#seriously vampire lore was great i love vampire lore
toastydoll · 7 months
My Favorite G1'rs that Need to Come Back
I'm loving the new season of g3 so far, so to celebrate I'm making a list of my personal faves from g1 that I'd love to see in g3 again!! Plus at the end I'm gonna include the monsters I don't personally need but think will probably be back somehow :3
Gooliope Jellington! My late addition queen. I love her goopy design, I love that she's so giant compared to the other boos, I love her circus aesthetic!! Ideally her doll would be ginormous again, plus I think they could integrate some novi stars moonbow slime so she's lava lampish. At her giant size, she could probably even still have articulation plus goo! Her character could also be potentially fascinating in g3--is she the daughter of the Blob? Or are her parents mad human scientists, creating experiment 8108?
Wydowna Spider. Her design is PEAK. A doll with six arms would be so cool to see again, especially since the varying body types mean the clothes aren't meant to be swapped like before (so her unique shape shouldn't be much of an issue!). In this gen she might even be a were-spider?
River Styxx! Ever since Draculaura brought up pastel goth aesthetics in Nightmare Nightmore I've been seriously missing River. Yes, she was only in one movie, yes, it was for like thirty seconds, but her design is so creepy cute! Plus her ghost design, semitranslucent with bones peeking through, is one of my absolute favorites. Maybe more focus on her candy love?
Luna Mothews. She was done SO DIRTY in the original (sorry to those who loved her she just was not for me). As a mothman (and Mr. Mothmanson) stan, I need a mothier, West Virginian Luna. Maybe she bonds with Scarah over their shared bad luck prophecy powers. Speaking of...
Scarah Screams. I feel like we're getting a banshee in Mrs. O'Shriek considering her name (and a throwaway line about her yelling), but Scarah was such a sweet and lovely character that I'd just love to see her again. And more Irish this time too! An episode explaining the history of bian sidh lore, complete with explaining the Anglicized spelling, would be super cool!
Sirena von Boo. This is almost purely on design alone. The ghostly mermaid tail, the shadowy finned hands, the chain detailing?? She is so iconic in her design (plus her characterization was p cute). Her color scheme is similar to Spectra, so maybe an update for that. Her character could be a really interesting foray into monster afterlife this gen (aka maybe she's the ghost of a teen mermaid, not a ghost-mermaid hybrid).
Kiyomi Haunterly! Yeah, I loved the ghosts lmao. She was such a cool concept! I loved that her face was barely visible yet still there, her lesbian moments w Drac were all ADORABLE, and it was super cool to see ghost lore from Japan. If they bring back monster exchange I think she'd be so fun to see again through that route.
C.A. Cupid!! Chariclo Arganthone, we've all been missing you since 2013. Please come home to Monster High!! Absolutely adored the concept of a bone elemental, for one, plus her radio persona was so fun! I could see her hosting a matchmaking podcast in g3, plus a missed connections EekTok. Since I hc aro Deuce for g3, I think they'd make really great friends. Plus he could teach her that romantic love/matchmaking isn't for everyone!
Elissabat! With all the focus on the were-ruler this season, plus the focus last season on Dracula's PFFT title and what it meant for Draculaura, I think it could be really interesting to see the traditional Vampire Queen return to Monster High. How do tradition-dependent vampires deal with a power struggle between the original vampire royalty and the premiere, first and foremost top monster? Also getting a GOTH goth character might finally get people to stop griping about how g1 was "way gother!!"
Honey Swamp. Okay yes, same as River, she was in one (1) movie for about forty five seconds, but her crocodilian design was one of my favorites in the entire generation. I always thought she was particularly cool since Lagoona ended up more sea monster than "Creature from the Black Lagoon." Honey was the actual swamp monster!! Plus we've already got New Orleans through Apollo, so why not a little New Goreleans as well? More exploration of human cities and their monster counterparts please!
Robecca Steam. She's so far down the list, but I cannot emphasize how much I need my steampunk queen back. More goggles, more gears, more copper and steam! I loved that her father was human, which frankly could be a really cool idea to explore in g3. What are the ethics of monsters created by humans? If humans are monsters too, was Hexiciah alive during a time of peace?
Rochelle Goyle. Her design was always so classic and chic. We've seen some gargoyles in the series so far, but none of them have been animate (or made their sentience known). Plus she could be great friends with Deuce, and maybe even save the day if his gorgon gaze gets out of control.
Hoodude. I'll be honest: as much as I like the idea of a living Voodou doll, the first generation handled him like garbage. Having Frankie practice rituals from a closed religion to make herself a boyfriend was uh...yeah. G3 could take Hoodude in two interesting directions. For one, they could get a consultant who actually practices Voodou to help design the character. He would be a living doll created by a Voodou practitioner, introducing kids to the idea that Voodou is a real religion currently practiced today that isn't evil, isn't witchcraft, and is deeply culturally important. If they're not willing to put the work in (which, honestly, they've been so much better about in g3), he could also make a really fun renamed living doll/plush.
Vandala Doubloons. Another ghost who showed up for thirty seconds in Haunted? In my list? It's more likely than you'd think lmao. This is solely bc I love pirates and I love ghosts, and think a pirate ghost character is always fun. I prefer her design to Dayna Jones's, but I like the daughter of Davey Jones aspect.
Operetta. Last but absolutely not least, I need the phantom of the oprey back again! Her rockabilly pin up style was so cute and her origin story is so batty (her dad is a human, guys). Honestly she'd work so well in g3 with her "monstrous" human father!
And there they all are! My personal faves from g1, brought back into g3. Some of them are just there for the peak design, some for how their lore could work really really well w g3, all bc I love them :3
Bonus list of characters who should probably come back too (due to importance in g1/popularity):
Jackson Jekyll/Holt Hyde (hello human monster conflict!)
Casta Fierce (and Spelldon) (maybe from witch camp?)
Amanita Nightshade (unless Frankie smushed her when they dropped a gargoyle on the corpse flower)
Moanica D'cay (not g1 but a really cool zombie)
Slomo (more zombies!)
Neighthan Rot (more zombie unicorns!)
AstraNova (love an alien)
Catrine DeMew (a solid Scarisian were-cat)
Valentine (I mean. Come on.)
Gigi and Whisp Grant (except less Orientalist this time)
Inivisi-Billy (is he a ghost? is he a normie?)
Lorna MacNessie (her dad is iconic and so is she)
Ari Hauntington (again not g1, but interesting in the g3 politics)
Garrott (I just want gargoyles)
Isi Dawndancer (please hire a cultural consultant this time)
Kiersti Trollson (loved the literal troll who games)
Batsy Claro (a were-bat would be so funny guys come on please)
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sepublic · 1 year
Finished S1 of Castlevania Nocturne! I gotta say, that one vampire wife of the Marquis who kept his head around was the funniest character in the entire show so far.
In all seriousness, Alucard!!! I was wondering when he'd show up and by the time he did, I'd completely forgotten and thought it was Olrox who saved Richter from Drolta! Speaking of Drolta, she dresses very similar to the Succubus from Symphony of the Night, and even has a similar attack where she spreads out her wings, and sharp tendrils emerge from them; Plus with Alucard being the one to kill her, I'm just gonna treat her as the Succubus. RIP Queen you were a good one.
Does anyone else think Emmanuel is Shaft? He looks like Shaft, he's an evil priest, he's working for an evil vampire, him being human makes him necessary to pull souls from hell. That forgemaster contraption kinda reminds me of that weird orb-thing his ghost fights with in Symphony of the Night...
Speaking of that! Olrox muses on the demon that Emmanuel made a deal with to create that machine, and because of its creator, it's indestructible. Could this be pointing towards Galamoth as the final enemy of the show; He's the hardest boss of Symphony of the Night, Alucard has just shown up, and the two technically fought in... Kid Dracula. Where he was also the final boss for Alucard. The demon might just be Death, but then he's described as an elemental spirit.
I'm also curious as to how Edouard's story will turn out! Between him and Jacques and the Night Creature with a suspicious amount of mouths (as Bathory noted), the show seems to be going back to the whole idea of Night Creatures remembering their humanity and being rehabilitated. Which just begs the question of what happened to Isaac's kingdom of Styria, meant to be a place for Night Creatures to heal? Will we see that come back for Edouard? Isaac was once a slave himself, just as Annette was, so seeing all three come together would be wonderful! It's poetic, as Night Creatures are literally dehumanized slaves, so seeing Isaac, as well as Edouard (someone who helped liberate slaves) resonate with them works.
I wonder if we'll see the Moth Princess from Bloodlines; She's the penultimate boss, and Bathory had her starring role in that game. She looks human enough, but she's probably a vampire, so it'd be easy to adapt her as another lieutenant, especially in the wake of Drolta's death.
DAYUM Olrox and Mizrak! Firstly I'm glad they made Olrox turn into a green reptile monster like in the games... I was joking about the more comfortable place to meet being a bed, but holy shit it actually happened. I love all the references to Olrox's game lore, like his skulls and floating around... Here's hoping we get to see him dramatically unfold his legs in a chair, and then stand up!
I had a lot of fun; Richter was great, Maria was adorable and she is my precious child and I love her so much!!! I love her turtle and I hope we get to see her summon a whole-ass dragon as her most powerful spell, something like that.
