#seriously I have a shrine to this man!
sweetestlittledarling · 6 months
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And now all my favorite Gale scenes from the Holiday TikTok special because I am far too obsessed with this man!
Happy Holidays everyone!
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fluffypichu876 · 3 months
not my sunbro...
damn you miyazaki...
#i'm so sorry my friend... it was for your sake...#given that this is dark souls i should have seen it coming but man...#HIS DEATH DIALOGUE NOOO#you should have found your sun my friend...#not a fucking bug#SERIOUSLY SOLAIRE DYING BECAUSE OF A BUG???????#were you that desperate?#oh god i feel terrible#later i had to go to anor londo to try to find something and seeing that area around the bonfire completely desolate without solaire there#it was so fucking depressing#AND I SAW LIKE 3 DIFFERENT MESSAGES SAYING 'tears?' LIKE YEAH NO SHIT#so i left one too :')#*sigh* i miss him already#i keep letting characters die and now firelink shrine is more of a grave than a nice safe sanctuary to chat with npcs#(haha funny there's an actual graveyard there haha oh god)#ouch i just remembered that i kinda let larentius hollow#god he was so nice too#he literally trusted me with a part of himself dude wth i feel horrible#the fromsoft experience™#i remember when i felt terrible for getting the immortal severance ending in sekiro#NOT MY BOI KURO DAMNIT#and wolf becoming a sculptor like the proof of an endless cycle of suffering that i failed to break...#god i hate that ending#*sigh* back to ds1 at least siegmeyer is still alive and jolly as ever#except he met me at firelink and said he was going somewhere and now i'm terrified that's he's just gonna die too ahahahahahah help#NOT YOU TOO ONIONBRO STAY ALIVE OR I'LL... I'LL KILL YOU#...sorry for venting in the tags#AND THE WORST OFFENDER IS THAT I HAD TO KILL HIM MYSELF FUCK#i'm so sorry my friend... my sunbro...#dark souls
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Lmaoooo okay so MAJOR story spoilers ahead-
But I just finished the crisis at hyrule castle quest line (after thorough googling that I wasn't going into the final boss, of course) and went back to the landing where everyone gathered to discuss what to do next.
It was all very solemn and thoughtful, everyone theorising and letting it sink in how incredibly dangerous ganon was, and then purah and riju are like 'omg there was a sixth sage maybe we can find whatever they've left behind maybe it can help us' and then Link IMMEDIATELY speaks up like 'oh yeah about that I've already found her. Yeah she's fine she's going to help us. I've also got the master sword too by the way'.
Everyone was SHOOK. I got praise and amazement from all sides. Purah was like 'ALREADY???!! And you didn't think to TELL ME??' it was great.
Never felt more like canon link in my life. I've got a screenshot of everyone's :O?! face. Going to be riding that high for hours XD.
But it's very impressive that I managed to procrastinate so hard I managed to skip about three major plot lines just by squirrelling my way where I'm not supposed to be purely by accident lmao.
#totk spoilers#<- MAJOR ONES#loz#legend of zelda#tears of the kingdom#totk#loz totk#loz tears of the kingdom#Purah: I can't believe what we're up against. And how hard it must have been! But you're so calm and collected about it!#Me: aw thanks keep talking ^^#Purah: you're really a wonder link. I'm amazed by what you can do! It's up to us now! Let us help you!! ✌️#Ngl finding the thunder head heart door was pure. PURE chance. It was night and I couldn't see the arrow head on links bow#Pouring rain and thunder. Somehow managed to blindly claw my way to the top of the ruin and spent ages trying to find out what it was#At the very last second before I left I slipped on the side of the wall and fell all the way down. Straight onto the shrine.#Eventually gathered the hearts and came right back to do the whole thing. No idea it was supposed to be a triggered quest until now LMAO#But fr everyone was so shaken after ganons vision and link was just standing there like 🙄 he's already had a dozen of them XD#'pig man should have gone into theatre. Tryna play me with zelda when I know full well where she is. your precious phantoms were RUBBISH'#Seriously don't worry about the fight if you have the vows and decent armour I posed so silly and took several attacks to the spleen#And it did absolutely NOTHING. Several photos of link with phantoms furious heads in view and I lost MAYBE 3 hearts total. No anti gloom!!#I will say the image of broken doll zelda dissolving into gloom smoke will probably traumatise link but what's one more lol
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triptychofvoids · 1 year
just finished tears of the kingdom i dont think ill ever recover from this (positive)
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snapbackslide · 7 months
He mentioned Matt and then our FaceTime immediately started lagging and I wanted to DIE. do you know how long I’ve been waiting to mention him??? I need to tell this boy that my favourite player was once a senator. Ok. I need him to know
Also, yes we FaceTimed 🥰 for like two and a half hours yall … it was vv nice
#i asked to repeat what he said cause it cut but he didn’t bring him back up :(#and the funny thing is i felt it coming bc he mentioned kyle turris and i was like oH OK WE GOING IN THAT ERA#ughhh 😭😭😭😭 it’ll have to wait again#(i have to show him my lil hockey shrine too.. it’s got 3 current/ex sens 🤠)#but yea i’m really glad i did this today#we were both home alone and i wasn’t doing anything so it was perf#ALSO- he’s counting how long we’ve been talking??#straight up said ‘we’ve been texting for like 3 months now’ like.. yea man we have#thanks for knowing that 😭#even took me on his lil walk to get pizza lol#and gave me a whole tour of his house haha#just confirmed what i already knew: gotta move tf out of mtl if i ever wanna buy a house :)#**#brunch anecdotes w the girlies#oh yeah ​also he brought up galchenyuk and i shut it down so fast lmfao#i felt bad but i rly can’t talk abt this guy rn i just hope he didn’t take it the wrong way 😭#ALSO#he was like ‘what do u think of the facial hair’ yalllll i#tried so hard not to laugh bc oml i really have to watch what i say#i’m not used to complimenting boys 💀 like seriously i didn’t realize how bad i am at this#but anyway he said he usually shaves every two weeks i think idk but that was a relief whew#i’m not big on facial hair and he looks so much better without it honestly 🥰🥰🥰#but i’m not saying that to him i just said it looks good and asked if he likes it 🥲#also i don’t own him so it’s not my place to talk <3
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chaoticace2005 · 3 months
(By Velvette, the only competent of the Vees)
(Her list for Valentino here)
1. He’s just not into you
2. We have better things to do than allocate company time to this.
3. He makes you look stupid
4a. He makes US look stupid (and Valentino already does that enough)
4b. Seriously how are we supposed to stop your boy toy from chasing whore around town when you can’t do the same with your ex? We need to set a (gag) good example for him.
