameos. I saw Mack’s sprite and went “Surely not... oh my god it is!”. The dialogue with Billy where he makes references to chapter 1 of GITS were brilliant.
The only issue I had was in the church because for some reason it was super laggy and quite difficult to do anything in that room. But that it is just one small area that slightly dampened the experience. Everything else in the game ran smoothly.
Chad just showing up and being like "Well... how about I let someone of your exact description have all this weed of the dankest degree for free." was iconic.
Fuck Stacy. That's all I'm going to say. But it does go to show that men aren't the only ones who are capable of being abusers and thank you for showing that.
I had to take a moment when Jackie told his younger self that they were braver and stronger than they gave themselves credit for.
I am so glad Marvin has a friend like Beau who had his back while he was being taken advantage of. The world needs more Beaus.
I loved the art on Beau's cards. If it’s mentioned in the credits, sorry because I think I may have missed it but kudos to whoever designed those cards.
I could watch that empty room all day. I'm sure there might have been an easter egg if you chose to stay in the room multiple times but I didn't pursue it. Didn't even see Angus show up because I was anticipating a mild jumpscare from [OMITTED] so my hands were covering my face.
Not entirely sure what the cause of Emma's death is. When Henrik said he blamed himself, I originally thought he might have made the fatal mistake of letting a baby sleep in his bed. But I doubt Henrik would do something that dangerous, especially since he has a background in medicine. It's more likely to be an unfortunate case of cot death/SIDS, which just makes it sadder because sometimes that stuff can simply Happen and nobody is to blame, least of all the new father who simply left his daughter alone for a short while to get some sleep.
Bing's boss battle was so tough, I swear. He kept doing that attack where multiple people suffered a fair bit of damage. I lost to him once because I did not stock up properly. Classic case of not having enough BB when shops were available then not having access to shops when I did have enough BB to buy a bunch of white choc cookies and Jameson. 2nd time lucky though.
I found burn damage is your best friend with bosses. Now I will forever swear by this method whenever I replay this game.
I managed it on my first try but man, the fight between Anti and Angus was rough too. I couldn't get Angus' code manipulation trick to work with Anti so no burns to help me this time. Plus, the guy kept freezing time and healing himself like wow, who'd be mean enough to replenish their HP mid-fight. Anyway, it ended up being a case of them continually hitting each other with occasional misses and me feeding Angus cookies whenever his HP grew yellow.
When it came to the scene where Anti gets his souls back, I honestly thought Angus would give up his chance of feeling whole with nothing to fall back on because of the card Beau showed us where someone falls off a tower. I'm really glad Angus got to have a good ending too. Both he and Anti deserve to be whole and happy.
No but seriously, I think it's really cool that both of the SeptiScape endings are canon. I have no clue who the shadow person could be but I am hyped to eventually find out.
I can't wait for EndScape to be released and we have literally only gotten SoulScape in the past 24 hours.
Angus and Anti
Thought these two deserved their own section since the game largely revolves around them and their conflict of wanting to exist but needing Posi and Nega to do so.
That first bit with Anti's horror world creeped me the hell out. It was after 10pm, maybe around 11 even. My room was completely dark except for my screen. I was so tense the whole time I walked around, incredibly wary throughout that section. I was living when Anti confronted Angus once you caught up to him. And when Angus went to find him in the woods near the campsite? My mind kept yelling 'ThisisbadThisisbadThisisbad' as we approached.
After that first bit, I looked forward to any Anti section because I love his character. He was completely justified in his motivations. I mean, Angus admits to stealing Nega as soon as he returns to his house with Sean after their fight in the first game. If anything, I'm surprised it takes him as long as it does for him to realise [OMITTED] is the true Anti.
I really liked the truth that it hadn't just been Anti that Angus affected when he grabbed Nega. There was also Henry and that universe's Bing, among others presumably. They all deserved a happy ending and it looks like they're getting it after all these years. I think it was very sweet that they threw Anti a birthday party as an epilogue.