I wonder how Emmanuel will go from here, if he's meant to be Shaft; Will he dive into full villainy, or will he be like Isaac, in that his show counterpart will have a happier ending? As Tera said, Emmanuel got his ram; Could it lead to him developing a messiah complex, thinking God rewarded him for his faith? Or will he know better? If he's Shaft, I better see him throw some... *snrk*... balls.
And did anyone else find the Night Creatures in this season to be particularly horny? Like that one moth girl who looks like a monsterfucker's OC, I mean I'm not complaining! Is this just a creative decision by the animators or does Emmanuel have anything he wants to share with the class... It all started with Abel it seems.
AND JUSTE!!! I managed to guess it; The white hair always made me wonder how Juste might be adapted, hypothetically, so it seems the show just portrays him as an old man for that! When he took Richter's whip, I had my suspicions and made the hair connection, it was wonderful... And they referenced Lydie and Maxim!!! Unfortunately it was yet another tragic ending for a Belmont... Man, what happened to the previous season's ending suggesting a happier route, only for us to go back to a "Last of the Belmonts" situation??? At least we got a Sypha shout out!
One more thing I just remembered; Annette's favorite color is Green. I believe that's a reference to her sometimes being depicted with a green dress in the source material? And in-universe, might reference Edouard... I love the connection between Annette's manipulation of metal, and her whole thing of banishing the demonic machine; Here's hoping she gets to pull it off!
All in all, I'm excited to see how things go in the second season! Which will really suck waiting for, but that's the price for quality I'm afraid. Ethical quality at least. But I gotta wait, what other choice do I have? Here's looking forward to how Alucard interacts with yet another Belmont... When Richter almost drank, I could just SEE him become Trevor again and I bet Alucard felt a chill down his spine for some reason.
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Gravity Falls is a great show, and like all great shows, its has its fall moments, its rushed moments, and you gotta admit, it kinda made Weirdmaggedon a bit too important.
Which is perfiectly okay, just about fantastically honestly, for a show that only had 2 seasons and one really burnt out team by the end. They did a fantastic job with what they had.
... But let's see if we can't help it out a bit though.
See, starting Gravity Falls with Season 1, the season 1 characters came out (roughly) alright. The ones who paid for it the most ended up being the most important lore guy ever of all time, Standford Pines, intro'd mid S2, and the Not-Love Interest, Wendy, who kinda got dropped to the wayside the moment the Not-Crush left the screen.
S1 set up the world build. People are complicated, people are funny, people are flawed and gullible as well as tricksy and weird, and everyone has a backstory that complicates them as they complicate themselves by their bonds with others.
That's the build.
But let's see if we can't fill in what's missing, yeah? Start some ideas going, really solidify our two missing character's places beyond the "I'm apart of relationship with this Character and that's what makes me Important" shindig.
Characters defined entirely because they are related to other characters in some way--either as family or love interest--are not characters who are capable of standing on their own if the spotlight hits them.
So let's get started. Some of this was prolly already discussed years ago, back when Gravity Falls was active and sending off episodes? But fuck it, I wanna make the list this time.
Lumberjack scenes. Perhaps even demonstrating a handling of pine logs. There are techniques to demonstrate when chopping wood, handling axes and chain saws, and what bits of forest your allowed to chop at, and what bits might seriously hurt yourself with. Maybe add a slasher flick ref joke here and there ( Strange family with Axes in the yonder woods? My gods the 80s have returned again. ) And of course, name your-skyrim-ref about selling logs and making houses. Maybe Wendy counts as a carpenter and that's how the Mystery Shack has been roughly standing with furniture, so that Stan doesn't have to pay a whole construction crew if he doesn't have to.
The Family Business. We got to know Soos's family. We know the Pines. Why not top off with the Corduroys? What does Manly Dan think about the Mystery Shack. What if Wendy's brothers walked in and caused mischief. Sounds like an episode waiting to happen. ( Did Manly Dan have encounters with the Manotaurs? ) What if we had an entire episode where Dipper was trying the "traditional method" of courting by impressing Wendy's Dad, and just kinda sucked at it, because its just a crush. Maybe that's why Stan had Dipper chop wood that one time. What about a rivalry between the Corduroys and the Northwests thanks to that special bit of ghostly history. ... What about Wendy's Mom? Also I should tots point out that Manly Dan looks like Bluto, so does that mean he's got a rivalry with a one-eyed Sailor who likes veggies? Stan kinda looks like Popeye... He's got the strength for it.
Peter Pan. She's fucking named Wendy and that name only comes from ONE PLACE. I'D KNOW, I DID THE RESEARCH. Maybe she likes fairies and adventures, or something. Maybe even a "Lost Boys" reference thrown in. Maybe Wendy likes REAL FUCKING VAMPIRES. I know I like Real Fucking Vampires. Get really creative, and throw in Arhturian Myth, as the name Wendy is based off of Guinevere. Maybe Wendy could pull a sword from a stone. Or maybe she's the one who puts the sword in the stone. Now that makes a true king, right there. Maybe its not sword, maybe its an axe. THE ONE TRUE LUMBERJACK TO RULE THEM ALL AND IN THE DARKNESS BIND THEM.
Ice Bag. Fuckin seriously, everyone else demonstrated their symbol, somewhat, so we need ice bags, stat. Where does all the Ice mean? Yeah yeah yeah, handwaved as "not literal but metaphor"--dudes a handwave doesn't a story make. We're looking fer ideas here! Maybe Wendy and her family has a history of putting people in ice baths. Maybe Wendy has been in an ice bath and is now down a kidney. Maybe her favorite kind of water is freezing fucking cold. Maybe she has Ice Magic. SECRET WOODLAND WITCH. Maybe a Carrie was pulled on her once, but instead of pigs blood, it was a bucket of ice, and she just walked away from it, cool as all hell. Could be all of the above. Or maybe her favorite weird thing to do is find a store's local ice cooler, and just sit inside with the ice.
Teenage Episode. Teenhood is a terrible fucking time of high emotions, changing bodies, general confusion, and roughly thinking that you're more adult than you actually are, but to adults you're gonna be a kid til about your mid twenties. So let's have an episode of general moodiness. Have an episode where Wendy has a hard time, and has no patience for antics (as teens often do when frustrated). Where she is the center piece, Mind. She's based off of cool-characters, and gods know, the coolest Character around, the Fonz, has had plenty of episodes were the writers put him through the wringer. So why not? Why not remind the audience that no amount of cool-kid mojo really changes the fact that you are often lost with your own body and feelings at that era. Hell, add in a Stan parallel. Stan's teen self was designed based off of the 50-60s tough-cool guy after all.
Dimensional Trauma The man has been on the multiverse train for 30 years. He has seen some out of this world shit. That out of this world shit would probably give him breakdowns and freakouts. And if you think he wouldn't, take one really good look at Stanley Pines. Ending up a bundle of neuroses is just how Pines Twins work. Plus, it would also help define how interdimensional travel works in the GF World Build. ( My personal headcanon, for example, is that the portal kinda portalized Ford, forcibly teleporting him across the multiverse at any point and at random, which forces him to have everything he needs on him least he lose it, and to adapt at a moment's notice--which also serves to destroy his sense of consistency and peace. Which would cause a conflict back on Earth, because even if he knows he won't be teleported again, he still feels the anticipation and sense of doom and it keeps him from both relaxing and really connecting. ) Yes, I know we have the published Journal 3, but do you really think a bunch of silly dimensions (Like "M") is how you develop character? Or make a good story? Or is it just a one off gag to be forgotten about later on. Or a bunch of crossovers? Cos lemme tell ya, you ain't developing anything if you're constantly referencing other works instead. Yeah Rick n Morty, really funny, but that's not important to Gravity Falls or we'd be having a different story and a different discussion.
The Multiverse So why not go into some dimensions with Stories? Perhaps there was one where the atmosphere was more nitrogen than oxygen. Perhaps there was one that had reversed gravity at all times. Perhaps he met Aliens, Fay, Anomalies--maybe a variant of the SCP Foundation is somewhere and he ran right into it. Maybe there are Space Guards that hate him, as a parallel to the Time Police. Maybe the multiverse is actually stretched between two points, Order and Chaos, and effectively we have the first side mention of the "Chronicles of Amber", and how it handles the multiverse, without breaking copyright laws for once. Clearly in the case of Stanford, the alternate dimensions are not the same thing as Parallel Earths--so perhaps the GF Multiverse is more like the Laundry Files, and its actually easier to get to dimensions that are Nothing Like Yours. But in exchange you have eldritch abominations that think you're crunchy and good with ketchup. Maybe he ran into the zombies that are created by luminous worms... Eitherway, an excellent way to develop character, Ford, and develop the world build.