5. What do you even see in him? Tacky coat. And that voice is so old-school.
6. You have two people who (reluctantly) want to work with you. Why spend energy on a guy who doesn’t?
7. This was seven years ago babe. Give it up.
8. I’m tired of finding your Alastor Body Pillow around the penthouse
9. Speaking of the body pillow, did you really have to spend 5k on it?
10. Company money should be used for COMPANY things. The fact we even have an “Alastor” budget is stupid. HE DOESNT EVEN GO HERE. ( @onesidedradiostatic )
11. He fucked off once, he probably will again.
12. Do you really want to fuck with someone who has the princess and king of Hell on his side?
13. It makes Valentino insecure about his sexual prowess, which is not good for anyone.
14. I have to LISTEN to him complain about it.
15. No matter how hard you try, nobody will ever beat “Susan” for #1 rival in that man’s heart. (Which is valid cause Susan SUCKS.)
16. Also you’re wasting company time by having Val put together shitty-Alastor look alike porns? Angel Dust does NOT look like Radio Demon ffs, I though Val was the blind one not you.
17. Your screens keep crapping out whenever you think about him, and we’re running out of ones in storage.
18a. I don’t want to keep having to go to overlord meetings for you because you’re having a breakdown over of he’ll be there or not.
18b. Speaking of breakdowns, STOP MAKING THE WHOLE CITY LOSE POWER.
19. You’ve taken over the entire office space with your Alastor-shrine. It’s not really an inconvenience, just creepy.
20a. Not to kinkshame but I walked in on you and Val fucking with Alastor-wigs on, REALLY?!
20b. Also I think you’re making Val insecure about his lack of hair.
21. STOP asking me to design Alastor-cosplay clothes for you. I don’t want anything to do with this.
22. I already have to deal with one pissbaby
23. Seriously, he isn’t into you. Maybe it’s cause you’re a mess. Maybe it’s cause he’s AROACE. Who knows.
24. You keep interrupting channels to brainwash people into hating the Radio Demon, when we should be brainwashing them into other things.
25. We can all hear you talking to yourself in the shower when trying to come up with shitty comebacks.
26. You display your dreams when you sleep, and while it was funny at first at this point it’s so boring. Val and I want to watch something actually interesting for once rather than the same shit.
27. You keep glitching out in bisexual whenever he comes up and it’s annoying waiting for you to put your shit back together again.
28. I’m sick of movie nights where we just watch your self-made compilations of “Alastor’s Epic Fails” or just watch security footage of him at the hotel.
29. Why do you even try and film him? Your shitty cameras can pick hardly anything up.
30. Honestly this whole thing is just pathetic.
31. Like it used to be cute but now?
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scaryspears · 10 months
Mortal Kombat x Bimbo Reader
Another test run, and these are just bullet points not full blown stories. I've already written another bimbo reader post so I suggest checking that out. Please do requests if this isn't enough.
This one is just Bi Han, Kuai Liang, Hanzo, Shang Tsung and Johnny.
"I need to die looking good."
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Bi Han Noob Saibot
He doesn't understand your constant need to dress up and put makeup on, but he won't say anything about it. A lot of women are just like that, so Bi Han just figured it's a female thing. Misogynistic of him, but he doesn't care.
While seeing him training you gladly set up a chair and watched him from afar whilst drinking a cocktail, and you've attached yourself to him ever since. He couldn't take you seriously at first, but he could only admit to himself that your dense personality was a little adorable.
When the blood got too much you would hide your face in his chest, which he didn't mind even though some makeup stains would go on his clothes.
When he returned as Noob Saibot he swore to make you drop dead gorgeous, even if you already were. But you would join him in death as his revenant lover. Quan Chi was sure to give you the best manicures so long as you were loyal to him.
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Kuai Liang
As a man that puts Lin Kuei traditions in high regard he could understand your need for the newest fashion and dressing well. He showed you his wardrobe and you decided to copy his style, which he found adorable.
He likes having tea with you, but you're certain he must try a frappe or at least a smoothie.
Kuai isn't one for public affection, Lin Kuei and all, but he lets you climb over him. If he's not disciplining Frost or the other Lin Kuei then he's snogging you in the snow. After you drag him into it at least. He only initiates things first if you guys are alone.
Although you didn't understand a lot of things he could appreciate you being there for him to give comfort on sensitive topics.
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Hanzo 'Scorpion' Hasashi
It was like talking to a different Johnny Cage in his opinion. It was a bit jarring to have you flirting with him and not get the slightest hint that he's not interested since revenge was on his mind. It was after he was brought back as Hanzo Hasashi that he appreciated your presence more.
The Shirai Ryu are ninjas, so that meant blending into society when on mission and you had a lot of things to say about clothing choices.
The Shirai Ryu shrine looked better than he remembered, you had given him ideas on the layout and studied a thing or two on Japanese culture to make it legit.
When he caught you teaching the new members cheerleading moves he knew he had to be more welcoming with you, because those were complicated moves. And it showed him you were no stranger to teamwork. Hanzo could see the beauty in that.
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Shang Tsung
This villainous man came across you giving Mileena style tips and fixing her hair. He had no clue how you snuck into the private parts of the palace, but he suspected you were partially from the Chaosrealm.
Mileena didn't react well to your absence, and after Kitana's rejection she seemed to have formed an attachment to you so Shang expected you around the palace. Shao Kahn was glad that Mileena had a nice person to look up to, so he was fine with you in the palace.
Shang had you participate in the tournament for a reason, but he underestimated your powers as well as your fighting abilities. Such beauty in combat is rare.
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Johnny Cage
Barbie and Ken in the eyes of many Earthrealmers, but you two are the 'it' couple when it comes to vanity, expensive taste, and being drama queens.
He is your husband, your best friend, and your mirror. Your super power was convenience and getting yourself out of serious situations, but how it acted up was at random times. Johnny could relate to that.
In the meantime, you could both bathe in the spotlight, and the cameras. And your friends from home can be jealous and gush about you marrying an actor.
It was a match made in pink and green.
