hello! was hoping (if you have the time) you could please recommend some fics :) i like fics where kurt is older (by a lot or even just the one year like in the show), bottom!blaine, not too many chapters (under 30 preferably), i do enjoy mpreg if it’s well written and blaine is the one pregnant (but i feel like i’ve read most?). thank you for your help w this blog! sorry if this ask seems demanding; i read in your faq that you like when ppl provide detail. thank you again for this great blog :)
I did some searches on AO3. There are ten results for mpreg!Blaine. Many authors only tag mpreg without specifying Kurt and Blaine - there are 190 results.
Under the cut there are eight fics - either ones that I have enjoyed or ones I haven’t read but are written by authors that I like. Unfortunately, none of them have the age gap you are looking for. Chapters is not a good indicator of length of fic as they vary enormously by author. Word count is a better measure.
- HKVoyage
Apple of My Eye by idoltina
A fill for this GKM prompt. AU after The Break Up. Blaine finds out that he’s pregnant after Kurt breaks up with him (with Kurt’s child, no less). He tries telling Kurt about it, but Kurt refuses to talk to him. Blaine decides to finish his senior year at home and give the baby up for adoption. Only he doesn’t. He ends up keeping the baby – a daughter – and takes her to New York with him when he leaves for college. He raises her partially on his own with some help from his parents, and tries to juggle parenthood, school, and work. And everything works out okay for a little over two years – until he runs into Kurt.
The Odds by @gleeana
Canon compliant with the show through the Klaine wedding, with the rather major twist that in this universe, men can become pregnant … and Kurt learns Blaine is pregnant soon after the wedding. A little too soon, given the circumstances.
This is a story about the power of love and family, and about the consequences of secrets.
Hold My Heart by universalromance
GKM Fill: Blaine is a carrier who is sold by his parents when they are in need of money. He is gifted to Kurt by his buyer in order to gain favour with newly elected Congressman Hummel. He is expecting to be mistreated the way he was always told but soon discovers that there is still good in some people.
Note: Part 1 of the Treasure My Heart series
What I Call Life by warblerslushie
Kurt broke off the engagement and left Blaine. Three years later, Kurt’s at a strip club for his bachelor party and sees Blaine working. Blaine’s been working there and enduring uncomfortable glances and touches for a year to make sure that his son was properly cared for. MPREG. Based on a tumblr prompt from blangstpromptoftheday.
thought i could do this on my own by ShanleenKinnJaskey
Prince Kurt Hummel falls in love with Blaine Anderson, an orphan servant boy, and thankfully he returns Kurt’s affections. But what will happen when one night Blaine disappears, leaving only a letter behind that contains an unbelievable explanation? When, years later, Blaine appears with two sons in tow (one deadly ill), will Kurt finally learn the truth?
Note: Part 1 of the to be loved series
We’re In This Together Or Not At All. by zigzag18
Blaine Anderson’s life is about to be turned upside down. After a hook-up with head Cheerio Kurt Hummel, Blaine finds out he’s pregnant. He didn’t tell Kurt that he was a carrier, so how is he suppose to tell Kurt? How is he, a 17 year old high school senior suppose to take care of a baby?
Apartment 143 by idoltina
Six years into their marriage, Kurt and Blaine are starting to be established enough in their careers to want to settle down into a more permanent residence. When they happen upon a refurbished apartment in an old building at a price that’s a steal, they immediately snatch it up. They settle into their new home over the summer, and after a fairly intoxicated and intimate Halloween, they find themselves expecting their family to grow by one more. But as the pregnancy progresses, so does the level of paranormal activity in their home. It doesn’t take long for them to bring in paranormal investigators to figure out what inhabits their home, if they can get rid of it, and how to protect themselves and their unborn child from it – if they can.
Spark Like Empty Lighters by atticrissfinch
It was supposed to just be a hook-up between student and teacher…and it was. But what will happen when Blaine reveals to Kurt that he’s pregnant with Kurt’s child? an mpreg!blaine au.
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twistedtummies2 · 2 years
does your red baron oc for fate have a master? or would that be a 2nd person pov type thing?
Why, thank you for asking, Anon! :D As a matter of fact, yes, Richthofen DOES have a Master in my headcanon. I'm still working out all the details, but my plan is that the universe Manfred exists in as a Servant has another Grand Grail War going on, like in Fate/Apocrypha: where two specific factions are at odds with each other. In the case of the Red Baron, he is the Rider of Red (naturally), and the Red Faction is made up of a group of mages who are part of an elite political/military group. The Black Faction is more disorganized than the Red Faction; one is a group of traditional Mages who sort of work on their own terms, the other is a team of Mages and Servants who are united under a more or less common goal. Richthofen's Master is a young man named Jareth Blaine. (Manfred calls him "Jerry" for short sometimes.) I haven't got a physical design for him set yet, so I don't feel I can properly share a bio on him yet, but I can tell you that he does have kinks like ours, and is very much attracted to his Servant. I am sure these facts surprise no one. :P
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datshitrandom · 7 years
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Favorite Fanfics (65/?) “How Things Should be” by Imogen_LeFay
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lookninjas · 2 years
If Glee Did a Depeche Mode Tribute Episode
(Starting with this one because it had four votes to three for the Sad Bangers, and the one person who voted only for the Sad Bangers seemed to be looking for music recs, and so that needs a little more thought than just me making jokes.  But I will do both.  It’s a day off and it’s icy as hell so.)
We start the episode with the Cheerios in a darkened gym doing a spectacular choreographed routine to a (heavily edited) version of “Master and Servant.”  There are chains.  There might be fire.  Heather Morris dances her ass off.    Through it all, Sue Sylvester scowls and looks unimpressed.  At the end of the routine, she demands the Cheerios tell her what the song is about. 
Santana:  “Um, Martin Gore’s dissatisfaction with standard gender roles and capitalist society?”
Sue:  “WRONG.  It’s about SEX.  And POWER.”
Brittany:  (quietly)  “Actually I think it’s what Santana said.”
We cut to the hallway, where Will walks up to Sue and asks her if she really thinks the new Cheerios routine is appropriate.  She tells him that he better get over his weird Depeche Mode hangups and fast, because she’s just got a hot tip that one of the judges for Regionals is a huge fan of the Mode, and anyone who can’t do a solid DM number is sure to lose.
And so begins:  Depeche Mode Week at McKinley High!