Developing Character Relationships Which is hilarious, given that I just said that Ford was defined by his relationship with others, and implied that was the reason he was a rather weak character. But he is. He's specifically defined by being Stan's brother and Dipper's author, and Cipher's pawn. Yes, he does have the interdimensional 30 years to him that adds to his Voice of Character and his Aesthetic, and of course his backstory with Cipher, but we don't really have anything on him that wouldn't be outdated to his current character. The Stanford in the journals is not the same Stanford that returned to Earth anymore, and the story of Journal!Stanford ended the moment he was lost in the portal. Just as the Story of Homeless Tough Guy!Stanley ended when he became Mister Mystery. They are arcs that add to the character, but those arcs have passed, and now we need to define what we're seeing after a long period of time. We've seen Stan. We haven't seen Ford. So, that's a point that did somewhat start when Ford entered the show, which was his relationship with himself as he once was, and the mistakes he made. But what about Fiddleford? A one time sentence is not a development make. And I stopped thinking that Chandler's Law was worth anything when it came to relationships, so Stan sacrificing himself in battle, doesn't count as a relationship fix just because he came out on the other side, and Ford felt bad. And we've seen Dipper. But I already pegged that relationship as "Doctor Who with Companion", so that's not that special. Best way to help define his relationships with others, is to find situations to throw him at to help define those relationships. Like, what if he and Mabel ran into jurogumo who ate people, but their silk was powerful enough for Ford's experiments and Mabel's sweaters, but they still had to battle spider people (Without Killing them because otherwise, no new silk). Or how about Ford and Soos. Maybe Ford had to act like Stan for a Day, and felt like he couldn't let Soos know (maybe because Ford was kicking Stan out but felt bad for the Handyman, who was a good handyman to have around and looking at the house, whilst Ford was in his lab.) And it results in a long episode of Ford being an awful Mister Mystery. Then it turns out, at the end, Soos already knew. Hell, fuck it, throw Ford and Wendy out into adventure together. Two of the least developed in character, out into the world? Recipe for a enjoyable disaster to watch. Maybe there's something in the woods. Something the Corduroys knew about, maybe its a place they don't tread or cut trees from. Maybe, Ford wants to find out What. Make it a suspenseful episode-- we see evidence of the Thing In the Woods, but we never, Ever, see it directly. Or when we do see it, its merely Teeth, or Claws or a Hoof, but NEVER upfront. Like the movie Alien.
Stand Alone There are plenty of moments when a character stands alone in whatever story they're present in. Usually a character goal will put them there, like money, or boyfriends, or mysteries, or birthdays. Have an episode where Ford stands alone, defined only by a goal that isn't the Main Story Villain or the local Main characters or even the overall plot. Gravity Falls excels at Character Driven, and we need Ford to have a character that isn't "Plot Plot Plot Plot" or "Relation Relation Relation". What is his goal that defines Him for this Story. Could go for the easiest known goal of studying anomalies. Find something weird, go investigate. Problem there, though, is that by this point--that's just copying Dipper, who, as a character, has had that goal longer than Ford (regardless of what backstory says). So instead, how about the goal of "Studying Normalacy". It doesn't have to be the character's defining aspect, because Ford is the Weirdness Doctor Who guy, but we want interesting stories that don't immediately involve Dipper or have people asking "Where's Dipper?" ... and the best way to have those stories, is to play on the fact that Ford hasn't been on Earth in 30 years, and probably doesn't remember how to act, or how things work, and certainly, doesn't know about the local technology and culture changes. He's just as much an alien to Earth now as the anomalies he's studied, possibly more so, and he was born on Earth. After those stories, we can go back to him being the Weirdness Scientist straight outta the SCP Foundation, because after those points, he's got enough development to change goals without immediately comparing him to another character. Sometimes, you just need pacing and time.
Thems is some ideas I was thinking of, and thought of as I wrote, when I realized that while Gravity Falls is still fucking Awesome, it just needed some more touches
And let's face it, can't say no to more potential Gravity Fall Stories.
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I wasn't going to write my thoughts on Eclipse, mostly because I never really liked it anyway and the rereading didn't help, but I'm having such a fucking ride reading the forth book, so I might as well do this. Obviously, I've already finished the book, so it's not as fresh in my mind and it's all a bit jumbled and a lot overlaps... but whatever.
1. God, I hate Eclipse. I'm sorry, I just hate this book. It is by far the worst in the series.
2. It's the love triangle. It's a hundred percent the love triangle. To be perfectly honest, I genuinely don't believe there is a love triangle, but Meyer really wants us to. We spend an entire book in Bella's head, seeing and feeling how much she does not love Jake romantically, but the entire book is about Jake trying to prove she does, and then out of fucking nowhere she does!! This is the hill I will die on. I simply don't understand this, this realization in the end that she is in love with both of them. It just wasn't anywhere in the book until that point, and it's so frustrating to read! There's also the fact that we know without a doubt that whether she loves Jake romantically or not simply doesn't matter, because she loves Edward more. And we know this since book two, so why??? Why spend 600 pages to talk about this?? Please, convince me otherwise! I want to enjoy this, I just can't!!
3. I am beyond frustrated with Jake's behavior in this book. None of this fits his character, not even his more resentful self after the shift, and it sucks because I absolutely adore him. But here he's pushy and mean and hypocritical and just awful, and I just hate it.
4. The second book literally ends with Jake saying he and Bella can't be friends because of her relationship with vampires. He refuses to talk to her, ignores her calls, and then, out of nowhere, suddenly wants to be friends and blames her for the disconnect. And she apologized!?!?! Like fucking what??? What the hell was that?? We just dropped the entire actual conflict of the book within a few chapters and never talk about it again, and somehow Bella is at fault here???? Fuck no.
5. The fucking scene. The fucking kiss scene. I remembered it was bad, but my god, it was so. Much. Worse. Everything about it screams assault, and Bella literally calls it that. Reading it was bad enough, but Jake's and Charlie's reactions were so much worse. It just grossed me out so much. I hate it. Jake is kind and funny and so god damn good, and this is just a destruction of his character.
6. Look. Look. I am not against love triangles. I am not against angst. I am not even against fucked up manipulative behavior. But there's a place and a time for everything. Jake threatening to kill himself/let himself die in battle so that Bella would kiss him is a deliciously fucked up scene that could work wonders in a different story. But absolutely, unconditionally and irrevocably not here. It's just seriously fucked up here, and not in a good way.
7. Victoria who? This plot might have been awesome if it wasn't so far in the background you could barely notice it's there.
8. I am really sad I hate this book, because you can say what you want about Meyer, but girly can fucking write a world. The southern wars? The wolf lore and abilities? Immaculate. This book would have been great with a hundred pages less and no love triangle. The conflict should have been about Bella and Jake's friendship and the whole becoming-a-vampire thing and nothing else.
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chocodile · 1 year
art fight???? how???
hey, could you explain a little about the art fight thing? i want to fight people !1!1!
Art Fight is an art gifting and trading game! It's been running in some form or another since (quickly checks about page) 2007 apparently but I've been playing it since 2016.
The way the game/event works is outlined here on the site's About page. Basically you just pick other users and draw free art for them of their characters--art you make for other people is called "attacks", and if you're lucky, they'll get "revenge" by drawing something back for you of one of your own characters, too!
There's a light framework of "teams" and "points" overlaid on top of that "draw art of others' OCs" concept to gamify it and give it a fun aesthetic (with team themes like sun vs moon, vampires vs werewolves, etc), but there are no prizes for the winning team, you can freely draw stuff for people on your own team, you can switch teams at any time, and... honestly most users don't really care about teams or points and are just in it for the OC gift art aspect of it.
I'm a huge fan of it because Art Fight feels like one of the last places on the internet that is by and for artists exclusively. On Art Fight you can openly relish in the fact that you're obsessed with one of your characters, or show off this idea for a cool story and setting you want to turn into a novel someday, or proudly display the fact that you've been worldbuilding in-depth dragon lore for a decade and be totally and completely surrounded on all sides by people who not only get it, but also are all doing the same thing. It's also a great way to give some love and support to beginner artists.
Some tips on how to have a better Art Fight experience:
Don't go in with the expectation that you'll get a ton of art, especially your first year. Your main goal should be to make gifts for other people.
If you are hoping to get "revenges" back, try to "attack" people who are definitely playing this year (as in, have drawn at least one attack this summer) but who aren't already swamped with a ton of attacks to "revenge" already. (Attacking only very popular/professional artists who get more attacks then they could ever possibly keep up with will leave you feel disappointed... that said, it's arguably worth attempting a few, just in case you get lucky, because that's how I got a drawing from Shoomlah, one of my childhood art idols!)
If you have an art blog, promote your Art Fight stuff to your followers there so they know you're playing. Playing with a group of friends is also more fun than playing solo 'cause you can always attack each other if you're not getting many revenges. Leaving nice comments on other people's characters and art can also help make you more visible/leave a good impression if you're brand new to the game.
Points and teams seriously don't matter at all, even a little. I suggest not paying them any attention at all beyond picking the team theme you think is cooler.
It's best to at least skim a character's profile and rules before drawing them. Not only does it help you get a better feel for the character, sometimes people put useful design details there instead of on their refs.
One more thing: Don't take Art Fight too seriously! You and everyone else are here to have fun. Don't get hung up on art "quality"--lots of people (including myself) are only doing headshots or sketches. Don't get upset if someone forgets a detail on your character or doesn't draw them quite "right". Don't get hung up on numbers or "ratios" or feel too stung if someone doesn't comment on or revenge something you draw for them. After all, Art Fight is for all types of artists, including young artists who don't fully understand netiquette rules yet, busy adults with full time jobs, people with disabilities that make it hard for them to communicate or hard for them to type or leave them with limited energy... etc. That doesn't mean they didn't appreciate what you drew for them!
Wow, I wrote too much. I should probably stop typing and go draw something for Art Fight before it gets too late in the evening!
TL;DR: Fun art gifting game. Great to rub elbows with other creatives for a month! Feels like an online convention of sorts! A+! Would recommend.
