#seriously i’m just sick of it
ymdslf · 6 months
i took a three hour nap this afternoon, like an idiot, and now i can’t for the life of me fall asleep
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yourleftpinkytoe-blog · 3 months
Me when people dismiss Neil’s canonical sexuality just cause they want him to fuck every male character in the series:
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I’ve seen a lot of pro-aborts blame pro-life laws for women facing complications in their pregnancy and the doctors not doing anything about it. They say doctors are scared to take care of women because of abortion bans. When pro-lifers say it’s the doctors fault and it’s medical malpractice, they still blame us.
This past weekend my sister-in-law informed me that her pregnant sister had some bleeding. Her midwife told her to visit the doctor and ask for an ultrasound. The doctor told her there was no reason to and sent her home. Her midwife was pretty upset about her doctor ignoring her request and demanded they do an ultrasound. The ultrasound found she has Placenta Previa and is on bed rest now.
According to Journal of Pregnancy, “Placenta previa and placental abruption have long been recognized as major obstetric complications that result in maternal and fetal mortality as well as morbidity.” No law prevented him from doing an ultrasound to make sure her baby was okay and figure out why she was bleeding. There’s always been an issue with doctors not taking women’s concerns seriously. This has nothing to do with pro-life laws and has everything to do with the failure of medical care women receive from the doctors we are supposed to trust. Women deserve better.
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justa-sadjellyfish · 30 days
Okay, I don’t think I can put into words how much I need a movie surrounding a teenage female character that has just, nothing to do with romance. Nothing. I want to see a teenage girl discover herself and the importance of female friendship without it being played off as a “girl power!!!!” “BFFs forever!!” Kind of way if you know what I mean. Like, a girl discovering herself without it being after a breakup or something like that. A group of girls just being really crazy silly teenage girls without having fights over boys or gossiping or something like that. I see so much media with male friendships and I can’t explain how much I long for some sort of female equivalent to Dead Poets Society, or The Outsiders or something like that. Something centering around a teenage female character where the central conflict/plot is NOT romance, or gossip. If anyone knows literally any movie or show similar to what I just described, PLEASE tell me. I need a movie like that in my life right now. I just need a sort of movie with female friendships that actually involves ACTUAL DEPTH. Male friendships are so much more of the focus in media, and when it’s female friendships there’s hardly ever any depth at all to me, besides ‘oh no! One talked shit about the other and she might find out!!!’ Or ‘oh no!! They both like the same boy!!!’ No. No gossip, no boys. Just girls having MEANINGFUL friendships and doing crazy things with each other. That’s what I need.
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jacarandaaaas · 1 month
I’m bored so here’s user jacarandaaaas hot takes rapid fire round
- I don’t think camilo is an asshole who’s heartless and I hate content that portrays him as such
- pepa is not a bad parent because of one 5 second scene where camilo comforts her
- julietas trauma is undermined a lot of the time and compared to her daughters
- comparing the characters trauma is weird
- i don’t think isabela is crazy violent post movie and would hate to be seen that way
- luisa is an introvert
- I don’t like the take that bruno avoided the kids pre movie I actually think he would spend more time with them than the adults
- I hate parentified mirabel. she’s 15 let her have fun she does not need to babysit people who are all older than her
- on another note yall undermine mirabel too much just because she has trauma but so does every other character. mirabel is not the only one who is traumatized and her trauma doesn’t make her any less capable than anyone else.
- isabela is smarter than she’s given credit for
- luisa is the most feminine out of the sisters but y’all discredit that because she has muscles even tho the movie has an entire song about how she wants to be seen as more than that.