A reluctant-looking Will Schuester writes the words Depeche Mode on the whiteboard in the choir room.  He might not be excited about the task ahead of him, but several students clearly are.  Tina is the first to volunteer a song.  She begins “A Question of Lust,” but is cut off midway through the chorus by Will, who deems the song inappropriate.  Santana protests, as do Tina, Mike, and Kurt, but all four are shut down.  Kurt, in an effort to present a more parent-friendly Depeche Mode, breaks out his lower register to perform “New Dress,” which a half-listening Will dismisses as being a meaningless song about clothes.  Again, protests break out; again they are shut down.  The class session ends with Will telling the kids that it will be hard for them to find a Depeche Mode song they can perform, but that they’re just going to keep trying.
Finn and Rachel have an argument in an empty classroom.  Finn wants to do something for Depeche Mode week.  He believes that he and Rachel can sway Mr. Schue into liking the band.  Rachel announces that she thinks Mr. Schue is right.  Depeche Mode, she argues, is dated.  It lacks mainstream appeal.  They should be doing something timeless.  Something everyone can agree on.
Finn: “Like show tunes?”
Finn accuses Rachel of only wanting to perform songs she thinks are in her wheelhouse.  Rachel points out that Depeche Mode isn’t exactly Finn’s genre either.  He says he’s not afraid to try something different, unlike her.  Rachel declares that she’s not afraid of anything.  The argument ends with the two of them in the choir room performing a mashup of “Leave in Silence” and “Enjoy the Silence,” which works far better than it has a right to.  Will tells them that it’s a “good try,” but that something’s missing.  Finn and Rachel turn to one another in dismay.
(Glee later releases the Lea Michele version of “Enjoy the Silence,” which becomes a moderate success; they never release Cory’s version of “Leave in Silence” and I am annoyed by this for the rest of my life.)
Several glee clubbers go to the mall, where they discuss the ongoing Depeche Mode situation.  Mike and Blaine are still determined to find a Depeche Mode song that Mr. Schue will like, but Santana and Kurt have given up.  They’re in the food court, picking at junk food, when the Warblers come dancing through, buying everything in sight to the tune of “Everything Counts.”  At the end of the song, Sebastian says, mockingly, “See you at Regionals!”  Mike, Blaine, and Artie look at each other.  They know they’re in trouble. 
Will has lunch with Emma and Coach Beiste.  He confesses that he’s struggling to find a Depeche Mode that he, personally, connects to.  Emma tells him that it’s because he’s a Normie.  When Will protests, Coach Beiste backs Emma up.  Will was in glee club when glee club was popular; he dated a cheerleader.  He’s not going through the same things the current glee club is.  Depeche Mode, Emma explains, is for gender rebels and fabulous communists.  It’s not for men who wear sweater vests.  Maybe Will should try something more his speed, like Wham!  Coach Beiste suggests they split the difference and do Tears for Fears.  Will walks away looking disturbed.  Is he a Normie?  Are his sweater vests holding him back from embracing the Mode?  This is the most-gifed scene in the entire episode, and excerpts of the dialogue make it onto everyone’s Best of Emma Pillsbury videos, and rightly so.
Will walks past the empty choir room, only to hear Santana singing “Somebody” inside.  He doubles back to look through the doorway -- Santana’s singing to Brittany, with Brad playing piano.  It’s beautiful.  It’s the theme song to literally every Brittana video, and it should be.  At the end of the song, Brittany asks why Santana didn’t sing in front of the whole class.  Santana says, bitterly, that Mr. Schuester would only find something in the song to hate, and she doesn’t feel like getting picked apart.  Not when it’s something she actually cares about.
Will walks away looking even sadder. 
Mike, Blaine, and Artie take to the stage to perform a boybandish and weirdly ominous version of “Get the Balance Right!”, interspersed with scenes of Will teaching, Will getting groceries, Will brushing his teeth, etc.  Mike, Blaine, and Artie are in every scene, popping out from behind walls, watching him in the mirror, etc.  It’s creepy and also deeply hilarious.  Will himself sings the final “Almost...”, which is also deeply hilarious. 
In the penultimate scene of the episode, the glee club is gathered in the choir room.  Will announces that he has a song he’d like them to try out, potentially for Regionals.  He passes out sheet music, and the glee club reacts in surprise and confusion.  It’s... Depeche Mode. 
Kurt:  “Mr. Schue, you hate Depeche Mode.”
Will confesses that he has a hard time relating to Depeche Mode, but that this isn’t all about him.  It’s something the glee club obviously connects with.  Moreover, he thinks this is something the audience will connect to as well.  The New Directions happily take the stage to perform “People are People.”  It’s a fun, upbeat group number -- everyone’s laughing and having a good time.  Mercedes gets to sing for the first time all episode.  Will watches them from the audience, satisfied and smiling.
Three episodes later, at Regionals, absolutely no one sings any Depeche Mode.  (The “joke” club, however, is a group from a Waldorf school dressed in matching chunky sweaters, who perform a haunting version of “Listen” by Tears for Fears.)  At the end of the season, Will performs “A Question of Time” for the graduating seniors, a moment so inappropriate it makes it into like twenty different Buzzfeed listicles.  I make an angry tumblr post about how unfair it is that Tina got shut down on “A Question of Lust,” and now Will goes on to sing this.  The post gets three notes, one of which I am never able to see.
The Depeche Mode episode itself goes down in history as... an episode of Glee.  Some people thought it was weird.  Most people liked it okay.  No one really has any strong feelings about it.
Except for me, ‘cause it’s obviously my favorite.
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20xbetterthanu · 2 years
4 for the ask game!! illicit meetings and burning flames (klaine obviously)
illicit meanings and burning flames:
Kurt knows he isn't supposed to be there. If he was seen, people would talk. People would do more than talk--they'd jeer, threaten him. Threaten Blaine's life. But Kurt couldn't bring himself to care, not really. He needed to see Blaine, needed to touch him, kiss him. So no, he didn't care about what people would say. He'd spent his whole life caring about talk. It was time he began caring about what he wanted.
The hallway to Blaine's quarters was dark, lit only by the torches on the wall, the flames flickering in the night. Kurt knocked gingerly on Blaine's door, looking on either side of himself to make sure no one was following him. Blaine opened the door, dressed only in a loose fitting pair of britches. Kurt swallowed thickly, trying not to stare at the golden skin. "Hello," Kurt murmured.
Blaine stood there dumbly for a moment before responding. "Master Kurt," he said, bowing. "If I'd known you were coming I would have--"
Kurt didn't let him finish, pushing him into the tiny room. "Are we going to pretend yesterday didn't happen?" he asked. Blaine smiled weakly.
