#seriously how rude are you
highseas-swede · 5 months
...I seriously cannot stress how much I hate tags like "Give us BAMF Aziraphale" because it seems to imply that he's not badass.
He IS. Tell me how well most people could endure 6000 years of consistent, persistent demoralization, harassment and shitty treatment without snapping?
Do you know how HARD it is to be kind when you've been put through a system that actively discourages kindness and softness, a system that tries to beat it out of you - not physically, but still. The fact that Aziraphale got through all of that and is not just still kind, but still has the capacity to be kind to the very people who hurt him, is fucking remarkable.
Aziraphale is badass. Period. Full Stop.
It's well past time that we stopped equating physical and fighting prowess as a measure of badassery. Just about anyone can exercise and get strong enough to fight someone. Just about anyone could possibly get weapons training. Neither of these things is half as brave as putting yourself in front of a crowd of people and holding off 70 demons with just conviction and a candleholder because it's the RIGHT THING TO DO.
EDIT: I had to add this while I was thinking of it.
I feel like people are buying into Heaven's version of badassery. Angels were made to FIGHT. To fight the last big battle against demons and Hell.
Aziraphale is a deviation because he DOES NOT WANT THAT. He doesn't want to fight a war that will hurt billions and destroy the world. His defining moment in Season 1 is when he stands in the face of the quartermaster and refuses to fight the way they want him to. Instead of a weapon, he chooses to find another way.
If anything, I would think it's leading to the idea that Aziraphale feels he must fight, that he has no choice, and then, when it comes right down to it, finding another way. A kinder way. A BETTER way.
By the standards of Heaven, Aziraphale picking up his sword and fighting would be Normal. Him refusing and finding another way is what makes him Unique. THAT'S what makes him badass.
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to-be-a-dreamer · 5 months
How am I supposed to be normal when I have to wait a whole week for Grover and Annabeth to learn Percy isn’t actually dead and they didn’t just loose another friend who sacrificed themselves to buy them more time and Annabeth didn’t just loose one of the only people who ever cared about her without making her earn it all because she wasn’t able to see he was tricking her and Grover didn’t break his promise to Sally and do you understand me? That after Percy fell Echidna and the chimera would have come after Annabeth and Grover which could only mean one thing and they had to leave the arch believing they failed? How long do you think they had to wait until Percy came out of the river? How long did they sit beside each other, not saying a word because they failed, they failed again and now they have to finish this quest alone?
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sowearecleariamhere · 4 months
What annoys me is when allos are so caught up in their amatonormativity (or just allonormativity) that any statement akin to "romance is not or less important to some/you don't need a partner to complete you" comes across to them as downplaying their own relationships, present or past, and then take offence, raising their pitchforks crying out about how they love their partner and for good measure throw in something like "being by yourself is selfish", "falling in love is what makes us human", "everyone wants a relationship"...
They don't though. That's the thing. There are people that are perfectly content without a romantic relationship, whether at all or just for the season of life they are in at the moment.
So heres my message to those people:
Me maybe not ever wanting a relationship is my preference and has nothing to do with you. Me stating that there are people like me does not devalue your relationship. If you perceive it as such, then that is on you and you might want to learn to not take shit that isn't an affront personally. End of PSA.
*awkward curtsy*
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hazel2468 · 11 months
Just to clarify, because I don't think some of y'all fucking get it.
If you insert yourself into a conversation. Just to say that you think something is gross. When the conversation is about liking that thing and being had by people who do like that thing.
Then you cannot be mad when they tell you to go fuck yourself.
I see WAY too many people, especially little fancops, yeeting themselves into discussions about stuff just so they can whine about how gross something is, how they don't like it- contributing nothing to substance to the conversation. And then they COMPLAIN about how unfair and rude people are when they are told (rightly) to fuck off and shut up.
If the only reason you are inserting yourself into a discussion, or commenting on a post, is to talk about how much you hate the thing being discussed/ how gross you think people who like that are.
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hey google how do I tell ppl "the question you just asked isn't rude or intrusive per se but I am far too exhausted rn to explain every facet of my existence to you and it really doesn't matter anyway so can you please just let me do my thing in peace and leave me alone for like 5 mins" without immediately being branded rude and also preferably with less words
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kokoshka67 · 2 years
Tumblr media
Had to change watermark cuz ppl keep posting my stuff on twitter without credits
Can't have shit in detroit
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bijoumikhawal · 9 months
I think if Ziyal was more obviously a little fucked up a lot of people would go from low key ignoring her to hating her but she should've been more obviously fucked up
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thefatfemme · 18 hours
I think some adults would really benefit from remedial kindergarten, just to reinforce the lessons on manners and common courtesy that clearly didn't stick the first time around
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milimeters-morales · 7 months
i really got some of the worst combinations of traits that make people think i’m unapproachable or generally unpleasant to talk to irl 😭😭 black + resting bitch face (vine boom) flat tone + can’t handle eye contact (vine boom) acne + eyebags (vine boom) scarring + can’t sit still (vine boom) visibly neurodivergent different in a way i STILL haven’t figured out yet but others have (vine boom)
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jiminy-crickets · 3 months
anyone else catch that... now im not gonna call it racist, but if it says "Shigas english may not be good enough for anyone to take offence, they may not know what shes saying" and quacks like a duck. it shouldn't be said by a commenter about a player.
edit previously i had the quote written as "might not know enough english to know what happend" the quote should have been "Shigas english may not be good enough for anyone to take offence, they may not know what shes saying" as is now written above.
this clip link might break when they unlist the video, but this is the full quote, and the context. though no context makes what was said okay.
