#seriously i was such a demon phannie
dnpg-hiatus-survivor · 9 months
Don't expect too much of dnp, ive been there and it's really not healthy, just enjoy the ride
can’t even be silly on this website anymore </3
no but seriously, i get what you’re saying. i have also been there, but i really don’t feel that way at all now!
i’m just so enjoying the gaming channel. when they first announced the hiatus, i for sure thought the gaming channel was 100% done. so the fact that we’re getting new videos (and SO many) is more than i couldve asked for. gamingmas was so special this year. when i make jokes about being a demon phannie and wanting more content, that’s all it is! just jokes :)
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yonpote · 2 years
can you plz talk more about allie tricaso's video on the phandom 👀 i do not have any energy to dive into it but i would love to hear your thots
sure! here's a link for people who do wanna give it a watch, i really enjoyed it, she came at this topic from the perspective of someone who used to be (in her own words) a toxic demon phannie. she talked about how people like sh*ne d*wson and onionson would just mention dnp's names in their videos to get views, and she talked about how the community would sexualize or scrutinize dnp in the wildest ways, one of my favs that she brings up in the video was someone had photoshopped dan like basically on top official phil in a spooky gaming video and claimed that THIS REALLY HAPPENED GUYS I TURNED THE BRIGHTNESS UP AT THIS TIMESTAMP AND OMG which is honestly hilarious to me
tbh i feel like in a weird position cuz i feel like arguably the stuff i post about them could be read as demon phannie? and i definitely used to be on all the pw locked blogs and watched That etc etc but i always like validate my actions to myself by being like, well im not fuckin @ replying them about this shit and honestly most of the horny stuff i post abt them is tongue-in-cheek and i hope yall dont take it too seriously and understand like, when fanfiction is fanfiction and when reality is reality (i could probably do better to post tone indicators for that tho sorry) (but thats also why my blog is 18+ lol yall are adults hopefully ! use ur discretion !) BUT AT THE SAME TIME do demon phannies even exist anymore if theyre both out and dan is saying "basically yeah" to being a couple and they are just Like That in videos now? idk
i actually commented on the video about how like, dnp have always been pro-fanfiction and pro-fanart or at the very least they have never actively discouraged it, i mean they wrote their own fics in their book for christs sake and dan has admitted to reading fic multiple times lol. so like even when they were very denying of being gay and no-homo howell was a whole thing, dan still made a video about shipping (that got deleted but its out there) that was like "oh you wanna write a story abt me fucking my friend? ok fine but YOURE GONNA MAKE MY FAVORITE POKEMON GOLDEEN???" or like in the tumblr videos they would poke fun at like phil dying in fic or "why are we kissing at the radio station so unprofessional" but never hated on it or told ppl to stop which i think is interesting.
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nakednmanhattan · 3 years
thinking about all the katherine and eden songs full of vday video references that we didn’t discourse about
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the-squirrel-queen · 7 years
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8 years ago, two dorks met each other irl and I’m emotional about it
Please don’t repost (reblogs are appreciated) Dm me, I do commissions
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shookethbrooketh · 7 years
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lalaverdecia · 2 years
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Dan, we absolutely don’t deserve you. Whether you believe this or not, you don’t owe us ANYTHING. You’ve been through so much; even to this day you’re still getting fucked (not in the good way) by people and it feels like the whole world is putting you down. But you’re still making content. You said you’re STILL going to make new content about whatever you want, no matter what anyone says and I applaud you good sir. I know us little shits (your audience) have been on both ends of the spectrum. Going from really, great supportive ones who respect your privacy and will go with the flow, to absolute demon phannies who don’t give a shit, and from the bottom of my heart I am so sorry you had to put up with the latter. What I’m trying to say is, you didn’t have to give us anything. Would people be sad if you left for good, yeah me included. But that doesn’t matter. What I’ve learned very recently actually is that you have to stop worrying about others (while it is very noble and sweet of you) you need to put yourself first for your own sanity and health. But like I said before, you are giving us content. And that shows what kind of person you are. You are a strong one. One who keeps punching that brick wall and even though it hurts your hand and will probably do nothing, you keep beating it. For others you do it. So thank you for EVERYTHING you have done and might continue doing in the future. We don’t deserve you, but you’re here for us. Thank you 💜
Sincerely, someone who still reads Phanfiction for some reason like seriously why it’s 2022 like wtf
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deathlyhowlterx · 7 years
do you ever just look at dnp and think "wow how are they real"
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dansevilpianotea · 4 years
tw suicidal thoughts/ im not sure if you can relate to this but my parents have been telling me that i believe things that i make up in my mind even if its not the case since i was little, they told me this when i told them that i dont believe in religion, when i came out, when i said i wanted to die and the list goes on. and im guessing because of that, ive been thinking that im making it up as well, but deep down i know what i feel. i know who i am. and i know it'll be okay- we'll be okay ❤️
i kinda relate to that anon, like my dad would probably say that aswell but i'd never actually tell him personal stuff because i was too afraid of what he might say.
