#sequ writes
sequs-art-box · 1 month
Taken Down a Peg
Inside Out Hitman AU; Chili gets his ass kicked by Marigold
~1200 words
The narrow hallway stretched before them, its darkness broken only by faint lights mounted at irregular intervals. The walls, cold and metallic, echoed with the soft clicks of their footsteps. Chili walked quietly behind Marigold, his senses sharp.
He already sized up every possible threat in the vicinity, now his focus was on the woman ahead of him.
Marigold’s silhouette was sharp and purposeful, her heels tapping a steady rhythm against the hard floor. Without turning back, she began to speak, her voice carrying an authority that demanded attention.
She glanced at the man walking behind her. "Chili, as of today, your life belongs to this organization. You passed your training, and now it’s time to put your skills to good use. Your role is simple: Execute the targets I give you. No questions, no hesitation. Follow my orders to the letter. I’m the voice in your ear, the eyes that see what you can’t see. If I tell you to move, you move. If I tell you to kill, you kill. No exceptions."
Chili didn’t respond immediately. He was used to orders, but there was something different about Marigold. Her words were precise and calculated. She wasn’t just giving instructions; she was laying down her laws, laws that he would have to abide by without fail.
It didn't sit well with him.
“Tsh. You really think you can control me like that?” Chili scoffed, carrying an edge that dared her to challenge him.
His handler didn’t even turn to look at him, nor did she answer him. It's like she was asking, no, begging to get beaten down.
Chili's mind was made up before he even realized he made a decision. Marigold's cool, dismissive demeanor gnawed at him. He wasn't going to let her get the upper hand that easily. Not without a fight.
His body moved before the thought fully formed, muscles coiled like springs as he launched himself forward, swinging a fist at her with the kind of force that had dropped men twice her size. It wasn't a punch; it was a statement, a reminder that he wasn't to be trifled with.
But Marigold was faster than he anticipated. She stepped to the side, her movement smooth, effortless, like water slipping through his fingers. Chili's fist cut the empty air, the force of the missed blow making him stumble forward.
Her eyes darted at the man who just attacked her.
"I guess we're doing this now," Marigold sighed, her voice carrying a sly, almost playful undertone.
Chili's eyes narrowed. A growl of frustration bubbling up from his throat. This wasn't how it was supposed to go- he was the one who dictated the terms of a fight, not the other way around!
He charged at her, his movements powerful, aggressive- every strike meant to overwhelm and conquer.
Marigold, however, was like a shadow, slipping just out of reach after every strike. She didn't block or parry, she just simply wasn't there when his fists aimed for her. She danced around him, watching him with a calculating gaze.
It was infuriating.
Chili snarled, throwing a heavy right hook, hoping to catch her off guard. But Marigold ducked under it. Her movements were surgical. She read him like a book; dissecting his every move with a clinical detachment.
Before he knew what was happening, she struck. Marigold's foot lashed out, connecting with his side in a sharp, controlled motion that sent a radiating pain through his ribs. Chili staggered, but there was no time to recover.
A sharp elbow to the back of his neck sent him to the ground, and before he could react, Marigold was behind him. Her arm snaked around his throat, pulling him into a chokehold. Chili's eyes widened as he felt her grip tighten, her lean muscles far stronger than they looked. He clawed at her arm, trying to pry her off, but it didn't budge- she had him locked down.
Chili's vision began to blur, the edges going dark as he struggled to free himself. But Marigold's hold was unshakeable. He felt his strength slipping away, slowly realizing that she was in complete control.
"Don't make me kill you, Mr. Shaw," Marigold whispered, her voice calm with a slight hint with regret.
"You have so much potential."
He could hear the sincerity in her tone, but it only made him fight harder, even if it was a losing battle. Every movement he made only tightened her grip, bringing him closer to unconsciousness.
"All of my hard work would have been for nothing," she continued, her words tinged with something Chili couldn't quite place. Was it disappointment? Sadness? He couldn't tell.
As the darkness edged closer, Chili felt Marigold’s grip tighten, but she stopped just short of cutting off his breath entirely. She asked,
“Do you yield, Mr. Shaw?”
Chili’s pride screamed at him to resist, to fight until the very end, but his body betrayed him. His strength was slipping away, his vision narrowing to a tunnel. This was it—the moment of truth. He had never backed down from a fight before, but this was life or death. He knew when he was beaten, and for the first time in a long time, he had to accept it.
“.....I yield,” he rasped out, the words burning like acid on his tongue.
Marigold immediately loosened her grip, releasing him from the chokehold. Chili slumped forward, catching himself on his hands as he gasped for air. For a moment, the only sound in the dark hallway was his ragged breathing.
But then, his breathing melted away into something unexpected. Chili started to laugh—a deep, guttural sound that echoed off the cold walls around them. It wasn’t the laugh of a man defeated, but of a man who had just found something he'd been searching for. He couldn’t help it; the situation was too absurd, too perfect.
Marigold’s expression shifted to one of bewilderment, her eyes narrowing slightly as she watched him. “...Why are you laughing?”