"It shouldn't have happened," Blaine said. "You should go back to your rooms now. Servants quarters are no place for proper folk."
Kurt frowned down at Blaine. "Is that really what you think about yesterday?"
Blaine looked down. "It is the safest thing to think about it, Master Kurt. And it cannot happen again."
"What if I want it to?" Kurt asked, his voice almost pleading. "Would you indulge me then?"
"I can't," Blaine said. "If they find out that we--"
"They won't," Kurt said. "They won't know. We'll be careful. I just--Blaine, you changed something in me yesterday. What was once cold and hidden is now a burning flame inside of me, an awakening of feelings I didn't know I had. I can't go without it now. Please."
Blaine's eyes were on Kurt's lips. "No one will find out?"
Kurt shook his head. "No one."
Slowly, Blaine nodded. "Okay."
And there were no words after that.
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angelhummel · 3 years
Rachel is honestly just completely overhated. Like I said it myself on tiktok and then someone said, 'she sent someone to a crackhouse, she deserves the hate' and I'm like BITCH, everyone on this damn show has done WAY worse than what Rachel has. People excuse other characters actions, solely because of pretty privilege.
And if you think about it, Rachel and Santana are way too similar, even Santana said it herself, 'you and I are the only people in this school who would kill their best friend to get to the top' or somewhere along those lines.
Honestly, there should be a rachel berry defense squad if there isn't one already.
omg the crackhouse argument is so funny for throwing rachel’s whole character away tho. like it’s so insane that it doesn’t even feel real. that’s like if the whole reason i hated finn was because he ran over a mailman. he literally hit an innocent civil servant with his car when the man was just trying to do his job. that is irredeemable! and not at all played for comedy bc idk what that is (: 
also like. kitty gave someone an eating disorder. brittany accused a teacher of sexual assault and also beat a student up with an umbrella. sebastian tried to physically assault kurt and ended up severely injuring blaine and also has zero redeemable traits and people are still up his ass for whatever reason. sue tried to shoot brittany out of a cannon. there’s so much insane stuff on this show, to only focus on the crackhouse incident is hilarious 
also also like. sunshine is not a real person. a fictional character putting another fictional character in a dangerous situation is not real, and does not hurt anyone irl. but making some racist, ableist, antisemitic etc comment every time you open your mouth, that actually has an effect on people irl believe it or not :)
and yeah it’s not like rachel is completely innocent and never said anything offensive but her comments cannot even begin to touch the mountain of offensive bullshit santana has said
the rachel berry defense squad is right here, party of one lmao. always taking members tho <3 
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Author:  flyblckbirdfly
Rating:  NC-17
Status:  Completed in June 2012
Word Count:  6,200
Summary:  At the age of five, every boy and girl of noble birth in the kingdom of Lima was assigned a companion. On Kurt’s fifth birthday, his present had been a small, shy boy named Blaine, recently orphaned. Blaine really was the finest companion in the entire kingdom. Kurt had no doubt of that.
Tropes/Genre:  Royal!Klaine, Lord!Kurt, servant!Blaine, AU, romance
Lynne’s review:  So sweet, lovely and HOT!
Read at:  LJ
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sarisstories · 3 years
So I kinda have a strong muse for one of my old Glee ocs Sarah Puckerman who was from an AU rp where characters like Blaine, The Puckermans, Quinn where residents, and others like Kurt, Joe where servants. I think it'd make a decent story. her orginal fc is Bailee Madison ( pictured below) who is about to be 22 and the character was 15
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then I thought of changing her to Violet Brinson ( pictured below) who is younger but looks more Hummel to me. I know that because of Mark who played Puck the Puckerman name is very taboo so I don't know what to do, thoughts or opinions?
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tagging a few let me know if you want to be added or removed
@not-another-fangirl @aceyanaheim @xtruebeliever @ocfairygodmother @hoqwaarts @hughstheforcelou @eddysocs @andromedalestrange
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luxeacadgossip · 3 years
Who do you think are the most competitive on campus?
What a question this is, 'Nonny, and it certainly is an interesting one given that we are only a couple of weeks away from this year's Marked Games event! Do I sense some foreshadowing, here? Perhaps, or perhaps we'll never know. Either way, I'm just dying to get into this one!
To determine who is most competitive on campus, one must look at a couple of different facets- primarily, how certain people move in public versus in private. That's right, 'Nonny, I said it and NO, I don't regret it for any of you out there reading this. It should come as no surprise to anyone that in a place like Luxe, more than one wolf in sheep's clothing exists. Now, that isn't to say we don't have any overtly comptetitive folkx around here! As a matter of fact, a good chunk of the student body has no problem or qualm hiding their competitive nature. I mean, has anyone else seen the rivalry between Isabel Evans and Amaya Kingston? It doesn't end there, either, let me tell you. Despite having only recently arrived, this blogger and public servant can't help but to think that newcomer Harlow Hastings will be another one to fit that bill. There's something to be said of those who participate and compete on teams, too, so for this question I'm looking at flokx like Lucas Parker, Yuri Katsuki, and Delaney O'Neil. And, of course, we can't leave out everyone's favorite Elite charmer, Patrick Blanco Commerford. Though, piggybacking on what was discussed in my previous post involving a certain submissive, it seems that everyone's favorite personality has left the building, and taken up permanent residence in Lincoln Hall.Whatever is going on there, this reporter wishes him the best.  And, of course, if we’re discussing competitive natures, we simply cannot proceed without mentioning our gorgeous teddy bear, Blaine Anderson.
I hope that answered your question, 'Nonny! This was a fun one to answer, and to consider. Why not send in some more of these, friends?
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farfallasunicas · 3 years
Possible new Oc!!!