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jgracie · 2 months
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masterlist | rules
❝ Can you please writhe a one shot with Jason and daughter of Psyche reader based on the song “I can fix him(no really i can)” by Taylor?Like imagine some time later when Jason is finally free from his demigod duties and goes to college with his friends,here he meets reader.Since she is a daughter of Psyche (the goddess of the human soul)she understands him immediately and she help him understand himself,discovering what he likes and to heal from his past and of course they fall in love. ❞ — anon
in which they shook their heads saying “god help her,” when you tell ‘em he’s your man
pairing jason grace x psyche!reader
warnings feelings of self loathing, slight bullying
on the radio . . . i can fix him (no really i can) (taylor swift)
an they r in new rome uni in this !! i feel like jason is a tad ooc but also its 11:30pm as im posting this and im tired
Everything you heard about Jason Grace screamed ‘red flag’. Son of Jupiter, ex-praetor, raised by wolves then sent to camp at the mere age of three or four - what was there not to be afraid of? To add to that, the way he carried himself exuded power in a way that would make anyone cower in fear. His face was inscrutable, crystal blue eyes unreadable in the same way the storms his father made were
However, you weren’t anyone. Your mother was Psyche, goddess of the soul. And as a daughter of Psyche, you could see right through just about everyone, including Jason Grace. Whenever you tapped into his energy, you couldn’t help but feel he was the complete opposite of what he presented himself as. While Jason seemed content with solitude to everyone around him, you knew that deep down, he was just seriously misunderstood and in desperate need for some loving
You were right. Jason’s life had been hell, especially the past couple years. His memory had been taken away from him, making him lose ties with all his friends and a potential lover, Reyna. Then, he’d gotten a new girlfriend and new friends, only for his girlfriend to dump him and his friends to all be too busy to spend a single second with him. Still, Jason had persevered. He applied and got accepted to New Rome University, he attended all his lectures, he got perfect grades, he tried his best to socialise. 
The latter never worked out though. People either saw him as Jason the traitor, the guy who’d chosen to leave with the Greeks instead of fighting for his camp (Jason would stifle a laugh at the phrase ‘his camp’ - if this were really his camp, they wouldn’t have easily found a guy who’s the epitome of everything un-Roman to replace him. They weren’t any better), or as Jason the soldier, the man who’d toppled Kronos’ throne and won in a fight against the titan Krios, absolutely untouchable and worshipped in a way that would make his father seethe with jealousy
Eventually, he gave up. If that’s how they wanted him to be, so be it. He shut himself off from the world, focusing solely on his studies and his plans for shrines for every God and Goddess. Little did he know, a certain someone was formulating the perfect plan to become his friend
Your plan backfired. You’d spent weeks keeping note of all the classes you had with Jason, even occasionally following him to see where he’d go after class (his dorm, immediately), and yet you couldn’t seem to get a single conversation out of him. The closest you’d gotten was when you sat next to him in one of your lectures and dropped your pen - he’d simply handed it to you without a word. For the split-second your fingers brushed, you took on all his pain and felt it pull you apart. How could he cope with all of this baggage? 
Luckily for you, the fates work in mysterious ways that in this case, happened to be in your favour
“Oh, I’ll leave. Sorry.” Someone mumbled from behind you. You had been having a hard time sleeping as it was exam season, meaning everyone’s late night stress as they did last minute cram sessions piled onto you, so you decided to go to the one place you knew would be quiet. It was a small garden you’d discovered as a freshman and dubbed as ‘your spot’, and you’d often come when you were feeling extra overwhelmed
Turning your head, your eyes widened as you saw none other than Jason Grace, who was about to go back to his dorm
“No, wait! You can stay, I don’t mind,” this was a first for Jason. Usually, people would go the other way at the sight of him, not offer to let him sit with them. He felt a gut-wrenching, yearning feeling in his stomach, and you felt it too. Softly, you patted the spot on the bench next to you. It was quiet between you, but with that simple gesture, you had made an everlasting mark in Jason’s mind
After that night, instead of leaving his bag on the seat next to him, Jason would put it on the floor in hopes that you’d see the empty seat and choose to sit there. You, ever the empath, did. The more you sat with Jason, the more words were said between you. You started the conversations, of course, asking him about his day and telling him about whatever minor inconvenience you had that morning
“I ran out of toothpaste,” Jason had said to you one day as you took your laptop out of your bag. This was his first time initiating a conversation. He wasn't sure why he did it, and cringed internally the moment those words came out of his mouth - toothpaste, Jason, really? - but you’d smiled and asked if he wanted to come with you to the shops after class, since you also needed to stock up on some supplies
That was the day Jason’s walls began crumbling down. Suddenly, he seemed to loosen up. His posture slackened and he smiled more often, told more jokes and even engaged in your banter. People gave the two of you weird looks as you walked around New Rome in fits of laughter, but neither of you cared 
Well, not until one fateful day. Jason had been making his way to class with two coffees in hand, one for you and one for himself, when he’d overheard two people deep in conversation. He’d never been one to eavesdrop, but when he heard your name being mentioned, he couldn’t help himself
“That poor girl, she has absolutely no idea what she’s getting herself into,” one of them said. The other hummed in agreement, pity laced in his voice 
“She thinks she’s doing a good thing, being friends with him and all, but he’s just going to break her heart like he did Reyna’s. Jason Grace is no good.”
He nearly dropped his coffees. Suddenly, all the confidence he’d built came crumbling down, being quickly replaced with those walls he knew all too well, the only things he could trust other than you. Since he loved you so dearly, this was for the best. You’d find some other guy to befriend eventually. If all of Camp Jupiter could replace him after years of service, who’s to say you couldn’t after a couple months of being friends?
Coincidentally, you happened to be looking for Jason when you saw him standing there, a blank look on his face - the same one people had warned you about in your first year at NRU. This time, however, they didn’t have a fighting chance in fooling you. Even without your powers from being Psyche’s daughter, you knew Jason was a sweet guy with the kindest heart
“Jason, are you alright?” You asked, reaching to place a tender hand on his shoulder. He pulled away and your face dropped as you tuned into his feelings and realised the old Jason was making a comeback. It’s not like he’d ever been gone, no one ever gets rid of lifelong trauma and horrible experiences that quickly, but Jason’s aura hadn’t felt that self-loathing in a very long time
Looking behind you, you saw a couple give you a pitying look and the pieces clicked immediately. Scowling at them, you took Jason by the arm and dragged him to that garden where you first spoke. The garden that was no longer just your spot
“Whatever they said, I don’t care,” you told him, “they’re wrong, Jason. You can’t listen to them. From the moment I met you I knew they were wrong. Don’t let them win.” His eyes stared into yours, completely emotionless. His guard was up, and you didn’t know why (slight btd ref!!). Didn’t he trust you? 
His voice monotone, Jason replied, “this isn’t just about them, Y/N. You have no idea what I’ve been through. You don’t deserve to have to deal with that, it could affect you too. You could be making so many friends right now and yet you haven’t, because you chose to stick with me.”