Chili pushed himself up to his knees, wiping a bit of blood from the corner of his mouth. He looked up at her and chuckled, his eyes filled with something that hadn’t been there before— respect.
“I haven’t lost a fight in a long time,” Chili said, his voice hoarse but clear. “Hell, I didn’t think I could lose anymore. But you… you gave me exactly what I needed.”
Marigold raised an eyebrow, but she remained silent, waiting for him to continue.
Chili rose to his feet, taking a moment to steady himself. He looked her in the eyes, and then, in a gesture that surprised even himself, he bowed. It wasn’t a deep bow, his head was just low enough to show that he understood his position. It wasn’t submission, but recognition—an acknowledgment of Marigold's strength, skill, and the fact that she had earned his respect in the most undeniable way.
“I was looking for a real reason to follow you,” Chili said as he straightened up, his tone sincere. “And you just gave it to me. Marigold, I’m willing to do whatever you want. I’m all in.”
Marigold watched him for a moment, her expression unreadable. Then, ever so slightly, she nodded, a flicker of approval in her eyes. “Good choice,” she said. “That’s what I needed to hear.”
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stevetonyweekly · 4 months
SteveTony Weekly - May 19 - Week 20
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Hi friends! My daughter's graduation activities start today (!!!!) and in anticipation of an extremely busy week, I asked @meidui to pinch hit with a guest rec list. Check out her fantastic recs, say hi, and before sure to comment/kudos the fic you enjoy!
Therapy Works (if your therapist isn't a Hydra agent) by @16woodsequ
Tony accidentally stumbles onto the fact that Steve isn't holding things together quite as well as he makes it look. As awkward as it is at first, Tony's been there, and he finds himself reaching out to him.
But the more he tries to push past Steve's walls the more he realises just how deep his issues go. And they all seem to be pointing in one direction.
Should he really be surprised to find SHIELD is at the root of it?
My Thoughts: in sequ we trust when it comes to steve whump!! poor steve is all messed up from shield's abuse and has a list of psychological/emotional issues longer than his pre-serum ailments, and the way it shows is SO SO SO detailed and devastating and believable, and tony being tony is trying to mend what's broken. this is being updated every thursday until it's done and there's so much meat in every chapter that even if you don't usually read wips, this is 100% worth following along 🥺
Just for the Conversation by @msermesth
Tony's fine. He's back on the Avengers, Steve seems to have forgiven him, and he’s building Resilient to change the world.
Then why is he so jealous of Steve’s new boyfriend?
(Or: that awkward moment when you realize you are in love with your old best friend while having a three-way with him and his boyfriend, who just happens to be your counterpart from another universe.)
My Thoughts: if you love multiverse fics like i do this is for you, it's the perfect cocktail of multiverse shenanigans 😌 and don't worry if you haven't read any of the comics before, the author's note is very helpful and you don't need much background to enjoy jealous tony and a steve sandwich <3
Fortune Favours the Bold by @bladeofthenebula27
Omega Steve Rogers is betrothed to an old rich alpha nearly three times his age, and decides on an act of passionate rebellion before his wedding.
My Thoughts: neb writes the best omegaverse fics ever so you automatically cannot go wrong, but the mistaken identity in this fic is so pleasing and steve's internal dialogue is >>>
When It Comes to Trying by @softanticipation
Steve is weird about food. Tony takes notice.
(Or, because I was once told that whenever characters share food together, it means something.)
My Thoughts: i love rereading this fic and it hits the spot every time <3 it starts in the shawarma restaurant post-battle of new york and doesn't shy away from how tony gradually goes from ""disdain"" to adoration and steve adjusts slowly and fits in better with the team, and there's flirting and steve is so sweet and tony gets so gentle with him!! and the focus on food is executed so well i want to eat the whole fic
late night talking by @omg-just-peachy
Steve realizes he can't sleep without the light of the arc reactor.
My Thoughts: if you look up "comfort fic" in the dictionary all 700 words of this fic is there!! the established relationship is established relationshipping and clingy steve waiting on tony is so sweet 🥺
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drfirsnogayny · 3 months
Birthday gifts (late)
for @c4rl4-k1nn13 and @rainrayne
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for @c0nfettix and @sequs-art-box
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for @lilac-rose-writes
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Yes, in the last two cases, not the main accounts are indicated, but those with which I interact most often, but I think it's okay.
And the fourth art also depicts the Joy from Incide Out, but I did not use references and did not guess with the hairstyle.
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secret0codename · 5 months
CREEPYPASTA - Headcanons
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~ Hello hello everyone! I hope you are well. This is Mannuh, I felt like writing... Why not?
~ Spooky hedcanons, I'll do the ones I know the most about and I'll update later!