Oh also, seeing the dynamic between Angus, Posi and Nega was really cool. They've obviously grown close to each other in the year that's passed since the events of SeptiScape. The souls admitting they felt returning to Anti was the right thing to do was the perfect kind of gut punch. You know deep down that they're right and Anti does indeed need them but at the same time you're going "Wait no, you can't leave Angus!"
All in all, I think the whole story arc concerning Anti and Angus was really well written. You want to dislike Anti because he's the antagonist to Angus' protagonist, an aggressive one at that. But you can't help siding with both of them.
Either way, I already said it this morning when I'd just finished the game about 15 minutes before but well done. You did yet another great job with this one. SeptiScape is one of my favourite games in general, I can tell I'll be replaying SoulScape several times like I have with the first game and I have no doubt I'll be here in 2-3 years gushing about EndScape just like I am right now.
Once again, thank you for creating these games. Now go grab a slice of cake, watch your favourite movie, put an album you love on blast... whatever it is that you do to treat yourself. You've all earned it.
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*Dances in testing out art styles again*
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nightfuryobsessed · 4 years
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Anyone want some angst? No? Too bad 
After playing ‘Septiscape’ I got stuck with this idea and it would not leave me the hell alone so after so long, I’m finally done with this.
Massive thanks to the people from @power-of-friends-games for A) the game that inspired this, and B) the massive amount of inspiration they’ve given me, the likes and stuff in the server has helped so much 
Can’t wait for SoulScape guys ;)
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chaotic-cheshire · 6 years
I honestly forgot I took a screenshot of this this was before the update btw
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skaterfc · 6 years
After a day of working on this (shorter than I thought this would take) My animation meme is done! This is the Losing my Mind meme for @power-of-friends-games version of Angus Irwin in their game, Septiscape! I thought the character fit so well, I just had to do it!!
I hope you like it!
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friendlyphantom · 6 years
SeptiScape Review
Last night I finally got around to playing Septiscape, which is a JSE fan game I heard about on GameJolt. I managed to finish the whole thing, and I would like to share my thoughts and feelings on the game. Since this review will be containing SPOILERS, the review proper will be under the page break. For those of you that have not played it and intend to, I suggest you do so now before you read my review. If you have already finished playing it, or are not interesting in playing it, feel free to read on.
 First, let’s start off with the game’s premise. The story is that Jack’s egos live inside his mind, in a fictional world. Here, the characters have their own lives and personalities, but aren’t necessarily the same as they are presented in Jack’s videos. Anyways, Anti ends up turning evil after being given a special serum by Dr. Schneeplestein, and proceeds to corrupt the other egos, take over Jack’s body, and imprison Jack within his mind. Thankfully, Chase saves Jack and the two team up with the other egos to set things right.
The game deals with a lot of personal stuff, like self-doubt, insecurity, and so on. Needless to say, this isn’t a game for the lighthearted. That said, if you can deal with this kind of stuff, it is a pretty fun RPG. You get to play as Jack, Chase, Henrik, Jackieboy Man, and Marvin. They all get unique moves and classes – for example, Dr. Schneep serves as the team’s white mage, and can heal teammates as well as poison enemies.
Now to get into what I liked, what I didn’t like, and what was just baffled me.
 What I liked: The game overall was pretty good! I love all the references to the video games Jack has played. I liked how Chad the Puppet appeared as the merchant, and how items like Banana Milk and Pineapple on Pizza appeared as consumables. It really showed how much attention the game’s developers put into making this game. The part with the “To Be continued” meme was hilarious, and I couldn’t help but laugh when it showed up.
 I also liked that saving with Gerald allowed you to restore your MP and HP. It really came in handy when I was level grinding, not to mention the different flavour texts for Gerald were cute.
 Overall, the music rocked. I especially liked the creepy music when we were in the Overwatch building, which is BTW, my fav level in the game.
