#seriously though I appreciate you all so much
ervotica · 3 days
loved up?
pairing; fred weasley x fem!reader
series; the bestfriendverse NEW! (ongoing)
warnings; allusions to self harm (reader), pining, idiots in love (but they don't know it yet), a lil sad but also fluffy
synopsis; fred gives you - his obviously platonic best friend - a cuddle in the common room. an interrogation ensues.
a/n; i'm veeeery rusty but i'm back bitches!! and proud to present.... the bestfriendverse. turning this into a lil series of drabbles (& hopefully longer chapters) if my brain keeps braining for long enough. so requests are muchly appreciated and my inbox is always open. cannot wait to explore these two in more depth!!! missed you all </3
You're halfway into Fred's lap when George and Lee round the corner to the common room, melty soft and warm with your legs over his thighs, eyes closed and lashes brushing at the juncture between his shoulder and neck.
He smells lovely.
He feels even lovelier – that soft rumble of his chest that lazily pushes its way through you, his hand at the side of your neck, keeping you nuzzling against him like a needy kitten. He hikes you further up and you preen, eyes still closed, half asleep and well on your way to drooling on his shoulder.
You stretch and wheedle your arms underneath his own until your shoulder is squeezed beneath his armpit. He makes room for you, as expected.
"Oi! They're having a love-fest in here!" Lee says. You groan and dig your head further into Fred's neck. Your heartbeat ticks up when he scrubs a sweeping circle over your back with his palm outstretched –you don't even mind when he rucks up your t-shirt.
You diligently ignore the hammering in your own ears.
The other end of the settee dips and George's weight settles at your back, knuckles brushing at the back of your neck in a way he knows makes you bristle and squirm. You squeak and make to dive behind Fred.
"Leave her be, Georgie," Fred says, mock offence dripping from his every syllable. His arm lifts instinctively and he ushers you right under until you're well and truly squashed, your whole body curled inward against his chest. It's endearing how seriously he takes defending your honour. "We were very comfortable before you interrupted, you silly sod."
"I resent that comment."
"You resemble it, more like."
George gasps in faux horror. You tip your head upwards just in time to watch Lee throw his arms around the pair of you, a devious grin on his face.
You know what he's going to say, no matter how much you wish he wouldn't.
"If I didn't know better, I'd say you two looked proper loved up. Wouldn't you agree, George?"
If Fred feels you deflate, he's gracious enough not to mention it. Your lips purse and you busy yourself picking at your cuticles.
"Shut up," Fred snorts as though the thought alone is utterly ridiculous. Your heart does this awful sort of flip-flop that knocks the breath right out of you– it leaves an ache that carries right down to your toes.
You try to disentangle yourself from him as smoothly as possible. You want to run and hide from this conversation, the very conversation you've been rehearsing over and over in your head for months.
Being in love with your best friend isn't for the faint of heart.
Fred clings when you attempt to slide out of his grip, tugging you right back into his side. Heat rises to your cheeks so fast you feel faint.
Honestly, you might pass out right now.
Lee's already distracted, animatedly discussing the next upcoming prank with almost concerning fervour. Fred absentmindedly fiddles with the hem of your t-shirt as he listens.
Godric, you're burning up.
You can feel George's eyes on you. You know what he wants to say – can picture it right down to the pitying look in his eyes. He's always been the more observant twin.
You don't want to hear it.
Fred won't let go no matter how much you fidget. You pick at your nails until red pools at the edges of your cuticles. The sting prickles at your eyes.
"Hey." Fred's attention snaps to you suddenly. "What's the matter, lovie? You feeling alright?"
Fucking hell. He must be doing it on purpose, surely. Your throat burns.
"Nothing," you croak. "I'm okay."
It's just convincing enough for him to leave it, though you're half sure you'll be questioned later.
He smears a kiss to the crown of your head before he stands and it almost finishes you off.
That boy is going to be the death of you.
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bookwormjust · 2 days
Surprising Him with His Favorite Food (established relationship with Cassian)
Cassian had been out all day, training recruits and dealing with the demands of his job, and you knew he’d come home sore and tired. So, you decided to surprise him with his favorite meal—something hearty and comforting to lift his spirits. The kitchen filled with the warm, savory smells as you cooked, your anticipation growing with every dish you prepared.