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pindagreat · 10 months
I finished Baldur's Gate 3 last night and wow. Really good game! It could get a little overwhelming with the sheer amount of content. I needed guides a lot more than I would have liked, but I loved the story. The entire cast of playable characters is great, but I do find the party size of 4 too restrictive. I just stuck to using the same party of my Paladin Tav, Gale, Shadowheart and Karlach(my wife). I would have appreciated some sort of sidekick system where inactive party members can provide some sort of passive buff to an assigned party member. This way even characters the player doesn't use can have out of combat conversations, which are fantastic, as well as being able to participate in story cutscenes. It would also be nice to swap my party around in a menu instead of talking to party members individually to change around the party.
On the subject of the party, here are some thoughts on the party members (Full game spoilers):
Note that I went for the righteous choice at pretty much every turn
Gale is a fantastic little goober. The thing about him eating magic items in act 1 was hilarious. Tim Downie's performance was perfect for the character at every turn. Gale takes himself seriously to the point of both gripping drama and hilarious blunders. He was a mainstay of my party not just for having a good spell list, but he was a great guy. I love the arc I got for him, where he learns to accept that he doesn't have to keep ascending to greater heights, and becomes a teacher.
I thought when I met Shadowheart that I would hate her. I kept her around in the first few hours of act 1 because she was the first party member you got and also a cleric, which I knew would be useful for the entire game. I found her and Lae'zel bickering annoying at first, but it progressively got more and more entertaining. Then they actually tried to kill eachother, which gave great insight to both characters. Every bit of Shadowheart's quest made me love her more, from facing the gauntlet of Shar and rebelling against her to killing her captors and letting her parents go with their love in her heart. Also spirit guardian + boots of speed is goated holy shit
Karlach is amazing. She's goals and also my wife. From the moment I saw fanart of her, I knew she would be my favorite character. Her narrative of trying to escape from her past and it catching up with her struck a chord with me. Trying to fix her engine was a great conflict, and I love the ending where Karlach and my Tav Nadia go to Avernus to fix her engine once and for all. She's a ray of sunshine, and I love every second of joy in her eyes. I loved finding all the best equipment I could for her, with her getting the Balduran giantslayer for the final battle + amulet of health + being hasted. So much fun
Astarion is such a gremlin. I loved helping him kill his abuser and save all the other vampire spawn. I didn't use him very much, so he was kinda just comic relief to me, but he's still a great character even if you don't wind up going into his deepest depths.
Lae'zel was in a similar boat to Shadowheart, where I was put off by her in the beginning, but she won me over. I love a narrative where a character rejects a supposed truth they were brought up believing, and Lae'zel's crusade to kill Vlaakith was amazing. Gith lore was a corner of dnd lore I was more familiar with going in to the game from listening to Rolling With Difficulty, and that made Lae'zel's arc all the sweeter.
Wyll was the origin character that compelled me the least, but he was still cool. I don't have much to say about him.
Halsin and the quest to heal the shadowcurse are some all time favorite quests in this game. I love the ending he gets where he becomes the guardian of all the refugee children.
Jaehira was kinda just there. She was fun in the few interactions I had with her, but otherwise eh. I'm glad other people get more out of her than I do
The Emporer is a fascinating character. He is extremely set in his ways. He is unwilling to consider the idea that Orpheus won't try to kill the party because he thinks Orpheus would kill him for what he's done. This uncompromising nature is why he killed Ansur, and why he will betray you if you don't give him the netherstones and let him kill Orpheus.
Orpheus himself was a little underwhelming since he came in at the 11th hour, but I liked convincing him to live. I headcanon that if you convince him to live he meets Omeluum and those two learn from eachother.
Also the dead three's chosen were fun antagonists. I loved being jumpscared by JK Simmons when he showed up. I only kinda remembered that he would be in this game.
I love a ton of the changes and additions to the format of dnd 5e. The 1/short rest abilities make martials have a little more depth, which is a great boon. One minor thing I wish they got rid of from 5e is that you can't cast spells while raging. I would have loved to get more use out of Karlach's smites.
Instant short rests is something I love. It makes the game flow well and lets the characters that rely on short rests stay good. I'm honestly planning on adopting that in some form when I start dming.
One gripe I have is that the game pretends as if resurrection magic isn't a thing in the story. Each character starts the game with a couple scrolls of revivify, so I don't understand why you can't be resurrecting NPCs. That would save a lot of hassle.
All in all, I love Baldur's Gate 3. It's the perfect game for someone who loves RPGs and going for most of the sidequests. The story is engaging, and I don't have any gripes that ruin the game. It's mostly just things I would change to fit my own tastes more. 10/10
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girl4music · 1 year
A major problem I have with the whole Spike attempt R/SA situation is that CHOICE is thrown right out the fucking window when CHOICE has always been a major theme for Spike’s character development.
He CHOOSES to be good.
He CHOOSES to be evil.
His NATURE doesn’t compel him. Yes, he has animalistic impulses but they’re apart of his physiology. It’s something he is in control of. And to show that he isn’t flies in the face of his entire fucking arc of being able to overpower the demon.
If it is “possession” WHO is possessed? Is William possessing the demon or is the demon possessing William? Neither is applicable. William is DEAD!
If it is “corruption” then we are to assume that William is what is corrupting the demon or the demon is what is corrupting William. Spike is BORN!
So here is the real question.
Or is the DEMON inside of SPIKE?
The same question can be asked of Angel/Angelus who, so far, is the only significant vampire that has TWO SPLIT PERSONALITIES because they are TWO SPLIT ENTITIES.
When “ANGEL” is in control of the body,… it’s a demon INSIDE of him.
When “ANGELUS” is in control of the body,… the DEMON is front and center.
You can’t have it both ways. You have to pick a fucking consistent narrative. This is why this Spike attempt R/SA situation does not make any fucking sense and is absolutely character assassination.
Spike IS the DEMON.
Spike IS the HUMAN.
There is no possession with him. There never was. It is just a transformation. He has undergone an evolution and CHOICE is what makes the difference.
He does not CHOOSE to rape/sexually assault Buffy. Nor does his NATURE compel him to. Inconsistency.
You could say that it is the HUMAN in him that makes him do what he did. In which case he is no different from Warren or Willow. THAT I can get behind. THAT I can take seriously. Not this “it’s because he is an evil soulless thing” shite.
If it’s his human/animalistic impulses that cause him to attempt R/SA Buffy, fine. No issue with that. But that’s not what the writers are trying to force you to see in THAT scene. They want you to understand that he does it because he is an innate monster.
No, that excuse doesn’t sit well with me when Warren and Willow exist in this Universe. Warren and Willow are fucking monsters in this season. Are BEASTS. They’re ensouled humans and they act the way they do because of it. But Spike… nah. They don’t play it that way with him. He is defective. And the only reason why is because Whedon is a stubborn bastard who wants to keep his extremely wobbly soul lore. Well, the thing is that the show is better when it blurs the lines between good/evil no matter what SPECIES the characters are. You can have actual monsters do good and actual humans that do evil and the reality is that it’s the other way around. The actual monster is the most humane. The actual human is the most monstrous. This is COMPELLING! This is what great writing is about! This is what an entire audience full of humans latch on to and are riveted by. Whedon is an IDIOT! He destroys a perfectly GREY character because he can’t stand that that character is loved for it. He doesn’t like that people are relating to, resonating and identifying with a significant soulless vampire. He doesn’t like that his code of law in the lore is being contradicted by the extremely layered dynamic of Spike’s character when he wrote him that way to begin with. Like a petty child stomping on a flower he originally planted. He is so pathetic.
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cogcltrcorn · 1 year
I was tagged by @flippy-floppy , and I have maybe taken this a bit too seriously.
hmmm. this is actually very hard bc I am very bad at remembering things. also I very frequently obsess over books that are like, objectively Bad (like have I spent a solid 2 months thinking about it by stephen king and only about it by stephen king? yes. is it good? no. did I like it? no. did I still analyze it thoroughly? yes. next question). so. yeah. anyway
I will for sure wake up tomorrow like "OH MY GOD HOW COULD I FORGET [BLANK]" but I am at peace with that fact
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in no particular order:
Fathers and sons, Ivan Turgenev - well. it's a book about russian nihilism, it's a book about the political schism between the generations in 19th century russia, and it's a book about idolizing reason and then being forced to contend with the fact that you are still a human being that is both capable of love and craves it deeply. also it is lowkey about being a college student homoerotically enraptured with your very smart and charismatic friend who is an absolute dick. and what happens if you bring this guy to stay with you and your family during the break.
chronicles of amber by roger zelazny - I am gonna be honest with you I do not remember half of that series. including this might be cheating bc it's like. 10 books. whatever. rules are made up. it's good. it's very fucking good. just writing about it right now makes me want to reread it. anyway it's fantasy and there's reality shifting and there is complex lore and yeah no I think this book has radically altered my brain chemistry when I read it.
twenty thousand leagues under the seas by jules verne - look. 9 yo cog fucking Loved boring descriptions of marine wildlife. I was fucking Entranced by this book. this book started my years long obsession with jules verne novels. I may or may not be autistic. like really I can put like. 5 jules verne books on this list. are they incredibly dated and filled to the brim with trademarked 19th century classist and racist bullshit? yes. are they boring as fuck if you do not care about like, the mechanics of building a kiln on a deserted island? yes. but I did. I did care about building a kiln. I wanted to know how traveling to the center of the earth would go. and I wanted to know if the gentleman could get around the world in 80 days. whatever. the important things is that I loved those books and I still love them and they are, at their core, about how fucking cool humans are and how we are capable of great achievements if we apply ourselves and how incredible the world around us is.