-Nina -L.J -Jeff -Masky
-Toby -E.J -Jane -Hoodie
-Liu -Sally -BEN -Kate
~ I really hope everything is OK! Since I'm new to Tumblr, I don't really know how the question box and stuff like that works, so we'll be without it for a while! :) Well, I'll leave you with 1 headcanon of each character ^^
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~ He has a bad habit of facial hygiene, his injuries, especially the cut in his mouth, are infected, he no longer feels the pain he used to, so repeating it is not a problem! But he never cleans, after all he does not feel the need to. The more "nice" the more afraid his victim is, which will make him proud as always
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~ Nina is a 100% independent person. She has learned to develop her skills and doesn't have as much contact with Jeff anymore. Over time, she has given up the obsession with him and developed self-love. She still likes it when people try to focus more on themselves! It's worth noting that Nina has very good aim and is constantly training to surpass Jeff.
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~ She looks like a child, but she isn't! She may act like one, talk like one, but it doesn't change the fact that she would be around 60 years old currently. She is very polite and kind, she doesn't trust men but makes exceptions for Toby, LJ, Liu, Masky etc. Women she tends to be liberal, talkative when she wants! Even so, she is a spirit she can do whatever she wants with her body, her victims are very afraid of her in a certain way, even though she almost doesn't kill them, only if necessary! (She would probably have a very feminist side, but she doesn't act like one, she just thinks)
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~ Toby, he's a very reserved guy with certain people but he's very lively with those he meets, but that doesn't remove the fact that he can be serious, brutal or even sadistic! He has his interests, goals and objectives and always tries to fulfill them without being interrupted. He doesn't like Slender/Operator, not like before he realized that one time or another he will die and clearly his boss won't do anything just look a replacement. Apart from that, he can act anywhere from a 28-year-old man to a 19-year-old muleke who has just entered puberty, this man can have problems but he is extremely polite (with whoever he wants), respectful, and reserved and can have moments that he reveals something of his rarest trait
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~ EJ, a cannibalistic man who is extremely serious and well-behaved. A demon that walks on 2 or 4 legs depends on its state, it is not a guy of many words but it maintains relationships with other Creepys or Proxies. He is someone with experience about the human body, so he knows everything! He doesn't just eat kidneys, but his preference in food is clearly human or animal organs on certain occasions, in my opinion EJ always has something saved in case of need, he probably knows when to attack his victims, maybe you don't have 1 kidney and you don't know .. He is stealthy when he is in an angrier form he becomes more animalistic, bizarre and terrifying and scares anyone, but when he is calm and in his own person he becomes like a normal person! but it's not
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~ This guy is a professional hacker, if you want something that involves the Internet he can do it effortlessly, this includes, Hacking people, Stalking, Searching, He can change very advanced settings, disabling websites and things like that! I wouldn't want to pick a fight with him! He is not afraid of water, he just has certain traumas, but now (perhaps) overcome, he can range from playful to extremely violent, making his victim die through a screen! He is a spirit, don't expect something physically but expect discord in your life, leaked data, bizarre messages, photos, etc.
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☠People, I'm going to do the sequel soon, because I don't want to write much, you know? Maybe I can think about writing history and things like that in the future, even though I don't have the best writing skills in the world! I can try, what do you think? :^
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brokenhandsmedia · 2 months
So, after a summer of research, I've figured out a potential top-level solution to the use of Large Language Models in my composition class: the trick isn't to focus on punishing students for using the material, because that doesn't really dissuade all students.
What really needs to be done is to set up the conditions of an assignment to make the use of LLMs unhelpful or actively harmful but which are achievable for human beings. The secret here lies in the fact that LLMs take an atomistic approach to language, hyper-focusing on the micro-level (something that tagging systems on social media etc. prime us to do). The opposite move needs to be taken: we must focus on a holistic view of writing, where taking a broad-based view that correlates the different parts of a piece of writing, because this places the emphasis on what -- thus far -- only human beings can do.
That's my hope, at least.
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eusuntgratie · 5 months
Fic Pride Weekend
thank you for the tags @anincompletelist @cha-melodius @bigassbowlingballhead <3
Rules: Post your favourite line or passage from as many of your published works as you’d like. Let yourself feel proud of your creations! Tag as many people as you post snippets, so your fellow fic friends can be proud, too.
this could be a disaster, taynick, rwrb rpf
disaster my slutty slutty baby. there's a lot in here i'm proud of, but the moments nick lets us see how much taylor cares about him are some of my very favorite. it took me way too long to pick a bit from this fic!
“You’re really good, Nick,” Taylor tells him, like he can see all of his insecurities lining themselves up in his head. It zings through his brain and body pleasantly in a way he doesn’t expect. He wants to make a joke, but he swallows it down, and mutters, “thanks,” to the floor at Taylor’s feet. Before he knows what to do, Taylor’s wrapping him up in a hug, tight and warm and perfect. “I’m so glad you’re my Henry,” he murmurs, and Nick thinks he could probably melt into the floor.
give it to me easy, tknp, men's hockey rpf
happy retired pat fic my beloved <3
It’s always been easier with TK. Like he bullied his way into Nolan’s life while he was distracted with proving himself on the team and before Nolan knew what was happening he was letting TK tie his tie and come over when he was laid out with a migraine and telling him how much he hated his fucking head back before he’d talk to anybody.
stetson, firstprince, rwrb
i love this fic so much, and this bit is probably my favorite
“What’s the matter, baby?” Alex asks, voice gone deeper and a little raspy. Henry wants to drown in it. Wants to sink to his knees and get his hands on the denim stretched across Alex’s thighs, wants to choke on his cock, wants Alex to shove him backwards with his boot and fuck him on the floor until he cries.
forgive me, father, sidgeno, men's hockey rpf
this is one of the fics i've most proud of in general. it was a huge departure for me thematically and writing about catholicism was challenging but cathartic, i think. writing sid as a priest was a fuckin trip.
