#seriously gayest film ever
thatlonelycactus · 3 months
I feel like "historical" films are grouped into three categories:
What the fuck am I watching??? (positive or negative): Eg Gladiator (2000), Troy (2004), Napoleon (2023)
Actually good films: The Pianist (2002), Oppenheimer (2023)
The most homoerotic film I've literally ever seen but its about a bunch of guys in the American Civil War: Glory (1989)
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haruvenart · 1 month
trust me
So you were going to tell me that you're starting to doubt because of a pinterest with m*leven pins from 4 years ago? WHILE WE LITERALLY HAVE A PACK OF PHOTOS FROM THE FILMING OF SEASON 5 WITH MIKE AND WILL STUCK TO THE HIP! They're literally doing this to make us doubt :/ seriously guys....Shawn Levy, the guy who can't help but put yellow and blue everywhere in his movies (Deadpool I see you) would be capable of betraying us while he does the gayest stuff I've ever seen?
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tonystarkisadouchebag · 2 months
From my experience, I think people are generally not good at detecting homophobia in media, and among fandom types that are really into LGBT+ rep, there is like this pervasive idea that if it's gay in any way, it can't possibly be homophobic and can only be positive gay rep bc rep is rep - moving away from superheroes, that's how you get people thinking obvious gay predator tropes in old literature where homosexuality is meant as a scary mark of deviance is Representation TM and get mad if you criticize it, and I guess with this movie, which I am admittedly hearing about second hand bc I'm not going to watch it, it sounds like people are unaware that this seems just like the dudebro no homo kind of 'humour' that was common in the 2000s, but just spun in a slightly less negative way now, yet still relying on homophobic tropes for the punchlines.
Good point! On one hand its nice that younger people are a bit oblivious to 20th century/early 2000s homophobia but I think people have lost the plot. We don't need to call Deadpool revolutionary gay rep because he simply isn't. Its cool to still like him, there's no need to stop watching his films and reading his comics, but you don't need a moral reason to justify liking it. I think the backlash to the homophobia critiques, that I've seen, have been because so many people feel the need to only consume art that is 'good' and progressive. Deadpool is not that but it still has the right to exist, you can still enjoy it.
On the whole, I think people need to take themselves less seriously and admit that they enjoyed schlock that had some homophobia that they were able to ignore or twist into something else. There's a tweet going around calling Deadpool 3 the gayest thing they've ever seen, and made by and for gay people which is just patently untrue (and they're saying this genuinely bc they're confused about people calling it homophobic). Like... at this point what are we doing, go watch the Interview With The Vampire tv show and get back to me.
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maroonghoul · 1 year
Horror Movies I just watched: June 2023
I only have two movies this time, though one’s an anthology.
Knife+Heart I chose this one for pride month. Good choice too, because I can confirm this easily the gayest slasher/giallo movie I’ve ever seen, for content alone. Seriously, all the sexual subtext in all other slasher movies ever made is just TEXT here. I’m not sure I can ever go back. Every film from here on in I’m going to think the filmmakers are cowards for not letting at least one victim die by dildo. 
But, in all seriousness, I think I got what they were going for in the killer’s motive. Not just that he found their previous film triggering, but it would’ve been easy to have the killer be just a bigot, some closeted self-hating gay, or (god help us) someone taking revenge because gay people killed his parents or something stupid like that.
What we have is a person scarred and traumatized in a situation similar and common to sadly, a large number of people, especially in the LGBTQIA+ demographic. What’s twisted is that it is so common that a lot of people this has happened too or came close to it happening too all react and process it in very different ways. (I think it’s common in the movie, not that they heard about this incident already. That’s the theory I took away from this) You would find people who think back on their parent having a violent reaction to them being secretly gay and can make peace with it through a light porn film. Not because they’re a sociopath or weak-willed. But because anything more connected to harsh reality (and lacking any sexual release or expression) might make them run from it and impede development. 
But the characters in the film were so comfortable in that shared viewpoint bubble of this specific trauma they forgot there could be someone with a very justifiable alternative outlook on it, so they’ve become another tormentor to him. So now, one member of the community attacks other in it because he was feeling excluded, and rather impersonally to boot. Which makes the circumstances that finally did get him killed the final tragic icing on the sad cake. Other gay men lashing out on him in self defense, just as he thought he was doing throughout the story.
This was probably the smartest and most genuinely tragic reveal for a motivation they could have gone with. So kudos for that.
Also, makes this a weirdly good double feature with Across the Spiderverse, of all things. I know that sound crazy, but they’re both movies about an individual being excluded to from a group of people he’s connected with because of strife over what’s the appropriate amount of trauma for them. Just a shower thought.
Holidays (2016) I was waiting for the best day to watch this, so I chose Father’s Day both because I was having trouble coming up with one for that day otherwise and I head that segment was one of the better ones. Was it? Well...
Valentine’s Day Carrie if it was less Stephen King and more Tales from the Crypt. This one just left me with questions though. Were they picking on her for the same reasons as with Carrie White, hence “Maxi Pad”? The hell’s her home life like where she can just go from bullied to murdering for love like that? Does she even know if the bully’s heart is compatible with her coach? I feel like this is a reason why Carrie wasn’t a short story or why most revenge stories of this length are a touch less complicated then this. This just felt messy to me.
St. Patrick’s Day Well, if you had to do a horror movie St Patty’s Day themed without the obvious choice, killer leprechaun, something that calls back to the roots of the holiday make sense. Not entirely sure what this woman did to deserve this, but hey, fae folk follow their own rules like that. I kinda liked that she was either in denial or past caring that her baby is a snake monster, she just wants a child damnit. She certainly seemed past caring at the end. Maybe if the first half was as exaggerated as the end, I would’ve liked it more. 
Easter Another that left me with questions, though I think that’s the idea. This bunny monster is such a weird gross sacrilegious thing, I’m surprised that wasn’t more of an uproar about it. Though I guess it’s point is that it’s more supposedly child-friendly side makes Easter one of the weirdest holidays we got. I’m never going get Easter Jesus Bunny Monster’s Oh face from his side scar being fingered out of my head for a while.
Mother’s Day This was where I started to fall asleep. Good thing this is the type of movie you can watch in chunks. This one has a lot in common with the St. Patty’s day one, and none of that is in it’s favor. Woman is hyper fertile so she goes to folk hippie wellness compound who try to heal her and instead make her give birth to an abomination. And all I’m left thinking is; Why? I thought shortness was about getting to the point, not cutting the point out.
Father’s Day This has probably the best build up of any of these, even if the ending is weak. I liked the premise of the main character’s dad leaving her a record detailing step by step where she can find him again. Understandable motive for our lead combined with tension that builds literally step by step. I find it a bit weird where he took her the exact same route when she was little and he just focusing on recording the whole time like a jerk instead of just focusing on her daughter. I guess the idea was that her in the present would find all this familiar so it’s be easier to soldier on. Though wouldn’t it make more sense he just sent her a message saying “remember when I took you to X?” and we actually have the same journey being played twice? One what we actually saw and the other’s a flashback showing the two of them going down this, comparing and contrasting the two settings? And at the end? Aliens? This open-endedness is getting on my nerves. I got that deadbeat dads aren’t worth it, I just wanted to know why this one wasn’t precisely. It feels like a half baked metaphor.
Halloween This was the most forced of the theming. It’s one of those times I have more issues with the style then the substance. Yeah yeah, three women plotting against a man is like witches. But I would’ve preferred either actual supernatural witching stuff or hey, given the set up, go all in on ripping off Saw. Weird how the a-hole customer that started this got off easy, but hey, f the pimp too. Maybe the way I’d do it is to cut the beginning, start with him waking up with the dildo in  his ass, and the extra time is spent them disposing the body. And hey, given the holiday, make it so it’s in one of those decoration displays. I don’t know why the segment attributed to the actual spooky holiday is the least spooky of them, but I guess they were going for subverting expectations. 
Christmas So this is as close to us getting Seth Green in a Black Mirror episode. Still, it’s a good little character study in to what the people closest to us would do if they could get away with it, even if the technology is quite fantastical. I even liked the ambiguity of the ending, even it personally I would’ve twisted the knife more and shown her walk in acting possibly normal and him being skittish. But maybe I’m just stretching now.
New Year’s Another one where my only problem is that it ended too soon. Incel serial killer finally meeting his end, getting a taste of his own medicine by his female counterpart. That’s a fun twist but the structure is weird to me. We see him kill, go on another date, prepare to kill again, see that she’s a killer, then they fight until he loses and dies. Not bad, but it would’ve hit me more where the twist came later and she surprised him without a fight. Or they realized they’re very similar, hook up for real, but now literally slay together? Or hell, keep the fight, but go full on looney tunes cartoon about it tone wise so the gun having no bullet hits more?