@witchofinterest @tenaciousarcadeexpert @1lilspark @ocfairygodmother @hoqwaarts @hughstheforcelou @randomestfandoms-ocs @raging-violets
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Character Info
 Full Name:   Aida Rain Anderson 
Nicknames:  Munchkin, Cutie-Pie,  Rainbow ( Blaine only)
 Birthday:   undecided
Age:  15
Hobbies:   Sports, reading, horseback riding, swimming 
Aida Anderson is 15, she is based off my old rp character from  @wellroodrp  named Sarah Puckerman. Due to certain  reasons and because I adored  the relationship between Sarah and Blaine (@justbreatheblaine) I decided to redo her as Blaine's little sister. I choose the name Aida Rain because I think it sounds beautiful and since Cannocially   they went Cooper then Blaine I thought they'd name the 3rd child something with an A.  In the rp in the town of  Wellwood the Glee characters  were residents( like  Blaine, Sebastián, and Quinn  to name a few) and lived in manors/mansions  or servants ( characters like Kurt, Tina, Brittany etc)
Aida is the younger sister of Blaine and Copper Anderson. She is very close with Blaine ,but most days can't stand Cooper. She is an amazing  student ,always staying on the honor roll, and in mostly advanced classes. She attends Crawford Day, which is  Dalton's (her brother's  school)  sister school. Luckily the schools are across from each other so she'll sometimes meet Blaine for lunch. One thing Aida hates is that her brothers are legends at both schools. She's often compared to Blaine and held to the Teacher’s standards of him. If she gets in trouble or does anything at school Blaine is always the first to find out and will be the one to "discipline' (usually getting on to her) about ut, especially since she can't lie to him. Aida is shy but once she gets to know you she'll open up a little  bit. She also has a beautiful singing voice but is too scared to share it. She is also the one who set Kurt and Blaine up as well as was the first one  Blaine came out to. She often serves as Blaine's muse for song writing.
☆ Family
Mother: Maria Anderson  
Father:  Devon Anderson
Oldest Brother: Cooper Anderson (fc: Matt Bommer)
Older Brother: Blaine  Anderson (fc: Darren Criss)
☆ STATUS:  Resident
☆ KEY TRAITS:  Smart, shy, naive, stubborn. sassy. cute  
☆ FEARS:   Storms,  diasppointing people, never being good enough.
☆ FACE CLAIM : Younger Vanessa Hudgens  (like High School Musical days age)
☆ Fandom: Glee
 » COLOR:  orange 
 » SEASON: Autumn
 » FLOWERS:  Tulips
 » GUILTY PLEASURE:  Sweets, and cuddles.
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atlanticcanada · 3 years
Thousands attend rally outside N.B. legislature in support of striking CUPE workers
Over a thousand striking public sector workers marched through the streets of Fredericton Tuesday morning, their latest move in a labour dispute that’s now entered day five.
The CUPE members and supporters gathered outside the New Brunswick legislature, just as the legislature resumed the session that was adjourned in June.
On Monday, Premier Blaine Higgs said his government cancelled the throne speech, which was expected to start a new session on Tuesday. The cancellation gives his government two extra days to get legislation passed, which could include back-to-work legislation.
Higgs said he didn’t intend to introduce the legislation Tuesday, but it was a possibility.
As the legislature resumed, the CUPE crowd could be heard inside, on the floor.
“This legislature should have the authority to order him back to the table,” said Green Party Leader David Coon, encouraging Higgs to return to negotiations with CUPE during a members’ statement.
President of CUPE NB, Stephen Drost said they’re ready to resume negotiations, but said Higgs was the one that walked away.
“They know we’re here, they know how to get a hold of us,” said Drost.
The N.B. government is offering a 8.5 per cent pay increase over five years – which would cost the province about $55 million more each year.
CUPE is asking for a three per cent increase each year, for four years – which would cost the province about $77 million more.
“The membership have been very, very clear, these are the lowest paid of the lowest paid – three per cent to our workers, versus two per cent to someone making a lot more, is significantly different,” said Drost.
Higgs has said the province can't afford to pay workers what their union is asking, but Drost says the government is less concerned about money and more interested in attacking public servants.
The strike involves school bus drivers, custodians, mechanics, some health-care workers, educational support staff, and workers in transportation, corrections and the community college system.
It’s always hard to say - but I believe there’s over 1,000 people here. Could be well over. pic.twitter.com/rgDyXKn8GF
— Laura Brown (@LauraBrownCTV) November 2, 2021
With files from The Canadian Press. 
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/3BELe7u
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vcg73 · 4 years
Glee Memories
Someone reblogged an old post to which I had contributed this run-down of my entire Glee fan experience. It made me laugh to read it, because I cannot deny ANY of the reactions even now. This is truly what it was like to watch the show in original air date Fox TV real time - endless mid-season hiatuses and all. Reposting just my own section:
Season 1 - SO good and fun! I want to see more of this!  Kurt, I love you. You’re so funny and I especially loved the second half of the season when you started singing solos and being a Cheerio!  Even the characters I didn’t really embrace I still want to learn more about. And the songs, and the hope for next year’s competitions…  Damn you, summer hiatus!
Season 2 - OMG, not as fresh as last year but still some amazing stuff!  Burt and Carole are cute together, though a little oblivious. Why didn’t we ever get any blended Hudmel family scenes?  Especially at Christmas.  *pout* Didn’t care for Kurt being basically sidelined at Dalton Academy for half the season, and his crush is kind of an oblivious jerk, but I have hope. Things much better by the end with Kurt back at McK and no joy to the bullies. Can’t quite make up my mind if I want to forgive Karofsky. He was awful, but also terrified. I’ll make up my mind next year. Aw, Jean Sylvester has died, I liked her.  Finn, a funeral should not inspire you to dump one girl and chase another. You big drip. Too bad about Nationals, but it’s okay that they didn’t go straight to the top. More reason to put out all the stops next year!  I liked this season a lot overall. Damn you, summer hiatus!
Season 3 - What the fuck has happened to this show? Blaine transfers in, acts like a dick, steals opportunities and insults people, but by the end every single character is completely up his ass. Wha-?  Wait, are Finchel a couple again for the 4,869th time, or are they broken up again?  I can’t keep up.  Am I really supposed to care about the suddenly evil Warblers and their smirking meerkat boss? Cause I don’t.  Warbler Council I miss you.  Shue, you’re horrible, get off my screen. Sue, go with him, you’re not funny anymore. Kurt ends up stuck in Lima with no prospects, while Rachel of the world’s worst audition gets his spot at the fancy performing arts school? What the hell!  And what do you mean, he only applied to ONE school, that makes no sense given his historic ambition to escape Lima, and determination to help Finn get out too. Someone at NYADA is a lazy bastard who couldn’t be bothered to send out the acceptance letters until JUNE, so most of their prospectives have probably accepted other offers by now.  This entire season made no sense and left a bad taste in my mouth. Thank God for summer hiatus!