i think for me it was in a way bc my dad is emotional manipulative and his sister is a lesbian and he doesn't want to accept that. growing up he 1.) forbid us to talk about her ever 2.) said homophobic stuff, found photos of her and her ex (a man), joking around that she can't be gay because she was with a man (fellas did you know you have to dislike men if ur into women?) .
sometimes my dad's homophobia also infected me and i hated my aunt which is seriously the worst thing of it all, because she and her wife are so amazing, truly gay icons.
i believe what you describe can be a very dangerous behavior of your parents, because they're deeply messing with your head. they tell you that they think they know you better than you do, other than be proud of you of how courageous you are that you could share these things with them. but you can't as a parent seriously be like "no they're just making it up" simply because you can't accept that they might actually be right (also why the hell would you make up being the member of an oppressed group, being suicidal or not believing in religion?? yeah love me some pain, depression and abandonment ✨) .
i sometimes feel like i'm making it up because i never really gave a fuck, like i was never ashamed about liking girls and i had such a lovely welcome into this community and safe space that i feel like i'm just gay because all people on phannie tumblr are gay. which is just as ridiculous as it sounds but i feel like sometimes what if i'm just doing this for attention and it's like easier to like girls because they are prettier idk not to mention my personal track record of my attraction to boys that's incredibly confusing etc.., . in my opinion all these excuses are the conclusions of an intense misogynistic and male focused society that we grew up in. because women are/were supposed to be a men's cooking and cleaning side kick, like women had to be with men, we were told this from the beginning of our life's. it takes so much courage and strength to see behind society's homophobic walls and see the issues in it and i still struggle with it, i keep on fighting but it's not an easy one.
it's a lot of things that still go through my head right now, but i'm gonna end it here because this post is way too long and i'm scared the tumblr app will mess sth up, but thank you for this ask ❤️. as you said we'll just have to keep on fighting with the cishet focused society and with the demons within us that this society created, but we are not alone in this fight. we will make each other strong and educate people and change the laws that made tons of lgbtq+ and other minorities life's significantly harder in the past.
i love you all lots. <3 🏳️‍🌈
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dramaphan · 4 years
see, when i was a larrie back in 2014/15, there were like tiers/categories of larries? chill larries were people who liked the ship, read fic, joked along w the memes, but didn’t care to try to find out if it was real or bother irl people about it. many may have believed it, but just stayed out of the aggressive stalking part. these larries didn’t like ‘big’ larries/demon larries who did all the bad stuff one associates w larries. chill larries were fun bc they didn’t take rhings too seriously.
Same vibes as Phannies vs demon Phannies. Most people were chill and they just thought “y’know I think they’d make a cute couple and maybe they even are an actual couple but I respect that it’s not my business” and then you had the demon Phannies who were like “here’s a 75 page document I put together analyzing every interaction dnp have ever had that definitively proves they are gay for each other no this is not problematic or creepy no I do not accept criticism”
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polkadotdoughnut · 5 years
My thoughts on Dan’s new video
So, obviously, this is NOT supposed to be like a review or anything of Dan’s video. I don’t think anyone thought that, but the title kind of sounds like I’m going to critique it. This post was solely created to help me calm down and document my reactions because if I don’t, I feel like I’ll miss out or something. I feel like I won’t be able to properly calm down if I don’t say anything about this monumental event in the phandom. It sounds so dumb. I’m aware, and sorry, but I don’t really know how to phrase it better than that.
Okay, anyways, on to my thoughts/reactions.
Firstly, he uploaded.
he fucking uploaded
Did you hear me?
What the fuckkkkk
I kind of thought he might come back at some point but after months of silence, followed by vague and random tweets, I was honestly starting to lose hope. And then to have it all just end with a sudden rise from the dead out of nowhere???? I felt like I was punched in the gut. I thought he was gonna take longer, I wasn’t ready or prepared at all for his return, because it meant things would feel somewhat normal again and after everything that’s happened with the rebranding, the new hair, the tour, the hiatus, it felt weird to think things could go back to normal.
Okay secondly:
He’s. Gay.