I just found that the style of filmmaking of these segments don’t work for me. Sure, I could cut them slack because it was clear they didn’t have a lot of money. But I didn’t even believe most of them used it well. It feels like a lot of them don’t know what to keep in and what to leave out. And the pacing in each is way off in different ways. They’re short so I’m not stuck with them long, but but I feel a few minutes fleshing out the things I mentioned in each of them could’ve made them stronger. This was rough.
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falsebooles123 · 2 years
Finding the First Gay Kiss - Diary of a Big Ole Gay 11.25.22
Hey Whores Realized I haven't given you an update recently. The short answer is I was planning on watching D.W.Griffinth 3 hour Epic Intolenrance tonight so I was putting a kabash on the movie watching. So instead I've been catching up on television because I am too lazy to actually read. Big News I actually really like Cabinet of Curiosities.
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(its just a real fun time... Don't Judge Me)
so let me go over some of the stuff I've seen in the meantime.
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Judith of Bethulia (1914) dir. D.W. Griffinth
So this movie is not nearly as gay as I was promised. The main reason why this showed up is because there is a nerdist article thats like UwU the Earliest Gayest Movies ever which should actually be congradulated it has some rare pepes on there, (is that problamatic???), however this one is the furthest reach of gay shit ever. Essentially this inclusion in the list is because of a pet theory by Susan Stryker which was included in the documentary Disclosure(2020). I think I have a quote here something.
"There's a claim," Stryker says, "that this is one of the first films that we know of where a [director's] cut in the film is used to advance the story. And there's a kind of, like, trans, or, you know, gender nonbinary character who is kind of circulating around the cut in the narrative. It's almost like the figure of the 'cut trans body,' the eunuch who's been castrated or emasculated, who is a 'cut figure', presides over the invention of the cinematic cut."
and the Eunach in its self is absolutely a queer icon, (in this sense literally iconography, as in a mythic trope), it presents us an intersex body, a masculine form that is asexual, a person that lives in between the hedgemonic binary of masculine and feminenin. The Eunach also has negative connotations as the Nance trope plays into this idea of Sexual Inversion in men being non-sexual and emmasculated. I don't think its wrong for the a eunach to be considered queer at the same time, is the mere presence of a queer coded character necessarily the watershed moment we should pretend it is?
The Nance character presided for decades in vauldville and burlesque circles and it was often not played in a positive light the nance or fairy act in vaudville was a far cry from the gender subversion of Julian Eltinge and other female impersanations of the time, it was in no less words a form of sexual minstraly, presenting the sexual invert as degenerate, unmanly, and frivolous. Tbh Its not necessarily and aspect of representation that I want to respect or cherish.
However at this point I feel that I have got my ego involved and made this representation about my own sexuality and pain. In all seriousness the supposed representation is presented as being trans, non-binary or intersex and while this film did not provide me much queer utility I would be loath to disregard that for somebody somewhere they felt seen by this charater or this aspect of queer lens interpretation. it just wasn't for me.
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The ABC of Love (1916) dir. Magnus Stifter
Its Die Asta!
As we have covered on this blog Asta Nielsen was known for her boyish charm and her unflappable stage present. She was also beyond unafraid to go full butch in her work and many of her storys were incredible queer in a lot of her films. Truly a bisexual icon.
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(what a fucking BICON)
in this one we see Die Asta in a classic shot of her pressed against a wall of flowers in this case sittig with her lap dog, a boudour doll, and reading a book of romantic fancys. it should also be noted that shes coded as a big younger in the film around her late teens, y'know a young coquete.
so Its not conveyed well but basically shes like
"UwU daddy I want to get railed by a tall dark and handsome foreigner"
"sure doll, let me find some fuck boy who wants to get in that snatch. BRB"
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(she specifcally asked for a 'latin lover' which as someone who has fucked several latino men I get it)
But instead of getting a hot latin stud, (which I guess shes european so like she wants to fuck a spanish guy in this context??? not my kink but whatev.
anyway instead of getting a hot latin STUD!!!! she gets like some dweeb???
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and like he can't even fuck so she is absolutely pissed because she want to get railed! (yes I am describing this movie accuretly), so she goes on a honeymoon in paris and your probably wondering how she deals with the wet blanket that is her husband. Um the answer is of course Crossdressing!
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(I think this is from victor/victoria or something but you get it)
and Die Asta pulls a Danger Girl and serves us a full butch fantasy. She literally wears a whole ass wig and shapewear to serve some masc tuxedo action. and of course as in any of these "role-reversal" comedies she fucking slays. Apparently serving masc means you smoke fatties and fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkkk. this movie involves die asta throwing two DTF women onto her man and saying
"Be a Man, Frank"
Imagine your wife just wanted you to cuck her while she serving butch top energy.
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this movie ends with her father gaslighting her into thinking for limp wrist no bitches husband is cheating on her but actually THE GODDAMN HUSSY is just the porter in full drag. I also love in these stories nobody gets clocked, its always a seemless transformance where everyone absolutely asumes this person is the gender they present as. Honestly kinda nice.
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Vingarne (The Wings) (1916) dir. Mauritz Stiller
So this is one of the first adapatations of the 1902 Mikael by Herman Bang. it is also mostly lost with the available version being a fixup version from 1985 which used production stills and intertitles as a way of feeling in the gaps in the story. There is still 20 minutes of this film that are lost forever or at least to the best of our knowledge. A pretty common narrative in early cinema, there are a lot of early cinema works whose tape was not properly archived or literally destroyed for censoreship or just to get the trace amounts of silver nitrate that was imprinted during the film production process.
The movie itself is the story of a gay artist who falls in love with his muse, a grecian youth type. The film falls into this sort of pedarast adjacent storyline, where you have this older sexual experience man and his younger protege/boytoy. Narratively in the story he is also the adopted son of the artist but as I mentioned on DoestheDogDie.com this doesn't necessarily mean that this love story is incestious as Same-Sex Adoption was a thing at the time.
Basically the young muse decides to get some pussy and leaves the poor old artist to die of sadness or some shit.
This movie is kinda hard to follow and you kinda have to ask yourself if you want to add DDLB and fickle Bi's to your pantheon of early queer cinema.
On a side note i am watching Dad Takes A Fishing Trip(2009) by Tim Kinkade which deals a lot with Daddy kinks so I have been kinda exploring a lot of the eroticism around this type of age gap relationship. So there is that.
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
What I Thought About Loki (Season One)
(Sorry this is later than it should have been. I may or may not be experiencing burnout from reviewing every episode of the gayest show Disney has ever produced)
Salutations, random people on the internet. I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons.
Do you want to know what's fun about the Marvel Cinematic Universe? It is now officially at the point where the writers can do whatever the hell they want.
A TV series about two Avengers getting stuck in a series of sitcoms as one of them explores their personal grief? Sure.
Another series as a guy with metal bird wings fights the inner racism of his nation to take the mantel of representing the idea of what that nation should be? Why not?
A forgettable movie about a superspy and her much more mildly entertaining pretend family working together to kill the Godfather? F**king go for it (Let that be a taste for my Black Widow review in October)!
There is no limit to what you can get with these movies and shows anymore, and I personally consider that a good thing. It allows this franchise to lean further into creative insanity, thus embracing its comic roots in the process. Take Loki, for example. It is a series about an alternate version of one of Marvel's best villains bouncing around the timeline with Owen Wilson to prevent the end of the universe. It sounds like just the right amount of wackiness that it should be too good to fail.
But that's today's question: Did it fail? To find out my own answer to that, we're gonna have to dive deep into spoilers. So be wary as you continue reading.
With that said, let's review, shall we?
Loki Himself: Let's get this out of the way: This isn't the same Loki we've seen grow within five movies. The Loki in this series, while similar in many ways, is still his very own character. He goes through his own redemption and developments that fleshes out Loki, all through ways that, if I'm being honest with you, is done much better in six-hour-long episodes than in past films. Loki's story was already entertaining, but he didn't really grow that much aside from being this chaotic neutral character instead of this wickedly evil supervillain. Through his series, we get to see a gradual change in his personality, witnessing him understand his true nature and "glorious purpose," to the point where he's already this completely different person after one season. Large in part because of the position he's forced into.
Some fans might say that the series is less about Loki and more about the TVA. And while I can unquestionably see their point, I still believe that the TVA is the perfect way for Loki to grow. He's a character all about causing chaos and controlling others, so forcing him to work for an organization that takes that away allows Loki time to really do some introspection. Because if his tricks don't work, and his deceptions can't fool others, then who is he? Well, through this series, we see who he truly is: A character who is alone and is intended to be nothing more than a villain whose only truly selfless act got him killed in the end. Even if he wants to better himself, he can't because that "goes against the sacred timeline." Loki is a person who is destined to fail, and he gets to see it all with his own eyes by looking at what his life was meant to be and by observing what it could have been. It's all tragic and yet another example of these shows proving how they allow underdeveloped characters in the MCU a better chance to shine. Because if Loki can give even more depth to a character who's already compelling as is, then that is a feat worth admiration.
