#seriously though i feel like i cracked the code
accidental eavesdropping (steddie ficlet)
based on this post by @imjust-that-shy. i hope i did this vision justice <3
The doors to the bathroom burst open, and - on some pure, inexplicable instinct and with nearly inhuman speed - Eddie darts back into the stall he'd just been about to come out of and leaps to perch on top of the toilet seat, crouched there like some sort of creature. 
He hears the sound of retching and the stench of vomit fills the air. He holds his breath, wrinkling his nose and trying to imagine what possible context could be behind Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley bursting in here together to puke their guts out. Eddie knows the two of them work together, he’s seen them sharing shifts at Scoops Ahoy when he's walked by. (Not that he often intentionally passes by the ice cream parlor and slows down just to catch a glimpse of Steve or anything… Although who could really blame him if he did? Like, come on, Steve in that uniform? Hello, sailor.) His mind is busy spinning stories of possible explanations, ranging from spoiled ice cream to sneaking alcohol and getting too drunk during their break. 
Eddie's leaning towards the 'drinking on the job' explanation, especially when the retching finally ceases and Robin says something about the room no longer spinning. Those little rebels, Eddie thinks approvingly.
“When’s the last time you, uh…peed your pants,” Steve is asking Robin now, in response to her telling him in a Russian accent to interrogate her. 
Eddie curls over his knees, tilting his head to try to peer through the gap between the stalls and the floor to put an image to his eavesdropping. Might as well, he’s kind of stuck here and there’s really not much else he can do right now. He can see Steve’s legs, one bent and the other stretched out in front of him, and Robin in the stall past him laying on the floor with her legs up against the stall wall as she answers, “Today…” 
“What?” Steve questions.
“When the Russian doctor took out the bone saw!” Robin says. 
Okay…what? Russian doctors and bone saws? Eddie’s now thoroughly intrigued, if a little (okay, a lot) confused. Maybe they’re talking about a movie they watched or something.
Steve’s legs shake with his laughter. “Oh my god.” 
“It was just a little bit, though.” Robin pinches her fingers together as she twists her body in Steve’s direction while he laughs again and mutters that whatever it is they took is still in her system. She pushes her feet off the stall and slides to sit against the opposite wall. Eddie can only see her legs now. “Okay, my turn. Have you…ever been in love?” 
Steve answers that he has, with Nancy, and makes a sound mimicking an explosion. Eddie remembers that, remembers seeing Steve and Nancy being all touchy and cute in the hallways at school while he was trying his damndest to convince himself that he absolutely definitely did not wish he was in Nancy’s place. It didn’t work very well. And it’s not working very well now either as Steve starts to go on about some new girl he likes now instead - some girl who’s funny and smart and can crack secret Russian codes (okay, seriously, what is it with these two and Russians?) and oh shit, he’s talking about Robin. 
Eddie very suddenly feels like he should not be here listening to this, eavesdropping on Steve confessing his feelings for someone. Not only is that, like, a private and personal thing, but also what if Robin likes him back and they start kissing or something right here in this bathroom where Eddie has to sit here and listen to it and that would just be horrible for him for so many reasons and- Eddie’s getting ahead of himself. Robin hasn’t even said anything yet, and her knees are pulled up to her chest and her voice shakes when she confirms she’s still alive after Steve asks if she’s OD’d there in the silence and she uncurls with a deep sigh. All signs that she doesn’t actually like Steve back. 
Eddie watches as Steve shifts and slides under the stall into Robin’s, and catches sight of the nasty bruise marring nearly half of Steve’s otherwise beautiful face as he does so. Now concern has been added to the list of emotions this eavesdropping experience has rollercoastered him through so far. The bruise looks fairly fresh and Eddie can’t help but wonder what the hell gave Steve a black eye like that and if he’s okay. 
After a brief spiral of concern for Steve’s face, Eddie tunes back into reality to find himself staring at Steve’s ass as Steve now sits with his back against the stall wall opposite Robin. Eddie blinks, expands his tunnel vision to include Steve’s lower back and Robin’s legs which are also visible beneath the gap in the stalls. 
“It’s not because I had a crush on you,” Robin is saying. “It’s because…she wouldn’t stop staring at you.”
“Mrs. Click?” Steve sounds confused.
“Tammy Thompson,” Robin clarifies. “I wanted her to look at me.”
Oh. Eddie should really not be listening to this. Robin is trying to come out to Steve, trying to share something deeply personal and vulnerable with him and only him, not knowing that she’s outing herself to an eavesdropping near-stranger as well. Eddie feels violating and intruding. He can’t imagine how he would feel if he found out someone he barely knew had been secretly listening in on him coming out - probably not great, probably terrified. This is something he shouldn’t know, not like this. 
“But Tammy Thompson’s a girl,” Steve says, his tone unreadable, and Eddie’s heart nearly stops, sure his own anticipatory anxiety is likely only just a fraction of what Robin must be feeling right now. 
“Yeah?” A pause. “Oh,” Steve’s voice goes soft. “Oh… Holy shit.” 
“Yeah,” Robin sighs. Eddie can see her hands nervously rubbing at her shins. “Holy shit.” 
Steve is silent for a few painfully long moments. Eddie’s hands curl nervously around his own shins. Is Steve going to be homophobic? Should Eddie be worried for Robin now? 
“Steve, did you OD over there?” Robin asks, trying to be light but Eddie can hear the anxiety in her voice. 
“No, I just, uh- just thinking,” Steve responds. 
“Okay…” Robin’s voice is barely audible. Eddie is holding his breath.
“I mean, yeah,” Steve says finally, “Tammy Thompson’s cute and all, but the only reason I never gave her the time of day was because I was too busy staring at Eddie Munson.” 
The aforementioned Eddie Munson releases the breath he’d been holding with an involuntary squeak and claps a hand over his mouth. Thankfully, neither of them heard him over the sound of Robin shouting. “What?! Eddie Munson?! You liked Eddie Munson?” she squawks, voicing Eddie’s own stunned thoughts perfectly.
“Yeah,” Steve confirms casually, completely unaware that he's throwing an eavesdropping Eddie into an absolute crisis right now. There's a soft thudding sound like Steve's hitting the back of his head against the stall wall. His voice gets kind of wistful, almost dreamy, as he says, “His rings, man. Rings and tattoos…and that long hair and those chains he'd wear… Honestly just his whole punk aesthetic thing had me mesmerized.” 
“Pretty sure he's metal, not punk,” Robin corrects him. 
Thanks, Robin. Also, what the fuck is happening right now? 
“Whatever. Still hot as hell,” Steve says. 
Eddie squeaks again and practically shoves his whole fist in his mouth to keep himself from making any more noise, his teeth knocking against his rings. The rings Steve likes, apparently. He feels like he's going to pass out, his heart beating so erratically it's making him lightheaded. King Steve - the popular, preppy, stupid, gorgeous, dumb jock Eddie's been crushing on since forever - just called him hot????  
“Did you hear that?” Robin asks suddenly, voice low and cautious. 
“Is anyone else in here?” Steve calls out. 
Eddie bites down hard on his knuckles and holds his breath, going impossibly still. If they get up and search the bathroom, then he’s about to be caught red handed, crouched on top of a toilet seat with his fist in his mouth and his face flushed scarlet, eavesdropping on their private conversation about secret Russians and gay crushes. Eddie contemplates falling into the toilet and attempting to flush himself down it. Every god imaginable is receiving a silent prayer from him right now as he watches apprehensively through the gaps in the stall. One of those gods must've heard and taken pity on this poor gay disaster of a man crouched like a goblin in a bathroom stall, because after a few horrible seconds of silence, all Steve does is lean down to peer beneath the stalls for a moment before sitting back up and saying, “Looks empty. I think the drugs are making us hear things.” 
“Yeah, probably,” Robin says. Then she giggles, knocking her leg against Steve’s. “I still can’t believe you were into Eddie.” 
Steve flicks Robin’s knee. “I can’t believe you were into Tammy.”
“What’s wrong with Tammy?!” Robin protests.
“What’s wrong with Eddie?” Steve counters. “At least he’s actually got talent. Tammy’s a total dud - she wants to be a singer and shit but she can’t even hold a tune.” 
Eddie is going to die. He is actually going to die right here, right now, because Steve Harrington thinks he’s hot and talented. And then Steve starts mimicking Tammy, singing Total Eclipse of the Heart in a ridiculously goofy voice, and now Eddie is going to die because he finds that so stupidly endearing and adorable. Maybe he should just flush himself down the toilet, save himself from this hopelessly pathetic crush of his. Instead, he’s saved by the bathroom doors bursting open again and a new voice shouting at them, “Okay. What the hell?!” 
Steve and Robin collapse into a fit of giggles before being dragged to their feet by the newcomers and led out of the bathroom, leaving Eddie alone and reeling and struggling to process literally everything he’s just overheard. He finally hops down from his toilet perch and exits the stall like he’s in a daze. He’s not sure how long he had been camped out in there - probably only about ten minutes - but it felt like hours, so long that the world outside of that single bathroom stall almost feels foreign and unfamiliar now. 
Eddie grips the bathroom sink and stares at his flustered reflection in the mirror and whispers to himself, “What the actual fuck?” 
Later, years later, only after he and Steve are already dating, Eddie tells him all about this experience, and Steve laughs so hard he nearly cries.
(ao3 link)
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gladiatorcunt · 6 months
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summary: paul atreides x plus sized afab servant!reader
cw: power imbalance, somnophilia (dubcon in my mind as the reader wouldn’t push him away if they woke up but feel free to skip this if you could feel icked out by it), petplay (cheated again and didn’t make it explicit but it’s very petplay coded in a way), size difference (paul’s the skinny bf that would fall over if a gust of wind was strong enough), paul eats reader out, crack treated seriously vibes bc he’s so awkward 💀, ambiguous somno occasion (like how the reader fell asleep), implications of improper use of the voice but it’s weak for this paul era so reader could probably push against it, possible dune lore inaccuracies idk don’t think just vibe
wc: 1k +
block & move on if uncomfortable !!!
don’t repost, translate, or give ai my work
kinktober masterlist
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You’re having the same dream again. Paul Atreides, the duke’s son who you are tasked with looking after is the star.
He looms over you as you lie flat on your back, though in your dream you’re never in your servant’s quarters. No, the surrounding walls bear a more striking resemblance to Paul’s bedroom. You’re always groggy in the dream, which is a strange feeling to have when you usually are profoundly awake in your other dreams.
You’ve only been having this one since you arrived on Caladan from a smaller planet with no name that they took ownership of. Paul Atreides had seemed to seek you out like a moth to a flame, making a beeline for you and demanding in front of your mother that his father hire you. Even weirder was the fact that the ships belonging to the Atreides left immediately after you agreed to go with them, as if the trip had only one purpose.
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“Shh, mouse, it’s just me. Don’t wake up.” He whispers, nuzzling his nose against yours and pecking your lips.
You lie there in a daze, eyes wide and mouth agape as Paul reaches for the fastenings of your top. It’s an orange silk number he gifted you, all your clothes are. Your breaths come out in shallow pants, the disbelief that Paul Atreides would be disrobing you with the intent to bed you is overwhelming. He gives your plush curves loving squeezes as he reveals more and more skin.
Eventually you’re stark naked under him. You sluggishly try to cover yourself with your hands but Paul swiftly knocks them aside, pinning them to your sides so he can drink in the mouth watering image. You have no idea how many dreams he has had of you, ones concerning moments like these and ones about the life you’ll experience together in between. A gaggle of tiny feet playing tag around his throne, domestic mornings of blissful silence waltzing in the dining room.
“I…. I have never seen anyone as beautiful as you, i swear it.” Your heart skips a beat, despite knowing very well that this is all some passing fancy. Dreams never have to see the light of day, so you can luxuriate in your delusions.
Paul leans down to shakily mouth at your collarbone, scraping his teeth against the skin and playing with your love handles. You whimper as he litters your rough skin with love bites, you open your mouth to apologize that it’s not as smooth as a noble consort’s would be, but something in the way he shoves his tongue in your mouth to silence you tells you he somehow already knows.
You poke and pull at his dark shirt, the fine black material feeling like heaven but you’d rather it cover your garments next to the bed.
Paul chuckles, nipping at your lips and pulling back to shirk his clothing off. He throws it across the room and goes back to kissing his way down your thick body. Once he reaches your stomach, he takes extra special care to dote on the rolls of skin, softly kissing and pressing his forehead against them.
“You would be a beautiful bride, you know…”
“Um… thank you, sir.” You squirm, all the attention on someone like you from someone like your employer’s son becoming too real. The Paul Atreides would sooner be lost to the sands of Arrakis than utter those words to you in the waking world, but perhaps your long harbored infatuation has leaked into your subconscious.
He smiles, as if charmed by your shyness. “You’re welcome, mouse.”
His favorite nickname for you, given to you due to your adorable scurrying around to avoid others and shy high pitched squeaks that you use instead of words. (Also because he saw you crouch in a corner and nibble on a piece of bread that you had managed to snag from the table.)
He sits back on his heels to grab your thighs, the skin bulging in between his fingers. He draws you into a slow and sensual kiss as he pushes them apart and sinks into the empty space. You squeak in shock when you feel something stiff press against your wet pussy, but Paul only shushes you in your head and you relax again.
“Mmm~” He hums, flicking his tongue against the seam of your lips and lifting himself to hover over you once more.
He winks before tightening his grip on your thighs and stretching them wide enough for him to slink down and have access to the small hole at their apex.
You jolt when he presses a soft kiss to the top of your mound. You squeak and try to close your thighs around his head but he doesn’t let you, keeping your thighs pinned to the bed and licking a flat stripe up your pussy.
“So sweet, mouse….” Paul grins and repeats the motion a few times. “I could just spread you out over the table whenever I need to eat.”
You moan at the attention, desperately wishing that you could grind against Paul’s mouth but it feels like something more than his grip is holding you back, something about the touch seeming too vivid. You shake the thought away and sink your fingers into his hair, brushing any strays away from his face as he moves to suck on your clit.
He hollows out his cheeks a bit to get better suction on your fat clit. Paul nuzzles his face as deep into you as he can possibly get, the chubby lips of your pussy sandwiching his nose. You wrench your eyes shut as your pleasure builds and builds, but a single thin finger eases into your hole right as you’re about to tumble over the edge. The intrusion isn’t painful so much as it is entirely foreign to you, the second finger goes in much easier.
The combination of eating you out and finger fucking you makes the knot in you stomach blessedly come undone. Paul swallows it all down like there’s no better substance in the grand scheme of the universe.
You hope to have this dream again tomorrow, even at the cost of being able to look Paul Atreides in the eyes.
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opultea · 2 years
Abnormal Love Languages
Genshin men with weird ways of expressing their love for you - Gender Neutral Reader (No Pronouns) - SFW - Romantic - Fluff/Crack
ft. Alhaitham, Wanderer, Heizou, Tighnari, Dottore
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The Scribe of the Akademiya, a renowned scholar, and a totally awkward boyfriend
So what does this intelligent, well-known, socially unaware man do when he wants to show you he loves you?
Knows a lot and makes sure you know it too
If he fell in love with you that means he respects your intelligence and curiosity enough to find interest in your company
So whenever he's on the couch with a new book on Theoretical Quantum Mechanics, he will be reciting the facts to you as if he's doing an oral presentation
Alhatiham keeps one of those big rolly whiteboards in his house (usually used to lecture Kaveh) and you know that when he pulls it out then it is officially date night
He pours you both a glass of wine for a nice candlelit dinner, but then you ask him about his new book and suddenly it's a romantic candlelit lecture
Lucky you find his intelligence attractive ;)))
If you ever need gift ideas for him just get a pack of multicoloured whiteboard markers, he always needs new ones
Even though you might end up regretting enabling his little habit
Traumatised Tsundere (TM)
Has never wanted anything more than to be loved the way he observed in humans, but has always believed he could never be loved in any way. It has only been proven to him that it isn't possible
So he protects himself from rejection by teasing and swatting you away, almost trying to make you hate him so he can at least expect what reactions to get from you
He views it as safe, he knows how humans are when they are angry and hateful, he's experienced it firsthand, so he knows what will come of it
Even though he's secretly saddened by feeling like he has to hurt you
So when you respond to him bonking your head with laughter and a smile brighter than he's seen on anyone in his direct presence before, it startles him
When he pushes your face away with his hand and you retaliate by latching onto his arm he freezes (Wanderer.exe has stopped working)
Calls you stupid and insults your survival instincts
"Honestly, if a complete stranger were to push you away like this, would you still clutch their arm like a lost puppy? How absurd, you obviously couldn't survive without me protecting you, since you evidently can't tell good intentions from bad ones,"
Then you pout and tell him that of course you don't do this with other people, you do it because it's him!
He stops working again
Shoves you to the ground to avoid you seeing how red his face is
Riddles and puzzles/tries to quiz you by making you help him solve a case
Brings you to crime scenes even though you are not a detective and definitely aren't allowed to be there just so he can test your skills
"So, what can you gather from this crime scene? This case isn't particularly difficult, so I have no doubt you'll be chasing down the perp in no time,"
Honestly your whole relationship is like an escape room
You want to get into your house but forgot your key? Well knock in morse code and maybe Heizou will let you in
You want to have a nice lunch date with your boyfriend? Well you best be prepared for an intense game of shogi while you eat
You want Heizou to pass you a pen? Well first you must answer these questions three!