The tension rose between you and you knew there was only one thing you could do: succumb to the pull he had on you once and for all. Grabbing him by the collar, you pulled Jason closer to you and kissed him fiercely
When you pulled away, you took a second to take in Jason’s dishevelled look before replying, “I don’t care. I’ll choose to stick with you in every lifetime.”
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candycandy00 · 7 months
Serve Me, Save Me - A Sukuna x Reader Fanfic Part 2
After Ryomen Sukuna inadvertently saves you while killing his enemies, you decide to devote yourself to him as a servant. But the trauma from the attack triggers panic when you find yourself in his bed.
Part 1 | Part 2
Smut. 18+. Oral sex. Masturbation. Slow burn. Softer Sukuna than I’ve written before but he’s still a monster. True form Sukuna. Rape and its aftermath feature prominently as a plot device but rape does NOT occur between Sukuna and Reader. Features PTSD, panic attacks, etc.
If you’d like to be tagged in future parts (I have no idea how many there will be), comment to let me know! You must have your age in your bio or intro post or just tell me you’re an adult in the comment! Likes are appreciated but comments and reblogs (especially with feedback in the tags) make me feel all warm and squishy! Seriously any feedback at all is so wonderful! Divider by @benkeibear!
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Several days later, when Sukuna went into his bath, he found the same servant preparing the water and laying out fresh robes for him. The heat and the steam in the room had made her skin look dewy, her hair wet. The thin work robe she wore clung to her shape as she moved about the room. 
When she noticed his presence, she bowed, touching her forehead to the floor. “Your bath is ready, my lord.”
He looked down at her as he untied the silk belt around his robe, but before removing the garment, he paused. “You’re the servant who refuses me,” he said. It was not a condemnation, but a statement of fact. If he insisted, she would let him do whatever he wanted. She was too obedient not to. But he didn’t have the patience to deal with whatever trauma that would cause. 
She was otherwise a good servant, keeping the shrine spotlessly clean. Even Uraume had praised her, seeming delighted while reporting that she had organized their spices in a neat and efficient manner and always took care with the plates and utensils while washing them. 
“Go and fetch another servant to attend me,” he said. 
She slowly raised her head. “I can attend you, my lord, if you’ll allow it.”
“I don’t feel like hearing your screeching tonight. Will you go into hysterics again if you see my cocks?”
Her face reddened slightly. “I don’t mind seeing them, my lord.”
He sighed. “Alright then,” he told her, shrugging off his robe. She hurried to retrieve it from the floor, folding it in a quick and deft motion before placing it in a basket by the door. She didn’t stare at his naked form this time, but she certainly wasn’t avoiding it. Her eyes darted all along his body as he sat down on a stone stool and used the readied cloths and soaps to wash himself. 
She didn’t hesitate to come closer, taking a soapy cloth in her hands and using it to scrub his back. He wondered where she’d learned how to wash a man’s back so well, being unmarried. She was using the perfect amount of pressure, moving at the exact speed that felt the most pleasing. 
“You have practice at this,” he remarked. 
“My family owned a bathhouse, my lord. I attended to the customers often,” she said. 
She used past tense. Meaning her family had probably been slaughtered in the attack. Ah well, at least they’d left her with a useful skill. He could feel his muscles relaxing under her ministrations, any tension completely gone. She was very good at this, even knowing the right time to stop and move on to another task without being told. 
She soaped up her hands and then used them to lather his hair. He found himself leaning back slightly, into her touch. He normally washed his own hair, but like with his back, she used skillful motions to make the experience as pleasurable as possible. When finished, she lifted a bucket of warm water as she said, “I’m rinsing now, Lord Sukuna.” Without waiting for his response, and with the practiced ease of someone who had done this countless times, she held the bucket over his head and tipped it forward, spilling the water over his form and washing away the soap. 
He made a mental note to send for her every time he bathed in this village as she stepped around in front of him and offered a warm cloth to wipe his face. She watched him, her eyes flicking down between his thighs. She didn’t look upset or frightened. In fact, she appeared to like looking at his body. 
She lingered in front of him, and when his eyes met hers, her skin looked slightly flushed. “May I… touch you, my lord?”
It was a surprising request, coming from her, but he wasn’t in the mood to tease her. “Do as you wish,” he said. 
She gave a quick bow of thanks, and then got down on her knees, smoothing the fabric of her robe as she scooted in between his spread open legs. She lifted one hand to his upper cock and gripped it softly, her eyes fixed on the organ as it twitched and began to harden under her touch. She stroked it lightly, gently moving her hand up and down the length. His lower cock hardened almost immediately after, eager to be touched as well. She used her other hand to stroke it, using the same rhythm. 
Her feathery touch felt nice, but it was a bit too soft for his taste. “Harder,” he told her, and she looked up at his face. With a hint of a blush on her cheeks, she nodded and took a firmer grip with both hands, moving them up and down at a faster pace. Eventually she paused and looked at his cocks for a moment before leaning forward and licking the upper one, coating it in her saliva. She then went back to stroking the now slick shaft with her hand while she took the lower cock into her mouth. 
The servant’s warm, wet tongue circled the throbbing organ in her mouth, and with her thumb she mimicked the motion on the upper one. Sukuna watched her work, enjoying the way her pretty eyes darted up to his face occasionally, the way her full lips looked wrapped around him. He couldn’t remember the last time a single woman had pleasured both cocks so well at the same time. 
Sukuna leaned his head back, closing his eyes and listening to the wet, slick sounds she was making, feeling her velvety mouth enveloping him, her silky hand stroking him. The lower cock came first, into her hot mouth, and she took in every drop, her throat working to swallow it all. Then, in the next instant, she quickly pressed her tongue to the upper one as it began to shoot out his seed, catching all but a few spurts that landed on her face. 
Looking down at her, he thought she was exceptionally beautiful with his cum dripping from her chin.  She slowly rose to her feet and gave a small bow, then motioned toward the waiting bath. “The water is at optimal temperature now, my lord, if you’d like to enjoy a soak.”
He stood and crossed over to the huge stone basin full of water. Several people could fit inside it at once, but unless someone snuck and used it while he was away, Sukuna was the only person who had ever been in it. He stepped over into the water and lowered himself into it. The water reached his stomach, and was perfectly warmed, with some sort of fragrance drifting into the air. 
As he slid down a bit further into the water and relaxed, he looked at the servant. Across the room, she was wiping her face with a cloth. Her robe was so damp from the moisture in the room that it stuck to her body all over, hugging every curve. After watching her for a moment, he said, “Come join me in the water.”