The Score: Let's give our gratitude toward Natalie Holt, who f**king killed it with this series score. Every piece she made is nothing short of glorious. Sylvie's and the TVA's themes particularly stand out, as they perfectly capture who/what they're representing. Such as how Sylvie's is big and boisterous where the TVA's sound eerie and almost unnatural. Holt also finds genius ways to implement other scores into the series, from using familiar tracks from the Thor movies to even rescoring "Ride of the Valkyries" in a way that makes a scene even more epic than it already could have been. The MCU isn't best known for its musical scores, partly because they aim to be suitable rather than memorable. But every now and again, something as spectacular as the Loki soundtrack sprinkles through the cracks of mediocrity. Making fans all the more grateful because of it.
There’s a lot of Talking: To some, this will be considered a complaint. Most fans of the MCU come for the action, comedy, and insanely lovable characters. Not so much for the dialogue and exposition. That being said, I consider all of the talking to be one of Loki's best features. All the background information about the TVA added with the character's backstories fascinates me, making me enthusiastic about learning more. Not everyone else will be as interested in lore and world-building as others, but just because something doesn't grab you, in particular, doesn't mean it isn't appealing at all. Case in point: There's a reason why the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise has lasted as long as it has, and it's not entirely because of how "scary" it is.
There's also the fact that most of the dialogue in Loki is highly engaging. I'll admit, some scenes do drag a bit. However, every line is delivered so well that I'm more likely to hang on to every word when characters simply have honest conversations with each other. And if I can be entertained by Loki talking with Morbius about jetskis, then I know a show is doing at least something right.
It’s Funny: This shouldn't be a surprise. The MCU is well-known for its quippy humor in the direct acknowledgment that it doesn't take itself too seriously. With that said, it is clear which movies and shows are intended to be taken seriously, while others are meant to be comedies. Loki tries to be a bit of both. There are some heavy scenes that impact the characters, and probably even some fans, due to how well-acted and professionally written they can be. However, this is also a series about a Norse god traveling through time to deal with alternate versions of himself, with one of them being an alligator. I'd personally consider it a crime against storytelling to not make it funny. Thankfully, the writers aren't idiots and know to make the series fun with a few flawlessly timed and delivered jokes that never really take away from the few good grim moments that actually work.
It Kept Me Surprised: About everything I appreciate about Loki, the fact that I could never really tell what direction it was going is what I consider its absolute best feature. Every time I think I knew what was going to happen, there was always this one big twist that heavily subverted any and every one of my expectations. Such as how each time I thought I knew who the big bad was in this series, it turns out that there was an even worse threat built up in the background. The best part is that these twists aren't meant for shock value. It's always supposed to drive the story forward, and on a rewatch, you can always tell how the seeds have been planted for making each surprise work. It's good that it kept fans guessing, as being predictable and expected would probably be the worst path to take when making a series about Loki, a character who's all about trickery and deception. So bonus points for being in line with the character.
The TVA: You can complain all you want about how the show is more about the TVA than it is Loki, but you can't deny how the organization in question is a solid addition to the MCU. Initially, it was entertaining to see Loki of all characters be taken aback by how the whole process works. And it was worth a chuckle seeing Infinity Stones, the most powerful objects in the universe, get treated as paperweights. However, as the season continues and we learn about the TVA, the writers show that their intention is to try and write a message about freedom vs. control. We've seen this before in movies like Captain America: The Winter Soldier or Captain America: Civil War, but with those films, it always felt like the writers were leaning more towards one answer instead of making it obscure over which decision is correct. This is why I enjoy the fact that Loki went on saying that there really is no right answer for this scenario. If the TVA doesn't prune variants, it could result in utter chaos and destruction that no one from any timeline can prepare themselves for. But when they do prune variants along with their timelines, it takes away all free will, forcing people to be someone they probably don't even want to be. It's a situation where there really is no middle ground. Even if you bring up how people could erase timelines more destructive than others, that still takes away free will on top of how there's no unbiased way of deciding which timelines are better or worse. And the series found a brilliant way to explain this moral: The season starts by showing how the TVA is necessary, to later point out how there are flaws and evil secrets within it, and ends things with the revelation that there are consequences without the TVA keeping the timeline in check. It's an epic showcase of fantastic ideas met with exquisite execution that I can't help but give my seal of approval to.
Miss Minutes: Not much to say. This was just a cute character, and I love that Tara Strong, one of the most popular voice actors, basically plays a role in the MCU now.
Justifying Avengers: Endgame: Smartest. Decision. This series. Made. Bar none.
Because when you establish that the main plot is about a character getting arrested for f**king over the timeline, you're immediately going to get people questioning, "Why do the Avengers get off scot-free?" So by quickly explaining how their time-traveling antics were supposed to happen, it negates every one of those complaints...or most of them. There are probably still a-holes who are poking holes in that logic, but they're not the ones writing this review, so f**k them.
Mobius: I didn't really expect Owen Wilson to do that good of a job in Loki. Primarily due to how the Cars franchise discredits him as a professional actor for...forever. With that said, Owen Wilson's Mobius might just be one of the most entertaining characters in the series. Yes, even more so than Loki himself. Mobius acts as the perfect straight man to Loki's antics, what with being so familiar with the supposed god of mischief through past variations of him. Because of that, it's always a blast seeing these two bounce off one another through Loki trying to trick a Loki expert, and said expert even deceiving Loki at times. Also, on his own, Mobius is still pretty fun. He has this sort of witty energy that's often present in Phil Coulson (Love that character too, BTW), but thanks to Owen Wilson's quirks in his acting, there's a lot more energy to Mobius than one would find in Coulson. As well as a tad bit of tragedy because of Mobius being a variant and having no clue what his life used to be. It's a lot to unpack and is impressively written, added to how it's Owen Wilson who helps make the character work as well as he did. Cars may not have done much for his career, but Loki sure as hell showed his strengths.
Ravonna Renslayer: Probably the least entertaining character, but definitely one of the most intriguing. At least to me.
Ravonna is a character who is so steadfast in her believes that she refuses to accept that she may be wrong. Without the proper writing, someone like Ravonna could tick off (ha) certain people. Personally, I believe that Ravonna is written well enough where even though I disagree with her belief, I can understand where she's coming from. She's done so much for the TVA, bringing an end to so many variants and timelines that she can't accept that it was all for nothing. In short, Ravonna represents the control side of the freedom vs. control theme that the writers are pushing. Her presence is necessary while still being an appealing character instead of a plot device. Again, at least to me.
Hunter B-15: I have no strong feelings one way or another towards B-15's personality, but I will admit that I love the expectation-subversion done with her. She has this air of someone who's like, "I'm this by-the-books badass cop, and I will only warm up to this cocky rookie after several instances of them proving themselves." That's...technically not B-15. She's the first to see Loki isn't that bad, but only because B-15 is the first in the main cast to learn the hidden vile present in the TVA. It makes her change in point of view more believable than how writers usually work a character like hers, on top of adding a new type of engaging motivation for why she fights. I may not particularly enjoy her personality, but I do love her contributions.
Loki Watching What His Life Could Have Been: This was a brilliant decision by the writers. It's basically having Loki speedrun his own character development through witnessing what he could have gone through and seeing the person he's meant to be, providing a decent explanation for why he decides to work for the TVA. And on the plus side, Tom Hiddleston did a fantastic job at portraying the right emotions the character would have through a moment like this. Such as grief, tearful mirth, and borderline shock and horror. It's a scene that no other character could go through, as no one but Loki needed a wake-up call for who he truly is. This series might heavily focus on the TVA, but scenes like this prove just who's the star of the show.
Loki Causing Mischief in Pompeii: I just really love this scene. It's so chaotic and hilarious, all heavily carried by the fact that you can tell that Tom Hiddleston is having the time of his damn life being this character. What more can I say about it.
Sylvie: The first of many surprises this season offered, and boy was she a great one.
Despite being an alternate version of Loki, I do appreciate that Sylvie's her own character and not just "Loki, but with boobs." She still has the charm and charisma, but she also comes across as more hardened and intelligent when compared to the mischievous prick we've grown to love. A large part of that is due to her backstory, which might just be the most tragic one these movies and shows have ever made. Sylvie got taken away when she was a little girl, losing everything she knew and loved, and it was all for something that the people who arrested her don't even remember. How sad is that? The fact that her life got permanently screwed over, leaving zero impact on the people responsible for it. As badass as it is to hear her say she grew up at the ends of a thousand worlds (that's an album title if I ever heard one), it really is depressing to know what she went through. It also makes her the perfect candidate to represent the freedom side of the freedom vs. control argument. Because she's absolutely going to want to fight to put an end to the people who decide how the lives of trillions should be. Those same people took everything from Sylvie, and if I were in her position, I'd probably do the same thing. Of course, we all know the consequences that come from this, and people might criticize Sylvie the same way they complain about Thor and Star Lord for screwing over the universe in Avengers: Infinity War. But here's the thing: Sylvie's goals are driven by vengeance, which can blind people from any other alternatives. Meaning her killing He Who Remains is less of a story flaw and more of a character flaw. It may be a bad decision, but that's for Season Two Sylvie to figure out. For now, I'll just appreciate the well-written and highly compelling character we got this season and eagerly wait as we see what happens next with her.