I feel like I sound surprised and I don’t wanna say I’m not surprised because I know it’s a terrible thing to say when someone comes out but I think (like I said in the original post) I’m surprised because he actually addressed it
And, considering the fact that it’s Dan, he did address it somewhat solidly
I mean, he did say that he still wasn’t totally sure, but like the long pause, and then him saying “basically I’m gay”. Not that he’s bi, not that he’s questioning, he didn’t even say queer (I know that’s a slur to some people and I really don’t mean to offend you, but he said he felt truly comfortable with it so that’s why I’m using it).
This goes without saying, but I’m really proud of him. It feels a little weird to say seeing as he’s so much older than me but I am. And I’m so happy he was comfortable enough to go on camera for 40 minutes and talk about it when he’s always been so evasive with the topic in the past.
His attempted suicide
We all knew he had mental health issues, but none of us knew the full story or the extent of his trauma
He talks about wanting to die often, but it’s always in a joking manner.
To be fair, I think it’s pretty obvious to all of us that he uses these jokes as a crutch for when he feels uncomfortable or awkward, yet it’s still so difficult to take what he’s saying seriously, mainly because he’s not even taking it seriously himself (not meant to be an insult, I’m just saying that he’s not really able to talk too sincerely about something so important, because it makes him uncomfortable. And that’s totally understandable, but from the viewpoint of his fans, it’s hard to separate his deeper message from his light-hearted banter and jokes)
So, I don’t think any of us were ready to hear what he said next
He tried to commit suicide.
To say that part of the video shocked me and made me feel like crying is a gross understatement
Now, I can’t even describe how relieved I was to hear him say he’s happy it didn’t work out because of everything he would’ve missed out on.
And, he’s completely right
You all can imagine what he would’ve missed if he was successful, so I won’t spend hours spelling it out for you, but yeah, he would’ve missed a lot
Now, before I go on, I want you to know that I’m aware Dan doesn’t owe us any answers at all. I’m still gonna have about a million questions, I’m just not gonna say them out loud because I don’t wanna pressure him
When he brings up the first time he met Phil, he says, “obviously we were more just friends”
sorry can you repeat that?
I refuse to say it, I feel bad even thinking this, but is he implying that you know what is real???
Of course, like I said before, he doesn’t owe us any answers whatsoever, and doesn’t deserve to be bombarded with demon phannies demanding he clarify, so I’ll stop talking about it now, but like seriously, what the fuck is “obviously we were more than just friends” supposed to mean????
Okay that’s all for now, this took me so long to make because tumblr kept crashing and erasing my post but I persevered ✊😩
Thanks for reading and say it with me:
I am not okay
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kae-karo · 6 years
okay do i'm not a demon phannie and i don't really ship them BUT i there was a moment in phil's livestream titled 'so many boxes' from right after they moved in and someone asked about them getting a dog and dan said 'not now, but when a house is bought' implying that they're going to buy a house together and i think that was incredibly cute
“okay so i’m not a demon phannie” is probs the best start to an ask about demon moments i’ve ever received prize goes to u anon
in all seriousness tho you can hear the moment dan’s about to say “when we buy a house” before he corrects himself so uhhh :))))))
send ur fave demon moments
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amazignphil · 7 years
You demon phannies always keep saying that everyone brings up the fact and stuff dan said in 2012, but you guys bring up stuff he said in 2009. Thats worse. He was still a teenager back then. Stop basing things of statement he made technically as a kid.
I am going to try and sound as polite as I can so dont later go off telling that I am being a biatch because anyone that follows my blog knows I am never usually angry. I try to maintain a calm mind and put myself in their show and look from their eyes, but in this case the shoe is fucking wet and your eyesight is to simply put, fucked. 
First of all, we are not demon phannies. Secondly, I haven’t seen anyone mentioning anything about his sexuality from whatever he said in 2009 in the current span of time. Maybe back at a time where there weren’t much things to to state anything at all, buttt, noww, there IS.
 Yes, 2009 is a special year to us shippers but that doesn’t mean we deep throat you with whatever they probably never even mentioned in 2009. Seriously, we’ve never bought up what he said back in 2009 or 2010 as legit proof in the current day and age because honestly, we have muchhh more content from the recent stuff. We are talking about his recent videos here. Videos in which he is legitimately stating that he succs *something* and yk what that that something is. 
We are not basing things of what he said as a kid, keeping that faaar aside, you can still see where we are coming from. On the otherhand, Phantis are still going round talking about whatever Dan had said in 2012 as a \legit proof to dan’s sexuality’
STOP. Dan opened up to us and this is what we are doing. I know its a lot for all of us to take in, for all of the phandom to digest. But please, antis, please, stop being so persistent of what he said ages ago, shippers, don’t shove proof to the faces of antis because this is what is happening.. a wildfire. Please, don’t let this wildfire go even more wild. Please. 