That night, he sinks to his knees and asks the Lord to protect John Francis, to give him the strength to be what the town needs, to guide His people into the light and away from the Devil. He sleeps fitfully, plagued by confusing dreams - strange amalgamations of things he’s seen and tempting imagery sent by the Devil. The dead Deacon, faceless and cold, in the bed Sid now sleeps in. The cross he saw on his way into town, lit up in flames. A beautiful, tempting face with big eyes and a mischievous smile, whispering, “hello, Sidney. I’m glad you’re here.” Visions of the town, sinking down to Hell, calling out to Sid who is powerless to help, chained by his own failings, his sins, his shortcomings.
bruises on both my knees for you, dumotanger, men's hockey rpf
i fucking love these two i should poke at my omegaverse fic for them
Brian’s embarrassingly hard to just be kneeling on a crusty floor with a dick barely in his mouth, but everything about Kris seems to make him want him more.
hold me like i was forgiven, tknp (kinda, more like a tk fic), men's hockey rpf
i love this fic it hurt me so bad to write it it's one of my favorites. this scene made me cry writing it and i still love it so much.
Travis takes in every detail of Rhett’s sweet face, suddenly afraid this is a dream he’ll wake up from. He knows people love their kids, that he loves kids, but watching Rhett’s face smashed up against his chest, drooling into his shirt, he’s overwhelmed by the force of his love for him. “He's beautiful, Karly.” She smiles like she can’t help it. “He really is.” “He looks like me.” Her smile falters a little. “I know.” “I love him,” he says, tears spilling over and onto his face. “I love him so much.” Her voice shakes this time when she answers, “I know. I know you do.”
liar, sidgenotanger, men's hockey rpf
i'd love to write a sequel to this. i love their dynamic in this one!
Kris starts to argue but Zhenya cuts them both off. “Sid. Be good.”
can't help it i want you, sidgenoanna, men's hockey rpf
Sid sighs. He's the captain. And maybe if things were different, he’d have a girlfriend or a wife who would notice and do for Anna what Sid always does for the rookies. But he doesn’t. What he has is a bad habit of fucking around with his alternate captain and a mostly-manageable load of guilt about it.
i am not a woman i'm a god, allison/erica but really nogitsune/erica, teen wolf
i had to get at least one teen wolf fic and one femslash fic in here! this one was fun to write.
The thing that looks like Allison, pretty dimples out of place on the cruel face, is on top of her in an instant, boxing her into the seat where she slept. She hates that she freezes, that not-Allison is bringing out the sad, scared, embarrassed sick girl that she tries to pretend was killed by the bite.
tagging @lostcol @voxofthevoid @jbarneswilson @taste-thewaste @dreamsinthewitchouse
@sheepywritesfics @matriaya @puckingfabulous @oxfordslutphase
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meraki-yao · 1 year
Hi! Thank you for reflagging my little rwrb ask game. Here are some numbers as another thank you and because I’m a little bit curious :)
1, 2, 11, 12 and 16 💜
Feel free to ignore the ones you don’t feel like answering, if there are some! 
First and foremost thank you so much for making this ask game!!! and also thank you for asking me!!! Writing this was really fun :D
What was your introduction to Red, White and Royal Blue? How did you become aware of it, what was your first impression of it?
It was completely coincidental. The day the trailer came out it popped up on my recommendation, and I was intrigued so I watched it, and then I couldn't stop watching it. I swear, within like, three days, I watched it at least 30 times, and I ran to get the book two days later
My first impression after watching the trailer for the first time was that it looks a little cliche, like something I'd find on Ao3, but it also looks like a genuinely fun and delightful movie, and I think I would have a really good time watching it. And I did!
2. Team Alex or Team Henry? (I know you love them both equally but choose anyway. OR choose depending of the circumstances. Like, "I’d go shopping with Alex but I’d marry Henry. Or I’d hug Alex but I’d go karaoke with Henry. I don’t know. Try something.)
I love both boys in both universes/mediums in different ways, but I'd say I personally relate a lot more to Henry, particularly movie Henry
11. Choose your prison. Would you rather live in a royal palace or in the White House? 
If we're talking about the buildings themselves, I'd say the palace, mostly because I grew up with fairy tales and I like that regal, medieval/classical/romantic aesthetic.
12. Share one of your unpopular opinions about the book and/or the movie.
Ooo, this is gonna be a slightly longer one. I was thinking about making a full post on this but I might as well just answer it here.
This has to do with the bonus chapter: I didn't really like it? Or more accurately, it made me feel kind of... disappointed or sad. With all due respect to Casey of course.