She lifted her face and looked at him. Several different emotions seemed to flicker in her eyes. Panic, flattery, excitement. But she didn’t move from her spot. 
He sighed. “I won’t touch you.”
Her face seemed to relax. “Thank you, lord Sukuna,” she said with a smile. 
You opened your thin work robe and slipped it off your shoulders, folding it neatly and dropping it into the basket of used clothing by the door. Fully nude, you walked over to the bath and gingerly climbed into the hot, steaming water. It felt wonderful as you sank down, the water level hitting at just below your breasts. You could slide down further, but you had the feeling lord Sukuna wanted to look at them, so you remained sitting up straight, a few feet away from him. 
“Did the men who attacked you not use your mouth?” he asked suddenly. 
The question shocked you with its abrasiveness. “They did, my lord,” you replied, looking down at the water. 
“And it didn’t bother you to suck my cocks?”
You could feel your face growing hotter. “It didn’t.”
“Hmm,” you heard his voice say. “Then what happened the other night in my bed?”
You glanced up at him. “I think it was being pinned down that triggered the memories of the attack, my lord.”
“I see,” he said, shifting slightly in the water to get more comfortable. “Still, it’s only sex. I don’t understand what’s so frightening about it.”
You’d heard sentiments like that before from other men. “It’s not just sex,” you told him, “it’s a violation. It’s having someone use your body for their pleasure, against your wishes. And in this village, it robs you of your future. I’m a used, broken woman now.”
His eyes had shifted to you again, and you worried that you’d said too much. “What a stupid custom,” he said, surprising you. “Being a virgin does absolutely nothing to increase a woman’s value. If anything, I find them less desirable.”
You blinked, gazing at him with wide eyes. “Really?”
“Of course. What does a virgin know of pleasing a man?”
He probably wasn’t saying it to make you feel better, but you were comforted nonetheless. If the god of your village thought you were still desirable, then maybe you weren’t damaged after all. 
“Thank you for saying so, Lord Sukuna,” you said, dipping your head slightly in a subtle bow. 
He stared at you for a moment, then spoke again. “There’s still one among the attackers of the village I’ve left alive. He’s been useful for extracting information. It would probably be easy to find the families of the men who raped you. I could have them executed or-“
“No, please!” you said, the water around you sloshing as you moved closer to him. When he looked at you curiously, you went on. “I’m glad those men are dead. I’m glad you killed them. But their families did nothing wrong, so I’d like to leave things as they are.”
He shrugged. “If you say so.”
The two of you sat quietly in the water for a while. He laid his head back, and after a few minutes you wondered if he’d fallen asleep. You watched his broad chest rise and fall with his breaths, the water droplets sliding down his neck. He really was glorious. You found yourself rubbing your thighs together under the water. Since the attack, the only times you’d felt aroused were when you with lord Sukuna. 
Silently, careful to avoid disturbing his rest, you slipped your hand down between your legs, then gently rubbed your slick, heated flesh. You’d pleasured yourself occasionally before the attack, but never after. You just didn’t have the urge. Until now, sitting so close to lord Sukuna in the steamy water. 
You pressed one finger inside, leaning your head back and closing your eyes, your breaths hitching in your throat. 
“Enjoying yourself?”
Your eyes snapped open when you heard Sukuna’s silky voice. You looked over to see him wearing a grin. You hastily straightened up in the water. “I’m sorry, my lord, I was just-“
“Don’t stop because of me,” he told you, a look of delight in his red eyes. “Continue if you wish.”
“You’re not offended?” you asked. 
He laughed. “Why would I be?”
“Then, I’ll continue, my lord.” 
Under his crimson gaze, you began touching yourself again, sliding one finger back in, your thumb stroking your clit. Your back arched in the water as you moaned softly. You hadn’t felt this sort of pleasure in so long, and now it was overwhelming. Was it because lord Sukuna was so close, his incredible body almost touching yours? 
You glanced up and met his hungry eyes as you came, your body quivering. You shivered in the water as you came down from the high of your orgasm. The way he was looking at you… it was like he wanted to devour you whole. Something about that thrilled you. 
Later, after you both left the water and dressed in fresh clothes, lord Sukuna turned to you. “From now on, you’ll be my bathing attendant.”
You bowed your head. “It is an honor to serve you, my lord.” 
After he left the room and you began cleaning up, you smiled to yourself. You finally felt like you had a purpose again. And maybe, you thought, you might be called to his bed again some time, and things would be different. Maybe you were beginning to heal. 
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Hi!! I sorta get the vibe that maybe Rook has some deep rooted trauma from his childhood?? Just because of how secretive he is; i know hes eccentric but i feel like it’s more than that. A lot of ppl are upset at Vil for “changing” Rook somehow but i feel like rook changed his appearance to match with Vil, moved to pomefiore, etc. because HE wanted to be more like Vil, i feel like him meeting Vil was a rly big turning point for him. And with how upset he was at having to hurt dream Vil and Neige (and his fanboy bedroom😭😭) i feel like he’s really dependent on both of them for his happiness and he’s avoiding dealing with some traumatic experience, but this could be a stretch. I was wondering what your thoughts were. Sorry this was so long, have a nice night!!🫶
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Mmm, maybe? There's certainly nothing to disprove the idea, although there also isn't much to support it. Rook doesn't strike me as someone who is scared or put off by most things. He was very much able to keep his calm and composure even in demanding, high-stress situations like the STYX base raid in book 6 and the rescue operation in Endless Halloween Night. If he has experienced something dangerous and/or dark, he gives me the impression that he could handle himself just fine. (This isn't to downplay trauma; I'm just saying that Rook could very well be the type of person that reacts and copes well with it.) As for him being secretive, it could be for other reasons such as his family's line of work (which is implied to be pretty important, since they have warp pads and villas all over Twisted Wonderland). This would be reasoning similar to why Jade and Floyd's father's occupation is kept dubious. Rook's secretive nature could also be an intentional diversion (ie purposefully playing "the fool") so it's easier for his targets to lower their guards around him or not take him seriously. Really, there's many reasons for his enigmatic and eccentric attitude. I'm also of the opinion that you don't necessarily need to have a deep-rooted trauma to get deep into fandom or stan culture. Sometimes you just get really into something and want to dedicate your entire being to that which holds your attention! For Rook, that's Neige and Vil--and it hurts him on a deep level to have to harm those who have brought him so much joy. I liken it to like... how TWST fans have merch shrines dedicated to their favorite boys. Non-Twsties may not understand our love and dedication to these characters, nor why we may get upset if those merch shrines are destroyed or damaged.