But seriously, he makes it fun for you and makes sure to let you know that it’s his way of telling you how much he respects you and he values your input and intelligence
As an Amurta scholar and a forest watcher who has seen way too many cases of mushroom-based food poisoning, Tighnari has learnt to be prepared to dish out medical treatment
So if you cough even once, or sneeze in his presence, Tighnari will begin an impromptu check-up to ensure you're still feeling your best
You try telling him you're fine, people sneeze all the time without being sick, but he just scolds you even more for thinking you could get away without him making sure you're alright
"Don't be so proud, you idiot. What am I going to do with you if you go and get sick?"
Tighnari would hate if you fell ill under his careful watch, but if you do get sick or injure yourself, prepare for a two hour lecture and a bowl of fresh creamy mushroom stew to help you get back into tiptop shape
He's usually incredibly busy with his forest watcher duties, but will somehow almost never leave your side if he's tending to you
When you aren't sick, he makes sure you're eating well, going so far as to prepare your meals or make a nutrition table based on the vitamins he thinks you need more of
Always reminds you to drink water and take any medication you need, your health is his top priority
Psychopath (Endearing)
Takes x-rays of you just to admire your lovely bone structure and hangs them up around your shared bedroom as if they're regular date pictures
He loves to have you sit in his lap as he caresses your body and coos at your flesh, whispering sweet nothings in his suavest voice about your organs, and telling you what a strong heart you must have because he can feel it through your shirt
Unwinding with Dottore almost always goes this way, with you getting a shower of what you're pretty sure are compliments about your internal systems and physical attributes
He once shocked you with a mini electric buzzer just to see your central nervous system go off. You were naturally quite annoyed about it but he just shrugged it off, claiming that he just loved to see your body at work, although he never did it again
His doctor brain never turns off, so be prepared to have his fingers in your mouth as he goes on about what wonderful teeth you have
It certainly makes you feel... special
You should feel special, he definitely doesn't do this with anyone else
Dottore is so enchanted by your being that he grows human organs in his lab that are exactly the size and shape of yours, saying it's so you can see for yourself just how beautiful you are
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jazzthatonewriterchick · 10 months
Prove Your Worth to Me (Brat-tamer!CEO!Nanami x Bratty!Black!Fem!Reader 18+ One Shot)
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“If you wish to leave, you can, but if you stay, you need to prove to me your worth. I’m not a man who gives things out so easily.” 
Pairing: Nanami Kento x Black!Fem!Reader
Synopsis: In which you apply for a sectorial job, but the interview process is a lot more intense than you bargained for. 
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+ (MINORS GTFO); Dom!Nanami; sub!Reader; Black-coded!Reader (but anyone can still read this); Dubcon; Coercion; Brat-taming; Mild BDSM; Bondage; Degradation & Praise; Semi-Clothed Sex; Deepthroating; Hair-Pulling; Spitting; Mutual Oral; Doggystyle Over the Desk; Nanami Talks on the Phone While He F*cks You; Edge Play; Namecalling; Unprotected Creampie; Facial; PLOT TWIST
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: This is how I'm coping. Rest in peace, Kento. You were the best man & the best baby daddy ever. Imma come & help you build that house on the beach -Jazz
You sit in the waiting room in the pristine office, your fingers clutching your bag to stop your hands from shaking. 
You're so nervous. Job interviews always seem to do damage to your nerves and confidence, even though you’ve done them many, many times before. 
‘This is no different,’ you think to yourself, practicing the mantra you’ve had in your head for a week preparing for this interview. ‘It’s just an interview. He’s just a person. You are confident, intelligent, and a boss ass bitch, whether you get this job or not.’ 
But fuck, you hope you get it. It’s a really good position: a secretarial/assistant position for Kento Nanami, the CEO of Nanami Enterprises which specializes in human resources, charitable work, and citywide issues. Mr. Nanami is well-known throughout Japan as an entrepreneur and a very generous man, rich in intelligence and skills as well as money.
Seriously, the man is loaded. He is in every magazine, including Forbes, and has traveled all across the world closing business deals. 
He is also extremely handsome. You’ve seen his face many times in the media with his sharp jaw, intense eyes, and neatly-cut blonde hair. You’ve heard he is taller in person (and bigger at that). You’ve seen him at press conferences and dinner parties, photographed in his expensive suits or even coming off of a private jet in his sunglasses, a permanent, stoic expression on his face. You’ve wondered many times what he looks like out of his designer clothes as any woman would to an attractive man. 
But now that you’re about to meet him, all of this hits you much differently. Now that you’re sitting here in his pristine waiting room with its coffee machines and packaged snacks for clients and hearing the buzz of work activity–phones ringing; heels clicking across the floor, etc.–makes your heart scatter in your chest. Your palms sweat so frequently that you have to wipe them off on your pencil skirt every five minutes. You don’t know if you can handle any of this. 
And you hate feeling this way. You know how good you are with job interviews. Every one you’ve sat for after applying, you’ve received. You take pride in the way you’re perceived, especially when it comes to appearance. Though your interview is at 10am today, you woke up at damn near the ass crack of dawn and primped yourself. You ironed your outfit, choosing a cream-colored blouse that you tucked into your pencil skirt, nylon stockings, and heels. You curled your hair. You spritzed on sweet-smelling perfume. You even planned your makeup look several days beforehand which has been executed well. 
You look good…but you don't feel good. How are you possibly supposed to nail this interview if you can’t even stop your hands from shaking? “Stop it,” you hiss to yourself, glad that you’re the only one in the waiting room. “You will get this job. You deserve this job.” 
And it sounds like a good job position. Like, one that any person would strive to possess in this materialistic world where capitalism rules the earth. You found it on Glassdoor and as soon as you read the description and qualifications (a college degree, certain skills, attitude, etc.), you applied.
As a secretary working here, you would be working closely with Nanami as his personal assistant to help him take care of his work and anything he doesn’t have a chance to get to, such as scheduling appointments and meetings for him, and attending them in some cases, making and taking calls, and other office and secretarial work. The pay is much better than your current job that you desperately want to leave.
You’re tired of working underneath an asshole who only cares about his money and could give less of a shit about his employees or their issues. 
Were you expecting Maki, one of Nanami’s assistants, to reach out to you? Definitely not. But here you are, sitting primped, polished, and positively terrified two weeks later after receiving that joyous email for an interview. You just hope you can hold onto your wits and– 
“Ms. L/N?” You startle at the sound of your last name and look up into the eyes of Maki from behind her glasses. She stands at the threshold of the waiting room in a black turtleneck and slacks that hug her toned frame. You can already tell she has every man in here simping for her. “Mr. Nanami is ready for you now,” she says. Though she doesn’t smile, her tone is warm. “I have to deliver something, so one of his other assistants will walk you to his office.” 
“T-Thank you,” you say, cringing slightly at your stutter. If Maki notices, she doesn’t act as if she does and doesn’t mention it. She leads you halfway across the hallway to introduce you to Mai, a shorter version of Maki with no glasses, short hair, and wearing a low-cut red blouse that probably would drive any guy crazy. “Gosh, you are gorgeous!” She gushes as soon as she sees you. “And your hair looks fabulous. You’d definitely turn heads here.” 
You smile bashfully while Maki rolls her eyes. “Can you please just take her to Nanami’s office for her interview?” she sighs. “You know he hates lateness.” She gives you a nod then, her eyes kind despite how intense they seem. “Good luck, Ms. L/N,” she says before heading off to do her work, her hips swaying in her slacks. 
“She’s something, isn’t she?” Mai giggles as she presses a button to one of the elevators next to you. “That’s my sister. She’s always that sweet and bubbly.” She gives you a wink. You giggle to yourself, deciding you like both of them and you wonder what the rest of the team here is like. 
Mai presses the elevator button to the upper floor and leads you inside the damning doors that automatically shut once you are both inside. Silence swells around the tiny box and you can hear your heart pumping madly in your head. You see Mai look at you out of your peripheral version. “Nervous?” she asks. You give her a sheepish smile. “Does it show?” you chuckle. 
“He really isn’t a tough guy,” Mai says, contrary to what you think. “He just likes everything to be perfect and detailed, right down to the T. Judging by your resume, I think you’re fit for the job!” She gives you a bright, comforting smile that is impossible to ignore or not feel. You thank her for the compliment, feeling somewhat better. One the elevator doors open on the floor, she walks you down the pristine hallway with marble walls and grey carpeting until you come to two oak double doors. 
Mai smiles at you despite you wanting to book it. “Right this way,” she says, motioning to the door. “This is his office right here.” She knocks for you three times, loud and clear. “Come in,” a deep, clear voice calls out. It sends shivers down your spine. Maki opens the door then and it’s like the gates of Hell opening for you. 
You are met with a gorgeous, spacious office that is fit for a CEO. On one side is a lounging space with a flat-screened TV, black leathered seats, and a bookcase filled with books of all genres and kinds. On the other is a kitchenette with all stainless steel appliances, including a fridge, freezer, microwave, dishwasher and dryer, and a mini bar where a bottle of scotch and a wine rack sit. In the middle sits a wide, polished, oak desk with a large glass window overlooking the city where a man sits behind his laptop and a mug of coffee. 
A very handsome man at that. His jaw is sharp, his face slim, not a stitch of facial hair anywhere on his face. His blonde hair is combed and styled perfectly almost if he purposely styled each strand. When he looks up, you’re taken aback by not only his looks but the aura he gives off. It is powerful and intimidating despite his calm and cool demeanor. It’s only intensified by the gray suit jacket he wears over a crisp blue button-up shirt that he’s paired with matching slacks, red bottom shoes, and a yellow, leopard-printed tie. You nearly giggle at the way the tie stands out against the rest of his outfit, giving him a hint of personality. 
When his green eyes meet yours from across the room, you feel all of the air in your body leave you. A current of electricity courses from your body to his, making the room feel tense despite the coolness of the office. He gives you a stoic expression as if he is irritated that he was interrupted. “Your 10 o’clock is here, sir!” Mai brightly announces. “For Y/N L/N?” 
Nanami’s eyebrows raise slightly. “Ah, yes,” he replies. He stands from his desk, giving you a chance to see how tall he is. The man is nearly six foot! You swear that you nearly fall out right there. “My interview. Thank you, Mai, that will be all.” 
Mai respectfully bows before turning on her heel to face you. “Good luck,” she whispers with a wink before closing the door behind you. Then it’s just you and him. You stand near the door while Nanami comes around the front of the desk, still keeping that same cool, blank expression. You feel like a deer who is being sized up for dinner by a lion. “So you’re here,” he says. “And only two minutes late.” 
You feel embarrassment flood you, making you hot all over you. You know he’s testing you, trying to make you break right off the bat…but you won’t let him. You clear your throat and meet him halfway, putting your hand out for a shake. “Mr. Nanami,” you calmly say. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I arrived here ten minutes early than my scheduled time, but one of your assistants had to leave me for work duties.” You give him a smile as the cherry on top. ‘See? I’m good.’
Nanami’s eyebrows raise slightly, obviously impressed by your quick-wittedness and ability to read the room. “Not bad,” he praises you. “The pleasure is all mine, Ms. L/N.” His larger hand meets yours, giving you a chance to feel his calloused palm and thick fingers. You try to avoid thinking about them around your neck. “Please, have a seat.” 
He motions to the cushioned seats in front of you while he takes his seat behind his desk, shutting his laptop. "You’ll have to forgive me for my tartness. I had a no-show earlier for an 8 o’clock meeting and I’m not a man of those.” You nod understandably. “It’s okay,” you say. “I can understand that. I’ve never been a fan of no-shows either.” You cross your legs as you sit, folding your hands in your lap. 
“Are you referring to your current job as a research assistant?” he questions. The corner of his lips twitch at the look of shock you give him. You damn near forgot where you work at! “I did my studying for today. Your resume is very interesting.” Interesting. You don’t know whether to be happy with that statement or nervous. “Oh…thank you. I actually have it here with me as a copy.” 
You go into your bag where you retrieve a folder and several copies of your resume. You pass one to Nanami who barely cracks a smile at the fact that you are prepared. He must be trying to size you up, see if you’re fit for the position. You watch him read over the paper, his index finger dragging over each section.
“So you graduated with a 3.8 GPA with a Bachelor’s Degree in marketing and communications,” he points out. You nod, trying to calm your rapidly beating heart. “Yes, originally, I was studying political science, but I changed my major during my sophomore year.” 
“May I ask why?” he asks, raising a curious eyebrow. You’re more than happy to give him an answer. “Politics can become too messy in my opinion, not to mention that the major was extremely competitive. I was also working as an intern at the time and on the–“ 
“Cheerleading team,” he finishes. “Yes, that’s listed here in your extra curriculum activities, but you left the team during your senior year, it appears.” He gives you a sharp look that is pushing you to give him an explanation. Your brain grasps for straws. “Um…senior year is a busy time for all students,” you quickly explain. “At the time, I was just trying to finish school so I could graduate on time, which I accomplished, fortunately.” 
Nanami only gives a “huh” at this which isn’t the response you are looking for. “Huh” as in “oh, that’s interesting” or “huh” as in “this bitch isn’t reliable and can’t handle shit when shit gives tough”? 
“Let’s talk about your current position.” He folds his big, calloused hands on top of his desk, on your resume. “It seems like a promising position. Why do you want to leave there and come work here?” 
You sit up straight, happy that you practiced for this exact question. “Well, I just believe it’s time for me to move onto something new; preferably onto a new company that has a diverse team and benefits for its employees. I believe that your company does so.” Nanami leans forward slightly, peering deep into the recesses of your soul behind his spectacles. “So what exactly do you think you can offer this company, Ms. L/N?” he asks. “Or more specifically, what can you offer me?” 
Your stomach drops. You didn’t practice for this question. “U-Um…I’m a quick learner,” you reply, forcing yourself to keep eye contact. “I’m not afraid to ask questions if I’m unsure, but I’m also not afraid to lean on myself for answers. I work well independently as well as in a team. I’m hardworking, determined, and detail-oriented. I’m also willing to do whatever work is necessary to succeed.” 
Nanami’s eyebrows raise once more. “Whatever work necessary?” he parrots, quiet interest in his tone. “Elaborate on that for me. What kind of work or things would you be willing to do in order to succeed at this company, Ms. L/N?” 
Your brain begins to jump from place to place, grabbing at whatever. “Staying longer hours,” you decide. “I know this is a 9-5 position, but if you ever needed me to stay longer to get a head start on work or complete something, I’d be willing to do so. I’m also good at creating Powerpoint presentations for meetings. A-And I’m well-organized.” Now you’re stuttering. Stumbling over your answers. You’re fucking up! He’s going to see your nervous and unconfident and put you on the chopping block! 
Nanami stares you down for a moment longer, making you feel like you’re on trial and he’s a judge, before leaning back in his seat. He places his hands in his lap, ever poised and sexy. “Hm,” he hums. “As much as I appreciate your willingness to stay longer hours, Ms. L/N, I will be honest with you: you’re not the first person who I’ve interviewed who gave me all of this jargon in hopes of getting the position and then didn’t deliver on any of their promises or skills.” 
You nervously gnaw on your bottom lip, gripping your hands to force them to stop shaking. “I’m sure you have,” you quietly reply, “but I’m also sure I can change your mind and prove that I’m worthy of this position, Mr. Nanami.” 
Something sparkles in Nanami’s forest-green eyes and the corner of his mouth twitches. “Worthy?” he questions. “That’s a new one: worthy.” He tests it out on his tongue as if it’s a new kind of food. Something foreign to him. He leans towards you once more, placing his hands on the desk. “Well, let me ask you this: do you think that you’re confident enough to work beside me if you do happen to get this position? Because from what I’m seeing, you’re not.” 
You’re so busy thinking about how handsome he is that you nearly miss his criticism. But when you catch it, you feel cold like you were just dunked in a pool of ice. You stare at him, dumbfounded. “Excuse me?” you ask, squinting at him. 
Nanami barely reacts to your reaction. “You stutter a lot,” he bluntly points out. “Whether out of habit or because you’re nervous which shows the employer, which is me, that you’re not confident in your words or thoughts. Then it’s in your body language: your shoulders are up by your ears and obviously tense, your skin is flushed, and your hands are shaking.” 
And he’s right. You can feel how tense and hot you are; how shaky and unbalanced you feel. You feel like crawling under the chair you’re sitting in and hiding from his scrutiny. But you also won’t allow him to expose you like this. “Well, I would think that nervousness is a common human emotion,” you retort. 
He nods, giving you a point for your fairness. “It is…but judging by your resume, I’m sure you’ve sat through many job interviews, and got the jobs as I’m seeing here.” He takes his glasses off, revealing his naked eyes to you. “So what makes this one so different? Why are you so nervous to be here with me today?” 
You can tell he’s trying hard to make you crack. He’s trying to see if you’re able to handle the pressure. Though you feel nervous and embarrassed, you also feel incredibly pissed. How dare you try to grill you like this? You can’t let him win this. You won’t. “Mr. Nanami,” you carefully say, your tone calm yet firm, “I understand what you’re trying to do here, but I’m not really appreciating it. It seems like more of a grilling session than a job interview. Aren’t we supposed to be talking about the job?” 