By the time Cassian arrived home, the table was set with all his favorite foods, the flicker of candlelight adding a soft glow to the room. You heard the door open and the heavy footsteps of Cassian walking in. 
“Hey, love, I’m home,” he called out, his voice slightly tired but full of warmth.
“In here!” you replied, grinning to yourself.
Cassian appeared in the doorway, his eyes immediately widening as he took in the sight of the table and the aroma of the meal. “What’s this?” he asked, clearly surprised, a slow smile spreading across his face.
“I figured you could use a good meal after the day you’ve had,” you said, walking over to him with a proud smile.
He stared at you for a moment, his expression softening. “You did all this... for me?” he asked, his voice full of genuine awe.
You nodded, a little bashful. “Of course, I did. You deserve it.”
Before you could say anything else, Cassian wrapped you in a massive bear hug, lifting you off the ground as he spun you around. “You’re the best!” he exclaimed, his laughter bubbling up as he buried his face in your neck.
You laughed as well, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “Put me down, or the food’s going to get cold!” you teased, though you couldn’t help but melt into his embrace.
He set you down gently, but his hands lingered on your waist, and he leaned in to press a kiss to your forehead, then your cheek, and finally your lips, lingering for a moment. “I can’t believe you did this,” he murmured, his tone filled with affection. “I don’t deserve you.”
You smiled up at him, brushing a stray lock of his hair back. “You deserve everything, Cass. I’m just glad I could make you happy.”
He gave you one of those big, radiant smiles, the kind that always made your heart flutter. “You always make me happy,” he said, his voice warm with sincerity. “But this… this is perfect.”
The two of you sat down together, Cassian immediately digging into the meal with an appreciative groan. “Gods, this is amazing!” he said between bites, his face lighting up with every taste. “You’re a genius.”
You laughed, watching him enjoy the food you’d made, his enthusiasm making all the effort worth it. “I’m glad you like it.”
“Like it? I love it!” he exclaimed, pausing to give you a playful nudge. “Seriously, this is the best surprise ever. I don’t think I can thank you enough.”
He leaned over, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “But I’ll definitely try,” he added with a wink, making you giggle.
The rest of the evening passed in a haze of laughter and conversation, filled with Cassian’s constant compliments and his playful attempts to feed you some of his food. These moments—simple and domestic—were filled with so much love and warmth. 
As you cleared the dishes together later, Cassian wrapped his arms around you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder. “Thank you for always thinking of me,” he whispered, his voice soft and sincere. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
You smiled, leaning back into his embrace. “You don’t have to thank me. I love you, Cass.”
“And I love you,” he murmured, pressing another kiss to your neck before holding you tight, both of you basking in the quiet joy of being together.
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mya-valentine · 2 days
Headcanon: Cyno and Tighnari Sharing an S/O
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Balance of Opposites: Cyno and Tighnari have very different personalities, which creates a unique dynamic when sharing an S/O. Cyno is more stoic, serious, and dedicated to his duties as General Mahamatra, while Tighnari is practical, witty, and highly knowledgeable as a forest ranger. Their S/O loves how they balance each other—Cyno’s calm and strength with Tighnari’s intellect and humor.
Cyno’s Protectiveness: Cyno, on the other hand, is incredibly protective of both Tighnari and their S/O. He may not be as vocal about it as Tighnari, but his quiet, intense loyalty is always felt. He’s the type to stand guard while Tighnari and their S/O work in the forest, ensuring their safety. When the three of them are together, Cyno is constantly aware of their surroundings, watching over the people he cares about most.
Teasing Tighnari: Tighnari is often the one to tease both Cyno and their S/O. He’s quick-witted and enjoys playfully pointing out the odd quirks both of them have. He might casually tease Cyno about his terrible jokes, saying things like, “You really don’t need to subject *both* of us to these puns,” but secretly, he finds it endearing that Cyno tries so hard to amuse their S/O.
Shared Moments of Peace: Despite Cyno’s seriousness and Tighnari’s focus on practicality, the three of them often find peace in simple moments, like sitting together under the stars after a long day or sharing a quiet meal in the forest. Their S/O brings a sense of calm and warmth to both Cyno and Tighnari, allowing them to relax and enjoy the time spent together.