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paradisobound · 7 years
It’s 2:30am the following day and I’m just catching up on the events of the previous day. But I really needed to say this.
Who in the hell thought that faking text/direct messages between themselves and Dan and then further themselves and Adrian (!!!) was a good idea? No, I seriously wanna know. Because that’s total bullshit.
For one, faking text messages is a giant no anyway because that’s just wrong to begin with unless it’s used for a story or some fictional content. But in a context like this, why would someone believe it was a good idea to do that?
Secondly, does this person realize the consequences of their actions? Not only did they start unnecessary drama in the Phandom, on top of what we already have, but they also went as far as to fake text messages to prove WHAT point? That demon phannies go to far? Well, by faking text messages, they’re doing no better.
And thirdly, what gave that member (don’t know if it was the same one or a different one) a right to include Adrian into all of this? Dan has stated multiple times to leave Adrian alone but yet you still include him in this? Adrian doesn’t deserve the shit he probably has to go through. And he certainly doesn’t need his name being used in a set of fake messages to try and prove a point.
My whole moral with this is that this was completely unnecessary! And quite honestly, I wouldn’t blame Dan or Phil to make an angry statement following all of the drama. In fact, I encourage them to call out whoever did this because it’s wrong. And I hope that person or people who did this know that what they did was wrong, and further, I don’t believe they should be a part of this amazing Phandom.
Thank you for your time
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spacednp · 7 years
Fill me in on the tea??? Am I late??
No you’re not late everything is still a shitstorm tbh
-fake dms got leaked, supposedly A told some phans that phan is fake and they just want money and don’t care about their phans
-insta phandom spread it like wildfire
-it got to twitter
-“#phandomisoverparty” on both platforms
-kinda got to Tumblr
-people made more fake ass screenshots
-don’t fucking trust screenshots how many times do I need to say this
-hate on insta, twitter, Tumblr, Youtube, etc etc.
-the people who faked the dms got caught & told everyone it’s fake
-still fucking drama
And throughout this “phans” are:
-reposting the vday video
-trying to actually find A
-mentioning phan to dnp via tweets and shit
-breaking every rule the phandom has and that you’re supposed to respect
It’s not that hard @ new demon phannies,, there are like 5 rules and they’re to keep drama like this from happening,,, fucks sake
There are about five parts of the phandom:
-casual viewers, still members of the phandom, may or may not have a phan account/ship them, Tumblr/twitter phandom
-the “phamily”(seriously this is such a lame name lmao), the most respectful members, think we all should stick together, may or may not ship phan, NO DRAMA!!! FOLLOW THE RULES!!! Mostly tumblr tbh, probably amino as well
-demons, ship fan hardcore, “gimme some drama”, typically instagram fandom, Tumblr, insta, twitter-they’re everywhere, know dnps address, wait hours for them outside of buildings, makes YouTube videos on conspiracies of dnp, probably joined in 2016/2017, most have 0 respect for dnp
-hardcore shippers, not quite demons but pretty close, analysis of every screenshot where dan looks at phil, still “respects” dnp, Tumblr, maybe makes YouTube videos, probably makes porn edits
-kpopies but “still loves dnp”, v v cringe, probably says “give me some drama”, twitter phandom, 98% of posts are of some kpop guy no one knows besides fellow kpopies
And then there are the Big Phandom™ who have like 10k followers and think they’re the shit and the Phanwriters™ who just are in it for the gay fics and stuff like that but most of the phandom is in those above groups
I hate this fandom but I’m still in it bc I love dnp
We’re actual cancer tho jfc
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danandphilsaltsquad · 7 years
the "philphobia" thing is a meme/inside joke that started with @doinganap !! it's not serious at all (unless the so-called demon phannies have started using the term seriously)
yeah i know it was a joke i love jasmine’s blog, but yeah it’s turned into a more serious phenomenon within the phandom that people think they can’t criticize phil without backlash. and like, im not blaming jas her blog is 10/10 and it’s where i go to cheer up but like that doesn’t change that the phandom’s culture of praising phil without question and criticizing dan at every turn is kinda gross. 
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crankydiscussion · 8 years
I just looked at Hazel's tweet & im so surprised there's no hate so far. Like there were people warning her about demon phannies and how people will take it seriously, but a lot of the comments were shipping it, someone else wanted philrific, another person wanted danrific to be next, and a lot of people were like "rip jazel" and I don't know if they're serious or not.
I can’t believe the phandom is slowly getting sarcasm
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