Nanami barely even blinks. “We have,” he replies. “And now I’m trying to decide if you are seriously fit for such a position. I take my work very seriously, Ms. L/N, and I need to be sure that you will take my work, as well yours, seriously as well. I can’t have you cracking under pressure or second-guessing things. Those are all signs of being unconfident.” He leans forward, squinting his eyes at you. “Now, do you think you can handle it?” he questions. 
You want to say yes, but you know he’ll argue with you. He’ll come up with all kinds of logic to tell you why you aren’t qualified for this position. So you keep quiet instead, just staring him down and forcing yourself to not look away. The more you stare, the hotter you get until you realize that it’s not out of embarrassment. This heat is out of attraction. Despite your anger, he’s just so goddamn fine! So you look down at your shoes, too afraid for him to see your true feelings under the anger.
Finally, Nanami heaves a sigh and shakes his head. “I’m sorry, but I don’t see it,” he sighs. “I’m afraid this is where we–“ 
“What?” you snap, causing him to stop short. You glare at him, enraged. “That’s it? You bring me in here for an interview just to tell me you’re not hiring me because you don’t think I’m confident?” You square your jaw at him and put a hand to your chest. “I am confident,” you hiss. “If you let me show you, I can prove it to you, Mr. Nanami.” 
Now, Nanami smirks. It's rousing and mocking, angering you even more. “Oh,” he nearly chuckles. “So now you want to look at me. And your emotions are easily roused which could complicate your work if you were to work here.” 
The room has gotten too hot. Too tense. You can’t handle this. If you’re here any longer, you’ll surely jump over this desk and wring his thick neck. “You know what?” you scoff haughtily. “I don’t need to sit here and be criticized like this. I may want this job, but I don’t want it that much to allow myself to be grilled like this.” You abruptly stand from your chair, nearly knocking it over. He looks up at you, his expression cool. 
“Thank you for your time, Mr. Nanami,” you nearly growl. “Have a good day.” You then whip around to storm out of the office, prepared to leave and never return.  
“Stop.” The command cuts through the air along with Nanami’s deep voice. You do so and turn to face him, confused. He is still sitting down, his steely eyes glaring at you from across the room. “Sit down,” he orders. You gawk at him. Is he serious right now? “Why?” you cackle. “So you can go and grill me some more on why I’m not a good candidate for this position? Thanks, but no–“ 
“I said.” The sound of his chair squeaking across the floor stops you short. He stands behind his desk, blocking the window with his big, tall frame. His expression is dark and intimidating, his eyes daring you to argue with him again. “Sit. Down. Y/N.” His tone is hard as steel with a slight undercurrent of a growl underneath. 
You stand there, taken aback at his change in demeanor. And even more so in the way it makes you feel. You feel tingly and hot, specially between your legs. Nanami continues to stare at you, silently daring you to disobey his order. Against your better judgement, you slowly walk back over to his desk on legs that feel like Jell-O and sit down. Your eyes find your shoes again, afraid to look into his as he sits back down behind his desk. 
“You really think you got it like that?” he asks. “You really think that you have what it takes to work for me? With me?” Your heart flips wildly at his questions and the roughness to his tone. He seems so calm and collected. Who the fuck is this? “Answer the question,” he demands. 
You swallow roughly before opening your mouth. “Yes,” you breathlessly reply. 
That is all Nanami needs to hear. He stands again, coming around the desk to stand beside you. You tremble, harshly biting your lip. “You said you’d prove to me your confidence and other assets that you can bring to this position if I let you.” 
Zzzzip. The familiar sound of a zipper coming down stops you short. You turn your head toward him in time to see his hips and crotch in your face and his hands working his belt off. “Well, now I’m letting you.” Your eyes follow his hands as he shrugs his pants down his waist before reaching into his Armani briefs to reveal his throbbing, hard, veiny cock to you. “Show me what you mean, Ms. L/N. Prove to me your worth.” 
Your eyes widen and your mouth falls open. This can’t be…he isn’t…he can’t… “W-What is this?” you gasp. “Mr. Nanami, you can’t–“ 
“Can’t what?” he asks. You look up at him, seeing nothing but molten lust in his eyes. “Don’t act as if you weren't hoping I’d do this to you. You wore that skirt and those heels for an obvious reason than to just seem presentable.” He nods at your outfit, making you feel ashamed. “And don't think I didn’t catch the way you looked at me when you walked in or the way you kept crossing and uncrossing your legs under the table. You’re fucking feening right now, aren't you, brat?” 
Brat. The name and the sharpness of his tone makes your stomach flip. “What?” you squeak. “I’m not a–“ 
“Talking back too?” he tsks. He places a hand on the back of your hair, near your scalp. “That just won’t do. A girl like you needs to be put in her place, don’t you agree?” He places his other hand on his cock, slowly pumping the hardened shaft in your face. “This is your decision, Y/N,” he huskily says. “If you wish to leave, you can, but if you stay, you need to prove to me your worth. I’m not a man who gives things out so easily.” 
Your eyes tick from him to his cock, back and forth like ping pong balls. You weigh your options carefully: if you say no, you’re out of a really good job and will be forced to return to the dreaded application process, but if you say yes, you’ll be nothing but a cock-sucking slut. What if he doesn’t even give you the job? 
“So what’s it gonna be, little girl?” Nanami hums. Looking back down at his cock, you take your chances. You wrap one tentative hand around the base of his dick, causing him to shimmy closer to you so he’s closer to your mouth. You then begin pressing light kisses around the head and length of his cock, feeling how warm his skin is against your lips. “There we are,” he softly moans. “Good girl.” 
The praise causes your pussy to twitch in delight and you find yourself beginning to lick up and down his long cock while your hands pump the base. He feels so heavy and thick in your hand. As you do this, soft moans drip from Nanami’s lips, deep and arousing. Your tongue and soft hands on him cause him to reach into his briefs to pull out his heavy balls, letting them hang as you continue to pump him. Your mind is racing, your eyes moving to the door ever so often.
Nanami catches you and chuckles to himself. “Don’t worry; my door has an automatic lock. Maki was only able to open it because I left it unlocked in the case of an appointment….or in the case of visits from horny little sluts like you.” 
You whimper at his degrading words, still slobbering along his cock and wetting it with your saliva. Finally, Nanami stops you and takes your chin into his hand, forcing you to look up at him. “So if I were to tell you that I was stressed and in need of relieving, what would you say to that?” he asks. The question would sound random to anyone else, but you know what he means right off the bat. 
So you give him the answer he is searching for: “I’d ask if I could help you,” you softly reply, your voice breathy and soft. Nanami’s cock twitches in response. “Then show me,” he demands, taking his cock and gently smacking the head against your chin. “Open your mouth for me, brat.”  
And you do so. As soon as your open your mouth, Nanami is hypnotized by your tongue and thick, juicy lips spread open for him. He angles his hips towards your mouth and slowly pushes inside, groaning as he does. “Christ!” he grunts, gripping the back of your head. “Your mouth is so tight and wet, darling.” 
Your moans are muffled as his cock slides into your mouth, stretching out your jaw. Your eyes, stinging with tears, widen at how large he is. You’ve never had a cock this big in your mouth before. Your eyes tick up at Nanami, watching as he strips himself of his suit jacket before unbuttoning his shirt. He reveals his bare, toned chest and hard, pink nipples as he begins to roll his hips against your mouth, forcing you to take more of him. “Come on, brat,” he demands. “Take my cock. Isn’t this what you were after?” 
His shaft slides against your tongue, filling your mouth and senses with nothing but the salty taste of his pre-cum, the scent of his cologne in your nostrils, and the feeling of his hand gripping the back of your head. He pushes you down onto his cock, forcing himself into your throat. A gargled moan leaves your lips as he throws his head back and groans at the feeling of being trapped inside your hot, tight throat. “I’ll go nice and slow, okay?” he coos. 
He then begins to slowly roll his hips against your mouth, causing his cock to plunge in and out of your throat, getting deeper each time. His heavy balls swing against your chin, becoming wet with the spit that has begun to pool and drip over your lips. Nanami tuts at the sight of you being a slobbery, sloppy mess for him as he fucks your face. “Such a mess,” he sighs. “Just a dirty, bratty little slut, doesn’t even know how to keep herself clean.” 
He wraps a hand around your braids and forces your head back, yanking his cock out of your mouth. You gasp at the sharp sting coming from your scalp. “You want this?” he murmurs, staring down at you. “You want this cock? Tell me no and I’ll stop.” Your eyes stare at the cock, now shining in your saliva, bobbing in front of you. Your pussy clenches impatiently in your panties, gushing all in the cotton article of clothing. You want this. You want him. “Yes,” you whisper. “Yes, I want your cock. Please give it to me, sir.” 
Nanami closes his eyes and inhales as if your words are a drug that he just got a hit of. “Call me Kento, darling,” he says as he plunges his cock back into your mouth. “Though ‘sir’ does sound quite nice.” He begins to thrust his hips roughly into your mouth, fucking your throat like it is his own personal toy. “It’d be a…fuck…a joy to hear you call me that every single day I…shit, darling…come in here. Even better to hear you moan it. Wouldn’t that be nice?” 
Your words are a garbled, mumbling mess around his cock, your voice taken from the sound the lewd, sloppy sounds leaving your lips as he mercilessly fucks your throat. You gag and spit around his shaft, earning praise by his orgasmic moans and grunts. The more he fucks your mouth, the harder his grip on your hair gets until you can feel your scalp burning. But you endure it. You also find yourself enjoying the bite of pain along with the feeling of being used. This is so degrading: being used as a fuck toy in such a way. 
And you love every second of it. 
“Fuck!” Nanami growls, finally pulling his throbbing cock out of your mouth. It bobs against your lips before he pulls away, slowly pumping the appendage in your face. You gasp, finally free to breathe. You are a complete mess, saliva dripping down your chin and staining your blouse; hair askew; makeup ruined. The blonde man stares down at you, your hair still wrapped in his fist. “Look at you,” he huffs. “You’re a fucking mess. Came in here all pretty just to get ruined by me, didn’t you?” 
You whimper at his words, your pussy tingling. His thumb moves across your plump lower lip, spreading the saliva across your lips. “Oh…does my little brat love being degraded?” Hot embarrassment makes you flush. “N-No, I–“ 
You’re silenced by Nanami’s hand squeezing your cheeks, causing your lips to pucker. “Lying?” he sharply asks, his gaze dark. “You have the nerve to fix your mouth to say that shit to me yet your body betrays you.” He nods down at your thighs that clench together and your hardened nipples that have begun to poke through the mesh fabric of your bra. “I guess you need some attention too,” he sighs. “I just can’t decide whether you really deserve my touch.” 
He unhands you then, stepping away from you and leaving you feeling empty. The stinging sensation coming from your scalp and throat are all that remain of him. You feel like you’re burning up. There’s an all-consuming fire eating at your body and between your legs. You need him. You bend down to press your head to his shoes, your trembling hands grasping his pant legs. “Please, sir,” you beg. “Please touch me. You can’t leave me like this!” 
An aloof chuckle leaves Nanami’s lips. “Oh, I can’t?” he asks. “I can’t let you walk out of here with that pussy gushing for me and that mascara running?” You desperately whimper and babble pleas for more, the aching of your sobbing, wet pussy too much to bare. Fortunately, it’s enough for Nanami to give in.
“Oh, alright,” he pitifully sighs, "but only because you look so oh-so pathetic. And you did such a good job sucking my cock just now. Stand up.” You immediately rise to your wobbly feet as soon as the order is uttered. Nanami gives you a hot stare as his hand trails up the front of your blouse. “Let’s get these fucking clothes off,” he growls impatiently. “Oh, and I almost forgot.” 
Suddenly, his lips are on yours, rough and wanton. You moan into the kiss as his hot, wet tongue begins to explore yours, swirling around your mouth and tasting himself off of your tongue. His kiss is hungry and hard; not at all soft or romantic. He is desperate for you. Breathy groans and gasps leaves his lips as his hands begin to quickly unbutton each button to your pretty silk blouse. Soon, he becomes impatient and ends up tearing the thing off of you, resulting in a button flying off. 
You gasp, pulling away from the sloppy kiss as he flings your top open to reveal your lacy black bra. “Sir!” you shout in protest. “Kento, please! You’ll ruin it!” He tears the rest of the top off of you, pulling it off of your arms and tossing it to the side like it didn’t cost you a pretty penny. Nanami rolls his eyes at your dramatics. “You can rest assure you’ll be receiving the money for new clothing…if you do a good job for me now, that is.” 
As his lips and tongue find yours again, his veiny hands then begin to slide up and down your chest, fondling your breasts over your bra cups. You softly moan at his touch into his mouth, the tingling sensation you’re feeling between your thighs quickly growing. He pulls away from the kiss, gently tugging on your bottom lip with his teeth. “Mmm, such gorgeous breasts you have, darling,” he groans. “Too bad they belong to such a slutty brat.” 
Without warning, he slides your bra straps down your shoulders and slides the bra cups down to reveal your breasts and hard, brown nipples, pebbled by the cold and your arousal. A crazed look crosses Nanami’s eyes before he ducks down to capture a nipple into his mouth. “Shit,” you gasp, your hands finding his hair. His tongue wraps around your nipple, lapping at the tiny bud as his hand works your other breast, fondling it. 
Your mouth falls open and your eyes flutter closed at the new sensations you’re feeling. He then switches to the other, sucking and tugging on the nipple with his teeth, smirking at your sharp intake of breath. He alternates between each nipple, sucking, lapping, and licking at each like a hungered man desperate for water. With each torturous second, the tingling and ache in your cunt grow, making you go nearly insane. “A-Ah,” you moan. “K-Kento…fuck, sir, please!” You arch your back, pushing your breasts further into Nanami’s mouth. 
He chuckles, pulling away from your nipple with a string of saliva dripping from his bottom lip. He looks up at you, his eyes shimmering with lust. “Getting worked up over having your nipples sucked? Such a sensitive little thing you are, Ms. L/N. Now bend over.” You blink at him, momentarily confused and still recovering from the foreplay. “W-What?” you nimbly ask. 
Nanami gives you a stern look, a darkness coming over his gaze. “I didn’t stutter, brat,” he growls. “If I tell you to do something, you do it. How else will I be able to depend on you for this job?” He peels himself away from your naked breasts and nods at his desk. “Now bend over my desk now before I do it for you.” He then cracks one of his hands at his sides, the sound of his knuckle cracking making you gulp (and cream in your panties). 
You do as he says and bend over his desk, being careful to not knock over his laptop, mug, or papers. You brace your hands against the oakwood surface, biting your lip when you feel Nanami’s presence behind you. You’re a wreck before he even touches you, but when he finally slides his hands up your skirt to grip your thighs, you’re shaking. His hands move all across your thighs and backside, gripping your ass over your skirt. “Damn this skirt,” he growls. “Damn this ass of yours. Apologies, darling, but I have to spank you. After all, you deserve punishment for such naughty behavior.” 
He leans down toward you, his minty breath in your face and lips at your ear. “Do you want your punishment, slut?” he questions barely above a whisper. Pathetically, you nod, arching your back and presenting your ass to him. “Y-Yes, sir,” you reply. “Please punish me. Make me your good girl.” 
That answer pleases Nanami. He slides your skirt up to reveal your ass––and the lace, black panties underneath your nylon stockings. “Brace yourself, darling; my hands are rough.” 
Spank! The moment Nanami’s hand makes contact with your asscheek, you jump and gasp at the stinging sensation. His hands really are rough. Nanami chuckles at your reaction. “Yeah, you like that, naughty girl?” He does it again invoking a low, desperate moan from the deepest depths of you. Spank! “Y’know, I saw you staring at my hands earlier.”
Spank! “I bet all you thought about in that dumb little brain of yours is me bending you over and doing this to you.”
Spank! “I bet you want someone to come in and find us like this, your pretty ass bent over my desk.”
Spank! Spank! Spank! 
He does this again and again, punishing your ass until it is stinging and possibly red with his handprints on each cheek. Though it hurts and brings tears to your eyes, it also makes you wetter. The pain mixed with your pleasure is one intoxicating cocktail that you can't get enough of. Soon, your pussy has a heartbeat and it throbs impatiently, ready for something to be inside of it.
“Sir, please!” you whine, gripping the desk for dear life. “I can’t take it anymore! I’m sorry for being such a brat!” 
“Mmm-hmm,” Nanami hums, pleased with your confession. You feel him begin to yank at your stockings, pulling the waistband down your hips. “I bet that pussy is too,” he murmurs as he quickly pulls your stockings down your legs. He is rough and ends up putting a tear in one of them, but you’re way too horny to care. He then reaches your panties and pulls them down, groaning at the way your pussy lips stick to the cotton fabric. “And she is. Just look at how she’s crying for me.” 
You can feel how wet you are judging by the way your pussy tingles in the cold. Nanami bends down and gently blows on it, causing you to tense and softly whimper at the tiny bit of contact. “Such a beautiful pussy you have,” he coos. “And all for me.” Before you can even take a breath, he is gently prying your asscheeks apart and spitting on your pussy before digging in and slurping his saliva back up. 