Friendly Rivalry: Cyno and Tighnari have a playful, friendly rivalry when it comes to winning over their S/O’s attention. Cyno, though not as vocal, might use his competitive side to try and one-up Tighnari during their conversations or in card games like Genius Invokation TCG. Tighnari, meanwhile, knows how to charm their S/O with his vast knowledge of plants, animals, and the environment, making Cyno roll his eyes but smile fondly all the same.
Cyno’s Awkward Affection: Cyno isn’t great with showing affection openly, but his S/O and Tighnari have learned to read between the lines. His small gestures, like offering his cloak when it’s cold or silently standing closer during dangerous situations, speak volumes. Tighnari might even joke about it, saying, “Cyno’s version of saying ‘I love you’ is standing like a silent bodyguard,” but it only makes their S/O appreciate Cyno’s subtle ways of caring even more.
Tighnari’s Playful Flirting: In contrast, Tighnari is more forward with his affection. He loves to gently tease their S/O and Cyno, brushing his hand against theirs when talking or casually wrapping his arm around their shoulders. He’s also the one most likely to break the silence with a witty remark or joke, lightening the mood whenever things get too serious.
Shared Responsibilities: With their S/O, the trio finds a way to share responsibilities and maintain harmony. Cyno’s leadership and strategic mind, paired with Tighnari’s practicality and deep knowledge of nature, create a strong team. Their S/O loves how they can rely on both of them in different ways, whether it’s Cyno’s calm assurance in dangerous situations or Tighnari’s advice on practical matters.
Gentle Moments of Care: Both Cyno and Tighnari have their own ways of showing care for their S/O. Tighnari, as a forest ranger and healer, is naturally more attentive to their physical well-being, always making sure they’re well-fed, hydrated, and healthy. Cyno, though quieter, is always there with a steady hand, offering a reassuring presence and making sure they feel safe, no matter the circumstances.
Affectionate Competition: Sometimes, Cyno and Tighnari get into playful disagreements over how to best care for their S/O. Tighnari might insist that their S/O needs rest, while Cyno believes they’re ready for more action. Their S/O often laughs at the two, appreciating how much they care, knowing they’ll always have two very different but equally supportive people by their side.
In the end, the balance of Cyno’s protectiveness and Tighnari’s humor and care creates a fulfilling, dynamic relationship. Their S/O is the anchor that brings them together, making their trio stronger than the sum of its parts.
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yullalightk · 2 days
Best episode I've ever seen.
I absolutely loved the new episode. I also wanted to say that I was wrong for saying in my last post that smg4 was "Milking Mr. Puzzles" When in reality the team behind smg4 knew exactly what to do with his character, this episode made me want to watch the series more and more and there are so many things I loved about this episode.
I just love how relatable Mr. Puzzles was, this is my interpretation so take it with a grain of salt but when he was making those stupid brainrotting contents and had a huge following it kinda hit home to me. It reminded me of how I was desparate to have friends so I often tried to hop on trends or pretended to like something my classmates liked just so they could be my friends. I can see how stupid that is now. But If I could I just want to give him a big hug telling him that he'll have his friends one day, that he won't be alone have someone that'll appreciate his hard work.
And there were things that were interesting for me.
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We get that whenever he's mad he has this realistic features on his screen, (Possibly his real face?) But this time it's far more disturbing and horrifying tbh.. also, I can't be the only one who noticed he 'almost' grew another head! This makes me wonder what other kinds of powers this TV man holds. And the swearing was really surprising! caught me off guard than Alastor's swearing😂
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Seriously though this face did scare me, and I loved it!✨ don't think I told ya'll this but, I'm a sucker for horror and I love a good scare. So imagine my surprise here when we saw his more nightmareish face! I have no idea how many times I replayed that part of the video and I'm glad we got a more different version of his face and got to see him not just being an "Cute TV twink" though I don't hate that version of him it's kinda like us sans all over again.
Anyhow I was also surprised that Mickey was there at the end. I have a couple of theories as to what he'll do in the 2024 wotfi.
First: He'll get Mr. Puzzles to sign a contract (Because I don't think it's just Mickey mouse, more like the entire disney company) and "buy" him to make more brain rotting content, with a deal that he'll get his friends and will never be lonely again. Reason? well 2024 doesn't have a good track record of movies and live actions so maybe smg4 and his team will rescue Puzzles from this horrible deal or something.
I doubt this theory is true though cause I don't think Puzzles dumb enough to make a deal like that!
Second: Puzzles and smg4 and co will team up to defeat Mickey or the company and restore good quality content! this one kinda sounds like a good plot for the new wotfi for me.