 The gameplay itself was awesome. I don’t have any complaints about the mechanics of the game. I thought they were easy to understand and use. The puzzles weren’t too hard. Overall, the game was fun to play.
 What I didn’t like: TBH, I thought Jack’s characterization was a bit off in this game. In the game, Jack’s problem that he keeps trying to push the “evil” label onto Anti (despite the fact it was made clear he got corrupted) and keeps pushing his ideas of what the egos are like despite the fact it’s clear they are their own people in the mindscape. This part had me scratching my head here, because in one of Jack’s videos, he said that while he did have his own head cannons for each of the egos, he didn’t want to share too much, because he knew the fans each had their own interpretation of the characters and didn’t want to take that away from them. It just seemed not like him to act that way in the game. It might also have to do we the fact that I finished playing The Boss earlier this month, which I thought did a better job of getting Jack’s personality right.
 Another thing I had issues with – after you defeat Angus you get a choice which either nets you the good ending or the bad ending. I admittedly got thrown for a loop here - because the wording in the game was vague, I ended up getting the bad ending at first, by mistake. I didn’t realize choosing the “Defend Yourself” option would get me the bad ending, since I thought Jack would just block Angus’ attack, not kill him. Maybe I was just being obtuse here, but I really would have appreciated it if the choices had been worded more clearly.
What confused me: So the big twist is that Anti actually used to be Angus before being forgotten by Jack, and turned into Anti and forgot his old identity or merged with Anti to save himself. I am not really sure which one. But there is also a good Anti and a bad Anti, which are the good and bad halves of Anti/Angus, which doesn’t clear things up. I might have to replay the end part again to clarify if they were always the same person or not.
 The game also states the reason the plot all started was because Angus absorbed the “bad” part of Anti into him – so if he had absorbed the “good” half, would nothing had happened, or would the evil half go running amok in the mindscape causing havoc?
Also, the games states Angus “died” because Jack forgot about him, but seeing how there are still fans that still remember him, and make fan works out of him, shouldn’t that have been enough to save him? The game did state that egos needed to be remembered by the fans as well, so I thought that would have done something.
Also, how did Jack not recognize Robbie? He discussed Robbie at Pax once, when talking about how the fans made egos out of everything. Also, when you consider how popular Robbie is online, Jack not recognizing him really doesn’t make sense at all.
 Overall, I would give the game 3.5 stars out of five. It was a good game, but like I said, there were things I thought needed improving. I am not sure if I will play the game again, but if I do, it will be awhile before I replay it. I do admit however, that when the sequel comes out, I do plan on playing it.
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arturo-giles · 4 years
Spoilers under the cut. Also, please keep in mind: I have not played it after its release. My feelings on the game are based off of everything in it when I was working on it. Additionally, any remaining bad feelings I have towards POFG will not influence my talk about it.
Firstly, I’m gonna be discussing the recap of SeptiScape, because I liked it.
If you’ve seen it, you may have noticed the recap of the Bad Ending too. You may be thinking “wtf is this gibberish ass shit” with all the numbers and letters and shit. The shit it says is, in fact, decodable. I won’t tell you what code it’s in, but you can decode it if you know it.
Also the little Angus pictures (especially the one where he flipped y’all off) fucking killed me every time I see them.
The camping trip now. While I love the premise of a nice little camping trip, I kind of felt during development that it was far too long for a prologue. Especially with all the little hidden secrets. Either way, it was really nice to see the egos all just chilling and having fun.
Until Hollow comes in and fucks it all up. :(
Chase’s soul was really scary for me. A few of the lines in Stacy’s fight were actually things my dad would tell me, my sister, or my mom as he was hitting us. To help with Stacy’s fight, I had to tap into some things I really wanted to forget.
I didn’t feel anything for Jackie’s soul section aside from annoyance. Dysphoria kept on beating my ass during playtesting, and I set that bitch to only spawn once every 200 steps and he still kept fucking with me :(.