The Oneshot in Episode Three: Not as epic as the hallway scene in Daredevil, but I do find it impressive that it tries to combine real effects, fighting, and CGI in a way where it's all convincing enough.
Lady Sif Kicking Loki in the D**k: This is a scene that makes me realize why I love this series. At first, I laugh at Loki being stuck in a time loop where Lady Sif kicks him in the d**k over and over again. But a few scenes later, this setup actually works as a character moment that explains why Loki does the things he does.
This series crafted phenomenal character development through Loki getting kicked in the d**k by the most underrated badass of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It's a perfect balance of comedy and drama that not every story can nail, yet Loki seemed like it did with very little effort.
Classic Loki: This variant shows the true tragedy of being Loki. The only way to survive is to live in isolation, far away from everything and everyone he loves, only to end up having his one good deed result in his death anyways. Classic Loki is definitive proof that no matter what face they have, Lokis never gets happy endings. They're destined to lose, but at least this version knows that if you're going out, you're going out big. And at least he got to go out with a mischievous laugh.
(Plus, the fact that he's wearing Loki's first costume from the comics is a pretty cute callback).
Alligator Loki: Alligator Loki is surprisingly adorable, and if you know me, you know that I can't resist cute s**t. It's not in my nature.
Loki on Loki Violence: If you thought Loki going ham in Pompeii was chaotic, that was nothing to this scene. Because watching these Lokis backstab one another, to full-on murdering each other, is a moment that is best described as pure, unadulterated chaos. And I. Loved. Every. Second of it.
The Opening Logo for the Season Finale: I'm still not that big of a fan of the opening fanfare playing for each episode, but I will admit that it was a cool feature to play vocal clips of famous quotes when the corresponding character appears. It's a great way of showing the chaos of how the "sacred timeline" works without having it to be explained further.
The Citadel: I adore the set design of the Citadel. So much history and backstory shine through the state of every room the characters walk into. You get a perfect picture of what exactly happened, but seeing how ninety percent of the place is in shambles, it's pretty evident that not everything turned out peachy keen. And as a personal note, my favorite aspect of the Citadel is the yellow cracks in the walls. It looks as though reality itself is cracking apart, which is pretty fitting when considering where the Citadel actually is.
He Who Remains: This man. I. Love. This man.
I love this man for two reasons.
A. He's a ton of fun. Credit to that goes to the performance delivered by Jonathon Majors. Not only is it apparent that Majors is having a blast, but he does a great job at conveying how He Who Remains is a strategic individual but is still very much off his rocker. These villains are always my favorite due to how much of a blast it is seeing someone with high intelligence just embracing their own insanity. If you ask me, personalities are always essential for villains. Because even when they have the generic plot to rule everything around them, you're at least going to remember who they are for how entertaining they were. Thankfully He Who Remains has that entertainment value, as it makes me really excited for his eventual return, whether it'd be strictly through Loki Season Two or perhaps future movies.
And B. He Who Remains is a fantastic foil for Loki. He Who Remains is everything Loki wishes he could have been, causing so much death, destruction, and chaos to the multiverse. The important factor is that he does it all through order and control. The one thing Loki despises, and He Who Remains uses it to his advantage. I feel like that's what makes him the perfect antagonist to Loki, thanks to him winning the game by not playing it. I would love it if He Who Remains makes further appearances in future movies and shows, especially given how he's hinted to be Kane the Conqueror, but if he's only the main antagonist in Loki, I'm still all for it. He was a great character in his short time on screen, and I can't wait to see what happens next with him.
Revealing that Loki was D.B. Cooper: A cute scene, but it's really unnecessary. It adds nothing to the plot, and I feel like if it was cut out entirely, it wouldn't have been the end of the world...Yeah. That's it.
That's my one and only complaint about this season.
Maybe some scenes drag a bit, and I guess Episode Three is kind of the weakest, but there's not really anything that this series does poorly that warrants an in-depth complaint.
Nothing at all...
...I'm not touching that "controversy" of Loki falling for Sylvie instead of Mobius. That's a situation where there are no winners.
Only losers.
Exclusively losers.
Other than that, this season was amazing!
I'd give the first season of Loki a well-earned A, with a 9.5 through my usual MCU ranking system. It turns out, it really is the best type of wackiness that was just too good to fail. The characters are fun and likable, the comedy and drama worked excellently, and the expansive world-building made me really intrigued with the more we learned. It's hard to say if Season Two will keep this momentum, but that's for the future to figure out. For now, let's just sit back and enjoy the chaos.
(Now, if you don't excuse me, I have to figure out how to review Marvel's What If...)
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Thank you Supernatural...
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I choose to share this message from Daneel, because goes to the point of how this 15 year journey could be Summarized for me.
I love the show since the beginning, felt in love with the gorgeous actors and the eye candy they brought me in every episode.
I felt in love with Dean first, and his easygoing way of go thru the hell in earth. Knowing what he get to live since such young age. I found a similarity in this way of hide behind a smirk or a sarcastic comment when you literally have to kill demons and ugly things everyday and there is little or no hope for that task  to ever end.
By the love Dean had for this not so little brother, I felt in love with Sam that at first saw as the protagonist of the series and was invested in saw where will the journey with his older brother to get them. Then finding no trouble to let the journey be extended with not only horror and drama —literally the description of the show —but with humor and other things a longingly yearned about loosing The X files. Yes, Kim Manners was the initial gate to this show for me. Later, Dean eyes and everything in that beautiful package.
After a change in my life where I left the show for a while. I was  drawn to comeback because I wanted to know, what this lovely characters were up to.
And then I feel in love with The Angel Of the Lord. I went spiraling deep into fandom guided for those blue eyes and the fresh sense of wonderful things to come with this new Magnificent Winged Beast. Suddenly all the love I could give to the show while binge watching from season 4 to 11 was to this character, that by extension— again—allowed me to fall in love once more with The Winchesters. I saw what his celestial eyes saw in them, beyond all the hunkiness and eye candy package, my heart was set to care now. Deeply. I now understood about loving or caring for fictional characters more that other instances or people in real life.
Unavoidably I fell hard for Misha Collins. And with this dashing experience of ogling a married man and a father actor. I get to actually do something else for my fellow human neighbors and not only focus in the care or rescue of abandoned animals that always preferred as company. My new motto for good deeds was always Misha made me do it. Along my merry way, I was lucky enough to gain the greatest love of all—Just after I found the Gayest love of all Aka Destiel—
I found some real love thru nice and unique tumblr handlers at first. Never I could suspect that I’ll be blessed with the real friendship and caring of amazing human beings, with whom I started to share all this crazy experience of loving this hotties then their characters. 
And now, in the last day of the beginning of this chain of crazy events I dare to share and try to summarize this life changing journey. I choose love to say goodbye to Supernatural.
Even the love to hate the writers and TPTB for deny me a Destiel final, or the other side of the fandom I don’t agree on. Has teach me some things. Like feeling that I care enough for someone to throw stones with messages to my windows. Now I understand, only the deep love and care of this silly ONLY DUDES show can move another human to interact and share their care to say some angry words because I love the show THIS WAY and you are LOVING THE SHOW WRONG—seriously, someone came one day to my inbox to say I watch to show wrong, oh! how I will miss you all weird nonnies—
I choose love to close this final day of filming. This final day of receiving the “Official Stories” about The Boys. Because they now are free and forever Ours to keep transforming, caring and giving the RIGHT ending our love for them allows us to create.
Above all I choose the love of this wonderful friends for life. That I never saw in person, and probably see or talk once. We double down in obsessive writing and gif exchanging about our general flailing because this hot dudes. I’m Tagging YOU under the cut, my very close and loving friends whom I cherish as the most lovable part of this Supernatural experience.
I love to call you friends, because you always been there. Either in a synchronized ogling of the boys. Or to rant about the sons of bitches writers and other gents that crippled our dreams. Or just share some tricks and nips about the editing stuff.
I can honestly say I love all my followers, whom I wish I could tag one by one to give the proper shout out, I see you, I know you are there and I love you here enjoying with me the things I make and love about this fandom.
I Love you Supernatural, I love you all.
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@jenabean75 @bamcrux @4evamc @zeeimpalaangel @thatsnotwhoifuckingam @mcinspires @destielette @justanearth-boundmisfit @bluefirecas @soleeryx @winchester-reload @bend-me-shape-me @starsinursa @verobatto-angelxhunter @jemariel @emblue-sparks​ @shixpe​ @babyinthetrench​ @daughter-of-the-rain-and-snow​ @flyingcatstiel​ @sketching-fox​ @pimentogirl​ @thefriendlypigeon​ @navajolovesdestiel​
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monotonous-minutia · 3 years
I don't know if you've answered this before, but what would be your top 10 Hoffmann (filmed) productions?
actually I haven't been asked this question in particular, mostly general favorite opera productions that some of these always end up on. As you all know I have a probably-unhealthy obsession with this opera, so this’ll likely get kinda long. Because I’m me, I will be including brief analysis of each one on the list.