None of these has to be true but, it is interesting to think about. If you have any new theories I like to hear 'em! I just loved this episode overall and I'll make so more gl2/oc contents more cause I miss those😅 Hope ya'll enjoyed my post and Mr. Puzzles I love you so much!
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bishoukun · 2 years
here I go getting emotional before bed
hey, fan artists who make post-war Gai!
thank you.
no, really. I'm a part-time chair user. I can't go more than a teeny tiny walk across the street and back without it. and sometimes even then. I knew nothing about chairs until I needed to use one, and one of the things that had always confused me was how to deal with propelling when the wheel was dirty or wet. the outer bards on them? I thought they were bumpers. like car bumpers but for a chair.
seeing the various chairs drawn being used correctly, seeing the bits and pieces that are easy to forget, different types of chair backs and foot rests and bar handles, bags designed to be hung, and even - and this really gets to me when I see it - different kinds of wheels.
off-road wheels, high speed wheels, sports/sharp turn wheels.
self-propelling while being pushed - I do this with my partner all the time.
maybe the only thing I haven't seen is a fastener, but depending on when it's meant to take place, he probably wouldn't need it.
then there are the environmental/human things, like accessible seating and rearranging apartment space for indoor use of a forearm or standard crutch. nyooming way past the rest of the people with you and then spinning in circles waiting for them to catch up.
one thing that really got me, hard, was a work a while back was how another person assuming it was okay to just "be thoughtful and kind" and try to push Gai to the response of two very angry men.
I have had this happen to me. someone I didn't know pushing me without my consent. it. was. terrifying. and horribly invasive. you don't take someone's crutch and move it for them; that crutch is an extension of their body. their ability to use it as a mobile device for ambulating is their personal agency, their independence. I am uncomfortable with nurses, doctors, etc., pushing me without my consent, which unless my partner is not there or is feeling ill, I will not give. she will also step in and tell them not to touch before they do, since I don't have a byakugan.
someone assuming it's okay to physically relocate Gai while simultaneously invading his space and denying him agency over himself is perhaps the most disrespectful thing a person could do to him. so to see that reaction the way it actually happens to us in real life being portrayed, including the protective partner glaring down the offender with a look that could kill, that is so validating.
but here's the other thing, y'all. not only are all of these details, these specific things you are putting in your work, a huge comfort in and of themselves; you are normalizing disability. you are normalizing being around, having, living with, adapting to disability visibly and without room for argument. and not a single one of you, or anyone else I have seen in this community, have even remotely implied that being disabled means being any less incredible or worthy of love and admiration and respect. there is no less love for this youthful beast.
and having struggled for the last four years with losing my mobility, being partly chair-bound, and how it has forced me to see and think of the world differently. it's fucking hard. from casual sports to boating to long walks all being daily activities to now being barely able to walk to my kitchen and back without help has been... indescribably difficult and painful. there are times I hate myself, times I hate my body, times I am filled with anger because I can't do so many of the things that bring me joy and fulfillment.
but my partner? she's been my Kakashi in this struggle. if I need to do something a certain way, or use tools like my chair and crutches, she has never bat an eye - in fact, she has actively done the opposite. she made sure I named both of my chairs (past and current) and shared visible excitement in getting them. she doesn't act as though I'm made of glass, though she will be mindful and tell me when I need to stop being stupid/stubborn, and I'm not an inconvenience to her. I struggle less because she has neither fixated on nor ignored this becoming a part of my life; she has made it a part of our lives, and that makes it so much less lonely.
you all have been doing that, too, making being disabled like this feel less lonely. you make me feel seen, valued, remembered, included; you remind me that my body may be a bit fucked up and broken, but that doesn't mean I am any less desirable or lovable. and every single person who shares these works of art, fanfics, or comments in general about this, you all have been helping, too.
the end of SnK was a major step for me in starting to break away from these struggles, and I won't spoil it by saying who or what or how. what I will say is that, for those who kept with the manga or already know it, having a character that has been regularly compared to me and with whom I have always felt a deep connection with, who I understand it ways I have never understood a character before because I am (or would be) the same way in those circumstances in that world... to see them in a way that I had personally written many times because it felt cathartic to do so now actually existing in that same way, that started breaking down the walls (pun intended) and allowed me to start associating them with this and this with them, and feel stronger for it.
but there is still very little art with that as a focus or included at all, along with quite frankly being wary of trying to enter fandom space to begin with. so it started kicking the walls, but hadn't gotten through.
you are starting to get through.