Season 4 - Better in some respects. Really stupid in others. Kurt does an amazing audition and gets a second chance (that he should have had the first time) to get into his school.  I’ll take it.  Blaine, you’re a lying, cheating, selfish sack of shit and I’ve given up hoping you’ll ever improve. Just go away and stop horning in where you don’t belong. Adam Crawford, you’re a cinnamon roll too good for this world, but no way too good for Kurt. :)  I’m not usually a shipper, but you’re forcing me to ship hard.  New Glee Club, your boring clone selves need to step it up and show some originality if you want anyone to like you. Uh, wow, did that nasty Cheerio girl really try to kill the other girl by making her anorexic and totally get away with that with no consequences? Epic fail. Shue, you’re revolting. Oh, Unique. I like you, but why did you leave a star position at Carmel only to be meek about being shoved into the background at McKinley?  Really thought Blaine might get offed in that stink-bomb of a school shooting episode. It would have had emotional resonance for others and retired that character with a shred of dignity. Wasn’t that the point of having people declare Blaine teen angel/Jesus-standin for half the season? But no. Nothing happens and they chuck Becky-used to be cool but now is just super annoying-Jackson under the bus instead. (Also, why did nobody on the New York side even seem to know this headline-making event even happened?) Rachel, taking insensitivity and selfishness to new heights in New York. Why is Kurt suddenly your care-taker and general servant? Blech. Sarah Jessica Parker, completely wasted from great starting potential. Did Sam’s brain fall out in the deep end of the swimming pool and float away? Cause, whoa. Finn? Finn! Pay attention, dude. Cut your losses and go to your classes at Ohio state (or wherever). Burt, thank you for squashing that stupid proposal idea. But where is Adam?  Come back, adorable little cupcake!  Summer hiatus, thank you, I need a break but kinda like where everyone finally ended at the last of this year. This has definite potential.
Season 5 - Dead Finn = sadness. I kind of wish they had just retired him to off screen college somewhere. Wait, what?  God Damn It Writers! You can’t just transplant Finchel’s planned storyline to a totally different couple and expect it to make perfect sense, especially with no work or real character improvement to the horrible hair-gelled menace!  Copy glee club remains boring, and I don’t give a rat’s ass about their wash-rinse-repeat romances or lifeless competition performances. What the heck has happened to the timeline of this show?  Where did Adam go? Oh hey, it’s Demi Lovato and Adam Lambert!  Aww, I really like Elliott. It’s about time Kurt got a genuine friend. Rachel, just go away. I can’t deal with you anymore. Burt has been replaced by a pod-person. Creepy puppets more lifelike than most of their human counterparts by now. One Three Hill, I love you!  But I can already see that this is another great start with soon to be wasted potential when the contracts run out.  Damn it, writers! Don’t put Blaine in NYADA, that makes no sense at all.  If this school was as particular as you claimed, he wouldn’t have even made it to the audition round. Combat Jocks are all hot for Kurt, YESSSS!  Santana, I’ve never liked you because you’re horrid to everyone but you’re finally starting to grow on me a little. Aw, Chris Colfer’s episode plays like old time Glee!  Fun. More, please. Shirley MacLaine gives me the creeps as the old cougar lady. And we’re taking an early hiatus after shedding viewers like snake-skin all season. Can’t say I’m not relieved. I’m determined to see this show through, but my god…  
Season 6 - Only a dozen episodes this year? I can make it.  Ooo, Kurt dumped the albatross and sent him packing. That’s promising.  Rachel’s ego blew up in her face and she’s back in Ohio. Even more promising.  New New Directions, I surprisingly actually like you guys a little, though I liked One Three Hill much better. (And the Apples, whatever happened to those folks?) This could actually end with a bang instead of a whimper!  Aaand, I spoke too soon. Kurt get your cute butt out of Ohio, you can do so much better in New York, preferably single and dating new appreciative men!  Whoa, Sue is full on demented and dangerous this year. Why is she still in a teaching position again? Shue, you’re useless. Get off my screen. Santana previous potential goes right to hell in one fell swoop. Nice briefly knowing you, emotional development. Kurt, I’m serious, go back to NYADA and find whatever locker you left your spine in please. DO NOT take that asshat back for the 8,937th time, please!  He’s not worth it.  You … what …?  Oh my God, he did it, and fucking Dave Karofsky actually helped them along.  *beats head on wall*  No, please tell me everyone isn’t about to bend over backwards to put Rachel back on top of the heap again!  *sigh* That’s it. I’m done. 7 episodes left of this series and I just can’t take it anymore.  The writers-room monkeys have mixed pieces from 10 different puzzles, mashed them into a frame with a mallet, eaten the finished product, shit it into their hands, and tossed it at the few remaining fans still watching through the bars.
And that’s what you (lucky souls) missed on Glee!
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playbucky · 4 years
You left the life of the ‘dead’ behind almost six years ago and now the person who broke your heart comes knocking on your door with his team. Characters – One, Four, Reader, Five, Two, Three, Seven. Word Count – 2000. Mention – Death, Shooting, Child Death.
‘What can I do for you?’ You asked as the door to your shop opened, hitting the small golden bell about it. ‘We need help form an old friend.’ The voice you hadn’t heard in years, penetrated your ear drums, you stopped dead in your tracks before slowly looking up. ‘Is that all I am? A Friend? You asked him, avoiding eye contact as you looked at the group that surrounded him. ‘You know One?’ The blonde asked, you tilted your head to the side. ‘Is that was he’s going by now?’ You asked, the taller man stepped forward. ‘Blaine.’ He introduced himself, you nodded. ‘You knew him before?’ Blaine asked, you nodded again. ‘Yeah.’ You replied, making eye contact with him. ‘What’s his name?’ Blaine asked, you almost broke out in a smile when you saw him tense up. ‘Can’t say, since I made a vow to him.’ You said, watching as he relaxed slightly, you broke eye contact with him. ‘But then again he did break it for me.’ You sad before you moved across the room, everyone watching you. Finally making eye contact with him, you walked past him, locking the door, and flipping the sign around before signalling for them to follow you up the stairs.
‘You’re the one that left me when I was pregnant.’ You shouted at him. ‘I did what was best for you.’ He said, you scoffed before shaking your head. ‘Yeah, well do you see him anywhere?’ You asked, motioning around you, suddenly you felt as if you were being watched. You turned quickly and were met with the group watching you. You shook your head as you fought against the tears, and walked away, steering clear of him altogether. ‘What?’ He snapped at them. ‘We’ve found him.’ Five said.