- dolores can be fun
- camilo is watered down to being just “crazy” but y’all ignore how caring and considerate he is too just cause he’s a teenage boy
- let mirabel say fuck
- this one isn’t even a hot take anymore but none of the characters are perfect and that includes Bruno
- talking about bruno I hate when he’s shown to be completely incompetent at everything
- same with mirabel
- I think it takes a lot of time for isabela to fully embrace imperfection as we saw after wecid how fast she reverted back
- alma is not evil or villainous at all but people have a right to be upset at how she acted (the movie makes this a point she does say mean things) her actions are understandable not inexcusable
- going from one toxic dynamic to a different toxic dynamic doesn’t make it any less toxic (codependency)
- isabela and mirabels relationship is mutually strained
- luisa wasn’t a good sister just because she ignored mirabel instead of belittling her
- mirabel was just as ignorant as everyone else and I’m tired of y’all acting like she knew the whole time when she didn’t
- pepa never hated bruno and y’all didn’t understand wdtab
- antonio wouldn’t abandon mirabel for his animals he already loved animals premovie anyways
- isabela is a huge softie and I hate how overlooked that aspect of her is
- luisa never hated isabela
- dolores never intended on ruining isabelas proposal she just heard a prophecy that everyone’s lives were gonna be ruined and was terrified
- mirabel has friends
- luisa is a grown woman who is capable of doing things for herself
- I think camilo was the most distant when bruno came back but after a while they became really close
- mirabel is brunos fav i mean come on she literally saved his life
- i don’t think pedro is given enough respect
uh yeah that’s all I have for now lmao
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rosieparker1856 · 16 days
I was dead asleep and woke up like a fucking zombie with the thought of “I wonder if when people go to Danny’s Grave to offer their condolences or whatever people do, if Danny can only hear it when he is a ghost.” I’m imagining it like an answering machine, you don’t actually know the message unless you play it back. This idea has probably been said before, but it’s 4 a.m and I’ve written 6 college papers in the last 24 hours. I wasted good sleep for this random bunny.
This premise lies solely on the fact of Danny actually having a grave stone, for people to go to.
That being said, a lot of people don’t go to Cemeteries every time they think of someone who passed away. Personally, with my Great Grandmother, when I want to remember her I bring out her old cookbooks and make her favourite recipes. And I talk to her the entire time I’m cooking. Especially during Harvest Fest.
So, in that mindset, can Danny hear everything people say when they’re remembering him? Cause that could get really annoying really fast for a boy who’s still half alive.
Like he’s partnered up with Wes on a Chemistry project and all that’s going through his head when he’s fighting a ghost when they’re supposed to meet up is “Danny Fenton, Danny Phantom, why isn’t he here already? I didn’t see a ghost on the news” or something like that. Don’t judge the dialogue literally have had 2 hours of sleep the last 3 days cause of work and classes.
Someone please, if this is a thing and there are fics about it drop them in the comments. Is that pick me? To ask you to comment? Anyways, i should try and get back to bed.
This is not proofread and I didn’t even put on my glasses for it, so if it’s clunky/there are misspelled words, no there aren’t.
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to-be-a-dreamer · 9 months
How am I supposed to be normal when I have to wait a whole week for Grover and Annabeth to learn Percy isn’t actually dead and they didn’t just loose another friend who sacrificed themselves to buy them more time and Annabeth didn’t just loose one of the only people who ever cared about her without making her earn it all because she wasn’t able to see he was tricking her and Grover didn’t break his promise to Sally and do you understand me? That after Percy fell Echidna and the chimera would have come after Annabeth and Grover which could only mean one thing and they had to leave the arch believing they failed? How long do you think they had to wait until Percy came out of the river? How long did they sit beside each other, not saying a word because they failed, they failed again and now they have to finish this quest alone?
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rainbeaudingo · 2 months
Yeah so…did Aizawa and Hizashi and Kurogiri’s story actually matter at all cause like…WTF happened.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 11 months
i was reading a gallavich fic and i wasnt really loving it but i was still reading it and then… BAM! debbie slander, just like that. and of course, it had to come from mickey, who is of course, a known debbie hater.
(below are screenshots of mickey looking at the girl he despises so much)
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gunkbaby · 5 months
Waiting for the day when i see an anti-vegan claim that some animals actually want to be farmed and eaten you guys!!!!
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chloefraazers · 2 months
if you’re in a fandom and seriously upset enough at people shipping different fictional characters than you that you have to make posts about wanting those people to die, maybe it’s you who has a fucking problem?
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thedeerman · 7 days
me: i’m gonna make sure i remember to take my meds properly
my doctors office: actually we’re gonna just… not refill that for a while. yeah, you can call all you want. we’ll say we’re working on it and then not do it. enjoy the withdrawals, bitch
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luvmoonie · 4 months
if your sole argument to pro-palestinians is ‘what about oct 7’ or ‘you’d be killed in palestine’ or even ‘where will jews go’ PLEASEEEE leave the room right now nobody likes you
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bellcza · 6 months
let joão start on the left idgaf why lamine starting AGAIN
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that-vampire-loser · 6 months
Someone needs to tie me to my laptop and force me to write
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hauntedollart · 2 years
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My favorite Owl House ship,, I am so proud of their growth, both individually AND together :(((<33
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