Marvin’s soul got me the most angry, honestly. As a huge Beau kin, I was there at the time the memory took place. And seeing over and over again my best friend getting used and manipulated like that was really infuriating.
Henrik’s soul didn’t really do much for me. I never really connected to Henrik, or Joline, so I didn’t feel a lot about it.
The end of the game. The cutscene that followed Hollow’s fight was actually primarily coded by me. When I was coding it, I was weeping. It really hurt me to find out that Hollow was just upset at Angus for what he did.
Now to talk about the devs. I won’t be breaking it up into each dev, except the ones I feel strongly for.
Blake: You know, even though I was a bit of a dick to him, he was still pretty cool for defending me when a few otthers were going at me. Sorry for everything, bro.
David: He’s a Marvin kin, I’m a Beau kin. You do the math. (He was real cool, and he and Skates were probably the two I was closest to.)
Skates: Skater is probably my biggest regret. I didn’t know my actions were hurting her, and the biggest mistake I’ve made during my time on POFG is making her hate me.
Jamsies: Thanks for being willing to listen. Maybe my end wasn’t accurate to POFG’s end of the story, but it’s what I thought.
Everyone else: Ok.
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lildoodlecat · 5 years
Heard about SeptiScape on sarcastic-pasta-games’ blog a bit ago and figured I’d play it. So uh.. I just finished it. And I have some stuff to say. (i say some big spoilers for the ending so mayhaps play the game before reading this?? It’s on Game Jolt. I definitely recommend it whether you care about what I have to say or not btw)
I’m kinda late to the party tho lol
I was only mildly interested at first since from my brief glances it had the egos and thems a neat bunch. But after a small bit of looking around I was really excited to play. Especially because I live for 2D pixel rpgs with good story and spend way too much time looking for flavor text. 
So of course I had to download SeptiScape to try it out. There wasn’t as much flavor text as I had been expecting (since the only similar games i had played and could compare it to were The Boss games) but the text you could find by inspecting things added very well to the main dialogue of the game. Speaking of the dialogue, so. fucking. good. I cannot begin to describe how emotional I got playing this game. From happy and ecstatic, to scared, to actually crying, it was a rollercoaster.
The story was amazing, and the twist was far from what I expected! It was such a blast following this along. (Although I did get stuck in the dumbest place for a while) My first instinct at the end got me the good ending, so that was pretty neat. Angus and Bing are adorable and I love them. And Angus calling Henrik dad!! i loved that. Also just!!! the hug when i had Seán drop his weapon!!!!!! cute af. also Angus’s big wings were super cool :0 I thought it was really neat how they changed from just green to one green one blue after we came out of the house to meet everyone.
The bad ending made me cry. Like literal tears just like oh hiii so this is sad. Wasn’t the only time I cried or was super worried. @ the part where mister ??? says the thing about loneliness killing and then aLSO a gun to the head. I jolted into a ball of anxiety until we found Chase again.
There was only one thing that bugged me during the game and that was the amount of random battles. But tbh the only bit where they actually annoyed me was while I was stuck in the forest being a shtupid with no eyes. The teddy bear scared me twice and the obvious bridge piece apparently didn’t exist sO iT mUsT bE tHe BeAr BuT hOw?!?!!??? I didn’t get stuck on any of the actual puzzles but ah nah, bridge piece in plain sight is what tripped me up haha
Big thanks to everyone at @power-of-friends-games for making such a cool game! I look forward to SoulScape whenever that comes out.
To conclude,
Robbie is a bean and I would die for all the egos in this game.
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hollenka99 · 4 years
Henrik and Joline
Summary: Henrik and Joline spent many nights under the stars.
Warnings: Referenced death/infant death
After playing SoulScape last weekend, I really wanted to write something based on it. Please check out @power-of-friends-games on GameJolt because their games are really cool.