Mostly in this order, though it might change slightly from day-to-day:
1) Met 2009/2015 I rave about this one often enough it's probably fairly obvious why. I count them as one because it's the same production (the utterly delightful and incredibly gay Sher staging) so very similar, but if I had to pick between the two of them, I'd pick the 2009 one, personally. 2) La Scala 1995 Not only is this the gayest Hoffmann I've ever seen, it's also very possibly the gayest opera production I’ve ever seen, period. Like seriously, the gay just does not stop unless Hoffmann and Nicklausse simply aren't onstage, but every second they are, holy heck. It's almost unbearable. The production itself is so-so, but the cast is fabulous: Shicoff and Mentzer bringing in the gay as Hoffmann and Nicklausse, respectively; Samuel Ramey being suitably diabolical as the villains; Natalie Dessay being the greatest Olympia ever; and Denyce Graves being my second-favorite Giulietta (drop-dead amazing). Only sad part is we don’t get the trio des yeux. I would seriously die to see this cast do that number. 3) Munich 2013 This one is just delightful in every way. The edit is odd and a bit irritating at times, but the zany production, amazing cast (Damrau! Villazón! Relyea! Brower! did I mention Damrau!), and super-gayness make up for it. There's never not something going on, and there are some really unique staging choices that make it a stand-out production overall. 4) Brussels 1985 This one breaks my heart. Diana Montague is hands-down one of the cutest and gayest Nicklausses ever and the dynamic between him and Hoffmann is really something special. Production is unremarkable but the gayness level here is off the charts which I would have thought was illegal in 1985 but I am so grateful for it. Montague’s Violin Aria is unbelievable. I watch it when I feel like crying. 5) Orange 2000 Dislike the fact that it's the Choudens (abbreviated) edit, but aside from that, I love it: the cast is excellent (Dessay as Olympia yet again! José van Dam being awesome! Angelika Kirchschlager reigning as one of the cutest, gayest and sassiest Nicklausses ever! Plus: The Hair. and he gets the Violin Aria!!) and the production is pretty straightforward which is nice. The fact that it's outside on an open-air stage lends a really cool atmosphere, especially in the Antonia act. It's surprisingly gay for being the short version, though the very end is confusing and more than a little annoying. 6) Paris 2002 The production itself is not my favorite (though certain parts of it are growing on me) but I love that we get Shicoff and Mentzer again as an incredibly gay Hoffmann/Nicklausse team. Not as gay as the La Scala one, but still one of the gayest ever. You really cannot beat these two as this dynamic duo. Not to say others aren't also great, but these two just have such intricate chemistry and wonderful interpretations of their characters and their relationship, it's really on a level of its own. Plus, they're both really adorable, though this Hoffmann isn't quite as nice as his La Scala incarnation. 7) Zurich 2021 Still talking about this one quite a bit, so I won't say too much, just the basics. No huge names in the cast, but they're all pretty great, in particular Nicklausse and Antonia. It's very gay and the production is quirky and fun. Plus, it's about as close to the Kaye edit as you're likely to find, so there's a lot of really cool material you can't find anywhere else. There are some annoying cuts (chunks of recits missing, no Septet) and I am super not a fan of the very end of it, but aside from that, I love the interpretations of the characters and the fact that the sets, costumes, and staging are fairly straightforward. 8) ROH 1981/2016 This one's fun and cute, very classic, though burdened by some unfortunate cast members. Mostly I love Powell's Nicklausse/Muse. It's the short version which is also irritating, but the interpretation of Nicklausse is surprisingly gay in spite of that. 9) Barcelona 2013 This one almost exclusively for the cast--Losier, Spryres, Naouri, Kim, and Dessay (though as Antonia this time!). It's odd to say I'm not a fan of the production itself, because usually I love anything Pelly does. The aesthetic is dark and atmospheric but there are some significant staging choices I'm not a fan of. It's kind of the Kaye edit so that's cool to see, especially because it's the dialogue version which includes lines not seen elsewhere (like the Pylades/Pollux one I so adore). The very best thing about this one is Michèle Losier's Nicklausse. Though this production doesn’t make my top 5, Losier's Nicklausse does, hands-down. Her expressions, her boundless energy, the sass, the Gay, and that ethereal voice. Just fantastic and definitely one of my favorite roles for her. I could watch her as Nicklausse forever. 10) Macerata 2005 The production is unremarkable itself, and the edit is kinda odd (we get half the trio des yeux, half of the Violin Aria, and the ending Muse monologue, but no beginning Muse monologue). BUT, I adore Maurus as Nicklausse. So gay, very adorable, cheeky, and fun. And I love that outfit.
and there you have it! Probably way more information than you wanted, but here it is XD I could talk about this opera forever so I really appreciate the ask!
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softwarmboy · 3 years
1. Selfie
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2. What would you name your future kids?
I really like the name Damon! And Grace
3. Do you miss anyone?
4. What are you looking forward to?
My name and gender marker documents going through!!! (Hopefully) my trip to London in the fall!!! My second dose of the vaccine! Seeing my little sister again! New tattoos!!
5. Is there anyone who can always make you smile?
Absolutely, I have a few close friends who can always get me smiling again
6. Is it hard for you to get over someone?
Unfortunately for me, yes, very ;-; Im a very emotional person and feel things very strongly
7. What was your life like last year?
Living on the coast, working construction, and that was about it
8. Have you ever cried because you were so annoyed
Yes 😂😂😂 mostly over math
9. Who did you last see in person
My friend Shannon!!!
10. Are you good at hiding your feelings
Yes and no, if I’m upset/irritated/sad it’ll show on my face whether I want it to or not, BUT I’m pretty good as passing it off as something else if I want. Not a whole lot of people can tell when im doing that, if anyone at all
11. Are you listening to music right now?
Of course!! Im listening to When The Darkness Comes by Colbie Caillat
12. What is something you want right now?
Food 😂😂😂
13. How do you feel right now?
Sore and tired
14. When was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you
Yesterday!! My friend was having a rough day and was kinda snarky with me and gave me a hug and an apology after she calmed down
15. Personality description
Full of dad jokes, puns, sass, caffeine and smart ass replies at all times 😂 very direct/straightforward, and have little to no patience for beating around the bush, in any context
16. Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t
Oh god yeah, growing up I never told anyone anything, ever
17. Opinion on insecurities
We all have them, if you’re the kinda person who zeroes in on someone else’s, for any reason, I feel sorry for you but also have absolutely no patience or respect for you
18. Do you miss how things were a year ago?
Nooooooooo, I wasn’t very happy. I wasn’t unhappy necessarily but 🤷🏻‍♂️ still no, hard pass
19. Have you ever been to New York
Nope! It’s on my travel list tho
20. What is your favourite song at the moment
At the moment??? The Colbie Caillat song i mentioned above!
21. Age and birthday?
23, and December 16th!
22. Description of crush
No thanks 😂
23. Fear(s)
Oh man, spiders, wasps, escalators (I have no idea why, don’t ask 😂😂) and aggressive men
24. Height
25. Role model
As cliche as it is, I mean it when I say my momma
26. Idol(s)
I don’t really??? Have any????
27. Things I hate
Mushrooms and olives 😂 but in all seriousness, people who are rude to retail/customer service employees or servers, people who don’t use turn signals or say please, thank you and excuse me, the sound of styrofoam (it’s a sensory thing for me)
28. I’ll love you if-
You’ll play video games with me or will try them or any books/music I suggest, notice the little things about me
29. Favourite film(s)
The Mortal Instruments!!!!
30. Favourite tv show(s)
Gilmore Girls, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, Lucifer, Stranger Things, The Witcher, Firefly
31. 3 random facts
Your feet are the same length as your forearm! A whale dick is called a dork (if I remember correctly) and I can’t think of a third
32. Are your friends mainly guys or girls?
Girls mostly! I don’t have much in common with many guys 🤷🏻‍♂️ that and I just feel more comfortable around girls
33. Something you want to learn?
Sword fighting!!!! That’d be so cool
34. Most embarrassing moment
I have so many 😂😂😂 I’m a clumsy bastard, but I’ll go with my most recent for now- I saw a cute dog hanging his head out a car window and said hi without realizing there was someone in the passenger seat with their window down 😂😂
35. Favourite subject
Anything compute related!!
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill
Go to Italy, get married, see the northern lights!!!
37. Favourite actor/actress
Melissa McCarthy 😂😂
38. Favourite comedian(s)
John Mulaney, Taylor Tomlinson, Gabriel Iglesias, and Iliza Shlesinger!!