do androids dream of electric sheep? by philip k dick - once again there could be like. 4 books on this list. I fucking love his stuff actually. the man has spent his entire life doing coke, getting scared as a result, and then writing kick ass novels about what scared him. he got really into gnosticism by the end of his life. he thought that god talked to him through a spot of light. I fucking love his books. anyway. this specific one is about the way human spirit sirvives in a future that is rendered nearly uninhabitable by capitalistic greed. the world of do androids dream of electric sheep is artificial, obsessed with its own artificiality, and obsessed with proving itself to be Not artificial, ironically, inventing increasingly artificial ways to prove it. plot twist! the only real thing in the world built for profit is the human connections you build! anyway. I have beef with blade runner the movie bc it is NOT A GOOD ADAPTATION OF THE BOOK and has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. I AM SICK AND TIRED.
actually I lied. here is another philip k dick novel
a scanner darkly - well. how do I explain. ok so basically this is a deeply biographical novel about the loss of identity and connection to reality as a result of drug usage. I fucking love it. reading it makes me go fucking insane. I highly recommend this to all of you, my darling succession mutuals
interview with the vampire, anne rice - made me insane. a theological and philosophical discussion with the guy with the weirdest moral code you have ever seen, with the added bonus of him complaining about his stupid greedy whore of an ex-husband
obligatory mention of 1984 by george orwell - well sorry. he did spit some facts here. also i need to re-read this bc I last read it like 6 years ago and I miss it. I feel kinda unoriginal by saying I love it but like. it Is good. I want to kill the protagonist with hammers, but it IS good... I think of her (1984 by george orwell) often....
red dragon, thomas harris - ok well you see I don't actually have to explain anything to you, do I? I just love it. don't know why. will graham is like a bug to me.
the count of monte cristo, alexander dumas - YET AGAIN!! GOD IS THIS BOOK ENCHANTING IF YOU ARE A CHILD NERD. it has everything: prison escape, complex revenge plot, brooding hero, a long ass side story that seems to have no connection to the main plot but eventually connects back to it, 19th century orientalism. man.
seeing the things other people have posted for this thingy made me realize I need to diversify my reading habits. mayhaps a man should not exclusively read postmodernist sci-fi and 19th century adventure novels. oh well.
anyway. if you wanna do it you can and you should. also go read philip k dick he is underrated as fuck
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lilyware · 1 year
I still have yet to figure out a lore-friendly way that my (imperial) oblivion oc is also my skyrim oc other than like, "ooooh she was frozen in a magical coma or something oooooo"
it seems very mary sue-ish unless she was an elf and could actually live that long but the possibilities are so good
putting it under the cut cause it ending up being long
- has to deal with the whole world being different cause 200 years had passed
- the angst of feeling like she failed the world and the empire by not being there for the great war
- maya is very religious and takes the following of the divines very seriously (think your average paladin or cleric) so 1 god of the pantheon suddenly being shunned would confuse her
- the JUICE of what's essentially a paladin falling in love with a vampire (serana)....
- the implication that she was dragonborn the entire time and could have potentially lit the dragonfires in martin's place, thus preventing the chain of events that led to his death
- reading old history books and manuscripts that theorize the disappearance of the champion of cyrodiil. did she perish? did she abandon tamriel? did the divines take her to their side after her mission was complete? every citizen has their own theory
- seeing the guy in dawnstar with the mythic dawn museum 🫠
- not a single soul believing her when she says who she is. even going back to bruma where there is a statue of her, people assumed she's just a distant ancestor that happens to look like her. maybe the first person to believe her was an elf (a thalmor??? 👀) who was there during the crisis
- her not being there for the downfall of the blades when she was one of the most prominent members.
- she believes that the divines had kept her aside until they needed her, but why now? why not during the great war? when the blades were being hunted? why must they store her away until she needs to be "used" again? does she truly have no free will or agency? i love the juice of her faith being rattled because of it. whether it was the divines will or just a string of bad luck is anyone's guess.
this was originally going to be a pros and cons list but i kind of convinced myself to keep it while typing this LMAO. surely in a realm where you can create your own spells, there's something that can put somebody in sleeping-beauty-cryostasis lmao
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supernutellastuff · 2 years
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I posted 315 times in 2022
7 posts created (2%)
308 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 204 of my posts in 2022
Only 35% of my posts had no tags
#me irl - 23 posts
#buckynat - 14 posts
#klaroline - 10 posts
#fanart - 8 posts
#i love tumblr - 8 posts
#politics - 7 posts
#mcu - 7 posts
#seriously - 6 posts
#just human things - 6 posts
#art - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 94 characters
#the scariest point was about not being able to digest my favourite food sometime in the future
My Top Posts in 2022:
Tag game!
Tagged by the amazing @diaz-eddie
Favourite colour - funny because I recently had a very in depth discussion about this with a friend, but anything in the blue-green family
Currently reading - I'm rereading The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel in preparation for her new novel The Sea of Tranquility (btw her Station Eleven remains one of my fav all timers, esp during the pandemic)
Sweet/salty/spicy/bitter/sour - spicy any day, though I do like sour as well
Last song - 2 AM by Lykke Li & Mark Ronson, also Nothing Breaks like a Heart by Miley Cyrus & Mark Ronson (these songs hit them feels like nothing else)
Last movie - Everything everywhere all at once (such an original movie)
Currently working on - it's supposed to be the second chapter of my Picturesque prequel but alas I have a presentation for work 😭
Tagging @recyclingss @xue-mei @mallosoar @taralkariel @missmorwen @highgaarden and anyone else who wants to play!
10 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
Ok so I’m in early season 4. I’ve always really liked Bonnie, but she never gets anything to do and when she does it’s always just “here’s a random guy for you to have a relationship with and that will be your story for a while” (her and Jeremy 🤮) and it’s never interesting (although I wouldn’t mind if they went anywhere at all with her and Damon tbh).
I also very much like Damon, by far the better brother. I really don’t care about anything Elena-related anymore and I think it’s mostly because they’ve played everything out with her several times through already. Also sorry to Nina Dobrev but she’s not a great actor and I’ve kinda had it with the character by now. The less said about Stefan the better. Jeremy and Tyler too.
Now that I’m several seasons in though it really is feeling like they’re stretching for content. The world and season threats got too big and they have no idea how to stop the power creep so they just keep adding stuff that totally breaks established lore. One of the things I love about Caroline is how well she grounded the story (sure she’s a vampire but she’s also still really into regular high school drama and trying to be a normal person still).
(Also sorry for sending anon before. I didn’t realize I’d clicked that until it had sent)
Hello!! It's been a long time since I watched the show so I apologise in advance for any inadvertent spoilers or vague plot recall.
Okay so Bonnie has legit been done the dirtiest even though she's one of the coolest characters. I like some of her plot lines where her witch roots means she's actively opposed to the vampires but she still wants to be on Elena's side, the conflict could have been interesting but it's never mined deeper. I hate her and Jeremy too and I agree that she and Damon have some legit chemistry (explored in further seasons, so you do have something to look forward to!)
Yeah Elena is annoying, and I got tired quickly about how everything was always about her. I'm not sure if I prefer Damon over Stefan, but Stelena is defs more boring. I prefer Stefan as a stand alone character or his friendship dynamic with Lexi, Caroline etc (more on this later).
I agree with you that the world building gets bigger than the writers can handle, but I really enjoyed the cure storyline in s4. I'm in the minority, but I really liked how there are all these factions with their own agendas competing to get the cure, and well, i always like it when the Originals have to team up with the Mystic Falls gang.
Talking about the Originals, I think they're the best thing the show has ever done. The casting, the acting, the group dynamics, the lore, the integration with the core tvd group... Perfection. What do you think? Who's your favourite Original?
Yes, Caroline is such a breath of fresh air in the show. I absolutely love how she's one of the few characters who actually LOVES being a vampire. I related to her even before she turned, when she was talking about being second choice "no matter how much I do, its never enough". She's thriving as a vampire as well as retaining her connection to her human side, without any of the angsty brooding that Stefan and all do. One of the reasons I love Klaroline is that Klaus is the ONLY one who recognises this, that she wants a life bigger and better than this. He accepts her as she is, and I just looove how much he changes throughout the course of knowing her, how he consistently puts her first. Sigh. I can go on and on about Klaroline. They have such epic moments, my god. What have been your favourite scenes??
10 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
[bernie sanders voice] I am once again asking for more of Chronicles
Aaaahhh Hahaha! I will always always appreciate your constant cheerleading for Chronicle 💜 unfortunately I don't have any plans to continue the story, it had a natural end. What I *am* working on rn is the Klaus POV prequel to Picturesque! You might be interested in that :) anyway, thanks for this message and can I just tell you (again) how much joy your fics and writing have given me??? 🥺
12 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
running like water - a Zutara oneshot
AU Post-finale, that time when an assassin crashes Zuko's 18th birthday. Luckily he has a master waterbender by his side. Ft. a badass Katara, Fire Nation political intrigue, and Bloodbending as flirting.
(Realised I'd written this years ago but never posted. Hopefully this gives me some much-needed inspiration while I muddle through my WIPs. Happy reading!)
link on ao3
Or read below!