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rosicheeks · 27 days
Sometimes what I'm jacking off to just doesn't cut it, so I imagine it's you in the video or audio instead and it always makes me cum harder. Like yes that is Rosie I'm fucking against the window where anyone can look up and see. Yes indeed I'm covering Rosie in cum so I can have an excuse to fuck her in the shower.
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labyrynth · 6 months
“shen jiu flung BOILING WATER over the FACE of a CHILD—“
so…luo binghe tried to serve him boiling hot tea, or…?
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cinnamon-notes · 4 months
started reading the unabridged journals of sylvia plath. worst choice ever.
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secretlythatsme · 3 months
anyway dc x dp is my new fixation hell and i've had so many ideas for aus but one that's really sticking with me is a classic "danny has to run away to gotham because his home is no longer safe" au where danny is explicitly looking for other ghosts or at the very least is pulled to gotham because there are so many of them there.
he flies around for a while and finds this manor and he can sense so many nice ghosts! so he just. goes there! and stays! and this can be human danny showing up at their door injured or it can be ghost danny just flying in but regardless, the waynes would never turn him away. bruce would get suspicious absolutely, but he's seen enough traumatized abused kids to know the signs. thomas and martha? they think this new ghost kid is adorable!!
there could be angst sure but idk i love the idea of danny getting hurt by his parents or the giw and being so wary of more humans, and this place full of friendly ghosts would be so enticing. ghosts that don't try to immediately wreck his shit? ghosts that get territorial but are also extremely welcoming and have a habit of letting new kids into their haunt? the batfam who've dealt with the paranormal before and wouldn't give a shit? that's a normal tuesday for them babes. like please, danny just found heaven and it's in gotham.
despite all the "batfam adopts danny" aus i've seen, i rarely see people mention the ghosts of dead family members who would absolutely still be there and would definitely want to help danny :(
#anyway unrelated but as much as i love the concept of the batpham i do hate how all of it is soo ooc for the bats#like bruce may think danny is a meta at first but he wouldn't discount ghosts or Not believe him#and cmon the whole 'this bat doesn't even believe in ghosts' like babes santa clause is real in the dcu#ghosts is normal actually#and usually it doesnt bother me that much like i get that most people arent here for the bats#but i do really hate seeing hurt danny aus where the bats are just so... callous and uncaring about danny#like i get that its for the angst but like. the blorbos would Not say that ajkdhg#like they are The Protectors of Gotham and you seriously think theyd ever act uncaring or rude to an injured kid?#i feel like people forget that that batkids fighting each other has everything to do with family sibling issues#and specifically not wanting said siblings to be their siblings#and not like. them just being assholes to random strangers#like i get them maybe being rude if its an adoption au or secretly related au but even then#danny is also very nice and likeable and he's not gonna fight for their roles or try to insert himself in their dynamics#he's like the best random kid bruce Could pick up#anyway very unrelated to the post im just feeling some kind of way :(#i love the bats and i wish the fandom cared about them more :(#ANYWAY i love this little idea im specifically thinking alfred would be the first to figure it out#he just does man. he just Knows that someone else has been added to the family#i think itd be fucking hilarious if a new random tombstone got added to the family grave#bruce visits and he's mourning his parents and then he just sees daniel fenton and he's like who the fuck#'do i have amnesia?? concussion?? dementia????? who the fuck is this ancestor???????'#danny is eating alfred's cookies in the background and sweat laughing#danny: do i tell him or nah?#alfred: if you don't you'll get to see master bruce's detective skills in action 👨🏼‍🦳#.txt
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Davesprite, can you feel pain? Like, you're a sprite, which is some sort of 'game construct' or whatever.
- Tophat Anon
TG: oh yeah absolutely
TG: i mean it wouldve been fuckin nice for sburb to turn off my ability to feel pain considering they decided to shove a fucking sword through my gut when i got prototyped
TG: like i dont know that seems like a fair trade off yknow
TG: maybe thats just me
TG: apparently it isnt sburb though
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iftitah · 7 months
#my besties here at college#when i came in we used to talk about stuff and she'd get surprised and ask me how i notice such small things#and have detailed description of everything#and always made jokes on me being deep analyzer and taking things too seriously#it was fun mostly but one time she made it in front of bcg that was when i began to have crush on him#i got so defensive i actually said not my fault you view life so blantly and superficially#how can you not see the beauty that comes in patterns that must feel awful being that oblivious almost disrespectful to nature#and i said it ofc in the funny manner and that may sound really rude but she took it in a positive way#so she began taking interest in everything and started to try to discuss and know my opinions about everything#and i loved that there was someone listening so fascinately like a kid#simultaneously she uses a lot of shuddh hindi vocab not even adults speak like that#and it was just weird to me to listen them in normal conversations#but since ive been good at hindi literature and have a good vocab i tried it too#used to feel so awkward at first almost like the words took too much effort to come out of mouth#because obviously i grew to learn the internet slangs and their medium is english so my mode of expression in hindi was#but now she surprises me with talking about things and noticing what escapes my attention#and i have to mock her say its not that deep#and i while speaking use too many shudh hindi words and then when she can't find a word i think before and give synonyms as well#and we both laugh#ive said this before ig
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