39. Favourite sport(s)
Hockey I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️
40. Favourite memory
Just one??? Hmmmmm….singing Party In The USA with my friends after we’d been inhaling helium 😂
41. Relationship status
Single 😂😂😭
42. Favourite book(s)
The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare, The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini, The Selection by Kiera Cass, and the Nightshade trilogy by Andrea Cremer
43. Favourite song ever
Ever???? Oh man that’s a tough one, maybe Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day???
44. Age you get mistaken for
17/18 😂😂😂so many of the teenagers at work don’t believe me when I say I’m in my 20’s. One of the kids in produce absolutely refused to believe I’m older than him
45. How you found out about your idol
46. What my last text message says
“I know you are”
47. Turn ons
Light nail scratches, is really all I can think of lately 🤷🏻‍♂️ I haven’t had that conversation with someone in quite some time
48. Turn offs
Being non consensually bossy, treating me like an object, daddy/mommy kinks
49. Where I want to be right now
London maybe! I’m really excited to go
50. Favourite picture of your idol
51. Starsign
52. Something I’m talented at
Teaching myself instruments! I’ve taught myself 3 so far! It’s always been something I’ve been able to pick up really quickly
53. 5 things that make me happy
Music, love in any form, snuggles, drives with my favourite people, my favourite comfort foods
54. Something that’s worrying me at the moment
My name and gender marker documents
55. Tumblr friends
God I don’t remember anyone’s URL’s anymore 😂😂 but I have a fair amount! I talk to 99% of them on other platforms now so 🤷🏻‍♂️
56. Favourite food(s)
Nachos, mashed potatoes, any sort of cheesy/creamy pasta! Grilled cheese, grilled salmon roll, and really any form of potatoes actually
57. Favourite animal(s)
Wolves are my absolute favourite
58. Description of my best friend
Curly brown (it looks brown to me 😂 I know you’ll come at me for this when you see it) hair, blue eyes, the gayest fashion sense, practical, will always tell me when I need to pull my head outta my ass 😂💚
59. Why I joined Tumblr
I wanted a safe space to explore things like mental health, transitioning and a few other things!
60. Ask me anything you want
Self explanatory, have at ‘er
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amplesalty · 4 years
A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge (1985) & Scream, Queen! My Nightmare on Elm Street (2019)
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One, two, Freddy’s coming for you...
I feel like I’ve mentioned Nightmare 2 a few times on here but it never had it’s own dedicated entry so I’ve had a rewatch of it on my mind for a while now. That was only hastened when I recently learned of ‘Scream, Queen!’, a documentary cantered around Mark Patton who plays the lead character Jesse in 2.
Amongst the less than favourable reviews Nightmare 2 has, it also has the reputation of the ‘gayest horror movie ever’ which lead to the typecasting of Patton and him walking away from his acting career. It’s not something I was immediately aware of on my initial viewing of it, certainly there are a lot of moments that with that in mind stand out upon rewatching and a few that are less than subtle, such as Jesse going to a gay bar in the middle of the night only to run into his gym teacher. Some of it seems a little too much like people trying to read into things that aren’t there, like it seems people point out an early scene where Jesse gets into a tussle with one of his classmates Grady during a softball game. Grady rips Jesse’s trousers and they have a bit of a roll around on the grass before being separated. There are doubtless hundreds of examples of kids getting into fights like that across TV and cinematic history that people wouldn’t point out as examples of homoeroticism. But when you couple that with moments like a later scene where Jesse runs away from his girlfriend as they’re about to have sex, only to seek solitude with Grady and they have this exchange:
“There’s something inside of me. And last night it made me go into my sister’s room. And tonight with Lisa in the cabana, it started happening again.” “I think you are seriously losing it, bro.” “I’m scared, Grady. Something is trying to get inside my body.” “Yeah, and she’s female, and she’s waiting for you in the cabana. And you wanna sleep with me.”
You can perhaps see why people might start drawing conclusions from other scenes.
That ‘something’ is Freddy who is seemingly manifesting himself through Jesse into the real world. Up until that point though, the lines have been very blurry as to whether or not Freddy is actually back or whether Jesse is just going crazy, caught up in the wild stories of this vengeful killer from beyond the grave and becoming some sort of copycat.
It’s that part of the movie that I really like, this gray area where you’re not sure exactly what’s happening. It’s something the Nightmare series is able to explore with its switching between the normal and dream worlds but it’s taken to another level here, rather than just use that to build suspense as to whether a character is in danger due to Freddy being present in the dream world, you can see Jesse descending into this madness and are left to wonder whether or not he’s the one actually the one committing these murders.
Things can be a little disorientating at times due to the editing which I’m not sure is intentional or due to them making cuts. I think there’s a couple of occasions where things will pick up in the morning with Jesse wearing one set of clothes, then jumping to lunch time at school or in the evening back home where he’s wearing different clothes, inplying a day or more has passed. I suppose it does add to the atmosphere in a way but it also comes off a bit weird to me.
The movie is pretty much entirely in the real world so it lacks the creative and unique kills that often arise when people slip into slumber and into Freddy’s realm. But it does feature a scene where Freddy finally emerges into the real world and terrorises a high school party. You don’t really get that widespread sense of panic elsewhere in the series, there’s often that sort of low level of ongoing dread once the group of kids realise what’s happening and fear the next time they fall asleep but Freddy often kills people when they’re alone so it’s a change to see dozens of kids trying to escape, trampiling each other as they try and break through a gate or climb a wall. Apparently Wes Craven didn’t like this scene as it made Freddy look silly by having him surrounded by a bunch of muscular jocks. I find that a little strange though since, yeah Freddy might not be the most imposing figure size wise but his body is pretty much one giant, oozing sore complete with knives for fingers so I’m pretty sure he’s going to come out on top in terms of intimidation. Not to mention all the supernatural shit he’s seemingly conjuring like turning the pool into a boiling pot and summoning up pillars of fire.
I feel like this is where things take a sharp downturn, having the manifestation of Freddy emerge kinda removes all doubt and also takes Jesse out of the movie until the very end. It just feels a little anti climatic to have this big final battle suddenly fought by Jesse’s girlfriend who falls back on the trope of ‘I know you’re still in there, I love you!’ as she implores Jesse to fight back and finally overcome Freddy. So much for that gay subtext if it’s hetro love that finally saves the day.
Going into this rewatch, I had this built up very highly in my head which I don’t think it was able to live up to. Possibly because this years Invisible Man has surpassed it in my head as the really good example of that ambigious horror I like so much. Like Elisabeth Moss in that film, Patton has a real good look to him here in getting across the anxiety that Jesse is going through.
And to draw comparison to another Universal horror, there’s something of a Jekyll and Hyde or Wolfman to Jesse, the way he worries about this transformation that he’s going through and about the thing inside him coming out. During that scene at Grady’s place, Freddy emerges from Jesse’s body almost like a butterfly breaking free of it’s cacoon. Maybe that’s what everyone is talking about when it comes to the gay themes, that sense of discovery taking place amongst young adults and the angst surrounding whether or not they really want to reveal their true selves to a world that, as we’re unfortunately discovering more and more these days, still isn’t ready to accept everyone even nearly 40 years after this movie came out.
So for the documentary – Scream, Queen is an appropriate name for more than just the play on the ‘scream queen’ moniker given to notable horror movie actresses like Jamie Lee Curtis, and the obvious double meaning with it being focused around Patton’s sexuality. There’s quite a few instances of him delivering screams during Nightmare 2 which is a little unusual for a male character in a horror movie, not least a lead like he was. Plus it’s a little unusual for a male to be the lead at all, ‘last girl’ and all that, especially in the Nightmare franchise, all the other ones I’ve seen so far are female led.
They talk about the negative reputation the movie has and highlight a lot of internet comments about the sexual themes, a lot of slurs in there and comments like ‘Jesse screams like a girl’. Well wouldn’t you if some burn victim grabbed you in your house, ran knived fingers across your face and then ripped the top of his head off to expose his brain? I don’t doubt for a second that there are scores of people out there who would write this off due to this, I would hope that those are just a minority and if people don’t like it that they have legitimate reasons for that.
It’s a very eye opening story because even after learning about all this ‘gay subtext’ surrounding the movie and Patton’s departure from acting, I hadn’t really thought about the wider reasons behind that. Like, you hear about him being typecast and you just think that he doesn’t want to be pigeon holed into just playing one type of character or that it was hard to find work in those roles because not many of them existed. But it’s much deeper and more disturbing than that, delving into the emergence of the disease into the wider public knowledge during the 1980’s and the panic surrounding that. They show archived headlines and TV clips, with one member of the public being interviewed on the news saying “what they’re doing is abnormal...they’re not fit, they’re not human beings”. It’s painted as a bit of a witchhunt, with tabloids trying to out any closeted Hollywood stars and Patton tells a story of being duped into divulging information on his own boyfriends illness. With blood tests implemented for any prospective actors and him being advised to look and act a certain way to be more palatable to casters, he’s being asked to deny who he truly is.