It’s Zuko’s 18th birthday and he is nowhere to be found. By all accounts, he’d made an appearance at the Royal Ball for a respectable amount of time and then disappeared into thin air. Katara hurries across the halls of the palace, one hand gathering the skirts of her formal gown, her heels clicking on the marble floor. The palace staff haven’t seen him either—he wasn’t in his bedchambers, nor in the library, and she’d even checked under the willow tree next to the turtleduck pond. Katara fumes, her annoyance rising. She’s laboured over his gift for days, the least he could do is not get kidnapped or whatever.
It’s nearing midnight and Katara is about to contemplate hiring the services of Jun and her shirshu when she remembers the one place she hadn’t yet searched: the rooftop. While the rooftop was largely inaccessible, owing to its steep pagoda architecture, there was a flat alcove, hidden to the public, that opened up to the sky. Zuko had shown it to her a while ago when he was making plans for renovation, but it was dirty and in disrepair then, which is why it had slipped her mind.
The entrance to the roof is hidden behind a tapestry, a rather heavy, ugly thing the colour of blood. Katara twitches the tapestry aside and slips behind it. A narrow spiral staircase stands in front of her, illuminated by a hanging dusty lantern. Clutching the wrought iron railings, she begins the dizzying climb. An unexpected sight greets her at the top.
The place has been transformed into a charming rooftop garden. Vines climb the walls and trail down the parapet. Rows of potted herbs are flanked by beds of exotic flowers, the spicy and sweet scents intermingling in interesting ways. Fat beeswax candles stuck on iron stands are placed strategically in recesses, giving the entire garden a low, atmospheric lighting. And lounging on a profusion of cushions, eyes shut, his top knot undone, is Zuko.
“Took you long enough,” he says lazily, cranking one eye open.
“Happy Birthday,” Katara snaps, flinging the wrapped parcel at his stomach with a little too much force.
Zuko straightens immediately. “What is this?”
“Your present, dummy. I’ve been running around everywhere looking for you.”
He frowns. “Didn’t Oromi deliver you the message?”
“What message?” she asks, sinking into a cushion beside him.
“He must have misplaced the note again.” Oromi was the new palace gardener, a country lad, kind-hearted but rather forgetful. He was a magician at his work, though—he could make the stubbornest of saplings sprout and the most exotic flowers bloom under his care, almost like he was bending them. This little rooftop garden seems to be his doing. “I wrote you a message asking you to meet me here. I could not stand all those dreadful festivities.”
“Yes, yes what a bore having people throwing grand parties in your honour.”
A sheepish smile spread across his face. “I appreciate it all, I really do.”
“The royal cooks roasted an entire hippo-ox in your honour.”
“And I savoured every bite of it…but it exhausts me, having to put on this stern, aloof, regal front.” He does look exhausted, there are lines around his eyes that have no business being there. He also looks older; the planes of his face have sharpened and there’s stubble on his face on days he has no official business. “I hate pretending to be someone I’m not, especially on my birthday, when I’d rather spend time with the people I like.” His eyes flicker to her and her stomach flips.
Clearing her throat, Katara gestures to the package lying in his lap. “Open your gift.”
Zuko picks up the gift, examining it from every angle. Katara watches him carefully as his deft fingers unwrap the parcel, untying the strings and peeling off the layers. Nestled in the folds is a stack of small, unassuming-looking, semi-circular cakes.
“It’s a mooncake,” says Katara hurriedly. “A traditional Water Tribe recipe. Probably not a very special gift but my mom used to make them for birthdays-”
Zuko is already digging into the stack. He takes a bite, makes a sound of appreciation, and polishes off the whole cake. “Is there fruit jam inside?!” he asks in delight, mouth full. He offers a cake to her and picks another for himself.
“Yes!” She grins. “Salmonberry jam. I spent days in the palace kitchen, trying to get the thickness of the filling right. It needs to be the right amount of oozy…”
The words die on her tongue. Zuko is licking the jam off his fingers. She puts down her cake, suddenly very flustered.
Zuko looks up as she falls silent. Their eyes meet and the moment holds still. They’ve been dancing around each other for the past two years, longer than that, if she’s honest. Lingering looks, not-so-accidental touches, charged banter…she’s been noticing it more in their interactions lately, whether it’s quiet picnics beside the turtleduck pond or heated fights during state meetings. And now this connection, whatever it may be, is threatening to make itself known in very real ways. Katara has half a mind to brush off the moment with a flippant remark.
It’s Zuko who breaks the silence. “You look beautiful, by the way,” he comments. She’s wearing a traditional Fire Nation gown, richly embroidered in threads of red and gold, but her hair—
“Your hair is braided Water Tribe style. It looks good on you.”
She smiles, fighting off a blush. “Thank you.”
See the full post
29 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Longing - a Picturesque prequel (Klaroline fanfiction)
Hellooo, the Picturesque prequel from Klaus's POV is finally here!
Summary: Klaus likes his life, mostly. He has his own flat in New York City, a great group of friends, a budding career as an artist, but as he's navigating all the ups and downs the city throws at him, he realises that he's longing for something more. Or rather, someone.
[The long-awaited prequel to Picturesque! As promised, this is from Klaus's POV and tells the story of how in the process of figuring out who he wants to be, he's more and more drawn towards Caroline. Too bad she doesn't think of him as anything other than a friend...]
I cannot believe how long this took! Writing from Klaus's POV was challenging, and I felt like my writing style had changed in the years since I wrote Picturesque. Anyway, here's my labour of love, hope you like it! This will be a two-parter, the second chapter will be up next week. To new readers, this is a prequel to Picturesque so PLEASE read that fic before this! You'll enjoy this fic better *after* reading Picturesque. While chronologically/plot-wise Longing comes first, I feel like from the progression of my writing style and the work I've put in the characterisations, it makes more sense to read Longing after Picturesque. Also, if you're a familiar reader, I'd still suggest you read Picturesque, just to brush up (I've made some slight edits for continuity, especially in the last chapter)
For @recyclingss who's always been such a tireless cheerleader <3
Read Longing here - https://archiveofourown.org/works/38565495
33 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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transboysokka · 10 months
I’ve lost control of my life it is now 2:30am
(Chris watches Twilight Eclipse for the first time)
Okay fuck it it’s 12:30 am let’s start the annoying love triangle one (I’m guessing)
All I know about anything for the rest of the franchise is bella and Edward will be married and she’ll become a vampire either before or after that and also they will have a creepy baby but I think all that happens in the last book so NO guesses for this movie
At least the budget and therefore quality seem to be getting bigger/better each time
Another cheesy quote from Bella to open us out aight
Like idk she’s a student and I feel like students shouldn’t gotta worry about this marriage shit? Not in high school
It should be illegal to get married before 25 when your brain finishes developing btw
They’re both gonna be so annoying aren’t they, her with wanting to turn and him with wanting to get married, just kill me now
Anyway are they gonna finally resolve that one crazy lady vampire issue from the first movie bc that was really such a tiny problem to drag our
So is it jacob or jake what does he prefer
The music is a little better (so far) at least
Oh fuck not Edward controlling Bella’s movements and friendships GET AWAY FROM HIM BELLA
I get that Charlie has beef w Edward like girl same but also I feel bad for Edward lol
Mom sees that Edward is creepy too
Bella’s lying out in the sun but still just as pale okay
So jealous of T-shirt quilts
Dramatic ass vampire family nothing ever changes
Just get rid of this red hair chick so we can move onto the Vampiric Council villain plot
More annoyed about Edward wanting to save Bella’s soul now that I know it’s Mormon propaganda tbhhhh
The thing w the Jacob v Edward drama that I never understood all those years ago is that they’re BOTH bad people!!
I still say they’d make a killer polycule
But I do love the “Edward is my boyfriend, Jacob is my best friend, and they’re jealous of each other”
Loving the lady werewolf
But how many are there now it seems like Too Much
Oh imprinting got it cool
WAIT I SWEAR I saw somewhere that Jacob ends up imprinting on Bella and Edwards daughter?????
Anyway at least lautner is kinda losing the accent at this point. Makes him less annoying
Unresolved Victoria plot, unresolved volturi plot, and now someone new???
Cross-species teamwork to help protect Bella how cute
Loving the historical flashbacks actually, I’d love a movie on the lore
WAIT FUCK jasper is SOKKA in that awful shyamalan avatar movie I’m sndkldjdsjkslskshdhdjdkd
JACOB why would you kiss her she just said she doesn’t love you I hate every man in this franchise
Clueless Charlie is pretty great
Rosalie has been nothing but spout straight up facts this entire franchise so far
Wow what a terribly tragic backstory though damn
So amused that they keep talking about defeating newborns lolol
Why would jasper know more about them than anyone else? They’ve all been newborns at some point? Is it bc he’s the most recently turned?
Oh good, explanation
Oh NOW he has an accent? lmao
Since when does he control emotions, have we seen that yet??
Ugh Jacob just DROP IT
Hahaha the father-daughter talks are so good
Listening to Debussy in preparation for seeing depussy nice
Oh DAMN he cockblocked himself. The damn Mormon influence again
It DOES make sense with the era he’s from etc etc
I just know the fangirlies were going crazy in the theatre w this whole sequence
oh NOW she says yes okayyyy
Okay seriously why is Jacob allergic to shirts
Cuddle for warmth. Classic fanfic trope oh all THREE of them should cuddle
“I am hotter than you” wow the fan girls are losing their minds
Anyway like we all know I stan rpats but he IS a goofy looking guy and I am constantly surprised he got cast for this role
Jacob doesn’t know how not to be a creep Jesus
Nice convo Jacob and Edward now kiss
But anyway that was actually super boring
Are they not even gonna SHOW the battle lmao
This movie feels super long am I wrong?