As he does this, his tongue swirls along your clit and his pillowy-soft lips cushion your pussy, running along your slit as he plays with your cunt with his mouth. You gasp, moan, and sob into the desk, wanting to dig your nails into the oakwood with how good he is. He eats your pussy like it’s a profession of his, taking his time getting to know the ins and outs of you. He even slides his hand up to gently run his thumb over your puckered asshole while he tongue fucks you, groaning appreciatively at your taste. 
Your toes curl inside your heels and your hands grasp to grab for something only to get polished wood beneath you. You’ve never gotten so close so quickly before. Usually, it takes a while for a man to get you even a mile from cumming, but not with Nanami. He moves his mouth and tongue with precision against your clit, moving between fast and slow depending on how your body reacts.
But when his thumb begins to caress your asshole, you just about lose it. “Oh, God,” you sob, tears of pleasure pricking your eyes. “Kento, just fuck me. I need you to fuck me!” 
Then…nothing. The feeling of your nearing orgasm fades. Nanami stops eating you out immediately and you’re left wondering what happened. His hand suddenly finds your hair and roughly yanks it back, causing you to release a strangled gasp. It hurts way more than earlier, his grip tight and merciless.
He bends his face down to meet yours, his eyes dark and almost frightening. “You don't tell me what the fuck to do, brat,” he growls. “I decide what to do to your body. Me. Understand?” 
His grip tightens more and the stinging in your scalp of your braids being yanked nearly makes you see God early. “Yes!” you sob. “Yes, sir, I’m sorry! This pussy just needs you so bad!” Finally, he loosens his grip and releases your hair, emitting a weak moan of pain from you. 
“Alright, brat,” he cooly says. “I’ll fuck you…but we’ll do it my way. Put your hands behind your back, wrists crossed.” 
You do as you’re told, putting your hands behind your back and crossing them over one another. You then feel Nanami’s funny-looking tie wrap around your wrists, tightening them and securing them behind your back.
You softly gasp at the sensations of being restricted to which Nanami pauses. “Good?” he asks. You nod and he proceeds to continue to tie your wrists until he is finally satisfied. “There we go,” he proudly says. “Now you can’t squirm or make a fuss when I plunge my cock deep inside of you.” 
And you can’t. Your arms are completely restricted from movement, as is the rest of you as you stand between the desk and Nanami mounted behind you. He ruts his hips against your ass for a few minutes, sliding his cock between your slit and over your throbbing clit, relishing the sounds you make as you lay splayed out against his desk.
“Here I come, baby,” he whispers before sliding all the way home inside you. You gasp in unison as his thick cock stretches out your wet pussy walls, filling you up the way you’ve been waiting for. 
He starts slow at first, grabbing your hips and slowly rolling his hips so you can get used to his length and girth. Your hand flies to your mouth to cover it, muffling your moans. Nanami doesn’t like that. He tears your hand away from your face, pinning it back down on the desk. “My walls are soundproof,” he grunts. “You have no need to worry. Come on, baby; give me those slutty sounds I know you can make.” 
He begins to fuck you harder against the desk, one hand gripping your hip while the other lays flat on the middle of your back, keeping you pressed flat against the oakwood surface. As soon as he hits that spot inside you, you can’t keep quiet. You begin wailing in pleasure, overcome with the feeling he is giving you. “O-Oh, fuck!” you gasp. “Fuck, sir!” 
Nanami draws more of these moans and wails of pleasure out of you the more he fucks you until he is pounding your pussy against the desk. “God, you’re so tight!” he groans. “You’re much better than the fleshlight I keep under my desk. You’d be a much better addition to my office for stress.” He gives your ass a smack before lifting your leg up and fucking into you at a faster pace that is making you see the entire galaxy. 
“Take it,” he demands. “Take this cock. You wanted it so bad and now you’ve got it.” Yes, you do have it…but you don’t know if you can take it. Every rough thrust of his cock sends you into orbit. It shakes the desk with you bent over it, making your titties bounce against the surface and your ass jiggle against his hips. “Wait, sir!” you plea. “Go slow! Can’t…handle…it!” Your words are broken by the force of how hard he is fucking you, taking you very breath away. 
Nanami cackles like a villain straight out of a Disney movie as he looks over your plump ass pressed against him, his cock nestled deep in your ushy, gushy pussy. “Ohhh, is this cock too much for that poor pussy?” he teasingly asks. “Is it too big and thick for that slutty little hole to take? I believe I missed the part where I gave a fuck.” 
He continues to turn you all the way out, making the desk rock and causing his balls to swing against your clit, throwing you deeper into pleasure. “This is what you get for being a brat,” he grunts. “This is what you get for disobeying me. What you get for wearing that skirt and those heels. This is what–“ 
Rrrring! Rrrring! 
Nanami doesn’t slow his pace or stop his rough fucking into your cunt despite his work phone ringing. You weakly look up at the black telephone sitting by his laptop. “This is a call from Satoru Gojo,” the automated voice announces from the phone. 
“Shit!” Nanami hisses. He bends down toward you then, his nose nearly centimeters from yours. “I’ve gotta take this, but don’t you dare say a single thing. Don’t make a sound.”
You weakly nod, covering your mouth as he goes to pick up the phone. After a moment of composing himself, he clears his throat and answers. “Yes, Satoru?” he asks, keeping his voice steady and cool as if he isn’t fucking your brains out over his desk. “This had better be important. I’m busy at the moment.” 
“You’re always busy!” Gojo shouts into the phone, causing Nanami to flinch. “It’s what you always say when I ask for you to come out with me on the weekends…which you never do!”
Nanami sighs and you picture him rolling his eyes from behind you as he grips one of your asscheeks, no doubt leaving bruises. “That’s because all you do is hang out at clubs to fuck strangers and drink yourself into a stupor.” 
“Yeah!” Gojo agrees. “And it’s fun! You ever heard of that before? Fun? You ever try it? I think it’d do you good one of these days to have it some time, Keni.” 
This “Satoru” guy must really work Nanami’s nerves because you can feel the tension radiating off of him. He finds your hair and he grips it, continuing to pound into you at a faster pace than before. “What do you want?” He asks, becoming impatient. He yanks on your hair a little too rough and you whimper from behind your hand, your body tensing. Nanami quickly loosens his grip, looking down upon you with worry. ”Too rough?” he whispers. 
You look back at him and shake your head though your scalp burns. But you want it to burn. You want to take every single of ounce of pain and pleasure he gives you. “No,” you whisper. “I’m okay.” You begin to fuck back into him, tossing your ass back to fuck his cock, watching his face contort in pleasure. “Fuck me harder, sir,” you purr. “Take your stress out on this pussy. Make this little slut yours.” 
Nanami’s eyes widen like he can’t believe you’re really real. “Fucking hell,” he whispers. Suddenly realizing he’s still on the phone, he puts the phone back to his ear while he roughly pins you back down to the desk. “Sorry, what?” he questions. 
“I was telling you about the meeting we’re supposed to have at the end of the week,” Gojo repeats. “Were you listening to me at all?” You groan as Nanami’s cock sinks deeper inside you and your hand finds your slit, rubbing it in time with his thrusts. “Sorry, I got…distracted.” You giggle behind your hand. “Is this about the brand deal with the Human Rights Campaign? I told them we get 50% of proceeds.” 
“Not just them, but the New York Times too!” Gojo excitedly states. “I pulled some strings for us, man! They want to do a story on both of our departments! Say, ain’t it weird that we’re both a part of the same company but my department is all the way in the fucking US?” 
Nanami rails you harder; deeper; faster. Pushing you further and further towards an explosive orgasm. “Gojo, I told you already,” he grunts. “You’re part of the American branch while I’m part of–“
His words are quickly interrupted by a sharp gasp when you begin tossing your ass back into him, looking back at him as you do it. He glares down at you like he is one second away from ruining you. “You fucking brat,” he snarls. “You’re gonna get it later.” 
“Who’s gonna get it later?” Gojo asks curiously. “Nanami, you good? You’re acting kinda off. Are you with somebody right now?” Your heart lurches into your throat, but your pussy also clenches at the idea of being caught. “No,” Nanami sharply replies, yanking on your hair. “No, it was just a bug I saw. Listen, I’ve gotta go.” 
You thank God for that because you don’t think you can keep quiet anymore. You have to clamp your hand over your mouth and bite your palm to keep from screaming at the deep dicking you’re receiving. “So we’re on meeting both HRC and NYT on Friday?” Gojo asks. “It starts at 1PM to about 3, but I’ll be bringing wine along so that might turn into about 5.” 
“Yes, yes, that’s fine,” Nanami impatiently huffs. “Just keep me informed.” Without a goodbye, he hangs up and tosses the phone on the ground. “Now back to you,” he growls. He takes your hips and pounds into you with the force of a thousand men, wrecking you on his cock. “Don’t run from it now, brat. You were so desperate to fuck yourself on it minutes before.” 
Your tits swing beneath you and your ass claps against him every time he thrusts, creating a symphony of sounds mingling with your desperate whines and the squelching of your wet pussy being fucked by his cock. You can’t take it anymore. Your body is wet with sweat and your knees are buckling, tired from this and desperate for rest, just as your pussy is desperate to cum. “K-Kento!” you whine. “Keni, I’m so close! I need to cum!” 
And like an asshole, Nanami slows down, purposely rolling his hips in a way that is agonizing given that he isn’t moving any quicker. “Prove it,” he demands. “Make me make you cum. Beg for it, brat.” 
The slower he gets, the crazier you become until you’re pleading for him to just make you cum. “Please make me cum, sir,” you sob in desperation. “Make me cream all over your cock! Please, I need it! Your little brat needs to cum on that dick and have you fill her up.”
You turn to face him, peering up at him through thick lashes and big, brown eyes that have Nanami wanting to nut all over you just so everyone can know you are his now. “Please, Keni,” you whisper. “Gimme that dick. Gimme that cum. Your little office sluts needs it so much.” 
That does it for Nanami. He speeds up immediately, pounding your wet pussy into his desk until neither one of you are quiet and both of you are soon tumbling over the edge. “Fuck!” he groans. “I’m gonna cum! I can’t stop!” 
Your moans are signs of encouragement to cum deep inside of you and he does so. With a primal grunt of your first name, he pours his cum inside of your aching, twitching pussy. You cum right with him, your walls gripping onto him tighter than a vice as your body tenses. With a loud moan, you cum all over his dick, making his balls drip with your cream because there is so much of it. You can feel him drip down your thighs, staining your pretty nylon stockings. You can’t even recover from the orgasm yet. Nanami quickly pulls his semi-hard cock out of you, emitting a weak moan from the emptiness you feel. 
“Not done yet,” he snarls. He pumps his cock, wet with your and his cum, hard and fast, his handsome face red with a light sheen of sweat on his forehead. “Turn the fuck around and show me that face. Stick out your tongue.” You do as he says, though wobbly and soaked with sweat and cum. 
You get on your knees and look up at him, admiring his God-like body. You then open your mouth, sticking out your pink tongue, hot, needy pants leaving your lips the more he pumps his cock against your lips. “Gonna paint this pretty face,” he moans. “Gonna make you wish you listened to me.”
You watch his toned body tense and writhe as he finally cums again, shooting ropes of cum into your mouth and onto your face, destroying your makeup. You gasp as each warm drop hits your skin, coating you in all of his sticky nut. You feel used. Owned. 
Nanami staggers away from you, panting heavily, his toned body soaked in sweat. He swipes his blonde strands from his flushed forehead, still coming down from his high. He then looks down at you with his cum dripping down your face, your pretty interview outfit ruined, and your braids askew. “Consider yourself hired,” he says, a rasp in his voice. 
You giggle at his words despite his cum beginning to drip over your eyes. You shut them, not wanting to go blind. “Shit, I needed that,” Nanami sighs. You weakly moan, bringing him back to reality. “Shit, hang on a sec,” he says, panicking slightly as the cum begins to drip lower and lower down to your breasts. “Don’t worry, I’ve got you.” You hear him walk around you to his desk before returning with some tissues. 
He carefully dabs at your face, cleaning you up. “Sorry about your makeup, honey,” he says. “It’s all over these tissues now.” He goes down to your chest, cleaning between your breasts and neck. Finally, he finishes. “There now. All clean.” You open your eyes to stare into his, feeling like you’re wandering through a deep, wild wilderness in those green orbs. “Let’s get these off of you,” he says, moving behind you to untie your wrists. 
When you’re finally free, you twist your wrists around and wiggle your fingers, getting the blood flowing back through your bones. “So how do you feel?” he softly asks. You take a moment to assess yourself. Though your body aches, your throat is raw, and your pussy is feeling sore, you feel oh-so good. It’s so hard to explain. To be used up by him has made you feel better than you have in months. “I-I feel…good,” you decide. “Better than good. I don’t think I’ve ever cum that hard before. Thank God for your soundproof walls.” 
A slight blush paints Nanami’s face. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it’s so endearing and makes you wanna make him cum over and over again. “So I did okay?” he sheepishly asks. 
You wrap your arms around him, “Baby, you did more than okay,” you giggle, pecking his lips. “But you always do…but I’d be lying if I said that seeing your Dom side isn’t a turn-on.” Nanami beams at you, happy that he could make your dreams come true. “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” he chuckles. “We’ll have to make these lunch visits more of a frequent thing for us. Including the role-play.” 
You giggle in agreement and take his hands, allowing him to help you stand on your wobbly feet and weak knees. He then begins to fix his pants and adjust himself, putting his cock back in his briefs while you pull up your panties over your twitching, soaked pussy. “Oh, which reminds me!” you chirp. “The sandwich rolls are still downstairs in the employee fridge. I left them there in case our meeting got, um…lengthy.” 
Nanami smirks and curls his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. “Such a smart and sexy girl I’ve got,” he coos. “How was I so lucky to end up with you?” You place your hands on his bare chest, feeling his heart beat against your palms. “Guess it was just fate,” you reply, hopelessly in love with the man standing before you. Nanami smiles, silently agreeing with your statement. 
You then part and continue to get dressed, adjusting your clothes as to not make any of the employees aware that you two fucked in their boss’s office just now. “And you’re sure that Maki and Mai don’t suspect a thing?” you curiously ask as you fix your blouse, pouting at the two buttons that popped off. 
Nanami looks at you as he fixes his button-up, only fixing the first button before moving toward you. “No one knows I’m even dating anyone, Y/N,” he assures you with a kiss to your jawline. “I barely tell my team anything about what goes on outside this building. Don’t worry, no one knows that we’re–“ 
“Fucking!” Mai screams from outside the door, scaring the shit out of you. “They’re totally fucking, Maki! I told you!” 
“Mai, get away from the door!” Maki criticizes her sister. “That’s an invasion of privacy!” 
You turn to Nanami and beg him with your eyes to kill you if you don’t die of embarrassment first. He takes one look at the door before turning to you, his hands on his narrow hips. “Well, guess I’ll be looking for another assistant,” he sighs. “And a soundproofed door.” 
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btsficsandsuch · 1 year
Comfort Person
You overhear Yoongi talking about how clingy you are but he doesn’t know the reason why. When you distance yourself he starts to worry.
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You stood outside Yoongi’s studio door preparing to let yourself in with the code he had given you a few months ago. You had a bag full of food for the two of you, something you did often. The two of you had been friends for several years but just recently started dating. Just as you were about to knock you heard voices going back and forth. You recognized Yoongi’s voice and you also heard Namjoon and Hoseok. You figured they were discussing work and you didn’t want to interrupt so you went to go sit in the lounge down the hall and give them some privacy. You were about to walk away when you heard your name. Of course curiosity got the best of you and you decided to listen in on the conversation.
“Man I am starving. You’re so lucky that Y/N brings you food all the time.”, Namjoon spoke. “Yeah seriously and she’s always checking in on you. I hope one day I have someone that cares about me like that.”, Hobi said. You smiled at their kind words. Yoongi spoke, “It’s not all it’s cracked up to be.” His words stung a little. You thought he appreciated it. “Uh oh trouble in paradise already?”, Namjoon asked. You could hear Yoongi sigh, “Not really. I just didn’t expect Y/N to be this clingy and needy once we became official. I mean I love being around her but she spends every night in my studio with me and she doesn’t even knock. She just lets herself in. I gave her the code for emergencies but I kind of regret it now. She comes to the dorm and is practically on top of me the whole time and then she just invites herself to spend the night. She steals all of my clothes. She constantly texts me all day. I just need some space but I don’t want to hurt her feelings.”
Wow. All of this just hit you like a truck. You knew you were a little clingy with him and it did get worse once you started dating because you felt more comfortable but you didn’t think he hated it that much. Yoongi was your comfort person. Whenever your anxiety got bad or you just had a bad day you felt so much better being around him. You didn’t want him to feel so negatively towards you so you decided that you would stop the clinginess and give him some space. You left the bag of food sitting outside his door and went home.
Yoongi checked his phone and saw the time said 1:17am. Then he noticed there were no new texts or calls from you. It was odd. He knew you’d be asleep already so why hadn’t you texted him. He just assumed you must’ve fallen asleep and left it at that. He couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit of hurt though as you’d never fallen asleep before saying goodnight before.