It took some time but I came to terms with Alex wanting to work in smaller law firms, especially after talking to my law student friends. My issue is Henry's abdication.
It's just, so much of the original book is about making history, about being in a prominent position AND being gay. Henry keeps track of gay monarchs, and they tend to have to hide or give up something one way or another: King James I had to commission the translation of the bible and sort of... lie about his relationship (I'm technically not religious, but I did read the bible a lot as a kid, and I really don't think the relationship between Jesus Christ and John, namely teacher and disciple is comparable to a very, very homoerotic relationship), and King Edward II (Yes there are two gay kings in Henry's name) had to exile his lover. So to have Henry finally be a royal who can keep both his title and his love would be historical, just as they said they wanted. Henry can step back from royal duties without stepping down: irl Princess Beatrice while still a working royal, had a full-time job in 2017 and split her time between New York and London. Henry could have done something like that. I understand that in the book the royal family is a lot stricter, rigid, and overall awful than in both real life and the portrayal of the movie, but I thought that with Princess Catherine coming back to take charge at the end, things would improve, fixing the system instead of going "fuck the system". Also this might be because of certain things happening in my life right now, but I'm kind of sick of seeing stories where you have to choose one, instead of coming to a compromise. You don't get all the good, you don't get all the bad, you find somewhere in between, and that's okay.
Plus given the more benevolent portrayal of Henry's family, especially his grandfather in the movie (I wrote a whole essay about it), if we get a movie sequel, I really don't want Henry to abdicate, and it also makes less sense.
But then Casey posted a story about their thoughts when writing the bonus chapter, about the boys taking a break from making history, not giving up; preserving their flame instead of letting it burn so hard that it burns out. That made me wonder if my perspective and opinion on the bonus chapter are affected by me being young.
16- Pick a line and/or a quote for each:
-You have to sell the book/movie to someone who doesn't know anything about it.
Bith "But you're the one who decided to put your dick into the heir of the British throne!"
yeah I think that summarizing the initial selling point pretty well
-The quote that makes you the most emotional.
Romance/ Love wise:
Book: the entire fucking list, but also "give yourself away sometimes, sweetheart. there's so much of you." (I started sobbing when I read it)
Movie: "I'll break the sound barrier for you. "
Lines that make me emotional for personal reasons:
Book: "I honestly have never thought I deserved to choose. But you treat me like I do."
Movie: "But Henry, Nothing will ever happen to you."
(I feel like just from that you could tell what my personal issue is lmao)
-A quote/line that could be a life lesson to you.
Both: "Sometimes you just gotta jump, and hope you're not standing on a cliff."
This was so much fun! Again thank you for sending in the numbers, and if anyone else wants to ask me (the list is here!) please do!
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dino--draws · 3 months
i love being awake at like nearly 3 AM because me explaining how I got started in writing sequed into me talking about an SCP tale series concept that involves me picking at the bones of my elementary/middle school storywriting for half decent concepts and then writing about how dinosaurs look like that because of an eldritch god of evolution. also theres a scp space station. its calle space center prometheus. is this dumb or good i dont know but its SILLY and thats what mattered. promethus was gored one day you'll be real. when the department of paleo becomes real.
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siendesblog · 1 year
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For Jophiare's fic, Seque, part of their series SER. Their writing is really, really beautiful and I highly recommend checking it out <3
Here is the quote that inspired this to convince anyone that is still on the fence:
A gloved hand covers the raven’s lips and Suzaku shakes his head. They couldn’t. Lelouch knew that better than anyone. Still, Suzaku shifted forward and pressed his lips against the back of his hand. Lelouch closed his eyes, leaning into the brunette’s touch as much as Suzaku’s glove let him.
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cicelythereaper · 9 months
it's christmas, which means it's time for me to once again plug the fics i write at and for christmas! now presented in one series for your convenience, mostly covering british kidlit of the 20th century. roll up, roll up, we've got your narnia, your father christmas letters, your rosemary sutcliff, etc
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thequietkid-moonie · 3 months
Not a request but I lowk gasped when I saw u write for pocket mirror it's soooo underrated and I haven't seen any fans in a hot mintue plus it's my hyperfixation lol
This is funny because the past few days i being thinking in pocket mirror hehe
I haven't wrote anything about Pocket Mirror yet (sadly) but if you do have a request i will be more than happy to write it!
I think the seque (or prequel, m' not sure) is already out, i need to check it!!!
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syoish-aot · 2 months
I'm not on Tumblr for two days and you've already posted 3 chapters of the sequelI found you 😭it was nice tho... Loved them all ❤
Welcome back! I'll be posting new chapters every day for the next week or so~
I work fast when I get comments that motivate me to keep writing
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ninepentz · 7 months
Wendy Williams diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia and aphasia
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So it's officially come to light, that Wendy Williams is diagnosed with the conditions I mentioned above, I can't say I'm surprised bc over the years she seemed to be getting worse in health. Such sad news to hear about anyone to be honest. I'll leave a link for more info on her diagnosis below for those interested.