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Me looking through all the reblogs/comments from people genuinely concerned about my wellbeing:
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feralnumberfive · 7 months
My followers amount is about the same as the population of my town right now. Heyyyy small town in Iowa how are you guys doing 👋
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ark1os · 6 months
#i felt so good after talking to my therapist about the issue w my dad#and i didnt even come to any new conclusions or anything i just told her whats been on my mind what im struggling with and why im so afraid#to confront him and she validated me#which honestly was so new to me? like everytime italked about it it felt like people didnt see the seriousness and why im struggling so muc#with it#like Why are you so afraid of your dad. Why do you have such a hard time. Just do it . Just deal with it. girl i would if it was so easy#but she didnt react like this at all & she didnt ask anything that implied she might be thinking this way too. im v blessed alhamdulillah#she suggested to tell him that i want to wear the hijab through the phone for my own safety (which isnt an option personally but i#really appreciated the thought behind it)#and she also told me that i shouldnt do it if i dont feel ready yet to face him and its like. the first time ever someone told me this lol#she said i shouldnt put more weight on my shoulders because the situation will be a lot worse if i m not prepared#i do feel ready now though ive been dealing with this for months im just so so so scared. im so scared iwant to cry all the time#anyway. ive been sleeping much worse than usually and im waking up completely covered in sweat which is#so disgusting. i was worried that im sick or smth (cancer lol) but realised it started w ramadan!!! which is when i made up my mind when#i will talk to him#may Allah help me may Allah protect me#im about to cry again aaa
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mordecai is the first funny bitch like spends 90% of his time literally just standing there going "i'm dapressed" to himself while everyone in the vicinity takes potshots and then he's clocking in for the night shift where for the next 9 hours people go "god mordecai would it kill you to act like you're having more fun at the [kills you] factory"
#The First Funny Bitch as a phrase from the ''cain was the first funny bitch'' post that i will use with some flexibility. yaknow.#i love going like oh boy a coworker triumvirate. their funny little guy (other duo going ''i want him dead'')#though it's unfair to the savoys lmfao if he's at best sometimes a desk toy to them: they do at least keep calling him babygirl#and giving him special mordecai invitations (by not inviting him) to their hotel room to try to marry him#so if nothing else we do appreciate adding a ton of flair to [afflicting the autistic coworker]#in turn i appreciate that mordecai and viktor's dynamic probably consisted of mutual ''i Do Not Care if my coworker seems weird''#but outside of that; was anyone at lackadaisy aggrieving mordecai with the style & variety that the savoys bring....perhaps not#an upgrade in that realm....and there seems to be Some mutual [i do not care if my coworker seems weird] there again too lol#even while they've all probably been working together like half a week & haven't all worn their getalong sweater long enough#and already mordecai is doing his [not just literally standing there] rogue lone mystery solving deal lmao. wild card that he is#lackadaisy#oh also speaking of [before mordecai went grr i Hate still working here; ripped off the fridge door; went & got a new Hated job]#it's pure bonus comic realm & particularly Elevated Silly Goofs genre at that; but#points for ivy having that Younger Sibling dynamic w/mordecai w/the implication she takes his forbidden condiments index seriously#and like; in general lol not even just a [it's serious when it comes to dealing with this weird guy] way. all the more powerful for that#wait i nearly forgot to mention the hot new otp: mordecai / j.j.#that's right [sad trombone] providing guy. i know enough. first funny bitch 4 first funny bitch.#[guy doing his own thing & everyone's like Get His Ass] 4 [guy doing his own thing & everyone's like Get His Ass]#and ofc because it is funny in & of itself. & basically like Your New OC. so much room to maneuver that you cannot crash#also hmm like if your nickname for someone is Maybe ''annoying mf'' does it cancel out....eh#numbers flying around intense focus like everything points to ''hatchet would directly translate to hatchette not petit hache''#and if you mon petit hache it (read this w/such a meter that it all rhymes)#900 tons of restraint not going ''wow this is just like analyzing billions'' & by even saying i've managed to avoid as much; now i haven't
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muckyschmuck · 7 months
OKOK time for anon love yayy anyways YOU'RE SUCH A GOOD ARTIST everytime i look at your art i find myself findinh another neat detail your attention to detail is insane and how you can work with a limited color palette and still come out with such recognizable character designs never fails to impress me seriously i literally struggle to put how cool of an artists you are into words because i don't know of there are words enough to convey the feeling of such coolness,,,,, you're awesome!!!!!!!!;! i especially loooove how you use colors and your use of lineart and that's without mentioning your art style it's so dreamy me thinks i don't talk about how awesome you are as often as i should you're so cool ok thanks for attending my ted talk bye bye for real this time
SCREAMING AND SHITTING PINKTEXT you’ve done it again youve
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0reblogufufu0 · 1 year
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Happy Birthday to @snoobins !