Over the next week you did your best to give Yoongi his space. You only texted him if he texted you first. You were currently on your way to his studio for the first time this week. He had texted you asking if you’d bring him his hoodie that he had left at your place. Standing in-front of his door you were about to let yourself in when you remembered what he said so you knocked instead. When he finally opened his door he was surprised to see you. “Y/N why did you knock? Did you forget the code?”, he said with a little laugh. You shook your head, “No I just didn’t want to interrupt if you were busy.” You handed him his hoodie and turned to walk away but he stopped you, “Aren’t you going to stay? I feel like I haven’t seen you all week.” “No I have some errands to run before the rain comes.”, you lied. Really you wanted nothing more than to wrap yourself around him and never let go but you were doing this for him. He stood watching you walk away. He knew something was off.
The following day you got a text from Jungkook inviting you to a movie night at the dorm. You thought about passing but ultimately decided that it might be good for you to get out of your apartment and be around your friends.
You knocked on the door of the dorm and Jin invited you in, “Yoongi is in his room.” You smiled knowing he assumed you’d want to go right to him but you were still giving him space. Instead you sat at the dining room table next to Jimin and waited for dinner to be ready. You didn’t realize how cold it was so you didn’t bring a jacket and you were freezing. Usually you’d go grab one of Yoongi’s hoodies but remembering what he said you asked Jin if you could have one of his instead. He happily handed you the fluffy pink hoodie and you quickly put it on.
Jin had let Yoongi know that the food was ready and to come eat. He was shocked when he walk into the room and saw you already sitting there smiling and having a conversation with Jimin. “When did you get here?”, he asked you before sitting down. “Umm maybe like 30 minutes ago.”, you said not wanting to make eye contact. Yoongi looked visibly hurt, “Why didn’t you come say hi and let me know you were here? And why are you wearing Jin’s hoodie? I have a closet full of them that you could’ve gone through.” You just shrugged, “I didn’t want to bother you.”
Yoongi ate his meal in silence. He wasn’t sure why you were all of a sudden being so distant. He thought back to all of the interactions you two had over the last month. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Once dinner was over and the kitchen cleaned up everyone made their way to the living room to watch a movie.
Yoongi took his usual spot on the couch leaving a space next to him. He had your favorite fluffy blanket in his lap and he was ready for some much needed cuddling. To his dismay instead of walking right over to him like you would usually do you stood at the door looking around the room like you were deciding where to sit. You remembered the comment he made about you always being on top of him at the dorms so you were looking for somewhere else to sit. “Noona aren’t you going to sit next to Hyung? There’s a seat open.”, Jungkook said smiling at you. Not wanting to make things even more awkward you nodded a thank you and took the seat next to Yoongi making sure to leave as much space as you could between the two of you. He offered you the blanket but you declined telling him you were a little warm. Yoongi new you were lying but chose to let it go.
After the movie you said your goodbyes and watched the boys run off to their rooms. You went to the kitchen to make sure all of the food was properly put away. Once that was done you made your way to the front door and started putting your shoes on. Yoongi appeared with a frown, “Y/N it’s really late and quite cold outside. Why dont you just spend the night here?” You wanted so badly to get in his bed and feel his warmth and comfort. You needed it now more than ever but you could still hear his words in your head. You shook your head, “No it’s okay. I’ve got some things to do early in the morning.”
Yoongi was starting to get worried. This wasn’t like you at all. “Y/N what’s going on? Are you cheating on me? Or do you just not love me any more? Whatever it is you can tell me.”, he said slightly raising his voice. Hearing him get loud sent you into complete panic mode. You didn’t know what he wanted from you at this point. You feel like no matter what you did you were wrong and next thing you knew you were sobbing into his chest.
He pulled you into his room to get some privacy. Sitting you on the bed he started wiping away the tears, “Y/N please talk to me. I can’t fix it if I don’t know what’s wrong.” You waited a few minutes to calm yourself down. “The other day I was going to bring you food but I heard you telling Namjoon and Hobi about how clingy and needy I am and you wanted space so I decided to give you that space.”, you said between sobs. “Oh Y/N I’m so sorry. I was having such a bad couple days and I felt so awful that I was being forced to ignore you. I was just saying dumb stuff. I didn’t mean any of it.”, he said while rubbing circles on your back.
You wiped some of the tears way, “No I’m sorry. I was clingy and needy. You’re my comfort person. I feel better when I’m with you. I don’t feel as anxious or sad so I tried to be around you as much as I could to make myself feel better. I was being selfish because I wasn’t thinking about what you wanted or how you felt. I’m glad I heard you. I just wish you would’ve talked to me instead.”
Yoongi lifted your chin so you could look at him, “No don’t be sorry Y/N. I’ll be your comfort person. I’ll be whatever you need. You can sit on my lap 24/7 if it makes you feel better. Honestly, after this last week I realized just how much I need you too.” You rested your head on his shoulder while he wrapped you in a hug and you instantly felt better. “Are you going to spend the night? I think we could both use a good night of cuddling.” You smiled and nodded your head. You watched Yoongi walk over to his closet and grab a tshirt and a hoodie. He walked back over and handed them to you, “Here, please put these on and throw Jin’s hoodie out in the hallway. I don’t even want it in here.” You giggled while taking the clothes and doing as he said (Minus the hoodie part since Jin was nice enough to lend it to you. You folded it and placed it neatly in front of his door instead but Yoongi didn’t have to know that).
You crawled in bed where Yoongi was waiting with open arms. You rested your head on his chest while he held you close. “I love you Y/N.”You felt love, you felt happiness, you felt warmth, you felt comfort. “I love you too.”
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dozyrogue · 6 months
Okay so since the soulfire talk is back I want to talk about how people were so convinced that Bolas is the definition of found family but it seriously isn't.
They were brought together by the fact that in purgatory you lose yourself or you don't and at the time everyone in bolas was not well beforehand and then they were put on an island that basically said "you are going to Lose Yourself." And then they did it all together and that's it. So it's kind of funny when people are like "oh they're no longer family :(" like yeah that's the point.
Then we have soulfire who I say most of the people on that team were alone for they were already close to each other.
Like this was around the time where Tubbo started to feel very alone and then he got pushed into purgatory.
Tina was learning about or remembering her past as a demon and how much she hated it. And she also only really had foolish and bagi. But was also kinda pushing bagi away
Everything about badboyHalo. Him and Tubbo are so alike that it actually drives me crazy. And homestly during that time he only really had dapper.
Bagi who was rejected by her brother that she spent FOREVER TO FIND and the relationship between her and Tina was just starting.
Like even outside of purgatory soulfire still respects each other. It's only badboyHalo and tubbo that are willing to defend each other when other people keep stealing from them. Whenever Tina gets to see her beloved tubward she's always excited to see him and just happy to be with him again. The constant of soulfire members calling tubbo coach?? My heart is melting.
OH AND LETS NOT FORGET Pac, Bagi & bbh going to Purgatory 2 simply to save tubbo and bring tubbo back?? I'm sobbing my eyes out. Why did they make that their canon reason??? Cuz pain.
Yeah there was a moment where they had some respect issues for Tubbo. But Tubbo Time After Time proved himself to be the best leader for soulfire. Like sure anyone could have led soulfire but it's just something about tubbo being the main guy that pulls it all together. And on top of that it wasn't just tubbo leading bbh and tina where also helping and leading as much as they could. It would just lead back to tubbo. Unlike the bolas phil Messiah thing they had going on, even though that was good!
bagi when they came back still had great care for Tubbo. And that's just a here thing bte, they all did. She was one of the few people that saw him cracking and I will always love her for that. Now tubbo and bad have such a strange respect for each other that You Don't See with other characters. And I love that with all my heart.
they are so found family coded and I love them for it.
Found family even if they aren't together constantly anymore
Soulfire you will always always have a fan in me.
If soulfire has no defenders I'm DEAD
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bambisnc · 7 months
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OK! [or, group projects w riize]
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pairing : ot7 x reader! genre : fluff with crack delicately lined in cw/tw : food mention + use of caps wc : idk ,,
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shotaro ,. ! - the mood maker!! - is the person who Socializes, helps to coordinate between the members, makes the gc, arranges meet-ups; just overall supportive and cheerful even if your team is doing literally nothing and is very likely about to get an F (D:) - shows up w like cut fruits for everyone, goes on coffee runs + writes encouraging lil messages on sticky notes and leaves them around/in notebooks etc etc - also x2 i see him as someone who like,... doodles on your people’s hands :( draws a smol star and writes something adorably cringe like “ur my star ^-^”
eunseok ,. ! - he’s the type of guy who’d take charge and delegate work to everyone; to put it simply : BOSSY AF. dare i say dictator coded even, but hey, he just wants this to get over with yk?? - bit scary to work w at first but when if he warms up to you he might would definitely indulge in a lot of partiality; assign you the easier tasks/the tasks that you prefer + if someone pisses him off he would, w the nicest sweetest smile ever, assign them the worst possible task.. - can be bribed if you offer to help w his work though sooo :) do w that what you will :) 
sungchan ,. ! - trust on me this, he’d be the one who’s always “busy” except in his case he probably fr is bc my guy is just into That Many extra curriculars - you call him up like hey where are you we’re supposed to meet at *insert name* coffee shop rn?? and he’d answer w all seriousness that his “rap music club members have a mandatory team exercise for which they’ve gone fishing and after he needs to prepare an ad for the video game club because he kinda insulted the ad making team and now they’re all on strike . oh and he has football coaching (as in he needs to coach like a bunch of tiny kindergarteners as a favor to some aunt) right in between!” - he’ll send all his work at like 4am tho dw ^^ sleep is for the weak.
wonbin ,. ! -perfectionist!!! he would be The aesthetic stationery + supplies guy with like pouches and pouches of pretty washi tapes, metallic coloured calligraphy pens, stickers and much more - would definitely call out people if their handwriting was bad.. - also he would totally use the project as an excuse to get to know whoever he’s interested in~ might offer to split the work into like duos and immediately choose you as his partner~ - prepare yourself for a lot of really obvious and goofy flirting..
seunghan ,. ! - ah yes the wise guy (genuine) (no why does he fr know everything about Everything) - puts out the most thought provoking, viewpoint shaking, world stopping arguments then half-slumps over the table and or rests his entire weight to lean on you and mumbles something about wanting to watch shin-chan >< he’s versatile (read : cute) like that - also would quite honestly go along w any idea no matter how bad it is <3 + seems super calm and composed but watch him be the most excited when taro suggests some team bonding at an arcade/festival :( <3
sohee ,. ! - he gives me manages stuff best under high pressure situations - if you’re freaking out about one of your teammates cough cough you can guess who it was having fumbled up and accidentally written down the wrong date and oh no your project is due tomorrow?! don’t worry! he’s got this :D - procrastinator at heart but for the right persuasion tactics done by ahem a certain someone (it’s you) he’d probably give it his all <;3 - also he’s an enabler at heart.. supports the ideas which he knows are going to be a trainwreck just for funsies
anton ,. ! - :(( he is Doing His Best okay - gets a bit overwhelmed due to the rising panic and chaos + leads to people being very partial to him but honestly yk he deserves it <3 - also a rich guy tm, would definitely ahem ahem pull some strings to get some extra fine quality materials~ - feel like he’d be good at research work + another 4am worker would definitely pester you to join zoom calls or ft you and be like hey!! look at this!! i did this!! is it good!! - as an excuse to show off to yuo splurges a lot for an end of the project celebration for sure
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notes : inspired by very very real life events (wrote this in a zoom meet w my current group proj members ehe)! if you know me irl and feel like these are based off of you.. they're not!! you're simply hallucinating!!!! <333 + [m.list]
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bl4z33467 · 10 days
(Cracks knuckles) Alright folks I remember how to draw
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Fat fuck Vulpes by yours truly, Blaze Lander. Inspired by the lovely drawing by @yourmateyoya ,egged on by @legions-top-dog , and because i force you to deal with all my shitty drawings, @noomycatz
Yes, once again, i have put too much effort into a shitpost. Roughly 2 hours as I reused a canvas on ibis paint for a 5th drawing lmao
Yall can burn me at the stake later lol
Process below hehe i like to ramble
And just because i like to talk about my drawing process for characters with complex outfits, this is how my lobotomy brain does it:
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First i do silly fun colored sketch. I use different colors to differentiate the "skeleton" from the, euh, fleshy bits, and the clothing. You can see lots of lines that would not be shown in the final product so it makes it confusing to look at.
Next i do a clean sketch.
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This is where i clean up everything before doing the final lines. I use one color and a thin brush to make it easier to line over. Here i add any extra bits (like the top football armour) and "render the physics" as i call it, so properly drape cloth and the uhhh squish of stupid fat fuck vulpes' boobs and stomach. I also will balance the drawing here by flipping it and redrawing or using the drag tool.
Next is lining.
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For this drawing, i used a 9.0 digital pen with a taper. Its my standard :þ. I kept my pen at the same size for this piece. Sometimes i line the outside darker to make the drawing stand out more. I decided not to as i wanted to give the drawing a more "serious" tone. (How serious can this be though lol-)You may notice on the arms little bits of the lines are missing, thats because i gave him some arm hair. I like make little details like that show over the lines. But since the one shading technique i used works with clipping masks, i had to but the arm hairs on a layer lower than the line art. Next is colour:
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I colour in the drawing with midtones. Simple as. I tried to stick with warm colours besides his eyes, which are grey blue. Idc if they arent, im too lazy to google it. I mostly use flat colors but i did make his shirt a gradient. Next is do simple cell shading:
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Depending on how i feel i shade with or without the colours in the back. I went with a sorta "non decrepit" light source here. Didnt want too much intensity. I used a deep marronish orange on a multiply layer on 45% opacity. Soft shading/lighting next:
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I get intense with the soft shading. I use the airbrush with a deep maroon to add dark gradient and airbrush with a light pink to add a bit more depth. I usually use less light and more dark because im evil i like the intensity. I keep the layer the same amount of opacity and multiply it with the darks and soft light for the lights. Next are the shine highlights:
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I use the dip pen hard with a taper to add light highlights of white on shiny bits like metal and eyes. I uses pure white, set the layer to 25% opacity, and use normal blending.
I also shade the lines because it makes the lines softer. I use a clipping layer on the line art, set the whole thing to a dark grey, and airbrush in darker and lighter parts. (I felt like a picture wasnt needed cuz its hard to notice.
For the background, i used a dark red i stole from the cell shaded layer, drew a vine pattern with the kaleidoscope ruler, and added a vignette. Vignettes are my cheat code for background hehe~ it makes the subject stand out while keeping suave, seriousness and formality. To make a subject pop out more, put the vignette behind the character but in front of the background. For more intensity but it on top of both.
Also- I usually draw with a level 10 stabilizer (i got shaky hands) but i drew with a 2 stabilizer so im surprised it came out so smoothly-
Also i gave him goggle tan lines because if i have to have them from playing tennis with sunnies, so does he.
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logan-lieutenant · 1 month
ok i KNOW i’m late to the party but here are some of my headcanons about the “Damnnnnnnn. Someone’s been out buying new clothessss$” (and i did have to zoom in to count all the n’s)
running bit/inside joke: so the bit started weeks or months before, when lando started to tease oscar about his sense of style– or lack there of. “literally everything is shorts and a t-shirt. you have like two outfits.” “i don’t need anymore outfits.” “you look like a school kid!” “i still look older than you–” “seriously what’s wrong with buying new clothes?” just unnecessarily being a <little shit> about it. and then whenever lando shows up to the paddock wearing something mildly ridiculous and awkward but at least eye catching, he waits for someone to comment and then he says, “yeah, you know it’s sad i was gonna just wear shorts and a t shirt but i couldn’t find any” while looking directly at oscar. and ofc oscar’s rolling his eyes and trying not to laugh and like you literal dumbass what is your problem but of course he laughs anyway because it’s lando. fast forward however long this goes on for until finally oscar posts something on like his private insta or something with the new trousers and lando is like 😱 LOOK AT YOU and they have a whole DM conversation about it where lando is just being super super dramatic and pretending this is the most amazing picture he’s ever seen and borderline thirsting and oscar is like 😳 but obviously playing it cool over the phone (and in general). and eventually the conversation turns into something else but while they’re both still online oscar posts the plane pic, and he doesn’t say anything to anyone about it but lando’s like you did that just for me didn’t you 😈 and comments IMMEDIATELY. and back in the dms oscar replies to the comment like “you happy?” and lando just sends back “very”
pre-established relationship/boyfriend coded: pre-established secret boyfriends where lando is the world’s most prolific hoodie stealer. actually it doesn’t even have to be limited to hoodies it’s also shirts (the bigger the shirt the better) and probably like blankets and hats too. anything that makes him feel small. at one point lando’s like “i’m cold :( why don’t you have anything cozy” and oscar’s like “you can wear your own clothes then” and it comes out a little harsher than he means it to and he can see in lando’s eyes he didn’t take it the right way, because lando’s reactive and he overanalyzes things and he takes everything straight to the heart, so even though oscar apologizes and emphasizes he’s not mad or frustrated he still feels kind of bad about it. so he gets just a few new clothes because he doesn’t want to seem like he’s overcompensating but now he like finally owns something with a warm lining on the inside at least, and he doesn’t tell lando at first just posts the picture. but lando sees and he notices instantly and he knows that he’s supposed to be as nondescript and inconspicuous as possible and that their social media profiles are still vulnerable and they have to sleep with one eye open to keep their relationship hidden but he just can’t help himself. he convinces himself like “it’s just text people can’t hear my tone of voice, they’ll just imagine however they want to imagine it” and for the most part that’s true and it takes him so little time to work out “happy softboi bf impulse” vs “being rational and calculating risks” that he drops the comment that same minute
same plane: lando takes the picture. as oscar’s taking back his phone and setting up the post he says “what should the caption be” and lando’s original answer is a variation of his actual comment, “damnnnn been out buying new clothes$” or smth. and oscar just unexpectedly cracks up like “what?? i can’t put that on my own post it sounds like i’m checking myself out” and they have the silliest play-argument about it like “that’s a perfectly normal caption” “what are you TALKING about there’s something wrong with you” “I can’t believe you won’t use my caption that’s so rude” and getting the giggles about it and finally oscar just posts it. and lando pretends to be checking his own phone or sending a text with the most serious face he can muster but then oscar gets a notification immediately and he checks it and that’s lando’s comment. and they laugh too hard about it and oscar is like “you’re ridiculous i’m sharing that” and lando’s like “yeah go ahead it’s a great comment 😂” and it’s only *after* oscar’s shared the post and the comment on his story that lando is like oh shit. that looks really fucking flirtatious and he gets really flustered and he’s like i hope osc doesn’t take it that way but he gets the butterflies-in-your-stomach feeling anyway and he’s laughing a little too long and oscar’s like “mate come on it’s not that much” and lando’s like “yeah yeah no sorry ☺️ nothing much”
anyway haven’t posted any hcs on this account yet but i have so many and i write them so much faster than my actual fics so we’ll see how this goes
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karatekels · 1 year
- Would you like CK OR KK3 Terry?