What I want to do here is just check her chart + transits to see what they can tell me about this recent diagnosis.
I know that when Bruce Willis was diagnosed with the same condition, Saturn was transiting right over his mercury and sun I believe, which was crazy to me bc frontotemporal dementia and aphasia affect speech/language, understanding, personality, motor function, daily functioning, decision making, our memory, our neurons.. so basically all mercury related things. It was just insane to me that astrology explained what was happening. And I hope to do the same here with Wendy Williams charts, I've pulled up her natal chart and the airing date of her last episode. So let's dive in..
I'm using the last episode air date bc this is the only exact date I have that shows when she was beginning to have serious issues.
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So the 1st aspect I was looking for and expecting to see was mercury aspecting saturn and yeap it's definitely there.
Last episode chart at the top and Wendy's birth chart at the bottom, cancer sun, aquarius rising.
Her natal mercury opposing transit saturn:
So this tells me that as Saturn transitioned over her mercury things were happening outside of her control, she was unable to understand things the way she used to, she was possibly going more mute than she would like, maybe she felt that something was holding her back from speaking/expression, things in general were just difficult and it was a lot pressure surrounding this all.
Her Mercury was transitting into the 12th house during this time so she could of been slowly becoming deluded, confused, in the dark, wanted to hide away, she basically didn't want anyone to know what was really going on at this time. She may have also been heavily medicated to deal with the truth of her situation, maybe she didn't want to face the truth in some way and was using substances to lessen the pain. She knew for a while what her condition was, long before we did, she just wasn't ready to share with the public.
And like I said above I was def expecting to see this aspect, so it's safe to say that mercury-saturn transits can def affect communication, travel, activities, decision making, sometimes in really harsh ways such as what happened with Wendy Williams and Bruce Willis. I'm currently going through this transit myself, mercury conjunct Saturn and it feels more so like I'm unable to start things as smoothly as I would like, delayed communication, thoughts, struggling to write esp bc I have mercury in the 3rd house. I used to be more free with my communication, my level of activity, creativity and ever since it's conjunct Saturn I feel like I'm stuck in place, more serious than I used to be. It's a hard, depressing, limiting transit to go through. Mercury is also much deeper than I can even explain it, but soon I'll try to make a blog post on everything that I know.
Natal saturn conjunct transit saturn:
I recently went through this and actually it's still going on right now as we speak, it feels very much depressing, there's always obstacle after obstacle when it comes to this type of transit. It also means that she was going through her 2nd Saturn return I believe. So that must of been harsh, it is a transition period that represents your growth over the years, it sets up the stage for the future years to come and who you will be moving forward.
Saturn transits are basically showing us the results of our actions, karma or in general just the sequences/cycles of our life, it's almost like sobering/awakening period. It can be a good reminder of all the things we need to work on.
Natal uranus square transit mercury:
Interesting so she was definitely aware of everything going on and was irritated that things just weren't going her way. It's like everything was unpredictable or going haywire.. in general maybe she was unable to function with tasks, communication. She was having a rough time during this transit. Being forgetful, inappropriate, moody, impulsive/erratic etc.
Natal MC opposite transit mercury:
Crazy.. for those of us who are fans of wendy williams and have been keeping up with her over the years, you would know they this show was something special. It was literally Wendy's calling to speak, and do her thing. She started out on radio stations before she eventually got her own TV show, so her calling in life was this. Basically expressing her thoughts/opinions/truth, she was a universal figure who could speak on things that mattered in the moment. She has a Sagittarius MC so imo, her purpose/career was truth telling, being educational, philosophical, being a big personality type you couldnt miss, she was an entertainer forsure.
And her MC transiting onto mercury is literally as clear as day telling us something was amiss here, out of her control, she was unable to do what she usually can do just fine. Oppositions can often show point of crisis moments, so things were unstable, contradicting, unbalanced. In other words, her career/public life was being affected by mercurial type things. Technical, communication, motor function, daily tasks, travel, thinking/logic/processing-difficulties.
Natal moon square transit saturn:
She felt very alone during this time, she knew and was aware of her reputation as someone who talks about people for living, so this was maybe a transit where she felt isolated, alienated, lonely, awkward. She def didn't want to tell anyone why her show was being cancelled bc she knew the reaction she would get and theres really nothing she could do about it bc people weren't wrong for feeling how they feel.
Mercury sextile MC:
Out of anything that came out from all this, this is a good aspect to see in regards to her career and legacy. I think Wendy Williams def was apart of making the decision to end her show. I hope she had a moment to gather everything in her own way, not being rushed, pressured, or told what to do next. Hopefully she had time to plan what she wants the rest of her life to look like. Atleast that's what I would of tried to do if I knew that I would be losing my memory, personality, ability to make decisions about my life in a few years. So maybe she made a plan for herself and hopefully it didn't/doesn't end up in the wrong hands.