The night had been like any other. After clocking out, Henrik had walked down the road to his usual stargazing spot. Before long, he'd located both Hercules and Ophiuchus. It was as blissful as ever. Nothing could distract him from his time here, not even the sound of cars passing by. Or so he believed. "Excuse me. Do you mind if I join you?" Shooting upright in alarm, he momentarily forgets himself as their eyes meet. Oh. Well, he hadn't expected for her to look like that. While he can't see her eyes properly in this light, the waves in her hair are like the sea gently lapping along a beach. That three quarter length skirt she was wearing looked pretty on her as well. In years to come, he will swear this was the very moment he fell for her. "Oh, well sit, sit!" "Thanks." She drops down next to him. With a hand extended, she says "I'm Joline." "Henrik." They smile at each other as he returns the handshake. The two of them spend the night chatting and admiring the night sky. With no effort at all, 10 minutes become 100. The first time he hears her laugh, he knows he wants the chance to hear it as often as she'll allow him. And that smile... well, the sentiment remained the same. At one point, Joline begins talking about the sky, how she adores the amalgamation of swirling colours always present above. She's always had a soft spot she can't explain for the blue parts of it. He says nothing other than casual agreement. "You know, I've never seen you around. Was this your first time coming here?" "No, I am here a lot." Joline's brows furrow in thought. "Huh, that's odd. Would've thought I'd bump into you before tonight." "Well, we've met now. And I think I would like to keep meeting. What about you?" "Yeah. Yeah, I think I'd like that too." They go their separate ways soon after exchanging contact details. Henrik struggles to stop smiling slightly to himself the whole trip home. ---- Visiting their usual stargazing spot had become a practically daily affair by this point of their relationship. Henrik honestly wondered how he'd been able to be here on his own before meeting Joline. Some nights, they conversed on and off throughout their stay. Other times, silence would surround them comfortably. Tonight seemed to be one of intermittent chatter. It begins with Henrik and Joline laying on the grass. Their hands have effortlessly found each other with the sound of the breeze accompanying them. Their little contest to identify as many constellations as they could had concluded a while ago. Joline sighs contently. "I can't wait to be able to do this as a family." "That sounds lovely. I'm sure it will happen someday." "How about as soon as next year?" A beat passes. Henrik's face contorts into varying expressions before settling on amazed disbelief. Sitting up, Joline can do nothing but grin at her husband as he stares at her. "Henny, we're going to have a baby." She bursts into a fit of giggles as she falls back from the force of a body colliding into hers. Henrik seems not to take much notice of the playful warnings to be careful. Instead, he tightens his embrace. There comes a peck on her lips followed by a reminder that he loved her. It is a while before the joyful excitement dissipates enough for there to calm once more. "I didn't think anywhere else could have done this announcement justice. Just you, me and the stars above. They're responsible for bringing us together and now, well..." A few brief chuckles. "You know, you could say the stars ali-" His finger rapidly positions itself on her lips. "No, please. Being friends with Chase is bad enough. All those bad, bad jokes." The finger is gently removed. "But still, a baby." "A baby." He echoes in an exhale. "Our baby." "I can't wait." She gazes his way, grin firmly fixed on her face. He lets their eyes meet as fingers entwine. "Me neither." ---- Henrik double checks he had essential items such as his wallet and keys when Joline burst into the corridor. Odd, she'd been reading a magazine only a couple minutes ago when he kissed her goodbye. What on earth could be so urgent? "Henrik, wait." "What's wrong? I need to go to work right now. The clock is ticking." "I'm sure this is worth being a few minutes late." Joline beams as she grabs his wrist. His face lights up upon realising where his hand was being directed. Even more so when he feels the fluttering sensation she'd intended him to. If he had it his way, he'd spend all morning ensuring their daughter knew how excited they were to meet her. Joline regrettably cuts it short after a number of minutes. "Henny, you should probably leave." He grumbles. "But-" "Go! You don't want to be late for work, do you? We'll still be here when you get back." Despite the momentary reluctance at the door, Henrik begins his shift in a better mood than he was