I would like Cobra Kai Terry, please! The Silver Daddy in all his glory! 😭
- if there's any particular scenario or bit of dialogue you have in mind that can help me paint a picture a bit more (anything you want or don't want to see!)
Nothing in particular. But I got the idea of Terry's beloved having a size kink from scenes in Cobra Kai. I noticed that Terry seemed to stretch to full height like a cobra ready to strike! I have a feeling he knew it would intimidate others (during the tournament, especially). I always found that really hot instead of frightening. I wondered how Terry would react to his beloved feeling this way and figured he'd be delighted by it. Haha.
Original Prompt: (by anonymous)
Can you write a story where [CK] Terry Silver's beloved has a size kink? I don't mean just his *ahem* package but also his overall height, broad shoulders, and strength. Silver is massive! And, I think he'd get a kick out of knowing his beloved isn't intimidated when he stretches to full height but instead is incredibly turned on.
I’m happy to write this for you anon! I was inspired by the scene where Terry and Daniel fight in Stingray’s apartment, since that’s the scene I watch for…inspiration when writing these. Terry stepping on Daniel definitely awakened something in me lol. Enjoy!
As I Am
“You thought you could get him to turn on me?”
You’d swear that that was Terry’s voice, but he had gone out earlier that day, and said he would likely be gone for a couple of hours. You follow the sound down one of the many hallways in Terry’s house, trying to figure out what you’d heard.
“Actions have consequences, Mr. LaRusso.” There it was again: Terry’s voice. You see a door cracked open further down the hall, and open it. The lights automatically come on, and you see two walls completely covered by small monitors. This must be one of the security rooms for the house.
“Look, I’m not here for trouble, okay? I’m not in the war. I surrender, if that’s what you want to hear… the valley is yours.”
You know you shouldn’t pry, especially when it came to Terry and Daniel LaRusso – he’d told you to stay out of it, for your safety, and you’d agreed – but couldn’t stop your curiosity from getting the better of you. You hit the space bar on the keyboard to bring the system out of sleep mode, and enter the security code that Terry had trusted you with.
The cameras detecting motion light up, narrowing down your options, and you quickly find the one you’re looking for: Terry, impeccably dressed in all black, his silver hair tied back and looking every bit the sexy villain you adored, standing at a distance from Daniel LaRusso, looking small and…skittish.
“The valley?” Terry asks incredulously, shaking his head as though disappointed. “It never ceases to amaze me how small your mind is.” He gestures emphatically with his large, beautiful hands, hands that you always loved to look at, whether he was playing the piano for you or running them along your body, teasing you until…
You blink, turning your focus to the screen once more, and watching Terry slowly walking towards LaRusso.
“I don’t give a shit about your valley. I’ve got much bigger plans.”
“Well, leave me out of them,” Daniel says dismissively, moving to walk around Terry and leave.
Terry follows the movement, leaning his body to subtly block Daniel, seeming to fill the space suddenly, playing with his hands nonchalantly. His eyes are locked on Daniel the whole time, a smile playing at his lips. The way Terry moved was hypnotic; he radiated strength at all times, but the way he moved was so slow, so easy, so measured… he was in total control of himself at all times, and it seriously turned you on. You lick your lips subconsciously, finding yourself moving closer to the screen.
“It’s remarkable how easy it was to disrupt your marriage.”
Daniel drops the box he’s holding to the ground, his face starting to show anger. Terry always knew just how to push the other man’s buttons; he knew how to push everyone’s buttons, really, but LaRusso seemed to be a favourite of his ever since he resumed running Cobra Kai. You really didn’t care about the fight or the history or who would win the karate war, as long as it meant Terry would keep wearing that gi, coming home sweaty and delicious…
“You opened the door and let me just waltz right in.” he says, chuckling all the while. His cockiness, his laughter, everything about him was like he had been designed just to drive you wild.
“Imagine how easy it’s gonna be,” he continues, moving even closer to Daniel, dwarfing him with his size, “to wrap Cobra Kai gis… around both your kids.”
This is the last straw for LaRusso, and he shoves Terry back before swinging at him, managing to land a hit to his face. There is a brief moment of panic that floods through you as you worry your love has been hurt, but then Terry laughs, encouraging Daniel, and you remember who you’re engaged to. You can tell that he’s getting riled up; your man loved a fight and, remembering how desperate he had been to take you the moment he got home after fights in the past, you find yourself responding in kind. Terry didn’t like you to see him being violent; he’d only hurt people in front of you a handful of times during your relationship, and only because he was protecting you from a scumbag.
He’d said it was because he didn’t want you to get upset or scared, but looking at him now, wrapping his arms around LaRusso’s and holding him steady before headbutting him, sending the man flying with a broken nose, all you wanted was to throw yourself at him. He was so elegant, moving with such speed and strength for his age, his high kick sent your stomach flipping into knots. Terry stands over LaRusso, cold rage simmering within him as he accuses him of getting in his way for months, only to surrender when he was losing. Well, that’s not how Terry did things, you knew.
While LaRusso gets a couple more hits in on him, Terry sees the punch coming, striking out like a cobra with a leg and getting the man right in the shoulder, setting him up to grab his arm and send his elbow into his rotator cuff, dislocating his shoulder. Shouldn’t you be more upset by this? you wonder to yourself, watching LaRusso go down to the ground, Terry panting over him. He steps on LaRusso’s shoulder with a black boot, and you feel another flood of arousal wash over you, seeing how dominant your man was as he snaps the man’s shoulder back into place with his foot, threatening him and showing him mercy all the while before leaving the room, wherever it was.
You shut the lights off, fleeing the room for the nearest bathroom, not wanting to come apart and have one of the staff find you. Bracing yourself against the sink, you take a look at your reflection, noting your flushed cheeks and dark eyes shining with lust, chest heaving. Another few minutes of watching Terry like that and you think you may have come without him even touching you. You had to have him just like that, using all of his size and strength and taking you, not holding anything back.
But how could you get away with it when you weren’t supposed to have seen what you just witnessed?
--- Terry’s POV ---
You were nowhere to be found when Terry arrived home an hour or so later; upon questioning the staff a maid said that you were in the bedroom getting ready for dinner tonight. A bit strange, he thought, but not unheard of; sometimes you liked getting all dolled up just to stay with him in the house, and he was more than okay with it. He moved into one of the studies on the main floor, pouring himself a stiff drink and sitting in his favourite armchair, sipping it slowly while he pondered everything going on with LaRusso.
Awhile later, Terry hears the sound of your heels on the marble floor approaching him, and turns, finding you in the door way in a very low-cut black bodycon dress that hit the middle of your thighs, wearing stockings and black heels, your hair flowing past your shoulders and your face glowing with subtle makeup that accentuated your naturally beautiful features.
He feels his cock stir against his thigh.
“Y/N…darling, you look incredible. What’s the occasion?” he asks, half-joking, as this was over-the-top for one of your “fun night in” looks; not that he minded, he thinks to himself, eyes taking in your cleavage hungrily. Your own gaze roams his body before you look up at him with a coy smile.
“Oh, nothing!” you chirp, seeming almost giddy. “I’ve just been thinking about you all day. C’mon, dinner’s ready.” You turn and walk down the hallway to the kitchen, your hips swaying very intentionally. Minx, he thinks to himself, watching you walk away, but he knows he should be grateful that a stunning younger woman such as yourself wanted him as badly as he wanted you. Still, he thought, making his way to the dining room, you were clearly up to something. He’d give you until after dinner before dragging the answer out of you.
Someone from the kitchen staff clears your plates away, leaving you with your glass of red and Terry with his whiskey. You hadn’t cracked yet, but you were showing all the signs, your eyes flitting to him nervously and then away. Were you having an affair? He thought it unlikely, but then, he’d been betrayed numerous times before.
“What’s troubling you, my dear?” he asks, trying for the non-confrontational approach first. Your eyes snap to his nervously, a light blush forming across your cheeks.
“Nothing is wrong, honey,” you say, your voice an octave higher than usual. “Why do you ask?”
“Well, you look like a deer in the headlights, and you’ve been acting more and more nervous as the night has gone on. Please tell me, sweetheart, and I’ll fix the issue, I promise.”
You take a deep, calming breath, and Terry imperceptibly tenses his body, preparing for the worst.
“Please don’t get mad, okay? I thought I heard your voice and followed it and I went into the security room and… and I saw you fighting Daniel LaRusso,” you confess, worrying your lower lip between your teeth, brow furrowed in concern.
Terry stills, chewing the bite of food in his mouth thoroughly as he thinks this over. Compared to what he had been imagining you were going to tell him, this was nothing, and he is immediately relieved. Still, the only way for you to have seen what had happened in that apartment was if someone had abandoned their post in the security room, allowing you to slip inside. He would go see to it immediately that the culprit was identified and fired; if they were shirking their security duties, that put you at risk, and that was unacceptable.
“I’m so sorry you had to see that, my love,” he apologizes, sincerity ringing in his tone. He didn’t want to alarm you; he was so careful to keep his violent tendencies away from you. You were so small and sweet, so delicate… he’d never forgive himself for frightening you. “I’m completely fine, and please believe me when I say I never want you to see me like that.”
Rather than looking relieved at his words, or even still scared and distrusting of him – he’d really wailed on LaRusso today – you seem a bit put out. Tilting his head, he surveys you, staring at you until you feel his gaze on you and look up to lock eyes with him. He silently implores you to tell him what’s going on with you, and he sees you struggle for a long moment as you consider what to say. After what feels like ages, you look up across the table at him with determination.
“Watching you kick LaRusso’s ass was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”
Well, that certainly wasn’t what he had expected, Terry thinks, but feels something primal within himself stretch to its full height, glowing with pride. Polishing off his drink, he surveys you over the rim of his glass, and sees your eyes fixed on his hand around his glass. Setting the glass down, he runs a finger around the rim, watching your eyes follow as they darkened with lust. Had watching him fight given you a fascination with his hands? Only one way to find out.
Moving slowly, precisely, Terry gets out of his seat, walking around the table and coming to the side of your chair. Reaching down, he grabs the back of your seat, one hand on either side of your hips, and spins the chair in a sharp movement so that you’re facing him. Your blush is working its way down your neck, the way it did when you got really turned on. Interesting… Keeping his arms on either side of you, keeping you trapped by his large body, he leans down to whisper in your ear.
“So you liked what you saw, did you?” he murmurs in a husky voice that has your blood rushing in your ears. He hears your sharp intake of breath, feeling you nod vigorously into the crook between his neck and shoulder. He smiles to himself before taking your earlobe in between his lips, nibbling it gently, and you shiver against him. “What did you like, baby girl? You know I’ll do anything to please you; you just have to ask…”
--- Reader’s POV ---
You swallow heavily before you can bring yourself to speak. “I…fuck, Terry, I liked it all. You were so intimidating and dominant and imposing and it was just so sexy to see you fully…you… I know that you’re always doing little things like walking slower or hunching down a bit to seem smaller, and that’s really sweet, but seeing you let that all go and just go for it was…well, I nearly came just from watching you fight through the monitor.”
Terry’s hands come around your upper arms suddenly, and he lifts you out of your chair and to your feet in a fluid movement that takes you by surprise. He trails one hand down your body to wrap around your waist, the other reaching up to cradle your face; he could hold your head in one hand so easily…
“And you thought you would just dress yourself up like a pretty little doll and get what you wanted, hmm?” he asks quietly, his hand moving to tangle in your hair, making you moan at the slight sting as he tugs on your locks. “You want me to throw my weight around, lovely? Throw you around? Your wish is my command.”
He lifts you into his arms again with ease, wrapping your legs around his waist tightly, his hands holding you by your upper thighs, fingers toying with the bare skin under your dress where your stockings ended. You whimper, and he silences you, kissing you fiercely, moving to the nearest wall and slamming you against it hard, pinning you to it with his body. You kiss him back with just as much passion, squeezing your thighs around him and feeling his large hands squeeze you in return. He holds you steady with one hand, releasing his cock from his trousers with the other before bunching your dress up past your hips, pushing your panties to the side, and lowering you onto his cock with ease.
You groan as he enters you so suddenly; wet as you were for him – you had been since you had seen him through the security monitors – Terry was still huge, and always stretched you until you thought he would break you in half. Keeping you supported with one hand underneath you, he fucks you hard against the wall, his other hand reaching between you to play with your clit and help your body relax and adjust to fit him. The rough stone wall is raking your bare back and your ass as you bounce up and down on his cock, undoubtedly leaving scrapes, and the sensation heightens your pleasure and before long, he’s got you moaning wantonly, loud enough for anyone on the property to hear.
“Oh fuck Terry, yes!” you cry out in ecstasy, letting him have his way with you as he pumps you up and down on his cock, feeling like he’s somehow everywhere at once, on you and in you and it’s better than you could have imagined. You don’t think you could ever get enough of this man.
“Is this what you wanted, baby girl?” Terry growls, panting hotly against your neck and making your eyes roll back into your head. “You needed a reminder of who you belong to, huh? You needed my cock to fuck this tight little pussy, didn’t you?”
“God yes, Terry, I need your big cock – fuck, it’s so good! I’m so close!” you wail, trying to roll your hips as he fucked you to get some friction on your clit. He pulls out of you suddenly and you actually whine at the loss of him inside you. Looking up at him in desperation as he sets you on the ground, you take the moment to appreciate how incredibly hot it is, having this Adonis of a man all to yourself.
“You need to pace yourself, little one. I’ve got plans for you tonight.”
Without another word, he tosses you over his shoulder, making sure your pussy and dripping thighs are exposed, and you squirm against his broad shoulder at the thought of someone seeing you like this. Terry chuckles, and you know that he has guessed your thoughts, his hand moving even further up your thighs as he carries you towards the bedroom. You clench your legs together tightly in response, to trap his hand in retribution for all the teasing, and his fingers merely grip your flesh more firmly, making you whimper.
Kicking open the door to the bedroom, he tosses you onto the bed before kicking off his shoes and removing his jacket. He tugs his pants down the rest of the way, stepping out of them, and moves to unbutton his shirt, but you scramble off the bed towards him, reaching for him.
“Please let me?” you beg, and he gives you an amused sigh, sitting on the edge of the bed and letting you take the reins. You unbutton his shirt slowly from the top down, kissing every inch of his chest as it is revealed to you. Pushing the shirt from his shoulders, you run your hands all over him, savouring the feel of strong muscles under soft skin. Drinking him in with his eyes, you take a (reluctant) step back, reaching behind you to unzip your dress and tug it down your body, letting it pool on the floor at your feet, leaving you in your sexiest pair of black lace underwear, a garter belt holding up your stockings, and your heels.
Even when he’s sitting on the bed, Terry towers over you, and you can’t keep from launching yourself at him, straddling his lap and kissing every bit of him you could reach. Digging your nails into his muscular back and tracing patterns across his pectorals with your tongue, Terry hisses in approval, his hands gripping your butt and pulling you against him even tighter, spreading your legs wider against his hips, opening you up to him.
Kneading your ass with his hands, he guides your hips up and down, grinding your center against his hard cock, and you throw your head back, reaching back to grip his knees for support. Wasn’t a lap dance intended to please the recipient? you wonder as your underwear creates the perfect friction against your clit, making you moan.
“Such an eager little thing for me, aren’t you Y/N?” Terry croons as you grind desperately on his lap. You nod furiously, unable to form words, your wailing taking on a higher pitch as his mouth closes around one of your nipples, tongue swirling around you as he sucks hard. You try to arch your back away from him, feeling overstimulated, but he holds you fast, one hand travelling up your spine and keeping your back where he wants it.
“Oh, there’s no getting away from me now, darling,” he purrs around your breast, the vibrations sending heat through your veins. “You’re going to take all of me with this tight little body of yours.”