✨Nine of Pentacles ✨
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merakiui · 2 years
Heyya!! sorry for coming late to the party, but about that android jade... like, just a liiiitle more time, we'll get our happy ending with azul. i actually shed a tear when our beloved cephalopod is killed. like, mr. leech, you're so cruel :(
anyway! i admire the way your jade is speaking. i always thought that jade's word of choice is like rook's but less dramatic and azul but more polite, if that make sense? how come you can perfectly write jade? also, i hope that a certain 190 cm tall eel will smooch you at night :>
also, also. i'm currently suffering the idea that the reader speak, talk, think and act like jade. (i dunno what's wrong with me, it somehow sounds appealing to me) the reason? it's a confidential information, only he knows :)
*run away*
T_T poor Azul and Floyd... they weren't meant to die in the original idea, but I wanted to try my hand at writing character death in case of future stories. >:) Jade is indeed the cruelest in the trio.
It's actually a little ironic considering when I first started writing for Octavinelle I was so scared to write Jade because I felt like tackling his characterization would be too daunting of a task. But I like Jade's complex layers and the fact that he always wears that pleasant customer service smile in every situation. His formal manner is as polite as it is distancing. Whereas Floyd is outgoing and will collect friends with no issue, and Azul will weasel his way into relationships where there are benefits to be found, Jade's formal nature is good for cultivating surface level friendships. Nothing too deep or immersive, but friendly enough in case he needs something. He has to branch out somehow and form a network of connections for himself. He does have the spirit of a shady businessman, after all!
A reader that is like Jade... omg Azul calls you Jade 2: the sequ-eel.
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I'm actually writing this post specifically for @deepwoodenheart because they followed my main and were not a porn blog. Thanks! They've recently expressed an interest in Yuichiro Umehara (a voice actor), and @msyuksanh is his number one fan who is the one who actually introduced me to this specific voice actor. Since I watch a ton of anime (an unhealthy amount), I will be running through some of the stuff I have watched (and some stuff I haven't). Some of these are just to make fun of these anime, but I don't fault any seiyuu for taking a bad role because you do what you need to to make that bread 🍞
His list of roles is big but not as big as some other voice actors, so I was able to go through which ones I had watched or heard of quite quickly. He has made some random appearances in other anime that I've watched where I went "Huh, definitely know this guy from somewhere" like Fire Force, Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun, and Kaguya-sama.
Note: I haven't watched Jojo Part 6 yet or that parody magic anime with the wombat. The anime will go in no specific order, but it generally goes from "good" to "mediocre" to "these anime can go suck cheese" with anything below the "keep reading" being literal trash-tier anime. There's also some missing stuff, especially in terms of idol anime because I haven't watched those and don't plan on it for now. From looking at the cast list, I think his major idol roles are in Magic Kyun, Tsukipro, Ensemble Stars, and Idolmaster SideM (regular Idolmaster is for female idols).
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime
I was talking to a friend of mine recently when we went Christmas shopping, and when he saw this manga he went, "I didn't like that one." I personally did like this one. His complaint was that too much time was given to the secondary love interest. Umehara plays a supporting (but recurring) character.
((This scene still makes me laugh to this day. Kaori Nazuka was really funny here.))
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Fruits Basket (remake)
Okay, Umehara admittedly barely shows up in this one, but people should watch Fruits Basket no matter who they are. It's good for the soul. That is all.
((It took me so long to find a fricking gif of this bir-- guy.))
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Romantic Killer
Anyone who reads this or anyone who has Netflix should go watch this.
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Tenchi Souzou Design-bu
This anime is surprisingly not directly creationism, but it sure comes close! As a biology major, this anime was pretty neat, but some of it made me go, "What am I watching anyway?" I'm not an ecology specialist though, so maybe this makes more sense to others. His character is a supporting character, but he has some funny bits.
((He also gets to rap in this role, so that was kind of funny. My other favourite lines are "Wow, Mercury is dead!" and "WOO! SAIKOU NI COOL!!!"))
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This one was not nearly as good as Gridman which was already divisive in the mecha community (that I'm not a part of). I heard from others that it was enjoyable, but I personally thought it was a bit of a bore. Props to the casting director for getting Chika Anzai and her cousin Junya Enoki. There are some subbed radio segments that are funny too.
((Also, this is the first anime I watched where he was cast as an ugly adult. Ain't nobody falling for kinoko hair over here. He has also played a piece of sperm, but I digress.))
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Dame x Prince
This anime was built for cringe, and it succeeds at cringe. But because it embraces the cringe, it unironically becomes one of the better anime adaptations of an otome game which is like saying you're the tallest dwarf of the seven dwarfs. It also gave a long-running radio with Kaito Ishikawa and Soma Saito.
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Shingeki no Bahamut: Virgin Soul
I genuinely remember so little about this anime that I went to go watch clips to refresh my memory, and this anime wasn't even bad. It was mediocre, but for something based off a card game, they did really well. I actually watched this for Sumire Morohoshi and her bubbly character Nina. This is technically a sequel, so you'd need to watch the previous one to fully understand it. Oddly enough, I didn't know the first season was a romance until some characters kissed.