expecting. ---- It was clear Joline couldn't find comfort tonight. The larger her bump got, the more difficulty she had with finding a good position to relax in. This extended not only to their bed and sofa but also the ground at their favourite spot. Perhaps even more so. Either way, the manner she kept shifting worried him. Henrik is somewhat glad when she unexpectedly takes advantage of him lying back. "Have you ever considered a career as a pillow?" "Surprisingly, no." "Hmm. Maybe replace a couple of those ribs with whatever they stuff actual pillows with and you'd be good to go." "If you say so." He strokes the top of her head. In the night air, they revive the name discussion. For months, they'd thrown suggestions around but while a few had been decent contenders, none seemed to be quite right. There was still time, of course. However, the time that remained was growing ever shorter with each week that passed. Options such as Estelle were brought up without any real consideration. "No, I think I actually like the thought of an E name. How about... Emma? I like Emma." "Emma von Schneeplestein does sound nice." "We going with Emma?" "Hmm, maybe. Make sure we don't forget to write that down later." The two of them lie there with only the wind and the results of its influence to be heard around them. Joline drifts off with ease, head remaining on her husband's stomach. And for a good while, he doesn't dare disturb her. ---- Joline wasn't going to make it. Henrik had been there when she'd unexpectedly collapsed, doing everything he could think of to help save her in response. However, when all things were said and done, there was nothing more he could do for his beloved wife. Well, perhaps there was one thing. There was still Emma. Their little angel, as precious as she was small. If anything, Joline would want him to be with her. As if she had to ask. Their daughter shifts slightly in her incubator. Oh Emma. Don't worry, it was going to be okay. Daddy's right here and he's not going anywhere. They would go home together. Just without... without Mummy. They'd manage though. He promises he'll be there for her, regardless of the circumstance. Time slips by as he ensures his daughter knew how much he loved her, how much Joline loved her despite them never getting to truly meet. Emma becomes the sole audience to a multitude of stories featuring her parents. She learns of the day Joline had bought a light blue turtleneck to tease him, only for it to genuinely become one her favourite choices for the colder months. The anecdote revolving around how he knew he wanted to marry her is also told. Then there was obviously the time a beautiful woman had asked to sit beside him as they stargazed. They wouldn't be here today if the Mindscape hadn't been generous enough to allow their paths to coincide. As much as he wishes things could have gone differently today, at least there was one good thing coming out of it. Throughout the day, he monitors the baby's wellbeing. When his eyelids grow heavy without permission, his brain reacts by instinctively causing his head to jerk up. No, he couldn't rest yet. He needed to keep an eye on Emma. He could sleep once they were both cleared to return home. He's sure his little girl will like the crib Joline picked out. Being confused as to when he fell asleep is the least of his problems when he wakes. Emma is gone too. No, this couldn't be happening. He should have noticed the signs. Why didn't he spot the warnings? Surely this could have been prevented if he had been more observant. There must be something he'd missed due to his negligence. If only he hadn't been stupid enough to sit down and allow himself to pass out. He leaves reluctantly following several sympathetic prompts to head home. Supposedly, that was the best place for him right now, though he certainly disputes the notion. The issue is, he's not sure where he wants to end up. One thing is for sure. He doesn't want it to be home. Who would ever want their destination to be an empty house? ---- He avoids that particular spot. Their spot. It's not easy by any means. The damned place was to the side of the only road leading to the hospital. Despite every self protective effort, the day does eventually come when he finds himself standing where he'd spent countless evenings admiring the stars with his wife. Too long had he stood frozen on the other side of the road. He'd simply remained transfixed, mentally battling himself regarding whether this was a good idea. It wasn't but he doesn't believe sheer avoidance would be beneficial either. A particularly bright star catches his eye once he gains the courage to glance skyward. He knows it is most likely Venus or a similar celestial body. That doesn't prevent him from fooling himself enough to hear her voice for a