I think a lot of Rook's emotional attachment to Neige and Vil doesn't come from "relying" on them to fill in some void within himself. Rather, the behavior stems from him literally viewing them as pinnacles of beauty, combined with his own reverence for beauty itself and how they've helped his own character development. We know that, as a child, Rook struggled to express himself and was first introduced to the magic of the arts when he watched a play that starred Neige. The performance and show must have deeply resonated with Rook. Later on, we see that he, as a first year Savanaclaw student, acts much closer to the Rook we know of today. Invasive, bright, speaking his mind in a verbose way, etc. This makes me think that it was through stanning Neige that Rook was motivated to express himself in a more open manner. Then, when Rook meets Vil, he's inspired and encouraged to beautify himself so as to be like the works of art he already admires. As you've said, Vil isn't the one forcing change on Rook; instead, Vil gives the suggestion and Rook becomes enraptured with the idea--to the point where he changes dorms against Vil's advice. This is another huge turning point in Rook's life. He changes dorms, becomes Vil's right-hand man, and drastically changes his appearance too. This is all so he can be closer to the "beauty" he wishes to see, so he can fully dedicate himself to that chase. Neige was the impetus that started it all, and Vil is the one who motivated Rook to go "above and beyond" in his pursuit of beauty. So thinking about it, Rook has gone on his own journey of personal growth, and Neige and Vil are both closely tied to that. It's like how some of us TWST fans have been with the game for a few years now. We've grown and changed, and TWST has been with us every step of the way. I bet you're a totally different person today than you were when you first came across your current hyperfixations. That's bound to deepen the emotional connection we already have with the object of our affections--be it TWST for us, or Neige and Vil for Rook, no trauma necessary. From all of that, I get the impression that Rook cherishes Neige and Vil because he has "grown up" with them and they're so pivotal to who he is and has become as a person. When he has to turn his arrow on them, it may hurt him in the sense that he's destroying his passions or the very figures who have inspired him to come as far as he has. That's how I interpret it!
I still think it's fine to headcanon whatever you want for Rook's past though! There's no harm in filling in the gaps with whatever you think suits the character or the story.
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boxheadpaint · 2 years
man goes insane about pokemon- the post. Following the readmore is copy-pasted notes that are endgame/postgame spoilers regarding some mysterious things that are simply put driving me up tha wall.
if you have any of your own notes to contribute, please for the love of god feel free.
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-the case of paradox pokemon is extremely strange, and this is even pointed out in the game itself. if the professor was inspired to bring the pokemon back to their own time by a book… that documented said pokemon before the professor was even born… -pokemon that are even pointed out to have Not Existed In Any Form at the given times, or at least not in the past (slither wing, a lack of volcarona in the fossil timeline) -just where are these paradox pokemon from? are they even really pokemon? is it even from our own world, let alone time? -as a side note, just why are they so aggressive… EXCEPT for the players legendary?
symbols -the plate symbol. a similar symbol appears on the whiteboards in the professors research station, seeming to represent time (hourglass shape, possibly two zeroes on the side representing present time??). -the crop circles. laid over an un-rotated map, the cross over the shrines locations. additionally, they appear almost like arrows pointing in the cardinal directions, again not disimilar to the shrines. in such case however, what is it doing in area zero? -the hexagonal symbol. likely representing terastal phenomenon, it has unreadable notes around its sketch in the book. the terastal phenomenon and this symbol however could relate back to the bizarre 'disk-shaped' entity as well (which on that note, how is the illustration to be interpreted? theres a recognizably beastly creature near the top, but it doesn't quite resemble a disk. at the same time, very little does in the picture, as the depiction seems somewhat Spherical. is it possibly an extra-dimensional pokemon? 4th dimension time as a direction smething something) -fourth symbol. what the fuck no seriously i cant find anything on this. my best guess was oh it represents the curl of the ride pokemons tail and its saddle-esque part, but its hard to say much as i have not found it anywhere ingame aside from the corners of the book wth the other symbols. theres no mention, no acknowledgement, no presence in area zero. What the hell is this?
as a final note of interest, if the 'imaginary' creature depicted in the books comes to manifest in possible dlc, then you will know for sure something is fucking weird. are these things manifested from thought and will, like the ruinous quartet? are they from another world entirely, or even from another dimension?
and in the end, just where did the professor go when they entered the 'time machine'?
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thebottomfromhell · 3 months
I saw on your list that this is not included in Kokushibou's kinks, but the idea stuck with me and I think it can be included in clothed sex... but just imagine Kokushibou dressing like a traditional Japanese bride, maybe just because his male partner asked, wanting to imitate a honeymoon, ending with the two having sex with them in groom's clothes
Lol, Kokushibou is not enjoying this one as much as we will, but this is not his blog so...
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Male Reader and Kokushibou having sex with traditional groom and wife robes
Warnings: Sexual content, Implied dub-con (due Kokushibou really not being into cross-dressing), Kokushibou being Kokushibou, Dirty Talking, Slight role-playing, Feminization, Praise kink Degradation kink (for the feminization) and Oral sex.
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He has no idea how you convinced him of this, it's shameful, degrating! Why is he wearing a woman's bridal dress? What pleasure should a man get from such forcefulswitch in the hierarchy? He is a damn swordsman, a samurai, Upper Moon 1, a figure of most respect! Not some virgin about to be sold to a new household! A part of him wished to rip off these clothes, the other part of him doesn't like the way you look at him when he is naked, a gaze so intense and shameless...
Seriously, why did he agree to this? There is a feeling of vulnerability as you start kissing his neck and groping him under the white pieces, only taking the hood of the shiromuku down to see his flustered face, with frowning eyes, grind teeth and red face and ears. Kokushibou has his hands against your chest, already naked, since you have already taken pieces of the groom's attire off. "Such a beautiful bride~." He doesn't push, put he does turn his head closing is eyes, this is really embarrasing, but you take the new access to the neck.
You grab his dick, it's not hard yet, but you still carress gently the lenght. Your dry hand makes it sting a littles, as Kokushibou sighs with exasperation at your eagerness. You start nibbling the side of his neck, delivering bites from there to the ear, where you blow a bit of air, making the Uppermoon tremble. Besides sighs and grunts, he refuses to let a sound out of his mouth, griting his teeth as your one of your hand teases his sex and the other teavels through his legs and stomach.
"So beautiful. Let your voice out for me, darling." He looks at you with a face tha basically says "you really think I will listen to you?", then closes his eyes shut harder with an offended face, not willing to let himself look vulnerable... for now. You know how prideful your beloved can be, so you chuckle as he moves his body to the side, almost giving you the back. Not that it matters. "Or do you want to say the safeword, my love? Use that pretty mouth of yours~" Again, he doesn't say anything, giving you the cold shoulder.