For as much as the movie looks at the darker period of his formative years and him walking away from Hollywood, it’s encouraging to see his re-emergence into the public eye and embracing the fandom surrounding the movie, taking part in conventions and screenings that shun the negativity and instead see the role as empowering, encouraging people going through similar situations and being something of a role model.
The film culminates in a sit down talk between Patton and Nightmare 2’s writer David Chaskin who he feels has thrown him under the bus whenever talk of the ‘gay subtext’ has come up, having long denied any such thing before slowly changing his story and claiming that it was the casting that ruined the movie. Just before this there is footage of Patton and Jack Sholder at a convention where Sholder comes across as a little condescending. He’s basically telling Patton that directing his ire at Chaskin is misplaced and that he should drop the whole thing given it’s been 30 years. There’s an element of truth to that but I think it’s understandable that Patton would feel that way, especially when he points out that it’s only recently that Chaskin has taken ownership of the subtext now that we’re living in a more understanding time where it’s perhaps viewed as a brave move to introduce this kind of element. It’s going to be hard to look past someone enabling more vitriol by pinning problems on you.
The talk between Chaskin and Patton is a little awkward and it comes across like they’re there for different purposes, Chaskin trying to lighten the mood periodically where Patton keeps a serious tone, challenging Chaskin on some of the comments he’s made.
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There’s one in particular where Chaskin suggests that the movie could be played at conversion camps....yikes.
Patton openly saying beforehand that he’s looking for an apology but I don’t know if he exactly got that. Chaskin says he hopes Patton can forgive him and that there are previous comments he made that he regrets but it comes across a little laboured. Maybe there was more said whilst the cameras weren’t rolling or maybe Patton is just accepting what little he can get from the experience in order to bring some closure to the whole thing.
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verytamenow · 5 years
I don’t have apple music so I haven’t seen it but that sounds /// This is the gayest playlist I've ever seen anyone make in my life tbh, the entire thing would make a perfect soundtrack to an indie lesbian film about two women that are madly in love with each other despite all the bullshit the world throws at them & they fight for years to be together... It's not even subtextly gay, the whole thing is pretty overtly gay, with a considerable amount of songs by wlw that are explicitly about women.
Y’all are gonna send me this but not the list? The teasing of it all. And not even the kind of teasing I like, smh
Seriously though, you guys are really hyping this playlist for me
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smallnico · 5 years
First of all... We're both "excited talks a lot about our OCs have color coded spreadsheets" solidarity, so I'm really glad you're enjoying yourself I knew you would be able to go ham with this... Second, I love Lani... Does she actually watch anime? I would ask smth more specific like "what are her Naruto opinions" but like, that feels a bit too specific. What does Qi do to relax, if anything? Also tell me more about Leandro! I gotta... Get to know these good good theatre kids
i need to keep them in a big spreadsheet, or else i lose track of them! :p i only wish there were a good way to capture a character’s Vibe in a spreadsheet, ‘cause i’ve always felt like that’s highly important information, but have never figured out a good way to include it.
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this is leandro, he’s a huge drama queen, more so than anyone in the group. he’s flamboyant, he lives on 100%, he’s kind of bitchy, haughty, and hard to connect with, but his heart’s in the right place, and if you’re in his good books you get to see his more soft, kind, and nurturing side. he loves performing, he gets Really big into his roles and he loves the energy of it, but despite his exaggerated personality and melodramatic antics, he’s a very private person – he tends to skip parties and other out-of-theatre gatherings with his friends if he can come up with any sort of decent excuse to, and if he can’t, he spends most of his brief appearance there looking for the exit. unlike lani, who you’re never quite sure if she takes the ridiculous things she’s saying seriously, leandro is almost certainly being completely serious, albeit way more extra about it than he really needs to be. he has a kind of compelling mystique that draws people to him, but even though he’s the gayest-looking person ever, he’s actually deeply aro/ace, and super uncomfortable with people getting crushes on him all the time. if you touch him, he’s guaranteed to at the very least reflexively deck you, but he’s also a 2nd dan black belt trained in judo, so he may also literally throw you down. he will not apologize for doing this (and he shouldn’t have to). 
(i didn’t draw that happening because it was too hard and i didn’t want to look up references for a 5 minute doodle.)
as for lani, of course she watches anime. she’s definitely watched naruto, but she’s more of a dragonball stan. she’s big into popular shounen, the more frenetic and needlessly dramatic the better. qi is a real workaholic, he gets stressed out when he tries to have fun and relax because he’s been classically conditioned to believe there’s always more work to be done that he can’t neglect – but when the time comes to relax, he doodles, he reads detective fiction books, and watches old film adaptations of stage plays. lani will also force him to sit down and watch anime with her if she’s around, so the two of them occasionally have conversations that consist mainly of jojo’s bizarre adventure quotes and ancient dragonball memes. he also smokes.
thanks again for your curiosity!
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kayjaydee17 · 5 years
So I saw Endgame (spoilers, obvs)
and I actually really liked it and if anyone would like to come scream with me about it, please do.
Potential topics of conversation include:
how fucking dumb Steve’s ending was
Peter hugging Tony and making us all cry
“That is America’s ass”
“On your left” oh look I’m crying again
that they somehow managed to pull off that epic battle scene?? Somehow??
(I’ve disliked the huge ensemble pieces in the past, like Infinity War and Civil War, and was expecting the same from Endgame and it actually worked for me???)
the Moment when all the dusted people came back
Bucky was so ridiculously pretty in this movie
in this house we Love and Respect Thor Odinson
but oh my god, could they have PLEASE not made everything about him comic relief? and no more fat jokes 2k19
I still don’t believe Loki’s Dead For Real
Steve’s ending was The Dumbest Thing, but Cap!Sam!!! CAP!SAM!!!!!!
“Representation is really important,” so we’re going to make this minor character with five lines gay, when Carol Danvers has tHE GAYEST HAIRCUT I’VE EVER SEEN
Give us queer minor characters AND queer major characters, you cowards
QUEER MARVEL CHARACTERS OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD: Captain Marvel. Valkyrie. Loki. Bucky, because there’s still no heterosexual explanation for “you’re keeping the outfit, right”.
Clint’s hair is awful and I love it
The fight between Nat and Clint for the soul stone was heartbreaking
Okoye deserved better -- more screentime, more action, more storyline, everything
Three hours actually passed really fast????
We Don’t Deserve Tony Stark 2k19
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noonmutter · 6 years
So my current white noise while I do gaming stuff that doesn’t require my attention (today, that’s skinning/fishing in WoW) has been Dead Meat’s “Kill Count” series, because I do love me some horror flicks (even the bad ones) and it’s a nice blend of “how creative can a movie get” and “actual movie review by somebody who isn’t demanding that all horror movies be artistic and judging them by inappropriate standards.” Be warned: by nature, it’s going to spoil every movie it talks about, so if you care about that, don’t watch it.
It also occasionally makes me feel a bit better about my reactions to some of the horror movies I’ve seen, because I used to trawl the horror section of movie rental stores when those were still a thing and pick the ones with the worst cover art, or pick the ones that were sequels to the most iconic horror films of all time.
I said all that to say two things:
I love Freddy Kreuger and think he’s the perfect horror movie villain/monster because in his best appearances he’s a cackling maniac with superpowers and he enjoys the hell out of himself, kinda like why I love Chucky in Child’s Play even though Chucky’s face creeps me the fuck out
The second Nightmare on Elm Street is widely acknowledged as one of the gayest mainstream horror films ever and I thought for a long time that it was just me that thought it looked pretty goddamned gay
seriously that movie’s subtitle should be changed from “Freddy’s Revenge” to “Comin’ Outta the Closet”
seriously one of the kills starts in an S&M bar and ends in a high school shower room with the PE coach getting stripped out of his leather gear, tied up spread-eagle by jump ropes, flogged with towels for a while, and then killed by Freddy
it is laughably gay, especially since the execs at New Line claimed they had no idea at the time
whew, so gay. woof it is an adventure to watch if you're not straight in any direction
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rivetgoth · 6 years
Any hot takes on 2001 maniacs (field of screams) that you'd like to share with us mere mortals
Oh I have… so fucking many. Whenever people ask me for 2001 Maniacs headcanons with no specifics I just get lost cuz I SERIOUSLY… DON’T EVEN KNOW WHERE TO START LIKE YOU HAVE NO IDEA THE EXTENT OF TIME I’VE SPENT THINKING ABOUT 2001 MANIACS………
I’ve been thinking about the timeline of Harper’s life and specifically his struggle with sexuality & shit, the way I see it Ogre kinda implies that his version of Harper seen in Field of Screams is supposed to sort of be an older/more mature version of Giuseppe Andrews’ Harper, kind of combining Giuseppe’s Harper with Stanley Dyrector’s Harper in the original 1964 but like… added homosexuality (and for the record Ogre’s Harper is SO fucking similar to Stanley Dyrector’s Harper, I rewatched the original Two Thousand Maniacs! a few weeks ago and I seriously had forgotten how strong the parallel is, much more than Giuseppe Andrews’ Harper imo - And this makes sense, cuz Ogre said he grew up with the original Two Thousand Maniacs and even remembers when he saw it for the first time as a kid LMAO). So the way I kinda see it is that Giuseppe Andrews’ Harper is a reflection of what “our” Harper was like when he was a kid. Since Giuseppe is considerably younger than Nivek anyway.