short lived moment. From beyond the grave, she greets him with "Hi, Henny." And well, he supposes it was somewhat fitting she had used Venus just to say hello. Joline had been a display of utter beauty that he'd loved more than any other person in his life. As for desires? Ha! The one desire he had concerning her was to have her back by his side. Preferably with Emma in her arms. Not that he would deserve it, given how he'd betrayed their trust in failing to save them. "Good evening to you too, Joline." He brokenly mutters back. With another glance at the stars, it's almost as if she was beside him. He swears he can feel Joline sliding her fingers inbetween his and resting her head on his shoulder for a fleeting second. His fingers curl as his head leans sideways, both expecting to meet something solid. Instead all they find is air. No. No, sorry, he doesn't believe he can do this. Not tonight. Any remnants of Joline that had been anticipating his return here would have to be left disapprovingly watching him flee. ---- Henrik had travelled along this route so many times over the years it was practically second nature to him. The quantity of memories made here were innumerate. Granted, a great deal of them were filled with him and Joline not talking about much. He wouldn't take back a second of that time spent together. He certainly recalls getting through some rough shifts thanks to the promise of being able to relax with her at the end of it. A version of this location was the entry point to his worst memory. He's replayed that terrible day an unhealthy amount. Yet it was in the name of saving his son in everything but blood that he'd done it. He would force himself through it again if it could help Angus. He's so relieved the serum is being accepted by the hunter's soul. "Hellooo? Dad, are you there?" "Hmm, yes? Sorry, what did you say?" "I was just wondering what you thought about my idea. I know it's kind of a trek to get to my home from Attitude City and I should be focusing on letting the serum do its job but... I want to do this for Anti and the others. Especially after everything I did." "The party?" "Yes." "It is a great idea. I am proud of you for wanting to organise this. But let me help his friends first." "Dad, his birthday isn't until the 10th. I'm sure you'll have figured this stuff out before then." "Well, don't do anything too strenuous yet, okay? Until I am sure you are recovering, I want you to be careful." A chuckle is heard over the line. "Don't worry, Dad. I think I already feel a little better than yesterday." The call soon ends, leaving Henrik to sit in an all too familiar patch of grass. And for the first time in too long, there is no pain in coming here.
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Hi! I just wanted to swing by and say, I downloaded SeptiScape yesterday and played it all through in one sitting; it was so great that I just couldn't stop until I was finished, and now my heart's still really full and I absolutely need to gush about this game a bit. I have a major soft spot for the egos, and I really enjoyed their portrayals in the game; their interactions and dynamics together were lovely, and I just wanted to reach into the screen and hug every single one of them and (1/2)
(2/2) tell 'em it'd be okay, I was cheering for them all! I desperately wanna go into detail about parts that touched me the most and made me tear up (in a good way) but I won't because endgame spoilers and stuff to do with a very spoileriffic character, but just... I loved this game, the writing, the music, the art, the references y'all snuck in there, the couches, everything. You all did such a great job!
Aaaa! Thank you so much! We are so glad you enjoyed our game! Please feel free to gush or talk about the spoiler character as much as you want tbh, we love hearing what people thing in general of him and the others.
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nightfuryobsessed · 6 years
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“Good day boys and girls~ I’m the survival hunta~”
“Jack betrayed me. He forgot about me, and then you did too.”
Have two very good boys who were, unfortunately, forgotten. If you’ve played the game linked, you’ll know what Angus is feeling, if not, just know that the above quote of him (linked to the game) is a sad man who wants to go home.
I am fully aware that this quote and image may count as a spoiler, but it’s only a spoiler if you know what the game actually is and how it ends. So, slight spoilers :P
@therealjacksepticeye @angus-protection-squad
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bennywitchykins · 6 years
oof this is the first animation i’ve ever made h
i’m so proud of it??? it came out so good aaAAAA
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