He keeps you against his cock and you stay put, behaving, and his hands move down your body to your feet hanging off the edge of the bed, removing your heels one by one before returning his hands to your waist, lifting you up to stand between his legs. He pins you in place with his eyes, his hands teasing the tender flesh of your hips in small circles. You worry your knees may give out.
“If you want to keep these,” his fingers toy with your underwear, “you’d better get them off now, or I will rip them off of you. Keep everything else on,” he orders, and you reach down to undo the garter belt from your stockings with trembling fingers, tugging your underwear down before refastening everything.
“Good girl,” Terry praises, taking your hips in hand once more and spinning you so your back is to him. He lifts you up with ease, still sitting on the bed, and pulls you onto his lap backwards, keeping your legs spread to either side of his knees.
“Knees on the bed, baby,” he commands, and you hasten to do so, spreading yourself open. He lifts you up, bending you forward slightly, and guides you back onto his cock, leaning you back against his chest and thrusting up into you from behind. He keeps one hand wrapped around your waist to keep you still, his hips thrusting slow and deep, and his other hand slides up your body to wrap around your neck, squeezing gently. You’re feeling so deliciously full, and used, that all you can do is take it, take everything Terry is doing to you.
“Open your eyes baby girl, and watch yourself,” he demands, his voice hoarse in your ear, and you force your eyes open, noticing for the first time that Terry has positioned you both to be in clear view of the floor-length mirror in your bedroom. “Watch that tight cunt take my big cock like it was meant to.”
You feel like you’re on the verge of passing out from everything, his words taking you right to the edge, but fight to keep your eyes open, watching your slack-jawed reflection stretched around Terry’s massive body, his massive cock thrusting into you, locking eyes with your tear-filled ones, the look on his face nearly having you coming on his cock.
“You’re close, love, I can feel it,” he moans in your ear, his hand trailing from your neck down your body. “Let go for me, darling. I want to feel that pretty pussy milk my cock as you come for me.”
His hand reaches your clit, his talented fingers bringing you to the peak with ease as you shatter, your whole body seeming to clench around his cock like it was trying to keep him inside you. Terry maintains his torturously slow, deep thrusts, holding you down and fucking you through your orgasm as you scream until your voice is hoarse. Eventually your pussy relaxes around his cock once more, and you whimper at every pump of his hips, feeling completely spent.
But Terry isn’t through with you yet, lifting you off his cock reluctantly to flip you around, laying you down on the bed on your back before entering you again, helping you lock your legs around him as your body struggles to do it on its own. He leans down, bracing his body on either side of you to keep from crushing you, completely caging you in. He rests his forehead on yours, eyes staring into you with lust and devotion and pouring that passion into a kiss that has your toes curling.
“You know I love watching your pretty face as I fill you up, Y/N,” he moans against your lips, holding your hips in a bruising grip as he lifts you up to an angle that lets him fuck you even deeper.
“Fuck baby, you’re so much… so good,” you groan out in between gasps as his thrusts physically take your breath away. Your speech is slurred, you’re completely cock-drunk, and you feel a second orgasm growing within you.
“I should have known you would want to take all of me, just as I am, just like this,” Terry growls, punctuating every word with a pump of his hips. “You were made for me, my little succubus.”
He leans back, keeping your hips in position, arced up off the bed, looking down your body to your face, a mask of ecstasy. You made such delicious sounds when you were losing your mind to pleasure. Reaching down, he lays a large, warm hand over your abdomen, pressing on it gently, and he groans at the sensation, though the noise is drowned out as you positively shriek as this makes his cock stroke your G-spot with every movement.
“I can feel my cock stretching you out, baby,” he hisses, speeding up as he gets close. He grabs one of your wrists, pulling it away from the sheets you’ve clenched in your fist in desperation, and lays it on your stomach as well. Your eyes widen in shock, your jaw falling open as you feel his cock through your body. A shudder goes through your whole body, and Terry feels it too; you’re both so wrapped up in one another that you’re practically one.
“Shit baby, that’s so fucking hot – you feel huge inside me” you whimper, pressing down more firmly on your abdomen; his cock feels the increased pressure, and his eyes roll back. “I can’t take much more, Terry. Pump me full, please!”
Terry removes your legs from their death grip around his waist, lifting them up to his shoulders and leaning over you, pressing you almost in half as he quickens his pace. You reach down between you, playing with your clit frantically, and Terry growls in approval, staring down at you with hungry eyes.
“That’s right baby, get yourself off around my cock again. I want you to squeeze every last drop out of me!”
His words seem to set you off more than anything else, and you come hard again with a wail, Terry’s hand replacing your own and working at your clit to draw out your orgasm, his other hand somehow managing to grab both of yours and pinning them above your head, stopping you from moving his hand away from your pussy; your pleasure only ended when he was satisfied. Your tears roll down your cheeks as you whine incoherently, completely overstimulated, and it’s only when Terry sees you start to fade that he finally lets go, coming deep inside you with a roar.
His movements slow, and then stop completely, as you both fight to catch your breath, sweating and satisfied. He releases your wrists, his hands moving to either side of you as he lifts his weight off of you, his cock slipping out of you as he rolls onto his back beside you, pulling you into an embrace on top of him.
“Terry…” you gasp out his name, your body spasming uncontrollably. “Oh my God, Terry!” you wail, feeling little aftershocks of your orgasm wrack your body. He wraps his arms around you protectively, stroking your hair soothingly.
“It’s okay, love, I’ve got you. It’ll pass in a minute or two; your body is just in a bit of shock from how intense everything was,” he explains, and you nod, feeling safe in his arms as you ride out the feeling. Eventually, your body stops shuddering and you relax, leaning up to kiss him softly on the mouth, looking down at him with adoration.
“You were…that was incredible,” you breathe, unable to find the words to adequately explain the best sex you’d ever had. He laughs, the sound rumbling in his chest, stroking your cheek fondly as he looks up at you with an expression of pure love.
“Maybe next time I have to deal with Danny Boy, you come along, hmm?”
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…I had a great deal of fun writing this. Hope you all enjoy!
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starsurface · 5 months
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Regressor Bi-Han w/ CG Liu Kang (Fic)
WARNING: Mention of body horror!!!! Not much but some!!
A Lin Kuei did his missions with seriousness and honor.
Do the job, do it good, do it right, do it fast.
And the Grandmaster was no exception to this code.
"Thank you for accompanying me," Liu Kang tried to smile as they walked. "I know you have greater things to do."
"We're clearing out Shang Tsung's laboratory. We've relocated the . . . people who were already inside," Liu Kang re-explained. Bi-Han struggled not to roll his eyes. "It's more collecting his paperwork and notes. They're important, and we need to get to them before he thinks about coming back."
". . . Is that all?" Bi-Han held back a sigh. He could be doing important Grandmaster work. Instead he
And on the verge of slipping too, Liu Kang truly did hate him.
Well, he didn't hate him, Bi-Han knew this. He also knew that Liu Kang could have requested anyone for the job. But he had specifically requested for him. Why? It wasn't that he didn't like Liu Kang . . . Kinda. He made the Lin Kuei soft, weak.
But Liu Kang was also a childhood friend. Bi-Han saw him around the temple much growing up, speaking with important matters with his Father and Mother. Saw him help train Kuai Liang with his promancy.
He wouldn't say he hated Liu Kang. If anything, his company was enjoyable. If he needed Liu Kang to shut up so that he could think, the God would. If he needed deeper or clearer explanations, Liu Kang didn't look at him like he was stupid or unfitting of Grandmaster. The elders did, but Liu Kang set them in their place more times than Bi-Han could count.
He gave him friendship with an open hand.
And gods did Bi-Han hate it sometimes.
But in other words, Liu Kang wanted someone who didn't respect him as a God. Who didn't worship the ground he walked on.
And didn't talk his ears off the entire walk to an unexciting, potentially dangerous trip.
Bi-Han knew that when Liu Kang said people, he was being generous in his description. Not all were lucky as Syzoth. Not even Syzoth was as lucky as he tried to lead on.
But if they were just collecting his book? Books? They should be done with this quickly. And then he could go home, hide in his room, and probably take a nap.
The elders had been so mean all week, he was tired of their crap. He was tired of his workload. He didn't even want to be here.
Liu Kang sort of made up for it though.
"Yes, that is all," Liu Kang nodded, opening the door to Shang Tsung's laboratory. "It's practically already cleared, we're just double-checking."
The job was simple, easy.
. . . Too easy.
"You just didn't wish to go alone," Bi-Han said.
Liu Kang didn't reply as he walked into the old laboratory.
Bi-Han grumbled something before following.
The laboratory was practically wiped clean on the top floor. Bi-Han was lucky that he wasn't checking the prisons, he was sure just the sight would cause him to slip then and there.
The only things that really remained were some desk bolted down. But Liu Kang and Bi-Han began to search everywhere they could.
It wasn't until he did a double take at the floor that he saw a book.
Hidden. Or, more likely, fallen in between the cracks between the table and the wall. It was a tight squeeze, but Bi-Han was able to get it out.
"Lord Liu Kang! I have found-"
Bi-Han opened the book, and the front page itself was just horrifying.
Body mutilation, extreme body mutilation. Stuff only Havik could do.
Bi-Han gagged at the sight, slamming the book shut as he stumbled back.
In his stumble, he fell flat on the floor.
Bi-Han shakely pointed to the book. Normally he wasn't this affected by those types of pictures. He had grown up with that kind of stuff. He should be fine, why wasn't he fine?
Why did he have to feel so scared? Why was his body all shakey? Why wasn't he able to just brush it off.
Liu Kang rushed to his side, checking Bi-Han for any injuries. He was thankful that Bi-Han had just stumbled. Even he didn't want to look through the book later.
"THank goodness your okay," Liu Kang stood up, holding his hand out. "The notebooks are . . . something else entirely. They're- Bi-Han? Are you alright?"
Liu Kang knelt back to Bi-Han's height, watching as Bi-Han took shallow breaths, trying to control his breathing. Trying not to cry.
In all the years he knew Bi-Han, he could only count on one hand, maybe two, of the times he's seen the boy cry.
Bi-Han was shaking too, it was something Liu Kang had barely ever seen.
He gently grabbed BI-Han's hands, wanting to help ground him. His movements were slow, and gave Bi-Han enough time to pull away or yell at him.
But instead, Bi-Han grabbed his hands, tackling himself into Liu Kang's arms.
While it surprised the God, he squeezed Bi-Han in a firm hug.
And Bi-Han allowed himself to try and slip just a bit.
But instead, he just dropped.
And with his drop, he began to heavily sob.
"It was-!"
"I know," Liu Kang shushed him, rocking him gently.
"And it-!"
"I know," Liu Kang cut him off. "Don't think of such things, they've all gone bye bye. Someone so small should have never had those types of pictures. You're okay, you're all alright."
Liu Kang continued to rock Bi-Han, holding him firmly as he continued to whisper to him. Bi-Han hadn't felt this fuzzy in so long. He hadn't regressed in weeks, continuing to push it off to do this or do that. And everyone was trying to boss him around or try to 'help' him with his work. He was done. 
He was small, vulnerable, and scared. 
He was scared. 
He hadn't felt this amount of fear in so long. What was he scared of? The pictures? or the fact he was sobbing in Liu Kang's arms? Or the fact that Liu Kang knew he regressed? How did he even know? Did Tomas or Kuai Liang tell him? Sareena wouldn't betray him like this.
"Let's get you back home, alright?" Liu Kang whispered, standing up, carrying Bi-Han in a princess-style hold. Bi-Han didn't protest much, hiding in Liu Kang's shoulder.
Liu Kang made a portal, sliding the book inside before walking in himself. He slide the book under Bi-Han's bed, keeping that in memory so he'll be able to receive it later. Right now, Bi-Han was his main concern.
He always had a sneaking suspicion that Bi-Han regressed. He knew Kuai Liang and Tomas regressed. He knew Bi-Han took care of them. But sometimes when Tomas was small, he'd call Bi-Han 'Bi-Bi', and Bi-Han would become tense and try to quickly excuse himself. One time he tried to see Bi-Han one night, only to find Sareena making a bowl of goldish and mac and cheese. Neither of them spoke of that night.
Had he known Bi-Han was so close to dropping, he would have never had asked him to accompany him.
Liu Kang tried to sit Bi-Han on his bed, but Bi-Han continued to cry, holding onto him tightly. So instead, he held Bi-Han, shifting him to his hip so he could pace around, bouncing the boy.
It took a while, a very long while, until Bi-Han calmed down enough to soft cries and sniffles. At some point he had thrown his mask off. Putting a hand over his mouth and nose to try to silence his crying. Normally he didn't cry loudly, but he couldn't help it right now.
"Stop, you won't be able to breathe like that," Liu Kang worried, gently prying Bi-Han's hand off his mouth. Bi-Han began to suck on his thumb instead. "Do you have a paci?"
A paci? That was funny. He was grandmaster, he couldn't have a pacifier. What if someone found it? How was he going to explain it?
But goodness did he want one. He wanted one so badly. Before he completely gave up on the idea, he use to dream of a custom one. Probably baby blue and white, he liked blue. Maybe a bear on it, that would be cute.
Bi-Han shook his head and Liu Kang nodded. He couldn't lecture Bi-Han for sucking his thumb when it was all he really had for comfort.
"'Oor," Bi-Han mumbled, giving a small point to his door. He didn't like the fact it wasn't locked. SOmeone could easily walk inside. He couldn't have that, he just couldn't.
"Do you want the door locked?" Liu Kang asked, receiving a weak nod. "Alright, I'll shut the door."
Liu Kang realized how small Bi-Han had slipped, he couldn't be more than a few years old. Liu Kang was lucky that he had experiences watching littles this young, both for negative and positive reasons. 
Like times were Raiden had slipped extremely young after a long day of training, happy to be in his Dada's arms. 
Or where Syzoth would run and cling to him for sanctuary, sobbing and babbling for Dada to protect him.
Bi-Han suddenly gave a soft whine, making grabby hands for the bed.
Liu Kang sat on it, letting Bi-Han sit on his lap. Resting his head on the God's shoulder and sucking his thumb. He seemed better, not as freaked out.
If anything, he seemed sleepy. Very sleepy.
"Is it ni ni time?" Liu Kang asked softly. Bi-Han hiccuped and shook his head. "No? My my, that's a problem then. What do you want to do, Snowflake? You wanna just sit here and cuddle?"
Bi-Han made grabby hands for his bookshelf. Liu Kang carried him over and Bi-Han struggled to get an incredibly thick book out. Liu Kang helped him grab it, but Bi-Han had almost a death grip on the book.
Bi-Han liked this book. It was a safe book, not a scary book like Liu Kang's book was.
It was also one of the only comfort regression objects he had.
An easy excuse too, it was a gift from his mother long, long ago.
"A book full of nursery rhymes?" Liu Kang smiled, sitting back on the bed, letting Bi-Han practically lay on top of him so he was comfy. "Do you have a favorite one? Or a request?"
Bi-Han whined at Liu Kang's questions, running his finger over the content page. He was tired of Liu Kang being silly. He just wanted his stories.
Liu Kang nodded and pulled Bi-Han close to him. He expected at any time to be pushed away. But instead, Bi-Han accepted his warmth.
Bi-Han fell asleep somewhat halfway through the third rhyme. Poor thing was struggling so badly to keep his eyes open.
He gently put the book on Bi-Han's nightstand, but made to attempts to get up.
He had a hunch that when Bi-Han woke up, the poor baby was most likely going to still be small.
And the hissy fit or freak out afterwards was something he needed to be there to help with.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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bp-zb1fics · 1 year
hi! can i have a platonic request for yujin with a male reader?
yujin joins a new school and is quiet and shy but male reader is the upbeat and excited (kinda like junhyeon) class president who wants to befriend him but yujin makes him work hard for his friendship? (idk this is one of those random late night thoughts😅)
Shy, shy, shy!
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New student han yujin & class president male reader
genre: highschool au on crack, friendship, comedy
tw/tags: color-coded notes, yujin is a shy bean, a lil insecurity at the start, ft kum junhyeon, kim gyuvin & park gunwook for comedic purposes, age of trio is messed with a little to fit the narrative
wc: 1684
summary: you just want to be friends with the new student but it doesn’t seem like he wants to be friends with you.
a/n my first request~ thank you so much anon! I’m not sure if this is what you had in mind and i feel like it’s a little messy but i hope you like it! I tried to write it to be consistent with the korean highschool experience and ended up throwing the dog mafia trio in there for extra laughs — if you enjoyed this, I’ve got a ricky fic set in the same au and part two on the way~
Check my pinned for more fics~
“This is Han Yujin-ssi. He’s just transferred here and will be in your class for the rest of the year. Please take good care of him.”
You smile at the other boy while the teacher introduces you as the class president, returning his bow enthusiastically. His posture seems quite tense as he fidgets with the hem of his uniform jacket. Once the teacher leaves, you practically launch yourself into loosening him up.
“So this is your desk, I’m afraid we’ll be stuck together for the rest of the school year so I hope you won’t get bored of me!”
“Definitely just ask when you need anything, especially if you need help catching up with any of the lessons, I’ll be happy to lend you my notes. These are my best classes,”
You gesture wildly to your notebooks. Yujin feels a little overwhelmed staring at the many brightly coloured post-it markers peeking between pages, all labelled in your handwriting. Everything on your desk seemed to function in some state of meticulously organised chaos.