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Gakuen Babysitters
This one was essentially built to be a comfort watch. It works at what it wants to do, but I don't like kids. The ending theme is cute, but Nishiyama looked way more into it (Umehara was there to get paid).
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Shinchou Yuusha
I personally thought this anime was gonna be a Konosuba, and it kind of was, but it was far more palatable for me (I was not able to make it through Konosuba and will try again at a later date). Aki Toyosaki carries 99% of the comedy in this anime.
((That slime never did anything to youuuuuuu)
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Orenchi no Furo Jijou
Fun fact: I watched this before knowing what a shounen ai was! I saw the shounen part and went "Oh, so my demographic" watched it, came out, and went "What. Was. That?!" I don't remember a whole ton about it, but I don't remember it being horrendous. It's just some mermaid in a bathtub. I think this was his debut role, and he does play a main character.
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Juuni Taisen
This is probably in a similar boat as Tenkuu Shinpan (later in the list). It's just a bloodbath of an anime, but I will give it credit that it has fanservice for both sides (they sexualize men and women). Anyways, it has a stacked seiyuu cast for something that is so incredibly mediocre.
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Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai
He had to be replaced partway through due to his acute immune disease. However, I think he recorded it in post-production. Either way, it's a supporting character in an anime that I think wasn't worth the watch besides the banger of an opening. Masayoshi Ohishi has a knack for writing openings for romcoms (he likes romcoms himself).
((He's the glasses guy))
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Tenkuu Shinpan
I kinda want to watch this one just to turn off my brain and watch some Battle Royale-style gore.
((That character looks sick.))
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Darling in the Franxx
Apparently, you're supposed to watch the first 12 episodes then dip, but come on, when the mechas are built like that, I'm not touching that thing. Even though it has Haruka Tomatsu and one of her most famous characters, I'm not watching it.
((It took me over 100 gifs to find one with Gorou in them despite typing in "Gorou Darling in the Franxx", and he is part of the main cast.))
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Goblin Slayer
You know, for such an edgy first episode, this series is so mid at the genre it tries to take on after. Umehara said himself, "He doesn't really say much of importance." This anime has sexual violence (and it's explicit), and it's not even good.
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I haven't watched this one, but he does star alongside his bandmate Yoshiki Nakajima. Both of them have been in better anime that is certainly not this one. I even read a chapter or two of the manga when it first started airing and went, "They're really making that, huh?"
((He forgot one streak of hair when dyeing it haha))
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I couldn't make it through three episodes, but maybe I'll try again-- actually, no I won't.
Hmm... I haven't watched this one. It's not hard to see why, but basically, I have not reached that level of degeneracy, and if I do, someone should put me out of my misery.
Fun fact: This anime is so bad that it has a rating similar to Boku no P-- I'm not finishing that title. I obviously didn't watch this one.
Makura no Danshi
I didn't watch this one, but I saw a video on it and was near tears from laughter and despair because there's no fricking way someone made an anime about this concept AND got Masayoshi Ohishi to write an OP for it. This is the stupidest thing I've seen in a while, and just being close to it made me even more embarrassed that I watch anime. I also listened to Masayoshi's version of the OP before I knew what it was connected to or how to understand some words in Japanese. After learning its association, I was legally obligated to take that song off my playlist.
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i really appreciate bea's storyline for so many reasons but probably the biggest reason is just how compassion can become entrapping and it's really such a personal thing. It's very anxiety enducing to be trapped and for the thing that you live for to be the thing trapping you. It's probably one of the worst ways to spiral into doom the way she has, being treated like shit by the only thing she has left, yeha.. I really like this AU a very good writer has made, where she does make the decision to run away from it all. abandon it all. I think there are many interpretations i've seen where that IS the best decision, for both her and her father to stop being so damn dependant on his only young adult daughter, but like to see the pain that that decision will inflict, mostly on none other than bea, it's just very real. I really like nitw whatwith whwile being a very complete feeling game , it also feels like the character's lives are also far from as complete as how the gme wraps up. That there's so much opportunity to think about it and ujst how much setup has all there opportunities all these different ways the characters might begin to grow and morph offscreen, after every thing goes down. Like what the janitor says i really like this line. That things don't change you they make you into something else and sometimes it takes time to learn and see what that is. How mae will grow up because really her journey only started as the whole game was her defeating this one giant obstacle made of all the obstacles encompassing her life if that makes sense. it's a good "Everything's ok" ending instaed of a happily ever after one that just makes it seem like...There might be endless sequels ! For these characters. But i really still like the AU by one very talented writer. It's very un-sequely considering the AU nature but it still feels like one somewhat. Like a branch of the timeline that seems natural. And it's very heartfelt too. I think writing comes out best when the writer's really passionate about what they're writing about:) Ok i just like went in to the kitchen and had this really random thought about bea that spiraled into me thinking about lots of things nitw but yeah... I really care about her and i wanna think more and more indepth about like, all the ways her future could go. it's what i'm most interested in. even IF i still also share her sentiment of. maybe in the future gregg and angus probably maybe won't be a thing. It's bittersweet to think about but that's what i like...bittersweet reality is warmest of them all
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