This fake ass snow
He’s literally making her say she loves him grossssss
What is any of this for like she’s less than 30 minutes of screen time away from marrying Edward right?? What was the ENTIRE point of that Jacob kiss
I actually do like how chill Edward was about it though lol
That is NOT Bryce Dallas Howard why doesn’t it look like her
What’s with the metallic clanking sounds when they die
This would be a great time for bella to get hurt and have to be turned, just saying
Oh DAMN did Bella use the trick from the werewolf story nice
Lol I had no idea vampires were so flammable
No idea what just happened to Jacob tbh like he doesn’t LOOK hurt
Why did they have to kill the girl jesus
The second movie was a gay allegory but this one is a trans allegory for sure
ok so yeah that’s another one done I guess lol
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forestmemes · 11 months
~*out-of-context discord quotes (pt.6)*~
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3  Part 4 Part 5
"I love Blackjack up until I lose."
"Semantic ambiguity is how vampires get you."
"Question: where are my nipples? Have I ever had nipples?"
"___ is only a couple checkmarks away from diagnosing me with lycanthropy."
"I diagnose you with a chronic case of dog."
"But seriously, the lore is a clusterfuck."
"It's not PG unless it's gay."
"This a good Christian channel; there shall be no profanity here. …YOU MASSIVE TWAT-"
"You've got an ass of titanium and a dildo of steel."
"You were doing so good until you opened your mouth!"
"As a tiefling myself, I have to say: Go screw yourself, I'll be a demon wherever I want."
"Are you gonna lose respect for me if I start drinking at 9AM?"
"Who put a dick in this box?"
"Why is it always the rich ones? I mean, what are they like, 'croquet's alright, but you know what would be great? Murder.'"
"How many birds do I have to dismember in bootcamp?"
"She used the money she earned from stripping to put herself through school to become a mortician."
"I forgot this was the side with all the big fuck you numbers."
"Chasmic might not be a real word; but it should be."
"That may be the worst justification for a man holding his penis I've ever heard and I'm two hundred years old."
"I don't have to be nice anymore, I'm aerodynamic now!"
"Go fuck yourself with a 12 inch cactus, you goddamn-"
"Unanimous from Church of ___: cleavage never dies."
“I’m pissing in your goddamn sink. Take care of your toilet issues!”
"I'll bury my damn self, I don't need you."
"You look like a deflated soccer ball, my dude."
"I'm going to be willfully ignorant because it's funnier that way."
"Work will wait; beer needs attention."
"now get in the bag so I can go see my fucking wife."
"I'm not saying I'm an alcoholic but my God."
"I just hate it when my bustles come undone."
"Fuck that demon, he's whitewashing the history of this house."
"What, you don't like tit money?"
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sincerely-krp · 1 year
About Nocturne and Paradigm
Hello, this is Verona’s writer. I’m only coming forward because this is getting out of hand.
  I know the admin of Nocturne and they’re not Paradigm, I dislike those guys as much as anyone with common sense. Like me, I know Nocturne admins were in Paradigm briefly and also left after the racism incident. 
  Why is Paradigm liking their post? Take a wild guess. They love inserting themselves in the drama even if they later come here to ask to be left alone. They keep using your assumptions to make sure other rps get closed before they’re even open. 
But they take advantage of that because YOU do that. You just want to believe it’s them so you have something new to hate on. The rp that had to close because people were sending dead threads to them? You need to realise this is getting out of hand.
  Do you want to keep using any detail to claim it’s them? Okay let’s go. 
Why do they have so many apps already? People write in rps and form connections with writers. And when we know of new places, we invite them to come and keep writing with them. For every person you invite, you might get them inviting another 2. I’ve shown that rp to people that like to write because they CAN’T find a rp to write in, because guess again, THEY’RE NOWHERE. So while Nocturne is not the other group of friends rp either, I do know many of the writers behind those muses, because we wrote in multiple rps together, so yes, some of us are friends.
  But what about the similar fcs, you say? Oh you mean fcs that get taken almost right away in many rps? And anyone can use them. Can I vouch for every single muse that is already waiting in their acceptance post? No, I can’t. If one of Paradigm joins to spy, do drama or who knows what, I can’t know, yet. 
  But the aEsThEtIc- It’s a template. People like to make their rp look good because also, some of you refuse to join a rp if they don’t have nice graphics. But if they do have that, then it must be Paradigm. Make it make sense, really.
  But the application is- Stop, please. There have been other rps requiring writing samples. Because some that don’t bother writing or reading their lore will still try to join, to do what? Who knows. 
  But the lore is so similar! Have you read their carrd? Where they state where they’re getting inspiration from? Are now vampires exclusive of Paradigm’s previous rp? When it was basically The originals? Please. This is not the main admin’s first rodeo and they work hard making lore and the rp. It pisses me off how you’re treating their rp when it’s not even open.
I’m seriously tired of seeing a rp being dragged in Paradigm’s mess just because people have nothing better to do. Do you want to believe it’s them? Then don’t join. I assure you it’s not the rp’s loss, but yours. 
But if you do love writing, and want to find more people to develop a muse with, give it a chance. I’m going to be there, and unlike some of those Paradigm members, I know most of the members won’t have ridiculous elitist demands in order to write with them. They’re friendly and great at plotting and writing. 
And if someone pulled any toxic behaviour like in Paradigm? I’d call them out too. 
  Now can you please stop with this talk and show some respect to any other rp that might come out? These attacks must be so discouraging for many admins that want to create a place but don’t want to face this kind of hate that they have not earned at all. So what if Paradigm is opening another rp? If you happen to join that one you’re going to know pretty soon, and then, as long as you have proof, we can believe it and avoid it like the plague.
Have you also considered that maybe they spread that rumour to make precisely this kind of mess? Let’s face it, they know they can’t start fresh in another rp they build, because they won’t be able to leave behind the mess they’ve made. But instead of accepting it, they go cry wolf on any other rp opening. This is their ridiculous way to try to stay relevant. 
Why are y’all still entertaining an entitled bunch of people that just want the attention? Indifference is what I’d give them after all this.  sincerely admin edit: proof of identification was sent to us in our dms!
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theharpermovieblog · 1 year
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I watched Subspecies V: Blood Rise (2023)
There are already 2 Subspecies on this year's list of films, so as much as I don't feel like watching this movie, I feel it's sadly necessary.
The Story of Radu's turn to vampirism and pure evil.
Director Ted Nicolaou and his cast, including series veterans Anders Hove and Denice Duff, really do love this series they've created. It might not be the most well made, well scored, best looking or most interesting series in the world, but there is a team of people who clearly put their hearts into this.
This fifth film in the series is a prequel to the previous four films. Focusing on the birth and life of the series' main villain Radu, before he becomes a vampire and his descent into soulless undying evil. It's not a completely uninteresting story, especially if you've watched the series up until now. It's not completely interesting either, as it can drag quite a bit at times. The action isn't exactly mesmerizing, and try as they might, the dialogue doesn't exactly engross the audience. It feels like a medieval script written for a highschool production. Some of the actors are also unable to handle this heavily dramatized dialogue.
This is absolutely the best looking film in the franchise. It still retains a bit of that cheap straight to video sensibility, but with the crisp veneer of current filmmaking technology.
The musical score, as in most full moon productions, is not great and feels constant. The quieter moments play so much better in comparison. As always, the Romanian landscapes add a bit of credence to this movie. At least it looks like they're really back in time.
Unfortunately, some stuff is coming off way funnier than it's meant to be. The sped up vampire movements and non practical effects feel extremely dated. I'm cool with the cheap practical effects, but cheap digital effects have never been in style. If they'd cut all the unnecessary flash movement and chose to hide the makeup a bit better with lighting, they could have had better impact. Or any impact other than negative.
And for fuck's sake, if you're making a medieval period piece, run the clothes through some dirt or something before putting them on screen. Make them look lived in. Why are these people wearing brand new cloaks and robes? Maybe the budget was so low they needed to keep the costumes clean to get their deposit back.
Anders Hove is really good in the role of Radu. He's naturally menacing and interesting to watch, both acting-wise and physically. He is definitely the one real reason this franchise has lasted.
Look, Subspecies is a franchise of B-level, straight to video horror films that won't even come close to blowing you away. But, I'll always argue that there is something about this series that holds a minor interest. I really love a vampire who is a true monster, in both personality and appearance. I like it's attempt at creating a lore for itself. I like that despite being a low budget Full Moon feature, it takes itself seriously and presents itself with a heavy tone. Is it too serious and too heavy for what it is? Probably, but I admire the refusal to change its ways through the decades.
Subspecies V won't upset anyone who likes these films. It fits right into the series.
Now I'm happily gonna leave the Subspecies series of films behind. Please don't make another one.