#Happy birthday!#I really hope you like the collages and edits i made!#i wanted to pay homage to what an artist you are and went on a deep dive down your creations over the years!#even though it was your birthday present#i had a lot of fun just seeing how your gifs have changed and the same with your builds in AC#It was hard choosing what builds to use because i honestly loved all of them! so i limited myself to a color palette of light and dark#then did rainbow for the edit#its my firsr time doing both so i hope they arent underwhelming or anything!#youve supported me a lot in everything I've tried to accomplish but dont always hold yourself to that same standard#i even saw you didnt feel good about your angles in the AC pictures but i thought they were perfect!#they showed off the details of the rooms really well and all the little stuff you might not see otherwise#Anyway#i just had a lot of fun making this and hope you enjoy it just as much watching it!#i wanted to appreciate you here because you're seriously the kindest person i know and if there is anything unconditional in the world#i believe it is your friendship and loyalty#so i want to repay that however i can especially on your birthday when i get to celebrate you being you!#never change and heres to another year together!#i love you so so so much#And thank you just for being the great human you are!#make sure to spoil yourself for me!#(ps if the video or the photo is too grainy i can send it privately)#i want it to be clear i didnt change any of the coloring on your gifs because they're perfect just how they are! i just compiled them!#<3 <3 <3
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Not an ask but a thing for the mod, but uhhhhhh, finding someone that makes ONAF content in this good year, let alone runs an Ask blog makes me wee squirel brain very happy~ Keep up the good work my dude, I'm loving your take on Grunkfuss thus far~~
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Thank you! It means a lot that people enjoy Grunkfuss' blog, as a person that was quite literally kidnapped by Flumpty, I had to of course pamper him up to make him look amazing!!
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atsu-i · 11 months
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myfirstandlast · 8 months
going through answered asks from when i was 18 wanting to hold myself so tightly
#i’ve never cared for the whole i wish i could see my younger self thing#because from where i was standing it was always still bad so thought why would i want to see them now#things are going to become very hard again very soon but last year was the best year of my entire life#i did something terrifying and then i claimed my life as my own#and a year later i have a car! and im driving! you can’t understand how impossible of a thought this was to me before#i live on my own and i’ve decorated my body and my bedroom and i can buy things i never thought id be able to own#i miss connecting with others my dash is a total wasteland now but i just#seriously cannot believe where i am right now. even though some things are still so screwed up and more screwed things are on the way#and i’m terrified of course. january is the perfect month to feel like ending it all. too much unknown#but still 2023 felt like magic i didn’t deserve and yet i basked in it#i’m not incredibly successful i’m not very interesting but im still so proud of myself somehow. even though i hate myself#it’s not as much as i used to. i appreciate myself more now and i can see how i needed me to get here. and im grateful for me#and for everything i have. i’m just speechless i can’t believe the life i currently have#i’m waiting to enter the era of travelling and intimate get together those areas are still slow coming#but if i could do this i can only hope and hope and squeeze my eyes tight to make them appear someday#i miss so many things but i don’t miss the old me. she sucked but she also cared and she’s still here in fragments#it’s strange to write this way i’ve never felt this sort of compassion before i was so so deeply depressed#it was inescapable and for good reason i don’t know how i made it through anything i’ve endured#i have to thank myself for always being too scared to die
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rosemirmir · 2 years
Hopefully next week I can finally finish den-o
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i've just reread your sperm donor threesome fic and that last part with buck and eddie has wrenched me heart once again!!!! the "I think I was born broken" line hurts so much and it's SO buck and i'm just so impressed by how much pain you can serve in your porn, thank you for your service
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I live to serve. ;)
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