Assuming Harper is around Ogre’s real age at the time of filming, which was 46, Harper woulda been born in the late 1810s, for time period context.So I think when Harper was younger, like in his teens into his 20s, he was seriously like, the town black sheep and just so fucking notoriously rebellious, just the worst troublemaker and specifically ladykiller who just flirted with and fucked EVERY girl in town. He’s always loved death, he’s always been a freak, in the comic he was demanding Pleasant Valley go to war before the massacre even happens and is even the one who first fought back against the soldiers who were causing trouble by straight up murdering one by ripping his heart out (again, BEFORE the massacre). I think Harper’s response to being gay in the ultra conservative Deep South of the 1800s was just to repress it and instead go after as many women as possible, and to channel a lot of his feewings into like, murdering animals and stuff cuz he really had no fucking healthy outlet at all for everything he had pent up over the years.
But there had to be, like, an in-between from that Harper and the Harper we see in Field of Screams, and I think the massacre definitely did a number on his mental state but I think there had to be a transition before that to the slightly more respectable, much more charismatic and mature Harper we see in Field of Screams, who’s clearly admired by even the highest ranking members of Pleasant Valley (B- Buckman…). I have this whole headcanon for that that I’ve shared before where I basically think that Harper and Milk Maiden were engaged for awhile… I think that they were really good fwiends and fuckbuddies and like, on and off dating and they were “coworkers” since Milk Maiden would screw around with Harper while he was doing doctor bullshit, and Harper really does genuinely love spending time with Milk Maiden and they have a lot of shared interests (murder) and everyone ever agrees that Milk Maiden is like the sexiest woman ever, so Harper was kinda hoping that it’d get rid of his ~homosexual urges~ if he settled down with Milk Maiden, and in kind of a panic he proposed to her and they got engaged and everyone in Pleasant Valley was soooo happy and just going on about how PERFECT Milk Maiden and Harper were for each other and how Harper was SO LUCKY!!!! and Harper was like kind of terrified cuz as the wedding grew closer he was just. So not feeling it. But he tried to keep his chin up and stay positive!!!1111!!!1 telling himself that this would like finally make him normal :))
And of course being how they are neither of them were waiting till after marriage to fuck LOL and I think one night Milk Maiden just confronted Harper and was like… “We don’t … have to get married. You realize that right.” And Harper fucking panicked and was like WHWHWH AT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT WHAT?? WHAT??? WHAT???? and Milk Maiden basically like fucking told him that she… knows… If a man isn’t interested in her. And she’s like “I know men well enough to know that if a man isn’t interested in me then he’s not interested in women at all. Harper.” and Harper just vehemently denied that but after relaxing a little bit he did like finally admit that he… maybe wasn’t… ready to settle down yet after all :) And there wasn’t really any bad blood between em because Milk Maiden would much rather not be tied down to someone who isn’t interested in her anyway cuz that means she’s free to just fuck men who actually are into her, so they found a way to kinda call off the engagement in a way that didn’t raise questions and they continued to be good friends / murder buddies / friends with benefits (Ogre said that they still get off together to murder even though Harper doesn’t like having sex with her which is .. I’m not even dissecting that now but that’s what he SAID) so things ended well overall, but it was also a REALLY BIG SCARY TURNING POINT for Harper because, well. It kinda hits him that he was literally in the perfect position to be married to the most beautiful sought after woman in Pleasant Valley who he himself genuinely adores and likes spending time with but…  it wasn’t… enough. To make him feel normal XDD and he still has no fucking interest in women at all. So it was… kind of. really horrific for Harper too.
And I really like this scenario, I’ve given a lot of thought to it cuz not only do I think it creates more depth to Harper and Milk Maiden’s relationship but I think it also really paints them both as… like… adults. It reminds you that they’re adults and that Harper has even come close to straight up marriage and been engaged and all that and idk it’s… good, I like it.
BUT YEAH I FEEL LIKE THAT KINDA SOBERS HARPER UP A LOT AND HE’S FORCED TO REALLY FACE HOW FUCKED UP HE IS and that was .. BEFORE the massacre. After the massacre things go even more downhill, I kind envision that it was the night of the massacre that made Buckman really come to love and admire Harper and see him as a real second in command, because in the comic, after Buckman was murdered that night Harper took over and tried to lead the people of Pleasant Valley away to defend themselves from the soldiers. So Harper took over for Buck and I feel like that really created a bond between Harper and Buckman (they were on good terms before though too, Harper most likely was the one who helped Granny give birth to the kids and I HC that Harper is their godfather but yeah) that obviously “is stronger than death” LOL, but that’s kind of miserable for Harper sometimes cuz it means not only does he have to deal with the misery of being fucking dead and cursed and all that but on top of that after repressing his stupid feelings forever his biggest crush of all time is suddenly constantly complimenting him and depending on him and gushing about how smart and loyal he is and Harper is like.  Burning inside.
And. Speaking of. Burning Inside…. Ministry. Industrial music. Harper canonically (according to Tim Sullivan in the audio commentary) saw Trent Reznor and/or Marilyn Manson and fell in love and wanted to be just like them and steal their looks (a joke about how Trent and Manson stole Ogre’s looks LOL), which is supposedly why Harper as we see him in Field of Screams is decked out in piercings, black middle part, industrial band tattoos (you can definitely see Ogre’s Process tattoo in multiple shots, for example), etc. That woulda prolly been in the mid-early 90s, when Trent and Manson toured together and Trent had his iconic 90s goth middle part (in fact, they toured together with the band PIG, also very Harper-core for obvious reasons, for the Self Destruct Tour in 1994, IN LATE APRIL, and there was no concert the day of April 22, 1994… or was there?). Industrial music is the gayest music genre as you all should know, and a great place for self expression for stupid gay idiots who love death and blood, so… really really good outlet for Harper :) He’s like over 100 years old and just head over fucking heels for Trent Reznor to cope with being closeted in the Deep South for the last century which is… so… fucking unreal. Hey pig yeah you hey pig piggy pig pig pig!!
So yeah :))))))) Gay rights! -Harper Alexander
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catty-words · 6 years
Femslash February: Day 09. Senseless (ao3)
Valencia throws her arm up, gesticulating at the television. “See what I mean? This movie doesn’t make sense.”
“Yeah, you really aren’t getting it, huh?” Paula asks, shaking her head somberly.
“None of them make sense, babe,” Heather says, taking a drag on her joint before passing it to Valencia. “Not when you start to look super hard at the plot.”
“I mean, that’s distracting, too,” Valencia says. “Why watch a movie with no plot?”
“To watch pretty people fall in love,” Rebecca says, casting Valencia a dirty look.
“But I’m more talking about—” Valencia pauses, taking in a deep breath, exhaling smoke, and then passing the joint back to Heather. “—the fact that I’m supposed to buy Adam Sandler as someone worthy of Drew Barrymore’s time.”
Heather snorts.
“Because it’s about who he is as a person and how he treats her,” Rebecca says, way too earnest. It makes Valencia feel bad about not taking her gurl’s quest to show her all the rom-coms she missed in high school and college—Josh and his dumb friends had monopolized movie time with their dumb action films—more seriously. That is, until she continues with, “That stuff makes it not matter that he’s not conventionally attractive.”
“He’s not actually that nice, though. I mean, he’s super harsh on that woman whose crime was, what? Not wanting to marry him. Good for her for getting out when she could!”
“You know, that’s actually a compelling point,” Paula says, wagging her finger at Valencia.
Rebecca throws a piece of popcorn at her.
Valencia continues. “And why should Drew have to compromise on looks? I’m sure she could find someone who’s pretty and actually a decent human being to marry her.”
Heather snickers and Valencia whaps her in the thigh.
“Why are you laughing at me?”
“That’s just, like, the gayest rant you’ve ever gone on.”
Valencia rolls her eyes, but she can’t help the blush that works its way into her cheeks. “Shut up.”
“I liked it,” Heather says, bopping Valencia’s on the nose before leaning in for a kiss.
“PDA,” Rebecca says. “Plus, you’re not paying attention!”
“I thought you came here to see two pretty people be in love?” Heather asks, before turning back to Valencia.
Paula boos the cheesy line, and Rebecca throws popcorn at them this time.
Eyes closed and smiling into the kiss, Valencia flips them the bird.
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