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im rambling about webcomics i read below the cut to get it out bcuz i never talk about them but i do have feelings i wanna get out
these are just the ones i am currently reading, anything currently on hiatus or that i stopped reading during the many period of my phones being broke is not included. and we are going by the normal and correct 5 = mid bcuz that is how math works. also dont take this too seriously.
i want to be a cute anime girl- 8/10, serialized, trans coming of age story including discovery coming out and transitioning
i was concerned with the language at first but there was no need, its been genuinely delightful. her sisters and parents are lovely, she has two friends from before and a new friend/love interest and they're good. i prefer focus on the main character but the current mall trip has been fun. updates are small and for a long time were just four panels before the artist started experimenting
down to earth- 7/10, serialized, slow burn romance
the only slow burn romance where the romance is the most important aspect to me that i read, i dont usually read slow burn so im not burnt out on it. the creator is a big dickkori shipper which is very obvious in how zaida and kade interact. i want more suzy, i love her. updates are pretty big but every single one ends on a cliffhanger which makes them feel short.
lesbiampires- 8/10, episodic, lesbian vampires. obviously.
ruthless vampires so when hunting there's lots of blood which i appreciate <3, the different species of vampires are neat but i dont really pay much attention to the specifics? daph cant go into light but can turn into a giant bat monster, nika can go into light but is limited to a normal bat, the side characters have their things going on. wish yoon was more prevalent but i think im just so focused on daph and nika, and then nisha and anya have their thing i just dont end up noticing her much? updates are normal length
lore olympus- 6/10, serialized, slow burn romance and trauma recovery story
i........ have criticsms....... but the way this series deals with persephones trauma is really important to me. i dont find demeter a compelling character at all and wish wed drop the helicopter mother stuff. i think obsessing over the differences between the story and the mythos is pointless. i like when apollo gets shut down but i think we should drop him and focus on persephones recovery. idk. it makes me happy but if it suddenly stopped i dont think much would be lost. oh yeah the romance is fine, its very formulaic which is fine when you have so many other aspects to a story. updates are fairly long.
emmy the robot- 6/10, serialized, i dont fucking know how to classify this one. political?
i def preferred the before stuff but im enjoying emmy seeing what the poverty stricken areas are like and learning how privileged the delairs are. i wish the updates were longer bcuz i feel like when your updates are short its hard to have a point? i know there's a point about the difference between Madeline and the new girl and how they're growing up. but i just cant get super into it before the episode ends.
my dragon girlfriend- 5/10, mostly episodic, sapphic romances
it used to be so much better. i loved when it focused on chisty (human) and dani's (dragon) relationship. i loved it when it focused on every webtoons staple quirky girl and shy girl side character romance slow burn, especially bcuz its catgirl x vampire, that's literally made in a lab for me. callie and olive are great. love them. casey is fun. i like her being flustered around louis and discovering shes not straight (seems late considering her roommate but good for her). but the updates being 4 panels is really holding it back. like completely. character who didnt grow up in society being socially inept is fun comedy. but only for a little while. nonhuman characters being territorial is fun comedy. but only for a little while. i am so tired of it. its been going on for so many months bcuz the updates are four panels so it takes forever to get somewhere. i mean the recent thing with louis saying her fav tea is venison wouldve been funny 3 months ago but it is so bland and boring now. dani being jealous and callous is so bland and boring now. weve been on the same like 2-3 days since august. PLEASE move on.
death becomes you- 7/10, serialized, adventure fantasy with some romance slipped in their
the artist draws porn of the two main characters which is what drew me to this comic. im just not a big fan of adventure fantasy but the characters are so charming (and hot) that its fine. im really wanting the brother in law to show back up boy is fiiiine.
batman: wayne family adventures- 8/10, episodic, you know this one. just funny comedy.
this is what got me into batfam. obviously. some episodes are just not interesting to me but its saur good. i do dislike one of the artists bcuz the difference between some episodes is jarring for me (like how stiff characters can be, how...... trim? bruces face can look?), but the arts still good just not for me. i know its batfam focused but my fav episodes are when other characters show up. obviously. im a birdflash and core four shipper why WOULDNT i like their episodes?
a city called nowhere- 6/10, generally episodic but rn were on a specific storyline, its a simple horror comic.
a city with creepy stuff where the best way to stay safe is look the other way and prepare properly. nothing really stands out, it truly is a simple horror comic. a general criticsm of merryweather comics is that everyone is a big tittied anime girl, but i read for merry's writing not the artists he employs. i mean as the leader of the company he should be getting some more diversity in there (no it doesnt matter if the artists are women), but seeing as theyre silly comics im not suuuper concerned. i havent kept up with any longer series so idk if they do better in this regard.
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sunnydaleherald · 1 year
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, April 25
AMANDA: Is it weird? We’re mean to each other and we like each other.
BUFFY: Well, it depends. I mean, sometimes that’s how people relate. Being mean to each other… even mortal enemies. Then with the… and that leads to no good— absolutely no good— and much confusion, and then it’s over— absolutely, seriously, definitely over— and that’s confusing, too— the over part— which it is. Over. So maybe.
~~Buffy Season 7 Episode #134: "Potential"~~
The Sunnydale Herald is looking for at least one new editor! Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! Find out more here. If you saw the phrase "HTML template" in our previous calls for editors and that was what made you decide that Herald duties aren't for you, you may be glad to hear that we've set up an alternative posting process!
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Celebrations and Revelations (Xander, T, multiple xovers) by madimpossibledreamer
Curriculum Vitae (Buffy, unrated) by hannah
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Andrew (Spike/Andrew, G, Language: Čeština) by fleur_packyt
A Time to Every Purpose (Buffy/Spike, M) by Joan963z
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Unravelled (Buffy/SPike, unrated) by ialwayscomewhenyoucall
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Empty Places (Buffy/Spike, M) by flootzavut
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Divide & Conquer Ch. 29 (Buffy/Giles, E) by Removes_and_Cleans_Glasses_00
One Girl in All the World Ch. 27 (Ensemble, T) by BrennaLynn
Bumped Ch. 1 (Dawn/OC, T) by LittleTayy
the course of true love never did run smooth. Ch. 7 (Willow/Tara, unrated) by lovelyorbent
Game of Tag Ch.2 (Buffy/Faith, E) by watcherless
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Trusting what Matters Ch. 6 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Seamus1800
Fathers Ch. 13 (Buffy/Faith, M) by Forgotten Conscience
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Those 2 again, Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, G) by Julikobold
So One of Us is Living, Chapter 14 (Buffy/Spike, T) by violettathepiratequeen
The Slayer-Rat, Chapter 5-6 (Buffy/Spike, T) by Desicat
The Key Saves Spuffy , Chapter 25 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Dynamite
42, Chapter 25 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Dynamite
Buffy...4.0?ish?, Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, G) by Sweetbutnutty
105: Intro To Vampyre, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Desicat
Fidelity, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Sigyn
Heat Source, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, M) by ClowniestLivEver
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Dawn the Vampire Slayer, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, M) by LJ94
The Home Invasions, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, T) by VeroNyxK84
Baby Love, Chapter 32 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Niamh
Sparks, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Dusty
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Manip:Color Palettes (All Buffy Summers pairings) by apachefirecat
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Artwork:Buffy () by kenobisbeard49
Artwork:BTVS “Every Outfit” “Doublemeat Palace” Xx () by whatshisfaceblogs
Artwork:Three Of Them (Buffy, Faith, Kendra) by jasmancer
Artwork:Caleb () by soapypopart
Icons:Slayers icons () by onegirlinallthewrld
Manip:Klaus Mikaelson/Angel Manip Set () by michelle-manips
Other:Spike () by sunnydale-sims
Other:Angel () by sunnydale-sims
[Fandom Discussions]
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Is it bad that I kind of liked Riley at first? by nevergonnabemuchmorethanweather
Joyce when Angel tried to tell her what's going on by nevergonnabemuchmorethanweather
How could no one ever tell me by girlfriendcas
how was nobody suspicious about spike and buffy by womanaction
Season 7 Buffy and Faith really just speed ran a whole divorce and custody battle. by imsorrythatusernameistaken
I hate watching Lover’s Walk with the best of them, but it’s actually a really tight, really great episode by initiumseries
So the metaphor is growing up and the “canon” lore is vampires are incapable of growing up, right? by girl4music
I wanna say some stuff about the cookie dough speech by all-seeing-ifer
Ok but like I need a 90k slowburn Faith/Buffy/Spike post-Chosen fic. by sheis-theslayer
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Discussion of 2.06 "Halloween" by Multiple Authors
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Why do Buffy and The First have injuries in the same spot on their faces in this scene? by Buffvamporigfan
Season 5 episode 10 by dmjpain
A meme I made to convince my sisters to watch the show by snowblind2022
Cordelia and Wesley by Buffster13
Why can't vampires work for the telephone company? by watermeloncola
Amber Benson as The First by GHBoyette
Jane Espenson had the best handle on writing Dawn by Itchy_Initiative6180
Hey guys, wanted to share a little love shoutout to my girl Tara by JazzlynneBluebird
Who do you think is the best singer in the episode “Once more, with feeling”? by Careful_Salt_7474
Comic Book Confusion by annayek3
Spike not leaving a card... by sushibananawater
Why did Giles and Anya keep dark arts books in The Magic Box? by Midnightwitch92
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: Joss Whedon's Biggest Buffy Challenge Was Moving Her From High School To College by Slash Film
PUBLICATION: In an Era of Deepfake and AI Porn, Buffy the Vampire Slayers' Buffybot Is a Terrifying Reality by Paste Magazine
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