‘Don’t come here and apologise for him.’ You warned her as you looked over your shoulder. ‘I’m not, trust me.’ Her French accent was strong. ‘Then why are you here?’ ‘We need someone on the team, that’s looking at it with fresh eyes.’ She said, you ran your hands over the railing before standing up. ‘Let’s go then.’ You said, she gave you a smile before you followed her back into your apartment as she led you to a room, where the others were sitting around the coffee table. Pulling your glasses on, you raised an eyebrow looking over the plans that were spread out. ‘Where are you going to enter?’ You asked them. ‘Front doors.’ Someone said, you hummed before lifting another bit of paper. ‘Exits?’ You questioned, tilting your head. ‘Two covered.’ The blonde across from your told you, you clicked your tongue. ‘Three.’ You said, they looked at you. ‘I’m guessing you’ve got the roof and back doors covered?’ You said, they nodded and watched as you ran your fingers along the blueprints. ‘The house was built in the 17th century, means they’ll have a passage-way used by the servants.’ ‘It’s not mapped down.’ Four said, you tilted your head to the side. ‘It never is.’ You told them, running a finger along the blueprint before tapping the paper, where it would be located. ‘What we gonna do now?’ Four asked One. ‘Keep your plan the same.’ You said, they looked at you again. ‘How?’ One asked you. ‘I’ll cover the servants exit.’ You said with a shrug. ‘Like hell you are.’ One commented. ‘Look, you and me, have a problem but I’m not letting you lead them when it’s gonna be a shit show.’ You told him, pointing to the others.
Down on one knee, you balanced the gun against your shoulder. pulling the trigger you felt the gun recoil off your shoulder before bullets sprayed in front of you, sending the man flying back. You stopped shooting when he dropped to the ground. Hearing movement behind you, you turned quickly and pulled the trigger hitting the dirt next to their feet, you smirked when he jumped back. ‘That was close.’ Blaine said, you quirked an eyebrow up. ‘That was on purpose.’ One said, you stood up before reloading the gun as you were flung forward. Hissing your turned and aimed your gun, firing before hearing a person groan. ‘You’ve been hit.’ One was at your side. ‘I’m fine.’ You moved away from him, placing a hand on your side. ‘Y/N.’ He reached out, but you stepped back again watching the hurt cross his face. ‘It’s a flesh wound, I’m fine.’ You told him, he nodded slowly. ‘Did you get the package?’ You asked him. ‘Yes.’ ‘Good, let’s get the hell out of here.’ You said, he gazed at you before nodding and taking lead, as everyone followed behind him.
‘Let me help.’ He said, you were going to walked away but you decided to stay. Standing with your side to him, you handed the cloth as you raised your shirt, he watched as the top peeled off your skin before the wound maybe three centimetres long continued to bleed down your hip. He placed the warm cloth on it before his eyes landed on the raised bit of flesh. ‘What happened?’ He asked, his finger just touching the scar and no more. ‘Nothing.’ You said, moving away and grabbing a clean shirt and pulling it over his head, but he grabbed your hand. ‘Was it because of me?’ He asked, two questions in one. ‘No.’ You replied. ‘Y/N.’ ‘No, it was my fault not yours.’ You told him as you made eye contact with him. ‘What do you mean?’ He asked. ‘You know who we were chasing, well they caught up with me two months later.’ ‘You lost him then?’ He asked, you shook your head. ‘He survived the attack, but the doctors said it was stress that caused it.’ You said, clearing your throat. ‘I’m sorry.’ He told you. ‘I’m good, no need for sorry.’ You said, blinking a few times as you looked around the room, noticing that you should really give it a deep clean soon. ‘You shouldn’t be good.’ He said, you shrugged. ‘Well there’s nothing else to be is there?’ ‘You should be mad at me, angry. I promise in front of people to love and support you but then I run away with you, you get pregnant and pretend to die.’ He explained, you gave him a small smile. ‘Yeah, well everyone breaks a promise.’ You said, pulling away from him and removing the bloody shirt, allowing him to see the scars down your back before you pulled on a clean shirt.
‘When are you all leaving?’ You asked them, as you noticed Blaine looking over the package. ‘Tomorrow morning.’ One said, you pursed your lips. ‘Well then, get cleaned up I’ll take you out for dinner.’ You told them all. ‘Dinner?’ They asked confused. ‘What? Do you want to sit in here all night and have no food, cause I know a place that does a mean steak.’ You said, pulling on your jacket. You watched as they all turned and looked at One, you shook your head and sighed. ‘Well what you waiting for, go get ready meet here in ten minutes.’ He said, they all looked shocked before moving quickly and you smiled slightly. ‘You know for someone who didn’t want a kid, you’ve done a good job looking after them.’ You said, he looked at you before looking to the door where they disappeared. ‘I tried.’ ‘And I did want a kid.’ He told you. ‘Then why did you leave?’ You asked, he leaned on the desk opposite you. ‘I was scared.’ He told you. ‘And you didn’t think I was?’ You asked him, he shook his head. ‘It’s different.’ He sighed. ‘Really, because I remember we both killed ourselves to start this, and then we fucked, and I got pregnant.’ You said, not getting angry at him, you were just annoyed. ‘Because I loved you so much, I didn’t want to put you in more danger.’ He admitted, you lowered your head and shook it. ‘If you loved me as much as you say, you would have stayed and helped me.’ ‘Maybe if we worked as good as we did today, we’d have a son.’ You said, he was about to say something, but the group entered the room and looked between the pair of you, but you stood up and walked over to the door and froze. ‘Y/N?’ They asked, they watched as you raised your hands before taking a step back. ‘Ah, it’s lovely to see everyone who broke into my house.’ The man said, keeping his gun aimed at the centre of your head, you stared at him past it before you looked at the group. ‘They didn’t steal it.’ You said, everyone turned around to you. ‘Stop lying, we have video of you.’ He snarled, you lowered your hands as you walked around him, your back to the door now. You looked at the group, they had wide eyes and panic as you looked around the ceiling. ‘You think you have footage of us, all it takes is a decent wifi signal and your footage is good to get.’ You said, you knew you were annoying him. ‘Echo.’ It was One, you turned and looked at him. ‘Oh good you remember the name.’ You said, he shook his head. ‘Don’t.’ He warned you, you shrugged your shoulders before you jumped forward, grabbing a hold of the gun before you and the man fought for it, and a pop echoed through the room. The others gasped, watching as you dropped to the ground, falling down the stairs. The man tutted before reaching forward and shut the door, turning to the others.
‘What do you want?’ Blaine asked, as One stared at the door, his brows furrowed. ‘The item you took from my house.’ He commanded. ‘We don’t have it.’ Four told him, there was creaking above them but they ignored it as One smiled and shook his head. ‘What are you smiling about?’ He asked One, he shook his head and let out a groan. ‘Just we were so close to having it.’ ‘Two, go get the package please.’ He said, the group looked at each other before he nodded and walked into the other room.