“But if you need tutoring for anything else, I’ll be happy to ask one of my sunbaes.”
“Oh, thank you.”
You continue talking and Yujin just stands there. It’s a lot. You’re a lot. Not necessarily in a bad way, it’s just that you look so sure of yourself in a way that Yujin still doesn’t know how to. He can feel his other classmates staring at both of you. He watches you turn towards their direction and they avert their eyes, going back to chatting among themselves. His cheeks begin to flush with embarrassment and he furiously tamps it down.
“Do you have any questions? Anything I can help with, Yujin-ssi?”
How can you look so genuinely earnest? It must be such a hassle for you to look after him when you’re already in charge of the whole class.
“Ah no, it’s alright, thank you.”
Still, your bright demeanour doesn’t dampen, cheerfully calling the class to attention as the teacher walks in.
“Ah seriously hyung, I’m pretty sure he finds me annoying.”
“You are annoying though, you’re annoying me right now.”
“Ah hyuuuuung.”
You’re about to sulk when rather large hands plant themselves on either side of your face and begin squishing your cheeks.
“Aigoo, aigoo, no need to pout, hyung is just teasing you.”
You met Kim Gyuvin after meeting Park Gunwook at a student officer meeting. Along with Kum Junhyeon, the trio of seniors were practically inseparable. And like it or not, they’ve unofficially adopted you. 
Unofficial because your own mother had laughed when Kum Junhyeon showed up to your house with actual, legal adoption papers and then proceeded to pull up a whole powerpoint presentation to convince her to sign. While you expected Gyuvin to go along with this madness, you weren’t prepared to witness the horror of watching your student officer sunbaenim sporting a full wig and speaking in a high-pitched tone that would forever be burned into your brain. You couldn’t even look Gunwook in the eye at the next meeting.
Chaotic energy aside, your three hyungs were actually helpful whenever you did have a problem. Gyuvin pats your cheeks indulgently.
“He’s probably just shy. As long as you don’t scare the shit out of him like this one did when I first transferred over here, you’ll be best bros in no time.”
“Yaaa” Gunwook protests, “I wasn’t scary.”
“You looked like you could bench press my entire body weight and you stared at me for an unsettling amount of time when seongsaengnim introduced us on my first day.”
Gyuvin retorted, now squeezing your shoulders like they were stress balls.
“That’s because I couldn’t believe that someone the same age as me could look so damn attractive. It’s unfair.”
You braced yourself for the incoming dramatics.
“Ah bro”
“I didn’t know you found me that hot, bro.”
“You really were something, bro.”
Gyuvin lets go of your shoulders.
“Wait excuse me, were??”
“Gyuvin-ah, you and Junhyeon literally have the same personality, I love you both, really, but it’s-”
“It’s what, huh? What is it? Say it.”
You’re about to pull up some emergency aegyo to keep Gyuvin from fighting Gunwook. Luckily, Junhyeon has impeccable timing, almost non-existent volume control and a flair for theatrics.
Yep, time to do a reverse “Junhyeonie is 5” before someone loses their custody rights.
“Oh Yujin-ssi, how are you? Is any of the material confusing? We can go over it at evening study if you like”
The other boy turns to you so fast that you’re afraid his neck might snap.
“Ah, I’m- everything is alright.”
It’s becoming a pattern. You try your very best to get Yujin to feel comfortable and Yujin tensing up and giving rather brief responses.
You invite him to sit with you at lunch and he declines, disappearing from the hall.
You offer him a snack during evening study and he says he’s still full from lunch.
You ask if he wants you to get him a drink from the vending machine and he waves you off.
And he’s not even being rude about it, every response is extremely polite, frustratingly so. And you feel lost because it’s so clear that he feels the need to walk on eggshells around practically everything and you don’t know why.
Despite being class president, you don’t have much in terms of close friends. You’re friendly with most of your peers but becoming an officer means that you don’t have much free time and thus, the friends that you once had would end up hanging out without you. You knew, like Gunwook, that the title could make you come off as intimidating. And you genuinely wished that you could have what your hyungs did, an inseparable bond with all the chaos.
It’s three weeks in when Yujin doesn’t show up for class. The day after, you find out from the teacher that he’s been sick over the weekend and his parents are keeping him home for a few extra days to recover. By the third day that the chair beside you remains empty, you use your class president privileges to find out his address and decide to pull a Junhyeon, armed with the week’s class notes instead of adoption papers and unfortunately no powerpoint. Or a wig.
You knock on the door and wait. A few minutes tick by and no one answers. After double checking that you’re at the correct address, you knock again. As time drags out, you start to fiddle with your uniform jacket, wondering if this was a good idea. The door opens and you’re face to face with a woman who can only be Yujin’s mother.
You pull down your mask and bow, introducing yourself and holding out the notes that are meant for Yujin. Her face brightens.
“You must be his class president, you’re the only person at school that he talks about. Come in, I’ll have his brother check if he’s napping or not. He’ll be glad to see you after staying home for so long.”
You try to decline, not wanting to put Yujin on the spot but she insists, ushering you in.
“I’ve just been so worried for him after he had to transfer. He always gets so quiet with new people and I’m so glad when I heard about you, really. Thank you for looking out for him.”
She says as you toe off your shoes, trying your best to smile and nod while you’re internally reeling from all the information she’s unloaded.
“Ah, Yujinie, your friend is here. He’s been nice enough to drop off the notes you’ve missed.”
Yujin pauses when he sees you sitting on the couch. He’s a little pale but otherwise looks fine for someone who’s been sick for almost a week. His mother thanks you again before bustling into the other room. Yujin takes a seat on the opposite side of the couch.
“I brought the homework.”
“And all the notes for the lessons this week.”
“I’ve colour-coded them by class so you know which ones which.”
The silence drags itself out long enough for you to consider making an excuse and seeing yourself out. But before you can, Yujin finally speaks.
“Why are you still being so nice to me?”
“Uh- um- sorry, excuse me?”
For once, he isn’t the one giving a brief response but you’ve been caught off guard. 
“I know you need to do the whole class president thing but seriously, you don’t need to go out of your way to offer me snacks or buy drinks or even come all the way here to drop all of this off. Seriously, don’t you think it’s a hassle? Why do you have to be this nice?”
This is literally the most you’ve heard Yujin say since meeting him. It’s groundbreaking. Incredible. Miraculous. Damn, you think your brain broke a little.
“I guess…I’m just being nice?...You know, for the sake of being nice?”
More like a lot.
“I mean you seem like a cool person. Like you aren’t bothered by how I have to like use a different coloured pen for everything or when my sticky note markers end up on your desk or like…yeah.”
You internally cringe at the word vomit that you let loose. Really, you didn’t rehearse your class president candidate speech a million times to sink to this level of ramble.
Yujin laughs. Like actually, genuinely, laughs.
“You’re actually kinda strange, you know. But yeah…”
He grins at you.
“You seem like a cool person too.”
Yujin looks positively terrified as Junhyeon flaps his arms wildly at him.
Gunwook looks vaguely amused, giving you a thumbs up before trying to keep Junhyeon from fully launching himself at both of you. Gyuvin takes one look at Yujin, turns around and walks out the door, mumbling something that sounded like “adoption papers.”
It’s going to be an interesting year.
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I’m sure you don’t talk about him enough ; )
ah anon. you know me so well. anyway *cracks knuckles* here we go
how i feel about this character: i think about this character so much it's probably worrying. he's just so complex and compelling - from the moment you first meet him you realise that he has a really unique relationship with the world in general, and just. every time he makes an allusion to something that he doesn't expand upon either because he feels he shouldn't yet or because he's perhaps trying to protect himself i simultaneously want to throw him in the horse plinko and hug him. how do you even live after the first person who was ever really your friend, whose wish was to see the sky from beyond the barrier that was made by a god, dies after you fought for that with him and barely even got a glimpse of the freedom that he strived so hard for. how do you live after you take his form when you end up becoming the very thing that was the cause of your friends' suffering because you maybe feel that it's the only way to keep his ambition and hope for freedom living on after he died because maybe having a god's ideal be a human's wish for freedom is one of the only ways to negate the inherent respect that godhood commands but also probably because you just can't bear to let him go, at least for a period. how do you- *gets dragged forcibly off-stage*
all the people i ship romantically with this character: i can appreciate a lot of the popular venti ships however the only two that have ever really appealed massively to me are xiaoven and zhongven. you can see my post for this ask game about xiao for some my thoughts on xiaoven (i can elaborate if need be though) but for zhongven i just find their relationship sooo fascinating. they've lived through wars together, so chances are they've seen each other do utterly unspeakable things, and even that by itself can produce a very close kind of relationship. on the surface they're polar opposites but when you actually think about it they are fundamentally quite similar, despite their opposing natures. idk something something about a mountain that can erode and change but won't fall or move and the wind that comes and goes as it pleases but can still change it's course and can still come to rest sometimes. you get it right
my non-romantic otp for this character: *chanting* venti and jean. venti and jean. venti and jean. venti and jean-
ok but in all seriousness i just think that explorations of jean's religious devotion to barbatos being put under insane amounts of duress after the events of the mond archon quests very interesting. what do you do when you find out that the god that you devoted your entire life to is not just a concept and is, in fact, a person who's probably pretty depressed. idk. "met god and he's just some guy" type shit
my unpopular opinion about this character: uhhh i can't really think of anything right now? maybe how i actually think he's way more moon-coded as a character than sun-coded but i don't see many people on here actually talking about that so idk
one thing i wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: hehe. haha. forced barbatos reveal to all of mondstadt babyyyyy i feel like backing him into a corner and stopping him from running away from his problems so much would be good for him in the long run
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toomanygh0sts · 1 month
11. Do you have a favorite dynamic to write
13. What’s your oldest WIP and what’s it about?👀
11. Feel like it's exceptionally obvious from my writing lol, but I am definitely partial to "very stupidly in love established relationship shenanigans" or "oblivious idiots (affectionate) in love need a tiny push." Love unconventional coupling (on paper at least, but maybe they're actually soulmates). And for non-romance, I had such a blast exploring Mother-Daughter dynamics that one (1) time I wrote Deborah and I would love to try more of that!
13. My oldest WIP is a "crack treated seriously" (big surprise) secret relationship inspired by that tumblr post about getting an ear infection from giving cunnilingus...because that's very Ted-coded. I think it honestly just needs one or two final little scenes, and I'm not sure why I haven't knocked it out yet. I have been slowly but surely clearing my WIPs out though (and adding more), so hopefully soonish?
I'll include a lil excerpt because they're fun and why not?
“Hold on,” Roy cut in, rolling his desk chair into the doorway as Ted, still an impressive shade of vermillion, nodded along as his sister started explaining the course of treatment, “how the fuck did you give yourself an ear infection eating pussy?” 
Beard looked gleeful. Nate tipped off the side table he had been perched on, managing to right himself before he lost a tooth on Beard’s desk. Higgins, who had chosen that moment to walk into the office, draft contracts in hand, gagged. 
“Fucking arsehole,” Rachel quipped at him, Roy merely shrugged. Ted had his head down, the expression on his face all but verbally confirming Roy’s query. “You don’t just ask someone how they gave themselves an ear infection eating pussy!” Higgins gagged again, but made no move to leave the office, feet firmly planted in the doorframe.
“Come on, you saw his face when you said ‘strain to the jaw, mouth longer than usual.’” Roy employed air quotes to prove his point, “Beard’s eyebrows went into fucking orbit. Be grateful I’m not asking who, that’s his business.”
Higgins gave a third gag, collecting himself enough to place the contracts on Ted’s desk, giving them a tap before turning back towards the door. “I must be off, you know what they say about the life of Director’s of Football Operations.”
“...No?” Nate’s face was one of extreme befuddlement. 
“Yes, well,” Higgins didn’t finish the sentence, just turned and left. Rachel followed shortly after, giving an unusually-quiet Ted her hopes for a speedy recovery. Ted nestled his hands into his forehead, fingers making a mess of his coif, at the “lucky lady” she muttered under her breath on the way out. Roy tutted, swiveling his chair back to his desk.
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adragonsfriend · 1 year
Dooku and Anxiety?
So I completely made up that Dooku regularly had panic attacks as a kid for chapter 4 of This Story Can Kill You in Biting His Own Tale.
The kind of dignity Dooku projects absolutely reminds me of a person feeling like if they can just control their expression and appear totally aloof then they can control everything around them too.
By the time we meet him as Darth Tyranus, so much of him is image, and that image is specifically dignity and solemnity. To me that speaks of a need for control, because seriousness and solemnity are a fabulous way to stall for time in trying to figure out what to do without revealing you have no idea what you're doing.
There is the consideration that Jedi in general are known for their composure, but when other Jedi do it, there's obvious personality injected in it. Obiwan has his sarcasm and straight up flirting banter alongside that focused calm. Yoda makes exasperating, silly jokes in between giving cryptic, meaningful advice--I aspire to make old person jokes half as funny as his when I'm old. Anakin is as blunt as ever, even in his best moments. Even Luke picks up some of that Jedi calm, but is still manages to show he is forthright, caring, and just a little winy.
Dooku on the other hand, my entire impression of him is his composure, and the moment when it cracks--the moment he's about to die. All that is beneath it is fear. Admittedly, that's very reasonable in the particular moment, but I think it would hold true even if he hadn't been about to die. As a Sith, Dooku could totally decide to let out lots of his emotions, physically, verbally, whatever, just like we see Vader do, but he doesn't. There's a reason the Jedi don't realize Dooku has changed until he attacks them, and it's at least partially that he hasn't changed his behavior significantly. Despite the "breaking of chains" promised by the Sith Code, Dooku keeps his facade even when he no longer needs to fool anyone at all.
In the clone wars episode Ambush (one of my personal favorites), we get the fabulous moment of Yoda and Dooku seeing each other over a holocall. Dooku speaking to Ventress is angry and commanding. He feels in control of her, and so he doesn't need to control himself. When Yoda--someone Dooku knows very well he does not control--arrives, it's a different story. Yoda initiates their verbal exchange, and Dooku mainly follows his cues in their conversation, just deflecting Yoda's assertion that darksiders are cowardly. His anger and impulse is tucked away and hidden, and he becomes passively reactive. Even those reactions are tied up in being witty and formal, rather than expressing any personality.
The image of a young Dooku struggling with anxiety and panic attacks and Yoda, who would be only a little shorter than him at that point, helping him calm down, gives me a lot of feelings. It so deeply echoes what Obiwan and Anakin's early years together must have been like (though the anxiety is from different causes) that it just--I'm a sucker for lineage feels ok?
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acidheaddd · 7 months
what kind of love are you?
Tagged by @tau1tvec this time! Again, not a couple, but I picked two at random that I thought would be fun, so here's Ian and Sáile!
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Love As Youth
Your love is buoyant. Your love is bountiful. It is ageless, and it will never age. When you fall in love, it is breathless. It is joyful and endless, it is magnificent. You think it, like your youth , will last forever. Youth is eternal, and so is your love. Your love skips rocks and tells stories, your love roasts marshmallows over fires, and laughs freely. Your love does not take itself too seriously. Your love is jumping into puddles just to watch the water splash, and dancing in the rain, and it is watching Sunday morning reruns of cartoons to feel young once more. Your love is forever, forever young. Being loved by you is to be loved by the summer months. And those never end, do they? Well, I won’t tell if you don’t.
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Love As A Flaw
Cowering, your love hides in the dark. In shadows and under cover of night, your love runs from corner to corner, afraid to linger, afraid to be caught. Afraid, afraid, afraid of everything. When you fall in love, it is with alarm bells ringing. Your love is a mistake, a flaw in the code, a purchase you don’t remember making and desperately want to return. You didn’t ask for this. You didn’t want this. It’s a problem–– your problem ––and you would do anything to pass it off, burn it away, scoop it out of you with bare hands, or carved out with hooked knives before it can destroy you. Get it out, just get it out now. You don’t care who you hurt in the process, only that you can’t afford to be hurt first. Being loved by you is to be loved by a figment of the imagination. It is to be loved in halves, or not at all.
Ian's is spot on, I think. He tends to fall fast and hard, sometimes... a little too hard for some people. He is very devoted when he loves someone, but also still slightly guarded? There are some subjects he really doesn't like to talk about and will try to avoid, though if pressed enough, he'll crack. Ian's the epitome of class clown and so he kind of feels it's his job to make people happy and make them laugh above anything else. Why bring them down with the more serious aspects of himself and his life? This shows up a lot in his current relationship with Clover -- as he knows she's had a terribly traumatic upbringing and he never wants to bother her with his own problems or backstory. Her happiness is the only thing that matters to him.
As for Sáile... Yes and no? She is very afraid of love, that's true. But just like Ian, she loves hard and is very devoted. To a fault. The moment she feels she is becoming vulnerable, she wants to run away. Because that means giving up her independence to an extent. It means giving her love and energy to someone else that can potentially hurt her, and she doesn't believe she can trust very many people not to. Her husband, Alex, already has. She ran away from him the first time, hurting him in the process, and now that they are back together, married, and with two kids (one biologically his, the other not), he's ended up hurting her in his alcoholism, his judgmental...ness, and control issues. But she's already given herself up to him completely, she finds it difficult to pull away. It was hard enough for her to give in to her love for him... she really doesn't want it to be in vain. She still loves him.
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