Since you do have a safeword you continue carelessly, moving the skirt part of the robes to expose Kokushibou's formed legs, as you move to kiss, nibble and suck the skin, pincing the thighs as he tenses as he digs his fingers un the beddings, releasing a growl. You move the piece of cloth higher, exposing a perfect and as-if untouched skin, due the fact that every mark heals away. You start licking his buttcheeks as you gain access to them, making your beloved tremble a bit as he turns, getting fully on his stomach. You use the wetness your your saliva to massage the two pieces of flesh, one on each hand, blowing a bit of air into the nervious hole, making it twitch and it's owner hiss.
You only chuckle as you begin to tease the entrance with a thumb and move the other hand to Kokushibou's dick, jerking him off. "You are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen. I am sure any other man would die of envy if they saw you with me in shrine, wishibg to be in my place. Wishing you were making bow to them so they can keep you and fuck you as much as anyone would like~" you whisper sgainst his ear, the taker a more intense shade of red and you can hear the grinding of fangs. "You would be such a good wife~" not really, but it doeas feel nice to say it.
You are already hard under your lower clothes, so you rush into taking the oil, as Kokushibou hisses again when it contacts it's skin. Still, he doesn't say anything as you begin to sink the tip of your middle finger in his hole, pressing softly and gently, alsmost as if was meant for a massage instead for penetratimg, making sure to tease the nerves of the rim that tense and relax against your touch. You go back to hold the base of his now erected dick, hot in your hand, still a bit dry, but you know that will get fixed soon enough. You sink your finger into the entrance slowly, until it gets to the knuckle. Then you begin to move both your hands back and forward to start preparing him as you masturbate him.
You can feel your own dick sting, too hot and unconfortable against clothes that are getting wet with your pre-cum. Kokushibou just burries his face on the white surface, biting it as growls and groans scape his throat, but not managing to go through his mouth. The wet sounds get a but louder when you add a second digit, making your beloved make also a higher-louder noise that scapes from his nose as well. He unconsciously moves against you, using the kimono to hide himself, for the moment forgetting it's a woman's dress.
Once you finish with a third finger, getting the digits out when all of them can get in and out the tight and hot pucker with ease, you turn him around, just frowning at you angrily before moving his legs to upen them. You wish you managed to convince him to use make up too, with droll falling from his mouth and tears threatening to form in his wyes, he would look divine with ruined lipstick, brushed all over the face, and eyeliner making black tears down his face. Still, you take what you can, so you kiss his face as you pull your hard and wet cock free and line it to the passage.
Kokushibou doesn't hold into you, even your you move his legs around your hips as you burry yourself in his pucker, feeling the warmth and soft flesh around your erection. You don't wait to move, making the demon's priority to shut up his own moans with one of his hands. "Mngh! Phft! Mngh!" You move in and out on a steady, not so fast pace, but still leaves you panting against his neck and ear, making the demon tremble as he closes his eyes. "I love you so much." You say as you keep going, the heat in your body shared with his, the smell of sex, the unholy sounds, the preassure in your cock made you wish you lasted longer, but you only concentrated your attention in your "bride".
You cum inside Kokushibou, making some lasts thrusts into him to burry your seed as deep inside him as you can. One time. "Mmgh!" Twice. "Gnmh!" Trice. "Gnah!" But he hasn't came yet, so you are not done. You pull out softly, the second your now soften up dick leaves his body being taken to cover himself with the kimono out of embarrasment as he feels the cum leaking out. "Don't hide, let me help you to cum." You whisper as you move his hands in order to uncover his erection and take it in your mouth. "Argh!" Kokushivou moans sensitive as he feels your hot breath and tongue against his sex.
You move your head up and down, having him grabbing you as he squirms into you, tip of the lenght reaching your throat, you suck him up until you get the treat. Kokushibous arches his back when he cums into your mouth.
"How was that, "my dear bride"?" He looks at you angrily as he stands up, taking anything to cover himself and replace the kimono. "Don't you ever call me that again." He says before leaving... well, you tried.
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grace-kami · 4 months
You guys!!! Look who's here!!!😭❤️
Sorry for the shit pictures. I was excited.
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Now, I have A LOT of collectors editions. Seriously, I have a problem.
But I have to say this one is probably one of the nicest ones of all of them. Even the box is beautiful. I'm so glad I have this. Unfortunately the steelbook wasn't wrapped in plastic but no worries, man. That's why I have hard plastic sleeves specifically for steelbooks.
I love this SO MUCH! Now I have to move crap around and make a proper shrine for my babe. Maybe even display my art with it too.
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ystrike1 · 4 months
Dear, Teddy Bear - By Pisangu (5/10)
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This author is trying to be smart, but it's not working. Everything is too obvious. The mystery is spoiled in chapter one. The guy the yandere is obsessed with is a boring, popular, cute guy. Taboo does not equal flavor, and the art is basic.
Minhyung is a crazy yandere kid.
He was also extremely lucky.
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Two loving gay parents adopted him, and this little crapshoot decides to ruin both of their lives. It's so clear that both of his dads are nice, but he immediately falls into obsessive love with the cute and boring dad. He kills kind and handsome dad ONLY because of that. ONLY for selfish reasons.
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I really want to feel bad for Lee Jae. I do. He really loved his husband. He really wanted to treat his adopted kid right. He's a good dude. He's cute and popular. He kinda lived a selfish life. His husband spoiled him a little.
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Minhyung pushes the competition off a cliff, and Lee Jae becomes even more spoiled. He starts relying on his son????? I know he's traumatized. I know he was sheltered, but he is a grown man and Minhyung is a child. Lee Jae is stupidly naive and trusting. Minhyung is clearly a weirdo who is too obsessed with staying at home with his remaining living dad.
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Minhyung grows up handsome and Lee Jae doesn't encourage him to become independent. It's really, really screwed up actually. Lee Jae calls Minhyung constantly because he's afraid his adopted son will randomly die too, and he'll be alone.
Minhyung encourages this fear but AGAIN Lee Jae is an adult. Minhyung is being really obvious and unhealthy. An adult with a brain would have set boundaries.
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Minhyung starts treating Lee Jae like a child. Like the child. Like he's the parent and his adopted dad is the spoiled and dependent kid. It's icky. It's ew. Minhyung is a clear yandere, but it's sad instead of hot.