‘Y/N?’ He said surprised to see you standing next to the packages. ‘Shh.’ You said, making him go quiet. ‘He shot you?’ He whispered, you nodded and showed him the blood that was ‘Hurt like a bitch, shame he can’t hit what’s right in front of him, but you need to take it to him.’ You told him, he smiled and nodded. ‘Do the others know what you’re doing?’ He asked you. ‘One might, we did pull the trick a few times.’ You said he nodded. Picking the box up he made his way back through and placed it on a desk, One looked at him and raised an eyebrow, Two only smiled before it disappeared. ‘Thank you.’ The man ‘What are you all smirking at?’ He asked, looking at the group. ‘You ever saw a ghost?’ Three asked, the man looked confused. ‘They don’t exist.’ He replied confidentially. ‘Turn around then.’ Five told him, he slowly turned around and he almost dropped the small box as you stood there. ‘Boo.’ You said, bringing your fist forward and connecting with the underside of his jaw, sending his head back before he dropped to the ground, breath lightly as he fell into unconscious. ‘How’d you appear there?’ Four asked, looking up but not seeing anything. ‘I can go through walls.’ You told them, they laughed before Blaine bent down and placed cuffs on him. ‘So, we still up for celebrating?’ ‘Yeah, but we need to make a delivery first.’ One said, everyone looked at the body. ‘Okay, I can call in my favour then.’ You said, they nodded before Blaine and Four, picked him up and carried him out as Three held the door open for them.
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A Musical Affair
Chapter 10
Read on AO3
It was a good thing he had asked Lady St. James for her help, Blaine decided, despite the awkwardness on his side that had persisted for a good while of their otherwise enjoyable and productive meeting. She had been moved into society so recently that she remembered all the rules, and was free-spirited enough to be willing to bend them on occasion.
"I am a married woman," she said, "that means I am an acceptable chaperone for any unmarried young lady we will want to attend. It will be respectable enough at least for anyone you might want to invite."
After a minute or so, Blaine just left the whole thing to her, merely nodding and offering the occasional remark, silently impressed by how quickly she was grasping the essence of his plan, even if he didn't have the courage to name it.
"Your—former—estate is quite close to the town Mr. and Mrs. Evans moved to. We will invite them. It will be nice to see them again."
Blaine nodded gladly. He remembered he had gotten along quite well with Mr. Evans.
"Now," Rachel continued, looking up from the notes she had made. "You will want to invite Kurt."
Blaine nodded sheepishly. Inviting Kurt—possibly spending time with Kurt, in an environment where he would feel safe—was his main objective for the house party, in addition to helping Sebastian. Not that he'd admit that.
"You will have to give him a reason to be there, except for you," Rachel said bluntly.
Blaine was hurt by that, but he knew she was right. Kurt would never leave the city, possibly missing any paid performances, just to spend time with him.
"We could make it a musical party," he suggested hesitantly. "Sebastian enjoys music as well. We could find a way for Kurt to earn some money, some way he would accept.  Maybe....we could teach Sebastian how to dance. Can Kurt...can he play the piano?"
"Not as well as you," she answered. "But if you are the dance teacher, you can't very well provide the music as well. It might suffice. We could also rehearse for a little concert we could give at the end of the week, for the local gentry and the tenants. It would serve to make the new Earl of Dalton known to them."
"We could pay him to sing," Blaine said, excited. "Well. Sebastian could." And Sebastian would. Kurt's fee would be a mere trifle to him, and Blaine knew he had more or less free hand when it meant he could accompany Sebastian to Dalton.
In the end, they wrote invitations to the most consistent of Lady St. James's guests, who they also thought could serve some purpose at Dalton.  Those were, in addition to Mr. and Mrs. Evans, whom they invited just for the pleasure of their company, Miss Pierce, who was a very good dancer, and her house guest and constant companion Miss Lopez. The two were inseparable, and Miss Lopez had a sharp tongue that fit Sebastian's. They might match or clash horribly, there was no way to tell—but Blaine decided it would do Sebastian some good to meet someone who gave as good as she got.
That, they decided, would have to suffice, as Miss Cohen-Chang's protective parents would never let her go to the country on her own, and Mr Puckerman's presence would disturb their dynamic too much.
That left Kurt. Blaine didn't quite know how to invite him, since they would make it a business thing, but Lady St. James wrote a short note, to be copied by Sebastian or his secretary, requesting Mr. Hummel's services as pianist and singer for a small house party and concert, for the fee of twenty pounds. Another invitation to Blaine himself, to show to his grandmother, and they were done for the day.
He had to count it as success, Blaine decided, that Kurt had deigned to accept sharing a carriage with him. Kurt had agreed to come to Dalton, though he had quickly deduced that the whole thing had been Blaine and Rachel's idea.  He had not been too happy about that, but Blaine thought (well, hoped, really), that it had nothing to do with Kurt not wanting to see him, but rather the fact that Kurt had Principles, with capital P, that would usually not allow him to mix business with pleasure.
Blaine's grandmother, as predicted, had been torn between not wanting Blaine to go with such disreputable company, to the estate that should have been his, and realizing that the disreputable company was too rich and important to slight. Blaine's mother had barely managed to conceal her delight with Blaine's luck in making such friends, and also her own good fortune in visiting several balls and parties on her own.
The only flaw in his current situation, Blaine thought guiltily, was that Lady St. James was to travel with them in the carriage, at least until it was time to change to the post. It was just it was so cozy in the carriage, with the curtains drawn closed, Kurt sitting across him on the bench, his long legs occasionally brushing his own. He longed to change his seat to beside Kurt, under some pretext or none, and pull him into his arms. If it wasn't for Lady St. James, they would have complete privacy for two hours at least, and after their too-long separation, that was something Blaine wished for very much.
They talked little as the carriage made its way through town to the St. James's house, and suddenly Blaine was afraid.
They had never talked about...about what they were. He had no idea what Kurt felt for him, if anything. He had no idea what Kurt wanted from him, if—his thoughts were interrupted when Kurt's long legs tangled with his. At the same moment, he realized they had passed Rachel's townhouse without stopping.
"What-" he said as he looked to Kurt and saw his grin that could be called nothing less than mischievous.
"I thought it would be nice to have some time alone," Kurt said. "So I arranged for Rachel to have urgent things to talk about with Miss Lopez and Miss Pierce."
Blaine couldn't help it then—he stumbled over to Kurt's side just as the carriage hit a hole in the road, so he landed almost in Kurt's lap. He took just the time to arrange himself a little more comfortable, and then finally, finally kissed Kurt with all the pent-up longing of the last few weeks.
He had no idea how much time had passed or where they were on their journey when they finally stopped kissing. At some point, he had loosened Kurt's cravat in order to have better access to his neck, and Kurt had pushed his hands under Blaine's shirt to clutch at the naked skin of his back, so his shirt was pulled partway out of his breeches.
Kurt pulled away from him. "No more of that," he said. "I'd like to get myself back together before we stop for lunch and to change to the post. It must be time for that soon."
Blaine nodded reluctantly and tried to dress as best he could in the close confinements of the carriage. His shirt was crumpled, he found, but fortunately, nobody expected of travelers to look impeccable, and Sebastian was sure to loan him a valet. He snuck a glance at Kurt and was surprised to see him smiling at him.
"You now," Kurt said, "I cannot approve of your scheming to get me to come to Dalton with you....but I'm glad you did."
"In my defense, you are really there to do a job. We all are, more or less. But—I won't deny a big part of the idea was to get to be with you, where we'll be safe."
"Safe? It will be such a small group, much harder to hide -"
"Sebastian—Lord Dalton—he's like us. In that regard. He's very open about it. I had to teach him about caution."
"You taught someone about caution."
"Well, it's not like I dragged to somewhere into an alley. I can be cautious. Anyway, he—he won't mind. And he won't tell. Well, and Lady St. James knows anyway, so that only leaves the others, and the servants. But if, for example, our rooms where adjacent which I'm sure I could arrange..."
"You are even more deviant than I expected." It sounded like a rebuke, but Kurt was smiling.  "So if, say, you were to visit me in my room for a nightcap, and then happened to...stay a little longer than planned...."
"As long as I took care to be back in my own bed before sunrise, nobody would be the wiser."
They looked at each other and smiled, but in a few moments, Blaine was serious again. "We can have this, Kurt. Will you let us have it?"
Before Kurt could answer, the carriage came to a halt, and a look out of the little window proved it was time to them to break for lunch, and afterwards change to the post.
Lunch was simple fare, and there was no opportunity to continue talking, because shortly after them, the ladies arrived and sat with them. Afterwards, in the post, all of them squeezed together in the carriage to avoid having to sit with strangers. They did have a good time, but for Blaine at least, the unique pleasure this journey had brought was over for now. Still, he did have a smile fixed on his face that came from the knowledge that Kurt wanted to be with him.
When they finally arrived at Dalton, they were as tired and malcontent as any traveler, but their short ride to the house in a carriage sent by Sebastian that was much better sprung than the post, and the prospect of a good dinner soon made them smile again. Although, if Blaine was honest, he was especially looking forward to that point some time after dinner, when everyone would retire. That point might not come until late—even in the country, Sebastian would probably not keep country hours—but however late it would be, and even if they were too tired for anything else, he would sleep in Kurt's arms tonight.
It was strange, standing in front of the house he had loved so much as a child, with the knowledge it was not his anymore and would never be his again. For a moment, he had the distinct feeling he should be the one welcoming his guests – but then he looked at the guests and again, relished the freedom he would never have as an earl. A short moment of awkwardness arose when the butler opened the door and it was his own butler. He remembered Sebastian saying he had not replaced any of the staff—but somehow, he had not thought so far as to realize that would mean he knew them all.
"Figgins," he said, still startled, and the butler allowed himself a rare smile.
"Master Blaine. Mr. Anderson, I mean. Please come in. His lordship awaits you."
Sebastian, when he arrived a moment later, was at his most correct, Blaine felt. His smile was more stiff than welcoming, his posture so upright it seemed unnatural, his speech stilted. Blaine hoped dearly that that would change, or else his first house party would go down in history as the most dull affair ever given.
Fortunately, there was Miss Pierce. In her unique way, she asked Sebastian a lot of questions that were intrusive, but asked too innocently to be considered offensive. Sebastian was bemused at first, but by the time they were called to dinner, he had given up any attempt at formality. When, over dessert, he and Miss Lopez began insulting each other with enthusiasm, Blaine felt one of the things he'd have to teach Sebastian was to find a middle ground.
First, though, there was another thing he had to talk about. As soon as the ladies retreated after dinner and Kurt went to the restroom, he approached Sebastian to ask him for adjacent rooms for himself and Kurt. Sebastian, however, started talking first. "Well, what delightful people you have brought me, brother. Especially that Mr. Hummel. He is very attractive, if a bit taciturn. But to be honest, it's not conversation I want from him."
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gleekto · 4 years
17 Questions, 17 People
I was tagged by @darriness​- I’m late to the game and thank you!
Nickname: Big Al (it’s ironic)
Zodiac: Leo
Height: 4′11″ (there’s the irony)
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw-Hufflepuff with bits of Gryffindor. Very little Slytherin.
Last thing I googled: “Blaine Anderson Call Me Maybe Outfits”- For science and my fic.
Song stuck in my head: Call Me Maybe (see above)
Number of followers: 3287 
Amount of sleep: 8-9 hours. Religiously.
Lucky number: 8
Dream job: Unrealistic: Screenwriter for TV/coming of age shows, Realistic: Human rights lawyer - taking my public servant skills and becoming an advocate
Wearing: jeans and the cute top I got in Chelsea Market in NYC way back when we could leave our homes.
Favourite song: ??? Not Call Me Maybe. IDK man, changes all the time.
Favourite instrument: Piano probably. Guy with a guitar very sexy.
Aesthetic: It’s just missing a cup of coffee - lots of whole milk, little bit of sugar.
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Favourite author: Hard to say but Ann Marie MacDonald always sticks for me, and Alice Walker.
Favourite animal noise: My youngest daughter sleeping. (We are human animals).
Random: We’re getting baby ducks. For 3 weeks. It’s all the rage in COVID times and my little one and older ones want them and I don’t know what I’m getting myself into. They poop every 15 minutes.
I think you’ve all been tagged but if not, do this! I love to read answers.
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Titles and Roses
Author:  shanahane
Rating: M
Status: Completed in December 2018
Word Count:  10,923
Summary:  When Blaine, the second son of a Lord, comes to visit his relatives overseas, his attention and affections are quickly stolen by the valet they appoint to help him. But whatever it is that sparks between them, how could it possibly last?
Tropes/Genre: historical!Klaine, romance, angst, Royal!Blaine, servant!Kurt
Lynne’s review: This was quite a lovely read. I really enjoyed it.
Read at: AO3
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