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Minhyung has a Lee Jae shrine in his room. IN THE FAMILY HOUSE. Lee Jae is so dumb and naive its just annoying I'm sorry. Sorry your husband died but you suck and you exist to be a cute victim.
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Seriously the shrine being in the shared house right out in the open makes Lee Jae look brain dead. Like??? You never go in your son's room ever??????
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Hyeon ho is a hotel director. He wants to date Lee Jae because he's....cute...no other reason. Lee Jae is supposed to be an older man with an adult child and trauma. He still has nightmares about his dead husband. Honestly, if Lee Jae LOOKED like an older man this story would be so much better. But no he's a super skinny uwu boy model with perfect skin. If he had wrinkles and idk some brain cells the yandere aspect would be much scarier, but no. Lee Jae is so hot and popular that all of the obsessed guys don't love HIM. Just his cuteness and innocence and overall perfect appearance. Which is really jarring because he's supposed to be in his thirties.
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He was mad.
Minhyung apparently tried to flirt before. Soon after daddy competition died. Lee Jae lost it, and apparently he slapped Minhyung. Tried to beat him for DARING to say that he could easily replace the love that was lost.
That's interesting!!!
But its a flashback!!!!
And in the current story Lee Jae literally acts like a clueless high schooler that can't function if Minhyung isn't coddling him.
I know Minhyung planned that. Encouraged that, but that one flashback is the only interesting part of their relationship. Minhyung boldly tried to step in, and Lee Jae had the balls to turn against him. Now he doesn't. Now he's just an uwu old man that looks like a high schooler participating in emotional ince**.
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Omg I need some platonic valgrace so bad rn (maybe some hurt/comfort?)
Also congrats on 400, I have a writing blog too lol
"Ditching work with Leo Valdez"
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author's note: I'm actually super sorry if it's short for you! But enjoy anyways!
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Jason stared miserably at the heaps of files and design folios in front of him. He was so fucking stressed out. So many shrines to design and construct, for so many minor gods and goddesses. He had to ensure that the shrines were all equally good looking, so that no minor gods feel inferior to the other. Shrines, let alone extravagant looking ones, could take YEARS to build. For all he knows, he could be in this project till he was 24.
These lingering thoughts troubled his mind. Jason's under eye bags were so visible, he could've sworn his hair turned a few shades lighter aswell due to stress. Realizing that he probably looked just as terrible as he felt, a few tears slid out of Jason's eyes. This feeling was starting to get so familiar these days. He was going through a terrible cycle of burn out.
sighing, Jason got up from his desk to grab his third cup of coffee, he headed out for a walk in the streets of New Rome, to go to his favorite cafe. He was a few steps close to the door, when he spotted a familiar mop of curly hair lingering behind him in the corner of his eye.
“Jason!” “I knew you'd be here man”
The voice of Leo Valdez had more of an effect on Jason's serotonin than any of Jason's coffees had.
Jason spun around immediately, and as if it was an instinct, bear hugged his best friend.
“Superman, i-i can't breathe” Leo sputtered out, laughing and squirming in Jason's strong grasp. Jason quickly pulled away. Leo raised his eyebrows, studying Jason's face in an “i-know-you-are-overworked” type of way.
Jason sighed. “Terrible burnout. I feel useless”Leo frowned, “why didn't you iris message any of us? Nico? Percy? Annabeth? ME? We care about you, man. Don't shut yourself out, please .Nico is worried sick about his bro.” Jason smiled.
“How are he and Will? I hope their relationship is still going strong” Leo grinned deviously. “They are super super gay and proud, don't worry.”
“As they should be.” Jason replied sternly like a mother that it made Leo giggle. “Anyways, the reason I'm actually here is, I WON TWO TICKETS TO THE THEME PARK!!” Leo smacked the tickets into Jason's face aggressively in excitement. “The one Piper said she always went to? Do you know how expensive those things are?? What did you sacrifice to the gods to get these?”
Jason's eyes sparkled. He had never been to theme parks before, and this theme park Leo had just won tickets to? It was not cheap. and the hopes of visiting one felt like a fever dream. It felt bizarre, the whole concept of carnivals, amusement parks and theme parks were non existent to the Romans.
“That's besides the point. All that matters is that there are TWO tickets. And I've invited YOU to go with me dude” Leo said. Jason's jaw dropped. “Wait? Seriously? You're taking me of all people to go with you? But why?”
“Dam bro you're so oblivious, it's cuz you're my best bud! Who else would I be taking? Besides, no offense, you look like you clearly need a stress free trip” Leo rolled his eyes. Jason cackled as Leo screamed through almost half the rides that he INSISTED he wasn't scared of. Jason had to reassure him that he isn't falling as long as he has his skydiving buddy with him.
“OKAY. Holy hephaestus. I am NEVER going on rides like that ever again dammit!” Leo leaned on Jason's shoulder for support. The longer jason replayed Leo's screams, the funnier it got.“Yup. I'm sure won't. Do you want ice cream? Because I'm paying, no arguments.” Jason stated firmly like a mother again. “For the love of god, could you stop with the mother voice? It makes me feel like I'm getting reprimanded “ Leo whined and Jason laughed.
“Okay so icecream or no?”
“How could I decline that offer, Superman?”
Without even realizing it, Jason forgot all about what he was upset about. That's the Leo Valdez effect for ya!
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nebelihood · 11 months
My personal compilation of mildly interesting Hey Arnold Screenshots (Edition: Stuff)
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Phoebe has this picture of Gerald on her locker
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Arnold's kite...
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Ernie is on a movie
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Specific date; Friday, October 9 from 1998 Helga was on the news as a model
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Olga in Atarctica (I think)
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Arnold's parents picture
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Food menu from the week
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Helga's other pictures of Arnold
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Award winning Olga Pataki's sister... missing (That's brilliant)
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Cafeteria rules
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Helga's drawing of Helga
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One of Arnold's favorite book franchize
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Carrot man
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Arnold's lunchbox,,,, (And Phoebe's ofc HAHAHA)
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"Origin of the species"
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Olga's albums
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Famous Stinky Peterson on The Ball Street
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More of Helga's shrine
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His used straw
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Class picture
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Family picture
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Helga's poem
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Seriously- who takes these pictures and how does she get them??
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Geral having a hanged picture of Phoebe on his fantasy
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Other class picture
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Helga pictures
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Arnold photoshop
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Crew members (Helga and Stinky A posing)
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Other Helga outfit (I swear I'll draw her some day with that sweater- ITS TOO CUTE)
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Mail for Helga
And I can't put more images HAJHS- But I wanna do a interactions and people edition some day jasj
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